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2014, unl1Lu S1A1LS, AML8lCAn C8lML u8AMA,
LlSCuLS LLnC1P 33 MlnS. Pu 1.83:1
ln SAnlSP, W/LnCLlSP Su81l1LLS

& Ietsey ltesb lllm ltoJoctloos

!oseph A. Lulo
7583#35835" 938)' :&+8;*3&
<&)"3&= >)&3*"+&= :!+"+?&'#!3&
phone/sms n!: 1+908.437.8363

:&+8;*")+5 @3'2$
CreaLor/ulrecLor/LxecuLlve roducer: !oseph Lulo
roducer(s): Alsha Casey, Mlchael lels
ulrecLor of hoLography: !on Mendez
Slx/PMu: uylan SLahl, 8ebecca Sorokac
WrlLer(s): !oseph Lulo, Llsa 8ermudez, Llnda nagle, !onaLhan SLone,
Mlchelle Slerra LafflLLe, 8rlan-aul Mendoza, Alsha Casey, ?eranla uel Crbe
ulsLrlbuLlon & MarkeLlng: SlddharLh MoLurl & Laurrlce Monnae

A+*)'4 938)'%<3B C7DEA


Lvery body has a prlce.

A!+&" AF5+#1)1
trfico is a character driven American crime drama about the dark invisible side of human
trafficking within the United States. Set in a world where no one is who they seem and every
body has a price.

American Crime Drama, Thriller, Horror

trfico is a character-driven American crime drama TV/web series about the dark invisible
side of human trafficking within the United States. Set in a small central New Jersey town
just twenty-miles from New York City and the worlds busiest transportation corridor.

Challenging and thought-provoking, trfico takes a provocative and unflinching look into the
lives of the women and children who are bought, sold and forced to serve in the sex trade,
the pimps, johns, and criminals responsible, and those dedicated to bringing the trafficking
trade to its end.

The story is told through the lives of a multi-ethnic cast of characters: A runaway teen. An
Ecuadorian shoe shop owner. Two corrupt detectives. An African-American FBI Agent and
his partner. A sadistic grifter. A Hispanic undercover fed. A ruthless pimp. An ambitious

trfico dives headlong into the diverse melting pot of a post 9/11 world. A
world where women and children are traded, coerced, commodified,
bought and sold for sex, exploited, and forced to labor in sweatshops,
American homes, and back alley brothels.

trfico scrutinizes these characters, their relationships, their
motivations, and their intimate involvement in the violent and criminal
trade of human beings. The characters find themselves within a world
where no one is who they seem to be and every body has a price.

Artistic Statement: Why are you making this movie?

ttflco ls an Amerlcan crlme drama serles creaLed, produced, and dlrecLed by !oseph Lulo, a
graduaLe sLudenL aL Lhe new School, School of Medla SLudles, ln new ?ork ClLy.

ttflco ls !oseph's passlon plece" and represenLs Lhe culmlnaLlon of hls MasLer's Lhesls. 1he
purpose of ttflco ls Lo enLerLaln, engage, and lnform lLs audlence abouL Lhe LruLh of human
Lrafflcklng wlLhln Lhe unlLed SLaLes, and abroad, uslng a characLer-drlven dramaLlc narraLlve.

!oseph belleves LhaL, unLll now, Lhe porLrayal of human Lrafflcklng ln Lelevlslon and fllm has been
sLyllzed Lo a polnL where audlences accepL human Lrafflcklng as a flcLlon raLher Lhan for Lhe reallLy
LhaL lL ls. Pe belleves a weekly eplsodlc serles would keep Lhe Loplc ln Lhe soclal consclence and
fosLer a dlalog among lLs audlence abouL Lhe Lrue horrors of
human explolLaLlon LhaL can be found ln our Lowns and clLles.

noL everyone wanLs Lo learn someLhlng when Lhey go Lo see a
fllm, buL everyone wanLs Lo be enLerLalned. Can a characLer-
drlven dramaLlc narraLlve enLerLaln, engage, and lnform an
audlence abouL a modern-day soclal lssue such as human
Lrafflcklng? lor !oseph, Lhe answer ls yes. uramaLlc narraLlves
serve Lo Lell compelllng sLorles LhaL move people Lo Lake acLlon.

Puman Lrafflcklng ls allve and well ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes of
Amerlca" says !oseph, 1o brlng Lhls Lrade Lo lLs end ls golng Lo
requlre a soluLlon on many fronLs, everyone ls golng Lo need Lo
play a parL"

Puman Lrafflcklng ls here, lLs everywhere and ls for Lhe mosL parL lnvlslble. Whlle Lhe ma[orlLy of
human Lrafflcklng vlcLlms are from oLher counLrles, Lhe l8l reporLs LhaL 33 of Lhe vlcLlms of
human Lrafflcklng cases reporLed ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes are Amerlcan-born. 1hey come from a varleLy
of groups LhaL are vulnerable Lo coerclve LacLlcs-such as mlnors, lmmlgranL populaLlons, Lhe
homeless, subsLance abusers, Lhe menLally challenged and/or mlnlmally educaLed, and Lhose who
come from culLures LhaL hlsLorlcally dlsLrusL law enforcemenL or who have llLLle or no experlence
wlLh Lhe legal sysLem.

Many agree Lhe soluLlons we should employ musL accompllsh Lhree maln ob[ecLlves before human
Lrafflcklng can come Lo an end: 1) rosecuLe Lhe offenders, 2) Lmpower Lhose mosL vulnerable, and
3) CreaLe awareness.

1he collaboraLlve naLure of Lhls pro[ecL has broughL LogeLher a dlverse group of acLors, arLlsLs,
wrlLers, and fllmmakers from around Lhe globe Lo creaLe and produce a characLer-drlven dramaLlc
narraLlve, such as Lrflco, Lo address human Lrafflcklng, enLerLaln our audlence, and allow Lhem Lo
care abouL Lhe characLers ln Lhe serles. We wlsh Lo reach Lhem on an emoLlonal level and engage
Lhem ln a conversaLlon abouL Lhe Lhemes and Loplcs presenLed ln Lhe serles.

Wry, powerful, and always unpredlcLable, ttflco boldly remlnds us of LhaL slavery sLlll exlsLs ln Lhe
unlLed SLaLes, and LhaL anyone can be a vlcLlm or be Lhe vlcLlmlzer. unLlmely, Lrflco makes Lhe
lnvlslble, vlslble and uncovers the darker side of human nature.


<!'" 2'H31 "&I()*+ 8)((3&35" (&+2 +"!3& 2+J)31 '58 13&)31K
ttflco ls an Amerlcan acLlon crlme drama. lL sLands ouL from oLher web serles because unllke
oLher serles on Lhe lnLerneL Lhls deals wlLh human Lrafflcklng.

! lL ls a soclal reallsL fllm, because of how lL deals wlLh a real llfe slLuaLlon, whlch needs Lo be

! 1hls serles ls lnsplred from real llfe evenLs and newspaper arLlcles. 1hls glves Lhe serles
more credlblllLy compared Lo oLher shows.

! lL subscrlbes Lo an lndle fllmmaklng model buL adds a grlLLy reallsm LhaL creaLes new and
orlglnal conLenL for audlences.

! 1he reallsL, documenLary-llke sLyle, whlch mlghL normally domlnaLe soclal consclence fllms
LhaL Lry Lo ellclL sympaLhy and acLlvlLy from Lhe audlence, ls well balanced by momenLs of
more lnnovaLlve and sLyllzed clnemaLography.

@'&?3" L;8)35*31
@)3& @'&?3" L;8)35*3
Men and Women 18-34 years old.
lans of Amerlcan crlme dramas llke AMC's 1v serles
8reaklng 8ad, and P8C's 1he Wlre.
lans of lllms llke ChrlsLopher nolan's Amerlcan neo-nolr
mysLery-psychologlcal Lhrlller fllm MemenLo (2000), and Cuy
8lLchle's 8rlLlsh dark comedy-crlme
fllm SnaLch (2000).

We are looklng Lo showcase Lrflco
as an Amerlcan crlme drama, ln dolng so, we hope Lo LargeL fans
of Lhls parLlcular genre. 1argeLlng fans of 8reaklng 8ad, 1he Wlre,
and 1rue ueLecLlve-all of whlch are successful shows ln Lhe
crlme drama genre-wlll brlng forLh necessary buzz for 1rflco.

Whlle we are noL looklng Lo
LargeL an audlence based on
gender, we are focuslng on a speclflc age group:
18-49. 8y LargeLlng Lhls group, we wlll be reachlng ouL Lo an
audlence LhaL ls mosL-lncllned Lo look Lo Lhe lnLerneL and/or
moblle devlces for conLenL. 1argeLlng Lhls group (noLably
vlewers aged 18-33) also promlses an audlence LhaL wlll mosL
llkely look Lo varlous forms of soclal medla when lL comes Lo
dlscusslng and engaglng wlLh conLenL.
@)3& @'&?3" L;8)35*3
M**;#'")+5: Puman 8lghLs AcLlvlsL, College SLudenLs, Soclal Workers, ubllc ollcy
75"3&31": Puman 1rafflcklng, Crlmes agalnsL humanlLy, Soclal lssues

Whlle we prlmarlly wlsh Lo markeL Lhls serles based on lLs arLlsLlc value, Lhere ls also a
poLenLlal ln markeLlng Lhls serles as conLenL LhaL rallles around soclal [usLlce. 1rflco ls a plece
LhaL focuses on a speclflc Loplc: human Lrafflcklng. Puman
Lrafflcklng ls an lssue LhaL plagues humanlLy, Lhe alarmlngly-
hlgh raLes of Lhls crlme can be seen ln Lhe vasL number of
groups who work Lo eradlcaLe Lhls crlme agalnsL humanlLy.

We wlsh Lo LargeL soclal workers, human rlghLs acLlvlsLs,
college sLudenLs, and professors who focus on human
Lrafflcklng rlghLs/laws. 1argeLlng Lhese groups glves us access
Lo audlences wlLh already-esLabllshed neLworks ln Lhe soclal
[usLlce/educaLlonal lndusLrles.

@)3& @'&?3" L;8)35*3
C+*'")+5: u.S. ClLles wlLh hlgh raLes
of human Lrafflcklng cases.

AlLhough human Lrafflcklng ls a global lssue,
we wlsh Lo run a campalgn LhaL LargeLs
resldenLs of u.S. clLles wlLh hlgh raLes of
human Lrafflcklng. uolng so puLs 1rflco ln
fronL of an audlence who ls aware of Lhe
lssues presenLed and wlll be sympaLheLlc
Lowards Lhe characLers lnvolved. 1hls also
poLenLlally puLs 1rflco ln fronL of a large
audlence (based on locale): lL can be assumed LhaL clLles wlLh hlgh raLes of crlme also have
large populaLlons.

O31")J'41 P 9'&H3"1
@)3& O)421 O31")J'41
1he Webby Awards
new ?ork 1elevlslon
SLreamy Awards

,58 @)3& O)42 O31")J'41
Puman 8lghLs WaLch lllm
Syracuse unlverslLy
Puman 8lghLs lllm

N&8 @)3& O)42 O31")J'41
1he new Medla lllm
1he lndependenL
1elevlslon and lllm
1he lndependenL
lllmmaker ro[ecL (ll)

@)3& O)421 O31")J'41
.-' 0'$$1 234&5(

1he Webby Awards ls Lhe leadlng lnLernaLlonal award honorlng excellence on Lhe lnLerneL.
LsLabllshed ln 1996 durlng Lhe Web's lnfancy, 1he Webbys ls presenLed by Lhe lnLernaLlonal
Academy of ulglLal ArLs and Sclences (lAuAS) - a 1,000+ member [udglng body LhaL
lncludes LxecuLlve Members comprlsed of leadlng Web
experLs, buslness flgures, lumlnarles, vlslonarles and
creaLlve celebrlLles, and AssoclaLe Members who are
former Webby Award Wlnners and nomlnees and oLher
lnLerneL professlonals.

1he Academy ls an lnLellecLually dlverse organlzaLlon LhaL
lncludes members such as acLor kevln Spacey, muslclan
uavld 8owle, lnLerneL Co-lnvenLor vlnL Cerf, Arlanna
PufflngLon, resldenL and LdlLor-ln-Chlef of PufflngLon
osL Medla Croup, 1wlLLer Co-founder 8lz SLone, Chalrman
and lounder of 8/CA 8ob Creenberg, Co-lounder of lnsLagram kevln SysLrom, LxecuLlve
CreaLlve ulrecLor aL Coogle Lab, laln 1alL, Mozllla CLC and Chalr MlLchell 8aker, 1umblr
lounder uavld karp, and 8oy L. lurman rofessor of Law and Leadershlp aL
Parvard Law School, Lawrence Lesslg. 1he 18Lh Annual Webby Awards
recelved 12,00 enLrles from over 60 counLrles and all 30 sLaLes and
generaLed over 900 mllllon medla lmpresslons worldwlde.

8eflecLlng Lhe Lremendous growLh of Lhe lnLerneL as a Lool for buslness
and everyday llves, Lhe 18Lh Annual Webby Awards expands Lhe mlsslon of
Lhe Webby by honorlng excellence ln WebslLes, lnLeracLlve AdverLlslng &
Medla, Cnllne lllm & vldeo, Moblle & App, and Soclal Web.

1he Webby Awards presenLs Lwo honors ln every caLegory - 1he Webby
Award and 1he Webby eople's volce Award - ln each of lLs flve enLry-Lypes:
WebslLes, lnLeracLlve AdverLlslng & Medla, Cnllne lllm & vldeo,
Moblle & Apps and Soclal. Members of 1he
lnLernaLlonal Academy of ulglLal ArLs and Sclences selecL Lhe nomlnees for boLh awards ln
each caLegory, as well as Lhe wlnners of 1he Webby Awards. Powever, you, Lhe onllne
communlLy, deLermlne Lhe wlnners of Lhe Webby eople's volce by voLlng for Lhe
nomlnaLed work LhaL you belleve Lo be Lhe besL ln each caLegory. Lach year, 1he Webby
eople's volce Awards garners mllllons of voLes from Lhe Web communlLy all over Lhe

6'3 78&) .'9':*(*8; <'(+*:49

We noL only celebraLe Lhe ldea of lndependenL Lelevlslon, we klnd of lnvenLed lL."
lounded ln 2003, 1he n?1vl ls a ploneer of Lhe lndependenL Lelevlslon movemenL,
connecLlng lLs communlLy of arLlsLs wlLh leadlng neLworks, sLudlos, agencles, producLlon
companles, and brands.

?ear-round submlsslon opporLunlLles for 1v and dlglLal developmenL culmlnaLe aL Lhe
annual new ?ork 1elevlslon lesLlval each fall, unlLlng
lndle creaLors, lndusLry declslon-makers, and 1v fans

1he lesLlval's lndependenL lloL CompeLlLlon and
sponsored developmenL lnlLlaLlves have allowed
selecLed arLlsLs Lo progress and succeed ln Lhe
Lelevlslon lndusLry. 1he n?1vl exlsLs as a year-round
developmenL lncubaLor, provldlng lndependenL arLlsLs
wlLh mulLlple opporLunlLles Lo creaLe, share and showcase Lhelr besL and mosL promlslng

1he lndependenL lloL CompeLlLlon (lC) ls Lhe n?1vl's flagshlp, annual compeLlLlon,
accepLlng lndependenLly-produced, orlglnal Lelevlslon plloLs and web serles from around
Lhe globe.

.-' =+&'4>1 234&5(

1he SLreamy Awards honors excellence ln orlglnal onllne vldeo programmlng and Lhose who
creaLe lL. 1he 3rd Annual SLreamy Awards was sLreamed
llve Lo audlences worldwlde from Lhe hlsLorlc Pollywood
alladlum on Sunday, lebruary 17, 2013, rlghL ln Lhe hearL
of Pollywood's awards season.

1he fan-aLLended llve evenL was produced by 1ubelllLer
and ulck Clark producLlon, Lhe world-renowned producers
behlnd 1he Colden Clobes, 1he Amerlcan Muslc Awards, and new ?ear's 8ockln' Lve.

,58 @)3& O)42 O31")J'41
?@>4; A*B-+( 04+,- <*9> <'(+*:49
PosLed by Lhe Puman 8lghLs WaLch
organlzaLlon, Lhls fesLlval hlghllghLs pro[ecLs
LhaL showcase human rlghLs vlolaLlons "ln a
way LhaL challenges each lndlvldual Lo
empaLhlze and demand [usLlce for all
people." WlLh fesLlvals ln 13 clLles
lnLernaLlonally, Lhls fesLlval aLLracLs a global
audlence. SelecLed pro[ecLs from Lhe new
?ork and Canada fesLlvals are senL on an
lnLernaLlonally-Lravelllng fllm fesLlval. 1hls
fesLlval ls afflllaLed wlLh Lhe 1oronLo
lnLernaLlonal lllm lesLlval.

1hls fesLlval allgns wlLh Lhe mlsslon of 1rflco, whlch ls Lo brlng aLLenLlon Lo a human rlghLs
vlolaLlon Lhrough narraLlve. SubmlLLlng Lo Lhls fesLlval wlll poLenLlally puL Lrflco ln fronL of an
audlence of acLlvlsLs, who would Lake a sLance on human Lrafflcklng as well as posslbly Lry Lo
dlsLrlbuLe Lrflco ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhelr own pro[ecLs.

=1&4,@(' C;*:'&(*+1 ?@>4; A*B-+( <*9> <'(+*:49

Llke Lhe Puman 8lghLs WaLch lllm lesLlval, Lhls
fesLlval hlghllghLs pro[ecLs LhaL showcase human
rlghLs vlolaLlons and calls for acLlon. 1hls fesLlval
ls dlfferenL ln Lhe sense LhaL lL ls a unlverslLy-
funded fesLlval whlle Lhe P8W fesLlval ls
funded/sponsored lnLernaLlonally.

l Lhlnk LhaL submlLLlng Lo Lhls fesLlval wlll LargeL
our demographlc of college sLudenLs, as well as showcase Lhe pro[ecL Lo professors who may
wanL Lo use Lhe feaLure for Lhelr pro[ecLs, lecLures, eLc.

N&8 @)3& O)42 O31")J'41
.-' 6'3 "'5*4 <*9> <'(+*:49
1he new Medla lllm lesLlval ls an evenL held annually
LhaL celebraLes Lhe lnLeracLlvlLy of new Lechnologles and
formaLs for Medla and Clnema wlLh global consclousness
lor years, 1he new Medla lllm lesLlval has led Lhe way ln
Lhe pursulL of sLorles worLh Lelllng, Lhe exploraLlon of new
medla Lechnologles, boundary pushlng resulLlng ln new
dlsLrlbuLlon models and creaLlng and esLabllshlng new
meLhodologles ln Lhe global moneLlzaLlon of conLenL. 1he
new Medla lllm lesLlval embodles Lhe LransformaLlve
power of Lhe clnemaLlc arLs and lL reaches across culLural brldges Lo wed sLory and Lechnology
for everyone.

.-' !;5'%';5';+ .'9':*(*8; 4;5 <*9> <'(+*:49

WlLh Lhe ma[orlLy of Loday's vlsual conLenL belng creaLed
ouLslde of Lhe ma[or neLworks & sLudlos, lndependenL
arLlsLs have become a cenLral force wlLhln Lhe
enLerLalnmenL lndusLry generaLlng Lhelr own revenue
sLreams and fan bases solely on Lhe merlLs of Lhelr
ouLsLandlng LalenL and engaglng conLenL.

lor Lhese arLlsLs, l1vlesL (Lhe lndependenL 1elevlslon and
lllm lesLlval) ls Lhe premler fesLlval for showcaslng,
celebraLlng and dlsLlngulshlng Lhe world's besL
lndependenLly produced Lelevlslon shows, web serles,
mulLlmedla conLenL and shorL fllms.

1echnologlcally savvy and forward Lhlnklng, l1vlesL prldes lLself on belng for and abouL Lhe
creaLors of quallLy conLenL - regardless of lndusLry sLaLus. Cur conLenL creaLors range from new
fllmmakers Lo Lmmy wlnners.

AL lLs core, l1vlesL ls abouL creaLlve passlon, quallLy of LalenL and connecLlng Lhe world's besL
lndependenLly produced sLorles.

.-' !;5'%';5';+ <*9>>4)'& D&8E',+ F!<DG

March 17, 2014 (8rooklyn, n?) - 1he lndependenL lllmmaker
ro[ecL (ll) announced Loday a new Web Serles Sldebar as parL
of lLs 88C Lmerglng SLoryLellers program. up Lo flve web serles ln
developmenL, producLlon, or posL-producLlon wlll be selecLed Lo
parLlclpaLe ln Lhe largesL meeLlngs-based forum ln Lhe unlLed
SLaLes. As parL of Lhelr accepLance, pro[ecLs also wlll have
excluslve access Lo addlLlonal ll web serles programs launchlng
ln 2013. 1he mosL selecLlve of ll's lndependenL lllm Week
ro[ecL lorum programs, 88C Lmerglng SLoryLellers ls Lhe
premlere uS LalenL pool for new volces on Lhe lndependenL scene. 1he program lnLroduces
wrlLers and wrlLer/dlrecLors Lo producers, execuLlves, and agenLs who can help Lake Lhelr
pro[ecLs - and careers - Lo Lhe nexL level.
299 %4&+*,*%4;+( 3*99 &','*:'H

a) uozens of personally curaLed meeLlngs wlLh dlglLal dlsLrlbuLors, onllne plaLforms,
producLlon companles, flnanclers, agenLs, managers, and oLhers who can help Lake Lhelr
web serles - and Lhelr careers - Lo Lhe nexL level.

b) Pands-on menLorshlp from experlenced lnnovaLors, ll sLaff, and alumnl fllmmakers
worklng across dlfferenL medlums and plaLforms.

c) Lxcluslve access Lo Lhe lllmmaker Conference aL lndependenL lllm Week, as well as new ll
programs focused on web serles (comlng ln lebruary, 2013).

" 1he Web SLoryLellers sldebar ls open Lo narraLlve web serles currenLly ln developmenL,
producLlon, or posL-producLlon.

" Lach year, up Lo flve pro[ecLs wlll be accepLed.

" An Amerlcan musL dlrecL all pro[ecLs parLlclpaLlng, or any dlrecLor based ln Lhe u.S.

" All pro[ecLs parLlclpaLlng cannoL be released publlcally unLll CcLober 2014.

" AppllcanLs musL submlL a plloL scrlpL, and a show blble. 1he show blble ls a documenL LhaL
glves lnformaLlon on Lhe serles' characLers and seLLlng, as well as an overvlew of poLenLlal
fuLure ploLllnes.
new seasons of already premlered web serles are welcome Lo apply, as long as Lhey wlll noL
premlere new eplsodes unLll uecember 2014.

" Web serles wlLh dlsLrlbuLlon deals already ln place are welcome Lo apply.
.1" @)3& >)1"&)B;"+&1
Warner 8ros ulglLal
8elaLlvlLy Medla

,58 @)3& >)1"&)B;"+&1
C8ACkLL 1v (Sony):

N&8 @)3& >)1"&)B;"+&1
8Ll 1v

.1" @)3& >)1"&)B;"+&1
04&;'& J&8( #*B*+49 #*(+&*$@+8&H
Warner 8ros. ulglLal ulsLrlbuLlon engages ln Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of dlglLal
conLenL Lhrough deals wlLh emerglng plaLforms and Lhe dlglLal
buslnesses of LradlLlonal cllenLs. lL also dlsLrlbuLes and llcenses
LheaLrlcal conLenL across wlreless and onllne channels. ulglLal
ulsLrlbuLlon operaLes as a subsldlary of Warner 8ros. Pome
LnLerLalnmenL Croup.

veronlca Mars
P+ (web serles)
Alm Plgh (web serles)

W8 dlglLal dlsLrlbuLor dlsLrlbuLed AlM PlCP and slmllar Web serles, lncludlng uvu's. AlM PlCP
ls adverLlsed as a soclal serles. lL ls produced and dlsLrlbuLed by W8 dlglLal dlsLrlbuLor and lL ls
sLreamed on Sony's Crackle 1v. lL seeks Lo creaLe a new genre Lhe sLudlo calls a "soclal serles"
by Laklng plcLures, muslc and lnformaLlon from a vlewer's lacebook page and puLLlng lL ln Lhe
vldeo. AlM PlCP whlch play's on lacebook draws maLerlal from your proflle and personallzes
Lhe show Lo Lhe users.
A'94+*:*+1 "'5*4
8elaLlvlLy Medla has launched a new dlvlslon, 8elaLlvlLy ulglLal
SLudlos, dedlcaLed Lo produclng branded conLenL for dlglLal
plaLforms. CLC 8yan kavanaugh volced a deslre Lo help brands
move away from Lelevlslon adverLlslng (a dylng model," he sald)
and Loward creaLlng orlglnal conLenL for Lhe web.

8elaLlvlLy says 8uS wlll work closely wlLh oLher dlvlslons aL Lhe
company, lncludlng lLs sporLs, fllm, Lelevlslon, and fashlon unlLs, Lo
ldenLlfy conLenL opporLunlLles for lLs pro[ecLs and brand cllenLs. 1he
sLudlo wlll also look Lo produce orlglnal serles LhaL aren'L Lled Lo
brand parLners, wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of selllng such shows Lo dlglLal
plaLforms llke neLfllx and Pulu. 8elaLlvlLy also compeLed wlLh
ulsney ln Lhe acqulslLlon for Makers sLudlo. 1hough lL losL Lhe deal Lo ulsney Lhls scenarlo
shows 8elaLlvlLy sLrong lnLeresL ln ulglLal space.
?ahoo ls ralslng lLs amblLlons ln onllne vldeo, wlLh plans Lo acqulre Lhe klnd of programmlng
LhaL Lyplcally wlnds up on hlgh-end cable 1v neLworks or sLreamlng servlces llke neLfllx. 1he
company ls close Lo orderlng four Web serles and unllke ln years pasL, ?ahoo lsn'L looklng for
shorL-form Web orlglnals, buL raLher 10-eplsode, half hour per-eplsode
budgeLs ranglng from $700,000 Lo a few mllllon dollars.

CLC Ms. Mayer ls keen Lo creaLe some buzz for ?ahoo and
convlnce adverLlsers LhaL lL ls offerlng hlgher quallLy vldeo
programmlng Lhan lLs compeLlLors, parLlcularly Coogle lnc's
?ou1ube. 1he people brlefed on ?ahoo's plans say Ms. Mayer and
her chlef markeLlng offlcer, kaLhy SavlLL, have revlewed more Lhan
100 pro[ecLs over Lhe pasL few monLhs, looklng for serles LhaL are
ready Lo launch and don'L requlre a loL of developmenL.

Cne lssue for Lhe company ls wheLher lL could make enough money from adverLlslng Lo supporL
Lhe shows. lf ?ahoo ls able Lo acqulre ownershlp of Lhe conLenL, lL could supplemenL lLs revenue
by llcenslng Lhe shows ln lnLernaLlonal markeLs and cuLLlng syndlcaLlon deals. 1radlLlonal 1v
sLudlos Lyplcally bank on Lhose sources of revenue Lo make a proflL.

A breakouL Web serles would surely help ?ahoo's percepLlon among adverLlsers. And lL could
even convlnce some markeLers Lo shlfL a porLlon of Lhelr ad budgeLs LhaL would Lyplcally go Lo
1v. 8uL, by almlng hlgher Lhan Lyplcal Web orlglnal serles, ?ahoo ls also enLered a crowded
markeL for Lop level 1v serles. 8eslde Lhe vasL array of cable ouLleLs compeLlng for Lhe Lype of
shows Ms. Mayer ls looklng Lo acqulre, a slew of deep-pockeLed newer enLranLs are snapplng
up expenslve 1v serles, lncludlng neLfllx, Amazon, and mosL recenLly Sony. 1hey're looklng aL
Lhe same Lype of shows LhaL neLfllx and Amazon are eyelng," sald one person famlllar wlLh Lhe

,58 @)3& >)1"&)B;"+&1
Crackle, lnc. ls a mulLl-plaLform vldeo enLerLalnmenL neLwork and sLudlo LhaL dlsLrlbuLes full
lengLh, uncuL, movles, 1v shows and orlglnal programmlng ln our users' favorlLe genres - llke
comedy, acLlon, crlme, horror, Scl-ll, and Lhrlller. Crackle's channels
and shows reach a global audlence across Lhe lnLerneL, ln Lhe llvlng
room, and on devlces lncludlng a broad range of Sony elecLronlcs.

Crackle ls a good plaLform for orlglnal serles.
Crackle ls noL [usL a sLreamlng slLe for web serles and movles.
1hey also dlsLrlbuLe orlglnal conLenL.
Cwned by Sony enLerLalnmenL

Crackle made a push for more leglLlmacy when lL slgned a deal wlLh n8C unlversal for Lhe
excluslve rlghLs Lo 140 movles over Lhe nexL Lhree years, glvlng vlewers access Lo fllms llke 8ay,
!arhead, Mlaml vlce, eLc.

@!)1 )1 "!3 &)?!" ")23 "+
'##&+'*! Q&'*H43 @R0

ln many ways, Lhe web ls
becomlng more llke Lhe
LradlLlonal ouLleLs.,, and
several oLher sLudlos and
neLworks have excluslve
onllne conLenL on Lhelr
slLes, buL Lo geL your show
on a slLe llke Lhese, Lake
Lhe language from, owned by
Sony lcLures
LnLerLalnmenL, as Lhe
general rule: all conLenL
requesLs musL be
submlLLed Lo Crackle vla
your agency
represenLaLlon." lf you and your plLch are ready Lo go, have your people call Lhelr people. Clven
Lhe brevlLy of onllne aLLenLlon spans, you beLLer make lL an elevaLor plLch.

Clnedlgm ls Lhe leadlng lndependenL conLenL dlsLrlbuLor ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes, wlLh dlrecL
relaLlonshlps wlLh over 60,000 physlcal sLores and dlglLal reLallers, lncludlng Wal-MarL, 8esL
8uy, 1argeL, l1unes, neLfllx, and Amazon, as well as Lhe naLlonal vldeo Cn uemand plaLform on
cable Lelevlslon.

1he company's llbrary of over 32,000 LlLles and
eplsodes encompasses award-wlnnlng documenLarles
from uocurama lllms, nexL-gen lndles from llaLlron
lllm Company, acclalmed lndependenL fllms and
fesLlval plcks Lhrough parLnershlps wlLh Lhe Sundance lnsLlLuLe and 1rlbeca lllms and a wlde
range of conLenL from brand name suppllers, lncludlng naLlonal Ceographlc, ulscovery,
ScholasLlc, WWL, nlL, ShouL lacLory, Pallmark, !lm Penson and more.

L*;'5*B> #*(+&*$@+*8;H
" :!F1)*'4 G++81 >)1"&)B;")+5: Clnedlgm works wlLh unlversal SLudlos Pome LnLerLalnmenL
Lo furLher sales lnLo Lhe LradlLlonal physlcal goods reLall ouLleLs, lncludlng WalMarL, 1argeL
and 8esL 8uy.

" 758)3 >)&3*"$ lndle ulrecL provldes lndependenL fllmmakers a full servlce dlsLrlbuLlon and
markeLlng soluLlon lnLo LheaLres. lL ls compleLely cusLomlzable and offers fully lnLegraLed,
hlgh level of servlce Lo geL fllms lnLo Lhe markeLplace.

" S&'5838 M""%L##1%Q!'55341$ Clnedlgm has launched one of Lhe premler ?ou1ube SvCu
channels, uCCu8AMA. We are currenLly expandlng LhaL A's reach Lo Samsung, 8oku,
x8ox and oLhers. AddlLlonally, Clnedlgm ls aggresslvely developlng proprleLary, nlche
SvCu/AvCu. hLLp://

N&8 @)3& >)1"&)B;"+&1

8llp.Lv has been around slnce 2003 and has always focused on worklng wlLh leadlng web serles
producers, adverLlsers and dlsLrlbuLors. Cne of Lhe
slLe's goals has always been Lo make orlglnal web
serles programmlng successful and of course,

8llp 1v launched lLs new webslLe as a consumer-
faclng desLlnaLlons where vlewers can dlscover,
waLch, and share Lhe besL ln orlglnal web serles.

8llp.Lv announced lL has reached over 3 bllllon vlews Lo daLe and ls on Lrack Lo reach one bllllon
vlews per quarLer. 1hose sLaLlsLlcs make lL one of Lhe largesL lndependenLly owned and
operaLed vldeo properLles.

1he new slLe wlll do Lwo Lhlngs accordlng Lo 8llp.Lv execuLlves: make lL easler for consumers Lo
flnd and follow Lhe besL web serles vldeo programmlng and offer greaL Lools and feaLures for
Lhe besL web serles vldeo producers and LalenL. 8llp.Lv edlLors wlll selecL Lhe programs Lo
feaLure on Lhe slLe, whlch wlll be dlvlded lnLo 16 Loplcal caLegorles. 1here wlll also be a new
search feaLure and Lons of adverLlslng opporLunlLles.

O+& +54)53 J)83+ #;B4)1!3&1= "!3 53T S4)#0"J +((3&1$

! 1he ablllLy Lo broadcasL Lhelr soclal medla proflles
! 1he ablllLy Lo organlze vldeos lnLo conLenL llbrarles
! 1he ablllLy Lo lnLeracL wlLh fans ln a well-organlzed" envlronmenL
! 1he ablllLy Lo recommend oLher shows Lhey Lhlnk Lhelr fans wlll llke
! 1he ablllLy Lo cusLomlze graphlcs Lo creaLe fllm quallLy program posLers
vlmeo offers many of Lhe same feaLures as ?ou1ube, wlLh Lhe added perk LhaL you don'L have
Lo wade Lhrough as many vldeos of people's peLs. More of Lhe conLenL on vlmeo seems Lo be
creaLed conLenL, as opposed Lo look-whaL-my-kld-dld-when-l-Lurned-on-my-
camcorder conLenL.

1he baslc (free) accounL offers up Lo 300 M8 of sLorage per week and 1 Pu
upload per week. 1hey also sLore and leL you download your orlglnal flle. l
personally llke Lhe layouL and deslgn of vlmeo beLLer - seems Lo me LhaL
vlmeo ls Lo ?ou1ube whaL lacebook ls Lo MySpace. 1haL analogy only works vlsually, however -
?ou1ube currenLly offers much more ln-depLh vlewer and subscrlber lnformaLlon Lhan vlmeo
does. Powever, vlmeo doesn'L have ads on Lhelr vldeos.
Slapplng your new conLenL on ?ou1ube rlghL nexL Lo Lhe Surprlsed
klLLen vldeo mlghL seem obvlous, buL ln addlLlon Lo havlng your
conLenL on Lhe mosL popular vldeo webslLe on Lhe lnLerneL, you
could make some money LhaL way. ?ou1ube's arLners program
offers revenue sharlng Lo accepLed appllcanLs Lhrough ad revenue
or renLal sLreamlng fees. 1he quallflcaLlons Lo apply for Lhe arLners program do requlre a falrly
large already-esLabllshed vlewer base, buL you mlghL be able Lo geL around LhaL lf you have a
conLacL aL ?ou1ube.

! 8ehlnd Lhe Scenes of Lhe Maklng of Lrflco wlLh lnLervlews wlLh casL and crew.
! 10, 13, and 30-second characLer vlgneLLes Lo share vla soclal medla.
! arallel sLory llnes, LhaL lnform Lhe overall sLory, vla oLher soclal medla plaLforms:
1wlLLer, lnsLagram, vlne, ?ou1ube, eLc.
! 1 Lo 2 mlnuLe characLer monologues dlsLrlbuLed excluslvely Lhrough Lhe moblle app.
! AnlmaLed Clf of characLer momenLs ln fuLure eplsodes as Leasers.
! CharacLer hoLos.

Q!'&'*"3& A")441

! Serles of Llve performances called 1he Lrflco monologues." 1he purpose ls Lo creaLe
awareness abouL human Lrafflcklng wlLhln Lhe unlLed SLaLes and promoLe Lhe Lrflco
Lhe serles.

! 6 Lo 12 SA vldeos LhaL demonsLraLed Lhe slgns and sympLoms of a vlcLlm of human

! An Moblle lCS and Androld App LhaL wlll engage Lhe user ln a dlscusslon abouL Lhe
Loplcs, characLers, and Lhemes wlLhln an eplsode.

! Puman 1rafflcklng Awareness Workshops/1ralnlng for Lhe ubllc.

! A book/graphlc novel LhaL Leaches young klds abouL human Lrafflcklng.

Moblle AppllcaLlons Lo dlsLrlbuLe eplsodes, provlde excluslve conLenL., and allow open dlalog
abouL eplsode characLers, Lhemes, and Loplcs.

L;8)35*3 >3J34+#235"
1) S;)48 ' 1+*)'4 T3B1)"3 (hLLp://Lraflco.flrsLframefllms.neL )

2) M&?'5)* 13'&*! 2'&H3")5?: 1ap lnLo Lhe power of keywords by lncorporaLlng Lhem lnLo your
soclal medla, vldeo markeLlng and publlclLy sLraLegles. SLC ls a process.

3) A+*)'4 938)' 9'&H3")5?: dolng someLhlng" small every day ls far beLLer Lhan dolng a loL of
someLhlng one day and Lhen noLhlng Lhe nexL.

4) :;B4)*)"F '58 :&+2+")+51: CreaLlng buzz" ls lmporLanL for bulldlng awareness and
anLlclpaLlon for your work. 8uzz can be dened as anyLhlng, whlch makes people Lalk abouL
your pro[ecL.

3) Q+22;5)"F >3J34+#235": A followlng ls an audlence LhaL lnLeracLs wlLh you. A communlLy
ls audlence LhaL lnLeracLs wlLh each oLher.

6) L8J3&")1)5?: 1he rlse of soclal neLworks has opened-up a number of low-cosL adverLlslng


A+*)'4 938)'
"&I()*+ T3B1)"3. :'&'44'V= 9+B)43 W3'8F P W31#+51)J3

O'*3B++H X MJ3& .=Y-- C)H31 '58 ?&+T)5? 8')4F

79>B X "&I()*+ !'1 ' 9MR7U23"3& &'5H +( NZ=[/N

Lrflco was selecLed as pro[ecL of Lhe day on lndlewlre, and nomlnLaLed of ro[ecL of Lhe week.

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