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Kant, Hegel, and the Critique of Ideology

Slavoj iek
Duke University Press Durham 1993
Fourth printing, 199 ! 1993 Duke University Press "ll rights reserve# Printe# in the Unite#
States o$ "meri%a on a%i#-$ree paper &' (ypeset in Dante )y *eystone (ypesetting, +n%,
-i)rary o$ .ongress .ataloging-in-Pu)li%ation Data appear on the last printe# page o$ this
Lacking strength, Beauty hates the Understanding for asking of her what it cannot do. But the
life of Spirit is not the life that shrinks from death and keeps itself untouched by devastation,
but rather the life that endures it and maintains itself in it. It wins its truth only when, in utter
dismemberment, it finds itself. This tarrying with the negative is the magical power that
converts it into being,-- . !. ". #egel, /$reface% to Phenomenology o$ Spirit
Introdution 1
! C"GIT"# THE V"I$ CA%%E$ &'()ECT
1 /+ or 0e or +t 1the (hing2 3hi%h (hinks/ 9
4 &ogito an# the Se5ual Di$$eren%e 67
3 8n 9a#i%al :vil an# 9elate# ;atters 3
6 0egel<s /-ogi% o$ :ssen%e/ as a (heory o$ +#eology 147
III &'+# THE
%"", "-
7 /(he 3oun# +s
0eale# 8nly )y
the Spear (hat
Smote =ou/ 1>7
> :njoy =our
?ation as
=oursel$@ 4AA
Notes 439
Inde. 4B
(he most su)lime image that emerge# in the politi%al upheavals o$ the last years-- an# the
term /su)lime/ is to )e %on%eive# here in the stri%test *antian sense-- Cas un#ou)te#ly the
uniDue pi%ture $rom the time o$ the violent overthroC o$ &eau'sescu in 9omaniaE the re)els
Caving the national $lag Cith the re# star, the .ommunist sym)ol, %ut out, so that instea# o$
the sym)ol stan#ing $or the organiFing prin%iple o$ the national li$e, there Cas nothing )ut a
hole in its %enter, +t is #i$$i%ult to imagine a more salient in#e5 o$ the/open/ %hara%ter o$ a
histori%al situation/in its )e%oming,/ as *ierkegaar# Coul# have put it, o$ that interme#iate
phase Chen the $ormer ;aster-Signi$ier, although it has alrea#y lost the hegemoni%al poCer,
has not yet )een repla%e# )y the neC one, (he su)lime enthusiasm this pi%ture )ears Citness
to is in no Cay a$$e%te# )y the $a%t that Ce noC knoC hoC the events Cere a%tually
manipulate# 1ultimately it ha# to #o Cith a %oup o$ Se%uritate, the .ommunist se%ret poli%e,
against itsel$, against its oCn signi$ier' that is, the ol# apparatus survive# )y %asting o$$ its
sym)oli% %lothing2E $or us as Cell as $or most o$ the parti%ipants themselves, all this )e%ame
visi)le in retrospe%t, an# Chat really matters is that the masses Cho poure# into the streets o$
Gu%harest/e5perien%e#/ the situation as/open,/ that they parti%ipate# in the uniDue
interme#iate state o$ passage $rom one #is%ourse 1so%ial link2 to another, Chen, $or a )rie$,
passing moment, the hole in the )ig 8ther, the sym)oli% or#er, )e%ame visi)le, (he
enthusiasm Chi%h %arrie# them Cas literally the enthusiasm over this hole, not yet
hegemoniFe# )y any positive i#eologi%al proje%t' all i#eologi%al appropria-
tions 1$rom the nationalisti% to the li)eral-#emo%rati%2 entere# the stage a$terCar#s an#
en#eavore# to/ki#nap/ the pro%ess Chi%h originally Cas not their oCn, "t this point, perhaps,
the enthusiasm o$ the masses an# the attitu#e o$ a %riti%al intelle%tual overlap $or a )rie$
moment, "n# the #uty o$ the %riti%al intelle%tual-- i$, in to#ay<s/postmo#ern/ universe, this
syntagm has any meaning le$t-- is pre%isely to occupy all the time, even Chen the neC or#er
1the/neC harmony/2 sta)iliFes itsel$ an# again ren#ers invisi)le the hole as su%h, the place of
this hole, i,e,, to maintain a #istan%e toCar# every reigning ;aster-Signi$ier, +n this pre%ise
sense, -a%an points out that, in the passage $rom one #is%ourse 1so%ial link2 to another,
the/#is%ourse o$ the analyst/ alCays emerges $or a )rie$ momentE the aim o$ this #is%ourse is
pre%isely to/pro#u%e/ the ;aster-Signi$ier, that is to say, to ren#er visi)le its/pro#u%e#,/
arti$i%ial, %ontingent %hara%ter,

(his maintaining o$ a #istan%e Cith regar# to the ;aster-Signi$ier %hara%teriFes the )asi%
attitu#e o$ philosophy, +t is no a%%i#ent that -a%an, in his Seminar on (rans$eren%e, re$ers to
So%rates,/the $irst philosopher,/ as the para#igm o$ the analystE in Plato<s Symposium,
So%rates re$uses to )e i#enti$ie# Cith agalma, the hi##en treasure in himsel$, Cith the
unknoCn ingre#ient responsi)le $or the ;aster<s %harisma, an# persists in the voi# $ille# out
)y agalma,
+t is against this )a%kgroun# that Ce have to lo%ate the /amaFement/ that marks
the origins o$ philosophyE philosophy )egins the moment Ce #o not simply a%%ept Chat e5ists
as given 1/+t<s like that@/, /-aC is laC@/, et%,2, )ut raise the Duestion o$ hoC is Chat Ce
en%ounter as a%tual also possi)le, 3hat %hara%teriFes philosophy is this/step )a%k/ $rom
a%tuality into possi)ility-- the attitu#e )est ren#ere# )y "#orno<s an# 0orkheimer<s motto
Duote# )y Fre#ri% HamesonE/?ot +taly itsel$ is given here, )ut the proo$ that it e5ists,/

?othing is more antiphilosophi%al than the Cell-knoCn ane%#ote a)out Diogenes the %yni%
Cho, Chen %on$ronte# Cith the :leati% proo$s o$ the none5isten%e an# inherent impossi)ility
o$ movement, ansCere# )y simply stan#ing up an# taking a Calk, 1"s 0egel points out, the
stan#ar# version o$ this ane%#ote passes over in silen%e its #enouementE Diogenes soun#ly
thrashe# his pupil Cho applau#e# the ;aster<s gesture, punishing him $or a%%epting the
re$eren%e to a pretheoreti%al factum brutum as a proo$,2 (heory involves the poCer to a)stra%t
$rom our starting point in or#er to re%onstru%t it su)seDuently on the )asis o$ its
presuppositions, its trans%en#ental/%on#itions o$ possi)ility/-- theory as su%h, )y #e$inition,
reDuires the suspension o$ the ;aster-Signi$ier,
+n this pre%ise sense, 9o#olphe Ias%hJ is $ully justi$ie# in %laiming that
Derri#a remains thoroughly a/trans%en#ental/ philosopherE notions like differance,
supplement, et%,, en#eavor to provi#e an ansCer to the Duestion o$ the/%on#itions o$
possi)ility/ o$ the philosophi%al #is%ourse,
(hat is to say, the strategy o$ the
Derri#ean/#e%onstru%tion/ is not to #ilute philosophi%al stringen%y in the unrestraine#
play$ulness o$/Criting,/ )ut to un#ermine the philosophi%al pro%e#ure )y means o$ its most
rigorous sel$appli%ationE its aim is to #emonstrate that the/%on#ition o$ impossi)ility/ o$ a
philosophi%al system 1i,e,, Chat, Cithin the horiFon o$ this system, appears as the hin#ran%e to
)e surmounte#, the se%on#ary moment to )e su)#ue#2 a%tually $un%tions as its inherent
%on#ition o$ possi)ility 1there is no pure logos Cithout Criting, no origin Cithout its
supplement, et%,2, "n# Chy shoul# Ce not also %laim $or -a%an the title o$/trans%en#ental
philosopher/K +s not his entire Cork an en#eavor to ansCer the Duestion o$ hoC desire is
possi)leK Does he not o$$er a kin# o$/%ritiDue o$ pure #esire,/ o$ the pure $a%ulty o$ #esiringK
"re not all his $un#amental %on%epts so many keys to the enigma o$ #esireK Desire is
%onstitute# )y/sym)oli% %astration,/ the original loss o$ the Thing' the voi# o$ this loss is
$ine# out )y ob(et petit a, the $antasy-o)je%t' this loss o%%urs on a%%ount o$ our )eing
/em)e##e#/ in the sym)oli% universe Chi%h #erails the /natural/ %ir%uit o$ our nee#s' et%,, et%,
(his thesis that -a%an is essentially a philosopher seems nonetheless all too haFar#ous, sin%e
it )latantly %ontra#i%ts -a%an<s repeate# statements Chi%h e5pli%itly #ismiss philosophy as a
version o$ the /#is%ourse o$ the ;aster,/
Di# -a%an not emphasiFe again an# again the
ra#i%ally antiphilosophi%al %hara%ter o$ his tea%hing, up to the patheti% /He m<insurge %ontre la
philosophie/ $rom the last years o$ his li$eK 0oCever, things get %ompli%ate# the moment Ce
re%all that it is alrea#y the post-0egelian philosophy itsel$ Chi%h, in its three main )ran%hes
1analyti%al philosophy, phenomenology, ;ar5ism2, %on%eives o$ itsel$ as /antiphilosophy,/
/notanymore-philosophy,/ +n his erman Ideology, ;ar5 mo%kingly o)serves that philosophy
relates to /a%tual li$e/ as mastur)ation to se5ual a%t' the positivist tra#ition %laims to repla%e
philosophy 1metaphysi%s2 Cith the s%ienti$i% analysis o$ %on%epts' the 0ei#eggerian
phenomenologists en#eavor to /pass through philosophy/ toCar# the post-philosophi%al
/thought,/ +n short, Chat is to#ay pra%ti%e# as /philosophy/ are pre%isely #i$$erent attempts to
/#e%onstru%t/ something re$erre# to as the %lassi%al philosophi%al %orpus 1/metaphysi%s,/
/logo%entrism,/ et%,2, 8ne is there$ore tempte# to risk the hypothesis that Chat -a%an<s
opposes is this very philosophy Dua antiphilosophyE Chat i$ -a%an<s oCn theoreti%al practice
involves a kin# o$ return to philosophy)
"%%or#ing to "lain Ga#iou, Ce live to#ay in the age o$ the /neC sophists,/
(he tCo %ru%ial
)reaks in the history o$ philosophy, Plato<s an# *ant<s, o%%urre# as a rea%tion to neC
relativisti% attitu#es Chi%h threatene# to #emolish the tra#itional %orpus o$ knoCle#geE in
Plato<s %ase, the logi%al argumentation o$ the sophists un#ermine# the mythi%al $oun#ations o$
the tra#itional mores' in *ant<s %ase, empiri%ists 1su%h as 0ume2 un#ermine# the $oun#ations
o$ the -ei)niFean-3ol$ian rationalist metaphysi%s, +n )oth %ases, the solution o$$ere# is not a
return to the tra#itional attitu#e )ut a neC $oun#ing gesture Chi%h/)eats the sophists at their
oCn game,/ i,e,, Chi%h surmounts the relativism o$ the sophists )y Cay o$ its oCn
ra#i%aliFation 1 Plato a%%epts the argumentative pro%e#ure o$ the sophists' *ant a%%epts
0ume<s )urial o$ the tra#itional metaphysi%s2, "n# it is our hypothesis that -a%an opens up
the possi)ility o$ another repetition o$ the same gesture, (hat is to say, the/postmo#ern
theory/ Chi%h pre#ominates to#ay is a mi5ture o$ neopragmatism an# #e%onstru%tion )est
epitomiFe# )y names su%h as 9orty or -yotar#' their Corks emphasiFe the/antiessentialist/
re$usal o$ universal Foun#ation, the #issolving o$/truth/ into an e$$e%t o$ plural language-
games, the relativiFation o$ its s%ope to histori%ally spe%i$ie# intersu)je%tive %ommunity, et%,,
et%, +solate# #esperate en#eavors o$ a/postmo#ern/ return to the Sa%re# are Dui%kly re#u%e# to
just another language game, to another Cay Ce/tell stories a)out ourselves,/ -a%an, hoCever,
is not part o$ this/postmo#ern theory/E in this respe%t, his position is homologous to that o$
Plato or *ant, (he per%eption o$ -a%an as an/anti-essentialist/ or/#e%onstru%tionist/ $alls prey
to the same illusion as that o$ per%eiving Plato as just one among the sophists, Plato a%%epts
$rom the sophists their logi% o$ #is%ursive argumentation, )ut uses it to a$$irm his %ommitment
to (ruth' *ant a%%epts the )reak#oCn o$ the tra#itional metaphysi%s, )ut uses it to per$orm his
trans%en#ental turn' along the same lines, -a%an a%%epts the/#e%onstru%tionist/ moti$ o$
ra#i%al %ontingen%y, )ut turns this moti$ against itsel$, using it to assert his %ommitment to
(ruth as %ontingent, For that very reason, #e%onstru%tionists an# neopragmatists, in #ealing
Cith -a%an, are alCays )othere# )y Chat they per%eive as some remain#er o$/essentialism/
1in the guise o$/phallogo%entrism,/ et%,2-- as i$ -a%an Cere un%annily %lose to them, )ut
somehoC not/one o$ them,/
(o ask/+s -a%an one among the postmo#ern neC sophistsK/ is to pose a
Duestion $ar )eyon# the te#ium o$ a spe%ialiFe# a%a#emi% #is%ussion, 8ne is tempte# to risk a
hyper)ole an# to a$$irm that, in a sense, everything, $rom the $ate o$ so-%alle#/3estern
%iviliFation/ up to the survival o$ humanity in the e%ologi%al %risis, hangs on the ansCer to
this relate# DuestionE is it possi)le to#ay, apropos o$ the postmo#ern age o$ neC sophists, to
repeat mutatis mutan#is the *antian gestureK
,ART I C"GIT" The Void Called &u/0et
! I or He or It 1the Thing2 3hih Thin4s
The Noir &u/0et555
8ne Cay to take note o$ the histori%al gap separating the 19As $rom the 197As is to %ompare
the %lassi% film noir to the neC Cave o$ noir in the eighties, 3hat + have in min# here are not
primarily #ire%t or in#ire%t remakes 1the tCo *+,<s' ,gainst ,ll +dds as a remake o$ +ut of
the $ast- Body #eat as a remake o$ *ouble Indemnity- .o !ay +ut as a remake o$ The Big
&lock, et%,, up to Basic Instinct as a #istant remake o$ /ertigo2
)ut rather those $ilms Chi%h
en#eavor to resus%itate the noir universe )y Cay o$ %om< )ining it Cith another genre, as i$
noir to#ay is a vampirelike entity Chi%h, in or#er to survive, nee#s an in$lu5 o$ $resh )loo#
$rom other sour%es, (Co %ases are e5emplary hereE "lan Parker<s ,ngel #eart, Chi%h
%om)ines noir Cith the o%%ult-supernatural, an# 9i#ley S%ott<s Blade 0unner, Chi%h %om)ines
noir Cith s%ien%e $i%tion,
.inema theory has $or a long time )een haunte# )y the DuestionE is noir a genre o$ its oCn or
a kin# o$ anamorphi% #istortion a$$e%ting #i$$erent genresK From the very )eginning, noir Cas
not limite# to har#-)oile# #ete%tive storiesE rever)erations o$ noir moti$s are easily #is%erni)le
in %ome#ies 1,rsenic and +ld Lace2, in Cesterns 1$ursued2, in politi%al an# so%ial #ramas
1,ll the 1ing2s 3en, The Lost !eekend2, et%, Do Ce have here a se%on#ary impa%t o$
something that originally %onstitutes a genre o$ its oCn 1the noir %rime universe2, or is the
%rime $ilm only one o$ the possi)le $iel#s o$ appli%ation o$ the noir logi%K (hat is, is noir a
pre#i%ate that entertains toCar# the %rime universe the same relationship as toCar#
%ome#y or Cestern, a kin# o$ logi%al operator intro#u%ing the same anamorphi% #istortion in
every genre to Chi%h it is applie#, so that $in#ing its strongest appli%ation in the %rime $ilm
turns on nothing )ut histori%al %ontingen%yK (o raise these Duestions in no Cay means
in#ulging in hairsplitting sophistryE our thesis is that the /proper,/ #ete%tive noir as it Cere
arrives at its truth-- in 0egeleseE realiFes its notion-- only )y Cay o$ its $usion Cith another
genre, spe%i$i%ally s%ien%e $i%tion or the o%%ult,
3hat, then, #o Blade 0unner an# ,ngel #eart have in %ommonK Goth $ilms #eal Cith
memory an# su)verte# personal i#entityE the hero, the har#-)oile# investigator, is sent on a
Duest Chose $inal out%ome involves #is%overing that he himsel$ Cas $rom the very )eginning
impli%ate# in the o)je%t o$ his Duest, +n ,ngel #eart, he as%ertains that the #ea# singer he Cas
looking $or is none other than himsel$ 1in an o%%ult ritual per$orme# long ago, he e5%hange#
hearts an# souls Cith an e5-sol#ier, Cho he noC thinks he is2, +n Blade 0unner, he is a$ter a
group o$ repli%ants at large in -,", o$ 4A14' upon a%%omplishing his mission, he is tol# that he
is himsel$ a repli%ant, (he out%ome o$ the Duest is there$ore in )oth %ases the ra#i%al
un#ermining o$ sel$-i#entity mastermin#e# )y a mysterious, all-poCer$ul agen%y, in the $irst
%ase the Devil himsel$ 1/-ouis .ipher/2, in the se%on# %ase the (yrell %orporation, Chi%h
su%%ee#e# in $a)ri%ating repli%ants unaCare o$ their repli%ant status, i,e,, repli%ants
misper%eiving themselves as humans,
(he Corl# #epi%te# in )oth $ilms is the Corl# in Chi%h
the %orporate .apital su%%ee#e# in penetrating an# #ominating the very $antasykernel o$ our
)eingE none o$ our $eatures is really /ours/' even our memories an# $antasies are arti$i%ially
plante#, +t is as i$ Fre#ri% Hameson<s thesis on postmo#ernism as the epo%h in Chi%h .apital
%oloniFes the last resorts hitherto e5%lu#e# $rom its %ir%uit is here )rought to its hyper)oli%
%on%lusionE the $usion o$ .apital an# *noCle#ge )rings a)out a neC type o$ proletarian, as it
Cere the a)solute proletarian )ere$t o$ the last po%kets o$ private resistan%e' everything, up to
the most intimate memories, is plante#, so that Chat remains is noC literally the voi# o$ pure
su)stan%eless su)je%tivity 1substan4lose Sub(ektivitaet-- ;ar5<s #e$inition o$ the proletarian2,
+roni%ally, one might say that Blade 0unner is a $ilm a)out the emergen%e o$ %lass
(his truth is %on%eale#, in one $ilm metaphori%ally, in the other metonymi%allyE in ,ngel
#eart, %orporate .apital is su)stitute# )y the metaphori%al $igure o$ the Devil, Chereas in
Blade 0unner, a metonymi%al impe#iment prevents the $ilm $rom %arrying out its inherent
logi%, (hat is to say,
the #ire%tor<s %ut o$ Blade 0unner #i$$ers in tCo %ru%ial $eatures $rom the version release# in
194E there is no voi%eover, an# at the en#, De%kar# 10arrison For#2 #is%overs that he also is
a repli%ant,
Gut even in the tCo release# versions, espe%ially in the version release# in 1994,
a Chole series o$ $eatures points toCar# De%kar#<s true statusE strong a%%ent $alls on the visual
parallelism )etCeen De%kar# an# -eon *oCalski, a repli%ant Duestione# in the (yrell )uil#ing
at the )eginning o$ the $ilm' a$ter De%kar# proves to 9a%hael 1Sean =oung2 that she is a
repli%ant )y Duoting her most intimate %hil#-re%olle%tions she #i# not share Cith anyone, the
%amera provi#es a )rie$ survey o$ his personal mythologies 1ol# %hil#hoo# pi%tures on the
piano, his #ream-re%olle%tion o$ a uni%orn2, Cith a %lear impli%ation that they also are
$a)ri%ate#, not /true/ memories or #reams, so that Chen 9a%hael mo%kingly asks him i$ he
also un#erCent the repli%ant test, the Duestion resoun#s Cith ominous un#ertones' the
patroniFing-%yni%al attitu#e o$ the poli%eman Cho serves as De%kar#<s %onta%t to the poli%e
%hie$, as Cell as the $a%t that he makes small paper mo#els o$ uni%orns, %learly in#i%ates his
aCareness that De%kar# is a repli%ant 1an# Ce %an sa$ely surmise that in the true #ire%tor<s %ut
he vi%iously in$orms De%kar# o$ this $a%t2, (he para#o5 here is that the su)versive e$$e%t 1the
)lurring o$ the line o$ #istin%tion )etCeen humans an# an#roi#s2 hinges on the narrative
%losure, on the loop )y means o$ Chi%h the )eginning metaphori%ally augurs the 1en# 1Chen,
at the )eginning o$ the $ilm, De%kar# replays the tape o$ *oCalski<s interrogation, he is yet
unaCare that at the en# he Cill himsel$ o%%upy *oCalski<s pla%e2, Chereas the evasion o$ the
narrative %losure 1in the 194 version, the hints o$ De%kar#<s repli%ant status are )arely
per%epti)le2 $un%tions as a %on$ormist %ompromise Chi%h %uts o$$ the su)versive e#ge,
0oC, then, are Ce to #iagnose the position o$ the hero at the en# o$ his Duest, a$ter the
re%overy o$ memory #eprives him o$ his very sel$-i#entityK +t is here that the gap separating
the %lassi%al noir $rom the noir o$ the eighties emerges in its purest $orm, (o#ay, even the
mass me#ia is aCare o$ the e5tent to Chi%h our per%eption o$ reality, in%lu#ing the reality o$
our innermost sel$-e5perien%e, #epen#s upon sym)oli% $i%tions, Su$$i%e it to Duote $rom a
re%ent issue o$ Time magaFineE /Stories are pre%ious, in#ispensa)le, :veryone must have his
history, her narrative, =ou #o not knoC Cho you are until you possess the imaginative version
o$ yoursel$, =ou almost #o not e5ist Cithout it,/ .lassi%al noirs remain Cithin these %on$inesE
they a)oun# Cith %ases o$ amnesia in Chi%h the hero #oes not knoC Cho he is or Chat he #i#
#uring his )la%kout, =et amnesia is here a
#e$i%ien%y measure# )y the stan#ar# o$ integration into the $iel# o$ intersu)je%tivity, o$
sym)oli% %ommunityE a su%%ess$ul re%olle%tion means that, )y Cay o$ organiFing his li$e-
e5perien%e into a %onsistent narrative, the hero e5or%iFes the #ark #emons o$ the past, Gut in
the universe o$ Blade 0unner or ,ngel #eart, re%olle%tion #esignates something in%ompara)ly
more ra#i%alE the total loss o$ the hero<s sym)oli% i#entity, 0e is $or%e# to assume that he is
not Chat he thought himsel$ to )e, )ut some)o#y-something else, For that reason, the
/#ire%tor<s %ut/ o$ Blade 0unner is $ully justi$ie# in #ispensing Cith the voi%e-o$$ o$ De%kar#
1homophonous Cith Des%artes@2E in the noir universe, the voi%e-o$$ narrative realiFes the
integration o$ the su)je%t<s e5perien%e into the )ig 8ther, the $iel# o$ intersu)je%tive sym)oli%
8ne o$ the %ommonpla%es a)out the %lassi% noir sets its philosophi%al )a%kgroun# in Fren%h
e5istentialism' hoCever, in or#er to grasp the impli%ations o$ the ra#i%al shi$t at Cork in the
noir o$ the eighties, one has to rea%h )a%k $arther, to the .artesian-*antian pro)lemati% o$ the
su)je%t Dua pure, su)stan%eless /+ think,/
555"ut of )oint
Des%artes Cas the $irst to intro#u%e a %ra%k in the ontologi%ally %onsistent universeE
%ontra%ting a)solute %ertainty to the pun%tum o$ /+ think/ opens up, $or a )rie$ moment, the
hypothesis o$ :vil Ienius 1le malin genie2 Cho, )ehin# my )a%k, #ominates me an# pulls the
strings o$ Chat + e5perien%e as /reality/-- the prototype o$ the S%ientist-;aker Cho %reates an
arti$i%ial man, $rom Dr, Frankenstein to (yrell in Blade 0unner, 0oCever, )y re#u%ing his
cogito to res cogitans, Des%artes, as it Cere, pat%hes up the Coun# he %ut into the te5ture o$
reality, 8nly *ant $ully arti%ulates the inherent para#o5es o$ sel$-%ons%iousness, 3hat *ant<s
/trans%en#ental turn/ ren#ers mani$est is the impossi)ility o$ lo%ating the su)je%t in the /great
%hain o$ )eing,/ into the 3hole o$ the universe-- all those notions o$ the universe as a
harmonious 3hole in Chi%h every element has its oCn pla%e 1to#ay, they a)oun# in
e%ologi%al i#eology2, +n %ontrast to it, su)je%t is in the most ra#i%al sense /out o$ joint/' it
%onstitutively la%ks its oCn pla%e, Chi%h is Chy -a%an #esignates it )y the mathem L, the
/)arre#/ S,
+n Des%artes, this /out o$ joint/ state is still %on%eale#, (he .artesian universe stays Cithin the
%on$ines o$ Chat Fou%ault, in his The +rder of Things, %alle# /%lassi%al episteme,/ that
epistemologi%al $iel# regulate# )y
the pro)lemati% o$ representations-- their %ausal en%hainment, their %larity an# evi#en%e, the
%onne%tion )etCeen representation an# represente# %ontent, et%,
Upon rea%hing the point o$
a)solute %ertainty in cogito ergo sum, Des%artes #oes not yet %on%eive o$ the cogito as
%orrelative to the Chole o$ reality, i,e,, as the point e5ternal to reality, e5empte# $rom it,
Chi%h #elineates reality<s horiFon 1in the sense o$ 3ittgenstein<s CellknoCn Tractatus
metaphor on the eye that %an never )e part o$ the seen reality2, 9ather than the autonomous
agent Chi%h /spontaneously/ %onstitutes the o)je%tive Corl# oppose# to itsel$, the .artesian
cogito is a representation Chi%h, )y $olloCing the inherent notional en%hainment, lea#s us to
other, superior representations, (he su)je%t $irst as%ertains that cogito is a representation
Chi%h )elongs to an inherently #e$i%ient )eing 1#ou)t is a sign o$ imper$e%tion2' as su%h, it
entails the representation o$ a per$e%t )eing $ree o$ in%ertitu#e, Sin%e it is o)vious that a
#e$i%ient, in$erior entity or representation %annot )e the %ause o$ a superior entity or
representation, the per$e%t )eing 1Io#2 ha# to e5ist, (he vera%ious nature o$ Io# $urthermore
assures the relia)ility o$ our representations o$ e5ternal reality, an# so $orth, +n Des%artes<
$inal vision o$ the universe, cogito is there$ore just one among many representations in an
intri%ate totality, part o$ reality an# not yet 1or, in 0egelese, only /in itsel$ /2 %orrelative to the
Chole o$ reality,
3hat, then, marks the )reak )etCeen Des%artes< cogito an# *ant<s /+/ o$ trans%en#ental
apper%eptionK (he key to it is o$$ere# )y *ant<s 3ittgensteinian remark, aime# at Des%artes,
that it is not legitimate to use /+ think/ as a %omplete phrase, sin%e it %alls $or a %ontinuation--
/+ think that,,,1it Cill rain, you are right, Ce shall Cin,,,2,/ "%%or#ing to *ant, Des%artes $alls
prey to the /su)reption o$ the hypostasiFe# %ons%iousness/E he Crongly %on%lu#es that, in the
empty /+ think/ Chi%h a%%ompanies every representation o$ an o)je%t, Ce get hol# o$ a
positive phenomenal entity, res cogitans 1a /small pie%e o$ the Corl#,/ as 0usserl put it2,
Chi%h thinks an# is transparent to itsel$ in its %apa%ity to think, +n other Cor#s,
sel$%ons%iousness ren#ers sel$-present an# sel$-transparent the /thing/ in me Chi%h thinks,
3hat is lost there)y is the topologi%al #is%or# )etCeen the $orm /+ think/ an# the su)stan%e
Chi%h thinks, i,e,, the #istin%tion )etCeen the analyti%al proposition on the i#entity o$ the
logi%al su)je%t o$ thought, %ontaine# in /+ think,/ an# the syntheti%al proposition on the
i#entity o$ a person Dua thinking thing-su)stan%e, Gy arti%ulating this #istin%tion, *ant
logi%ally precedes Des%artesE he )rings to light a kin# o$ /vanishing me#ia-
tor,/ a moment Chi%h has to #isappear i$ the .artesian res cogitans is to emerge 1 .P9, "
(his *antian #istin%tion is revive# )y -a%an in the guise o$ the #istin%tion )etCeen
the su)je%t o$ the enun%iation 1su(et de l25nonciation2 an# the su)je%t o$ the enun%iate# 1su(et
de I25nonc52E the -a%anian su)je%t o$ the enun%iation 1L2 is also an empty, nonsu)stantial
logi%al varia)le 1not $un%tion2, Chereas the su)je%t o$ the enun%iate# 1the /person/2 %onsists
o$ the $antasmati% /stu$$/ Chi%h $ills out the voi# o$ L,
(his gap Chi%h separates the empiri%al +<s sel$-e5perien%e $rom the + o$ trans%en#ental
apper%eption %oin%i#es Cith the #istin%tion )etCeen e5isten%e Dua e5periential reality an#
e5isten%e Dua logi%al %onstru%tion, i,e,, e5isten%e in the mathemati%al sense 1/there e5ists an M
Chi%h,,,/2, (he status o$ *ant<s + o$ trans%en#ental apper%eption is that o$ a necessary an#
simultaneously impossible logi%al %onstru%tion 1/impossi)le/ in the pre%ise sense that its
notion %an never )e $ille# out Cith intuite# e5periential reality2, in shortE o$ the -a%anian real,
Des%artes< error Cas pre%isely to %on$use e5periential reality Cith logi%al %onstru%tion Dua the

*ant<s reasoning is here $ar more re$ine# than it may appear, +n or#er to appre%iate $ully its
$inesse, one has to make use o$ -a%an<s $ormula o$ $antasy 1N a2E /+ think/ only inso$ar as +
am ina%%essi)le to mysel$ Dua noumenal (hing Chi%h thinks, (he (hing is originally lost an#
the $antasyo)je%t 1a2 $ills out its voi# 1in this pre%ise *antian sense -a%an remarks that a is
/the stu$$ o$ the +/2,
(he a%t o$ /+ think/ is trans-phenomenal, it is not an o)je%t o$ inner
e5perien%e or intuition' yet $or all that, it is not a nournenal (hing, )ut rather the voi# o$ its
la%kE it is not su$$i%ient to say a)out the + o$ pure apper%eption that /o$ it, apart $rom them Othe
thoughts Chi%h are its pre#i%atesP, Ce %annot have any %on%ept Chatsoever/ 1 .P9, " 36>2,
8ne has to a## that this lack of intuited content is constitutive of the I- the inaccessibility to
the I of its own %kernel of being% makes it an I,

(his is Chat *ant is not Duite %lear a)out,

Chi%h is Chy he again an# again yiel#s to the temptation o$ %on%eiving o$ the relationship
)etCeen the + o$ pure apper%eption an# the + o$ sel$-e5perien%e as the relationship )etCeen a
(hing-initsel$ an# an e5periential phenomenon,

3hen, %onseDuently, *ant remarks that, /in the syntheti% original unity o$ apper%eption, + am
%ons%ious o$ mysel$, not as + appear to mysel$, nor as + am in mysel$, )ut only that + am/
1 .P9, G 17B 2, the $irst thing one has to noti%e here is the $un#amental para#o5 o$ this
$ormulationE + en%ounter being #evoi# o$ all #eterminations-o$-thought at the very moment
Chen, )y Cay o$ the utmost a)stra%tion, + %on$ine mysel$ to the empty $orm
o$ thought Chi%h a%%ompanies every representation o$ mine, (hus, the empty $orm o$ thought
%oin%i#es Cith )eing, Chi%h la%ks any $ormal #etermination-o$-thought, 0ere, hoCever,
Chere *ant seems at his %losest to Des%artes, the #istan%e that separates them is in$initeE in
*ant, this %oin%i#en%e o$ thought an# )eing in the a%t o$ sel$-%ons%iousness in no Cay implies
a%%ess to mysel$ Dua thinking su)stan%eE /(hrough this + or he or it 1the thing2 Chi%h thinks,
nothing $urther is represente# than a trans%en#ental su)je%t o$ the thoughts Q M, +t is knoCn
only through the thoughts Chi%h are its pre#i%ates, an# o$ it, apart $rom them, Ce %annot have
any %on%ept Chatsoever/ 1 .P9, " 36>2, +n shortE Ce %an provi#e no possi)le ansCer to the
Duestion /0oC is the (hing Chi%h thinks stru%ture#K/ (he para#o5 o$ sel$-%ons%iousness is
that it is possible only against the background of its own impossibilityE + am %ons%ious o$
mysel$ only inso$ar as + am out o$ rea%h to mysel$ Dua the real kernel o$ my )eing 1/+ or he or
it 1the thing2 Chi%h thinks/2, + %annot a%Duire %ons%iousness o$ mysel$ in my %apa%ity o$ the
/(hing Chi%h thinks,/
+n Blade 0unner, De%kar#, a$ter learning that 9a%hael is a repli%ant
Cho 1mis2per%eives hersel$ as human, asks in astonishmentE /0oC %an it not knoC Chat it isK/
3e %an see, noC, hoC, more than tCo hun#re# years ago, *ant<s philosophy outline# an
ansCer to this enigmaE the very notion o$ sel$-%ons%iousness implies the su)je%t<s
sel$#e%enterment, Chi%h is $ar more ra#i%al than the opposition )etCeen su)je%t an# o)je%t,
(his is Chat *ant<s theory o$ metaphysi%s ultimately is a)outE metaphysi%s en#eavors to heal
the Coun# o$ the /primor#ial repression/ 1the ina%%essi)ility o$ the /(hing Chi%h thinks/2 )y
allo%ating to the su)je%t a pla%e in the /great %hain o$ )eing,/ 3hat metaphysi%s $ails to noti%e
is the pri%e to )e pai# $or this allo%ationE the loss o$ the very %apa%ity it Cante# to a%%ount $or,
i,e,, human $ree#om, *ant himsel$ %ommits an error Chen, in his &riti6ue of $ractical
0eason, he %on%eives o$ $ree#om 1the postulate o$ pra%ti%al reason2 as a noumenal (hing'
Chat gets o)$us%ate# there)y is his $un#amental insight a%%or#ing to Chi%h + retain my
%apa%ity o$ a spontaneous-autonomous agent pre%isely an# only inso$ar as + am not a%%essi)le
to mysel$ as a (hing,
8n %loser e5amination, Chat makes up the in%onsisten%ies Chi%h emerge Chen the + o$ pure
apper%eption is i#enti$ie# Cith the noumenal Sel$ 1the /(hing Chi%h thinks/2K "s 0enry
"llison puts it in his perspi%uous summary o$ StraCson<s %ritiDue o$ *ant,
in the %ase o$ this
i#enti$i%ation, the phenomenal + 1the empiri%al su)je%t2 has to )e %on%eive# o$ simultaneously
as something Chi%h 1in the guise o$ an o)je%t o$ e5perien%e2
appears to the noumenal su)je%t an# as the appearan%e of the nournenal su)je%t, (hat is to say,
everything that appears as part o$ the %onstitute# reality appears to the trans%en#ental su)je%t
1Chi%h is here %on%eive# as i#enti%al Cith the noumenal su)je%t2' on the other han#, the
empiri%al su)je%t is, as is the %ase Cith every intuite# reality, a phenomenal appearan%e o$
some noumenal entity, in this %ase, o$ the noumenal su)je%t, (his #ou)ling, hoCever, is a
nonsensi%al, sel$-%an%eling short-%ir%uitE i$ the noumenal su)je%t appears to itself, the #istan%e
that separates appearan%e $rom noumena $alls aCay, (he agen%y Chi%h per%eives something
as an appearan%e %annot itsel$ )e an appearan%e, +n su%h a %ase, Ce $in# ourselves in the
nonsensi%al vi%ious %ir%le #es%ri)e# )y "lphonse "llais, Chere tCo appearan%es mutually
re%ogniFe themselves as appearan%es 1 9aoul an# ;arguerite make an appointment at a
maske# )all' in a se%ret %orner, they )oth take o$$ their masks an# utter a %ry o$ surprise--
9aoul, sin%e his partner is not ;arguerite, an# ;arguerite, sin%e her partner is not 9aoul2,
(hus, the only Cay out o$ this impasse is to #istinguish )etCeen the + o$ pure apper%eption
an# the (hing-Chi%h-thinksE Chat + e5perien%e, Chat is given to me phenomenally in my
intuition, the %ontent o$ my person 1the o)je%t o$ empiri%al psy%hology2, is, o$ %ourse, as Cith
every phenomenon, the appearing o$ a (hing 1in this %ase o$ the (hing-Chi%h-thinks2, but this
Thing cannot be the I of pure apperception, the transcendental sub(ect to whom the %Thing
which thinks% appears as the empirical I,
3ith this %ru%ial point in min#, Ce %an give a pre%ise a%%ount o$ the #i$$eren%e )etCeen the
ina%%essi)ility o$ the noumenal Sel$ an# o$ any o)je%t o$ per%eption, 3hen *ant says that the
trans%en#ental su)je%t /is knoCn only through the thoughts Chi%h are its pre#i%ates, an# o$ it,
apart $rom them, Ce %annot have any %on%ept Chatsoever/ 1 .P9, " 36>2, #oes not the same
also hol# true $or the ta)le in $ront o$ me, $or e5ampleK (he ta)le is also knoCn only through
the thoughts Chi%h are its pre#i%ates, an# o$ it, apart $rom them, Ce %annot have any %on%ept
Chatsoever, 0oCever, #ue to the a)ove-#es%ri)e# sel$-re$erential #ou)ling o$ the appearing in
the %ase o$ the +, %I think% must also remain empty on the phenomenal level, (he +<s
apper%eption is )y #e$inition #evoi# o$ any intuitional %ontent' it is an empty representation
Chi%h %arves a hole into the $iel# o$ representations, (o put it %on%iselyE *ant is %ompelle# to
#e$ine the + o$ trans%en#ental apper%eption as neither phenomenal nor noumenal )e%ause o$
the para#o5 o$ auto7affection- if I were given to myself phenomenally, as an ob(ect of
e8perience, I would simultaneously have to be given to myself noumenally,
"nother Cay to arrive at the same result is via the #uality o$ #is%ursive an# intuitive intelle%tE
on a%%ount o$ his $initu#e, the su)je%t #isposes only o$ #is%ursive intelle%t, 0e is a$$e%te# )y
things-in-themselves, an# he makes use o$ the #is%ursive intelle%t 1the netCork o$ $ormal
trans%en#ental %ategories2 to stru%ture the multitu#e o$ $ormless a$$e%ts into o)je%tive realityE
this stru%turing is his oCn /spontaneous,/ autonomous a%t, +$ the su)je%t Cere to possess
intuitive intelle%t, it Coul# $ill out the a)yss Chi%h separates intelle%t $rom intuition an#
Coul# thus gain a%%ess to things as they are in themselves, 0oCever, /Chile + %an %oherently,
i$ va%uously, %laim that i$ + ha# an intuitive instea# o$ a #is%ursive intelle%t, + %oul# knoC
other things 1o)je%ts2 as they are in themselves, + %annot similarly %laim that + %oul# knoC
mysel$ as o)je%t in my %apa%ity as a spontaneous, thinking su)je%t,/
3hy notK +$ + Cere to
possess an intuition o$ mysel$ Dua /(hing Chi%h thinks,/ i,e,, i$ + Cere to have an a%%ess to my
noumenal Sel$, I would thereby lose the very feature which makes me an I of pure
apperception' + Coul# %ease to )e the spontaneous trans%en#ental agent that %onstitutes

(he same para#o5 repeats itsel$ apropos o$ the trans%en#ental o)je%t Dua %orrelate to the + o$
pure apper%eption, (hat is to say, hoC #oes *ant arrive at the notion o$ trans%en#ental o)je%tK
3hy %an<t he get )y Cith trans%en#ental %ategories on the one han# an# the a$$e%ts Chi%h )ear
Citness to our )eing a%te# upon )y (hings-in-themselves on the other han#K (he
/trans%en#ental o)je%t, that is, the %ompletely in#eterminate thought o$ something in general,/
has the $un%tion o$ %on$erring /upon all our empiri%al %on%epts in general relation to an
o)je%t, that is, o)je%tive vali#ity/ 1 .P9, " 1A9 2, +n other Cor#s, Cithout this para#o5i%al
o)je%t Chi%h /%an )e thought only as something in general Q M/ 1 .P9, " 1A9 2, the
#i$$eren%e )etCeen $ormal an# trans%en#ental logi% Coul# $all o$$, that is, the ta)le o$ a priori
%ategories Coul# remain a mere $ormal-logi%al netCork, )ere$t o$ the trans%en#ental poCer to
%onstitute /o)je%tive reality,/ (rans%en#ental o)je%t is the $orm o$ the o)je%t in general )y
means o$ a re$eren%e to Chi%h a priori %ategories synthesiFe the multitu#e o$ sensi)le
intuitions into the representation o$ a uni$ie# o)je%tE it marks the point at Chi%h the general
$orm o$ every possi)le o)je%t reverts to the empty representation o$ the /o)je%t in general,/
For that reason, the notion o$ the trans%en#ental o)je%t un#ermines the stan#ar# *antian
#istin%tion )etCeen the $ormless stu$$ Chi%h #es%en#s $rom the trans%en#ent (hing 1sensi)le
a$$e%ts Chi%h )ear Citness to hoC the su)je%t is passively a$$e%te# )y some noumenal
entities2, an# the trans%en#ental $orm )y means o$ Chi%h the su)je%t mol#s this
intuite# stu$$ into /reality/E it is an o)je%t entirely /%reate#/ )y the su)je%t, the /unity Chi%h
thought proje%ts in $ront o$ itsel$ as the sha#oC o$ an o)je%t,/
an intelligi)le $orm Chi%h is
its oCn stu$$, "s su%h, it is the sem)lan%e o$ an o)je%t, i,e,, stricto sensu a metonymi%al
o)je%tE the spa%e $or it is opene# up )y the simultaneous 1a%tual2 $initu#e an# 1potential2
in$initu#e o$ our e5perien%e, (he trans%en#ental o)je%t gives a )o#y to the gap Chi%h $orever
separates the universal $ormal-trans%en#ental $rame o$ /empty/ %ategories $rom the $inite
s%ope o$ our a%tual e5perien%e, o$ the a$$e%ts that provi#e our intuition Cith positive %ontent,
+ts $un%tion is thus eminently anti-0umean, anti-skepti%alE it guarantees that trans%en#ental
%ategories Cill re$er to all possi)le $uture o)je%ts o$ e5perien%e, (his #istin%tion )etCeen
*ing7an7sich an# the trans%en#ental o)je%t %orrespon#s per$e%tly to the -a%anian #istin%tion
)etCeen the 9eal Dua *ing an# ob(et petit aE the latter is pre%isely su%h a metonymi%al o)je%t
Chi%h gives a )o#y to the la%k o$ positive o)je%ts,

"propos o$ /the trans%en#ental o)je%t, that is, the %ompletely in#eterminate thought o$
something in general,/ *ant saysE /(his %annot )e entitle# the noumenon' $or + knoC nothing
o$ Chat it is in itsel$, an# have no %on%ept o$ it save as merely the o)je%t o$ a sensi)le
intuition in general/ 1 .P9, " 473 2, +n a $irst approa%h, *ant seems to %ontra#i%t his oCn
)asi% premise, %iting as proo$ o$ the non-noumenal status o$ the trans%en#ental o)je%t the $a%t
that Ce knoC nothing o$ Chat it is in itsel$ isn<t this unknoCa)leness the very #e$inition o$ the
noumenal o)je%tK 0oCever, this apparent in%onsisten%y is easily #ispelle# )y taking into
a%%ount the pre%ise nature o$ the trans%en#ental o)je%tE
inso$ar as it gives )o#y to the o)je%t
in general, i,e,, inso$ar as it $un%tions as a metonymi%al pla%e-hol#er o$ the o)je%tivity in
whole, it is an ob(ect which, if given to me in intuition, would simultaneously have to be
given. to me as it is in itself, 13e may re%all that herein also lies the $un#amental $eature o$
the + o$ pure apper%eptionE its representation is empty sin%e, Cere it to )e given
phenomenally, it Coul# also )e given noumenally2

-ro6 Kant to Hegel
(his am)iguity o$ *ant<s %on%erning the trans%en#ental o)je%t 1 *ant os%illates )etCeen
%on%eiving o$ it as a (hing an# as something Chi%h is neither phenomenal nor noumenal2 is
the reverse o$ the am)iguity %on%erning the trans%en#ental su)je%t' an#, $urthermore, it is not
a simple #e$ault Chose
%orre%tion Coul# ena)le us to $ormulate the /proper/ *antian theory, )ut a necessary
eDuivo%ality Chose roots )e%ame visi)le only Cith hin#sight, $rom a 0egelian perspe%tiveE i$
Ce %hoose any o$ the tCo poles o$ the alternative, *ant<s system in its entirety #isintegrates,
(hat is to say, i$, on the one han#, Ce sti%k to the i#enti$i%ation o$ the trans%en#ental + Cith
the noumenal (hing-Sel$, the noumenal Self phenomenally appears to itself, Chi%h means that
the #i$$eren%e )etCeen phenomena an# noumena #issolves-/+/ )e%omes the singular su)je%t-
o)je%t given to itsel$ in the /intelle%tual intuition,/ the /eye Chi%h sees itsel$/ 1the step
a%%omplishe# )y Fi%hte an# S%helling, )ut un%on#itionally prohi)ite# )y *antE intelektuelle
,nschauung as the /a)solute starting-point/ o$ philosophiFing2, +$, on the other han#, the + o$
apper%eption-- this autonomous agent o$ the %onstitution o$ reality-- is not a noumenal (hing,
then the #i$$eren%e )etCeen phenomena an# noumena again #issolves, yet in a Cholly
#i$$erent CayE in 0egel<s Cay, 3hat Ce have to )ear in min# here is that 0egel reje%ts the
very notion o$ /intelle%tual intuition/ as an ina#eDuate, /imme#iate/ synthesis, i,e,, that he
remains thoroughly *antian in his insisten%e on the irre#u%i)le gap that separates #is%ursive
intelle%t 1the level o$ the ?otion2 $rom intuition, Far $rom simply healing the *antian split,
0egel even ra#i%aliFes it-- hoCK
"t this point, it is a#visa)le to $orget the stan#ar# te5t)ook phrases on 0egel<s /a)solute
i#ealism/ in Chi%h-- or so the story goes-- the ?otion<s sel$-movement over%omes $ormalism
)y generating the entire %ontent out o$ itsel$ an# thus )e%oming a)le to #ispense Cith the
e5ternal instigation o$ the (hing-in-itsel$, +nstea# o$ #ire%tly plunging into su%h /$un#amental
0egelian propositions,/ let us rather return to the *antian #uality o$ the trans%en#ental
netCork o$ %ategories an# o$ (hings-in-themselvesE trans%en#ental %ategories mol# the a$$e%ts
Chi%h originate in noumenal things into /o)je%tive reality,/ 0oCever, as Ce have alrea#y
seen, the pro)lem lies in the ra#i%al $initu#e o$ the a$$e%tsE they are never /all,/ sin%e the
totality o$ a$$e%ts is never given to us' i$ this totality Cere to )e given, Ce Coul# have a%%ess
to (hings-in-themselves, "t this pre%ise point, 0egel<s %ritiDue o$ *antian /$ormalism/
intervenesE he i#enti$ies as the site o$ insu$$i%ien%y not the $inite nature o$ a$$e%ts, )ut the
a)stra%t %hara%ter o$ thought itsel$, (he very nee# $or a$$e%ts 1i,e,, $or a heterogeneous
material to provi#e %ontent to our intelle%t2 )ears Citness to the $a%t that our thought is
a)stra%t$ormal, that it has not yet a%hieve# the level o$ Chat 0egel %alls /a)solute $orm,/
(his Cay, the trans%en#ental o)je%t ra#i%ally %hanges its $un%tionE $rom
the in#e5 o$ a #e$i%ien%y on the si#e o$ intuition-- i,e,, o$ the $a%t that our representations are
$orever )ran#e# )y our $initu#e, that the Corl# o$ intuite# o)je%ts is never given in its
totality-- it shi$ts into the in#e5 o$ the #e$i%ien%y o$ the very discursive form, +n this pre%ise
sense 0egel<s /a)solute i#ealism/ is nothing )ut the *antian /%riti%ism/ )rought to its utmost
%onseDuen%esE /there is no metalanguage/' it is never possi)le $or us to o%%upy the neutral
pla%e $rom Chi%h Ce %oul# measure the #istan%e that separates our sem)lan%e o$ knoCle#ge
$rom the +n-itsel$ o$ (ruth, +n short, 0egel %arries to its e5treme *ant<s %riti%ism at the very
point Chere he seems to regress into a)solute /panlogi%ism/E )y Cay o$ a$$irming that every
tension between .otion and reality, every relationship of the .otion to what appears as its
irreducible +ther encountered in the sensible, e8tra7notional e8perience, already is an intra7
notional tension, i.e., already implies a minimal notional determination of this %otherness.%

(he most o)vious e5ample o$ this notional #etermination, o$ %ourse, is the empiri%ist
%ounterposition o$ primary 1shape2 an# se%on#ary 1%olor, taste2 Dualities o$ the per%eive#
o)je%tE the su)je%t has in itsel$ the measure Chi%h alloCs him to #istinguish )etCeen Chat are
merely its /su)je%tive impressions/ an# Chat /o)je%tively e5ists,/ =et the same goes $or the
*antian (hing-in-itsel$E hoC #oes the su)je%t arrive at itK +n a)stra%ting $rom every sensi)le
#etermination that pertains to the o)je%ts o$ e5perien%e, Chat remains is the o)je%t o$ pure
a)stra%tion, the pure /thing-o$-thought/ 1edankending2, +n short, our sear%h $or a pure
presupposition, una$$e%te# )y the su)je%t<s spontaneous a%tivity, pro#u%es an entity Chi%h is
pure posite#ness,
(herein %onsists 0egel<s /i#ealist/ CagerE Chat appears in an# to our e5perien%e as the e5tra-
notional surplus, as the /otherness/ o$ the o)je%t irre#u%i)le to the su)je%t<s notional
$rameCork, impenetra)le to it, is alCays-alrea#y the $etishisti%, /rei$ie#/ 1mis2per%eption o$
an in%onsisten%y o$ the notion to itsel$, +n this sense, 0egel points out, in his +ntro#u%tion to
$henomenology of Spirit, hoC the very measure Ce use to test the truth o$ our knoCle#ge-
%laims is alCays %aught in the pro%ess o$ testingE i$ our knoCle#ge is prove# ina#eDuate, i$ it
#oes not $it our measure o$ Chat %ounts as (rue, then Ce must not only e5%hange our
knoCle#ge $or its more a#eDuate $orm, )ut Ce must simultaneously repla%e the very
measuring-ro# o$ (ruth, the in-itsel$ Chi%h our knoCle#ge $aile# to attain,
0egel<s point is
not a #elirious solipsism, )ut rather a simple insight into hoC Ce-- $inite, histori%al su)je%ts--
$orever la%k any measuring-ro# Chi%h Coul# guarantee our %onta%t Cith the (hing itsel$, (he
rationalist intuition o$ eternal (ruths, the empiri%ist sensi)le per%eptions, the a priori
%ategorial $rameCork o$ the trans%en#ental re$le%tion, or-- tCo e5amples Chose value is not
purely histori%al, sin%e they in#i%ate positions still %laime# )y %ontemporary philosophy-- the
phenomenologi%al notion o$ Lebenswelt 1li$e-Corl#2 as the alCays-alrea#y presuppose#
$oun#ation o$ our reasoning, an# the intersu)je%tive spee%h-%ommunity, all are $alse attempts
to )reak the vi%ious %ir%le o$ Chat 0egel %alle# /e5perien%e,/

+n a $irst approa%h, Chat 0egel a%%omplishes here may strike us as a simple reversal o$ *antE
instea# o$ the gap separating $orever the su)je%t $rom the su)stantial (hing, Ce get their
i#entity 1the ")solute Dua su)stan%eQ su)je%t2, 0egel is nonetheless the most %onseDuential o$
*antiansE the 0egelian su)je%t-- i,e,, Chat 0egel #esignates as a)solute, sel$-relating
negativity-- is nothing )ut the very gap Chi%h separates phenomena $rom the (hing, the a)yss
)eyon# phenomena %on%eive# in its negative mo#e, i,e,, the purely negative gesture o$
limiting phenomena Cithout provi#ing any positive %ontent Chi%h Coul# $ill out the spa%e
)eyon# the limit, For that reason, Ce must )e very attentive i$ Ce are not to miss Chat 0egel
has in min# Chen he insists that the ")solute has to )e %on%eive# also as su)je%t, not only as
su)stan%eE the stan#ar# notion o$ the gra#ual )e%oming-su)je%t o$ the su)stan%e 1o$ the
/a%tive/ su)je%t leaving its /imprint/ on the su)stan%e, mol#ing it, me#iating it, e5pressing in
it his su)je%tive %ontent2 is here #ou)ly mislea#ing, First, Ce must )ear in min# that Cith
0egel this su)je%tiviFation o$ the o)je%t never /turns out/E there is alCays a remain#er o$ the
su)stan%e Chi%h elu#es the grasp o$ /su)je%tive me#iation/' an# $ar $rom )eing a simple
impe#iment preventing the su)je%t<s $ull a%tualiFation, this remain#er is stricto sensu
%orrelative to the very )eing o$ the su)je%t, 3e rea%h there)y one o$ the possi)le #e$initions
o$ ob(et aE that surplus o$ the Su)stan%e, that /)one,/ Chi%h resists sub(ectivi4ation- ob(et a is
%orrelative to the su)je%t in its very ra#i%al in%ommensura)ility Cith it, Se%on#ly, Ce have the
opposite notion a%%or#ing to Chi%h the su)je%t is that very /nothing,/ the purely $ormal voi#
Chi%h is le$t over a$ter the su)stantial %ontent has Cholly /passe# over/ into its pre#i%ates-
#eterminationsE in the /su)je%tiviFation/ o$ Su)stan%e, its %ompa%t +n-itsel$ is #issolve# into
the multitu#e o$ its parti%ular pre#i%ates-#eterminations, o$ its /)eings-$or-other,/ an#
/su)je%t/ is that very M, the empty $orm o$ a /%ontainer,/ Chi%h remains a$ter all its %ontent
Cas /su)je%tiviFe#,/ (hese tCo %on%eptions are stri%tly %orrelative, i,e,, /su)je%t/ an# /o)je%t/
are the tCo le$t-overs o$ this same pro%ess, or, rather, the tCo si#es o$ the same le$t-
over %on%eive# either in the mo#ality o$ $orm 1su)je%t2 or in the mo#ality o$ %ontent, o$
/stu$$/ 1o)je%t2E a is the /stu$$/ o$ the su)je%t Dua empty $orm,
The Nonequi7alent E.hange
(he same para#o5 pertains to the 0egelian notion o$ in$inite ju#gment in its opposition to
negative ju#gment,
3ith re$eren%e to the in$amous thesis on /#eterminate negation,/ one
Coul# e5pe%t negative ju#gment to succeed in$inite ju#gment as a /higher,/ more %on%rete
$orm o$ #iale%ti%al unity-Cithin-#i$$eren%eE )y a$$irming a non-pre#i%ate, the in$inite
ju#gment merely posits an a)stra%t, Cholly in#eterminate, empty Geyon#, Chereas negative
ju#gment negates positive ju#gment in a #eterminate Cay 1i,e,, )y saying that a thing is an
o)je%t o$ nonsensi)le intuition, Ce not only a)stra%tly negate one o$ its pre#i%ates, Ce also
invert a)stra%t negation into positive #eterminationE Ce #elineate the $iel# o$ /nonsensi)le
intuition/ as that to Chi%h the thing in Duestion )elongs2, For 0egel, hoCever, it is in$inite
ju#gment Cith its a)stra%t, in#eterminate negation Chi%h )rings $orth the /truth/ o$ negative
ju#gment-- ChyK Perhaps Chat o$$ers a key to this enigma is the logi% o$ e8change at Cork
hereE negative ju#gment remains Cithin the %on$ines o$ an /eDuivalent e5%hange/' impli%itly
at least, Ce get something in e5%hange $or Chat Ce renoun%e 1)y saying that a thing is /an
o)je%t o$ nonsensi)le intuition,/ Ce o)tain in e5%hange $or the loss o$ the #omain o$ sensi)le
intuition another positively #etermine# #omain, that o$ nonsensi)le intuition2, Chereas in the
%ase o$ in$inite ju#gment the loss is pure' Ce get nothing in e5%hange,
-et us e5amine more %losely the para#igmati% %ase o$ this logi% o$ e5%hange, the #iale%ti% o$
Bildung 1%ulture-e#u%ation2 in the %hapter on Spirit $rom the $henomenology of Spirit,
starting point o$ this #iale%ti% is the state o$ e5treme alienation, o$ the splitting )etCeen
su)je%t an# su)stan%e, Chi%h are here oppose# un#er the guises o$ /no)le %ons%iousness/ an#
the State, "s a matter o$ $a%t, this very opposition alrea#y results $rom an impli%it a%t o$
e5%hangeE in e5%hange $or his utter alienation 1$or his yiel#ing all su)stantial %ontent to the
8ther, to the State2, the su)je%t-sel$-%ons%iousness-- re%eives honor 1the honor o$ serving the
%ommon Ioo# em)o#ie# in the State2, GetCeen these tCo e5tremes a pro%ess o$
e5%hangeRme#iation takes pla%eE the /no)le %ons%iousness/ alienates its pure For-itsel$ 1its
silent honora)le serving o$ the State2 in language Dua me#ium o$ the universality o$ thought
1$lattery to the ;onar%h, the hea#
o$ the State2' in e5%hange $or this alienation, su)stan%e itsel$ a%%omplishes a $irst step toCar#
its /su)je%tiviFation,/ i,e,, it %hanges $rom the unattaina)le State, a)stra%tly oppose# to us,
into Cealth Dua su)stantial %ontent Chi%h alrea#y is at our #isposal 1money Ce get $or
$lattering the ;onar%h2, 8n the other han#, Su)stan%e itsel$ 1the State2 is not only
su)or#inate# to the su)je%tivity o$ sel$-%ons%iousness via its trans$ormation into CealthE in
e5%hange $or this su)or#ination, it a%Duires itsel$ the $orm o$ su)je%tivity-the impersonal State
is repla%e# )y the a)solute ;onar%hy' it )e%omes i#enti$ie# Cith the person o$ the ;onar%h
1%L29tat, c2est moi.%2, (hroughout the entire #iale%ti% o$ Bildung, the appearan%e o$ an
eDuivalent e5%hange )etCeen su)je%t 1sel$-%ons%iousness2 an# su)stan%e is thus maintaine#E
in e5%hange $or his in%reasing alienation, $or sa%ri$i%ing a $urther su)stantial part o$ himsel$,
the su)je%t re%eives honor, Cealth, the language o$ Spirit an# insight, the heaven o$ Faith, the
Utility o$ the :nlightenment, 0oCever, Chen Ce rea%h the apogee o$ this #iale%ti%, /a)solute
$ree#om,/ the e5%hange )etCeen the parti%ular an# the universal 3ill, the su)je%t /gets
nothing in e5%hange $or everything,/ 0e /passes into an empty nothing/' his alienation
)e%omes an a)stra%t negation Chi%h o$$ers no positive, #eterminate %ontent in e5%hange, 1(he
histori%al epo%h Chi%h stan#s $or this moment o$ /a)solute $ree#om/ is, o$ %ourse, the
Ha%o)ini%al 9eign o$ (error, in Chi%h, $or no apparent reason, + %oul# )e pro%laime# traitor
an# have my hea# %ut o$$ at any momentE the %hapter on Spirit en%ompasses the entire
spiritual #evelopment o$ :urope $rom the me#ieval $eu#al state to the Fren%h 9evolution,2
=et it is pre%isely this $alling apart o$ the appearan%e o$ a symmetri%al, )alan%e# e5%hange
that makes possi)le the spe%ulative-#iale%ti%al reversalE sel$-%ons%iousness has only to
)e%ome aCare o$ hoC this ?othingness Chi%h appears to a parti%ular 3ill as an a)stra%t,
oppose#, e5ternal threat %oin%i#es Cith its oCn $or%e o$ negativity' it has to internaliFe this
$or%e o$ negativity an# re%ogniFe in it its oCn essen%e, the very kernel o$ its oCn )eing,
/Su)je%t/ emerges at this very point o$ utterly meaningless voi#an%e )rought a)out )y a
negativity Chi%h e5plo#es the $rame o$ )alan%e# e5%hange, (hat is to say, Chat is /su)je%t/ i$
not the in$inite poCer o$ a)solute negativityRme#iationE in %ontrast to a mere )iologi%al li$e,
sel$-%ons%iousness %ontains in itsel$ its oCn negation, it maintains itsel$ )y Cay o$ negative
sel$-relating, (his Cay, Ce pass $rom a)solute $ree#om 1o$ the revolutionary citoyen2 into /the
Spirit %ertain o$ itsel$/ epitomiFe# )y the *antian moral su)je%tE the e5ternal negativity o$ the
revolutionary (error is internaliFe# into the poCer o$
moral -aC, into the pure *noCle#ge an# 3ill Dua Universality, Chi%h is not something
e5ternally oppose# to the su)je%t )ut something Chi%h %onstitutes the very a5is o$ his sel$-
%ertainty' /Free 3ill/ is a 3ill that a%ts in a%%or#an%e Cith the universal moral -aC, not in
a%%or#an%e Cith parti%ular 1/pathologi%al/2 motivations Chi%h enslave it to the Corl# o$
o)je%ts, 0ere is the passage $rom $henomenology Chi%h re%apitulates this movementE
+n the Corl# o$ %ulture 1Bildung2 itsel$, it Osel$-%ons%iousnessP #oes not get as $ar as to )ehol#
its negation or alienation in this $orm o$ pure a)stra%tion' on the %ontrary, its negation is $ille#
Cith a %ontent, either honour or Cealth, Chi%h it gains in pla%e o$ the sel$ that it has alienate#
$rom itsel$' or the language o$ Spirit an# insight Chi%h the #isrupte# %ons%iousness a%Duires'
or it is the heaven o$ $aith, or the Utility o$ the :nlightenment, "ll these #eterminations have
vanishe# in the loss su$$ere# )y the sel$ in a)solute $ree#om' its negation is the #eath that is
Cithout meaning, the sheer terror o$ the negative that %ontains nothing positive, nothing that
$ills it Cith a %ontent, "t the same time, hoCever, this negation in its real e5isten%e is not
something alien' it is neither the universal ina%%essi)le necessity in Chi%h the ethi%al Corl#
perishes, nor the parti%ular a%%i#ent o$ private possession, nor the Chim o$ the oCner on
Chi%h the #isrupte# %ons%iousness sees itsel$ #epen#ent' on the %ontrary, it is the universal
will Chi%h in this its ultimate a)stra%tion has nothing positive an# there$ore %an give nothing
in return $or the sa%ri$i%e, Gut $or that very reason it is imme#iately one Cith sel$-
%ons%iousness, or it is the pure positive, )e%ause it is the pure negative' an# the meaningless
#eath, the un$ille# negativity o$ the sel$, %hanges roun# in its inner ?otion into a)solute

(he logi% o$ this internaliFation o$ negativity usually un#ergoes tCo types o$ %riti%ism, (he
stan#ar# ;ar5ist approa%h %ites it as the supreme proo$ o$ 0egel<s /hi##en positivism,/ o$ his
/a%%eptan%e o$ the e5isting or#er O das Bestehende P/E it sees in it the repetition o$ the
Protestant gesture o$ #islo%ating a%tual so%ial $ree#om into /inner/ moral $ree#om, Chi%h
leaves untou%he# all the #istortions o$ a%tual so%ial li$e, "%%or#ing to this approa%h, the
0egelian /re%on%iliation/ Dua internaliFation o$ negativity )ears Citness to an in#eli)le mark
o$ renun%iation, o$ a resigne# a%%eptan%e o$ /irrational,/ perverte# so%ial %on#itionsE )y Cay
o$ this internaliFation o$
the Fren%h so%ial revolution into the Ierman philosophi%al revolution, 9eason is %ompelle# to
re%ogniFe itsel$ in the un-9eason o$ the Corl#, +n a #i$$erent vein, the #e%onstru%tionist
rea#ing insists on hoC this passage, $rom e5ternal revolutionary (error into the pressure o$
moral %ons%ien%e Chi%h terroriFes us $rom Cithin, hinges on a /%lose# e%onomy/ Chi%h
ena)les us to internaliFe-#omesti%ate the ra#i%al :5ternality o$ the (error, to trans$orm it into
a su)or#inate# moment o$ our sel$-relating,
(his se%on# rea#ing $ails to appre%iate the e5tent to Chi%h the /internaliFation/ o$ the (error
into the moral -aC, $ar $rom /gentri$ying/ its traumati% impa%t, gives rise to a kin# o$
parasiti%al, malign $oreign )o#y in the very kernel o$ the su)je%t<s )eing, 0egel<s impli%it
lesson here is that the /e5ternal/ revolutionary (error Coul# not )e a)le to hol# the su)je%t in
%he%k Cere he not alrea#y terroriFe# /$rom Cithin,/ )y the ine5ora)le superego-agen%y Chose
#eman#s %an never )e met sin%e, in its eyes, our very e5isten%e is )ran#e# )y guilt, (he result
o$ this /internaliFation/ is the *antian su)je%tE the su)je%t %on#emne# to an eternal split, i,e,,
$orever #oome# to %onten# Cith /pathologi%al/ impulses, (he pressure e5erte# on the su)je%t,
Chi%h $irst seeme# to %ome $rom the outsi#e, is noC e5perien%e# as something Chi%h
#e$ines-- or, rather, su)verts-- the very kernel o$ his sel$-i#entity, (he su)je%t Cho, in the
Ha%o)ini%al (error, ha# to a%%ept his Corthlessness in the eyes o$ the State, must noC, in his
%apa%ity as moral su)je%t, sa%ri$i%e Chat he most %herishes to a Demon Cithin, (herein
%onsists the 0egelian /negation o$ negation/E Chat $irst appears as an e5ternal o)sta%le reveals
itsel$ to )e an inherent hin#ran%e, i,e,, an outsi#e $or%e turns into an inner %ompulsion,

(he reproa%h, a%%or#ing to Chi%h the 0egelian #iale%ti%al pro%ess implies a /%lose#
e%onomy/ Chere every loss is in a#van%e re%ompense#, /su)late#/ into a moment o$ sel$-
me#iation, thus results $rom a misrea#ing, Para#o5i%ally, the one to Chom su%h a /%lose#
e%onomy/ %an legitimately )e attri)ute# is ;ar5 himsel$, 3hat + have in min# here, o$ %ourse,
is the uniDue moment Chen ;ar5 is at his most 0egelianE his $ormulation o$ the proletarian as
/su)stan%eless su)je%tivity/ in the $amous manus%ript$ragment on /Pre%apitalist epo%hs/ $rom
"$ter #eploying his gran#iose %on%eption o$ the proletariat as the apogee o$ the
histori%al pro%ess o$ /alienation,/ o$ the gra#ual #isengaging o$ the la)or $or%e $rom the
#omination o$ the /organi%,/ su)stantial %on#itions o$ the pro%ess o$ pro#u%tion 1the #ou)le
$ree#om o$ the proletarianE he stan#s $or the a)stra%t su)je%tivity $ree# $rom all su)stantial-
organi% ties, yet at the same
time he is #ispossesse# an# thus o)lige# to sell on the market his oCn la)or $or%e in or#er to
survive2, ;ar5 %on%eives o$ the proletarian revolution as a /materialist/ version o$ the
0egelian re%on%iliation o$ su)je%t an# su)stan%eE it reesta)lishes the unity o$ the su)je%t
1la)or $or%e2 Cith the o)je%tive %on#itions o$ the pro%ess o$ pro#u%tion, yet not un#er the
hegemony o$ these o)je%tive %on#itions 1Chere in#ivi#uals $igure as mere su)or#inate#
moments o$ their so%ial totality2, )ut Cith %olle%tive su)je%tivity as the me#iating $or%e o$ this
unity, +n so%ialism, the %olle%tive su)je%t is )oun# to ren#er transparent an# %ontrol the
pro%ess o$ pro#u%tion an# so%ial repro#u%tion in its entirety,
From this ;ar5ian perspe%tive, o$ %ourse, the 0egelian /re%on%iliation/ emerges as a mere
/re%on%iliation in the me#ium o$ thought/ that leaves so%ial reality un#istur)e#, Perhaps,
hoCever, a$ter more than a %entury o$ polemi%s on the ;ar5ist /materialist reversal o$ 0egel,/
the time has %ome to raise the inverse possi)ility o$ a 0egelian %ritiDue o$ ;ar5, Does not
0egel ena)le us to #is%ern, in the very $oun#ation o$ the ;ar5ian notion o$ the proletarian
revolution, a kin# o$ perspe%tive-illusion Chi%h hinges pre%isely on the /%lose# e%onomy/ o$
the #iale%ti%al reversalK +t Cas possi)le $or ;ar5 to imagine /#is-alienation/ as the reversal )y
means o$ Chi%h the su)je%t reappropriates the entire su)stantial %ontent, 0oCever, su%h a
reversal is pre%isely Chat 0egel pre%lu#esE in 0egel<s philosophy, /re%on%iliation/ #oes not
#esignate the moment Chen /su)stan%e )e%omes su)je%t,/ Chen a)solute su)je%tivity is
elevate# into the pro#u%tive groun# o$ all entities, )ut rather the a%knoCle#gment that the
#imension o$ su)je%tivity is ins%ri)e# into the very %ore o$ Su)stan%e in the guise o$ an
irre#u%i)le la%k Chi%h $orever prevents it $rom a%hieving $ull sel$-i#entity, /Su)stan%e as
su)je%t/ ultimately means that a kin# o$ ontologi%al /%ra%k/ $orever #enoun%es as a sem)lan%e
every /Corl#-vieC,/ every notion o$ the universe Dua totality o$ the /great %hain o$ )eing,/
8ne must there$ore #raC the %on%lusion that ;ar5 himsel$, un#er the guise o$ %om)ating
0egel, retroa%tively %onstru%ts the $igure o$ 0egel Dua the philosopher Cho elevates sel$-
me#iating ?otion into the Iroun# an# Su)stan%e o$ the universeE Chat ;ar5 )o5es Cith is
ultimately the i#ealisti% sha#oC o$ his oCn ontologi%al premises, +n short, /0egel as a)solute
i#ealist/ is a displacement o$ ;ar5<s oCn #isavoCe# ontology, +s not the symptom o$ this
#ispla%ement, an# there)y o$ the inherent impossi)ility o$ the ;ar5ian proje%t, the ra#i%ally
am)iguous %hara%ter o$ ;ar5<s re$eren%e to 0egelK (hat is to say, in his en#eavor to #elineate
the .apital-universe )y means o$
the %ategories o$ 0egel<s logi%, ;ar5 %ontinually an# systemati%ally os%illates )etCeen tCo
-- (he Duali$i%ation o$ .apital as the alienate# Su)stan%e o$ the histori%al pro%ess Chi%h
reigns over the atomiFe# su)je%ts 1see the $amous $ormulae $rom rundrisse on the proletariat
Dua /su)stan%eless su)je%tivity/ Chi%h posits .apital as its oCn non)eing2' Cithin this
perspe%tive, 9evolution ne%essarily appears as an a%t )y means o$ Chi%h the histori%al Su)je%t
appropriates to himsel$ his alienate# su)stantial %ontent, i,e,, re%ogniFes in it his oCn pro#u%t,
(his moti$ a%hieve# its ultimate e5pression in Ieorg -ukS%s< #istory and &lass

-- (he opposite Duali$i%ation o$ .apital as Su)stan%e Chi%h is alrea#y in itsel$ Su)je%t, i,e,,
Chi%h is not anymore an empty-a)stra%t universality )ut an universality repro#u%ing itsel$
through the %ir%ular pro%ess o$ its sel$me#iation an# sel$-positing 1see the #e$inition o$ .apital
as /money Chi%h )egets more money/E ;oney-.ommo#ity-;oney2-- in short, .apital is
;oney-Chi%h-)e%ame-Su)je%t, (his theme o$ /0egel<s logi% as the notional stru%ture o$ the
movement o$ .apital/ assumes its ultimate e5pression in the 0egelian rea#ing o$ the /%ritiDue
o$ politi%al e%onomy,/ Chi%h $lourishe# in 3est Iermany in the early seventies,

+oney and &u/0eti7ity
-et us then return to 0egelE revolutionary (error #esignates the turning point at Chi%h the
appearan%e o$ an eDuivalent e5%hange %ollapses, the point at Chi%h the su)je%t gets nothing in
e5%hange $or its sa%ri$i%e, 0ere, hoCever, at this very point at Chi%h negation %eases to )e
/#eterminate/ an# )e%omes /a)solute,/ the su)je%t encounters itself, sin%e the su)je%t Dua
cogito is this very negativity prior to every a%t o$ e5%hange, (he %ru%ial move $rom
revolutionary (error to the *antian su)je%t is thus simply the move $rom S to LE at the level
o$ (error, the su)je%t is not yet )arre# )ut remains a $ull, su)stantial entity, i#enti%al to a
parti%ular %ontent Chi%h is threatene# )y the e5ternal pressure o$ the (error<s a)stra%t an#
ar)itrary negativity, (he *antian su)je%t, on the %ontrary, is this very a)yss, this voi# o$
a)solute negativity to Chom every /pathologi%al,/ parti%ular positive %ontent appears as
/posite#,/ as something e5ternally assume# an# thus ultimately %ontingent, .onseDuently, the
move $rom S to L entails a ra#i%al shi$t in the very notion o$ the su)je%t<s sel$-i#entityE in it, +
i#enti$y mysel$ to that very voi# Chi%h a moment ago threatene# to sCalloC the most
pre%ious parti%ular kernel o$ my )eing, (his is hoC the su)je%t Dua L emerges $rom the
stru%ture o$ e5%hangeE it emerges Chen /something is e5%hange# $or nothing,/ that is to say, it
is the very /nothing/ + get $rom the sym)oli% stru%ture, $rom the 8ther, in e5%hange $or
sa%ri$i%ing my /pathologi%al/ parti%ularity, the kernel o$ my )eing, 3hen + get nothing in
return, + get mysel$ Dua L, Dua the empty point o$ sel$-relating,

+t Coul# )e o$ great theoreti%al interest to esta)lish the %on%eptual link )etCeen this genesis o$
sel$-%ons%iousness an# the mo#ern notion o$ paper money, +n the ;i##le "ges, money Cas a
%ommo#ity Chi%h so to speak guarantee# its oCn valueE a gol# %oin-- like any other
%ommo#ity-- Cas simply Corth its /a%tual/ value, 0oC #i# Ce get $rom that value to to#ay<s
paper money, Chi%h is intrinsi%ally Corthless, yet universally use# to pur%hase %ommo#itiesK
Grian 9otman
#emonstrate# the ne%essity o$ an interme#iate term, the so-%alle# /imaginary
money,/ (he pro)lem Cith the gol# money Cas that o$ physi%al #e)asementE a gap
ne%essarily arose )etCeen /goo#/ money 1the pure unsullie# issue o$ the state2 an# /)a#/
money 1the Corn an# #iminishe# %oins in %ir%ulation2' this gap )etCeen the goo# stan#ar#
money an# the Corn %urren%y Cas knoCn as agio, 8n the )asis o$ this #i$$eren%e )etCeen
/goo#/ an# /)a#/ money, a neC $orm o$ money emerge# in mer%antile states, a so-%alle#
/)ank-money/E it represente# money e5a%tly a%%or#ing to the stan#ar# o$ mint, i,e,, money
inso$ar as it has not yet )een #evalue# )y use' hoCever, $or this very reason, it Cas not
em)o#ie# )ut e5iste# only as an imaginary point o$ re$eren%e, ;ore pre%isely, it e5iste# as a
%onvention )etCeen a )ank an# an in#ivi#ualE as a paper )y means o$ Chi%h a )ank promise#
to pay a parti%ular mer%hant a %ertain amount upon his presenting this paper, (his Cay, the
mer%hant Cas guarantee# that the money he gave to the )ank Coul# keep its /real/ value,
(here are tCo %ru%ial points to )e note# here, (he $irst is that, )y Cay o$ this operation,
/money entere# into a relation Cith itsel$ an# )e%ame a %ommo#ity/E
the #upli%ation into
/goo#,/ )ut only imaginary, money an# /)a#,/ empiri%ally e5isting gol# money, su)je%te# to
Cear an# tear, ma#e it possi)le to measure the /pri%e o$ money itsel$,/ +t Cas possi)le to say
that this gol# %oin that + hol# in my han#, #ue to its Cear an# tear, is Corth only so mu%h, only
a per%entage o$ /goo#/ money, o$ its oCn /true/ value, (he se%on# point is that this imaginary
money Cas /#ei%ti%ally roote# in the signature o$ a parti%ular name# payee/E
the paper
issue# )y the )ank Cas a monetary promise ma#e )y it to a name#, in#ivi#ual mer%hant, +n
or#er to arrive at paper money as Ce knoC it to#ay, this
#ei%ti% promise Cith %on%rete #ates an# names has to )e #epersonaliFe# into a promise ma#e
to the anonymous /)earer/ to pay the gol#-eDuivalent o$ the sum Critten on paper money--
thus, the an%horing, the link to a %on%rete in#ivi#ual Cas %ut loose, "n# the su)je%t Cho %ame
to re%ogniFe itsel$ as this anonymous /)earer/ is the very su)je%t o$ sel$-%ons%iousness-ChyK
3hat is at stake here is not simply that this /)earer/ #esignates a neutral universal $un%tion
Chi%h %an )e $ille# in )y any in#ivi#ual' i$ Ce are to attain sel$-%ons%iousness, the empty
universality o$ the /)earer/ has to assume a%tual e5isten%e, it has to )e posite# as su%h, i,e,,
the sub(ect has to relate to itself, to conceive of itself, as :to; an empty %bearer,% and to
perceive his empirical features which constitute the positive content of his particular
%person% as a contingent variable, (his shi$t is again the very shi$t $rom S to L, $rom the
$ullness o$ the /pathologi%al/ su)je%t to cogito Dua empty sel$-relating Chi%h e5perien%es its
oCn positive, empiri%al %ontent as something /posite#,/ i,e,, %ontingent an# ultimately

-ro6 &u/0et to &u/stane555and (a4
(he gap that separates ;ar5 $rom 0egel, i,e,, the %ru%ial #imension o$ Chat 0egel %alls
/su)je%t/ 1as oppose# to empiri%al in#ivi#uals2, )e%omes visi)le the moment one traverses the
path /$rom su)stan%e to su)je%t/ in the opposite #ire%tion, 3hat Ce have in min# here is the
reproa%h usually a##resse# to 0egel )y his nominalist a#versaries, $rom Feuer)a%h an# young
;ar5 onCar#s, Chose )asi% premise is that /a%tually e5isting in#ivi#uals/ realiFe their
potentials in the so%ial netCork o$ their mutual relationships 1/the essen%e o$ man is the
totality o$ his so%ial relationships,/ as ;ar5 put it2, "%%or#ing to this reproa%h, 0egel<s
/i#ealist mysti$i%ation/ pro%ee#s in tCo steps, First, 0egel transposes-translates this multitu#e
o$ relations )etCeen su)je%ts Dua %on%rete in#ivi#uals into the relationship o$ the su)je%t-
in#ivi#ual to the Su)stan%eE so%ial relationships between in#ivi#uals un#ergo a su##en
transsu)stantiation an# %hange into the relationship o$ the in#ivi#ual to the So%iety Dua
su)stan%e, (hereupon, in a se%on# move, 0egel transposes this relationship o$ the in#ivi#ual-
su)je%t to the Su)stan%e into the relationship o$ the Su)stan%e to itself (he para#igmati% %ase
o$ this /unmasking o$ the i#ealist mysti$i%ation/ is provi#e# )y the %ritiDue o$ religious
%ons%iousness ela)orate# )y Feuer)a%h an# young ;ar5, Chi%h %on%eives o$ Io# as the
alienate#, inverte#, /su)stantialiFe#/ e5pression o$ the )asi% stru%ture o$ so%ial relations
)etCeen a%tual an#
a%tive in#ivi#uals, "%%or#ing to this %ritiDue, the $irst step o$ the religious mysti$i%ation is to
/groun#/ the in#ivi#ual<s relations to his so%ial environs, to other in#ivi#uals, in his
relationship to Io#E Chen + relate to Io#, + relate in an inverte#-alienate# $orm to my oCn
so%ial essen%e, i,e,, Chat + 1mis2per%eive as /Io#/ is nothing )ut a /rei$ie#,/ e5ternaliFe#
e5pression o$ the $un#amental Cay + am relate# to my $elloC %reatures, 8n%e this step is
a%%omplishe#, the ne5t step that $olloCs automati%ally is that +, a %on%rete in#ivi#ual, i#enti$y
my relating to Io# Cith Io#<s sel$-relating, Su$$i%e it to re%all mysti%al $ormulas on hoC the
eye through Chi%h + see Io# is the very eye through Chi%h Io# is looking at 0imsel$,
From the proper 0egelian perspe%tive, hoCever, Ce are here at the very opposite point o$
losing the spe%i$i% #imension o$ su)je%tivity, i,e,, o$ re#u%ing the su)je%t to a su)or#inate#
moment o$ the Su)stan%e<s sel$-relating, +t is pre%isely an# only here that Ce en%ounter
sub(ect as #istin%t $rom the /in#ivi#ual/E the 0egelian /su)je%t/ is ultimately nothing )ut a
name $or the e5ternality o$ the Su)stan%e to itsel$, $or the /%ra%k/ )y Cay o$ Chi%h the
Su)stan%e )e%omes /alien/ to itsel$, 1mis2per%eiving itsel$ through human eyes as the
ina%%essi)le-rei$ie# 8therness, (hat is to say, inso$ar as the relationship o$ the su)je%t to the
Su)stan%e overlaps Cith the Su)stan%e<s sel$-relating, the $a%t that Su)stan%e appears to
su)je%t as an aliene5ternal-ina%%essi)le entity )ears Citness to a sel$-splitting o$ the Su)stan%e
+n his 9crits, -a%an resolves the Corn-out pro)lem o$ the relationship )etCeen the
in#ivi#ual an# so%iety via an elegant re$eren%e to pre%isely this moment o$ 0egel<s
philosophyE psy%hoanalyti%al theory ena)les us to re%ogniFe their /re%on%iliation/-- the
/me#iation/ o$ the +n#ivi#ual an# the Universal-- in the very splitting that runs through )oth
o$ them,
+n other Cor#s, the pro)lem remains unsolva)le as long as Ce insist upon either the
in#ivi#ual or So%iety as an organi%, sel$-en%lose# 3holeE the $irst step toCar# the solution is
to relate the splitting Chi%h traverses the so%ial Su)stan%e 1/so%ial antagonism/2 to the
splitting Chi%h is %onstitutive o$ the su)je%t 1in the -a%anian theory, the su)je%t is pre%isely
not /in-#ivi#ual,/ an in#ivisi)le 8ne, )ut %onstitutively #ivi#e#, L2, (his rea#ing o$ 0egel
Chi%h lo%ates the /re%on%iliation/ o$ the Universal an# the Parti%ular into the very splitting
Chi%h %uts through them an# thus unites them, also provi#es an ansCer to the eternal pro)lem
o$ solipsism an# the possi)ility o$ %ommuni%ation 1)etCeen #i$$erent su)je%ts or, at a more
general level, )etCeen #i$$erent %ultures2E Chat )egs the Duestion in the solipsist hypothesis is
the presuppose# sel$-en%losure o$ the in#ivi#ual or so%iety, +n other Cor#s,
%ommuni%ation is ren#ere# possi)le )y the very $eature Chi%h may seem to un#ermine most
ra#i%ally its possi)ilityE + %an %ommuni%ate Cith the 8ther, + am /open/ to him 1or it2,
pre%isely an# only inso$ar as + am alrea#y in mysel$ split, )ran#e# )y /repression,/ i,e,,
inso$ar as 1to put it in a someChat naive-patheti% Cay2 I cannot ever truly communicate with
myself- the 8ther is originally the #e%entere# 8ther Pla%e o$ my oCn splitting, +n %lassi%al
Freu#ian termsE /others/ are here only )e%ause an# inso$ar as + am not simply i#enti%al to
mysel$ )ut have an un%ons%ious, inso$ar as + am prevente# $rom having #ire%t a%%ess to the
truth o$ my oCn )eing, +t is this truth that + am looking $or in othersE Chat propels me to
/%ommuni%ate/ Cith them is the hope that + Cill re%eive $rom them the truth a)out mysel$,
a)out my oCn #esire, "n# the same goes $or the no less Corn-out pro)lem o$ /%ommuni%ation
)etCeen #i$$erent %ultures,/ (he %ommon groun# that alloCs %ultures to talk to ea%h other, to
e5%hange messages, is not some presuppose# share# set o$ universal values, et%,, )ut rather its
opposite, some share# deadlock' %ultures /%ommuni%ate/ inso$ar as they %an re%ogniFe in
ea%h other a #i$$erent ansCer to the same $un#amental /antagonism,/ #ea#lo%k, point o$

3hat is there$ore %ru%ial $or 0egel<s notion o$ act is that an a%t alCays, )y #e$inition, involves
a moment o$ e5ternaliFation, sel$-o)je%tiviFation, o$ the jump into the unknoCn, (o /pass to
the a%t/ means to assume the risk that Chat + am a)out to #o Cill )e ins%ri)e# into a
$rameCork Chose %ontours elu#e my grasp, that it may set in motion an un$oreseea)le train o$
events, that it Cill a%Duire a meaning #i$$erent $rom or even totally oppose# to Chat + inten#e#
to a%%omplish-- in short, it means to assume one<s role in the game o$ the /%unning o$ reason,/
1"n# Chat is at stake in la passe, the %on%lu#ing moment o$ the psy%hoanalyti%al pro%ess, is
pre%isely the analysan#<s rea#iness to $ully assume this ra#i%al sel$-e5ternaliFation, i,e,,
/su)je%tive #estitution/E + am only Chat + am $or the others, Chi%h is Chy + have to renoun%e
the $antasy-support o$ my )eing, my %linging to /my oCn private +#aho,/ to some hi##en
treasure in me, ina%%essi)le to others,2
(he )asi% pro)lem Cith the a%t in 0egel is there$ore
not its ne%essary ultimate $ailure 1#ue to the inter$eren%e o$ the 8ther su)verting every
inten#e# meaning, one %an never a#eDuately e5ternaliFe, transpose into the mo#e o$
intersu)je%tive a%tuality, our internal proje%t2, )ut rather its e5a%t oppositeE a wholly
successful act :an act %corresponding to its notion%; would bring about catastrophe, i,e,,
either a sui%i#e 1the a%%omplishe# sel$o)je%tiviFation, the trans$ormation o$ the su)je%t into a
thing2 or a lapse
into ma#ness 1the /short-%ir%uit,/ the imme#iate sign o$ eDuality, )etCeen +nsi#e an# 8utsi#e,
i,e,, the 1mis2per%eption o$ the -aC o$ my 0eart as the -aC o$ the 3orl#2, +n other Cor#s, i$
the su)je%t is to survive his a%t, he is %ompelle# to organiFe its ultimate $ailure, to a%%omplish
it /Cith $ingers %rosse#,/ to avoi# totally i#enti$ying Cith it, to ins%ri)e it into an overall
e%onomy Chi%h su)verts its pro%laime# goal, so that Chat appears as a $ailure is a%tually its
true aim,
(he %ommon notion o$ the /%unning o$ reason/ re#u%es it to a relationship o$ te%hnologi%al
manipulationE instea# o$ a%ting #ire%tly upon the o)je%t, Ce interpose )etCeen ourselves an#
the o)je%t another o)je%t an# let them intera%t $reely' the $ri%tional Cear an# tear o$ o)je%ts
realiFes our aim, Chile Ce maintain a sa$e #istan%e, keeping ourselves out o$ the melee, 8ne
has only to re%all "#am Smith<s /invisi)le han# o$ the market/E every in#ivi#ual pursues his
or her egotisti%al interests, )ut their intera%tion realiFes the .ommon Ioo# o$ in%reasing the
nation<s Cel$are, (he i#ea is that the 0egelian ")solute entertains the same relationship
toCar# %on%rete in#ivi#uals engaging in histori%al strugglesE
+t is not the general i#ea that is impli%ate# in opposition an# %om)at, an# that is e5pose# to
#anger, +t remains in the )a%kgroun#, untou%he# an# uninjure#, (his may )e %alle# the
cunning of reason-- that it sets the passions to Cork $or itsel$, Chile that Chi%h #evelops its
e5isten%e through su%h impulsion pays the penalty' an# su$$ers loss,,,, (he parti%ular is $or the
most part o$ too tri$ling value as %ompare# Cith the generalE in#ivi#uals are sa%ri$i%e# an#
a)an#one#, (he +#ea pays the penalty o$ #eterminate e5isten%e an# %orrupti)ility, not $rom
itsel$, )ut $rom the passions o$ in#ivi#uals,

(his Duotation $rom 0egel<s The $hilosophy of #istory $its per$e%tly the %ommon notion o$
the /%unning o$ reason/E in#ivi#uals Cho $olloC their parti%ular aims are unknoCingly
instruments o$ the realiFation o$ the Divine plan, Gut %ertain elements #istur) this seemingly
%lear pi%ture, Usually passe# over in silen%e is the very main point o$ 0egel<s argumentation
apropos o$ the /%unning o$ reason/E the ultimate impossibility o$ it, +t is impossi)le $or any
#eterminate su)je%t to o%%upy the pla%e o$ the /%unning o$ reason/ an# to e5ploit another<s
passions Cithout getting involve# in their la)or, i,e,, Cithout paying in $lesh the pri%e $or his
e5ploitation, +n this pre%ise sense, the /%unning o$ reason/ is alCays re#ou)le#E an artisan, $or
e5ample, makes use o$ the $or%es o$ nature 1Cater, steam,,,2 an# lets them
intera%t $or en#s e5ternal to them, to mol# the raC material into a $orm appropriate $or human
%onsumption' $or him, the aim o$ the pro%ess o$ pro#u%tion is the satis$a%tion o$ human nee#s,
+t is here, hoCever, that he is as it Cere the vi%tim o$ his oCn ruseE the true aim o$ the pro%ess
o$ so%ial pro#u%tion is not the satis$a%tion o$ in#ivi#ual nee#s )ut the very #evelopment o$
pro#u%tive $or%es, Chat 0egel re$ers to as the /o)je%tiviFation o$ the Spirit,/ 0egel<s thesis is
there$ore that the manipulator himself is alwaysalready manipulatedE the artisan Cho e5ploits
nature )y Cay o$ the /%unning o$ reason/ is in turn e5ploite# )y the /o)je%tive spirit,/ "n#,
a%%or#ing to 0egel, the supreme proo$ o$ this impossi)ility o$ o%%upying the position o$ the
/%unning o$ reason/ is provi#e# )y Io# himsel$ .hrist<s su$$ering on the %ross e5plo#es the
logi% o$ Divinity Cho keeps itsel$ in the )a%kgroun# an# pulls the strings o$ the theater o$
0istory $rom a sa$e #istan%e, .ru%i$i5ion #esignates the point at Chi%h it is no longer possi)le
$or the #ivine +#ea to /remain in the )a%kgroun#, untou%he# an# uninjure#/E it is Io# himsel$
Cho, )y Cay o$ /)e%oming man/ an# #ying on the %ross, /pays the penalty,/
The &u/0et as 8Vanishing +ediator8
(his para#o5i%al relationship o$ su)je%t an# su)stan%e, Chere the su)je%t emerges as the %ra%k
in the universal Su)stan%e, hinges on the notion o$ the su)je%t as the /vanishing me#iator/ in
the pre%ise sense o$ the Freu#ian-a%anian 9eal, i,e,, the stru%ture o$ an element Chi%h,
although noChere a%tually present an# as su%h ina%%essi)le to our e5perien%e, nonetheless has
to )e retroa%tively %onstru%te#, presuppose#, i$ all other elements are to retain their
%onsisten%y, +n 0egel<s $henomenology of Spirit, Ce en%ounter more than on%e this stru%ture
o$ the /vanishing me#iator,/ Su$$i%e it to mention tCo su%h lo%iE the passage o$ the #iale%ti% o$
-or# an# Gon#sman into stoi%ism' the passage o$ /phrenology,/ the last $orm o$ the
/o)serving 9eason,/ into /a%tive 9eason/E
-- +n the #iale%ti% o$ -or# 1;aster2 an# Gon#sman, *noCle#ge $irst )elongs to the Gon#sman
in the guise o$ his /savoir-$aire/ 1knoC-hoC2, o$ his pra%ti%al skills a)out han#ling things in
or#er to provi#e satis$a%tion $or the -or#-;aster, +t may seem that the passage $rom this
te%hni%al /knoChoC/ to (hought 1an# there)y to stoi%ism as the position o$ the thinking
Gon#sman-SlaveE it is %lear $rom 0egel<s presentation that it is the Slave, not the ;aster, Cho
arrives at the /la)or o$ the ?otion/ )y means o$ the
/notion o$ la)or/2 is #ire%t an# unam)iguousE Ce attain the universality o$ (hought Dua $orm
o$ a%tuality )y Cay o$ the typi%ally 0egelian reversal o$ e5ternal $inality into sel$-$inality, i,e,,
o$ e5ternal $orm into a)solute $orm, (hrough his e$$ort to mol#, to $orm, e5ternal o)je%ts so
that they $it the en# o$ satis$ying the ;aster<s nee#s, the Slave )e%omes aCare o$ hoC
(hought as su%h is alrea#y the $orm o$ every possi)le o)je%tivity, 3hat is missing $rom this
a%%ount, hoCever, is the very moment e5pose#, isolate# )y -a%an as the inaugural moment o$
philosophyE the /appropriation o$ *noCle#ge )y the ;aster,/ "%%or#ing to -a%an, philosophy
emerges Chen the ;aster appropriates to himsel$ the Slave<s /knoC-hoC/ an# trans$orms it
into a universal episteme #isengage# $rom utilitarian interests, i,e,, into philosophi%al
+n the history o$ philosophy, this moment roughly %orrespon#s to Plato an#
"ristotle, Chereas stoi%ism, Chi%h $olloCs them, stan#s $or an attempt o$ the Slave to
parti%ipate in the ;aster<s #isintereste# *noCle#ge 1stoi%ism is the philosophy o$ the Slave
Cho posits his /inner $ree#om/ as the only level at Chi%h he is eDual to the ;aster2, 3hy then
is this interme#iate term, this inaugural gesture o$ philosophi%al #is%ourse, missing $rom
0egel<s a%%ountK Perhaps the reason %an )e sought in the $a%t that the position o$ Philosopher
Dua /;aster Cho thinks 1Cho possesses knoCle#ge2/ is inherently impossi)le and as such is
a mere fantasy of philosophy Chi%h %an never )e realiFe#K 3as it not alrea#y Plato Cho,
%linging to his #ream o$ a knoCing ;aster 1the /Philosopher-*ing/2, Cas )oun# to neC an#
neCer #isappointments, $in#ing himsel$ again an# again re#u%e# to the role o$ a %ourt jester,
Chispering a#vi%e in the ignorant ;aster<s earK

-- Phrenology en#s Cith the in$inite ju#gment /Spirit is a )one,/
Chose spe%ulative %ontent
is the i#entity o$ the su)je%t an# o)je%t, i,e,, the poCer o$ the Spirit to /)e%ome/ an inert thing,
to /me#iate/ it' Chat then $olloCs is the passage into a%tive 9eason Chi%h en#eavors to
%onsummate, to implement, to /realiFe,/ this truth o$ the o)serving 9eason, i,e,, to transpose it
$rom its +n-itsel$ into its For-itsel$E )y means o$ his a%tivity o$ mol#ing o)je%ts, the su)je%t
a%tualiFes himsel$, /%hanges into an o)je%t/' he a%Duires an e5isten%e in#epen#ent o$ his
su)je%tive +nCar#ness in the guise o$ the human shape o$ the o)je%ts aroun# him, (here is
again, hoCever, a %ertain )ump Chi%h )elies the smooth run o$ this passage an# intro#u%es a
note o$ %ompulsive neurosis into the #iale%ti%al pro%ess, Chi%h otherCise $olloCs the matri5
o$ hysteri%iFationE the su)je%t es%apes into a%tivity, he transposes Chat he alrea#y possesse#
into an in$inite task to )e
gra#ually realiFe# through his %ontinuous e$$ort, +n other Cor#s, Ce en%ounter here a %ase o$
Chat psy%hoanalyti% theory %alls acting out, Gy Cay o$ shi$ting $rom phrenology into /a%tive
9eason,/ the su)je%t e$$e%tively puts o$$ the uneasy en%ounter Cith Chat is alrea#y here, Cith
the 9ealE he transposes his i#entity Cith the #ea#, inert o)je%t 1Chi%h, at the en# o$ the
phrenologi%al e5perien%e, is alrea#y realiFe#2 into the goal o$ his in$inite a%tivity-- the same
as in %ourtly love Chere the knight again an# again assumes neC tasks in or#er to a#journ the
$inal moment o$ the se5ual en%ounter Cith the la#y, +n )oth %ases, the aim o$ $light is the
sameE to avoi# %on$ronting an un)eara)le trauma, in the $irst %ase the un%anny a)yss o$ the
su)je%t 6ua L, the voi# o$ a)solute sel$-%ontra#i%tion, in the se%on# %ase the traumati% $a%t
that /there is no se5ual relationship,/ +$, hoCever, this is hoC things stan#, then )etCeen the
imme#iate naivetJ o$ the phrenologi%al attitu#e 1Chi%h /truly )elieves/ that the key to the
se%rets o$ the Spirit is %ontaine# in the skull<s %onve5ities an# is thus unaCare o$ the
spe%ulative %ontent o$ the eDuation /Spirit is a )one/2 an# the attitu#e o$ /a%tive 9eason/
1Chi%h en#eavors to realiFe this spe%ulative %ontent )y Cay o$ )estoCing on the o)je%ts the
$orm Chi%h suits spiritual en#s2 Ce must interpose a )rie$, evanes%ent, yet $or stru%tural
reasons ne%essary moment at Chi%h %ons%iousness has a $ore)o#ing o$ the spe%ulative truth o$
phrenology, )ut is unable to endure it and therefore runs away from it into activity,

%i6itation ,reedes Transendene
"gainst the )a%kgroun# o$ this shi$t $rom *ant<s su)je%t Dua the + o$ pure apper%eption to
0egel<s su)je%t Dua the %ra%k in the universal Su)stan%e, it is possi)le to #elineate the e5a%t
nature o$ the relationship )etCeen the 9eal an# the o)je%t small a 1ob(et petit a2, (he o)vious
solution, o$ %ourse, is to %on%eive o$ the 9eal as the su)stan%e o$ (ouissance ra#i%ally e5ternal
to the sym)oli% or#er, an# o$ the status o$ ob(et a as that o$ a sem)lan%eE the sem)lan%e o$
)eing, (he translation into *antian terms seems no less o)viousE the 9eal is the *ing7an7sich,
the ina%%essi)le su)stan%e, an# a the trans%en#ental o)je%t, (his translation seems impose# )y
the Cay *ant #i$$erentiates )etCeen the trans%en#ental o)je%t an# the *ing7an7sichE they are
o$ the same nature, yet in the %ase o$ the (hing the a%%ent is on its in#epen#en%e $rom the
su)je%t<s per%eption, $rom the su)je%t<s)eing a$$e%te# )y it 1the (hing is Chat it is /in itsel$,/
irrespe%tive o$ us2' Chereas in the %ase o$ trans%en#ental o)je%t, the a%%ent shi$ts
imper%epti)ly, )ut %ru-
%iallyE the trans%en#ental o)je%t is the un#erlying, unknoCn groun# o$ appearan%e, i,e,, o$
Chat Ce per%eive as an o)je%t o$ e5perien%e, 0oCever, it is this groun# %on%eive# o$ in the
mo#e o$ our thinking' that is, it is the unknoCn M that has to )e thought o$ as an M 1a
sensuously un$ul$ille# %on%eption2 i$ our e5perien%e is to retain its %onsisten%y, (he point is,
pre%isely, that it has to be thought, +n other Cor#s, the trans%en#ental o)je%t is a
edankendingE it is as it Cere the /+n-itsel$ inso$ar as it is $or us, $or the %ons%iousness,/ i,e,,
it #esignates the Cay the +n-itsel$ is present in thought,

(he pro)lem Cith this seemingly o)vious solution is that it lea#s to the /su)stantialiFation/ o$
the (hingE it %ompels us to %on%eive the (hing as the $ullness o$ the in-itsel$ an# the
trans%en#ental o)je%t as the Cay this $ullness is present in our e5perien%e-- in the guise o$ its
opposite, o$ an empty thought #evoi# o$ any intuitive %ontent, +n this perspe%tive, the status o$
the trans%en#ental o)je%t is stri%tly se%on#ary' it #esignates the negative Cay the (hing is
present in the $iel# o$ our e5perien%eE as the empty thought o$ an un#erlying, ina%%essi)le M,
"n# are things not homologous in the relationship )etCeen the -a%anian (hing Dua su)stan%e
o$ (ouissance an# ob(et petit a, the surplus-enjoymentK +s not the 9eal (hing a kin# o$
pree5isting su)stan%e /%ultivate#,/ /gentri$ie#/ )y the Sym)oli%, an# is not a the sem)lan%e o$
the lost (ouissance, i,e,, Chat remains in the Sym)oli% o$ the lost 9ealK +t is here that the $ate
o$ our %omprehension o$ -a%an an# *ant is #e%i#e#, (hat is to say, a %ertain $un#amental
am)iguity pertains to the notion o$ the 9eal in -a%anE the 9eal #esignates a su)stantial har#
kernel that pre%e#es an# resists sym)oliFation an#, simultaneously, it #esignates the le$t-over,
Chi%h is posite# or /pro#u%e#/ )y sym)oliFation itsel$,
0oCever, Chat Ce must avoi# at
any pri%e is %on%eiving o$ this le$t-over as simply se%on#ary' as i$ Ce have first the su)stantial
$ullness o$ the 9eal an# then the pro%ess o$ sym)oliFation Chi%h /eva%uates/ (ouissance, yet
not entirely, leaving )ehin# isolate# remain#ers, islan#s o$ enjoyment, ob(ets petit a, +$ Ce
su%%um) to this notion, Ce lose the para#o5 o$ the -a%anian 9ealE there is no su)stan%e o$
enjoyment Cithout, prior to, the surplus o$ enjoyment, The substance is a mirage
retroactively invoked by the surplus, (he illusion that pertains to a Dua surplus-enjoyment is
there$ore the very illusion that, )ehin# it, there is the lost su)stan%e o$ (ouissance, in other
Cor#s, a Dua sem)lan%e #e%eives in a -a%anian CayE not )e%ause it is a #e%eit$ul su)stitute o$
the 9eal, )ut pre%isely )e%ause it invokes the impression o$ some su)stantial 9eal )ehin# it' it
#e%eives )y posing as a sha#oC o$
the un#erlying 9eal,
"n# the same goes $or *antE Chat *ant $ails to noti%e is that das *ing
is a mirage invoke# )y the trans%en#ental o)je%t, Limitation precedes transcendenceE all that
/a%tually e5ists/ is the $iel# o$ phenomena an# its limitation, Chereas das *ing is nothing )ut
a phantasm Chi%h, su)seDuently, $ills out the voi# o$ the trans%en#ental o)je%t,
-a%an<s ultimate point in his rea#ing o$ *ant is that the distinction between phenomena and
the Thing can be sustained only within the space of desire as structured by the intervention of
the signifier, it is this intervention that )rings a)out the split separating the a%%essi)le,
sym)oli%ally stru%ture#, reality $rom the voi# o$ the 9eal, the in#e5 o$ the lost (hing, 3hat
Ce e5perien%e as /reality/ #is%loses itsel$ against the )a%kgroun# o$ the la%k, o$ the a)sen%e
o$ it, o$ the (hing, o$ the mythi%al o)je%t Chose en%ounter Coul# )ring a)out the $ull
satis$a%tion o$ the #rive, (his la%k o$ the (hing %onstitutive o$ /reality/ is there$ore, in its
$un#amental #imension, not epistemologi%al, )ut rather pertains to the para#o5i%al logi% o$
#esire-- the para#o5 )eing that this (hing is retroa%tively pro#u%e# )y the very pro%ess o$
sym)oliFation, i,e,, that it emerges in the very gesture o$ its loss, +n other 1 0egel<s2 Cor#s,
there is nothing-- no positive su)stantial entity-- )ehin# the phenomenal %urtain, only the gaFe
Chose phantasmagorias assume the #i$$erent shapes o$ the (hing, -a%an is $or that reason $ar
$rom $alling prey to a theoreti%ally illegitimate short-%ir%uit )etCeen the psy%hoanalyti%al
pro)lemati% o$ the unattaina)le lost o)je%t o$ #esire an# the epistemologi%al pro)lemati% o$
the o)je%t o$ knoCle#ge, o$ its unknoCa)le %hara%ter,
Tuite to the %ontrary, Chat he aims to
#o is to #emonstrate pre%isely hoC this short-%ir%uit results $rom a kin# o$ perspe%tive illusion
Chi%h generates an illegitimate 1although stru%turally ne%essary2 /su)stantiviFation/ o$ the
(hing, (he status o$ the (hing-(ouissance )e%omes epistemologi%al' its unattaina)le %hara%ter
is per%eive# as unknoCa)leness the moment Ce /su)stantiviFe/ it an# assume that it
ontologi%ally pre%e#es its loss, i,e,, that there is something to see /)ehin# the %urtain/ 1o$ the
(his priority o$ limitation over trans%en#en%e also she#s a neC 10egelian2 light on the
*antian su)limeE Chat Ce e5perien%e as the positive su)lime %ontent 1the moral laC in
ourselves, the #ignity o$ the $ree Cill2 is o$ a stri%tly se%on#ary nature' it is something Chi%h
merely $ills out the original voi# opene# up )y the )reak#oCn o$ the $iel# o$ representations,
+n other Cor#s, the Su)lime #oes not involve the )reak#oCn o$ the $iel# o$ phenomena, i,e,,
the e5perien%e o$ hoC no phenomenon, even the mightiest one, %an appropriately e5press the
suprasensi)le +#ea, (his notion--
that, in the e5perien%e o$ the Su)lime, phenomena prove un$it to ren#er the +#ea-- results $rom
a kin# o$ perspe%tive-illusion, 3hat a%tually )reaks #oCn in the e5perien%e o$ the Su)lime is
the very notion that, )ehin# the $iel# o$ phenomena, lies some ina%%essi)le positive,
su)stantial (hing, +n other Cor#s, this e5perien%e #emonstrates that phenomena an# noumena
are not to )e %on%eive# as tCo positive #omains separate# )y a $rontierE the $iel# o$
phenomena as su%h is limite#, yet this limitation is its inherent #etermination, so that there is
nothing /)eyon#/ this limit, (he limit ontologi%ally precedes its Geyon#E the o)je%t Chi%h Ce
e5perien%e as /su)lime,/ its elevate# glitter, Schein, is a mere se%on#ary positiviFation o$ the
/nothing,/ the voi#, )eyon# the limit, "n#-- as #emonstrate# )y -a%an in his Seminar on the
:thi% o$ Psy%hoanalysis-- this *antian notion o$ the Su)lime is Cholly %ompati)le Cith the
Freu#ian notion o$ su)limationE in the Freu#ian theory, the /su)lime/ #esignates an empiri%al
o)je%t that o%%upies, $ills in, the voi#, the empty pla%e, o$ the /primor#ially represse#/ (hing,
)e%oming /elevate# to the #ignity o$ the (hing,/ +n this pre%ise sense, the su)lime o)je%t is
simultaneously the sur$a%e Schein or /grima%e,/ a pure sem)lan%e #evoi# o$ any su)stantial
support, and something /more real than reality itsel$/E in its very %apa%ity o$ a pure
sem)lan%e, it /gives )o#y/ to a )oun#ary Chi%h $i5es the limits o$ 1Chat Ce e5perien%e as2
reality, i,e,, it hol#s the pla%e o$, stan#s in $or, Chat has to )e e5%lu#e#, $ore%lose#, i$ /reality/
is to retain its %onsisten%y,

"s regar#s 0egel<s %ritiDue o$ *ant, the %ru%ial thing is to avoi# the seemingly o)vious
%on%lusion that 0egel /#elivers,/ makes a $oray into, Chat *ant shirks $rom an# #esignates as
ina%%essi)le, (hat is to say, a%%or#ing to *ant, Ce, $inite )eings, are %on#emne# to the gap
that separates intuition $rom %on%ept' it is this very gap Chi%h #e$ines our $initu#e, *ant<s
point is that trans%en#ental %onstitution 1i,e,, the su)je%t<s /spontaneity/2 %an o%%ur only
Cithin this horiFon o$ $initu#eE in an in$inite )eing 1Io#2, intuition an# intelle%t Coul#
%oin%i#e, Chi%h is Chy su%h a )eing Coul# over%ome the opposition o$ theoreti%al an#
pra%ti%al reason 1an#, %onseDuently, the nee# $or their me#iation in the /%apa%ity o$ ju#ging/2,
Su%h a )eing Coul# )e %apa)le o$ /intelle%tual intuition/ or, to put it in another Cay, o$
pro#u%tive per%eptionE the very a%t o$ per%eption Coul# %reate 1not merely /%onstitute/ in the
trans%en#ental sense2 the per%eive# o)je%ts, 0oC #oes 0egel respon# to this splittingK 0e in
no Cay asserts that this intelle%tual intuition, the unity o$ %on%ept an# intuition, posite# )y
*ant in the ina%%essi)le #ivine Geyon#, is alrea#y a%tual, present, in the + o$ pure sel$-
%ons%iousness' i$ this Cere the %ase, Ce Coul# have to #o Cith a
senseless solipsisti% %reationism, Cith the notion o$ an + #ire%tly %reating o)je%ts, 0egel<s
point here is $ar more re$ine#E a%%or#ing to him, the very notion o$ /intelle%tual intuition/
)elongs to the level o$ a)stra%t Un#erstan#ing 1as oppose# to #iale%ti%al 9eason2, i,e,, it
presents the synthesis o$ the Sensi)le an# the +ntelle%tual as something that takes pla%e in a
separate #omain )eyon# their splitting, (he a%tual synthesis o$ the Sensi)le an# o$ the
+ntelle%tual is alrea#y e$$e%tuate# in Chat Cas $or *ant their splitting, sin%e the suprasensi)le
+#ea is nothing but the inherent limitation o$ the intuite# phenomena, 0egel thus %an )e sai#
to rea$$irm the *antian gap that $orever separates intuition an# intelle%tE $or an /o)je%t/ to
emerge in the $iel# o$ Chat Ce e5perien%e as reality, the multitu#e o$ sensi)le intuitions Chi%h
provi#e its %ontent must )e supplemente# )y the /sensuously un$ul$ille# %on%eption/ o$ an M
Dua edankending, i,e,, the voi# Chi%h no empiri%al, positive $eature %an $ill out, sin%e it is a
%orrelative, a /rei$ie#/ e$$e%t, o$ the sub(ect<s syntheti% a%t o$ apper%eption,

(he very tetra# o$ *ant-Fi%hte-S%helling-0egel appears thus in a neC light, 3hen *ant
$ormulate# the pro)lemati% o$ trans%en#ental %onstitution, o$ the + Dua pure apper%eption, he
opene# up a neC #omain, yet he a#van%e# only hal$-Cay into it an# thus got stu%k in
in%onsisten%ies' )oth Fi%hte an# S%helling en#eavore# to over%ome these *antian
in%onsisten%ies )y %on%eiving o$ the *antian split )etCeen intelle%t an# 1sensi)le2 intuition as
the lapse $rom some original unity, the true starting point o$ philosophy, Chi%h, o$ %ourse, is
none other than intelle%tual intuition 1intelektuelle ,nschauung2, the unity o$ intuition an#
intelle%t, o$ o)je%t an# su)je%t, o$ theory an# pra5is, et%, 0egel, hoCever, para#o5i%ally
returns to 1ant, i,e,, he re(ects these post-*antian attempts o$ a )e$orehan#, pre%ipitate,
/imme#iate/ synthesis an# proposes to over%ome *ant<s in%onsisten%ies in a #i$$erent,
/0egelian/ CayE )y #emonstrating hoC synthesis alrea#y is a%tualiFe# Chere *ant saC only
the splitting, so that there is no nee# to postulate a separate, a##itional a%t o$ synthesis in the
/intelle%tual intuition,/ 3e #o not pass $rom *ant to 0egel )y filling out the empty pla%e o$
the (hing, i,e,, the )la%k voi# per%epti)le in the %ra%k o$ the hal$-opene# Cin#oC in ;agritte<s
Lunette d2approche,
)ut by affirming this void as such, in its priority to any positive entity
that strives to $ill it out,
8Total Reall8# Knowledge in Real
"n#-- to return to noir-- it is this voi#, stan#ing $or the irre#u%i)le gap )etCeen the + o$
apper%eption an# the noumenal /(hing Chi%h thinks,/
Chi%h opens up the possi)ility o$ a /paranoia%/ attitu#e a%%or#ing to Chi%h noumenally-- Dua
/(hing Chi%h thinks/-- + am an arti$a%t, a plaything in the han#s o$ an unknoCn ;aker, (he
last impersonation o$ this $igure o%%urs in the noir-reneCal o$ the eighties, in the guise o$ the
neC type o$ $ather Chi%h %hara%teriFes /postin#ustrial,/ %orporate late %apitalism, a $ather
epitomiFe# )y (yrell in Blade 0unner, a lone $igure o$ un%anny, ethereal, $rail materiality,
#evoi# o$ a se5ual partner, (his $ather %learly materialiFes the .artesian :vil IeniusE a $ather
Cho e5erts #omination over me not at the level o$ my sym)oli% i#entity, )ut at the level o$
Chat + am Dua /(hing Chi%h thinks,/
+n others Cor#s, a $ather Cho is not anymore S
;aster-Signi$ier Chose ?ame guarantees my sym)oli% i#entity, my pla%e in the te5ture o$
sym)oli% tra#ition, )ut S
, *noCle#ge Chi%h %reate# me as its arti$a%t, (he moment $ather
%hanges his status $rom S
to S
, $rom empty ;aster-Signi$ier to *noCle#ge, +, the son,
)e%ome a monster,
0ere$rom the hysteri%iFation o$ the monster-sonE the Duestions monsters
a##ress to their ;aker, $rom Dr, Frankenstein<s %reature to the 9utger 0auer %hara%ter in
Blade 0unner, ultimately vary one an# the same moti$E /3hy #i# you s%reC me upK 3hy #i#
you %reate me the Cay you #i#, in%omplete, %ripple#K/ 8r, to Duote the lines $rom ;ilton<s
$aradise Lost Chi%h serve# as the motto to the $irst e#ition o$ "rankensteinE /Di# + reDuest
thee, ;aker, $rom my %lay R (o moul# me manK Di# + soli%it thee R From #arkness to promote

(his para#o5 o$ the /su)je%t Cho knoCs he is a repli%ant/ ren#ers %lear Chat the
/nonsu)stantial status o$ the su)je%t/ amounts toE Cith regar# to every su)stantial, positive
%ontent o$ my )eing, + /am/ nothing )ut a repli%ant, i,e,, the #i$$eren%e Chi%h makes me
/human/ an# not a repli%ant is to )e #is%erne# noChere in /reality,/ (herein %onsists the
impli%it philosophi%al lesson o$ Blade 0unner atteste# to )y numerous allusions to the
.artesian cogito 1like Chen the repli%ant-%hara%ter playe# )y Darryl 0annah ironi%ally points
out /+ think, there$ore + am/2E Chere is the cogito, the pla%e o$ my sel$-%ons%iousness, Chen
everything that + a%tually am is an arti$a%t-- not only my )o#y, my eyes, )ut even my most
intimate memories an# $antasiesK +t is here that Ce again en%ounter the -a%anian #istin%tion
)etCeen the su)je%t o$ enun%iation an# the su)je%t o$ enun%iate#E everything that + positively
am, every enun%iate# %ontent + %an point at an# say /that<s me,/ is not /+/' + am only the voi#
that remains, the empty #istan%e toCar# every %ontent,
Blade 0unner thus gives a #ou)le tCist to the %ommonsense #istin%tion
)etCeen human an# an#roi#, ;an is a repli%ant Cho #oes not knoC it' yet i$ this Cere all, the
$ilm Coul# involve a simplisti% re#u%tionist notion that our sel$-e5perien%e Dua $ree /human/
agents is an illusion $oun#e# upon our ignoran%e o$ the %ausal ne5us Chi%h regulates our
lives, For that reason, Ce shoul# supplement the $ormer statementE it is only Chen, at the level
o$ the enun%iate# %ontent, + assume my repli%ant-status, that, at the level o$ enun%iation, +
)e%ome a truly human su)je%t, /+ am a repli%ant/ is the statement o$ the su)je%t in its purest--
the same as in "lthusser<stheory o$ i#eology Chere the statement /+ am in i#eology/ is the
only Cay $or me to truly avoi# the vi%ious %ir%le o$ i#eology 1or the SpinoFeian version o$ itE
the aCareness that nothing %an ever es%ape the grasp o$ ne%essity is the only Cay $or us to )e
truly $ree2,
+n short, the impli%it thesis o$ Blade 0unner is that repli%ants are pure su)je%ts
pre%isely inso$ar as they testi$y that every positive, su)stantial %ontent, in%lusive o$ the most
intimate $antasies, is not /their oCn/ )ut alrea#y implante#, +n this pre%ise sense, su)je%t is )y
#e$inition nostalgi%, a su)je%t o$ loss, -et us re%all hoC, in Blade 0unner, 9a%hael silently
starts to %ry Chen De%kar# proves to her that she is a repli%ant, (he silent grie$ over the loss
o$ her /humanity,/ the in$inite longing to )e or to )e%ome human again, although she knoCs
this Cill never happen' or, %onversely, the eternal gnaCing #ou)t over Chether + am truly
human or just an an#roi#-- it is these very un#e%i#e#, interme#iate states Chi%h make me

3hat is o$ %ru%ial importan%e here is that Ce #o not %on$use this ra#i%al /#e%entere#ness/
%hara%teriFing the repli%ants Cith the #e%entere#ness %hara%teriFing the su)je%t o$ the signi$ier
Cith regar# to the )ig 8ther, to the sym)oli% or#er, 3e %an, o$ %ourse, rea# Blade 0unner as a
$ilm a)out the pro%ess o$ su)je%tiviFation o$ the repli%antsE #espite the $a%t that their most
intimate memories are not /true/ )ut only implante#, repli%ants su)je%tiviFe themselves )y
Cay o$ %om)ining these memories into an in#ivi#ual myth, a narrative Chi%h alloCs them to
%onstru%t their pla%e in the sym)oli% universe, Furthermore, are not our /human/ memories
also /implante#/ in the sense that Ce all )orroC the elements o$ our in#ivi#ual myths $rom the
treasury o$ the )ig 8therK "re Ce not, prior to our speaking, spoken )y the #is%ourse o$ the
8therK "s to the truth o$ our memories, #oes not, a%%or#ing to -a%an, truth have the stru%ture
o$ a $i%tionK :ven i$ its ingre#ients are invente# or implante#, not /really ours,/ Chat remains
/ours/ is the uniDue Cay Ce su)je%tiviFe them, Ce integrate them into our sym)oli% universe,
From this perspe%tive, the lesson o$ Blade
0unner is that manipulation is ultimately #oome# to $ailE even i$ (yrell arti$i%ially implante#
every element o$ our memory, Chat he Cas not a)le to $oresee is the Cay repli%ants Cill
organiFe these elements into a mythi%al narrative Chi%h Cill then give rise to the hysteri%al
3hat -a%an has in min# Cith cogito, hoCever, is the e8act opposite of this
gesture of sub(ectivi4ationE the /su)je%t/ Dua L emerges not via
su)je%tiviFationnarrativiFation, i,e,, via the /in#ivi#ual myth/ %onstru%te# $rom the #e%entere#
pie%es o$ tra#ition' instea#, the su)je%t emerges at the very moment when the individual loses
its support in the network of tradition' it %oin%i#es Cith the voi# that remains a$ter the
$rameCork o$ sym)oli% memory is suspen#e#, (he emergen%e o$ cogito thus un#ermines the
su)je%t<s inveterateness in the sym)oli% tra#ition )y Cay o$ opening up an irre#u%i)le gap
)etCeen the horiFon o$ meaning, o$ narrative tra#ition, an# an impossi)le knoCle#ge Chose
possession Coul# ena)le me to gain a%%ess to the (hing + am in the 9eal, )eyon# all
narrativiFation, all sym)oliFation or histori%iFation, " $ull re%olle%tion 1/total re%all/2 Coul#
there$ore amount to $illing out the voi# Chi%h %onstitutes me Dua L, su)je%t o$ sel$-
%ons%iousness, i,e,, to i#enti$ying-re%ogniFing mysel$ as /he or it, the (hing Chi%h thinks,/ +n
-a%anian terms, /total re%all/ Coul# amount to the /knoCle#ge in the 9eal,/

9epli%ants knoC their li$e span is limite# to $our years, (his %ertainty saps the openness o$
their /)eing-toCar#s-#eath/' it )ears Citness to their arrival at the impossi)le point o$
knoCing hoC they are stru%ture# Dua /thing-ma%hine Chi%h thinks,/ For that reason,
repli%ants are ultimately the impossi)le $antasy-$ormation o$ us human mortalsE the $antasy o$
a )eing %ons%ious o$ itsel$ Dua (hing, o$ a )eing Chi%h #oes not have to pay $or a%%ess to sel$-
%ons%iousness Cith L, Cith the loss o$ its su)stantial support, " %ra%k in this $antasy there$ore
ena)les us to )roa%h the Duestion o$ /arti$i%ial intelligen%e/E #o %omputers thinkK
3hat is %ru%ial to the #e)ates on arti$i%ial intelligen%e is that an inversion has taken pla%e,
Chi%h is the $ate o$ every su%%ess$ul metaphorE one $irst tries to simulate human thought Cith
the %omputer, )ringing the mo#el as %lose as possi)le to the human /original,/ until at a
%ertain point matters reverse an# the Duestion emergesE what if this %model% is already a
model of the %original% itself, Chat i$ human intelligen%e itsel$ operates like a %omputer, is
/programme#,/ et%,K 1(herein %onsists also the intriguing impli%ation o$ the %omputer-
generate# /virtual reality/E Chat i$ our /true/ reality itsel$ has to )e virtualiFe#, %on%eive# as
an arti$a%tK2 (he %omputer raises in pure
$orm the Duestion o$ sem)lan%e, o$ a #is%ourse Chi%h Coul# not )e that o$ a sem)lan%eE it is
%lear that the %omputer in some sense only /simulates/ thought' yet how does the total
simulation of thought differ from %real% thought) ?o Con#er, then, that the spe%ter o$
/arti$i%ial intelligen%e/ appears as an entity Chi%h is simultaneously prohibited an#
%onsi#ere# impossibleE Ce assert that it is not possi)le $or a ma%hine to think at the same time,
Ce try to prohi)it resear%h in these #ire%tions, on the groun#s that it is #angerous, ethi%ally
#u)ious, et%,
Do then /%omputers think/ or notK (he ansCer hinges pre%isely on this logi% o$ the reverse#
metaphor Chere, instea# o$ %on%eiving o$ the %omputer as the mo#el $or the human )rain, Ce
%on%eive o$ the )rain itsel$ as a /%omputer ma#e o$ $lesh an# )loo#,/ Chere, instea# o$
#e$ining the ro)ot as the arti$i%ial man, Ce #e$ine man himsel$ as a /natural ro)ot,/ et%, (his
reversal %oul# )e $urther e5empli$ie# )y resorting to the #omain o$ se5uality, 3e usually
%onsi#er mastur)ation as an /imaginary se5ual a%t,/ i,e,, an a%t Chere the )o#ily %onta%t Cith
a partner is only imagine#' is it not possi)le to reverse the terms an# to %on%eive the /proper/
se5ual a%t, the a%t Cith an /a%tual/ partner, as a kin# o$ /mastur)ation Cith a real 1instea# o$
only imagine#2 partner/K (he Chole point o$ -a%an<s insisten%e on the /impossi)ility o$
se5ual relationship/ is that this, pre%isely, is Chat the /a%tual/ se5ual a%t is' man<s partner is
never a Coman in the real kernel o$ her )eing, )ut Coman Dua a, re#u%e# to the $antasy-o)je%t
1let us just re%all -a%an<s #e$inition o$ the phalli% enjoyment as essentially mastur)atory2@
+t is against this )a%kgroun# that Ce %an provi#e one o$ the possi)le #e$initions o$ the
-a%anian 9ealE the 9eal #esignates the very remain#er Chi%h resists this reversal 1o$ %omputer
Dua mo#el o$ human )rains into )rains themselves Dua )loo#-an#-$lesh %omputer' o$
mastur)ation Dua imaginary se5ual a%t into the a%tual se5ual a%t Dua mastur)ation Cith a real
partner2, (he 9eal is that M on Chose a%%ount this /sDuaring o$ the %ir%le/ ultimately is
#oome# to $ail, (his reversal relies on a kin# o$ realiFation o$ the metaphorE Chat at $irst
appears as a mere metaphori%al simulation, a pale imitation, o$ the true reality 1%omputer as a
metaphor o$ the true )rains, et%,2 )e%omes the original para#igm imitate# )y )loo#-an#-$lesh
reality 1)rains $olloC in an alCays imper$e%t Cay the $un%tioning o$ the %omputer, et%,2, 3hat
Ce e5perien%e as /reality/ is %onstitute# )y su%h a reversalE as -a%an puts it, /reality/ is
alCays $rame# )y a $antasy, i,e,, $or something real to )e e5perien%e# as part o$ /reality,/ it
must $it the preor#aine# %oor#inates o$ our $antasy-spa%e 1a se5ual a%t must $it the %oor#i-
nates o$ our imagine# $antasy-s%ripts, a )rain must $it the $un%tioning o$ a %omputer, et%,2,
(his Cay, Ce %an propose a se%on# #e$inition o$ the 9ealE a surplus, a har# kernel, Chi%h
resists any pro%ess o$ mo#eling, simulation, or metaphori%iFation,
-et us re%all hoC, apropos o$ ,lien
, some revieCers Duote# a series o$ $eatures 1the a%tion
takes pla%e in a %lose# male %ommunity Chere even 9ipley has to shave her hea# in or#er to
)e%ome part o$ it' humans are utterly #e$enseless against the threat o$ the /alien,/ et%,2 as an
argument $or %on%eiving the /alien/ as a metaphor o$ "+DS, 3hat one has to a##, $rom the
-a%anian perspe%tive, is that all the talk a)out /alien,/ the monster, as a metaphor o$ "+DS
$alls short o$ the %ru%ial $a%t that "+DS itsel$ oCes its tremen#ous impa%t not to its raC reality
o$ an illness, to its imme#iate physi%al impa%t, hoCever horri$ying it may )e, )ut to the
e5traor#inary li)i#inal energy investe# in it 1"+DS is per%eive# as irresisti)le, it strikes
su##enly, as i$ $rom noChere, it seems to $un%tion per$e%tly as Io#<s punishment $or our
promis%uous Cay o$ li$e,,,2, +n short, "+DS o%%upies a %ertain preor#aine# pla%e in our
i#eologi%al $antasy-spa%e, an# the monstrous /alien/ ultimately just materialiFes, gives )o#y
to, this $antasy-#imension Chi%h $rom the very )eginning Cas at Cork in the "lDS-
8ur point is thus a very elementary oneE true, the %omputer-generate# /virtual reality/ is a
sem)lan%e, it #oes $ore%lose the 9eal' )ut Chat Ce e5perien%e as the /true, har#, e5ternal
reality/ is )ase# upon e5a%tly the same e5%lusion, (he ultimate lesson o$ /virtual reality/ is
the virtualiFation o$ the very /true/ realityE )y the mirage o$ /virtual reality,/ the /true/ reality
itsel$ is posite# as a sem)lan%e o$ itsel$, as a pure sym)oli% e#i$i%e, (he $a%t that /a %omputer
#oesn<t think/ means that the pri%e $or our a%%ess to /reality/ is that something must remain
9 Cogito and the &e.ual $ifferene
The Kantian Cra4 in the 'ni7ersal
+t may seem para#o5i%al to evoke a /%ra%k in the universal/ apropos o$ *antE Cas *ant not
o)sesse# )y the Universal, Cas not his $un#amental aim to esta)lish the universal $orm
1%onstitutive2 o$ knoCle#ge, #oes his ethi%s not propose the universal $orm o$ the rule Chi%h
regulates our a%tivity as the sole %riterion o$ morality, et%,K =et as soon as the (hing-in-itsel$
is posite# as unattaina)le, every universal is potentially suspended, :very universal implies a
point o$ e5%eption at Chi%h its vali#ity, its hol#, is %an%ele#' or, to put it in the language o$
%ontemporary physi%s, it implies a point o$ singularity, (his /singularity/ is ultimately the
1antian sub(ect himself, namely the empty su)je%t o$ the trans%en#ental apper%eption, 8n
a%%ount o$ this singularity, ea%h o$ *ant<s three %ritiDues /stum)les/ against universaliFation,
+n /pure reason,/ antinomies emerge Chen, in the use o$ %ategories, Ce rea%h )eyon# our
$inite e5perien%e an# en#eavor to apply them to the totality o$ the universeE i$ Ce en#eavor to
%on%eive the universe as a !hole, it appears simultaneously as $inite an# in$inite, as an all-
em)ra%ing %ausal ne5us an# %ontaining $ree )eings, +n /pra%ti%al reason,/ the /%ra%k/ is
intro#u%e# )y the possi)ility o$ /ra#i%al :vil,/ o$ an :vil Chi%h, as to its $orm, coincides with
the ood 1the $ree Cill Dua Cill Chi%h $olloCs universal sel$-posite# rules %an %hoose to )e
/evil/ out o$ prin%iple, not on a%%ount o$ /pathologi%al,/ empiri%al impulses2, +n the /%apa%ity
o$ ju#ging/ Dua /synthesis/ o$ pure an# pra%ti%al reason, the split o%%urs tCi%e, First, Ce have
the opposition o$ aestheti%s an# teleology, the tCo poles Chi%h, together,
#o not $orm a harmonious 3hole, Geauty is /purpose$ulness Cithout purpose/E a pro#u%t o$
man<s %ons%ious a%tivity, it )ears the mark o$ purpose$ulness, yet an o)je%t appears as
/)eauti$ul/ only inso$ar as it is e5perien%e# as something Chi%h serves no #e$inite purpose,
Chi%h is here Cithout reason or en#, +n other Cor#s, Geauty #esignates the para#o5i%al point
at Chi%h human a%tivity 1Chi%h is otherCise instrumental, #ire%te# at realiFing %ons%ious
aims2 starts to $un%tion as a spontaneous natural $or%eE a true Cork o$ art never pro%ee#s $rom
a %ons%ious plan, it must /groC out spontaneously,/ (eleology, on the other han#, #eals Cith
#is%erning hi##en purposes at Cork in a nature su)mitte# to )lin# me%hani%al laCs, i,e,,
ontologi%ally %onstitute# as /o)je%tive reality/ )y means o$ trans%en#ental %ategories among
Chi%h there is no pla%e $or purpose$ulness,

(he Su)lime is to )e %on%eive# pre%isely as the in#e5 o$ the $aile# /synthesis/ o$ Geauty an#
Purpose-- or, to use elementary mathemati%al language, as the interse%tion o$ the tCo sets, the
set o$ Chat is /)eauti$ul/ an# the set o$ Chat is /purpose$ul/-- a negative interse%tion, to )e
sure, i,e,, an interse%tion %ontaining elements Chi%h are neither )eauti$ul nor purpose$ul,
Su)lime phenomena 1more pre%isely, phenomena Chi%h arouse in the su)je%t the sentiment o$
the Su)lime2 are in no Cay )eauti$ul' they are %haoti%, $ormless, the very opposite o$ a
harmonious $orm, an# they also serve no purpose, i,e,, they are the very opposite o$ those
$eatures that )ear Citness to a hi##en purpose$ulness in nature 1they are monstrous in the
sense o$ the ine5pe#iently e5%essive, over)loCn %hara%ter o$ an organ or an o)je%t2, "s su%h,
the Su)lime is the site o$ the ins%ription o$ pure su)je%tivity Chose a)yss )oth Geauty an#
(eleology en#eavor to %on%eal )y Cay o$ the appearan%e o$ 0armony,
0oC then, on a %loser look, is the Su)lime relate# to the tCo sets o$ Geauty an# (eleology
Chose interse%tion it isK "s to the relationship )etCeen the Geauti$ul an# the Su)lime, *ant,
as is Cell knoCn, %on%eives o$ )eauty as the sym)ol o$ the Ioo#' at the same time, he points
out that Chat is truly su)lime is not the o)je%t Chi%h arouses the $eeling o$ su)limity )ut the
moral -aC in us, our suprasensi)le nature, "re then )eauty an# su)limity simply to )e
%on%eive# as tCo #i$$erent sym)ols o$ the Ioo#K 8r is it not, on the %ontrary, that this #uality
points toCar# a %ertain %hasm Chi%h must pertain to the moral -aC itsel$K -a%an #raCs a line
o$ #emar%ation )etCeen the tCo $a%ets o$ laCE on the one han#, laC Dua sym)oli% :go+#eal--
i,e,, laC in its pa%i$ying $un%tion, laC Dua guarantee o$ the so%ial pa%t, Dua the interme#iating
(hir# Chi%h #issolves the impasse o$ imagi-
nary aggressivity' on the other han#, laC in its superego #imension-- i,e,, laC Dua /irrational/
pressure, the $or%e o$ %ulpa)ilitiFation totally in%ommensura)le Cith our a%tual responsi)ility,
the agen%y in Chose eyes Ce are a priori guilty an# Chi%h gives )o#y to the impossi)le
imperative o$ enjoyment, +t is this #istin%tion )etCeen :go-+#eal an# superego Chi%h ena)les
us to spe%i$y hoC Geauty an# Su)limity are #i$$erently relate# to the #omain o$ ethi%s, Geauty
is the sym)ol o$ the Ioo#, i,e,, o$ the moral -aC as the pa%i$ying agen%y Chi%h reins in our
egotism an# ren#ers possi)le harmonious so%ial %oe5isten%e, +n %ontrast, the #ynami%al
su)lime-- vol%ani% eruptions, stormy seas, mountain pre%ipi%es, et%,-- )y its very $ailure to
sym)oliFe 1to represent sym)oli%ally2 the suprasensi)le moral -aC evokes its superego
#imension, (he logi% at Cork in the e5perien%e o$ the #ynami%al su)lime is there$oreE true, +
may )e a tiny parti%le o$ #ust throCn aroun# )y Cin# an# sea, poCerless in $a%e o$ the raging
$or%es o$ nature, yet all this fury of nature pales in comparison with the absolute pressure
e8erted on me by the superego, which humiliates me and compels me to act against my
fundamental interests< 13hat Ce en%ounter here is the )asi% para#o5 o$ the *antian
autonomyE + am a $ree an# autonomous su)je%t, #elivere# $rom the %onstraints o$ my
pathologi%al nature, pre%isely an# only inso$ar as my $eeling o$ sel$-esteem is %rushe# #oCn
)y the humiliating pressure o$ the moral -aC,2 (herein %onsists also the superego #imension
o$ the HeCish Io# evoke# )y the high priest ")ner in 9a%ine<s ,thaliahE /=e crains *ieu et
n2ai point d2autre crainte.../-- the $ear o$ raging nature an# o$ the pain other men %an in$li%t on
me %onverts into su)lime pea%e not simply )y my )e%oming aCare o$ the suprasensi)le nature
in me )eyon# the rea%h o$ the $or%es o$ nature )ut )y my realiFing hoC the pressure o$ the
moral -aC is stronger than even the mightiest o$ natural $or%es,
(he unavoi#a)le %on%lusion to )e #raCn $rom all this isE i$ Geauty is the sym)ol o$ the Ioo#,
the Su)lime is the sym)ol o$,,,0ere, alrea#y, the homology gets stu%k, (he pro)lem Cith the
su)lime o)je%t 1more pre%iselyE Cith the o)je%t Chi%h arouses in us the $eeling o$ the
Su)lime2 is that it fails as a sym)ol' it evokes its Geyon# )y the very $ailure o$ its sym)oli%
representation, So, i$ Geauty is the sym)ol o$ the Ioo#, the Su)lime evokes-- ChatK (here is
only one ansCer possi)leE the nonpathologi%al, ethi%al, suprasensi)le #imension, $or sure, )ut
the suprasensible, the ethical stance, insofar as it eludes the domain of the ood-- in shortE
ra#i%al :vil, :vil as an ethi%al attitu#e,

+n to#ay<s popular i#eology, this para#o5 o$ the *antian Su)lime is Chat
perhaps ena)les us to #ete%t the roots o$ the pu)li% $as%ination Cith $igures like 0anni)al
-e%ter, the %anni)al serial killer $rom (homas 0arris<s novelsE Chat this $as%ination ultimately
)ears Citness to is a #eep longing $or a -a%anian psy%hoanalyst, (hat is to say, 0anni)al
-e%ter is a su)lime $igure in the stri%t *antian senseE a #esperate, ultimately $aile# attempt o$
the popular imagination to represent to itsel$ the i#ea o$ a -a%anian analyst, (he %orrelation
)etCeen -e%ter an# the -a%anian analyst %orrespon#s per$e%tly to the relation Chi%h,
a%%or#ing to *ant, #e$ines the e5perien%e o$ the /#ynami% su)lime/E the relation )etCeen
Cil#, %haoti%, untame#, raging nature an# the suprasensi)le +#ea o$ 9eason )eyon# any
natural %onstraints, (rue, -e%ter<s evil-- he not only kills his vi%tims, )ut then goes on to eat
parts o$ their entrails-- strains to its limits our %apa%ity to imagine the horrors Ce %an in$li%t
on our $elloC %reatures' yet even the utmost e$$ort to represent to ourselves -e%ter<s %ruelty
$ails to %apture the true #imension o$ the a%t o$ the analystE )y )ringing a)out la travers5e du
fantasme 1the %rossing o$ our $un#amental $antasy2, he literally /steals the kernel o$ our
)eing,/ the ob(ect small a, the se%ret treasure, agalma, Chat Ce %onsi#er most pre%ious in
ourselves, #enoun%ing it as a mere sem)lan%e, -a%an #e$ines the ob(ect small a as the
$antasmati% /stu$$ o$ the +,/ as that Chi%h %on$ers on the L, on the $issure in the sym)oli%
or#er, on the ontologi%al voi# that Ce %all /su)je%t,/ the ontologi%al %onsisten%y o$ a /person,/
the sem)lan%e o$ a $ullness o$ )eing-- an# it is pre%isely this /stu$$ / that the analyst
pulveriFes, /sCalloCs,/ (his is the reason $or the une5pe%te# /eu%haristi%/ element at Cork in
-a%an<s #e$inition o$ the analyst, namely his repeate# ironi% allusion to 0ei#eggerE /3ange
ton *asein@/-- /:at your )eing-there@/ (herein resi#es the poCer o$ $as%ination that pertains
to the $igure o$ 0anni)al -e%terE )y its very $ailure to attain the a)solute limit o$ Chat -a%an
%alls /su)je%tive #estitution,/ this $igure ena)les us to get a presentiment o$ the +#ea o$ the
analyst, So, in The Silence of the Lambs, -e%ter is truly %anni)alisti% not in relation to his
vi%tims )ut in relation to .lari%e SterlingE their relationship is a mo%king imitation o$ the
analyti% situation, sin%e in e5%hange $or his helping her to %apture /Buffalo Bill,/ he Cants her
to %on$i#e in him-- ChatK Pre%isely Chat the analysan# %on$i#es to the analyst, the kernel o$
her )eing, her $un#amental $antasy 1the %rying o$ the lam)s2, (he Dui# pro Duo propose# )y
-e%ter to .lari%e is there$oreE /+<ll help you i$ you let me eat your *asein@/ (he inversion o$
the proper analyti% relation turns on the $a%t that -e%ter %ompensates .lari%e )y helping her
tra%k #oCn /Buffalo Bill,/ (hus, he is not %ruel enough to )e a -a%anian analyst, sin%e
in psy%hoanalysis, Ce must pay the analyst so that he alloCs us to o$$er him our *asein on a
+$, %onseDuently, the Su)lime is oppose# to the Geauti$ul Cith regar# to the tCo si#es o$ the
moral -aC 1the pa%i$ying :go-+#eal versus the $ero%ious superego2, hoC are Ce to #istinguish
it $rom its %ounterpole in the &riti6ue of =udgement, $rom teleology in natureK (he Su)lime
#esignates nature in its purposeless raging, in the e5pen#iture o$ its $or%es Chi%h does not
serve anything 1 -a%an<s #e$inition o$ enjoyment $rom the $irst pages o$ :n%ore2, Chereas the
teleologi%al o)servation #is%overs in nature a presuppose# 1merely re$le5ive, not %onstitutive2
knowledge, i,e,, the regulative hypothesis o$ teleology is that /nature knoCs/ 1the $loC o$
events #oes not $olloC /)lin#/ me%hani% %ausality' it is gui#e# )y some %ons%ious
+n the Su)lime, nature #oes not knoC-- an# Chere /it #oesn<t knoC,/ it
en(oys 1Ce are there)y again at the superego Dua laC Chi%h enjoys, Dua the agen%y o$ laC
permeate# Cith o)s%ene enjoyment2, (he se%ret %onne%tion )etCeen su%h an out)urst o$ the
/enjoyment o$ nature/ an# the superego is the key to Hohn For# The #urricane 1 193B2, the
story o$ a san#)ar, on%e an islan# para#ise run )y the Fren%h governor De -aage 1 9aymon#
Cho #enies mer%y to (erangi, an a)origine %on#emne# $or hitting )a%k at a
Fren%hman, 3hen (erangi es%apes $rom the prison to rejoin his Ci$e, De -aage pursues him
mer%ilessly until a hurri%ane #estroys everything, De -aage, o$ %ourse, is an irrational laC-
an#-or#er e5tremist, in$este# Cith myopi% arrogan%e-- in short, a superego $igure i$ there ever
Cas one, From this perspe%tive, the $un%tion o$ the hurri%ane shoul# )e to tea%h De -aage that
there are things more important than the penal %o#eE Chen De -aage is %on$ronte# )y the
ruination %ause# )y the hurri%ane, he hum)ly grants (erangi his $ree#om, =et the para#o5 is
that the hurri%ane #estroys the native #Cellings an# their islan# para#ise, Chile De -aage is
spare#' so the hurri%ane must rather )e %on%eive# as a mani$estation o$ *e Laage<s
patriar%hal-superego Crath@ +n other Cor#s, Chat so)ers De -aage is his %on$rontation Cith
the #estru%tive nature o$ the $ury Chi%h #Cells in him' the hurri%ane makes him aCare o$ the
Cil#, untame# en(oyment that pertains to his $anati%al #evotion to the laC, 0e is a)le to grant
amnesty to (erangi not )e%ause he gaine# an insight into the nullity o$ human laCs in
%omparison Cith the immensity o$ the $or%es o$ nature as they mani$est themselves in the
hurri%ane, )ut )e%ause he realiFe# that the hi##en reverse o$ Chat he per%eive# as his moral
re%titu#e is ra#i%al :vil Chose #estru%tive poCer oversha#oCs even the $ero%ity o$ the
The Christian &u/li6e, or, the 8$ownward:&ynthesis8
"lthough .hristianity remains Cithin the %on$ines o$ the Su)lime, it )rings a)out the su)lime
e$$e%t in a Cay e5a%tly opposite to that o$ *antE not through the e5treme e5ertions o$ our
%apa%ity to represent 1Chi%h nonetheless $ails to ren#er the suprasensi)le +#ea an# thus
para#o5i%ally su%%ee#s in #elineating its spa%e2, )ut as it Cere a contrario, through the
re#u%tion o$ the representative %ontent to the loCest imagina)le levelE at the level o$
representation, .hrist Cas the /son o$ a man,/ a ragge#, misera)le %reature %ru%i$ie# )etCeen
tCo %ommon )rigan#s' an# it is against the )a%kgroun# o$ this utterly Cret%he# %hara%ter o$
his earthly appearan%e that his #ivine essen%e shines through all the more poCer$ully, +n the
late Ui%torian age, the same me%hanism Cas responsi)le $or the i#eologi%al impa%t o$ the
tragi% $igure o$ the /elephant-man,/ as the su)title o$ one o$ the )ooks a)out him suggests 1 ,
Study in #uman *ignity2E it Cas the very monstrous an# nauseating #istortion o$ his )o#y
Chi%h ren#ere# visi)le the simple #ignity o$ his inner spiritual li$e, "n# is not the same logi%
the essential ingre#ient o$ the tremen#ous su%%ess o$ Stephen 0aCking<s , Brief #istory of
TimeK 3oul# his ruminations a)out the $ate o$ the universe remain so attra%tive to the pu)li%
i$ it Cere not $or the $a%t that they )elong to a %ripple#, paralyFe# )o#y %ommuni%ating Cith
the Corl# only through the $ee)le movement o$ one $inger an# speaking Cith a ma%hine-
generate# impersonal voi%eK (herein %onsists the /.hristian Su)lime/E in this Cret%he# /little
pie%e o$ the real/ lies the ne%essary %ounterpart 1$orm o$ appearan%e2 o$ pure spirituality, (hat
is to say, Ce must )e very %are$ul here not to miss 0egel<s pointE Chat 0egel aims at is not the
simple $a%t that, sin%e the Suprasensi)le is in#i$$erent to the #omain o$ sensi)le
representations, it %an appear even in the guise o$ the loCest representation, 0egel insists
again an# again that there is no spe%ial /suprasensi)le realm/ )eyon# or apart $rom our
universe o$ sensi)le e5perien%e' the re#u%tion to the nauseating /little pie%e o$ the real/ is thus
stricto sensu per$ormative, pro#u%tive o$ the spiritual #imension' the spiritual /#epth/ is
generated )y the monstrous #istortion o$ the sur$a%e, +n other Cor#s, the point is not only that
Io#<s em)o#iment in a ragge# %reature ren#ers visi)le to us, human mortals, 0is true nature
)y Cay o$ the %ontrast, o$ the ri#i%ulous, e5treme #is%or#, )etCeen 0im an# the loCest $orm
o$ human e5isten%e' the point is rather that this e5treme #is%or#, this a)solute gap, is the
#ivine poCer o$ /a)solute negativity,/ Goth HeCish an#
.hristian religions insist on the a)solute #is%or# )etCeen Io# 1Spirit2 an# the #omain o$
1sensi)le2 representations' their #i$$eren%e is o$ a purely $ormal natureE in HeCish religion Io#
#Cells in a Geyon# unattaina)le through representations, separate# $rom us )y an
un)ri#gea)le gap, Chereas the .hristian Io# is this gap itself, +t is this shi$t that %auses the
%hange in the logi% o$ the Su)lime, $rom the prohi)ition o$ representation to the a%%eptan%e o$
the most null representation,

(his /.hristian Su)lime/ involves a spe%i$i% mo#e o$ the #iale%ti%al movement Chi%h might
)e %alle# the /#oCnCar#-synthesis/E the %on%lu#ing moment is here not a triumphant
/synthesis,/ )ut the loCest point at Chi%h the very %ommon groun# o$ position an# negation is
Corn aCay, 3hat Ce get stu%k Cith is a remain#er Chi%h $alls out $rom the sym)oli% or#erE
the or#er o$ universal sym)oli% me#iation as it Cere %ollapses into an inert le$t-over, "part
$rom the .hristian Su)lime, the $urther e5amples o$ it are the tria# o$ positive-negative-
in$inite ju#gment, the #iale%ti% o$ phrenology 1 /Spirit is a )one/2, an#, o$ %ourse, the tria# o$
-aC Chi%h %on%lu#es the %hapter on 9eason an# sets the passage into Spirit, into 0istory, in
0egel $henomenology of SpiritE reason as laCgiver' reason as testing laCs' the a%%eptan%e o$
laC $or the simple $a%t that it is laC, 9eason $irst #ire%tly posits laCs Dua universal ethi%al
pre%epts 1 /:veryone ought to speak the truth,/ et%,2' on%e it gains an insight into the
%ontingent %ontent an# the possi)le %on$li%tual nature o$ these laCs 1#i$$erent ethi%al norms
may impose on us mutually e5%lusive $orms o$ )ehavior2, it assumes a kin# o$ reflective
#istan%e an# limits itsel$ to their testing, to assessing hoC they $it $ormal stan#ar#s o$
universality an# %onsisten%y' $inally, 9eason )e%omes aCare o$ the empty, purely $ormal
%hara%ter o$ this pro%e#ure, o$ its in%apa%ity to pro%ure a%tual spiritual su)stan%e $ille# out
Cith %on%rete, positive %ontent, 9eason is thus %ompelle# to re%on%ile itsel$ to the $a%t that it
%an neither posit nor re$le%t upon laCs Cithout presupposing our inveterate#ness in some
%on%rete, determinate ethi%al su)stan%e, in a laC Chi%h is in $or%e simply because it is law,
i,e,, )e%ause it is a%%epte# as a %onstitutive part o$ our %ommunity<s histori%al tra#ition, 3e
pass to history stricto sensu, to the su%%ession o$ a%tual histori%al $igures o$ Spirit, only on the
)asis o$ our a%%epting that Ce are em)e##e# in some histori%ally spe%i$ie# /spiritual
(he logi% o$ these three stages $olloCs the tria# o$ positing, e5ternal an#
#eterminate re$le%tion, an#, Chat may surprise some)o#y not verse# in 0egel, the thir#,
%on%lu#ing moment that %onsists o$ an imme#iate a%%eptan%e o$ the given ethi%al su)stan%e'
one Coul#
rather e5pe%t it to %onstitute the /loCest/ moment, the imme#iate starting point $rom Chi%h
Ce then /progress/ )y Cay o$ re$le%tive me#iation, (he tria# o$ -aC in its entirety thus
e5empli$ies the )reak#oCn o$ re$le%tionE it en#s Cith the re$le%ting su)je%t getting
a%%ustome# to the ethi%al su)stan%e Dua universal, presuppose# me#ium Chi%h me#iates his
very attempts at re$le%tive me#iation, (his resigne# a%%eptan%e o$ the imme#iate %hara%ter o$
the very totality-o$-me#iation is Chat 0egel has in min# Cith /#eterminate re$le%tion/E
re$le%tive totality is /hel# together/ )y a %ontingent, nonre$le%te# remain#er Chi%h is /simply

"s to its $ormal stru%ture, this e$$e%t o$ the .hristian Su)lime hinges on a %ertain temporal
inversionE a material Chi%h, presente# in /normal/ linear su%%ession, in no Cay a$$e%ts our
sensitivity to the Su)lime nonetheless a%Duires the aura o$ the /Su)lime/ the moment it
un#ergoes a purely temporal manipulation, "n e5emplary %ase is Paul ?eCman melo#rama
The 9ffect of amma7rays on 3an7in7the73oon 3arigolds, the story o$ ;athil#a, a girl in her
early teens Cho lives in a poor $amily Cith her ol#er sister, the vi%tim o$ epilepti% atta%ks )y
means o$ Chi%h she a%ts out her $rustrations, an# her mother, a resigne#, %yni%al e%%entri%
Cho /hates the Corl#/' she es%apes #omesti% misery )y investing her energy in )iologi%al
e5periments Cith see#s e5pose# to ra#ioa%tive rays, ;athil#a presents the results o$ her
e5periments at a s%hool %ompetition an#, une5pe%te#ly, Cins, Upon returning home, she $in#s
her pet ra))it, given to her )y the )iology tea%her, #ea# on her )e#E her mother has kille# it in
revenge $or the #aughter<s pu)li% su%%ess, ;athil#a puts the ra))it on a pilloC an# )rings it
#oCn the stairs to the gar#en to )e )urie#, Chile her mother %ontinues her %yni%al Cise-
%ra%king, " stan#ar# pe#agogi%al melo#rama o$ the #aughter<s moral vi%tory over her
resigne# mother Cho $aile# in her attempt to %ontaminate the #aughter Cith her hatre#E the
#aughter trans%en#s her #egra#e# home atmosphere )y Cay o$ )iologi%al e5periments Chi%h
ma#e her aCare o$ the mysteries o$ the universe, 3hat #istinguishes this $ilm is a simple
temporal manipulation in its last hal$ hourE the s%ene o$ the s%hool %ompetition is interrupte#
at the most tense moment, Cith ;athil#a stum)ling in her spee%h' Ce pass imme#iately to the
a$termath, Chen her #runken mother enters the hall an# asks a passer-)y Cho Con, 3e hear
the missing part o$ ;athil#a<s spee%h, e5pressing her )elie$ in the mysterious %harm o$ the
universe, at the very en# o$ the $ilmE it a%%ompanies the pain$ul events Ce see on the s%reen
1 ;athil#a %arrying the #ea# ra))it past the #runk mother2, "n# it is this simple %on$rontation,
this %ontrast )e-
tCeen the visual level 1the humiliate# %hil# %arrying the #ea# animal2 an# the soun#tra%k 1a
truly *antian triumphant spee%h on the mysteries o$ the starry sky a)ove us/2, Chi%h )rings
a)out the su)lime e$$e%t,
Philip *au$man The Unbearable Lightness of Being resorts to a similar temporal
#ispla%ement Chi%h su%%ess$ully %on#enses the en#ing o$ *un#era<s novel, -ate at night, the
hero, a #issi#ent #o%tor e5ile# to the .Fe%h %ountrysi#e, returns home Cith his Ci$e $rom a
#an%e in a near)y small toCn' the last sight o$ them is the point-o$-vieC shot o$ the #ark
ma%a#am roa# illuminate# )y the lights o$ their tru%k, (hen, a su##en %ut to .ali$ornia a
%ouple o$ Ceeks laterE their $rien# Sa)ina, Cho lives there as a s%ulptor, re%eives a letter
in$orming her o$ their #eath in a tra$$i% a%%i#ent Chen returning home $rom a #an%e, an#
%omments that they must have )een happy at the time o$ their #eath, 3hat then $olloCs is a
%ut Chi%h transposes us )a%k to the previous s%eneE a simple %ontinuation o$ the point-o$vieC
shot, $rom the #river<s seat, o$ the roa# into Chi%h our gaFe penetrates, 0ere, as Cell as in
amma7rays, the su)lime e$$e%t o$ this last shot Chi%h en#s the $ilm results $rom a temporal
#ispla%ementE it hinges on the %oe5isten%e o$ our, the spe%tator<s, knoCle#ge that the hero an#
his Ci$e are alrea#y #ea#, Cith their $orCar#-moving gaFe on a strangely illuminate# roa#,
(he point is not only that the allure o$ this strange illumination a%Duires the meaning o$ #eath,
)ut rather that this last point-o$-vieC shot )elongs to some)o#y Cho is still alive although Ce
knoC that he is alrea#y #ea#E a$ter the $lash-$orCar# to .ali$ornia in$orming us o$ their #eath,
the hero an# his Ci$e #Cell in the #omain /)etCeen the tCo #eaths,/ i,e,, the same shot Chi%h
Cas, prior to the $lash-$orCar#, a simple point-o$-vieC shot o$ a living su)je%t ren#ers noC
the gaFe o$ the /living #ea#,/
The 8-or6ulae of &e.uation8
(he pro)lem Cith this a%%ount, hoCever, is that it privileges one mo#e o$ the Su)lime 1the
/#ynami%al/ superego-Su)lime mani$este# in raging nature, in the #isplay o$ intense,
%on%entrate# For%e Chi%h threatens to overChelm us2 to the #etriment o$ its se%on# mo#e, the
/mathemati%al/ Su)lime 1the #iFFiness that seiFes us Chen Ce are %on$ronte# Cith an in$inite
series Chose totality lies )eyon# our grasp2, (his split o$ the Su)lime itsel$, o$ the interse%tion
o$ Geauty an# (eleology, into /mathemati%al/ an# /#ynami%al/ Su)lime, is $ar $rom
negligi)le sin%e it #ire%tly %on%erns se5ual #i$$eren%e, (he /o$$i%ial/ theory o$ the Su)lime
sustaine# not
only )y *ant )ut alrea#y )y Gurke, his $orerunner an# sour%e, links the opposition
mas%uline R $eminine to the opposition Su)lime R Geauti$ul'

in %ontrast, our aim is to

#emonstrate that, prior to the opposition Sublime > Beautiful, se8ual difference is inscribed in
the inherent split of the Sublime into mathematical and dynamical,
"s is Cell knoCn, the %on%eptual matri5 that un#erlies the opposition o$ the tCo mo#es o$ the
Su)lime is set up alrea#y in the &riti6ue of $ure 0eason, in the guise o$ the #i$$eren%e
)etCeen the tCo types o$ antinomies o$ pure reason 1 &$0, G 676-2, 3hen, in its use o$
trans%en#ental %ategories, 9eason goes )eyon# the $iel# o$ possi)le e5perien%e )y Cay o$
applying the %ategories to entities Chi%h %annot ever )e%ome o)je%ts o$ possi)le e5perien%e
1the universe as a 3hole, Io#, soul2, it gets entangle# in antinomies, i,e,, it ne%essarily arrives
at tCo %ontra#i%tory %on%lusionsE the universe is $inite an# in$inite' Io# e5ists an# #oes not
e5ist, *ant arranges these antinomies into tCo groupsE mathemati%al antinomies arise Chen
%ategories are applie# to the universe as a 3hole 1the totality o$ phenomena Chi%h is never
given to our $inite intuition2, Chereas #ynami%al antinomies emerge Chen Ce apply
%ategories to o)je%ts Chi%h #o not )elong to the phenomenal or#er at all 1Io#, soul2, 3hat is
o$ %ru%ial importan%e here is the #i$$erent logi% o$ the tCo types o$ antinomies, (his
#i$$eren%e %on%erns $irst o$ all the mo#ality o$ the link )etCeen the elements o$ the series
Chose synthesis )rings a)out the antinomyE in the %ase o$ mathemati%al antinomies, Ce are
#ealing Cith a multitu#e 1 das 3annigfaltige2 a%%essi)le to sensi)le intuition, i,e,, Cith a
simple coe8istence o$ the elements given in the intuition 1Chat is at stake here is their
#ivisi)ility an# their in$initu#e2' in the %ase o$ #ynami%al antinomies, Ce are #ealing Cith
intelle%t, a syntheti% poCer Chi%h rea%hes )eyon# a mere sensi)le intuition, that is to say, Cith
the ne%essary logi%al interconnection 1 /erknuepfung2 o$ the elements 1notions o$ %ause an#
(his #i$$eren%e o$ the tCo types o$ antinomies %an )e $urther spe%i$ie# Cith re$eren%e to the
opposition homogeneity R heterogeneityE in the mathemati%al antinomy, all elements )elong to
the same spatiotemporal series' in the #ynami%al antinomy, on the %ontrary, Ce progress $rom
e$$e%t to %ause or groun# Chi%h 1in prin%iple, at least2 %an )elong to a #i$$erent 1nonsensi)le,
intelligi)le2 ontologi%al or#er, (he $a%t that a %ause 1may 1also2 not )e a %ause Cithin the
series alloCs $or the possi)ility that )oth poles o$ the antinomy are trueE %on%eive#
phenomenally, the event M-- say, my giving a han# to a #roCning person-- is #etermine# )y
the universal
%ausal ne5us 1as a material event, it is su)mitte# to physi%al %ausality2' %on%eive#
noumenally, this same event is )rought a)out )y a heterogeneous, intelligi)le %ause 1as an
ethi%al a%t, it #epen#s on the $ree Cill o$ the autonomous su)je%t2, "nother aspe%t o$ the same
opposition is that mathemati%al antinomies %on%ern the real e8istence o$ their o)je%t 1the
universe as a 3hole2, i,e,, they e5ten# the s%ope o$ reality )eyon# the limits o$ possi)le
e5perien%e, Chereas #ynami%al antinomies %on%ern an o)je%t Chi%h #oes not )elong to
/reality/ %on%eive# o$ as the $iel# o$ possi)le e5perien%e 1Io#, the soul $urnishe# Cith $ree
(his #i$$eren%e in the stru%ture o$ mathemati%al an# #ynami%al antinomies hinges on the
#ou)le negation Chi%h #e$ines the status o$ phenomenaE noumenon is a non-phenomenon, a
limitation o$ phenomena, an#, $urthermore, the $iel# o$ phenomena itsel$ is never %omplete or
Chole, ;athemati%al antinomies are antinomies o$ the /non-all/ o$ the phenomenal $iel#E they
result $rom the para#o5 that, although there is no o)je%t given to us in intuition Chi%h #oes
not )elong to the phenomenal $iel#, this $iel# is never /all,/ never %omplete, Dynami%al
antinomies, on the %ontrary, are antinomies o$ universalityE logi%al %onne%tion o$ the
phenomena in the universal %ausal ne5us ne%essarily involves an e5%eption, the noumenal a%t
o$ $ree#om Chi%h /sti%ks out,/ suspen#ing the %ausal ne5us an# starting a neC %ausal series
/spontaneously,/ out o$ itsel$, (he status o$ the #ispute# o)je%t there$ore #i$$ers ra#i%allyE the
/universe as a 3hole/ is the totality of phenomena, Chereas /Io#/ or /soul/ are noumenal
entities beyond phenomena, .onseDuently, the solution o$ the antinomies is also #i$$erent in
ea%h o$ the tCo %ases, +n the $irst %ase, )oth the thesis an# the antithesis are $alse, sin%e the
very o)je%t to Chi%h the thesis attri)utes $initu#e an# the antithesis in$initu#e #oes not e5ist
1the universe as the 3hole o$ phenomenal reality is a sel$-%ontra#i%tory entityE it speaks o$
/reality,/ i,e,, it uses trans%en#ental %ategories %onstitutive $or the $iel# o$ possi)le e5perien%e,
yet simultaneously it rea%hes )eyon# possi)le e5perien%e, sin%e the universe in its entirety %an
never )e the o)je%t o$ our $inite e5perien%e2, +n the se%on# %ase, Chere the #ispute# o)je%t
1soul, Io#2 is not %on%eive# as an o)je%t o$ possi)le e5perien%e, i,e,, as a part o$ reality, it is
possi)le $or )oth the thesis an# the antithesis to )e true, (his #uality o$ mathemati%al an#
#ynami%al repro#u%es the #uality o$ o)je%t an# su)je%t, o$ theoreti%al an# pra%ti%al reasonE
theoreti%al reason aims at completing the %ausal %hain, i,e,, at ren#ering the entire %ausal
ne5us Chi%h le# to the event to )e e5plaine# 1the regulative +#eal o$ pure reason2, Chereas
pra%ti%al reason aims at
suspen#ing the %ausal ne5us )y Cay o$ a $ree a%t Chi%h )egins /out o$ itsel$ an# there$ore
%annot )e e5plaine# )y the pre%e#ing %ausal %hain,
3hat has all this to #o Cith se5ual #i$$eren%eK
-a%an en#eavore# to $ormaliFe se5ual
#i$$eren%e Dua #is%ursive $a%t )y means o$ his /$ormulae o$ se5uation,/ in Chi%h on the
/mas%uline/ si#e the universal $un%tion 1U5,F5E all 5 are su)mitte# to the $un%tion F2 implies
the e5isten%e o$ an e5%eption 1:5,notF5E there is at least one 5 Chi%h is e5empte# $rom the
$un%tion F2, Chereas on the $eminine si#e a parti%ular negation 1notU5,F5E not-all 5 are
su)mitte# to the $un%tion F2 implies that there is no e5%eption 1not:5,notF5E there is no 5
Chi%h %oul# )e e5empte# $rom the $un%tion F2E
3hat Ce have to )e attentive to apropos o$ these $ormulae o$ se5uation is that they are
stru%ture# like antinomies in the *antian sense, not like %ontrary polesE the relationship o$
%ontrariety is e5%lu#e# here, 1+n the %ase o$ the /mas%uline/ antinomy, $or e5ample, the
%ontrary to /all 5 are su)mitte# to the $un%tion F/ is not /there is at least one 5 Chi%h is
e5empte# $rom the $un%tion F,/ )ut /no 5 is su)mitte# to the $un%tion F,/2 .ommon sense
Coul# there$ore suggest that the $ormulae are, i$ linke# in tCo #iagonal pairs, eDuivalentE is
not /all 5 are su)mitte# to the $un%tion F/ stri%tly eDuivalent to /there is no 5 Chi%h %oul# )e
e5empte# $rom the $un%tion F/K "n#, on the other han#, is not /not-all 5 are su)mitte# to the
$un%tion F/ stri%tly eDuivalent to /there is 1at least2 one 5 Chi%h is e5empte# $rom the $un%tion
-a%an<s aim, on the %ontrary, is to %all into Duestion these tCo signs o$ eDuationE the
universal $un%tion implies a %onstitutive e5%eption' the la%k o$ e5%eption to the $un%tion F
prevents its universal span,

3hat pre%ise notion o$ se5uality un#erlies these /$ormulae o$ se5uation/K -a%an<s ansCer isE
se5uality is the e$$e%t on the living )eing o$ the impasses Chi%h emerge Chen it gets
entangle# in the sym)oli% or#er, i,e,, the e$$e%t on the living )o#y o$ the #ea#lo%k or
in%onsisten%y that pertains to the sym)oli% or#er Dua or#er o$ universality, *ant Cas the $irst
philosopher to $ormulate the /%ra%k in the universal,/ Chi%h is Chy his antinomies o$ pure
reason-- antinomies, pre%isely, o$ universaliFation-- #ire%tly heral# -a%an<s $ormulae o$
se5uation, Para#o5i%al as it may soun#, the 1antian antinomies designate the moment at
which se8ual difference is for the first time inscribed in the philosophical discourse, not in the
guise o$ the opposition )etCeen the tCo %ontra#i%tory poles o$ every antinomy 1the universe
$inite R the universe is in$inite, et%,2, )ut in the guise o$ the #i$$eren%e in the tCo types o$
(he $irst tCo 1 /mathemati%al/2 antinomies are /$eminine/ an# repro#u%e the
para#o5es o$ the -a%anian logi% o$ /not-all/' Chereas the last tCo 1 /#ynami%al/2 antinomies
are /mas%uline/ an# repro#u%e the para#o5es o$ universality %onstitute# through e5%eption,
(hat is to say, a -a%anian translation o$ the mathemati%al antinomies yiel#s the tCo $ormulae
o$ the /$eminine/ si#e o$ se5uation, (he thesis on the in$inity o$ the universe has to )e rea# as
a #ou)le negation, not as a universal a$$irmationE 1inso$ar as Ce rea# the $un%tion F as /to )e
pre%e#e# )y another phenomenon in time/2 /there is no phenomenon which is not pre%e#e#
)y another phenomenon/ 1there is no 5 e5empte# $rom the $un%tion F2, not /all 8 are
su)mitte# to the $un%tion F,/ (he thesis on the $initu#e o$ the universe has to )e rea# as /not7
all 8 are su)mitte# to the $un%tion F/ 1i,e,, all phenomena are not in$initely #ivisi)le an# R or
pre%e#e# )y other phenomena2, not as /there is one 8 which is e5empte# $rom the $un%tion F,/
Dynami%al antinomies, on the %ontrary, #isplay the stru%ture o$ the /mas%uline/ para#o5es o$
se5uationE /all 8 are su)mitte# to the $un%tion F / 1everything in the universe is %aught in the
universal netCork o$ %auses an# e$$e%ts2 on %on#ition that there is one 8 which is e8empted
$rom this $un%tion 1i,e,, $ree#om is possi)le' there is an element Chi%h es%apes the universal
%hain o$ %auses an# is %apa)le o$ starting autonomously, out o$ itsel$, a neC %ausal %hain2,

Feminists are usually repulse# )y -a%an<s insisten%e on the $eminine /not-all,/ Does it not
imply that Comen are somehoC e5%lu#e# $rom $ully parti%ipating in the Sym)oli% or#er,
una)le to Cholly integrate themselves into it, %on#emne# to lea#ing a parasiti%al e5isten%eK
"n#, truly, #o not these propositions )elong to the )est vein o$ patriar%hal i#eology, #o they
not )ear Citness to a hi##en normativity to the #etriment o$ ComanK ;an is a)le to $in# his
i#entity in the Sym)oli%, to assume $ully his sym)oli% man#ate, Chereas Coman is
%on#emne# to hysteri%al splitting, to Cearing masks, to not Canting Chat she preten#s to
Cant, 0oC are Ce to %on%eive o$ this $eminine resistan%e to sym)oli% i#enti$i%ationK 3e
Coul# %ommit a $atal mistake i$ Ce Cere to rea# su%h resistan%e as the e$$e%t o$ a pree5istent
$eminine su)stan%e opposing sym)oliFation, as i$ Coman is split )etCeen her true ?ature an#
the impose# sym)oli% mask, " %ursory glan%e at -a%an<s /$ormulae o$ se5uation/ tells us that
Coman<s e5%lusion #oes not mean that some positive entity is prevente# $rom )eing integrate#
into the sym)oli% or#erE it Coul# )e Crong to %on%lu#e, $rom /not-all Coman is
su)mitte# to the phalli% signi$ier,/ that there is something in her Chi%h is not su)mitte# to it'
there is no e5%eption, an# /Coman/ is this very none5istent /nothing/ Chi%h nonetheless
makes the e5isting elements /not-all,/
"n# the su)je%t Dua N, Dua pure /+ think/ o$
su)stan%eless sel$relating, is pre%isely su%h a /nothingness/ Cithout any positive ontologi%al
%onsisten%y o$ its oCn, yet nonetheless intro#u%ing a gap into the $ullness o$ )eing,
3e are there)y at the para#o5i%al #iale%ti% o$ the -imit an# its Geyon#,
-a%an<s point is the
logi%al priority o$ the not-all to the "ll, o$ the -imit to Chat lies Geyon#E it is only a$terCar#s,
in a se%on# time, that the voi# opene# up )y the -imit is $ille# out )y a positive Geyon#,
(herein %onsists the anti-.artesian sting o$ the -a%anian logi% o$ /not-all/ 1as oppose# to
Des%artes<s premise that the less per$e%t %annot a%t as the %ause o$ Chat is more per$e%t, the
premise Chi%h serves as the $oun#ation $or his proo$ o$ Io#<s e5isten%e2E the in%omplete
/%auses/ the %omplete, the +mper$e%t opens up the pla%e su)seDuently $ille# out )y the mirage
o$ the Per$e%t, From this perspe%tive, the seemingly misogynist #e$inition o$ Coman as
trun%ate# man a%tually asserts her ontologi%al priorityE her /pla%e/ is that o$ a gap, o$ an a)yss
ren#ere# invisi)le the moment /man/ $ills it out, ;an is #e$ine# )y the #ynami% antinomyE
)eyon# his phenomenal, )o#ily e5isten%e, he possesses a noumenal soul, +$, in opposition to
it, /Coman has no soul,/ this in no Cay entails that she is simply an o)je%t #evoi# o$ soul, (he
point is rather that this negativity, this la%k as su%h, #e$ines herE she is the -imit, the a)yss,
retroa%tively $ille# out )y the mirage o$ soul,
8I A6 Not 3here I Thin48
Goth /$eminine/ an# /mas%uline/ positions are there$ore #e$ine# )y a $un#amental antinomyE
the /mas%uline/ universe involves the universal netCork o$ %auses an# e$$e%ts $oun#e# in an
e5%eption 1the /$ree/ su)je%t Chi%h theoreti%ally grasps its o)je%t, the %ausal universe o$ the
?eCtonian physi%s2' the /$eminine/ universe is the universe o$ )oun#less #ispersion an#
#ivisi)ility Chi%h, $or that very reason, %an never )e roun#e# o$$ into a universal 3hole, +n
*ant, mathemati%al antinomy $in#s its solution in the none5isten%e o$ its very o)je%t 1universe
Dua totality o$ the o)je%ts o$ possi)le e5perien%e2' no Con#er, then, that in -a%an also /la
Femme n<e5iste pas,/ 0oC #oes this notion o$ se5ual #i$$eren%e a$$e%t the .artesian cogito
an# *ant<s %riti%ism o$ itK " %ommonpla%e o$ #e%onstru%tionist $eminism is
that the neutrality o$ the .artesian cogito is $alse an# %on%eals male prima%y 1on a%%ount o$ its
a)stra%t-universal %hara%ter, et%,2, 3hat this %ritiDue $ails to take into a%%ount is the moment
o$ the /vanishing me#iator,/ the voi# o$ the pure /+ think/ Chi%h logi%ally pre%e#es the
.artesian res cogitansE the .artesian cogito is /mas%uline/ not )e%ause o$ its a)stra%t-
universal %hara%ter, )ut )e%ause it is not /a)stra%t/ enough, +n res cogitans, the nonsu)stantial
voi# o$ /+ think/ is alrea#y o)$us%ate#, surreptitiously trans$orme# into a /thinking
su)stan%e/-- an#, to put it su%%in%tly, se5ual #i$$eren%e is eDuivalent to the #i$$eren%e )etCeen
the .artesian res cogitans an# the *antian pure $orm o$ /+ think,/
+n the span o$ three years, -a%an ela)orate# tCo oppose# rea#ings o$ the cogito, +n )oth %ases,
he )roke up the unity o$ cogito ergo sum? cogito is %on%eive# o$ as the result o$ the $or%e#
%hoi%e )etCeen thought an# )eing, i,e,, /+ am not Chere + think,/ 0oCever, in the Seminar on
the $our $un#amental %on%epts 1 19>6->72, the %hoi%e is that o$ thought' the a%%ess to thought 1
/+ think/2 is pai# $or )y the loss o$ )eing,
3hereas in the unpu)lishe# Seminar on the logi%
o$ $antasy 1 19>>->B2, the %hoi%e is that o$ )eing' the a%%ess to )eing 1 /+ am/2 is pai# $or )y
the relegation o$ thought to the Un%ons%ious, /+ am not Chere + think/ %an thus )e rea# in tCo
CaysE either as the *antian /+ think/ Dua pure $orm o$ apper%eption $oun#e# on the
ina%%essi)ility o$ the +<s )eing, o$ the /(hing Chi%h thinks,/ or as the .artesian a$$irmation o$
the su)je%t<s )eing $oun#e# on the e5%lusion o$ thought, 8ur i#ea is to rea# these tCo versions
o$ /+ am not Chere + think / synchronously, as the #uality Chi%h registers se5ual #i$$eren%eE
the /mas%uline/ cogito results $rom the /su)reption o$ the hypostasiFe# %ons%iousness/' it
%hooses )eing an# thus relegates thought to the Un%ons%ious 1 /+ am, there$ore it thinks/2,
Chereas /la $emme n<e5iste pas/ involves a cogito Chi%h %hooses thought an# is thus re#u%e#
to the empty point o$ apper%eption prior to its /su)stantialiFation/ in a res cogitans 1 /+ think,
there$ore it e5-sists/2,
(his #uality in the -a%anian thematiFation o$ cogito is the e$$e%t o$ a ra#i%al shi$t in his
tea%hing Chi%h %an )e lo%ate# in a very pre%ise CayE it o%%urs someChere )etCeen the
Seminar on the ethi%s o$ psy%hoanalysis
an# the 5crit /1ant avec Sade,/ Critten tCo years
later as the rJsumJ o$ some i#eas $irst propose# in the Seminar,
(he e$$e%ts o$ this shi$t %an
)e #is%erne# at a multitu#e o$ levels, -et us )egin Cith the moti$ o$ the su)lime )o#y #Celling
in the un%anny spa%e /)etCeen the tCo #eaths, / (his )o#y is $irst i#enti$ie# as that o$ the
sa#ist<s vi%tim-- the )o#y o$ the
inno%ent young Coman Cho magi%ally retains her )eauty Chile un#ergoing en#less
unspeaka)le su$$erings, +n /1ant avec Sade,/ hoCever, su##enly the sa#ist e5e%utioner
himsel$ is %on%eive# o$ as an o)je%t-instrument 1o$ the 8ther<s (ouissance2E he a%Duires this
status o$ ob(et a )y Cay o$ transposing his su)je%tive splitting onto his vi%tim, L, .losely
%onne%te# Cith this %hange in the moti$ o$ the su)lime )o#y is the am)iguous status o$
"ntigoneE on the one han#, she epitomiFes #esire Dua #esire o$ the 8ther 1the #esire Cith
regar# to Chi%h she #oes not yiel# is the #esire o$ the )ig 8ther, o$ mores, Chi%h #eman#s
that the 1)rother<s2 )o#y )e integrate# into the sym)oli% tra#ition )y Cay o$ the appropriate
$uneral rite2' on the other han#, her sui%i#al a%t involves a Cilling sel$-e5%lusion $rom the )ig
8ther, a suspension o$ the 8ther<s e5isten%e, 8n a more general level, this shi$t generates a
$un#amental tension in -a%an<s approa%h to ethi%s, 8n the one han#, Ce have an ethi%s o$
#esire, o$ /not giving Cay as to one<s #esire/ 1ne pas c5der sur son d5sir2-- to put it )rie$ly,
yiel#ing to enjoyment 1(ouissance2 means %ompromising our #esire, so the authenti% ethi%al
attitu#e involves sa%ri$i%ing enjoyment $or the sake o$ the purity o$ our #esire,
8n the other
han#, #esire itsel$ is %on%eive# o$ as a #e$ense against enjoyment, i,e,, as a mo#e o$
%ompromise 1Ce take $light into the en#less sym)oli% metonymy o$ #esire in or#er to avoi#
the real o$ (ouissance2, so that the only true ethi%s is that o$ drive, o$ our %ommitment to the
Chi%h #e$ines the %ontours o$ our relation to enjoyment, (his tension )etCeen an
ethi%s o$ #esire an# an ethi%s o$ #rive $urther #etermines -a%an<s shi$t $rom #istan%ing to
i#enti$i%ation, (hat is to say, up to the last stage o$ his tea%hing, the pre#ominant ethi%al
attitu#e o$ -a%anian psy%hoanalysis involve# a kin# o$ Gre%htian gesture o$ #istan%ingE $irst
the #istan%ing $rom imaginary $as%ination through the Cork o$ sym)oli% /me#iation/' then the
assumption o$ sym)oli% %astration, o$ the la%k %onstitutive o$ #esire' then the /going through
the $antasy/E the assumption o$ the in%onsisten%y o$ the 8ther %on%eale# )y the $antasy-
s%enario, 3hat all these #e$initions have in %ommon is that they %on%eive o$ the %on%lu#ing
moment o$ the psy%hoanalyti% %ure as a kin# o$ /e5it/E as a move out, out $rom imaginary
%aptivation, out $rom the 8ther, +n his very last phase, hoCever, -a%an outlines a reversal o$
perspe%tive, unhear# o$ as to its ra#i%alityE the %on%lu#ing moment o$ the psy%hoanalyti% %ure
is attaine# Chen the su)je%t $ully assumes his or her i#enti$i%ation Cith the sinthome, Chen he
or she unreserve#ly /yiel#s/ to it, rejoins the pla%e Chere /it Cas,/ giving up the $alse #istan%e
Chi%h #e$ines our every#ay li$e,
For that reason, Ce shoul# avoi# the trap o$ interpreting the se%on# version o$ the cogito
%hoi%e as -a%an<s /last Cor#/ in this matter, #evaloriFing the $irst version, or vi%e versa'
instea#, Ce shoul# maintain their irre#u%i)le antagonism-- again-- as an in#e5 o$ the
ins%ription o$ the se5ual #i$$eren%e,
Gut isn<t su%h a link )etCeen cogito an# se5ual #i$$eren%e all too a)stra%t, all too
nonhistori%alK 3e %an ansCer this reproa%h )y re$erring to ;ar5, Cho in the +ntro#u%tion to
rundrisse, #emonstrate# hoC an a)stra%t %ategory, Chi%h on a%%ount o$ its a)stra%t-
universal %hara%ter is vali# $or all epo%hs, a%Duires so%ial a%tuality only at a pre%isely
#etermine# histori%al moment, 3hat ;ar5 ha# in min# Cas the a)stra%t notion o$ Cork, o$
using one<s Corking $or%e, irrespe%tive o$ its parti%ular Dualitative #eterminationE this notion
realiFes itsel$, /)e%omes a%tual,/ only in %apitalism, Chere the Corking $or%e is o$$ere# on the
market as a %ommo#ity, e5%hangea)le $or money an# as su%h in#i$$erent to its parti%ular
3hat Ce en%ounter here is the logi% o$ in itself > for itself in Chi%h a thing
becomes Chat it always7already CasE in %apitalism, /Cork/ )e%omes Chat it alCaysalrea#y
Cas, "n# the same hol#s $or the logi% o$ se5ual #i$$eren%eE it is only in *ant-- i,e,, at the
moment Chen the su)je%t is $or the $irst time e5pli%itly %on%eive# o$ as nonsu)stan%e, not as
/part o$ the Corl#/-- that se5ual #i$$eren%e )e%omes Chat it alCays-alrea#y Cas, not a
#i$$eren%e o$ tCo su)stantial, positive entities, )ut the /ontologi%al s%an#al/ o$ the tCo types
o$ antinomies an# there)y the #i$$eren%e o$ the tCo mo#alities o$ cogito,
Cogito as the -antasy:Ga;e
+n his %ritiDue o$ Fou%ault<s rea#ing o$ Des%artes, Derri#a %on%eives cogito as a hyper)oli%,
e5%essive moment o$ ma#ness, the vorte5 o$ pure /+ think,,,,/ in its a)solute se%lusion Chi%h
is not yet the inCar#ness, the sel$presen%e, o$ a thinking su)stan%e,
(his cogito, prior to res
cogitans, is the /$eminine/ cogito, (he %hoi%e )etCeen $eminine an# mas%uline cogito is
there$ore more intri%ate than it may seem' it elu#es the %lear-%ut alternative o$ /thought or
-- (he /mas%uline/ cogito %hooses )eing, the /+ am,/ yet Chat it gets is )eing Chi%h is merely
thought, not real )eing 1cogito /ergo sum,/ + think /there$ore + am,/ as -a%an Crites it2, i,e,, it
gets the $antasy-)eing, the )eing o$ a /person,/ the )eing in /reality/ Chose $rame is
stru%ture# )y $antasy,
-- (he /$eminine/ cogito %hooses thought, the pure /+ think,/ yet Chat it
gets is thought )ere$t o$ any $urther pre#i%ates, thought Chi%h %oin%i#es Cith pure )eing, or,
more pre%isely, the hyper)oli% point Chi%h is neither thought nor )eing, 3hen, %onseDuently,
in his Seminar 9ncore, -a%an speaks o$ (ouissance feminine, o$ Coman enjoying it Cithout
knoCing it, this in no Cay entails her a%%ess to some ine$$a)le $ullness o$ )eingE as he
e5pli%itly points out, (ouissance feminine is none5istent,
(he pu)li%ity poster $or ,lien
1on the le$t si#e the hea# o$ the :(-monster, the slimy metal
skull, $i5ing its gaFe on Sigourney 3eaver' on the right the terri$ie# $a%e o$ Sigourney
3eaver Cith her eyes loCere#, #iverting her gaFe $rom the monster, yet her Chole attention
$i5e# on it2 %oul# )e title# /#eath an# the mai#en/E here Ce en%ounter cogito at its purest
Chen 1Chat Cill )e%ome2 the su)je%t %onstitutes itsel$ )y reje%ting the slimy su)stan%e o$
+t is there$ore not su$$i%ient to say that +t 1the alien (hing2 is a /proje%tion o$ our
oCn represse#/E the + itsel$ %onstitutes itsel$ )y Cay o$ reje%tion o$ the (hing, )y Cay o$
assuming a #istan%e toCar# the su)stan%e o$ enjoyment, +n this pun%tuality o$ pure horror she
thinks' she is re#u%e# to pure thoughtE the moment Ce a)stain $rom the %on$rontation Cith the
/alien, / the moment Ce re%oil $rom this stain o$ horror an# retreat to the haven o$ our
/)eing,/ at some #e%entere# pla%e /it/ )egins to think, (his, then, is -a%an<s version o$ /the
spirit is a )one/E the pure /+ think/ takes pla%e only Chen the su)je%t en#ures the
%on$rontation Cith the senseless stain o$ (ouissance, "n# #o Ce not en%ounter another version
o$ it in :, ", Poe<s /(he Fa%ts in the .ase o$ ;, Ual#emar,/ one o$ the re%urrent re$eren%es o$
-a%anK 3hen Ual#emar, $or a )rie$ moment aCakene# $rom the sleep o$ #eath, utters the
/impossi)le/ statement /+ am #ea#@/, his )o#y, Chi%h hitherto retaine# the $roFen, sti$$ )eauty
o$ a Dorian Iray, all o$ a su##en %hanges into /a nearly liDui# mass o$ loathsome-- o$
#etesta)le putres%en%e,/ in short, into a pure, $ormless, slimy su)stan%e o$ enjoyment, (he
ne%essary %orrelate o$ this slimy su)stan%e Chi%h e5ists in its $ullness o$ )eing is the position
o$ enun%iation $rom Chi%h Ual#emar pronoun%es his /+ am #ea#@/, the pure-impossi)le
thought, cogito Dua the point o$ thought )ere$t o$ )eing, Dua none5istent-impossi)le $antasy-
gaFe )y Cay o$ Chi%h + o)serve my oCn non)eing, "t the very moment o$ my re#u%tion to a
pure cogito Dua impossi)le gaFe, a $ormless slime o$ the su)stan%e o$ (ouissance ha# to
emerge someChere else, (his is Chat -a%an aims at Cith his $ormula L a,
:ventually, everything that has hitherto )een sai# is %on#ense# in Frank .apra<s It2s a
!onderful Life, a $ilm Chose unmistaka)le noir un#ertones
)elie the %ommon re#u%tion o$ .apra<s universe to a ?eC Deal populist humanism, 3hen, out
o$ utter #espair, the hero 1 Hames SteCart2 is on the )rink o$ %ommitting sui%i#e, the angel
.laren%e stops him an# su)mits him to a *ripkean mental e5periment Cith possi)le
universesE he sen#s him )a%k to his small ;assa%husetts toCn, )ut ren#ers him
unre%ogniFa)le an# #evoi# o$ his i#entity, in%lu#ing his past history, so that he %an Citness
hoC things might have turne# out in the %ase o$ his none5isten%e, (his Cay, the hero regains
his optimism, sin%e the %atastrophi% %onseDuen%es o$ his a)sen%e are ma#e mani$estE his
)rother is #ea#, having #roCne# long ago 1the hero Cas not there to save him2, the ol# goo#-
hearte# pharma%ist is rotting in jail 1the hero Cas not there to Carn him o$ ina#vertently
putting in poison Chen mi5ing a me#i%ine2, his Ci$e is a #espairing ol# mai#, an#, a)ove all,
his $ather<s small loan so%iety, provi#ing %re#its to Corking-%lass $amilies an# thus serving as
the last shiel# o$ the popular %ommunity against the ruthless lo%al %apitalist Cho Cants to
%ontrol the entire toCn, oes )ankrupt 1the hero Cas not there to take his $ather<s )usiness
over2, So, instea# o$ a %ommunity Chere soli#arity prevails an# every poor $amily has a
mo#est home o$ its oCn, the hero $in#s himsel$ in a )ursting, violent "meri%an small toCn,
$ull o$ ru#e #runkar#s an# noisy night %lu)s, totally %ontrolle# )y the lo%al magnate, 3hat
imme#iately strikes the eye here is that the "meri%a en%ountere# )y the hero Chen he
Citnesses the Cay things Coul# turn out in his a)sen%e is the a%tual "meri%a, i,e,, its $eatures
are taken $rom grim so%ial reality 1the #issolution o$ %ommunal soli#arity, the )oast$ul
vulgarity o$ the nightli$e, et%,2, (he relationship o$ #ream an# reality is thus reverse#E in the
mental e5periment that the hero is su)je%te# to, Chat he e5perien%es as a nightmarish #ream is
the a%tual li$e, 3e see him en%ounter the real in the $ilmi% #ream, an# it is pre%isely in or#er
to es%ape this traumati% real that the hero takes re$uge Cithin the 1#iegeti%2 /reality,/ i,e,, the
i#eologi%al $antasy o$ an i#ylli% toCn %ommunity still a)le to resist the ruthless pressure o$
)ig .apital, (his is Chat -a%an means Chen he says that the traumati% 9eal is en%ountere# in
#reams' this is the Cay i#eology stru%tures our e5perien%e o$ reality,
0oCever, o$ primary interest here is the .artesian #imension o$ this mental e5periment, (hat
is to say, Chen SteCart is sent )a%k to his toCn as a stranger, he is )ere$t o$ his entire
sym)oli% i#entity re#u%e# to a pure cogitoE as the angel .laren%e points out, he has no $amily,
no personal history' even the small Coun# on his lips has #isappeare#, (he only remaining
kernel o$ %ertainty, the kernel o$ the 9eal Chi%h remains /the
same/ in the tCo #i$$erent sym)oli% universes, is his cogito, the pure $orm o$ sel$-
%ons%iousness #evoi# o$ any %ontent, &ogito #esignates this very point at Chi%h the /+/ loses
its support in the sym)oli% netCork o$ tra#ition an# thus, in a sense Chi%h is $ar $rom
metaphori%al, %eases to e5ist, "n# the %ru%ial point is that this pure cogito %orrespon#s
per$e%tly to the $antasygaFeE in it, + $oun# mysel$ re#u%e# to a none5istent gaFe, i,e,, a$ter
losing all my e$$e%tive pre#i%ates, + am nothing )ut a gaFe para#o5i%ally entitle# to o)serve
the Corl# in Chi%h + #o not e5ist 1like, say, the $antasy o$ parental %oitus Chere + am re#u%e#
to a gaFe Chi%h o)serves my oCn %on%eption, prior to my a%tual e5isten%e, or the $antasy o$
Citnessing my oCn $uneral2, +n this pre%ise sense one %an say that fantasy, in its most )asi%
#imension, implies the choice of thought at the e8pense of beingE in $antasy, + $in# mysel$
re#u%e# to the evanes%ent point o$ a thought %ontemplating the %ourse o$ events #uring my
a)sen%e, my non)eing-- in %ontrast to symptom, Chi%h implies the choice of being, sin%e 1as
Ce shall see apropos o$ Freu#<s %ase o$ the Ci$e Cho %uts her le$t ring-$inger2 Chat emerges in
a symptom is pre%isely the thought Chi%h Cas lost, /represse#,/ Chen Ce %hose )eing,
(here is a $urther $eature Chi%h %on$irms this $antasy-status o$ the .artesian cogito, (he
$un#amental stru%ture o$ the $antasy-gaFe involves a kin# o$ sel$-#upli%ation o$ the gaFeE it is
as i$ Ce are o)serving the /primor#ial s%ene/ $rom )ehin# our oCn eyes, as i$ Ce are not
imme#iately i#enti$ie# Cith our look )ut stan# someChere /)ehin#/ it, 3hi%h is Chy, in
0it%h%o%k 0ear !indow, the Cin#oC itsel$ %learly a%ts as a giganti% eye 1the %urtain raising
#uring the %re#its stan#s $or opening the eyeli#s upon our aCakening, et%,2E He$$eries 1 Hames
SteCart2 is immo)iliFe# pre%isely inso$ar as he is re#u%e# to the o)je%t-gaFe )ehin# his oCn
giganti% eye, i,e,, inso$ar as he o%%upies this spa%e outsi#e reality seen )y the eye, 3hat is
%ru%ial, hoCever, is that Des%artes, in his opti%al Critings, outline# the same $antasyE that o$ a
man interposing )etCeen himsel$ an# reality a #ea# animal<s eye an#, instea# o$ #ire%tly
o)serving reality, o)serving pi%tures that emerge in the )a%k o$ the animal eye,
+s not the
same dispositif at Cork in a series o$ gothi% or %ostume $ilmsE there is a giganti% eye up on the
Call, usually a relie$ s%ulpture, an# all o$ a su##en, Ce )e%ome aCare that there a%tually is
some)o#y hi##en )ehin# the eye an# o)serving Chat is going onK (he para#o5 here is that
the ga4e is concealed by an eye, i,e,, by its very organ, "n# is not the same e%onomy at Cork
in the 1#eserve#ly2 most $amous s%ene o$ Davi# -yn%h Blue /elvet, Cith *yle ;a%-a%hlan
o)serving the sa#omaso%histi% eroti% game o$ +sa)ella 9ossellini an# Dennis
0opper through the %ra%k in the Car#ro)e, the %ra%k Chi%h %learly $un%tions as a hal$-opene#
eye an# thus posits the vieCer )ehin# his oCn eyeK 8ur point here is the ultimate %oin%i#en%e
)etCeen this $antasy-gaFe Chi%h immo)iliFes the su)je%t, #eprives him o$ his e5isten%e in
reality, an# re#u%es him to an o)je%t-gaFe o)serving reality $rom Chi%h he is missing, an# the
.artesian cogito Chi%h, at the height o$ its ra#i%al #ou)t, is also re#u%e# to a none5isting gaFe
a%Duiring #istan%e $rom its oCn )o#ily presen%e, i,e,, o)serving reality $rom /)ehin# its oCn
8&elf:onsiousness Is an "/0et8
(his, then, is the $irst o$ -a%an<s tCo versions o$ cogitoE /+ think, the re$ore it is,/ 0oC are Ce
to %on%eive o$ the other version, /+ am, there$ore it thinks/K -et us re%all a small symptomati%
a%t #es%ri)e# in Freu# $sychopathology of 9veryday LifeE
During a session a young marrie# Coman mentione# )y Cay o$ asso%iation that she ha# )een
%utting her nails the #ay )e$ore an# /ha# %ut into the $lesh Chile she Cas trying to remove the
so$t %uti%le at the )ottom o$ the nail/, (his is o$ so little interest that Ce ask ourselves in
surprise Chy it Cas re%alle# an# mentione# at all, an# Ce )egin to suspe%t that Chat Ce are
#ealing Cith is a symptomati% a%t, "n# in $a%t it turne# out that the $inger Chi%h Cas the
vi%tim o$ her small a%t o$ %lumsiness Cas the ring-$inger, the one on Chi%h a Ce##ing ring is
Corn, 3hat is more, it Cas her Ce##ing anniversary' an# in the light o$ this the injury to the
so$t %uti%le takes on a very #e$inite meaning, Chi%h %an easily )e guesse#, "t the same time,
too, she relate# a #ream Chi%h allu#e# to her hus)an#<s %lumsiness an# heranesthesia as a
Ci$e, Gut Chy Cas it the ring-$inger on her left han# Chi%h she injure#, Chereas a Ce##ing
ring is Corn Oin her %ountryP on the right han#K 0er hus)an# is a laCyer, a /#o%tor o$ laC/
O Doktor #er 9e%hte, literally /#o%tor o$ right1s2/P, an# as a girl her a$$e%tions )elonge# in
se%ret to a physi%ian 1jokingly %alle# Doktor #er -inke/ O /#o%tor o$ the le$t/P2, " /le$t-han#e#
marriage/, too, has a #e$inite meaning,

" tri$ling slip, a tiny %ut on the ring $inger, %an Cell %on#ense an entire %hain o$ arti%ulate#
reasoning a)out the su)je%t<s most intimate $ateE it )ears Citness to the knoCle#ge that her
marriage is a $ailure, to the regret $or not %hoosing the true love, the /#o%tor o$ the le$t,/ (his
tiny )loo# stain marks
the pla%e Chere her un%ons%ious thought #Cells, an# Chat she is una)le to #o is to re%ogniFe
hersel$ in it, to say /+ am there,/ Chere this thought is arti%ulate#, +nstea#, the stain has to
remain a )lot Chi%h means nothing to her, i$ she is to retain the %onsisten%y o$ her sel$-
i#entity, 8r, as -a%an Coul# put it, there is no + Cithout the stainE /+ am/ only inso$ar as + am
not Chere + think, that is to say, only inso$ar as the pi%ture + am looking at %ontains a stain
Chi%h %on#enses the #e%entere# thought-- only inso$ar as this stain remains a stain, i,e,,
inso$ar as + #o not re%ogniFe mysel$ in it, inso$ar as + am not there, in it, For this reason,
-a%an returns again an# again to the notion o$ anamorphosisE + per%eive /normal/ reality only
inso$ar as the point at Chi%h the /it thinks/ remains a $ormless stain,

(he theoreti%al temptation to avoi# here, o$ %ourse, is that o$ i#enti$ying this stain too hastily
Cith ob(et petit aE a is not the stain itsel$ )ut rather the gaFe in the pre%ise sense o$ the point o$
vieC $rom Chi%h the stain %an )e per%eive# in its /true meaning,/ the point $rom Chi%h,
instea# o$ the anamorphi% #istortion, it Coul# )e possi)le to #is%ern the true %ontours o$ Chat
the su)je%t per%eives as a $ormless stain, For that reason, the analyst o%%upies the pla%e o$
ob(et aE he is suppose# to knoC-- to knoC ChatK (he true meaning o$ the stain, pre%isely,
.onseDuently, -a%an is Duite justi$ie# in %laiming that in paranoia ob(et a /)e%omes visi)le/E
in the person o$ the perse%utor, the o)je%t Dua gaFe assumes the palpa)le, empiri%al e5isten%e
o$ an agen%y Chi%h /sees into me,/ is a)le to rea# my thoughts,
+n this sense, ob(et petit a stan#s $or the point o$ sel$-%ons%iousnessE i$ + Cere a)le to o%%upy
this point, it Coul# )e possi)le $or me to a)olish the stain, to say that /+ am Chere + think,/ +t
is here that the su)versive potential o$ the -a%anian %ritiDue o$ sel$-%ons%iousness Dua sel$-
transparen%y )e%omes visi)leE self7consciousness as such is literally decentered- the slip-- the
stain-- )ears Citness to the e5-sisten%e o$ a %ertain #e%entere#, e5ternal pla%e Chere + do
arrive at sel$-%ons%iousness 1 Freu#<s patient arti%ulates the truth o$ hersel$, o$ her $aile#
marriage, at a pla%e that remains e5ternal to her sense o$ sel$-i#entity2, 0erein lies the s%an#al
o$ psy%hoanalysis, un)eara)le $or philosophyE Chat is at stake in the -a%anian %ritiDue o$
sel$%ons%iousness is not the %ommonpla%e a%%or#ing to Chi%h the su)je%t is never $ully
transparent to itsel$, or %an never arrive at $ull aCareness o$ Chat is going on in its psy%he'
-a%an<s point is not that $ull sel$-%ons%iousness is impossi)le sin%e something alCays elu#es
the grasp o$ my %ons%ious ego, +nstea#, it is the $ar more para#o5i%al thesis that this
decentered hard kernel which eludes my grasp is ultimately self7consciousness itself' as to its
status, sel$-
%ons%iousness is an e5ternal o)je%t out o$ my rea%h,
;ore pre%isely, sel$%ons%iousness is
the o)je%t Dua ob(et petit a, Dua the gaFe a)le to per%eive the true meaning o$ the stain Chi%h
gives )o#y to the un)eara)le truth a)out mysel$,

3e %an noC see Chy sel$-%ons%iousness is the very opposite o$ sel$transparen%yE + am aCare
o$ mysel$ only inso$ar as outsi#e o$ me a pla%e e5ists Chere the truth a)out me is arti%ulate#,
3hat is not possi)le is $or these tCo pla%es 1mine an# the stain<s2 to %oin%i#eE the stain is not
an unre$le%te# remain#er, something one %oul# a)olish via sel$-re$le%tion, via a #eeper insight
into one<s psy%hi% li$e, sin%e it is the very pro#u%t o$ my sel$aCareness, its o)je%tive
%orrelative, (his is Chat -a%an has in min# Chen he Crites /symptom/ as /sinthome/E the
symptom Dua %iphere# message Caits to )e #issolve# )y Cay o$ its interpretation, Chereas the
/sinthome/ is a stain %orrelative to the very 1non2)eing o$ the su)je%t,
+n or#er to e5empli$y this #istin%tion, let us re%all the tCo versions o$ &ape "ear, H, -ee
(hompson original $rom the early si5ties an# ;artin S%or%ese<s remake $rom 1991, "lthough
repelle# )y S%or%ese<s patroniFing sel$-%ons%ious attitu#e toCar# the original $ilm, revieCers
nonetheless approvingly note# hoC S%or%ese a%%omplishe# a %ru%ial shi$t, +n the original
version, the e5-%onvi%t 1 9o)ert ;it%hum2 is a $igure o$ :vil Cho simply inva#es $rom outsi#e
the i#ylli% all-"meri%an $amily an# #erails its #aily routine' Chereas in S%or%ese<s remake, the
e5-%onvi%t 1 9o)ert #e ?iro2 materialiFes, gives )o#y, to traumas an# antagonisti% tensions
that alrea#y gloC in the very heart o$ the $amilyE the Ci$e<s se5ual #issatis$a%tion, the
#aughter<s aCakene# $emininity an# sense o$ in#epen#en%e, +n short, S%or%ese<s version
in%orporates an interpretation homologous to the rea#ing o$ 0it%h%o%k Birds that %on%eives o$
the $ero%ious )ir#s< atta%ks as the materialiFation o$ the maternal superego, o$ the #istur)an%e
that alrea#y #Cells in $amily li$e, "lthough su%h a rea#ing may appear /#eeper/ than the
allege#ly /super$i%ial/ re#u%tion o$ the $or%e o$ :vil to an e5ternal threat, Chat gets lost Cith
su%h a rea#ing is pre%isely the remain#er o$ an 8utsi#e that %annot )e re#u%e# to a se%on#ary
e$$e%t o$ inherent intersu)je%tive tensions, sin%e its e5%lusion is %onstitutive o$ the su)je%tE
su%h a remain#er or o)je%t alCays a##s itsel$ to the intersu)je%tive netCork, as a kin# o$
/$elloC traveler/ o$ every intersu)je%tive %ommunity, .onsi#er the )ir#s in 0it%h%o%k The
Birds, "re they not, notCithstan#ing their intersu)je%tive status, at their most ra#i%al su%h an
over)loCn stain on a $ingerK 3hen, upon %rossing the )ay $or the $irst time, ;elanie 1(ippi
0e#ren2 is atta%ke#
)y a gull Chi%h strikes her hea#, she $eels her hea# Cith a glove# han# an# per%eives on the
tip o$ her $ore$inger a small re# )loo#-stain' all the )ir#s Cho later atta%k the toCn %oul# )e
sai# to arise out o$ this tiny stain, the same as in .orth7by7.orthwest, Chere the plane
atta%king .ary Irant on the empty %orn$iel# is $irst per%eive# as a tiny, )arely visi)le spot on
the horiFon,
(his original #ou)ling o$ sel$-%ons%iousness provi#es the $oun#ation o$ /intersu)je%tivity /E i$,
as the 0egelian %ommonpla%e goes, sel$-%ons%iousness is sel$-%ons%iousness only through the
me#iation o$ another sel$-%ons%iousness, then my sel$-aCareness-- pre%isely inso$ar as this
sel$aCareness is not the same as sel$-transparen%y-- %auses the emergen%e o$ a #e%entere# /it
thinks,/ 3hen the split )etCeen /+ am/ an# /it thinks/ is translate# into the stan#ar# moti$ o$
intersu)je%tivity, Chat gets lost is the ra#i%al asymmetry o$ the tCo terms, (he /other/ is
originally an ob(ect, an opaDue stain Chi%h hin#ers my sel$-transparen%y )y giving a )o#y to
Chat has to )e e5%lu#e# i$ + am to emerge, +n other Cor#s, the ultimate para#o5 o$ the
#iale%ti%s o$ sel$-%ons%iousness is that it inverts the stan#ar# #o5a a%%or#ing to Chi%h
/%ons%iousness/ relates to a heterogeneous, e5ternal o)je%t, Chile /sel$-%ons%iousness/
a)olishes this #e%entere#nessE instea#, the ob(ect is stri%to sensu the correlate of self7
consciousness, ?o o)je%t e5ists prior to sel$-%ons%iousness, sin%e the ob(ect originally
emerges as that opa6ue kernel which has to be e8cluded if I am to gain awareness of myself,
8r, to put it in -a%anian terms, the original intersu)je%tive %orrelate o$ the su)je%t-- o$ the
)arre# L-- is not another L, )ut S, the opaDue, $ull 8ther possessing Chat the su)je%t
%onstitutively la%ks 1)eing, knoCle#ge2, +n this pre%ise sense the 8ther-- the other human
)eing-- is originally the impenetra)le, su)stantial (hing,
" ra#i%al %on%lusion thus %an )e #raCnE the reproa%h a%%or#ing to Chi%h the .artesian-
*antian cogito is /monologi%al/ an# as su%h /represses/ an original intersu)je%tivity totally
misses the point, +t is the e5a%t opposite Chi%h is trueE the pre-.artesian in#ivi#ual
imme#iately, inherently )elongs to a %ommunity, )ut intersu)je%tivity an# 1)elonging to a2
%ommunity are to )e stri%tly oppose#, i,e,, intersub(ectivity senso strictu becomes possible,
thinkable, only with 1ant, with the notion of sub(ect 6ua @, the empty form of apperception
which needs S as correlative to its nonbeing, +n other Cor#s, intersu)je%tivity stricto sensu
involves the su)je%t<s ra#i%al #e%entere#nessE only Chen my sel$-%ons%iousness is e5ternaliFe#
in an o)je%t #o + )egin to look $or it in another su)je%t, 3hat Ce have prior to the *antian
su)je%t is
not the intersu)je%tivity proper )ut a %ommunity o$ in#ivi#uals Cho share a %ommon
universal-su)stantial groun# an# parti%ipate in it, +t is only Cith *ant, Cith his notion o$ the
su)je%t as L, as the empty $orm o$ sel$apper%eption, as an entity Chi%h %onstitutively /#oes
not knoC Chat it is,/ that the 8ther Su)je%t is nee#e# in or#er $or me to #e$ine my oCn
i#entityE Chat the 8ther thinks + am is ins%ri)e# into the very heart o$ my oCn most intimate
sel$-i#entity, (he am)iguity that sti%ks to the -a%anian notion o$ the )ig 8ther-- another
su)je%t in its impenetra)le opa%ity, yet at the same time the very sym)oli% stru%ture, the
neutral $iel# in Chi%h + en%ounter other su)je%ts-- is there$ore $ar $rom )eing the result o$ a
simple %on$usionE it gives e5pression to a #eep stru%tural ne%essity, Pre%isely inso$ar as + am
L, + %annot %on%eive o$ mysel$ as parti%ipating at some %ommon su)stan%e, i,e,, this
su)stan%e ne%essarily opposes itsel$ to me in the guise o$ the 8ther Su)je%t,
8I $ou/t, Therefore I A68
-a%an<s a%hievement Cith regar# to cogito an# #ou)t %oul# )e summe# up in the elementary,
)ut nonetheless $ar-rea%hing operation o$ per%eiving 1an# then #raCing theoreti%al
%onseDuen%es $rom2 the a$$inity )etCeen .artesian #ou)t an# the #ou)t that #Cells at the very
heart o$ %ompulsive 1o)sessive2 neurosis, (his step in no Cay amounts to a /psy%hiatriFation
o$ philosophy/-- the re#u%tion o$ philosophi%al attitu#es to an e5pression o$ pathologi%al
states o$ min#-- )ut rather to its e5a%t %ontrary, the /philosophiFation/ o$ %lini%al %ategoriesE
Cith -a%an, %ompulsive neurosis, perversion, hysteria, et%,, %ease to $un%tion as simple
%lini%al #esignations an# )e%ome names $or e5istential-ontologi%al positions, $or Chat 0egel,
in the +ntro#u%tion to his 9ncyclopaedia of $hilosophical Sciences, %alle# Stellungen des
edankens 4ur +b(ektivitaet, /attitu#es o$ thought toCar# o)je%tivity,/ +n short, -a%an as it
Cere supplements Des%artes< I doubt, therefore I am-- the a)solute %ertainty provi#e# )y the
$a%t that my most ra#i%al #ou)t implies my e5isten%e Dua thinking su)je%t-- Cith another turn
o$ the s%reC, reversing its logi%E I am only insofar as I doubt, (his Cay, Ce o)tain the
elementary $ormula o$ the %ompulsive neuroti%<s attitu#eE the neuroti% %lings to his #ou)t, to
his in#eterminate status, as the only $irm support o$ his )eing, an# is e5tremely apprehensive
o$ the prospe%t o$ )eing %ompelle# to make a #e%ision Chi%h Coul# %ut short his os%illation,
his neither-nor status, Far $rom un#ermining the su)je%t<s %omposure or even threatening to
grate his sel$-i#entity, this un%ertainty provi#es his minimal ontologi%al %onsisten%y, Su$$i%e it
to re%all -ina, the heroine o$ 0it%h%o%k Suspicion, (ormente# )y suspi%ions that her hus)an#
is a)out to kill her, she persists in her in#e%ision, putting o$$ in#e$initely the a%t Chi%h Coul#
instantly ena)le her to #issolve the un)eara)le tension, +n the $amous $inal s%ene, her gaFe
)e%omes trans$i5e# upon the Chite glass o$ milk %ontaining the ansCer to the #ou)ts an#
suspi%ions that are tormenting her, yet she is totally immo)iliFe#, una)le to a%t-- ChyK
Ge%ause )y $in#ing an ansCer to her suspi%ions she Coul# there)y lose her status as a su)je%t,
+t is this inherent #iale%ti%al inversion that %hara%teriFes the su)je%t o$ #ou)t an# suspi%ionE
/o$$i%ially,/ he strives #esperately $or %ertainty, $or an unam)iguous ansCer that Coul#
provi#e the reme#y against the Corm o$ #ou)t that is %onsuming him' a%tually, the true
%atastrophe he is trying to eva#e at any pri%e is this very solution, the emergen%e o$ a $inal,
unam)iguous ansCer, Chi%h is Chy he en#lessly sti%ks to his un%ertain, in#eterminate,
os%illating status, (here is a kin# o$ re$le%tive reversal at Cork hereE the su)je%t persists in his
in#e%ision an# puts o$$ the %hoi%e not )e%ause he is a$rai# that, )y %hoosing one pole o$ the
alternative, he Coul# lose the other pole 1that, in the %ase o$ -ina, )y opting $or inno%en%e,
she Coul# have to a%%ept the $a%t that her hus)an# is a mere small-time %rook, #evoi# o$ any
inner strength, even in the #ire%tion o$ :vil2, 3hat he truly $ears to lose is #ou)t as su%h, the
un%ertainty, the open state Chere everything is still possi)le, Chere none o$ the options are
pre%lu#e#, +t is $or that reason that -a%an %on$ers on the status o$ ob(ectE $ar $rom #esignating
the very #imension o$ su)je%tivity 1 /su)je%ts a%t, o)je%ts are a%te# upon/2, the a%t %uts short
the in#etermina%y Chi%h provi#es the #istan%e that separates the su)je%t $rom the Corl# o$
(hese %onsi#erations ena)le us to approa%h $rom a neC perspe%tive the moti$ o$ /1ant avec
Sade,/ (o#ay, it is a %ommonpla%e to Duali$y *ant as a %ompulsive neuroti%E the un%ertain
status o$ the su)je%t is ins%ri)e# into the very heart o$ the *antian ethi%s, i,e,, the *antian
su)je%t is )y #e$inition never /at the height o$ his task/' he is $orever torture# )y the
possi)ility that his ethi%al a%t, although in accordance with #uty, Cas not a%%omplishe# for
the sake o$ #uty itsel$, )ut Cas motivate# )y some hi##en /pathologi%al/ %onsi#erations 1that,
)y a%%omplishing my #uty, + Cill arouse respe%t an# veneration in others, $or e5ample2, 3hat
remains hi##en to *ant, Chat he ren#ers invisi)le )y Cay o$ his logi% o$ the 8ught 1 Sollen2,
i,e,, o$ the in$inite, asymptoti% pro%ess o$ realiFing the moral +#eal, is that it is this very
stain o$ un%ertainty Chi%h sustains the #imension o$ ethi%al universalityE the *antian su)je%t
#esperately %lings to his #ou)t, to his un%ertainty, in or#er to retain his ethi%al status, 3hat Ce
have in min# here is not the %ommonpla%e a%%or#ing to Chi%h, on%e the +#eal is realiFe#, all
li$e-tension is lost an# there is nothing )ut lethargi% )ore#om in store $or us, Something $ar
more pre%ise is at stakeE once the %pathological% stain is missing, the universal collapses into
the particular, (his, pre%isely, is Chat o%%urs in Sa#eian perversion, Chi%h, $or that very
reason, reverses the *antian %ompulsive un%ertainty into a)solute %ertaintyE a pervert knoCs
per$e%tly Chat he is #oing, Chat the 8ther Cants $rom him, sin%e he %on%eives o$ himsel$ as
an instrument-o)je%t o$ the 8ther<s 3ill-to-:njoy, +n this pre%ise sense Sa#e stages the truth
o$ *antE you Cant an ethi%al a%t $ree o$ any %ompulsive #ou)tK 0ere you have the Sa#eian

8$ Chat, more e5a%tly, #oes this ontologi%al un%ertainty o$ the su)je%t %onsistK (he key to it
is provi#e# )y the link )etCeen an5iety an# the #esire o$ the 8therE an5iety is arouse# )y the
#esire o$ the 8ther in the sense that /+ #o not knoC Chat ob(ect a + am $or the #esire o$ the
8ther,/ 3hat #oes the 8ther Cant $rom me, Chat is there /in me more than mysel$/ on
a%%ount o$ Chi%h + am an o)je%t o$ the 8ther<s #esire-- or, in philosophi%al terms, Chi%h is my
pla%e in the su)stan%e, in the /great %hain o$ )eing/K (he %ore o$ an5iety is this a)solute
un%ertainty as to Chat + amE /+ #o not knoC Chat + am 1$or the 8ther, sin%e + am Chat + am
only $or the 8ther2,/ (his un%ertainty defines the su)je%tE the su)je%t /is/ only as a /%ra%k in
the su)stan%e,/ only inso$ar as his status in the 8ther os%illates, "n# the position o$ the
maso%hist pervert is ultimately an attempt to elu#e this un%ertainty, Chi%h is Chy it involves
the loss o$ the status o$ the su)je%t, i,e,, a ra#i%al sel$-o)je%tiviFationE the pervert knows what
he is for the +ther, sin%e he posits himsel$ as the o)je%t-instrument o$ the 8ther<s (ouissance,

+n this regar#, the position o$ the pervert is un%annily %lose to that o$ the analystE they are
separate# only )y a thin, almost invisi)le line, +t is )y no a%%i#ent that the upper level o$
-a%an<s mathem o$ the #is%ourse o$ the analyst repro#u%es the $ormula o$ perversi1a L2,
8n a%%ount o$ his or her passivity, the analyst $un%tions as ob(et a $or the analysan#, as the
latter<s $antasy-$rame, as a kin# o$ )lank s%reen onto Chi%h the analysan# proje%ts his or her
$antasies, (his is also Chy the $ormula o$ perversion inverts that o$ the $antasy 1L a2E the
pervert<s ultimate $antasy is to )e a per$e%t servant o$ his other<s 1partner<s2 $antasies, to o$$er
himsel$ as an instrument o$ the other<s 3ill-to-:njoy 1like Don Iiovanni, $or e5ample, Cho
Comen )y ena%ting one )y one the spe%i$i% $antasy o$ ea%h o$ themE -a%an Cas Duite right in
pointing out that Don Iiovanni is a $eminine myth2, (he entire #i$$eren%e )etCeen the pervert
an# the analyst hinges on a %ertain invisi)le limit, on a %ertain /nothing/ that separates themE
the pervert %on$irms the su)je%t<s $antasy, Chereas the analyst in#u%es him or her to /traverse/
it, to gain a minimal #istan%e toCar# it, )y Cay o$ ren#ering visi)le the voi# 1the la%k in the
8ther2 %overe# up )y the $antasy-s%enario,
For that reason, it is Duite legitimate to asso%iate perversion, in its $un#amental #imension,
Cith the /maso%hism/ o$ theanal phase, +n his Seminar on trans$eren%e,
-a%an ma#e it %lear
hoC the passage $rom the oral into the anal phase has nothing Chatsoever to #o Cith the
pro%ess o$ )iologi%al maturation, )ut is entirely $oun#e# in a %ertain #iale%ti%al shi$t in the
intersu)je%tive sym)oli% e%onomy, (he anal phase is #e$ine# )y the a#aptation o$ the su)je%t<s
#esire to the #eman# o$ the 8ther, i,e,, the o)je%t-%ause o$ the su)je%t<s #esire 1a2 %oin%i#es
Cith the 8ther<s #eman#, Chi%h is Chy -a%an<s mathem $or the /anal/ %ompulsive neurosis is
that o$ #rive L D, (rue, the oral phase #oes imply an attitu#e o$ Canting to /#evour it all/
an# there)y satis$y all nee#s' hoCever, #ue to the %hil#<s #epen#en%y, %ause# )y the
premature )irth o$ the human animal, satis$ying its nee#s, $rom the very )eginning, is
/me#iate#/ )y, hinges upon, the demand addressed to the +ther 1primarily mother2 to provi#e
the o)je%ts Chi%h meet the %hil#<s nee#s, 3hat then o%%urs in the anal phase is a #iale%ti%al
reversal in this relationship )etCeen nee# an# #eman#E the satisfaction of a need is
subordinated to the demand of the +ther, i,e,, the su)je%t 1%hil#2 %an only satis$y his nee# on
%on#ition that he there)y %omplies Cith the 8ther<s #eman#, -et us re%all the notorious %ase
o$ #e$e%ationE the %hil# enters the /anal phase/ Chen he strives to satis$y his nee# to #e$e%ate
in a Cay that %omplies Cith the mother<s #eman# to #o it regularly, into the %ham)er-pot an#
not into his pants, et%, (he same hol#s $or $oo#E the %hil# eats in or#er to #emonstrate hoC
Cell-)ehave# he is, rea#y to $ul$ill his mother<s #eman# to $inish the plate an# to #o it
properly, Cithout #irtying his han#s an# the ta)le, +n short, Ce satis$y our nee#s in or#er to
earn our pla%e in the so%ial or#er, (herein lies the $un#amental impe#iment o$ the anal phaseE
pleasure is /)arre#,/ prohi)ite#, in its imme#ia%y, i,e,, inso$ar as it involves taking a #ire%t
satis$a%tion in the o)je%t' pleasure is permitte# only in the $un%tion o$ %omplying Cith the
8ther<s #eman#, +n this pre%ise sense, the anal phase provi#es the )asi% matri5 $or the
o)sessional, %ompulsive attitu#e, +t Coul# )e easy to Duote here $urther e5amples $rom a#ult
li$e' su$$i%e it to re%all Chat is perhaps its %learest %ase in /postmo#ern/ theory, namely the
o)session Cith 0it%h%o%k, the en#less $loC o$ )ooks an# %on$eren%es Chi%h en#eavor to
#is%ern theoreti%al $inesses even in his minor $ilms 1the /save-the-$ailures/ movement2, .an<t
Ce a%%ount, at least partially, $or this o)session )y Cay o$ a %ompulsive /)a# %ons%ien%e/ on
the part o$ intelle%tuals Cho, prevente# $rom simply yiel#ing to the pleasures o$ 0it%h%o%k<s
$ilms, $eel o)lige# to prove that they a%tually Cat%h 0it%h%o%k in or#er to #emonstrate some
theoreti%al point 1the me%hanism o$ the spe%tator<s i#enti$i%ation, the vi%issitu#es o$ male
voyeurism, et%,2K + am alloCe# to enjoy something only inso$ar as it serves (heory Dua my
)ig 8ther,
(he 0egelian %hara%ter o$ this reversal o$ oral into anal e%onomy %annot )ut
strike the eyeE the satis$a%tion o$ our nee# )y means o$ the 8ther Cho ansCers our #eman#
/attains its truth/ Chen %omplying Cith the 8ther<s #eman# is #ire%tly posite# as the sine Dua
non, the /trans%en#ental $rame,/ the %on#ition o$ possi)ility, o$ satis$ying our nee#s, "n# the
$un%tion o$ the thir# /phalli%,/ phase, o$ %ourse, is pre%isely to #isengage the su)je%t $rom this
enslavement to the #eman# o$ the 8ther,
The ,rei<itous Identifiation
(he "lthusserian /i#eologi%al interpellation/
#esignates the retroa%tive illusion o$ /alCays-
alrea#y/E the reverse o$ the i#eologi%al re%ognition is the misre%ognition o$ the per$ormative
#imension, (hat is to say, Chen the su)je%t re%ogniFes himsel$ in an i#eologi%al %all, he
automati%ally overlooks the $a%t that this very $ormal a%t o$ re%ognition %reates the %ontent
one re%ogniFes onesel$ in, 1Su$$i%e it to evoke the %lassi%al %ase o$ the Stalinist .ommunistE
Chen he re%ogniFes himsel$ as the instrument o$ the /o)je%tive ne%essity o$ the histori%al
progress toCar# %ommunism,/ he misre%ogniFes the $a%t that this /o)je%tive ne%essity/ e5ists
only inso$ar as it is %reate# )y the .ommunist #is%ourse, only inso$ar as .ommunists invoke
it as the legitimiFation o$ their a%tivity,2 3hat is missing $rom the "lthusserian a%%ount o$ this
gesture o$ sym)oli% i#enti$i%ation, o$ re%ogniFing onesel$ in a sym)oli% man#ate, is that it is a
move aime# at resolving the #ea#lo%k o$ the su)je%t<s ra#i%al un%ertainty as to its status 1Chat
am + Dua o)je%t $or the 8therK2, (he $irst thing to #o apropos o$ interpellation in a -a%anian
approa%h is there$ore to reverse "lthusser<s $ormula o$ i#eology Chi%h /interpellates
in#ivi#uals into su)je%ts/E it is never the in#ivi#ual Chi%h is interpellate# as su)je%t, into
su)je%t' it is on the %ontrary the
su)je%t itsel$ Cho is interpellate# as 5 1some spe%i$i% su)je%t-position, sym)oli% i#entity or
man#ate2, there)y elu#ing the a)yss o$ L, +n %lassi%al li)eral i#eology, the su)je%t is
interpellate# pre%isely as /in#ivi#ual,/ (he o$ten Duote# ;ar5-)rothers joke on 9avelli 1 /=ou
look like 9avelli,-- Gut + am 9avelli@-- ?o Con#er, then, that you look like him@/2 en#s Cith
9avelli ju)ilantly %on%lu#ing /So + #o look alike@/ (his joy$ul assumption o$ a man#ate, this
triumphant as%ertaining that + am like my oCn sym)oli% $igure, gives e5pression to the relie$
that + su%%ee#e# in avoi#ing the un%ertainty o$ /&he vuoiK/,

For that reason, the su)je%t<s sym)oli% i#enti$i%ation alCays has an anticipatory, hastening
%hara%ter 1similar to, yet not to )e %on$use# Cith, the anti%ipatory re%ognition o$ /mysel$/ in
the mirror image2, "s pointe# out )y -a%an alrea#y in the $orties, in his $amous paper on
logi%al time,
the $un#amental $orm o$ sym)oli% i#enti$i%ation, i,e,, o$ assuming a sym)oli%
man#ate, is $or me to /re%ogniFe mysel$ as M,/ to pro%laim, to promulgate mysel$ as M, in
or#er to overtake others Cho might e5pel me $rom the %ommunity o$ those Cho /)elong to
M,/ 0ere is the someChat simpli$ie# an# a))reviate# version o$ the logi%al puFFle o$ three
prisoners apropos o$ Chi%h -a%an #evelops the three mo#alities o$ the logi%al timeE (he hea#
o$ a prison %an, on the )asis o$ amnesty, release one o$ the three prisoners, +n or#er to #e%i#e
Chi%h one, he makes them pass a logi%al test, (he prisoners knoC that there are $ive hats,
three o$ them Chite an# tCo )la%k, (hree o$ these hats are #istri)ute# to the prisoners Cho
then sit #oCn in a triangle, so that ea%h o$ them %an see the %olor o$ the hats o$ the tCo others,
)ut not the %olor o$ the hat on his oCn hea#, (he Cinner is the one Cho $irst guesses the %olor
o$ his oCn hat, Chi%h he signi$ies )y stan#ing up an# leaving the room, 3e have three
possi)le situationsE
-- +$ one prisoner has a Chite hat an# the other tCo )la%k hats, the one Cith the Chite hat %an
imme#iately /see/ that his is Chite )y Cay o$ a simple reasoningE /(here are only tCo )la%k
hats' + see them on the others< hea#s, so mine is Chite,/ So there is no time involve# here,
only an /instant o$ the gaFe,/
-- (he se%on# possi)ility is that there are tCo Chite an# one )la%k hat, +$ mine is Chite, + Cill
reason this CayE /+ see one )la%k an# one Chite hat, so mine is either Chite or )la%k,
0oCever, i$ mine is )la%k, then the prisoner Cith the Chite hat Coul# see tCo )la%k hats an#
imme#iately %on%lu#e that his is Chite' sin%e he #oes not #o it, mine is also Chite,/ 0ere,
some time ha# to elapse, i,e,, Ce alrea#y nee# a %ertain /time $or un#erstan#ing/E
+ as it Cere /transpose/ mysel$ into the reasoning o$ the other' + arrive at my %on%lusion on the
)asis o$ the $a%t that the other #oes not a%t,
-- (he thir# possi)ility-- three Chite hats-- is the most %omple5, (he reasoning goes here like
thisE /+ see tCo Chite hats, so mine is either Chite or )la%k, +$ mine is )la%k, then any o$ the
tCo remaining prisoners Coul# reason the $olloCing CayE <+ see a )la%k an# a Chite hat, So i$
mine is )la%k, the prisoner Cith the Chite hat Coul# see tCo )la%k hats an# Coul# stan# up
an# leave imme#iately 0oCever, he #oes not #o it, So mine is Chite, + shall stan# up an#
leave,< Gut sin%e none o$ the other tCo prisoners stan#s up, mine is also Chite,/
0ere, hoCever, -a%an points out hoC this solution reDuires a #ou)le #elay an# a hin#ere#,
interrupte# gesture, (hat is to say, i$ all three prisoners are o$ eDual intelligen%e, then, a$ter
the $irst #elay, i,e,, upon noti%ing that none o$ the others is making any move, they Cill all rise
at the same moment-- an# then sti$$en, e5%hanging perple5e# glan%esE the pro)lem is that they
Cill not knoC the meaning o$ the other<s gesture 1ea%h o$ them Cill ask himsel$E /Di# the
others rise $or the same reason as me, or #i# they #o it )e%ause they saC on my hea# a black
hatK/2, 8nly noC, upon noti%ing that they all share the same hesitation, they Cill )e a)le to
jump to the $inal %on%lusionE the very $a%t o$ the share# hesitation is a proo$ that they are all
in the same situation, i,e,, that they all have Chite hats on their hea#s, "t this pre%ise moment,
#elay shi$ts into haste, Cith ea%h o$ the prisoners saying to himsel$ /-et me rush to the #oor
)e$ore the others overtake me@/

+t is easy to re%ogniFe hoC a spe%i$i% mo#e o$ su)je%tivity %orrespon#s to ea%h o$ the three
moments o$ the logi%al timeE the /instant o$ gaFe/ implies the impersonal /one/ 1 /one sees/2,
the neutral su)je%t o$ logi%al reasoning Cithout any intersu)je%tive #iale%ti%' the /time $or
un#erstan#ing/ alrea#y involves intersu)je%tivity, i,e,, in or#er $or me to arrive at the
%on%lusion that my hat is Chite, + have to /transpose/ mysel$ into the other<s reasoning 1i$ the
other Cith the Chite hat Cere to see on my hea# a )la%k hat, he Coul# imme#iately knoC that
his must )e )la%k an# stan# up' sin%e he #oes not #o it, mine is also Chite2, 0oCever, this
intersu)je%tivity remains that o$ the /in#e$inite re%ipro%al su)je%t,/ as -a%an puts itE a simple
re%ipro%al %apa)ility o$ taking into a%%ount the other<s reasoning, +t is only the thir# moment,
the /moment o$ %on%lusion,/ Chi%h provi#es the true /genesis o$ the +/E Chat takes pla%e in it
is the shi$t $rom L to S
, $rom the voi# o$ the su)je%t epitomiFe# )y the ra#i%al un%ertainty as
to Chat + am,
i,e,, )y the utter un#e%i#a)ility o$ my status, to the %on%lusion that + am Chite, to the
assumption o$ the sym)oli% i#entity-- /(hat<s me@/
3e must )ear in min# here the anti--Jvi-Straussian thrust o$ these -a%an<s ruminations,
.lau#e -Jvi-Strauss %on%eive# the sym)oli% or#er as an asu)je%tive stru%ture, an o)je%tive
$iel# in Chi%h every in#ivi#ual o%%upies, $ills in, his or her preor#aine# pla%e' Chat -a%an
invokes is the /genesis/ o$ this o)je%tive so%io-sym)oli% i#entityE i$ Ce simply Cait $or a
sym)oli% pla%e to )e allotte# to us, Ce Cill never live to see it, (hat is, in the %ase o$ a
sym)oli% man#ate, Ce never simply as%ertain Chat Ce are' Ce /)e%ome Chat Ce are/ )y
means o$ a pre%ipitous su)je%tive gesture, (his pre%ipitous i#enti$i%ation involves the shi$t
$rom o)je%t to signi$ierE the 1Chite or )la%k2 hat is the o)je%t + am, an# its invisi)ility to me
ren#ers the $a%t that + %an never get an insight into /Chat + am as an o)je%t/ 1i,e,, N an# a are
topologi%ally in%ompati)le2, 3hen + say /+ am Chite,/ + assume a sym)oli% i#entity Chi%h
$ills out the voi# o$ the un%ertainty as to my )eing, 3hat a%%ounts $or this anti%ipatory
overtaking is the inconclusive %hara%ter o$ the %ausal %hainE the sym)oli% or#er is rule# )y the
/prin%iple o$ insu$$i%ient reason/E Cithin the spa%e o$ sym)oli% intersu)je%tivity, + %an never
simply as%ertain Chat + am, Chi%h is Chy my /o)je%tive/ so%ial i#entity is esta)lishe# )y
means o$ /su)je%tive/ anti%ipation, (he signi$i%ant #etail usually passe# over in silen%e is that
-a%an, in his te5t on logi%al time, Duotes as the e5emplary politi%al %ase o$ su%h %olle%tive
i#enti$i%ation the Stalinist .ommunist<s a$$irmation o$ ortho#o5yE + hasten to promulgate my
true .ommunist %re#entials out o$ $ear that others Cill e5pel me as a revisionist traitor,

(herein resi#es the am)iguous link )etCeen the Sym)oli% an# #eathE )y assuming a sym)oli%
i#entity, i,e,, )y i#enti$ying mysel$ Cith a sym)ol Chi%h is potentially my epitaph, + as it Cere
/outpass mysel$ into #eath,/ 0oCever, this pre%ipitation toCar# #eath at the same time
$un%tions as its opposite' it is #esigne# to $orestall #eath, to assure my posthumous li$e in the
sym)oli% tra#ition Chi%h Cill outlive my #eath-- an o)sessive strategy, i$ there ever Cas oneE
in an a%t o$ pre%ipitous i#enti$i%ation I hasten to assume death in order to avoid it,
"nti%ipatory i#enti$i%ation is there$ore a kin# o$ preemptive strike, an attempt to provi#e in
a#van%e an ansCer to /Chat + am $or the 8ther/ an# thus to assuage the an5iety that pertains
to the #esire o$ the 8therE the signifier Chi%h represents me in the 8ther resolves the impasse
o$ what ob(ect I am for the +ther, 3hat + a%tually overtake )y Cay o$ sym)oli% i#enti$i%ation
is there$ore ob(et a in mysel$' as to its $ormal stru%ture,
sym)oli% i#enti$i%ation is alCays a /$light $orCar#/ $rom the o)je%t that + am, Gy Cay o$
saying /=ou are my Ci$e,/ $or e5ample, + elu#e an# o)literate my ra#i%al un%ertainty as to
Chat you are in the very kernel o$ our )eing, Dua (hing,
(his is Chat is missing $rom
"lthusser<s a%%ount o$ interpellationE it #oes justi%e to the moment o$ retroa%tivity, to the
illusion o$ the /alCays-alrea#y,/ yet it leaves out o$ %onsi#eration the anti%ipatory overtaking
Dua inherent reverse o$ this retroa%tivity,
8ne o$ the Cays to make this %ru%ial point %lear is via a #etour, a $oray into one o$ the $inest
a%hievements o$ analyti%al philosophy, Iri%e<s ela)oration o$ the stru%ture o$ 1intentional2
"%%or#ing to Iri%e, Chen Ce mean to say something in the $ull sense o$ the term,
this involves an intri%ate $our-level stru%tureE 112 Ce say M' 142 the a##ressee must per%eive
that Ce intentionally sai# M, i,e,, that the enun%iation o$ M Cas an intentional a%t on our part'
132 Ce must inten# that the a##ressee must per%eive not only our saying M, )ut that Ce Cant
him to per%eive that Ce intentionally Cante# to say M' 162 the a##ressee must per%eive 1must
)e aCare o$2 132, i,e,, our intention that Ce Cant him to per%eive our saying M, as an
intentional a%t, +n short, our saying /(his room is )right/ is a %ase o$ su%%ess$ul
%ommuni%ation only i$ the a##ressee is aCare that, )y saying /(his room is )right,/ Ce not
only Cante# to say that the room is )right, )ut also Cante# him to )e aCare that Ce Cante#
him to per%eive our saying /(his room is )right/ as an intentional a%t, +$ this seems a hair-
splitting, %ontrive#, useless analysis, su$$i%e it to re%all a situation Chen, lost in a $oreign %ity,
Ce listen to one o$ its inha)itants #esperately trying to make us un#erstan# something in his
native languageE Chat Ce en%ounter here is level 6 in its pure, as it Cere #istille# $orm, (hat is
to say, although Ce #o not knoC Chat, pre%isely, the inha)itant Cants to tell us, Ce are Cell
aCare not only o$ the $a%t that he Cants to tell us something, )ut also o$ the $a%t that he wants
us to notice his very endeavor to tell us something, 8ur point is that the stru%ture o$ a
hysteri%al symptom is e5a%tly homologous to Iri%e<s level 6E Chat is at stake in a symptom is
not only the hysteri%<s attempt to #eliver a message 1the meaning o$ the symptom that Caits to
)e #e%iphere#2, )ut, at a more $un#amental level, his #esperate en#eavor to a$$irm himsel$, to
)e a%%epte# as a partner in %ommuni%ation, 3hat he ultimately Cants to tell us is that his
symptom is not a meaningless physiologi%al #istur)an%e, i,e,, that Ce have to len# him an ear
sin%e he has something to tell us, +n short, the ultimate meaning o$ the symptom is that the
8ther shoul# take noti%e o$ the $a%t that it has a meaning,
Perhaps it is Cith regar# to this $eature that a %omputer message #i$$ers
$rom human intersu)je%tivityE Chat the %omputer la%ks is pre%isely this sel$-re$erentiality 1in
0egeleseE re$le%tivity2 o$ meaning, "n#, again, it is not #i$$i%ult to #is%ern in this sel$-
re$erentiality the %ontours o$ a logi%al temporalityE )y means o$ the signi$ier o$ this re$le%tive
meaning, i,e,, o$ the signi$ier Chi%h /means/ only the presen%e o$ meaning, Ce are a)le as it
Cere to /overtake/ ourselves an#, in an anti%ipatory move, esta)lish our i#entity not in some
positive %ontent )ut in a pure sel$-re$erential signi$ying $orm allu#ing to a meaning-to-%ome,
Su%h is, in the last resort, the logi% o$ every i#eologi%al ;aster-Signi$ier in the name o$
Chi%h Ce $ight our )attlesE $atherlan#, "meri%a, so%ialism, et%,-- #o they not all #esignate an
i#enti$i%ation not Cith a %learly #e$ine# positive %ontent )ut Cith the very gesture o$
i#enti$i%ationK 3hen Ce say /+ )elieve in 5 1 "meri%a, so%ialism,,,2,/ the ultimate meaning o$
it is pure intersu)je%tivityE it means that + )elieve that + am not alone, that + )elieve that there
are also others Cho )elieve in 5, (he i#eologi%al .ause is stricto sensu an e$$e%t o$ the )elie$
poure# into it $rom the si#e o$ its su)je%ts ,

(his para#o5 o$ the /pre%ipitate#/ i#enti$i%ation Cith the unknoCn is Chat -a%an has in min#
Chen he #etermines the phalli% 1paternal2 signi$ier as the signi$ier o$ the la%k o$ the signi$ier,
+$ this re$le%tive reversal o$ the la%k o$ the signi$ier into the signi$ier o$ the la%k seems
%ontrive#, su$$i%e it to re%all the story o$ ;al%olm M, the legen#ary "$ri%an-"meri%an lea#er,
0ere are some e5%erpts $rom a .ew Aork Times arti%le apropos o$ Spike -ee $ilm ;al%olm
M-- an# the .ew Aork Times $or sure %annot )e a%%use# o$ a -a%anian )iasE
M stan#s $or the unknoCn, (he unknoCn language, religion, an%estors an# %ultures o$ the
"$ri%an "meri%an, M is a repla%ement $or the last name given to the slaves )y the slave
master, , , , /M/ %an #enote e5perimentation, #anger, poison, o)s%enity an# the #rug e%stasy, +t
is also the signature o$ a person Cho %annot Crite his or her name, , , , (he irony is that
;al%olm M, like many o$ the ?ation o$ +slam an# other )la%ks in the >o<s, assume# the letter--
noC hel# to represent his i#entity-- as an e5pression o$ a la%k o$ i#entity,

(he gesture o$ ;al%olm M, his a%t o$ repla%ing the impose# $amily name, the ?ame-o$-the-
Father, Cith the sym)ol o$ the unknoCn, is $ar more %omple5 than it may seem, 3hat Ce
must avoi# is getting lure# into the /sear%h $or the lost origins/E Ce totally miss the point i$
Ce re#u%e the gesture o$ ;al%olm M to a simple %ase o$ longing $or the lost 8rigins 1$or
the /true/ "$ri%an ethni% i#entity, lost Chen )la%ks Cere torn out o$ their original environs )y
slave tra#ers2, (he point is rather that this re$eren%e to the lost 8rigins ena)les the su)je%t to
elu#e the grasp o$ the impose# sym)oli% i#entity an# to /%hoose $ree#om,/ the la%k o$ $i5e#
i#entity, M Dua voi# e5%ee#s every positive sym)oli% i#entityE the moment its gap emerges,
Ce $in# ourselves in the $antasy #omain o$ /e5perimentation, #anger, poison, o)s%enity an#
the #rug e%stasy/ that no neC sym)oli% i#entity %an $ill out,
(he $urther point to )e ma#e, hoCever, is that this i#enti$i%ation Cith the unknoCn, $ar $rom
)eing an e5%eption, brings to light thefeature constitutive of symbolic identification as suchE
every sym)oli% i#enti$i%ation is ultimately i#enti$i%ation Cith an M, Cith an /empty/ signi$ier
Chi%h stan#s $or the unknoCn %ontent, i,e,, it makes us i#enti$y Cith the very sym)ol o$ a la%k
o$ i#entity, (he ?ame-o$-the-Father, the signi$ier o$ sym)oli% i#entity par e5%ellen%e, is, as
-a%an emphasiFes again an# again, the /signi$ier Cithout a signi$ie#,/ 3hat this means Cith
regar# to ;al%olm M is that although M is meant to stan# $or the lost "$ri%an 8rigins, at the
same time it stan#s $or their irrevo%a)le lossE )y Cay o$ i#enti$ying ourselves Cith M, Ce
/%onsummate/ the loss o$ 8rigins, (he irony there$ore is that in the very a%t o$ returning to
/maternal/ 8rigins, o$ marking our %ommitment to them, Ce irrevo%a)ly renoun%e them, 8r,
to put it in -a%anian terms, ;al%olm M<s gesture is the 8e#ipal gesture at its purestE the
gesture o$ su)stituting ?ame-o$-the-Father $or the #esire o$ the motherE

3hat is %ru%ial here is the virtual %hara%ter o$ the ?ame-o$-the-FatherE the paternal metaphor
is an /M/ in the sense that it opens up the spa%e o$ virtual meaning' it stan#s $or all possi)le
$uture meanings, "s to this virtual %hara%ter that pertains to the sym)oli% or#er, the parallel to
the %apitalist $inan%ial system is most instru%tive, "s Ce knoC $rom *eynes onCar#s, the
%apitalist e%onomy is /virtual/ in a very pre%ise senseE *eynes<s $avorite ma5im Cas that in
the long term Ce are all #ea#' the para#o5 o$ the %apitalist e%onomi%s is that our )orroCing
$rom the 1virtual2 $uture, i,e,, our printing o$ money /un%overe#/ in /real/ values, %an )ring
a)out real e$$e%ts 1groCth2, 0erein lies the %ru%ial #i$$eren%e )etCeen *eynes an# e%onomi%
/$un#amentalists/ Cho $avor the a%tual /settling o$ a%%ounts/ 1reim)ursing the %re#its,
a)olishing the /)orroCing $rom the $uture/2,
*eynes<s point is not simply that /unnatural/ %re#iting )y Cay o$ /un%overe#/ money,
in$lation, or state spen#ing %an provi#e the impulse Chi%h results in a%tual e%onomi% groCth
an# thus ena)les us eventually to a%hieve a )alan%e Chere)y Ce settle a%%ounts at a mu%h
higher level o$ e%onomi% prosperity, *eynes %on%e#es that the moment o$ some $inal /settling
o$ a%%ounts/ Coul# )e a %atastrophe, that the entire system Coul# %ollapse, =et the art o$
e%onomi% politi%s is pre%isely to prolong the virtual game an# thus to postpone a# in$initum
the moment o$ $inal settlement, +n this pre%ise sense %apitalism is a /virtual/ systemE it is
sustaine# )y a purely virtual keeping o$ a%%ounts' #e)ts are in%urre# Chi%h Cill never )e
%leare#, 0oCever, although purely $i%titious, this /)alan%ing/ must )e preserve# as a kin# o$
*antian /regulative +#ea/ i$ the system is to survive, 3hat ;ar5 as Cell as stri%t monetarists
%ommonly hol# against *eynes is the %onvi%tion that sometimes, sooner or later, the moment
Cill arrive Chen Ce a%tually shall have to /settle a%%ounts,/ reim)urse #e)ts an# thus pla%e
the system on its proper, /natural/ $oun#ations,
-a%an<s notion o$ the #e)t that pertains to
the very notion o$ the sym)oli% or#er is stri%tly homologous to this %apitalist #e)tE sense as
su%h is never /proper/' it is alCays a#van%e#, /)orroCe# $rom the $uture/' it lives on the
a%%ount o$ the virtual $uture sense, (he Stalinist .ommunist Cho gets %aught in a vi%ious
%ir%le )y justi$ying his present a%ts, in%lu#ing the sa%ri$i%e o$ millions o$ lives, Cith re$eren%e
to a $uture .ommunist para#ise )rought a)out )y these a%ts, i,e,, Cho %ites )ene$i%ent $uture
%onseDuen%es as Chat Cill retroa%tively re#eem present atro%ities, simply ren#ers visi)le the
un#erlying temporal stru%ture o$ sense as su%h,
ERG" The $ialetial Nonsequitur
= "n Radial E7il and Related +atters
Kant with (entha6
(o#ay, Chen *ant<s antinomies o$ pure reason enjoy the status o$ a philosophi%al
%ommonpla%e Chi%h long ago %ease# to )e per%eive# as a threat to the entire philosophi%al
e#i$i%e, it reDuires a %onsi#era)le e$$ort to imagine them /in their )e%oming,/ as *ierkegaar#
Coul# put it, an# to resus%itate their original s%an#alous impa%t, 8ne Cay to a%hieve this goal
is to %on%entrate on hoC the antinomies #i$$er $rom the logi% o$ )ig %osmi% oppositionsE yin R
yang, mas%uline R $eminine, light R #arkness, repulsion R attra%tion, et%, (here is nothing
su)versive a)out su%h a notion o$ the universe as an organism Chose li$e $or%e hinges on the
tension o$ tCo polar prin%iples' Chat *ant ha# in min#, hoCever, Cas something Duite
#i$$erent an# in%ompara)ly more unsettlingE there is no Cay $or us to imagine in a %onsistent
Cay the universe as a 3hole' that is, as soon as Ce #o it, Ce o)tain tCo antinomi%al, mutually
e5%lusive versions o$ the universe as a 3hole, "n#-as + shall try to #emonstrate-- it is here, in
this antinomy, that se5ual #i$$eren%e is at CorkE the antagonisti% tension Chi%h #e$ines
se5uality is not the polar opposition o$ tCo %osmi% $or%es 1yin R yang, et%,2, )ut a %ertain %ra%k
Chi%h prevents us $rom even %onsistently imagining the universe as a 3hole, Se5uality points
toCar# the supreme ontologi%al s%an#al o$ the none5isten%e o$ the universe,
(o get a %lear i#ea o$ the s%an#alous impa%t o$ *antian antinomies, let us re%all Philip Di%k<s
Time+utof=oint, a s%ien%e $i%tion novel Chose a%tion seems to take pla%e in a prover)ial
"meri%an small toCn toCar# the en# o$
the $i$ties 1Chen the novel Cas a%tually Critten2, " series o$ strange e5perien%es 1$or e5ample,
Chen he une5pe%te#ly returns to the )a%kyar# o$ his house, he $in#s there, instea# o$ the
o)je%t Chi%h Cas there a minute ago-a gar#en )en%h-- a sheet Cith the ins%ription on it
/)en%h,/ as in the CellknoCn painting )y ;agritte2 ena)le the hero to arrive, step )y step, at
Chat is a%tually going onE he lives in the seventies' some mysterious government agen%y
)rainCashe# him an# resettle# him in an arti$i%ially re-%reate# toCn o$ the $i$ties in or#er to
test a s%ienti$i% hypothesis, 18ne o$ the myths a)out the *IG is that they a%tually )uilt su%h
an e5a%t repli%a o$ a typi%al "meri%an small toCn someChere in the Ukrainian plain, so that
$uture agents %oul# get use# to every#ay "meri%an li$e,2 Psy%hoanalyti%al theory has an e5a%t
term $or su%h a sheet Chi%h $ills in the gap in reality, stan#ing in $or the missing o)je%tE
/orstellungs70epraesentan4, the signi$ying representative o$ the missing representation,

"n# *ant<s theory o$ trans%en#ental %onstitution amounts to something Duite similar, (hat is
to say, Chat is the $un#amental $eature o$ our /sense o$ reality,/ o$ Chat Ce usually re$er to as
our /%ommon-sense realism/K 3e automati%ally assume a %ontinuity )etCeen our $iel# o$
vision an# its invisi)le )eyon#E Chen + see the $ront o$ an a%tual house, + automati%ally
assume that-- even i$ + #o not per%eive it at this moment-- the same house has its reverse, that
)ehin# it there is another house or some kin# o$ lan#s%ape, et%, +n short, it is an inherent part
o$ our /%ommon-sense realism/ that Ce humans are part o$ the Corl# Chi%h e5ists in itsel$ as
a 1$inite or in$inite2 3hole, 8n the %ontrary, *ant<s )asi% premise is that the /universe/ as the
totality o$ )eings, Chi%h in%lu#es us as its part, #oes not e5ist' therein lies the ultimate sense
o$ his thesis that any use o$ %ategories 1a priori $orms o$ thought %onstitutive o$ Chat Ce
e5perien%e as /reality/2 )eyon# the limits o$ our possi)le phenomenal e5perien%e is
illegitimateE as soon as Ce try to imagine the /universe/ as the totality o$ things-inthemselves,
our reason gets entangle# in irre%on%ila)le antinomies, 3hat Ce must espe%ially )ear in min#
here is the #i$$eren%e )etCeen *ant an# tra#itional skepti%ism, *ant<s point is not a simple
#ou)t %on%erning things-in-themselves, i,e,, the $a%t that, sin%e our e5perien%e is limite# to
phenomena, Ce %an never )e sure i$ things-in-themselves are o$ the same or#er as
phenomena, (he Chole point o$ *ant<s antinomies is that Ce %an positively #emonstrate that
things-in-themselves cannot )e o$ the same nature as phenomenaE phenomena are %onstitute#,
their te5ture is stru%ture#, )y trans%en#ental %ategories' as soon as Ce apply these %ategories
things-in-themselves, to something that %an never )e%ome an o)je%t o$ possi)le e5perien%e,
antinornies emerge, (he %ru%ial point, hoCever, is that this illusion o$ the universe is not
something Ce %an /realisti%ally/ renoun%e, )ut is ne%essary, unavoi#a)le, i$ our e5perien%e is
to retain its %onsisten%yE i$ + #o not represent to mysel$ o)je%ts in the Corl# as entities that
e5ist in themselves, i$ + #o not %on%eive Chat + per%eive as a partial aspe%t o$ some reality-in-
itsel$-- i$, say, + #o not assume that the house + see noC has its )a%k si#e Chi%h %orrespon#s to
its $ront-- then my per%eptual $iel# #isintegrates into an in%onsistent, meaningless mess,

3ithout the sheet o$ paper Chi%h pat%hes up its gaps 1as in Di%k<s Time+utof=oint2, reality
itsel$ $alls apart' the *antian name $or this pie%e o$ paper is /trans%en#ental +#ea,/ So, )y Cay
o$ the *antian trans%en#ental turn, reality itsel$ is virtualiFe#, )e%omes an arti$a%t, )e%omes
/virtual reality/ in the pre%ise sense this term has a%Duire# in to#ay<s %omputer s%ien%es' an#
the -a%anian 9eal #esignates pre%isely the har# kernel Chi%h #oes not yiel# to this
/virtualiFation,/ Chi%h is not a trans%en#ental arti$a%t, (he s%an#alous nature o$ su%h a
virtualiFation o$ reality )e%omes %lear i$ Ce rea# *ant /Cith Gentham,/ i,e,, against the
)a%kgroun# o$ Gentham<s theory o$ $i%tions,
"s the title o$ one o$ his /J%rits/-- /*ant ave% Sa#e/-- in#i%ates, -a%an proposes to %on%eive
o$ Sa#e as the truth o$ the *antian ethi%sE in or#er to grasp the kernel o$ the *antian ethi%al
revolution, invisi)le to *ant himsel$, Ce must rea# him /Cith Sa#e,/ (here is a homologous
link )etCeen *ant<s theory o$ the ne%essary trans%en#ental S%hein an# Heremy Gentham<s
theory o$ $i%tions, also one o$ the re%urrent points o$ re$eren%e o$ -a%an,
+n a $irst approa%h,
/*ant Cith Gentham/ seems no less a)sur# than /*ant Cith Sa#e/E on the one han# /vulgar/
utilitarianism, on the other the su)lime ethi% o$ $ul$illing #uty $or the sake o$ #uty Perhaps,
hoCever, *ant Q Gentham is to )e un#erstoo#, together Cith the eDuation *ant Q Sa#e, as an
e5ample o$ the 0egelian /in$inite ju#gment/ as%ertaining the %oin%i#en%e o$ the most su)lime
Cith the loCest 1/the spirit is a )one/2, 3ithin the #omain o$ ethi%s, o$ /pra%ti%al reason,/
Gentham prepare# the groun# $or the *antian revolution )y Cay o$ a%%omplishing the same
/puri$i%ation/ that 0ume realiFe# in the #omain o$ theoreti%al reason, (hat is to say, Chat
%onstitutes the $un#amental proposition o$ Gentham<s utilitarianismK (he instrumental
#e$inition o$ the Ioo#E to say that something is /goo#/ means to as%ertain that it is use$ul, that
it serves some purpose' a%%or#ing to Gentham, the notion o$ /Ioo#-in-itsel$/ is nonsensi%al
an# sel$-%ontra#i%-
tory, Gy emptying the $iel# o$ the Ioo# o$ all su)stantial content, Gentham thus %ut the roots
o$ every ethi%s $oun#e# upon a su)stantial, positive notion o$ the Supreme Ioo# as an :n#-in-
itsel$, (he #oor Cas thus opene# $or the *antian revolution Chose starting point is pre%isely
the impossi)ility o$ #etermining the Ioo#-in-itsel$ Cithin the $iel# o$ possi)le e5perien%e, "ll
that remains possi)le is there$ore to %on%eive o$ the Ioo# at the level o$ form, as the universal
$orm o$ our Cill,
+t is theoreti%ally even more pro#u%tive to rea# *ant through Gentham<s theory o$ $i%tions,
Gentham arrive# at the notion o$ $i%tions )y analyFing legal #is%ourse, Chi%h, in or#er to
$un%tion, has to presuppose a Chole series o$ entities Chose status is o)viously $i%titiousE the
notion o$ a legal person 1Chi%h ena)les us to treat an organiFation as a living person,
attri)uting to it properties Chi%h a%tually appertain only to $lesh-an#-)loo# in#ivi#ualsE the
state is responsi)le $or Car, the ministry promise# us $inan%ial support,,,2, the notion o$ an
original /so%ial %ontra%t/ 1Chi%h ena)les us to treat in#ivi#uals su)je%te# to laC as i$ they
Cere )oun# )y %ontra%t, although they never a%tually ma#e this %ontra%t2, et%,, up to the
$un#amental premise a%%or#ing to Chi%h ignoran%e o$ laC #oes not a)solve us $rom guilt
1Chen + )reak the laC, + %annot o$$er as an e5%use the $a%t that + #i# not knoC Chat is
prohi)ite#E Ce must impute to every su)je%t the knoCle#ge o$ the %orpus o$ laCs in its
entirety-- Cithout this $i%tion, the Chole e#i$i%e o$ laC #isintegrates2, Gentham<s $irst rea%tion
to these pe%uliarities o$ the legal #is%ourse Cas, o$ %ourse, that o$ an enlightene# empiri%istE
$i%tions are $a)ri%ate# )y laCyers in or#er to o)$us%ate the a%tual state o$ things an# thus
impose upon people their oCn unavoi#a)le interme#iary role 1homologous to the early-
:nlightenment /vulgar/ theory o$ religion as a $i%tion $a)ri%ate# )y the priests Cith the
purpose o$ maintaining their poCer an#Ror the poCer o$ those Chom they serve2,
(his is hoC
Gentham arrive# at the task o$ re#u%ing $i%tions to their real ingre#ients, i,e,, o$ #emonstrating
hoC $i%tions emerge $rom the Crong %om)inations o$ the elements o$ our real e5perien%eE
/:very $i%titious entity )ears some relation to some real entity, an# %an not otherCise )e
un#erstoo# than in so $ar as that relation is per%eive#-- a %on%eption o$ that relation is
Gentham $urther #istinguishes $i%titious entities /o$ the $irst remove,/ /o$ the
se%on# remove,/ et%,' in short, he Cas among the $irst to #elineate the %ontours o$ the
operation Chose most ra#i%al version is to )e $oun# later in analyti%al philosophy<s early
heroi% perio# 1the /Uiennese %ir%le/2E to a%%ept as meaning$ul only those propositions Chi%h
Cere #e#u%e# in a legiti-
mate Cay $rom some elementary $orm Chi%h guarantees %onta%t Cith a%tual e5perien%e 1the
/proto%ollary propositions/ reporting on /sense#ata,/ et%,2,
0oCever, %ompli%ations soon arose an# their most interesting aspe%t is pre%isely hoC things
got so entangle#, (he key moment %ame Chen Gentham Cas %ompelle# to #i$$erentiate
)etCeen tCo kin#s o$ $i%tionsEfictitious entitiesandimaginary:fabulous;nonentities, +t is
o)vious that /%ontra%t/ an# /gol#en mountain/ are not entities o$ the same or#er, "lthough
the $irst entity is $i%titious 1Chat /really e5ists/ are only a%ts pres%ri)e# or %omprise# )y this
$i%tion2, there is nothing imaginary a)out it' it is not an imaginary representation /$a)ri%ate#/
)y my min#, an#, $urthermore, it serves, in its very %apa%ity o$ a $i%tion, as a tool $or )ringing
a)out a series o$ /real/ e$$e%ts 1/%ontra%t/ o)liges me to a%%omplish real a%ts %omprise# )y the
$i%titious term /o)ligation,/ or another kin# o$ real e$$e%ts %omprise# )y the $i%titious term
/#amages/ )e$all me2, /Iol#en mountain,/ hoCever, is $ar %loser to sensi)le reality' there is
no #i$$i%ulty in #isplaying its genesis 1it unites tCo real representations, the representation o$
a mountain an# the representation o$ gol#2, an# yet it is in a sense /less real/ than /%ontra%t,/
sin%e it %learly #es%ri)es something Chi%h #oes not e5ist, i,e,, something Chi%h is the pro#u%t
o$ our imagination, +n or#er not to mi5 up these tCo kin#s o$ entities, Gentham intro#u%e# the
#i$$eren%e )etCeen $i%titious entities 1%ontra%t, #uty, legal person2 an# imaginary nonentities
1uni%orn, gol#en mountain2, (his Cay, he
producedavantlalettretheLacaniandistinctionbetweentheSymbolicandtheImaginaryE $i%titious
entities make up the realm o$ the Sym)oli%, Chereas /uni%orns,/ et%, are imaginary
"lthough Gentham %lung to his program o$ re#u%ing $i%tions to their real
ingre#ients, he ha# to %on%e#e that in the %ase o$ $i%tions stri%to sensu, i,e,, $i%tions as
oppose# to imaginary nonentities, this re#u%tion %oul# not )e %arrie# out' Ce must pro%ee#
#i$$erently an# re$ormulate, in the $orm o$ a #es%ription o$ real a%ts, the Chole situation
#esignate# )y the Cor# /%ontra%t,/ $or e5ample,
(hese an# other similar impasses le# Gentham to %on%lu#e that $i%tions are inherent to
language 1/#is%ourse/2 as su%h, +t is not possi)le to speak Cithout making use o$ $i%titious
entitiesE /(o language, then-- to language alone-- it is, that $i%titious entities oCe their
e5isten%e-- their impossi)le, yet in#ispensa)le, e5isten%e,/
3hat Gentham has in min# here
are not only legal-normative notions su%h as /%ontra%t,/ )ut $irst o$ all the innate propensity o$
language to su)stantiate something Chi%h, as to its original
an# real status, is a mere property o$ a thing or a pro%ess Chi%h involves itE /Cater is $loCing/
)e%omes /the $loC o$ Cater/ 1although /$loC/ possesses no su)stantial reality2' /this ta)le is
heavy/ )e%omes /the ta)le<s Ceight,/ et%, +n short, $i%tions are /those sorts o$ o)je%ts, Chi%h
in every language must, $or the purpose o$ #is%ourse, )e spoken o$ as e5isting,/

Cas sharp enough to steer %lear o$ the #elusion that Ce %an #ispense Cith this $etishisti% split
1/+ knoC that $i%tions are unreal, )ut + nonetheless speak o$ them as i$ they are real o)je%ts/2,
+$ Ce are to speak a)out reality in a %onsistent an# sensi)le Cay, Ce have to have re%ourse to
$i%tionsE /8$ nothing, there$ore, that has pla%e, or passes in our min#, %an Ce speak, or so
mu%h as think, otherCise than in the Cay o$ fiction,/
+n other Cor#s, -a%an Cas $ully
justi$ie# in maintaining that Gentham Cas the $irst Cho realiFe# that truth has the stru%ture o$
a $i%tionE the #imension o$ truth is opene# up )y the or#er o$ #is%ourse Chi%h loses its
%onsisten%y Cithout the support o$ $i%tions,
Gentham Cas thus %ompelle# to maneuver a Chole series o$ steps, retreats, an# %ompromises
Chi%h o$$er i#eal sta$$ $or a Derri#ean analysisE in or#er to save the %oheren%y o$ his
theoreti%al e#i$i%e, he ha# to intro#u%e neC supplementary #istin%tions 1)etCeen $i%titious
entities an# imaginary nonentities, et%,2' the very notion o$ $i%tion got marke# )y an
irre#u%i)le am)iguity 1it os%illates in%essantly )etCeen neutral an# pejorative %onnotationE
$i%tions are treate# sometimes as the sour%e o$ all evil, a %on$usion to )e suppresse#, an#
sometimes as an in#ispensa)le tool2,
Un#erlying these trou)les is the #ea#lo%k %ommon to
Gentham an# *antE it is possi)le to tell reality $rom $i%tions 1in Gentham, the names o$ real
entities $rom the names o$ $i%tions' in *ant, the legitimate use o$ trans%en#ental %ategories in
the %onstitution o$ reality $rom their illegitimate use Chi%h )rings a)out /trans%en#ental
illusion/2' hoCever, as soon as Ce renoun%e $i%tion an# illusion, Ce lose reality itsel$,
themomentwesubtractfictionsfromreality, realityitselflosesitsdiscursive7logicalconsistency,
*ant<s name $or these $i%tions, o$ %ourse, is /trans%en#ental +#eas,/ Chose status is merely
regulative an# not %onstitutiveE +#eas #o not simply a## themselves to reality, they literally
supplement it' our knoCle#ge o$ o)je%tive reality %an )e ma#e %onsistent an# meaning$ul only
)y Cay o$ re$eren%e to +#eas, +n short, +#eas are in#ispensa)le to the e$$e%tive $un%tioning o$
our reason' they are /a natural an# inevita)le illusion/ 1&$0, " 492E the illusion that +#eas
re$er to e5isting things )eyon# possi)le e5perien%e is /insepara)le $rom human reason/' as
su%h, it %ontinues /even a$ter its #e%eptiveness has )een e5-
pose#/ 1as Cith ;ar5<s $amous Carning that the /%ommo#ity-$etishism/ persists in a%tual li$e
even a$ter its logi% is theoreti%ally reveale#2,

-antasy and Reality
3hen -a%an speaks a)out the /pre%arious/ status o$ reality, he has in min# pre%isely this
/trans%en#ental illusion/ Dua $antasy-$rame o$ reality, -a%an<s rea#ing o$ Freu# is here very
nuan%e#, so one has to )e %are$ul not to miss its a%%ent, (rue, /reality/ $orms itsel$ through
/reality-testing,/ )y Cay o$ Chi%h the su)je%t #i$$erentiates )etCeen the hallu%inatory o)je%t
o$ #esire an# the per%eive# a%tual o)je%t' )ut the su)je%t %an never o%%upy the neutral pla%e
Chi%h Coul# alloC him or her to e5%lu#e %ompletely the hallu%inatory $antasmati% reality, +n
other Cor#s, although /reality/ is #etermine# )y /reality-testing,/
reality2sframeisstructuredbythe left7oversofhallucinatoryfantasyE the ultimate guarantee o$ our
/sense o$ reality/ turns on hoC Chat Ce e5perien%e as /reality/ %on$orms to the $antasy-
$rame, 1(he ultimate proo$ o$ it is the e5perien%e o$ the /loss o$ reality/E /our Corl# $alls
apart/ Chen Ce en%ounter something Chi%h, #ue to its traumati% %hara%ter, %annot )e
integrate# into our sym)oli% universe,2

+n this sense the status o$ reality is pre%ariousE it #epen#s on a #eli%ate )alan%e )etCeen
reality-testing an# the $antasy-$rame, *ant<s %riti%ism took shape )y re$uting SCe#en)org<s
phantasmagoria a)out seeing ghosts, %ommuni%ating Cith the #ea#, an# otherCise having
imme#iate 1that is to sayE intuitive2 %onta%t Cith the suprasensi)le realm o$ spirits, *ant<s
/original insight/ %on%erning the parallel )etCeen su%h $anati%al /ghost-seeing/ an# the
-ei)niFean rationalist metaphysi%s is more than a matter o$ the %ontingent histori%al origins o$
his philosophyE as pointe# out )y perspi%uous interpreters, the #elusion o$ the $anati%al ghost-
seer remaine# $or *ant to the very en# the mo#el $or the +#eas o$ 9eason, "t $irst, one is thus
tempte# to say that *ant<s %riti%ism persists in the para#o5i%al interme#iate positionE Ce knoC
an# Ce %an prove that the phenomenal universe is not reality in itsel$, that there is /something
)eyon#/' )ut neither 9eason 1metaphysi%s2 nor +ntuition 1ghost-seeing2 %an provi#e a%%ess to
this Geyon#, "ll Ce %an #o is #elineate its empty pla%e, %onstraining the #omain o$ the
phenomena Cithout in any Cay e5ten#ing our knoCle#ge to the noumenal #omain, 0oCever,
here lurks a %ru%ial misun#erstan#ingE Ce totally miss the point i$ Ce impute to *ant the
attitu#e o$ /proper mea-
sure,/ o$ avoi#ing )oth naive realism Chi%h a%%epts noumenal reality o$ the phenomena, an#
/ghost-seeing,/ Chi%h posits imme#iate %onta%t Cith suprasensi)le spirits, (he pro)lem is that
our most %ommon e5perien%e o$ reality reDuires $or its %onsisten%y a minimal share o$
regulative +#eas, o$ prin%iples Chi%h rea%h )eyon# possi)le e5perien%e, +n other Cor#s, the
real %hoi%e is not the %hoi%e )etCeen naive realism an# #elirious ghost-seeing, sin%e, at a
%ertain point, theyarebothonthesamesideE or, as -a%an Coul# put it, there is no reality Cithout
its $antasmati% support, +n his +pus $osthumum, *ant Duite e5pli%itly argues that +#eas
1pre%isely in the sense o$ /#elirious %reations,/ remain#ers o$ hallu%inatory $ormations2
%ompose the $antasmati% $rame o$ our a%%ess to realityE
+#eas are prime images 1intuitions2 %reate# )y reason Chi%h, as purely su)je%tive things o$
thought, pre%e#e our knoCle#ge o$ things an# the elements o$ the latterE they are the
prototypes a%%or#ing to Chi%h SpinoFa thought that all things must )e seen in Io#,,,, +#eas,
sel$%reate# a priori things o$ thought 1entia rationis2,,,in%lu#e prin%iples o$ the systemati%
unity o$ the thought o$ o)je%ts, 3e see all o)je%ts 1a%%or#ing to SpinoFa2 in Io#E Ce %an just
as Cell say that, as regar#s their reality, they must )e en%ountere# in the Corl#,

(he last senten%e is %ru%ial hereE the /sel$-%reate#/ $antasmati% $rame o$ the +#eas is the
ultimate guarantee o$ the very reality o$ o)je%ts, (his Cay, the am)iguous status o$ +#eas 1at
the same time noumenal (hings an# su)je%tive regulative prin%iples2 appears in a neC lightE
the point is not to #ismiss this am)iguity as *ant<s %ontra#i%tion or in%onsisten%y 1the %ritiDue
usually, al)eit Crongly, attri)ute# to 0egel2, )ut rather to rea# the tCo #eterminations
together, as an in#e5 o$ the e5-timate 1intimately e5ternal2 status o$ the +#ea, /+#ea/
#esignates the point o$ the para#o5i%al imme#iate %oin%i#en%e o$ the noumenal (hing Cith
Schein, Cith the illusion Chi%h has no pla%e in the %onstitute# phenomenal reality, 0oC %an
Ce $ail to re%all here the parallel am)iguity Chi%h $rom the very )eginning sti%ks to the
Freu#ian notion o$ das *ingE the (hing is /Chat hurts,/ the e5ternal traumati% M Chi%h #erails
the %lose# %ir%ulation o$ the -ust-+%h aroun# hallu%inatory o)je%ts, $or%ing the Lust7Ich to
give up the pleasure-prin%iple an# to /%on$ront reality/' yet the (hing is simultaneously the
su)je%t<s innermost kernel o$ his )eing, Chat he must sa%ri$i%e in or#er to gain a%%ess to
/e5ternal reality,/ "n# is it ne%essary to a## that the same ra#i%al am)iguity #e$ines the
-a%anian 9ealK
A Hair ofthe $og That (it You
(he $un#amental para#o5 o$ sym)oli% $i%tions is there$ore that, in one an# the same move,
they )ring a)out the /loss o$ reality/ and provi#e the only possi)le a%%ess to realityE true,
$i%tions are a sem)lan%e Chi%h o%%lu#es reality, )ut i$ Ce renoun%e $i%tions, reality itsel$
#issolves, (his para#o5 #esignates the elementary #iale%ti%al stru%ture o$ the sym)oli% or#er,
the $a%t that, as -a%an put it in his 9crits, /spee%h is a)le to re%over the #e)t that it engen#ers/
-- a thesis in Chi%h one must re%ogniFe all its 0egelian %onnotation, (he #e)t, the /Coun#,/
opene# up )y the sym)oli% or#er is a philosophi%al %ommonpla%e, at least $rom 0egel
onCar#sE Cith entry into the sym)oli% or#er, our immersion in the imme#ia%y o$ the real is
$orever lost' Ce are $or%e# to assume an irre#u%i)le loss' the Cor# entails the 1sym)oli%2
mur#er o$ the thing, et%, +n short, Chat Ce are #ealing Cith here is the negative-a)stra%tive
poCer that pertains to Chat 0egel %alle# /erstand 1the analyti%al morti$i%ation-#ismem)ering
o$ Chat organi%ally )elongs together2,
0oCever, Cith regar# to this Coun# o$ language, one
shoul# )e %are$ul not to miss its %ru%ial #imension, (hat is to say, in his interpretation o$ the
$amous Freu#ian e5ample o$ the %hil#<s play Cith the spool, a%%ompanie# )y the soun#s "ort7
*a-- a play Chi%h stages the pro%ess o$ sym)oliFation, the su)je%t<s entry into the universe o$
language, at its elementary, Fero level-- -a%an says something Duite #i$$erent $rom Chat may
appear at $irst glan%e, 0oC, pre%isely, #o things appear at $irst glan%eK (he %hil# is
traumatiFe# )y his mother<s un$oreseea)le #epartures Chi%h leave him helpless' as a
%ompensation $or it, he plays the game o$ repeate#ly throCing a spool out o$ his $iel# o$
vision an# pulling it )a%k, a%%ompanying his movements Cith the signi$ying #ya# "ort7*a
1/aCay-here/2, Gy Cay o$ sym)oliFation, an5iety #isappears, the %hil# masters the situation,
)ut the pri%e $or it is the /su)stitution o$ things )y Cor#s,/ i,e,, o$ the mother )y its signi$ying
representative 1the spool2, more pre%isely, o$ the mother<s #epartures an# returns )y the
spool<s #isappearan%es $rom an# returns into the $iel# o$ vision, (he entry into the universe o$
sym)ols is there$ore pai# $or )y the loss o$ the in%estuous o)je%t, o$ mother Dua (hing,
-a%an, hoCever, says something Duite #i$$erent an# $ar more ra#i%alE rather than a%ting as a
stan#-in $or the mother, the #isappearing an# reemerging spool is the sa%ri$i%e# part o$ the
su)je%t itsel$' the pri%e to )e pai# $or entry into the sym)oli% universe is the su)je%t<s
renun%iation o$ his /poun# o$ $lesh,/ +n other Cor#s, the true sa%ri$i%e #oes not take pla%e /out
there,/ in the relationship o$ the sym)ol to the o)je%t 1the spool instea# o$ the mother2, )ut
/here,/ in mysel$, theob(ectwhichcompensatesforthelossof themother7Thingispartofmyself'
Chat it truly stan#s $or is the loss o$ my oCn su)stantial $ullness o$ )eing, sin%e sym)oliFation
means not only that mother %eases to )e an imme#iate o)je%t $or me, )ut that,
bythesametoken, Imyselfceasetobeanob(ectforher, (he moment + enter the game o$ Fort-Da,
an imper%epti)le #istan%e separates $orever the su)stantial %ontent o$ my person $rom the
empty point o$ /sel$-%ons%iousness,/ i,e,, + am not anymore imme#iately i#enti%al Cith /Chat
+ am,/ Cith the Cealth o$ parti%ular $eatures in meE the a5is o$ my sel$-i#entity shi$ts $rom S
1the $ull, su)stantial, /pathologi%al/ su)je%t2 to N 1the /)arre#,/ empty su)je%t2,

0oC, then, pre%isely, are Ce to %omprehen# the thesis that logos is a)le to re%over its oCn
%onstitutive #e)t, or, even more pointe#ly, that it is only spee%h itsel$, the very tool o$
#isintegration, that %an heal the Coun# it makes in the real-- /only the spear that smote you R
%an heal your Coun#/ 1as 3agner puts it in $arsifal2K +t Coul# )e easy, here, to %ite
e5emplary ansCers a# in$initum, sin%e this logi% %an )e sai# to %ontain the Duintessen%e o$
post-*antian thoughtE $rom ;ar5, Chere %apitalism itsel$ )rings a)out the $or%e that Cill )ury
it 1namely, the proletariat Cho Cill heal its Coun# )y Cay o$ esta)lishing a %lassless so%iety2'
to Freu#, Chere trans$eren%e, the main hin#ran%e to the su%%ess$ul remem)ran%e o$ the
traumati% past, )e%omes the lever o$ the psy%hoanalyti% %ure<s progress' up to to#ay<s
e%ologi%al %risisE i$ there is one thing that is %lear to#ay, it is that a return to any kin# o$
natural )alan%e is $orever pre%lu#e#' only te%hnology an# s%ien%e themselves %an get us out o$
the #ea#lo%k into Chi%h they )rought us,
-et us, hoCever, remain at the level o$ the notion,
"%%or#ing to the postmo#ern do8a, the very i#ea that the sym)oli% or#er is a)le to sDuare its
#e)t in $ull epitomiFes the illusion o$ the 0egelian ,ufhebung 1/su)lation/E negation-
%onservation-elevation2, -anguage %ompensates us $or the loss o$ imme#iate reality 1$or the
repla%ement o$ /things/ Cith /Cor#s/2 Cith sense Chi%h ren#ers present the essen%e o$ things,
i,e,, in Chi%h reality is preserve# in its notion, 0oCever- so the do8a goes on-- the pro)lem
%onsists in the $a%t that the sym)oli% #e)t is %onstitutive an# as su%h unre#eema)leE the
emergen%e o$ the sym)oli% or#er opens up a )Jan%e Chi%h %an never )e Cholly $ille# up )y
sense' $or that reason, sense is never /all/' it is alCays trun%ate#, marke# )y a stain o$ non-
=et %ontrary to the %ommon opinion, -a%an #oes not $olloC this path' the most appropriate
Cay to tra%k #oCn his orientation is to re%all one o$
the %ommonpla%es o$ anti)ureau%rati% populismE )ig-government )ureau%rats arti$i%ially
%reate pro)lems in or#er to o$$er themselves as saviors, (he Cay out o$ the #ea#lo%k is
there$ore to as%ertain hoC Chat appears as a solution is a%tually part o$ the pro)lem, For
e5ample, Cithin the neoli)eral anti-Cel$are-state vision, the state )ureau%ra%y Chi%h %laims to
/solve/ the pro)lems o$ unemployment, so%ial se%urity, %rime, et%,, a%tually %auses these
pro)lems, #ue to its ta5-an#-spen# attitu#e Chi%h #istur)s the /normal/ $un%tioning o$ the
market me%hanism, (he only true solution is there$oreE leave us alone Cith your /solutions/
an# the pro)lem itsel$ Cill #isappear@ "lthough there is a kin# o$ elementary #iale%ti%s at
Cork here 1the solution retroa%tively %reates the pro)lem it en#eavors to resolvehoC not to
re%ogniFe in it the o)sessive attitu#e o$ provi#ing neC an# neCer solutions
inordertokeeptheproblemalive)2, Chat -a%an 1as Cell as 0egel2 has in min# is rather the e5a%t
oppositeE Chat, to an a)stra%t approa%h, appears as a /pro)lem/ is a%tually a ne%essary
%onstituent o$ the very /unpro)lemati%,/ /normal/ state o$ things Ce are striving $or, ?o
/unpro)lemati%,/ inno%ent state o$ things e5ists prior to /pro)lems/' the moment Ce get ri# o$
the /pro)lem,/ Ce lose pre%isely Chat Ce Cante# to save, Chat Ce $elt Cas threatene# )y the
/pro)lem,/ -et us return to neoli)eralismE Chat it ten#s to overlook is the #egree to Chi%h, in
to#ay<s %omple5 e%onomies, the very /normal/ $un%tioning o$ the market %an )e se%ure# only
)y Cay o$ the state a%tively intervening in so%ial se%urity' e%ology, laC en$or%ement, et%,' le$t
to itsel$, the market me%hanism is )oun# to #estroy itsel$, (he #iale%ti%al para#o5 is there$ore
not only that the propose# solution %an )e part o$ the pro)lem, repro#u%ing its true %ause, )ut
also its reverse, i,e,, that Chat, $rom our a)stra%t, limite# perspe%tive, appears as a pro)lem is
a%tually its oCn solution, :5amples a)oun# here, up to the /a)solute e5ample/ 1 0egel2,
.hrist, Chose /pro)lem,/ impasse, $ailure-- #eath on the %ross-- a%tually is his triumph, the
a%hievement o$ his true goal, the re%on%iliation o$ man an# Io#, (hat is to say, hoC,
a%%or#ing to 0egel, are Ce to %on%eive the #eath o$ .hristK .hrist himsel$, in his person,
alrea#y a%tualiFe# the re%on%iliation o$ man an# Io#, )ut in its /imme#ia%y/E as a uniDue
spatio-temporal, histori%al event, (here, $ar aCay, tCo thousan# years ago, /Io# )e%ame
man,/ so that his #eath %annot )ut appear as a reneCe# split, %ausing sa#ness an# lamentation
among )elievers, +t is here that Ce have to a%%omplish the para#igmati% #iale%ti%al shi$t o$
re%ogniFing the realiFe# aim in Chat appears to )e a mere striving toCar# it, a mere 1religious2
servi%eE in the very lamentation over
.hrist<s #eath per$orme# )y the %ommunity o$ )elievers, Io# is here Dua Spirit' re%on%iliation
is realiFe# in its /me#iate#,/ true $orm,

+t is against this )a%kgroun# that one has to %on%eive the relationship )etCeen /empty spee%h
1parole vide2/ an# /$ull spee%h 1parole pleine2,/ 0ere, Ce imme#iately en%ounter one o$ the
stan#ar# misapprehensions o$ the -a%anian theoryE as a rule, empty spee%h is %on%eive# as
empty' nonauthenti% prattle in Chi%h the speaker<s su)je%tive position o$ enun%iation is not
#is%lose#, Chereas in $ull spee%h, the su)je%t is suppose# to e5press his or her authenti%
e5istential position o$ enun%iation' the relationship )etCeen empty an# $ull spee%h is thus
%on%eive# as homologous to the #uality o$ /su)je%t o$ the enun%iate#/ an# /su)je%t o$ the
enun%iation,/ :ven i$ it #oes not #evalue a)solutely empty spee%h )ut regar#s it as /$ree
asso%iations/ in the psy%hoanalyti%al pro%ess, i,e,, as a spee%h emptie# o$ imaginary
i#enti$i%ations, su%h a rea#ing misses entirely -a%an<s point, Chi%h )e%omes mani$est the
moment Ce take into a%%ount the %ru%ial $a%t that $or -a%an the e5emplary %ase o$ empty
spee%h is the passCor# 1mot7depassage2, 0oC #oes a passCor# $un%tionK "s a pure gesture o$
re%ognition, o$ a#mission into a %ertain sym)oli% spa%e, Chose enun%iate# %ontent is totally
in#i$$erentE i$, say, + arrange Cith my gangster-%olleague that the passCor# Chi%h gives me
a%%ess to his hi#eout is /"unt has )ake# the apple pie,/ it %an easily )e %hange# into /-ong
live %omra#e Stalin@/ or Chatever else, (herein %onsists the /emptiness/ o$ empty spee%hE in
this ultimate nullity o$ its enun%iate# %ontent, "n# -a%an<s point is that human spee%h in its
most ra#i%al, $un#amental #imension $un%tions as a passCor#E prior to its )eing a means o$
%ommuni%ation, o$ transmitting the signi$ie# %ontent, spee%h is the me#ium o$ the mutual
re%ognition o$ the speakers,
+n other Cor#s, it is pre%isely the passCor# Dua empty spee%h
Chi%h re#u%es the su)je%t to the pun%tuality o$ the /su)je%t o$ the enun%iation/E in it, he is
present Dua a pure sym)oli% point $ree# o$ all enun%iate# %ontent, For that reason, $ull spee%h
is never to )e %on%eive# o$ as a simple an# imme#iate $illing-out o$ the voi# Chi%h
%hara%teriFes the empty spee%h 1as in the usual opposition o$ /authenti%/ an# /nonauthenti%/
spee%h2, Tuite the %ontrary, one must say that it is only empty spee%h )y Cay o$ its very
emptiness 1o$ its #istan%e toCar# the enun%iate# %ontent Chi%h is posite# in it as totally
in#i$$erent2 Chi%h %reates the spa%e $or /$ull spee%h,/ $or spee%h in Chi%h the su)je%t %an
arti%ulate his or her position o$ enun%iation, (his is hoC /only the spear that smote you %an
heal your Coun#/E only i$ you $ully assume the voi# o$ the /empty spee%h/ %an you hope to
arti%ulate your
truth in the /$ull spee%h,/ 8r, in 0egeleseE it is only the su)je%t<s ra#i%al estrangement $rom
imme#iate su)stantial Cealth Chi%h opens up the spa%e $or the arti%ulation o$ his or her
su)je%tive %ontent, (o posit the su)stantial %ontent as /my oCn,/ + must $irst esta)lish mysel$
as pure, empty $orm o$ su)je%tivity #evoi# o$ all positive %ontent,
The Radial E7il
+nso$ar as the sym)oli% Coun# is the ultimate para#igm o$ :vil, the same hol#s also $or the
relationship )etCeen :vil an# Ioo#E ra#i%al :vil opens up the spa%e $or Ioo# pre%isely the
same Cay as empty spee%h opens up the spa%e $or $ull spee%h, 3hat Ce %ome a%ross here, o$
%ourse, is the pro)lem o$ /ra#i%al :vil/ $irst arti%ulate# )y *ant in his
0eligionwithintheLimits of0eason,lone,
"%%or#ing to *ant, the ultimate proo$ o$ the
presen%e, in man, o$ a positive %ounter$or%e to his ten#en%y toCar# Ioo# is the $a%t that the
su)je%t e5perien%es moral -aC in himsel$ as an un)eara)le traumati% pressure Chi%h
humiliates his sel$-esteem an# sel$-love-- so something in the very nature o$ the Sel$ must
resist the moral -aC, i,e,, something e5ists Chi%h gives pre$eren%e to egotisti%al,
/pathologi%al/ leanings over the ten#en%y to $olloC the moral -aC, *ant emphasiFes the a
priori %hara%ter o$ this propensity toCar# :vil 1the moment Chi%h Cas later #evelope# )y
S%helling2E inso$ar as + am a $ree )eing, + %annot simply o)je%ti$y that Chi%h in me resists the
Ioo# 1)y saying, $or e5ample, that it is a part o$ my nature $or Chi%h + am not responsi)le2,
(he very $a%t that + $eel morally responsi)le $or my evil )ears Citness to hoC, in a timeless
trans%en#ental a%t, + must have %hosen $reely my eternal %hara%ter )y giving pre$eren%e to
:vil over Ioo#, (his is hoC *ant %on%eives o$ /ra#i%al :vil/E as an a priori, not just an
empiri%al-%ontingent propensity o$ human nature toCar# :vil, 0oCever, )y reje%ting the
hypothesis o$ /#ia)oli%al :vil,/ *ant retreats $rom the ultimate para#o5 o$ ra#i%al :vil, $rom
the un%anny #omain o$ those a%ts Chi%h, although /evil/ as to their %ontent, thoroughly $ul$ill
the $ormal %riteria o$ an ethi%al a%t, Su%h a%ts are not motivate# )y any pathologi%al
%onsi#erations, i,e,, their sole motivating groun# is :vil as a prin%iple, Chi%h is Chy they %an
involve the ra#i%al a)rogation o$ one<s pathologi%al interests, up to the sa%ri$i%e o$ one<s li$e,
-et us re%all ;oFart<s *on iovanniE Chen, in the $inal %on$rontation Cith the statue o$ the
&ommendatore, Don Iiovanni re$uses to repent, to renoun%e his sin$ul past, he a%%omplishes
something that %an )e properly
#esignate# only as a ra#i%al ethi%al stan%e, +t is as i$ his tena%ity mo%kingly reverses *ant<s
oCn e5ample $rom the &riti6ueof$ractical0eason Chere the li)ertine is Dui%kly prepare# to
renoun%e the satis$a%tion o$ his passion as soon as he learns that the pri%e to )e pai# $or it is
the galloCsE
Don Iiovanni persists in his li)ertine attitu#e at the very moment Chen he
knoCs very Cell that Chat aCaits him is only the galloCs an# none o$ the satis$a%tions, (hat is
to say, $rom the stan#point o$ pathologi%al interests, the thing to #o Coul# )e to a%%omplish
the $ormal gesture o$ peniten%eE Don Iiovanni knoCs that #eath is %lose, so that )y atoning
$or his #ee#s he stan#s to lose nothing, only to gain 1i,e,, to save himsel$ $rom posthumous
torments2, an# yet /on prin%iple/ he %hooses to persist in his #e$iant stan%e o$ the li)ertine,
0oC %an one avoi# e5perien%ing Don Iiovanni<s unyiel#ing /?o@/ to the statue, to this living
#ea#, as the mo#el o$ an intransigent ethical attitu#e, notCithstan#ing its /evil/ %ontentK

+$ Ce a%%ept the possi)ility o$ su%h an /evil/ ethi%al a%t, then it is not su$$i%ient to %on%eive o$
ra#i%al :vil as something that pertains to the very notion o$ su)je%tivity on a par Cith a
#isposition toCar# Ioo#' one is %ompelle# to take one step $urther an# to %on%eive o$ ra#i%al
:vil as something that ontologi%ally pre%e#es Ioo# )y Cay o$ opening up the spa%e $or it,
(hat is to say, Chat, pre%isely, is :vilK :vil is another name $or the /#eath-#rive,/ $or the
$i5ation on some (hing Chi%h #erails our %ustomary li$e-%ir%uit, Gy Cay o$ :vil, man Crests
himsel$ $rom animal instin%tual rhythm, i,e,, :vil intro#u%es the ra#i%al reversal o$ the
/natural/ relationship,
0ere, there$ore, *ant<s an# S%helling<s stan#ar# $ormula reveals its
insu$$i%ien%y, (hat $ormula hol#s that the possi)ility o$ :vil is $oun#e# in man<s $ree#om o$
%hoi%e on a%%ount o$ Chi%h he %an invert the /normal/ relationship )etCeen universal
prin%iples o$ 9eason an# his pathologi%al nature )y Cay o$ su)or#inating his suprasensi)le
nature to his egotisti%al in%linations, 3hen #egel, in his Lecturesonthe$hilosophyof 0eligion,
%on%eives o$ the very a%t o$ )e%oming-human, o$ passage o$ animal into man, as the Fall into
sin, he is more penetratingE the possi)le spa%e $or Ioo# is opene# up )y the original %hoi%e o$
ra#i%al :vil Chi%h #isrupts the pattern o$ the organi% su)stantial 3hole,
(he %hoi%e
)etCeen Ioo# an# :vil is thus in a sense not the true, original %hoi%eE the truly $irst %hoi%e is
the %hoi%e )etCeen 1Chat Cill later )e per%eive# as2 yiel#ing to one<s pathologi%al leanings
an# %hoosing ra#i%al :vil, i,e,, an a%t o$ sui%i#al egoism Chi%h /makes pla%e/ $or the Ioo#,
i,e,, Chi%h over%omes the #omination o$ pathologi%al natural impulses, )y Cay o$ a purely
gesture o$ suspen#ing the li$e-%ir%uit, 8r, to re$er to *ierkegaar#<s terms, :vil is Ioo# itsel$
/in the mo#e o$ )e%oming/E it /)e%omes/ as a ra#i%al #isruption o$ the li$e-%ir%uit' the
#i$$eren%e )etCeen Ioo# an# :vil %on%erns a purely $ormal %onversion $rom the mo#e o$
/)e%oming/ into the mo#e o$ /)eing,/
(his is hoC /only the spear that smote you %an heal
the Coun#/E the Coun# is heale# Chen the pla%e o$ :vil is $ille# out )y a /goo#/ %ontent,
Ioo# Dua /the mask o$ the (hing 1i,e,, o$ ra#i%al :vil2/ 1 -a%an2 is thus an ontologi%ally
se%on#ary, supplementary attempt to reesta)lish the lost )alan%e' its ultimate para#igm in the
so%ial sphere is the %orporatist en#eavor to 1re2%onstru%t so%iety as a harmonious, organi%,
nonantagonisti% e#i$i%e,
Su$$i%e it to re%all (homas ;ore, the .atholi% saint Cho resiste# the pressure o$ 0enry U+++ to
approve o$ his #ivor%e, +t is easy $or us to#ay to eulogiFe him as a /man $or all seasons,/ to
a#mire his ine5ora)le sense o$ re%titu#e, his perseveran%e in his %onvi%tions although the
pri%e to )e pai# $or it Cas his li$e, 3hat is $ar more #i$$i%ult to imagine is the Cay his
stu))orn perseveran%e must have stru%k the majority o$ his %ontemporariesE $rom a
/%ommunitarian/ point o$ vieC, his re%titu#e Cas an /irrational/ sel$-#estru%tive gesture
Chi%h Cas /evil/ in the sense that it %ut into the te5ture o$ the so%ial )o#y, threatening the
sta)ility o$ the %roCn an# there)y o$ the entire so%ial or#er, So, although the motivations o$
(homas ;ore Cere un#ou)te#ly /goo#,/ theveryformalstructureofhis a%twas /radicallyevil/E
his Cas an a%t o$ ra#i%al #e$ian%e Chi%h #isregar#e# the Ioo# o$ %ommunity, "n# Cas it not
the same Cith .hrist himsel$, Chose a%tivity Cas e5perien%e# )y the tra#itional 0e)reC
%ommunity as #estru%tive o$ the very $oun#ations o$ their li$eK Di# he not %ome /to #ivi#e,
not to unite,/ to set son against $ather, )rother against )rotherK
3e %an see, noC, hoC /su)stan%e )e%omes su)je%t/ )y Cay o$ passing into its pre#i%ates, -et
us take the %ase o$ %apitalismE $rom the stan#point o$ the pre%apitalist %orporate so%iety,
%apitalism is :vil, #isruptive, it unsettles the #eli%ate )alan%e o$ the %lose# pre%apitalist
e%onomy-- Chy, pre%iselyK Ge%ause it presents a %ase o$ a /pre#i%ate/-- a se%on#ary,
su)or#inate# moment o$ the so%ial totality 1money2-- Chi%h, in a kin# o$ hubris, /runs amok/
an# elevates itsel$ into an :n#-in-itsel$, 0oCever, on%e %apitalism a%hieves a neC )alan%e o$
its sel$-repro#u%tive %ir%uit an# )e%omes its oCn me#iating totality, i,e,, on%e it esta)lishes
itsel$ as a system Chi%h /posits its oCn presuppositions,/ the site o$ /:vil/ is ra#i%ally
#ispla%e#E Chat now %ounts as /evil/ are pre%isely the le$t-avers o$ the previous /Ioo#/--
o$ resistan%e o$ pre%apitalism Chi%h #istur) the untrou)le# %ir%ulation o$ .apital, the neC
$orm o$ Ioo#, (he stan#ar# image o$ the /#iale%ti%al pro%ess/ Chere the su)stan%e, the inner
essen%e, alienates-e5ternaliFes itsel$ an# then internaliFes its /otherness/ )y Cay o$ sel$-
me#iation is thus #eeply mislea#ingE the su)stan%e Chi%h at the en# again /totaliFes/ the
#eraile# pro%ess is not /the same/ as the su)stan%e #isintegrate# )y the initial #erailment, (he
neC )alan%e is a%hieve# Chen Chat Cas originally a su)or#inate# moment o$ the organi%
totality esta)lishes itsel$ as the neC me#ium o$ universality, the neC me#iating totality, 3hat
Cas at the outset the nonalienate# su)stantial unity #oes not /return to itself/ in /#esalination/'
instea#, it %hanges into a su)or#inate# moment o$ a neC totality that greC out o$ a partial
aspe%t o$ the initial unity,
(he thesis that the possi)ility o$ %hoosing :vil pertains to the very notion o$ su)je%tivity must
there$ore )e radicali4ed )y a kin# o$ sel$re$le%tive inversionE the
statusofthesub(ectassuchisevil, i,e,, inso$ar as Ce are /human,/ in a sense Ce always7
alreadyhavechosen9vil, Far more than #ire%t re$eren%es to 0egel, the 0egelian stan%e o$ the
early -a%an is %on$irme# )y the rhetori%al $igures Chi%h give )o#y to this logi% o$ the
/negation o$ negation,/ -a%an<s ansCer to the ego-psy%hology<s notion o$ the ego<s /maturity/
as the a)ility to en#ure $rustrations, $or e5ample, is that /the ego as su%h is $rustration in its
inso$ar as the ego emerges in the pro%ess o$ imaginary i#enti$i%ation Cith its
mirror-#ou)le Cho is at the same time its rival an# its potential paranoi# perse%utor, the
$rustration generate# $rom the si#e o$ the mirror-#ou)le is %onstitutive o$ the ego, (he logi% o$
this reversal is stri%tly 0egelianE Chat $irst appears as an e5ternal hin#ran%e $rustrating the
ego<s striving $or satis$a%tion is thereupon e5perien%e# as the ultimate support o$ its )eing,

Hohn For#<s #owreen!as3y/alley, usually #ismisse# as nostalgi% kits%h, lo%ates :vil Dua
ethi%al attitu#e in the very gaFe o$ nostalgia, +n a $lash)a%k narrative intro#u%e# )y a voi%e-
over, the hero, 0eC ;organ, Cho is a)out to leave a 3ales mining toCn $or "rgentina,
re%alls his i#ylli% %hil#hoo# in the sa$e haven o$ a large patriar%hal $amily, 0is gaFe is
o)sesse# )y this vision o$ the happy past ruine# )y /progress,/ o$ the li$e in a %lose#
%ommunity Chere even every#ay o%%upations a%Duire# the status o$ a ritual 1%oming home
$rom the Cork in the sha$t' Satur#ay $amily lun%h2, "t this very point, hoCever, the $ilm lays
a trap $or the spe%tatorE )y Cay o$ narrating the story $rom the perspe%tive o$ 0eC, it ren#ers
all too visi)le an# )y the same token %on%eals the %ru%ial $a%t that the true %ause o$ the
/green valley<s/ #e%line is not the ine5ora)le logi% o$ the larger e%onomi% universe )ut the
very in$atuation o$ the miners< %ommunity Cith their tra#itional Cay o$ $i$e, Chi%h prevente#
them $rom a#justing to the #eman#s o$ the neC era, +n other Cor#s, the responsi)ility $or the
#e%line, the true sour%e o$ :vil, #Cells in the very point o$ vieC $rom Chi%h the story is tol#,
the nostalgi% vieC Chi%h is a)le to per%eive as the sour%e o$ :vil only the %ruel impa%t o$ the
e5ternal Fate, 3hat Ce have here is there$ore the uniDue %ase o$ afilmwhichproblemati4es,
/e8traneates/ theveryperspective fromwhichthestoryisnarrated,

3hy, then, #oes *ant hol# )a%k $rom )ringing out all the %onseDuen%es o$ his thesis on
ra#i%al :vilK (he ansCer is %lear, al)eit para#o5i%alE Chat prevents this move is the very logi%
Chi%h %ompelle# him to arti%ulate the thesis on ra#i%al :vil in the $irst pla%e, namely the logi%
o$ /real opposition/ Chi%h, as suggeste# )y ;oniDue Davi#-;enar#, %onstitutes a kin# o$
ultimate $antasy-$rame o$ *ant<s thought,
Gy %on%eiving Ioo# an# :vil as %ontraries, as
tCo oppose# positive $or%es, *ant aims to un#ermine the tra#itional notion o$ :vil as
something that la%ks positive ontologi%al %onsisten%y, i,e,, as a mere a)sen%e o$ Ioo# 1the last
great proponent o$ this notion Cas -ei)niF2, +$ Ioo# an# :vil are %ontraries, then Chat
opposes Ioo# must )e some positive %ounter$or%e, not just our ignoran%e, our la%k o$ insight
into the true nature o$ Ioo#' the proo$ o$ the e5isten%e o$ this %ounter$or%e lies in the $a%t that
+ e5perien%e the moral -aC in mysel$ as a traumati% agen%y Chi%h e5erts an un)eara)le
pressure on the very kernel o$ my sel$-i#entity an# thus utterly humiliates my sel$-esteem-- so
there must )e in the very nature o$ the /+/ something Chi%h resists moral -aCE the %on%eit
Chi%h gives pre$eren%e to /pathologi%al/ interests over the moral -aC, (his is hoC *ant
%on%eives o$ the /ra#i%al :vil/E as an a priori, not just empiri%al-%ontingent, propensity o$
human nature' it e5presses itsel$ in three $orms, #egrees, Chi%h all hinge on a kin# o$ sel$-
#e%eit o$ the su)je%t,
(he $irst, the mil#est, $orm o$ :vil e5presses itsel$ through an appeal to the /Ceakness o$ the
human nature/E + knoC Chat my #uty is, + $ully a%knoCle#ge it, )ut + %annot gather enough
strength to $olloC its %all an# not to su%%um) to /pathologi%al/ temptations, (he $alsity o$ this
position, o$ %ourse, resi#es in the un#erlying gesture o$ sel$-o)je%tiviFationE the $ee)leness o$
my %hara%ter is not part o$ my given nature' + have no right to assume the position, o$
metalanguage, o$ an o)je%tive o)server o$ mysel$, in or#er to as%ertain Chat my nature
alloCs, ;y /natural #ispositions/ #eter-
mine my )ehavior only inso$ar as + Dua $ree, autonomous )eing a%knoCle#ge them, so + am
$ully responsi)le $or them, +t is this responsi)ility that the $irst $orm o$ :vil eva#es,
(he se%on# $orm, in%ompara)ly more #angerous, inverts the $irst oneE in the $irst $orm o$ :vil,
the su)je%t, Chile retaining the a#eDuate notion o$ Chat his #uty is, pro$esses his ina)ility to
a%t a%%or#ingly' here, the su)je%t %laims to a%t $or the sake o$ #uty, to )e motivate# solely )y
ethi%al %on%erns, Chereas he is truly le# )y pathologi%al motivations, "n e5emplary %ase is a
severe tea%her Cho )elieves that he torments the %hil#ren on )ehal$ o$ their oCn moral
up)ringing, Chereas he is a%tually satis$ying his sa#isti% impulses, (he sel$-#e%eption is here
#eeper than in the $irst %ase, sin%e the su)je%t misper%eives the very %ontours o$ #uty,
(he thir# $orm, the Corst, is $or the su)je%t to totally lose the inner sense, the inner
relationship toCar# #uty Dua spe%i$i% moral agen%y, an# to per%eive morality as a simple
e5ternal set o$ rules, o$ o)sta%les that so%iety puts up in or#er to restrain the pursuit o$
egotisti%al /pathologi%al/ interests, (his Cay, the very notions o$ /right/ an# /Crong/ lose
their meaningE i$ the su)je%t #oes $olloC moral rules, it is simply in or#er to avoi# pain$ul
%onseDuen%es, )ut i$ he %an /)en# the laC/ Cithout getting %aught, all the )etter $or him, (he
stan#ar# e5%use o$ the su)je%t Cith this attitu#e, Chen he is reproa%he# $or #oing something
%ruel or immoral, is /+ #i#n<t )reak any laCs, so get o$$ my )a%k@/
(here is, hoCever, a $ourth possi)ility, e5%lu#e# )y *ant, the possi)ility o$ Chat he re$ers to
as /#ia)oli%al :vil/E the moment o$ the 0egelian %ontra#i%tion Chen :vil assumes the $orm o$
its opposite, i,e,, Chen it is not anymore e5ternally oppose# to Ioo# )ut )e%omes the %ontent
o$ the latter<s $orm, 3e must )e %are$ul here not to %on$use this /#ia)oli%al :vil/ Cith the
se%on# *antian $ormE there, also, :vil assumes the $orm o$ Ioo#' hoCever, Chat Ce are
%on%erne# Cith here is a simple %ase o$ a pathologi%al motivation Chi%h, )y Cay o$ sel$-
#e%eit, misper%eives itsel$ as $ul$illing one<s #uty, Chereas in the %ase o$ /#ia)oli%al :vil,/ the
impetus o$ my a%tivity a%tually is /nonpathologi%al/ an# runs against my egotisti%al interests,
(he e5ample that %omes to min# here is the #i$$eren%e )etCeen rightCing %orrupte#
authoritarian regimes an# le$t-Cing totalitarian regimesE in the %ase o$ right-Cing
authoritarian regimes, no)o#y is #upe#, every)o#y knoCs that )ehin# all the patrioti%
rhetori%s hi#es a simple gree# $or poCer an# Cealth' Chereas le$t-Cing totalitarians shoul#
not )e #ismisse# as %ases o$ #isguising sel$ish interests un#er virtue<s %lothes, )e%ause they
really a%t
-1AA V
$or the sake o$ Chat they per%eive as virtue an# they are prepare# to stake everything,
in%lu#ing their lives, on this virtue, (he irony, o$ %ourse, is that the e5emplary %ase is the
Ha%o)ini%al /#i%tature o$ virtue/' although *ant oppose# the Ha%o)ins in politi%s, he lai# the
$oun#ations $or them in his moral philosophy 1it Cas 0egel Cho $irst #ete%te# this terrorist
potential o$ *antian ethi%s2, *ant ha# there$ore goo# reasons $or e5%lu#ing /#ia)oli%al :vil/E
Cithin the parameters o$ his philosophy, it is in#istinguisha)le $rom the Ioo#@

So, to resume our argumentE i$ moral struggle is %on%eive# as the %on$li%t o$ tCo opposing
positive $or%es striving $or mutual annihilation, it )e%omes unthinka)le that one o$ the $or%es--
:vil-- not only opposes the other, en#eavoring to annihilate it, )ut also
underminesitfromwithin, bywayof assumingtheveryformofitsopposite, 3henever *ant
approa%hes this possi)ility 1apropos o$ /#ia)oli%al :vil/ in pra%ti%al philosophy' apropos o$
the trial against the monar%h in the #o%trine o$ laC2, he Dui%kly #ismisses it as unthinka)le, as
an o)je%t o$ ultimate a)horren%e, +t is only Cith 0egel<s logi% o$ negative sel$-relating that this
step %an )e a%%omplishe#,

(he proo$ that Chat *ant %alls /#ia)oli%al :vil/ 1evil as an ethi%al prin%iple2 is a ne%essary
%onseDuen%e o$ *ant<s notion o$ /ra#i%al :vil,/ i,e,, the proo$ that *ant, Chen he reje%ts the
hypothesis o$ /#ia)oli%al :vil,/ shirks the %onseDuen%es o$ his oCn #is%overy, is provi#e# )y
*ant himsel$, +n his 0eligionwithintheLimitsof0eason,lone, *ant points out hoC, apropos o$
some really evil person, Ce %an see that :vil pertains to his very eternal %hara%terE this person
#i# not yiel# to evil un#er the in$luen%e o$ )a# %ir%umstan%es' :vil lies in his very /nature,/
"t the same time, o$ %ourse, he is-- like every human )eing-- ra#i%ally responsible $or his
%hara%ter, (he ne%essary impli%ation o$ it is that, in an /eternal,/ timeless, trans%en#ental a%t,
he must have %hosen :vil as the )asi% $eature o$ his )eing, (he trans%en#ental, a priori
%hara%ter o$ this a%t means that it %oul# not have )een motivate# )y pathologi%al
%ir%umstan%es' the original %hoi%e o$ :vil ha# to )e a purely ethi%al a%t, the a%t o$ elevating
:vil into an ethi%al prin%iple,
There Are ,i<es and ,i<es
(his #ia)oli%al :vil, the /unthought/ o$ *ant, is stricto sensu unrepresenta)leE it entails the
)reak#oCn o$ the logi% o$ representation, i,e,, the ra#i%al in%ommensura)ility )etCeen the
$iel# o$ representation an# the unrepresenta)le (hing, Flau)ert<s #es%ription o$ the $irst
en%ounter o$ ;a#ame
Govary an# her lover
%on#enses the entire pro)lemati% Chi%h, a%%or#ing to Fou%ault,
#etermines the post-*antian episteme o$ the nineteenth %enturyE the neC %on$iguration o$ the
a5is poCer-knoCle#ge %ause# )y the in%ommensura)ility )etCeen the $iel# o$ representation
an# the (hing, as Cell as the elevation o$ se5uality to the #ignity o$ the unrepresenta)le
(hing, "$ter the tCo lovers enter the %oa%h an# tell the #river just to %ir%ulate aroun# the %ity,
Ce hear nothing a)out Chat goes on )ehin# the %oa%h<s sa$ely %lose# %urtainsE Cith an
attention to #etail reminis%ent o$ the later nouveau roman, Flau)ert limits himsel$ to lengthy
#es%riptions o$ the %ity environment through Chi%h the %oa%h aimlessly Can#ers, the stone-
pave# streets, the %hur%h ar%hes, et%,-- only in one short senten%e mentioning that, $or a )rie$
moment, a nake# han# pier%e# through the %urtain, (his s%ene is ma#e as i$ to illustrate
Fou%ault<s thesis, $rom the $irst volume o$ his #istory of Se8uality, that the very spee%h Chose
/o$$i%ial/ $un%tion is to %on%eal se5uality a%tually engen#ers the appearan%e o$ its se%ret, i,e,,
that, to make use o$ the very terms o$ psy%hoanalysis against Chi%h Fou%ault<s thesis is aime#,
the /represse#/ %ontent is an e$$e%t o$ repressionE the more the Criter<s gaFe is restri%te# to
irrelevant an# )oring ar%hite%tural #etails, the more Ce, the rea#ers, are tormente#, gree#y to
learn Chat goes on in the spa%e )ehin# the %lose# %urtains o$ the %oa%h, (he pu)li% prose%utor
Calke# into this trap in the trial against ;a#ame Govary Chen he Duote# pre%isely this
passage as one instan%e o$ the o)s%ene %hara%ter o$ the )ookE it Cas easy $or Flau)ert<s
#e$ense laCyer to point out that there is nothing o)s%ene in the neutral #es%riptions o$ pave#
streets an# ol# houses, "ny o)s%enity is entirely %onstraine# to the rea#er<s 1in this %aseE
prose%utor<s2 imagination o)sesse# )y the /real thing/ )ehin# the %urtain, +t is perhaps no
mere a%%i#ent that to#ay this pro%e#ure o$ Flau)ert<s strikes us as eminently cinematicE it is as
i$ it plays upon Chat %inema theory #esignates as hors7champ, the e5ternality o$ the $iel# o$
vision Chi%h, in its very a)sen%e, organiFes the e%onomy o$ Chat %an )e seenE i$ 1as Cas long
ago proven )y the %lassi%al analyses o$ :isenstein2 Di%kens intro#u%e# into the literary
#is%ourse the %orrelatives o$ Chat later )e%ame the elementary %inemati% pro%e#ures-- the
tria# o$ esta)lishing shots, /"meri%an/ pans an# %lose-ups, the parallel montage, et%,--
Flau)ert took a step $urther toCar# an e5ternality Chi%h elu#es the stan#ar# e5%hange o$ $iel#
an# %ounter-$iel#, i,e,, an e5ternality Chi%h has to remain e5%lu#e# i$ the $iel# o$ Chat %an )e
represente# is to retain its %onsisten%y,

(he %ru%ial point, hoCever, is not to mistake this in%ommensura)ility
)etCeen the $iel# o$ representation an# se5uality $or the %ensorship o$ the #es%ription o$
se5uality alrea#y at Cork in the pre%e#ing epo%hs, +$ ;a#ame Govary Cere to have )een
Critten a %entury earlier, the #etails o$ se5ual a%tivity Coul# also have remaine# unmentione#,
$or sure, yet Chat Ce Coul# have rea# a$ter the tCo lovers< entry into the se%lu#e# spa%e o$
the %oa%h Coul# have )een a simple short statement likeE /Finally alone an# hi##en )ehin#
the %urtains o$ the %oa%h, the lovers yiel#e# to passion,/ (here, the lengthy #es%riptions o$
streets an# )uil#ings Coul# have )een totally out o$ pla%e' they Coul# have )een per%eive# as
la%king any $un%tion, sin%e, in this pre-*antian universe o$ representations, no ra#i%al tension
%oul# arise )etCeen the represente# %ontent an# the traumati% (hing )ehin# the %urtain,
"gainst this )a%kgroun#, one is tempte# to propose one o$ the possi)le #e$initions o$
/realism/E a naive )elie$ that, )ehin# the %urtain o$ representations, some $ull, su)stantial
reality a%tually e5ists 1in the %ase o$ ;a#ame Govary, the reality o$ se5ual super$luity2,
/Postrealism/ )egins Cith a #ou)t as to the e5isten%e o$ this reality /)ehin# the %urtain,/ i,e,,
Cith the $ore)o#ing that the very gesture o$ %on%ealment %reates Chat it preten#s to %on%eal,
"n e5emplary %ase o$ su%h /postrealist/ play$ulness, o$ %ourse, are the paintings o$ 9enJ
;agritte, (o#ay, Chen one says /;agritte,/ the $irst asso%iation, o$ %ourse, is the notorious
#raCing o$ a pipe Cith an ins%ription )eloC itE /.e%i n<est pas une pipe/ 1/(his is not a pipe/2,
(aking as a starting point the para#o5es implie# )y this painting, ;i%hel Fou%ault Crote a
perspi%a%ious little )ook o$ the same title,
=et, perhaps another o$ ;agritte<s paintings %an
serve even more appropriately to esta)lish the elementary matri5 that generates the un%anny
e$$e%ts pertaining to his CorkE La lunette d2apprache $rom 19>3, the painting o$ a hal$-open
Cin#oC Chere, through the Cin#oCpane, Ce see the e5ternal reality 1)lue sky Cith some
#isperse# Chite %lou#s2, yet Chat Ce see in the narroC opening Chi%h gives #ire%t a%%ess to
the reality )eyon# the pane is nothing, just a non#es%ript )la%k mass, +n -a%anese, the
painting Coul# translate thusE the $rame o$ the Cin#oCpane is the $antasy-$rame Chi%h
%onstitutes reality, Chereas through the %ra%k Ce get an insight into the /impossi)le/ 9eal, the

(his painting ren#ers the elementary matri5 o$ the ;agrittean para#o5es )y Cay o$ staging
the /*antian/ split )etCeen 1sym)oliFe#, %ategoriFe#, trans%en#entally %onstitute#2 reality
an# the voi# o$ the (hing-initsel$, o$ the 9eal, Chi%h gapes open in the mi#st o$ reality an#
%on$ers upon
it a $antasmati% %hara%ter, (he $irst variation that %an )e generate# $rom this matri5 is the
presen%e o$ some strange, in%onsistent element Chi%h is /e5traneous/ to the #epi%te# reality,
i,e,, Chi%h, un%annily, has its pla%e in it, although it #oes not /$it/ in itE the giganti% ro%k
Chi%h $loats in the air %lose to a %lou# as its heavy %ounterpart, its #ou)le, in La Bataille de
l2,rgonne 1 19792' the unnaturally large )loom Chi%h $ills out the entire room in Tombeau des
lutteurs 1 19>A2, (his strange element /out o$ joint/ is pre%isely the $antasy-o)je%t $illing out
the )la%kness o$ the real that Ce per%eive# in the %ra%k o$ the hal$-open Cin#oC in La lunette
d2approche, (he e$$e%t o$ un%anniness is even stronger Chen the /same/ o)je%t is re#ou)le#,
as in Les deu8 myst5res, a later variation 1$rom 19>>2 on the $amous &eci n2est pas une pipeE
the pipe an# the ins%ription un#erneath it /&eci n2est pas une pipe/ are )oth #epi%te# as
#raCings on a )la%k)oar#' yet on the le$t o$ the )la%k)oar#, the apparition o$ another giganti%
an# massive pipe $loats $reely in a nonspe%i$ie# spa%e, (he title o$ this painting %oul# also
have )een /" pipe is a pipe,/ $or Chat is it i$ not a per$e%t illustration o$ the 0egelian thesis
on tautology as the ultimate %ontra#i%tionE the %oin%i#en%e )etCeen the pipe lo%ate# in a
%learly #e$ine# sym)oli% reality, an# its phantomati%, un%anny #ou)le, strangely a$loat near)y,
(he ins%ription un#er the pipe on the )la%k)oar# )ears Citness to the split )etCeen the tCo
pipesE the pipe Chi%h $orms part o$ reality an# the pipe as real, i,e,, as a $antasy-apparition, are
#istinguishe# )y the intervention o$ the sym)oli% or#erE it is the emergen%e o$ the sym)oli%
or#er Chi%h splits reality into itsel$ an# the enigmati% surplus o$ the real, ea%h one
/#erealiFing/ its %ounterpart,
(he -a%anian point to )e ma#e here, o$ %ourse, is that su%h a split %an o%%ur only in an
e%onomy o$ #esireE it #esignates the gap )etCeen the ina%%essi)le o)je%t-%ause o$ #esire, the
/metonymy o$ nothingness/-- the pipe $loating $reely in the air-- an# the /empiri%al/ pipe
Chi%h, although Ce %an smoke it, is never /that,/ 1(he ;ar5 Grothers version o$ this painting
Coul# )e something like /(his looks like a pipe an# Corks like a pipe, )ut this shoul# not
#e%eive you-- this is a pipe@/2
(he massive presen%e o$ the $ree-$loating pipe, o$ %ourse,
turns the #epi%te# pipe into a /mere painting,/ yet, simultaneously, the $ree-$loating pipe is
oppose# to the /#omesti%ate#/ sym)oli% reality o$ the pipe on the )la%k)oar# an# as su%h
a%Duires a phantomlike, /surreal/ presen%e-- like the emergen%e o$ the /real/ -aura in 8tto
Preminger<s Laura, (he poli%e #ete%tive 1 Dana "n#reCs2 $alls asleep staring at the portrait o$
the allege#ly #ea# -aura' upon aCakening, he $in#s at the si#e o$ the portrait the /real/ -aura,
Cell an# alive, (his
presen%e o$ the /real/ -aura a%%entuates the $a%t that the portrait is a mere /imitation/' on the
other han#, the very /real/ -aura emerges as a nonsym)oliFe# $antasmati% surplus, a ghostlike
apparition' )eneath the portrait, one %an easily imagine the ins%ription /(his is not -aura,/ "
someChat homologous e$$e%t o$ the real o%%urs at the )eginning o$ Sergio -eone<s +nce
Upon a Time in ,merica, a phone goes on ringing en#lessly' Chen, $inally, a han# pi%ks up
the re%eiver, the phone continues to ring, (he $irst soun# )elongs to /reality,/ Chereas the
ringing Chi%h goes on even a$ter the re%eiver is pi%ke# up %omes out o$ the nonspe%i$ie# voi#
o$ the 9eal,

Gut this splitting )etCeen sym)oliFe# reality an# the surplus o$ the 9eal ren#ers only the most
elementary matri5 o$ the Cay the Sym)oli% an# the 9eal are intertCine#' a $urther #iale%ti%al
/turn o$ the s%reC/ is intro#u%e# )y Chat Freu# %alle# /orstellungs70epraesentan4, the
sym)oli% representative o$ an originally missing, e5%lu#e# 1/primor#ially represse#/2
(his para#o5 o$ the /orstellungs70epraesentan4 is per$e%tly stage# )y
;agritte<s $ersonnage marchant vers l2hori4on 1 194-492E the portrait o$ an unremarka)le
el#erly gentleman in a )oCler-hat, seen $rom )ehin#, situate# near $ive thi%k, $ormless )lo)s
Chi%h )ear the itali%iFe# Cor#s /nuage,/ /%heval,/ /$usil,/ et%, 0ere Cor#s are the signi$ier<s
representatives Chi%h stan# in $or the a)sent representation o$ the things, Fou%ault is Duite
right in remarking that this painting $un%tions as a kin# o$ inverte# re)usE in a re)us, pi%torial
representations o$ things stan# $or the Cor#s Chi%h #esignate these things, Chereas here
Cor#s themselves $ill out the voi# o$ the a)sent things, +t Coul# )e possi)le $or us to %ontinue
Cith the variations generate# )y this elementary matri5 1The "all of the 9vening, $or e5ample,
Chere the evening literally $alls through the Cin#oC an# )reaks the pane-- a %ase o$ realiFe#
metaphor, i,e,, o$ the intrusion o$ the Sym)oli% into the 9eal2' yet it su$$i%es to as%ertain hoC
)ehin# all these para#o5es the same matri5 emerges, the same )asi% $issure Chose nature is
ultimately *antianE /reality/ is never given in its totality' there is alCays a voi# gaping in its
mi#st, $ille# out )y monstrous apparitions,
The Non:intersu/0eti7e "ther
(he impenetra)le )la%kness that %an )e glimpse# through the %ra%k o$ the hal$-opene#
Cin#oC thus opens up the spa%e $or the un%anny apparitions o$ an 8ther Cho pre%e#es the
8ther o$ /normal/ intersu)je%tivity, -et us re%all here a #etail $rom 0it%h%o%k<s "ren4y Chi%h
)ears Citness to his
geniusE in a s%ene that lea#s to the se%on# mur#er, Ga)s, the soon-to-)e vi%tim, a young girl
Cho Corks in a .ovent Iar#en pu), a$ter a Duarrel Cith the oCner leaves her Corking pla%e
an# steps out onto the )usy market street' the street noise Chi%h $or a )rie$ moment hits us is
Dui%kly suspen#e# 1in a totally /nonrealisti%/ Cay2 Chen the %amera approa%hes Ga)s $or a
%lose-up, an# the mysterious silen%e is then )roken )y an un%anny voi%e %oming $rom an
in#e$inite point o$ a)solute pro5imity, as i$ $rom )ehin# her an# at the same time $rom Cithin
her, a man<s voi%e so$tly saying /?ee# a pla%e to stayK/ Ga)s moves o$$ an# looks )a%k'
stan#ing )ehin# her is an ol# a%Duaintan%e Cho, un)eknoCnst to her, is the /ne%ktie-
mur#erer,/ "$ter a %ouple o$ se%on#s, the magi% evaporates an# Ce hear again the soun#
tapestry o$ /reality,/ o$ the market street )ustling Cith li$e, (his voi%e Chi%h emerges in the
suspension o$ reality is none other than the ob(et petit a, an# the $igure Chi%h appears )ehin#
Ga)s is e5perien%e# )y the spe%tator as supplementary Cith regar# to this voi%eE it gives )o#y
to it, an#, simultaneously, it is strangely intertCine# Cith Ga)s<s )o#y, as her )o#y<s sha#oCy
protu)eran%e 1not unlike the strange #ou)le )o#y o$ -eonar#o<s ;a#onna, analyFe# )y Freu#'
or, in (otal 9e%all, the )o#y o$ the lea#er o$ the un#ergroun# resistan%e movement on ;ars, a
kin# o$ parasiti% protu)eran%e on another person<s )elly2, +t is easy to o$$er a long list o$
similar e$$e%ts' thus, in one o$ the key s%enes o$ Silence of the Lambs, .lari%e an# -e%ter
o%%upy the same positions Chen engage# in a %onversation in -e%ter<s prisonE in the
$oregroun#, the %lose-up o$ .lari%e staring into the %amera, an# on the glass partition-Call
)ehin# her, the re$le%tion o$ -e%ter<s hea# germinating )ehin#-- out o$ her-- as her sha#oCy
#ou)le, simultaneously less an# more real than her, (he supreme %ase o$ this e$$e%t, hoCever,
is $oun# in one o$ the most mysterious shots o$ 0it%h%o%k<s /ertigo, Chen S%ottie peers at
;a#eleine through the %ra%k in the hal$-opene# )a%k#oor o$ the $lorist<s shop, For a )rie$
moment, ;a#eleine Cat%hes hersel$ in a mirror %lose to this #oor, so that the s%reen is
verti%ally splitE the le$t hal$ is o%%upie# )y the mirror in Chi%h Ce see ;a#eleine<s re$le%tion,
Chile the right hal$ is sli%e# )y a series o$ verti%al lines 1the #oors2' in the verti%al #ark )an#
1the %ra%k o$ the hal$-opene# #oor2 Ce see a $ragment o$ S%ottie, his gaFe trans$i5e# on the
/original/ Chose mirror re$le%tion Ce see in the le$t hal$, " truly /;agrittean/ Duality %lings
to this uniDue shotE although, as to the #isposition o$ the #iegeti% spa%e, S%ottie is here /in
reality,/ Chereas Chat Ce see o$ ;a#eleine is only her mirror image, the e$$e%t o$ the shot is
e5a%tly the reverseE ;a#eleine is per%eive# as
part o$ reality an# S%ottie as a phantomlike protu)eran%e Cho 1like the legen#ary #Car$ in
Irimm<s Snow7white2 lurks )ehin# the mirror, (his shot is ;agrittean in a very pre%ise senseE
the #Car$like mirage o$ S%ottie peeps out o$ the very impenetra)le #arkness Chi%h gapes in
the %ra%k o$ the hal$open Cin#oC in La lunette d2approche 1the mirror in /ertigo, o$ %ourse,
%orrespon#s to the Cin#oCpane in ;agritte<s painting2, +n )oth %ases, the $rame# spa%e o$ the
mirrore# reality is traverse# )y a verti%al )la%k ri$t,
"s *ant puts it, there is no positive
knoCle#ge o$ the (hing-in-itsel$, one %an only #esignate its pla%e, /make room/ $or it, (his is
Chat ;agritte a%%omplishes on a Duite literal levelE the %ra%k o$ the hal$-open #oor, its
impenetra)le )la%kness, makes room $or the (hing, "n# )y lo%ating in this %ra%k a gaFe,
0it%h%o%k supplements ;agritte in a 0egehan--a%anian CayE /i$ )eyon# appearan%e there is
no thing in itsel$, there is the gaFe,/

+n his Gayreuth pro#u%tion o$ Tristan und Isolde, Hean-Pierre Ponelle %hange# 3agner<s
original plot, interpreting all that $olloCs (ristan<s #eath-- the arrival o$ +sol#e an# *ing
;arke, +sol#e<s #eath-- as (ristan<s mortal #eliriumE the $inal appearan%e o$ +sol#e is stage# so
that the #aFFlingly illuminate# +sol#e groCs lu5uriantly behind him, Chile (ristan stares at us,
the spe%tators, Cho are a)le to per%eive his su)lime #ou)le, the protu)eran%e o$ his lethal,
enjoyment, (his is also hoC Gergman, in his version o$ The 3agic "lute, o$ten shot Pamina
an# ;onostatosE a %lose-up o$ Pamina, Cho stares intensely into the %amera, Cith ;onostatos
appearing )ehin# her as her sha#oCy #ou)le, as i$ )elonging to a #i$$erent level o$ reality
1illuminate# Cith pointe#ly /unnatural/ #ark-violet %olors2, Cith his gaFe also #ire%te# into
the %amera, (his #isposition, in Chi%h the su)je%t an# his or her sha#oCy, e5-timate #ou)le
stare into a %ommon thir# point 1materialiFe# in us, the spe%tators2, epitomiFes the
relationship o$ the su)je%t to an 8therness Chi%h is prior to intersu)je%tivity, (he $iel# o$
intersu)je%tivity Chere su)je%ts, Cithin their share# reality, /look into ea%h other<s eyes,/ is
sustaine# )y the paternal metaphor, Chereas the re$eren%e to the a)sent third point Chi%h
attra%ts the tCo gaFes %hanges the status o$ one o$ the tCo partners-- the one in the
)a%kgroun#-- into the su)lime em)o#iment o$ the real o$ enjoyment,

3hat all these s%enes have in %ommon on the level o$ purely %inemati% pro%e#ure is a kin# o$
$ormal %orrelative o$ the reversal o$ $a%e-to-$a%e intersu)je%tivity into the relationship o$ the
su)je%t to his sha#oCy #ou)le Chi%h emerges )ehin# him or her as a kin# o$ su)lime
protu)eran%eE the condensation of the field and counter7field within the same shot, 3hat Ce
here is a para#o5i%al kin# o$ %ommuni%ationE not a /#ire%t/ %ommuni%ation o$ the su)je%t
Cith his $elloC %reature in front of him, )ut a %ommuni%ation Cith the e5%res%en%e behind
him, me#iate# )y a thir# gaFe, as i$ the %ounter-$iel# Cere to )e mirrore# )a%k into the $iel#
itsel$, +t is this thir# gaFe Chi%h %on$ers upon the s%ene its hypnoti% #imensionE the su)je%t is
enthralle# )y the gaFe Chi%h sees /Chat is in himsel$ more than himsel$,/ "n# the analyti%al
situation itsel$-- the relationship )etCeen analyst an# analysan#-- #oes it not ultimately also
#esignate a kin# o$ return to this preintersu)je%tive relationship o$ the su)je%t 1analysan#2 to
his sha#oCy other, to the e5ternaliFe# o)je%t in himsel$K +s not this the Chole point o$ the
spatial #isposition o$ analysisE a$ter the so-%alle# preliminary intervieCs, the analysis proper
)egins Chen the analyst an# the analysan# no longer %on$ront ea%h other $a%e to $a%e, )ut the
analyst sits behind the analysan#, Cho, stret%he# on the #ivan, stares into the voi# in $ront o$
himK Does not this very #isposition lo%ate the analyst as the analysan#<s ob(ect small a, not his
#ialogi%al partner, not another su)je%tK

The "/0et of the Indefinite )udg6ent
"t this point, Ce shoul# return to *antE in his philosophy, this %ra%k, this spa%e Chere su%h
monstrous apparitions %an emerge, is opene# up )y the #istin%tion )etCeen negative an#
in#e$inite ju#gment, (he very e5ample use# )y *ant to illustrate this #istin%tion is telltaleE the
positive ju#gment )y means o$ Chi%h a pre#i%ate is as%ri)e# to the 1logi%al2 su)je%t-- /(he
soul is mortal/' the negative ju#gment )y means o$ Chi%h a pre#i%ate is #enie# to the su)je%t--
/(he soul is not mortal/' the in#e$inite ju#gment )y means o$ Chi%h, instea# o$ negating a
pre#i%ate 1i,e,, the %opula Chi%h as%ri)es it to the su)je%t2, Ce a$$irm a %ertain non-pre#i%ate--
/(he soul is not-mortal,/ 1+n Ierman also, the #i$$eren%e is solely a matter o$ pun%tuationE
/Die Seele ist ni%ht ster)li%he/-- /Die Seele ist ni%htster)li%he/' *ant enigmati%ally #oes not
use the stan#ar# /unster)li%he,/ See &$0, " B4-B3,2 (his #istin%tion, as hair-splitting as it
may appear, nevertheless plays a %ru%ial role in *ant<s en#eavor to #istinguish #i$$erent
mo#alities o$ opposition an# R or negationE
-First, the real oppositionE the %on$li%t )etCeen tCo positive $or%es, a $or%e an# its
%omplementary %ounter$or%e, Chi%h %an%el ea%h other out, (his opposition is real in the
pre%ise sense o$ #esignating the $eature %onstitutive o$ the very notion o$ /reality/E Chat Ce
e5perien%e as /reality/
is stru%ture# )y the all-present antagonism o$ a $or%e an# its %ounter$or%e 1attra%tion an#
repulsion, positive an# negative poles in magnetism, et%,2, (he opposite o$ a positive $or%e is
not nothing, the a)sen%e, the la%k o$ this positive $or%e, )ut another $or%e Chi%h possesses its
oCn positive ontologi%al a%tualityE the result o$ the %on$li%t is o Chen opposite $or%es o$ eDual
strength %an%el ea%h other, like a rope Chi%h remains at a stan#still Chen tCo groups o$ )oys
o$ eDual strength pull it in opposite #ire%tions, *ant )aptiFe# this /Fero/ o$ real opposition
nihilprivativumE it is the out%ome o$ the mutual /privation/ o$ the tCo opposite $or%es, (he
%ru%ial $eature Chi%h #istinguishes real opposition is the presuppose# %ommon groun#E the
opposition o$ positive an# negative poles o%%urs only Cithin a magneti% $iel#, For that reason,
the $a%t that an o)je%t is not magneti%ally positive #oes not automati%ally entail that it is
magneti%ally negative-- it %an simply lie outsi#e the sphere o$ magnetism,
-9eal opposition is not to )e %on$use# Cith logical contradiction, Chose out%ome is a
#i$$erent type o$ /Fero,/ nihil negativumE it o%%urs Chen the very notion o$ the o)je%t un#er
%onsi#eration %ontra#i%ts itsel$ an# there)y %an%els itsel$, 3hat *ant has in min# here are
notions like /sDuare %ir%le,/ /Coo#en iron,/ et%, 3e %annot arrive at an intuition o$ su%h
o)je%ts 1Ce %annot imagine Chat a /sDuare %ir%le/ looks like2, sin%e they are %ases o$ Chat
*ant re$ers to as UndingE a /non-thing,/ an empty ob(ect devoid of its notion an# as su%h, #ue
to its sel$-%ontra#i%tory %hara%ter, logi%ally impossi)le,
-(here is, hoCever, a thir# type o$ negation, irre#u%i)le to either real opposition or logi%al
%ontra#i%tionE antinomy, *ant praise# himsel$ $or )eing the $irst to arti%ulate its spe%i$i%
%hara%ter, (here are namely o)je%ts Chi%h, although not logi%ally sel$-%ontra#i%tory,
nevertheless a priori %annot )e intuite#, i,e,, imagine# as o)je%ts o$ our e5perien%e, as parts o$
Chat Ce e5perien%e as reality, (hese o)je%ts are %learly not logi%ally impossi)le, yet $or all
that, Ce %annot %onsi#er them as /possi)le/ inso$ar as the #omain o$ Chat %ounts as /possi)le/
is #elineate# )y the horiFon o$ our e5perien%e, (hey are not empty o)je%ts #evoi# o$ their
notions, )ut Duite on the %ontrary empty notions devoid of their :intuited; ob(ects, "s su%h,
they %annot )e su)sume# un#er the notion o$ Unding, sin%e it is easy to imagine them Cithout
any %ontra#i%tion, (he pro)lem is pre%isely that Chile it is easy to imagine them, Ce %an
never $ill out their notion Cith positive, intuite# %ontent, For that reason, *ant )aptiFe# su%h
an o)je%t edankending, an o)je%t-o$-thought 1ens rationis2, :5emplary %ases involve notions
a)oun# in tra#itional metaphysi%s an# Chi%h involve us in trans%en#ental antinomiesE the
universe in its totality, the soul, Io#, "ll these notions %an )e rationally imagine# or
%onstru%te#, )ut Ce %an never e5perien%e them as part o$ reality 1in our spatio-temporal
reality, Ce never a%tually stum)le upon /Io#/ or /soul/2,

(his #i$$eren%e )etCeen %ontra#i%tion an# antinomy, i,e,, the spe%i$i% status o$ antinomy as
irre#u%i)le to %ontra#i%tion, )rings into play the transcendental #imensionE the /Fero/ o$
%ontra#i%tion is logi%al 1the very notion o$ the o)je%t %an%els itsel$2, Chereas the /Fero/ o$
antinomy is trans%en#ental, that is to say, Ce have to $o%us here on the notion o$ an o)je%t
Chi%h remains $orever /empty/ sin%e it %an never )e%ome an o)je%t o$ our sensi)le intuition,
o$ our possi)le e5perien%e, "n#, a%%or#ing to *ant, the Cay to resolve the /s%an#al/ o$
trans%en#ental antinomies is pre%isely to %on%eive o$ them as antinomies, not as
%ontra#i%tions, +n the %ase o$ logi%al %ontra#i%tion, one o$ its poles is ne%essarily trueE
yester#ay + #i# rea# 0egel<s Logic or + #i# not #o it' tertium non datur, the $alsity o$ one pole
automati%ally entails the truth o$ its opposite, (his, hoCever, is the very trap Ce must avoi#
apropos o$ antinomiesE the moment Ce %on%eive o$ a trans%en#ental antinomy as
%ontra#i%tion, Ce are %ompelle# to %on%lu#e that one o$ its poles must )e true-- the universe is
either $inite or in$inite' the linear %ausal %hain #etermines an# englo)es everything or there is
$ree#om, i,e,, the possi)ility o$ an autonomous a%tivity Chi%h %annot )e re#u%e# to its
%on#itions, 3hat es%apes us there)y is a thir# possi)ilityE Chat i$ the very pro)lem, the
apparently e5haustive alternative, is $alse, sin%e the %ommon groun# o$ the #ispute 1universe
as a totality o$ phenomena, soul2 #oes not e5ist as an o)je%t o$ our possi)le e5perien%eK +n this
%ase, either )oth poles o$ the antinomy are $alse 1universe as a totality is a pure edankending
Chi%h, #ue to our $initu#e, %an never )e $ille# out Cith intuite# %ontent-- *ant<s solution o$
mathemati%al antinomies2, or )oth poles are true sin%e ea%h o$ them %on%erns a #i$$erent
ontologi%al level 1universal %ausality is limite# to the $iel# o$ phenomena, Chereas $ree#om
#e$ines our noumenal soul2, *ant<s solution o$ mathemati%al antinon-- ties is there$ore very
au#a%iousE he )reaks Cith the entire tra#ition o$ !eltanschauung, o$ the /Corl#vieC/ 1or,
more a%%urately, Corl# intuition2E the Corl# 1universe, %osmos2 is something Chi%h is never
given in an intuition, i,e,, stricto sensu it #oes not e5ist,
(he notion o$ edankending %on%erns o)je%ts a)out Chi%h Ce %an possess no knoCle#ge
sin%e they trans%en# the limits o$ our e5perien%e, ?one-
theless, Ce are %ompelle# to re$er to su%h o)je%ts on a%%ount o$ the irre#u%i)le $initu#e o$ our
e5perien%e, 3e %annot know them, )ut Ce must think themE /"s sensi)le intuition #oes not
e5ten# to all things Cithout #istin%tion, a pla%e remains open $or other an# #i$$erent o)je%ts/
1&$0, " 42, +n other Cor#s, all our 1$inite2 thought %an #o is to #raC a %ertain limit, restri%t
the $iel# o$ our knoCle#ge, Cithout making any positive statements a)out its Geyon#' the
/(hing-in-itsel$/ is given only as pure a)sen%e, in the guise o$ a %ertain pla%e Chi%h, on
a%%ount o$ the $initu#e o$ our e5perien%e, must $orever remain empty, "n# it is here that Ce
en%ounter the #i$$eren%e )etCeen negative an# in#e$inite R limiting ju#gmentE noumena are
o)je%ts o$ in#e$inite-limiting ju#gment, Gy saying /the (hing is non-phenomenal,/ Ce #o not
say the same as /the (hing is not phenomenal/' Ce #o not make any positive %laim a)out it,
Ce only #raC a %ertain limit an# lo%ate the (hing in the Cholly nonspe%i$ie# voi# )eyon# it,
"long this line o$ thought, *ant intro#u%es in the se%on# e#ition o$ the &riti6ue of $ure
0eason the #istin%tion )etCeen positive an# negative meanings o$ /noumenon/E in the
positive meaning o$ the term, noumenon is /an o)je%t o$ a nonsensi)le intuition,/ Chereas in
the negative meaning, it is /a thing inso$ar as it is not an o)je%t o$ our sensi)le intuition/
1&$0, G 3AB2, (he grammati%al $orm shoul# not mislea# us hereE the positive meaning is
e5presse# )y the negative ju#gment an# the negative meaning )y the in#e$inite ju#gment, +n
other Cor#s, Chen one #etermines the (hing as /an o)je%t o$ a nonsensi)le intuition,/ one
imme#iately negates the positive ju#gment Chi%h #etermines the (hing as /an o)je%t o$ a
sensi)le intuition/E one a%%epts intuition as the unDuestione# )ase or genus' against this
)a%kgroun#, one opposes its tCo spe%ies, sensi)le an# nonsensi)le intuition, ?egative
ju#gment is thus not only limiting, it also #elineates a #omain )eyon# phenomena Chere it
lo%ates the (hing-- the #omain o$ the nonsensi)le intuition-- Chereas in the %ase o$ the
negative #etermination, the (hing is e5%lu#e# $rom the #omain o$ our sensi)le intuition,
Cithout )eing posite# in an impli%it Cay as the o)je%t o$ a nonsensi)le intuition' )y leaving in
suspense the positive status o$ the (hing, negative #etermination saps the very genus %ommon
to a$$irmation an# negation o$ the pre#i%ate,
0erein lies also the #i$$eren%e )etCeen /is not mortal/ an# /is notmortal/E Chat Ce have in the
$irst %ase is a simple negation, Chereas in the se%on# %ase, a non7predicate is affirmed, (he
only /legitimate/ #e$inition o$ the nournenon is that it is /not an o)je%t o$ our sensi)le
intuition,/ i,e,, a Cholly negative #e$inition Chi%h e5%lu#es it $rom the phenomenal #omain'
this ju#gment is /in$inite/ sin%e it #oes not imply any %on%lusions as to Chere, in the in$inite
spa%e o$ Chat remains outsi#e the phenomenal #omain, the noumenon is lo%ate#, 3hat *ant
%alls /trans%en#ental illusion/ ultimately %onsists in the very 1mis2rea#ing o$ in$inite ju#gment
as negative ju#gmentE Chen Ce %on%eive the nournenon as an /o)je%t o$ a nonsensi)le
intuition,/ the su)je%t o$ the ju#gment remains the same 1the /o)je%t o$ an intuition/2' Chat
%hanges is only the %hara%ter 1nonsensi)le instea# o$ sensi)le2 o$ this intuition, so that a
minimal /%ommensura)ility/ )etCeen the su)je%t an# the pre#i%ate 1i,e,, in this %ase, )etCeen
the noumenon an# its phenomenal #eterminations2 is still maintaine#,
" 0egelian %orollary to *ant is that limitation is to )e %on%eive# o$ as prior to Chat lies
/)eyon#/ it, so that ultimately *ant<s oCn notion o$ the (hing-in-itsel$ remains too /rei$ie#,/
0egel<s position on this point is su)tleE Chat he %laims )y stating that the Suprasensi)le is
/appearan%e Dua appearan%e/ is pre%isely that the (hing-in-itsel$ is the limitation of the
phenomena as such, /Suprasensi)le o)je%ts 1o)je%ts o$ suprasensi)le intuition2/ )elong to the
%himeri%al /topsy-turvy Corl#/' they are nothing )ut an inverte# presentation, proje%tion, o$
the very %ontent o$ sensi)le intuition in the $orm o$ another, nonsensi)le intuition-- or, to
re%all ;ar5<s ironi% %ritiDue o$ Prou#hon in The $overty of $hilosophyE /+nstea# o$ the
or#inary in#ivi#ual Cith his or#inary manner o$ speaking an# thinking, Ce have nothing )ut
this or#inary manner purely an# simply-- Cithout the in#ivi#ual,/
1(he #ou)le irony o$ it, o$
%ourse, is that ;ar5 inten#e# these lines as a mo%king reje%tion o$ Prou#hon<s 0egelianism,
i,e,, o$ his e$$ort to supply e%onomi% theory Cith the $orm o$ spe%ulative #iale%ti%s@2 (his is
Chat the %himera o$ /nonsensi)le intuition/ is a)outE instea# o$ or#inary o)je%ts o$ sensi)le
intuition, Ce get the same or#inary o)je%ts o$ intuition, Cithout their sensi)le %hara%ter,
(his su)tle #i$$eren%e )etCeen negative an# in#e$inite ju#gment $igures in a %ertain type o$
Citti%ism Chere the se%on# part #oes not imme#iately invert the $irst part )y negating its
pre#i%ate )ut repeats it Cith the negation #ispla%e# onto the su)je%t, (he ju#gment /0e is an
in#ivi#ual $ull o$ i#ioti% $eatures,/ $or e5ample, %an )e negate# in a stan#ar# mirror Cay, i,e,,
repla%e# )y its %ontrary /0e is an in#ivi#ual Cith no i#ioti% $eatures/' yet its negation %an also
)e given the $orm o$ /0e is $ull o$ i#ioti% $eatures Cithout )eing an in#ivi#ual,/ (his
#ispla%ement o$ the negation $rom the pre#i%ate onto the su)je%t provi#es the logi%al matri5 o$
Chat is o$ten the un$oreseen result o$ our e#u%ational e$$orts to li)erate the pupil $rom the
%onstraint o$
preju#i%es an# %h%hJs the result is not a person %apa)le o$ e5pressing himsel$ or hersel$ in a
rela5e#, un%onstraine# Cay, )ut an automatiFe# )un#le o$ 1neC2 %li%hJs )ehin# Chi%h Ce no
longer sense the presen%e o$ a /real person,/ -et us just re%all the usual out%ome o$
psy%hologi%al training inten#e# to #eliver the in#ivi#ual $rom the %onstraints o$ his or her
every#ay $rame o$ min# an# to set $ree his or her /true sel$,/ Cith all its authenti% %reative
potentials 1trans%en#ental me#itation, et%,2E on%e the in#ivi#ual gets ri# o$ the ol# %li%hJs
Chi%h Cere still a)le to sustain the #iale%ti%al tension )etCeen themselves an# the
/personality/ )ehin# them, Chat take their pla%e are neC %li%hJs Chi%h a)rogate the very
/#epth/ o$ personality )ehin# them, +n short, the in#ivi#ual )e%omes a true monster, a kin# o$
/living #ea#,/ Samuel Iol#Cyn, the ol# 0ollyCoo# mogul, Cas rightE Chat Ce nee# are
in#ee# some neC, original %li%hJs,
+nvoking the /living #ea#/ is no a%%i#ent hereE in our or#inary language, Ce resort to
in#e$inite ju#gments pre%isely Chen Ce en#eavor to %omprehen# those )or#erline phenomena
Chi%h un#ermine esta)lishe# #i$$eren%es, su%h as those )etCeen living an# )eing #ea#, +n the
te5ts o$ popular %ulture, the un%anny %reatures Chi%h are neither alive nor #ea#, the /living
#ea#/ 1vampires, et%,2, are re$erre# to as /the un#ea#/' although they are not #ea#, they are
%learly not alive like us, or#inary mortals, (he ju#gment /he is un#ea#/ is there$ore an
in#e$inite-limiting ju#gment in the pre%ise sense o$ a purely negative gesture o$ e5%lu#ing
vampires $rom the #omain o$ the #ea#, Cithout $or that reason lo%ating them in the #omain o$
the living 1as in the %ase o$ the simple negation /he is not #ea#/2, (he $a%t that vampires an#
other /living #ea#/ are usually re$erre# to as /things/ has to )e ren#ere# Cith its $ull *antian
meaningE a vampire is a (hing Chi%h looks an# a%ts like us, yet it is not one o$ us, +n short,
the #i$$eren%e )etCeen the vampire an# the living person is the #i$$eren%e )etCeen in#e$inite
an# negative ju#gmentE a #ea# person loses the pre#i%ates o$ a living )eing, yet he or she
remains the same person' an un#ea#, on the %ontrary, retains all the pre#i%ates o$ a living
)eing Cithout )eing one, "s in the a)ove-Duote# ;ar5ian joke, Chat Ce get Cith the vampire
is /the or#inary manner o$ speaking an# thinking purely an# simply-- Cithout the in#ivi#ual,/
8ne is tempte# to a$$irm that this logi% o$ in$inite ju#gment %ontains in nuce *ant<s entire
philosophi%al revolutionE it #elineates trans%en#entally %onstitute# reality $rom the un%anny,
prohi)ite# R impossi)le, real #omain o$ the (hing Chi%h ha# to remain unthought sin%e in it
Ioo# overlaps Cith ra#i%al :vil, +n short, *ant repla%e# the tra#itional philosophi%al opposi-
tion o$ appearan%e an# essen%e Cith the opposition o$ phenomenal reality an# the nournenal
(hing Chi%h $olloCs a ra#i%ally #i$$erent logi%E Chat appears as /essential/ 1moral laC in
ourselves2 is possi)le an# thinka)le only Cithin the horiFon o$ our $initu#e, o$ our limitation
to the #omain o$ phenomenal reality' i$ it Cere possi)le $or us to trespass this limitation an# to
gain a #ire%t insight into nournenal (hing, Ce Coul# lose the very %apa%ity Chi%h ena)les us
to trans%en# the limits o$ sensi)le e5perien%e 1moral #ignity an# $ree#om2,
Ate and Its (eyond
For a %loser #etermination o$ this un%anny #omain opene# up )y the in#e$inite ju#gment, let
us turn again to 0ollyCoo#, FritF -ang<s noir Cestern 0ancho .otorious 1 197A2 )egins Chere
a 0ollyCoo# story usually en#sE Cith the passionate kiss o$ a %ouple aCaiting their marriage,
+mme#iately thereupon, )rutal )an#its rape an# kill the )ri#e, an# the #esperate )ri#egroom
1playe# )y "rthur *enne#y2 %ommits himsel$ to ine5ora)le revenge, 0is only %lue as to the
i#entity o$ the )an#its is /%hu%k-a-lu%k,/ a meaningless signi$ying $ragment, "$ter a long
sear%h, he unearths its se%retE /.hu%k-a-lu%k/ #esignates a mysterious pla%e Chose very name
it is #angerous to pronoun%e in pu)li%, a ran%h in a hi##en valley )eyon# a narroC mountain
pass, Chere ;arlene Dietri%h, an age# saloon singer, e5-$atal )eauty, reigns, o$$ering re$uge
to ro))ers $or a per%entage o$ their loot, 3hat a%%ounts $or the irresisti)le %harm o$ this $ilmK
Un#ou)te#ly the $a%t that, )eneath the usual Cestern plot, 0ancho .otorious stages another
mythi%al narrative, the one arti%ulate# in its pure $orm in a series o$ a#venture novels an#
$ilms Chose a%tion is usually set in "$ri%a 11ing Solomon2s 3ines, She, Tar4an2E the story o$
an e5pe#ition into the very heart o$ the )la%k %ontinent Chere Chite man ha# never set $oot
1the voyagers are lure# into this risky trip )y some in%omprehensi)le or am)iguous signi$ying
$ragmentE a message in a )ottle, a $ragment o$ )urne# paper, or the %on$use# )a))ling o$ some
ma#man hinting that )eyon# a %ertain $rontier Con#er$ul an#Ror horri)le things are taking
pla%e2, 8n the Cay, the e5pe#ition %on$ronts #iverse #angers' it is mena%e# )y a)origines Cho
at the same time strive #esperately to make the $oreigners un#erstan# that they shoul# not
trespass a %ertain $rontier 1river, mountain pass, a)yss2, sin%e )eyon# it lies a #amne# pla%e
$rom Chi%h no)o#y has yet returne#, "$ter a series o$ a#ventures, the e5pe#ition goes )eyon#
this $rontier an# $in#s itsel$ in the
8ther Pla%e, in the spa%e o$ pure $antasyE a mighty )la%k king#om 11ing Solomon2s 3ines2,
the realm o$ a )eauti$ul an# mysterious Dueen 1She2, the #omain Chere man lives in $ull
harmony Cith nature an# speaks Cith animals 1Tar4an2, "nother mythi%al lan#s%ape o$ this
kin# Cas o$ %ourse (i)etE the (i)etan theo%ra%y serve# as a mo#el $or the most $amous image
o$ the i#ylli% Corl# o$ Cis#om an# )alan%e, Shangri7La 1in Lost #ori4on2, Chi%h %an )e
rea%he# only through a narroC mountain passage' no)o#y is alloCe# to return $rom it, an# the
one person Cho #oes es%ape pays $or his su%%ess )y ma#ness, so that no)o#y )elieves him
Chen he prattles a)out the pea%e$ul %ountry rule# )y Cise monks,
(he mysterious /.hu%ka-
lu%k/ $rom 0ancho .otorious is the same $or)i##en pla%eE it is )y no means a%%i#ental that all
the %ru%ial %on$rontations in the $ilm take pla%e at the narroC mountain pass Chi%h marks the
$rontier separating the every#ay reality $rom the valley Chere /She/ reigns-- in other Cor#s, at
the very pla%e o$ passage )etCeen reality an# the $antasy<s /other pla%e,/

3hat is %ru%ial here is the stri%t $ormal homology )etCeen all these storiesE in all %ases, the
stru%ture is that o$ a ;W)ius )an#-- i$ Ce progress $ar enough on the si#e o$ reality, Ce
su##enly $in# ourselves on its reverse, in the #omain o$ pure $antasy,
-et us, hoCever,
pursue our line o$ asso%iationsE #o Ce not en%ounter the same inversion in the #evelopment o$
a great num)er o$ artists, $rom Shakespeare to ;oFart, Chere the gra#ual #es%ent into #espair,
Chen it rea%hes its na#ir, su##enly %hanges into a kin# o$ heavenly )lissK "$ter a series o$
trage#ies Chi%h mark the loCest point o$ #espair 1#amlet, 1ing Lear, et%,2, the tone o$
Shakespeare<s plays une5pe%te#ly %hanges an# Ce enter the realm o$ a $airy-tale harmony
Chere li$e is governe# )y a )enevolent Fate Chi%h )rings to a happy %on%lusion all %on$li%ts
1The Tempest, &ymbeli7ne, et%,2, "$ter *on iovanni, this ultimate monument to the
impossibility o$ the se5ual relationship, to the antagonism o$ the relation )etCeen se5es,
;oFart %ompose# The 3agic "lute, a hymn to the harmonious %ouple o$ ;an an# 3oman
1note the para#o5 o$ hoC the %riti%ism precedes the panegyri%@2,

(he horri$ying, lethal, an# at the same time $as%inating )or#erline that Ce approa%h Chen the
reversal into )liss is imminent is Chat -a%an, apropos o$ Sopho%les<s "ntigone, en#eavors to
in#i%ate )y means o$ the Ireek Cor# ate,
(here is a $un#amental am)iguity to this termE ate
simultaneously #enotes a horri$ying limit Chi%h %annot ever )e rea%he#, i,e,, Chose tou%h
means #eath, an# the space beyond it, (he %ru%ial point here is the prima%y o$ the limit over
the spa%eE Ce #o not have tCo spheres
1that o$ reality an# that o$pure $antasy2 Chi%h are #ivi#e# )y a %ertain limit' Chat Ce have is
just reality an# its limit, the a)yss, the voi# aroun# Chi%h it is stru%ture#, (he $antasy-spa%e is
there$ore stri%tly se%on#ary' it /gives )o#y,/ it materialiFes a %ertain limit, or, more pre%isely,
it %hanges the impossible into the prohibited, (he limit marks a %ertain $un#amental
impossi)ility 1it %annot )e trespasse#, i$ Ce %ome too %lose to it, Ce #ie2, Chile its Geyon# is
prohi)ite# 1Choever enters it %annot return, et%,2,
(here)y Ce have alrea#y pro#u%e# the
$ormula o$ the mysterious reversal o$ horror into )lissE )y means o$ it, the impossible limit
%hanges into the $or)i##en pla%e, in other Cor#s, the logi% o$ this reversal is that o$ the
transmutation o$ 9eal into Sym)oli%E the impossi)le-real %hanges into an o)je%t o$ sym)oli%
prohi)ition, (he para#o5 1an# perhaps the very $un%tion o$ the prohi)ition as su%h2 %onsists o$
%ourse in the $a%t that, as soon as it is %on%eive# as prohi)ite#, the real-impossi)le %hanges
into something possible, i,e,, into something that %annot )e rea%he#, not )e%ause o$ its
inherent impossi)ility )ut simply )e%ause a%%ess to it is hin#ere# )y the e5ternal )arrier o$ a
prohi)ition, (herein lies, a$ter all, the logi% o$ the most $un#amental o$ all prohi)itions, that o$
in%estE in%est is inherently impossi)le 1even i$ a man /really/ sleeps Cith his mother, /this is
not that/' the in%estuous o)je%t is )y #e$inition la%king2, an# the sym)oli% prohi)ition is
nothing )ut an attempt to resolve this #ea#lo%k )y a transmutation o$ impossi)ility into
prohi)ition, There is +ne Chi%h is the prohi)ite# o)je%t o$ in%est 1mother2, an# its prohi)ition
ren#ers a%%essi)le all other o)je%ts,

(he trespassing o$ the Frontier in the a)ove-mentione# series o$ a#venture $ilms $olloCs the
same logi%E the $or)i##en spa%e )eyon# ate is again %onstitute# )y the transmutation o$
impossi)ility into prohi)ition, 8n another level, the same para#o5i%al reversal %hara%teriFes
the /national revival/ un#er %on#itions o$ %olonial repressionE it is only the %olonial repression
1/prohi)ition/2 that stirs up resistan%e an# thus ren#ers possi)le the /national revival,/ (he
/spontaneous/ i#ea that Ce are salvaging the remains o$ a previous tra#ition $rom un#er the
yoke o$ %olonial repression %orrespon#s pre%isely to Chat #egel %alls /the illusion o$
1e5ternal2 re$le%tion/E Chat Ce overlook inso$ar as Ce are vi%tims o$ this illusion is that
nation, national i#entity, comes to be through the e5perien%e o$ the threat to its e5isten%e--
previous to this e5perien%e, it #i# not e5ist at all, (his goes not only $or the %lassi%al
anti%olonial struggle )ut also $or the %urrent ethni% tensions in the e5-Soviet UnionE although
the people e5perien%e themselves as a return to the pre-.ommunist tra#ition, it Cas the very
nist /repression/ Chi%h, )y means o$ prohi)ition, opened up their space, i,e,, posite# them as
Gy means o$ the reversal o$ 1impossi)le2 limit into 1prohi)ite#2 spa%e, o$ *on iovanni into
3agic "lute, Ce thus elu#e the real Dua impossi)leE on%e Ce enter the #omain o$ $antasy, the
trauma o$ the inherent impossi)ility is repla%e# )y a $airy )eatitu#e, ;oFart<s 3agic "lute, its
image o$ the amorous %ouple $orming a harmonious 3hole, e5empli$ies per$e%tly the
-a%anian thesis that $antasy is ultimately alCays the $antasy o$ a su%%ess$ul se5ual
relationshipE a$ter the %ouple o$ (amino an# Pamina su%%ess$ully un#ergoes the or#eal o$ $ire
an# Cater, i,e,, trespasses the limit, the tCo o$ them enter sym)oli% )liss, "n# it is re$eren%e to
the anti%olonial national revival Chi%h ena)les us to lo%ate more pre%isely the #reamlike
%hara%ter o$ this )eatitu#eE the agents o$ the anti%olonialist national-li)eration struggle
ne%essarily $all prey to the illusion that, )y means o$ their struggle, they /realiFe the an%ient
#reams o$ their oppresse# an%estors,/ (herein %onsists one o$ the $un#amental me%hanisms o$
i#eologi%al legitimiFationE to legitimiFe the e5isting or#er )y presenting it as a realiFation o$ a
#ream-- not of our dream, but of the +ther2s, the dead ancestor2s dream, the #ream o$
previous generations, (hat Cas, $or e5ample, the re$eren%e that #etermine# the /progressive/
3estern attitu#e toCar# the Soviet Union in the tCenties an# thirtiesE in spite o$ the poverty
an# Crongs, numerous 3estern visitors Cere $as%inate# )y this very #ra) Soviet reality--
ChyK Ge%ause it appeare# to them as a kin# o$ palpa)le materialiFation o$ the #ream o$
millions o$ past an# present Corkers $rom all aroun# the Corl#, "ny #ou)t a)out the Soviet
reality thus entaile# instant guiltE /(rue, they in the Soviet Union make numerous mistakes,
)ut Chen you %riti%iFe Cith ironi% #is#ain their e$$orts, you are making $un o$ an# )etraying
the #ream o$ millions Cho su$$ere# an# riske# their lives $or Chat they are realiFing noC@/

(he situation here is not unlike that o$ Xhuang Xi, Cho #reamt o$ )eing a )utter$ly, an# a$ter
his aCakening pose# this Duestion to himsel$E 0oC #oes he knoC that he is not now a
)utter$ly #reaming o$ )eing Xhuang XiK
+n the same Cay, postrevolutionary i#eology
en#eavors to make us un#erstan# that Chat Ce live noC is a #ream o$ our an%estors %ome
true' the Corker in the Soviet Union, $or e5ample, Cas a prerevolutionary $ighter #rean-"ng
to )e a Corker in the So%ialist para#ise-- i$ Ce %omplain too mu%h, Ce might #istur) his
#ream, (his #etour through the #ea# 8ther is ne%essary $or the i#eologi%al legitimiFation o$
the present to take e$$e%t, 8n another level, the $antasy o$ the harmonious love %ouple $rom
3agic "lute $olloCs the same logi%E the #reary )ourgeois every#ay reality un#ergoes a kin#
o$ transu)stantiation an# a%Duires a su)lime #imension as soon as it is %on%eive# as the
a%tualiFation o$ a prerevolutionary #ream o$ a $ree love %ouple,
3herein %onsists the logi% o$ this reversalK =et another $ormal homology might move us
$urther #oCn the right tra%kE #o Ce not en%ounter the same matri5 in Freu#<s most $amous
#ream, that o$ +rma<s inje%tionK
Do not the three stages o$ this #ream %orrespon# to the
imaginary #ual-relationship, its /aggravation/ into an un)eara)le antagonism Chi%h
announ%es the en%ounter o$ the 9eal, an# the $inal /appeasement/ via the a#vent o$ the
sym)oli% or#erK +n the $irst phase o$ the #ream, Freu# is /playing Cith his patient/'
#ialogue Cith +rma is /totally stu%k Cithin the imaginary %on#itions Chi%h limit it,/
#ual, spe%ular relationship %ulminates in a look into her open mouthE
(here<s a horren#ous #is%overy here, that o$ the $lesh one never sees, the $oun#ation o$ things,
the other si#e o$ the hea#, o$ the $a%e, the se%retory glan#s par e8cellence, the $lesh $rom
Chi%h everything e5u#es, at the very heart o$ the mystery, the $lesh in as mu%h as it is
su$$ering, is $ormless, in as mu%h as its $orm in itsel$ is something Chi%h provokes an5iety,
Spe%tre o$ an5iety, i#enti$i%ation o$ an5iety, the $inal revelation o$ you are this7Aou are this,
which is so far from you, this which is the ultimate formlessness,

Su##enly, this horror %hanges mira%ulously into /a sort o$ atara5ia/ #e$ine# )y -a%an
pre%isely as /the %oming into operation o$ the sym)oli% $un%tion,/
e5empli$ie# )y the
pro#u%tion o$ the $ormula o$ trimethylamin' the su)je%t $loats $reely in sym)oli% )liss-- as
soon as the #reamer 1 Freu#2 renoun%es its nar%issisti% perspe%tive, Ha%Dues-"lain ;iller Cas
Duite right to su)title this %hapter o$ -a%an<s Seminar II simply /(he +maginary, the 9eal an#
the Sym)oli%,/
(he trap to )e avoi#e# here is o$ %ourse to oppose this sym)oli% )liss to
some /har# reality/E the $un#amental thesis o$ the -a%anian psy%hoanalysis is that Chat Ce
%all /reality/ %onstitutes itsel$ against the )a%kgroun# o$ su%h a /)liss,/ i, e,, o$ su%h an
e5%lusion o$ some traumati% 9eal, (his is pre%isely Chat -a%an has in min# Chen he says that
$antasy is the ultimate support o$ realityE /reality/ sta)iliFes itsel$ Chen some $antasy-$rame o$
a /sym)oli% )liss/ %loses o$$ the vieC into the a)yss o$ the 9eal, Far $rom )eing a kin# o$
#reamlike %o)Ce) that prevents us $rom /seeing reality as it e$$e%tively is,/ $antasy %onstitutes
Chat Ce %all
realityE the most %ommon )o#ily /reality/ is %onstitute# via a #etour through the %o)Ce) o$
$antasy +n other Cor#s, Ce pay a pri%e to gain a%%ess to /reality/E something-- the real o$ the
trauma-- must )e /represse#,/
3hat strikes the eye here is the parallel )etCeen the #ream o$ +rma<s inje%tion an# another
$amous Freu#ian #ream, that o$ the #ea# son Cho appears to his $ather an# a##resses him Cith
the reproa%h, /Father, %an<t you see that +<m )urningK/ +n his interpretation o$ the #ream o$
+rma<s inje%tion, -a%an #raCs our attention to the appropriate remark )y :ri% :ri%son that
a$ter the look into +rma<s throat, a$ter this en%ounter o$ the 9eal, Freu# shoul# have
aCakene#-- as #i# the #reaming $ather, upon en%ountering the horri$ying apparition o$ his
)urning son, .on$ronte# Cith the 9eal in all its un)eara)le horror, the #reamer aCakens, i,e,,
es%apes into /reality,/ " ra#i%al %on%lusion emerges $rom this parallel )etCeen the tCo
#reamsE Chat Ce %all /reality/ is %onstitute# e5a%tly upon the mo#el o$ the asinine /sym)oli%
)liss/ that ena)les Freu# to %ontinue to sleep a$ter the horri$ying sight o$ +rma<s throat, (he
#reaming $ather Cho aCakens into reality in or#er to avoi# the traumati% 9eal o$ his )urning
son<s reproa%h pro%ee#s the same Cay as Freu#, Cho, a$ter the look into +rma<s throat,
/%hanges the register,/ i,e,, es%apes into the $antasy Chi%h veils the 9eal,
The &y6/oli (eatitude
"t this point, one is tempte# to e5ten# the $ormal homology a step $urtherE #oes not this
reversal o$ the horror into sym)oli% )liss pro%ure also the matri5 o$ the 0egelian /tria#/K "
homologous shi$t, %hanging impasse into /pass,/ o%%urs at the very )eginning o$ the 0egelian
system, namely in the passage o$ Geing into ?othing, 3hat #oes it mean, pre%isely, that
?othing is to )e %on%eive# as the /truth/ o$ GeingK Geing is $irst posite# as the su)je%t 1in the
grammati%al sense2, an# one en#eavors to a%%or# it some pre#i%ate, to #etermine it in any Cay
possi)le, =et every attempt $ailsE one %annot say anything #eterminate a)out Geing' one
%annot attri)ute to it any pre#i%ate, an# thus ?othing Dua the truth o$ Geing $un%tions as a
positivi4ation, a %substantiali4ation,% of this impasse, Su%h a positiviFation o$ an impossi)ility
is at Cork in every 0egelian passage $rom one %ategory to another Chi%h $un%tions as the $irst
%ategory<s /truth/E the 0egelian #evelopment is never simply a #es%ent toCar# a more
pro$oun# an# %on%rete essen%e' the logi% o$ the notional passage is )y #e$inition that o$ a
re$le%tive positiviFation o$ a $ailure, i,e,, o$ the impossi)ility o$ the passage itsel$, -et
us take a moment ME all attempts to grasp its %on%eale# essen%e, to #etermine it more
%on%retely, en# in $ailure, an# the su)seDuent moment only positiviFes this $ailure' in it,
$ailure as su%h assumes positive e5isten%e, +n short, one $ails to #etermine the truth o$ M, an#
this $ailure is the truth o$ M, (herein lies the a%%ent o$ 0egel<s interpretation o$ the ine5isten%e
o$ movement in Xeno<s philosophyE Xeno strives to prove the e5isten%e o$ sel$i#enti%al,
immova)le Geing )eyon# the $alse appearan%e o$ ;ovement' yet this Geing is in itsel$ empty,
so the passage )eyon# the appearan%e o$ ;ovement $ails' one %an only #es%ri)e the sel$-
su)lation o$ ;ovement, i,e,, notional movement o$ sel$-suppression o$ ;ovement, Chi%h is
Chy the 0era%liti% movement is the truth o$ the :leati% Geing,
"s a rule, one overlooks hoC %losely the elementary -a%anian tria# needdemand7desire
$olloCs the inner logi% o$ the 0egelian /negation o$ negation,/ First, Ce have a mythi%al,
Duasi-natural starting point o$ an imme#iate need-- the point Chi%h is alCays-alrea#y
presupposed, never given, /posite#,/ e5perien%e# /as su%h,/ (he su)je%t nee#s /natural,/
/real/ o)je%ts to satis$y his nee#sE i$ Ce are thirsty, Ce nee# Cater, et%, 0oCever, as soon as
the nee# is arti%ulate# in the sym)oli% me#ium 1an# it alCaysalrea#y is arti%ulate# in it2, it
starts to $un%tion as a demandE a %all to the 8ther, originally to the ;other Dua primor#ial
$igure o$ the 8ther, (hat is to say, the 8ther is originally e5perien%e# as he or she Cho %an
satis$y our nee#, Cho %an give us the o)je%t o$ satis$a%tion, #eprive us o$ it, or hin#er our
a%%ess to it, (his interme#iary role o$ the 8ther su)verts the entire e%onomy o$ our
relationship toCar# the o)je%tE on the literal level, the #eman# aims at the o)je%t suppose# to
satis$y our nee#' the #eman#<s true aim, hoCever, is the love o$ the other, Cho has the poCer
to pro%ure the o)je%t, +$ the 8ther %omplies Cith our #eman# an# provi#es the o)je%t, this
o)je%t #oes not simply satis$y our nee#, )ut at the same time testi$ies to the 8ther<s love $or
us, 13hen, $or e5ample, a )a)y %ries $or milk, the true aim o$ his #eman# is that his mother
shoul# #isplay her love $or him )y provi#ing milk, +$ the mother #oes %omply Cith the
#eman#, )ut in a %ol#, in#i$$erent Cay, the )a)y Cill remain unsatis$ie#' i$, hoCever, she
)ypasses the literal level o$ the #eman# an# simply hugs the )a)y, the most likely result is the
%hil#<s %ompla%en%y,2 +t is in no Cay a%%i#ental that, to #enote this inversion, -a%an resorts to
the 0egelian notion o$ ,ufhebung 1su)lation2E /(he #eman# su)lates 1aufhebt2 the
parti%ularity o$ everything that %an )e grante# )y transmuting it into a proo$ o$ love,/
means o$ the trans$ormation o$ a nee# into a #eman#, i,e,, into a signi$ier a##resse# to
the 8ther, the parti%ular, material o)je%t o$ the nee# is /su)late#/E it is annulle# in its
imme#ia%y an# posite# as something /me#iate#,/ as a me#ium through Chi%h a #imension
trans%en#ent to its imme#iate reality 1that o$ love2 $in#s its e5pression, (his reversal is stri%tly
homologous to that #es%ri)e# )y 3ar8 apropos o$ the %ommo#ity-$ormE as soon as a pro#u%t
o$ human la)or assumes the $orm o$ a %ommo#ity, its imme#iate parti%ularity 1its /use-value,/
the e$$e%tive, a%tual properties )y means o$ Chi%h it satis$ies %ertain human nee#s2 starts to
$un%tion as the $orm o$ appearan%e o$ its /e5%hange-value,/ i,e,, o$ a nonmaterial
intersu)je%tive relationship-- the same as Cith the passage $rom nee# to #eman#, Chere)y the
parti%ular o)je%t o$ nee# starts to $un%tion as the $orm o$ appearan%e o$ the 8ther<s love,
(his reversal is then the $irst moment, the moment o$ /negation,/ Chi%h ne%essarily
%ulminates in a #ea#lo%k, in the unsolva)le antagonisti% relationship )etCeen nee# an#
#eman#E every time the su)je%t gets the o)je%t he #eman#e#, he un#ergoes the e5perien%e o$
/(his is not that@/ "lthough the su)je%t /got Chat he aske# $or,/ the #eman# is not $ully
satis$ie#, sin%e its true aim Cas the other<s love, not the o)je%t as su%h, in its imme#iate
parti%ularity, (his vi%ious %ir%le o$ nee# an# #eman# $in#s its ultimate e5pression in the
nursling<s anore5ia 1/pathologi%al/ re$usal o$ $oo#2E its /message/ is pre%isely that the true
aim o$ his #eman# $or $oo# Cas not $oo# itsel$ )ut ;other<s love, (he only Cay open to him
to point out this #i$$eren%e is )y refusing $oo#, i,e,, the o)je%t o$ #eman# in its parti%ular
materiality, (his impasse Chere a #eman# $or the 8ther<s love %an only )e arti%ulate# through
the #eman# $or an o)je%t o$ nee# Chi%h, hoCever, is never /that/ is resolve# )y means o$ the
intro#u%tion o$ a third element Chi%h a##s itsel$ to nee# an# #eman#E desire, "%%or#ing to
-a%an<s pre%ise #e$inition, /#esire is neither the appetite $or satis$a%tion, nor the #eman# $or
love, )ut the #i$$eren%e that results $rom the su)tra%tion o$ the $irst $rom the se%on#,/
is Chat in #eman# is irre#u%i)le to nee#E i$ Ce su)tra%t nee# $rom #eman#, Ce get #esire, +n a
$ormulation typi%al o$ the anti-0egelian attitu#e o$ his late tea%hing, -a%an speaks here o$ /a
reversal that is not simply a negation o$ the negation/
-- in other Cor#s, one that is still a
kin# o$ /negation o$ the negation,/ although not a /simple/ one 1as i$, Cith 0egel himsel$, the
/negation o$ the negation/ is ever /simple/@2, (his /reversal/ is a /negation o$ the negation/
inso$ar as it entails a return to the ob(ect annulle# )y the passage $rom nee# to #eman#E it
pro#u%es a neC o)je%t Chi%h repla%es the lost-su)late# o)je%t o$ nee#-- ob(et petit a, the
o)je%t-%ause o$ #sire, (his para#o5i%al o)je%t /gives )o#y/ to the #imension )e%ause o$ Chi%h
#eman# %annot )e re#u%e# to nee#E it is as i$ the surplus o$ the #eman# over its 1literal2
o)je%t-- over Chat the #eman# imme#iately-literally #eman#s-- again em)o#ies itsel$ in an
o)je%t, +b(et a is a kin# o$ /positiviFation,/ $illing out, o$ the voi# Ce en%ounter every time
Ce are stru%k )y the e5perien%e o$ /(his is not that@/ +n it, the very ina#eDua%y, #e$i%ien%y, o$
every positive o)je%t assumes positive e5isten%e, i,e,, )e%omes an o)je%t,
.ru%ial here is the e$$e%t o$ /appeasement/ that results $rom the %onversion o$ #eman# into
#esireE the emergen%e o$ the o)je%t-%ause o$ #esire resolves the antagonisti% #ea#lo%k )etCeen
nee# an# #eman#, (his resolving of the antagonistic deadlock by means of symbolic
%appeasement% also gives us the elementary matri5 a%%or#ing to Chi%h the ill-$ame# tria# o$
$un%tionsE its imaginary starting point is the %omplementary
relationship o$ the oppose# poles' thereupon $olloCs the out)reak o$ the real o$ their
(he illusion o$ their mutual %ompletion evaporates, ea%h pole passes
imme#iately into its opposite' this e5treme tension is $inally resolve# )y means o$
symboli4ation Chen the relationship o$ the opposites is posite# as #i$$erential, i,e,, Chen the
tCo poles are again unite#, )ut this time against the )a%kgroun# o$ their %ommon la%k,
(he notion that /thesis/ %ontains /antithesis/ someChere #eep in its interior an# that,
%onseDuently, one has somehoC to /e5tra%t/ the latter $rom its /impli%it/ state Cithin /thesis/
is Cholly erroneousE the /antithesis/ is on the %ontrary Chat the /thesis/ lacks in or#er to
/%on%retiFe/ itsel$, i,e,, to a%tualiFe its notional %ontent, +n other Cor#s, the /thesis/ is in itsel$
abstractE it presupposes its /me#iation/ )y the /antithesis/' it %an attain its ontologi%al
%onsisten%y only )y means o$ its opposition to the /antithesis,/ (his, hoCever, in no Cay
implies that /synthesis/ #enotes a mutual %ompletion, a %omplementary relationship )etCeen
the tCo oppose# poles, that is to say, the %onjun%tion o$ the type /ithout =/ 1there is no man
Cithout Coman, no love Cithout hate, no harmony Cithout %haos,,,2, 3hat 0egel %alls /the
unity o$ the opposites/ su)verts pre%isely the $alse appearan%e o$ su%h a %omplementary
relationshipE the position o$ an e5treme is not simply the negation o$ its other, 0egel<s point is
rather that the first e8treme, in its very abstractionfrom the other, is this other itself, "n
e5treme /passes over/ into its other at the very moment Chen it ra#i%ally opposes itsel$ to this
other' the /unity/ o$ Geing an# ?othing, $or e5ample, #oes not %onsist in the $a%t that they
presuppose ea%h other, that
there is no Geing Cithout ?othing an# vi%e versaE Geing reveals itsel$ as ?othing at the very
moment Chen Ce en#eavor to grasp it in its pureness, as ra#i%ally oppose# to ?othing, 8r, to
re$er to a more /%on%rete/ e5ample $rom the #omain o$ politi%sE the /unity/ o$ universal an#
parti%ular 3ill #oes not %onsist in their %o#epen#en%e, )ut in the #iale%ti%al reversal o$ the
universal 3ill into its oppositeE inso$ar as the universal 3ill is oppose# to the multitu#e o$
parti%ular 3ills, it turns into the utmost parti%ular 3in o$ those Cho preten# to em)o#y it
1sin%e it e8cludes the Cealth o$ parti%ular 3ills2, +n this Cay, Ce are %aught in an /imme#iate
e5%hange/ )etCeen the e5tremes, )etCeen the opposite poles 1pure love turns into the
supreme $orm o$ hate, pure Ioo# into supreme :vil, ra#i%al anar%hy %oin%i#es Cith the
utmost terror, et%,2' )y means o$ this imme#iate passage o$ an e5treme into its opposite, Ce
surpass the level o$ e8ternal negativityE ea%h o$ the e5tremes is not only the negation o$ the
other )ut a negation which refers to itself, its oCn negation, (he impasse o$ this /imme#iate
e5%hange/ )etCeen thesis an# antithesis is resolve# )y the a#vent o$ synthesis,
3hat #e$ines the imaginary or#er is the appearan%e o$ a %omplementary relationship )etCeen
thesis an# antithesis, the illusion that they $orm a harmonious 3hole, $illing out ea%h other<s
la%kE Chat the thesis la%ks is provi#e# )y the antithesis an# vi%e versa 1the i#ea that ;an an#
3oman $orm a harmonious 3hole, $or e5ample2, (his $alse appearan%e o$ a mutual
%ompletion is shattere# )y the imme#iate passage o$ an e5treme into its oppositeE hoC %an an
e5treme $ill out the la%k o$ its other, Chen it is itsel$, in its very opposition to its other, this
otherK +t is only the synthesis Chi%h %onveys /appeasement/E in it, the imaginary opposition is
symboli4ed, i,e,, trans$orme# into a sym)oli% #ya#, (he $loC o$ imme#iate e5%hange )etCeen
the tCo e5tremes is suspen#e#' they are again /posite#/ as #istin%t, )ut this time as /su)late#,/
/internaliFe#/-- in other Cor#s, as elements o$ a signi$ying netCorkE i$ an e5treme #oes not
ren#er to its other Chat this other la%ks, Chat %an it return to it i$ not the lack itselfK 3hat
/hol#s together/ the tCo e5tremes is there$ore not the mutual $illing out o$ their respe%tive
la%ks but the very lack they have in commonE the opposites o$ a signi$ying #ya# /are one/
against the )a%kgroun# o$ some %ommon la%k that they return to ea%h other, (herein %onsists
also the #e$inition o$ a sym)oli% e5%hangeE in it, the pla%e o$ the /o)je%t o$ e5%hange/ is
o%%upie# )y the la%k itsel$, i,e,, any /positive/ o)je%t Chi%h %ir%ulates among the terms is
nothing )ut the em)o#iment o$ a la%k,
3hat is thus /internaliFe#/ )y the a#vent o$ sym)oliFation is ultimately
la%k itsel$, (his is Chy /synthesis/ #oes not a$$irm the i#entity o$ the e5tremes, their %ommon
groun#, the spa%e o$ their opposition, )ut on the %ontrary their difference as suchE Chat /links
up/ the elements o$ a signi$ying netCork is their very #i$$eren%e, 3ithin a #i$$erential or#er,
the i#entity o$ ea%h o$ the elements %onsists in the )un#le o$ #i$$erential $eatures Chi%h
#is%ern it $rom all other elements, (he /synthesis/ thus #elivers the #i$$eren%e $rom the
/%ompulsion to i#enti$y/E the %ontra#i%tion is resolve# Chen Ce a%knoCle#ge the /prima%y o$
the #i$$eren%e,/ i,e,, Chen Ce %on%eive i#entity as an e$$e%t o$ the tissue o$ #i$$eren%es, +n
other Cor#s, the imme#iate passage o$ an e5treme into its opposite, this pure, utmost $orm o$
%ontra#i%tion, is pre%isely an in#e5 o$ our su)mission to the /%ompulsion to i#enti$y/E
/.ontra#i%tion is noni#entity un#er the aspe%t o$ i#entity' the #iale%ti%al prima%y o$ the
prin%iple o$ %ontra#i%tion makes the thought o$ unity the measure o$ heterogeneity,/
+n this
pre%ise sense the synthesis /su)lates/ %ontra#i%tionE not )y esta)lishing a neC unity
en%ompassing )oth poles o$ a %ontra#i%tion, )ut )y retra%ting the very $rame o$ i#entity an#
a$$irming the #i$$eren%e as %onstitutive o$ i#entity, (he i#ea that the %on%lu#ing moment o$ a
#iale%ti%al pro%ess 1/synthesis/2 %onsists o$ the a#vent o$ an i#entity Chi%h en%ompasses the
#i$$eren%e, re#u%ing it to its passing moment, is thus totally mislea#ingE it is only with
%synthesis% that the difference is acknowledged as such,
(he /rational kernel/ o$ the 0egelian tria# %onsists there$ore in the sym)oliFation o$ the
imaginary oppositionsE the /aggravation/ o$ the imaginary opposition into the antagonisti%
relation Chere the tCo poles pass imme#iately one into another' the resolution o$ this tension
via internaliFation o$ the la%k, (he passage o$ /antithesis/ into /synthesis/ is the passage o$
the e5ternal negativity 1o$ the poCer Chi%h strives to negate the o)je%t $rom outsi#e, in an
imme#iate Cay, i,e,, to #estroy it in its physi%al reality2 into the /a)solute/ 1sel$-re$erring2
negativity Chi%h /posits/ the o)je%t aneC, )ut Dua sym)oliFe#-- that is to say, against the
)a%kgroun# o$ a %ertain loss, o$ an in%orporate#, internaliFe# negativity, (his inversion o$
e5ternal into /a)solute/ negativity means that the o)je%t nee# not anymore )e negate#,
#estroye#, annulle#, sin%e it is alrea#y its very /positive/ presen%e Chi%h $un%tions as the
$orm in Chi%h negativity assumes e5isten%eE the /sym)oliFe#/ o)je%t is an o)je%t the very
presen%e o$ Chi%h /gives )o#y/ to an a)sen%e' it is the /a)sen%e em)o#ie#,/
> Hegel?s 8%ogi of Essene8 as a Theory of
The ,rini<le of the Insuffiient Ground
/-ove lets us vieC imper$e%tions as tolera)le, i$ not a#ora)le, But it2s a choice, 3e %an )ristle
at Duirks, or Ce %an %herish them, " $rien# Cho marrie# a hot-shot laCyer remem)ers, <8n the
$irst #ate, + learne# that he %oul# ri#e out rough hours an# sti$$ %lient #eman#s, 8n the se%on#,
+ learne# that Chat he %oul#n<t ri#e Cas a )i%y%le, That2s Chen + #e%i#e# to give him a %han%e,<
(he lesson o$ the so-%alle# /en#earing $oi)les/ re$erre# to in this Duote $rom 0eader2s *igest
is that a %hoi%e is an a%t Chi%h retroactively grounds its own reasons, GetCeen the %ausal
%hain o$ reasons provi#e# )y knoCle#ge 1S
, in -a%anian mathems2 an# the a%t o$ %hoi%e, the
#e%ision Chi%h, )y Cay o$ its un%on#itional %hara%ter, %on%lu#es the %hain 1S
2, there is
alCays a gap, a leap Chi%h %annot )e a%%ounte# $or )y the pre%e#ing %hain,
-et us re%all
Chat is perhaps the most su)lime moment in melo#ramasE a plotter or a Cell-meaning $rien#
tries to %onvin%e the hero to leave his se5ual partner )y Cay o$ enumerating the latter<s Ceak
points' yet, unknoCingly, he there)y provi#es reasons $or %ontinue# loyalty, i,e,, his very
%ounterarguments $un%tion as arguments $or 1/for that very reason she nee#s me even more/2,
(his gap )etCeen reasons an# their e$$e%t is the very $oun#ation o$ Chat Ce %all
trans$eren%e, the trans$erential relationship, epitomiFe# )y love, :ven our sense o$ %ommon
#e%en%y $in#s it repulsive to enumerate the reasons Ce love some)o#y, (he moment + %an say
/+ love this person $or the $olloCing reasons,,,,/ it is %lear )eyon# any #ou)t that
this is not love proper,
+n the %ase o$ true love, apropos o$ some $eature Chi%h is in itsel$
negative, i,e,, Chi%h o$$ers itsel$ as reason against love, Ce say /For this very reason + love
this person even more@/Le trait unaire, the unary $eature Chi%h triggers love, is alCays an
inde8 of an imperfection,
(his %ir%le Cithin Chi%h Ce are #etermine# )y reasons, )ut only )y those Chi%h,
retroa%tively, Ce re%ogniFe as su%h, is Chat 0egel has in min# Chen he talks a)out the
/positing o$ presuppositions,/ (he same retroa%tive logi% is at Cork in *ant<s philosophy, in
the guise o$ Chat, in the "ngloSa5on literature on *ant, is usually re$erre# to as the
/+n%orporation (hesis/E
there is alCays an element o$ autonomous /spontaneity/ Chi%h
pertains to the su)je%t, making him irre#u%i)le to a link in the %ausal %hain, (rue, one %an
%on%eive o$ the su)je%t as su)mitte# to the %hain o$ %auses Chi%h #etermine his %on#u%t in
a%%or#an%e Cith his /pathologi%al/ interests' therein %onsists the Cager o$ utilitarianism 1sin%e
the su)je%t<s %on#u%t is Cholly #etermine# )y seeking the ma5imum o$ pleasure an# the
minimum o$ pain, it Coul# )e possi)le to govern the su)je%t, to pre#i%t his steps, )y
%ontrolling the e5ternal %on#itions Chi%h in$luen%e his #e%isions2, 3hat elu#es utilitarianism
is pre%isely the element o$ /spontaneity/ in the sense o$ Ierman +#ealism, the very opposite
o$ the every#ay meaning o$ /spontaneity/ 1surren#ering onesel$ to the imme#ia%y o$
emotional impulses, et%,2, "%%or#ing to Ierman +#ealism, Chen Ce a%t /spontaneously/ in the
every#ay meaning o$ the Cor#, Ce are not $ree $rom )ut prisoners o$ our imme#iate nature,
#etermine# )y the %ausal link Chi%h %hains us to the e5ternal Corl#, (rue spontaneity, on the
%ontrary, is %hara%teriFe# )y the moment o$ re$le5ivityE reasons ultimately %ount only inso$ar
as + /in%orporate/ them, /a%%ept them as mine/' in other Cor#s, the #etermination o$ the
su)je%t )y the other is alCays the su)je%t<s sel$-#etermination, " #e%ision is thus
simultaneously #epen#ent on an# in#epen#ent o$ its %on#itionsE it /in#epen#ently/ posits its
oCn #epen#en%e, +n this pre%ise sense, the su)je%t in Ierman +#ealism is alCays the su)je%t
o$ sel$-%ons%iousnessE any imme#iate re$eren%e to my nature 1/3hat %an + #o, + Cas ma#e like
this@/2 is $alse' my relationship to the impulses in me is alCays a me#iate# one, i,e,, my
impulses #etermine me only inso$ar as + re%ogniFe them, Chi%h is Chy + am $ully responsi)le
$or them,

"nother Cay to e5empli$y this logi% o$ /positing the presuppositions/ is the spontaneous
i#eologi%al narrativiFation o$ our e5perien%e an# a%tivityE Chatever Ce #o, Ce alCays situate
it in a larger sym)oli% %onte5t Chi%h is %harge# Cith %on$erring meaning upon our a%ts, "
Ser)ian $ighting the
;uslim "l)anians an# Gosnians in to#ay<s e5- =ugoslavia %on%eives o$ his $ight as the last
a%t in the %enturies-ol# #e$ense o$ .hristian :urope against (urkish penetration' the
Golsheviks %on%eive# o$ the 8%to)er 9evolution as the %ontinuation an# su%%ess$ul
%on%lusion o$ all previous ra#i%al popular uprisings, $rom Sparta%us in an%ient 9ome to
Ha%o)ins in the Fren%h 9evolution 1this narrativiFation is ta%itly assume# even )y some %riti%s
o$ Golshevism Cho, $or e5ample, speak o$ the /Stalinist (hermi#or/2' the *hmer 9ouge in
*ampu%hea or the Sen#ero -uminoso in Peru %on%eive o$ their movement as a return to the
ol# glory o$ an an%ient empire 1+n%a<s empire in Peru, the ol# *hmer king#om in .am)o#ia2'
et%, (he 0egelian point to )e ma#e is that su%h narratives are alCays retroa%tive
re%onstru%tions $or Chi%h Ce are in a Cay responsi)le' they are never simple given $a%tsE Ce
%an never re$er to them as a $oun# %on#ition, %onte5t, or presupposition o$ our a%tivity,
Pre%isely as presuppositions, su%h narratives are alCays-alrea#y /posite#/ )y us, (ra#ition is
tra#ition inso$ar as Ce %onstitute it as su%h,
3hat Ce must )ear in min# here is the ultimate contingency o$ this a%t o$ /positing the
presuppositions,/ +n e5-=ugoslavia, the .ommunist %ensorship Cas neither too harsh nor too
permissive, For e5ample, $ilms Cith #ire%t religious %ontent Cere alloCe#, )ut not i$ their
su)je%t Cas .hristianE Ce saC #e ;ille (en .omman#ments, )ut there Cere pro)lems Cith
3yler<s Ben #ur, (he %ensor resolve# his #ilemma 1hoC to o)literate .hristian re$eren%es in
this /tale o$ .hrist/ an# yet preserve the story<s narrative %onsisten%yK2 in a very imaginative
CayE he %ut out o$ the $irst tCo-thir#s the $eC s%attere# o)liDue re$eren%es to .hrist, Chile
simply %utting o$$ the entire last thir# Chere .hrist plays the %entral role, (he $ilm thus en#s
imme#iately a$ter the $amous horse-ra%e s%ene in Chi%h Gen 0ur Cins over ;assala, his evil
9oman ar%henemyE ;assala, all in )loo#, Coun#e# to #eath, spoils Gen 0ur<s triumph )y
letting him knoC that his sister an# mother, allege#ly #ea#, are still alive, yet %on$ine# to a
%olony o$ lepers, %ripple# )eyon# re%ognition, Gen 0ur returns to the ra%e groun#, noC silent
an# empty, an# %on$ronts the Corthlessness o$ his triumph-- the en# o$ the $ilm, (he %ensor<s
a%hievement is here truly )reathtakingE although un#ou)te#ly he ha# not the slightest notion
o$ the tragi% e5istentialist vision, he ma#e out o$ a rather insipi# .hristian propagan#a pie%e
an e5istential #rama a)out the ultimate nullity o$ our a%%omplishments, a)out hoC in the hour
o$ our greatest triumph Ce are utterly alone, "n# hoC #i# he pull it o$$K 0e a##e# nothingE he
)rought a)out the e$$e%t o$ /#epth,/ o$
a pro$oun# e5istential vision, )y simply mutilating the Cork, )y #epriving it o$ its %ru%ial
parts, (his is the Cay meaning emerges $rom nonsense,
(hese para#o5es ena)le us to spe%i$y the nature o$ /sel$-%ons%iousness/ in Ierman +#ealism,
+n his %riti%al remarks on 0egel, -a%an as a rule eDuates sel$-%ons%iousness Cith sel$-
transparen%y, #ismissing it as the most )latant %ase o$ a philosophi%al illusion )ent on #enying
the su)je%t<s %onstitutive #e%entere#ness, 0oCever, /sel$-%ons%iousness/ in Ierman +#ealism
has nothing Chatsoever to #o Cith any kin# o$ transparent sel$-i#entity o$ the su)je%t' it is
rather another name $or Chat -a%an himsel$ has in min# Chen he points out hoC every #esire
is )y #e$inition the /#esire o$ a #esire/E the su)je%t never simply $in#s in himsel$ a multitu#e
o$ #esires, he alCays entertains toCar# them a re$le%te# relationship' i,e,, )y Cay o$ a%tual
#esiring, the su)je%t impli%itly ansCers the Duestion, /Chi%h o$ your #esires #o you #esire
1have you %hosen2,/
"s Ce have alrea#y seen apropos o$ *ant, sel$-%ons%iousness is
positively $oun#e# upon the nontransparen%y o$ the su)je%t to itsel$E the *antian
trans%en#ental apper%eption 1i,e,, the sel$-%ons%iousness o$ pure +2 is possi)le only inso$ar as +
am unattaina)le to mysel$ in my noumenal #imension, Dua /(hing Chi%h thinks,/

(here is, o$ %ourse, a point at Chi%h this %ir%ular /positing o$ the presuppositions/ rea%hes a
#ea#lo%k' the key to this #ea#lo%k is provi#e# )y the -a%anian logi% o$ non-all 1pas7tout2,

"lthough /nothing is presuppose# Chi%h Cas not previously posite#/ 1i,e,, although, $or every
particular presupposition, it %an )e #emonstrate# that it is /posite#,/ not /natural/ )ut
naturaliFe#2, it Coul# )e Crong to #raC the seemingly o)vious universal %on%lusion that
/everything presuppose# is posite#,/ (he presuppose# M Chi%h is /nothing in parti%ular,/
totally su)stan%eless yet nevertheless resistant to retroa%tive /positing,/ is Chat -a%an %alls
the 0eal, the unattaina)le, elusive (e ne sais 6uoi, +n ender Trouble, Hu#ith Gutler
#emonstrates hoC the #i$$eren%e )etCeen se5 an# gen#er-- the #i$$eren%e )etCeen a
)iologi%al $a%t an# a %ultural-sym)oli% %onstru%tion Chi%h, a #e%a#e ago, Cas Ci#ely use# )y
$eminists in or#er to shoC that /anatomy is not #estiny,/ i,e,, that /Coman/ as a %ultural
pro#u%t is not #etermine# )y her )iologi%al status-- %an never )e unam)iguously $i5e#,
presuppose# as a positive $a%t, )ut is alCays-alrea#y /posite#/E hoC Ce #raC the line
separating /%ulture/ $rom /nature/ is alCays #etermine# )y a spe%i$i% %ultural %onte5t, (his
%ultural over#etermination o$ the #ivi#ing line )etCeen gen#er an# se5 shoul# not hoCever
push us into a%%epting the Fou%aul#ian notion o$ se5 as the e$$e%t o$ /se5uality/ 1the
heterogeneous te5ture o$
#is%ursive pra%ti%es2' Chat gets lost there)y is pre%isely the #ea#lo%k o$ the 9eal,
0ere Ce
see the thin, )ut %ru%ial, line that separates -a%an $rom /#e%onstru%tion/E simply )e%ause the
opposition )etCeen nature an# %ulture is alCays-alrea#y %ulturally over#etermine#, i,e,, that
no parti%ular element %an )e isolate# as /pure nature,/ #oes not mean that /everything is
%ulture,/ /?ature/ Dua 9eal remains the un$athoma)le M Chi%h resists %ultural
/gentri$i%ation,/ 8r, to put it another CayE the -a%anian 9eal is the gap Chi%h separates the
Parti%ular $rom the Universal, the gap Chi%h prevents us $rom %ompleting the gesture o$
universaliFation, )lo%king our jump $rom the premise that every parti%ular element is P to the
%on%lusion that all elements are P,
.onseDuently, there is no logi% o$ Prohi)ition involve# in the notion o$ the 9eal Dua the
impossi)le-nonsym)oliFa)leE in -a%an, the 9eal is not surreptitiously %onse%rate#, envisione#
as the #omain o$ the inviola)le, 3hen -a%an #e$ines the /ro%k o$ %astration/ as real, this in no
Cay implies that %astration is e5%epte# $rom the #is%ursive $iel# as a kin# o$ untou%ha)le
sa%ri$i%e, :very #emar%ation )etCeen the Sym)oli% an# the 9eal, every e5%lusion o$ the 9eal
Dua the prohi)ite#-inviola)le, is a sym)oli% a%t par e5%ellen%e' su%h an inversion o$
impossi)ility into prohi)ition-e5%lusion occults the inherent deadlock of the 0eal, +n other
Cor#s, -a%an<s strategy is to prevent any ta)ooing o$ the 9ealE one %an /tou%h the real/ only
)y applying onesel$ to its sym)oliFation, up to the very $ailure o$ this en#eavor, +n *ant<s
&riti6ue of $ure 0eason, the only proo$s that there are (hings )eyon# phenomena are
paralogisms, in%onsisten%ies in Chi%h reason gets entangle# the moment it e5ten#s the
appli%ation o$ %ategories )eyon# the limits o$ e5perien%e' in e5a%tly the same Cay, in
-a%an%le r5el%-- the real o$ (ouissance-- %ne saurait s2inscrire 6ue d2une impasse de la
formalisation%-%an )e #is%erne# only )y Cay o$ the #ea#lo%ks o$ its $ormaliFation,
+n short,
the status of the 0eal is thoroughly non7substantialE it is a pro#u%t o$ $aile# attempts to
integrate it into the Sym)oli%,
(he impasse o$ /presupposing/ 1i,e,, o$ enumerating the presuppositions-- the %hain o$
e5ternal %ausesR%on#itions-- o$ some posite# entity2 is the reverse o$ these /trou)les Cith the
non-all,/ "n entity %an easily )e re#u%e# to the totality o$ its presuppositions, 3hat is missing
$rom the series o$ presuppositions, hoCever, is simply the per$ormative a%t o$ $ormal
%onversion Chi%h retroa%tively posits these presuppositions, making them into Chat they are,
into the presuppositions o$,,,1su%h as the a)ovementione# a%t Chi%h retroa%tively /posits/ its
reasons2, (his /#otting o$
the i/ is the tautologi%al gesture o$ the ;aster-Signi$ier Chi%h %onstitutes the entity in
Duestion as 8ne, 0ere Ce see the asymmetry )etCeen positing an# presupposingE the positing
of presuppositions chances upon its limit in the %feminine% non7all, and what eludes it is the
0eal- whereas the enumeration of the presuppositions of the posited content is made into a
closed series by means of the %masculine% performative,
0egel en#eavors to resolve this impasse o$ positing the presuppositions 1/positing re$le%tion/2
an# o$ the presuppositions o$ every positing a%tivity 1/e5ternal re$le%tion/2 )y Cay o$
#etermining re$le%tion' this logi% o$ the three mo#alities o$ re$le%tion 1positing, e5ternal, an#
#etermining re$le%tion2
ren#ers the matri5 o$ the entire logi% o$ essen%e, i,e,, o$ the tria#s
Chi%h $olloC itE i#entity, #i$$eren%e, %ontra#i%tion' essen%eR$orm, $ormR matter, %ontentR$orm'
$ormal, real, %omplete groun#' et%,
(he aim o$ the ensuing )rie$ e5amination o$ 0egel<s
logi% o$ essen%e is thus #ou)leE to arti%ulate the su%%essive more an# more %on%rete $orms o$
/#etermining re$le%tion/-- the 0egelian %ounterpart o$ Chat *ant %alls /trans%en#ental
synthesis/-- an#, simultaneously, to #is%ern in them the same pattern o$ an elementary
i#eologi%al operation,
Identity, $ifferene, Contradition
+n #ealing Cith the theme / 0egel an# i#entity,/ one shoul# never $orget that i#entity emerges
only in the logi% o$ essen%e, as a /#etermination-o$re$le%tion/E Chat 0egel %alls /i#entity/ is
not a simple sel$-eDuality o$ any notional #etermination 1re# is re#, Cinter is Cinter,,,2, )ut the
i#entity o$ an essen%e Chi%h /stays the same/ )eyon# the ever-%hanging $loC o$ appearan%es,
0oC are Ce to #etermine this i#entityK +$ Ce try to seiFe the thing as it is /in itsel$,/
irrespe%tive o$ its relationship to other things, its spe%i$i% i#entity elu#es us, Ce %annot say
anything a)out it, the thing %oin%i#es Cith all other things, +n short, identity hinges upon what
makes a difference, 3e pass $rom i#entity to #i$$eren%e the moment Ce grasp that the
/i#entity/ o$ an entity %onsists o$ the %luster o$ its #i$$erential $eatures, (he so%ial i#entity o$ a
person M, $or e5ample, is %ompose# o$ the %luster o$ its so%ial man#ates Chi%h are all )y
#e$inition #i$$erentialE a person is /$ather/ only in relation to /mother/ an# /son/' in another
relation, he is himsel$ /son,/ et%, 0ere is the %ru%ial passage $rom 0egel Logic in Chi%h he
)rings a)out the passage $rom #i$$eren%e to %ontra#i%tion apropos o$ the sym)oli%
#etermination /$ather/E
Father is the other o$ son, an# son the other o$ $ather, an# ea%h only is as this other o$ the
other' an# at the same time, the one #etermination only is, in relation to the other,,,, (he $ather
also has an e5isten%e o$ his oCn apart $rom the son-relationship' )ut then he is not $ather )ut
simply man,,,, 8pposites, there$ore, %ontain %ontra#i%tion in so $ar as they are, in the same
respe%t, negatively relate# to one another or sublate each other an# are indifferent to one

(he inattentive rea#er may easily miss the key a%%ent o$ this passage, the $eature Chi%h )elies
the stan#ar# notion o$ the /0egelian %ontra#i%tion/E /%ontra#i%tion/ #oes not take pla%e
)etCeen /$ather/ an# /son/ 1here, Ce have a %ase o$ simple opposition )etCeen tCo
%o#epen#ent terms2' it also #oes not turn on the $a%t that in one relation 1to my son2 + am
/$ather/ an# in another 1to my oCn $ather2 + am mysel$ /son,/ i,e,, + am /simultaneously $ather
an# son,/ +$ this Cere the 0egelian /%ontra#i%tion,/ 0egel Coul# )e e$$e%tively guilty o$
logi%al %on$usion, sin%e it is %lear that + am not )oth in the same respe%t, (he last phrase in the
Duote# passage $rom 0egel Logic lo%ates the %ontra#i%tion %learly inside %father% himself?
/%ontra#i%tion/ #esignates the antagonisti% relationship )etCeen Chat + am /$or the others/--
my sym)oli% #etermination-- an# Chat + am /in mysel$,/ a)stra%te#ly $rom my relations to
others, +t is the %ontra#i%tion )etCeen the voi# o$ the su)je%t<s pure /)eing-$or-himsel$/ an#
the signi$ying $eature Chi%h represents him $or the others, in -a%anian termsE )etCeen L an#
, ;ore pre%isely, /%ontra#i%tion/ means that it is my very /alienation/ in the sym)oli%
man#ate, in S
, Chi%h retroa%tively makes L-- the voi# Chi%h elu#es the hol# o$ the
man#ate-- out o$ my )rute realityE + am not only /$ather,/ not only this parti%ular
#etermination, yet )eyon# these sym)oli% man#ates + am nothing )ut the voi# Chi%h elu#es
them 1an#, as su%h, their oCn retroa%tive pro#u%t2,
+t is the very sym)oli% representation in
the #i$$erential netCork Chi%h eva%uates my /pathologi%al/ %ontent, i,e,, Chi%h makes out o$
S, the su)stantial $ullness o$ the /pathologi%al/ su)je%t, the )arre# L, the voi# o$ pure sel$-
3hat + am /$or the others/ is %on#ense# in the signi$ier Chi%h represents me $or other
signi$iers 1$or the /son/ + am /$ather,/ et%,2, 8utsi#e o$ my relations to the others + am
nothing, + am only the %luster o$ these relations 1/the human essen%e is the entirety o$ so%ial
relations,/ as ;ar5 Coul# have sai#2, )ut this very /nothing/ is the nothing o$ pure sel$-
relatingE + am only Chat + am $or the others, yet simultaneously + am the one Cho sel$-
#etermines mysel$, i,e,, Cho #etermines Chi%h netCork o$ relations to others Cill #etermine
me, +n other Cor#s, + am #etermine# )y the netCork o$ 1sym)oli%2 relations pre%isely an#
only inso$ar as +, Dua voi# o$ sel$relating, sel$-#etermine mysel$ this Cay, 3e en%ounter here
again spontaneity Dua sel$-#eterminationE in my very relating to the other + relate mysel$ to
mysel$, sin%e + #etermine the %on%rete $orm o$ my relating to the other, 8r, to put it in the
terms o$ -a%an<s s%heme o$ #is%ourseE

3e must )e %are$ul, there$ore, not to miss the logi% o$ this passing o$ opposition into
%ontra#i%tionE it has nothing to #o Cith %oin%i#en%e or %o#epen#en%e o$ the opposites, Cith
one pole passing into its opposite, et%, -et us take the %ase o$ man an# ComanE one %an
en#lessly vary the moti$ o$ their %o#epen#en%e 1ea%h is only as the other o$ the other' its )eing
is me#iate# )y the )eing o$ its opposite, et%,2, )ut as long as Ce %ontinue to set this opposition
against the )a%kgroun# o$ some neutral universality 1the human genus Cith its tCo spe%ies,
male an# $emale2, Ce are $ar $rom /%ontra#i%tion,/ +n /male %hauvinist/ terms, Ce arrive at
%ontra#i%tion only Chen /man/ appears as the imme#iate em)o#iment o$ the universalhuman
#imension, an# Coman as /trun%ate# man/' this Cay, the relationship o$ the tCo poles %eases
to )e symmetri%al, sin%e man stan#s $or the genus itsel$, Chereas Coman stan#s $or spe%i$i%
#i$$eren%e as su%h, 18r, to put it in the language o$ stru%tural linguisti%sE Ce enter
/%ontra#i%tion/ proper Chen one o$ the terms o$ the opposition starts to $un%tion as /marke#,/
an# the other as /non-marke#,/2
.onseDuently, Ce pass $rom opposition to %ontra#i%tion through the logi% o$ Chat 0egel
%alle# /oppositional #etermination/E Chen the universal, %ommon groun# o$ the tCo opposites
/en%ounters itsel$/ in its oppositional #etermination, i,e,, in one o$ the terms o$ the opposition,
-et us re%all ;ar5 &apital, in Chi%h the supreme %ase o$ /oppositional #etermination/ is
%apital itsel$E the multitu#e o$ %apitals 1investe# in parti%ular %ompanies, i,e,, pro#u%tive units2
ne%essarily %ontains /$inan%e %apital,/ the imme#iate em)o#iment o$ %apital in general as
oppose# to parti%ular %apitals, /.ontra#i%tion/ #esignates there$ore the relationship )etCeen
%apital in general an# the spe%ies o$ %apital Chi%h em)o#ies %apital in general 1$inan%e
%apital2, "n even more outright e5ample appears in the Introduction to rundrisseE
pro#u%tion as the stru%turing prin%iple o$ the
Chole o$ pro#u%tion, #istri)ution, e5%hange, an# %onsumption /en%ounters itsel$/ in its
oppositional #etermination' the /%ontra#i%tion/ is here )etCeen pro#u%tion as the
en%ompassing totality o$ the $our moments an# pro#u%tion as one o$ these $our moments,

+n this pre%ise sense, %ontra#i%tion is also the %ontra#i%tion )etCeen the position o$
enun%iation an# the enun%iate# %ontentE it o%%urs Chen the enun%iator himsel$, )y Cay o$ the
illo%utory $or%e o$ his spee%h, a%%omplishes Chat, at the level o$ lo%ution, is the o)je%t o$ his
#enun%iation, " te5t)ook %ase $rom politi%al li$eE Chen a politi%al agent %riti%iFes rival parties
$or %onsi#ering only their narroC party interests, he there)y o$$ers his oCn party as a neutral
$or%e Corking $or the )ene$it o$ the Chole nation, .onseDuently, he #oes Chat he %harges the
other Cith, i,e,, he promotes in the strongest Cay possi)le the interest o$ his oCn partyE the
#ivi#ing line that stru%tures his spee%h runs )etCeen his oCn party an# all the rest, 3hat is at
Cork here is again the logi% o$ /oppositional #etermination/E the allege# universality )eyon#
petty party interests en%ounters itsel$ in a parti%ular party-- that is /%ontra#i%tion,/
"t the en# o$ the %re#its o$ (he Ireat Di%tator, .haplin revises the stan#ar# #is%laimer
%on%erning the relationship )etCeen #iegeti% reality an# /true/ reality 1/any resem)lan%e is
purely %oin%i#ental/2 to rea#E /"ny resem)lan%e )etCeen the #i%tator 0ynkel an# the HeCish
)ar)er is purely %oin%i#ental,/ (he Ireat Di%tator is ultimately a $ilm a)out this %oin%i#ental
identityE 0ynkel-0itler, this all-pervasive Uoi%e, is the /oppositional #etermination,/ the
sha#oCy #ou)le, o$ the poor HeCish )ar)er, Su$$i%e it to re%all the s%ene in the ghetto in
Chi%h lou#speakers transmit the $ero%ious anti-Semiti% spee%h )y 0ynkel-- the )ar)er runs
#oCn the street, as i$ perse%ute# )y the multiplie# e%hoes o$ his oCn voi%e, as i$ running aCay
$rom his oCn sha#oC, (herein lies a #eeper insight than might at $irst )e apparentE the HeCish
)ar)er in (he Ireat Di%tator is not #epi%te# primarily as a HeC, )ut rather as the epitome o$ /a
little man Cho Cants to live his mo#est, pea%e$ul every#ay li$e outsi#e o$ politi%al turmoils,/
an# 1as has )een #emonstrate# )y numerous analyses2 naFism is pre%isely the enrage# reverse
o$ this /little man,/ Chi%h erupts Chen his %ustomary Corl# is throCn o$$ the rails, +n the
i#eologi%al universe o$ the $ilm, the same para#o5i%al eDuation is arti%ulate# in another
impli%it i#entity o$ the oppositesE "ustria Q Iermany, (hat is to say, Chi%h %ountry in the $ilm
plays the role o$ the vi%tim an# at the same time the i#ylli% %ounterpart o$ /(omania/-
IermanyK /"usterli%/-"ustria, the small Cine-groCing %oun-
try o$ happy inno%ent people living together like a large $amily, in shortE the lan# o$ /$as%ism
Cith a human $a%e,/
(he $a%t that the same musi% 1the Prelu#e to 3agner Lohengrin2
a%%ompanies )oth the )ar)er<s $inal spee%h an# 0ynkel<s $amous playing Cith the glo)e-
)alloon a%Duires there)y an une5pe%te# ominous #imensionE at the en#, the )ar)er<s Cor#s
a)out the nee# $or love an# pea%e %orrespon# per$e%tly to Chat 0itler-0ynkel himsel$ Coul#
say in his sentimental petit )ourgeois moo#,
-or6@Essene, -or6@+atter, -or6@Content
"s Ce start losing groun# in an argument, our last re%ourse is usually to insist that /#espite
Chat has )een sai#, things are essentially Chat Ce think them to )e,/ (his, pre%isely, is Chat
0egel has in min# Chen he speaks o$ the essen%e in its imme#ia%yE /essen%e/ #esignates here
the imme#iate inCar#ness, the /essen%e o$ things,/ Chi%h persists irrespe%tive o$ the e5ternal
$orm, .ases o$ su%h an attitu#e, )est e5empli$ie# )y the stupi#ity o$ the prover) /a leopar#
%annot %hange his spots,/ a)oun# in politi%s, Su$$i%e it to re%all the usual right-Cing treatment
o$ e5-.ommunists in the :astE irrespe%tive o$ Chat they a%tually #o, their #emo%rati% /$orm/
shoul# in no Cay #e%eive us, it is mere $orm' /essentially/ they remain the same ol#
totalitarians, et%,
" re%ent e5ample o$ su%h a logi% o$ /inner essen%e,/ Chi%h sti%ks to its
point notCithstan#ing the %hanges o$ the e5ternal $orm, Cas the ju#gment o$ the #istrust$ul on
Ior)a%hev in 197E nothing Cill %hange, Ior)a%hev is even more #angerous than or#inary
har#-line .ommunists, sin%e he provi#es the totalitarian system Cith a se#u%tive /open,/
/#emo%rati%/ $ront' his ultimate aim is to strengthen the system, not to %hange it ra#i%ally, "
0egelian point to )e ma#e here is that this statement is pro)a)ly trueE in all likelihoo#,
Ior)a%hev /really/ #i# Cant only to improve the e5isting system, 0oCever, notCithstan#ing
his intentions, his a%ts set in motion a pro%ess Chi%h trans$orme# the system $rom top to
)ottomE the /truth/ resi#e# in Chat not only Ior)a%hev<s #istrust$ul %riti%s )ut also Ior)a%hev
himsel$ took to )e a mere e5ternal $orm,
/:ssen%e,/ thus %on%eive#, remains an empty #etermination Chose a#eDua%y %an )e teste#
only )y veri$ying the e5tent to Chi%h it is e5presse#, ren#ere# mani$est, in the e5ternal $orm,
3e thus o)tain the su)seDuent %ouple $ormRmatter in Chi%h the relationship is inverte#E $orm
%eases to )e a passive e5pression-e$$e%t )ehin# Chi%h one has to look $or some hi##en /true
essen%e,/ an# )e%omes instea# the agen%y Chi%h in#ivi#uates the
otherCise passive-$ormless matter, %on$erring on it some parti%ular #etermination, +n other
Cor#s, the moment Ce )e%ome aCare o$ hoC the entire #eterminate#ness o$ the essen%e
resi#es in its $orm, then essen%e, %on%eive# a)stra%te#ly $rom its $orm, %hanges into a
$ormless su)stratum o$ the $orm, in shortE into matter, "s 0egel put it %on%isely, the moment
o$ #etermination an# the moment o$ su)sisten%e there)y $all apart, are posite# as #istin%tE
Chere a thing is %on%erne#, /matter/ is the passive moment o$ su)sisten%e 1its su)stantial
su)stratum-groun#2, Chereas /$orm/ is Chat provi#es $or its spe%i$i% #etermination, Chat
makes this thing Chat it is,
(he #iale%ti% Chi%h hampers this seemingly straight opposition is not limite# to the $a%t that
Ce never en%ounter /pure/ matter #evoi# o$ any $orm 1the %lay out o$ Chi%h a pot is ma#e
must alrea#y possess properties Chi%h make it appropriate $or some $orm an# not $or
another-- $or a pot, not $or a nee#le, $or e5ample2, so that /pure/ $ormless matter passes into
its opposite, into empty $orm-re%epta%le )ere$t o$ any %on%rete, positive, su)stantial
#etermination' an# vi%e versa, o$ %ourse, Gut Chat 0egel has in min# here is something more
ra#i%alE the inherent %ontra#i%tion o$ the notion o$ $orm Chi%h #esignates )oth the prin%iple o$
universaliFation an# the prin%iple o$ in#ivi#uation, Form is Chat makes out o$ some $ormless
matter a parti%ular, #eterminate thing 1say, a %up out o$ %lay2' )ut it is at the same time the
a)stra%t Universal %ommon to #i$$erent things 1paper %ups, glass %ups, %hina %ups, an# metal
%ups are all /%ups/ on a%%ount o$ their %ommon form2, (he only Cay out o$ this #ea#lo%k is to
%on%eive matter not as something passive-$ormless, )ut as something Chi%h alrea#y in itsel$
possesses an inherent stru%ture, i,e,, something Chi%h stan#s opposite $orm $urnishe# Cith its
own content, 0oCever, in or#er to avoi# regression into the initial a)stra%t %ounter-position o$
inner essen%e an# e5ternally impose# $orm, one has to keep in min# that the couple
content>form :or, more pointedly, content as such; is (ust another name for the tautological
relationship by which form is related to itself, 3hat is /%ontent/ i$ not, pre%isely, formed
matter) 8ne %an thus #e$ine /$orm/ as the Cay some %ontent is a%tualiFe#, realiFe#, in matter
1)y means o$ the latter<s a#eDuate formation2E /the same %ontent/-- the story o$ .aesar<s
mur#er, $or e5ample-- %an )e tol# in #i$$erent $orms, $rom Plutar%h<s historiographi%al report
through Shakespeare<s play to 0ollyCoo# movie, +n the alternative, one %an #e$ine $orm as the
universality Chi%h unites the multitu#e o$ #iverse %ontents 1the $orm o$ the %lassi%al #ete%tive
novel, $or e5ample, $un%tions as the skeleton o$ %o#i$ie# genre rules Chi%h set a %ommon seal
on the Corks o$ authors as #i$$erent as
"gatha .hristie, :, S, Iar#ner, et%,2, +n other Cor#s, inso$ar as matter stan#s $or the a)stra%t
8ther o$ the $orm, /%ontent/ is the Cay matter is me#iate# )y $orm, an# inversely, /$orm/ is
the Cay %ontent $in#s its e5pression in matter, +n )oth %ases, the relationship %ontentR$orm, in
%ontrast to the relationship matterR$orm, is tautologicalE /%ontent/ is $orm itsel$ in its
oppositional #etermination,
3ith a vieC to the totality o$ this movement $rom essen%eR$orm to %ontentR$orm, it is easy to
per%eive hoC its logi% announ%es in a %on#ense# Cay the tria# o$ notion, ju#gment, an#
syllogism $rom the /su)je%tive logi%,/ the thir# part o$ 0egel LogicE the %ouple essen%eR$orm
remains on the level o$ notion' that is, essen%e is the simple in-itsel$ o$ the notion, o$ the
su)stantial #etermination o$ an entity, (he ne5t step literally )rings a)out the Ur7Teilung,
ju#gment Dua /original #ivision,/ $alling apart, o$ the essen%e into its tCo %onstitutive
moments Chi%h are there)y /posite#/ as su%h, e5pli%ate#, )ut in the mo#e o$ e5ternality, i,e,,
as e5ternal, in#i$$erent to ea%h otherE the moment o$ su)sisten%e 1matter Dua su)stratum2 an#
the moment o$ #etermination 1$orm2, " su)stratum a%Duires #etermination Chen a $orm is
pre#i%ate# to it, (he thir# step, $inally, ren#ers mani$est the ternary stru%ture o$ me#iation, the
#istinguishing mark o$ syllogism, Cith $orm as its mi##le term,
-or6al, Real, Co6<lete Ground
(here is something almost un%anny a)out the /propheti%/ #imensions o$ this apparently
mo#est su)#ivision o$ 0egel Logic, +t is as i$ Ce %an truly %omprehen# it only i$ Ce knoC the
history o$ philosophy, an# espe%ially the %ru%ial 0egel-%ritiDues, o$ the ne5t 17A years,
in%lusive o$ "lthusser, "mong other things, this su)#ivision anti%ipates )oth the young
;ar5<s %ritiDue o$ 0egel an# the %on%ept o$ over#etermination Chi%h Cas #evelope# )y
"lthusser pre%isely as an alternative to the allege#ly 0egelian notion o$ /e5pressive
Formal groun# repeats the tautologi%al gesture o$ the imme#iate re$eren%e to /true essen%e/E it
#oes not a## any neC %ontent to the phenomenon to )e e5plaine#, it just translates,
transposes, the $oun# empiri%al %ontent into the $orm o$ groun#, (o %omprehen# this pro%ess,
one nee# only re%all hoC #o%tors sometimes respon# Chen Ce #es%ri)e our symptomsE /"ha,
%learly a %ase o$,,,/ 3hat then $olloCs is a long, in%omprehensi)le -atin term Chi%h simply
translates the %ontent o$ our %omplaints into
me#i%alese, a##ing no neC knoCle#ge, Psy%hoanalyti%al theory itsel$ o$$ers one o$ the
%learest e5amples o$ Chat 0egel has in min# Cith /$ormal groun#,/ namely the Cay it
sometimes uses the notion o$ #eath-#riveE e5plaining the so-%alle# /negative therapeuti%
rea%tion/ 1more generally, o$ the phenomena o$ aggressivity, #estru%tive rage, Car, et%,2 )y
invoking Todestrieb is a tautologi%al gesture Chi%h only %on$ers upon the same empiri%al
%ontent the universal $orm o$ laC-- e,g,, people kill ea%h other )e%ause they are #riven to it )y
the #eath-#rive, (he prin%ipal target o$ 0egel himsel$ is here a %ertain simpli$ie# version o$
?eCtonian physi%sE this stone is heavy-- ChyK 8n a%%ount o$ the $or%e o$ gravity, et%,
0oCever, the )ounti$ul sneers in 0egel<s %omments on $ormal groun# shoul# not )lin# us to
its positive si#e, $or the ne%essary, %onstitutive $un%tion o$ this $ormal gesture o$ %onverting
the %ontingent %ontent Chi%h Cas simply $oun# into the $orm o$ groun#, +t is easy to #eri#e
the tautologi%al emptiness o$ this gesture, )ut 0egel<s point lies elseChereE )y means o$ its
very $ormal %hara%ter, this gesture ren#ers possi)le the sear%h $or the real groun#, Formal
%ausality Dua empty gesture opens up the $iel# o$ the analysis o$ %ontent-- as in ;ar5 &apital,
in Chi%h the $ormal su)sumption o$ the pro%ess o$ pro#u%tion un#er %apital pre%e#es, opens
up the Cay $or, the material organiFation o$ pro#u%tion in a%%or#an%e Cith the reDuirements
o$ %apital 1i,e,, $irst, the pre%apitalist material organiFation o$ pro#u%tion Chi%h Cas simply
$oun#-- in#ivi#ual artisans, et%,-- is $ormally su)sume# un#er %apital-- the %apitalist provi#es
the artisan Cith raC materials, et%,' then, gra#ually, pro#u%tion is materially restru%ture# into
a %olle%tive manu$a%turing pro%ess #ire%tly run )y the %apitalist2,
0egel $urther #emonstrates hoC su%h tautologi%al e5planations, in or#er to %on%eal their true
nature an# to %reate an appearan%e o$ positive %ontent, $ill out again the empty $orm o$ groun#
Cith some $antasiFe#, imaginary %ontent, %on%eive# as a neC, spe%ial kin# o$ a%tual empiri%al
%ontentE Ce thus o)tain /aether,/ /magnetism,/ /$logiston,/ an# other similar mysterious
/natural $or%es/ in Chi%h empty #eterminations-o$thought assume the $orm o$ positive,
#eterminate %ontent-- in short, Ce o)tain the inverte# /topsy-turvy Corl#/ in Chi%h the
#eterminations-o$thought appear un#er the guise o$ their opposite, o$ positive empiri%al
o)je%ts, 1"n e5emplary %ase Cithin philosophy itsel$, o$ %ourse, is Des%artes< pla%ing o$ the
link %onne%ting )o#y an# soul Cithin the pineal glan#E this glan# is nothing )ut a Duasi-
empiri%al positiviFation o$ the $a%t that Des%artes Cas una)le to grasp conceptually the
me#iation o$ thinking an#
e5ten#e# su)stan%e in man,2 For 0egel, the inverte# /topsy-turvy Corl#/ #oes not %onsist in
presupposing, )eyon# the a%tual, empiri%al Corl#, the king#om o$ suprasensi)le i#eas, )ut in
a kin# o$ #ou)le inversion )y means o$ Chi%h these suprasensi)le i#eas themselves assume
again sensi)le $orm, so that the very sensi)le Corl# is re#ou)le#E as i$, )y the si#e o$ our
or#inary sensi)le Corl#, there e5ists another Corl# o$ /spiritual materiality/ 1o$ aether Dua
$ine stu$$, et%,2, 3hy are 0egel<s %onsi#erations o$ su%h interestK (hey arti%ulate in a#van%e
the moti$ Feuer)a%h, young ;ar5, an# "lthusser pro%laim as the /%ritiDue o$ spe%ulative
i#ealism/E the hi##en o)verse an# /truth/ o$ spe%ulative i#ealism is positivism, enslavement
to %ontingent empiri%al %ontent' i,e,, i#ealism only %on$ers spe%ulative $orm on the empiri%al
%ontent simply $oun# there,

(he supreme %ase o$ su%h a Duasi-empiri%al o)je%t Chi%h positiviFes the su)je%t<s ina)ility to
think a purely %on%eptual relationship is provi#e# )y *ant himsel$, Cho, in his +pus
$osthumum, proposes the hypothesis o$ /aether,/
+$ spa%e is $ull, *ant reasone#, movement
$rom one pla%e in spa%e to another is not possi)le sin%e /all pla%es are alrea#y taken/' i$,
hoCever, spa%e is empty, no %onta%t, no intera%tion %an o%%ur )etCeen tCo )o#ies separate#
)y spa%e sin%e no $or%e %an )e transmitte# via pure voi#, From this para#o5, *ant #reC the
%on%lusion that spa%e is possi)le only i$ sustaine# )y /aether/ Dua all-pervasive, all-
penetrating Corl#-stu$$ Chi%h is pra%ti%ally the same as spa%e itsel$ hypostati%ally %on%eive#E
an all-present element Chi%h is spa%e itsel$, Chi%h %ontinuously $ills it out an# is as su%h the
me#ium o$ the intera%tion o$ all other /or#inary/ positive $or%es an#R or o)je%ts in spa%e, (his
is Chat 0egel has in min# apropos o$ the /topsyturvy Corl#/E *ant solves the opposition o$
empty spa%e an# the o)je%ts $illing it out )y Cay o$ presupposing a /matter/ Chi%h is its
opposite, i,e,, thoroughly transparent, homogeneous, an# %ontinuous-- as in primitive religions
Cith their notion o$ the suprasensi)le as an aetheri%al-material Geyon#, 1(he nee# $or this
hypothesis evaporates, o$ %ourse, as soon as one a%%epts the post-?eCtonian notion o$
nonhomogeneous spa%e,2

.onseDuently, $ormal groun# is $olloCe# )y real groun#E the #i$$eren%e )etCeen groun# an#
groun#e# %eases to )e purely $ormal, it is #ispla%e# into %ontent itsel$ an# %on%eive# as the
#istin%tion )etCeen tCo o$ its %onstituents, +n the very %ontent o$ the phenomenon to )e
e5plaine#, one has to isolate some moment an# to %on%eive o$ it as the /groun#/ o$ all other
moments Chi%h there)y appear as Chat is /groun#e#,/ +n tra#itional ;ar5ism, $or e5ample,
the so-%alle# /e%onomi%al )asis,/ the stru%ture o$ the pro%ess o$ pro#u%tion, is the moment
Chi%h, notCithstan#ing the
in%onvenien%es o$ the notorious /last instan%e,/ #etermines all other moments 1politi%al an#
i#eologi%al superstru%ture2, 0ere, o$ %ourse, the Duestion emerges imme#iatelyE Chy this
moment an# not some otherK (hat is to say, as soon as Ce isolate some moment $rom the
Chole an# %on%eive o$ it as its /groun#/ Ce must also take into a%%ount the Cay groun# itsel$
is #etermine# )y the totality o$ relations Cithin Chi%h it $un%tions as groun#E /groun#/ %an
only e5ert its groun#ing $un%tion Cithin a pre%isely #e$ine# netCork o$ %on#itions, +n short,
Ce %an only ansCer the Duestion /3hy this moment an# not some otherK/ through the
#etaile# analysis o$ the entire netCork o$ relations )etCeen the groun# an# the groun#e#,
Chi%h e5plains Chy it is pre%isely this element o$ the netCork Chi%h plays the role o$ groun#,
3hat is thus a%%omplishe# is the step to the ne5t, $inal mo#ality o$ groun#, to %omplete
groun#, +t is %ru%ial to grasp the pre%ise nature o$ 0egel<s a%%omplishmentE he #oes not put
$orCar# another, even /#eeper/ supra-Iroun# Chi%h Coul# groun# the groun# itsel$' he
simply groun#s the groun# in the totality o$ its relations to the groun#e# %ontent, +n this
pre%ise sense, %omplete groun# is the unity o$ $ormal an# real groun#E it is the real groun#
Chose groun#ing relationship to the remaining %ontent is again groun#e# in ChatK-- in itself,
i,e,, in the totality of its relations to the grounded, (he groun# groun#s the groun#e#, )ut this
groun#ing role must )e itsel$ groun#e# in the relationship o$ the groun# to the groun#e#,
(hus, Ce again arrive at the tautology 1the moment o$ $ormal groun#2, )ut not at the empty
tautology, as in the %ase o$ $ormal groun#E noC, the tautology %ontains the moment o$
%ontra#i%tion in the pre%ise a)ove-mentione# 0egelian sense, it #esignates the i#entity o$ the
3hole Cith its /oppositional #etermination/E the i#entity o$ a moment o$ the 3hole-- the real
groun#-- Cith the 3hole itsel$,
+n 0eading &apital,
-ouis "lthusser en#eavore# to arti%ulate the epistemologi%al )reak o$
;ar5ism )y means o$ a neC %on%ept o$ %ausality, /over#etermination/E the very #etermining
instan%e is over#etermine# )y the total netCork o$ relations Cithin Chi%h it plays the
#etermining role, "lthusser oppose# this notion o$ %ausality to )oth me%hani%al, transitive
%ausality 1the linear %hain o$ %auses an# e$$e%ts Chose para#igmati% %ase is %lassi%al, pre-
:insteinian physi%s2 an# e5pressive %ausality 1the inner essen%e Chi%h e5presses itsel$ in the
multitu#e o$ its $orms-o$-appearan%e2, /:5pressive %ausality,/ o$ %ourse, targets 0egel, in
Chose philosophy the same spiritual essen%e-- /Feitgeist/-- allege#ly e5presses itsel$ at the
#i$$erent levels o$ so%ietyE in religion as Protestantism, in politi%s as the li)eration o$ %ivil
so%iety $rom the %hains o$ me#ieval %orporatism, in laC as
the rule o$ private property an# the emergen%e o$ $ree in#ivi#uals as its )earers, (his tria# o$
e5pressive-transitive-over#eterminate %ausality parallels the -a%anian tria# +maginary-9eal-
Sym)oli%E e5pressive %ausality )elongs to the level o$ the +maginary, it #esignates the logi% o$
an i#enti%al imago Chi%h leaves its imprint at #i$$erent levels o$ material %ontent'
over#etermination implies a sym)oli% totality, sin%e su%h retroa%tive #etermination o$ the
groun# )y the totality o$ the groun#e# is possi)le only Cithin a sym)oli% universe' transitive
%ausality #esignates the senseless %ollisions o$ the real, (o#ay, in the mi#st o$ e%ologi%al
%atastrophe, it is espe%ially important that Ce %on%eive this %atastrophe as a meaningless real
tuche, i,e,, that Ce #o not /rea# meanings into things,/ as is #one )y those Cho interpret the
e%ologi%al %risis as a /#eeper sign/ o$ punishment $or our mer%iless e5ploitation o$ nature, et%,
1Su$$i%e it to re%all the theories on the homology )etCeen the soul<s innerCorl# an# the
outerCorl# o$ the universe Chi%h are again $ashiona)le Cithin the so-%alle# /?eC "ge
%ons%iousness/-- the e5emplary %ase o$ a neC rise o$ /e5pressive %ausality,/2
+t shoul# )e %lear, noC, that the "lthusserian %riti%al attri)ution to 0egel o$ /e5pressive
%ausality/ misses the targetE 0egel himsel$ arti%ulate# in a#van%e the %on%eptual $rameCork
o$ "lthusser<s %ritiDue' i,e,, his tria# o$ $ormal, real, an# %omplete groun# %orrespon#s
per$e%tly to the tria# o$ e5pressive, transitive, an# over#etermine# %ausality, 3hat is
/%omplete groun#/ i$ not the name $or a /%omple5 stru%ture/ in Chi%h the #etermining
instan%e itsel$ is 1over2#etermine# )y the netCork o$ relations Cithin Chi%h it e5erts its
#etermining roleK
+n #egel ou Spino4a)
Pierre ;a%herey para#o5i%ally maintaine# that
SpinoFa<s philosophy must )e rea# as a %ritiDue o$ 0egel-- as i$ SpinoFa rea# 0egel an# Cas
a)le in a#van%e to ansCer the latter<s %ritiDue o$ /SpinoFism,/ (he same %oul# )e sai# o$
0egel in relation to "lthusserE 0egel outline# in a#van%e the %ontours o$ the "lthusserian
%ritiDue o$ 1Chat "lthusser presents as2 /0egelianism/' moreover he #evelope# the element
that is missing in "lthusser an# prevents him $rom thinking out the notion o$
over#etermination-- the element o$ su)je%tivity Chi%h %annot )e re#u%e# to imaginary
1mis2re%ognition Dua e$$e%t o$ interpellation, that is to say, the su)je%t as N, the /empty,/
)arre# su)je%t,
-ro6 8In:itself8 to 8-or:itself8
-et us stop here an# a)stain $rom #is%erning the same matri5 up to the en# o$ the se%on# part
o$ Logic' su$$i%e it to as%ertain that the $un#amental
antagonism o$ the entire logi% o$ essen%e is the antagonism )etCeen ground an# conditions,
)etCeen the inner essen%e 1/true nature/2 o$ a thing an# the e5ternal %ir%umstan%es Chi%h
ren#er possi)le the realiFation o$ this essen%e, i,e,, the impossi)ility o$ rea%hing a %ommon
measure )etCeen these tCo #imensions, o$ %oor#inating them in a /higher-or#er synthesis,/
1+t is only in the thir# part o$ Logic, the /su)je%tive logi%/ o$ ?otion, that this
in%ommensura)ility is surpasse#,2 (herein %onsists the alternative )etCeen positing an#
e5ternal re$le%tionE #o people %reate the Corl# they live in $rom Cithin themselves,
autonomously, or #oes their a%tivity result $rom e5ternal %ir%umstan%esK Philosophi%al
%ommon sense Coul# here impose the %ompromise o$ a /proper measure/E true, Ce have the
possi)ility o$ %hoi%e, Ce %an realiFe our $reely %on%eive# proje%ts, )ut only Cithin the
$rameCork o$ tra#ition, o$ the inherite# %ir%umstan%es Chi%h #elineate our $iel# o$ %hoi%es'
or, as ;ar5 put it in his 9ighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte?/;en make their oCn
history' )ut they #o not make it just as they please' they #o not make it un#er %ir%umstan%es
%hosen )y themselves, )ut un#er %ir%umstan%es #ire%tly en%ountere#, given an# transmitte#
$rom the past,/

0oCever, it is pre%isely su%h a /#iale%ti%al synthesis / that 0egel #e%lines, (he Chole point o$
his argument is that Ce have no Cay o$ #raCing a line )etCeen the tCo aspe%tsE every inner
potential %an )e translate# 1its $orm %an )e %onverte#2 into an e5ternal %on#ition, an# vi%e
versa, +n short, Chat 0egel #oes here is something very pre%iseE he un#ermines the usual
notion o$ the relationship )etCeen the inner potentials o$ a thing an# the e5ternal %on#itions
Chi%h ren#er 1im2possi)le the realiFation o$ these potentials by positing between these two
sides the sign of e6uality, (he %onseDuen%es are $ar more ra#i%al than they appear' they
%on%ern a)ove all the ra#i%ally antievolutionary %hara%ter o$ 0egel<s philosophy, as
e5empli$ie# in the notional %ouple in7itself>for7self (his %ouple is usually taken as the
supreme proo$ o$ 0egel<s trust in evolutionary progress 1the #evelopment $rom /in-itsel$/ into
/$or-sel$/2' yet a %loser look #ispels this phantom o$ :volution, (he /in-itsel$/ in its
opposition to /$or-sel$/ means at one an# the same time 112 Chat e5ists only potentially, as an
inner possi)ility, %ontrary to the a%tuality Cherein a possi)ility has e5ternaliFe# an# realiFe#
itsel$, and 142 a%tuality itsel$ in the sense o$ e5ternal, imme#iate, /raC/ o)je%tivity Chi%h is
still oppose# to su)je%tive me#iation, Chi%h is not yet internaliFe#, ren#ere#-%ons%ious' in this
sense, the /in-itsel$/ is a%tuality inso$ar as it has not yet rea%he# its ?otion,
(he simultaneous rea#ing o$ these tCo aspe%ts un#ermines the usual
i#ea o$ #iale%ti%al progress as a gra#ual realiFation o$ the o)je%t<s inner potentials, as its
spontaneous sel$-#evelopment, 0egel is here Duite outspoken an# e5pli%itE the inner potentials
o$ the sel$-#evelopment o$ an o)je%t an# the pressure e5erte# on it )y an e5ternal $or%e are
stri%tly correlative- they $orm the tCo parts o$ the same %onjun%tion, +n other Cor#s, the
potentiality o$ the o)je%t must also )e present in its e5ternal a%tuality, un#er the $orm o$
heteronomous %oer%ion, For e5ample 1the e5ample here is o$ 0egel himsel$2, to say that a
pupil at the )eginning o$ the pro%ess o$ e#u%ation is some)o#y Cho potentially knoCs,
some)o#y Cho, in the %ourse o$ his #evelopment, Cill realiFe his %reative potentials, e6uals
saying that these inner potentials must )e present $rom the very )eginning in e5ternal a%tuality
as the authority o$ the ;aster Cho e5erts pressure upon his pupil, (o#ay, one %an a## to this
the sa#ly $amous %ase o$ the Corking %lass Dua revolutionary su)je%tE to a$$irm that the
Corking %lass is /in-itsel$,/ potentially, a revolutionary su)je%t, eDuals the assertion that this
potentiality must alrea#y )e a%tualiFe# in the Party, Chi%h knoCs in a#van%e a)out the
revolutionary mission an# there$ore e5erts pressure upon the Corking %lass, gui#ing it toCar#
the realiFation o$ its potentials, (hus, the /lea#ing role/ o$ the Party is legitimiFe#' it is thus
its right to /e#u%ate/ the Corking %lass in a%%or#an%e Cith its potentials, to /implant/ in this
%lass its histori%al mission,
3e %an see, noC, Chy 0egel is as $ar as possi)le $rom the evolutionist notion o$ the
progressive #evelopment o$ in-itsel$ into $or-itsel$E the %ategory o$ /in itsel$/ is stri%tly
%orrelative to /$or us,/ i,e,, $or some %ons%iousness e5ternal to the thing-in-itsel$, (o say that a
%lo# o$ %lay is /in itsel$/ a pot eDuals saying that this pot is alrea#y present in the min# o$ the
%ra$tsman Cho Cill impose the $orm o$ pot on the %lay (he %urrent Cay o$ saying /un#er the
right %on#itions the pupil Cill realiFe his potentials/ is thus #e%eptiveE Chen, in e5%use o$ his
failure to realiFe his potentials, Ce insist that /he Coul# have realiFe# them, i$ only the
%on#itions ha# )een right,/ Ce %ommit there)y an error o$ %yni%ism Corthy o$ Gre%ht<s
$amous lines $rom The Threepenny +pera, /3e Coul# )e goo# instea# o$ )eing so ru#e, i$
only the %ir%umstan%es Cere not o$ this kin#@/ For 0egel, e5ternal %ir%umstan%es are not an
impe#iment to realiFing inner potentials, )ut on the %ontrary the very arena in which the true
nature of these inner potentials is to be tested? are su%h potentials true potentials or just vain
illusions a)out Chat might have happene#K 8r, to put it in SpinoFeian termsE /positing
re$le%tion/ o)serves things as they are in their eternal essen%e, sub specie aeter7
nitatis, Chereas/e5ternal re$le%tion/ o)serves them sub specie durationis, in their #epen#en%e
on a series o$ %ontingent e5ternal %ir%umstan%es, 0ere, verything hinges on how 0egel
over%omes /e5ternal re$le%tion,/ +$ his aim Cere simply to re#u%e the e5ternality o$ %ontingent
%on#itions to the sel$me#iation o$ the inner essen%e-groun# 1the usual notion o$ /0egel<s
i#ealism/2, then 0egel<s philosophy Coul# truly )e a mere /#ynamiFe# SpinoFism,/ Gut Chat
#oes 0egel a%tually #oK
-et us approa%h this pro)lem via -a%anE in Chat pre%ise sense %an Ce maintain that -a%an o$
the late $orties an# early $i$ties Cas a 0egelianK +n or#er to get a %lear i#ea o$ his
0egelianism, it su$$i%es to take a %loser look at hoC he %on%eives the analyst<s /passivity/ in
the psy%hoanalyti%al %ure, Sin%e /the a%tual is rational,/ the analyst #oes not have to $or%e his
interpretations upon the analysan#, all he has to #o is %lear the Cay $or the analysan# to arrive
at his oCn truth )y means o$ a mere pun%tuation o$ his spee%h, (his is Chat 0egel has in min#
Chen he speaks o$ the /%unning o$ reason/E the analyst #oes not seek to un#ermine the
analysan#<s sel$-#e%eit, his attitu#e o$ the /Geauti$ul Soul,/ )y Cay o$ #ire%tly %on$ronting
him Cith the /true state o$ things,/ )ut )y Cay o$ giving him a $ree rein, o$ removing all
o)sta%les that may serve as an e5%use, thus %ompelling him to reveal /the stu$$ he is a%tually
ma#e o$,/ +n this pre%ise sense /the a%tual is rational/E our-- the 0egelian philosopher<s-- trust
into the inherent rationality o$ the a%tual means that a%tuality provi#es the only testing groun#
$or the reasona)leness o$ the su)je%t<s %laims' i,e,, the moment the su)je%t is )ere$t o$ e5ternal
o)sta%les Chi%h %an )e )lame# $or his $ailure, his su)je%tive position Cill %ollapse on a%%ount
o$ its inherent inauthenti%ity, 3hat Ce have here is a kin# o$ %yni%iFe# 0ei#eggerianismE
sin%e the o)je%t is in itsel$ in%onsistent, sin%e Chat alloCs it to retain the appearan%e o$
%onsisten%y is the very e5ternal hin#ran%e Chi%h allege#ly restrains its inner potentials, the
most e$$e%tive Cay to #estroy it, to )ring a)out its %ollapse, is pre%isely to renoun%e any
%laims o$ #omination, to remove all hin#ran%es an# to /let it )e,/ i,e,, to leave the $iel# open
$or the $ree #eployment o$ its potentials,

0oCever, #oes the 0egelian notion o$ the /%unning o$ reason/ not entail a /regression/ to the
pre-*antian rationalist metaphysi%sK +t is a philosophi%al %ommonpla%e to oppose here *ant<s
%ritiDue o$ the ontologi%al proo$ o$ Io#<s e5isten%e to 0egel<s rea$$irmation o$ it, an# to Duote
0egel<s rea$$irmation as the supreme proo$ o$ 0egel<s return to the #omain o$ %lassi%al
metaphysi%s, (he story goes someChat like thisE *ant #emonstrate# that
e5isten%e is not a pre#i%ate, sin%e, at the level o$ pre#i%ates Chi%h #e$ine the notional %ontent
o$ a thing, there is a)solutely no #i$$eren%e )etCeen 1AA a%tual tollars an# a mere notion o$
1AA tollars-- an#, mutatis mutan#is, the same hol#s $or the notion o$ Io#, Furthermore, one is
even tempte# to see in *ant<s position a kin# o$ pre$iguration o$ the -a%anian e%%entri%ity o$
the real Cith re$eren%e to the sym)oli%E e5isten%e is real inso$ar as it is irre#u%i)le to the
netCork o$ notional-sym)oli% #eterminations, ?evertheless, this %ommonpla%e has to )e
reje%te# thoroughly,
*ant<s a%tual line o$ argumentation is $ar more re$ine#' he pro%ee#s in tCo )asi% steps 1see
.P9, " 76->A32, First, he #emonstrates that there is still a hi##en i$-%lause at Cork in the
ontologi%al proo$ o$ Io#<s e5isten%eE true, /Io#/ #oes #esignate a )eing Chose e5isten%e is
implie# in its very notion' )ut Ce still must presuppose that su%h a )eing e5ists 1i,e,, all that
the ontologi%al proo$ a%tually #emonstrates is that, if Io# e5ists, he e5ists ne%essarily2, so that
it remains possi)le that there is simply no su%h )eing Chose notion Coul# entail e5isten%e, "n
atheist Coul# even Duote su%h a nature o$ Io# as an argument against 0is e5isten%eE there is
no Io# pre%isely )e%ause one %annot imagine in a %onsistent Cay a )eing Chose notion Coul#
entail e5isten%e, *ant<s ne5t step aims at the same pointE the only legitimate use o$ the term
/e5isten%e/ is to #esignate the phenomenal reality o$ the o)je%ts o$ possi)le e5perien%e'
hoCever, the difference between 0eason and Intuition is constitutive of reality? the su)je%t
a%%epts that something /e5ists in reality/ only inso$ar as its representation is $ille# out )y the
%ontingent, empiri%al %ontent provi#e# )y intuition, i,e,, only inso$ar as the su)je%t is
passively a$$e%te# )y senses, :5isten%e is not a pre#i%ate, i,e,, part o$ the notion o$ an o)je%t,
pre%isely )e%ause, in or#er to pass $rom the notion to a%tual e5isten%e, one has to a## the
passive element o$ intuition, For that reason, the notion o$ /ne%essary e5isten%e/ is sel$-
%ontra#i%tory-every e8istence is by definition contingent,

3hat is 0egel<s ansCer to all thisK 0egel in no Cay returns to tra#itional metaphysi%sE he
re$utes *ant Cithin the horiFon opene# up )y *ant himsel$, 0e so to speak approa%hes the
pro)lem $rom the opposite en#E hoC #oes the /%oming-to-notion/ 14um7Begriff7kommen2
a$$e%t the e5isten%e o$ the o)je%t in DuestionK 3hen a thing /rea%hes its notion,/ Chat impa%t
#oes this have on its e5isten%eK (o %lari$y this Duestion, let us re%all an e5ample Chi%h
%on$irms -a%an<s thesis that ;ar5ism is not a /Corl#vieC,/
namely the i#ea that the
proletariat )e%omes an actual revolutionary su)je%t )y Cay o$ integrating the knowledge o$ its
histori%al roleE

histori%al materialism is not a neutral /o)je%tive knoCle#ge/ o$ histori%al #evelopment, sin%e
it is an a%t o$ sel$-knoCle#ge o$ a histori%al su)je%t' as su%h, it implies the proletarian
su)je%tive position, +n other Cor#s, the /knoCle#ge/ proper to histori%al materialism is sel$-
re$erential, it %hanges its /o)je%t,/ +t is only via the a%t o$ knoCle#ge that the o)je%t )e%omes
Chat it truly /is,/ So, the rise o$ /%lass %ons%iousness/ pro#u%es the e$$e%t in the e5isten%e o$
its /o)je%t/ 1proletariat2 )y Cay o$ %hanging it into an a%tual revolutionary su)je%t, "n# is it
not the same Cith psy%hoanalysisK Does the interpretation o$ a symptom not %onstitute a
#ire%t intervention o$ the Sym)oli% in the 9eal, #oes it not o$$er an e5ample o$ hoC the Cor#
%an a$$e%t the 9eal o$ the symptomK "n#, on the other han#, #oes not su%h an e$$i%a%y o$ the
Sym)oli% presuppose entities Chose e5isten%e literally hinges on a %ertain non-knoCle#geE
the moment knoCle#ge is assume# 1through interpretation2, e5isten%e #isintegratesK :5isten%e
is here not one o$ the pre#i%ates o$ a (hing, )ut #esignates the Cay the (hing relates to its
pre#i%ates, more pre%iselyE the Cay the (hing is related to itself )y means o$ 1through the
#etour o$2 its pre#i%ates-properties,
3hen a proletarian )e%omes aCare o$ his /histori%al
role,/ none of his actual predicates changes- Chat %hanges is just the Cay he relates to them,
an# this %hange in the relationship to pre#i%ates ra#i%ally a$$e%ts his e5isten%e,
(o #esignate this aCareness o$ /histori%al role,/ tra#itional ;ar5ism makes use o$ the
0egelian %ouple /in-itsel$R$or-itsel$/E )y Cay o$ arriving at its /%lass %ons%iousness,/ the
proletariat %hanges $rom a /%lass-in-itsel$/ to a /%lass-$or-itsel$,/ (he #iale%ti% at Cork here is
that o$ a failed encounter? the passage to /$or itsel$,/ to the ?otion, involves the loss o$
e5isten%e, ?oChere is this $aile# en%ounter more o)vious than in a passionate love a$$airE its
/in itsel$/ o%%urs Chen + simply yiel# to the passion, unaCare o$ Chat is happening to me'
a$terCar#s, Chen the a$$air is over, aufgehoben in my re%olle%tion, it )e%omes /$or itsel$/-- +
retroa%tively )e%ome aCare o$ Chat + ha#, o$ Chat + lost, (his aCareness o$ Chat + lost gives
)irth to the $antasy o$ the impossi)le %onjun%tion o$ )eing an# knoCle#ge 1/i$ only + %oul#
have knoCn hoC happy + Cas,,,/2, Gut is the 0egelian /+n-an#-$oritsel$/ 1,n7und7"uer7sich2
really su%h an impossi)le %onjun%tion, the $antasy o$ a moment Chen + am happy an# + knoC
itK +s it not rather the unmasking o$ the illusion o$ the /e5ternal re$le%tion/ that still pertains to
/$or-itsel$,/ the illusion that, in the past, + a%tually was happy Cithout knoCing it, i,e,, the
insight into hoC /happiness/ )y #e$inition %omes to )e retroa%tively, )y means o$ the
e5perien%e o$ its lossK
(his illusion o$ the e5ternal re$le%tion %an )e $urther e5empli$ie# )y Gilly Gathgate, the movie
)ase# upon :, -, Do%toroC novel, (he $ilm is $un#amentally $aile# an# the impression it
arouses is that Chat Ce see is a pale, #istorte# re$le%tion o$ a $ar superior literary sour%e,
(here is, hoCever, an unpleasant surprise in store $or those Cho, a$ter seeing the movie, set to
rea# the novelE the novel is $ar %loser to the insipi# happy en# 1in it, Gilly po%kets the hi##en
Cealth o$ Dut%h S%hultF2' numerous #eli%ate #etails Chi%h the spe%tator una%Duainte# Cith
the novel e5perien%es as $ragments happily not lost in the impoverishing pro%ess o$
transposition to %inema, $ragments that mira%ulously survive# the shipCre%k, a%tually turn out
to )e a##e# )y the s%riptCriter, +n short, the /superior/ novel evoke# )y the $ilm<s $ailure is
not the pree5istent a%tual novel upon Chi%h the $ilm is )ase#, )ut a retroa%tive %himera
arouse# )y the $ilm itsel$,

Ground 7ersus Conditions
(his %on%eptual )a%kgroun# alloCs us to re$ormulate the vi%ious %ir%le o$ groun# an#
%on#itions, -et us re%all the usual mo#e o$ e5plaining out)reaks o$ ra%ism, Chi%h invokes the
%ategori%al %ouple o$ groun# an# %on#itions-%ir%umstan%esE one %on%eives o$ ra%ism 1or, more
generally, so%alle# /out)reaks o$ irrational mass-sa#ism/2 as a latent psy%hi% #isposition, a
kin# o$ Hungian ar%hetype Chi%h %omes $orth un#er %ertain %on#itions 1so%ial insta)ility an#
%risis, et%,2, From this point o$ vieC the ra%ist #isposition is the /groun#/ an# %urrent politi%al
struggles the /%ir%umstan%es,/ the %on#itions o$ its e$$e%tuation, 0oCever, Chat %ounts as
groun# an# Chat %ounts as %on#itions is ultimately %ontingent an# e5%hangea)le, so that one
%an easily a%%omplish the ;ar5ist reversal o$ the a)ove-mentione# psy%hologist perspe%tive
an# %on%eive the present politi%al struggle as the only true #etermining groun#, +n the present
%ivil Car in e5-=ugoslavia, $or e5ample, the /groun#/ o$ Ser)ian aggression is not to )e
sought in any primitive Galkan Carrior ar%hetypes, )ut in the struggle $or poCer in
post.ommunist Ser)ia 1the survival o$ the ol# .ommunist state apparatus2, (he status o$
eventual Ser)ian )elli%ose #ispositions an# other similar ar%hetypes 1the /.roatian geno%i#al
%hara%ter,/ the /perennial tra#ition o$ ethni% hatre#s in the Galkans,/ et%,2 is pre%isely that o$
the %on#itionsR%ir%umstan%es in Chi%h the poCer struggle realiFes itsel$, (he /)elli%ose
#ispositions/ are pre%isely that, i,e,, latent #ispositions Chi%h are a%tualiFe#, #raCn $orth $rom
their sha#oCy hal$-e5isten%e )y the re%ent politi-
%al struggle Dua their #etermining groun#, 8ne is thus $ully justi$ie# in saying that /Chat is at
stake in the =ugoslav %ivil Car are not ar%hai% ethni% %on$li%tsE these perennial hatre#s are
in$lame# only on a%%ount o$ their $un%tion in the re%ent politi%al struggle,/

0oC, then, are Ce to es%heC this mess, this e5%hangea)ility o$ groun# an# %ir%umstan%esK -et
us take another e5ampleE 0enaissance, i,e,, the re#is%overy 1/re)irth/2 o$ antiDuity Chi%h
e5erte# a %ru%ial in$luen%e on the )reak Cith the me#ieval Cay o$ li$e in the $i$teenth %entury,
(he $irst, o)vious e5planation is that the in$luen%e o$ the neCly #is%overe# antiDue tra#ition
)rought a)out the #issolution o$ the me#ieval /para#igm,/ 0ere, hoCever, a Duestion
imme#iately pops upE Chy #i# antiDuity )egin to e5ert its in$luen%e at pre%isely that moment
an# not earlier or laterK (he ansCer that o$$ers itsel$, o$ %ourse, is that #ue to the #issolution
o$ me#ieval so%ial links, a neC Feitgeist emerge# Chi%h ma#e us responsive to antiDuity'
something must have %hange# in /us/ so that Ce )e%ame a)le to per%eive antiDuity not as a
pagan king#om o$ sin )ut as the mo#el to )e a#opte#, (hat<s all very Cell, )ut Ce still remain
lo%ke# in a vi%ious %ir%le, sin%e this neC Feitgeist itsel$ took shape pre%isely through the
#is%overy o$ antiDue te5ts as Cell as $ragments o$ %lassi%al ar%hite%ture an# s%ulpture, +n a
Cay, everything Cas alrea#y there, in the e5ternal %ir%umstan%es' the neC Feitgeist $orme#
itsel$ through the in$luen%e o$ antiDuity Chi%h ena)le# renaissan%e thought to shatter the
me#ieval %hains' yet $or this in$luen%e o$ antiDuity to )e $elt, the neC Feitgeist must alrea#y
have )een a%tive, (he only Cay out o$ this impasse is there$ore the intervention, at a %ertain
point, o$ a tautologi%al gestureE the neC Feitgeist ha# to %onstitute itsel$ )y literally
presupposing itself in its e8teriority, in its e5ternal %on#itions 1in antiDuity2, +n other Cor#s, it
Cas not su$$i%ient $or the neC Feitgeist retroa%tively to posit these e5ternal %on#itions 1the
antiDue tra#ition2 as /its oCn,/ it ha# to 1presup2pose itsel$ as alrea#y present in these
%on#itions, The return to e8ternal conditions :to anti6uity; had to coincide with the return to
the foundation, to the %thing itself,% to the ground, 1(his is pre%isely hoC the 9enaissan%e
%on%eive# itsel$E as the return to the Ireek an# 9oman $oun#ations o$ our 3estern
%iviliFation,2 3e #o not thus have an inner groun# the a%tualiFation o$ Chi%h #epen#s on
e5ternal %ir%umstan%es' the e5ternal relation o$ presupposing 1groun# presupposes %on#itions
an# vi%e versa2 is surpasse# in a pure tautologi%al gesture )y means o$ Chi%h the thing
presupposes itself (his tautologi%al gesture is /empty/ in the pre%ise sense that it #oes not
%ontri)ute anything neC, it only retroa%tively as%ertains
that the thing in Duestion is already present in its conditions, i,e,, that the totality o$ these
%on#itions is the a%tuality o$ the thing, Su%h an empty gesture provi#es us Cith the most
elementary #e$inition o$ the symbolic act,
0ere Ce see the $un#amental para#o5 o$ /re#is%overing tra#ition/ at Cork in the %onstitution
o$ national i#entityE a nation $in#s its sense o$ sel$i#entity )y means o$ su%h a tautologi%al
gesture, i,e,, )y Cay o$ #is%overing itsel$ as alrea#y present in its tra#ition, .onseDuently, the
me%hanism o$ the /re#is%overy o$ national tra#ition/ %annot )e re#u%e# to the /positing o$
presuppositions/ in the sense o$ the retroa%tive positing o$ %on#itions as /ours,/ (he point is
rather that, in the very a%t o$ returning to its 1e5ternal2 %on#itions, the :national; thing returns
to itself, (he return to %on#itions is e5perien%e# as the /return to our true roots,/
The Tautologial 8Return of the Thing to Itself8
"lthough /really e5isting so%ialism/ has alrea#y re%e#e# into a #istan%e Chi%h %on$ers upon it
the nostalgi% magi% o$ a postmo#ern lost o)je%t, some o$ us still re%all a Cell-knoCn joke
a)out Chat so%ialism isE a so%ial system that is the #iale%ti%al synthesis o$ all previous history,
From the prehistori% %lassless so%iety, it took primitivism, $rom antiDuity slave la)or, $rom
me#ieval $eu#alism ruthless #omination, $rom %apitalism e5ploitation, and from socialism the
name, (his is Chat the 0egelian tautologi%al gesture o$ the /return o$ the thing to itsel$/ is all
a)outE one must in%lu#e along Cith the #e$inition o$ the o)je%t its name, (hat is to say, a$ter
Ce #e%ompose an o)je%t into its ingre#ients, Ce look in vain in them $or some spe%i$i% $eature
Chi%h hol#s together this multitu#e an# makes o$ it a uniDue, sel$-i#enti%al thing, "s to its
properties an# ingre#ients, a thing is Cholly /outsi#e itsel$,/ in its e5ternal %on#itions' every
positive $eature is alrea#y present in the %ir%umstan%es Chi%h are not yet this thing, (he
supplementary operation Chi%h pro#u%es $rom this )un#le a uniDue, sel$i#enti%al thing is the
purely sym)oli%, tautologi%al gesture o$ positing these e5ternal %on#itions as the %on#itions-
%omponents o$ the thing an#, simultaneously, o$ presupposing the e5isten%e o$ groun# Chi%h
hol#s together this multitu#e o$ %on#itions,
"n#, to throC our -a%anian %ar#s on the ta)le, this tautologi%al /return o$ the thing to itsel$/
Chi%h ren#ers $orth the %on%rete stru%ture o$ sel$i#entity is Chat -a%an #esignates as the
/point #e %apiton,/ the /Duilting point/ at Chi%h the signi$ier /$alls into/ the signi$ie# 1as in
the a)ove-
mentione# joke on so%ialism, Chere the name itsel$ $un%tions as part o$ the #esignate# thing2,
-et us re%all an e5ample $rom popular %ultureE the killer shark in Spiel)erg HaCs, " #ire%t
sear%h $or the shark<s i#eologi%al meaning evokes nothing )ut misgui#e# DuestionsE #oes it
sym)oliFe the threat o$ the (hir# 3orl# to "meri%a epitomiFe# )y the ar%hetypal small toCnK
is it the sym)ol o$ the e5ploitative nature o$ %apitalism itsel$ 1 Fi#el .astro<s interpretation2K
#oes it stan# $or the untame# nature Chi%h threatens to #isrupt the routine o$ our #aily livesK
+n or#er to avoi# this lure, Ce have to shi$t our perspe%tive ra#i%allyE the #aily li$e o$ the
%ommon man is #ominate# )y an in%onsistent multitu#e o$ $ears 1he %an )e%ome the vi%tim o$
)ig )usiness manipulations' (hir# 3orl# immigrants seem to intru#e into his small or#erly
universe' unruly nature %an #estroy his home' et%,2, an# the a%%omplishment o$ HaCs %onsists
in an a%t o$ purely $ormal %onversion Chi%h provi#es a %ommon /%ontainer/ $or all these $ree-
$loating, in%onsistent $ears )y Cay o$ an%horing them, /rei$ying/ them, in the $igure o$ the
.onseDuently, the $un%tion o$ the $as%inating presen%e o$ the shark is pre%isely to
block any $urther inDuiry into the so%ial meaning 1so%ial me#iation2 o$ those phenomena that
arouse $ear in the %ommon man, (o say that the mur#erous shark /sym)oliFes/ the a)ove-
mentione# series o$ $ears is to say too mu%h an# not enough at the same time, +t #oes not
sym)oliFe them, sin%e it literally annuls them )y o%%upying itsel$ the pla%e o$ the o)je%t o$
$ear, +t is there$ore /more/ than a sym)olE it )e%omes the $eare# /thing itsel$,/ =et, the shark
is #e%i#e#ly less than a sym)ol, sin%e it #oes not point toCar# the sym)oliFe# %ontent )ut
rather )lo%ks a%%ess to it, ren#ers it invisi)le, +n this Cay, it is homologous Cith the anti-
Semiti% $igure o$ the HeCE /HeC/ is the e5planation, o$$ere# )y anti-Semitism $or the multiple
$ears e5perien%e# )y the /%ommon man/ in an epo%h o$ #issolving so%ial links 1in$lation,
unemployment, %orruption, moral #egra#ation2-)ehin# all these phenomena lies the invisi)le
han# o$ the /HeCish plot,/ (he %ru%ial point here, again, is that the #esignation %=ew% does not
add any new content? the entire %ontent is alrea#y present in the e5ternal %on#itions 1%risis,
moral #egeneration,,,2' the name /HeC/ is only the supplementary $eature Chi%h a%%omplishes
a kin# o$ transu)stantiation, %hanging all these elements into so many mani$estations o$ the
same ground, the /HeCish plot,/ Paraphrasing the joke on so%ialism, one %oul# say that anti-
Semitism takes $rom the e%onomy unemployment an# in$lation, $rom politi%s parliamentary
%orruption an# intrigue, $rom morality its oCn #egeneration, $rom art /in%omprehensi)le/
avant-gar#ism, and from the (ew the name, (his
name ena)les us to re%ogniFe )ehin# the multitu#e o$ e5ternal %on#itions the a%tivity o$ the
same ground,
0ere Ce also $in# at Cork the #iale%ti% o$ %ontingen%y an# ne%essityE as to their %ontent, they
$ully %oin%i#e 1in )oth %ases, the only positive %ontent is the series o$ %on#itions that $orm
part o$ our a%tual li$e e5perien%eE e%onomi% %risis, politi%al %haos, the #issolution o$ ethi%al
links,,,2' the passage o$ %ontingen%y into ne%essity is an a%t o$ purely $ormal %onversion, the
gesture o$ a##ing a name Chi%h %on$ers upon the %ontingent series the mark o$ ne%essity,
there)y trans$orming it into the e5pression o$ some hi##en groun# 1the /HeCish plot/2, (his is
also hoC later-- at the very en# o$ the /logi% o$ essen%e/-- Ce pass $rom a)solute ne%essity to
$ree#om, (o %omprehen# properly this passage, one has to renoun%e thoroughly the stan#ar#
notion o$ /$ree#om as %omprehen#e# ne%essity/ 1a$ter getting ri# o$ the illusions o$ $ree Cill,
one %an re%ogniFe an# $reely a%%ept one<s pla%e in the netCork o$ %auses an# their e$$e%ts2,
0egel<s point is, on the %ontrary, that it is only the sub(ect2s :free; act of %dotting the i% which
retroactively installs necessity, so that the very a%t )y means o$ Chi%h the su)je%t re%ogniFes
1an# thus %onstitutes2 ne%essity is the supreme a%t o$ $ree#om an# as su%h the sel$-suppression
o$ ne%essity, /oilB pour6uoi #egel n2est pas spino4iste? on a%%ount o$ this tautologi%al gesture
o$ retroa%tive per$ormativity, So /per$ormativity/ in no Cay #esignates the poCer o$ $reely
/%reating/ the #esignate# %ontent 1/Cor#s mean Chat Ce Cant them to mean,/ et%,2E the
/Duilting/ only stru%tures the material Chi%h is $oun#, e5ternally impose#, (he a%t o$ naming
is /per$ormative/ only an# pre%isely inso$ar as it is always7already part of the definition of
the signified content,

(his is hoC 0egel resolves the #ea#lo%k o$ positing an# e5ternal re$le%tion, the vi%ious %ir%le
o$ positing the presuppositions an# o$ enumerating the presuppositions o$ the posite# %ontentE
)y means o$ the tautologi%al return-upon-itsel$ o$ the thing in its very e5ternal
presuppositions, "n# the same tautologi%al gesture is alrea#y at Cork in *ant<s analyti% o$
pure reasonE the synthesis o$ the multitu#e o$ sensations in the representation o$ the o)je%t
Chi%h )elongs to /reality/ implies an empty surplus, i,e,, the positing o$ an M as the unknoCn
su)stratum o$ the per%eive# phenomenal sensations, Su$$i%e it to Duote Fin#lay<s pre%ise
3e alCays re$er appearan%es to a (rans%en#ental 8)je%t, an M, o$ Chi%h Ce, hoCever, knoC
nothing, )ut Chi%h is none the less the o)je%tive %orrelate o$ the syntheti% a%ts insepara)le
$rom thinking sel$-
%ons%iousness, (he (rans%en#ental 8)je%t, thus %on%eive#, %an )e %alle# a ?oumenon or
thing o$ thought O edankending P, Gut the re$eren%e to su%h a thing o$ thought #oes not,
stri%tly speaking, use the %ategories, )ut is something like an empty synthetic gesture in Chi%h
nothing o)je%tive is really put )e$ore us,

(he trans%en#ental o)je%t is thus the very opposite o$ the *ing7an7sich? it is /empty/ inso$ar
as it is #evoi# o$ any /o)je%tive/ %ontent, (hat is to say, to o)tain its notion, one has to
a)stra%t $rom the sensi)le o)je%t its entire sensi)le %ontent, i,e,, all sensations )y means o$
Chi%h the su)je%t is a$$e%te# )y *ing, (he empty M Chi%h remains is the pure ob(ective
correlate>effect of the sub(ect2s autonomous7spontaneous synthetic activity, (o put it
para#o5i%allyE the trans%en#ental o)je%t is the /in-itsel$/ inso$ar as it is $or the su)je%t, posite#
)y it' it is pure /posite#ness/ o$ an in#eterminate M, (his /empty syntheti% gesture/-- Chi%h
a##s to the thing nothing positive, no neC sensi)le $eature, an# yet, in its very %apa%ity o$ an
empty gesture, %onstitutes it, makes it into an o)je%t-- is the a%t o$ symboli4ation in its most
elementary $orm, at its Fero-level, 8n the $irst page o$ his )ook, Fin#lay points out that the
trans%en#ental o)je%t /is not for 1ant different $rom the o)je%t or o)je%ts Chi%h appear to the
senses an# Chi%h Ce %an ju#ge a)out an# knoC,,,)ut it is the same o)je%t or o)je%ts
%on%eive# in respe%t o$ %ertain intrinsi%ally unapparent $eatures, an# Chi%h is in su%h respe%ts
in%apa)le o$ )eing ju#ge# a)out or knoCn,/

(his M, this irrepresenta)le surplus Chi%h a##s itsel$ to the series o$ sensi)le $eatures, is
pre%isely the /thing-o$-thought/ 1edankending2E it )ears Citness to the $a%t that the o)je%t<s
unity #oes not resi#e Cithin it, )ut is the result o$ the su)je%t<s syntheti% a%tivity, 1"s Cith
0egel, Chere the a%t o$ $ormal %onversion inverts the %hain o$ %on#itions into the
un%on#itional (hing, $oun#e# in itsel$,2 -et us )rie$ly return to anti-Semitism, to the
/syntheti% a%t o$ apper%eption/ Chi%h, out o$ the multitu#e o$ 1imagine#2 $eatures o$ HeCs,
%onstru%ts the anti-Semiti% $igure o$ /HeC,/ (o pass $or a true anti-Semite, it is not enough to
%laim that Ce oppose HeCs )e%ause they are e5ploitative, gree#y intriguers, (hat is, it is not
su$$i%ient $or the signi$ier /HeC/ to #esignate this series o$ spe%i$i%, positive $eatures' one has
to a%%omplish the %ru%ial step $urther )y saying /they are like that 1e5ploitative, gree#y,,,
because they are HeCs,/ (he /trans%en#ental o)je%t/ o$ HeCishness is pre%isely that elusive M
Chi%h /makes a HeC into a HeC/ an# $or Chi%h Ce look in vain among his positive properties,
(his a%t o$ pure
$ormal %onversion, i,e,, the /syntheti% a%t/ o$ uniting the series o$ positive $eatures in the
signi$ier /HeC/ an# there)y trans$orming them into so many mani$estations o$ the
/HeCishness/ Dua their hi##en groun#, brings about the appearance of an ob(ectal surplus, o$
a mysterious M Chi%h is /in HeC more than HeC,/ in other Cor#sE o$ the trans%en#ental o)je%t,
+n the very te5t o$ *ant &riti6ue of $ure 0eason, this voi# o$ the syntheti% gesture is
in#i%ate# )y an e5%eption in the use o$ the pair %onstitutiveRregulativeE
in general,
/%onstitutive/ prin%iples serve to %onstru%t o)je%tive reality, Chereas /regulative/ prin%iples
are merely su)je%tive ma5ims Chi%h gui#e reason Cithout giving a%%ess to positive
knoCle#ge, 0oCever, Chen he speaks o$ e5isten%e 1*asein2, *ant makes use o$ the pair
%onstitutiveRregulative in the mi#st o$ the very #omain o$ the %onstitutive, )y Cay o$ linking it
to the %ouple mathemati%alR#ynami%alE /+n the appli%ation o$ pure %on%eptions o$
un#erstan#ing to possi)le e5perien%e, the employment o$ their synthesis is either
mathematical or 9dynamical' $or it is %on%erne# partly Cith the mere intuition o$ an
appearan%e in general, partly Cith its e8istence/ 1.P9, G 1992,
+n Chat pre%ise sense, then, are #ynami%al prin%iples /merely regulative prin%iples, an# OareP
#istinguishe# $rom the mathemati%al, Chi%h are %onstitutive/ 1.P9, G 4432K (he prin%iples o$
the mathemati%al use o$ %ategories re$er to the intuite# phenomenal %ontent 1to phenomenal
properties o$ the thing2' it is only the #ynami%al prin%iples o$ synthesis Chi%h guarantee that
the %ontent o$ our representations re$ers to some o)je%tive e5isten%e, in#epen#ent o$ the $lu5
o$ per%eiving %ons%iousness, 0oC, then, are Ce to e5plain the para#o5 o$ making o)je%tive
e5isten%e #epen#ent not on /%onstitutive/ )ut on /regulative/ prin%iplesK -et us return, $or the
last time, to the anti-Semiti% $igure o$ the HeC, ;athemati%al synthesis %an only gather
together phenomenal properties attri)ute# to the HeC 1gree#iness, intriguing spirit, et%,2' then
#ynami%al synthesis a%%omplishes the reversal )y means o$ Chi%h this series o$properties is
posite# as the mani$estation o$ an ina%%essi)le M, /HeCishness,/ that is to say, o$ something
real, really e5isting, "t Cork here are regulative prin%iples, sin%e #ynami%al synthesis is not
limite# to phenomenal $eatures, )ut re$ers them to their un#erlyingunknoCa)le su)stratum, to
the trans%en#ental o)je%t' in this pre%ise sense, the e5isten%e o$ /HeC/ as irre#u%i)le to the
series o$ pre#i%ates, i,e,, his e5isten%e as pure positing 1Set4ung2 o$ the trans%en#ental o)je%t
Dua su)stratum o$ phenomenal pre#i%ates, hinges on #ynami%al synthesis, +n -a%anian terms,
#ynami%al synthesis posits the e5isten%e o$ an M as the transphenomenal /har# kernel o$
)eing/ )eyon# pre#i%ates 1Chi%h is Chy the
hatre# o$ HeCs #oes not %on%ern their phenomenal properties )ut aims at their hi##en /kernel
o$ )eing/2-- a neC proo$ o$ hoC /reason/ is at Cork in the very heart o$ /un#erstan#ing,/ in
the most elementary positing o$ an o)je%t as /really e5isting,/ +t is there$ore #eeply signi$i%ant
that, throughout the su)#ivision on the se%on# analogy o$ e5perien%e, *ant %onsistently uses
the Cor# +b(ekt 1#esignating an intelligi)le entity2 an# not egenstand 1#esignating a simple
phenomenal entity2E the e5ternal, o)je%tive e5isten%e a%hieve# )y the syntheti% use o$
#ynami% regulative prin%iples is /intelligi)le,/ not empiri%al-intuitive' i,e,, it a##s to the
intuitive-sensi)le $eatures o$ the o)je%t an intelligi)le, nonsensi)le M an# thus makes an
o)je%t out o$ it,
+n this pre%ise sense 0egel remains Cithin *ant<s $un#amental $rameCork, (hat is to say, in
Chat resi#es the $un#amental para#o5 o$ *ant<s trans%en#entalismK *ant<s initial pro)lem is
the $olloCing oneE given that my senses )om)ar# me Cith a %on$use# multitu#e o$
representations, hoC am + to #istinguish, in this $lu5, )etCeen mere /su)je%tive/
representations an# o)je%ts that e5ist in#epen#ently o$ the $lu5 o$ representationsK (he
ansCerE my representations a%Duire /o)je%tive status/ via trans%en#ental synthesis Chi%h
%hanges them into the o)je%ts o$ e5perien%e, 3hat + e5perien%e as /o)je%tive/ e5isten%e, the
very /har# kernel/ o$ the o)je%t )eneath the ever-%hanging phenomenal $lu%tuations,
in#epen#ent o$ the $lu5 o$ my %ons%iousness, thus results $rom my 1the su)je%t<s2 oCn
/spontaneous/ syntheti% a%tivity, "n#, mutatis mutan#is, 0egel says the same thingE the
esta)lishment o$ a)solute ne%essity eDuals its sel$-%an%ellation, i,e,, it #esignates the a%t o$
$ree#om Chi%h retroa%tively /posits/ something as ne%essary,
The 8A/solute 'nrest of (eo6ing8
(he trou)le Cith %ontingen%y resi#es in its un%ertain statusE is it ontologi%al, i,e,, are things in
themselves %ontingent, or is it epistemologi%al, i,e,, is %ontingen%y merely an e5pression o$ the
$a%t that we do not know the %omplete %hain o$ %auses Chi%h )rought a)out the allege#ly
/%ontingent/ phenomenonK 0egel un#ermines the %ommon supposition o$ this alternative,
namely the e5ternal relationship o$ )eing an# knoCle#geE the notion o$ /reality/ as something
that is simply given, that e5ists /out there,/ prior an# e5ternal to the pro%ess o$ knoCle#ge'
the #i$$eren%e )etCeen the ontologi%al an# the epistemologi%al version is only that, in the $irst
%ase, %ontingen%y is part o$ this reality itsel$, Chereas in the se%on# %ase, reality is
Cholly #etermine# )y ne%essity, +n %ontrast to )oth these versions, 0egel a$$irms the )asi%
thesis o$ spe%ulative i#ealismE the pro%ess o$ knoCle#ge, i,e,, our %omprehen#ing the o)je%t,
is not something e5ternal to the o)je%t )ut inherently #etermines its status 1as *ant puts it, the
%on#itions o$ possi)ility o$ our e5perien%e are also the %on#itions o$ possi)ility o$ the o)je%ts
o$ e5perien%e2, +n other Cor#s, %ontingen%y #oes e5press the in%ompleteness o$ our
knoCle#ge, )ut this incompleteness also ontologically defines the ob(ect of knowledge itself--
it )ears Citness to the $a%t that the o)je%t itsel$ is not yet ontologi%ally /realiFe#,/ $ully a%tual,
(he merely epistemologi%al status o$ %ontingen%y is thus invali#ate#, Cithout us $alling )a%k
into ontologi%al naivetJE )ehin# the appearan%e o$ %ontingen%y there is no hi##en, not-yet-
knoCn ne%essity, )ut only the necessity of the very appearance that, behind superficial
contingency, there is an underlying substantial necessity-- as in the %ase o$ anti-Semitism,
Chere the ultimate appearan%e is the very appearan%e o$ the un#erlying ne%essity, i,e,, the
appearan%e that, )ehin# the series o$ a%tual $eatures 1unemployment, moral #isintegration,,,2,
there is the hi##en ne%essity o$ the /HeCish plot,/ (herein %onsists the 0egelian inversion o$
/e5ternal/ into /a)solute/ re$le%tionE in e5ternal re$le%tion, appearan%e is the elusive sur$a%e
%on%ealing its hi##en ne%essity, Chereas in a)solute re$le%tion, appearan%e is the appearan%e
o$ this very 1unknoCn2 ?e%essity )ehin# %ontingen%y, 8r, to make use o$ an even more
/0egelian/ spe%ulative $ormulation, i$ %ontingen%y is an appearan%e %on%ealing some hi##en
ne%essity, then this ne%essity is stricto sensu an appearance of itself,
(his inherent antagonism o$ the relationship )etCeen %ontingen%y an# ne%essity o$$ers an
e5emplary %ase o$ the 0egelian tria#E $irst the /naive/ ontologi%al %on%eption Chi%h lo%ates
the #i$$eren%e in things themselves 1some events are in themselves %ontingent, others
ne%essary2, then the attitu#e o$ /e5ternal re$le%tion/ Chi%h %on%eives o$ this #i$$eren%e as
purely epistemologi%al, i,e,, #epen#ent upon the in%ompleteness o$ our knoCle#ge 1Ce
e5perien%e as /%ontingent/ an event Chen the %omplete %ausal %hain that pro#u%e# it remains
)eyon# our grasp2, an#, $inally,-- ChatK 3hat is the thir# term )esi#es the seemingly
e5haustive %hoi%e )etCeen ontology an# epistemologyK The very relationship between
possibility :6ua sub(ective sei4ing of actuality; and actuality :6ua the ob(ect of conceptual
sei4ing;, Goth %ontingen%y an# ne%essity are %ategories Chi%h e5press the #iale%ti%al unity o$
a%tual an# possi)le' they are to )e #istinguishe# only inso$ar as %ontingen%y #esignates this
unity %on%eive# in the mo#e o$ su)je%tivity, o$
the /a)solute unrest/ o$ )e%oming, o$ the split )etCeen su)je%t an# o)je%t, an# /ne%essity/ this
same %ontent %on%eive# in the mo#e o$ o)je%tivity, o$ #eterminate )eing, o$ the i#entity o$
su)je%t an# o)je%t, o$ the rest o$ the 9esult,
+n short, Ce are again at the %ategory o$ pure
formal conversion' the %hange %on%erns only the mo#ality o$ $ormE /(his absolute unrest o$
the becoming o$ these tCo #eterminations is contingency, Gut just )e%ause ea%h imme#iately
turns into its opposite, eDually in this other it simply unites Cith itsel$, an# this i#entity o$
)oth, o$ one in the other, is necessity,/

0egel<s %ounterposition here Cas a#opte# )y *ierkegaar#, in his notion o$ the tCo #i$$erent
mo#alities o$ o)serving a pro%essE $rom the stan#point o$ /)e%oming/ an# $rom the stan#point
o$ /)eing,/
/"$ter the $a%t,/ history %an alCays )e rea# as a pro%ess governe# )y laCs, i,e,,
as a meaning$ul su%%ession o$ stages' hoCever, inso$ar as Ce are history<s agents, em)e##e#,
%aught in the pro%ess, the situation appears-- at least at the turning points Chen /something is
happening/-- open, un#e%i#a)le, $ar $rom the e5position o$ an un#erlying ne%essity, 3e must
)ear in min# here the lesson on the me#iation o$ the su)je%tive attitu#e Cith o)je%tivityE Ce
%annot re#u%e one perspe%tive to another )y %laiming, $or e5ample, that the /true/ pi%ture is
that o$ ne%essity #is%overe# )y the /)a%kCar# vieC,/ that $ree#om is just an illusion o$ the
imme#iate agents Cho overlook hoC their a%tivity is a small Cheel Cithin the large %ausal
me%hanism' or, %onversely, )y em)ra%ing a kin# o$ Sartrean e5istentialist perspe%tive an#
a$$irming the su)je%t<s ultimate autonomy an# $ree#om, %on%eiving the appearan%e o$
#eterminism as the later /pra%ti%o-inert/ o)je%tiviFation o$ the su)je%t<s spontaneous pra8is, +n
)oth %ases, the ontologi%al unity o$ the universe is save#, Chether in the $orm o$ su)stantial
ne%essity pulling the strings )ehin# the su)je%t<s )a%k or in the $orm o$ the su)je%t<s
autonomous a%tivity /o)je%tiviFing/ itsel$ in su)stantial unity, 3hat gets lost is the
ontologi%al s%an#al o$ the ultimate undecidability )etCeen the tCo %hoi%es, 0ere 0egel is $ar
more su)versive than *ierkegaar#, Cho es%apes the #ea#lo%k )y giving pre$eren%e to
possi)ility over a%tuality an# thus announ%es the Gergsonian notion o$ a%tuality Dua
me%hani%al %ongelation o$ the li$e-pro%ess,

+n this un#e%i#a)ility lies the ultimate am)iguity o$ 0egel<s philosophy, the in#e5 o$ an
impossi)ility )y Cay o$ Chi%h it /tou%hes the real/E hoC are Ce to %on%eive o$ the #iale%ti%al
+s it a retroa%tive glan%e ena)ling us to #is%ern the %ontours o$ inner ne%essity
Chere the vieC immerse# in the events %an only per%eive an interplay o$ a%%i#ents, i,e,, as
the /su)lation/ 1,ufhebung2 o$ this interplay o$ a%%i#ents in un#erlying logi%al ne%essityK 8r
is it, on the %ontrary, a glan%e ena)ling us to resus%itate the openness o$ the situation, its
/possi)ility,/ its irre#u%i)le %ontingen%y, in Chat a$terCar#s, $rom o)je%tive #istan%e, appears
as a ne%essary o)je%tive pro%essK "n# #oes not this un#e%i#a)ility )ring us )a%k to our
starting pointE is not this am)iguity again the Cay se5ual #i$$eren%e is ins%ri)e# into the very
%ore o$ 0egel<s logi%K
+nso$ar as the relationship )etCeen %ontingen%y an# ne%essity is that o$ )e%oming an# )eing,
it is legitimate to %on%eive o$ ob(et a, this pure sem)lan%e, as a kin# o$ /anti%ipation/ o$ )eing
$rom the perspe%tive o$ )e%oming, (hat is to say, 0egel %on%eives o$ matter as %orrelative to
in%omplete $orm, i,e,, to $orm Chi%h still is a /mere $orm,/ a mere anti%ipation o$ itsel$ Dua
%omplete $orm, +n this pre%ise sense, it %an )e sai# that ob(et a #esignates that remain#er o$
matter Chi%h )ears Citness to the $a%t that $orm #i# not yet $ully realiFe itsel$, that it #i# not
)e%ome a%tual as the %on%rete #etermination o$ the o)je%t, that it remains a mere anti%ipation
o$ itsel$, (he spatial anamorphosis has to )e supplemente# here )y the temporal anamorphosis
1Chat is anti%ipation i$ not a temporal anamorphosis in Chi%h Ce pro#u%e an image o$ the
o)je%t #istorte# )y the hasty, overtaking glan%eK2, Spatially, a is an o)je%t Chose proper
%ontours are #is%erni)le only i$ Ce glimpse it askan%e' it is $orever in#is%erni)le to the
straight$orCar# look,
(emporally, it is an o)je%t Chi%h e5ists only Dua anti%ipate# or lost,
only in the mo#ality o$ not-yet or not-anymore, never in the /noC/ o$ a pure, un#ivi#e#
present, *ant<s trans%en#ental o)je%t 1his term $or a2 is there$ore a kin# o$ mirage Chi%h gives
)o#y to the ineDuality o$ the $orm to itsel$, not an in#e5 o$ the surplus o$ the material in-itsel$
over $orm,
3hat Ce en%ounter here is again the ultimate am)iguity o$ 0egel, "%%or#ing to the stan#ar#
do8a, the telos o$ the #iale%ti%al pro%ess is the a)solute $orm that a)olishes any material
surplus, +$, hoCever, this is truly the %ase Cith 0egel, hoC are Ce to a%%ount $or the $a%t that
the 9esult e$$e%tively throCs us )a%k into the Chirlpool, that it is nothing )ut the totality o$
the route Ce ha# to travel in or#er to arrive at the 9esultK +n other Cor#s, is not a kin# o$ leap
$rom /not-yet/ to /alCays-alrea#y/ %onstitutive o$ the 0egelian #iale%ti%sE Ce en#eavor to
approa%h the Ioal 1the a)solute $orm #evoi# o$ any matter2, Chen, all o$ a su##en, Ce
esta)lish that all the time Ce Cere alrea#y thereK +s not the %ru%ial shi$t in a #iale%ti%al pro%ess
the reversal o$ anti%ipation-- not into its $ul$illment, )ut-- into retroa%tionK +$, there$ore, the
$ul$illment never o%%urs in the Present, #oes this not testi$y to the irre#u%i)le status o$ ob(et aK
Atuality of the ,ossi/le
(he ontologi%al )a%kgroun# o$ this leap $rom /not-yet/ to /alCaysalrea#y/ is a kin# o$
/tra#ing o$ pla%es/ )etCeen possi)ility an# a%tualityE possi)ility itsel$, in its very opposition
to a%tuality, possesses an a%tuality o$ its oCn-- in Chat pre%ise senseK 0egel alCays insists on
the a)solute prima%y o$ a%tualityE true, the sear%h $or the /%on#itions o$ possi)ility/ a)stra%ts
$rom the a%tual, %alls it into Duestion, in or#er to 1re2%onstitute it on a rational )asis' yet in all
these ruminations a%tuality is presuppose# as something given, +n other Cor#s, nothing is
stranger to 0egel than -ei)niFean spe%ulation a)out the multitu#e o$ possi)le Corl#s out o$
Chi%h the .reator pi%ks out the )estE spe%ulation on possi)le universes alCays takes pla%e
against the )a%kgroun# o$ the har# $a%t o$ a%tual e5isten%e, 8n the other han#, there is alCays
something traumati% a)out the raC $a%tuality o$ Chat Ce en%ounter as /a%tual/' a%tuality is
alCays marke# )y an in#eli)le )ran# o$ the 1real as2 /impossi)le,/ (he shi$t $rom a%tuality to
possi)ility, the suspension o$ a%tuality through inDuiry into its possi)ility, is there$ore
ultimately an en#eavor to avoi# the trauma o$ the real, i,e,, to integrate the real )y means o$
%on%eiving it as something that is meaning$ul Cithin our sym)oli% universe,

8$ %ourse, this sDuaring o$ the %ir%le o$ possi)le an# a%tual 1i,e,, $irst the suspension o$
a%tuality an# then its #erivation $rom the %on%eptual possi)ility2 never Corks out, as proven
)y the very %ategory o$ %ontingen%yE /%ontingen%y/ #esignates an a%tual %ontent inso$ar as it
%annot )e Cholly groun#e# in its %on%eptual %on#itions o$ possi)ility, "%%or#ing to
philosophi%al %ommon sense, %ontingen%y an# ne%essity are the tCo mo#alities o$ a%tualityE
something a%tual is ne%essary inso$ar as its %ontrary is not possi)le' it is %ontingent inso$ar as
its %ontrary is also possi)le 1inso$ar as things %oul# also have turne# out otherCise2, (he
pro)lem, hoCever, resi#es in the inherent antagonism that pertains to the notion o$ possi)ilityE
possi)ility #esignates something /possi)le/ in the sense o$ )eing a)le to a%tualiFe itsel$, as
Cell as something /merely possi)le/ as oppose# to )eing a%tual, (his inner split $in#s its
%learest e5pression perhaps in the #iametri%ally oppose# roles playe# )y the notion o$
possi)ility in moral argumentation, 8n the one han#, Ce have the /empty possi)ility,/ the
e5ternal e5%use o$ the CeakE /+$ + really Cante# to, + %oul# have,,, 1stoppe# smoking, et%,2,/ +n
%hallenging this %laim, 0egel again an# again points out hoC the true nature o$ a possi)ility
1is it a true possi)ility or a mere empty presumptionK2 is %on$irme# only )y Cay o$ its
a%tualiFationE the only e$$e%tive proo$ that
you really %an #o something is simply to #o it, 8n the other han#, the possi)ility o$ a%ting
#i$$erently e5erts pressure on us in the guise o$ the /voi%e o$ %ons%ien%e/E Chen + o$$er the
usual e5%uses 1/+ #i# all that Cas possi)le, there Cas no %hoi%e/2, the superego voi%e keeps
gnaCing at me, /?o, you %oul# have #one more@/ (his is Chat *ant has in min# Chen he
insists that $ree#om is a%tual alrea#y as possi)ilityE Chen + gave Cay to pathologi%al impulses
an# #i# not %arry out my #uty, the actuality o$ my $ree#om is atteste# to )y my aCareness o$
hoC + could have a%te# otherCise,
"n# this is also Chat 0egel aims at Chen maintaining
that the a%tual 1das !irkliche2 is not the same as that Chi%h simply e5ists 1das Bestehende2E
my %ons%ien%e pri%ks me Chen my a%t 1o$ giving Cay to pathologi%al impulses2 Cas not
/a%tual,/ #i# not e5press my true moral nature' this #i$$eren%e e5erts pressure on me in the
guise o$ /%ons%ien%e,/
8ne %an #is%ern the same logi% )ehin# the re%ent revival o$ the %onspira%y theory 1 8liver
Stone ="12E Cho Cas )ehin# *enne#y<s mur#erK (he i#eologi%al %athe5is o$ this revival is
%learE *enne#y<s mur#er a%Duire# su%h traumati% #imensions retroa%tively, $rom the later
e5perien%e o$ the Uietnam 3ar, o$ the ?i5on a#ministration<s %yni%al %orruption, o$ the revolt
o$ the si5ties that opene# up the gap )etCeen the young generation an# the esta)lishment,
(his later e5perien%e trans$orme# *enne#y into a person Cho, ha# he remaine# alive, Coul#
have spare# us Uietnam, the gap separating the si5ties generation $rom the esta)lishment, et%,
13hat the %onspira%y theory /represses,/ o$ %ourse, is the pain$ul $a%t o$ *enne#y<s
impotence? *enne#y himsel$ Coul# not have )een a)le to prevent the emergen%e o$ this gap,2
(he %onspira%y theory thus keeps alive the #ream o$ another "meri%a, #i$$erent $rom the one
Ce %ame to knoC in the seventies an# eighties,

0egel<s position Cith regar# to the relationship o$ possi)ility an# a%tuality is thus very re$ine#
an# pre%iseE possi)ility is simultaneously less an# more than Chat its notion implies'
%on%eive# in its a)stra%t opposition to a%tuality, it is a /mere possi)ility/ an#, as su%h, it
%oin%i#es Cith its opposite, Cith impossi)ility, 8n another level, hoCever, possi)ility alrea#y
possesses a %ertain a%tuality in its very capacity of possibility, Chi%h is Chy any $urther
#eman# $or its a%tualiFation is super$luous, +n this sense, 0egel points out that the i#ea o$
$ree#om realiFes itsel$ through a series o$ $ailuresE every parti%ular attempt to realiFe $ree#om
may $ail' $rom its point o$ vieC, $ree#om remains an empty possi)ility' )ut the very
%ontinuous striving o$ $ree#om to realiFe itsel$ )ears Citness to its /a%tuality,/ i,e,, to the $a%t
$ree#om is not a /mere notion/ )ut mani$ests a ten#en%y that pertains to the very essen%e o$
reality, 8n the other han#, the supreme %ase o$ /mere possi)ility/ is the 0egelian /a)stra%t
universal/' Chat + have in min# here is the Cell-knoCn para#o5 o$ the relationship )etCeen
universal ju#gment an# ju#gment o$ e5isten%e in the %lassi%al "ristotelian syllogismE
ju#gment o$ e5isten%e implies the e5isten%e o$ its su)je%t, Chereas universal ju#gment %an
also )e true even i$ its su)je%t #oes not e5ist, sin%e it %on%erns only the notion o$ the su)je%t,
+$, $or e5ample, one says /"t least one man is 1orE some men are2 mortal,/ this ju#gment is
true only i$ at least one man e5ists' i$, on the %ontrary, one says /" uni%orn has only one
horn,/ this ju#gment remains true even i$ there are no uni%orns, sin%e it %on%erns solely the
immanent #etermination o$ the notion o$ /uni%orn,/ Far $rom its relevan%e )eing limite# to
pure theoreti%al ruminations, this gap )etCeen the universal an# the parti%ular has palpa)le
material e$$e%ts-- in politi%s, $or e5ample, "%%or#ing to the results o$ a pu)li% opinion poll in
the $all o$ 1991, in the %hoi%e )etCeen Gush an# a nonspe%i$ie# Demo%rati% %an#i#ate, the
nonspe%i$ie# Demo%rat Coul# Cin easily' hoCever, in the %hoi%e )etCeen Gush an# any
%on%rete, in#ivi#ual Demo%rat, provi#e# Cith $a%e an# name 1 *errey, .uomo,,,2, Gush Coul#
have an easy Cin, +n short, the Demo%rat in general Cins over Gush, Chereas Gush Cins over
any %on%rete Demo%rat, (o the mis$ortune o$ the Demo%rats, there Cas no /Demo%rat in

(he status o$ possi)ility, Chile #i$$erent $rom that o$ a%tuality, is thus not simply #e$i%ient
Cith regar# to it, $ossibility as such e8erts actual effects which disappear as soon as it
%actuali4es% itself, Su%h a /short-%ir%uit/ )etCeen possi)ility an# a%tuality is at Cork in the
-a%anian notion o$ /sym)oli% %astration/E the so-%alle# /%astration-an5iety/ %annot )e re#u%e#
to the psy%hologi%al $a%t that, upon per%eiving the a)sen%e o$ the penis in Coman, man
)e%omes a$rai# that /he also might lose it, /
/.astration an5iety/ rather #esignates the
pre%ise moment at Chi%h the possi)ility o$ %astration takes pre%e#en%e over its a%tuality, i,e,,
the moment at Chi%h the very possi)ility o$ %astration, its mere threat, pro#u%es a%tual e$$e%ts
in our psy%hi% e%onomy, (his threat as it Cere /%astrates/ us, )ran#ing us Cith an irre#u%i)le
loss, "n# it is this same /short-%ir%uit/ )etCeen possi)ility an# a%tuality Chi%h #e$ines the
very notion o$ poCerE poCer is actually e5erte# only in the guise o$ a potential threat, i,e,,
only inso$ar as it #oes not strike $ully )ut /keeps itsel$ in reserve,/
Su$$i%e it to re%all the
logi% o$ paternal authorityE the moment a $ather loses %ontrol an# #isplays his $ull poCer
1starts to shout, to )eat a %hil#2, Ce ne%essarily per%eive this #isplay as impotent rage, i,e,, as
an in#e5 o$ its very opposite, +n this pre%ise sense sym)oli% authority alCays, )y #e$inition,
hinges on an irre#u%i)le potentiality-possi)ility, on the a%tuality-e$$e%tivity that pertains to
possi)ility Dua possi)ilityE Ce leave )ehin# the /raC,/ pre-sym)oli% real an# enter the
sym)oli% universe the moment possi)ility a%Duires a%tuality o$ its oCn, 1(his para#o5 is at
Cork in the 0egelian struggle $or re%ognition )etCeen the 1$uture2 -or# an# Gon#smanE to say
that the impasse o$ their struggle is resolve# )y Cay o$ the -or#<s symbolic vi%tory an# the
Gon#sman<s symbolic #eath eDuals saying that the mere possibility o$ vi%tory is su$$i%ient, (he
sym)oli% pa%t at Cork in their struggle ena)les them to stop )e$ore the a%tual physi%al
#estru%tion an# to a%%ept the possi)ility o$ vi%tory as its a%tuality,2 (he ;aster<s potential
threat is $ar Corse than his a%tual #isplay o$ poCer, (his is Chat Gentham %ounts on in his
$antasy-matri5 o$ Panopti%onE the $a%t that the 8ther-- the gaFe in the %entral o)serving
toCer-- can Cat%h me' my ra#i%al un%ertainty as to Chether + am )eing o)serve# or not at any
pre%ise moment gives rise to an an5iety $ar greater than that arouse# )y the aCareness that +
am a%tually o)serve#, (his surplus o$ Chat is /in the possi)ility more than a mere possi)ility/
an# Chi%h gets lost in its a%tualiFation is the real 6ua impossible,

+t is pre%isely on a%%ount o$ this potential %hara%ter o$ his poCer that a ;aster is alCays, )y
#e$inition, an impostor, i,e,, some)o#y Cho illegitimately o%%upies the pla%e o$ the la%k in the
8ther 1the sym)oli% 8r#er2, +n other Cor#s, the emergen%e o$ the $igure o$ the ;aster is o$ a
stri%tly metonymical natureE a ;aster never $ully /measures up to its notion,/ to Death Dua
/a)solute ;aster/ 1 0egel2, 0e remains $orever the /metonymy o$ Death/' his Chole
%onsisten%y hinges upon the #e$erral, the keeping-inreserve, o$ a $or%e that he $alsely %laims
to possess,
+t Coul# )e Crong, hoCever, to %on%lu#e-- $rom the $a%t that anyone Cho
o%%upies the pla%e o$ the ;aster is an impostor an# a %loCn-- that the per%eive# imper$e%tions
o$ the ;aster su)vert his authority, (he Chole arti$i%e o$ /playing a ;aster/ %onsists in
knoCing hoC to use this very gap 1)etCeen the /notion/ o$ the ;aster an# its empiri%al
)earer2 to our a#vantageE the Cay $or a ;aster to strengthen his authority is pre%isely to
present himsel$ as /human like the rest o$ us,/ $ull o$ little Ceaknesses, a person Cith Chom it
is Duite possi)le to /talk normally/ Chen he is not %ompelle# to give voi%e to "uthority, "t a
#i$$erent level, this #iale%ti% Cas Ci#ely e5ploite# )y the .atholi% %hur%h, Chi%h Cas alCays
rea#y to %on#one small in$ringements i$ they sta)iliFe#
the reign o$ -aCE prostitution, pornography, et%,, are sins, yet not only %an they )e par#one#,
they %an )e %ommen#e# i$ they help preserve marriageE )etter a perio#i% visit to a )rothel than

(his prima%y o$ possi)ility over a%tuality ena)les us also to arti%ulate the #i$$eren%e )etCeen
the phalli% signi$ier an# the $etish, (his #i$$eren%e may seem elusive sin%e, in )oth %ases, Ce
have to #o Cith a /re$le%tive/ element Chi%h supplements a primor#ial la%k 1the $etish $ills out
the voi# o$ the missing maternal phallus' the phallus is the signi$ier o$ the very la%k o$ the
signi$ier2, 0oCever, as the signi$ier o$ pure possi)ility, the phallus is never $ully a%tualiFe#
1i,e,, it is the empty signi$ier Chi%h, although #evoi# o$ any #eterminate, positive meaning,
stan#s $or the potentiality o$ any possi)le $uture meaning2, Chereas a $etish alCays %laims an
a%tual status 1i,e,, it preten#s a%tually to su)stitute $or the maternal phallus2, +n other Cor#s,
inso$ar as a $etish is an element that $ills in the la%k o$ 1the maternal2 phallus, the most %on%ise
#e$inition o$ the phalli% signi$ier is that it is a fetish of itself? phallus Dua /signifier of
castration/ as it Cere gives )o#y to its own lack,

&'+ The %oo< of En0oy6ent
A The 3ound Is Healed "nly /y the
!!!&<ear That &6ote You
8pera took shape as a musi%al $orm aroun# 1>AA1 ;ontever#i +rfeo, the earliest opera /still
alive/ to#ay, Cas %ompose# in 1>A32 an# en#e# someChere a$ter 19AA1among the numerous
%an#i#ates $or the title o$ the /last true opera,/ there are Pu%%ini Turandot, some o$ 9i%har#
Strauss<s operas, Gerg !o44eck,,,2, "t its )eginning stan#s the re%itative 1the great invention
o$ ;ontever#i2, the not-yet-aria, an# at its en# Spra%hgesang, the /spoken song,/ the no-
longer-aria, +n )etCeen-- in the epo%h Chi%h )roa#ly %oin%i#es Cith that o$ mo#ern-age
su)je%tivity-- it Cas possi)le to sing on stage, as part o$ the staging o$ some #ramati% event,
8ne is tempte#, there$ore, to look in the history o$ opera $or tra%es o$ the tren#s an# shi$ts that
make up the history o$ su)je%tivity,
(his en# o$ %lassi%al su)je%tivity, o$ %ourse, is the very point o$ the emergen%e o$ the mo#ern
hysteri%al su)je%t, +n this pre%ise sense, the history o$ the opera %an )e sai# to )elong to the
prehistory o$ psy%hoanalysisE it is )y no a%%i#ent that the en# o$ the opera %oin%i#es Cith the
emergen%e o$ psy%hoanalysis, (he pre#ominant moti$ o$ S%hoen)erg Chi%h #rove him into
the atonal revolution, the %ontent Chi%h it Cas not anymore possi)le to arti%ulate in the
%lassi%al tonal operati% aria, Cas pre%isely the $eminine hysteria 1 S%hoen)erg 9rwartung, his
$irst atonal masterpie%e, #epi%ts the hysteri%al longing o$ a lone Coman2, "n#, as is Cell
knoCn, the $irst analysan#s Cere $emale hysteri%s' that is to say, psy%hoanalysis Cas
originally an interpretation o$ $emale hysteria,
The Answer of the Real
"t the origins o$ opera there is a pre%isely #e$ine# intersu)je%tive %onstellationE the
relationship o$ the su)je%t 1in )oth senses o$ the termE autonomous agent as Cell as the su)je%t
o$ legal poCer2 to his ;aster 1*ing or Divinity2 is reveale# through the hero<s re%itative 1the
%ounterpoint to the %olle%tivity em)o#ie# in the %horus2, Chi%h is )asi%ally a suppli%ation
a##resse# to the ;aster, a %all to him to shoC mer%y, to make an e5%eption, or otherCise
$orgive the hero his trespass,
(he $irst, ru#imentary $orm o$ su)je%tivity is this voi%e o$ the
su)je%t )esee%hing the ;aster to suspen#, $or a )rie$ moment, his oCn -aC, " #ramati%
tension in su)je%tivity arises $rom the am)iguity )etCeen poCer an# impoten%e that pertains
to the gesture o$ gra%e )y means o$ Chi%h the ;aster ansCers the su)je%t<s entreaty, "s to the
o$$i%ial i#eology, gra%e e5presses the ;aster<s supreme poCer, the poCer to rise a)ove one<s
oCn laCE only a really poCer$ul ;aster %an a$$or# to #istri)ute mer%y, 3hat Ce have here is a
kin# o$ sym)oli% e5%hange )etCeen the human su)je%t an# his #ivine ;asterE Chen the
su)je%t, the human mortal, )y Cay o$ his o$$er o$ sel$-sa%ri$i%e, surmounts his $initu#e an#
attains the #ivine heights, the ;aster respon#s Cith the su)lime gesture o$ Ira%e, the ultimate
proo$ o$ his humanity,
=et this a%t o$ gra%e is at the same time )ran#e# )y the irre#u%i)le
mark o$ a $or%e# empty gestureE the ;aster ultimately makes a virtue out o$ ne%essity, in that
he promotes as a $ree a%t Chat he is in any %ase %ompelle# to #o' i$ he re$uses %lemen%y, he
takes the risk that the su)je%t<s entreaty Cill turn into open re)ellion, +t is here that Ce alrea#y
en%ounter the intri%a%ies o$ the #iale%ti% o$ ;aster an# Servant ela)orate# later )y 0egelE is
not the ;aster, inso$ar as he #epen#s on the other<s re%ognition, e$$e%tively his oCn
servantmapos's servantK
For that reason, the temporal pro5imity o$ the emergen%e o$ opera to Des%artes< $ormulation
o$ cogito is more than a $ortuitous %oin%i#en%eE one is even tempte# to say that the move $rom
;ontever#i +rfeo to Ilu%k +rpheusand 9uridice %orrespon#s to the move $rom Des%artes to
*ant, "t the $ormal level, this move entails a shi$t $rom re%itative to aria' at the level o$
#ramati% %ontent, Chat Ilu%k %ontri)ute# Cas a neC $orm o$ su)je%tiviFation, +n ;ontever#i
Ce have su)limation in its purestE a$ter 8rpheus turns to %ast a glan%e at :uri#i%e an# thus
loses her, the Divinity %onsoles himE true, he has lost her as a $lesh-an#-)loo# person, )ut
$rom noC on, he Cill )e a)le to #is%ern her )eauti$ul $eatures everyChere, in the stars in the
sky, in the glistening o$ the morning #eC, 8rpheus is Dui%k to a%%ept the nar%issisti% pro$it o$
this reversalE he )e%omes enrapture# Cith the poeti% glori$i%ation o$ :uri#i%e that lies ahea# o$
him, 1(his, o$ %ourse, throCs another light on the eternal Duestion o$ Chy he looke# )a%k an#
thus s%reCe# things up, 3hat Ce en%ounter here is simply the link )etCeen the #eath-#rive
an# %reative su)limationE 8rpheus<s )a%kCar# gaFe is a perverse a%t stricto sensu' he loses her
intentionally in or#er to regain her as the o)je%t o$ su)lime poeti% inspiration,2
3ith Ilu%k,
the #enouement is %ompletely #i$$erentE a$ter looking )a%k an# thus losing :uri#i%e, 8rpheus
sings his $amous aria /&he faro sen4a 9uridice,/ announ%ing his intention to kill himsel$, "t
this pre%ise point o$ total sel$-a)an#onment, -ove intervenes an# gives him )a%k his :uri#i%e,
(his spe%i$i% $orm o$ su)je%tiviFation-- the intervention o$ Ira%e not as a simple ansCer to
the su)je%t<s entreaty, )ut as an ansCer in the very moment Chen the su)je%t #e%i#es to put his
li$e at stake-- is the tCist a##e# )y Ilu%k,

8pera<s #evelopment thus rea%hes its $irst $ull %ir%leE all the elements $or ;oFart are present in
Ilu%k, (hat is to say, ;oFart<s /$un#amental matri5/ %onsists o$ pre%isely su%h a gesture o$
su)je%tiviFation Chere)y the assertion o$ the su)je%t<s autonomy 1our rea#iness to sa%ri$i%e
ourselves, to go to the en#, to #ie, to lose all2 gives rise to a gesture o$ mer%y in the 8ther,
(his matri5 is at Cork in its purest in his $irst tCo masterpie%es, the opera seria Idomeneo an#
the Singspiel ,bduction $rom The SeraglioE Chen, in Seraglio, the tCo lovers, prisoners o$
Pasha Selim, e5press their $earless rea#iness to #ie, Pasha Selim shoCs mer%y an# lets them
go, "ll ;oFart<s su)seDuent operas %an )e rea# as so many variations or permutations on this
matri5, +n Le .o44e di "igaro, $or e5ample, the relationship is reverse#E the ;aster-
.ount"lmaviva-- is not prepare# to grant mer%y to his Ci$e an# Figaro Chen he thinks that he
has %aught them in a#ultery, =et Chen he Calks into the trap set to e5pose his oCn #e%eit, he
is himsel$ $or%e# to )eg $or mer%y' an# the %ommunity o$ su)je%ts #oes $orgive him, (hus
o%%urs a uniDue utopian moment o$ re%on%iliation, o$ integration o$ the ;aster into the
%ommunity o$ eDuals, *on iovanni )rings this logi% o$ mer%y to its inherent negationE in it,
Ce $in# neither entreaty nor mer%y, Don Iiovanni prou#ly re$uses the Stone Iuest<s %all to
repent, an# Chat then )e$alls him instea# o$ %lemen%y is the most %ruel punishment, he is
sCalloCe# )y the $lames o$ 0ell,
(he i#eal )alan%e o$ autonomy an# mer%y is here
pertur)e# )y the emergen%e o$ an autonomy so ra#i%al that it leaves no spa%e open $or mer%y,
an autonomy in Chi%h it is not #i$$i%ult to #is%ern the
%ontours o$ Chat *ant %alle# /ra#i%al :vil,/ "$ter this moment o$ utter #espair, Chen the
Chole e%onomy o$ mer%y is suspen#e#, the register mira%ulously %hanges an#, Cith The
3agic "lute, Ce enter the #omain o$ $airy )liss, 0ere Ce also tCi%e en%ounter the gesture o$
su)je%tiviFation through a rea#iness to #ie 1)oth Pamina an# Papageno are a)out to %ommit
sui%i#e2, yet the agen%y that intervenes an# prevents the a%%omplishment o$ the a%t is not an
imposing ;aster or Divinity )ut the three !underknaben,
(he temptation to )e avoi#e# here is to %on%eive this ;oFartian %o#epen#en%e o$ autonomy
an# mer%y as a %ompromise $ormation, as an illusory point o$ eDuili)rium )etCeen the not-
yet-su)je%t Cho still relies on the ;aster<s gra%e 1the su)je%t o$ enlightene# a)solutism in his
relationship to the ;onar%h2, an# the $ully autonomous su)je%t, master o$ his oCn $ate, +$ Ce
su%%um) to this temptation, Ce lose the $un#amental para#o5 o$ hoC autonomy itself, in its
very self7affirmation, relies on %mercy,% on a sign of the +ther, on an %answer of the real/E
/(he empiri%al min# sees the response o$ mer%y as an alien %apri%e, or just %oin%i#en%e,
Gon#age to $ate %an, a)sur#ly enough, )e )roken only )y the $avor o$ $ate' the in#ivi#ual %an
roun# his e5isten%e into a Chole only, as Ioethe put it, <i$ Duite une5pe%te# things $rom
outsi#e %ome to his ai#,< Piously )elieving it an# )itterly a%%epting it, Ioethe entruste# sel$-
realiFation in his li$e to the <#aemon,< in his major Cork to the #evil,/
+n ;oFart, o$ %ourse,
the )ourgeois su)je%t, Cith his utilitarian, instrumental %unning #e5terity, is har# at Cork $rom
the very )eginning 1the element o$ opera buffa2, (he motto /0elp yoursel$ an# Io# Cill help
you/ re%eives here its $ull valueE the su)je%t is never a mere appli%ant' )y Cay o$ his
su)ter$uge, he prepares the groun# in a#van%e, arranging the plot, so that all that is le$t $or the
Io#-;aster is to no# his assent a$ter the $a%t, like the 0egelian monar%h, Gut the more it
)e%omes %lear that, at the level o$ %ontent, the su)je%t<s su)ter$uge has alrea#y taken %are o$
the $inal out%ome, the more the true enigma o$ $orm )e%omes palpa)leE Chy #oes the su)je%t
still nee# mer%y, Chy #oes he not also assume the $ormal a%t o$ #e%ision, Chy #oes he still
rely on the 8therK
(he $urther $eature Chi%h apparently %ontra#i%ts the %unning #e5terity is that the 8ther
intervenes at the very moment Chen, in a sui%i#al a%t o$ a)an#onment, the su)je%t e5presses
his rea#iness to put all at stake in a gesture o$ #e$iant renun%iation an# thus #isavoCs all the
%heap tri%ks o$ instrumental reason, "s long as + en#eavor to )argain, as long as + propose my
sel$-sa%ri$i%e so to speak Cith my $ingers %rosse#, %ounting on the lastminute intervention o$
gra%e, the 8ther Cill not respon#, Ira%e is a %ase o$
Chat Hon :lster %alle# /states Chi%h are essentially a )y-pro#u%t/E

it o%%urs at the very

moment Chen Ce a)an#on all hope an# %ease to %ount on it, (he situation is here ultimately
the same as that o$ ")raham<s a%%eptan%e o$ Io#<s %omman# to sa%ri$i%e his sonE )e%ause he
a%%epte# it, he #i# not have to %arry it out' but he could not know that in advance, "n# #oes
not the same para#o5 #e$ine so-%alle# /mature love/E our partner Cill really appre%iate our
love only i$ Ce somehoC let him knoC that Ce are not %hil#ishly #epen#ent on him, that Ce
are a)le to survive Cithout himK (herein %onsists the or#eal o$ true loveE + preten# that +<ll
leave you, an# only i$ an# Chen you #emonstrate your a)ility to en#ure my loss #o you
)e%ome Corthy o$ my love, "s Cas pointe# out )y .lau#e -e$ort,
a similar %on$i#en%e in the
ansCer o$ the real is at Cork in #emo%ra%y, Chi%h entails the sym)oli% #issolution o$ so%ial
links 1in the a%t o$ ele%tions, the $uture $ate o$ so%iety is ma#e #epen#ent on a play o$ numeri%
%ontingen%y2' the un#erlying hypothesis that-- in the long term, at least-- the result Cill )e in
the )est interests o$ so%iety %an never )e #ire%tly proven, it alCays relies on a minimum o$
mira%ulous %oin%i#en%e' i,e,, to re$er to the *antian terms, the status o$ this hypothesis is
stri%tly regulative, not %onstitutive, like that o$ teleology in *ant, 1+t is pre%isely this gap
Chi%h opens up the spa%e $or the totalitarian temptation #ire%tly to impose on so%iety the
solution Chi%h is /in its )est interest,/2
8ne o$ the most %ommon /postmo#ern/ myths %on%erns the phantom o$ the so-%alle#
/.artesian para#igm o$ su)je%tivity/E the era o$ mo#ernity noC rea%hing its en# Cas allege#ly
marke# )y the all-#evouring monster o$ the a)solute, sel$-transparent Su)je%t, re#u%ing every
8therness to an o)je%t to )e /me#iate#,/ /internaliFe#,/ #ominate# )y te%hnologi%al
manipulation, et%,, the ultimate result o$ Chi%h is the present e%ologi%al %risis, 0ere, re$eren%e
to the history o$ the opera alloCs us to #enoun%e this myth )y Cay o$ #emonstrating hoC, $ar
$rom postulating an /a)solute su)je%t,/ philosophy $rom *ant to 0egel, this apogee o$
/mo#ern-age su)je%tivity,/ struggle# #esperately to arti%ulate the para#o5i%al %onjun%tion o$
autonomy an# Ira%e, i,e,, the #epen#en%e o$ the very assertion o$ the su)je%t<s autonomy on
the sympatheti% response o$ an 8therness,

&u/0eti7ity and Grae
(his /ansCer o$ the 9eal/ on Chi%h Ce rely, this support in the )ig 8ther Chose gesture o$
response /su)je%tiviFes/ the a)yss o$ the pure su)je%t, is Chat 0egel has in min# Chen he
speaks o$ the /%unning o$ reason,/ (he
su)je%t<s rea#iness to /sa%ri$i%e everything/ is %on%eive# )y 0egel as /the return o$
%ons%iousness into the #epths o$ the night o$ the + Q +, Chi%h #istinguishes an# knoCs nothing
)esi#es itsel$, (his $eeling is there$ore in $a%t the loss o$ su)stan%e an# its stan#ing over an#
against %ons%iousness,/
(he %ommonpla%e reproa%h to 0egel is that, in the /%lose#
e%onomy/ o$ his i#ealism, this loss reverts automati%ally into the neC positivity o$ the sel$-
i#enti%al Su)je%t-Su)stan%e, Gut Ce must )e parti%ularly %are$ul not to miss the para#o5 o$
this inversion, 8n the one han#, the sa%ri$i%e is in no Cay $eigne#, i,e,, it is not part o$ the
game in Chi%h one %an rely on the ")solute<s guaranteeing a happy out%ome, 0egel is here
Duite %lear an# unam)iguousE Chat #ies in this e5perien%e o$ the return into the night o$ the +
Q + is ultimately Su)stan%e itsel$, i,e,, Io# Dua trans%en#ent agen%y Chi%h pulls the strings
)ehin# the stage, 3hat #ies is thus pre%isely Io# Dua 9eason, Chi%h, )y Cay o$ its /%unning,/
guarantees the happy out%ome o$ the histori%al pro%ess-- in short, a)solute Su)je%t-9eason,
the notion o$ Chi%h is usually impute# to 0egel, 0egel<s interpretation o$ .hristianity is here
$ar more su)versive than it may appear, 0oC #oes 0egel %on%eive the .hristian notion o$ the
)e%oming-man o$ Io#' at Chat level #oes he pla%e the sign o$ eDuality )etCeen Io# an#
manK "t the ra#i%al opposite o$ the usual vieC Chi%h %on%eives the /#ivine/ in man as that
Chi%h in him is eternal, no)le, et%, 3hen Io# )e%omes man, he i#enti$ies Cith man Dua
su$$ering, sin$ul mortal, +n this sense, the /#eath o$ Io#/ means that the su)je%t verily $in#s
himsel$ alone, Cithout any guarantee in su)stantial 9eason, in the )ig 8ther,
8n the other han#, hoCever-- an# therein %onsists the para#o5-- Ce are here as $ar as possi)le
$rom any kin# o$ e5istential #espair, $rom the /openness/ o$ the ra#i%al risk 1/Chen
everything is put at stake, Ira%e %an either intervene or not/2E the reversal into mer%y $olloCs
automati%ally' it takes pla%e as soon as Ce truly put everything at stake, 3hyK ;ore
pre%iselyE Chy is the stan#ar# Derri#ean Duestion 1/3hat i$ the reversal #oes not arrive, Chat
i$ no <ansCer o$ the 9eal< $olloCs the ra#i%al lossK/2 here totally out o$ pla%eK (here is only
one e5planation possi)leE the reversal o$ loss into salvation )y Cay o$ Ira%e is an a%t o$
purely $ormal %onversion' i,e,, the intervention of race is not something distinct from the
preceding loss, but is this very loss, the same act of self7renunciation, conceived from a
different perspective, 3ith regar# to .hristianity, this means that the #eath o$ .hrist is
simultaneously a #ay o$ grie$ an# a #ay o$ joyE Io#-.hrist ha# to #ie in or#er to )e a)le to
%ome to li$e again in the shape o$ the %ommunity o$ )elievers 1the
/0oly Spirit/2, +nstea# o$ the /su)stan%e/ Dua Io#-;aster, the ins%ruta)le Fate Chi%h reigns
in its Geyon#, Ce o)tain the /su)stan%e/ Dua %ommunity o$ )elievers, +n this pre%ise sense,
/the Coun# is heale# only )y the spear that smote you/E the #eath o$ Io# is his resurre%tion,
the Ceapon that kille# .hrist is the tool that %reate# the .hristian %ommunity o$ the 0oly
Su)je%tivity thus involves a kin# o$ loop, a vi%ious %ir%le, an e%onomi%al para#o5 Chi%h %an
)e ren#ere# in a multitu#e o$ Cays, 0egel<s, 3agner<s, -a%an<s, -a%anE %astration means that
the (hing-(ouissance must )e lost in or#er to )e regaine# on the la##er o$ #esire, i,e,, the
sym)oli% or#er re%overs its oCn %onstitutive #e)t' 3agner in $arsifalE the Coun# is heale#
only )y the spear that smote you' 0egelE the imme#iate i#entity o$ the su)stan%e must )e lost
in or#er to )e regaine# through the Cork o$ su)je%tive me#iation, 3hat Ce %all /su)je%t/ is
ultimately a name $or this e%onomi% para#o5 or, more a%%urately, short-%ir%uit, Chere)y the
conditions of possibility coincide with the conditions of impossibility, (his #ou)le-)in#, Chi%h
%onstitutes the su)je%t, Cas $or the $irst time e5pli%itly arti%ulate# )y *antE the + o$
trans%en#ental apper%eption %an )e sai# to )e /sel$-%ons%ious,/ %an e5perien%e itsel$ as a $ree,
spontaneous agent, to the very e5tent to Chi%h it is ina%%essi)le to itsel$ as the /(hing Chi%h
thinks/' the su)je%t o$ pra%ti%al reason %an a%t morally 1out o$ #uty2 to the very e5tent to
Chi%h any #ire%t a%%ess to Supreme Ioo# is )arre# to him' et%, (he point o$ these para#o5es
is that Chat Ce %all /su)je%tiviFation/ 1re%ogniFing onesel$ in interpellation, assuming an
impose# sym)oli% man#ate2 is a kin# o$ #e$ense me%hanism against an a)yss, a gap, Chi%h
/is/ the su)je%t, (he "lthusserian theory %on%eives the su)je%t as the e$$e%t o$ i#eologi%al
1mis2re%ognitionE the su)je%t emerges in an a%t Chi%h ren#ers invisi)le its oCn %ausality,
9e$eren%e to opera ena)les us to #is%ern the %ontours o$ a %ertain vi%ious %ir%le Chi%h #e$ines
the #imension o$ su)je%tivity, yet is not the "lthusserian %ir%le o$ interpellationE the
"lthusserian moment o$ the %losure o$ the %ir%le, o$ the 1mis2re%ognition in interpellation, is
not the #ire%t e$$e%t o$ a /pro%ess Cithout su)je%t,/ )ut an attempt to heal the very Coun# o$
3e en%ounter this antagonism )etCeen su)je%t an# su)je%tivity in all three o$ *ant<s %ritiDues,
+n the #omain o$ /pure reason,/ the su)je%t o$ pure apper%eption-- N, the empty /+ think/--
ne%essarily lapses into the trans%en#ental Schein, mistaking itsel$ $or a /thinking substance,/
i,e,, $alsely assuming that, )y Cay o$ sel$-%ons%iousness, it has the a%%ess to itsel$ Dua
(hing-in-itsel$, +n the #omain o$ /pra%ti%al reason,/ the moral su)je%t-su)mitte# to,
%onstitute# )y, the universal form o$ %ategori%al imperative-ne%essarily $alls prey to the
Schein o$ Supreme Ioo#, elevating some /pathologi%al/ content into the aim an# impetus o$
its moral a%tivity, +n the #omain o$ /ju#gment,/ the re$le%ting su)je%t ne%essarily misses the
purely regulative nature o$ a teleologi%al ju#gment-- i,e,, the $a%t that this ju#gment %on%erns
only the su)je%t<s re$le%tive relationship to reality, not reality itsel$-- an# misrea#s teleology as
something that pertains to reality itsel$, as its constitutive #etermination, (he %ru%ial $eature in
all three %ases is an irre#u%i)le splitting o$ the su)je%tE )etCeen N an# the su)stantial /person/
in pure reason, )etCeen $ul$illing #uty $or the sake o$ #uty an# serving some Supreme Ioo#
in pra%ti%al reason, )etCeen the su)lime e5perien%e o$ the gap that separates phenomena $rom
the suprasensi)le +#ea an# the /gentri$i%ation/ o$ this gap via )eauty an# teleology in the
%apa%ity o$ ju#gment, +n all three %ases, the /lapse/ #esignates the shi$t $rom su)je%t into
su)je%tiviFationE in my %apa%ity as knoCing su)je%t, + /su)je%tiviFe/ mysel$ )y Cay o$
re%ogniFing mysel$ as /person/ in the $ullness o$ its %ontent' in my %apa%ity as moral su)je%t,
+ /su)je%tiviFe/ mysel$ )y Cay o$ su)mitting mysel$ to some su)stantial Supreme Ioo#' in
my %apa%ity as re$le%ting, ju#ging su)je%t, + /su)je%tiviFe/ mysel$ )y Cay o$ i#enti$ying my
pla%e in a teleologi%al, harmonious stru%ture o$ the universe, +n all three %ases, the logi% o$
this /lapse/ is that o$ an illusion Chi%h, even Chen its me%hanism is e5pose#, %ontinues to
operateE + 1may2 knoC that teleologi%al ju#gments have the status o$ a mere su)je%tive
re$le%tion, not o$ a genuine knoCle#ge o$ reality, yet nonetheless + %annot a)stain $rom
making teleological observations' et%, +n all three %ases, the *antian su)je%t is there$ore
%aught in a kin# o$ #ou)le-)in#E in pra%ti%al reason, it is evi#ent that the true superego-reverse
o$ the *antian /*u kannst, denn du sollst@/ 1/=ou %an, )e%ause you must@/2 is /=ou must,
although you knoC that you %annot, that it is not possi)le@/-- i,e,, an impossi)le #eman#
Chi%h %an never )e satis$ie# an# as su%h %on#emns the su)je%t to an eternal split, +n teleology,
on the %ontrary, /you knoC you shoul# not #o it, yet you %annot not #o it,/
(o put it yet another Cay, the /lapse/ 1into teleology, into the su)stantial notion o$ Supreme
Ioo#2 is an en#eavor to heal the Coun# o$ the su)je%t Dua N, to $ill in the gap Chi%h ren#ers
the (hing ina%%essi)leE it reinstates the su)je%t into the /great %hain o$ )eing,/ "n# $ar $rom
a%ting as a stum)ling )lo%k, this very #ou)le-)in# serve# as a lever $or the $urther
#evelopment o$ philosophi%al pro)lemati%, +n other Cor#s, *ant<s merit %onsists thus o$ the
very $eature that is the usual target o$ his %riti%sE by means of one and the same gesture, his
philosophy opens up the space :the possibility, the need; for a thing and makes this thing
inaccessible and > or impossible to accomplish-- as i$ the opening is possi)le only at the pri%e
o$ the instantaneous %rossing-out,
;aimon, *ant<s %ontemporary, Cas the $irst to point out
that *ant<s #ualism )etCeen reason an# sense )oth %reates the nee# $or the trans%en#ental turn
1to es%ape 0ume<s skepti%ism2 an# makes it impossi)le' along the same lines, *ant is usually
reproa%he# $or %on%eiving (hings-in-themselves as a ne%essary presupposition o$ our
knoCle#ge 1provi#ing the /material/ to )e $orme# )y the trans%en#ental gri#2, )ut at the same
time making them ina%%essi)le to our knoCle#ge' on another level, the pure ethi%al a%t is
un%on#itionally impose# )y the moral imperative and something that, $or all pra%ti%al
purposes, remains impossi)le to a%%omplish, sin%e one %an never )e Duite %ertain o$ the total
a)sen%e o$ /pathologi%al/ %onsi#erations in any o$ our a%ts, (his entity, ne%essary an#
impossi)le in one an# the same movement, is the -a%anian 9eal,
"n# the line separating
*ant $rom 0egel is here $ar thinner than it may appearE all 0egel #i# Cas to )ring to its
%on%lusion this %oin%i#en%e o$ %on#itions o$ possi)ility Cith %on#itions o$ impossi)ilityE i$
positing an# prohi)iting %oin%i#e a)solutely, then there is no nee# $or (hing-in-itsel$' i,e,,
then the mirage o$ +n-itsel$ is %reate# )y the very a%t o$ prohi)iting,
"n# #oes not this same a)solute simultaneity o$ positioning an# prohi)iting #e$ine the
-a%anian ob(et petit a, the o)je%t-%ause o$ #esireK +n this pre%ise sense, -a%an %an )e sai# to
a%%omplish the *antian %riti%al proje%t )y supplementing it Cith a $ourth %ritiDue, the
/%ritiDue o$ pure #esire,/ the $oun#ation o$ the $irst three %ritiDues,
Desire )e%omes /pure/
the moment it %eases to )e %on%eive# as the #esire $or a /pathologi%al/ 1positively given2
o)je%t, the moment it is posite# as the #esire $or an o)je%t Chose emergen%e %oin%i#es Cith its
Cith#raCal, i,e,, Chi%h is nothing )ut the tra%e o$ its oCn retreat, 3hat must )e )orne in min#
here is the #i$$eren%e )etCeen this *antian position an# the tra#itional /spiritualist/ position
o$ striving a$ter in$inity, $ree# $rom every atta%hment to sensi)le parti%ularity 1the Platoni%
mo#el o$ love Chi%h elevates itsel$ $rom love $or an in#ivi#ual person toCar# love $or the
+#ea o$ Geauty as su%h2E $ar $rom amounting to another version o$ su%h spiritualiFe#-ethereal
#esire, the *antian /pure #esire/ is %on$ine# to the para#o5 o$ the su)je%t<s $initu#e, +$ the
su)je%t Cere a)le to trespass the limitations o$ his $initu#e an# to a%%omplish the
step into the noumenal #omain, the very su)lime o)je%t Chi%h %onstitutes his #esire as /pure/
Coul# )e lost 1Ce en%ounter the same para#o5 in *ant<s pra%ti%al philosophyE it is the very
ina%%essi)ility o$ the (hing Chi%h makes us %apa)le o$ moral a%ts2,
-ro6 +o;art to 3agner
=et the story is $ar $rom over at this point, (he line o$ ;oFart<s operas, $rom its $un#amental
matri5 through its variations to the $inal reversal into the )liss o$ The 3agic "lute, is repeate#,
on a #i$$erent level, in the operas o$ 9i%har# 3agner, (he missing link )etCeen ;oFart an#
3agner is provi#e# )y Geethoven "idelio, 8n the one han#, Ce $in# the intervention o$
;er%y Chi%h $olloCs the gesture o$ sel$-sa%ri$i%ing su)je%tiviFation in its purestE Chen
PiFarro, the evil governor o$ the prison, Cants to #ispose o$ the no)le Florestan, -eonora,
Florestan<s $aith$ul Ci$e, maske# as a man an# employe# as the jailer assistant un#er the $alse
name o$ /Fi#elio,/ interposes hersel$ )etCeen the tCo, shiel#ing Florestan Cith her oCn )o#y,
an# reveals her true i#entity, "t the very moment Chen PiFFaro threatens to kill her, a trumpet
soun#s, announ%ing the arrival o$ the ;inister, the messenger o$ the goo# *ing Cho %omes to
$ree Florestan, 8n the other han#, Ce alrea#y en%ounter here the key moment o$ 3agner<s
$un#amental matri5E man<s re#emption through Coman<s Cilling sel$-sa%ri$i%e,
8ne is even
tempte# to say that all o$ "idelio, this apogee o$ the e5altation o$ the )ourgeois %ouple, is
#ire%te# toCar# the su)lime moment o$ the Coman<s re#emptive sa%ri$i%e, the %onseDuen%es
o$ Chi%h are #ou)le, Ge%ause o$ this e5alte# ethi%al enthusiasm, "idelio has alCays )een
surroun#e# )y a kin# o$ magi%al aura 1as late as 1977, Chen its per$orman%e marke# the
opening o$ the renovate# Uienna opera, Cil# rumors )egan to %ir%ulate in Uienna a)out
%ripples regaining their a)ility to Calk an# )lin# men their sight2, =et this very o)session Cith
the ethi%al gesture entails a kin# o$ /ethi%al suspension o$ the estheti%/ Chi%h seems to sap the
opera<s stage potentialE at the %ru%ial moment, the %urtain $alls an# the opera proper is
supplante# )y a symphoni% interlu#e, alone %apa)le o$ ren#ering the intensity o$ the su)lime
e5altation 1the overture Leonora III, usually per$orme# )etCeen the #enouement-- the
;inister<s arrival-- an# the ju)ilant $inale2-- as i$ this e5altation $ails to meet the
/%onsi#erations o$ representa)ility,/ as i$ something in it resists the mise-en-s%Yne,

For the shi$t to 3agner<s universe to take pla%e, Ce only have to stain
)oth man an# Coman Cith a %ertain /pathology/E the man to )e #elivere# is no longer an
inno%ent hero, )ut a su$$ering sinner, a kin# o$ 3an#ering HeC Cho is not alloCe# to #ie,
sin%e he is %on#emne#, $or some unspeaka)le past transgression, to rove unen#ingly in the
#omain )etCeen the tCo #eaths, 1+n %ontrast to Florestan, Cho in his $amous aria Chi%h opens
the se%on# a%t o$ "idelio, prior to the phantasmagori%al appearan%e o$ -eonora, repeats almost
o)sessively hoC he /has a%%omplishe# his #uty/ O ich habe meine $flicht getan P, the
3agnerian hero failed to a%t in a%%or#an%e Cith his /#uty,/ his ethi%al man#ate,2 (he
%ounterpoint to this $aile# interpellation is that the Coman, the hero<s re#eemer, a%Duires the
unmistaka)le $eatures o$ hysteria, so that Ce o)tain a kin# o$ re#ou)le#, mirrore# $antasy, 8n
the one han#, The "lying *utchman /%oul# )e re#u%e# to the moment Chen the Dut%hman
steps )eneath-- one %oul# almost say, steps out $rom-- his pi%ture, as Senta, Cho has %onjure#
him up as :lsa ha# %onjure# up the knight Oin Lohengrin P, stan#s gaFing into his eyes, (he
entire opera is nothing more than the attempt to un$ol# this moment in time,/
1"n# is not
the great last a%t o$ Tristan und Isolde an inversion o$ this phantasmagoriaK +s not +sol#e<s
appearan%e %onjure# up )y the #ying (ristanK For that reason, the tCo re%ent stagings o$
3agner Chi%h #ispla%e# part o$ the a%tion into the phantasmagoria o$ one o$ the persons on
stage are #eeply justi$ie#E 0arry *up$er<s interpretation o$ the Dut%hman as Senta<s hysteri%al
vision' HeanPierre Ponelle<s interpretation o$ +sol#e<s arrival an# e%stati% #eath as the vision o$
the #ying (ristan,2
8n the other han#, this $igure o$ the Coman rea#y to sa%ri$i%e hersel$ is
%learly an ostentatious male phantasmagoria, in this %ase a phantasmagoria o$ 3agner
himsel$, Su$$i%e it to Duote the $olloCing passage $rom his letter to -isFt apropos o$ his love
a$$air Cith ;athil#e 3esen#onkE /(he love o$ a ten#er Coman has ma#e me happy' she #are#
to throC hersel$ into a sea o$ su$$ering an# agony so that she shoul# )e a)le to say to me /+
love you@/ ?o one Cho #oes not knoC all her ten#erness %an ju#ge hoC mu%h she ha# to
su$$er, 3e Cere spare# nothing-)ut as a %onseDuen%e + am re#eeme# an# she is )lesse#ly
happy )e%ause she is aCare o$ it,/
For that reason, one is Duite justi$ie# in %on%eiving o$
The "lying *utchman as the $irst/true/ 3agner operaE the su$$ering man, %on#emne# to
Can#er in the #omain /)etCeen the tCo #eaths,/ is #elivere# )y the Coman<s sel$-sa%ri$i%e, +t
is here that Ce en%ounter the $un#amental matri5 in its purest, an# all 3agner<s su)seDuent
operas %an )e generate# $rom it via a set o$ variations,
0ere, also, the elementary $orm o$
the song is the entreaty-- man<s %omplaint, Chose $irst
para#igmati% %ase is the Flying Dut%hman<s monologue in Chi%h Ce learn a)out his sa# $ate,
eternally sailing on a ghost-ship, (he most poCer$ul moments in $arsifal, 3agner<s last
opera, are also the tCo suppli%ations o$ the Fisher *ing "m$ortas' here, as in the %ase o$ the
Dut%hman, the %ontent o$ the entreaty is almost the e5a%t opposite o$ the entreaty Chi%h opens
the history o$ operaE in 3agner, the hero )emoans his very ina)ility to $in# pea%e in #eath,
i,e,, his $ate o$ eternal su$$ering,
(he gesture o$ Ira%e, the /ansCer o$ the 9eal,/ Chi%h
%loses $arsifal is an a%t o$ Parsi$al himsel$, Cho intervenes at the last minute, preventing the
knights $rom slaughtering "m$ortas an# #elivering him )y lan%e $rom his torments, 0ere is
the outline o$ the storyE
(he 0oly Irail, the vessel Cith .hrist<s )loo#, is kept in the %astle ;ontsalvat' yet its ruler
"m$ortas, the Fisher *ing, is maime#E he )etraye# the san%tity o$ the Irail )y letting himsel$
)e se#u%e# )y *un#ry, a slave to the evil magi%ian *lingsor, Cho %astrate# himsel$ in or#er
to )e a)le to resist the se5ual urge, 3hile "m$ortas Cas in *un#ry<s em)ra%e, *lingsor
snat%he# aCay $rom him the sa%re# spear 1the one Cith Chi%h -onginus smote .hrist on the
%ross2 an# Coun#e# him in his thigh' this Coun# %on#emns "m$ortas to a li$e o$ eternal
su$$ering, (he young Parsi$al enters the #omain o$ ;ontsalvat an# kills a sCan, unknoCingly
%ommitting a %rime' the Cise ol# IurnemanF re%ogniFes in him the pure $ool Cho-- so the
prophe%y goes-- Cill #eliver "m$ortas' he takes him into the temple o$ the Irail, Chere
Parsi$al Citnesses the ritual o$ the Irail<s #is%losure pain$ully per$orme# )y "m$ortas,
Disappointe# that Parsi$al is una)le to make anything out o$ this ritual, IurnemanF %hases
him aCay, +n a%t 4, Parsi$al enters *lingsor<s magi% %astle Chere *un#ry en#eavors to se#u%e
him' in the very moment o$ her kiss, Parsi$al su##enly $eels %ompassion $or the su$$ering
"m$ortas an# pushes her aCay' Chen *lingsor throCs the sa%re# lan%e at him, Parsi$al is a)le
to stop it )y raising his han#-- sin%e he resiste# *un#ry<s se#u%tion, *lingsor has no poCer
over him, Gy making the sign o$ the %ross Cith the lan%e, Parsi$al #ispels *lingsor<s magi%
an# the %astle $alls into a #esert, +n a%t 3 Parsi$al, a$ter many years o$ Can#ering, returns on
Ioo# Fri#ay to ;ontsalvat an# reveals to IurnemanF that he has re%overe# the stolen lan%e'
IurnemanF anoints him as the neC king' Parsi$al )aptiFes the repentant *un#ry, e5perien%es
the inner pea%e an# elevation o$ Ioo# Fri#ay, then again enters the temple o$ the Irail, Chere
he $in#s "m$ortas surroun#e# )y enrage# knights like a trappe#, Coun#e# animal, (he
knights Cant to $or%e him to per$orm the Irail ritual' una)le to #o so,
he implores them to kill him an# thus relieve him o$ his su$$ering' )ut at the last moment,
Parsi$al enters, heals his Coun# )y a tou%h o$ the lan%e 1/(he Coun# is heale# only )y the
spear that smote you/2, pro%laims himsel$ the neC king an# or#ers the Irail to remain
reveale# $orever, Chile *un#ry silently #rops #ea#, 0oC %an one avoi# here, as a $irst
spontaneous rea%tion, the amaFement over su%h a strange set o$ %entral %hara%ters e5presse#
)y (homas ;ann 1among others2E /8ne a#van%e# an# o$$ensive #egenerate a$ter anotherE a
sel$-%astrate# magi%ian' a #esperate #ou)le personality, %ompose# o$ a .ir%e an# a repentant
;ag#alene, Cith %atalepti% transition stages' a lovesi%k high-priest, aCaiting the re#emption
that is to %ome to him in the person o$ a %haste youth' the youth himsel$, <pure< $ool an#

(he Cay to intro#u%e some or#er into this apparent mess is )y simple re$eren%e to the $our
elements o$ the -a%anian #is%ourse-matri5E the maime# king "m$ortas as S1, the ;aster' the
magi%ian *lingsor as the sem)lan%e o$ knoCle#ge, S4 1the sem)lan%e pertaining to *lingsor<s
status is atteste# to )y the phantasmagori%al %hara%ter o$ his magi% %astleE as soon as Parsi$al
makes the sign o$ the %ross, it %ollapses2'
*un#ry as N, the split hysteri%al Coman 1Chat she
#eman#s $rom the other is pre%isely to re$use her #eman#, i,e,, to resist her %onDuest2'
Parsi$al, the /pure $ool,/ as ob(et petit a, the o)je%t-%ause o$ *un#ry<s #esire, yet totally
insensitive to $eminine %harms,
(he $urther un%anny $eature is the la%k o$ any proper a%tion
in the opera, 3hat a%tually takes pla%e is a su%%ession o$ negative or empty, purely sym)oli%
gesturesE Parsi$alfails to understand the ritual' he refuses *un#ry<s a#van%es' he makes the
sign o$ the %ross Cith the spear' he proclaims himsel$ king, (herein %onsists the most su)lime
#imension o$ $arsifalE it #ispenses Cholly Cith the usual /a%tion/ 1Cith positively /#oing
something/2 an# limits itsel$ to the most elementary opposition )etCeen the a%t o$
renun%iation R re$usal an# the empty sym)oli% gesture,
Parsi$al makes tCo #e%isive gesturesE
in a%t 4 he reje%ts *un#ry<s a#van%es, an# in a%t 3, in Chat is perhaps the %ru%ial turning point
o$ the opera, he pro%laims himsel$ king, a%%ompanie# )y the $our$ol# )eat o$ the #rum 1/,,,that
he may greet me to#ay as king/2, +n the $irst %ase, Ce have the a%t Dua repetition )y means o$
Chi%h Parsi$al i#enti$ies Cith "m$ortas<s su$$ering, taking it upon himsel$' in the se%on# %ase,
Ce have the a%t Dua per$ormative )y means o$ Chi%h Parsi$al assumes the sym)oli% man#ate
o$ the king, the keeper o$ the Irail,
So, Chat %an this set o$ e%%entri%s an# their 1non-2 #ee#s
tell usK
I A6 Going to Tal4 to You a/out the %a6ella555
-et us )egin )y taking a %loser look at the mysterious Coun# Chi%h prevents "m$ortas $rom
$in#ing pea%e in #eath, (his Coun#, o$ %ourse, is another name $or its opposite, $or a %ertain
surplus o$ (ouissance, (o #elineate more pre%isely its %ontours, let us take as our starting point
a neC )ook on -a%an, 9i%har# Gooth)y *eath and *esire,
+ts %entral thesis, although
ultimately $alse, is #eeply satis$ying in the sense o$ a #eman# $or symmetryE it is as i$ it
provi#es the missing element o$ a puFFle, (he tria# +maginary-9eal-Sym)oli% ren#ers the
$un#amental %oor#inates o$ the -a%anian theoreti%al spa%e' )ut these three #imensions %an
never )e %on%eive# simultaneously, in pure syn%hroni%ity, i,e,, one is alCays $or%e# to %hoose
one pair at a time 1as Cith *ierkegaar#<s tria# o$ the aestheti%al-ethi%alreligious2E the
Sym)oli% versus the +maginary, the 9eal versus the Sym)oli%, (he hitherto pre#ominating
interpretations o$ -a%an ten#e# to a%%ent either the a5is +maginary-Sym)oli% 1sym)oliFation,
sym)oli% realiFation, against imaginary sel$-#e%eption in the -a%an o$ the $i$ties2 or the a5is
Sym)oli%-9eal 1the traumati% en%ounter o$ the 9eal as the point at Chi%h sym)oliFation $ails
in the late -a%an2, 3hat Gooth)y o$$ers as a key to the entire -a%anian theoreti%al e#i$i%e is
simply the thir#, not yet e5ploite# a5isE the +maginary versus the 9eal, (hat is to say,
a%%or#ing to Gooth)y, the theory o$ the mirror-stage is not only %hronologi%ally -a%an<s $irst
%ontri)ution to psy%hoanalysis )ut #esignates also the original $a%t Chi%h #e$ines the status o$
manE the alienation in the mirror image, #ue to man<s premature )irth an# his R her
helplessness in the $irst years o$ li$e, this $i5ation on imago interrupts the supple li$e-$loC, it
intro#u%es an irre#u%i)le )Jan%e, gap, separating $orever the imaginary ego-- the Cholesome
yet immo)ile mirror image, a kin# o$ halte# %inemati% pi%ture-- $rom the polymorphous,
%haoti% sprout o$ )o#ily #rives-- the real +#, From this perspe%tive, the Sym)oli% is o$ a
stri%tly se%on#ary nature Cith regar# to the original tension )etCeen the +maginary an# the
9ealE its pla%e is the voi# opene# up )y the e5%lusion o$ the polymorphous Cealth o$ )o#ily
#rives, Sym)oliFation #esignates the su)je%t<s en#eavor, alCays $ragmentary an# ultimately
#oome# to $ail, to )ring to the light o$ the #ay, )y Cay o$ sym)oli% representatives, the 9eal
o$ )o#ily #rives e5%lu#e# )y imaginary i#enti$i%ation' it is there$ore a kin# o$ %ompromise-
$ormation )y Cay o$ Chi%h the su)je%t integrates $ragments o$ the ostra%iFe# 9eal,
+n this sense, Gooth)y interprets the #eath-#rive as the reemergen%e o$
Chat Cas ostra%iFe# Chen the ego %onstitute# itsel$ )y Cay o$ imaginary i#enti$i%ationE the
return o$ the polymorphous impulses is e5perien%e# )y the ego as a mortal threat, sin%e it
a%tually entails the #issolution o$ its imaginary i#entity, (he $ore%lose# 9eal thus returns in
tCo mo#esE as a Cil#, #estru%tive, nonsym)oliFe# raging, or in the $orm o$ sym)oli%
me#iation, i,e,, /su)late#/ 1aufgehoben2 in the sym)oli% me#ium, (he elegan%e o$ Gooth)y<s
theory turns on interpreting the #eath-#rive as its very oppositeE as the return o$ the li$e-$or%e,
o$ the part o$ +# e5%lu#e# )y the imposition o$ the petri$ie# mask o$ the ego, (hus, Chat
reemerges in the /#eath-#rive/ is ultimately life itself, an# the $a%t that the ego per%eives this
return as a #eath threat pre%isely %on$irms the ego<s perverte# /repressive/ %hara%ter, (he
/#eath-#rive/ means that li$e itsel$ re)els against the egoE the true representative o$ #eath is
ego itsel$, as the petri$ie# imago Chi%h interrupts the $loC o$ li$e,
"gainst this )a%kgroun#, Gooth)y also reinterprets -a%an<s #istin%tion )etCeen the tCo
#eathsE the $irst #eath is the #eath o$ the ego, the #issolution o$ its imaginary i#enti$i%ations,
Chereas the se%on# #eath #esignates the interruption o$ the pre-sym)oli% li$e-$loC itsel$,
0ere, hoCever, pro)lems )egin Cith this otherCise simple an# elegant %onstru%tionE the pri%e
to )e pai# is that -a%an<s theoreti%al e#i$i%e is ultimately re#u%e# to the opposition Chi%h
%hara%teriFes the $iel# o$ Lebensphilosophie, i,e,, to the opposition )etCeen an original
polymorphous li$e-$or%e an# its later %oagulation, %on$inement to the Pro%rustian )e# o$
imagos, For this reason, Gooth)y<s s%heme has no pla%e $or the $un#amental -a%anian insight
a%%or#ing to Chi%h the sym)oli% or#er /stan#s $or #eath/ in the pre%ise sense o$ /morti$ying/
the real o$ the )o#y, o$ su)or#inating it to a $oreign automatism, o$ pertur)ing its /natural,/
instin%tual rhythm, thereby producing the surplus of desire, i.e., desire ,S a surplusE the very
sym)oli% ma%hine Chi%h /morti$ies/ the living )o#y pro#u%es )y the same token the opposite
o$ morti$i%ation, the immortal #esire, the 9eal o$ /pure li$e/ Chi%h elu#es sym)oliFation,
(o %lari$y this point, let us turn to an e5ample Chi%h, in a $irst approa%h, may seem to %on$irm
Gooth)y<s thesisE 3agner Tristan und Isolde, 3hat pre%ise e$$e%t #oes the philtre provi#e# )y
+sol#e<s $aith$ul mai# GrangZne have on the $uture loversK /3agner never inten#s to imply
that the love o$ (ristan an# +sol#e is the physical conse6uence o$ the philtre, )ut only that the
pair, having #runk Chat they imagine to )e the #raught o$ Death an# )elieving that they have
looke# upon earth an# sea an# sky $or the last time,
$eel themselves $ree to %on$ess, Chen the potion )egins its Cork Cithin them, the love they
have so long $elt )ut have %on%eale# $rom ea%h other an# almost $rom themselves,/
point is, there$ore, that a$ter #rinking the philtre, (ristan an# +sol#e $in# themselves in the
#omain /)etCeen the tCo #eaths,/ alive, yet #elivere# o$ all sym)oli% ties, +nly in such a
sub(ective position are they able to confess their love, +n other Cor#s, the /magi%al e$$e%t/ o$
the philtre is simply to suspen# the /)ig 8ther,/ the sym)oli% reality o$ so%ial o)ligations
1honors, voCs,,,2, Does this thesis not $ully a%%or# Cith Gooth)y<s vieC o$ the #omain
/)etCeen the tCo #eaths/ as the spa%e Chere imaginary i#enti$i%ation, as Cell as the sym)oli%
i#entities atta%he# to it, are all invali#ate#, so that the e5%lu#e# 9eal 1pure li$e-#rive2 %an
emerge in all its $or%e, although in the $orm o$ its opposite, the #eath-#riveK "%%or#ing to
3agner himsel$, the passion o$ (ristan an# +sol#e e5presses the longing $or the /eternal
pea%e/ o$ #eath, (he trap to )e avoi#e# here, hoCever, is %on%eiving o$ this pure li$e-#rive as
a su)stantial entity su)sisting prior to its )eing %apture# in the sym)oli% netCorkE this /opti%al
illusion/ ren#ers invisi)le hoC it is the very me#iation o$ the sym)oli% or#er that trans$orms
the organi% /instin%t/ into an unDuen%ha)le longing Chi%h %an $in# sola%e only in #eath, +n
other Cor#s, this /pure li$e/ )eyon# #eath, this longing that rea%hes )eyon# the %ir%uit o$
generation an# %orruption, is it not the product o$ sym)oliFation, so that sym)oliFation itsel$
engen#ers the surplus Chi%h es%apes itK Gy %on%eiving o$ the sym)oli% or#er as an agen%y
Chi%h $ills out the gap )etCeen the +maginary an# the 9eal opene# up )y the mirror-
i#enti$i%ation, Gooth)y avoi#s its %onstitutive para#o5E the Sym)oli% itsel$ opens up the
Coun# it pro$esses to heal,
3hat one shoul# #o here, in the spa%e o$ a more #etaile# theoreti%al ela)oration, is to
approa%h in a neC Cay the -a%an-0ei#egger relationship, +n the $i$ties, -a%an en#eavore# to
rea# the /#eath-#rive/ against the )a%kgroun# o$ 0ei#egger<s /)eing-toCar#-#eath/ 1Sein7
4um7Tode2, %on%eiving o$ #eath as the inherent an# ultimate limit o$ sym)oliFation, Chi%h
a%%ounts $or its irre#u%i)le temporal %hara%ter, 3ith -a%an<s shi$t toCar# the 9eal $rom the
si5ties onCar#, it is the in#estru%ti)le li$e sprouting in the #omain /)etCeen the tCo #eaths/
that emerges as the ultimate o)je%t o$ horror, -a%an #elineates its %ontours toCar# the en# o$
%hapter 17, o$ his "our "undamental &oncepts of $sycho7,nalysis Chere he proposes his oCn
myth, %onstru%te# upon the mo#el o$ "ristophanes< $a)le $rom Plato Symposium, the myth o$
l2hommelette 1little $emale-man-- omelette
3henever the mem)ranes o$ the egg in Chi%h the $oetus emerges on its Cay to )e%oming a
neC-)orn are )roken, imagine $or a moment that something $lies o$$, an# that one %an #o it
Cith an egg as easily as Cith a man, namely the hommelette, or the lamella,
(he lamella is something e5tra-$lat, Chi%h moves like the amoe)a, +t is just a little more
%ompli%ate#, Gut it goes everyChere, "n# as it is something,,,that is relate# to Chat the se5e#
)eing loses in se5uality, it is, like the amoe)a in relation to se5e# )eings, immortal-- )e%ause
it survives any #ivision, any s%issiparous intervention, "n# it %an run aroun#,
3ell@ (his is not very reassuring, Gut suppose it %omes an# envelopes your $a%e Chile you
are Duietly asleep,,,
+ %an<t see hoC Ce Coul# not join )attle Cith a )eing %apa)le o$ these properties, Gut it Coul#
not )e a very %onvenient )attle, (his lamella, this organ, Chose %hara%teristi% is not to e5ist,
)ut Chi%h is nevertheless an organ,,,is the li)i#o,
+t is the li)i#o, Dua pure li$e instin%t, that is to say, immortal li$e, or irrepressi)le li$e, li$e that
has nee# o$ no organ, simpli$ie#, in#estru%ti)le li$e, +t is pre%isely Chat is su)tra%te# $rom the
living )eing )y virtue o$ the $a%t that it is su)je%t to the %y%le o$ se5e# repro#u%tion, "n# it is
o$ this that all the $orms o$ the ob(et a that %an )e enumerate# are the representatives, the
eDuivalents, (he ob(ets a are merely its representatives, its $igures, (he )reast-- as eDuivo%al,
as an element %hara%teristi% o$ the mammi$erous organiFation, the pla%enta $or e5ample--
%ertainly represents that part o$ himsel$ that the in#ivi#ual loses at )irth, an# Chi%h may serve
to sym)oliFe the most pro$oun# lost o)je%t,

3hat Ce have here is an 8therness prior to intersu)je%tivityE the su)je%t<s /impossi)le/
relationship to this amoe)alike %reature is Chat -a%an is ultimately aiming at )y Cay o$ his
$ormula L a,
(he )est Cay to %lari$y this point is perhaps to alloC ourselves the string o$
popular-%ulture asso%iations that -a%an<s #es%ription must evoke, +s not the alien $rom 9i#ley
S%ott <s $ilm o$ the same title /lamella/ in its purestK "re not all the key elements o$ -a%an<s
myth %ontaine# in the $irst truly horri$ying s%ene o$ the $ilm Chen, in the Com)like %ave o$
the unknoCn planet, the /alien/ leaps $rom the egglike glo)e Chen its li# splits o$$ an# sti%ks
to Hohn 0urt<s $a%eK (his amoe)alike, $lattene# %reature, Chi%h envelops the su)je%t<s $a%e,
stan#s $or the irrepressi)le li$e )eyon# all the $inite $orms that are merely its representatives,
its $igures 1later in the $ilm, the /alien/ is a)le to assume a multitu#e o$ #i$$erent shapes2,
immortal an# in#estru%ti)le 1it su$$i%es to re%all the unpleasant thrill o$ the moment Chen a
s%ientist %uts Cith a s%alpel into a leg o$ the %reature Chi%h envelops 0urt<s $a%eE the liDui#
that #rips $rom it $alls onto the metal $loor an# %orro#es it imme#iately' nothing %an resist it2,

(he se%on# asso%iation Chi%h )rings us )a%k to 3agner is a #etail $rom Sy)er)erg $ilm
version o$ Parsi$alE Sy)er)erg #epi%ts "m$ortas<s Coun# as e5ternaliFe#, %arrie# )y the
servants on a pilloC in $ront o$ him, in the $orm o$ a vaginalike partial o)je%t out o$ Chi%h
)loo# #rips in a %ontinuous $loC 1as, vulgari elo6uentia, a vagina in an unen#ing perio#2, (his
palpitating opening-- an organ Chi%h is at the same time the entire organism 1let us just re%all
a homologous moti$ in a series o$ s%ien%e $i%tion stories, like the giganti% eye living a li$e o$
its oCn2-- this opening epitomiFes li$e in its in#estru%ti)ilityE "m$ortas<s pain %onsists in the
very $a%t that he is una)le to #ie, that he is %on#emne# to an eternal li$e o$ su$$ering' Chen, at
the en#, Parsi$al heals his Coun# Cith /the spear that smote it,/ "m$ortas is $inally a)le to rest
an# #ie, (his Coun# o$ "m$ortas<s, Chi%h persists outsi#e himsel$ as an undead thing, is the
/o)je%t o$ psy%hoanalysis,/

The 3agnerian ,erfor6ati7e
+$, then, The "lying *utchman ren#ers the $un#amental matri5 o$ 3agner<s universe-- man<s
re#emption through Coman<s sel$-sa%ri$i%e-- $arsifal, his last opera, is to )e %on%eive# as the
%on%lu#ing point o$ a series o$ variations, the same )liss$ul point o$ e5%eption as ;oFart
3agic "lute,
(he parallel )etCeen The 3agic "lute an# $arsifal is a %ommonpla%e, Su$$i%e
it to re%all a ni%e #etail $rom Gergman $ilm version o$ (he FluteE #uring the )reak )etCeen
a%ts 1 an# 4, the a%tor Cho sings Sarastro stu#ies the s%ore o$ $arsifal, +n )oth %ases, a
youth$ul, initially ignorant hero, a$ter su%%ess$ully en#uring the test, takes the pla%e o$ the ol#
ruler o$ the temple 1 Sarastro is repla%e# )y (amino an# "m$ortas )y Parsi$al2' Ha%Dues
.hailley even %ompose# a uniDue narrative in Chi%h all Ce have to #o in or#er to o)tain the
story o$ either The 3agic "lute or $arsifal is to insert the proper varia)lesE /1 Parsi$al R
(amino2, a prin%e $rom the :ast, has le$t his 1mother R $ather2 in sear%h o$ the unknoCn
1knights R king#om2,/ et%,
3hat is even more %ru%ial than these parallels in the narrative
%ontent is the initiatory %hara%-
ter o$ )oth operasE events Chi%h, at $irst glan%e, are nothing )ut meaningless peripeteias
1 Parsi$al<s )ringing #oCn o$ the sCan, (amino<s $ight Cith the #ragon, the momentary loss o$
%ons%iousness Chi%h $olloCs this %on$rontation' et%,2 )e%ome intelligi)le the moment Ce
%on%eive o$ them as elements o$ an initiatory ritual, +n )oth The 3agic "lute an# $arsifal, the
pri%e to )e pai# $or the reversal into )liss is thus the /transu)stantiation/ o$ the a%tionE
e5ternal events %hange into mysterious signs to )e #e%iphere#, ;ost interpreters $all into this
trap o$ allegoriFation an# try to provi#e a se%ret %o#e $or the rea#ing o$ $arsifal 1 .hailley
sees in it the staging o$ the Free ;asoni% initiatory ritual, Chile 9o)ert Donnington o$$ers a
Hungian rea#ingE $arsifal is an allegory o$ the transmutations o$ the hero<s psy%he, o$ his inner
journey $rom the initial )reaking out o$ the in%estuous %losure to the $inal re%on%iliation Cith
the /eternally $eminine/' et%,2, 8ur aim, hoCever, is to resist the temptation o$ #e%o#ing,
0oC, then, are Ce to pro%ee#K
8ne Cay is o$$ere# )y the -Jvi-Straussian #i$$erential approa%hE our attention shoul# $o%us on
those $eatures Chi%h #i$$erentiate $arsifal $rom 3agner<s previous operas, as Cell as $rom the
tra#itional version o$ the Irail myth, (he #i$$eren%e $rom the *utchman is that here the
su$$ering hero-- the Fisher *ing "m$ortas-- is #elivere# )y a /pure $ool,/ Parsi$al, not )y the
Coman, 3hen%e the #i$$eren%e, the misogynist reversalK (he main enigma o$-- an# at the
same time the key to-- 3agner $arsifal is that 3agner leaves une5ploite# the %ru%ial
%omponent o$ the original legen# o$ Parsi$al, the so-%alle# Tuestion (est, "%%or#ing to the
original legen#, Chen Parsi$al $irst Citnesses the Irail %eremony, he is perple5e# )y Chat he
sees-- the maime# king, the #isplay o$ a strange, magi% vessel-- )ut out o$ respe%t an#
%onsi#eration he a)stains $rom inDuiring a)out the meaning o$ it all, -ater, he learns that he
there)y %ommitte# a $ate$ul mistakeE Cere he to ask "m$ortas Chat is Crong Cith him an# $or
Chom the Irail is inten#e#, "m$ortas Coul# )e #elivere# $rom his torment, "$ter a series o$
or#eals, Parsi$al again visits the Fisher *ing, asks the proper Duestion, an# thus #elivers him,
Furthermore, 3agner simpli$ies the Irail %eremony )y re#u%ing it to the #isplay o$ the Irail
vessel, 0e leaves out the original legen#<s un%anny #reamlike s%ene in Chi%h a young sDuire
$ranti%ally an# repeate#ly runs a%ross the hall o$ the Fisher *ing<s %astle #uring the #inner,
#isplaying the lan%e Cith #rops o$ )loo# #ripping $rom its point an# thus provoking ritualisti%
%ries o$ horror an# grie$ $rom the atten#ing knights,
3hat Ce have here is the %ompulsive-neuroti% ritual in its purest $orm, similar to that o$ a
thirty-year-ol# marrie# Coman, note# )y Freu#E /She
ran $rom her room into another neigh)ouring one, took up a parti%ular position there )esi#e a
ta)le that stoo# in the mi##le, rang the )ell $or her housemai#, sent her on some in#i$$erent
erran# or let her go Cithout one, an# then ran )a%k into her oCn room,/
(he interpretationE
#uring her Ce##ing night, her hus)an# ha# )een impotent' he ha# %ome running repeate#ly
$rom his room into hers to try on%e more, ?e5t morning, out o$ shame that the housemai#
Coul# not $in# tra%es o$ )loo# 1the sign o$ his su%%ess in #e$loCering the )ri#e2, he poure#
some re# ink over the sheet, (he key to the present ritualisti% symptom is that on a ta)le
)esi#e Chi%h the Coman statione# hersel$ Cas a )ig stain, Gy taking up this strange position,
the Coman Cante# to prove to the 8ther<s gaFe 1epitomiFe# )y the housemai#2 that /the stain
is there,/ i,e,, her aim Cas literally to attra%t the 8ther<s gaFe to a %ertain stain, a little
$ragment o$ the real Chi%h proves the hus)an#<s se5ual poten%y, 1"t the time that the
symptom o%%urre#, the Coman Cas in the pro%ess o$ o)taining a #ivor%e $rom her hus)an#E
the aim o$ the symptom Cas to prote%t him $rom mali%ious gossip a)out the true %ause o$ the
#ivor%e, i,e,, to prevent the 8ther $rom registering his impoten%e,2 "n#, perhaps, the
%ompulsive #isplaying o$ the )lee#ing lan%e in the tra#itional version o$ the Parsi$al myth is
to )e rea# along the same lines, as proo$ o$ the *ing<s poten%y 1i$ Ce a%%ept the interpretation
o$ the )lee#ing lan%e as the %on#ensation o$ tCo opposing $eaturesE not only the Ceapon
Chi%h #eals the Coun# an# thus %auses the *ing<s paralysis, )ut at the same time the phallus
Chi%h, as is proven )y the )loo# on its tip, su%%ess$ully per$orme# the #e$loCering2,
Gy virtue o$ the Tuestion (est, $arsifal $un%tions as a %omplementary opposite to 3agner
Lohengrin, the opera %entere# on the theme o$ the $or)i##en Duestion, i,e,, on the para#o5 o$
sel$-#estru%tive $emale %uriosity, +n Lohengrin, a nameless hero saves :lsa von Gra)ant an#
marries her, )ut enjoins her not to ask him Cho he is or Chat his name is' as soon as she #oes
so, he Cill )e o)lige# to leave her 1the $amous air solst du mich befragen% $rom a%t 12,
Una)le to resist temptation, :lsa asks him the $ate$ul Duestion' so, in an even more $amous air
1 %In fernem Land,% a%t 32, -ohengrin tells her that he is a knight o$ the Irail, the son o$
Parsi$al $rom the %astle o$ ;ontsalvat, an# then #eparts on a sCan, Chile the un$ortunate :lsa
$alls #ea#,
0oC not to re%all here Superman or Gatman, Chere Ce $in# the same logi%E in
)oth %ases, the Coman has a presentiment that her partner 1the %on$use# journalist in
Superman, the e%%entri% millionaire in Gatman2 is really the mysterious pu)li% hero, )ut the
partner puts o$$ as long
as possi)le the moment o$ revelation, 3hat Ce have here is a kin# o$ $or%e# %hoi%e attesting
to the #imension o$ %astrationE man is split, #ivi#e# into the Ceak every#ay $elloC Cith Chom
a se5ual relation is possi)le an# the )earer o$ the sym)oli% man#ate, the pu)li% hero 1knight o$
the Irail, Superman, Gatman2, 3e are thus o)lige# to %hooseE i$ Ce are to maintain the
possi)ility o$ se5ual relation, Ce have to a)stain $rom pro)ing into our partner<s /true
i#entity/' as soon as Ce $or%e the se5ual partner to reveal his sym)oli% i#entity, Ce are )oun#
to lose him,
0ere, it Coul# )e possi)le to arti%ulate a general theory o$ the /3agnerian
per$ormative/ rea%hing $rom The "lying *utchman 1Chen, at its en#, the o$$en#e# unknoCn
%aptain pu)li%ly announ%es that he is the /$lying Dut%hman/ Can#ering the o%eans $or
%enturies in sear%h o$ a $aith$ul Ci$e, Senta throCs hersel$ $rom a %li$$ to her #eath2 to
$arsifal 1Chen Parsi$al takes over the $un%tion o$ the king an# reveals the Irail, *un#ry
#rops #ea#2, +n all these %ases, the per$ormative gesture )y means o$ Chi%h the hero openly
assumes his sym)oli% man#ate, revealing his sym)oli% i#entity, proves in%ompati)le Cith the
very )eing o$ Coman, (he para#o5 o$ $arsifal, hoCever, %on%erns its reversal o$ the Tuestion
(est in LohengrinE the $ate$ul %onseDuen%es o$ a failure to ask the reDuire# Duestion,
are Ce to interpret itK
(eyond the ,hallus
3hat Ce en%ounter in the Tuestion (est is a pure %ase o$ the logi% o$ the symptom in its
relationship to the )ig 8ther Dua sym)oli% or#erE the )o#ily Coun#-- symptom-- %an )e heale#
)y )eing put into Cor#s' i,e,, the sym)oli% or#er %an pro#u%e an e$$e%t upon the real, Parsi$al
thus stan#s $or the )ig 8ther in its ignorant neutralityE the enun%iation o$ a simple /3hat<s
Crong Cith youK/, someChat like Gugs Gunny<s $amous /3hat<s up, Do%K/, Coul# trigger the
avalan%he o$ sym)oliFation an# the king<s Coun# Coul# )e heale# )y )eing integrate# into the
sym)oli% universe, i,e,, )y Cay o$ its sym)oli% realiFation,
Perhaps a symptom, in its most
elementary #e$inition, is not a Duestion Cithout an ansCer )ut rather an ansCer Cithout its
Duestion, i,e,, )ere$t o$ its proper sym)oli% %onte5t, (his Duestion %annot )e aske# )y the
knights themselves, it must %ome $rom outsi#e, $rom some)o#y Cho epitomiFes the )ig 8ther
in its )lesse# ignoran%e, 8ne is tempte# to evoke an every#ay e5perien%eE a stu$$y atmosphere
in a %lose# %ommunity Chere the tension is su##enly )roken on%e a stranger asks the naive
Duestion a)out Chat is a%tually going on,

=et 3agner le$t this line une5ploite#E ChyK (he $irst, super$i%ial yet Duite a%%urate ansCer isE
the se%on# a%t, (hat is to say, it Coul# )e easy to transpose the tra#itional myth into an opera
in tCo a%ts' Chat takes pla%e )etCeen ;oFart an# 3agner is simply the se%on# a%tE )etCeen
;oFart<s tra#itional tCo a%ts 1the $ormula $olloCe# also )y Geethoven in "idelio2 %reeps in
another a%t, an# it is here, in the se%on# a%t 1o$ Lohengrin, !alkyre, The Twilight of the ods,
$arsifal,,,2, that the %ru%ial shi$t o%%urs, namely the step into /hysteri%iFation/ Chi%h %on$ers
on the a%tion the /mo#ern/ tou%h,
8ne is thus even tempte# to arrange the inherent logi% o$
the three a%ts o$ $arsifal )y re$eren%e to -a%anian logi%al time,
(he $irst a%t involves the
/instant o$ looking/E Parsi$al looks, Citnesses the ritual, )ut un#erstan#s nothing' the se%on#
a%t marks the /time $or un#erstan#ing/E through meeting *un#ry, Parsi$al per%eives the
meaning o$ "m$ortas<s su$$ering' the thir# a%t )rings a)out the /moment $or %on%lu#ing,/ the
per$ormative #e%isionE Parsi$al #elivers "m$ortas $rom his su$$ering an# takes his pla%e,
(he %ause o$ this interpolation o$ a supplementary a%t is a %ertain %hange in the status o$ the
)ig 8ther,
+n 3agner, the /pure $ool/ Parsi$al is no longer a stan#-in $or the )ig 8ther, )ut--
ChatK 0ere, a %omparison )etCeen $arsifal an# The 3agic "lute %an )e o$ some help, +n The
3agic "lute the ol# king Sarastro retires in $ull splen#or an# #ignity, Chereas in $arsifal,
"m$ortas is maime# an# there$ore una)le to o$$i%iate, to per$orm his-- let us say--
)ureau%rati% #uty' The 3agic "lute is a hymn to the )ourgeois %ouple in Chi%h,
notCithstan#ing the numerous male-%hauvinist /Cis#oms,/ it is ultimately the Coman--
Pamina-- Cho lea#s her man through the $ire-an#-Cater or#eal, Chereas in $arsifal Coman is
reje%te#-- the hero<s %apa%ity to resist her is pre%isely Chat is at stake in the or#eal, 1"lso in
The 3agic "lute, (amino<s %ru%ial test %on%erns his a)ility to keep his silen%e Chen $a%e#
Cith Pamina<s #esperate pleas an# thus to en#ure her sym)oli% loss' yet this loss $un%tions as a
step toCar# the %onstitution o$ the %ouple,2
+n $arsifal, the Coman is literally re#u%e# to a
symptom o$ man-- she is %aught in a %atalepti% torpor, arouse# only )y her master<s voi%e or
/3oman is a symptom o$ man/ seems to )e one o$ the most notoriously /anti$eminist/ theses
o$ -a%an, Gut a $un#amental am)iguity arises $rom this thesis, re$le%ting the shi$t in the
notion o$ the symptom Cithin -a%anian theory, +$ Ce %on%eive o$ the symptom as a ciphered
message, then, o$ %ourse, Coman-symptom appears as the sign, the em)o#iment o$ ;an<s
Fall, attesting to the $a%t that ;an /gave Cay as to his #esire,/ For Freu#, the symptom is a
%ompromise-$ormationE in the symptom, the su)je%t gets )a%k, in the $orm o$ a %iphere#,
unre%ogniFe# message, the truth a)out his #esire, the truth that he )etraye# or Cas not a)le to
%on$ront, So, i$ Ce rea# the thesis /3oman is a symptom o$ man/ against this )a%kgroun#, Ce
inevita)ly approa%h the position that Cas most $or%e$ully arti%ulate# )y 8tto 3eininger,
Freu#<s %ontemporary, a notorious Uiennese anti$eminist an# anti-Semite $rom the turn o$ the
%entury, Cho Crote the e5tremely in$luential )estseller Se8 and &haracter
an# then
%ommitte# sui%i#e at the age o$ tCenty-$our, 3eininger<s position is that, a%%or#ing to her
very ontologi%al status, Coman is nothing )ut a materialiFation o$ man<s SinE in hersel$, she
#oesn<t e5ist, Chi%h is Chy the proper Cay to )e ri# o$ her is not to $ight her a%tively or to
#estroy her' it is enough $or ;an to puri$y his #esire, to rise to pure spirituality, an#,
automati%ally, Coman loses the groun# un#er her $eet, she #isintegrates, ?o Con#er, then,
that 3agner $arsifal Cas the )asi% re$eren%e $or 3eininger an# that 3agner Cas $or him the
greatest man a$ter .hristE Chen Parsi$al puri$ies his #esire an# reje%ts *un#ry, she loses her
spee%h, %hanges into a mute sha#oC an# $inally #rops #ea#-- proo$ that she e5iste# only
inso$ar as she attra%te# the male gaFe,
(his tra#ition, Chi%h may appear e5travagant an# out#ate#, reemerge# more re%ently in film
noir, Chere the femme fatale also %hanges into a $ormless, mu%uous slime Cithout proper
ontologi%al %onsisten%y the moment the har#-)oile# hero reje%ts her, i,e,, )reaks her spell
upon him, 3itness the $inal %on$rontation o$ Sam Spa#e Cith Grigi# 8<Shaughnessy in
0ammett 3altese "alcon, 3e have thus the male Corl# o$ pure spirituality an# un#istorte#
%ommuni%ation, %ommuni%ation Cithout %onstraint 1i$ Ce may )e permitte# to use this
0a)ermasian syntagm2, the universe o$ i#eal intersu)je%tivity, an# 3oman is not an e5ternal,
a%tive %ause Chi%h lures ;an into Fall' she is just a conse6uence, a result, a materialiFation o$
;an<s $all, So, Chen ;an puri$ies his #esire o$ the pathologi%al remain#ers, 3oman
#isintegrates in pre%isely the same Cay as a symptom #issolves a$ter su%%ess$ul interpretation,
a$ter Ce have sym)oliFe# its represse# meaning, Does not -a%an<s other notorious thesis-- the
%laim that /3oman #oesn<t e5ist/-- point in the same #ire%tionK 3oman #oesn<t e5ist in
hersel$, as a positive entity Cith $ull ontologi%al %onsisten%y, )ut only as a symptom o$ ;an,
3eininger Cas also Duite outspoken a)out the #esire %ompromise# or )etraye# Chen ;an
$alls prey to a ComanE the #eath#rive, "$ter all the talk a)out man<s superior spirituality,
Chi%h is ina%%essi-
)le to Comen, et%,, he proposes, in the last pages o$ Se8 and &haracter, %olle%tive sui%i#e as
the only path o$ salvation open $or humanity,
+$, hoCever, Ce %on%eive the symptom as it Cas arti%ulate# in -a%an<s last Critings an#
seminars-- as, $or e5ample, Chen he speaks a)out /Hoy%ethe-symptom/-- namely, as a
parti%ular signi$ying $ormation Chi%h %on$ers on the su)je%t its very ontologi%al %onsisten%y,
ena)ling it to stru%ture its )asi%, %onstitutive relationship toCar# (ouissance, then the entire
relationship )etCeen the symptom an# the su)je%t is reverse#E i$ the symptom is #issolve#,
the su)je%t loses the groun# un#er his $eet, he #isintegrates, +n this sense, /3oman is a
symptom o$ man/ means that 3an himself e8ists only through woman 6ua his symptomE all
his ontologi%al %onsisten%y hangs on, is suspen#e# $rom, is /e5ternaliFe#/ in his symptom, +n
other Cor#s, man literally e87sistsE his entire )eing lies /out there,/ in Coman, 3oman, on the
other han#, #oes not e5ist, she insists, Chi%h is Chy she #oes not %ome to )e only through
man, Something in her es%apes the relation to ;an, the re$eren%e to the phalli% enjoyment'
an#, as is Cell knoCn, -a%an en#eavore# to %apture this e5%ess )y the notion o$ a /non7all%
feminine (ouissance,
(his, hoCever, opens up the possi)ility o$ a #i$$erent rea#ing o$
$arsifalE Sy)er)erg Cas again right Chen, a$ter the %ru%ial moment o$ %onversion 1i,e,, a$ter
Parsi$al re$uses *un#ry<s kiss2, he repla%e# the male a%tor playing Parsi$al Cith a Coman,
3oman is the symptom o$ man, %aught in the hysteri%al game o$ #eman#ing that he re$use her
#eman#, pre%isely to the e5tent to Chi%h she is su)mitte# to the phalli% enjoyment, 3agner<s
$un#amental matri5 appears there)y in a #i$$erent perspe%tiveE woman redeems man by
renouncing phallic en(oyment,
13hat Ce have here is the e5a%t opposite to 3eininger
Chere man re#eems-#estroys Coman )y over%oming his phalli%ity,2 (his is Chat 3agner Cas
not a)le to %on$ront, an# the pri%e to )e pai# $or this avoi#an%e $ully to assume the
/$eminiFation/ o$ Parsi$al a$ter he enters the #omain /)eyon# the phallus/ Cas the $all into

;ore pre%isely, Chat 3agner Cas not a)le to %on$ront is the /$eminine/ nature o$ Parsi$al<s
i#enti$i%ation Cith "m$ortas at the moment o$ *un#ry<s kissE $ar $rom )eing re#u%i)le to a
%ase o$ su%%ess$ul 1sym)oli%2 %ommuni%ation, this /%ompassion/ is $oun#e# on the
i#enti$i%ation Cith the real o$ "m$ortas<s su$$ering' it involves the repetition o$ "m$ortas<s
pain in the *ierkegaar#ian sense,
8n that a%%ount, Sy)er)erg<s #e%ision to alternate tCo
a%tors, a male an# a $emale, in the role o$ Parsi$al shoul# in no Cay trap us into the Hungian
i#eology o$ hermaphro#itism a%%or#ing to Chi%h the $igure o$ mature Parsi$al stan#s $or the
re%on%iliation )etCeen male an#
$emale /prin%iples,/ (his alternation $un%tions instea# as a %riti%al sting aime# at 3agner, a
remin#er that $arsifal is not feasible as a uni6ue, psychologically %coherent% personalityE

he is split into himsel$ an# /Chat is in him more than himsel$,/ his su)lime sha#oCy #ou)le
1 Parsi$al-Coman $irst appears in the )a%kgroun# as the ethereal #ou)le o$ Parsi$al-man an#
then gra#ually takes over his pla%e2,
+n the %ourse o$ this transmutation the voice remains
the same 1 Parsi$al %ontinues to )e sung )y a tenor2' Ce thus o)tain a kin# o$ negative o$
?orman-;rs, Gates $rom 0it%h%o%k $sychoE the monstrous apparition o$ an apatheti%ally %ol#
Coman using a man<s voi%e 1the true opposite to the %ari%ature image o$ a transvestite, o$ a
man #ressing up as a Coman an# imitating the heightene# $eminine voi%e2, Sy)er)erg<s
Parsi$al-Coman is a man Cho has %ast o$$ the phalli% sem)lan%e, like a snake getting ri# o$ its
skin, 3hat is su)verte# there)y is the i#eology o$ /$emininity as masDuera#e/ a%%or#ing to
Chi%h man is /man as su%h,/ the em)o#iment o$ the human genus, Chereas Coman is a man
$rom Chom something is missing 1Cho is /%astrate#/2 an# Cho resorts to masDuera#e in or#er
to %on%eal this la%k, Gut, on the %ontrary, it is the phallus, the phalli% pre#i%ate, Chose status
is that o$ a sem)lan%e, so that Chen Ce throC o$$ its mask, a Coman appears,
0ere, again, the key is provi#e# )y %omparison Cith the history o$ the operaE in Ilu%k,
8rpheus is sung )y a Coman, an# this se5ual am)iguity %ontinues up through ;oFart in
Chose Le .o44e di "igaro the role o$ .heru)ino, the prin%ipal rival an# /o)stru%tionist/ o$ the
.ount, this agent o$ pure se5uality, is sung )y a soprano,
Perhaps Ce %oul# %on%eive the
%ouple "m$ortas-Parsi$al as the last permutation o$ the %ouple .ount.heru)inoE in Le .o44e,
the %ounterpoint to the .ount 1to this helpless, yet in no Cay %ripple#, )ut Duite on the
%ontrary prepotent ;aster2 is a man with a feminine voice, Chereas in $arsifal, the
%ounterpoint to the maime# king "m$ortas is a woman with a masculine voice, (his %hange
alloCs us to measure the histori%al shi$t that separates the en# o$ the eighteenth %entury $rom
the en# o$ the nineteenth %enturyE the o)je%tal surplus Chi%h sti%ks out $rom the
intersu)je%tive netCork is no longer the elusive sem)lan%e o$ pure phalli% se5uality
rather the em)o#iment o$ the saintly-as%eti% (ouissance )eyon# phallus,
&afe:4ee<ing God?s )ouissane
(he parallel )etCeen the gestures o$ Ira%e preventing the hero<s sui%i#e in The 3agic "lute
an# in $arsifal shoul# there$ore not )lin# us to the %ru%ial
#i$$eren%eE in $arsifal, the su)je%tiviFation is stri%tly perverse, it eDuals its opposite, namely
sel$-o)je%tiviFation, %on%eiving onesel$ as an instrument o$ the (ouissance o$ the )ig 8ther, +t
is here, in this notion o$ the 8ther<s (ouissance, that Ce shoul# seek the roots o$ 3agner<s anti-
SemitismE Chat he resiste# Cas the i#ea o$ a $ormal, empty -aC, i,e,, the HeCish prohi)ition
to $ill out Io#<s ?ame Cith a positive %ontent, "s -a%an put it, pre-HeCish, pagan Io#s
)elong to the 9ealE Ce gain a%%ess to them only through sa%re# (ouissance 1ritualisti% orgies2'
their #omain is that o$ the Unnamea)le, 3hat the HeCish religion a%%omplishes is the ra#i%al
eva%uation o$ (ouissance $rom the #ivine #omain, the %ru%ial %onseDuen%e o$ Chi%h is a kin#
o$ re$le%tive reversal o$ the prohi)itionE the prohi)ition to name the #ivinesa%re# 9eal is
inverte# into the prohi)ition to $ill out Io#<s ?ame Cith a positive )earer, Cith 0is image, +n
short, Chat is noC prohi)ite# is not naming the unnamea)le 9eal )ut atta%hing to the ?ame
any positive realityE the .ame must remain empty, (his reversal %on%erns, among other
things, the very notion o$ #emo%ra%yE as Cas shoCn )y .lau#e -e$ort, #emo%ra%y implies the
#istin%tion )etCeen the empty sym)oli% lo%us o$ poCer an# the reality o$ those Cho,
temporarily, e5er%ise poCer' $or #emo%ra%y to $un%tion, the lo%us o$ poCer must remain
empty' no)o#y is alloCe# to present himsel$ as possessing the imme#iate, natural right to
e5er%ise poCer,
"n# the i#ea o$ the Irail as the vessel %ontaining the )loo# o$ .hrist has to
)e rea# against this )a%kgroun#E this )loo# Chi%h %ontinues to shine an# give li$e, Chat is it
ultimately i$ not the /little piece of the real% which immediately legitimi4es power, i,e,, Chi%h
/naturally/ )elongs to an# #e$ines the lo%us o$ poCerK (his part o$ .hrist Chi%h remaine#
alive, Chi%h #i# not e5pire on the %ross, #esignates the surplus o$ the #ivine (ouissance, the
part o$ it Chi%h Cas not eva%uate# $rom the #omain o$ the )ig 8ther, +n short, to spell out the
theologi%al %onseDuen%es o$ su%h a vieCE 3agner<s ra#i%ally perverse i#ea Cas to /get .hrist
#oCn $rom the .ross, or rather stop him $rom getting on it/E /+ have no #ou)t that 9o)ert
9aphael is right Chen he says that Parsi$al, <having noC re#eeme# himsel$ )y insight an#
empathy, sym)oliFes a .hrist Cho does not have to die, )ut lives,< (he point a)out not having
to #ie is that 3agner,,,is repelle# )y the i#ea o$ the Se%on# Person o$ the 0oly (rinity #ying
in or#er that the First Person shoul# alloC man into 0eaven,/
(his is Chat 3agner
ultimately has in min# )y the /re#emption o$ the re#eemer/E .hrist #oes not have to #ie in
or#er to re#eem us, +n .hristianity proper, .hrist re#eems us )y Cay o$ his #eath on the
.ross, Chereas $or 3agner, the sour%e o$ re#emption is
pre%isely that part o$ .hrist Chi%h remaine# alive, Chi%h #i# not e5pire on the .ross,
$arsifal thus )ears Citness to a #eep pertur)an%e in the /normal/ relationship o$ li$e an#
#eathE the #enial o$ the Cill to li$e, yet simultaneously the phantasmagoria o$ a li$e )eyon#
#eath, )eyon# the %ir%uit o$ generation an# %orruption, (he #eath toCar# Chi%h the
3agnerian hero ten#s is the /se%on# #eath,/ the #enial not o$ the /natural/ li$e-%ir%uit )ut o$
the /lamella,/ o$ the in#estru%ti)le li)i#o, (he gul$ separating 3agner $rom .hristianity is
here e$$e%tively insurmounta)leE in .hristianity, eternal li$e is the li$e )eyon# #eath, the li$e in
the 0oly Spirit, an# as su%h an o)je%t o$ a#oration' Chereas in 3agner, this in#estru%ti)le li$e
entails a vision o$ en#less su$$ering, ?oC Ce %an see Chy, enrapture# )y the magi% o$ Ioo#
Fri#ay, Parsi$al is a)le to per%eive the inno%en%e o$ natureE this nature, %aught in the simple
%ir%uit o$ generation an# %orruption, is #elivere# $rom the pressure o$ the in#estru%ti)le #rive
Chi%h persists )eyon# #eath,
(he politi%al %onseDuen%es o$ these seemingly a)stra%t
ruminations a$$e%t us allE the repla%ement o$ "m$ortas )y Parsi$al is the repla%ement o$ the
tra#itional patriar%hal authority )y the totalitarian o)je%t-instrument o$ the 8ther<s (ouissance,
the sa$ekeeper o$ Io#<s :njoyment 1epitomiFe# )y the Irail2,
(his politi%al )a%kgroun# emerges in pre%isely those $eatures o$ $arsifal Chi%h pose su%h a
pro)lem to tra#itional interpreters, sin%e they sti%k out as a kin# o$ un%anny surplus,
#istur)ing the apparent symmetry )etCeen the tCo king#oms, the )right king#om o$ the Irail
an# *lingsor<s king#om o$ the #ark, attesting to an o)s%ene, #ark o)verse o$ the king#om o$
the Irail itsel$, "%%or#ing to -u%y Ge%kett, $or e5ample, $arsifal tCi%e reverts to an
in%omprehensi)le, out-o$-pla%e mor)i#ityE the %ruel, ine5ora)le pressure e5erte# )y the Irail
knights on "m$ortas in the $inale o$ a%t 31they en%ir%le him as i$ he Cere a Coun#e# animal2,
Chi%h runs %ounter to the pea%e$ul, )lesse# nature o$ the Irail %ommunity' the mor)i#
#ialogue )etCeen "m$ortas an# his $ather (iturel in the $inale o$ a%t 11 (iturel #eman#s o$
"m$ortas that he per$orm the reDuire# ritual an# un%over the Irail in or#er that he )e a)le to
survive-- (iturel Dua living #ea# no longer lives o$$ earthly $oo# )ut solely o$$ the enjoyment
pro%ure# )y the sight o$ the Irail' "m$ortas #esperately proposes that (iturel himsel$ per$orm
the ritual an# that he )e alloCe# to #ie2, (his #ialogue attests to the inherently anti-8e#ipal
%hara%ter o$ the Irail king#omE
instea# o$ the son killing the $ather, Cho then returns as the
?ame, in the guise o$ the sym)oli% author-
ity o$ the #ea# $ather 1the stan#ar# 8e#ipal s%enario2 Ce have the son Cho Cants to #ie so that
his $ather %an stay alive an# %ontinue to )athe in his enjoyment, +n (iturel, Ce thus have the
purest personi$i%ation o$ the superegoE he is literally a living #ea#, lying in a %o$$in, kept alive
)y the sight o$ the 9e#eemer<s )loo#, i,e,, )y the su)stan%e o$ pure enjoyment' never seen on
stage, he is present as la voi8 acousmati6ue, a $ree-$loating voi%e Cithout a )earer
perse%utes his son Cith the un%on#itional injun%tion, /"%%omplish your #uty@ Per$orm the
ritual@/-- the injun%tion (iturel pronoun%es in order to procure his own en(oyment, (he
o)s%enity o$ *lingsor<s /)la%k magi%/ has there$ore its stri%t %orrelative in the superego-
o)s%enity o$ (iturel<s /Chite magi%/E (iturel is un#ou)te#ly the most o)s%ene $igure in
$arsifal, a kin# o$ un#ea# $ather, parasiti% on his oCn son,
(his mor)i#, %ruel si#e o$ the
Irail<s temple is Chat .hristian interpreters Duite justly are leery o$, sin%e it mani$ests the true
nature o$ $arsifalE a Cork Chose ultimate a%%omplishment is to %on$er upon a .hristian
%ontent the $orm o$ pagan ritual,

3ith the neC notion o$ the hero-- an inno%ent, ignorant, pure $ool, Cho elu#es the splitting
%onstitutive o$ su)je%tivity-- the %ir%le is in a Cay %lose#' Ce $in# ourselves again in the
#omain o$ un%on#itional authorityE Parsi$al<s )e%oming king is not a result o$ his heroi% #ee#s,
he is not Duali$ie# $or it )y any positive $eature' Duite the %ontrary, he Cas a)le to Cithstan#
*un#ry<s a#van%es )e%ause, $rom the very )eginning, he Cas the .hosen 8ne, 0oCever, this
neC authority #i$$ers $rom the tra#itional one in its relationship to the )ig 8ther o$ the -aCE
the tra#itional authority a##resse# )y the hero<s entreaty, $rom ;ontever#i to ;oFart, Cas
%apa)le o$ e$$e%tively stepping on its oCn shoul#ers an# suspen#ing its oCn -aC in the a%t o$
;er%y, (hus the agen%y o$ the -aC %oin%i#es Cith the agen%y o$ its momentary suspension,
i,e,, the 8ther is at the same time the 8ther o$ the 8ther, Chereas alrea#y in 3agner 0ing, the
Io# 13otan2, interpellate# )y the tCo giants in 0hinegold as the guarantor o$ the so%ial
%ontra%t, gets so entangle# in his oCn in%onsisten%ies that the only solution he %an envisage is
an a%t o$ re#emption a%%omplishe# )y a totally ignorant hero Cho Cill have nothing to #o
Cith the #omain o$ the Io#s, (herein %onsists 3agner<s %ru%ial shi$tE /the Coun# %an )e
heale#/ only )y a $ree a%t Chi%h, in a ra#i%al sense, comes from the outside, i,e,, is not
engen#ere# )y the sym)oli% system itsel$,
?agel re$ers to *ierkegaar#<s $amous rea#ing o$ ;oFart<s *on iovanni in or#er to )e a)le to
jump imme#iately to mo#ern totalitarianism, via *ierkegaar#<s rea$$irmation o$ )lin#,
un%on#itional authorityE
"$ter *ierkegaar#, the #isa)le# sel$ survives the annihilation o$ the autonomous su)je%t,
Chi%h it announ%es, )y e5%epting itsel$ 1as a politi%al theologian or mythologist2 $rom the
%ommon $ateE to )e the sel$-appointe# spokesman o$ mute #omination, +t prophesies,
propagates a neC Corl# o$ sa%ri$i%e, Chose mur#erous laC is impenetra)ility-- an# Chose
mur#erous impenetra)ility Cill )e %alle# laC, Soon, FranF *a$ka<s tales an# .arl S%hmitt<s
jurispru#en%e Cill mo%k the enlightene# #eman# $or %lear an# a%%essi)le laCs as li)eral
hairsplitting' in#ee# su%h Duerulous %laims o$ the in#ivi#ual Cill %onstitute, $or the %ourt o$
mythi%al Cill$ulness, proo$ o$ his guilt, the very reason $or his %on#emnation,

3agner $arsifal thus provi#es the ansCer to the DuestionE Chat happens Chen the su)je%t
takes upon himsel$ the sym)oli% gesture, the /prerogative o$ mer%y,/ Chi%h, in ;oFart an#
Geethoven, still )elonge# to the )ig 8therK (he assumption o$ this gesture is pai# $or )y the
loss o$ /a%tual/ poCerE all that is le$t to the su)je%t is the empty, $ormal a%t o$ assent, the
tautologi%al per$ormative )y means o$ Chi%h he appoints himsel$ the /spokesman o$ mute
#omination,/ 3hat is thus missing in ?agel<s a%%ount is the pla%e o$ 3agner as Chat $ills in
the gap )etCeen the apotheosis o$ the )ourgeois %ouple in The 3agic "lute an# "idelio an#
the totalitarian sym)oli% e%onomy #is%erni)le in the Corks o$ *a$ka an# S%hmitt,
The ,er7erse %oo<
"t the level o$ li)i#inal e%onomy, totalitarianism is #e$ine# )y a perverse sel$-o)je%tiviFation
1sel$-instrumentaliFation2 o$ the su)je%t, Gut Chat, then, is the #i$$eren%e )etCeen perversion
an# the most elementary i#eologi%al a%t o$ sel$-legitimiFation in Chi%h Ce also en%ounter a
kin# o$ /re#emption o$ the re#eemer/K -in%oln<s Iettys)urg "##ress is #eserve#ly so $amous
)e%ause it a%%omplishes in an e5emplary Cay this a%t o$ sel$legitimiFation, +t $irst #e$ines its
taskE Ce are here to %ommemorate the #ea# at the sa%re# pla%e o$ their #eath 1/3e have %ome
to #e#i%ate a portion o$ that $iel# as a $inal resting pla%e $or those Cho here gave their lives
that that nation might live/2, (hen it pro%ee#s to invoke the inherent impossi)ility o$
per$orming this taskE /in a larger sense/ Ce %annot #o it, sin%e those Cho #ie# here have
alrea#y #one it Cith their glorious #ee#s in a Cay $ar superior to Chat Ce %an #o Cith mere
Cor#s' their sa%ri$i%e has alrea#y #e#i%ate# this )attle$iel# an# it Coul# )e arrogant $or us
even to
preten# that Ce are in a position to #e#i%ate it 1/Gut in a larger sense Ce %an not #e#i%ate-- Ce
%an not %onse%rate-- Ce %an not halloC-- this groun#, (he )rave men living an# #ea# Cho
struggle# here have %onse%rate# it $ar a)ove our poor poCer to a## or #etra%t/2, 3hat then
$olloCs is the %ru%ial re$le%tive inversion o$ su)je%t an# o)je%tE /it is $or us the living rather to
)e #e#i%ate# here to the un$inishe# Cork Chi%h they Cho $ought here have thus $ar so no)ly
a#van%e#,/ that is to say, to #e#i%ate ourselves to the task o$ %ontinuing their Cork, so that
they /shall not have #ie# in vain,/ 1For that reason, it is not su$$i%ient here to #istinguish the
tCo levels )y saying that /in a narroCer sense/ Ce #e#i%ate the )attle$iel#, Chereas /in a
larger sense/ Ce #e#i%ate ourselvesE this /larger sense/ is simply the sense tout court, i,e,, it is
this very re$le5ive reversal Chi%h )rings a)out the sensee$$e%t,2 (he result o$ this inversion is
a %ir%le o$ #e#i%ation Chere)y the tCo poles support ea%h otherE )y #e#i%ating ourselves to the
task o$ su%%ess$ully )ringing to an en# the Cork o$ those Cho sa%ri$i%e# their lives, Ce Cill
make sure that their sa%ri$i%e Cas not in vain, that they Cill %ontinue to live in our memory' in
this Cay, Ce Cill e$$e%tively %ommemorate them' i$ Ce #o not a%%omplish this task o$ ours,
they Cill )e $orgotten, they Cill have #ie# in vain, So, )y #e#i%ating the pla%e to their
memory, Chat Ce a%tually #o is #e#i%ate, legitimiFe ourselves as the %ontinuators o$ their
Cork-- Ce legitimiFe our oCn role, (his gesture o$ sel$-legitimiFation through the other is
i#eology in its purestE the #ea# are our re#eemers, an# )y #e#i%ating ourselves to %ontinuing
their Cork Ce re#eem the re#eemers, +n a sense, -in%oln makes himsel$ seen to the #ea#' his
message to them is /here Ce are, rea#y to go on,,,/-- therein %onsists the ultimate sense o$ the
Iettys)urg "##ress,
=et is -in%oln $or all that a pervertK Does he %on%eive o$ himsel$ as an o)je%t-instrument o$
the (ouissance o$ the 8ther, i,e,, o$ the #ea# heroesK ?oE the %ru%ial point here is to maintain
the #i$$eren%e )etCeen this tra#itional i#eologi%al vi%ious %ir%le an# the loop o$ the perverse
sa%ri$i%e, -et us re%all our $irst e5ample o$ itE 8rpheus Cho looke# )a%k an# thus intentionally
sa%ri$i%e# :uri#i%e in or#er to regain her as the su)lime o)je%t o$ poeti% inspiration, (his,
then, is the logi% o$ perversionE it is Duite normal to say to the )elove# Coman, /+ Coul# love
you even i$ you Cere Crinkle# an# mutilate#@/' a perverse person is the one Cho intentionally
mutilates the Coman, #istorts her )eauti$ul $a%e, so that he %an then %ontinue to love her,
there)y proving the su)lime nature o$ his love, "n e5emplary %ase o$ this short-%ir%uit is
Patri%ia 0ighsmith<s early masterpie%e, the short story
/0eroine,/ a)out a young governess e5tremely eager to prove her #evotion to the $amily
Chose %hil# she is taking %are o$' sin%e her every#ay a%ts pass unnoti%e#, she en#s )y setting
the house on $ire, so that she has the opportunity to save the %hil# $rom the $lames, (his
%lose# loop is Chat #e$ines perversion,
"n# is not the same %lose# loop at Cork in the
Stalinist sa%ri$i%ial pro#u%tion o$ enemiesE sin%e the Party $orti$ies itsel$ )y $ighting rightist
an# le$tist #eviations, one is $or%e# to pro#u%e them in or#er to $orti$y Party unity,
*ant himsel$ gets %aught in this %ir%le o$ perversion in his &riti6ue of $ractical 0easonE at the
en# o$ Part 8ne, he asks himsel$ Chy Io# %reate# the Corl# in su%h a Cay that things in
themselves are unknoCa)le to man, that the Supreme Ioo# is unattaina)le to him )e%ause o$
the propensity to ra#i%al :vil that pertains to human nature, *ant<s ansCer is that this
impenetra)ility is the positive %on#ition o$ our moral a%tivityE i$ man Cere to knoC things in
themselves, moral a%tivity Coul# )e%ome impossi)le an# super$luous at the same time, sin%e
Ce Coul# $olloC moral %omman#s not out o$ #uty )ut out o$ simple insight into the nature o$
things, So, sin%e the ultimate goal o$ the %reation o$ the universe is morality, Io# ha# to a%t
pre%isely like the heroine $rom the 0ighsmith story an# %reate man as a trun%ate#, split )eing,
#eprive# o$ insight into the true nature o$ things, e5pose# to the temptation o$ :vil,

Perversion is simply the $ul$illment o$ this sa%ri$i%ial a%t Chi%h esta)lishes the %on#itions o$
Ioo#ness, (herein also lies the se%ret share# )y initiatory %ir%les like the Irail %ommunity at
;ontsalvatE the perverse reverse o$ .hristianity, the intentional killing o$ .hrist, ena)ling him
to play the role o$ the 9e#eemer,

.onseDuently, Parsi$al<s /the Coun# is heale# only )y the spear that smote you/ amounts to
something Duite #i$$erent $rom Chat this same phrase may have meant Cithin the horiFon o$
*ant an# 0egel, +nso$ar as, in *ant, the /Coun#/ %an only )e the ina%%essi)ility o$ the (hing
an# its /healing/ the teleologi%al Schein, the point here is that Chat appears as /Coun#/ is
a%tually a positive %on#ition o$ /healing/E the ina%%essi)ility o$ the (hing is a positive
%on#ition o$ our $ree#om an# moral #ignity, =et $or that very reason, *ant is as $ar as
possi)le $rom alloCing any $inite su)je%t to assume the role o$ the instrument Chi%h /smote
you/ in or#er to ena)le realiFation o$ the Ioo#, This, however, is precisely what takes place
in !agner, Chere Ce Citness the emergen%e o$ the perverse su)je%t Cho Cillingly assumes
the /#ealing o$ the Coun#,/ a%%omplishing the %rime Chi%h paves the Cay $or the Ioo#,
"n#-- to %on%lu#e-- it is pre%isely the re$eren%e to this logi% o$ perversion Chi%h ena)les us to
throC some light on one o$ the most o)s%ure points o$ -a%anian theoryE Chat, pre%isely, is the
role o$ ob(et petit a in the #rive, say, in the s%opi% #rive, as oppose# to #esireK (he key is
provi#e# )y -a%an %lari$i%ation, in his "our "undamental &oncepts, that the essential $eature
o$ the s%opi% #rive is /se faire voir/ 1making onesel$ seen2,
0oCever, as -a%an imme#iately
points out, this /making onesel$ seen/ Chi%h %hara%teriFes the %ir%ularity, the %onstitutive
loop, o$ the #rive, must not )e %on$use# Cith the nar%issisti% /looking at onesel$ through the
other,/ i,e,, through the eyes o$ the )ig 8ther, $rom the point o$ the :go-+#eal in the 8ther, in
the $orm in Chi%h + appear to mysel$ Corthy o$ loveE Chat is lost Chen + /look at mysel$
through the other/ is the ra#i%al heterogeneity o$ the o)je%t Dua gaFe to Chi%h + e5pose mysel$
in /making onesel$ seen,/ +n the i#eologi%al spa%e proper, an e5emplary %ase o$ this
nar%issisti% satis$a%tion provi#e# )y /looking at onesel$ through the other/ 1:go-+#eal2 is the
reporting on one<s oCn %ountry as seen through the $oreign gaFe 1e,g,, the o)session o$ the
"meri%an me#ia to#ay Cith hoC "meri%a is per%eive#a#mire# or #espise#-- )y the 8therE the
Hapanese, 9ussians,,,2, (he $irst e5emplary %ase, o$ %ourse, is "es%hylus< $ersians, Chere the
Persian #e$eat is ren#ere# as seen through the eyes o$ the Persian royal %ourtE the amaFement
o$ *ing Darius at Chat a magni$i%ent people the Ireeks are, et%,, provi#es #eep nar%issisti%
satis$a%tion $or the Ireek spe%tators, =et-- again-this is not Chat /making onesel$ seen/ is
a)out' Chat, then, does %onstitute itK
-et us re%all 0it%h%o%k 0ear !indow, Chi%h is o$ten %ite# as an e5emplary staging o$ the
s%opi% #rive, (hroughout most o$ the $ilm, the logi% o$ #esire pre#ominatesE this #esire is
$as%inate#, propelle# )y its o)je%t-%ause, the #ark Cin#oC in the opposite %ourtyar# Chi%h
gaFes )a%k at the su)je%t, 3hen, in the %ourse o$ the $ilm, #oes /the arroC %ome )a%k toCar#
the su)je%t/K "t the moment, o$ %ourse, Chen the mur#erer in the house opposite Hames
SteCart<s rear Cin#oC returns SteCart<s gaFe an# %at%hes him re#-han#e# in his a%t o$
voyeurismE at this pre%ise moment Chen Hames SteCart #oes not /see himsel$ seeing himsel$,/
)ut makes himself seen to the ob(ect of his seeing 1i,e,, to that stain Chi%h #reC his gaFe to the
#ark room a%ross the %ourtyar#2, Ce pass $rom the register o$ #esire into that o$ #rive, (hat is
to say, Ce remain Cithin the register o$ #esire as long as, )y Cay o$ assuming the merely
inDuisitive attitu#e o$ a voyeur, Ce are looking $or the $as%inating M, $or some tra%e o$ Chat is
hi##en /)ehin# the %urtain/' we
/change gear/ into the drive the moment we make ourselves seen to this stain in the picture,
to this impervious foreign body in the frame, to this point which attracted our ga4e, (his
reversal is Chat #e$ines the #riveE inso$ar as + %annot see the point in the other $rom Chi%h +<m
gaFe# at, the only thing that remains $or me to #o is to make mysel$ visi)le to that point, (he
#i$$eren%e )etCeen this gaFe an# the nar%issisti% looking at onesel$ $rom the point o$ the
:go+#eal is %learE in the %ase o$ the gaFe, the point to Chi%h the su)je%t makes himsel$ seen
retains its traumati% heterogeneity an# nontransparen%y, it remains an o)je%t in a stri%t
-a%anian sense, not a sym)oli% $eature, (his point to Chi%h + make mysel$ visi)le in my very
%apa%ity o$ looking is the o)je%t o$ #rive, an# in this Cay, one %an perhaps %lari$y a little )it
the #i$$eren%e )etCeen the status o$ ob(et a in #esire an# in #rive 1as Ce all knoC, Chen
Ha%Dues-"lain ;iller asks -a%an a)out this point in the "our "undamental &oncepts, the
ansCer he gets is %hiaros%uro, at )est2,
3hat %an $urther %lari$y this %ru%ial #istin%tion is another $eature o$ the $inal s%ene o$ 0ear
!indow Chi%h stages in its purest this transmutation o$ #esire into #riveE the #esperate
#e$ense o$ Hames SteCart Cho attempts to stop the mur#erer<s a#van%e )y setting o$$ multiple
$lash-)ul)s, (his apparently nonsensi%al gesture must )e rea# pre%isely as a defense against
the drive, against /making onesel$ seen/-- SteCart en#eavors $ranti%ally to )lin# the other<s
1(he key to this s%ene o$ %on$rontation is that the mur#erer gives )o#y to the Duestion
emanating $rom the 8ther-- /&he vuoiK/, 3hat #o you Cant $rom meK Gy repeate#ly asking
Chat #oes SteCart Cant, Chat is his stake, his interest in this a$$air, the mur#erer %on$ronts
SteCart Cith his oCn una%knoCle#ge# #esire, SteCart<s #e$ense is there$ore a #esperate
attempt to elu#e the truth o$ his #esire,2
3hat )e$alls SteCart Chen the mur#erer throCs
him through the Cin#oC is pre%isely the inversion Chi%h #e$ines #riveE )y $alling through the
Cin#oC, he in a ra#i%al sense falls into his own picture, into the $iel# o$ his oCn visi)ility, +n
-a%anian terms, he %hanges into a stain in his own picture, he makes himsel$ seen in it, i,e,,
Cithin the spa%e #e$ine# as his oCn $iel# o$ vision,

(hose magni$i%ent s%enes toCar# the en# o$ 3ho Frame# 9oger 9a))it are another variation
on the same moti$, Chere the har#-)oile# #ete%tive $alls into the universe o$ %artoonsE he is
there)y %on$ine# to the #omain /)etCeen the tCo #eaths/ Chere there is no #eath proper, just
unen#ing #evouring an# R or #estru%tion, =et another le$t-paranoia% variation on this theme is
to )e $oun# in *reamscape, a s%i-$i movie a)out an "meri%an presi#ent trou)le# )y )a#
#reams a)out the nu%lear %atastrophe he may
trigger' the #ark militarist plotters try to %ir%umvent his pa%i$ist plans )y making use o$ a
%riminal Cho %an transpose himsel$ into another person<s #ream an# a%t in it, (he i#ea is to
s%are the Presi#ent so mu%h in his #ream that he #ies o$ a heart atta%k,
+n the $inal s%ene o$ .haplin Limelight Ce also have the reversal o$ #esire into #rive' the
apparent melo#ramati% simpli%ity o$ this s%ene shoul# not #e%eive us, +t is %entere# upon a
magni$i%ent )a%kCar#s tra%king-shot, $rom the %lose-up o$ the #ea# %loCn .alvero )ehin# the
stage to the esta)lishing shot o$ the entire stage Chere the young girl, noC a su%%ess$ul
)allerina an# his great love, is per$orming, Hust )e$ore this s%ene, the #ying .alvero e5presses
to the atten#ing #o%tor his #esire to see his love #an%ing' the #o%tor taps him gently on the
shoul#ers an# %om$orts himE /=ou shall see her@/ (hereupon .alvero #ies, his )o#y is
%overe# )y a Chite sheet, an# the %amera Cith#raCs so that the s%reen %omprises the #an%ing
girl on the stage, Chile .alvero is re#u%e# to a tiny, )arely visi)le Chite stain in the
)a%kgroun#, 3hat is here o$ spe%ial signi$i%an%e is the Cay the )allerina enters the $rameE
$rom )ehin# the %amera, like the )ir#s in the $amous /Io#<s-vieC/ shot o$ Go#ega Gay in
0it%h%o%k The Birds-- yet another Chite stain Chi%h materialiFes out o$ the mysterious
interme#iate spa%e separating the spe%tator $rom the #iegeti% reality on the s%reen, 3e
en%ounter here the $un%tion o$ the gaFe Dua o)je%t-stain in its purestE the #o%tor<s $ore%ast is
$ul$ille#, Pre%isely inso$ar as .alvero is #ea#, i,e,, inso$ar as he %annot see the young girl
anymore, he looks at her, For that reason, the logi% o$ this )a%kCar#s tra%king-shot is
thoroughly 0it%h%o%kianE )y Cay o$ it, a pie%e o$ reality is trans$orme# into an amorphous
stain 1a Chite )lot in the )a%kgroun#2, yet a stain aroun# Chi%h the entire $iel# o$ vision turns,
a stain Chi%h /smears over/ the entire $iel# 1as in the )a%kCar#s tra%kingshot in "ren4y2, +n
other Cor#s, Chat %on$ers upon this s%ene its melo#ramati% )eauty is the spe%tator<s
aCareness that without knowing that &alverois already dead, the ballerina is dancing for him,
for that stain which he has become 1the melo#ramati% e$$e%t alCays hinges on su%h an
ignoran%e o$ the agent2' it is this stain, this Chite smu#ge in the )a%kgroun#, Chi%h
guarantees the sense o$ the s%ene, 3here, pre%isely, is the transmutation o$ #esire into #riveK
3e remain Cithin the register o$ #esire as long as the $iel# o$ vision is organiFe#, supporte#,
)y .alvero<s #esire to see $or the last time his love #an%ing' Ce enter the register o$ #rive the
moment .alvero is re#u%e# to a stain-o)je%t in his oCn pi%ture, For that pre%ise reason, it is
not su$$i%ient to say that it is simply she, the )allerina, his love, Cho makes hersel$ seen to
him' the point is rather that, simultaneously, he a%Duires the presen%e o$ a stain, so that )oth
o$ them appear Cithin the same $iel# o$ vision,

S%opi% #rive alCays #esignates su%h a %losing o$ the loop Chere)y + get %aught in the pi%ture
+<m looking at, lose #istan%e toCar# it' as su%h, it is never a simple reversal o$ #esire to see
into a passive mo#e, /;aking onesel$ seen/ is inherent to the very a%t o$ seeingE #rive is the
loop Chi%h %onne%ts them, (he ultimate e5empli$i%ations o$ #rive are there$ore the visual an#
temporal para#o5es Chi%h materialiFe the nonsensi%al, /impossi)le/ vi%ious %ir%leE :s%her<s
tCo han#s #raCing ea%h other or the Cater$all Chi%h runs in a %lose# perpetuum-mo)ile' the
time-travel loop Chere)y + visit the past in or#er to %reate mysel$ 1to organiFe the %oupling o$
my parents2,
Perhaps even )etter than )y the arroC invoke# )y -a%an, this /loop $orme# )y the outCar#
an# return movement o$ the #rive/ %an )e e5empli$ie# )y the $irst $ree asso%iation Chi%h this
$ormulation resus%itates, namely the )oomerang Chere /hitting the target/ %hanges over into
/making onesel$ hit,/ (hat is to say, Chen + throC the )oomerang, its /goal,/ o$ %ourse, is to
hit the target 1the animal2' yet the true art o$ throCing #epen#s upon )eing a)le to %at%h the
)oomerang Chen, upon our missing the goal, the )oomerang $lies )a%k' the true aim is to miss
the goal, so that the )oomerang returns to us 1the most #i$$i%ult part o$ learning hoC to han#le
the )oomerang is there$ore mastering the art o$ %at%hing it properly, i,e,, o$ avoi#ing )eing hit
)y it, o$ )lo%king the potentially sui%i#al #imension o$ throCing it2, (he han#ling o$ the
)oomerang stages the elementary hysteri%al splittingE the su)je%t<s %at%hing o$ the )oomerang
hin#ers the realiFation o$ the true aim o$ its throCing, the /making onesel$ hit/ as a #isplay o$
the #eath-#rive, (he )oomerang thus #esignates the very moment o$ the emergen%e o$
/%ulture,/ the moment Chen instin%t is trans$orme# into #riveE the moment o$ splitting
)etCeen goal an# aim, the moment Chen the true aim is no longer to hit the goal )ut to
maintain the very %ir%ular movement o$ repeate#ly missing it,
B En0oy Your Nation as YourselfC
3hy Cas the 3est so $as%inate# )y the #isintegration o$ .ommunism in :astern :uropeK (he
ansCer seems o)viousE Chat $as%inate# the 3estern gaFe Cas the reinvention of *emocracy,
+t is as i$ #emo%ra%y, Chi%h in the 3est shoCs more an# more signs o$ #e%ay an# %risis an# is
lost in )ureau%rati% routine an# pu)li%ity-style ele%tion %ampaigns, is )eing re#is%overe# in
:astern :urope in all its $reshness an# novelty, (he $un%tion o$ this $as%ination is thus purely
i#eologi%alE in :astern :urope, the 3est seeks $or its oCn lost origins, its oCn lost original
e5perien%e o$ /#emo%rati% invention,/ +n other Cor#s, :astern :urope $un%tions $or the 3est
as its :go+#eal 1Ich7Ideal2E the point $rom Chi%h 3est sees itsel$ in a lika)le, i#ealiFe# $orm,
as Corthy o$ love, (he real o)je%t o$ $as%ination $or the 3est is thus the ga4e, namely the
suppose#ly naive gaFe )y means o$ Chi%h :astern :urope stares )a%k at the 3est, $as%inate#
)y its #emo%ra%y, +t is as i$ the :astern gaFe is still a)le to per%eive in 3estern so%ieties its
oCn agalma, the treasure that %auses #emo%rati% enthusiasm an# that the 3est has long ago
lost the taste o$,
(he reality emerging noC in :astern :urope is, hoCever, a #istur)ing #istortion o$ this i#ylli%
pi%ture o$ the tCo mutually $as%inate# gaFesE the gra#ual retreat o$ the li)eral-#emo%rati%
ten#en%y in the $a%e o$ the groCth o$ %orporate national populism Chi%h in%lu#es all its usual
elements, $rom 5enopho)ia to anti-Semitism, (o e5plain this une5pe%te# turn, Ce have to
rethink the most elementary notions a)out national i#enti$i%ation-- an# here, psy%hoanalysis
%an )e o$ help,
The 8Theft of En0oy6ent8
(he element Chi%h hol#s together a given %ommunity %annot )e re#u%e# to the point o$
sym)oli% i#enti$i%ationE the )on# linking together its mem)ers alCays implies a share#
relationship toCar# a (hing, toCar# :njoyment in%arnate#,
(his relationship toCar# the
(hing, stru%ture# )y means o$ $antasies, is Chat is at stake Chen Ce speak o$ the mena%e to
our /Cay o$ li$e/ presente# )y the 8therE it is Chat is threatene# Chen, $or e5ample, a Chite
:nglishman is pani%ke# )e%ause o$ the groCing presen%e o$ /aliens,/ 3hat he Cants to #e$en#
at any pri%e is not re#u%i)le to the so-%alle# set o$ values that o$$er support to national
i#entity, ?ational i#enti$i%ation is )y #e$inition sustaine# )y a relationship toCar# the ?ation
Dua (hing, (his ?ation-(hing is #etermine# )y a series o$ %ontra#i%tory properties, +t appears
to us as /our (hing/ 1perhaps Ce %oul# say cosa nostra2, as something a%%essi)le only to us,
as something /they,/ the others, %annot grasp' nonetheless it is something %onstantly mena%e#
)y /them,/ +t appears as Chat gives plenitu#e an# viva%ity to our li$e, an# yet the only Cay Ce
%an #etermine it is )y resorting to #i$$erent versions o$ the same empty tautology, "ll Ce %an
ultimately say a)out it is that the (hing is /itsel$,/ /the real (hing,/ /Chat it really is a)out,/
et%, +$ Ce are aske# hoC Ce %an re%ogniFe the presen%e o$ this (hing, the only %onsistent
ansCer is that the (hing is present in that elusive entity %alle# /our Cay o$ li$e,/ "ll Ce %an #o
is enumerate #is%onne%te# $ragments o$ the Cay our %ommunity organiFes its $easts, its rituals
o$ mating, its initiation %eremonies, in short, all the #etails )y Chi%h is ma#e visi)le the
uniDue Cay a %ommunity organi4es its en(oyment, "lthough the $irst, so to speak, automati%
asso%iation that arises here is o$ %ourse that o$ the rea%tionary sentimental Blut und Boden, Ce
shoul# not $orget that su%h a re$eren%e to the /Cay o$ li$e/ %an also have a #istin%tive /le$tist/
%onnotation, ?ote Ieorge 8rCell<s essays $rom the Car years, in Chi%h he attempte# to #e$ine
the %ontours o$ an :nglish patriotism oppose# to the o$$i%ial, stu$$y imperialist version o$ it,
0is points o$ re$eren%e Cere pre%isely those #etails that %hara%teriFe the /Cay o$ li$e/ o$ the
Corking %lass 1the evening gathering in the lo%al pu), et%,2,

+t Coul#, hoCever, )e erroneous simply to re#u%e the national (hing to the $eatures
%omposing a spe%i$i% /Cay o$ li$e,/ (he (hing is not #ire%tly a %olle%tion o$ these $eatures'
there is /something more/ in it, something that is present in these $eatures, that appears
through them, ;em)ers o$ a %ommunity Cho partake in a given /Cay o$ li$e/ believe in their
Thing, Chere
this )elie$ has a re$le5ive stru%ture proper to the intersu)je%tive spa%eE /+ )elieve in the
1national2 (hing/ eDuals /+ )elieve that others 1mem)ers o$ my %ommunity2 )elieve in the
(hing,/ (he tautologi%al %hara%ter o$ the (hing-- its semanti% voi# Chi%h limits Chat Ce %an
say a)out the (hing to /+t is the real (hing,/ et%,-- is $oun#e# pre%isely in this para#o5i%al
re$le5ive stru%ture, (he national (hing e5ists as long as mem)ers o$ the %ommunity )elieve in
it' it is literally an e$$e%t o$ this )elie$ in itsel$, (he stru%ture is here the same as that o$ the
0oly Spirit in .hristianity, (he 0oly Spirit is the %ommunity o$ )elievers in Chi%h .hrist
lives a$ter his #eathE to believe in #im e6uals believing in belief itself, i,e,, )elieving that +<m
not alone, that +<m a mem)er o$ the %ommunity o$ )elievers, + #o not nee# any e5ternal proo$
or %on$irmation o$ the truth o$ my )elie$E )y the mere a%t o$ my )elie$ in others< )elie$, the
0oly Spirit is here, +n other Cor#s, the Chole meaning o$ the (hing turns on the $a%t that /it
means something/ to people,
(his para#o5i%al e5isten%e o$ an entity Chi%h /is/ only inso$ar as su)je%ts )elieve 1in the
other<s )elie$2 in its e5isten%e is the mo#e o$ )eing proper to i#eologi%al %ausesE the /normal/
or#er o$ %ausality is here inverte#, sin%e it is the .ause itsel$ Chi%h is pro#u%e# )y its e$$e%ts
1the i#eologi%al pra%ti%es it animates2, Signi$i%antly, it is pre%isely at this point that the
#i$$eren%e )etCeen -a%an an# /#is%ursive i#ealism/ emerges most $or%e$ullyE -a%an #oes not
re#u%e the 1national, et%,2 .ause to a per$ormative e$$e%t o$ the #is%ursive pra%ti%es that re$er
to it, (he pure #is%ursive e$$e%t #oes not have enough /su)stan%e/ to %ompel the attra%tion
proper to a .ause-- an# the -a%anian term $or the strange /su)stan%e/ Chi%h must )e a##e# so
that a .ause o)tains its positive ontologi%al %onsisten%y, the only su)stan%e a%knoCle#ge# )y
psy%hoanalysis, is o$ %ourse en(oyment 1as -a%an states it e5pli%itly in :n%ore
2, " nation
e5ists only as long as its spe%i$i% en(oyment %ontinues to )e materialiFe# in a set o$ so%ial
pra%ti%es an# transmitte# through national myths that stru%ture these pra%ti%es, (o emphasiFe
in a /#e%onstru%tionist/ mo#e that ?ation is not a )iologi%al or transhistori%al $a%t )ut a
%ontingent #is%ursive %onstru%tion, an over#etermine# result o$ te5tual pra%ti%es, is thus
mislea#ingE su%h an emphasis overlooks the remain#er o$ some real, non#is%ursive kernel o$
enjoyment Chi%h must )e present $or the ?ation Dua #is%ursive entity-e$$e%t to a%hieve its
ontologi%al %onsisten%y,

?ationalism thus presents a privilege# #omain o$ the eruption o$ enjoyment into the so%ial
$iel#, (he national .ause is ultimately nothing )ut the Cay su)je%ts o$ a given ethni%
%ommunity organiFe their enjoyment through national myths, 3hat is there$ore at stake in
ethni% tensions is
alCays the possession o$ the national (hing, 3e alCays impute to the /other/ an e5%essive
enjoymentE he Cants to steal our enjoyment 1)y ruining our Cay o$ li$e2 an#Ror he has a%%ess
to some se%ret, perverse enjoyment, +n short, Chat really )others us a)out the /other/ is the
pe%uliar Cay he organiFes his enjoyment, pre%isely the surplus, the /e5%ess/ that pertains to
this CayE the smell o$ /their/ $oo#, /their/ noisy songs an# #an%es, /their/ strange manners,
/their/ attitu#e to Cork, (o the ra%ist, the /other/ is either a Corkaholi% stealing our jo)s or an
i#ler living on our la)or, an# it is Duite amusing to noti%e the haste Cith Chi%h one passes
$rom reproa%hing the other Cith a re$usal to Cork to reproa%hing him $or the the$t o$ Cork,
(he )asi% para#o5 is that our (hing is %on%eive# as something ina%%essi)le to the other an# at
the same time threatene# )y him, "%%or#ing to Freu#, the same para#o5 #e$ines the
e5perien%e o$ %astration, Chi%h, Cithin the su)je%t<s psy%hi% e%onomy, appears as something
that /really %annot happen,/ )ut Ce are nonetheless horri$ie# )y its prospe%t, (he groun# o$
in%ompati)ility )etCeen #i$$erent ethni% su)je%t positions is thus not e5%lusively the #i$$erent
stru%ture o$ their sym)oli% i#enti$i%ations, 3hat %ategori%ally resists universaliFation is rather
the parti%ular stru%ture o$ their relationship toCar# enjoymentE
3hy #oes the 8ther remain 8therK 3hat is the %ause $or our hatre# o$ him, $or our hatre# o$
him in his very )eingK +t is hatre# o$ the enjoyment in the 8ther, (his Coul# )e the most
general $ormula o$ the mo#ern ra%ism Ce are Citnessing to#ayE a hatre# o$ the parti%ular Cay
the 8ther enjoys,,,, (he Duestion o$ toleran%e or intoleran%e is not at all %on%erne# Cith the
su)je%t o$ s%ien%e an# its human rights, +t is lo%ate# on the level o$ toleran%e or intoleran%e
toCar# the enjoyment o$ the 8ther, the 8ther as he Cho essentially steals my oCn enjoyment,
3e knoC, o$ %ourse, that the $un#amental status o$ the o)je%t is to )e alCays alrea#y snat%he#
aCay )y the 8ther, +t is pre%isely this the$t o$ enjoyment that Ce Crite #oCn in shorthan# as
minus Phi, the mathern o$ %astration, (he pro)lem is apparently unsolva)le as the 8ther is the
8ther in my interior, (he root o$ ra%ism is thus hatre# o$ my oCn enjoyment, (here is no
other enjoyment )ut my oCn, +$ the 8ther is in me, o%%upying the pla%e o$ e5tima%y, then the
hatre# is also my oCn,

3hat Ce %on%eal )y imputing to the 8ther the the$t o$ enjoyment is the traumati% $a%t that we
never possessed what was allegedly stolen from usE the la%k 1/%astration/2 is originary,
enjoyment %onstitutes itsel$ as /stolen,/ or,
to Duote 0egel<s pre%ise $ormulation $rom his Science of Logic, it /only %omes to )e through
)eing le$t )ehin#,/
(he late =ugoslavia o$$ers a %ase stu#y o$ su%h a para#o5, in Chi%h Ce
Citness a #etaile# netCork o$ /#e%antations/ an# /the$ts/ o$ enjoyment, :very nationality has
)uilt its oCn mythology narrating hoC other nations #eprive it o$ the vital part o$ enjoyment
the possession o$ Chi%h Coul# alloC it to live $ully, +$ Ce rea# all these mythologies together,
Ce o)tain :s%her<s Cell-knoCn visual para#o5 o$ a netCork o$ )asins Chere, $olloCing the
prin%iple o$ perpetuum mobile, Cater pours $rom one )asin into another until the %ir%le is
%lose#, so that )y moving the Chole Cay #oCnstream, Ce $in# ourselves )a%k at our starting
point, Slovenes are )eing #eprive# o$ their enjoyment )y /Southerners/ 1Ser)ians,
Gosnians,,,2 )e%ause o$ their prover)ial laFiness, Galkan %orruption, #irty an# noisy
enjoyment, an# )e%ause they #eman# )ottomless e%onomi% support, stealing $rom Slovenes
their pre%ious a%%umulation o$ Cealth )y means o$ Chi%h Slovenia shoul# otherCise have
alrea#y %aught up Cith 3estern :urope, (he Slovenes themselves, on the other han#,
allege#ly ro) the Ser)s )e%ause o$ Slovenian unnatural #iligen%e, sti$$ness, an# sel$ish
%al%ulation, +nstea# o$ yiel#ing to li$e<s simple pleasures, the Slovenes perversely enjoy
%onstantly #evising means o$ #epriving Ser)s o$ the results o$ their har# la)or )y %ommer%ial
pro$iteering, )y reselling Chat they )ought %heaply in Ser)ia, (he Slovenes are a$rai# that
Ser)s Cill /inun#ate/ them, an# that they Cill thus lose their national i#entity, ;eanChile, the
Ser)s reproa%h Slovenes $or their /separatism,/ Chi%h means simply that Slovenes re$use to
re%ogniFe themselves as a su)spe%ies o$ Ser), (o mark Slovenian #i$$eren%e $rom the
/Southerners,/ re%ent Slovenian popular historiography is )ent on proving that Slovenes are
not really o$ Slavi% )ut o$ :trus%an origin' Ser)s, on the other han#, e5%el in shoCing hoC
Ser)ia Cas a vi%tim o$ a /Uati%an-*omintern %onspira%y/E their id5e fi8e is that a se%ret joint
plan )etCeen .atholi%s an# .ommunists aims to #estroy Ser)ian statehoo#, (he )asi%
premise o$ )oth Ser) an# Slovene is o$ %ourse /3e #on<t Cant anything $oreign, Ce just Cant
Chat right$ully )elongs to us@/-- a relia)le sign o$ ra%ism, sin%e it %laims to #raC a %lear line
o$ #istin%tion Chere none e5ists, +n )oth %ases, these $antasies are %learly roote# in hatre# o$
one<s oCn enjoyment, Slovenes, $or e5ample, repress their oCn enjoyment )y means o$
o)sessional a%tivity, an# it is this very enjoyment Chi%h returns in the real, in the $igure o$ the
#irty an# easygoing /Southerner,/

(his logi% is, hoCever, $ar $rom )eing limite# to the /)a%kCar#/ Galkan
%on#itions, 0oC the /the$t o$ enjoyment/ 1or, to use a -a%anian te%hni%al term, imaginary
%astration2 $un%tions as an e5tremely use$ul tool $or analyFing to#ay<s i#eologi%al pro%esses
%an )e $urther e5empli$ie# )y a $eature o$ "meri%an i#eology o$ the eightiesE the o)sessive
i#ea that there might still )e some "meri%an P83S alive in Uietnam, lea#ing a misera)le
e5isten%e, $orgotten )y their oCn %ountry, (his o)session arti%ulate# itsel$ in a series o$
ma%ho-a#ventures in Chi%h a hero un#ertakes a solitary res%ue mission 1 9am)o ++, ;issing
in "%tion2, (he un#erlying $antasy-s%enario is $ar more interesting, +t is as i$ #oCn there, $ar
aCay in the Uietnam jungle, "meri%a ha# lost a pre%ious part o$ itsel$, ha# )een #eprive# o$
an essential part o$ its very li$e su)stan%e, the essen%e o$ its poten%y' an# )e%ause this loss
)e%ame the ultimate %ause o$ "meri%a<s #e%line an# impoten%e in the post-Uietnam .arter
years, re%apturing this stolen, $orgotten part )e%ame an element o$ the 9eaganesDue
rea$$irmation o$ a strong "meri%a,

Ca<italis6 without Ca<italis6
3hat sets in motion this logi% o$ the /the$t o$ enjoyment/ is o$ %ourse not imme#iate so%ial
reality-- the reality o$ #i$$erent ethni% %ommunities living %losely together-- )ut the inner
antagonism inherent in these communities, +t is possi)le to have a multitu#e o$ ethni%
%ommunities living si#e )y si#e Cithout ra%ial tensions 1like the "mish an# neigh)oring
%ommunities in Pennsylvania2' on the other han#, one #oes not nee# a lot o$ /real/ HeCs to
impute to them some mysterious enjoyment that threatens us 1it is a CellknoCn $a%t that in
?aFi Iermany, anti-Semitism Cas most $ero%ious in those parts Chere there Cere almost no
HeCs' in to#ay<s e5-:ast Iermany, the anti-Semiti% Skinhea#s outnum)er HeCs )y ten to one2,
8ur per%eption o$ /real/ HeCs is alCays me#iate# )y a sym)oli%-i#eologi%al stru%ture Chi%h
tries to %ope Cith so%ial antagonismE the real /se%ret/ o$ the HeC is our oCn antagonism, +n
to#ay<s "meri%a, $or e5ample, a role resem)ling that o$ the HeC is playe# more an# more )y
the Hapanese, 3itness the o)session o$ the "meri%an me#ia Cith the i#ea that Hapanese #on<t
knoC hoC to enjoy themselves, (he reason $or the groCing Hapanese e%onomi% superiority
over the U,S,", is lo%ate# in the someChat mysterious $a%t that the Hapanese #on<t %onsume
enough, that they a%%umulate too mu%h Cealth, +$ Ce look %losely at the logi% o$ this
a%%usation, it soon )e%omes %lear that Chat "meri%an /spontaneous/ i#eology really
reproa%hes the Hapanese $or is not simply their ina)ility to take pleasure )ut rather the $a%t that
their very
relationship )etCeen Cork an# enjoyment is strangely #istorte#, It is as if they find an
en(oyment in their very renunciation of pleasure, in their Feal, in their ina)ility to /take it
easy,/ rela5, an# enjoy-- an# it is this attitu#e Chi%h is per%eive# as a threat to "meri%an
suprema%y, (hus the "meri%an me#ia report Cith su%h evi#ent relie$ hoC Hapanese are $inally
learning to %onsume, an# Chy "meri%an (U #epi%ts Cith su%h sel$-satis$a%tion Hapanese
tourists staring at the Con#ers o$ the "meri%an pleasure-in#ustryE $inally, they are /)e%oming
like us,/ learning our Cay o$ enjoying,
+t is too easy to #ispose o$ this pro)lemati% )y pointing out that Chat Ce have here is simply
the transposition, the i#eologi%al #ispla%ement, o$ the e$$e%tive so%ioe%onomi% antagonisms o$
to#ay<s %apitalism, (he pro)lem is that, Chile this is un#ou)te#ly true, it is precisely through
such a displacement that desire is constituted, 3hat Ce gain )y transposing the per%eption o$
inherent so%ial antagonisms into the $as%ination Cith the 8ther 1HeC, Hapanese,,,2 is the
$antasy-organiFation o$ #esire, (he -a%anian thesis that enjoyment is ultimately alCays
enjoyment o$ the 8ther, i,e,, enjoyment suppose#, impute# to the 8ther, an# that, %onversely,
the hatre# o$ the 8ther<s enjoyment is alCays the hatre# o$ one<s oCn enjoyment, is per$e%tly
e5empli$ie# )y this logi% o$ the /the$t o$ enjoyment,/
3hat are $antasies a)out the 8ther<s
spe%ial, e5%essive enjoyment-- a)out the )la%k<s superior se5ual poten%y an# appetite, a)out
the HeC<s or Hapanese<s spe%ial relationship toCar# money an# Cork-- i$ not pre%isely so many
ways, for us, to organi4e our own en(oymentK Do Ce not $in# enjoyment pre%isely in
$antasiFing a)out the 8ther<s enjoyment, in this am)ivalent attitu#e toCar# itK Do Ce not
o)tain satis$a%tion )y means o$ the very supposition that the 8ther enjoys in a Cay
ina%%essi)le to usK Does not the 8ther<s enjoyment e5ert su%h a poCer$ul $as%ination )e%ause
in it Ce represent to ourselves our oCn innermost relationship toCar# enjoymentK "n#,
%onversely, is the anti-Semiti% %apitalist<s hatre# o$ the HeC not the hatre# o$ the e5%ess that
pertains to %apitalism itsel$, i,e,, o$ the e5%ess pro#u%e# )y its inherent antagonisti% natureK +s
%apitalism<s hatre# o$ the HeC not the hatre# o$ its oCn innermost, essential $eatureK For this
reason, it is not su$$i%ient to point out hoC the ra%ist<s 8ther presents a threat to our i#entity,
3e shoul# rather inverse this propositionE the $as%inating image o$ the 8ther gives a )o#y to
our oCn innermost split, to Chat is /in us more than ourselves/ an# thus prevents us $rom
a%hieving $ull i#entity Cith ourselves, The hatred of the +ther is the hatred of our own e8cess
of en(oyment,
(he national (hing $un%tions thus as a kin# o$ /particular ,bsoluteresisting universali4ation/
resisting universaliFation, )estoCing its spe%ial /tonality/ upon every neutral, universal
notion, +t is $or that reason that the eruption o$ the national (hing in all its violen%e has
alCays taken )y surprise the #evotees o$ international soli#arity, Perhaps the most traumati%
%ase Cas the #e)a%le o$ the international soli#arity o$ the Corker<s movement in the $a%e o$
/patrioti%/ euphoria at the out)reak o$ the First 3orl# 3ar, (o#ay, it is #i$$i%ult to imagine
Chat a traumati% sho%k it Cas $or the lea#ers o$ all %urrents o$ so%ial #emo%ra%y, $rom
:#ouar# Gernstein to -enin, Chen the so%ial#emo%rati% parties o$ all %ountries 1Cith the
e5%eption o$ the Golsheviks in 9ussia an# Ser)ia2 gave Cay to %hauvinist out)ursts an#
/patrioti%ally/ stoo# )ehin# /their/ respe%tive governments, o)livious o$ the pro%laime#
soli#arity o$ the Corking %lass /Cithout %ountry,/ (his sho%k, the powerless fascination $elt
)y its parti%ipants, )ears Citness to an en%ounter Cith the 9eal o$ enjoyment, (hat is to say,
the )asi% para#o5 is that these %hauvinist out)ursts o$ /patrioti% $eeling/ Cere $ar $rom
une5pe%te#, =ears )e$ore the a%tual out)reak o$ the Car, so%ial #emo%ra%y alerte# Corkers to
hoC imperialist $or%es Cere preparing $or a neC Corl# Car, an# Carne# them against yiel#ing
to /patrioti%/ %hauvinism, :ven at the very out)reak o$ the Car, i,e,, in the #ays $olloCing the
Sarajevo assassination, the Ierman so%ial #emo%rats %autione# Corkers that the ruling %lass
Coul# use the assassination as an e5%use to #e%lare Car, Furthermore, the So%ialist
+nternational a#opte# a $ormal resolution o)liging all its mem)ers to vote against Car %re#its
in the %ase o$ Car, 3ith the out)reak o$ the Car, international soli#arity vanishe# into thin air,
"n ane%#ote a)out hoC this overnight reversal took -enin )y surprise is signi$i%antE Chen he
saC the #aily neCspaper o$ Ierman so%ial #emo%ra%y, announ%ing on its $ront page that the
so%ial-#emo%rati% #eputies ha# vote# $or the Car %re#its, he Cas at $irst %onvin%e# that this
issue Cas $a)ri%ate# )y Ierman poli%e to lea# Corkers astray@
"n# it is the same in to#ay<s :astern :urope, (he /spontaneous/ presupposition Cas that Chat
is /represse#/ there, Chat Cill )urst $orth on%e the li# o$ /totalitarianism/ is remove#, Cill )e
democratic desire in all its $orms, $rom politi%al pluralism to a $lourishing market e%onomy,
3hat Ce are getting instea#, noC that the li# is remove#, are more an# more ethni% %on$li%ts,
)ase# upon %onstru%tions o$ #i$$erent /thieves o$ enjoyment/-- as i$, )eneath the .ommunist
sur$a%e, glimmere# a Cealth o$ /pathologi%al/ $antasies, Caiting $or their moment to arrive-- a
per$e%t e5empli$i%ation o$ the -a%anian notion o$ %ommuni%ation Chere the speaker gets )a%k
the a##ressee his oCn message in its true, inverte# $orm, (he emergen%e o$ ethni% %auses
)reaks the nar%issisti% spell o$ the 3est<s %ompla%ent re%ognition o$ its oCn values in the
:astE :astern :urope is returning to the 3est the /represse#/ truth o$ its #emo%rati% #esire,
"n# Chat Ce shoul# point out is again the powerless fascination o$ 1Chat remains o$ the
%riti%al le$tist intelle%tuals Chen $a%e# Cith this out)urst o$ national enjoyment, (hey are, o$
%ourse, relu%tant to $ully em)ra%e the national .ause' they are #esperately trying to maintain a
kin# o$ #istan%e $rom it, (his #istan%e is, hoCever, $alse, a #isavoCal o$ the $a%t that their
#esire is alrea#y implied, %aught in the .ause,
Far $rom )eing pro#u%e# )y the ra#i%al )reak o%%urring noC in :astern :urope, the o)sessive
a#heren%e to the national .ause is pre%isely Chat remains the same throughout this pro%ess--
Chat, $or e5ample, is share# in %ommon )y .eau[es%u an# the ra#i%al rightist-nationalist
ten#en%ies gaining momentum in 9omania, 0ere Ce en%ounter the 9eal, that Chi%h /alCays
returns to its pla%e/ 1 -a%an2, the kernel that persists un%hange# in the mi#st o$ the ra#i%al
upheavals in the so%iety<s sym)oli% i#entity, +t is there$ore Crong to %on%eive o$ this rise o$
nationalism as a kin# o$ /rea%tion/ to the allege# .ommunist )etrayal o$ national roots-- the
i#ea )eing that )e%ause .ommunist poCer rippe# apart the entire tra#itional $a)ri% o$ so%iety,
the only remaining point on Chi%h to rally is national i#entity, +t Cas alrea#y the .ommunist
poCer that pro#u%e# the %ompulsive atta%hment to the national .ause, (his atta%hment Cas
all the more e5%lusive the more the poCer stru%ture Cas /totalitarian/' Ce $in# its e5treme
%ases in .eau[es%u<s 9omania, in the *hmer 9ouge o$ *ampu%hea, in ?orth *orea, an# in
(he ethni% .ause is thus the le$t-over that persists on%e the .ommunist i#eologi%al
$a)ri% #isintegrates, 3e %an #ete%t this .ause in hoC the $igure o$ the :nemy is %onstru%te# in
to#ay<s 9omania, $or e5ampleE .ommunism is treate# as a $oreign organism, as the intru#er
Chi%h poisone# an# %orrupte# the soun# )o#y o$ the nation, as something that really %oul# not
have its origins in the nation<s oCn ethni% tra#ition an# Chi%h there$ore must )e %ut out $or the
health o$ the nation<s )o#y to )e restore#, (he anti-Semiti% %onnotation is here unmistaka)leE
in the Soviet Union, the 9ussian nationalist organiFation Pamyat likes to %ount the num)er o$
HeCs in -enin<s Polit)ureau to prove its /non-9ussian/ %hara%ter, " popular pastime in
:astern :urope is not anymore simply to put all the )lame on .ommunists )ut to play the
game /Cho Cas behind the .ommunistsK/ 1HeCs $or 9ussians an# 9omanians, .roatians an#
Slovenes $or Ser)s,
et%,2, (his %onstru%tion o$ the :nemy repro#u%es in its pure, so to speak, #istille# $orm the
Cay the :nemy Cas %onstru%te# in the late .ommunist nationalist-totalitarian regimesE on%e
Ce overthroC the .ommunist sym)oli% $orm, Chat Ce get is the un#erlying relation to the
ethni% .ause, strippe# o$ this $orm,
So, Chy this une5pe%te# #isappointmentK 3hy #oes the authoritarian nationalism oversha#oC
the #emo%rati% pluralismK 3hy the %hauvinist o)session Cith the /the$t o$ enjoyment/ instea#
o$ openness toCar# ethni% #iversityK Ge%ause, at this point, the stan#ar# analysis o$ the %auses
o$ ethni% tensions in the /real so%ialist/ %ountries propose# )y the -e$t has prove# Crong, (he
le$tist thesis Cas that ethni% tensions Cere instigate# an# manipulate# )y the ruling Party
)ureau%ra%y as a means o$ legitimiFing the Party<s hol# on poCer, +n 9omania, $or e5ample,
the nationalist o)session, the #ream o$ Ireat 9omania, the $or%e$ul assimilation o$ 0ungarian
an# other minorities, %reate# a %onstant tension Chi%h legitimiFe# .eau[es%u<s hol# on poCer'
in =ugoslavia, the tensions )etCeen Ser)s an# "l)anians, .roats an# Ser)s, Slovenes an#
Ser)s, et%,, seeme# a shoC%ase o$ hoC %orrupte# lo%al )ureau%ra%ies %an prolong their poCer
)y presenting themselves as the sole #e$en#ers o$ national interests, 0oCever, this hypothesis
Cas re$ute# in a most spe%ta%ular Cay )y re%ent eventsE on%e the rule o$ the .ommunist
)ureau%ra%ies Cas )roken, ethni% tensions emerge# even more $or%e$ully, So, Chy #oes this
atta%hment to the ethni% .ause persist even a$ter the poCer stru%ture that pro#u%e# it has
%ollapse#K 0ere, a %om)ine# re$eren%e to %lassi%al ;ar5ist theory o$ %apitalism an# to
-a%anian psy%hoanalysis might )e o$ some help,
(he elementary $eature o$ %apitalism %onsists o$ its inherent structural imbalance, its
innermost antagonisti% %hara%terE the %onstant %risis, the %onstant revolutioniFing o$ its
%on#itions o$ e5isten%e, .apitalism has no /normal,/ )alan%e# stateE its /normal/ state is the
permanent pro#u%tion o$ an e5%ess' the only Cay $or %apitalism to survive is to e5pan#,
.apitalism is thus %aught in a kin# o$ loop, a vi%ious %ir%le, that Cas %learly #esignate#
alrea#y )y ;ar5E pro#u%ing more than any other so%ioe%onomi% $ormation to satis$y human
nee#s, %apitalism nonetheless also pro#u%es even more nee#s to )e satis$ie#' the greater the
Cealth, the greater the nee# to pro#u%e more Cealth, +t shoul# )e %lear, there$ore, Chy -a%an
#esignate# %apitalism as the reign o$ the discourse of the hystericE
this vi%ious %ir%le o$ a
#esire, Chose apparent satis$a%tion only Ci#ens the gap o$ its #issatis$a%tion, is Chat #e$ines
hysteria, " kin# o$ stru%tural homology e5ists )etCeen %ap-
italism an# the Freu#ian notion o$ the superego, (he )asi% para#o5 o$ the superego also
%on%erns a %ertain stru%tural im)alan%eE the more Ce o)ey its %omman#, the more Ce $eel
guilty, so that renun%iation entails only a #eman# $or more renun%iation, repentan%e more
guilt-- as in %apitalism, Chere an in%rease in pro#u%tion to $ill out the la%k only Ci#ens the
+t is against this )a%kgroun# that Ce shoul# grasp the logi% o$ Chat -a%an %alls the 1#is%ourse
o$ the2 3asterE its role is pre%isely to intro#u%e balance, to regulate the e8cess, Pre%apitalist
so%ieties Cere still a)le to #ominate the stru%tural im)alan%e proper to the superego inso$ar as
their #ominant #is%ourse Cas that o$ the ;aster, +n his last Corks, ;i%hel Fou%ault shoCe#
hoC the an%ient ;aster em)o#ie# the ethi%s o$ sel$-mastery an# /just measure/E the entire
pre%apitalist ethi%s aime# to prevent the e5%ess proper to the human li)i#inal e%onomy $rom
e5plo#ing, 3ith %apitalism, hoCever, this $un%tion o$ the ;aster )e%omes suspen#e#, an# the
vi%ious %ir%le o$ the superego spins $reely,
?oC, it shoul# also )e %lear Chere the %orporatist temptation %omes $rom, i,e,, Chy this
temptation is the ne%essary reverse o$ %apitalism, -et us take the i#eologi%al e#i$i%e o$ $as%ist
%orporatismE the $as%ist #ream is simply to have capitalism without its %e8cess,% without the
antagonism that causes its structural imbalance, 3hi%h is Chy Ce have, in $as%ism, on one
han#, the return to the $igure o$ the ;aster-- -ea#er-- Cho guarantees the sta)ility an#
)alan%e o$ the so%ial $a)ri%, i,e,, Cho again saves us $rom so%iety<s stru%tural im)alan%e'
Chile, on the other han#, the reason $or this im)alan%e is attri)ute# to the $igure o$ the HeC
Chose /e5%essive/ a%%umulation an# gree# are the %ause o$ so%ial antagonism, (hus the
#ream is that, sin%e the e5%ess Cas intro#u%e# $rom outsi#e, i,e,, is the Cork o$ an alien
intru#er, its elimination Coul# ena)le us to o)tain again a sta)le so%ial organism Chose parts
$orm a harmonious %orporate )o#y, Chere, in %ontrast to %apitalism<s %onstant so%ial
displacement, every)o#y Coul# again o%%upy his own place, (he $un%tion o$ the ;aster is to
#ominate the e5%ess )y lo%ating its %ause in a %learly #elimite# so%ial agen%yE /+t is they Cho
steal our enjoyment, Cho, )y means o$ their e5%essive attitu#e, intro#u%e im)alan%e an#
antagonism,/ 3ith the $igure o$ the ;aster, the antagonism inherent in the so%ial stru%ture is
trans$orme# into a relationship o$ power, a struggle $or domination )etCeen us an# them,
those Cho %ause antagonisti% im)alan%e,
Perhaps this matri5 also helps us to grasp the reemergen%e o$ nationalist %hauvinism in
:astern :urope as a kin# o$ /sho%k-a)sor)er/ against the su##en e5posure to the %apitalist
openness an# im)alan%e, +t is as i$, in the
very moment Chen the )on#, the %hain preventing $ree #evelopment o$ %apitalism, i,e,, a
#eregulate# pro#u%tion o$ the e5%ess, Cas )roken, it Cas %ountere# )y a demand for a new
3aster Cho Cill rein it in, 3hat one #eman#s is the esta)lishment o$ a sta)le an# %learly
#e$ine# so%ial )o#y Chi%h Cill restrain %apitalism<s #estru%tive potential )y %utting o$$ the
/e5%essive/ element' an# sin%e this so%ial )o#y is e5perien%e# as that o$ a nation, the %ause o$
any im)alan%e /spontaneously/ assumes the $orm o$ a /national enemy,/
3hen the #emo%rati% opposition Cas still $ighting against the .ommunist poCer, it unite#
un#er the sign o$ /%ivil so%iety/ all /antitotalitarian/ elements, $rom the .hur%h to the le$tist
intelle%tuals, 3ithin the /spontaneous/ e5perien%e o$ the unity o$ this $ight, the %ru%ial $a%t
passe# unnoti%e#E the same Cor#s use# )y all parti%ipants re$erre# to tCo $un#amentally
#i$$erent languages, to tCo #i$$erent Corl#s, ?oC that the opposition has Con, this vi%tory
ne%essarily assumes the shape o$ a splitE the enthusiasti% soli#arity o$ the $ight against
.ommunist poCer has lost its mo)iliFing potential an# the $issure separating the tCo politi%al
universes %annot )e %on%eale# anymore, (his $issure is o$ %ourse that o$ the Cell-knoCn
%ouple Iemeins%ha$tRIesells%ha$tE the tra#itional, organi%ally linke# %ommunity versus the
/alienate#/ so%iety Chi%h #issolves all organi% links, (he pro)lem o$ :astern :urope<s
nationalist populism is that it per%eives .ommunism<s /threat/ $rom the perspe%tive o$
Iemeins%ha$t, as a $oreign )o#y %orro#ing the organi% te5ture o$ the national %ommunity' this
Cay, nationalist populism a%tually imputes to .ommunism the %ru%ial $eature o$ %apitalism
itsel$, +n its moralisti% opposition to the .ommunist /#epravity,/ the nationalist-populist
;oral ;ajority unknoCingly prolongs the thrust o$ the previous .ommunist regime toCar#
State Dua organi% %ommunity, (he #esire at Cork in this symptomati% su)stitution o$
.ommunism $or %apitalism is a #esire $or %apitalism %um Iemeins%ha$t, a #esire $or
%apitalism Cithout the /alienate#/ %ivil so%iety, Cithout the $ormal-e5ternal relations )etCeen
in#ivi#uals, Fantasies a)out the /the$t o$ enjoyment,/ the reemergen%e o$ anti-Semitism, et%,,
are the pri%e to )e pai# $or this impossi)le #esire,
The (lind &<ot of %i/eralis6
Para#o5i%ally, Ce %oul# say that Chat :astern :urope nee#s most noC is more alienationE the
esta)lishment o$ an /alienate#/ State Chi%h Coul# maintain its #istan%e $rom the %ivil so%iety,
Chi%h Coul# )e /$ormal,/
/empty,/ i,e,, Chi%h Coul# not em)o#y any parti%ular ethni% %ommunity<s #ream 1an# thus
keep the spa%e open $or them all2, +s, then, the solution $or :astern :urope<s present Coes
simply a larger #ose o$ li)eral #emo%ra%yK (he pi%ture Ce have presente# seems to point in
this #ire%tionE :astern :urope %annot start to live in pea%e an# true pluralist #emo%ra%y
)e%ause o$ the spe%ter o$ nationalism, i,e,, )e%ause the #isintegration o$ .ommunism opene#
up the spa%e $or the emergen%e o$ nationalist o)sessions, provin%ialism, anti-Semitism, hatre#
o$ all that %omes $rom a)roa#, i#eology o$ a threat to the nation, anti$eminism, an# a
postso%ialist moral majority in%lusive o$ a pro-li$e movement-- in short, en(oyment in its
entire /irrationality,/ =et Chat is #eeply suspi%ious a)out this attitu#e, a)out the attitu#e o$ an
antinationalist, li)eral :astern :uropean intelle%tual, is the alrea#y-mentione# o)vious
$as%ination e5erte# on him )y nationalismE li)eral intelle%tuals re$use it, mo%k it, laugh at it,
yet at the same time stare at it Cith poCerless $as%ination, (he intelle%tual pleasure pro%ure#
)y #enoun%ing nationalism is un%annily %lose to the satis$a%tion o$ su%%ess$ully e5plaining
one<s oCn impoten%e an# $ailure 1Chi%h alCays Cas a tra#emark o$ a %ertain kin# o$
;ar5ism2, 8n another level, 3estern li)eral intelle%tuals are o$ten %aught in a similar trapE
the a$$irmation o$ their oCn auto%hthonous tra#ition is $or them a re#-ne%k horror, a site o$
populist proto$as%ism 1$or e5ample, in the U,S,",, the /)a%kCar#ness/ o$ the Polish, +talian,
et%, %ommunities, the allege# )roo# o$ /authoritarian personalities/ an# similar li)eral
s%are%roCs2, Chereas su%h intelle%tuals are at on%e rea#y to hail the auto%hthonous ethni%al
%ommunities of the other 1"$ri%an "meri%ans, Puerto 9i%ans,,,2, :njoyment is goo#, on
%on#ition that it not )e too %lose to us, on %on#ition that it remain the other<s enjoyment,
"s to the ultimate ine$$i%ien%y o$ this /enlightene#,/ /so%ially %ons%ious/ %riti%al analysis,
su$$i%e it to re%all .lint :astCoo#<s Dirty 0arry seriesE the $irst $ilm o$ the series una)ashe#ly
stages an# there)y en#orses the rightCing, populist $antasy 1a lone avenger )reaking the
%orrupte#, ine$$i%ient laC in or#er to /get things #one,/ a maso%hist, se5ually am)iguous
%riminal, et%,2, Chereas in the $olloCing installments, it seems as i$ :astCoo# somehoC
in%orporate# a li)eral %riti%<s re$le%tions on the $irst $ilm, "lrea#y the $irst one to $olloC,
;agnum For%e, re)ukes the logi% o$ a /lone avenger/ an# insists on un%on#itional respe%t $or
the letter o$ the -aC' Su##en +mpa%t gives the logi% o$ the lone avenger almost a $eminist
tou%h, Cith 0arry setting $ree the $emale killer, a rape vi%tim, sin%e she Cas not a)le to o)tain
justi%e $rom the male-%hauvinist legal system' (ightrope allu#es to the #ark
parallelisms )etCeen the mur#erer an# the laC-en$or%ing inspe%tor, "n# yet in spite o$ this
sel$-re$le%tive in%orporation o$ the li)eral, /so%ially %ons%ious/ ingre#ients, the fantasy
remains thoroughly the same, its e$$i%ien%y in stru%turing our spa%e o$ #esire inta%t, (he truly
ra#i%al %ritiDue o$ i#eology shoul# there$ore go )eyon# the sel$-%ongratulatory /so%ial
analyses/ Chi%h %ontinue to parti%ipate in the $antasy that sustains the o)je%t o$ their %ritiDue
an# to sear%h $or Cays to sap the $or%e o$ this un#erlying $antasy-$rame itsel$-- in short, to
per$orm something akin to the -a%anian /going-through the $antasy,/
(he general lesson to
)e #raCn $rom it Cith re$eren%e to hoC i#eology Corks %on%erns the gap that separates
i#eology Dua #is%ursive $ormation $rom its $antasy-supportE an i#eologi%al e#i$i%e is o$ %ourse
su)mitte# to in%essant retroa%tive restru%turations, the sym)oli%#i$$erential value o$ its
elements shi$ting all the time, )ut $antasy #esignates the har# kernel Chi%h resists sym)oli%
/perla)oration,/ i,e,, Chi%h as it Cere an%hors an i#eology in some /su)stantial/ point an#
thus provi#es a %onstant $rame $or the sym)oli% interplay, +n other Cor#s, it is on a%%ount o$
$antasy that an i#eology %annot )e re#u%e# to a netCork o$ elements Chose value Cholly
#epen#s on their respe%tive #i$$erential position Cithin the sym)oli% stru%ture,
(he positive e5pression o$ this am)ivalen%e toCar# the other<s $antasmati% enjoyment is the
o)sessive attitu#e that one %an easily #ete%t in Chat is usually re$erre# to as /P.,/ politi%al
%orre%tnessE the %ompulsive e$$ort to un%over ever neC, ever more re$ine# $orms o$ ra%ial
an#Ror se5ual violen%e an# #omination 1it is not P. to say that the presi#ent /smokes a pea%e-
pipe/ sin%e this involves a patroniFing irony toCar# ?ative "meri%ans, et%,, et%,2, (he
pro)lem, here, is simply /hoC %an one )e a Chite, heterose5ual male an# still retain a %lear
%ons%ien%e/K "ll other positions %an a$$irm their spe%i$i%ity, their spe%i$i% mo#e o$ enjoyment,
only the Chite-male-heterose5ual position must remain empty, must sa%ri$i%e its enjoyment,
(he Ceak point o$ the P. attitu#e is thus the Ceak point o$ the neuroti% %ompulsionE the
pro)lem is not that it is too severe, too $anati%, )ut Duite on the %ontrary that it is not severe
enough, (hat is to say, at $irst glan%e, the P. attitu#e involves the e5treme sel$-sa%ri$i%e, the
renun%iation o$ everything that soun#s se5ist an# ra%ist, the unen#ing e$$ort to unearth tra%es
o$ se5ism an# ra%ism in onesel$, an e$$ort not unCorthy o$ the early .hristian saint Cho
#e#i%ate# his li$e to #is%overing in himsel$ ever neC layers o$ sin,
=et all this e$$ort shoul#
not #upe us' it is ultimately a stratagem Chose $un%tion is to %on%eal the $a%t that the P. type
is not rea#y to renoun%e Chat really
mattersE /+<m prepare# to sa%ri$i%e everything but that/-- )ut ChatK (he very gesture o$ sel$-
sa%ri$i%e, +n other Cor#s, the P. attitu#e implies the same antagonism )etCeen the enun%iate#
%ontent an# the position o$ enun%iation that 0egel #enoun%e# apropos o$ the as%eti% sel$-
humiliationE it %on%eals a patroniFing elevation over those Chose injuries $rom #is%rimination
are allege#ly %ompensate#, +n the very a%t o$ emptying the Chitemale-heterose5ual position o$
all positive %ontent, the P. attitu#e retains it as a universal $orm o$ su)je%tivity, "s su%h, the
P. attitu#e is an e5emplary %ase o$ the Sartrean mauvaise foi o$ the intelle%tualsE it provi#es
neC an# neCer ansCers in order to keep the problem alive, 3hat this attitu#e really $ears is
that the pro)lem Cill #isappear, i,e,, that the Chite-maleheterose5ual $orm o$ su)je%tivity Cill
a%tually %ease to e5ert its hegemony (he guilt #isplaye# )y the P. attitu#e, the apparent
#esire to get ri# o$ /in%orre%t/ elements, is there$ore the $orm o$ appearan%e o$ its e5a%t
oppositeE it )ears Citness to the in$le5i)le Cill to sti%k to the Chite-maleheterose5ual $orm o$
su)je%tivity, 8r, to put it in %lear, ol#-$ashione# politi%al termsE $ar $rom )eing a #isguise#
e5pression o$ the e5treme -e$t, the P. attitu#e is the main i#eologi%al prote%tive shiel# o$ the
)ourgeois li)eralism against a genuine le$tist alternative,

3hat truly #istur)s li)erals is there$ore en(oyment organiFe# in the $orm o$ sel$-su$$i%ient
ethni% %ommunities, +t is against this )a%kgroun# that Ce shoul# %onsi#er the am)iguous
%onseDuen%es o$ the politi%s o$ s%hool )using in the U,S,",, $or e5ample, +ts prin%ipal aim, o$
%ourse, Cas to surmount ra%ist )arriersE %hil#ren $rom )la%k %ommunities Coul# Ci#en their
%ultural horiFons )y partaking in the Chite Cay o$ li$e, %hil#ren $rom Chite %ommunities
Coul# e5perien%e the nullity o$ ra%ial preju#i%es )y Cay o$ %onta%ts Cith )la%ks, et%, =et,
ine5tri%a)ly, another logi% Cas entCine# in this proje%t, espe%ially Chere s%hool )using Cas
e5ternally impose# )y the /enlightene#/ state )ureau%ra%yE to #estroy the enjoyment o$ the
%lose# ethni% %ommunities )y a)rogating their )oun#aries, For this reason, s%hool )using--
inso$ar as it Cas e5perien%e# )y the %on%erne# %ommunities as impose# $rom outsi#e--
rein$or%e# or to some e5tent even generate# ra%ism Chere previously there Cas a #esire o$ an
ethni% %ommunity to maintain the %losure o$ its Cay o$ li$e, a #esire Chi%h is not in itsel$
/ra%ist/ 1as li)erals themselves a#mit through their $as%ination Cith e5oti% /mo#es o$ li$e/ o$
3hat one shoul# #o here is to %all into Duestion the entire theoreti%al apparatus that
sustains this li)eral attitu#e, up to its Frank$urt-s%hool-psy%hoanalyti%al piCce de r5sistance,
the theory o$
the so-%alle# /authoritarian personality/E the /authoritarian personality/ ultimately #esignates
that $orm o$ su)je%tivity Chi%h /irrationally/ insists on its spe%i$i% Cay o$ li$e an#, in the
name o$ its sel$-enjoyment, resists li)eral proo$s o$ its suppose# /true interests,/ (he theory o$
the /authoritarian personality/ is nothing )ut an e5pression o$ the ressentiment o$ the le$t-
li)eral intelligentsia apropos o$ the $a%t that the /non-enlightene#/ Corking %lasses Cere not
prepare# to a%%ept its gui#an%eE an e5pression o$ the intelligentsia<s ina)ility to o$$er a
positive theory o$ this resistan%e,

(he impasses o$ s%hool )using also ena)le us to #elineate the inherent limitation o$ the li)eral
politi%al ethi% as it Cas arti%ulate# in Hohn 9aCls<s theory o$ #istri)utive justi%e,
(hat is to
say, s%hool )using $ully meets the %on#itions o$ #istri)utive justi%e 1it stan#s the trial o$ Chat
9aCls %alls the /veil o$ ignoran%e/2E it pro%ures a more just #istri)ution o$ so%ial goo#s, it
eDualiFes the %han%es $or su%%ess o$ the in#ivi#uals $rom #i$$erent so%ial strata, et%, =et the
para#o5 is that everyone, in%lu#ing those #eeme# to pro$it most )y )using, somehoC $elt
%heate# an# Cronge#-- ChyK (he #imension in$ringe# upon Cas pre%isely that o$ fantasy, (he
9aClsian li)eral-#emo%rati% i#ea o$ #istri)utive justi%e ultimately relies on /rational/
in#ivi#uals Cho are a)le to a)stra%t their parti%ular position o$ enun%iation, to look upon
themselves $rom a neutral pla%e o$ pure /metalanguage/ an# thus per%eive their /true
interests,/ Su%h in#ivi#uals are the suppose# su)je%ts o$ the so%ial %ontra%t Chi%h esta)lishes
the %oor#inates o$ justi%e, 3hat is there)y a priori le$t out o$ %onsi#eration is the $antasy-
spa%e Cithin Chi%h a %ommunity organiFes its /Cay o$ li$e/ 1its mo#e o$ enjoyment2E Cithin
this spa%e, Chat /Ce/ #esire is ine5tri%a)ly linke# to 1Chat Ce per%eive as2 the other<s #esire,
so that Chat /Ce/ #esire may turn out to )e the very #estru%tion o$ our o)je%t o$ #esire 1i$, in
this Cay, Ce #eal a )loC to the other<s #esire2, +n other Cor#s, human #esire, inso$ar as it is
alCaysalrea#y me#iate# )y $antasy, %an never )e groun#e# in 1or translate# )a%k into2 our
/true interests/E the ultimate assertion o$ our #esire, sometimes the only Cay to assert its
autonomy in the $a%e o$ a /)enevolent/ other provi#ing $or our Ioo#, is to a%t against our

:very /enlightene#/ politi%al a%tion legitimiFe# )y the re$eren%e to /true interests/ en%ounters
sooner or later the resistan%e o$ a parti%ular $antasy-spa%eE in the guise o$ the logi% o$ /envy,/
o$ the /the$t o$ enjoyment,/ :ven su%h a %lear-%ut issue like the ;oral ;ajority pro-li$e
movement is in this respe%t more am)iguous than it may seemE one aspe%t o$ it is also the
rea%tion to the en#eavor o$ the /enlightene#/ upper-mi##le-%lass
i#eology to penetrate the loCer-%lass %ommunity li$e, "n#, on another level, Cas not the same
attitu#e at Cork in the uneasiness o$ the Ci#e %ir%le o$ :nglish le$tist-li)eral intelle%tuals
apropos o$ the great miner<s strike in 19K 8ne Cas Dui%k to renoun%e the strike as
/irrational,/ an /e5pression o$ an out#ate# Corking-%lass $un#amentalism,/ et%,' Chile all this
Cas un#ou)te#ly true, the $a%t remains that this strike Cas also a #esperate $orm o$ resistan%e
$rom a %ertain tra#itional Corking-%lass Cay o$ li$e, "s su%h, it Cas perhaps more
/postmo#ern,/ on a%%ount o$ the very $eatures per%eive# )y its %riti%s as /regressive,/ than the
usual /enlightene#/ li)eralle$tist %riti%ism o$ it,

(he $ear o$ /e5%essive/ i#enti$i%ation is there$ore the $un#amental $eature o$ the late-%apitalist
i#eologyE the :nemy is the /$anati%/ Cho /overi#enti$ies/ instea# o$ maintaining a proper
#istan%e toCar# the #isperse# plurality o$ su)je%t-positions, +n shortE the elate# /
#e%onstru%tionist/ logoma%hy $o%use# on /essentialism/ an# /$i5e# i#entities/ ultimately
$ights a straC-man, Far $rom %ontaining any kin# o$ su)versive potentials, the #isperse#,
plural, %onstru%te# su)je%t haile# )y postmo#ern theory 1the su)je%t prone to parti%ular,
in%onsistent mo#es o$ enjoyment, et%,2 simply #esignates the form of sub(ectivity that
corresponds to late capitalism, Perhaps the time has %ome to resus%itate the ;ar5ian insight
that .apital is the ultimate poCer o$ /#eterritorialiFation/ Chi%h un#ermines every $i5e#
so%ial i#entity, an# to %on%eive o$ /late %apitalism/ as the epo%h in Chi%h the tra#itional $i5ity
o$ i#eologi%al positions 1patriar%hal authority, $i5e# se5ual roles, et%,2 )e%omes an o)sta%le to
the un)ri#le# %ommo#i$i%ation o$ every#ay li$e,
&<ino;is6, or, the Ideology of %ate Ca<italis6
"s to this i#eologi%al matri5 o$ late %apitalism, it is reCar#ing to rerea# the last pages o$
-a%an<s Seminar DI, in Chi%h he provi#es a %on%ise a%%ount o$ the SpinoFist positionE /3hat,
Duite Crongly, has )een thought o$ in SpinoFa as pantheism is simply the re#u%tion o$ the
$iel# o$ Io# to the universality o$ the signi$ier, Chi%h pro#u%es a serene, e5%eptional
#eta%hment $rom human #esire,,,, OSpinoFaP institutes this #esire in the ra#i%al #epen#en%e o$
the universality o$ the #ivine attri)utes, Chi%h is possi)le only through the $un%tion o$ the
(hat is to say, Chat #oes this SpinoFist /universality o$ the signi$ier/ %onsist o$K
+n -a%anian terms, SpinoFa a%%omplishes a kin# o$ leveling o$ the signi$ying %hain, he gets
ri# o$ the gap that separates S
, the %hain o$ knoCle#ge, $rom S
, the signi$ier o$
injun%tion, o$ prohi)ition, o$ .+<E the SpinoFist su)stan%e #esignates universal *noCle#ge as
having no nee# $or support in a ;aster-Signi$ier, i,e,, as )eing the metonymi%al universe o$
/pure positivity/ prior to the intervention o$ the negativiFing %ut o$ the paternal metaphor, (he
attitu#e o$ the SpinoFist /Cis#om/ is there$ore #e$ine# )y the re#u%tion o$ #eontology to
ontology, o$ injun%tion to rational knoCle#ge, an#, in terms o$ spee%ha%ts-theory, o$
per$ormative to %onstative, "n e5emplary %ase is SpinoFa<s treatment o$ Io#<s Carning to
"#am an# :ve, /Don<t eat the apple $rom the tree o$ knoCle#ge@/E this pronoun%ement
appears as a prohi)ition only to the $inite min# una)le to grasp the %hain o$ %auses Chi%h lie
)ehin# its message' injun%tions an# prohi)itions are justi$ie# only Chere Ce have to #eal Cith
primitive min#s Chi%h la%k rational insight, " min# Chi%h has a%%ess to rational truth
un#erstan#s Io#<s announ%ement not as a prohi)ition )ut as an insight into the state o$ thingsE
this apple has properties injurious to health, Chi%h is Chy it is not a#visa)le to eat it, (he
%ontemporary version o$ SpinoFa<s rea#ing o$ Io#<s message Coul# there$ore run as $olloCsE
/3arning@ (his apple %an )e harm$ul to your health, sin%e the tree Cas sprinkle# Cith

(his is then Chat o)serving phenomena sub specie aeternitatis ultimately amounts toE )y Cay
o$ surmounting the b5ance o$ our $initu#e, Ce %on%eive phenomena as the elements o$ a
universal sym)oli% netCork, (his netCork is universal in the pre%ise sense that it has no use
$or the e5%eptional element that -a%an )aptiFe# the /;aster-Signi$ier/E that element Chi%h
)rings a)out the %losure o$ an i#eologi%al $iel# )y Cay o$ #esignating the Supreme Ioo#
1Io#, (ruth, ?ation, et%,2, "%%or#ing to SpinoFa, this e5%eptional element %onveys no
positive knoCle#ge o$ %ausal %onne%tionsE the imaginary glitter, the poCer o$ $as%ination that
pertains to this $igure, simply gives )o#y to the voi# o$ our ignoran%e, /Io#,/ un#erstoo# as a
trans%en#ent sovereign imposing his aims on the Corl#, )ears Citness to our ina)ility to grasp
the Corl# in its immanent ne%essity, *ant, on the %ontrary, a$$irms the prima%y o$ pra%ti%al
over theoreti%al reason, Chi%h means that the fact of in(unction is irreducibleE Ce, as $inite
su)je%ts, %annot ever assume the %ontemplative position Chi%h Coul# ena)le us to re#u%e
imperative to %onstative,
(his opposition )etCeen SpinoFa an# *ant, o$ %ourse, has ra#i%al %onseDuen%es $or the status
o$ the su)je%t, (he SpinoFean %ontemplation o$ the universe sub specie acternitatis implies an
attitu#e Chi%h -a%an, in his $irst tCo seminars, Crongly attri)utes to the 0egelian /a)solute
knoCle#ge/E an attitu#e a%hieve# through the su)je%t<s sel$-annihilation, )y means o$
Chi%h the universe appears to )e a sel$-su$$i%ient me%hanism that %an )e %ontemplate# in
supreme )eatitu#e, sin%e Ce are relieve# o$ all responsi)ility $or it, +n %ontrast to this universe
o$ pure positivity in Chi%h nothing is to )e punishe# an# only %ausal links are to )e graspe#,
*ant intro#u%es the ra#i%al responsi)ility o$ the su)je%tE + am ultimately responsi)le $or
everything' even those $eatures Chi%h may seem to )e part o$ my inherite# nature Cere
%hosen )y me in a timeless, trans%en#ental a%t,

"n# it seems as i$ to#ay Ce live in an age o$ neC SpinoFismE the i#eology o$ late %apitalism
is, at least in some o$ its $un#amental $eatures, /SpinoFist,/ Su$$i%e it to re%all the
pre#ominant attitu#e Chi%h repla%es punishment an# responsi)ility Cith illumination o$ the
%auses o$ our so%ially una%%epta)le )ehavior 1/guilt/ is nothing )ut an o)solete term $or my
ignoran%e o$ the %auses Chi%h #rove me into #estru%tive )ehavior2' or %onsi#er the la)els on
$oo# %ans $ull o$ pseu#os%ienti$i% #ata-- this soup %ontains so mu%h %holesterol, so many
%alories, so mu%h $at,,,1 -a%an, o$ %ourse, Coul# #is%ern )ehin# this repla%ement o$ #ire%t
injun%tion )y the allege#ly neutral in$ormation the superego-imperative /9n(oy</2,
3e shoul# not )e le# astray here )y the inspire# argumentation o$ %ontemporary SpinoFists
1 DeleuFe, $or e5ample2 Cho en#eavor to unearth in SpinoFa a theory o$ %ommuni%ation that
)reaks %ompletely Cith the .artesian pro)lemati% o$ %onta%t )etCeen sel$-%ons%ious mona#i%
in#ivi#ualsE in#ivi#uals #o not $orm a %ommunity through the mutual re%ognition o$ the ego
an# its 8ther, )ut through the me%hanism o$ a$$e%tive i#enti$i%ation, through the intermi5ture
o$ partial a$$e%ts Chere one /passion/ e%hoes another an# thus rein$or%es its intensivity-- a
pro%ess la)ele# )y SpinoFaaffectum imitatio, Far $rom )eing an autonomous )earer o$ this
pro%ess, the su)je%t is rather a pla%e, a passive groun# $or the netCork o$ partial lateral linksE
communication does not take place between sub(ects, but directly between affects, /+/
re%ogniFe mysel$ as an autonomous, sel$-su$$i%ient Su)je%t pre%isely inso$ar as + overlook--
misre%ogniFe-- this netCork o$ partial o)je%tal i#enti$i%ations-imitations Chi%h #etermine me
an# traverse the )oun#aries o$ my sel$-i#entity,
"ll this may appear very /su)versive,/ i$
measure# )y the stan#ar# o$ the %lassi%al i#eologi%al notion o$ /autonomous su)je%t/-- )ut
isn<t this very SpinoFist me%hanism at Cork in Chat Ce %all the /postin#ustrial so%iety o$
%onsumption/' i,e,, isn<t the so-%alle# /postmo#ern su)je%t/ the passive groun# traverse# )y
partial a$$e%tive links, rea%ting to images Chi%h regulate his or her /passions,/ una)le to e5ert
%ontrol over this me%hanismK
+n her arti%le /?u%lear Su)lime,/ Fran%es Ferguson
registere# the
groCing %laustropho)ia #isplaye# )y a series o$ $eatures in our every#ay li$eE $rom the
aCareness o$ hoC smoking en#angers not just smokers themselves )ut nonsmokers in their
%ompany, through the o)session Cith %hil# a)use, up to the revival o$ the theory o$ se#u%tion
in 1the %ritiDue o$2 psy%hoanalysis 1 ;asson<s The ,ssault on Truth2,
3hat lurks in the
)a%kgroun# o$ these $eatures is the SpinoFist i#ea that, imper%epti)ly, at a presu)je%tive level,
Ce are entangle# in a netCork )y Cay o$ Chi%h others en%roa%h upon usE ultimately, the very
presen%e o$ others as su%h is per%eive# as violen%e, 0oCever, in or#er $or this enhan%e#
aCareness o$ hoC others threaten us, o$ hoC Ce are totally /e5pose#/ to them, to emerge, a
%ertain solipsist shi$t ha# to o%%ur Chi%h #e$ines the /postmo#ern/ su)je%tE this su)je%t has as
it Cere Cith#raCn $rom the )ig 8ther, maintaining a protopsy%hoti% #istan%e toCar# the
8ther' i,e,, this su)je%t per%eives himsel$ as an out--aC, la%king the %ommon groun# share#
Cith others, "n# $or this reason, every %onta%t Cith others is per%eive# an# e5perien%e# as a
violent en%roa%hment,
(he so-%alle# /$un#amentalism/ on Chi%h to#ay<s mass me#ia more an# more %on$er the role
o$ the :nemy par e5%ellen%e 1in the guise o$ sel$#estru%tive /ra#i%al :vil/E Sa##am 0ussein,
the nar%o-%artels,,,2 is to )e graspe# as a rea%tion to the ruling SpinoFism, as its inherent
8ther, (he result is sa# enough, although theoreti%ally very instru%tiveE it is as i$ to#ay the
usual opposition o$ Ioo# Dua unyiel#ing ethi%al attitu#e, the rea#iness to risk all rather than
%ompromise one<s sense o$ justi%e, an# o$ :vil Dua opportunist giving Cay un#er the pressure
o$ %ir%umstan%es, is inverte# an# thus attains its hi##en truth, (o#ay, /$anati%ism,/ any
rea#iness to put everything at stake, is as su%h suspi%ious, Chi%h is Chy a proper ethical
attitude survives only in the guise of %radical 9vil,/ (he only true #ilemma to#ay is Chether
or not the late-%apitalist SpinoFism is our ultimate horiFonE is all that seems to resist this
SpinoFism mere /remain#ers o$ the past,/ simply limite#, /passive/ knoCle#ge, una)le to
%ontemplate the .apitalSu)stan%e sub specie aeternitatis, as a sel$-su$$i%ient ma%hinery, or
%an Ce e$$e%tively %all this SpinoFism into DuestionK
$rea6s of Nationalis6, E.<lained /y the $rea6 of
Radial E7il
3here, then, are Ce to look $or the Cay out o$ this vi%ious %ir%le o$ late%apitalist SpinoFismK
?ee#less to stress, Ce are $ar $rom a#vo%ating that $un#amentalist overi#enti$i%ation is
/anti%apitalist/E the point is pre%isely
that the %ontemporary $orms o$ /paranoia%/ overi#enti$i%ation are the inherent reverse o$
.apital<s universalism, an inherent rea%tion to it, The more the logic of &apital becomes
universal, the more its opposite will assume features of %irrational fundamentalism,/ +n other
Cor#s, there is no Cay out as long as the universal #imension o$ our so%ial $ormation remains
#e$ine# in terms o$ .apital, (he Cay to )reak out o$ this vi%ious %ir%le is not to $ight the
/irrational/ nationalist parti%ularism )ut to invent $orms o$ politi%al pra%ti%e that %ontain a
#imension o$ universality )eyon# .apital' their e5emplary %ase to#ay, o$ %ourse, is the
e%ologi%al movement,
"n# Chere #oes this leave us Cith regar# to :astern :uropeK (he li)eral point o$ vieC Chi%h
opposes li)eral-#emo%rati% /openness/ to nationalistorgani% /%losure/-- the vieC sustaine# )y
the hope that a /true/ li)eral#emo%rati% so%iety Cill arise on%e Ce get ri# o$ the proto$as%ist
nationalisti% %onstraints-- $alls short, sin%e it $ails to take into a%%ount the Cay the suppose#ly
/neutral/ li)eral-#emo%rati% $rameCork pro#u%es nationalist /%losure/ as its inherent opposite,
(he only Cay to prevent the emergen%e o$ proto$as%ist nationalist hegemony is to %all into
Duestion the very stan#ar# o$ /normality,/ the universal $rameCork o$ li)eral-#emo%rati%
%apitalism-- as Cas #one, $or a )rie$ moment, )y the /vanishing me#iators/ in the passage
$rom so%ialism into %apitalism,
+n the ethni% tensions emerging in :astern :urope, the 3estern gaFe upon the :ast en%ounters
its oCn un%anny reverse usually Duali$ie# 1an# )y the same token #isDuali$ie#2 as
/$un#amentalism/E the en# o$ %osmopolitanism, li)eral #emo%ra%y<s impoten%e in the $a%e o$
this return o$ tri)alism, +t is pre%isely here that, $or the sake o$ #emo%ra%y itsel$, one has to
gather strength an# repeat the e5emplary heroi%al gesture o$ Freu#, Cho ansCere# the threat
o$ Fas%ist anti-Semitism )y #epriving HeCs o$ their $oun#ing $atherE 3oses and 3onotheism
is Freu#<s ansCer to ?aFism, 3hat Freu# #i# Cas there$ore the e5a%t opposite o$ "rnol#
S%hoen)erg, $or e5ample, Cho s%orn$ully #ismisse# ?aFi ra%ism as a pale imitation o$ the
sel$-%omprehension o$ the HeCs as the ele%te# peopleE )y Cay o$ an almost maso%histi%
inversion, Freu# targete# HeCs themselves an# en#eavore# to prove that their $oun#ing $ather,
;oses, Cas :gyptian, ?otCithstan#ing the histori% 1in2a%%ura%y o$ this thesis, Chat really
matters is its #is%ursive strategyE to #emonstrate that HeCs are alrea#y in themselves
/#e%entere#,/ that their /originality/ is a )ri%olage, (he #i$$i%ulty #oes not resi#e in HeCs )ut
in the trans$eren%e o$ the anti-Semite Cho thinks that HeCs /really possess it,/ agalma, the
se%ret o$ their poCerE the anti-Semite is the one
Cho /)elieves in the HeC,/ so the only Cay e$$e%tively to un#ermine antiSemitism is to
%onten# that =ews do not possess %it,/

+n a similar move, one has to #ete%t the $laC o$ li)eral #emo%ra%y Chi%h opens up a spa%e $or
/$un#amentalism,/ (hat is to say, there is ultimately only one Duestion Chi%h %on$ronts
politi%al philosophy to#ayE is li)eral #emo%ra%y the ultimate horiFon o$ our politi%al pra%ti%e,
or is it possi)le e$$e%tively to %omprise its inherent limitationK (he stan#ar# neo%onservative
ansCer here is to )emoan the /la%k o$ roots/ that allege#ly pertains to li)eral #emo%ra%y, to
this king#om o$ the ?ietFs%hean /last man/ Chere no pla%e is le$t $or ethi%al heroism, Chere
Ce are more an# more su)merge# in the i#ioti% routine o$ every#ay li$e regulate# )y the
pleasure-prin%iple, et%,E Cithin this perspe%tive, /$un#amentalism/ is a simple rea%tion to this
/loss o$ roots,/ a perverte#, yet #esperate sear%h $or neC roots in an organi% %ommunity, =et
this neo%onservative ansCer $alls short )y $ailing to #emonstrate hoC the very proje%t o$
$ormal #emo%ra%y, %on%eive# in its philosophi%al $oun#ing gesture, opens up the spa%e $or
(he stru%tural homology )etCeen *antian $ormalism an# $ormal #emo%ra%y is a %lassi%al
toposE in )oth %ases, the starting point, the $oun#ing gesture, %onsists o$ an a%t o$ ra#i%al
emptying, eva%uation, 3ith *ant, Chat is eva%uate# an# le$t empty is the lo%us o$ the
Supreme Ioo#E every positive o)je%t #estine# to o%%upy this pla%e is )y #e$inition
/pathologi%al,/ marke# )y empiri%al %ontingen%y, Chi%h is Chy the moral -aC must )e
re#u%e# to the pure Form )estoCing on our a%ts the %hara%ter o$ universality, -ikeCise, the
elementary operation o$ #emo%ra%y is the eva%uation o$ the lo%us o$ PoCerE every preten#er to
this pla%e is )y #e$inition a /pathologi%al/ usurper' /no)o#y %an rule inno%ently,/ to Duote
Saint-Hust, "n# the %ru%ial point is that /nationalism/ as a spe%i$i%ally mo#ern, post*antian
phenomenon #esignates the moment Chen the ?ation, the national (hing, usurps, $ills out, the
empty pla%e o$ the (hing opene# up )y *ant<s /$ormalism,/ )yis re#u%tion o$ every
/pathologi%al/ %ontent, (he *antian term $or this $illing-out o$ the voi#, o$ %ourse, is the
$anati%ism o$ S%hCZrmereiE #oes not /nationalism/ epitomiFe $anati%ism in politi%sK
+n this pre%ise sense, it is the very /$ormalism/ o$ *ant Chi%h, )y Cay o$ its #istin%tion
)etCeen negative an# in#e$inite ju#gment, opens up the spa%e $or the /un#ea#/ an# similar
in%arnations o$ some monstrous ra#i%al :vil, +t Cas alrea#y the /pre-%riti%al/ *ant Cho use#
the #reams o$ a ghostseer to e5plain the metaphysi%al #ream'
to#ay, one shoul# re$er to the
#ream o$ the /un#ea#/ monsters to e5plain nationalism, (he $illing-out o$
the empty pla%e o$ the (hing )y the ?ation is perhaps the para#igmati% %ase o$ the inversion
Chi%h #e$ines ra#i%al :vil, "s to this link )etCeen philosophi%al $ormalism 1the emptying o$
the /pathologi%al/ %ontent2 an# nationalism, *ant presents a uniDue pointE)y #is%erning the
empty pla%e o$ the (hing, he e$$e%tively %ir%ums%ri)es the spa%e o$ nationalism, yet at the
same time prohi)its us $rom taking the %ru%ial step into it 1this Cas #one later )y Cay o$ the
/aesthetiFation/ o$ the *antian ethi%, in S%hiller, $or e5ample2, +n other Cor#s, the status o$
nationalism is ultimately that o$ the trans%en#ental illusion, the illusion o$ a #ire%t a%%ess to
the (hing' as su%h, it epitomiFes the prin%iple o$ $anati%ism in politi%s, *ant remains a
/%osmopolite/ pre%isely inso$ar as he Cas not yet rea#y to a%%ept the possi)ility o$
/#ia)oli%al/ :vil, o$ :vil as an ethi%al attitu#e, (his para#o5 o$ $illing-out the empty pla%e o$
the Supreme Ioo# #e$ines the mo#ern notion o$ ?ation, (he am)iguous an# %ontra#i%tory
nature o$ the mo#ern nation is the same as that o$ vampires an# other living #ea#E they are
Crongly per%eive# as /le$tovers $rom the past/' their pla%e is %onstitute# )y the very )reak o$
(his pathologi%al /stain/ also #etermines the #ea#lo%ks o$ to#ay<s li)eral #emo%ra%y, (he
pro)lem Cith the li)eral #emo%ra%y is that a priori, $or stru%tural reasons, it %annot )e
universaliFe#, 0egel sai# that the moment o$ vi%tory o$ a politi%al $or%e is the very moment o$
its splittingE the triumphant li)eral-#emo%rati% /neC Corl# or#er/ is more an# more marke#
)y a $rontier separating its /insi#e/ $rom its /outsi#e/-- a $rontier )etCeen those Cho manage
to remain /Cithin/ 1the /#evelope#,/ those to Chom the rules o$ human rights, so%ial se%urity,
et%,, apply2 an# the others, the e5%lu#e# 1the main %on%ern o$ the /#evelope#/ apropos o$
them is to %ontain their e5plosive potential, even i$ the pri%e to )e pai# $or su%h %ontainment
is the negle%t o$ elementary #emo%rati% prin%iples2,
(his opposition, not the one )etCeen
the %apitalist an# the so%ialist /)lo%,/ is Chat #e$ines the %ontemporary %onstellationE the
/so%ialist/ )lo% Cas the true /thir# Cay,/ a #esperate attempt at mo#erniFation outsi#e the
%onstraints o$ %apitalism, 3hat is e$$e%tively at stake in the present %risis o$ postso%ialist
states is pre%isely the struggle $or one<s pla%e, noC that the illusion o$ the /thir# Cay/ has
evaporate#E Cho Cill )e a#mitte# /insi#e,/ integrate# into the #evelope# %apitalist or#er, an#
Cho Cill remain e5%lu#e# $rom itK :5-=ugoslavia is perhaps the e5emplary %aseE every a%tor
in the )loo#y play o$ its #isintegration en#eavors to legitimiFe its pla%e /insi#e/ )y presenting
itsel$ as the last )astion o$ :uropean %iviliFation 1the
%urrent i#eologi%al #esignation $or the %apitalist /insi#e/2 in the $a%e o$ oriental )ar)arism,
For the right-Cing nationalist "ustrians, this imaginary $rontier is *aravanke, the mountain
%hain )etCeen "ustria an# SloveniaE )eyon# it, the rule o$ Slavi% hor#es )egins, For the
nationalist Slovenes, this $rontier is the river *olpa, separating Slovenia $rom .roatiaE Ce are
3itteleuropa, Chile .roatians are alrea#y Galkan, involve# in the irrational ethni% $eu#s
Chi%h really #o not %on%ern us' Ce are on their si#e, Ce sympathiFe Cith them, yet in the
same Cay one sympathiFes Cith a thir# Corl# vi%tim o$ aggression, For .roatians, the %ru%ial
$rontier, o$ %ourse, is the one )etCeen them an# Ser)ians, i,e,, )etCeen the 3estern .atholi%
%iviliFation an# the :astern 8rtho#o5 %olle%tive spirit Chi%h %annot %omprehen# the values o$
3estern in#ivi#ualism, Ser)ians, $inally, %on%eive o$ themselves as the last line o$ #e$ense o$
.hristian :urope against the $un#amentalist #anger )o#ie# $orth )y ;uslim "l)anians an#
Gosnians, 1+t shoul# )e %lear, noC, Cho, Cithin the spa%e o$ e5-=ugoslavia, e$$e%tively
)ehaves in the %iviliFe# /:uropean/ CayE those at the very )ottom o$ this la##er, e5%lu#e#
$rom all-- "l)anians an# ;uslim Gosnians,2 (he tra#itional li)eral opposition )etCeen /open/
pluralist so%ieties an# /%lose#/ nationalist-%orporatist so%ieties $oun#e# on the e5%lusion o$
the 8ther has thus to )e )rought to its point o$ sel$-re$eren%eE the li)eral gaFe itsel$ $un%tions
a%%or#ing to the same logi%, inso$ar as it is $oun#e# upon the e5%lusion o$ the 8ther to Chom
one attri)utes the $un#amentalist nationalism, et%, 8n that a%%ount, events in e5-=ugoslavia
e5empli$y per$e%tly the properly #iale%ti%al reversalE something Chi%h $irst appeare# Cithin
the given set o$ %ir%umstan%es as the most )a%kCar# element, a le$t-over o$ the past, all o$ a
su##en, Cith the shi$t in the general $rameCork, emerges as the element o$ the $uture in the
present %onte5t, as the premonition o$ Chat lies ahea#, (he out)ursts o$ Galkan nationalism
Cere $irst #ismisse# as the #eath throes o$ .ommunist totalitarianism #isguise# in neC
nationalist %lothes, as a ri#i%ulous ana%hronism that truly )elongs to the nineteenth%entury age
o$ nation-states, not to our present era o$ multinationals an# Corl# integration' hoCever, it
su##enly )e%ame %lear that the ethni% %on$li%ts o$ e5-=ugoslavia o$$er the $irst %lear taste o$
the tCenty-$irst %entury, the prototype o$ the post-%ol# Car arme# %on$li%ts,
(his antagonisti% splitting opens up the $iel# $or the *hmer 9ouge, Sen#ero, -uminoso, an#
other similar movements Chi%h seem to personi$y /ra#i%al :vil/ in to#ay<s politi%sE i$
/$un#amentalism/ $un%tions as a kin# o$ /negative ju#gment/ on li)eral %apitalism, as an
inherent negation o$ the
universalist %laim o$ li)eral %apitalism, then movements su%h as Sen#ero -uminoso ena%t an
/in$inite ju#gment/ on it, +n his $hilosophy of 0ight, 0egel %on%eives o$ the /ra))le/ 1$Ebel2
as a ne%essary pro#u%t o$ the mo#ern so%ietyE a nonintegrate# segment in the legal or#er,
prevente# $rom partaking o$ its )ene$its, an# $or this very reason #elivere# $rom any
responsi)ilities toCar# it-- a ne%essary stru%tural surplus e5%lu#e# $rom the %lose# %ir%uit o$
so%ial e#i$i%e, +t seems that only to#ay, Cith the a#vent o$ late %apitalism, has this notion o$
/ra))le/ a%hieve# its a#eDuate realiFation in so%ial reality, through politi%al $or%es Chi%h
para#o5i%ally unite the most ra#i%al in#igenist antimo#ernism 1the re$usal o$ everything that
#e$ines mo#ernityE market, money, in#ivi#ualism,,,2 Cith the eminently mo#ern proje%t o$
e$$a%ing the entire sym)oli% tra#ition an# )eginning $rom a Feropoint 1in the %ase o$ *hmer
9ouge, this meant a)olishing the entire system o$ e#u%ation an# killing intelle%tuals2, 3hat,
pre%isely, %onstitutes the /shining path/ o$ the Sen#eristas i$ not the i#ea to reins%ri)e the
%onstru%tion o$ so%ialism Cithin the $rame o$ the return to the an%ient +n%a empireK (he result
o$ this #esperate en#eavor to surmount the antagonism )etCeen tra#ition an# mo#ernity is a
#ou)le negationE a ra#i%ally anti%apitalist movement 1the re$usal o$ integration into the Corl#
market2 %ouple# Cith a systemati% #issolution o$ all tra#itional hierar%hi%al so%ial links,
)eginning Cith the $amily 1at the level o$ /mi%ro-poCer, / the *hmer9ouge regime
$un%tione# as an /anti-8e#ipal/ regime in its purest, i,e,, as the /#i%tature o$ a#oles%ents,/
instigating them to #enoun%e their parents2, (he truth arti%ulate# in the para#o5 o$ this #ou)le
negation is that %apitalism %annot repro#u%e itsel$ Cithout the support o$ pre%apitalist $orms
o$ so%ial links, +n other Cor#s, $ar $rom presenting a %ase o$ e5oti% )ar)arism, the /ra#i%al
:vil/ o$ the *hmer 9ouge an# the Sen#eristas is %on%eiva)le only against the )a%kgroun# o$
the %onstitutive antagonism o$ to#ay<s %apitalism, (here is more than a %ontingent
i#iosyn%rasy in the $a%t that, in )oth %ases, the lea#er o$ the movement is an intelle%tual Cell
skille# in the su)tleties o$ 3estern %ulture, 1Prior to )e%oming a revolutionary, Pol Pot Cas a
pro$essor at a Fren%h ly%Je in Phnom Penh, knoCn $or his su)tle rea#ings o$ 9im)au# an#
;allarmJ' ")imael IuFman, /presi#enteIonFalo,/ the lea#er o$ the Sen#eristas, is a
philosophy pro$essor Chose pre$erre# authors are 0egel an# 0ei#egger an# Chose #o%toral
thesis Cas on *ant<s theory o$ spa%e,2 For this reason, it is too simple to %on%eive o$ these
movements as the last em)o#iment o$ the millenarist ra#i%alism Chi%h stru%tures so%ial spa%e
as the e5%lusive antagonism )etCeen /us/ an# /them,/
alloCing $or no possi)le $orms o$ me#iation' instea#, these movements represent a #esperate
attempt to avoi# the im)alan%e %onstitutive o$ %apitalism Cithout seeking support in some
previous tra#ition suppose# to ena)le us mastery o$ this im)alan%e 1the +slami%
$un#amentalism Chi%h remains Cithin this logi% is $or that reason ultimately a perverte#
instrument o$ mo#erniFation2, +n other Cor#s, )ehin# Sen#ero -uminoso<s en#eavor to erase
an entire tra#ition an# to )egin $rom the Fero-point in an a%t o$ %reative su)limation, there is
the %orre%t insight into the %omplementary relationship o$ mo#ernity an# tra#itionE any true
return to tra#ition is to#ay a priori impossi)le, its role is simply to serve as a sho%k-a)sor)er
$or the pro%ess o$ mo#erniFation,
(he *hmer 9ouge an# the Sen#eristas there$ore $un%tion as a kin# o$ /in$inite ju#gment/ on
late %apitalism in the pre%ise *antian sense o$ the termE they are to )e lo%ate# in a thir#
#omain )eyon# the inherent antagonism that #e$ines the late-%apitalist #ynami% 1the
antagonism )etCeen the mo#ernist #rive an# the $un#amentalist )a%klash2, sin%e they
ra#i%ally reje%t )oth poles o$ the opposition, "s su%h, they are-- to put it in 0egelese-- an
integral part o$ the notion o$ late %apitalismE i$ one Cants to %omprise %apitalism as a Corl#-
system, one must take into a%%ount its inherent negation, the /$un#amentalism,/ as Cell as its
a)solute negation, the in$inite ju#gment on it,
+t is against this )a%kgroun# that one must ju#ge the signi$i%an%e o$ the reneCe# 1sym)oli%
an# real2 violen%e against /$oreigners/ in the #evelope# 3estern %ountries, "propos o$ the
Fren%h 9evolution, *ant Crote that its Corl#-histori%al signi$i%an%e is not to )e sought in
Chat a%tually happene# on the streets o$ Paris, )ut in the enthusiasm this en#eavor to realiFe
$ree#om arouse# in the e#u%ate#, enlightene# pu)li%E it may Cell )e true that Chat a%tually
took pla%e in Paris Cas horri$ying, that the most repulsive passions Cere let loose, yet the
rever)erations o$ these events Cithin the enlightene# pu)li% all aroun# :urope )ear Citness
not only to the possi)ility o$ $ree#om, )ut also to the very a%tuality o$ the ten#en%y toCar#
$ree#om Dua anthropologi%al $a%t,
(he same step-- the shi$t $rom the event<s imme#iate
reality to the mo#ality o$ its ins%ription into the )ig 8ther epitomiFe# )y passive o)servers--
is to )e repeate# apropos o$ the anti-immigrant violent out)ursts in Iermany in the summer o$
1994 1in 9osto%k an# other %ities in the e5-:ast Iermany2E the true meaning o$ these events is
to )e sought in the $a%t that the neo-?aFi pogroms met Cith approval or at least
/un#erstan#ing/ in the silent majority o$ o)servers--
even some top So%ial Demo%rati% politi%ians use# them as an argument $or re%onsi#ering
Ierman li)eral immigrant poli%ies, (his shi$t in the Feitgeist is Chere the real #anger lurksE it
prepares the groun# $or the possi)le hegemony o$ an i#eology Chi%h per%eives the presen%e
o$ /aliens/ as a threat to national i#entity, as the prin%ipal %ause o$ antagonisms that #ivi#e the
politi%al )o#y,
3hat Ce must )e parti%ularly attentive to is the #i$$eren%e )etCeen this /postmo#ern/ ra%ism
Chi%h noC rages aroun# :urope an# the tra#itional $orm o$ ra%ism, (he ol# ra%ism Cas #ire%t
an# raC-- /they/ 1HeCs, )la%ks, "ra)s, :astern :uropeans,,,2 are laFy, violent, plotting,
ero#ing our national su)stan%e, et%,, Chereas the neC ra%ism is /re$le%te#,/ as it Cere sDuare#
ra%ism, Chi%h is Chy it %an Cell assume the $orm o$ its opposite, o$ the $ight against ra%ism,
:tienne Gali)ar hit the mark )y )aptiFing it /metara%ism,/
0oC #oes a /postmo#ern/ ra%ist
rea%t to the out)ursts in 9osto%kK 0e o$ %ourse )egins )y e5pressing his horror an# repulsion
at the neo?aFi violen%e, yet he is Dui%k to a## that these events, #eplora)le as they are, must
)e seen in their %onte5tE they are a%tually a perverte#, #istorte# e5pression an# e$$e%t o$ a true
pro)lem, namely that in %ontemporary Ga)ilon the e5perien%e o$ )elonging to a Cell-#e$ine#
ethni% %ommunity Chi%h gives meaning to the in#ivi#ual<s li$e is losing groun#' in short, the
true %ulprits are %osmopoliti% universalists Cho, in the name o$ /multi%ulturalism,/ mi5 ra%es
an# there)y set in motion natural sel$-#e$ense me%hanisms,
"parthei# is thus legitimiFe# as
the ultimate $orm o$ antira%ism, as an en#eavor to prevent ra%ial tensions an# %on$li%ts, 3hat
Ce have here is a palpa)le e5ample o$ Chat -a%an has in min# Chen he insists that /there is
no metalanguage/E the #istan%e o$ metara%ism toCar# ra%ism is voi#' metara%ism is ra%ism
pure an# simple, all the more #angerous $or posing as its opposite an# a#vo%ating ra%ist
measures as the very $orm o$ $ighting ra%ism,
The Eastern Euro<ean 8Vanishing +ediators8
(his %riti%ism o$ the usual 3estern li)eral attitu#e opens up the Cay $or a #i$$erent,
supplementary Cay to e5plain the $as%inating $or%e e5erte# )y nationalism in :astern :uropeE
the pe%uliarity o$ the /transition/ $rom real so%ialism to %apitalism, -et us take the %ase o$
Slovenia, +$, in the re%ent #isintegration o$ the /real so%ialism/ in Slovenia, there Cere
politi%al agents Chose role $ully #eserves the #esignation /tragi%,/ these Cere the Slove-
nian .ommunists Cho live# up to their promise to make possi)le the pea%e$ul, nonviolent
transition into pluralist #emo%ra%y, From the very )eginning they Cere %aught in the Freu#ian
para#o5 o$ the superegoE the more they gave Cay to the #eman#s o$ the 1then2 opposition an#
a%%epte# #emo%rati% rules o$ the game, the more violent )e%ame the opposition<s a%%usations
a)out their /totalitarianism,/ the more they Cere suspe%te# o$ a%%epting #emo%ra%y only /in
Cor#s/ Chile a%tually preparing #emoni% plots against it, (he para#o5 o$ su%h a%%usations
emerge# in its purest Chen, $inally, a$ter many %laims that the .ommunists< #emo%rati%
%ommitments Cere not to )e taken seriously, it )e%ame %lear that they /meant it/E $ar $rom
)eing perple5e#, the opposition simply %hange# the %harge an# a%%use# the .ommunists o$
/unprin%iple# )ehavior/-- hoC %an you trust some)o#y Cho )etraye# shamelessly his ol#
revolutionary past an# a%%epte# #emo%rati% )ehaviorK (he #eman# o$ the opposition
#is%erni)le in this para#o5 is an ironi% repetition o$ the goo# ol# Stalinist #eman# at Cork in
the politi%al monster-trials Chere the a%%use# Cere $or%e# to a#mit their guilt an# %laim
supreme punishment $or themselvesE $or the anti.ommunist opposition, the only goo#
.ommunist Coul# )e the one Cho Coul# $irst organiFe $ree multiparty ele%tions an# then
voluntarily assume in them the role o$ the s%apegoat, o$ a representative o$ totalitarian horrors
Cho has to )e )eaten, +n short, .ommunists Cere e5pe%te# to assume the impossi)le position
o$ pure metalanguage an# to say, /3e %on$ess, Ce are totalitarian, Ce #eserve to lose the
ele%tions@/ like the vi%tim o$ the Stalinist trials Cho %on$esses guilt an# #eman#s the harshest
possi)le punishment, (his shi$t in the pu)li% per%eption o$ Slovenian #emo%rati% .ommunists
Cas truly enigmati%E up to the /point o$ no return/ on the Cay to #emo%ra%y, the pu)li%
trum)le# $or them, %ounting on them to en#ure the pressure o$ the true anti#emo%rati% $or%es
1=ugoslav army, Ser)ian populism, ol# har#-liners, et%,2 an# to organiFe $ree ele%tions' yet
on%e it )e%ame %lear that $ree ele%tions Coul# take pla%e, these same .ommunists su##enly
)e%ame the :nemy,
(he logi% o$ this shi$t, $rom the /open/ %on#ition )e$ore ele%tions into its /%losure/ a$ter
ele%tions, %an )e %on%eive# o$ )y means o$ the term /vanishing me#iator/ ela)orate# )y
Fre#ri% Hameson,
" system rea%hes its eDuili)rium, i,e,, it esta)lishes itsel$ as a syn%hronous
totality, Chen-- in 0egelese-- it /posits/ its e5ternal presuppositions as its inherent moments
an# thus o)literates the tra%es o$ its traumati% origins, 3hat Ce have here is the tension
)etCeen the /open/ situation Chen a neC so%ial pa%t is generate#,
an# its su)seDuent /%losure/-- to re$er to *ierkegaar#<s terms, the tension )etCeen possi)ility
an# ne%essityE the %ir%le is %lose# Chen the neC so%ial pa%t esta)lishes itsel$ in its ne%essity
an# ren#ers invisi)le its /possi)ility,/ the open, un#e%i#e# pro%ess that engen#ere# it,
)etCeen, Chen the so%ialist regime Cas alrea#y #isintegrating, yet )e$ore the neC regime
%oul# sta)iliFe itsel$, Ce Citnesse# a kin# o$ opening' things Cere $or a moment visi)le Chi%h
imme#iately therea$ter )e%ame invisi)le, (o put it in a ru#e Cay, those Cho triggere# the
pro%ess o$ #emo%ratiFation an# $ought its heaviest )attles are not those Cho to#ay enjoy its
reCar#s-- not )e%ause o$ any usurpation or #e%eption on the part o$ the present Cinners, )ut
)e%ause o$ a #eeper histori%al logi%, 8n%e the pro%ess o$ #emo%ratiFation ha# rea%he# its
peak, it )urie# its #etonators, 3ho e$$e%tively triggere# this pro%essK ?eC so%ial movements,
punk, the ?eC -e$t, "$ter the vi%tory o$ #emo%ra%y, all these impulses su##enly an#
enigmati%ally lost groun# an# more or less #isappeare# $rom the s%ene, .ulture itsel$, the set
o$ %ultural pre$eren%es, %hange# ra#i%allyE $rom punk an# 0ollyCoo# to national poems an#
Duasi-$olklori% %ommer%ial musi% 1in %ontrast to the usual i#ea a%%or#ing to Chi%h the
universal "meri%an-3estern %ulture oversha#oCs authenti% national roots2, 3hat Ce ha# Cas
a true /primitive a%%umulation/ o$ #emo%ra%y, a %haoti% array o$ punkers, stu#ents Cith their
sit-ins, %ommittees $or human rights, et%,, Chi%h literally became invisible the moment the
neC system esta)lishe# itsel$ an# thereCith its oCn myth o$ origins, (he same people Cho, a
%ouple o$ years ago, a)use# the neC so%ial movements $rom the position o$ party har#liners,
noC, as mem)ers o$ the ruling anti-.ommunist %oalition, a%%use their representatives o$
(his #iale%ti%s is espe%ially interesting in its theoreti%al aspe%t, 9oughly, Ce %oul# say that in
the last tCo #e%a#es tCo philosophi%al orientations #ominate# intelle%tual li$e in SloveniaE
0ei#eggerianism among the opposition an# Frank$urt-s%hool ;ar5ism among the /o$$i%ial/
Party %ir%les, So one Coul# have e5pe%te# the main theoreti%al $ight to have taken pla%e
)etCeen these tCo orientations, Cith the thir# )lo%k-- -a%anians an# "lthusserians-- in the
role o$ inno%ent )ystan#ers, =et as soon as polemi%s )roke out, )oth major orientations
$ero%iously atta%ke# the same parti%ular third author, "lthusser, 1"n#, to make the surprise
even )igger, the tCo main proponents o$ this polemi%s, a 0ei#eggerian an# a then Frank$urt
;ar5ist, Cere later )oth mem)ers o$ the ruling anti-.ommunist %oalition,2 +n the seventies,
"lthusser a%tually $un%tione# as a kin# o$ symptomati% point, a
name apropos o$ Chi%h all the /o$$i%ial/ a#versaries, 0ei#eggerians an# Frank$urt-;ar5ists in
Slovenia, Pra5is-philosophers an# .entral .ommittee i#eologues in Xagre) an# Gelgra#e,
suddenly started to speak the same language, pronoun%ing the same a%%usations, From the
very )eginning, the starting point o$ the Slovene -a%anians Cas this o)servation o$ hoC the
name /"lthusser/ triggere# an enigmati% uneasiness in all %amps, 8ne is even tempte# to
suggest that the un$ortunate event in "lthusser<s private li$e 1his strangling o$ his Ci$e2 playe#
the role o$ a Cel%ome prete5t, o$ a /little pie%e o$ reality/ ena)ling his theoreti%al a#versaries
to repress the real trauma represente# )y his theory 1/0oC %an a theory o$ some)o#y Cho
strangle# his Ci$e )e taken seriouslyK/2, +t is perhaps more than a mere %uriosity that, in
=ugoslavia, "lthusserians 1an# more generally those a#opting a /stru%turalist/ or
/poststru%turalist/ orientation2 Cere the only ones Cho remaine# /pure/ in the $ight $or
#emo%ra%yE all other philosophi%al s%hools at some point or other sol# themselves to the
regime, (he analyti%al philosophers Cere sen#ing the regime the message /(rue, Ce<re not
;ar5ists, )ut Ce<re also not #angerous' our thought is pure apoliti%al pro$essional apparatus,
so you not only have nothing to $ear in us, )ut )y leaving us alone you %an even gain a
reputation $or alloCing non-;ar5ism Cithout risking your hol# on politi%al poCer,/ (he
message Cas re%eive#' they Cere le$t alone, +n the repu)li% o$ Gosnia, the Frank$urt s%hool
enjoye# a hal$o$$i%ial status in the seventies, Chereas in .roatia an# partially in Ser)ia
/o$$i%ial/ 0ei#eggerians thrive#, espe%ially in the army %ir%les, so that %ases arose Chere, in
the university purges, someone lost his jo) $or not un#erstan#ing the su)tleties o$ negative
#iale%ti%s 1as it Cas put in the justi$i%ation a$ter the $a%t2, or the so%ialist arme# $or%es
su)mitte# apologies Critten in the purest 0ei#eggerian style 1/the essen%e o$ the sel$-#e$ense
o$ our so%iety is the sel$-#e$ense o$ the essen%e o$ our so%iety,/ et%,2, (he resistan%e to
"lthusser %on$irme# hoC it Cas pre%isely the "lthusserian theory-o$ten #e$ame# as proto-
Stalinist-- Chi%h serve# as a kin# o$ /spontaneous/ theoreti%al tool $or e$$e%tively
un#ermining the .ommunist totalitarian regimesE his theory o$ the +#eologi%al State-
"pparatuses assigne# the %ru%ial role in the repro#u%tion o$ an i#eology to /e5ternal/ rituals
an# pra%ti%es Cith regar# to Chi%h /inner/ )elie$s an# %onvi%tions are stri%tly se%on#ary, "n#
is it ne%essary to %all attention to the %entral pla%e o$ su%h rituals in /real so%ialism/K 3hat
%ounte# in it Cas e5ternal o)e#ien%e, not /inner %onvi%tion,/ +bedience coincided with the
semblance of obedience, Chi%h is Chy the only Cay to )e truly /su)versive/ Cas to a%t
/naively,/ to make
the system /eat its oCn Cor#s,/ i,e,, to un#ermine the appearance o$ its i#eologi%al
(his #isappearan%e o$ the /vanishing me#iator,/ o$ %ourse, is not a pe%uliarity o$ Slovenia, +s
not the most spe%ta%ular e5ample the role o$ .eues "orum in :ast IermanyK "n inherently
tragical ethi%al #imension pertains to its $ateE it presents a point at Chi%h an i#eology /takes
itsel$ literally/ an# %eases to $un%tion as an /o)je%tively-%yni%al/ 1 ;ar52 legitimiFation o$ the
e5isting poCer relations, .eues "orum %onsiste# o$ groups o$ passionate intelle%tuals Cho
/took so%ialism seriously/ an# Cere prepare# to put everything at stake in or#er to #estroy the
%ompromise# system an# repla%e it Cith the utopian /thir# Cay/ )eyon# %apitalism an#
/really e5isting/ so%ialism, (heir sin%ere )elie$ an# insisten%e that they Cere not Corking $or
the restoration o$ 3estern %apitalism, o$ %ourse, prove# to )e nothing )ut an insu)stantial
illusion' hoCever, Ce %oul# say that pre%isely as su%h 1as a thorough illusion Cithout
su)stan%e2 it Cas stricto sensu nonideologicalE it #i#n<t /re$le%t/ in an inverte#-i#eologi%al
$orm any a%tual relations o$ poCer, "t this point, Ce shoul# %orre%t the ;ar5ist vulgateE
%ontrary to the %ommonpla%e a%%or#ing to Chi%h an i#eology )e%omes /%yni%al/ 1a%%epts the
gap )etCeen /Cor#s/ an# /a%ts,/ #oesn<t /)elieve in itsel$/ anymore, isn<t e5perien%e#
anymore as truth )ut treats itsel$ as pure instrumental means o$ legitimiFing poCer2 in the
perio# o$ the /#e%a#en%e/ o$ a so%ial $ormation, it %oul# )e sai# that pre%isely the perio# o$
/#e%a#en%e/ opens up to the ruling i#eology the possi)ility o$ /taking itsel$ seriously/ an#
e$$e%tively opposing its oCn so%ial )asis, 13ith Protestantism, .hristian religion oppose#
$eu#alism as its so%ial )asis, the same as Cith .eues "orum, Chi%h oppose# the e5isting
so%ialism in the name o$ /true so%ialism,/2 +n this Cay, unknoCingly, the /vanishing
me#iators/ un%haine# the $or%es o$ their oCn $inal #estru%tionE on%e their jo) Cas #one, they
Cere /overrun )y history/ 1.eues "orum s%ore# 3 per%ent at the ele%tions2 an# a neC
/s%oun#rel time/ sets in, Cith people in poCer Cho Cere mostly silent #uring the .ommunist
repression an# Cho nonetheless noC in#i%t .eues "orum as /%rypto-.ommunists,/
(he general theoreti%al lesson to )e #raCn $rom these e5amples is that the %on%ept o$ i#eology
must )e #isengage# $rom the /representationalist/ pro)lemati%E ideology has nothing to do
with %illusion,/ Cith a Crong, #istorte# representation o$ its so%ial %ontent, (o put it
su%%in%tlyE a politi%al stan#point %an )e Duite a%%urate 1/true/2 as to its o)je%tive %ontent an#
yet thoroughly i#eologi%al, an# vi%e versa' the i#ea a politi%al stan#point gives
o$ its so%ial %ontent %an prove totally Crong, an# yet there is a)solutely nothing /i#eologi%al/
a)out it, 3ith regar# to the /$a%tual truth,/ the position o$ .eues "orum-- taking the
#isintegration o$ the .ommunist regime as the opening-up o$ a Cay to invent some neC $orm
o$ so%ial spa%e that Coul# rea%h )eyon# the %on$ines o$ %apitalism-- Cas #ou)tless illusory,
8pposing .eues "orum Cere $or%es Cho put all their )ets on the Dui%kest possi)le anne5ation
to 3est Iermany, i,e,, on the in%lusion o$ their %ountry into the Corl# %apitalist system' $or
them, the people aroun# .eues "orum Cere nothing )ut a )un%h o$ heroi% #ay#reamers, (his
position prove# a%%urate-- yet it was nonetheless thoroughly ideological, 3hyK (he
%on$ormist a#option o$ the 3est Ierman mo#el implie# the i#eologi%al )elie$ in the
unpro)lemati%, nonantagonisti% $un%tioning o$ the late%apitalist /so%ial state,/ Chereas the
$irst stan%e, although illusory as to its $a%tual %ontent 1its /enun%iate#/2, )y means o$ its
/s%an#alous/ an# e5or)itant position o$ enun%iation atteste# to an aCareness o$ the
antagonism that pertains to late %apitalism, (his is one o$ the Cays to %on%eive o$ the
-a%anian thesis a%%or#ing to Chi%h truth has the stru%ture o$ a $i%tionE in those %on$use#
months o$ the passage o$ /really e5isting so%ialism/ into %apitalism, the fiction of a %third
way% was the only point at which social antagonism was not obliterated, 0erein lies one o$
the tasks o$ the /postmo#ern/ %ritiDue o$ i#eologyE to #esignate the elements Cithin an
e5isting so%ial or#er Chi%h-- in the guise o$ /$i%tion,/ i,e,, o$ the /utopian/ narratives o$
possi)le )ut $aile# alternative histories-- point toCar# the system<s antagonisti% %hara%ter an#
thus /estrange/ us $rom the sel$-evi#en%e o$ its esta)lishe# i#entity,
Colla<se of the 8(ig "ther8
3hat, then, $orms the link )etCeen this /vanishing me#iator/ an# the rise o$ nationalismK (he
#emo%rati% .ommunists an# neC so%ial movements in general represent the moment o$ the
/vanishing me#iator,/ o$ Chat must #isappear, )e%ome invisi)le, $or the neC or#er to
esta)lish its i#entityCith-itsel$, (he agent Cho initially triggere# the pro%ess must %ome to )e
per%eive# as its main impe#iment, or, to use the terms o$ Propp<s stru%tural analysis o$ $airy
the #onor must appear as the male$a%tor, like la#y .atherine #e Gourgh in Hane
"usten<s $ride and $re(udice, Cho, in the guise o$ the evil impe#iment to Dar%y<s an#
:liFa)eth<s marriage, e$$e%tively maneuvers the han# o$ #estiny, thus ena)ling the happy
out%ome, / ?a-
tion/ as the su)stantial support is, on the other han#, Chat the neC ruling i#eology sees so that
it %an not see, so that it %an overlook, the /vanishing me#iator/E /nation/ is a $antasy Chi%h
$ills out the voi# o$ the vanishing me#iator, +$ one is to avoi# the histori%ist trap, one must
there$ore learn the materialist lesson o$ anti-evolutionist %reationism, Chi%h resolves the
%ontra#i%tion )etCeen the literal meaning o$ the S%ripture 1a%%or#ing to Chi%h the universe
Cas %reate# %a, 7,AAA years ago2 an# irre$uta)le proo$s o$ its greater age 1million-year-ol#
$ossils, et%,2 not )y in#ulging in the usual allegori%al rea#ings o$ the S%ripture 1/"#am an#
:ve are not really the $irst %ouple )ut a metaphor $or the early stages o$ humanity,,,/2, )ut )y
sti%king to the literal truth o$ the S%riptureE the universe Cas %reate# re%ently, i,e,, only 7,AAA
years ago, yet with built7in false traces of the past 1Io# #ire%tly %reate# $ossils, et%,2,
past is alCays stri%tly /syn%hronous,/ it is the way a synchronous universe thinks its
antagonism, +t su$$i%es to re%all the in$amous role o$ the /remnants o$ the past/ in a%%ounting
$or the #i$$i%ulties o$ the /%onstru%tion o$ so%ialism,/ +n this sense, the tale o$ ethni% roots is
$rom the very )eginning the /myth o$ the 8rigins/E Chat is /national heritage/ i$ not a kin# o$
i#eologi%al $ossil %reate# retroa%tively )y the ruling i#eology in or#er to )lur its present
+n other Cor#s, instea# o$ marveling Cith traumati% #isorientation at the sho%king sCi$tness o$
this reversal into nationalism, it Coul# perhaps )e more appropriate to a%%omplish a kin# o$
0egelian reversal an# to transpose this sho%k into the /thing itsel$,/ i,e,, to %on%eive o$ this
traumati% #isorientation not as a pro)lem )ut rather as a key to the solutionE the re%ourse to
nationalism emerge# in or#er to prote%t us $rom the traumati% #isorientation, $rom the loss o$
the groun# un#er our $eet, %ause# )y the #isintegration o$ the /really e5isting so%ialism,/ (hat
is to say, the )reak#oCn o$ so%ialism is not to )e un#erestimate#, as is usually the %ase Chen
one %on%eives o$ /real so%ialism/ as an e5ternally impose# system Chi%h oppresse# some
original national li$e-$or%e, (rue, /real so%ialism/ Cas ultimately a so%iety o$ /pure
appearan%e/' the system $un%tione# so that no)o#y /)elieve# in it/-- yet it is here that its true
enigma emerges, (his appearan%e Cas Chat 0egel %alle# /an essential appearan%e,/ in Chi%h,
$or us, to#ay, it is easy to re%ogniFe the %ontours o$ the -a%anian )ig 8therE Chat #isintegrate#
in :astern :urope Cas le grand ,utre, the ultimate guarantor o$ the so%ial pa%t,
' +$ one
#isposes o$ enough in$ormation, this #isintegration o$ the )ig 8ther %an )e pinne# #oCn to a
pre%ise point in time an# spa%e' 9ysFar# *apus%inski #i# it in an e5emplary Cay apropos o$
the +ranian revolution o$ 19B9E the /)eginning o$ the en#/ o$ the Shah<s regime took pla%e at a
%ertain (eheran %rossroa# Chere a %ommon %itiFen re$use# to o)ey a poli%eman<s or#er to go
aCay, (he neCs sprea# like $ire an#, all o$ a su##en, people %ease# to /)elieve in the )ig
8ther,/ 3hat Ce have here, o$ %ourse, is a retroa%tive re%onstru%tionE the event in Duestion
%annot )e sai# simply to /)e/ the /)eginning o$ the en#/' it is rather something that, in vieC
o$ later events, /Cill have )een/ it' yet $or all that, it is nonetheless the tiny snoC)all Chi%h
set in motion the avalan%heE
?oC the most important moment, the moment that Cill #etermine the $ate o$ the %ountry, the
Shah, an# the revolution, is the moment Chen one poli%eman Calks $rom his post toCar# one
man on the e#ge o$ the %roC#, raises his voi%e, an# or#ers the man to go home, (he
poli%eman an# the man on the e#ge o$ the %roC# are or#inary, anonymous people, )ut their
meeting has histori% signi$i%an%e, (hey are )oth a#ults, they have )oth live# through %ertain
events, they have )oth ha# their in#ivi#ual e5perien%es, (he poli%eman<s e5perien%eE +$ +
shout at someone an# raise my trun%heon, he Cill $irst go num) Cith terror an# then take to
his heels, (he e5perien%e o$ the man at the e#ge o$ the %roC#E "t the sight o$ an approa%hing
poli%eman + am seiFe# )y $ear an# start running, 8n the )asis o$ these e5perien%es Ce %an
ela)orate a s%enarioE (he poli%eman shouts, the man runs, others take $light, the sDuare
empties, Gut this time everything turns out #i$$erently, (he poli%eman shouts, )ut the man
#oesn<t run, 0e just stan#s there, looking at the poli%eman, +t<s a %autious look, still tinge#
Cith $ear, )ut at the same time tough an# insolent, So that<s the Cay it is@ (he man on the e#ge
o$ the %roC# is looking insolently at uni$orme# authority, 0e #oesn<t )u#ge, 0e glan%es
aroun# an# sees the same look on other $a%es, -ike his, their $a%es are Cat%h$ul, still a )it
$ear$ul, )ut alrea#y $irm an# unrelenting, ?o)o#y runs though the poli%eman has gone on
shouting' at last he stops, (here is a moment o$ silen%e, 3e #on<t knoC Chether the
poli%eman an# the man on the e#ge o$ the %roC# alrea#y realiFe Chat has happene#, (he man
has stoppe# )eing a$rai#-- an# this is pre%isely the )eginning o$ the revolution, 0ere it starts,
Until noC, Chenever these tCo men approa%he# ea%h other, a thir# $igure instantly intervene#
)etCeen them, (hat thir# $igure Cas $ear, Fear Cas the poli%eman<s ally an# the man in the
%roC#<s $oe, Fear interpose# its rules an# #e%i#e# everything, ?oC
tCo men $in# themselves alone, $a%ing ea%h other, an# $ear has #isappeare# into thin air, Until
noC their relationship Cas %harge# Cith emotion, a mi5ture o$ aggression, s%orn, rage, terror,
Gut noC that $ear has retreate#, this perverse, hate$ul union has su##enly )roken up'
something has )een e5tinguishe#, (he tCo men have noC groCn mutually in#i$$erent, useless
to ea%h other' they %an go their oCn Cays, "%%or#ingly, the poli%eman turns aroun# an#
)egins to Calk heavily )a%k toCar# his post, Chile the man on the e#ge o$ the %roC# stan#s
there looking at his vanishing enemy,

(here is, hoCever, one point at Chi%h this $ormi#a)le #es%ription has to )e set right or, rather,
supplemente#E *apus%inski<s all too naive, imme#iate use o$ the notion o$ $ear, (he /thir#
$igure/ Chi%h intervenes )etCeen us or#inary %itiFens an# the poli%eman is not #ire%tly $ear
)ut the )ig 8therE Ce $ear the poli%eman inso$ar as he is not just himsel$, a person like us,
sin%e his a%ts are the a%ts o$ poCer, that is to say, inso$ar as he is e5perien%e# as the stan#-in
$or the )ig 8ther, $or the so%ial or#er, +t Coul# )e o$ great interest to pursue this analysis an#
to i#enti$y, in the re%ent history o$ ea%h o$ :astern :urope<s e5-.ommunist %ountries, the
pre%ise %oor#inates o$ this moment Chen the )ig 8ther %ease# to e5ist, Chen /the appearan%e
Cas )roken,/ Sometimes, this moment Cas literally a moment, lasting a %ouple o$ se%on#s, +n
9omania, $or e5ample, /the spell Cas )roken/ the moment Chen, at the mass rally in
Gu%harest %onvoke# )y .eau[es%u a$ter the #emonstrations in (imisoara in or#er to prove
that he still enjoye# popular support, the %roC# starte# to shout at .eau[es%u, Cho then raise#
his han#s in a tragi%omi% an# )eCil#ere# #isplay o$ impotent paternal love, as i$ Canting to
em)ra%e them all, (his moment #esignates the reversal )y means o$ Chi%h a #issi#ent-- a
pariah, an outlaC Cith Chom Ce /or#inary/ people $oun# it somehoC em)arrassing to
so%ialiFe, although, o$ %ourse, Ce #i# not /)elieve in poCer/-- mira%ulously %hanges into an
o)je%t o$ a#miration an# i#enti$i%ation, (he $eature %ommon to all these moments o$ the )ig
8ther<s %ollapse is their utter unpre#i%ta)ilityE nothing really great happene#, yet su##enly the
spell Cas )roken, /nothing Cas the same as )e$ore,/ reasons Chi%h a moment ago Cere
per%eive# as reasons for 1o)eying the PoCer2, noC $un%tion as reasons against, 3hat a
moment ago evoke# in us a mi5ture o$ $ear an# respe%t is noC e5perien%e# as a rather
#i$$erent mi5ture o$ ri#i%ulous imposture an# )rutal, illegitimate #isplay o$ $or%e, +t is %lear,
there$ore, hoC this shi$t is o$ a purely sym)oli% natureE it
#esignates neither a %hange in so%ial reality 1there, the )alan%e o$ poCer remains e5a%tly the
same2 nor a /psy%hologi%al/ %hange, )ut a shi$t in the sym)oli% te5ture Chi%h %onstitutes the
so%ial )on#,

+t is pre%isely this )elie$ in the e5isten%e o$ the )ig 8ther Chi%h ena)les us to a%%ount $or a
para#o5 note# alrea#y )y De -a GoJtie in his treatise on servitude volantaireE
the reason
people are rea#y to renoun%e their $ree#om %annot )e sought in their /pathologi%al/
motivations, $ear o$ #ying, gree#, lust $or material goo#s, et%,, sin%e-- i$ their $anati%ism is
properly arouse#-they are prepare# to sa%ri$i%e everything, in%lu#ing o$ their li$e, $or the
#espot Chom they o)ey, 3hy, then, #o + $in# it so #i$$i%ult to put at stake my li$e in the $ight
against the #espot, Chen-- un#er %ertain %on#itions, at least-- + am rea#y to lose everything $or
the #espotK 3hat, e5a%tly, is the #i$$eren%e )etCeen the tCo sa%ri$i%esK Do Ce not $in#
ourselves here in a vi%ious %ir%le %hara%teristi% o$ o)sessional neurosisE + am rea#y to #o
anything, in%lusive o$ M 1in this %ase sel$-sa%ri$i%e2, only to avoi# MK
+n sa%ri$i%ing mysel$
$or the #espot, + retain my pla%e in the )ig 8ther, Chereas risking one<s li$e against the #espot
entails the loss o$ my support in the )ig 8ther, i,e,, my e5%lusion $rom the %ommunity, $rom
the so%ial or#er epitomiFe# )y the #espot<s name, (he %ommon man $rom (eheran $oun#
enough %ourage to openly oppose the #espot only Chen the #espot himsel$ ha# lost his
support in the )ig 8ther an# Cas per%eive# as a violent impostor, 3hat + am running aCay
$rom Chen + voluntarily take re$uge in servitu#e is thus the traumati% %on$rontation Cith the
)ig 8ther<s ultimate impoten%e an# imposture,
(he same para#o5 a%%ounts $or the mi5ture o$ $as%ination an# $ear arouse# )y the /en%ounters
o$ the thir# kin#,/ i,e,, Cith e5traterrestrial intelligent )eings, "%%or#ing to the so-%alle#
/UF8 %onspira%y theorists,/ the PoCer is hushing up in$ormation on spa%e inva#ersE ?"S"
allege#ly possesses not only irre$uta)le #ata a)out :( Uisits to :arth )ut also evi#en%e o$
their remain#ers 1#ea# )o#ies, parts o$ the alien spa%eships,,,2, =et ?"S" persistently #enies
any knoCle#ge o$ su%h things-- ChyK (he ultimate groun# o$ the $ear o$ /aliens/ is that they
are usually %on%eive# o$ as a $or%e against Chi%h there is no possi)le #e$ense' here, hoCever,
one has to )e more pre%iseE those Cho are helpless against the /aliens/ are not us )ut those in
poCer, "n en%ounter Cith /aliens/ Coul# lay open the ultimate imposture o$ the ;aster, it
Coul# sap our 1un%ons%ious2 )elie$ in the PoCer<s omnipoten%e, (his e5perien%e o$ hoC /the
throne is empty/ 1o$ hoC the )ig 8ther #oes not e5ist2 is )oun# to trigger pani%, Chi%h is Chy
the reason usually impute# to the PoCer $or not a%knoCle#ging any /en%ounters o$ the thir#
kin#/ is that they Cant to /prevent pani%,/ +t is pre%isely inso$ar as /aliens/ threaten to lay
)are the )ig 8ther<s imposture an# impoten%e that they provi#e the %learest em)o#iment o$ the
-a%anian &he vuoi), /3hat #o you Cant $rom meK/, i,e,, o$ the enigma, impenetra)ility, o$
the 8ther<s #esireE Chat makes aliens so un%anny is that Ce %an never )e Duite %ertain a)out
their aims, a)out Chat they see in us, a)out Chat they Cant $rom us, (he ultimate root o$ our
$ear o$ /aliens/ is not their physi%al mena%e as su%h )ut their ultimate motives an# intentions,
Chi%h remain %ompletely impenetra)le an# unknoCn to us,
+n to#ay<s /enlightene#/ Corl#, su%h a )elie$ in the PoCer<s omnipoten%e seems out o$ #ate, i$
not outright ri#i%ulous' hoCever, the PoCer, in its $un%tioning, relies on this very split
)etCeen our %ons%ious knoCle#ge o$ the PoCer<s impoten%e, our ironi%al #istan%e toCar# it,
an# our un%ons%ious )elie$ in its omnipoten%e' i,e,, it relies on the $a%t that Ce #o not )elieve
in our oCn un%ons%ious )elie$ in the PoCer<s omnipoten%e, /3ol$;an/ himsel$, Freu#<s most
$amous analysan#, Calke# into this trapE in the summer o$ 1971, Chen "ustria Cas still
o%%upie# )y "llie# $or%es, Chile painting a hal$-a)an#one# )uil#ing in the su)ur)s o$ Uienna,
he Cas arreste# )y 9ussian sol#iers $or espionage 1the )uil#ing Cas a military station2' the
9ussians Duestione# him, sear%he# him thoroughly, an# a%%use# him o$ national treason
1sin%e his $amily name Cas 9ussian2, "t last they let him go, yet or#ere# him )a%k in tCenty-
one #ays, During all this time, the 3ol$-;an Cas tormente# )y $eelings o$ guilt an# #elusions
o$ perse%ution' hoCever, Chen, a$ter three Ceeks, he reporte# to the 9ussian military station,
the o$$i%er in %harge Cho ha# Duestione# him )e$ore Cas not even there, "nother o$$i%er took
%harge Cho kneC nothing a)out him' he even e5presse# interest in 3ol$-;an<s painting, they
talke# ami%a)ly $or some time a)out art, an# then the 9ussian let him go,
(his ra#i%al
os%illation-this passing $rom one e5treme into another, Chere poCer, a$ter #isplaying its
/irrational/ %ruelty an# %ulpa)iliFing us to the e5treme, all o$ a su##en /%hanges the tune,/
shoCs its $rien#ly $a%e, Con#ers at our $right an# en#eavors to make us $eel easier-- provi#es
the elementary superego-matri5 o$ its manipulation, "nyone Cho has #one military servi%e
knoCs per$e%tly the logi% o$ this impossi)le %hoi%eE i$ you #o not $olloC promptly the or#er o$
a %orporal, you are )oun# to meet Cith his rage an# threats' i$, hoCever, you #o %arry out the
or#er as reDuire#, he sneers at you $or your overFealous attitu#e, $or your taking things
seriously Chere a proper #istan%e o$ taking-it-easy is appropriate,
(his para#o5 o$ the impossi)le %hoi%e points toCar# the insu$$i%ien%y o$ those theories Chi%h
i#enti$y the per$ormative Cith the me%hanism o$ poCer, o$ esta)lishing a poCer relationship,
an# there$ore a#vo%ate the strategy o$ ironi%al sel$-#estru%tive imitation o$ the per$ormativeE
the logi% o$ the impossi)le %hoi%e is pre%isely the logi% o$ a /pragmati% para#o5,/ o$ a sel$-
%ontra#i%ting per$ormative, +n or#er to $un%tion properly, poCer #is%ourse must )e inherently
split, it must /%heat/ per$ormatively, to #isavoC its oCn un#erlying per$ormative gesture,
Sometimes, there$ore, the only truly su)versive thing to #o Chen %on$ronte# Cith a poCer
#is%ourse is simply to take it at its word,
(he %ru%ial, hitherto un#erestimate# i#eologi%al impa%t o$ the %oming e%ologi%al %risis Cill )e
pre%isely to make the /%ollapse o$ the )ig 8ther/ part o$ our every#ay e5perien%e, i,e,, to sap
this un%ons%ious )elie$ in the /)ig 8ther/ o$ poCerE alrea#y the .herno)yl %atastrophe ma#e
ri#i%ulously o)solete su%h notions as /national sovereignty,/ e5posing the poCer<s ultimate
impoten%e, 8ur /spontaneous/ i#eologi%al rea%tion to it, o$ %ourse, is to have re%ourse to the
$ake premo#ern $orms o$ relian%e on the /)ig 8ther/ 1/?eC "ge %ons%iousness/E the )alan%e#
%ir%uit o$ ?ature, et%,2, Perhaps, hoCever, our very physi%al survival hinges on our a)ility to
%onsummate the a%t o$ assuming $ully the /none5isten%e o$ the 8ther,/ o$ tarrying with the
1, (here is also an opposite Cay to un#ermine the #omination o$ a ;aster-Signi$ier,
;onuments are usually /phalli%/E toCers, spires, something that protru#es an# /stan#s
out,/ For that reason, the monument at the university %ampus in ;e5i%o .ity is uniDueE a
large jagge# ring o$ %on%rete en%ir%les the $ormless )la%k un#ulating sur$a%e o$ lava,
3hat Ce have here is a true monument to the (hing, to %oagulate# (ouissance, su)stan%e
o$ enjoyment -- the reverse o$ the hole in the $lag Chi%h sets in motion our su)lime
enthusiasm, +nso$ar as Chat Ce per%eive through the hole in the $lag is the empty sky, Ce
might say that the relationship )etCeen the hole in the $lag an# the %oagulate# lava points
toCar# the 0ei#eggerian antagonism o$ :arth an# Sky,
4, See %hapter ++ o$ Ha%Dues -a%an, Le s5ninaire, book F? Le transfert : $aris? 9ditions du
Seuil, GHHG;.
3, See Fre#ri% Hameson, /(he :5isten%e o$ +taly,/ in /Signatures o$ the Uisi)le/ 1 ?eC
=orkE 9outle#ge, 199A2,
6, See 9o#olphe Ias%hJ, The Tain of the 3irror 1 .am)ri#geE 0arvar# University Press,
7, See Gernar# Gaas, /Le d5sir pur,/ in /8rni%arK 3/ 1 Paris 1972,
>, See Ha%Dues -a%an, Le s5minaire, book GI? L2envers de la psychanalyse : $aris? 9ditions
du Seuil, GHHG;.
B, See "lain Ga#iou, 3anifeste pour la philosophie 1 ParisE :#itions #u Seuil, 1992,
! 8I or He or It 1the Thing2 3hih Thin4s8
1, Basic Instinct also, in a very spe%i$i% Cay, )ears Citness to a $un#amental %hange in the
logi% an# $un%tion o$ narrative $rameE a #e%a#e or tCo ago, the e$$e%t o$ the su##en shi$t
in the last shot 1the tra%king $rom the love-making %ouple on the )e# to a %lose-up o$ the
i%e-pi%k, the mur#erous tool, un#er the )e#2 Coul# )e shattering, it Coul# %ause a
vertiginous turna)out %ompelling us to reinterpret the entire previous %ontent' to#ay,
hoCever, it loses its #ramati% impa%t an# )asi%ally leaves us in#i$$erent, +n short, the
/0it%h%o%kian o)je%t,/ a /little pie%e o$ the real/ %on#ensing an intense intersu)je%tive
relationship, is to#ay no longer possi)le, 1"s to this /0it%h%o%kian o)je%t,/ see ;la#en
Dolar , /0it%h%o%k<s 8)je%ts,/ in Slavo \BDiek, 9verything Aou ,lways !anted to
1now about Lacan 1 But !ere ,fraid to ,sk #itchcock2 O -on#onE Uerso, 1994 P,2
4, +n /Gla#e 9unner/ as Cell as in /"ngel 0eart/, this /alien/ element is #ete%ta)le )y Cay
o$ a stain in the eye 1an#roi#s are i#enti$ie# through their unnaturally #ilate# irises' Chen
the Devil #is%loses his true nature, his eyes take on an un%anny )lue glare2, (his stain in
the eye #esignates the le$t-over o$ something Chi%h ha# to )e e5%lu#e# so that Chat Ce
e5perien%e as /reality/ gaine# its %onsisten%y, +ts reemergen%e there$ore va%illates the
very %oor#inates o$ /reality,/ "lrea#y in "rankenstein, the impenetra)le gaFe o$
/#epthless eyes/ is the $eature Chi%h #istinguishes the monster, Su$$i%e it to Duote ;ary
Shelley<s oCn /hi#eous phantasm/ Chi%h Cas at the origin o$ her )ookE /0e sleeps' )ut
he is aCakene#' he opens his eyes' )ehol#, the horri# thing stan#s at his )e#si#e, opening
his %urtains an# looking on him Cith yelloC, Catery, )ut spe%ulative eyes/ 1 ;ary
Shelley, "rankenstein O 0armon#sCorthE Penguin, 1994 P, p, 92, (he nontransparent,
/#epthless/ eye )lo%ks our a%%ess to the /soul,/ to the in$inite a)yss o$ the /person,/ thus
turning it into a soulless monsterE not simply a nonsu)je%tive ma%hine, )ut rather an
un%anny su)je%t that has not yet )een su)mitte# to the pro%ess o$ /su)je%tiviFation/
Chi%h %on$ers upon it the #epth o$ /personality,/
3, (he version release# in 1994 as /#ire%tor<s %ut/ is a %ompromise, not yet the true
#ire%tor<s %utE it #rops the voi%eover an# the im)e%ile happy-en#ing, yet it a)stains $rom
#is%losing De%kar# oCn repli%ant-status,
6, See ;i%hel Fou%ault, The +rder of Things 1 ?eC =orkE Uintage, 19B32,
7, "ll Duotes $rom &riti6ue of $ure 0eason :&$0; are $rom ?orman *emp Smith
translation 1 -on#onE ;a%millan, 19942,
>, (he same para#o5 %oul# also )e $ormulate# )y Cay o$ the am)iguous ontologi%al status
o$ possi)ility Chi%h, in its very %apa%ity o$ a /mere possi)ility/ as oppose# to a%tuality,
possesses an a%tuality o$ its oCnE the *antian trans%en#ental apper%eption #esignates a
pure possi)ility o$ sel$-%ons%iousness Chi%h, 6ua possi)ility, pro#u%es a%tual e$$e%ts, i,e,,
#etermines the a%tual status o$ the su)je%t, 8n%e this possi)ility is a%tualiFe#, Ce are not
#ealing anymore Cith the sel$-%ons%iousness o$ the pure 1, )ut Cith the empiri%al
%ons%iousness o$ the Sel$ 6ua phenomenon, part o$ reality, "nother Cay to $ormulate this
#i$$eren%e is via the gap that separates /+/ $rom /me/E the *antian trans%en#ental
apper%eption #esignates the + o$ /+ think,/ Chereas Des%artes surreptitiously
su)stantialiFes the /je pense/ 1+ think2 into %moi 6ui pense% 1me Cho thinks2,
B, Ha%Dues -a%an, 9crits? , Selection 1 ?eC =orkE ?orton, 19BB2, p, 316,
, 3hi%h is Chy the e5pression /sel$-in-itsel$/ use# )y some interpreters o$ *ant 1 H, ?,
Fin#lay, $or e5ample -- see his 1ant and the Transcendental +b(ect O 85$or#E .laren#on
Press, 191 P2 seems inherently nonsensi%alE inso$ar as Ce %on%eive Sel$ as an intelligi)le
(hing, it loses the very $eature that #e$ines it, namely its trans%en#ental /spontaneity/
an# autonomy Chi%h )elong to it only Cithin the horiFon o$ $initu#e, i,e,, o$ the split
)etCeen intelligi)le an# intuitive, 1(his is ultimately %on$irme# )y *ant himsel$, Cho
alCays insiste# on leaving open the possi)ility that $ree human a%tivity is a%tually
regulate# )y some ina%%essi)le intelligi)le ?ature -- Io#<s Provi#en%e, $or e5ample
-Chi%h makes use o$ us $or the realiFation o$ its un$athoma)le plan,2
9, +n a supreme tCist o$ irony, the title o$ the su)#ivision in Chi%h *ant arti%ulates this
uniDue status o$ the pure + o$ apper%eption as neither a phenomenon nor a noumenon is
/8$ the Iroun# o$ the Division o$ "ll 8)je%ts into Phenomena an# ?oumena,/
1A, "n# my -- 0egelian -- point is here that the /+ think/ stan#s in e5a%tly the same
relationship to the (hing-in-itsel$ it #esignates a hole, a gap, in it an# as su%h it opens up,
Cithin the #omain o$ (hings Chi%h only /truly e5ist/ 1i,e,, Chi%h e5ist in themselves as
oppose# to a mere phenomenal e5isten%e2, the spa%e Chere phenomena %an emerge, the
spa%e o$ our phenomenal e5perien%e, +n other Cor#s, through the /+ think,/ the (hing-in-
itsel$ is as it Cere split an# )e%omes ina%%essi)le to itsel$ in the guise o$ phenomena, (his
is the Duestion *ant #oes not askE hoC #oes the trans%en#ental $a%t o$ pure apper%eption,
the /+ think,/ %on%ern (hings-in-themselvesK (he truly 0egelian pro)lem is not to
penetrate $rom the phenomenal sur$a%e into (hings-in-themselves, )ut to e5plain hoC,
Cithin (hings, something akin to phenomena %oul# have emerge#,
11, 0enry :, "llison, 1ant2s Transcendental Idealism 1 ?eC 0avenE =ale University Press,
19>2, p, 49,
14, +)i#,, pp, 49-9A,
13, (oCar# the en# o$ part one o$ &riti6ue of $ractical 0eason, the same logi% reemerges at
the ethi%al levelE i$ + Cere to have a #ire%t insight into Io#<s nature, this Coul# a)rogate
the very notion o$ ethi%al a%tivity, See +mmanuel *ant, &riti6ue of $ractical 0eason
1 ?eC =orkE ;a%millan, 197>2, pp, 171-73E %+f the !ise ,daptation of 3an2s &ognitive
"aculties to #is $ractical /ocation.%
16, Geatri%e -onguenesse, #egel et la criti6ue de la m5taphysi6ue 1 ParisE Urin, 1912, p, 46,
(herein %onsists the gap that separates the trans%en#ental o)je%t $rom the (hingE the
(hing is the unattaina)le su)stratum Chi%h a$$e%ts our senses, i,e,, Cith regar# to it, Ce
are mere passive re%ipients, Chereas the trans%en#ental o)je%t is an o)je%t totally #evoi#
o$ any positive, intuitive, %ontent, o$ any /stu$$/ originating in the trans%en#ent (hing' it
is an o)je%t Chi%h is in its entirety trans%en#entally /posite#/ )y the su)je%t, (he a5is
that separates the (hing an# the trans%en#ental o)je%t is there$ore that o$ positing an#
presupposingE the (hing is the pure presupposition, Chereas the trans%en#ental o)je%t is
purely posite#' an# the ultimate i#entity o$ the (hing an# the trans%en#ental o)je%t o$$ers
another e5ample o$ the 0egelian %oin%i#en%e o$ the pure presupposition Cith positing,
17, 0oC are Ce to ren#er palpa)le the link )etCeen ob(et petit a, i,e,, the plus7de7(ouir,
surplusenjoyment, an# the ;ar5ian surplus-valueK Perhaps a re$eren%e to one o$ the
$avore# 0it%h%o%k<s ane%#otes 1retol#, among others, )y (ru$$aut in his #itchcock2 %oul#
)e o$ some help, For .orth7by7.orthwest, so the story goes, 0it%h%o%k planne# the
$olloCing s%ene Chi%h Cas never shotE Chile engage# in a %onversation, .ary Irant an#
his partner Calk along the assem)ly line o$ a %ar $a%tory, moving Cith the same pa%e as
the assem)ling o$ a %ar in the )a%kgroun#, so that )ehin# them Ce %an %learly o)serve in
%ontinuous shot the entire pro%ess o$ manu$a%turing a %ar -- Ce see all parts that enter
into its %omposition, "t the en# o$ the line, Irant turns toCar# the %ar, opens its #oor,
an# out o$ it $alls a )loo#y %orpse, (he %orpse is here ob(et petit aE the pure sem)lan%e,
the surplus Chi%h magi%ally emerges /out o$ noChere,/ an# simultaneously the surplus o$
the pro#u%tion pro%ess over the elements Chi%h Cent into it,
1>, "s it Cas #emonstrate# )y "llison, 1ant2s Transcendental Idealism, p, 467,
1B, 3hat then is the e5a%t relationship )etCeen trans%en#ental o)je%t an# su)je%tK +n or#er to
provi#e an ansCer, one has to )ear in min# the #ou)le nature o$ the (hing-in-itsel$ in
*antE the (hing #esignates the totality o$ phenomena 1ina%%essi)le to us 6ua $inite
su)je%ts2 as Cell as their noumenal support, the unknoCa)le M Chi%h a$$e%ts us, So, the
trans%en#ental o)je%t is metonymi%al' it stan#s $or the in$inite series o$ phenomena, o$
the o)je%ts o$ possi)le intuition, Chereas the su)je%t o)eys the logi% o$ metaphor, i,e,, its
voi# hol#s the pla%e o$ the ina%%essi)le noumenal /(hing-Chi%h-thinks,/
1, See 9o)ert Pippin, #egel2s Idealism 1 .am)ri#geE .am)ri#ge University Press, 192,
19, "#orno arti%ulates in an e5emplary Cay this move $rom *ant to 0egel apropos o$ the
$aile# me#iation )etCeen so%iology an# psy%hology 1see his %Jum /erhaeltnis von
So4iologie und $sychologie,% in /eseltschaftstheorie und 1ulturkritik/ O Frank$urtE
Suhrkamp, 19B7 P2, +n *antian terms, their relationship is stri%tly antinomi%alE one %an
en#eavor to #e#u%e so%iology $rom psy%hology, i,e,, to %on%eive the struggle o$
/anonymous/ so%ial $or%es as an /o)je%tiviFation/ o$ /%on%rete/ interpersonal
relationships, in#ivi#ual e5istential /proje%ts,/ et%, 1the ultimate aim o$ various
phenomenologi%al approa%hes, up to Sartre<s &riti6ue of *ialectical 0eason Cith its key
notion o$ /pra%ti%ainerte/2' on the other han#, one %an %on%eive the psy%hologi%al sel$-
e5perien%e as a mere imaginary e$$e%t-re$le%tion o$ o)je%tive so%ial stru%tures an#
pro%esses 1the ultimate aim o$ $un%tionalist-stru%turalist approa%hes, up to the early
"lthusser, )e$ore the re$eren%e to /%lass-struggle/ assume# the %ru%ial role in his
theoreti%al e#i$i%e2, +n )oth %ases, the synthesis is $alse, an# the attempts to )ri#ge the
gap 1via notions like /so%ial %hara%ter,/ et%,2, )y means o$ their ultimate $ailure, #o
nothing )ut )ear Citness to its persisten%e, +nso$ar as Ce remain Cithin the *antian
horiFon, the looke#-$or unity o$ psy%hology an# so%iology 1Chi%h Ce somehoC $eel is
the ne%essary ingre#ient o$ any /true/ theory o$ the so%ial spa%e2 is thus #ispla%e# into
the unattaina)le Geyon#, i,e,, it a%Duires the status o$ a (hing-in-itsel$, (he 0egelian
#iale%ti%al approa%h, on the %ontrary, alloCs us to grasp hoC, in this very $ailure o$ our
en#eavor to #evelop a %onsistent theoreti%al synthesis o$ psy%hology an# so%iology, Ce
/tou%h the real/' this a)yss that $orever separates the /rei$ie#/ $iel# o$ so%ial $or%es $rom
the psy%hologi%al sel$-e5perien%e is the $un#amental $eature o$ the mo#ern so%iety, 8ur
very epistemologi%al $ailure thus throCs us into the /thing itsel$,/ sin%e it registers an
antagonism that pertains to the very kernel o$ the o)je%t itsel$,
4A, "s to this notion, see /+ntro#u%tion/ to I, 3, F, 0egel, $henomenology of Spirit
1 85$or#E 85$or# University Press, 19BB2,
41, "s to this opposition in *ant an# 0egel, see .hapter 3 o$ the present )ook,
44, (his %hapter %ulminates in the moti$ o$ money, taken over later )y ;ar5E the reign o$
#isintegration -- a so%iety in Chi%h the sta)ility an# $irmness o$ opposites 1Ioo#-:vil,
(ruth--ie, et%,2 are un#ermine# an# in Chi%h every opposite in%essantly passes into its
other 1Ioo# is reveale# as hypo%riti%al mask o$ :vil, et%,2 -- emerges as the reign o$
money, ;oney is the /e5isting ?otion,/ the $or%e o$ negativity assuming the rei$ie# $orm
o$ a parti%ular, e5ternal o)je%t, i,e,, the para#o5 o$ something Chi%h is in itsel$ a mere
#ispensa)le o)je%t, a little pie%e o$ metal or paper in my han#, )ut Chi%h nonetheless
possesses the poCer to overturn every $irm #etermination, to provi#e mo)ility $or the
$ootless, )eauty $or the hi#eous, et%,
43, 0egel, $henomenology of Spirit, p, 3>4,
46, "n# Chat *ant o)literates is pre%isely this ra#i%al /#e%entering/ at Cork hereE the agen%y
Chi%h %ompels the su)je%t to a%t morally, to $olloC the ethi%al imperative 1/the voi%e o$
%ons%ien%e/2, is a parasiti%al ob(ect, a $oreign )o#y in his very %enter,
47, See *arl ;ar5, $re7&apitalist 9conomic "ormations 1 -on#onE -aCren%e an# 3ishart,
4>, See Ieorg -ukS%s, #istory and &lass &onsciousness 1 -on#onE ?eC -e$t Gooks, 19>92,
4B, See 0elmut 9ei%helt, Jur logischen Struktur des 1apitalbegriffis bei 1arl 3ar8
1 Frank$urtE Suhrkamp Uerlag, 19BA2,
4, 0egel an# *ierkegaar# are here $ar %loser than may appear, (he e5%hange o$ /something
$or nothing/ )y Cay o$ Chi%h the su)je%t Dua L emerges is namely the very a%t o$
a)yssalRnone%onomi%al sa%ri$i%e Chi%h, in *ierkegaar#, #e$ines the religious stageE the
a)ility to a%%omplish this move is Chat #istinguishes the /knight o$ $aith/E /(he person
Cho #enies himsel$ an# sa%ri$i%es himsel$ $or #uty gives up the $inite in or#er to grasp on
to the in$inite' he is se%ure enough, (he tragi% hero gives up Chat is %ertain $or Chat is
still more %ertain, an# the eye o$ the )ehol#er rests %on$i#ently upon him, Gut the person
Cho gives up the universal to grasp something still higher that is not the universal, Chat
#oes he #oK/ 1 S]ren *ierkegaar#, "ear and Trembling O 0armon#sCorthE Penguin, 197
P v p, 92,
49, See Grian 9otman, Signifying .othing 1 -on#onE ;a%millan, 19B2,
3A, +)i#,, p, 46,
31, +)i#,, p, 47,
34, "t the level o$ so%ial i#entity, the same shi$t #esignates the so-%alle# naturaliFation o$
immigrantsE as long as they per%eive themselves as Ireeks, +talians, et%,, Cho %ame to
live in "meri%a, their i#entity remains parti%ular, i,e,, /"meri%an/ remains an
a)stra%tuniversal pre#i%ate' the %ru%ial reversal takes pla%e Chen they start to per%eive
themselves as "meri%ans Chose %ontingent ethni% roots are Ireek or +talian,
33, 8ne o$ the stan#ar# reproa%hes to 0egel is that he ventures the illegitimate leap $rom the
thought o$ the $inite su)je%t into the thought o$ the ")solute itsel$ *ant<s trans%en#ental
logi% remains the re$le%tive insight into the a priori $orms that outline the horiFon o$ the
$inite su)je%t, Chereas 0egel<s logi% is the re$le%tion o$ the ")solute itsel$ Chi%h appears
to itsel$ in the thought o$ the 1$inite2 su)je%t, 0oCever, /everything turns on grasping an#
e5pressing the (rue, not only as Substance, )ut eDually as /Su)je%t/ 1 $henomenology of
Spirit, p, 1A2, (his #oes not mean that the ")solute itsel$ is a Su)je%t playing Cith us,
$inite humans, i,e,, that, in the movement o$ a)solute re$le%tion, Ce, $inite humans, make
ourselves into the instrument, the me#ium through Chi%h the ")solute %ontemplates
itsel$ -- this Coul# )e a simple perverse position, 3hat 0egel has in min# is that the split
)etCeen us an# the ")solute 1the split on a%%ount o$ Chi%h Ce are su)je%ts2 is at the
same time the sel$-split o$ the ")solute itsel$, we participate at the ,bsolute not on
account of
our e8alted contemplation of it, but by means of the very gap which forever separates us
from it -as in *a$ka<s novels Chere the $as%inate# gaFe o$ the su)je%t is alrea#y in%lu#e#
in the $un%tioning o$ the trans%en#ent, unapproa%ha)le agen%y o$ -aC 1the %ourt, the
36, See Ha%Dues -a%an, 9crits? , Selection, p, A,
37, +n this respe%t, Pierre -iver 0efle8ivit5 et e8t5riorit5 dans la Logi6ue de #egel 1 ,rchives
de $hilosophie, books KI and KF, $aris, GHFK; is very instructive in its endeavor to grasp
#egel2s dialectic as an ambiguous attempt to combine two ultimately incompatible
logics? the logic of self7relating :of reapplying a logical operator onto the same ob(ect or
onto itself 77 the %negation of negation,% etc.;, which points forward, in the direction of
contemporary formal logic, and the logic of sub(ectivity :%substance as sub(ect,% etc.;,
which points backward, to the problematic inherited from 1ant :%transcendental
apperception% as the guarantee of the unity of thought and being, as well as the locus of
%spontaneity% of the sub(ective constitution of reality;. ,ccording to Livet, the first logic
leads to the splitting, self7decentering process, a process by means of which the inherent
logical structure gives rise to its e8ternality- whereas the second logic forces this
e8ternality back into the frame of the traditional philosophical problematic of the
%e8ternali4ation of sub(ectivity.% !hat Livet does not take into account :and what the
Lacanian logic of the signifier enables us to conceptuali4e; is a notion of the sub(ect at
work in the very process of reflective self7relating? Livet tacitly assumes the identity of
the #egelian sub(ect with the traditional notion of the %sub(ect,% thereby imputing to
#egel a duality which simply is not there. The #egelian sub(ect emerges precisely by
way of the reflective, self7relating, reapplication of a logical operator, as in the worn7out
(oke on the cannibal who ate the last cannibal in the tribe.
3>, 0egel is here oppose# )y *ierkegaar#, a%%or#ing to Chom, in the eyes o$ the universal
pu)li% -aC, the a%t o$ the religious suspension o$ the :thi%al 1 ")raham killing o$ his
son, $or e5ample2 remains a %rime' its religious signi$i%an%e #is%loses itsel$ only $rom the
stan#point o$ the in#ivi#ual<s pure inCar#ness,
3B, 0egel, The $hilosophy of #istory 1 ?eC =orkE Dover, 197>2, p, 33,
3, See Ha%Dues -a%an, Le s5minaire, book GI? L2envers de la psychanalyse : $aris? 9ditions
du Seuil, GHHG;.
39, (hings are $urther %ompli%ate# )y the $a%t that, a%%or#ing to -a%an, the very emergen%e
o$ philosophi%al #is%ourse in Plato results $rom a transmutation o$ the hysteri%al position
into the position o$ a ;asterE So%rates, Plato<s /;aster,/ is not yet a ;aster, his position
is )etCeen a hysteri% an# an analyst,
6A, "s to the notion o$ the /in$initeRin#e$inite ju#gment,/ see .hapter 3 o$ the present )ook,
61, (he passage in Chi%h 0egel %ompares the #i$$eren%e )etCeen /naive/ an# spe%ulative
rea#ing o$ the proposition /Spirit is a )one/ to that )etCeen the urinating an# the
$e%un#ating $un%tion o$ one an# the same organ 1penis2 is $ar more am)iguous than it
may appear, (hat is to say, 0egel<s point is in no Cay that Ce have to reje%t the /naive/
rea#ing 1the Cay phrenology %on%eive# o$ itsel$, Spirit is this inert o)je%t, the skull' its
%hara%teristi%s are to )e #e#u%e# $rom the skull<s sCellings an# holloCs2 an# to take into
a%%ount only the spe%ulative meaning 1Spirit is strong enough to em)ra%e, to me#iate
entire reality, in%lusive o$ the most inert o)je%tivity2E this spe%ulative meaning emerges
only Chen Ce yiel# unreserve#ly to the /naive/ rea#ing an# there)y e5perien%e its
inherent nonsense, its a)sur# sel$-%ontra#i%tion, (his ra#i%al #is%or#, in%ompati)ility, this
a)solute /negative relationship/ )etCeen the tCo terms 1Spirit an# )one2 is Spirit 6ua
poCer o$ negativity, +n other Cor#s, in the choice between %naive% and speculative
reading, one has first to make the wrong choice if one is to arrive at the speculative
truth, (his e5ample %oul# serve a more general purpose o$ Carning us hoC not to rea#
0egel, i,e,, hoC the very imme#iate %ounter-position o$ non#iale%ti%al /Un#erstan#ing/
an# #iale%ti%al /9eason/ )elongs to Un#erstan#ingE Cith regar# to 0egel<s phalli%
%omparison, Ce remain stu%k to the level o$ /urnaing/pre%isely Chen Ce en#eavor
#ire%tly to %omprehen# the penis in its $e%un#ating $un%tion, "n# the same goes $or the
relationship o$ *ant to 0egelE i$ there is a philosopher Cho 1vieCe# $rom the 0egelian
perspe%tive2 pro#u%es spe%ulative truths in an unre$le%te# $orm, that is, Cho /alrea#y
speaks on $e%un#ation Chile %ontinuing to re$er to urination,/ this philosopher is *ant, +n
all %ru%ial passages o$ his system, *ant misre%ogniFes the spe%ulative #imension o$ his
oCn #is%overy, presenting it in the guise o$ its oppositeE in *ant<s philosophy, the
a)stra%tive poCer o$ a)solute negativity, the Spirit<s poCer to /rear asun#er Chat
naturally )elongs together,/ i,e,, to )reak apart the su)stantial /%hain o$ )eing/ an# to
treat non)eing 1appearan%e2 as possessing the ontologi%al Ceight o$ )eing, is
misper%eive# as its impoten%e, as its ina)ility to attain the trans%en#ent (hing-in-itsel$'
et%, Pre%isely at this point, hoCever, Ce shoul# not yiel# to the temptation o$ opposing
the *antian /rigi#/ Di$$eren%es to their 0egelian spe%ulative ;e#iation, (he moment Ce
#o so, Ce regress to a point )e$ore *ant, )a%k into pre-%riti%al /#ogmati%/ attitu#e, 3hat
Ce must #o, on the %ontrary, is to persist in )eing /more *antian than *ant himsel$/ an#
to assume $ully the in%onsisten%ies o$ the *antian position,
64, (his is also hoC Ha%Dues-"lain ;iller, in his unpu)lishe# seminar on /e5timitJ/ $rom
197-19>, #e$ines ob(et petit aE as the /+n-itsel$ Chi%h is $or us,/
63, "s to this am)iguity, see %hapter 7 o$ Slavoj iek, The Sublime +b(ect of ldeology
1 -on#onE Uerso, 199A2,
66, +n this sense, -a%an interprets the primor#ial $ather, $Cre7(ouissance, as a neurotic2s
myth sustained by the belief that, prior to the $rohibition, there really was a father to
whom uninhibited en(oyment was accessible.
67, (he reproa%h o$ ;oniDue Davi#-;enar# -- see her Lafolie dans la raison pure 1 ParisE
Urin, 19912,
6>, Fou%ault<s pen#ulum 1Chi%h, )y Cay o$ its irregular sCinging, #emonstrates that the earth
itsel$ rotates2 e5erts su%h a $as%ination )e%ause it e$$e%tively gives )o#y to this logi% o$
the Su)lime, +ts spe%ta%ular e$$e%t is not #ue solely to the $a%t that it literally makes us
lose our $ooting 1sin%e groun# itsel$, the phenomenologi%al $oun#ation an# sta)le
measure o$ our e5perien%e o$ movement, proves to )e shi$ting2' Chat is even more
aCesome is that it implies a third imaginary point of absolute immobility, (he su)lime
point is this hypotheti%al point o$ a)solute rest pro#u%e# )y Cay o$ the sel$-re$eren%e o$
movement, i,e,, the point Cith re$eren%e to Chi%h )oth the pen#ulum an# the earth
sur$a%e are moving,
6B, (he opposition o$ *ant an# 0egel Cith regar# to the -imit an# its Geyon# is usually
%on%eive# in a Cholly #i$$erent Cay "%%or#ing to this stan#ar# version, *ant limite# the
$iel# o$ phenomena, yet simultaneously prohi)ite# the a%%ess to its Geyon# 1i,e,, the only
legitimate #e$inition o$ the noumena is the purely negative one2' 0egel<s ansCer to this
*antian para#o5 is that the moment Ce %on%eive something as limite#, impli%itly, at
least, Ce alrea#y rea%h )eyon# it, i,e,, Ce must possess an impli%it notion o$ Chat lies on
the other si#e o$ the $rontier, (his Cay, 0egel throCs the #oor Ci#e open to the return to
the tra#itional rationalist metaphysi%s, 0oCever, su%h a rea#ing involves a %ru%ial
misun#erstan#ing o$ 0egel<s %ritiDue o$ *ant, "%%or#ing to 0egel, it is *ant Cho
maintains the re$eren%e to some Geyon#, although #evoi# o$ any positive %ontent' $or
*ant, the status o$ this voi# is purely epistemologi%al, i,e,, #ue to our $initu#e, Ce #o not
knoC hoC (hings-in-themselves are stru%ture#, 3hat 0egel a%%omplishes here is not a
/$illing out/ o$ this voi#, )ut rather the simple reversal o$ the epistemologi%al voi# into
an ontologi%al oneE the negative #e$inition o$ the (hing %on%erns the (hing itsel$, sin%e
this (hing is nothing )ut the voi# o$ a)solute negativity, +n other Cor#s, 0egel #oes not
reproa%h *ant Cith not #aring to take the step into Chat lies )eyon# phenomena, )ut
rather Cith sti%king to the /representational/ notion that the voi# )eyon# phenomena is
only a negative re$le%tion in our $inite min#s o$ some positive, ina%%essi)le +n-itsel$,
6, For a -a%anian rea#ing o$ ;agritte, see %hapter 3 o$ the present )ook,
69, 8ne o$ the early stories o$ Philip Di%k, the author o$ *o ,ndroids *ream of 9lectric
Sheep), upon Chi%h Blade 0unner is )ase#, is /(he Father-thing/ $rom 1976E .harles
3alton, a ten-year-ol# )oy, realiFes that his $ather (e# Cas kille# an# repla%e# )y an
alien, malignant $orm o$ li$e, (his (hing, that is /more in $ather than $ather himsel$,/ an
evil em)o#iment o$ the superego, %an )e #is%erne# in those rare moments Chen the
e5pression o$ the $ather<s $a%e su##enly %hanges, losing the $eatures o$ an or#inary,
Ceary mi##le-%lass "meri%an an# irra#iating a kin# o$ in#i$$erent, impersonal :vil,
7A, +n this respe%t, the %onseDuen%es o$ the 8rlan#o, Flori#a, %ourt ruling in Septem)er 1994
to %omply Cith the reDuest o$ the ten-year-ol# )oy Cho Cante# to stay Cith his $oster
parents instea# o$ returning to his )iologi%al mother are more ra#i%al than it may appear,
sin%e they %on%ern the very relationship o$ S
an# S
E Chen a %hil# %an Cin a #ivor%e
against his parents, as the neCspapers put it, he %an ultimately %hoose Cho his parents are
Cith regar# to their respe%tive positive properties 1the Duality o$ %are, et%,2, (his Cay,
motherhoo# as Cell as $atherhoo# ultimately %ease to )e sym)oli% $un%tions in#epen#ent
o$ positive $eatures, i,e,, the very logi% o$ /3hatever you #o, you remain my mother-
$ather an# + shall love you ,,,/ o$ S
Dua ;aster-Signi$ier Chi%h #esignates a sym)oli%
man#ate, not a simple %luster o$ properties, is un#ermine#,
71, (he %orrelate to this re#u%tion o$ the $ather to nonphalli% *noCle#ge, o$ %ourse, is the
$antasy-notion o$ mother Dua sel$-repro#u%ing monster Chi%h generates its o$$spring
Cithout the me#iation o$ the phallusE it Cas alrea#y ;ar5 Cho, in an enigmati% metaphor
in &apital III, #etermine# .apital as a sel$-repro#u%ing ;other-(hing,
74, "ll these %ases, o$ %ourse, repro#u%e the stru%ture o$ the liar-para#o5 1/3hat + am saying
noC is a lie/2, "%%or#ing to -a%an, this para#o5 %an arti%ulate an authenti% su)je%tive
a%knoCle#gment Chi%h )e%omes visi)le the moment Ce take into a%%ount the splitting
)etCeen the su)je%t o$ the enun%iation an# the su)je%t o$ the enun%iate#E )y saying /+ am
lying@/ + a%knoCle#ge the inauthenti%ity o$ my )eing, o$ my su)je%tive position o$
enun%iation, an# in this sense + am telling the truth,
73, "n# Cas not the same gesture a%%omplishe# )y *ierkegaar# apropos o$ )elie$E Ce, $inite
mortals, are %on#emne# to /)elieve that Ce )elieve/' Ce %an never )e %ertain that Ce
a%tually )elieve, (his position o$ eternal #ou)t, this aCareness that our )elie$ is $orever
%on#emne# to remain a haFar#ous Cager, is the only Cay $or us to )e true .hristian
)elieversE those Cho go )eyon# the threshol# o$ un%ertainty, preposterously assuming
that they really #o )elieve, are not )elievers at all )ut arrogant sinners, +$, a%%or#ing to
-a%an, the Duestion that animates the %ompulsive 1o)sessional2 neuroti% is /"m + #ea# or
aliveK/, an# i$ the religious version o$ it is /"m + really a )eliever or #o + just )elieve to
)elieveK/, here, as Ce %an see, the Duestion is trans$orme# into /"m + a repli%ant or a
human )eingK/
76, For su%h a rea#ing, see *aja Silverman, /Ga%k to the Future,/ &amera obscura LI
1 19912E 1A9-34,
77, +t is -a%an himsel$ Cho is ultimately responsi)le $or this %on$usion, inso$ar as, in his
early seminars, Chen he arti%ulates the moti$ o$ the /me%hani%al/ %hara%ter o$ the un%on
s%ious, he #oes not yet #istinguish )etCeen knoCle#ge Dua sym)oli% tra#ition an#
knoCle#ge ins%ri)e# into the 9eal itsel$ 0oCever, )eginning Cith Seminar 4A 1 9ncore2,
Chi%h e5pressly posits the #istin%tion )etCeen signi$ier an# Criting-ins%ription 1 5crit2,
every %on$usion is e5%lu#e#, +t is against this )a%kgroun# that Ce %an e5plain the $ailure
o$ The Lady in the Lake, 9o)ert ;ontgomery $ilm version o$ 9aymon# .han#ler novel,
Chi%h, Cith the e5%eption o$ the )rie$ prologue an# epilogue, is entirely ma#e o$
su)je%tive shots, re#u%ing our $iel#-o$-vision to that o$ the #ete%tive, (hat is to say, Chy
#oes this e5periment ne%essarily a$$e%t us as somehoC arti$i%ial, %ontrive#, instea# o$
%reating the illusion o$ a%tually transposing us into the hero<s su)je%tive e5perien%eK (he
su)je%tive shot is e$$e%tive inso$ar as it remains a $ragment $rame# )y o)je%tive shots
Chi%h provi#e $or its %onte5t' the moment the su)je%tive perspe%tive /spills over/ the
e$$e%t is not total su)je%tiviFation )ut rather an un%anny me%haniFationE the allege# pure
su)je%tive gaFe %oin%i#es Cith its ra#i%al opposite, Cith the me%hani%al intake o$ the
%amera, For that reason, those moments in The Lady in the Lake Chen Ce )rie$ly see the
hero<s $a%e 1its re$le%tion in a mirror as allege#ly per%eive# )y the hero, $or e5ample2
pro#u%e the e$$e%t o$ a ra#i%al #is%or#E this $a%e, these eyes that Ce noC see, are in no
Cay those through Chi%h Ce per%eive reality throughout the $ilm, 3e are i#enti$ie# Cith
a gaFe Chi%h is o)viously the gaFe o$ an aCkCar# ma%hineE Ce, the spe%tators, )e%ome
re#u%e# to a /(hing Chi%h sees,/
9 Cogito and the &e.ual $ifferene
1, See +mmanuel *ant, The &riti6ue of =udgement 1 85$or#E .laren#on Press, 19912,
4, 8n ra#i%al :vil see .hapter 3 o$ the present )ook, (his notion o$ the Su)lime provi#es a
neC approa%h to -a%an<s /*ant ave% Sa#e,/ i,e,, his thesis on Sa#e as the truth o$ *ant,
-et us )egin Cith an every#ay DuestionE Chat a%%ounts $or the 1allege#2 %harm o$ se5ual
manualsK (hat is to say, it is %lear that Ce #o not really )roCse them to learn things' Chat
attra%ts us is that the a%tivity Chi%h epitomiFes the transgression o$ every rule 1Chen Ce
are engage# in /it,/ Ce are not suppose# to think, )ut just to yiel# to passions,,,2 assumes
the $orm o$ its opposite an# )e%omes an o)je%t o$ s%hool-like #rill, 1" %ommon
pie%e o$ a#vi%e a%tually %on%erns a%hieving se5ual e5%itement )y imitating -- #uring the
$oreplay, at least -- the pro%e#ure o$ %ol#, ase5ual instrumental a%tivityE + #is%uss Cith my
partner in #etail the steps o$ Chat Ce Cill #o, Ce pon#er the pros an# %ons o$ #i$$erent
possi)ilities -- shall Ce )egin Cith %unnilingus or notK -- assessing every point as i$ Ce
are #ealing Cith an ela)orate te%hni%al operation, Sometimes, this /turns us on,/2 3hat
Ce en%ounter here is a kin# o$ para#o5i%ally inverte# su)limeE in the *antian Su)lime,
the )oun#less %haos o$ sensi)le e5perien%e 1raging storm, )reathtaking a)ysses2 ren#ers
$orth the presentiment o$ the pure +#ea o$ 9eason Chose ;easure is so large that no
o)je%t o$ e5perien%e, not even nature in the Cil#est an# mightiest #isplay o$ its $or%es,
%an %ome %lose to it 1i,e,, here, the ;easure, the i#eal or#er, is on the si#e o$ the
unattaina)le +#ea, an# the $ormless %haos on the si#e o$ sensi)le e5perien%e2' Chereas in
the %ase o$ /)ureau%ratiFe# se5uality,/ the relationship is reverse#E se5ual arousal, as the
e5emplary %ase o$ the state Chi%h elu#es instrumental regimentation, is evoke# )y Cay
o$ its opposite, )y Cay o$ )eing treate# as )ureau%rati% #uty, Perhaps, it is 1also2 in this
sense that Sa#e is the truth o$ *antE the sa#ist Cho enjoys per$orming se5 as an
instrumentaliFe# )ureau%rati% #uty reverses an# there)y )rings to its truth the *antian
Su)lime in Chi%h Ce )e%ome aCare o$ the suprasensi)le ;easure through the %haoti%,
)oun#less %hara%ter o$ our e5perien%e,
3, +n this pre%ise sense, the *antian #istin%tion )etCeen the %onstitutive an# the regulative
#imension %orrespon#s to the -a%anian #istin%tion )etCeen knoCle#ge an# suppose#
knoCle#geE the teleologi%al regulative i#ea has the status o$ /knoCle#ge in the real,/ o$
the inherent rational or#er in nature Chi%h, although theoreti%ally unprova)le, has to )e
presuppose# i$ our positive knoCle#ge 1stru%ture# through %onstitutive %ategories2 is to
)e possi)le,
6, (he %hoi%e o$ 9aymon# ;assey $or the role o$ the superego-#riven governor is #eeply
signi$i%ant i$ Ce )ear in min# his s%reen personaE he also playe# Hohn GroCn, Chose
name epitomiFes 1in the eyes o$ the pre#ominant i#eology2 the o)session Cith justi%e
Chi%h, on a%%ount o$ its overFealous %hara%ter, turns into ravaging :vil,
7, +$ Ce are not to miss this para#o5 o$ the .hristian Su)lime, it is o$ %ru%ial importan%e
that Ce )ear in min# the stru%ture o$ the ;W)ius strip that pertains to ju#gment in
0egelian theory, (he ju#gment o$ re$le%tion, $or e5ample -- /So%rates is mortal/ --
ren#ers the i#entity o$ the tCo momentsE the 1logi%al2 su)je%t, a %ertain non%on%eptual
/this/ pointe# out, #esignate#, )y a name 1stan#ing $or the imme#iate, in#eterminate,
unityCith-itsel$ o$ an entity2, an# the pre#i%ate Chi%h is this same unity in its mo#e o$
alienation, i,e,, separate#, torn $rom itsel$, oppose# to itsel$ in the guise o$ a universal
/re$le%tive #etermination/ un#er Chi%h the imme#iate /this/ is su)sume# 1/re$le%tive
#etermination/ o$ an entity is its very essen%e, the innermost kernel o$ its i#entity, yet
%on%eive# in the guise o$ its opposite, o$ a totally in#i$$erent an# e5ternal universal
#etermination2, .onseDuently, Ce #o not have tCo elements unite#, tie# up, in the
%ommon spa%e o$ the ju#gment, )ut one and the same element Chi%h appears $irst in the
mo#e o$ imme#iate-nonre$le%te# unity-Cith-itsel$ 1/this,/ the logi%al su)je%t2, then in the
mo#e o$ its opposite, o$ sel$-e5ternaliFation, i,e,, as an a)stra%t re$le%tive #etermination,
Perhaps even more appropriate than this metaphor o$ the tCo sur$a%es o$ the ;W)ius strip
is the s%ien%e $i%tion para#o5 o$ the time-travel loop Chere the su)je%t
en%ounters a #i$$erent version o$ itsel$, i,e,, runs into its oCn later in%arnation, (herein
%onsists 0egel<s pointE su)je%t an# pre#i%ate are i#enti%al, the same thing, their #i$$eren%e
is purely topologi%al,
>, (he same para#o5 is repeate# at the very en# o$ the %hapter on Spirit, Chere Ce pass
$rom the o)je%tive Spirit to the sphere o$ the ")solute 1religion, philosophy2 via the
resolution o$ the impasses o$ the Geauti$ul Soul, Signi$i%antly, 0egel here $or the $irst
time uses the term /re%on%iliation/ 1 /ersEhnung2E the Geauti$ul Soul has to re%ogniFe its
%ompli%ity Cith the Ci%ke# Cays o$ the Corl# it #eplores' it has to a%%ept the factum
)rutum o$ its environs as /its oCn,/
B, +n the history o$ mo#ern %inema, the progressive mo#es o$ hoC to present /pathologi%al/
li)i#inal e%onomies 1hysteria, et%,2 per$e%tly $olloCs the matri5 o$ this
/#oCnCar#synthesis,/ Up to a %ertain point, $ormal pro%e#ures -- e5travagant as they
may appear -remain /an%hore# in the #iegeti% reality, i,e,, they e5press the /pathology/ o$
a #iegeti% personality, +n the $ilms o$ "lain 9esnais, $or e5ample, the $ormal
%onvolutions 1timeloops, et%,2 ren#er the para#o5es o$ the memory o$ a #iegeti%
personality' in Hohn .assavetes< Cork, the #iegeti% %ontent -- the hysteria o$ every#ay
"meri%an marrie# li$e -- %ontaminates the %inemati% $orm itsel$ 1the %amera gets /too
%lose/ to the $a%es, ren#ering in #etail the repulsive $a%ial %onvulsions' shots $rom a
han#-%arrie# %amera %on$er upon the very %inemati% $rame the pre%ipitous trem)ling that
%hara%teriFes hysteri%al e%onomy' et%,2, "t a %ertain point, hoCever, the #iegeti%
un#erpinning /e5plo#es/ an# the $ilm sets out to ren#er #ire%tly the hysteri%al e%onomy,
)ypassing altogether the #iegeti% %ontent, +t is thus impossi)le to #istinguish three
-- /realism/E the $orm is not yet %ontaminate# )y the hysteri%al, et%, %ontent' no matter
hoC pathologi%al the #iegeti% %ontent, it is ren#ere# $rom a neutral #istan%e o$ an
/o)je%tive/ narrative,
-- its $irst negationE the hysteri%al %ontent /%ontaminates/ $orm itsel$, +n many a
mo#ernist $ilm, the $orm seems to narrate its oCn story, Chi%h un#ermines the $ilm<s
/o$$i%ial/ #iegeti% %ontent' this antagonism )etCeen #iegeri% %ontent an# $orm, the
surplus o$ the latter over the $ormer, is Chat the stan#ar# use o$ the term /Criting/
#esignates, Su$$i%e it to re%all the $amous .ahiers #u %inema analysis o$ Hohn For# The
Aoung Lincoln in Chi%h the $orm registers the ominous, superego, monstrous-inhuman
si#e o$ the main %hara%ter, an# thus runs %ounter to the patrioti% elevation o$ -in%oln, the
/o$$i%ial/ theme o$ the $ilm,
-- the /negation o$ the negation/E the mo#ernist /a)stra%t %inema/ Chi%h ren#ers its
/pathologi%al/ %ontent #ire%tly, renoun%ing the #etour through a %onsistent #iegeri%
, See se%tion 3 o$ +mmanuel *ant, +bservations on the "eeling of the Beautiful and
Sublime 1 GerkeleyE University o$ .ali$ornia, 19912, 3hat is o$ spe%ial interest here are
the perverse para#o5es *ant gets involve# in Chen he en#eavors to arti%ulate the
intera%tion o$ a )eauti$ul Coman an# a su)lime manE man<s ultimate message to a Coman
is /even i$ you #o not love me, + shall $or%e you to respe%t me )y the sheer $or%e o$ my
su)lime gran#eur,/ Chereas Coman<s %ounter-%laim is /even i$ you #o not respe%t me, +
shall $or%e you to love me $or my )eauty,/ (hese para#o5es are perverse inso$ar as their
un#erlying premise is that, in or#er to #is%over the su)lime gran#eur o$ man<s moral
stan%e, Coman must %ease to love him, an# vi%e versa, man must #is#ain Coman $or her
la%k o$ proper moral attitu#e i$ he is to e5perien%e the true %hara%ter o$ his love $or her,
"long these lines, *ant even provi#es his oCn $ormulation o$ the impossi)ility o$ se5ual
relationshipE in se5uality, man<s o)je%t is either the nonspe%i$ie# universality o$ /any
Coman/ 1i$ he is #riven )y raC )o#ily passion2 or the $antasy-image to Chi%h no a%tual
Coman %an ever %orrespon# in reality 1the romanti% notion o$ su)lime in$atuation2, +n
)oth %ases, the real o)je%t -- the a%tual Coman in her uniDueness -- is annihilate#,
9, + am in#e)te# to Hoan .opje% $or the %ru%ial notion o$ the stru%tural homology )etCeen
-a%an<s /$ormulae o$ se5uation/ an# the *antian opposition o$ mathemati%al an#
#ynami%al su)lime, (his )ook in its entirety is a token o$ my theoreti%al #e)t to her, .$,
Hoan .opje%, 0ead 3y *esire 1 .am)ri#geE ;+( Press, 19932,
1A, -a%an<s F o$ %ourse means the $un%tion o$ 1sym)oli%2 %astrationE /man is su)mitte# to
%astration/ implies the e5%eption o$ /at least one,/ the primor#ial $ather o$ the Freu#ian
myth in Totem and Taboo, a mythi%al )eing Cho has ha# all the Comen an# Cas %apa)le
o$ a%hieving %omplete satis$a%tion, For an e5pli%ation o$ these /$ormulae o$, se5uation,/
see Ha%Dues -a%an, Le s5minaire, book LM? 9ncore : $aris? 9ditions du Seuil, GHIN;- the
two key chapters are translated in =ac6ues Lacan and the 9cole freudienne, "eminine
Se8uality : London? 3acmillan, GHFL;. "or a compressed presentation of it see also
chapter O Slavo( P*iQek, "or They 1now .ot !hat They *o : London? /erso, GHHG;.
11, +t is the re%ent revival o$ the /human rights/ pro)lemati% Chi%h o$$ers an opportunity to
#emonstrate hoC -a%an<s opposition o$ mas%uline an# $eminine $ormulas %an )e o$
/pra%ti%al use,/ (he /mas%uline/ approa%h to human rights is )ase# on universaliFationE
/every human being must enjoy the rights to,,,1$ree#om, property, health, et%,, et%,2,/ Cith
an e5%eption alCays lurking in the )a%kgroun#, +t is easy, $or e5ample, simply to
pro%laim that every 5 has to enjoy these rights insofar as she or he fully deserves the title
of /human being/ 1i,e,, o$ our i#ealiFe#-i#eologi%al notion o$ it2, a move Chi%h alloCs us
to e5%lu#e %overtly those Cho #o not $it our %riteria 1insane, %riminals, %hil#ren, Comen,
other ra%es,,,2, (he /$eminine/ approa%h, on the other han#, seems mu%h more
appropriate to our /postmo#ern/ attitu#eE /there must )e no)o#y Cho is #enie# his or her
spe%i$i% rights/ -- a move Chi%h guarantees that spe%i$i% rights, the only ones Chi%h
really matter, Cill not )e e5%lu#e# un#er the guise o$ an apparently neutral, all-em)ra%ing
universality, See 9enata Sale%l, The Spoils of "reedom 1 -on#onE 9outle#ge, 19932,
14, 8r, to put it in the -a%anian Cay, man an# Coman /are split #i$$erently an# this
difference in splitting accounts for se8ual difference/ 1 Gru%e Fink, /(here<s ?o Su%h
(hing as a Se5ual 9elationship,/ .ewsletter of the "reudian "ield, vol, 7, nos, 1 -- 4
O 1994 PEB2,
13, (here seem to )e groun#s $or an opposite rea#ing Chi%h Coul# link #ynami% antinomies
to the $eminine si#e o$ the $ormulae o$ se5uation an# mathemati%al antinomies to the
mas%uline si#eE as pointe# out )y Ha%Dues-"lain ;iller, $eminine antinomies are
antinomies o$ in%onsisten%y, Chereas mas%uline antinomies are antinomies o$
in%ompleteness -- an# are #ynami% antinomies not a)out the in%onsisten%y )etCeen
universal %ausal links an# the $a%t o$ $ree#omK 8n the other han#, #o mathemati%al
antinomies not hinge on the $initu#e, i,e,, in%ompleteness, o$ our phenomenal
e5perien%eK 1See Ha%Dues-"lain ;iller , 98timit5 Ounpu)lishe# seminarP, Paris, 197->,2
0oCever, the /not-all,/ in%omplete %hara%ter o$ the phenomenal $iel# in *ant #oes not
imply that something lies
)eyon# or outsi#e this $iel#' instea#, it implies the $iel#<s inherent in%onsisten%yE
phenomena are never /all,/ yet $or all that there is no e5%eption, nothing outsi#e them, +t
is only the #ynami% antinomy Chi%h #eals Cith the opposition o$ phenomena an# their
noumenal Geyon#,
16, +t is on the %ontrary man $or Chom it %an )e sai# that /a part o$ him elu#es the phalli%
$un%tion/ -- the e5%eption %onstitutive o$ the Universal, (he para#o5 is there$ore that man
is dominated )y the phalli% $un%tion inso$ar as there is something in him Chi%h eva#es it,
Chereas Coman eludes its grasp pre%isely inso$ar as there is nothing in her Chi%h is not
su)mitte# to it, (he solution to this para#o5 is that the /phalli% $un%tion/ is, in its
$un#amental #imension, the operator o$ e5%lusion,
17, For a more #etaile# a%%ount o$ it, see .hapter 3 o$ the present )ook,
1>, See %hapter 1> o$ Ha%Dues -a%an, The "our "undamental &oncepts of $sycho7,nalysis
1 ?eC =orkE ?orton, 19BB2,
1B, See The 9thics of $sychoanalysis, 1979- 19>A, The Seminar of =ac6ues Lacan, )ook B,
e#, Ha%Dues-"lain ;iller 1 -on#onE 9outle#ge R (avisto%k, 19942,
1, See Ha%Dues -a%an, /*ant ave% Sa#e,/ in 9crits 1 ParisE :#itions #u Seuil, 19>>2,
19, (his ethi%s o$ #esire, $or e5ample, Coul# %ompel us to reje%t -ars von (rier 9uropa 1
Jentropa2, a $ilm Chi%h seems to realiFe $ully 0ans-H^rgen Sy)er)erg anti-Semiti%
program o$ aestheti%s as the only me#ium $or the re%on%iliation o$ Iermany Cith its ?aFi
past, 1+n his re%ent Cork, Sy)er)erg %laims that those truly responsi)le $or the Ierman
ina)ility to /Cork through/ their ?aFi past are HeCs themselves Cith their antiaestheti%
prohi)ition -- "#omo<s /no poetry a$ter "us%hCitF,/2 (he aestheri%ist myth o$ :urope
o$$ere# )y the $ilm is that o$ a %ontinent %aught in the vi%ious %ir%le o$ sel$in#ulging
#e%a#ent jouissan%eE it is this very over-pro5imity o$ jouissan%e Chi%h suspen#s the
e$$i%ien%y o$ the per$ormative, o$ the so%ial link o$ sym)oli% authority, 1+njun%tions are
inoperativeE Chen the young "meri%an Corking on a Ierman train un#ergoes
e5amination $or the post o$ the sleeping-%ar steCar#, the %ommittee, instea# o$ provoking
an5iety, a%ts ri#i%ulously Cith its meaningless Duestions an# out-o$-pla%e pun%tuality,2
(he ultimate lesson o$ the $ilm is that even the inno%ent "meri%an gaFe %annot es%ape the
#e%a#ent Chirlpool o$ the :uropean jouissan%e Chi%h $inally #raCs him into itsel$,
"lthough the $ilm takes pla%e in the autumn o$ 1967, imme#iately a$ter the Ierman
#e$eat, the ruine# Iermany is %learly presente# as a timeless metaphor $or /:urope/ as a
%ontinent %aught in the %ir%le o$ its #e%a#ent jouissan%e, (he entire $ilm is stage# as a
kin# o$ hypnoti% trauma mastermin#e# )y an anonymous narrator 1 ;a5 von Sy#oC2
Cho a##resses the hero, telling him Chat to #o an# Chat lies ahea#, (he ultimate aim o$
psy%hoanalysis is pre%isely to #eliver us $rom the #omination o$ su%h a voi%e,
4A, +,e,, symptom, "s to this notion o$ /sinthome,/ see .hapter 7 o$ the present )ook,
41, See su)#ivision 3 Introduction in ;ar5 rundrisse, sele%te# an# e#ite# )y Davi#
;%-ellan 1 -on#onE ;a%millan, 19A2,
44, See Ha%Dues Derri#a, /.ogito an# the 0istory o$ ;a#ness,/ in /3riting an# Di$$eren%e/ 1
.hi%agoE University o$ .hi%ago Press, 19B2,
43, "mong the numerous variations on this moti$ o$ /#eath an# the mai#en,/ su$$i%e it to
mention the #eath-a%%i#ent o$ *aren SilkCoo# in ;ike ?i%hols SilkwoodE ;eryl Streep
)ehin# the Cheel o$ a %ar on a night #rive, o%%upying the right si#e o$ the s%reen, her
intensely $i5e# on the %ar mirror a)ove her hea# through Chi%h she o)serves the light o$
a giant tru%k approa%hing her %ar $rom )ehin#, an#, on the le$t si#e o$ the s%reen, seen
through the rear Cin#oC o$ the %ar, the light o$ the tru%k gra#ually sprea#ing into a
$ormless #aFFling spot over$loCing the entire s%reen,
46, For a more #etaile# #es%ription o$ it, see ;iran Goovi_, The 3an behind #is +wn
0etina, in Slavoj iek, 9verything Aou ,lways !anted to 1now about Lacan 1Gut 3ere
,fraid to ,sk #itchcock2 1 -on#onE Uerso, 19942,
47, Sigmun# Freu#, The $sychopathology of 9veryday Life, Peli%an Freu# -i)rary, vol,
71 0armon#sCorthE Penguin, 19B>2, p, 46,
4>, (he *antian split )etCeen the pure $orm o$ /+ think/ an# the unknoCa)le /(hing Chi%h
thinks/ is there$ore not yet the Freu#ian Un%ons%iousE the Un%ons%ious stri%to sensu
takes pla%e only Cith the %hoi%e o$ )eing' it designates the /it thinks/ which emerges the
moment I /am,/ the moment the su)je%t %hooses )eing, +n other Cor#s, -a%an<s tCo
versions o$ cogito ena)le us to #istinguish %learly )etCeen the Un%ons%ious an# the +#
19s2E the Un%ons%ious is the /it thinks/ in /+ am, there$ore it thinks,/ Chereas the +# is the
/it is/ in /+ think, there$ore it is,/
4B, +t is against this )a%kgroun# that %omputer pho)ia %an )e properly situate#E the $ear o$ a
/ma%hine Chi%h thinks/ )ears Citness to the $ore)o#ing that thought as su%h is e5ternal
to the sel$-i#entity o$ my )eing,
4, +s not the e5emplary %ase o$ su%h an o)je%t Dua sel$-%ons%iousness the 0it%h%o%kian
o)je%tK +s its traumati% impa%t not #ue to the $a%t that it gives body to an unbearable ga4e
Chi%h %at%hes sight o$ the un)eara)le truth a)out the su)je%tK -et us re%all the vi%tim<s
pair o$ glasses in the $irst mur#er in Strangers on a TrainE Chile Gruno is strangling
;iriam, Iuy<s promis%uous Ci$e, Ce see the #istorte# re$le%tion o$ the %rime in her
glasses, Chi%h $ell to the groun# Chen Gruno $irst atta%ke# her, (he glasses are the /thir#
party,/ the Citness to the mur#er, the o)je%t Chi%h gives )o#y to a gaFe, 1Si5 years later,
in The !rong 3an, the same role is assume# )y the )ig ta)le lamp, the Citness o$ 9ose<s
out)urst against ;anny See 9enata Sale%l, /(he 9ight ;an an# the 3rong 3oman,/ in
P*iQek, 9verything Aou ,lways !anted to 1now about Lacan 1 But !ere ,fraid to ,sk
#itchcock2, For that reason, it is essential to rea# this s%ene together Cith the later uniDue
s%ene o$ Gruno strangling an ol# so%iety la#y at a party, Gruno $irst engages in Chat is a
simple, i$ someChat tasteless, so%ial gameE he #emonstrates to an el#erly la#y 1Cho
Cillingly o$$ers her )are ne%k2 hoC it is possi)le to strangle some)o#y so that the vi%tim
is una)le to utter the slightest soun#, 0oCever, things get out o$ %ontrol Chen the #ual
relationship is supplemente# )y a /thir# party,/ i,e,, Chen Gruno per%eives )ehin# the
la#y he mo%kingly is strangling a girl Cith glasses 1the sister o$ "nn, Iuy<s love2, "t this
point the game su##enly takes a serious turnE as in#i%ate# )y the musi%al s%ore, the girl<s
glasses re%all to Gruno<s min# the s%ene o$ the $irst mur#er, an# this short-%ir%uit pushes
Gruno to )egin to strangle the ol# la#y $or real, (his girl 1playe# )y 0it%h%o%k<s #aughter
Patri%ia2 is ma#e into /the Coman Cho knoCs too mu%h/ purely on a%%ount o$ her
glasses, 3hat triggers the mur#erous #rive in Gruno is the un)eara)le pressure e5erte#
on him )y the glasses' they are the o)je%t Chi%h /returns the gaFe,/ i,e,, )e%ause o$ the
glasses, Gruno sees in the poor girl<s surprise# gaFe /his ruin Crit large,/
49, See ;la#en Dolar, /(he Father 3ho 3as ?ot Tuite Dea#,/ in iek, 9verything Aou
,lways !anted to 1now about Lacan 1 But !ere ,fraid to ,sk #itchcock2,
3A, Patri%ia 0ighsmith masterpie%e The &ry of the owl stages per$e%tly the #eli%ate )alan%e
that #e$ines the perverse position, " Coman living alone in a %ountry house su##enly
)e%omes aCare that she is o)serve# )y a shy voyeur hi##en in the )ushes )ehin# the
house' taking pity on him, she invites him into the house, o$$ers him her $rien#ship an#
$inally $alls in love Cith him -- there)y ina#vertently trespassing the invisi)le )arrier that
sustaine# his #esire an# thus provoking his repulsion, (herein %onsists the kernel o$ the
perverse e%onomyE a proper #istan%e has to )e maintaine# Chi%h prevents the su)je%t
$rom engaging in a /normal/ se5ual relationship' its transgression %hanges the loveo)je%t
into repulsive e5%rement, 3hat Ce have here is the Fero-level o$ the logi% o$ the /partial
o)je%t/ Chi%h, un#er the guise o$ o)stru%ting the se5ual relationship, a%tually %on%eals its
inherent impossi)ilityE the /partial o)je%t/ is here re#u%e# to the #istan%e as su%h, to the
invisi)le )arrier Chi%h prevents me $rom %onsummating the se5ual relationship' it is as i$
Ce have to #o Cith the $orm o$ $etishism Cithout $etish, 1 Patri%ia 0ighsmith is generally
at her )est Chen she ren#ers Cith unmat%he# sensitivity the point at Chi%h %omplian%e
turns into intrusivenessE in /Dog<s 9ansom/, her other masterpie%e, the young poli%e
#ete%tive Cho o$$ers his help to the %ouple Chose #og Cas stolen gra#ually )e%omes an
em)arrassing intru#er,2
31, (he #i$$eren%e )etCeen neuroti% an# perverse symptom hinges upon this same point 1see
.olette Soler, /(he 9eal "ims o$ the "nalyti% "%t,/ Lacanian Ink N O 1994 PE 73->o2, "
neuroti% has nothing )ut trou)les Cith her symptom' it in%onvenien%es her' she
e5perien%es it as an unCel%ome )ur#en, as something Chi%h pertur)s her )alan%e -- in
short, she suffers on a%%ount o$ her symptom 1an# there$ore turns $or help to the analyst2,
Chereas a pervert una)ashe#ly enjoys his symptom, :ven i$ he is later ashame# o$ it or
#istur)e# )y it, the symptom as su%h is a sour%e o$ pro$oun# satis$a%tion' it provi#es a
$irm an%horing point to his psy%hi% e%onomy an# $or that very reason he has no nee# $or
an analyst, i,e,, there is no e5perien%e o$ su$$ering Chi%h sustains the #eman# $or an
34, See %hapter 16 o$ Ha%Dues -a%an, Le s5minaire, book F? Le transfert : $aris? 9ditions du
Seuil, GHHG;.
33, "n e5ample %an )e provi#e# )y the author o$ these lines Cho is una)le to in#ulge alone
in a ri%h meal in an e5pensive restaurant, (he very i#ea o$ it gives rise to the $eeling o$ an
o)s%ene, in%estuous short-%ir%uit' the only Cay to #o it is in %ompany, Chere having a
goo# meal )e%omes part o$ a %ommunity ritual, i,e,, Chere enjoying goo# $oo# %oin%i#es
Cith #isplaying to others that + enjoy it, "n o)sessional neuroti%<s ethi% %an )e $urther
e5empli$ie# )y a patient Cho, apropos o$ every Coman he trie# to se#u%e, Cent to
e5%essive pains to please her 1an# thus again an# again su%%ee#e# in organiFing his
$ailure2, 3hen he en#eavore# to se#u%e a Coman Cho love# #eep sea #iving, he
imme#iately enrolle# in a #iving %ourse 1although he Cas personally repulse# )y the very
i#ea o$ it2' even a$ter this Coman le$t him $or goo# an# he Cas #evoting his amorous
attention to a neC Coman Cho Cas totally in#i$$erent toCar# #iving, he nonetheless out
o$ a sense o$ #uty %ontinue# to parti%ipate in the #iving %ourse@
36, See -ouis "lthusser, /+#eology an# i#eologi%al State "pparatuses,/ in /-enin an#
Philosophy, an# 8ther :ssays/ 1 -on#onE Uerso, 19912,
37, "n e5emplary %ase o$ hoC some)o#y %an /look alike/ is to )e $oun# in -u)it%h<s (o )e
or not to )eE a Polish a%tor, as part o$ an intri%ate plot to #e%eive the ?aFis, impersonates
notorious Iestapo )ut%her' he Cil#ly arti%ulates an# laughs, so that Ce, the spe%tators,
automati%ally per%eive his a%ting as a %ari%atural e5aggeration' hoCever, Chen, $inally,
the /original/ himsel$ -- the true Iestapo )ut%her -- enters the stage, he )ehaves in
e5a%tly the same Cay, a%ting as it Cere as his oCn %ari%ature -- in short, he /looks alike
3>, See Ha%Dues -a%an, /-ogi%al time an# the "ssertion o$ "nti%ipate# .ertainty,/ in
.ewsletter of the "reudian "ield, vol, 4, no, 41 192,
3B, "n#, perhaps, the 1$uture2 master is simply the one Cho takes a %han%e an# is the $irst
make the move, i,e,, to say /+ am Chite/E he )e%omes a neC master i$ his )lu$$ pays o$$,
3, "t a #i$$erent level, 9osa -u5em)ourg #is%erne# a homologous anti%ipatory move in the
matri5 o$ a revolutionary pro%essE i$ Ce Cait $or the /right moment/ o$ a revolution, it
Cill never o%%ur' the /right moment/ emerges only a$ter a series o$ $aile# /premature/
attempts, i,e,, Ce attain our i#entity as a revolutionary su)je%t only )y Cay o$
/overtaking/ ourselves an# %laiming this i#entity /)e$ore its time has arrive#,/ For a
more #etaile# rea#ing o$ this para#o5, see %hapter 7 o$ Slavoj UQA1BDiek, The Sublime
+b(ect of Ideology 1 -on#onE Uerso, 19912,
39, See -a%an %ru%ial remarks in his S5minaire, book LM? 9ncore : $aris? 9ditions du Seuil,
GHIN;, pp. KI7KF. In this sense, hysteria designates the failure of interpellation? the
hysterical 6uestion is %!hy am I what you are saying that I am)%, i.e., I 6uestion the
symbolic identity imposed on me by the master- I resist it in the name of what is %in me
more than myself,% the ob(ect small a. Therein consists the anti7,lthusserian gist of
Lacan? sub(ect 6ua R is not an effect of interpellation, of the recognition in an
ideological call- it rather stands for the very gesture of calling into 6uestion the identity
conferred on me by way of interpellation.
6A, See Paul Iri%e, /;eaning,/ in Studies in the !ay of !ords 1 .am)ri#geE 0arvar#
University Press, 1992, pp, 3BB-,
61, +n our every#ay e5perien%e, this gap separating #i$$erent levels o$ intention is at Cork in
Chat Ce %all /politeness/E Chen, upon engaging in a %onversation, Ce say /0oC are you
to#ayK/, Ce o$ %ourse /#o not mean it seriously/' Ce just o$$er an empty %onversational
$orm Chi%h %alls $or a ritualisti% /8*/ 1the )est proo$ o$ this emptiness o$ $orm is the
uneasiness that emerges i$ our partner takes the Duestion /seriously/ an# pro%ee#s to
o$$er an ela)orate ansCer2, +t is nonetheless totally out o$ pla%e to #enoun%e this Duestion
as an insin%ere $eigning o$ our %on%ernE although its literal, $irst level o$ intention is not
/meant seriously,/ i,e,, although + am not really intereste# in hoC are you to#ay, the
Duestion )ears Citness to my a)solutely /sin%ere/ intention to esta)lish a normal, $rien#ly
%ommuni%ation Cith you,
64, +n 0it%h%o%k<s $ilms, su%h an element is the notorious /;a%Iu$$in,/ the se%ret Chi%h sets
in motion the narrative, although it is in itsel$ /nothing at all/E its meaning is purely sel$-
re$erential' it amounts to the $a%t that the su)je%ts involve# in the narrative as%ri)e a
meaning to it,
63, Phil Patton, /;arketers Gattle $or the 9ight to Pro$it $rom ;al%olm<s <M,</ .ew Aork
Times, ;on#ay, ?ovem)er , 1994, G1 an# 6,
66, -a%an<s notion o$ 8e#ipus is to )e oppose# here to the /anti-8e#ipal/ notion o$ 8e#ipus
Dua the /repressive/ $or%e Chi%h %analiFes, #omesti$ies, the polymorphous perversion o$
partial #rives, straining them to the Pro%rustian triangle o$ Father-;other-.hil#, 3ith
-a%an, /8e#ipus/ 1i,e,, the imposition o$ the ?ame-o$-the-Father2 stan#s $or a purely
negative logi%al operator o$ /#eterritorialiFation/ 1see his pun in Fren%h on the
homophony )etCeen .om7du7$Cre an# .on7du7$Cre2E /?ame-o$-the-Father/ is a
$un%tion Chi%h )ran#s every o)je%t o$ #esire Cith the sign o$ a la%k, i,e,, Chi%h %hanges
every attaina)le o)je%t into the metonymy o$ la%k' apropos o$ every positive o)je%t, Ce
e5perien%e hoC /(hat<s not it@/ 1"n# /;other/ Dua in%estuous o)je%t is nothing )ut the
reverse o$ this same operationE the name $or that 5 misse# )y every given o)je%t,2 3hat
%an )e o$ help here is the re$eren%e to the 3ittgensteinian motto /the meaning o$ a Cor#
eDuals its use/E /$ather/ Dua paternal metaphor is use# only an# simply to intro#u%e this
gap Chi%h lurks in the )a%kgroun# o$ every o)je%t o$ #esire, 3e shoul# there$ore not )e
$as%inate# )y the imposing presence o$ the $atherE the positive $igure o$ the $ather merely
gives )o#y to this sym)oli% $un%tion, Cithout ever $ully meeting its reDuirements,
67, "s to this virtual %hara%ter o$ %apitalist e%onomy, see Grian 9otman, Signifying .othing 1
-on#onE ;a%millan, 19B2,
= "n Radial E7il and Related +atters
1, 0ere, Ce le$t out o$ %onsi#eration the histori%al tension inherent to the notion o$ /$i$ties,/
"s it Cas pointe# out )y Fre#ri% Hameson, this tension provi#es the key $or the
i#eologi%al )a%kgroun# o$ the navel 1see Fre#ri% Hameson, /?ostalgia $or the Present,/ in
$ostmodernism O DurhamE Duke University Press, 1991 P2, +t is )y no means an a%%i#ent
that the a histori%al %hara%ter o$ the /small toCn o$ the $i$ties/ remin#s us o$ a Cestern
set-upE the Cestern su%%ee#e# in a)olishing the #is%repan%y )etCeen people an# their
ha)itat, )etCeen nature an# %ulture, Chi%h saps the /%re#i)ility/ o$ all other /histori%al/
genres' the %oC)oy out$it is not e5perien%e# as a ri#i%ulous %ostume, it /naturally/ )len#s
Cith natural environs, (he Cestern is thus a kin# o$ timeless past o$ the %ontemporary
"meri%aE %oC)oy is the /natural/ o$ the present %ulture, i,e,, the mo#ern %itiFen strippe#
o$ his ur)ane alienation an# reveale# in his /true nature,/ (hus, o$ %ourse, the Cestern is
i#eology at its purest,
4, Su$$i%e it to re%all a %ommon e5perien%e Cith the Cor# pro%essor<s s%reenE Chen Ce jump
along the te5t, Ce automati%ally imagine that the te5t itsel$ /rolls/ in $ront o$ our eyesE
Ce assume that the line Chi%h just entere# the s%reen $rom a)ove previously e5iste# in an
imaginary spa%e /a)ove/ the s%reen, $or e5ample, (he truth is, o$ %ourse, that it Cas
/%reate#/ the very moment it entere# our $iel# o$ vision, i,e,, the $rame o$ the s%reen,
3, See /" Fragment on 8ntology,/ in !orks, vol, , pp, 197-411,
6, /Gy the priest an# the laCyer, in Chatsoever shape $i%tion has )een employe#, it has ha#
$or its o)je%t or e$$e%t, or )oth, to #e%eive, an#, )y #e%eption, to govern, an#, )y
governing, to promote the interest, real or suppose#, o$ the party a##ressing, at the
e5pense o$ the party a##resse#/ 1i)i#,, p, 1992,
7, +)i#,, p, 19B,
>, /(he $i%titious is not, in e$$e%t, in its essen%e that Chi%h #e%eives, )ut is pre%isely Chat +
%all the sym)oli%/ 1 The 9thics of $sychoanalysis, GHNH7GHSM, The Seminar of =ac6ues
Lacan, )ook B, e#, Ha%Dues-"lain ;iller O -on#onE 9outle#ge R (avisto%k, 1994 P, p, 142,
B, Gentham, , "ragment on +ntology, p, 19,
, +)i#,
9, +)i#,, p, 199,
1A, For a %lear presentation o$ Gentham theory o$ $i%tions see %hapters 4-6 o$ 9oss 0arrison ,
Bentham 1 -on#onE 9outle#ge an# *egan Paul, 1932,
11, 3e en%ounter a similar /me#iation/ )etCeen illusion an# truth in SpinoFa, +n a %onte5t
Chi%h, $or sure, #i$$ers $rom Gentham<s, SpinoFa propose# that $i%tion is a #eterminate
mo#e o$ knoCle#ge stan#ing )etCeen truth an# simple $alsehoo#E $i%tion involves
untruths that are knoCingly entertaine# as su%h, rather than mistaken $or a#eDuate i#eas,
1-ater, Pierre ;a%herey relie# on this SpinoFean notion o$ $i%tion in his "lthusserian
ela)oration o$ literature -- literary $i%tion -- as a spe%i$i% mo#e o$ knoCle#ge Chi%h is not
yet s%ienti$i% knoCle#ge, yet nonetheless ena)les us to #istan%e ourselves $rom our
immersion in imaginary e5perien%e,2 (his interme#iate notion o$ $i%tion #etermines the
Cay SpinoFa %on%eives o$ the passage $rom error to truthE Ce #o not unmask error on the
)asis o$ a #ire%t insight into truth' on the %ontrary, Ce arrive at truth through the analysis
o$ the very reasons Chi%h %ause# us to err, (ruth is stricto sensu error<s truth, i,e,, an
insight into the pro%ess Chi%h generate# errorE /the min#<s only re%ourse againse these
sour%es o$ error is to grasp the %on#itions that )rought them a)out -- the histori%al,
%ausal, or linguisti% $a%tors -- an# there)y a%hieve the kin# o$ rational grasp that %onverts
<passive< into <a%tive< un#erstan#ing/ 1 .hristopher ?orris, Spino4a and the +rigins of
3odern &ritical Theory O 85$or#E Gla%kCell, 1991 P, p, 4672, (his $olloCs $rom
SpinoFa<s $un#amental premise that /$alse an# $i%titious i#eas have nothing positive a)out
them,,,Chi%h %auses them to )e %alle# $alse an# $i%titious' they are only %onsi#ere# as
su%h through the #e$e%tiveness o$ knoCle#ge/ 1 8n the +mprovement o$ the
Un#erstan#ing, in The &hief !orks of Benedict de Spino4a O ?eC =orkE Dover, 1971 P,
p, 12E the $alsity o$ a $alse i#ea is unmaske# the moment Ce attain true knoCle#ge o$ it
)y Cay o$ lo%ating it in its proper %onte5t,
14, +t is against this )a%kgroun# that Ce have to lo%ate the stan#ar# paranoia% i#ea that, at
any moment, Ce might pull some lever that Cill ina#vertently set in motion the pro%ess
o$ the #isintegration o$ the entire reality, as in the urination-#ream reporte# in Freu#
Interpretation of *reamsE the tiny $loC out o$ the %hil#<s penis groCs into a stream on the
street, %hanging the line separating the street $rom the si#eCalk into a river<s )ank, then
into a sea on Chi%h o%ean liners sail, (he author o$ this )ook e5perien%e# a similar
momentary /loss o$ reality/ #uring a very harsh Cinter in Paris a %ouple o$ years agoE
a$ter pulling the kno) an# $lushing Cater in the toilet, the small stream o$ Cater in the
toilet-sink Cas joine# $irst )y #rops o$ Cater $rom the %eiling, then )y an a%tual torrent
literally $loo#ing the entire toilet room, ;y $irst rea%tion, o$ %ourse, Cas /3hat #i# + #o
CrongK 3hy #i# + have to pull that stupi# kno)K/ 1(he solution o$ the enigma Cas very
simpleE )e%ause o$ the harsh Cinter, Cater in the pipes Cas $roFen, %ausing some o$ the
pipes to e5plo#e' )y pulling the toilet-kno), + %ause# the reneCe# $loC Chi%h )roke
through the holes in the pipes,2 Su%h an o)je%t, Chi%h appears as a part o$ reality, yet the
moment Ce approa%h it too %losely, reality itsel$ #isintegrates, is the o)je%t in the stri%t
-a%anian sense o$ the term,
13, Tuote $rom H, ?, Fin#lay, 1ant and the Transcendental +b(ect 1 85$or#E .laren#on
Press, 1912, p, 4B6,
16, Ha%Dues -a%an, 9crits? , Selection 1 ?eC =orkE ?orton, 19BB2, p, 166,
17, (he $urther step to )e a%%omplishe# here, hoCever, is to raise the Duestion o$ the
appropriateness o$ the very %on%eptual $rameCork Cithin Chi%h nature is a )alan%e#
%ir%uit Cith organisms harmoniously in%lu#e# in their environs, Chereas human %ulture is
%on%eive# as a /#eraile#/ nature, nature si%k unto #eath, Perhaps nature appears as su%h
only to a )a%kCar# glan%e, $rom the human perspe%tive' it is the very transgression 1the
human e5%ess, the #erailment2 Chi%h retroa%tively %reates the appearan%e o$ a
prelapsarian norm, See %hapter 4 o$ Slavoj iek, Looking ,wry 1 .am)ri#geE ;+(
Press, 19912,
1>, -a%an, 9crits? , Selection, pp, 1A3-6,
1B, (his #iale%ti% o$ the spear healing its oCn Coun# ena)les us also to #istinguish
#emo%ra%y $rom all other politi%al systemsE in or#er to re%ti$y their e5%esses, they have to
have re%ourse to a %ountera%tant oppose# to their $un#amental prin%iples 1so%ialist
planning e%onomy has to alloC $or a minimum o$ market in%entives, although in the $orm
o$ illegal /)la%k market e%onomy/2, Chereas only #emo%ra%y %an emphati%ally %laim that
the only %ure $or the trou)les )rought a)out )y #emo%ra%y 1%orruption, alienation,,,2 is
more #emo%ra%y,
1, -et us a## an e5emplary %ase $rom the history o$ musi%E the Duestiona)le status o$ a%t 4
in ;oFart great operas 1 Le no44e di "igaro, *on iovanni, The 3agic "lute;. In all of
them, act L :or the second part, insofar as there are good reasons to regard Le no44e as
an opera in two parts; contains some of 3o4art2s highest achievements 77 the un(ustly
underrated finale of act O in Le no44e, the se8tet in *on iovanni, $amina suicide aria
in The 3agic "lute. In spite of this, however, one cannot escape the overall impression
that act G succeeds in producing an effect of incomparable harmonious balance, whereas
in act L supreme passages alternate with obvious %fillers% :suffice it to mention the
%patched7up% character of *on iovanni2s act L;. "or an abstract, nondialectical
approach, this fact bears witness to an inherent limitation of 3o4art2s art- however, as
soon as we consider this limitation not as a contingent biographical feature, but as a
structural necessity, this very formal %weakness% starts to function as the inde8 of a
fundamental historical truth? to put it in the good old 3ar8ist (argon, it is this very
formal limitation, the impossibility of a %successful% act L, which registers an irreducible
social antagonism, the impossibility of the utopian social synthesis 3o4art was striving
19, -a%an, 9crits? , Selection, pp, 6A-7>,
4A, See )ook 1 in +mmanuel *ant, 0eligion within the Limits of 0eason ,lone 1 ?eC =orkE
0arper an# 9oC, 19>A2,
41, See +mmanuel *ant, &riti6ue of $ractical 0eason 1 ?eC =orkE ;a%millan, 197>2, p, 3A,
44, "s to this notion o$ :vil Dua ethi%al attitu#e, one %oul# mention several re%ent thrillers
Chi%h $eature a kin# o$ ethi%al humaniFation o$ the mur#erer in the last moments o$ his
li$e, +n *eceived, $or e5ample, the mur#erous hus)an#, a$ter %ornering his Ci$e, )ursts
into an une5pe%te# superego-$ury, repeating %ompulsively hoC he pre$ers not to kill, )ut
i$ it has to )e #one, he Cill #o it, #isagreea)le as it may )e, 3e Citness here a %ase o$
:vil Dua ethi%al attitu#e in its purest, " someChat similar s%ene o%%urs toCar# the en# o$
Sea of LoveE the #ete%tive hol#s un#er gun the mur#erer Cho Cas killing se5ual partners
o$ his e5-Ci$e' instea# o$ a%%epting his arrest, the mur#erer, in a patheti%ally sui%i#al
gesture, starts to %ry out lou#ly Chat a humiliation it is i$ you are a)an#one# )y the
)elove# Ci$e an# senselessly jumps toCar# the #ete%tive Cho shoots him #oCn, 3hat
su##enly emerges in )oth %ases is an un$oreseen #imension that un#ermines the usual
portrayal o$ the mur#erer as a %ol#-)loo#e#, avari%ious, or pathologi%al )eing,
43, +n this sense, the femme fatale Cho, in the film noir universe, #erails man<s #aily routine,
is one o$ the personi$i%ations o$ :vilE the se5ual relationship )e%omes impossi)le the
moment Coman is elevate# to the #ignity o$ the (hing,
46, See I, 3, F, 0egel, Lectures on the $hilosophy of 0eligion 1 Gerkeley an# -os "ngelesE
University o$ .ali$ornia Press, 19B2,
47, 3e must )e %are$ul here to avoi# the trap o$ retroa%tive proje%tionE ;ilton Satan in his
$aradise Lost is not yet the *antian ra#i%al :vil -- he appeare# as su%h only to the
9omanti% gaFe o$ Shelley an# Glake, 3hen Satan says /:vil, )e thou my Ioo#,/ this is
not yet ra#i%al :vil, )ut remains simply a %ase o$ Crongly putting some :vil at the pla%e
o$ Ioo#, (he logi% o$ ra#i%al :vil %onsists rather in its e5a%t opposite, i,e,, in saying
/Ioo#, )e thou my :vil/ -- in $illing out the pla%e o$ :vil, o$ the (hing, o$ the traumati%
element Chi%h #erails the %lose# %ir%uit o$ organi% li$e, Cith some 1se%on#ary2 Ioo#,
4>, -a%an, 9crits? , Selection, p, 64, "nother Duestion opene# up )y this #e$inition o$ ego<s
/maturity,/ o$ %ourse, is that o$ the impli%it #eontologi%al assumptions o$ egopsy%hologyE
Chat, $rom the point o$ vieC o$ the %on$ormist ego-psy%hology, appears as /immature/
re)elliousness, a more /ra#i%al/ psy%hology may %on%eive as a sign that the ego has
outgroCn primitive #epen#en%e an# attaine# $ull %riti%al autonomy' $rom the perspe%tive
o$ a /ra#i%al/ psy%hology, it is rather the ego<s %apa)ility silently to en#ure en#less
$rustrations Chi%h )ears Citness to his /immaturity,/ 8n another level, the same goes $or
the i#eal o$ /normal heterose5ual relationship/E in Protestant %ountries prior to the
/se5ual revolution/ o$ the si5ties, this i#eal Cas interprete# as implying se5ual a%tivity
Cithin the %on$ines o$ marriage, so that e5tramarital se5ual a%tivity automati%ally
assume# symptomal status, i,e,, Cas %on%eive# as an in#e5 o$ some pathologi%al
#istur)an%e 1in more li)eral environs, o$ %ourse, it Cas the stri%t a#heren%e to marital
$i#elity Chi%h Cas interprete# as an e5pression o$ /pathologi%ally/ rigi# mental attitu#e2,
(he -a%anian approa%h ena)les us here to %hange the terrain o$ the entire #e)ateE
/pathology/ is not #e$ine# )y the positive %ontent o$ ethi%al norms )ut by the way the
sub(ect relates to these normsE #o they $un%tion as traumati% injun%tionsK are they
/represse#/ or $ully a%knoCle#ge#K et%,
4B, -a%an o$ten makes use o$ the same rhetori%al inversion to #elineate the relationship o$
the ego to its symptomsE it is not su$$i%ient to say that the ego $orms its symptoms in
or#er to maintain its pre%arious )alan%e Cith the $or%es o$ the +#' the ego itsel$ is, as to its
essen%e, a symptom, a %ompromise-$ormation, a tool ena)ling the su)je%t to regulate his
or her #esire, 3hen Ce #esire M, Ce alCays i#enti$y ourselves Cith a %ertain sel$-image
1/i#eal ego/2 o$ us as #esiring M, For e5ample, Chen Ce are enrapture# )y an ol#
melo#rama an# are move# to tears )y the events on the s%reen, Ce #o not #o it
imme#iately' Ce previously i#enti$y ourselves Cith the image o$ a /naive/ vieCer move#
to tears )y this type o$ $ilm, +n this pre%ise sense, our i#eal-ego image is our symptom, is
the tool )y means o$ Chi%h Ce organiFe our #esireE the sub(ect desires by means of his or
her ego7symptom, (he ultimate 0egelian inversion, o$ %ourse, is that )etCeen the o)je%t
the la%kE not only is the o)je%t alCays, )y #e$inition, la%king, )ut the o)je%t as su%h is
alrea#y the pla%e-hol#er, the materialiFation, o$ a la%k,
4, For su%h a /Gre%htian/ rea#ing o$ #ow reen !as 3y /alley, see (ag Iallagher, =ohn
"ord 1 Gerkeley an# -os "ngelesE University o$ .ali$ornia Press, 19>2,
49, See ;oniDue Davi#-;enar#, La folie dans la raison pure 1 ParisE Urin, 19912,
3A, +t is Cith regar# to the /#ia)oli%al :vil/ that the otherCise e5%ellent essay )y :tienne
Gali)ar , &e 6ui fait 6u2un peuple est un peuple. 0ousseau et 1ant 1 0evue de synthCse,
nos. O7K T GHFH U;, seems to fall short. Balibar stays within the confines of 1ant2s
selfperception when he points out how %radical 9vil% cannot be reduced to the conflict
between the sub(ect2s universal7rational will and its sensible7%pathological% nature? it
concerns the inherent splitting of the free will between %true% freedom :submission to the
moral law; and !illkVr, the caprice and self7will of the free choice. The moral law does
not e8ert its pressure only on our %pathological% impulses- we resist it in the name of the
self7will which constitutes the innermost kernel of our Selves. This way, the opposition of
morality and legality can be deduced from the inherent conflict of the free will? legality
6ua e8ternal pressure which, under the threat of punishment, forces me to obey laws is
needed on account of the splitting of my free will. If %to act morally% were to be part of
my actual nature, if I were not to e8perience the moral law as a humiliating pressure, I
would not need the e8ternal coercion of law, of the legal system, or, to refer to 1ant2s
own formulation, man would not be %the animal in need of a 3aster.%
31, For a #etaile# a%%ount o$ this logi%, see .hapter U o$ Slavoj iek, "or They 1now .ot
!hat They *o 1 -on#onE Uerso Gooks, 19912,
34, See "lain ")elhauser analysis /*2un man6ue B saisir,/ in 0a4pol O 1 -ju)ljana 19B2,
33, 8ne %an imagine hoC the %inemati% version o$ this s%ene Coul# )e a)le to rely on the
%ontrapuntal use o$ soun#E the %amera Coul# shoC the %oa%h running along the empty
streets, the $ronts o$ ol# pala%es an# %hur%hes, Chereas the soun#tra%k Coul# )e alloCe#
to retain the a)solute pro5imity to the (hing an# to ren#er the real o$ Chat goes on in the
%oa%hE the gasping an# moaning that attests to the intensity o$ the se5ual en%ounter,
36, See ;i%hel Fou%ault, This Is .ot a $ipe 1 Gerkeley an# -os "ngelesE University o$
.ali$ornia Press, 1942,
37, 8ne en%ounters the same para#o5 in 9o)ert 0einlein s%ien%e $i%tion novel The
Unpleasant $rofession of =onathan #oagE Chen a Cin#oC is opene#, the reality
previously seen through it #issolves an# all Ce see is a #ense, nontransparent slime o$ the
9eal, For a more #etaile# -a%anian rea#ing o$ this novel, see %hapter 1 o$ Slavoj iek,
Looking ,wry 1 .am)ri#geE ;+( Press, 19912,
3>, +n ;ar5 )rothers $ilms, Ce en%ounter three variations on this para#o5 o$ i#entity, i,e,, o$
the un%anny relationship )etCeen e5isten%e an# propertyE
- Irou%ho ;ar5, upon )eing intro#u%e# to a strangerE /Say, you remin# me o$ :mmanuel
9avelli, -- Gut + am :mmanuel 9avelli, -- (hen, no Con#er that you look like him@/
- Irou%ho, #e$en#ing a %lient )e$ore the %ourtE /(his man looks like an i#iot an# a%ts like
an i#iot, yet all this shoul# not #e%eive you -- he is an i#iot@/
- Irou%ho, %ourting a la#yE /:verything on you remin#s me o$ you, your nose, your eyes,
your lips, your han#s -- everything e5%ept you@/
3B, 3hat lies at the heart o$ these para#o5es, o$ %ourse, is the thesis, #e$en#e# alrea#y )y
9ussian $ormalists 1 Hako)son, $or e5ample2, a%%or#ing to Chi%h every pre#i%ate has the
status o$ a metaphorE #es%ri)ing a thing )y means o$ a pre#i%ate ultimately eDuals saying
Chat that thing resem)les,
3, 3hat Ce have in this s%ene, o$ %ourse, is a kin# o$ re$le%tive re#ou)ling o$ the e5ternal
stimulus 1soun#, organi% nee#, et%,2 that triggers the a%tivity o$ #reamingE one invents a
#ream integrating this element in or#er to prolong the sleep, yet the %ontent en%ountere#
in the #ream is so traumati% that, $inally, one es%apes into reality an# aCakens, (he
ringing o$ the phone Chile Ce are asleep is su%h a stimulus par e5%ellen%e' its #uration
even a$ter the sour%e in reality %ease# to emit it e5empli$ies Chat -a%an %alls the
insistence o$ the real,
39, See Sigmun# Freu#, %0epression,% in Stan#ar# :#ition, vol, 16, pp, 174-73, an# The
Unconscious, i)i#,, p, 1BB, For a -a%anian rea#ing o$ this %on%ept, see Ha%Dues -a%an,
The "our "undamental &oncepts of $sycho7,nalysis 1 ?eC =orkE ?orton, 19BB2, p, 41,
6A, " similar shot is $oun# in FritF -ang Blue ardenia, Chen "nne Ga5ter peeps out o$ the
%ra%k )etCeen hal$-opene# #oors,
61, -a%an, The "our "undamental &oncepts of $sycho7,nalysis, p, 1A3,
64, (his thir# gaFe also provi#es the key $or the logi% o$ e5hi)itionismE Chen the male
e5hi)itionist a%%omplishes the legen#ary gesture o$ opening his %oat in $ront o$ his
vi%tim, his aim is to pro#u%e a sho%k, a $eeling o$ shame in the vi%tim -- the vi%tim is
em)arrasse# not )e%ause o$ the presen%e o$ the e5hi)itionist himsel$, )ut #ue to the
imagine# presen%e o$ a third gaFe, 1"%%i#entally, this also %on$irms that the aim o$ the
e5hi)itionist -- o$ the pervert sa#ist in general -- is not to re#u%e the vi%tim to the status
o$ an o)je%t, )ut Duite on the %ontrary to sub(ectivi4e it, to )ring a)out in him or her the
splitting 1the mi5ture o$ $as%ination an# repulsion2 that %hara%teriFes the su)je%t Dua
63, (his phantomlike #ou)le, our sha#oC an# yet /more real than ourselves,/ is also
ren#ere# )y the $amous verses $rom .oleri#ge ,ncient 3ariner Chi%h ;ary Shelley use#
to %hara%teriFe Dr, Frankenstein<s relationship to his terri$ying %reatureE /-ike one, that
on a lonesome roa# R Doth Calk in $ear an# #rea#, R "n# having on%e turne# roun# Calks
on, R "n# turns no more his hea#, R Ge%ause he knoCs, a $right$ul $ien# R Doth %lose
)ehin# him trea#,/
66, 3ithin Freu# theory o$ #reams, this #i$$eren%e )etCeen Unding an# edankending is at
Cork in his notion o$ considerations of representability 1see #ivision D o$ %hapter > o$
his Interpretation of *reams O 0armon#sCorthE Penguin Gooks, 19BB P2E edankending
is not in itsel$ nonsensi%al, %ontra#i%tory' it is simply not %apa)le o$ )eing represente#,
i,e,, o$ )eing e5perien%e# as an o)je%t Cithin our $iel# o$ representation,
67, +n this pre%ise sense, the -a%anian #i$$eren%e )etCeen reality an# real repeats the *antian
#i$$eren%e )etCeen Chat is possi)le 1Chat $alls Cithin the $rame o$ possi)le e5perien%e,
Chat %an )e imagine# as an o)je%t o$ intuition2, an# )etCeen Chat, although not logi%ally
impossi)le, nevertheless %an never )e%ome an o)je%t o$ e5perien%eE the /real/ #esignates
this un%anny interme#iate #omain o$ Chat /e5ists,/ sometimes even ne%essarily e5ists, in
the sense o$ logi%al %onstru%tion, yet %an never )e%ome part o$ Chat Ce e5perien%e as
reality, (his is also Chat *ant has in min# Chen he #i$$erentiates )etCeen
egenstand an# +b(ektE Iegenstan# is an o)je%t Chi%h )elongs to the #omain o$ possi)le
e5perien%e, Chereas +b(ekt stan#s $or an entity Chi%h %an never )e intuite#,
67, *arl ;ar5, The $overty of $hilosophy, in *arl ;ar5 an# Frie#ri%h :ngels, &ollected
!orks, volume > 1 ?eC =orkE +nternational Pu)lishers, 19B>2, p, 1>3,
6>, (his utopian Corl# is o$ %ourse stru%ture# as a %ounterpoint to the 3estern aggressive,
patriar%hal %iviliFationE the realm o$ matriar%hy 1She2, o$ )la%k rule 1 1ing Solomon2s
3ines2, o$ harmonious %onta%t Cith nature 1 Tar4an2, o$ )alan%e# Cis#om 1 Lost
#ori4on2, (he message o$ these novels is hoCever more am)iguous than it may seemE $or
the heroes Cho entere# this i#ylli% Corl#, li$e in the #omain o$ saturate# #esire soon
)e%omes un)eara)le an# they strive to return to %orrupte# %iviliFation' the universe o$
pure $antasy is a universe Cithout surplus enjoyment, i,e,, a per$e%tly )alan%e# universe
Chere the o)je%t-%ause o$ #esire %annot )e )rought to e$$e%t,
6B, (his is the reason Chy this pass is alCays shoCn in a Cay that points out its arti$i%ial
%hara%ter 1one per%eives imme#iately that it is a stu#io set, Cith its entire )a%kgroun#
-in%lu#ing the /9an%ho ?otorious/ in the valley )eloC -- painte# on a giganti% %loth2' the
same pro%e#ure Cas use# )y 0it%h%o%k in his 3arnie, among others, "n# #o Ce not
en%ounter the same matri5 o$ a pure $antasy-spa%e )eyon# the $rontier in .oppola
,pocalypse .owK 3hat this $ilm stages is also a kin# o$ /voyage )eyon# the en# o$ the
Corl#/E the /en# o$ the Corl#/ is %learly represente# )y the )urning )ri#ge on the $rontier
o$ Uietnam an# *ampu%hea, this pla%e o$ general %on$usion an# #issolution Chere the
#istin%tion )etCeen reality an# #elusion is )lurre#, 0oCever, on%e Ce trespass this
$rontier an# penetrate its Geyon#, the $ero%ious violen%e all o$ a su##en gives Cay to an
unnatural %alm' Ce enter the pure $antasy-spa%e, the king#om o$ *urtF, the o)s%ene-
knoCing $ather, the reverse o$ the /normal/ sym)oli% Father Cho %onstitutes reality, 1"s
it Cas note# )y Fre#ri% Hameson, the role o$ the ;ount 9ushmore monument in
0it%h%o%k .orth7by7.orthwest is also to serve as the image o$ the /en# o$ the Corl#/E the
vieC $rom the top o$ the presi#ents< hea#s into the valley )eloC is %learly the vieC into
the un$athoma)le Geyon#,2
6, +t is similar Cith the status o$ the /trans%en#ental Schein/ in *antE although the +#ea o$
9eason #oes not )elong to the $iel# o$ reality, o$ possi)le e5perien%e, it $un%tions as the
sym)oli% %losure Chi%h rotaliFes, $ills out, its $iel#, +$ Ce progress in reality to its utmost,
to its utter limit, all o$ a su##en Ce $in# ourselves /on the other si#e,/ in i#eas to Chom
no reality %orrespon#s,
69, " homologi%al inversion in the #omain o$ painting o%%urs in the Cork o$ :#var# ;un%h'
the #espair o$ his /e5pressionisti%/ phase is $olloCe# )y a Duasi-magi%al appeasement
Chen ;un%h $oun# support an# a sta)le point o$ re$eren%e in the rhythm o$ ?ature, the
li$e-giving poCer o$ the sun, et%, (his shi$t is homologous to the shi$t $rom the early to
the late Cork o$ Hoan ;ir`E one is tempte# to say that the entire ;ir` is alrea#y %ontaine#
in his early paintings, Chi%h are still $igural, (here the elements o$ the late ;ir`, the
$amous jovial, /%hil#ish/ a)stra%t %olore# shapes, are present in the guise o$ #etails o$ an
overall $igural %anvas, ;ir` thus in a Cay /rei$ie#/ his oCn CorkE he /$orgot/ the
#iale%ti%al me#iation o$ its elements' he a)stra%te# them $rom their totality an# %on$erre#
upon them the appearan%e o$ in#epen#en%e, 3ithin mo#ernism proper, the same logi% is
at Cork in the shi$t $rom e5pressionism into mo#ernist $ormalism, -et
us re%all the $ate o$ Sprachgesang 1styliFe# /spee%h-song/2 in "rnol# S%hoen)erg
musi%al %ompositionsE in urre7Lieder Sprachgesang is still /%onte5tualiFe#/' it appears
as the %alming #oCn o$ the un)eara)le pain o$ *ing Ual#emar, Cho )emoans the #eath
o$ his )elove# (ove, During his nightly ri#es, Ual#emar arti%ulates his pain in a
tra#itional lateromanti% air, Chereas the speaker %ele)rates the #aCn o$ a neC #ay Chi%h
#ispels no%turnal horrors in the $orm o$ Sprachgesang, +n $ierrot Lunaire, S%hoen)erg
later Cork, this #iale%ti%al tension, i,e,, the me#iation o$ the Sprachgesang Cith the
lateromanti% %hromati% air, is lostE Sprachgesang eman%ipates itsel$ an# o%%upies the
entire $iel#, 8n a more general level, the $un#amental matri5 o$ su%h an inversion o$
e5treme tension into pea%e$ul $eli%ity is o$$ere# )y the passage o$ mo#ernism into
postmo#ernism, (he %ru%ial point here is that Chat %hanges in this shi$t is not the
per%eive# o)je%t or state o$ things )ut the stan#point $rom Chi%h the per%eive# state o$
things appears as horri$yingE Ce pass $rom mo#ernist-e5pressionist horror into
postmo#ernist etheri% )liss Chen the #imension o$ authenti% su)je%tivity, the impli%it
stan#ar# o$ normality, #isintegrates, (he logi% o$ the inversion is everyChere the sameE
the jovial %hil#ish imme#ia%y Chi%h at $irst emerges as the $orm o$ e5pression o$ its
opposite, i,e,, as the a$$e%te# mani$estation o$ the #eepest #espair in Chi%h the su)je%t is
no longer a)le to e5press his or her horror #ire%tly )ut %an only mimi% an i#ioti%
inno%en%e, loses this /me#iation/ an# preten#s to )e /true/ %hil#ish inno%en%e,
7A, See %hapters 4A an# 41 o$ The 9thics of $sychoanalysis, GHNH7GHSM, The Seminar of
=ac6ues Lacan, )ook B, e#, ;iller,
71, +nso$ar as, Cith *ant, the $rontier Chi%h separates phenomena $rom noumena -- i,e,,
Chi%h simply %on$ines, restrains the phenomenal $iel# -- is also logi%ally prior to
noumena Dua positive entities' the status o$ the /trans%en#ental Schein/ is ultimately the
same as that o$ the mysterious king#om )eyon# the $rontier in these $ilms,
74, Gesi#es the real impossi)ility an# the symbolic prohi)ition there is a thir#, imaginary,
version the e%onomy o$ Chi%h is psy%hoti%E in%est is ne%essary an# unavoi#a)le sin%e
every li)i#inal o)je%t is in%estuous, "n e5emplary %ase o$ it is the .atharist heresy Chi%h
prohi)its every se5ual relation, %laiming that inter%ourse Cith Chi%hever li)i#inal o)je%t,
not only Cith one<s parents, is in%estuous, "s to these three mo#alities o$ in%est 1its
impossi)ility, prohi)ition, ne%essity2, see Peter 3i#mer, /=enseits des In4estverbots,/
0iss L, K, and S 1 Xuri%h, 19>-B2,
73, 0ere Ce en%ounter the $un%tion o$ the /su)je%t suppose# to )elieve/E the e5isting or#er is
legitimiFe# via the $a%t that a #ou)t a)out it Coul# )etray the naive )elie$ o$ the 8ther 1o$
the $oreign Corker Cho )elieves in the USS9, Cho, )y means o$ this )elie$, %on$ers
meaning an# %onsisten%y upon his li$e2, "s to the notion o$ the /su)je%t suppose# to
)elieve,/ see Slavoj iek, The Sublime +b(ect of Ideology 1 -on#onE Uerso Gooks,
1992,pp, 17->,
76, For another rea#ing o$ this para#o5, see iek, The Sublime +b(ect of Ideology, pp, 67-
77, See Sigmun# Freu#, Interpretation of *reams 1 0armon#sCorthE Penguin Gooks, 19BB2,
%hapter 4,
7>, The 9go in "reud2s Theory and in the Techni6ue of $sychoanalysis, The Seminar of
=ac6ues Lacan, )ook 4, e#, ;iller 1 .am)ri#geE .am)ri#ge University Press, 192, p,
7B, i)i#,, p, 176,
7, +)i#,, pp, 176-77,
79, +)i#,, p, 1>,
>A, +)i#,, p, 1>1, (his reversal o$ trauma into )liss is eDuivalent to a kin# o$ sym)oli%
lo)otomyE e5%ision o$ the traumati% tumor, like the operation to Chi%h Fran%is Farmer
Cas su)mitte# in or#er to /$eel goo#/ in the "meri%an every#ay i#eology,
>1, Ha%Dues -a%an, 9crits? , Selection 1 ?eC =orkE ?orton, 19BB2, p, 4>,
>4, +)i#,, p, 4B,
>3, +)i#,
>6, Ge$ore a%%using 0egel o$ applying the tria# thesis-antithesis-synthesis as a $ormal
prin%iple o$ intro#u%ing or#er into every kin# o$ %haoti% %ontent, one shoul# note that the
terms are not 0egel<sE 0egel never speaks o$ /thesis-antithesis-synthesis/' these terms
Cere intro#u%e# )y his pupils years a$ter his #eath,
>7, 3ithin a /nonantagonisti%/ relation, the i#entity-Cith-itsel$ o$ every moment is groun#e#
in its %omplementary relationship to its 8ther 1Coman is Coman through her relationship
to man' together, the tCo o$ them %onstitute a harmonious 3hole, et%,2, Chereas in an
/antagonisti%/ relation the 8ther trun%ates our i#entity, it prevents us $rom a%hieving it,
$rom /)e%oming $ully Chat Ce are/ 1the relation )etCeen the se5es thus )e%omes
/antagonisti%/ Chen Coman starts to per%eive her relationship to the opposite se5 as
something Chi%h prevents her $rom $ully realiFing her $emale su)je%tive position, $rom
$ully /)eing hersel$/2, For su%h a notion o$ antagonism, see :rnesto -a%lau an# .hantal
;ou$$e, #egemony and Socialist Strategy 1 -on#onE Uerso Gooks, 1972,
>>, (heo#or 3, "#orno, .egative *ialectics 1 ?eC =orkE .ontinuum, 19B32, p, 7,
> Hegel?s 8%ogi of Essene8 as a Theory of Ideology
1, Perspi%uous theologians knoC very Cell this para#o5 o$ a #e%ision Chi%h retroa%tively
posits its oCn reasonsE o$ %ourse there are goo# reasons to )elieve in Hesus .hrist, but
these reasons are fully comprehensible only to those who already believe in #im,
4, +t Cas the same Cith 9onal# 9eagan<s presi#en%yE the more the li)eral journalists
enumerate# his slips o$ tongue an# other $au5 pas, the more they strengthene# his
popularity' unknoCingly, reasons against $un%tione# as reasons $or, "s to 9eagan<s
/te$lon presi#en%y,/ see Hoan .opje%, /(he unervmoegeniker 8therE 0ysteria an#
Demo%ra%y in "meri%a,/ .ew "ormations GK 1 -on#onE 9outle#ge, 19912, 8n another
level, an e5emplary %ase o$ this gap separating S
$rom S
the a%t o$ #e%ision $rom the
%hain o$ knoCle#ge, is provi#e# )y the institution o$ juryE the jury per$orms the $ormal
a%t o$ #e%ision, it #elivers the ver#i%t o$ /guilt/ or /inno%en%e/' then it is up to the ju#ge
to groun# this #e%ision in knoCle#ge, to translate it into an appropriate punishment, 3hy
%an<t these tCo instan%es %oin%i#e, i,e,, Chy %an<t the ju#ge himsel$ #e%i#e the ver#i%tK +s
he not )etter Duali$ie# than an average %itiFenK 3hy is it repulsive to our sense o$ justi%e
to leave the #e%ision to the ju#geK For 0egel, the jury em)o#ies the prin%iple o$ $ree
su)je%tivityE the %ru%ial $a%t a)out the jury is that it %omprises a group o$ %itiFens Cho
allege#ly are peers o$ the a%%use# an# Cho are sele%te# )y a lottery system -- they stan#
$or /any)o#y,/ (he point is that + %an )e ju#ge# only )y my eDuals, not )y a superior
agen%y speaking in the name o$ some ina%%essi)le *noCle#ge )eyon# my rea%h an#
%omprehension, "t the same time, the jury implies an aspe%t o$ %ontingen%y Chi%h
suspen#s the prin%iple o$ su$$i%ient groun#E i$ the %on%ern o$ justi%e Cere only to )e the
%orre%t appli%ation o$ laC, it Coul# )e $ar more appropriate $or the ju#ge to #e%i#e on
guilt or inno%en%e, Gy entrusting the jury Cith the ver#i%t, the moment o$ un%ertainty is
preserve#' up to the en# Ce %annot )e sure Chat the ju#gment Cill )e, so its a%tual
pronoun%ement alCays a$$e%ts us as a surprise,
3, (he para#o5, o$ %ourse, %onsists in the $a%t that, pre%isely, there is nothing )ehin# the
series o$ positive, o)serva)le $eaturesE the status o$ that mysterious (e ne sais 6uoi Chi%h
makes me $all in love is ultimately that o$ a pure sem)lan%e, (his Cay, Ce %an see hoC a
/sin%ere/ $eeling is ne%essarily )ase# upon an illusion 1+ am /really,/ /sin%erely/ in love
only inso$ar as + )elieve in your se%ret agalma, i,e,, inso$ar as + )elieve that there is
something )ehin# the series o$ o)serva)le $eatures2,
6, "s $or this /+n%orporation (hesis,/ see 0enry :, "l)son 1ant2s Theory of "reedom
1 .am)ri#geE .am)ri#ge University Press, 199A2,
7, (he %onverse pro%e#ure is also $alseE the attri)ution o$ personal responsi)ility an# guilt
Chi%h relieves us o$ the task o$ pro)ing into the %on%rete %ir%umstan%es o$ the a%t in
Duestion, Su$$i%e it to re%all the moral-majority pra%ti%e o$ attri)uting a moral %hara%ter
to the higher %rime rate among "$ri%an "meri%ans 1/%riminal #ispositions,/ /moral
insensitivity,/ et%,2E this attri)ution pre%lu#es any analysis o$ the %on%rete so%ial,
e%onomi%, an# politi%al %on#itions o$ "$ri%an "meri%ans,
>, 3hat Ce have here is thus another e5ample o$ the 0egelian rhetori%al inversion in -a%anE
Ce %an i#entity Cith the other<s #esire sin%e our #esire as su%h is alrea#y the #esire o$ the
other 1in all meaningsE our #esire is a #esire to )e #esire# )y the other, i,e,, a #esire $or
another<s #esire' Chat Ce e5perien%e as our innermost #esire is stru%ture# )y the
#e%entere# 8ther' et%,2, +n or#er to #esire, the su)je%t has to i#enti$y Cith the #esire o$
the other,
B, See .hapter 1 o$ the present )ook, (he ultimate proo$ o$ hoC this re$le%tivity o$ #esire
that %onstitutes /sel$-%ons%iousness/ not only has nothing Chatsoever to #o Cith the
su)je%t<s sel$-transparen%y )ut is its very opposite, i,e,, involves the su)je%t<s ra#i%al
splitting, is provi#e# )y the para#o5es o$ love-hate, (he 0ollyCoo# pu)li%ity ma%hinery
use# to #es%ri)e :ri%h von Stroheim, Cho in the thirties an# $orties regularly playe#
sa#isti% Ierman o$$i%ers, as /a man you<ll love to hate/E to /love to hate/ some)o#y
means that this person $its per$e%tly the s%apegoat role o$ attra%ting our hatre#, "t the
opposite en# o$ it, the femme fatale in the noir universe is %learly a Coman one /hates to
love/E Ce knoC she means evil, )ut it is against our Cill that Ce are $or%e# to love her,
an# Ce hate ourselves an# her $or it, (his hate-love %learly registers a %ertain ra#i%al split
Cithin ourselves, the split )etCeen the si#e o$ us that %annot resist love an# the si#e that
$in#s this love a)omina)le, 8n the other han#, the tautologi%al %ases o$ this re$le%tivity o$
love-hate are no less para#o5i%al, 3hen, $or e5ample, + say to some)o#y that + /hate to
hate you,/ this again points toCar# a splittingE + really love you, )ut $or %ertain reasons +
am $or%e# to hate you, an# + hate mysel$ $or it, :ven the positive tautology /love to love/
%on%eals its oppositeE Chen + use it, it must usually )e rea# as /+ 1Coul#2 love to love
you,,,1)ut + %annot anymore2/ -- as e5pressing aCillingness to go on, although the thing is
alrea#y over, +n short, Chen a hus)an# or a Ci$e tells his %onjugal partner /+ love to love
you,/ one %an )e sure that #ivor%e is roun# the %orner,
, "s to this logi% o$ the /non-all,/ see .hapter 4 o$ the present )ook,
9, See Hu#ith Gutler, ender Trouble 1 ?eC =orkE 9outle#ge, 199A2, the hitherto most
ra#i%al attempt to #emonstrate hoC every /presuppose#/ support o$ se5ual #i$$eren%e 1in
)iology, in sym)oli% or#er2 is ultimately a %ontingent, retroa%tive per$ormative e$$e%t,
i,e,, is alrea#y /posite#/' one is tempte# to summariFe its result in the ironi% %on%lusion
that Comen are men maske# as Comen, an# men are Comen Cho es%ape into manhoo#
to %on%eal their oCn $emininity, "s long as Gutler un$ol#s the impasses o$ the stan#ar#
Cays to su)stantiate se5ual #i$$eren%e, one %an only a#mire her ingenuity' pro)lems arise
in the last, /programmati%/ part o$ the )ook, Chi%h un$ol#s a positive proje%t o$ an
un)oun#e# per$ormative game o$ %onstru%ting multiple su)je%t-positions Chi%h su)vert
every $i5e# i#entity, 3hat is lost there)y is the #imension #esignate# )y the very title o$
the )ook -- gen#er troubleE the $a%t that se5uality is #e$ine# )y a %onstitutive /trou)le,/ a
traumati% #ea#lo%k, an# that every per$ormative $ormation is nothing )ut an en#eavor to
pat%h up this trauma, 3hat one has to a%%omplish here is there$ore a simple sel$-
re$le%tive reversal o$ the negative into the positiveE there is alCays trou)le Cith gen#er --
ChyK Because gender as such is a response to a fundamental %trouble%E /normal/ se5ual
#i$$eren%e %onstitutes itsel$ in an attempt to avoi# an impasse,
1A, Ha%Dues -a%an, Le siminaire, book LM? 9ncore : $aris? 9ditions du Seuil, GHIN;, p. FN.
&onse6uently, Lacan2s statement that %there is no se8ual relationship% does not contain a
hidden normativity, an implicit norm of %mature% heterose8uality impossible to attain, in
the eyes of which the sub(ect is always, by definition, guilty. Lacan2s point is 6uite the
contrary, that in the domain of se8uality, it is not possible to formulate any norm which
should guide us with a legitimate claim to universal validity? every attempt to formulate
such a norm is a secondary endeavor to mend an %original% impasse. In other words,
Lacan does not fall into the trap of invoking a cruel superego agency which knows that
the sub(ect is not able to meet its demands, thereby branding the sub(ect2s very being
with a constitutive guilt? the relationship of the Lacanian sub(ect to the symbolic Law is
not a relationship to an agency whose demand the sub(ect can never fully satisfy. Such a
relationship to the +ther of the Law, usually associated with the od of the +ld
Testament or with the =ansenist *ieu obscur, implies that the +ther knows what it wants
from us, it is only us who cannot discern the +ther2s inscrutable will. !ith Lacan,
however, the +ther of the Law itself does not know what it wants.
11, For a #etaile# rea#ing o$ the 0egelian logi% o$ re$le%tion see %hapter > o$ Slavoj iek,
The Sublime +b(ect of Ideology 1 -on#onE Uerso Gooks, 1992,
14, (herein %onsists the %ru%ial Ceakness o$ 9o)ert Pippin #egel2s Idealism 1 .am)ri#geE
.am)ri#ge University Press, 192, a )ook Chi%h otherCise announ%es a neC epo%h in
0egelian stu#ies, +ts $un#amental intention is to rea$$irm, against the prevalent
/histori%ist/ approa%h 1the #ismissal o$ 0egel<s /metaphysi%s/ -- #iale%ti%al logi% -- as a
hopelessly out#ate# masto#on, i,e,, the notion that the only thing /still alive/ in 0egel is
to )e $oun# in the %on%rete so%iohistori%al analyses o$ $henomenology, $hilosophy of
0ight, ,esthetics, et%,2, the %ontinue# relevan%e o$ 0egel<s #iale%ti%al logi%, an#,
$urthermore, to #emonstrate hoC the only Cay to grasp this relevan%e lea#s through
*ant, 0egel<s position in no Cay entails the regression to the /pre%riti%al/ metaphysi%al
ontology o$ the ")solute, )ut remains thoroughly %on$ine# to the *anti an %riti%ismE
0egel<s spe%ulative i#ealism is *antian %riti%ism )rought to a %lose, (his proje%t o$
Pippin #eserves $ull
support, =et Pippin $ails at the %ru%ial pla%e, in his treatment o$ the logi% o$ re$le%tion,
(he $inal result o$ his analysis is that Ce are ultimately %on#emne# to the antinomy o$
positing an# e5ternal re$le%tionE he repu#iates /#etermining re$le%tion/ as an empty
metaphori% $ormula, a $aile# attempt to )reak out o$ this antinomy,
13, #egel2s Science of Logic 1 "tlanti% 0ighlan#s, ?,H,E 0umanities Press +nternational,
1992, p, 661, Sin%e our %on%ern here is limite# to the para#o5i%al stru%ture o$ the notion
o$ %ontra#i%tion, Ce leave asi#e the #i$$eren%e )etCeen #i$$eren%e an# opposition, i,e,,
the me#iating role o$ opposition )etCeen #i$$eren%e an# %ontra#i%tion,
16, 0egel<s %hoi%e o$ e5ample -- $ather, the sym)oli% $un%tion par e5%ellen%e -- is o$ %ourse
in no Cay a%%i#ental or neutral, +t Cas alrea#y (homas "Duinas Cho evokes paternity in
arguing that, in or#er to survive, Ce must a%%ept another<s Cor# $or things Ce ourselves
#i# not CitnessE /+$ man re$use# to )elieve anything unless he kneC it himsel$, then it
Coul# )e Duite impossi)le to live in this Corl#, 0oC %oul# a person live, i$ he #i# not
)elieve someoneK 0oC %oul# he even a%%ept the $a%t that a %ertain man is his $atherK/ 1
The $ocket Thomas O ?eC =orkE 3ashington SDuare Press, 19>A P, p, 4>2, "s it Cas
pointe# out )y Freu# 1in his 3oses and 3onotheism2, in %ontrast to maternity, paternity
is $rom the very outset a matter o$ )elie$, i,e,, a sym)oli% $a%tE the ?ame-o$-the-Father
e5erts its authority only against the )a%kgroun# o$ trusting the 8ther<s Cor#,
17, 3hat a)out the $ourth term o$ the -a%anian alge)ra, aK (he ob(ect small a #esignates
pre%isely the en#eavor to pro%ure $or the su)je%t a positive support o$ his )eing )eyon#
the signi$ying representationE )y Cay o$ the $antasy-relation to a, the su)je%t 1N2 a%Duires
an imaginary sense o$ his /$ullness o$ )eing,/ o$ Chat he /truly is/ in#epen#ently o$ Chat
he is $or others, i,e,, notCithstan#ing his pla%e in the intersu)je%tive sym)oli% netCork,
1>, 3ar82s rundrisse, sele%te# an# e#ite# )y Davi# ;%-ellan 1 -on#onE ;a%millan, 19A2,
p, 99,
1B, 3as .haplin aCare o$ the irony o$ the $a%t that "ustria, 0itler<s $irst vi%tim, Cas $rom
1936 -- $rom Dol$uss<s right-Cing %oup -- a proto-$as%ist %orporatist stateK "n# #oes not
the same hol# $or The Sound of 3usic, in Chi%h the $or%e oppose# to $as%ism assumes
the $orm o$ sel$-su$$i%ient "ustrian provin%ialism, i,e,, in Chi%h the politi%o-i#eologi%al
struggle )etCeen $as%ism an# #emo%ra%y is ultimately re#u%e# to the struggle )etCeen
tCo $as%isms, the one overtly )ar)arian an# the one Chi%h still maintains a /human
1, So Chatever e5-.ommunists #o, they are lostE i$ they )ehave aggressively, they #isplay
their true nature' i$ they )ehave properly an# $olloC #emo%rati% rules, they are even more
#angerous sin%e they %on%eal their true nature,
19, (he s%ien%e $i%tion $ilm #idden provi#es, in its very naivetJ, one o$ the most poignant
mise7en7scEnes o$ su%h a materialiFation o$ a notional relationshipE every#ay li$e goes on
in to#ay<s .ali$ornia, until the main %hara%ter puts on spe%ial green glasses an# sees the
true state o$ things -- the i#eologi%al injun%tions, invisi)le to the or#inary, %ons%ious
gaFe, i,e,, the ins%riptions /#o this, )uy that,,,/ Chi%h )om)ar# the su)je%t $rom all
aroun#, (he $antasy o$ the $ilm thus provi#es us Cith glasses Chi%h literally ena)le us to
/see i#eology/ Dua voluntary servitu#e, to per%eive the hi##en injun%tions Ce $olloC
Chen Ce e5perien%e ourselves as $ree in#ivi#uals, (he /error/ o$ the $ilm, o$ %ourse, is to
hypothesiFe the or#inary material e5isten%e o$ i#eologi%al injun%tionsE their status is
a%tually that o$ pure sym)oli% relations' it is only their e$$e%ts Chi%h have material
e5isten%e, 1+n other Cor#s, #idden realiFes in a slightly mo#i$ie# $orm the %lassi%al
:nlightenment $antasy o$ i#eology as the plot o$ the %leri%al %aste Chi%h, in the interests
o$ those in poCer, %ons%iously #e%eives people,2
4A, See H, ?, Fin#lay, 1ant and the Transcendental +b(ect 1 85$or#E .laren#on Press, 1912,
41, 3hat Ce must )ear in min# here is that *ant is %ompelle# to hypothesiFe the e5isten%e o$
aether )y the $un#amental $antasmati% $rame o$ his philosophy, namely the logi% o$ /real
opposition/E /aether/ is #e#u%e# as the ne%essary positive opposite o$ the /or#inary/
pon#era)le-%ompressi)le-%ohesi)le-e5hausti)le stu$$,
44, See -ouis "lthusser et al,, 0eading &apital 1 -on#onE ?eC -e$t Gooks, 19BA2, pp, 1>-
43, (his point Cas $irst ma#e )y Geatri%e -onguenesse in her e5%ellent #egel et la criti6ue
de la m5taphysi6ue 1 ParisE Urin, 1912,
46, See Pierre ;a%herey, #egel ou Spino4a) 1 ParisE ;aspero, 19B72,
47, *arl ;ar5, /:ighteenth Grumaire o$ -ouis Gonaparte/, in *arl ;ar5 an# Frie#ri%h
:ngels , &ollected !orks, volume 4, p, 1A3,
4>, +n his re$eren%e to the 0egelian Geauti$ul Soul, -a%an makes a #eeply signi$i%ant mistake
)y %on#ensing tCo #i$$erent /$igures o$ %ons%iousness/E he speaks o$ the Beautiful Soul
Cho, in the name o$ her Law of the #eart, re)els against the injusti%es o$ the Corl# 1see,
$or e5ample, 9crits? , Selection, p, A2, 3ith 0egel, hoCever, the /Geauti$ul Soul/ an#
the /-aC o$ the 0eart/ are tCo Duite #istin%t $iguresE the $irst #esignates the hysteri%al
attitu#e o$ #eploring the Ci%ke# Cays o$ the Corl# Chile a%tively parti%ipating in their
repro#u%tion 1 -a%an is Duite justi$ie# to apply it to Dora, Freu# s e5emplary %ase o$
hysteria2' the /-aC o$ the 0eart an# the FrenFy o$ Sel$-.on%eit,/ on the other han#,
%learly re$er to a psychotic attitude -- to a sel$-pro%laime# Savior Cho imagines his inner
-aC to )e the -aC o$ every)o#y an# is there$ore %ompelle#, in or#er to e5plain Chy the
/Corl#/ 1his so%ial environs2 #oes not $olloC his pre%epts, to resort to paranoia%
%onstru%tions, to some plot o$ #ark $or%es 1like the :nlightene# re)el Cho )lames the
rea%tionary %lergy<s propagating o$ superstitions $or the $ailure o$ his e$$orts to Cin the
support o$ the people2, -a%an<s slip is all the more mysterious $or the $a%t that this
#i$$eren%e )etCeen Geauti$ul Soul an# the -aC o$ the 0eart %an )e per$e%tly $ormulate#
)y means o$ the %ategories ela)orate# )y -a%an himsel$E the hysteri%al Geauti$ul Soul
%learly lo%ates itsel$ Cithin the )ig 8ther, an# it $un%tions as a #eman# to the 8ther
Cithin an intersu)je%tive $iel#, Chereas the psy%hoti% %linging to the -aC o$ one<s 0eart
involves pre%isely a reje%tion, a suspension, o$ Chat 0egel re$erre# to as the /spiritual
4B, :5isten%e in the sense o$ empiri%al reality is thus the very opposite o$ the -a%anian 9ealE
pre%isely inso$ar as Io# #oes not /e5ist Dua part o$ e5periential, empiri%al reality 0e
)elongs to the 9eal,
4, -a%an, Le s5ninaire, book LM? 9ncore, p. OL.
49, (his point Cas arti%ulate# in all its philosophi%al Ceight )y Ieorg -ukS%s in his #istory
and &lass &onsciousness 1 -on#onE ?-G, 19>92,
3A, (hat *ant himsel$ alrea#y ha# a premonition o$ this link )etCeen e5isten%e an#
sel$relating is atteste# to )y the $a%t that, in the .ritiDue o$ Pure 9eason, he %on$erre# on
#ynami%al synthesis 1Chi%h %on%erns also e5isten%e, not only pre#i%ates2 regulative
31, (he role o$ $antasy in perversion an# in neurosis o$$ers an e5emplary %ase o$ this passage
o$ in-itsel$ into $or-itsel$ at Cork in the psy%hoanalyti% %lini%, " pervert imme#iately
/lives/ his $antasy, stages it, Chi%h is Chy he #oes not entertain toCar# it a /re$le%te#/
relationship, he #oes not relate toCar# it Dua $antasy, +n 0egelian termsE $antasy is not
/posite#/ as su%h, it is simply his in-itsel$, (he $antasy o$ a hysteri%, on the other han#, is
also a perverse $antasy, )ut the #i$$eren%e %onsists not only in the $a%t that a hysteri%
relate# to it in a re$le%te#, /me#iate#/ Cay -- vulgari elo6uentia, that he /only $antasiFes
a)out Chat a pervert is a%tually #oing,/ (he %ru%ial point is rather that, Cithin the
hysteri%al e%onomy, $antasy a%Duires a #i$$erent $un%tion, )e%omes part o$ a #eli%ate
intersu)je%tive gameE )y means o$ $antasy, a hysteri% %on%eals his or her an5iety, at the
same time o$$ering it as a lure to the other $or Chom the hysteri%al theater is stage#,
34, (his e5%hangea)ility %oul# )e $urther e5empli$ie# )y the am)iguity as to the pre%ise
%ausal status o$ trauma in psy%hoanalyti% theoryE on the one han#, one is $ully justi$ie# in
isolating the /original trauma/ as the ultimate groun# Chi%h triggere# the %hain rea%tion
the $inal result o$ Chi%h is the pathologi%al $ormation 1the symptom2' on the other han#,
in or#er $or event M to $un%tion as /traumati%/ in the $irst pla%e, the su)je%t<s sym)oli%
universe ha# alrea#y to have )een stru%ture# in a %ertain Cay,
33, See Fre#ri% Hameson, /9ei$i%ation an# Utopia in ;ass .ulture,/ in Signatures of the
/isible 1 ?eC =orkE 9outle#ge, 19912,
36, +n this pre%ise sense -a%an %on%eives ;aster-Signi$ier as an /empty/ signi$ier, a signi$ier
Cithout signi$ie#E an empty %ontainer Chi%h rearranges the previously given %ontent, (he
signi$ier /HeC/ #oes not a## any neC signi$ie# 1all its positive signi$ie# %ontent is
#erive# $rom the previously given elements Chi%h have nothing Chatsoever to #o Cith
HeCs as su%h2' it just /%onverts/ them into an e5pression o$ HeCishness Dua groun#, 8ne
o$ the %onseDuen%es to )e #raCn $rom it is that, in en#eavoring to provi#e an ansCer to
the Duestion /3hy Cere pre%isely HeCs pi%ke# out to play the s%apegoat role in
antiSemiti% i#eologyK/, Ce might easily su%%um) to the very trap o$ anti-Semitism,
looking $or some mysterious $eature in them that as it Cere pre#estine# them $or that
roleE the $a%t that HeCs Cho Cere %hosen $or the role o$ the /HeC/ ultimately is %ontingent
-- as it is pointe# out )y the Cell-knoCn anti-anti-Semiti% joke /HeCs an# %y%lists are
responsi)le $or all our trou)les, -- 3hy %y%listsK --30= H:3SK/
37, Fin#lay, 1ant and the Transcendental +b(ect, p, 1B,
3>, +)i#,, p, 1,
3B, 0ere, Ce must )e attentive to hoC a simple symmetri%al inversion )rings a)out an
asymmetri%al, irreversi)le, non-spe%ular result, (hat is to say, Chen the statement /the
HeC is e5ploitative, intriguing, #irty, las%ivious,,,/ is reverse# into /he is e5ploitative,
intriguing, #irty, las%ivious,,,, because he is (ewish,/ Ce #o not state the same %ontent in
another Cay, Something neC is pro#u%e# there)y, the ob(et petit a, that Chi%h is /in jeC
more than the HeC himsel$/ an# on a%%ount o$ Chi%h the HeC is Chat he phenomenally is,
(his is Chat the 0egelian /return o$ the thing to itsel$ in its %on#itions/ amounts toE the
thing returns to itsel$ Chen Ce re%ogniFe in its %on#itions 1properties2 the e$$e%ts o$ a
trans%en#ent Iroun#,
3, "s to this e5%eption, see ;oniDue Davi#-;enar#, La folie dans la raison pure 1 ParisE
Urin, 19912, pp, 176-77,
39, (his irre#u%i)le antagonism o$ )eing an# )e%oming thus also provi#es the matri5 $or
0egel<s solution o$ the *antian enigma o$ the (hing-in-itsel$E the Thing7in7itself is in the
modality of %being% what the sub(ect is in the modality of %becoming.%
6A, #egel<s Science of Logic, p, 767, 3hat Ce en%ounter in the tetra# a%tuality-
possi)ility%ontingen%y-ne%essity is thus the repetition, on a higher, more %on%rete, level,
o$ the initial tetra# o$ being7nothing7becoming7determinate beingE %ontingen%y is the
/passing/ o$ possi)ility into a%tuality, Chereas ne%essity #esignates their sta)le unity,
61, See %hapter 7 o$ Slavoj XiFek, "or They 1now .ot !hat They *o 1 -on#onE Uerso,
19912, an# %hapter 3 o$ Slavoj XiFek, 9n(oy Aour Symptom< 1 ?eC =orkE 9outle#ge,
64, (his *ierkegaar#ian opposition o$ /)e%oming/ an# /)eing/ perhaps lurks in the
)a%kgroun# o$ 0ei#egger<s re%urrent $igure apropos o$ the ontologi%al #i$$eren%e, namely
the tautologi%al ver)aliFation o$ the su)stantiveE /Corl#ing o$ the Corl#,/ et%, /3orl#ing
o$ the Corl#/ #esignates pre%isely /Corl# in its )e%oming,/ in its possi)ility, Chi%h is not
to )e %on%eive# as a #e$i%ient mo#e o$ a%tualityE ontologi%al #i$$eren%e is the #i$$eren%e
)etCeen 1onti%2 a%tuality an# its 1ontologi%al2 possi)ility, i,e,, that surplus o$ possi)ility
Chi%h gets lost the moment possi)ility a%tualiFes itsel$, 8n another level, the /or#ering o$
the Opoliti%alP or#er/ %oul# )e sai# to #esignate the /open/ pro%ess o$ the $ormation o$ a
neC or#er, the /unrest o$ )e%oming/ 1epitomiFe#, in the %ase o$ 9umania, )y the hole in
the %enter o$ the $lag, previously o%%upie# )y the re# star, the .ommunist sym)ol2 Chi%h
#isappears, )e%omes invisi)le, the moment a neC or#er is esta)lishe# via the emergen%e
o$ a neC ;aster-Signi$ier,
63, (his un#e%i#a)ility also pertains to 0egel< s $henomenology of SpiritE one has only to
)ear in min# that its %lose, a)solute knoCle#ge %oin%i#es Cith the starting point o$ Logic,
the point Cithout presuppositions, the point o$ a)solute non7knowledge in Chi%h an one
is %apa)le o$ e5pressing is the empty )eing, the $orm o$ nothingness, (he path o$
$henomenology thus appears as Chat it isE a pro%ess o$ $orgetting, i,e,, the very opposite
o$ the gra#ual, progressive /remem)ering/ o$ the Spirit<s entire history, $henomenology
$un%tions as the /intro#u%tion/ to the /system/ proper inso$ar as, )y Cay o$ it, the su)je%t
has to learn to o)literate the $alse $ullness o$ the non-notional 1representational2 %ontent,
all non-re$le%te# presuppositions, in or#er to )e a)le, $inally, to )egin $rom 1)eing Chi%h
is2 nothing, +t is against this )a%kgroun# that one has to %on%eive the reemergen%e o$ the
term /skull/ on the last page o$ Phenomenology, Chere 0egel #esignates its itinerary as
/the .alvary o$ a)solute Spirit/ 1 #egel2s $henomenology of Spirit O 85$or#E 85$or#
University Press, 19BB P, p, 6932, (he literal meaning o$ the Ierman term $or %alvary,
SchWdelstWtte, is /the site o$ skulls,/ (he in$inite ju#gment /spirit is a )one 1a skull2/
a%Duires there)y a someChat une5pe%te# #imensionE Chat is reveale# to the Spirit in the
)a%kCar#s-gaFe o$ its 9r7Innerung, inCar#iFing memory, are the s%attere# skulls o$ the
past /$igures o$ %ons%iousness,/ (he Corn-out 0egelian $ormula a%%or#ing to Chi%h the
9esult, in its a)stra%tion $rom the path lea#ing to it, is a %orpse, has to )e inverse# on%e
againE this /path/ itsel$ is pun%tuate# )y s%attere# skulls,
66, See %hapter 1 o$ Slavoj XiFek, Looking ,wry 1 .am)ri#geE ;+( Press, 19912,
67, +s not the %omputer-generate# virtual reality an e5emplary %ase o$ reality %on%eive#
through the #etour o$ its virtualiFation, i,e,, o$ a reality Cholly generate# $rom its
%on#itions o$ possi)ilityK
6>, Su$$i%e it to re%all here *ant<s re$le%tions on the meaning o$ the Fren%h 9evolutionE the
very )elie$ in the possibility o$ a $ree, rational so%ial or#er, atteste# to )y the enthusiasti%
response o$ the enlightene# pu)li% to the Fren%h 9evolution, Citnesses to the a%tuality o$
$ree#om, o$ a ten#en%y toCar# $ree#om as an anthropologi%al $a%t, See +mmanuel *ant,
The &onflict of the "aculties 1 -in%olnE University o$ ?e)raska Press, 19942, p, 173,
6B, (his, o$ %ourse, is a le$tist rea#ing o$ the *enne#y mur#er %onspira%y theory' the reverse
o$ it is that the trauma o$ *enne#y<s #eath e5presses a %onservative longing $or an
authority Chi%h is not an imposture -- or, to Duote one o$ the %ommentaries on the
anniversary o$ the Uietnam 3arE /SomeChere Cithin the generation noC taking poCer,
Uietnam may have installe# the suspi%ion that lea#ership an# authority are a $rau#, (hat
vieC may have su)tle stunting e$$e%ts upon moral groCth, +$ sons #on<t learn to )e%ome
$athers, a nation may )ree# politi%ians Cho )ehave less like $ull-groCn lea#ers than like
ina#eDuate si)lings, step)rothers Cith pro)lems o$ their oCn,/ "gainst this )a%kgroun#,
it is easy to #is%ern in the *enne#y myth the )elie$ that he Cas the last /$ull-groCn
lea#er,/ the last $igure o$ authority Chi%h Cas not a $rau#,
6, "nother e5emplary %ase o$ this para#o5i%al nature o$ the relationship )etCeen possi)le
an# a%tual is Senator :#Car# *enne#y<s %an#i#a%y $or presi#ential nomination in 19A,
"s long as his %an#i#a%y Cas still in the air, all polls shoCe# him easily Cinning over
any Demo%rati% rival' yet the moment he pu)li%ly announ%e# his #e%ision to run $or the
nomination, his popularity plummete#,
69, 3hat this notion o$ $eminine %astration ultimately amounts to is a variation on the
notorious ol# Ireek sophism /3hat you #on<t have, you have lost' you #on<t have horns,
so you have lost them,/ (o avoi# the notion that this sophism %an )e #ismisse# as
in%onseDuential $alse reasoning, i,e,, to get a presentiment o$ the e5istential an5iety that
may pertain to its logi%, su$$i%e it to re%all the 3ol$-;an, Freu#<s 9ussian analysan#,
Cho Cas su$$ering $rom a hypo%hon#ria%al id5e fi8eE he %omplaine# that he Cas the
vi%tim o$ a nasal injury %ause# )y ele%trolysis' hoCever, Chen thorough #ermatologi%al
e5aminations esta)lishe# that a)solutely nothing Cas Crong Cith his nose, this triggere#
an un)eara)le an5iety in himE /0aving )een tol# that nothing %oul# )e #one $or his nose
)e%ause nothing Cas Crong Cith it, he $elt una)le to go on living in Chat he %onsi#ere#
his irrepara)ly mutilate# state/ 1 ;uriel Iar#iner, The !olf73an and Sigmund "reud
O 0armon#sCorthE Penguin, 19B3 P, p, 4B2, (he logi% is here e5a%tly the same as i$ you
#o not have horns, you lost them' i$ nothing %an )e #one, then the loss is irrepara)le,
3ithin the -a%anian perspe%tive, o$ %ourse, this sophism points toCar# the $un#amental
$eature o$ a stru%turalR#i$$erential or#erE the un)eara)le a)solute la%k emerges at the very
point Chen the la%k itsel$ is la%king,
7A, "s to this potentiality that pertains to the very a%tuality o$ poCer, see %hapter 7 o$ XiFek,
"or They 1now .ot !hat They *o,
71, "nother $a%et o$ this #iale%ti%al tension )etCeen possi)ility an# a%tuality is the tension
)etCeen a notion an# its a%tualiFationE the %ontent o$ a notion %an )e a%tualiFe# only in
the $orm o$ the notion<s $ailure, -et us re%all the re%ent 9o)ert 0arris alternative-history
)estseller "atherland 1 -on#onE 0ut%hinson, 19942E its a%tion takes pla%e in 19>6, Cith
0itler having Con 3orl# 3ar ++ an# e5ten#ing his empire $rom the 9hine to the Ural
;ountains, (he tri%k the novel pulls is to stage Chat a%tually takes pla%e to#ay as the
result o$ 0itler<s vi%toryE a$ter his vi%tory, 0itler organiFe# 3estern :urope into the
/:uropean .ommunity,/ an e%onomi% union Cith tCelve %urren%ies un#er the #omination
o$ the Ierman mark, Chose $lag %onsists o$ yelloC stars on )lue )a%kgroun# 1Ierman
#o%uments $rom the early $orties a%tually %ontain su%h plans@2, (he lesson o$ the novel is
there$ore that the /notion/ o$ ?aFi :urope realiFe# itsel$ in the guise o$ the very
/empiri%al/ #e$eat o$ naFism,
74, (he key Duestion here is hoC this pro)lemati% o$ the ;aster Dua metonymy o$ #eath is
a$$e%te# )y -a%an<s later shi$t toCar# (ouissance, Chi%h entails the splitting o$ the
paternal $igure into the ?ame-o$-the-Father, the pure sym)oli% authority )eyon#
enjoyment 1the )ig 8ther is )y #e$inition )eyon# enjoyment -- /the )ig 8ther #oesn<t
smell,/ as Ce may put it2, an# the Father-:njoyment 1le $5re7(ouissance2E #oes the
o)s%ene Father Dua ;aster o$ :njoyment still $un%tion as /metonymy o$ #eath,/ or #oes
he rather epitomiFe /li$e )eyon# #eath,/ the immortal, in#estru%ti)le su)stan%e o$
73, +t is against this )a%kgroun# that one is a)le to measure the su)versive e$$e%t o$ a
personal $eature o$ -a%an note# )y those Cho kneC him, "s is Cell knoCn, he %are$ully
%ultivate# the image o$ himsel$ as )eing un)eara)le, #eman#ing to the point o$ %ruelty'
yet at the same time he appeare# Citty an# e%%entri%' those Cho kneC him en#eavore# to
penetrate to the /true person/ )ehin# this pu)li% mask, propelle# )y the #esire $or the
reassuring guarantee that, )eneath the mask, -a%an is /human like the rest o$ us,/
0oCever, they Cere in $or a )a# surpriseE Chat aCaite# them /)ehin# the mask/ Cas no
/normal Carm person,/ sin%e even in private, -a%an stu%k to his pu)li% image' he a%te# in
pre%isely the same Cay, #isplaying the same mi5ture o$ %ourtesy an# e5a%ting %ruelty,
(he e$$e%t o$ this un%anny %oin%i#en%e )etCeen the pu)li% mask an# private person Cas
the e5a%t opposite o$ Chat one Coul# e5pe%t 1o)literation o$ all private, /pathologi%al,/
$eatures' %omplete i#enti$i%ation Cith the pu)li% sym)oli% role2E the pu)li% sym)oli% role
itsel$, as it Cere, %ollapse# into pathologi%al i#iosyn%rasy, turne# into a %ontingent
personal ti%k,
A 8The 3ound Is Healed "nly /y the &<ear That &6ote
+ $olloC here +van ?agel<s path-)reaking stu#y o$ ;oFart<s operas ,utonomy and 3erry 1
.am)ri#geE 0arvar# University Press, 19912,
"s to this sym)oli% e5%hange, see ;la#en Dolar, /"ilo4ofi(a v operi,/ 0a4pol I
1-ju)ljana, 19942' the present te5t takes a num)er o$ instigations $rom Dolar<s essay,
Su%h a rea#ing o$ the 8rpheus myth Cas alrea#y propose# )y *laus (heCeleit in his
Buch der 1oenige, vol. G, +rpheus und 9urydike : "rankfurt? Stroemfeld and 0oter
Stern, GHHL;.
(he very Cor#s o$ this aria attest its aim o$ eli%iting an ansCer o$ the 9ealE /+ *io,
rispondi@/ 18 Io#, ansCer@2,
"s to this relationship )etCeen the tCo 8rpheuses, see %hapter 4 o$ Hoseph *erman
+pera as *rama 1 Gerkeley an# -os "ngelesE University o$ .ali$ornia Press, 192,
(he stan#ar# /#e%onstru%tionist/ version o$ Don Iiovanni is that o$ a su)je%t /not
)oun# )y Cor#s,/ i,e,, systemati%ally violating the %ommitments impose# on him )y the
per$ormative 1illo%utory2 #imension o$ his spee%h 1see, $or e5ample, Shoshana Felman ,
Le scandale du corps parlant O ParisE Seuil, 19B P2, 0oCever, its reverse is that Don
Iiovanni %omplies Cith the rules o$ etiDuette even a$ter it )e%omes o)vious that, )y Cay
o$ assuming a sym)oli% %ommitment, he got more than he aske# $or, Don Iiovanni<s
#inner invitation to the statue at the graveyar#, $or e5ample, Cas un#ou)te#ly meant as
an empty gesture, as a )lasphemous a%t o$ #e$ian%e, yet Chen /the real ansCers,/ Chen
the #ea# a%%epts the invitation an# a%tually appears at Don Iiovanni<s home as the Stone
Iuest, Don Iiovanni, in spite o$ his visi)le astonishment, keeps to the form an# asks the
guest to take his pla%e at the ta)le,
?agel, ,utonomy and 3ercy, p, 4>, (his %o#epen#en%e o$ the su)je%t<s autonomy an# the
8ther<s gra%e is $urther e5empli$ie# )y the Cell-knoCn para#o5 o$ pre#estinationE the
very )elie$ that everything is #e%i#e# in a#van%e )y Io#<s ins%ruta)le gra%e, $ar more
than the .atholi% %onvi%tion that our #eliveran%e #epen#s on our goo# #ee#s, %harges the
su)je%t Cith in%essant $reneti% a%tivity, See %hapter > o$ Slavoj Xiek, The Sublime
+b(ect of Ideology 1 -on#onE Uerso, 1992,
See Hon :lster, Sour rapes 1 .am)ri#geE .am)ri#ge University Press, 1942,
See .lau#e -e$ort, *emocracy and $olitical Theory 1 ;inneapolisE University o$
;innesota Press, 192,
"s Ce shall see later, the ultimate proo$ o$ the %onstitutive %hara%ter o$ the #epen#en%e
on the 8ther is pre%isely so-%alle# /totalitarianism/E in its philosophi%al $oun#ation,
/totalitarianism/ #esignates an attempt on the part o$ the su)je%t to surmount this
#epen#en%e )y taking upon himsel$ the per$ormative a%t o$ gra%e, =et the pri%e to )e pai#
$or it is the su)je%t<s perverse sel$-o)je%tiviFation, i,e,, his transmutation into the o)je%t-
instrument o$ the 8ther<s ins%ruta)le 3ill,
I, 3, :, 0egel, $henomenology of Spirit 1 85$or#E 85$or# University Press, 19BB2, p,
(his simultaneity o$ positioning an# Cithhol#ing $in#s perhaps its purest e5pression in
*ant<s theory o$ the Geauti$ul Cith its $our %onse%utive %rossings-out o$ Chat Cas $irst
posite# as the $un#amental $eatureE $inality without en#, et%,
Ha%o) 9ogoFinski 1in /1ant et le r5gicide,/ 0ue *escartes K O ParisE "l)in ;i%hel,
1994 P, pp, 99-14A2 pointe# out hoC, in *ant<s politi%al philosophy, this simultaneity o$
positioning an# Cithhol#ing the o)je%t assumes the $orm o$ the /antinomy o$ politi%al
reason,/ 8n the one han#, poCer )elongs to the People 1the totality o$ its su)je%ts2'
no)o#y is alloCe# to appropriate it, any preten#er to the pla%e o$ poCer 1king, $or
e5ample2 is )y #e$inition a tyrant, 8n the other han#, every attempt, on the part o$ the
People, to assert itsel$ imme#iately as the a%tual, positively given sovereign ne%essarily
reverts into its opposite an# en#s in the ra#i%al :vil o$ (error, (his is the reason $or
*ant<s am)iguous relation to the Fren%h 9evolution, simultaneously an o)je%t o$ su)lime
enthusiasm 1the a$$irmation o$ the sovereignty o$ the People as the sole legitimate )earer
o$ poCer2 an# the point o$ unthinka)le, #ia)oli%al :vil 1the Ha%o)in 9eign o$ (error2, (he
intimate link )etCeen *ant an# #emo%ra%y is there)y re%on$irme#E Chat the solution o$
this /antinomy o$ politi%al reason/ amounts to is simply the #emo%rati% notion o$ the
empty pla%e o$ PoCerE #emo%ra%y %on%eives o$ the People as the only legitimate
Sovereign, yet simultaneously prevents any positive agent $rom o%%upying this pla%e o$
the Sovereign,
16, See Gernar# Gaas, /Le d5sir pur,/ in +rnicar) OF 1 Paris, 1972,
17, (his me#iating role o$ "idelio %an )e esta)lishe# even at the )iographi%al levelE as is Cell
knoCn, it Cas the pro$oun# impression ma#e on the young 3agner )y the great soprano
3ilhelmine S%hroe#er-Devrient in the role o$ Geethoven<s Fi#elio Chi%h ma#e him
#etermine# to )e%ome a %omposer $or the theater, (he role o$ Senta in the *utchman Cas
Critten e5pressly $or S%hroe#er-Devrient,
1>, +t is sa$e to surmise that Chat takes pla%e )ehin# the $allen %urtain, in this interme#iate
time )etCeen the #uet /?amenlose Freu#e ,,,/ 1?ameless joy2 an# the $inale, $ille# out )y
the or%hestral musi%, is the /Gig Gang,/ the long over#ue se5ual a%t )etCeen Florestan
an# -eonore, 3ith re$eren%e to the #iale%ti%al tension )etCeen private an# pu)li%,
"idelio marks the utopian moment Chen the a$$irmation o$ the %onjugal %ouple<s
/private/ love possesses the Ceight o$ the pu)li% a%t o$ asserting one<s allegian%e to
politi%al $ree#om,
1B, (heo#or 3, "#orno, In Search of !agner 1 -on#onE Uerso Gooks, 199A2, p, , -et us
)ear in min# that phantasmagoria is at Cork again at the very en# o$ Lohengrin Chen the
allege#ly #ea# :lsa<s )rother appears as an /ansCer o$ the real/ to -ohengrin<s $ervent
1, Do Ce not en%ounter this logi% o$ phantasmagoria alrea#y in "idelio, in the $amous aria
o$ Florestan Chi%h opens a%t 4, Chere -eonora emerges as Florestan<s visionK +s
there$ore her later emergen%e /in reality/ not again a kin# o$ /ansCer o$ the real/ to his
phantasmagori%al #esireK (he pla%e o$ phantasmagoria par e5%ellen%e in 3agner, o$
%ourse, is the lo%us o$ in%estuous enjoymentE $rom Uenus)erg in TannhWuser to
*lingsor<s $loCer gar#en in $arsifalE in )oth %ases, its spell is )roken, the pla%e
#isintegrates, the moment the 1male2 hero /puri$ies his #esire/ an# gains #istan%e $rom it,
19, Tuote# $rom 9o)ert Donington, !agner2s %0ing% and Its Symbols1 -on#onE Fa)er an#
Fa)er, 199A2, p, 4>7,
4A, +n TannhWuser, $or e5ample, the Coman is split into sel$-sa%ri$i%ing re#emptress
1 :liFa)eth2 an# perni%ious se#u%tress 1 Uenus2, the %ause o$ the hero<s #amnation' the
truth %on%eale# here is that they are ultimately one an# the same sin%e /the Coun# is
heale# only )y the spear that smote you/ 1this truth is $inally realiFe# in $arsifal, Chi%h
reunites )oth aspe%ts in *un#ry2, Lohengrin, on the other han#, )rings a)out the opposite
o$ the su)je%t %on#emne# to eternal su$$eringE the su)je%t Cho is the pure o)je%t-
instrument o$ the 8ther<s Cill, i,e,, the tool o$ Io#<s intervention in the Corl#' et%, (hese
eDuivalen%es transgress se5ual #i$$eren%eE not only is 0ans Sa%hs in the 3eistersingers a
neC version o$ *ing ;arke $rom Tristan, et%,, )ut *un#ry is the last version o$ the
Flying Dut%hman, this $igure o$ the 3an#ering HeC, (he %ru%ial shi$t in these series o$
trans$ormations, o$ %ourse, o%%urs )etCeen the 0ing an# $arsifal? Sieg$rie#, the
ignoriant-a%tive hero, %hanges into Parsi$al, the knoCing-passive hero, the gol#en ring
into the holy vessel, et%,
41, " #esire $or #eath 1/Lasciate mi morir/2 is o$ %ourse at Cork in the operati% su)je%t<s
entreaty $rom the very )eginning, yet prior to 3agner it $olloCs the simple logi% o$
#espair o$ li$e<s %alamities 1/)etter to #ie than to en#ure this misery/2, Chereas the
3agnerian su)je%t alrea#y #Cells in the #omain /)etCeen the tCo #eaths,/
44, Tuote $rom -u%y Ge%kett, $arsifal 1 .am)ri#geE .am)ri#ge University Press, 1912, p,
43, *lingsor<s $urther essential $eature is his sel$-%astration -- the proo$ o$ his )eing una)le to
#ominate the se5ual urge, (his violent a)negation o$ one<s se5uality %on$irms S%helling<s
thesis a%%or#ing to Chi%h the true, #emonia% :vil is $ar more /spiritual,/ hostile to
sensuality, than the Ioo#E *lingsor<s spiritual #omination over *un#ry, his insensi)ility
to her %harms, is the very proo$ o$ his ultimate evilness,
46, (he same matri5 ena)les us to a%%ount $or the un%anny shi$ts at the )eginning o$ Chat is
perhaps the %ru%ial turning point o$ ;oFart<s *on iovanni, the se5tet in a%t 4, Four
persons Cho su%%essively enter the stage 1 :lvira, -eporello, Don 8ttavio, Donna "nna2
o%%upy the $our positions o$ the -a%anian #is%ourse, Donna :lvira is a split su)je%t,
%on$use#, sel$-%ontra#i%ting in her #esire 1L2E although in%onsistent, her spee%h is
nonetheless #eeply authenti% in its very %on$usion -- in short, hysteric, -eporello is also
%aught in %ontra#i%tions, )ut in a nonauthenti%, compulsive Cay, e5pressing the servant<s
$alse knowledge 1S
2, i,e,, his en#eavor to slip out o$ every impasse )y Cay o$ ingenious
tri%kery, (he remaining tCo positions are sel$-%onsistent, Don 8ttavio<s is that o$ a sel$-
%on$i#ent 3aster 1S
2 Cho tries to %om$ort the #esperate Donna "nna, )ut his sola%es
are pompous an# shalloC, i,e,, nonauthenti%E his spee%h is, no less than that o$
-eporello<s, that o$ an impostor, Finally, Ce get the sel$-%onsistent and authenti%
su)je%tive position, Chi%h %an only )e that o$ a death7drive, o$ /su)je%tive #estitution,/
o$ assuming $reely the pla%e o$ the o)je%t 1a2E in her magni$i%ent )aroDue response,
Donna "nna ansCers 8ttavio that /only #eath/ 1sol2la? morte2 %an %onsole her,
47, (here are tCo e5%eptions to this 1 Parsi$al<s killing o$ the sCan' his slaying o$ the knights
Cho guar# *lingsor<s %astle2, yet, signi$i%antly, )oth take pla%e o$$-stage, an# Ce see
only the e$$e%ts 1the #ea# sCan Cho $alls on the stage' *lingsor<s #es%ription o$ the
4>, +t is at this pre%ise moment that Parsi$al )e%omes alert to the inno%ent )eauty o$ nature
a)solve# $rom sin 1the /magi% o$ Ioo# Fri#ay/2E this /inno%ent/ nature is )y no means
simply nature /as su%h,/ /in itsel$/ -- it appears as /inno%ent/ only Chen the su)je%t
assumes the appropriate attitu#e toCar# it, 8r, to put it even more pointe#lyE nature
)e%omes inno%ent only through Parsi$al<s assuming the sym)oli% man#ate o$ the king,
Far $rom registering the su)je%t<s /inner puri$i%ation,/ Chi%h ena)les him $inally to
per%eive nature in its inno%en%e, Parsi$al<s per$ormative a%t a)solves nature itsel$ $rom
sin, +t Coul# )e interesting, here, to #raC a parallel )etCeen $arsifal an# 3eistersinger
von .uernbergE in )oth %ases, the %ru%ial shi$t o%%urs in the $irst part o$ a%t 3, in a
/private/ pla%e, an# the pu)li% ritual in the se%on# part o$ the a%t seems only to give a
$ormal no#, to take note o$ Chat alrea#y ha# happene#, +n $arsifal, this shi$t %onsists in
Parsi$al<s assuming the sym)oli% man#ate o$ the neC king o$ the Irail' in 3eistersinger,
it is -someChat surprisingly -- the resolution o$ the tension )etCeen 0ans Sa%hs an# :va
1a$ter the #esperate out)urst o$ his long represse# Duasi-in%estuous passion, Sa%hs
resigne#ly renoun%es her an# han#s her over to 3alter von StolFing2, (he s%ene o$ /inner
pea%e an# re%on%iliation/ 1the /magi% o$ Ioo# Fri#ay/ in $arsifal, the Duintet
/;orgenti%h leu%hten#,,,/2 %omes in )etCeen the %ru%ial inner shi$t an# the pu)li% trial
1 Parsi$al<s a%%ession to the Irail-throne' the singing %ontest in 3eistersinger2E although
its $un%tion may )e sai# to )e to prepare the hero $or the %oming or#eal, it signals that
everything is alrea#y #e%i#e#, that the )attle is alrea#y Con )e$ore its o$$i%ial )eginning,
4B, 9i%har# Gooth)y, *eath and *esire1 ?eC =orkE9outle#ge, 19912,
4, :rnest ?eCman, !agner .ights 1 -on#onE(he Go#ley 0ea#, 192, p, 441,
49, -a%an, o$ %ourse, allu#es here to the prover)ial /=ou %annot make an hommelette
Cithout )reaking the egg,/
3A, Ha%Dues -a%an, The "our "undamental &oncepts of $sycho7,nalysis 1 ?eC =orkE
?orton, 19B92, pp, 19B-9,
31, 0ere, apropos o$ lamella, one shoul# avoi# the trap o$ i#enti$ying it pre%ipitously Cith
the maternal )o#y, "s Freu# himsel$ pointe# out in one o$ his letters, the mo#el o$ the
#ou)le 1an# o$ lamella2 is not mother )ut rather placenta -- that part o$ the %hil#<s )o#y
that, at the moment o$ )irth, is lost )y the newborn as well as by the mother,
34, +t is pre%isely this physi%al, tangi)le impa%t o$ /lamella/ Chi%h gets lost in the seDuel
,liens, Chi%h is Chy this seDuel is in$initely in$erior to the original ,lien, "lien
is $ar
more interesting )e%ause o$ tCo key $eaturesE $irst, the #ou)ling o$ the /alien/ moti$
1 9ipley, hersel$ an alien in the male penal %olony, %arries Cithin her the /alien/2'
se%on#ly, the sui%i#al gesture Chi%h %on%lu#es the $ilm 1upon learning that she alrea#y is
pregnant Cith the /alien/ Chi%h, sooner or later, is )oun# to jump out o$ her %hest the
Cay it #i# in the $irst ,lien out o$ Hohn 0urt, 9ipley throCs hersel$ into the hot melte#
iron -- the only Cay to #estroy Chat is /in hersel$ more than hersel$,/ the a, the surplus-
o)je%t in hersel$2,
33, (he more general interest o$ Sy)er)erg<s $arsifal lies in the spe%i$i% mo#e o$ su)verting
i#eology Chi%h might )e %alle# interpellation without identification 1the same para#o5 is
also at Cork in FranF *a$ka<s novels' see %hapter 7 o$ iek, The Sublime +b(ect of
Ideology2E the su)je%t $in#s itsel$ interpellate# Cithout knoCing Chat sheRhe is
interpellate# into, Cithout any point o$ i#enti$i%ation, o$ sel$-re%ognition, )eing o$$ere#,
"n# it is pre%isely this /empty/ interpellation, this nonspe%i$ie# notion that Ce are
a##resse#, summone#, la%king any %lear in#i%ation o$ Chat the 8ther a%tually Cants $rom
us, that gives rise to an intense %ulpa)ility, (he /.he vuoiK/ emanating $rom the 8ther
thus remains un$ul$ille#, 8r, to put it a #i$$erent Cay, Sy)er)erg<s $arsifal overChelms
us Cith a )aroDue pro$usion o$ sym)ols in Chi%h Ce, the spe%tators, look in vain $or a
%onsistent message' this overa)un#an%e para#o5i%ally hin#ers the e$$e%t o$ meaning an#
)rings a)out Chat -a%an )aptiFe# (ouis7sense, enjoy-meant, enjoyment-in-meaning,
36, "s a general intro#u%tion to 3agner<s $arsifal, see -u%y Ge%kett, $arsifal 1 .am)ri#geE
.am)ri#ge University Press, 1912,
37, Ha%Dues .hailley, /Parsi$al/ de 0ichard !agner? +p5ra initiati6ue 1 ParisE :#itions
Gu%herR .hastel, 19>2, pp, 66-67,
3>, See Sigmun# Freu#, Introductory Lectures on $sychoanalysis 1 0armon#sCorthE
Penguin Gooks, 19B72, pp, 3AA-3A1,
3B, (his myth o$ the %urious Coman asking the $or)i##en Duestion 1or, a%%or#ing to the
Glue)ear# myth, entering the only $or)i##en room in the house -- see its #i$$erent
versions up to 0it%h%o%k .otorious an# FritF -ang Secret Beyond the *oor2 is usually
interprete# as the Coman<s rea#iness to %on$ront the se%ret o$ her oCn 1$eminine2
se5ualityE /Pan#ora<s )o5/ ultimately stan#s $or the $emale genitals, Perhaps it Coul# )e
more pro#u%tive to reverse the perspe%tive )y %on%eiving o$ the mystery that has to
remain hi##en as the impoten%e, the imposture, o$ the ;asterE the true /se%ret )eyon# the
1$or)i##en2 #oor/ is that the phallus is a sem)lan%e' not only Coman, man himsel$ is
also alrea#y /%astrate#,/ +t is almost super$luous to point out the key role o$ the $igure o$
the humiliate# master in 3agner, Su$$i%e it to mention "l)eri%h $rom his 0ing des
.ibelungen 1not only "l)eri%h<s %urse a$ter he is $or%e# to %e#e the ring to 3otan, )ut
even prior to it his utter humiliation Chen his slaves, the ?i)elungs, see him as the
helpless prisoner o$ Io#s to Chom he is $or%e# to #eliver all his gol#2,
3, 3hen -a%an says that the /se%ret o$ psy%hoanalysis/ %onsists in the $a%t that /there is no
se5ual a%t, Chereas there is se5uality,/ the a%t is to )e %on%eive# pre%isely as the
per$ormative assumption, )y the su)je%t, o$ his sym)oli% man#ate, like the passage in
#amlet Chere the moment Chen $inally -- too late -- 0amlet is a)le to a%t is signale# )y
his e5pression /+, 0amlet the Dane/E this is Chat is not possi)le in the or#er o$ se5uality'
i,e,, as soon as the man pro%laims his man#ate, saying /+, ,,,O-ohengrin, Gatman,
SupermanP,/ he e5%lu#es himsel$ $rom the #omain o$ se5uality,
39, (he $irst thing that strikes the eye here, o$ %ourse, is hoC this opposition %oin%i#es Cith
the se5ual #i$$eren%eE in Lohengrin the Coman asks the $or)i##en Duestion, Chereas in
$arsifal the man a)stains $rom asking the reDuire# Duestion,
6A, "%%or#ing to -a%an, the symptom alCays in%lu#es its a##ressee 1every symptom that the
analysan# pro#u%es #uring hisRher analysis in%lu#es the trans$erential relationship to the
analyst as the su)je%t suppose# to /knoC,/ that is to sayE to #etain, the symptom<s
meaning2, (his is Chat Parsi$al $ails to grasp Chen he Citnesses the strange Irail ritualE
the $a%t that this ritual is stage# $or his gaFe, that he is its a##ressee 1as in *a$ka<s Trial
Chere the man $rom the %ountry $ails to see hoC the #oor o$ the -aC is meant only $or
61, +t is here that the insu$$i%ien%y o$ the Hungian interpretation Chi%h %enters on Parsi$al<s
/inner #evelopment/ )e%omes mani$estE )y %on%eiving Parsi$al<s a)ility to ask the
reDuire# Duestion as the sign o$ his spiritual maturity 1the %apa%ity o$ %ompassion Cith
the other<s su$$ering2, this approa%h $ails to take noti%e o$ the true enigma Chi%h #oes not
%on%ern Parsi$al )ut the other si#e, the Irail %ommunityE hoC %an the simple a%t o$
asking a Duestion possess the tremen#ous healing poCer o$ restoring the health o$ the
*ing an# there)y o$ the entire %ommunity hel# together )y the *ing<s )o#yK (he rea#ing
o$ Parsi$al as an allegori%al staging o$ the hero<s /inner journey/ totally misses the %ru%ial
point that Parsi$al $un%tions as an /empty integer/ Cithout #epth, Cithout /psy%hology/E
a point at Chi%h inno%en%e overlaps Cith unhear#-o$ monstrosity -- not really a /person/
at all )ut rather a kin# o$ logi%al operator Chi%h ren#ers possi)le the healing o$ the
%ommunity, (he entire /psy%hology/ is on the si#e o$ "m$ortas an# *un#ry, these tCo
su$$ering souls astray in the #omain /)etCeen the tCo #eaths,/
64, Lohengrin, $or e5ample, Coul# remain a stan#ar# romanti% opera, i$ it Cere not $or the
/psy%hologi%al/ intri%a%ies o$ a%t 4,
63, See Ha%Dues -a%an, /-ogi%al (ime an# the "ssertion o$ "nti%ipate# .ertainty,/ in
.ewsletter of the "reudian "ield, vol, 4, no, 4 1 192,
66, (his %hange also a%%ounts $or 3agner<s leaving out the #isplay o$ the )lee#ing lan%eE this
#isplay again presupposes the )ig 8ther as its a##ressee,
67, (his #i$$eren%e )etCeen the re$usal o$ the Coman in The 3agic "lute an# in $arsifal %an
)e pinne# #oCn in a very pre%ise CayE in a%t 4 o$ $arsifal, *un#ry at $irst manipulates
$arsifal' she tries to se#u%e him )y remin#ing him o$ his guilt toCar# his mother Cho
#ie# o$ grie$ a$ter he le$t her, an# then o$$ers her love as simultaneously maternal an#
se5ual 1/a last token o$ a mother<s )lessing, the $irst kiss o$ love/2' a$ter Parsi$al<s re$usal,
hoCever, her manipulative se#u%tion %hanges into true love<s #esperate attempt to rea%h
the partner' it is only noC that she starts really to appre%iate him an# #esperately seeks in
him a support that Coul# ena)le her to es%ape her #amnation, "t the level o$ The 3agic
"lute, this se%on# attempt Coul# su$$i%eE Parsi$al Coul# )e noC alloCe# to a%%ept
*un#ry<s /mature/ love Chi%h has integrate# the loss, i,e,, his initial re$usal' yet Parsi$al
again re$uses even her /mature/ love,
6>, See 8tto 3eininger, eschlecht und &haracter 1 ;uni%hE ;arthes un# SeitF, 19A'
originally pu)lishe# in Uienna, 19A32,
6B, "s to this notion o$ the /non-all/ $eminine (auissance, see Ha%Dues -a%an, Le s5minaire,
book LM? 9ncore : $aris? 9ditions du Seuil, GHIN;- the two key chapters are translated in
=ac6ues Lacan and the 9cole freudienne, "eminine Se8uality : London? 3acmillan,
6, Frank 3e#ekin# Cas Cell aCare o$ this #imension o$ the $igure o$ Parsi$al in his tCo
-ulu #ramas, The Spirit of the 9arth an# $andora2s Bo8, Chi%h later serve# as the )asis
$or "l)an Gerg<s un$inishe# Lulu, the Cork Chose %laim to the title /the last opera/ is
perhaps most $ully justi$ie#, (he parallel #raCn )y 3e#ekin# is not, as one Coul#
e5pe%t, )etCeen -ulu an# *un#ry, )ut )etCeen -ulu an# Parsi$al, (his s%an#alous
eDuation, Corthy o$ the 0egelian in$inite ju#gment /Spirit is a )one,/ )etCeen Parsi$al<s
elevate# spirituality an# -ulu<s total apathy in Chi%h the ultimate :vil %oin%i#es Cith
irresponsi)le %hil#ish inno%en%e Cithout any tra%es o$ hysteria, %an )e #ete%te# in the
s%ene Chere -ulu ansCers the Duestions o$ the painter S%hCarF %on%erning /higher
spiritual matters/ 1Io#, soul, love2 Cith a si5-time /Ich weiss es nicht/ -- /+ #on<t knoC
it,/ an o)vious allusion to the s%ene in $arsifal Chere Parsi$al also ansCers repeate#ly
Cith /*as weiss ich nicht/ Chen IurnemanF Duestions him a$ter his killing o$ the sa%re#
sCan, See .onstantin Floros, /Studien 4ur 2$arsifal270e4eption,/ in 3usik71on4epte LNE
9i%har# 3agner $arsifal 1 ;uni%hE :#ition te5t a kritik, 1942, pp, 73-7B,
69, (his evasion o$ 3agner<s also a%%ounts $or the am)iguous relationship )etCeen the two
streams o$ )loo# in $arsifal, the /pure/ )loo# o$ .hrist in the Irail vessel an# the
/putri#/ )loo# leaking $rom "m$ortas<s Coun#E Chat 3agner re$uses to a%knoCle#ge is
their ultimate identity, +t is this shrinking )a%k Chi%h a%%ounts $or the a)ove-mentione#
e5%eptional status o$ $arsifal among 3agner<s operasE the su##en reversal into $airy-tale
)liss an#, a%%ompanying it, the initiatory #imension, (his shi$t o%%urs at the pre%ise
moment Chen the inherent logi% o$ #evelopment Coul# )ring a)out the $igure o$ the
nonhysteri%iFe# Coman, i,e,, o$ the Coman )eyon# phalli% enjoyment' upon approa%hing
this )or#erline, 3agner /%hanges the register,/
7A, "s to Chat, pre%isely, this sense is, see %hapter 3 o$ Slavoj iek, 9n(oy Aour Symptom< 1
?eC =orkE 9outle#ge, 19942,
71, (his point Cas alrea#y ma#e )y ;i%hel .hion in his La voi8 au cin5ma 1 ParisE .ahiers
#u .inJma, 1942,
74, Un$ortunately, Sy)er)erg himsel$ $alls prey to e%le%ti% %on$usion an# gives Cay to the
i#eology o$ hermaphro#itism, Chi%h takes the e#ge o$$ his su)versive gestureE at the
opera<s en#, $olloCing the $inal re%on%iliation, )oth Parsi$als 1male an# $emale2 are
)rought $a%e to $a%e, looking into ea%h other<s eye, an# thus %onstitute a %omplementary,
harmonious %ouple, (his, hoCever, is pre%isely Chat never %an happenE $or stru%tural
reasons, the su)je%t %an never %on$ront $a%e to $a%e its oCn o)je%tive surplus-%orrelative,
sin%e its very e5-sisten%e Dua L hinges upon the o)je%t<s o%%ultation 1in topologi%al
terms, L is the o)je%t<s reverse, L an# a are to the opposite si#es o$ a ;W)ius strip2,
73, -et us not $orget that in "idelio Ce also %ome upon the #isguise Chi%h trespasses the
se5ual #i$$eren%eE in or#er to )e a)le to serve as /Fi#elio,/ the jailer<s assistant, -eonora
#resses up as a man,
76, Grigi# Grophy 1in her 3o4art the *ramatist, note to %hapter 11 on /3ho +s .heru)ino,
3hat +s 0eK/ 1 -on#onE -i)ris, 192 #emonstrate# this phalli% nature o$ .heru)ino )y
Cay o$ an au#a%ious, yet %harmingly simple interpretation o$ his aria $rom the a%t 1,
/.on so piu cosa son/E /+ no longer knoC Chat + am, Chat + #o' noC +<m all $ire, noC all
i%e, every Coman %hanges my temperature, every Coman makes my heart )eat $aster ,,,/
"re these Cor#s not Duite literally spoken $rom the impossi)le, unthinka)le, su)je%tive
position o$ the phallus itsel$K +s it not the phallus itsel$ Chi%h makes itsel$ hear# in its
un%ontrolla)le os%illation )etCeen ere%te# an# Cithere# stateK
77, See -e$ort, *emocracy and $olitical Theory,
7>, ;i%hael (anner, /(he (otal 3ork o$ "rt,/ in The !agner &ompanion,e#, P, Gur)i#ge
an# 9, Suton 1 -on#onE Fa)er an# Fa)er, 19B92, p, 417,
7B, +n other Cor#s, nature is #ying 1see the /e%ologi%al/ un#ertones o$ the thir# a%t Cith the
#esolate lan#s%ape aroun# ;ontsalvat2 )e%ause o$ the *ing<s Coun#, )e%ause o$ this
surplus o$ in#estru%ti)le li$e Chi%h pertur)s the /normal/ %ir%uit o$ generation an#
7, +nso$ar as the tra#itional authority is 8e#ipal, i,e,, the authority o$ the #ea# $ather Cho
reigns as his ?ame, $arsifal %an )e %on%eive# as anti-8e#ipus, +n his *e &hretien de
Troyes B $ichard !agner 1 l2,vant7Sc5ne +p5ra3-39E $arsifal O Paris, 194 P, pp, -
172, .lau#e -Jvi-Strauss propose# a #etaile# stru%tural analysis o$ the opposition
)etCeen $arsifal an# the 8e#ipus mythE the /8e#ipal/ element in $arsifal is the antipole
to the Irail temple, *lingsor<s magi% %astle 1the pla%e o$ potential in%est un#er the rule o$
the %astrate# $ather $igure2,
79, "s to this voi8 a8ousmati6ue, see .hion, La voi8 au cin5na.
>A, 3e must there$ore )ear in min# that the original sin Chi%h stains the king#om o$ the
Irail is not %ommitte# )y "m$ortas<s yiel#ing to the %harms o$ *un#ry an# losing the
holy spear, )ut )y his $ather (iturel Cho uses the Irail as the means $or his oCn
enjoyment, $or the eternal li$e provi#e# )y gaFing at the Irail, +t is this /unnatural/
$i5ation Chi%h #erails the normal li$e-%ir%uit o$ the Irail %ommunity@ "n# the same goes
$or #amletE as it Cas pointe# out )y -a%an, one o$ the mysteries o$ the play %on%erns the
$a%t that 0amlet<s $ather is not in heaven )ut #Cells in the interme#iate spa%e /)etCeen
the tCo #eaths,/ like a kin# o$ a living #ea#, not anymore alive, yet $in#ing no pea%e in
#eath -- as the te5t hints, he Cas kille# /in the )lossom o$ his sins,/ So i$ there is
something rotten in the lan# o$ Denmark, it is to )e sought in the o)s%ene reverse o$
0amlet<s $ather, o$ this $igure otherCise presente# as an i#eal, mo#el king, not in
.lau#ius, Cho is a small-time %rook,
>1, 0oCever, i$ one is not to miss the point altogether, one must %on%eive o$ the notion o$
ritual in $arsifal in an appropriately )roa# Cay Chi%h e5%ee#s )y $ar the ritualisti%
ena%tment o$ the sa%re# enjoyment 1the Irail<s #is%losure2E the very $ailure to per$orm the
ritual properly is part o$ the ritual, "m$ortas<s lamentation, $or e5ample, is )y no means a
spontaneous out)urst o$ an un)eara)le su$$ering, )ut a thoroughly ritualiFe#,
/$ormaliFe#/ per$orman%e, (he proo$ o$ its /nonpsy%hologi%al/ %hara%ter is the $inale o$
a%t 1E a$ter (iturel<s superego-voi%e repeats the %omman# /Dis%lose the Irail@/ the
un)eara)le pain mira%ulously passes an# "m$ortas is a)le to per$orm the reDuire#
motions Cith no trou)le at all, Far $rom )eing an e5%eption, this re$le%tive shi$t $rom the
$aile# ritual to the ritualisti% per$orman%e o$ a $ailure o$$ers the key to the very notion o$
the ritualE /ritual/ is originally, %onstitutively the $ormaliFe# repetition o$ a $ailure,
>4, ?agel, ,utonomy and 3ercy, pp, 16B-6,
>3, "n# sin%e this same loop %hara%teriFes the #rive, Ce %an see Chy -a%an insiste# that
perversion #eploys the stru%ture o$ the #rive in its purest,
>6, +n this respe%t, *ant<s Io# there$ore a%tually #oes a%t like Des%artes< :vil SpiritE he #oes
#e%eive the human su)je%t intentionally, i,e,, in or#er to ren#er possi)le his moral
a%tivity, See the su)%hapter /8$ the 3ise "#aptation o$ ;an<s .ognitive Fa%ulties to 0is
Pra%ti%al Uo%ation/ in &riti6ue of $ractical 0eason 1 ?eC =orkE ;a%millan, 197>2, pp,
>7, 8n another level, ;artin apos's Last Temptation of &hrist poses the same thesisE Hesus
himsel$ or#ere# Hu#as to )etray him, so that he Cas a)le to $ul$ill his #estiny o$ the
Saviour, Hu#as Cas thus a kin# o$ a $orerunner o$ the Stalinist traitor Cho %ommits the
supreme %rime against the .ause in the interest o$ the .ause, For a rea#ing o$ it, see
%hapter 3 o$ iek, The Sublime +b(ect of Ideology,
>>, -a%an, The "our "undamental &oncepts of $sycho7,nalysis, p, 197,
>B, (he same #e$ense against the #rive is at Cork in the $amous tra%king shot $rom 0it%h%o%k
Aoung and Innocent the nervous )linking o$ the #rummer is ultimately a #e$ense-rea%tion
to )eing seen, an attempt to avoi# )eing seen, a resistan%e to )eing #raCn into the pi%ture,
(he para#o5, o$ %ourse, is that )y his very #e$ense-rea%tion he ina#vertently #raCs
attention to himsel$ an# thus e5poses himsel$, #ivulges, i,e,, literally /ren#ers pu)li% )y
)eat o$ #rum,/ his guilt' he is una)le to en#ure the other<s 1%amera<s2 gaFe,
>, "nother %ru%ial ingre#ient o$ this s%ene o$ %on$rontation is a $ormal $eature later repeate#
in 3arnie, 3hen SteCart triggers the $lash, the entire $iel# o$ s%reen is over$loCn Cith
re#' the same e$$e%t o%%urs in 3arnieE Chen ;arnie %at%hes sight o$ some re# stain
Chi%h arouses the represse# trauma, the %olor re# so to speak )oils over an# %overs the
entire $iel#, +n )oth %ases, the asso%iation o$ this stain Cith the su)je%t<s losing
%ons%iousness is %ru%ialE Chat Ce en%ounter here is pre%isely the -a%anian notion o$
aphanisis, the su)je%t<s #isappearan%e, sel$-erasure, Chen he or she is $or%e# to %on$ront
the truth o$ his or her #esire, the represse# kernel o$ his or her )eing,
>9, 3e get a hint o$ this even in the $irst s%ene o$ the $ilm, Chere Ce see $or a )rie$ moment
the last snapshot taken )y SteCart prior to his a%%i#ent, #epi%ting the %ause o$ his )roken
leg, (his shot is a true 0it%h%o%kian %ounterpart to 0ol)ein<s ,mbassadorsE the o)liDue
stain in its %enter is a ra%ing-%ar Cheel $lying toCar# the %amera, %apture# the split
se%on# )e$ore SteCart Cas hit )y it, (he moment ren#ere# )y this shot is the very
moment Chen he lost his #istan%e an# Cas, so to speak, %aught into his oCn pi%ture, See
;iran Goovib, /(he ;an )ehin# 0is 8Cn 9etina,/ in Slavo( XiQek, 9verything
Aou,lways !anted to 1now about Lacan :But !ere ,fraid to ,sk #itchcock;
"lCays 3ante# to *noC a)out -a%an 1Gut 3ere "$rai# to "sk 0it%h%o%k2 1 -on#onE
Uerso Gooks, 19942,
BA, 3hat Ce en%ounter here again is the %on#ensation o$ $iel# an# %ounter-$iel# Cithin the
same shot, Desire #elineates the $iel# o$ or#inary intersu)je%tivity in Chi%h Ce look at
ea%h other $a%e to $a%e, Chereas Ce enter the register o$ #rive Chen, together Cith our
sha#oCy #ou)le, Ce $in# ourselves on the same si#e, )oth o$ us staring at the same thir#
point, 3here here is the /making onesel$ seen/ %onstitutive o$ the #riveK 8ne makes
onesel$ seen pre%isely to this thir# point, to the gaFe %apa)le o$ em)ra%ing $iel# an#
%ounter-$iel#, i,e,, %apa)le o$ per%eiving in me also my sha#oCy #ou)le, Chat is in me
more than mysel$, the ob(ect small a. 1See .hapter 3 o$ the present )ook,2
B En0oy Your Nation as YourselfC
1, For a #etaile# ela)oration o$ this notion o$ the (hing see The 9thics of $sychoanalysis,
GHNH7GHSM, The Seminar of =ac6ues Lacan, )ook B, e#, Ha%Dues-"lain ;iller 1 -on#onE
9outle#geR(avisto%k, 19942, 3hat shoul# )e pointe# out here is that enjoyment
1(ouissance, enuss2 is not to )e eDuate# Cith pleasure 1-ust2E enjoyment is pre%isely
/-ust im Unlust/' it #esignates the para#o5i%al satis$a%tion pro%ure# )y a pain$ul
en%ounter Cith a (hing that pertur)s the eDuili)rium o$ the /pleasure prin%iple,/ +n other
Cor#s, enjoyment is lo%ate# /)eyon# the pleasure prin%iple,/
4, (he Cay these $ragments persist a%ross ethni% )arriers %an )e sometimes Duite a$$e%ting,
as, $or e5ample, Cith 9o)ert ;uga)e Cho, Chen aske# )y a journalist Chat Cas the most
pre%ious lega%y o$ Gritish %olonialism to Xim)a)Ce, ansCere# Cithout hesitationE
/.ri%ket/ -- a senselessly ritualiFe# game, almost )eyon# the grasp o$ a .ontinental, in
Chi%h the pres%ri)e# gestures 1or, more pre%isely, gestures esta)lishe# )y an unCritten
tra#ition2, the Cay to throC a )all, $or e5ample, appear grotesDuely /#ys$un%tional,/
3, See %hapter > o$ Ha%Dues -a%an, Le siminaire, )ook 4AE 9ncore 1 ParisE :#itions #u Seuil,
6, (he $a%t that a su)je%t $ully /e5ists/ only through enjoyment, i,e,, the ultimate
%oin%i#en%e o$ /e5isten%e/ an# /enjoyment,/ Cas alrea#y in#i%ate# in -a%an<s early
seminars )y the am)iguously traumati% status o$ e5isten%eE /Gy #e$inition, there is
something so impro)a)le a)out all e5isten%e that one is in e$$e%t perpetually Duestioning
onesel$ a)out its reality/ 1 The Seminar of =ac6ues Lacan, )ook 4 O .am)ri#geE
.am)ri#ge University Press, 19 P, p, 44>2, (his proposition )e%omes mu%h %learer i$
Ce simply repla%e /e5isten%e/ )y /enjoyment/E /Gy #e$inition, there is something so
impro)a)le a)out all enjoyment that one is in e$$e%t perpetually Duestioning onesel$
a)out its reality,/ (he $un#amental su)je%tive position o$ a hysteric involves posing
pre%isely su%h a Duestion a)out his or her e5isten%e Dua enjoyment, Chereas a sa#ist
pervert avoi#s this Duestioning )y transposing the /pain o$ e5isten%e/ onto the other 1his
7, Ha%Dues-"lain ;iller, 98timit5, Paris, ?ovem)er 4B, 197 1unpu)lishe# le%ture2, (he
same logi% o$ the /the$t o$ enjoyment/ #etermines also the relationship o$ the people to
the State<s -ea#erE Chen is the %on%entration an# %onsumption o$ Cealth in the han#s o$
the -ea#er e5perien%e# as /the$t/K "s long as the -ea#er is per%eive# as /Chat is in us
more than ourselves/' i,e,, as long as Ce remain in a trans$erential relationship toCar#
him, his Cealth an# splen#or are /our oCn,/ (he trans$eren%e is over Chen the -ea#er
loses his %harisma an# %hanges $rom the em)o#iment o$ the nation<s su)stan%e into a
parasite on the nation<s )o#y, +n postCar =ugoslavia, $or e5ample, (ito justi$ie# his
splen#or )y the $a%t that /people e5pe%t it $rom me,/ that it /gives them pri#e/' Cith the
loss o$ his %harisma #uring the last years o$ his li$e, the same splen#or Cas per%eive# as
e5%essive #issipation o$ the nation<s resour%es,
>, #egel2s Science of Logic 1 -on#onE "llen an# UnCin, 19>92, p, 6A4,
B, (he me%hanism at Cork here is o$ %ourse that o$ paranoiaE at its most elementary,
paranoia %onsists o$ this very e5ternaliFation o$ the $un%tion o$ %astration in a positive
agen%y appearing as the /thie$ o$ enjoyment,/ Gy means o$ a someChat risky
generaliFation o$ the $ore%losure o$ the ?ame-o$-the-Father 1the elementary stru%ture o$
paranoia, a%%or#ing to -a%an2, Ce %oul# perhaps sustain the thesis that :astern :urope<s
national paranoia results pre%isely $rom the $a%t that :astern :urope<s nations are not yet
$ully %onstitute# as /authenti% States/E it is as i$ the $aile#, $ore%lose# State<s sym)oli%
authority /returns in the real/ in the shape o$ the other, the /thie$ o$ enjoyment,/
, + am in#e)te# $or this i#ea to 3illiam 3arner paper /Spe%ta%ular "%tionE 9am)o,
9eaganism, an# the .ultural "rti%ulation o$ the 0ero/, presente# at the %olloDuium
$sychoanalysis, $olitics, and the Image, ?eC =ork State University, Gu$$alo, ?ovem)er
, 199, +n%i#entally, 0ambo II is in this respe%t $ar in$erior to 0ambo I, Chi%h
a%%omplishes an e5tremely interesting i#eologi%al rearti%ulationE it %on#enses in the same
person the /le$tist/ image o$ a lone hippy vagrant threatene# )y the small-toCn
atmosphere em)o#ie# in a %ruel sheri$$, an# the /rightist/ image o$ a lone avenger taking
the laC into his han#s an# #oing aCay Cith the %orrupte# )ureau%rati% ma%hinery, (his
%on#ensation implies o$ %ourse the hegemony o$ the second $igure, so that 0ambo +
su%%ee#e# in in%lu#ing into the /rightist/ arti%ulation one o$ the %ru%ial elements o$ the
"meri%an /le$tist/ politi%al imagery,
9, 0erein lies also -a%an<s %riti%ism o$ 0egel, o$ the 0egelian #iale%ti% o$ lor#ship an#
)on#ageE %ontrary to 0egel<s thesis that, )y su)mitting himsel$ to the lor#, the )on#sman
renoun%es enjoyment, Chi%h thus remains reserve# $or the lor#, -a%an %laims that it is
pre%isely enjoyment 1an# not the $ear o$ #eath2 Chi%h keeps the )on#sman in servitu#e --
enjoyment pro%ure# )y the relationship toCar# the 1hypotheti%al, presuppose#2 ;aster<s
enjoyment, )y the e5pe%tation o$ enjoyment Caiting $or us at the moment o$ the ;aster<s
#eath, et%, :njoyment is thus never imme#iate, it is alCays me#iate# )y the presuppose#
enjoyment impute# to the 8ther' it is alCays enjoyment pro%ure# )y the e5pe%tation o$
enjoyment, )y the renun%iation o$ enjoyment,
1A, (his atta%hment is not Cithout its %omi%al si#e-e$$e%ts, Ge%ause o$ his "l)anian origins,
Hohn Gelushi, the very em)o#iment o$ 0ollyCoo# /#e%a#en%e/ Cho #ie# o$ an over#ose
o$ #rugs, enjoys to#ay a %ult status in "l)aniaE o$$i%ial me#ia praise him as a /great
patriot an# humanist/ Cho Cas /alCays rea#y to em)ra%e the just an# progressive %auses
o$ humanity/@
11, See Ha%Dues -a%an, Le s5minaire, book GI? L2envers de la psychanalyse : $aris? 9ditions
du Seuil, GHHG;.
14, (he $irst thing to #o, i$ Ce are to /go through the $antasy,/ is o$ %ourse to get ri# o$ the
naive notion o$ $antasy as staging the grati$i%ation o$ a #esire, 3oo#y "llen
#usbandsand !ives
an# 3ives ironi%ally turns aroun# this naive notionE as it is %ommonly knoCn, in his
/real li$e/ "llen #i# sleep Cith his a#opte# #aughter, thirty years his minor, Chereas in
the $ilm, the se5ual relationship Cith the young stu#ent 1 Huliette -eCis2 is not
%onsummate# -- a mo%king reversal o$ the stan#ar# thesis o$ the artist Cho, in his
$antasyuniverse, $ul$ills se5ual #esires Chi%h he misera)ly $aile# to realiFe in his a%tual
li$e, 0oCever, it is easy to #emonstrate hoC, in this %ase, Freu#<s mo#el o$ $antasy
remains thoroughly vali#E one has simply to take into a%%ount the narcissistic gain
pro%ure# )y the $antasy o$ se5ual a)stinen%eE in the $ilm, "llen paints himsel$ as a mature
person Cho knoCs hoC to restrain his passion an# to maintain a mature, Cise #istan%e,
13, (his .hristian )a%kgroun# o$ the P. attitu#e is $urther %on$irme# )y the re%urrent moti$
o$ the look as a $orm o$ /se5ual harassment/E inso$ar as one %an )e guilty o$ the
/provo%ative/ look, guilt is lo%ate# in the su)je%t<s desire, not in his a%tual #ee#s-in
a%%or#an%e Cith the .hristian motto that those Cho sin in their min#s are no less guilty
than those Cho a%tually %ommit a sin,
16, (he hysteri%al %ounterpoint to this "meri%an o)sessional attitu#e is the position o$ the
tra#itional :uropean /%riti%al intelle%tual/ tormente# )y the DuestionE which legitimate
power should I be allowed to obey with a clear conscience) +n other Cor#s, the
tra#itional :uropean -e$t intelle%tual is, even more than Hane :yre, this ultimate e5ample
o$ the $emale hysteri%, in constant search of a ood 3asterE he Cants a ;aster, )ut a
;aster Chom he %oul# #ominate, Cho Coul# $olloC his a#vi%e, (his attitu#e provokes a
hysteri%al rea%tion, a rea%tion o$ /This is not that</, Chenever the hysteri%<s si#e %omes to
poCerE he un#ertakes a #esperate sear%h $or reasons that Coul# legitimate his %ontinuing
#iso)e#ien%e 1an e5emplary %ase is provi#e# )y the Fren%h -e$t intelle%tuals a$ter the
ele%toral vi%tory o$ ;itterran#<s so%ialists in 191E they Cere Dui%k to #is%over in the
so%ialist government $eatures Chi%h ma#e it even Corse than the pre%e#ing
li)eral%onservative government, in%lu#ing signs o$ proto$as%ist nationalism@2,
17, .onsi#er the su%%ess o$ Peter 3eir thriller !itness,Chi%h mostly takes pla%e in an "mish
%ommunityE are not the "mish an e5emplary %ase o$ a %lose# %ommunity Chi%h persists
in its Cay o$ li$e, yet Cithout $alling prey to a paranoia% logi% o$ the /the$t o$
enjoyment/K +n other Cor#s, the para#o5 o$ the "mish is that, Chile they live a%%or#ing
to the highest stan#ar#s o$ the ;oral ;ajority, they have absolutely nothing to do with
the 3oral 3a(ority 6ua politico7ideological movement, i,e,, they are as $ar as possi)le
$rom the ;oral ;ajority<s paranoia% logi% o$ envy o$ aggressive imposition o$ its
stan#ar#s onto others, "n#, in%i#entally, the $a%t that the most patheti% an# e$$e%tive
s%ene o$ the $ilm is the %olle%tive )uil#ing o$ a neC )arn testi$ies again to Chat Fre#ri%
Hameson %alls the /utopian/ potential o$ the %ontemporary mass-%ulture,
1>, "s it Cas alrea#y note# )y numerous %riti%s, the theory o$ /authoritarian personality/ is
a%tually a $oreign )o#y Cithin the Frank$urt-s%hool theoreti%al e#i$i%eE it is )ase# on
presuppositions un#ermine# )y the "#orno-0orkheimer theory o$ late-%apitalist
1B, See Hohn 9aCls, , Theory of =ustice 1 .am)ri#geE 0arvar# University Press, 19B12,
1, (he notion o$ $antasy thus #esignates the inherent limitation o$ #istri)utive justi%eE
although the other<s interests are taken into a%%ount, his fantasy is wronged, +n other
Cor#s, Chen the trial )y /veil o$ ignoran%e/ tells me that, even i$ + Cere to o%%upy the
loCest pla%e in %ommunity, + Coul# still a%%ept my ethi%al %hoi%e, + move Cithin my oCn
$antasy-$rame, 3hat i$ the /other/ (udges from within the ftame of an absolutely
incompatible fantasy) For a more #etaile# -a%anian %riti%ism o$ 9aCls<s theory o$
justi%e, see 9enata Sale%l , The Spoils of "reedom 1 -on#onE 9outle#ge, 19932,
19, (he reverse o$ this resistan%e is a #esire to maintain the /other/ in its spe%i$i%, limite#
$orm o$ 1Chat our gaFe per%eives as2 /authenti%ity,/ -et us mention the re%ent %ase o$
Peter 0an#ke, Cho e5presse# #ou)ts a)out Slovene in#epen#en%e, %laiming that the
notion o$ Slovenia as an in#epen#ent state is something impose# on Slovenes $rom
outsi#e, not part o$ the inherent logi% o$ their national #evelopment, 0an#ke<s mother
Cas Slovene an#, Cithin his artisti% universe, Slovenia $un%tions as a mythi%al point o$
re$eren%e, a kin# o$ maternal para#ise, a %ountry Chere Cor#s still #ire%tly re$er to
o)je%ts, somehoC mira%ulously )ypassing %ommo#i$i%ation, Chere people are still
organi%ally roote# in their lan#s%ape, et%, 1See his 0epetition T!iederholungU,2 3hat
ultimately )others him is there$ore simply the $a%t that the a%tual Slovenia #oes not Cant
to )ehave a%%or#ing to his private myth an# thus #istur)s the )alan%e o$ his artisti%
4A, Ha%Dues -a%an, "our "undamental &oncepts of $sycho7,nalysis 1 ?eC =orkE ?orton,
19BB2, pp,4B>-BB,
41, (his %ru%ial point o$ SpinoFa Cas ren#ere# )y DeleuFeE /Io# reveals to "#am that the
$ruit Cill poison him )e%ause it Cill a%t on his )o#y )y #e%omposing its relations' )ut
)e%ause "#am has a Ceak un#erstan#ing he interprets the e$$e%t as a punishment an# the
%ause as a moral laC, "#am thinks that Io# has shoCn him a sign, +n this Cay, morality
%ompromises our Chole %on%eption o$ laC, or rather moral laC #istorts the right
%on%eption o$ %auses,,,"n# the most serious error o$ theology %onsists pre%isely in its
having #isregar#e# an# hi##en the #i$$eren%e )etCeen o)eying an# knoCing, in having
%ause# us to take prin%iples o$ o)e#ien%e $or mo#els o$ knoCle#ge/ 1 Iilles DeleuFe,
Spino4a- $ractical $hilosophy 1 San Fran%is%oE .ity -ights Gooks, 192, p, 1A>2,
44, (his shi$t $rom SpinoFa to Ierman +#ealism %an )e )est e5empli$ie# )y a %ru%ial stylisti%
$eature, SpinoFa<s :thi%s as Cell as 0egel mature Critten Corks 1 9ncyclopaedia-
$hilosophy of 0ight2 are stru%ture# in a homologous Cay' they are traverse# )y a line
that separates the main te5t 1the #e#u%tive, purely immanent, e5position o$ the positive
#o%trine2 $rom the multitu#e o$ remarks, $ootnotes, et%,, Chi%h are Critten in a #ialogi%al,
o$ten polemi%al mo#e, )y some)o#y Cho $ully parti%ipates in the i#eologi%al struggles o$
the #ay, +n )oth %ases, the main te5t imitates the $orm o$ another #is%ourse' hoCever, in
the %ase o$ SpinoFa, this other #is%ourse is that o$ mathematics 1a5ioms, et%,2, Chereas in
0egel the main te5t imitates legal #is%ourse 1paragraphs, et%,2,
43, ?otCithstan#ing the philosophi%al opposition )etCeen SpinoFa an# 0ume, this
#issolution o$ the su)je%t<s sel$-i#entity is homologous to that a%%omplishe# )y 0ume,
Cho #issolves the Sel$ in the heterogeneous $loC o$ per%eptions-i#eas la%king any
su)stantial sel$-i#entity, "n# it is against this )a%kgroun# that Ce have to %on%eive
*ant<s + o$ pure apper%eptionE *ant Cholly takes into a%%ount the SpinoFean an#Ror
0umean #isintegration o$ the .artesian res cogitans' Chat he a$$irms is there$ore the
nonsu)stantial empty point o$ sel$-%ons%iousness,
46, See Fran%es Ferguson, /(he ?u%lear Su)lime,/ *iacritics I 1Summer 1962E 6-1A,
47, See He$$rey ;asson, The ,ssault on Truth. "reud2s Suppression of the Seduction Theory 1
=orkE Farrar, Straus an# Iirou5, 1962, 8ne o$ the inherent para#o5es o$ the ;oral
;ajority<s anti-a)ortion %ampaign is that it is parasitical upon the logic of its :left7
liberal; adversaryE the /rights o$ the un)orn/ are simply one in the series o$ neC rights
Chi%h emerge the moment Ce a%%ept the #is%ourse o$ the potentially in$inite e5tension o$
rights 1the right not to )e en#angere# )y smoking' the %hil#<s right to avoi# a)use, up to
his or her right to sue parents $or /#ivor%e/' the right o$ the #olphins to )e a%%or#e# the
same #ignity as humans' et%,2,
4>, (here)y, it repeats the mistake o$ the %lassi% li)eral opposition o$ /open/ li)eral an#
/%lose#/ authoritarian personalityE here, also, the li)eral perspe%tive $ails to noti%e that
the authoritarian personality is not an e5ternal opposite to the /open,/ tolerant li)eral
personality, a simple #istortion o$ it, )ut its hi##en /truth/ an# presupposition,
4B, See Sigmun# Freu#, /;oses an# ;onotheism,/ in The Standard 9dition of the &omplete
$sychological !orks of Sigmund "reud 1 -on#onE 0ogarth Press, 1973-B62, vol, 43, "n#
#oes not -a%an make the same gesture apropos o$ ComanK /3oman<s se%ret/ is man<s
$antasy, Chi%h is Chy the only proper $eminist gesture is to assert that Coman Dua real
#oes not possess the mysterious M impute# to her )y man -- in short, /3oman #oesn<t
4, See +mmanuel *ant, *reams of a Spirit7Seer, Illustrated by *reams of 3etaphysics
1 -on#onE S, Sonnens%hein, 19AA2,
49, (his split is there$ore the very form of universality of the liberal democracy? the
li)eral#emo%rati% /neC Corl# or#er/ a$$irms its universal s%ope )y Cay o$ imposing this
split as the #etermining antagonism, the stru%turing prin%iple, o$ inter- an# intranational
relations, 3hat Ce have here is an elementary %ase o$ the #iale%ti% o$ i#entity an#
#i$$eren%eE the very identity o$ the li)eral-#emo%rati% /or#er/ %onsists in the scissure
Chi%h separates its /insi#e/ $rom its /outsi#e,/
3A, +mmanuel *ant, The &onflict of the "aculties 1 -in%olnE University o$ ?e)raska Press,
19942, p, 173,
31, See :tienne Gali)ar, /+s (here a <?eo-9a%ism<K/, in 9tienne Bahbar and 9mmanuel
!allerstein, 0ace, .ation, &lass 1 -on#onE Uerso Gooks, 19912,
34, 8r, to Duote $rom a re%ent letter to .ewsweek magaFineE /;ay)e it<s $un#amentally
unnatural $or #i$$erent ra%es or ethni% groups to live together,,,, 3hile no one %an
%on#one the atta%ks against $oreigners in Iermany, the Iermans have every right to
insist that their %ountry remain ethni%ally Ierman,/
33, See Fre#ri% Hameson, /(he Uanishing ;e#iator' or, ;a5 3e)er as Storyteller,/ in The
Ideologies of Theory, vol, 4 1 ;inneapolisE University o$ ;innesota Press, 192,
36, "s to this pro)lemati%, see %hapter 7 o$ Slavoj iek, "or They 1now .ot !hat They *o
1 -on#onE Uerso Gooks, 19912, (his logi% o$ the /vanishing me#iator/ ena)les us to
elu%i#ate a %ru%ial misun#erstan#ing apropos o$ the 0egelian ,ufhebung 1su)lation2, (he
usual %ounterargument to 0egel is here that the movement o$ ,ufhebung never /turns
out,/ that there is alCays a remain#er Chi%h resists it, that some tra%es o$ the nonsu)late#
persist $orever, -et us take the %ase o$ the .hristian /su)lation/ o$ pagan religionsE Cith
the a#vent o$ .hristianity, paganism is /re-marke#,/ re$rame#, reins%ri)e#, reinterprete#
as in%omplete, $alse religion, superstition, )lasphemy, or -- in the )est o$ %ases -- as
announ%ing the arrival o$ .hrist, 3hat, pre%isely, elu#es this .hristian ,ufhebung) 3hat
)e%omes invisi)le on%e Ce are Cithin the horiFon o$ the .hristian ,uf7
hebung is not the true, original meaning o$ the pre-.hristian religions, )ut rather
.hristianity itsel$ /in its )e%oming/ 1as *ierkegaar# Coul# have put it2, i,e,, the very
gesture )y means o$ Chi%h .hristianity )reaks o$$, emerges $rom the pagan #omain, (he
truly su)versive move is thus not the return to pre-.hristian tra#ition, )ut rather the
en#eavor to grasp .hristianity itsel$ /in its )e%oming,/ )e$ore its horiFon o$ meaning Cas
esta)lishe#E hoC #i# .hristianity $un%tion Cithin the pagan horiFon, Chen it Cas still
per%eive# as an unhear#-o$ s%an#alK 1(he homology is here per$e%t Cith the /su)lation/
o$ %rime in the universal -aCE Chat elu#es the grasp o$ -aC is not some parti%ularity o$
%rime )eyon# the rea%h o$ -aC )ut the violent $oun#ing gesture Chi%h reinstates the very
reign o$ -aCE the $a%t that -aC /in its )e%oming/ is nothing )ut universaliFe# %rime' see
%hapter 4 o$ iek, "or They 1now .ot !hat They *o, an# %hapter 3 o$ iek, 9n(oy
Aour Symptom<,2 "n# the same goes $or the #isintegration o$ .ommunismE Chat
)e%omes invisi)le on%e the passage into the neC or#er is a%%omplishe# are not tra%es o$
the past )ut the very pro%ess o$ passage, the $or%es Chi%h a%tually set in motion the
#isintegration o$ .ommunism )ut are o)literate# $rom the memory Chen the neC or#er
organiFes its histori%al narrative,
37, See Ula#imir Propp, Theory and #istory of "olklore 1 ;inneapolisE University o$
;innesota Press, 1962,
3>, See Stephen Hay Ioul#, /"#am<s ?avel,/ in The "lamingo2s Smile 1 0armon#sCorthE
Penguin Gooks, 1972,
3B, See %hapter 4 o$ iek, 9n(oy Aour Symptom<.
3, 9ysFar# *apus%inski, The Shah of Shahs 1 -on#onE Pi%a#or, 19>2, pp, 1A9-1A,
39, "s to the utter unpre#i%ta)ility o$ this moment, su$$i%e it to re%all -- apart $rom the
o)vious $a%t that any)o#y Cho $ive years ago Cere to have pre#i%te# the imminent
%ollapse o$ .ommunism, Coul# generally have )een #ismisse# as a #reamer -- hoC
Ieneral +an 0a%kett in his 19B )estseller !orld !ar III, that is to say, just a year prior
to the +ranian 9evolution, %on$erre# in his imagine# s%enario on +ran the role o$ the
)astion o$ 3estern interests in the anti-3estern "ra)ian Corl#, Ieopoliti%al analysts are
as a rule )lin# to Chat 0egel %alle# the /silent Ceaving o$ the spirit,/ $or the un#ergroun#
#isintegration o$ the spiritual su)stan%e o$ a %ommunity Chi%h pre%e#es an# prepares the
Cay $or its spe%ta%ular pu)li% %ollapse, +n a Cay, Ce %an say that the %ru%ial thing takes
pla%e, that the mole #oes his Cork, )e$ore /anything happens,/ Chi%h is Chy the $all o$ a
so%ial e#i$i%e usually is not per%eive# as the over%oming o$ a mighty a#versary, +n a kin#
o$ implosion, the e5isting or#er somehoC simply %ollapses into itsel$, magi%ally losing
its %oheren%e, "n# it is not the least irony o$ history that those Cho Cere most )lin# to
these /signs o$ the time/ Cere pre%isely those .ommunists Cho preten#e# to speak in the
name o$ histori%al progressE they supporte# to the en# the Shah in +ran, ;ar%os in the
Philippines, et%,, misre%ogniFing the $unereal ringing o$ the )ells Chi%h signal that the
game is over $or an insigni$i%ant, minor re)ellion,
6A, See :tienne De -a GoJtie, Slaves by &hoice 1 ?eC =orkE 9unnyme#e Gooks, 192,
61, 3hat Ce en%ounter here is on%e again the stru%ture o$ the ;W)ius stripE Chile Ce
o)sessively shirk M, Chile Ce organiFe our entire li$e as an avoi#an%e o$ M, this very
evasion at a %ertain point %ompels us to em)ra%e the very M Ce Cere running $rom,
64, See ;uriel Iar#iner, The !olf73an and Sigmund "reud 1 0armon#sCorthE Penguin,
19B32, pp, 37A-71,

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