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Last edited on March 12th, 2014

MikroTik Certified Network Associate (MTCNA)

Training outline
Suggested duration: 4 days of 6.5 hours each.
Objectives: By the end of this training session, the student will be
familiar with RouterOS software and RouterBoard
roducts. !e will also be able to configure, manage, do
basic troubleshooting of a "i#roTi# router and ro$ide
basic ser$ices to clients.
Target Audience: %etwor# engineers and technicians wanting to deloy and
&ororate networ#s
&lient &'(s )*+S's and +S's,
Course prerequisites: The student must ha$e a good understanding of T&'-+' and
The course material is separated in modules, each of which is ended with a laboratory whose
goal is to reinforce the material that has been demonstrated.
Last edited on March 12th, 2014
Title Objective
. /bout "i#roTi#
. *hat is RouterOS
. *hat is RouterBoard
. 0irst time accessing the router
. *inbo1 and "/&2*inbo1
. *ebfig and 3uic#set
. RouterOS command line interface )&4+,
. %ull "odem cable
. SS! and Telnet
. %ew terminal in *inbo1-*ebfig
. RouterOS &4+ rinciles
. 5tab6, double 5tab6, 789, na$igation
. command history and its benefits
. +nitial configuration )+nternet access,
. */% :!&'2client
. 4/% +' address and default gateway
. Basic 0irewall 2 %/T mas;uerade
. <grading RouterOS
. 'ac#age tyes
. *ays of ugrading
. RouterBOOT firmware ugrade
. "anage RouterOS logins
. "anage RouterOS ser$ices
. "anaging configuration bac#us
. Sa$ing and reload bac#u
. (diting e1ort file
. RouterOS license
. 4e$els
. <dating a license
. %etinstall
. Reinstall RouterOS
. Reset RouterOS
. Sources of additional information
. :istributor and consultant suort
. Module laborator!
Last edited on March 12th, 2014
Module "
. Routing o$er$iew
. Routing concets
. Route flags
. Static routing
. &reating routes
. Setting default route
. "anage dynamic routes
. +mlementing static routing on simle networ#
. Module " laborator!
Module #
. Bridging o$er$iew
. Bridge concets
. &reating bridges
. /dding orts to bridges
. Module # laborator!
Module $
. >?@.AAn &oncets
. 0re;uencies )bands, channels, ad$anced channels, data2
rates -!T chains )T1 ower, r1 sensiti$ity, country regulations,
. 4egacy >?@.AAa-b-g stuff
. Setu simle wireless lin#
. /ccess 'oint configuration
. Station configuration
. "/&2address filtering
. :efault2authentication
. /ccess2list
. &onnect2list
. :efault2forwarding
. *ireless Security and (ncrytion
. *'/2'SB
. *'/@2'SB
. "i#roTi# wireless rotocols
. %C@ )T:"/, configuration
. "onitoring Tools
. *ireless scan
. Snooer
. Registration table
. Bridge wireless networ#s
. Station2bridge
. Module $ laborator!
Last edited on March 12th, 2014
Module %
. /R'
. /R' modes
. RouterOS /R' table
. :!&' ser$er and client
. :!&' client
. Ser$er setu
. 4eases management
. :!&'2ser$er networ# configuration
. RouterOS tools
. (2mail
. %etwatch
. 'ing, Traceroute
. 'rofiler )&'< load,
. &ontacting
. suout.rif, autosuout.rif and $iewer
. -system logging and debug logs
. readable configuration )item comments and names,
. networ# diagrams
. Module % laborator!
Module &
. 0irewall rinciles
. &onnection trac#ing and states
. Structure, chains and actions
. 0irewall 0ilter in action
. 0ilter actions
. 'rotecting your router )inut,
. 'rotection your customers )forward,
. Basic /ddress24ist
. Source %/T
. "as;uerade and src2nat action
. :estination %/T
. dst2nat and redirect action
. Module & laborator!
Last edited on March 12th, 2014
Module '
. Simle 3ueue
. Target
. :estinations
. "a12limit and limit2at
. Bursting
. One Simle ;ueue for whole networ# )'&3,
. c;2rate configuration
. c;2limit configuration
. "onitoring
. +nterface traffic monitor
. Torch
. Drahs
. S%"'
. Module ' laborator!
Module (
. ''' settings
. rofile
. secret
. status
. +' ool
. &reating ool
. "anaging ranges
. /ssigning to ser$ice
. Secure local networ#
. '''o( ser$ice2name
. &reate '''o( ser$er
. 'oint2to2oint addresses
. &reating '''o( clients on RouterOS
. Secure remote networ#s communication
. ''T' client and ''T' ser$er
. SST' client and SST' ser$er without certificates
. Setu routes between networ#s
. Module ( laborator!

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