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Assessment 1
By: Sam Deegan
Keith Hogan
John Keating
Stephen Walsh
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
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Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
Table of Figures
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
1. Introduction
,his Report has been ndertaken as part o" the continos assessment "or the Global
Strategic Marketing modle% ,he report consists o" t#o indi+idal sections& the "irst section
e'amines or chosen indstry& the energy drinks indstry and analysis it in terms o" its si1e&
scope 2 sales model% !n the second section #e take a look at or chosen company operating
#ithin the indstry& "or this #e ha+e chosen Red Bll% !n this section #e shall take an in3
depth look at ho# the company positions itsel" #ithin the market& ho# it di""erentiates itsel"
"rom competitors& #hat market segment it targets 2 ho# it reaches them%

Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
2. Analysis of te !nergy Drinks Industry
2.1. "ackground
,o analyse the scale 2 scope o" the energy drinks !ndstry #e mst "irst de"ine #hat an
energy drink is& according to (Merrieam3Webster Dictionary& .560* an energy drink is:
usually a carbonated beverage that typically contains caffeine & other
ingredients (such as Taurine & Ginseng) which are intended to increase the
drinkers energy levels
,he "irst recorded mass prodced energy drink #as prodced in 6750% ,his energy drink is
no# one o" the most "amos brands on the planet& 8oca 8ola% 8oca 8ola #as the "irst drink
e+er marketed as an energy booster 2 contained cocaine at the time o" release% $rior to this
the only stimlant drinks a+ailable #ere natral ones sch as ,ea 2 8o""ee% 9+er time the
landscape o" the energy drinks market has changed& the "irst modern energy drink #as sold
in 67:; and its maker remains the dominant player in the market to this day& #hich is Red
Bll #hich #e look "rther into in the company analysis%
2.2. Industry Si#e$ Gro%t & 'rofitability
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
,he energy drinks market has boomed in recent years& according to (King& .56/* energy
drink 8onsmption
has gro#n on
a+erage 65= since
.55; bringing
consmption p 6%4
Billion >itres to 0%4
Billion >itres in the
space o" )st "or
short years%
8onsidering these
"igres the energy
drinks indstry is
clearly a Bll market&
#hich is in a phase
o" rapid e'pansion
as corroborated by
?igre @ 6 to the
right% ,his gro#th
shold not sti"le in
the near "tre de
to the brgeoning
B%R%!%8%S economies #hich #ill represent ne# gro#th regions as the present markets sch
as Aorth America matre% A trst#orthy !ndstry #ide sales "igre is hard to obtain in relation
to the energy drinks market& thogh (Benith !nternational& .56.* estimates the market to be
#orth appro'imately C/; Billion& to pt this in perspecti+e (Smirke& .56/* placed the total
re+ene o" the global recorded msic indstry at C6<%4 Billion& #hich demonstrates the
gro#th that energy drinks indstry has ndergone%
2.(. Com)etiti*e Sco)e
8ompetiti+e scope is a concept de+eloped by Michael D% $orter% 8ompetiti+e scope can be
EWideF& meaning the target market consists o" many smaller market segments or EAarro#F&
meaning it is "ocsed on a speci"ic Aiche ($orter& 67:4*% ,he Dnergy Drinks !ndstry itsel"
"ocses on a niche age grop o" 6:3/0 year old males (Ackerman& .56/*& thogh +arios
companies are attempting to #iden their age appeal de to the increasingly more cro#ded
market 2 entice a larger "emale consmer base% ,his means that the once narro# "ocs is
slo#ly #idening& in part de to the e'isting aging cstomer base& and also de to more
mainstream sponsorships sch as ?ormla 6%
2.+. Market ,eaders
,he energy drinks market operates on an international scale% ,he !nternational market is an
oligopoly #hich is dominated by a small nmber large players& this is demonstrated belo# in
(?igre @ .*% !t is ho#e+er clear that Red Bll 2 Monster Dnergy are by "ar the biggest
players% ,hese companies are increasingly obtaining ne# cstomers at the e'pense o" so"t
drink man"actrers sch as 8oca38ola 2 $epsi%
Figure - Functional Sales Performance Overview
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll

As a reslt #e are seeing companies sch as these e'ploiting their e'tensi+e distribtion
channels to nderct many o" the e'isting energy drinks makers& e'amples o" this inclde
8oca38olaGs Brn brand #hich is 05= cheaper than crrent market leader Red Bll (,re"is&
.560*& bt is yet to de+elop its market de to its relati+e in"ancy compared to the other
2.-. Sales Model & .S'
2.-.1.Market Segmentation
All the energy drink brands ha+e tried to emlate the sccess o" Red Bll 2 target the same
segment o" 6:3/0 year old males (Ackerman& .56/*% ,he methods sed to reach this
adience sally inclde associations #ith +arios e'treme sports like Sno#boarding&
Skateboarding& ?6 and World Rally 8hampionship% Di""erences bet#een prodcts are
generally con"ined to price& can si1e 2 "la+or& thogh there is an e'panding market "or more
concentrated EshotF +ersions% !n terms o" price& energy drinks are generally "ar more
e'pensi+e than other so"t drinks& o" #hich Red Bll is "ar 2 a#ay the most e'pensi+e brand&
ne#comers tend to try nderct Red Bll to try achie+e a greater market share%
Dnergy drink can si1es are steadily becoming larger as competitors attempt to di""erentiate
themsel+es% Hsing larger cans portrays an image o" impro+ed +ale 2 highlights attempts to
increase per capita consmption rates #hich are generally Iite lo# +erss so"t drinks ($R
Ae#s#ire& .56/*& this has been +ery sccess"l as this consmption "igre has dobled
since .55<% ,here is also a gro#ing segmented demand "or ne# "la+ors& thogh the
original energy drink flavour still holds <:= o" the market share according to (8anadean&
.56/*& it has shrnk "rom o+er :5= o" the market share in .550% ,his is #here brands sch
as Monster ha+e traditionally had the most sccess in attracting cstomers "rom Red Bll
de to their limited range o" "la+ors%
,he ne#est threat to the traditional energy drinks brands is the emergence o" energy shots
sch as 4 Hor Dnergy% ,hese energy shots aim to pro+ide the same bene"its as the
traditional energy drinks sch as Red Bll 2 Monster& bt in a smaller package #ith "e#er
calories 2 sgar% ,he branding thogh is some#hat more distincti+e& 43Hor Dnergy
positions itsel" as more o" an energy spplement than a be+erage% Many o" the players sch
as Red Bll 2 Monster ha+e released concentrated +ersions o" their prodcts to compete
#ith these bt as o" yet ha+e not gained the same traction as 4 Hor Dnergy%
Figure - Largest Energy Drinks Manufacturers Revenues
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
2.-.2.An !*ol*ing .ni/ue Selling 'oint
Dnergy drinks ha+e nder#ent to some e'tent a perception change o+er the last decade&
originally they #ere seen as a "nctional short term energy "i'& or a pick me p to keep yo
alert "or a short #hile& e%g% a late dri+e home% ,his "nctional perception has dramatically
changed 2 #ith it the niIe selling point o" these energy drinks& to Iote #ho is essentially
the "onder o" the !ndstry& Dietrich Mateschit1 the Red Bll 8D9& the H%S%$ is no#
some#hat more philosophical:
What ed !ull stands for is that it gives you wings" which #eans that it
provides skills" abilities" power etc$ to achieve whatever you want to$ %t is an
invitation as well as a re&uest to be active" perfor#ance'oriented" alert" and
to take challenges$ When you work or study" do your very best$ When you do
sports" go for your li#its$ When you have fun or (ust rela)" be aware of it and
appreciate it$ (%e**i" +,-+)
,his is clearly "ar "rom its "nctional origins 2 aims to sell an e'treme li"estyle& hence the
pre+alence o" e'treme sports in the +arios brands ad+ertising port"olios% ,he brands no
longer aim to sell yo a liIid energy boost& bt a piece o" this #ild 2 e'treme li"estyle% ,his
is #hy the +arios brands all try to otdo each other in e'treme sports sponsorships&
becase they mst constantly psh this e'treme image to stick ot "rom the competition e%g%
the Red Bll Stratos space )mp%
As yo can see "rom the "igre belo#& the "igres acIired "rom ($R Ae#s#ire& .56/* clearly
sho# that the +ast ma)ority o" sales come "rom prchases in local shops% ,here is also
signi"icant amonts o" energy drinks prchased "rom mass merchandisers 2 #arehoses&
#hile not stiplated #e belie+e that many o" these sales are to bars 2 nightclbs% ,his is de
to the gro#ing trend o" mi'ing energy drinks #ith spirits #hich is coming increasingly nder
scrtiny& de to a nmber o" high pro"ile incidents (Hni+ersity o" Michigan& .56/*%
Figure - Energy Drinks Sales Breakown
2.0. 1ey Dri*ers in te !nergy Drinks Market
,here are a "e# key elements that can be dra#n "rom a $%D%S%,%D%> Analysis (in Appendi' @
!!*& "irstly the energy drink indstry seems to ha+e been +ery resistant to the "inancial
do#ntrn o" .55:& as its gro#th #hile slo#ed has contined strongly% Ae# gro#th is
e'pected to come "rom the BR!8S& the Middle Dast 2 >atin America in the medim term%
,here is gro#ing !dentity crises #ithin the indstry as all the competitors ha+e merely
replicated Red Blls e'treme sports image 2 accentated it% ,his is making it increasingly
more di""iclt to create an indi+idal brand%
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
$olitically 2 socially the indstry is recei+ing negati+e media attention de to the high pro"ile
cases #here energy drinks ha+e been linked to coronary deaths% ,his is reslting in political
pressre to limit the places #here these drinks are a+ailable& placing sgar ta'es to redce
their consmption 2 protecting yonger consmers "rom energy drink ad+ertising% As a reslt
o" this 2 ne# healthy li+ing trends amongst consmers many energy drinks companies ha+e
released sgar3"ree 2 lo#3carb options% As a reslt the t#o main en+ironmental pressres
appear to be Social 2 >egal& the indstry itsel" "or the time being is sch a bll market it
ignores the crrent economic en+ironment% Socially it is a rather mi'ed bag generating both
opportnity in demand "or ne# segmented health conscios prodcts& #hile then negati+ely
a""ecting the indstry #ith pblic criticism o" its e""ects on coronary isses% ,echnologically 2
en+ironmentally speaking there seems to be little more pressre than any other indstry to
be a large case "or concern%
(. Com)any Analysis of 2ed "ull
(.1. An Introduction to 2ed "ull
Red Bll #as "onded in Astria in the mid3:5Gs by Dietrich Mateschit1& Dietrich modi"ied a
"nctional tonic he "ond on his tra+els in Asia to sit #estern tastes% Dietrich did this
becase he #anted to create a drink& #hich not )st Ienched thirst bt also had a "nctional
bene"it (Red Bll& .56/*% !t #as #ith the "ondation o" Red Bll that Mateschit1 not only
created a company #hich no# has a trno+er C0&./4 million a year& bt a #hole ne#
indstry #hich is no# #orth C/; Billion (Benith !nternational& .56.*%Red Bll is a titan o" the
energy drink indstry& one #hich it has managed to create& dominate 2 gro# into a lcrati+e
ne# niche in the mineral drinks market right nder the nose o" traditional indstry po#ers
sch as $epsi 8o 2 8oca38ola%
,hese companies ha+e increasingly targeted the gro#ing energy drinks market as their o#n
markets ha+e begn to decline (Bmda& .560*% ,he Red Bll brand itsel" is incredibly
"ascinating 2 is bilt pon associating itsel" #ith a myriad o" teamsG e+ents 2 people&
probably to the point that it is no# more recognised "or its +ales than it is "or its prodct% !t is
ranked the 07
most +alable brand in the #orld according to (Drobrand& .560* ahead o"
other !nternational brands sch as ?acebook& ,esco 2 !KDA% ,his re"lects the e""ort Red Bll
pt into brand bilding as it rein+ests /5305= o" sales in marketing ($assport& .56/*% ,his
brand has not been bilt pon traditional marketing techniIes& bt by embracing modern
marketing techniIes sch as Ambsh Marketing& Digital Marketing 2 closely linked ,eam 2
D+ent Sponsorship "rom its +ery beginning% ,his makes Red Bll a common topic o"
discssion by marketers 2 consmers alike%
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
(.2. Te Aims$ 3b4ecti*es & 5alues
,his section attempts to nco+er the message that Red Bll con+eys #hen marketing itsel"
to the masses& or more speci"ically to males aged 6:3/0% As pre+iosly Ioted in the
!ndstry Analysis& Dietrich Mateschit1 stated:
What ed !ull stands for is that it gives you wings" which #eans that it
provides skills" abilities" power etc$ to achieve whatever you want to$ %t is an
invitation as well as a re&uest to be active" perfor#ance'oriented" alert" and
to take challenges$ When you work or study" do your very best$ When you do
sports" go for your li#its$ When you have fun or (ust rela)" be aware of it and
appreciate it$ (!e11i& .56.*
?rom this statement #e can dra# the "ollo#ing conclsions& Red Bll associates itsel" #ith
the idea o" Sel"3Actalisation that Eyo mst be all yo can beF 2 by consming Red Bll yo
are one step closer to this% Red Bll positions itsel" as the tool to help yo scale montains& it
"or this reason that they associate themsel+es #ith people #ho treat these montains or
other e'treme en+ironments as their playgrond& or bend the en+ironment to their #ill% ,he
company slogan rein"orces this& Red Bll Egi+es yo (the* #ingsF& 2 so all yo ha+e to do is
"ly% !t is clear "orm this that Red Bll +ales are based on:
Mind 9+er Matter
(.(. Com)any Milestones
As yo can see "rom the belo# milestones& #hich #ere taken "rom the o""icial site (Red Bll &
.560*& there is an increasing "ocs on bilding the brand throgh more mainstream sports
sch as ?6 2 "ootball& as opposed to the e'treme sports Red Bll has traditionally
associated #ith in the past% ,his highlights a gro#ing need to broaden the appeal o" the
prodct de to the nmber o" competitors% Also noticeable is the increasing se o" sccess
to mark milestones in the most recent milestones& #here in the past the company milestones
#ere more "ocsed on participation or e+ent creation%
67:; Red Bll #as ?onded
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
,he company began its association #ith e'treme sports& holding an e'treme
sports marathon relay race& #hich combined montain rnning& paragliding&
kayaking 2 montain biking
Red Bll began associating itsel" #ith athletes& the "irst being ?6 dri+er Gerhard
,he #idely kno#n Red Bll gives you wings cartoons begin& the "irst "eatred
>eonardo da Kinci creating the E#asterpiece kno#n as Red Bll
Red Bll began its ?lgtag e+ent& #hich in+ol+es e+eryday people designing
homemade gliders #hich are then demonstrated to the pblic 2 )dged on
creati+ity& sho#manship 2 the distance "lo#n
,his #as the "irst year that Red Bll began to sponsor international athletes in the
"orm o" top #indsr"ers B)orn Dnkerbeck 2 Robby Aaish
Red Bll began to air its ad+ertisements otside Astria
Red Bll prchased a ma)ority share in the ?6 Saber team 2 began a 65 year
?eli' Bamgartner began his long relationship #ith Red Bll by completing the
highest recorded base )mp o"" $etronas to#er
.555 Red Bll is lanched in the Middle3Dast
,he Red Bll Jnior team #as established& #hich has since prodced #orld
champions sch as Sebastian Kettel
.55/ ,he Red Bll Air RaceGs began
.554 Red Bll Racing #as established a"ter Red Bll prchased the Jagar ?6 team
.55< Red Bll Aascar established
.55; D8 Red Bll Sal1brg declared Hockey >eage champions
?8 Red Bll Sal1brg #in the Astrian ?ootball >eage
Red Bll Records established
.565 Red Bll Ae# Jork ?8 mo+ed into their ne# Stadim the Red Bll Arena
Red Bll Racing dri+er Sebastian Kettel #ins his "irst World 8hampionship
?eli' Bamgartner )mps "orm the edge o" space& breaking mltiple records
inclding the "irst spersonic "ree3"all& the longest e+er "ree3"all 2 the highest e+er
Sebastian >oeb #ins his 7
consecti+e WR8
.56/ Sebastian Kettel 2 Red Bll Racing #in their 0
consecti+e titles
8yril Despres #ins his 4
Dakar Rally
Figure - !om"any Milestones
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
(.+. 2ed "ulls 'roduct 2ange
Red Bll has a +ery limited prodct range especially in relation to its competitors% ,his is a
+ery serios problem de to the "alling market share o" original "la+or energy drinks in the
market% As a reslt Red Bll released a limited edition range in the H%S this comprises o"
three ne# "la+ors ($assport& .56/*:
Re# 8ranberry
Silver: >ime
Blue# Bleberry
,hese ne# prodcts are still too ne# to be assessed "or sccess thogh ne# prodct
lanches "or Red Bll ha+e not #ent #ell in the past& sch as the Red Bll 8ola brand #hich
#as discontined% Red Blls latest prodct& Red Bll Bero 8alories& #as "irst lanched on to
the market in ?rance in .56/ and is set to reach the H%K market in smmer .560 (Morton&
.560*% ,his prodct is aimed at the more health conscios consmers by o""ering an energy
drink #ith no calories or sgar% ,his is Red BllGs second health conscios +ersion a"ter the
lanch o" their sgar "ree prodct a decade ago% ,his ne# prodct range helps Red Bll
compete #ith main ri+als Monster #ho also ha+e introdced health conscios options sch
as their lo'carb prodct%
Red Bll traditionally ha+e sed a slim3line .45 ml can si1e% Ho#e+er they ha+e recently
introdced a ne# spersi1ed 0;/ml can in an attempt to raise per capita consmption& #hich
is lo# compared to other ca""eine drinks& the introdction also represents direct competition
to its ri+als Monster Dnergy #hose standards can is 455 ml (Anon%& .560*% Red Bll ha+e
come nder criticism "or the +olme o" sgar contained #ithin these spersi1ed cans as they
contain an e'cessi+e 6/ teaspoons in each can (Webb& .56.*%
(.+.2.'roduct 'ositioning
Red BllGs is considered the premim prodct on the energy drinks market 2 is priced
accordingly% ,he company ses the pricing to a psychological e""ect& #hich creates a belie" in
consmers that the prodct is sperior to its competitors (Maglo""& .560*% !t is "or this reason
partly& despite comparable sales bet#een Monster Dnergy 2 Red Bll& Red Bll has "ar
sperior re+eneGs% ,his positioning has been spported de to Red BllGs ?irst Mo+er
Ad+antage (?MA*& being the "onder o" the market Red Bll has bilt p the brand loyalty to
maintain this pricing& e+en in the "ace o" "ar cheaper competition& an e'ample o" #hich #e
highlighted earlier is 8oca38olaGs Brn brand #hich is 05= cheaper%
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
(.+.(.Target Market
Red Bll targets an 6:3/0 year old male segment o" the market (Ackerman& .56/*& they do
attempt to reach this market throgh the +arios e'treme sports associations& the Red Bll
Air Race& 8li"" Di+ing etc% Ho#e+er this market is incredibly satrated as all o" the ma)or
brands target this segment sing the same approach% As a reslts #e see Red Bll more so
than the other brands attempting to broaden its appeal% ,hey attempt to do this in a nmber
o" #ays& "irstly the yonger generation are more health conscios 2 are concerned #ith the
health e""ects o" energy drinks than the pre+ios generation (Radcli""e& n%d%*% Secondly there
is lo# consmption o" energy drinks amongst #omen& many o" #hom are more health
conscios than men%
,his has seen the introdction o" sgar3"ree 2 1ero calorie editions& this represents a rapidly
gro#ing share o" the market% !t has also seen an increased e""ort to endorse role models to
get arond legislation to reach minors be"ore spending habits are set& thogh the company
denies this& itGs a constantly le+ied criticism (Montage3Jones& .566*% !n an e""ort to
strengthen its appeal to #omen Red Bll has associated itsel" #ith a nmber o" high pro"ile
sportspeople sch as pro"essional gol"er Ale'is ,hompson 2 Skier >indsey Konn%
Red BllGs largest competitor has been stated throghot this docment many times&
Monster Dnergy 2 Red Bll represent the lion share o" the energy drinks market #ith
appro'imately :5= market share (8a""eine !n"ormer& .56/*% Monster Dnergy has a mch
more di+ersi"ied prodct line than Red Bll #ith a larger +ariety o" "la+ors% Monster also
o""er a mch larger can "or the same price as Red Bll in an attempt to represent a better
+ale% While Red bll is trying to #iden its scope to attract ne# cstomers& Monster Dnergy
ho#e+er has an e'tremely narro# "ocs aggressi+ely targeting Red Blls traditional market
o" 6:3/0 year old men& this is re"lected in Monster DnergyGs "ar more mascline image% ,his
strategy to their credit has #orked incredibly #ell& as it only took 4 years "or Monster Dnergy
to o+ertake Red Bll as the market leader !n the H%S% (Bockley& .560*%
(.+.-.Marketing Metods
As #eG+e stated Red Bll has an inno+ati+e marketing strategy #hich does ha+e elements o"
traditional (passi+e* marketing sch as print 2 tele+ision ad+ertisements& this is sally
managed by Red Bll Hose #hich amongst other responsibilities !sseGs the monthly Red
Blletin maga1ine% Ho#e+er the ma)ority o" ad+ertising in+ol+es modern (acti+e* marketing
techniIes sch as:
Digital Marketing
o Blogs
o Kiral Ad+ertisements
o Social Media
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
,eam 9#nership
D+ent 9rganisation
Ambsh Marketing
Red Bll is a prime e'ample o" Ambsh Marketing% Ambsh marketing in+ol+es the
in+estment o" time& energy& kno#ledge 2 creati+ity rather than money to achie+e its aims
(Dntreprener& .56/*% ,his is something Red Bll ha+e done "antastically in the past& Iite
early on they aimed to create brand b11 on the clb scene& they did this by making sre
local DJGs #ere seen #ith the prodct 2 as a reslt Red Bll became Iite poplar amongst
clbbers& this techniIe is no# kno#n as seeding (?DS& .56/*% ,he company is +ery acti+e
social media 2 stri+es to se it to its "ll potential& in "act it is so acti+e on t#itter that 07%/=
o" all energy drink related t#eets mention Red Bll (Ae#s Reptation& .56.*%
Where Red Bll really e'cels is in team o#nership 2 e+ent organisation% Bt #hy are #e
sing the terms team o#nership 2 e+ent organisation instead o" sponsorship& becase Red
Bll doesnGt do plain sponsorship +ery o"ten% ,raditionally sponsors #ill pay to ha+e their logo
associated #ith a team to deri+e marketing +ale by association e%g% Adidas sponsoring the
9lympics& this ho#e+er can be ndermined by competitors ambsh marketing campaigns
sch as Aike did in the 677< 9lympics% !n Red Blls case they integrate the team or e+ent
into the company and intrinsically link their +ales 2 branding so tightly they cannot be
ambshed& "or e'ample the Red Bll Racing ?6 is #holly o#ned by Red Bll& it is called Red
Bll in short& and the car bares its colors 2 logo% So i" Monster Dnergy #ant to associate
themsel+es #ith the team it is near impossible becase the branding is so identi"iable #ith
the team%
,his trend contines to their other teams D8 Red Bll Sal1brg& Ae# Jork Red BllGs ?8 etc%
8ompetitors cannot e+en ambsh the stadim as they are generally Renamed the Red Bll
Arena or some +ariation 2 decked ot in the Red Bll logo 2 colors% ,he interesting aspect
o" these +entres is that #hile in the short term Red Bll makes a signi"icant in+estment&
they also rn these teams like a bsiness 2 trn o+er a pro"it relati+ely Iickly% ,he same
goes "or Red Bll e+ents& yo see the same re3occrring theme #ith Red Bll ?lgtag& 8li""
Di+ing etc% ,hese e+ents are all intrinsically linked to the brand 2 pre+ent ambshing% Most
o" these e+ents are re3occrring& 2 there"ore enable annal brand interaction #ith potential
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
+. Conclusion
+.1. Industry Analysis
!n conclsion the Dnergy Drink indstry is clearly a pro"itable one% ,he sccess o" Red Bll
has ltimately attracted many en+ios eyes& #hich ha+e no# entered the market looking "or
their share% Dspecially those #ho ha+e made signi"icant pro"its "rom the no# declining so"t
drink indstry #ho are looking to compensate "or loses% ,he le+el o" competition has
increased risk "or those in the market #ith the largest share as they ha+e the most to lose&
this is de to the high sbstittability o" prodcts a+ailable%
,he market is "reIently becoming more 2 more segmented in terms o" "la+ors& +arios
sgar3"ree 2 lo#3carb options% 8ompanies are "inding it di""iclt to create an indi+idal image
that can separate them "rom their competitors% ,his is likely to change so companies can
position themsel+es to target grops sch as #omen& #ho crrently ha+e a +ery lo#
consmption rates in comparison to men% 9+erall the indstry shold contine to gro# sales
de to +ery high sales gro#th "rom emerging economies%
+.2. Com)any Analysis
!n being the "irst mo+er Red Bll has a distinct ad+antage& o+er the years it has de+eloped
strong brand recognition 2 loyalty% !t is ho#e+er becoming a +ictim o" its o#n sccess% ,he
prodct is positioned at a premim price 2 is easily sbstittable& as a reslt there is a
gro#ing nmber o" competitors entering the market 2 nderctting Red Bll% ,his is leading
to a slo# erosion o" its market share& especially "rom Monster Dnergy #ho is no# the market
leader H%S% !n the past the Red Bll branding has al#ays been distincti+e de to its
association #ith e'treme sports sch as sno#boarding 2 motocross& it is ho#e+er losing this
distincti+e image as all the ne# entrants are emlating this approach%
Whereas in the past Red BllGs appeal has al#ays been to the 6:3/0 male segment& it no#
has to look else#here de to the le+el o" competition% ,his is #here Red Bll can car+e ot a
ne# competiti+e ad+antage% !n an e""ort to steal a slice o" Red Blls market share
competitors are entering #ith increasingly more mascline e'treme images% As a reslt Red
BllGs image is no# Iite soft in comparison to its competitors% As a reslt o" its competitors
narro# "ocs Red Bll has the most potential to #iden its "ocs otside o" this segment&
#hile still being capable o" competing in its crrent market%
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
Ackerman& J%& .56/% .ew /ork Ti#es$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%nytimes%comN.56/N56N.<NsportsNice3cross3blends3hockey3gear3and3
LAccessed 6. 9ctober .56/M%
Anon%& .560% L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NNenergydrink%redbll%comNred3bll3editions
Bockley& B%& .560% !everage 0aily$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%be+eragedaily%comNMan"actrersNJppies3drink3Red3Bll3and343
LAccessed 6: April .560M%
8a""eine !n"ormer& .56/% 1affeine %nfor#er2 Top -3 4nergy 0rinks$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%ca""einein"ormer%comNthe3643top3energy3drink3brands
LAccessed 6: April .560M%
8anadean& .56/% 5.ewswire2 Global energy 0rinks eport +,-6$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%prne#s#ire%comNne#s3releasesNglobal3energy3drinks3report3.56/3
LAccessed 6< April .56/M%
Dntreprener& .56/% 4ntrepreneur$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%entreprener%comNencyclopediaNgerrilla3marketing
LAccessed .6 9ctober .56/M%
Drobrand& .560% anking the !rands$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%rankingthebrands%comN,he3Brand3Rankings%asp'O
LAccessed 6< April .56/M%
?DS& .56/% 708$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN"ds%op%comN###%op%comNpd"N6/N7;:5677<7<046-chapter6%pd"
LAccessed .6 9ctober .56/M%
!e11i& ,%& .56.% L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%"astcocreate%comN6<;775;Nred3bll3ceo3dietrich3mateschit13on3
LAccessed .6 9ctober .56/M%
King& M%& .56/% /ahoo2 7inance ' 9$:$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: https:NNk%"inance%yahoo%comNne#sNglobal3energy3drinks3indstry3
LAccessed / April .560M%
Maglo""& >%& .560% 8#all !usiness$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NNsmallbsiness%chron%comNpremim3pricing3strategy3665;%html
LAccessed 6: April .560M%
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
Merrieam3Webster Dictionary& .560% ;erria#'Webster 0ictionary2 4nergy 0rink$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%merriam3#ebster%comNdictionaryNenergy=.5drink
LAccessed / April .560M%
Montage3Jones& G%& .566% !everage 0aily$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%be+eragedaily%comNReglation3Sa"etyNRed3Bll3denies3child3
LAccessed 6: April .560M%
Morton& A%& .560% L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%)st3drinks%comNne#sNred3bll3adds3red3bll31ero3calories3to3k3
Aestle& M%& .56/% 7ood 5olitics$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%"oodpolitics%comNtagNenergy3drinksN
LAccessed .5 April .560M%
Ae#s Reptation& .56.% eputation';etrics$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NNreptation3metrics%orgN.56.N65N.;Nmonster3energy3drink3"da3probe3
LAccessed 6: April .560M%
$assport& .56/% 4uro#onitor$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%eromonitor%comNmedialibraryN$D?NRedBll38ompany3$ro"ile3
LAccessed .6 April .560M%
$orter& M% D%& 67:4% 1o#petitive <dvantage$ 6st ed% Ae# Jork: ?ree $ress%
$R Ae#s#ire& .56/% 5.ewswire2 .ew eleases$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%prne#s#ire%comNne#s3releasesNenergy3drinks3and3shots3s3market3
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Radcli""e& S%& n%d% ;ens 7itness2 .utrition$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%mens"itness%comNntritionN#hat3to3drinkNenergy3drinks3heart3health
LAccessed 6: April .560M%
Red Bll & .560% ed !ull2 =istory$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NNenergydrink%redbll%comNred3bll3historyQ+ideoN.//;:::6.4556
LAccessed 6: April .560M%
Red Bll& .56/% 1o#pany2 ed !ull$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NNenergydrink%redbll%comNcompany
LAccessed 4 9ctober .56/M%
Red Bll& .560% 4nergy 0rink2 ed !ull$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NNenergydrink%redbll%comNred3bll3energy3drink
LAccessed .5 April .560M%
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
Smirke& R%& .56/% !illboard2 .ews$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%billboard%comNbi1NarticlesNne#sNdigital3and3mobileN6407764Ni"pi3
LAccessed / April .560M%
,re"is& .560% 7orbes2 8peculations$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%"orbes%comNsitesNgreatspeclationsN.560N5/N6/Ncoca3cola3in3bra1il3
LAccessed / April .560M%
Hni+ersity o" Michigan& .56/% 8cience 0aily$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%sciencedaily%comNreleasesN.56/N6.N6/6.5.6<.64:%htm
LAccessed 6< April .560M%
Webb& S%& .56.% L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NN###%dailymail%co%kNne#sNarticle3..6.<:5NRed3Bll3gi+es3#ings3Sper3
Benith !nternational& .56.% >enith %nternational2 5ress elease$ L9nlineM
LAccessed 0 April .560M%
Bmda& A%& .560% <dvertising <ge2 <rticles$ L9nlineM
A+ailable at: http:NNadage%comNarticleNcmo3strategyNso"t3drink3sales3decline3
LAccessed 6< April .560M%
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
A))endi7 I 8 '.!.S.T.!., of te !nergy Drinks Market
$olitically the energy drinks indstry is nder scrtiny de to incidents #here Red Bll or
other energy drink consmption has led to deaths sally in con)nction #ith alcohol
consmption% While these deaths are "e# 2 "ar bet#een& they ha+e still recei+ed signi"icant
media attention% By e'tension& the shock o" rare cases& sch as these ha+e cased many
legislators to react #ho are no# beginning to look at restricting its sale (Aestle& .56/*% As
most o" the political matters that a""ect Red Bll are based on restricti+e legislation& #e shall
talk abot this in the >egal section%
Dconomically the energy drinks indstry has contined e'panding at a doble "igre rate "or
the last decade& this gro#th has largely been na""ected by the do#ntrn 2 has
otper"ormed other comparable indstries% ,his is Iite a testament to the gro#ing
poplarity o" energy drinks especially as they tend to be "ar more e'pensi+e than sbstittes
sch as co""ee 2 mineral% ,he interesting thing is yo #old e'pect the opposite to be tre
de to declining personal e'penditre #orld#ide de to the .55: "inancial crash% ,he "act is
#orld#ide "igres are masking the slo#ing do#n o" sales in matre economies #hich are
no# belo# the 65= mark& thogh these gro#th "igres are still Iite high the tre gro#th
no# lies in the BR!8S(especially in Soth A"rica* 2 the Middle3east%
Dnergy drinks companies are +ery acti+e on social media sites sch as ,#itter 2 ?acebook&
Red Bll in particlar as it is mentioned in nearly hal" o" all energy drink related t#eets%
Socially the energy drinks brands are seen as cool de to the e'treme sports image 2 team
sponsorships% ,his cool image has helped companies sch as Red Bll become Iite
poplar #ith clbbers& stdents 2 dri+ers% Dnergy drinks ho#e+er recei+e a lot o" criticism +ia
ne# digital media sch as blogs& especially in relation to deaths that #ere cased by
e'cessi+e energy drink consmption in combination #ith spirits% 8onsmption o" alcohol
together #ith energy drinks is Iite poplar amongst stdents 2 clbbers de to the energy
boost& as a reslt this has a doble edged s#ord "or energy drinks companies% Dnergy drinks
companies are also being s#ept p in the general #ellness trend #hich has e'isted "or the
past "e# years& 2 has reslted in the release o" lo# carb 2 sgar "ree options%
!n terms o" technological "orces e""ecting the en+ironment these are mainly limited to
impro+ed man"actring 2 transport capability% !nno+ation in this indstry tends to come "rom
prodct segmentation% ,he most important ,echnological "actor in the Dnergy Drinks !ndstry
is the !nternet% ,his in+ention has allo#ed people across the #orld interact #ith the brands
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
"rom the com"ort o" their home& #hether it is +iral ad+ertisements to create b11 sch as the
Red Bll Strats e+ent #hich had the largest li+e adience on Jo,be e+er or merely
interacting #ith their social media page%
While this cold ha+e come nder the social section& #e decided to keep this separate to
highlight its importance to the modern consmer% While there is certain polltions case by
the man"actring o" energy drinks the !ndstry is +ery "ocsed on package recycling% ,he
most common "orm o" packaging is the alminim can #hich is 655= recyclable% Some o"
the cheapest brands do se plastic packaging "or their larger prodcts sch as 6 litre bottles
bt these again are recyclable 2 are a relati+ely small percentage o" sales%
>egally #e are seeing increasing measres being taken against all nhealthy prodcts sch
as so"t drinks& especially in relation to ad+ertising at children% Dnergy drinks in particlar are
taking a lot o" "lak "rom political establishments #hich are looking to limit their point o" sale%
,his is do#n to t#o reasons rising obesity amongst children 2 adlts& 2 also the high pro"ile
deaths linked #ith energy drink consmption% While not illegal reglators are looking at
ideaGs sch as sgar ta'es to help redce consmption o" these prodcts% ,here is also
restrictions being placed on ad+ertising at children& #ho are a prime target "or companies
looking to become recognised by consmers be"ore spending habits are set%
A))endi7 II 8 S.9.3.T
Market Leader
As market leader Red Bll has a strong brand image 2 the #ord Red Bll has become
interchangeable #ith energy drinks in some contries mch like Hoo+er did #ith Kacm
8leaners% ,his highlights ho# po#er"l the brand is%
Broad Market Presence
Red Bll& as pre+iosly stated is a+ailable in o+er 6<< contries #orld#ide this #ill pro+ide
stable gro#th into the "tre e+en as crrent markets matre%
First Mover Advantage
As the "irst entrant into the market Red Bll has bilt p +ery strong brand loyalty as a reslt%
Limited Range
Red Bll has mo+ed to recti"y this by releasing its limited Red& Sil+er 2 Ble "la+ors in
.56/ bt its sccess remains to be seen i" it per"orms in relation to its competitors mlti3
"la+ored lines%
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
Social Stigma
As Red Bll as a #ord is sed interchangeably #ith energy drinks& #hen negati+e reports
arise in relation to energy drinks& Red Bll itsel" tends to take most o" the media "lak rather
than competitors%
Emerging Markets
Red BllGs #ide market presence represents ma)or opportnities in gro#ing economies sch
as the BR!8S& bt also regionally sch as the Middle3Dast 2 >atin America #here sales
gro#th is e'ceptionally high despite its premim pricing in non3high3income contries
New Production Facilities
Red Bll has positioned ne# man"actring "acilities across the #orld to meet regional
demand #ith this in+estment in place& Red Bll clearly has an ad+antage o+er its
Less Masculine Image
As #e talked abot in the main body o" the report Red Bll has a some#hat less mascline
image than its competitors& this may enable Red Bll to make in#ard progress into the
"emale market segment #here energy drinks ha+e traditionally not "ared #ell #ith relati+ely
little competition%
Low Consumption Rates
Red Bll is most "amos "or its slim3line can& bt there is a gro#ing trend to#ards larger cans
to take ad+antage o" the lo# per capita consmption rate o" energy drink consmers& +erss
that o" so"t drinks or co""ee% ,his represents a strong potential area o" gro#th as sers are
already "amiliar #ith the brand%
As Stated there is ma)or gro#th potential in the BR!8S& thogh Red BllGs premim prodct
#ill "ace sti"" competition in these ne# markets "rom lo# cost brands sch as 8oca38olaGs
Brn% Dspecially as it may tilise 8oca38olaGs e'isting distribtion net#ork%
Large marketing costs
As #e discssed earlier Red Bll rein+ests /5305= o" its sales back into marketing& this is an
e'tremely large percentage o" Re+ene% Bt this may come do#n as it enters #eaker
Assignment Global Strategic Marketing Red Bll
economies as High 9D8D economies sally ha+e "ar higher marketing costs than those
otside% !t also demonstrates the le+el o" competition "or brand recognition to #arrant sch
Image Replication
As #e discssed earlier all ne# entrants tend to enter the energy drinks market #ith a more
e'aggerated Red Bll e'treme sports image& this in trn is making it increasingly harder to
distingish bet#een the +arios brand messages%

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