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January-April Report

Patrick and Chantelle

Missionaries to
Working primarily with Four
Seas College of Bible and Mis-
Mailing Address:
120 Boon Lay Drive
Jurong West 649924

+65 8429 8694


Overseen by the Leonard St.
church of Christ:
Leonard St. church of Christ
2730 Leonard St.
Pensacola, FL 32505
(850) 432-3727
John Heflin
Brian McCown
W.C. Rabren

Paul had a great deal of love
for the brethren at Philippi. Even
though his time among them was rel-
atively short (when compared to say,
Corinth or Ephesus), they had not
forgotten him. Even when he was
held as a prisoner in Rome, they had
remembered him, given consideration
to his need, and acted accordingly.
Paul said at the close of his letter to
them, Notwithstanding ye have well
done, that ye did communicate with
my affliction (Philippians 4:14).
The word translated that ye did communicate with is a compound word that is
found only three other times in the Bible. Each time the key action is translated differ-
ently: communicate here in Philippians 4:14, fellowship in Ephesians 5:11, and
partakers in Revelation 18:4 (in the latter two passages, the verb is found with a word
to negate it). How could one word be translated so differently? The difficulty in translat-
ing this word lies in what the compound is made up of: our word with and the Greek
word for fellowship.
Fellowship is such a rich concept in the New Testament. As one preacher put
it, it means so much more than fried chicken and potato salad (i.e. a fellowship meal).
The KJV translators probably thought that Paul was speaking of the Philippians gener-
osity in sending financial support, and so translated the word communicate, which in
those days implied financial giving, a sharing of ones goods or possessions. The origi-
nal word does carry this meaning. However, the word also has a broader meaning. It
implies an intimate connection, a sharing of everything: joint participation, contributing
to a common cause, working together, and even bearing one anothers burdens. This is
why while some translators followed the KJV understanding and implied that fellowship
referred to a gift (NASB), others translated it as, ye had fellowship with my affliction
(ASV), you shared in my distress (NKJV), share my trouble (ESV). Paul may have
not been referring only to the Philippians giftthough in the context he does discuss
thishe may have been referring to the relationship that prompted the gift in the first
place. Paul instructed Christians elsewhere to rejoice with them that do rejoice, and
weep with them that weep (Romans 12:15); it seems the Philippians did just that.
This year has been a difficult time for both our work and our family. Our school
has endured a number of instructors who have been sick. In the span of the last four
months, my mother discovered she had cancer and went through surgery to remove it.
Further, as you might not have been aware, Chantelle and her family have been having
difficulty as her brother Dillon has left the faith and at the same time her family are plan-
ning on moving to New Zealand to begin a new work. It has been a real blessing that
those of you who support this work have continued to send financially to our needs. Be-
yond this though, you have born the burden with us. You sent scores cards to my moth-
er and offered up countless more prayers. Chantelle and I truly appreciate your fellow-
ship in every since of the word. Thank you!
Volume 3 Issue 1
Chr oni cl i ng t he Wor k of t he Swayne Fami l y t o Spr ead t he Gospel f r om
Si ngapor e t o t he Lands Wi t hi n t he Four Seas
Grateful for Fellowship
This Period In Pictures
While at Cheras, I had the opportunity to
preach to Phillip (and others off camera).
In March, we opened our home up for an-
other fellowship; we watched a Bible DVD.
Timothy and Darryl, a young couple from
Lim Ah Pin Rd., had their first baby.
It was the season for weddings! Above,
Andy and Adeline from Lim Ah Pin Rd.
Two weeks later, Lawrence (from Jurong)
and Alyssa (from Malaysia) were wed.
Lawrence had me lead the opening prayer at
their wedding.
At the New Year, you generally toss and
then eat a salad called lo hei.
During the New Year you also go visiting.
Above, we visited the Ng family.
We opened up our home for New Year
visitationit was packed!
Above, the group from church that attended
our January nature walk.
There arent too many places in the world
where this is a concern.
January brought in the Chinese New Year,
which generally means youll see lion dances.
This Period In Pictures
In April, we said goodbye to two wrap-
around students, Jaslyn and Alvin.
Above, another church group nature outing,
this time in April.
The outing was a cycling tripa fair bit
harder in Singapores heat!
Gospel Meeting at Kota Kemuning
Clockwise from Upper Left: Saturday nights crowd at Kota Kemuning; The lesson I gave on Saturday night entitled,
The Search for the Church; The young ladies gathered for Chantelles Saturday morning lesson; The young men
at KK have developed a counter-counter culture by wearing suits to all services of the churchI was the odd man
out; The Sunday morning crowd.
This Period In Pictures
Ipoh Church Camp
Top: A group photo of the camp participants
Middle (L to R): One of the sisters at Ipoh likes to make collages, so I borrowed from her hard work (Thanks Ai Luan!).
First, me teaching at camp; The group of ladies Chantelle taught; Sunday morning back at Ipohs building
Bottom (L to R): Victor Chu (2013 Four Seas Graduate) is doing a great job in his first work at Ipoh. After each lesson
I taught at the camp, he gave a summary in Mandarin; We had a great time!; Chantelle in action with the ladies.
Keeping up with the Swaynes

While keeping up with the Swaynes is probably much easier than keeping up with the Joneses, it
can be difficult when we get a bit behind on our newsletters. While we generally try not to do that,
here are three other ways to keep up with us and our work in Singapore / Australasia.
Chantelles Blog

Chantelle is a fairly avid blogger,
and has constructed a page
primarily designed for women. It
contains several articles (including
a really cool series called Worthy
Woman Wednesdays where she
highlights a good Christian
example in a fellow sister),
recipes, exercise tips, etc.
Chantelles Facebook

While I am not really an advocate
for Facebook (I dont even have a
page), my wife is a regular user. I
call her the P.R. officer for the
Swayne family. She posts the
usual things that people post on
Facebook, but also posts regular
updates about what the work were
doing. Her page is private, so
youll have to add her as a friend.
Swayne Missions Blog

Chantelle considers this my
(Patricks) blog even though she
made it, and has tried to get me on
the blogging bandwagon, but its
quite often her who updates this
site. Still, it contains articles that
Ive written and linked YouTube
videos of lessons Ive preached or
taught. No doubt this site will be
updated much more regularly
when Chantelle finishes school. :)
This topic is something which may make a few of you
squirm in your seats.
I know that this is touchy subjectthough I still do not fully
understand whyas this is a topic which I have brought up
a few times in conversation to some Christian friends, and
almost every time I do I am met with darting eyes, uncom-
fortable glances, sarcastic comments, or evensadly
But I have always thought: If someone is doing some-
thing good, even if they are not doing everything as we see
it should be done, can we not learn from the good things
they are doing?
The truth is, we live in a world where almost anything goes
in terms of Christianity and the lines between the followers
of Christ and the followers of themselves/something
else /everything/nothing are becoming extremely blurred.
Do not get me wrong, I know there are many people out
there who are truly striving to make Christianity their own
and make a differencebut there are also too many times
where followers of Christ are too happy to blend in and be
as much like the world as possible.
There are too many people who are too happy to simply
believe the worlds lies.
Let us hold that thought for a minute now. If you are some-
one who does not believe in God and the Bible, then that is
your choice, of coursethough I seriously believe the Bible
is the truth, God is real and you should follow HimGod
made you a creature of free will. If you have chosen to fol-
low your own path, then there is really no moral compass
guiding you, so you have reason to do or do not as you see
fit. I understand why an unbeliever would not hold to a par-
ticular code of ethics.
However I find myself continually perplexed when I see
those who profess to be followers of Christ trying to blend
in with the world as much as possible and blur the lines of
Perhaps they are doing this unintentionallybut then, we
need to realize that that is the problem.
We cannot simply blend in. We cannot live unintentionally.
The Christian life should and must be lived intentionally.
I heard this statement once in a lesson:
If you really believe that what you believe is really real,
then you will turn the world upside down.
Think about this: Do you really believe in what you are liv-
ing for?
This is where the lessons from our Muslim friends come in.
You see, I live in a country where there is a considerably
large Muslim population (about 15% of those aged over 15
are Muslims), and the adjoining country of Malaysia is a
Muslim nation. While there are obviously things they do
that I do not agree with as a Christian, there are some
things I see that should put Christians everywhere to
shamethey are clear evidence of the truth of the above
statement: they are turning the world upside down with
their uncompromising beliefs.
They do not compromise in their standard of dress un-
der any circumstances.
I know too many followers of Christ, despite the Bible ex-
hortation to be modest (1 Timothy 2:9, 10), let their spous-
es only be satisfied with their naked bodies (Proverbs 5:19;
Genesis 2:25) and to not cause the opposite sex to lust
after them (Matthew 5:27, 28; Matthew 18:6)are all too
happy to follow along with the worlds definition of modesty.
Chantelles Space
Contact Chantelle personally at or add her on Facebook: Chantelle Marie Swayne
Editors Note: Below is a popular post from Chantelles blog. Hope you can make use of it!
They are often all too happy to take all their clothes off to
swim, save a few strips of cloth. Often I hear the complaints
that it is too hard to find modest swim wear, it looks
strange, or it is inconvenient.
I saw something very refreshing in contrast a few months
back. One day when I was passing a pool in which I was so
accustomed to seeing filled with naked bodies, I saw a few
women splashing about in what at first appeared to be to
be dress clothesthey were fully dressed, neck to toe!
There was not a thing inappropriate about the way they
were dressed. When I looked closer I realized that it was
actually swimwear they were wearing.
These Muslim women do not make these excuses. They
take their modesty seriouslyand because they refuse to
take their clothes off to swim, they now have their very own
range of modest swim wear.
What would happen if the majority of Christians did not
compromise? What could we make happen?
They do not compromise on alcohol.
There are many Christians who say that drinking alcohol is
a culturally relative ideathat we can drink in the right con-
text or under the right circumstancesdespite the com-
mands to remain sober (1 Thessalonians 5:6-9), and to
keep away from drunkenness (cf. 1 Corinthians 6:10;
Galatians 5:19, 20; et al.). Here in Singapore, however, we
have a rather large selection of nice non-alcoholic wines.
Why? Are the Christians demanding that they have a non-
alcoholic wine selection? No, its the Muslims
they refuse to drink any alcohol, and concessions are made
for them.
I even heard them concerned about sugar-free gum with its
sugar alcoholbecause they do not even want to drink a
drop. What a contrast.
They do not compromise in their viewing choices.
Lately I have noticed there are many followers of Christ
posting up on Facebook about a number of TV shows that
are increasingly out of line with the standard put in place in
Gods word (think Philippians 4:8).
Game of Thrones is one exampleif there ever was a per-
verted show, this is it. It rated 10/10 for sex, nudity, vio-
lence, gore and profanityor in other wordsit cannot get
any worse. Really, the parental guide for the show should
be enough to make you sick, let alone actually watching the
Yet, while many are willing to simply watch such things for
a good story, when I cross over the border to Malaysia I
can watch TV without having to deal with any of this smut.
The Muslims have a strict set of channels and they censor
out sex, violence, profanity, nudity and even, at times, im-
modesty. They are taking what they take in seriously.
What would happen if more Christians were serious about
their viewing choices?
They demand to be given time and place to observe
worship as they believe it should be done.
While many followers of Christ struggle to even tell others
they are Christians, the Muslims are making sure that they
have their prayer rooms and the opportunity to take a break
so they can pray to Mecca 5 times a day. Because they do
not compromise, they are granted their requests.
What is it saying when we are happy to skip Bible classes
or church on Sunday in order to earn some more money or
look good to the boss? Who then seems the more religious
to the world? Does it look like we are really convicted in our
Are we acting like we believe what we believe is really
Ok, so I know there are Muslims out there who are simply
going along with the practices and do things they should
not, or are forced to conformas this is often the argument
people bring against learning lessons from this group of
people. Be reminded however there are many
who seriously believe that what they are doing is rightand
it is that group that are turning the world upside down.
The world caters to them because they do not compromise.
I once read in an article by Cindy Colley that a Muslim man
was disgusted with Christianity because of the things he
saw a so-called Christian nation engaging in. Are we put-
ting the name of our Lord to shame because of our conduct
(cf. Romans 2:23, 24)?
Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?
Act like it. Turn the world upside down. Do not compromise.
Our Muslim friends are proof that when you do not give
way on morality, things will move for you. You can find
something decent to wear. You can remain sober.
You can choose not to give your money to unwholesome
entertainment. You can get that day off of work.
With a small group of 120 people (Acts 1:15), it was said of
the early Christians in a few short years that they had
grown and managed to turn the world upside down (cf.
17:6). There are so many more of us, and if we are convict-
ed and stand firm then we too can make our impact on the
worldbut we can only make an impact if we do not com-
promise (cf. 5:29).
Live with conviction.
If you really believe that what you believe
is really real, then you will turn the world upside down.
Chantelles Space
Contact Chantelle personally at or add her on Facebook: Chantelle Marie Swayne
Excerpts from James Williams, class of 2013

Editors Note: Since our last newsletter, James has al-
ready sent out two newsletters updating us on his
work in India. I thought I would include the second, as
James has done some work with Jim Waldron, who
some of you might know.

Bro. Jim Waldron established the North-East Bible Insti-
tute (NBI) in 2002. Besides having quarters for the stu-
dents and instructors lodging, classrooms, and kitchen,
NBI also has a small yard for rearing animals and planting
crops. Being a nature lover, bro Waldron made sure that
the institution is nature friendly and sustained itself in every
possible way. The kitchen waste is emptied behind the
bushes and plants in the yard to become fertilizer. The re-
maining food from the kitchen is given to the pigs, chickens
and rabbits; the water from the building is flown into the fish
tank; the dung of the animals becomes manure for the soil.

While the students work in the institution, they learn poultry
farming and computers, the ladies learn sewing and tailor-
ing. These can later help them support their preaching
lives. As they have already learnt some skills in NBI, and
some even had previous working experience, those who
are committed to preach the gospel will do so in a self-
supporting way serving the Lord in whatever way they

During my stay, I had the blessed opportunity to visit Shil-
long which is about 100 kilometers from the institution. Shil-
long is the capital city of Meghalaya and is called the
Scotland of India. The hill station is located 5000 feet
above sea level, so the weather is cool and pleasant
throughout the year. Bro. Scott Richards, bro. Colin Mar-
tin and I spent a weekend in Shillong, visiting and encour-
aging the church members. The Mawlai church of Christ
in Shillong is more than one hundred years old with a
membership of 150 members.

We also visited a Hindi speaking congregation where Bro.
Scott Richards preached on the high cost of discipleship
and bro. Colin translated in Hindi: When a certain man
thought to follow our Lord everywhere, he had the mistaken
notion that following Jesus would give him a settled occu-
pation which could reward him with salary and endowment
(Luke 9:57-58). But the truth was, Jesus himself was itiner-
ant, having been refused lodging in a Samaritan village,
having literally nowhere to lay his head, and without any of
the secular rewards with which earthly leaders give their

There are some who become Christians for physical bene-
fits, but oftentimes people forget the consequences that
come with putting on Christ. Therefore it is very important
to see the cost of discipleship. The apostle Paul said that
all who live godly in Christ shall suffer persecution (2Tim
3:12), face challenges in putting off the old man and must
constantly abstain from all evil. Therefore, a Christian ought
to count the cost before committing his life to Christ.

My duties for the month at the North-East Bible Institute
included teaching English, the book of James, and also as
substitute teacher for the book of Hebrews for a week. The
reinforcement of the English Language in NBI will help
them to spread the gospel beyond the boundaries of their
native landsas English was their second language in
schools and colleges and most of them came from congre-
gations which speak their respective local dialects. English
is our universal language in India, so it is very much need-
ed to communicate well in order to proclaim the gospel.
It was a busy month for me to travel around Guwahati while
teaching. However, I truly enjoyed my time at NBI. It was a
blessing to meet brethren from different parts of my country
who share the common faith. I have so much to share with
the brethren in Bangalore when I get back home. I thank
bro. Waldron and team for the opportunity to teach at the
school. This experience has opened up a new avenue for
me in the joy of sharing Gods Word. As I prepare and de-
liver the lessons, I become more interested in the subjects;
I get to spend every day talking about something I love;
and hopefully help others learn from the Word of God.

I have learnt a lot during this month and will continue to
enjoy and learn as I teach and preach Gods Word. I thank
Four Seas College and my instructors for helping me be-
come a better servant of our Lord. I pray for all the congre-
gations across the globe that God may bless all the work-
ers in His vineyard.
Graduate Updates
Above, a picture of James Williams (our graduate) and Jim Waldron,
a long time missionary to India. In addition to his short term work at
the school brother Waldron founded, James has also been keeping
busy with church work in Bangalore and has already had a hand in
converting some of his friends.
Hey everyone!
My, how this year is flying by! I cant believe its
been so long since we wrote to you, and I am certain I
wont remember all that we have done in that timebut I
will do my best to provide you with something interest-
ingthough perhaps not so comprehensive and exhaus-
tiveto read. As always, we are so thankful for your
continued support, even when our reports arent so forth
We are so thankful for all your prayers regarding
Laura Swayne (Patricks Mum)! She has been declared
cancer freeall the cancer was contained in the uterus
which was removed. Praise the Lord! We continue to
solicit your prayers for the instructors at Four Seas Col-
legeCharles Coats with mesothelioma and Brett Ruth-
erford with his brain tumor. These are two excellent
workers for the Lord, and to have them out of action is a
loss for the Lords kingdom. I would also like to personal-
ly request prayers for my family who are moving to begin
a new work and my younger brother who is struggling
with his faithfulness.
There have been some new students since last
time, and I am excited to announce that my little sister
will be coming to live with us and attend the school in 2
weeks time! Please pray for her as she makes this ad-
justment. I know it is going to be an amazing opportunity
for her to ground herself in Gods word. I am so thankful
to be able to provide her with the support and a place to
From January through to
March I taught in Bible Class on
Wednesday nights. My class is
ages 5-12 (which is quite a chal-
lenge!) and there are between
10-20 students any given night.
This year we are going through
Engraving Heavenly Truths:
Men and Women of the Old
Testament. I enjoy teaching the
children so much, and the group
of ladies Im working with is
In March I taught 2 classes in Kota Kemmuning
on Letting Your Light So Shine for the younger ladies,
and A Heart of Service for all of the ladies later in the
afternoon. This was our first time to KK and I was very
impressed. The young ladies listened so attentively and
had some great questionsand on Sunday all the
young men wore suits! In Malaysia! Its really hot all year
round, so it is quite a sacrifice to wear a suit. They all
looked very smart.
Also in March we made a trip to attend and
speak at the Ipoh Church Camp. Patrick did a series on
Reviving the Stones from Nehemiah. It was excellent,
as always. I taught the ladies twice, once on Replacing
Criticism with Kindness from James 4, and the other on
A Heart of Service: Learning from Jesus from John 13.
Again, such a great bunch of ladies! I really enjoyed my
time with all of them!
Weve been studying with girl named Charlene
who really seems to want to learn and has a good heart.
We also are looking to set up a study again with Tammy
and Chi Ho. The study has had a bit of a break because
they just had a little baby (Her name is Aliviaso cute!),
but hopefully we can get things up and running again.
Please pray for these dear prospects!
I am so thankful to be studying at the school and
have been enjoying my courses tremendously! I feel so
grounded in the faith and so fully convinced that the Bi-
ble is truly what it says it is. Having the opportunity to
spend two years immersed in
the Word will change your life
and your outlook like nothing
else! I am so thankful to you all
for supporting us to come here.
Without all of you I never would
have had this opportunity!
With much love,
Chantelle Swayne
From Her Perspective
Chantelles look at the last two months
The ladies at Ipoh Church Camp. Spending time with
this group of ladies was so uplifting!
Greetings from Singapore! I know its been a while
since weve writtensorry! Weve had a very busy start to
2014 and the time has absolutely flown by. As I mentioned
on the cover article, weve been dealing with crises both in
our extended families and in our work at Four Seas. Even
though Ive said it before, let me say it again: THANK YOU
for being so supportive during this period!
All of you who get this newsletter as an e-report
would have also received a letter regarding my Mother
and our instructors here at Four Seas. I have some great
news to report regarding Momshe had surgery to re-
move her uterus (for those who didnt get the note, she
had uterine cancer), and the tests have so far shown that
the cancer did not spread anywhere else! Mom is still hav-
ing some trouble recovering from the surgery, but overall
shes doing very well.
The news is mixed concerning the Four Seas in-
structors I mentioned. Charles Coats (an online instructor)
was able to return to teaching at the beginning of the sec-
ond term, but has had to stop again as he has been found
to have mesothelioma. This is an aggressive lung cancer,
and he is in desperate need of prayers. Brett Rutherford
(another online instructor) had a biopsy to determine
whether the tumors in his brain were cancerous or not, but
the tests so far have been inconclusive. He just had anoth-
er round of testing, so hopefully well know something
soon. Eddy Ee has been doing well health wise after a few
scares. So, please keep Charles and Brett in your prayers!
Also, please keep Chantelles family in your prayers rela-
tive to their troubles with Chantelles brother Dillon and
pending move to begin a new work.
Our Work At Four Seas
Since Ive last written, the first term of 2014 at
Four Seas began and ended. A lot happened in between!
First of all, we took in 6 new students: Jim, Darryl, Andrew,
and Abner from the Philippines and Jaden and Jolene
from Malaysia (Jolene audited classes last term, but de-
cided to enroll as a full time student for credit beginning
this year. Kris and Joseph, two of our second year stu-
dents, were struggling with English and the work at Four
Seas, and so we allowed them both to get a fresh start
and join the first year class. So, for the first term, we had a
first year class comprised of 6 men and 3 women. The
woman I didnt mention before is Jaslyn, a graduate from
last year who had to wrap around and complete one term
as she started school in the second term. Our second year
class had been reduced to 3 men and 3 women (one of
them also a wrap around named Alvin).
For the first term, I was assigned four subjects:
Wisdom Literature (Job-Song of Solomon), New Testa-
ment Church, Acts, and English I. This was an increased
course load for mepreviously I had been teaching three
subjects a term. Two of the classes were new to me
(Wisdom Literature and New Testament Church; I had
taught an abbreviated form of the latter for our extension
program in 2013), so it meant a bit more work putting to-
gether syllabi, notes, and tests.
I had a busy schedule, but I was handling it pretty
well until February. In February though, we got hit with the
aforementioned instructor problems pretty much one after
the other. While brother Coats was able to be in and out of
teaching (we only found out this term the extent of his lung
problem), Brett Rutherford had to pull out of teaching alto-
gether. As I was the only one who had taught Church His-
tory before, I had to take over his class. I found teaching
five subjects as well as filling in for Charles and Eddy to
stretch me to my limit, but thankfully (and no doubt with
the Lords help!) I made it through.
We had a number of student issues to deal with
during this period. Our last two graduating classes had
several natural leaders, and so they were able to effective-
ly model for the incoming class what it meant to be a Four
Seas student. While our two men in the second year
King (from China) and Hiep (from Vietnam) both have
great hearts, both are soft spoken and have trouble ex-
pressing themselves. This has meant a lot of teaching
(and re-teaching) our rules and regulations to the new stu-
January-April Report
I often speak of the brethren at Lim Ah Pin Rd., but I dont often
show them. Heres a recent group photo probably not all of them,
as there are around 200and yes, they meet in that tiny building!
Generally, at the end of each term the faculty, staff, and students
enjoy a fellowship. Above, some of our male students sing a farewell
song to Jaslyn and Alvin, our two wrap-arounds.
dents, and dealing with all the little issues that come up
when people of different cultures and backgrounds collide.
On the whole, things are certainly improving and
already were seeing changes in our new students. How-
ever, we unfortunately lost two students during this period.
Darryl stayed at the school for only a couple of weeks, but
found himself overcome with homesickness and actual
sickness (when you move to Singapore, your body has to
adjust to a new set of germsits not a fun process!).
While we told him that both would pass, he made the deci-
sion to leave. Joseph, the other student who left, had
some serious personal and academic problems. While we
tried to work with him and gave him many chances, ulti-
mately we could not see the fruits of repentance and nei-
ther could the congregation who was paying his way here
at school. His support was dropped, and effectively he had
to leave.
Though the term was full of hills and valleys, we
can honestly say there were more hills. Were proud to be
a part of this work even during the hard times, and even
though our current second year class has been really cut
down to size (now five less than when it started), were
excited about the growth of the remaining students and
about the prospect of shaping a new batch.
Our Work With Area Congregations
Had I known what the first term was going to turn
out to be, I might have planned our work outside of the
school differently. As it was, I had made several commit-
ments that I had to keep even though things were busy at
school and the Lord opened up some further doors of op-
portunity. We made several trips into Malaysia, and even
had some one on one Bible studies. At one point, I was
able to preach for five consecutive Sundaysa real bless-
ing considering I am no longer a located preacher.
As we were easing back into school work after our
December break, I planned only one trip during January.
We went and saw the brethren down in Melaka. Due to
the scheduling of an event at Jurong that I wanted to at-
tend on Saturday morning, we were had to go down on a
Saturday and then come back on a Sunday. I was able to
teach their adult Bible class as well as preach during the
worship hour. The brethren there are doing well, and we
enjoyed our brief visit.
In February, we made two trips across the cause-
way into Malaysia. The first was to Cheras. While I was
able to preach during the worship hour and teach during
the Bible class hour at the congregation that Sunday, it
was also a social visit to see my good friend and former
preaching school classmate, Phillip Vanwinkle. Phillip
has been doing a great job with this congregation which
started meeting less than 10 years ago. The members
there have matured.
Our second trip was our second trip to Penang.
Those of you who remember the record of our first trip
know that Chantelle got food poising that time, so we were
extra careful this time. It was good to have the opportunity
to visit this small and struggling congregation, preach and
teach, and to discuss with one of their leaders their desire
to have a Four Seas graduate come work with them.
Please pray that we can find a man in Malaysia willing to
come to school so he can take on this task!
March was by far our busiest month in terms of
work outside of Four Seas. The month began with me be-
ing invited to Lim Ah Pin Rd. here in Singapore as the
guest speaker for their evangelism Sunday. My assigned
topic was, Heaven is a Beautiful Place, and the day was
well attended by visitors. On that Sunday Chantelle and I
met a girl named Charlene, who Ill have more to say
about later.
Later in March, I travelled to Malaysia to hold a
three day (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) gospel meeting
at Kota Kemuning. KK (as it is called by the locals) is a
new congregation (less than 10 years old) and this was
our first opportunity to visit. The meeting was on the
church of Christ, and it was well attended both by brethren
from surrounding congregations and by a few visitors. In
addition to the four lessons I preached as a part of the
meeting, I held a workshop on Saturday morning for the
young men on sermon preparation. Chantelle was also
kept busy, as while I taught the young men she taught the
young women and then had another session in the after-
noon with the older women. It was an enjoyable weekend
and were very impressed at the progress this new work is
making. Roger and Donna Campbell have been doing a
great job in their work with them.
At the end of the month, Chantelle and I were in-
vited to be the speakers for the family camp of the Ipoh
congregation. This was also our first trip to Ipoh, so it was
great being able to build relationships with the brethren
there at the camp. I gave 6 lessons across 3 days
(Thursday-Saturday) and Chantelle taught the ladies for
another two. On Sunday I also taught their adult Bible
class and preached during the worship hour. Victor Chu
(2013 Four Seas graduate) is doing a fantastic job with
these brethren, and it was great knowing that we had a
hand in his training.
January-April Report
Another picture of me preaching at Kota Kemuning. We were really
impressed by this congregation and the progress theyve made in
just a few short years.
Congregations And
Individuals That Made
Our Work Possible By
Contributing This Period
April brought our term to an end, and so we had a week off. While I
probably should have done a newsletter during that time, I decided that it was
best for Chantelle and I both to have a no-work holiday. What I didnt realize is
that when I came back I was going to be right back into the swing of things,
filling in classes for brother Coats, who started the term but has since had to
drop out due to the aforementioned health problems.
Across the four months, I also worked with our home congregation at
Jurong. I preach once a month here at Jurong, but in addition to that, I taught
an 8 lesson Wednesday night series on dating and marriage from the Song of
Solomon. The series was very well received. I also conducted a mens class on
inductive Bible study.
On top of all of the above, God has answered our prayers for some
souls to study with one-on-one. We had a few studies with Tammy and Chee
Hoe, visitors at Jurong, but found we could never get into a regular schedule
with them due to their work and Tammys pregnancy. Tammy has since given
birth, but the friend who invited them has tragically left the faith. Im not sure if
theyll have the resolve to keep coming or not; please keep them in your pray-
ers. Further, at Lim Ah Pin Rd., we met a young woman named Charlene.
Though Charlene lives nearer to that congregation, shes the friend of a mem-
ber here at Jurong. We had our first study with Charlene then, and have been
meeting almost weekly with her ever sense. Her Bible knowledge was almost
nil when we met her, and shes been very eager to learn but the progress has
been slow. Please keep her in your prayers also.
Well, that brings you up to date! Thanks again for being patient as we
have worked our way through this busy period. I will try not to get so behind in
the newsletter again. We appreciate so very much your prayers as well as your
moral and financial support. God bless you! In Christian Love, Patrick
Overseen by the Leonard St. church of Christ
2730 West Leonard St.
Pensacola, FL 32505

Antioch church of Christ
Avondale church of Christ
Benton Harbor church of Christ
Betty Wedgeworth
Bobby & Sue Redd
Brookway church of Christ
Central church of Christ - IN
Central church of Christ - TN
Central North church of Christ
church of Christ at Tompkinsville
Conyers church of Christ
David & Sue Riley
De Gaulle Drive church of Christ
Dennis & Brenda Woods
Forest Park church of Christ
Gonzales church of Christ
Highway 9 church of Christ
James & Rosalinda Whitmire
Kara & Sheri McAfee
Larry & Joyce Speight
Lisa Deems
Morrison church of Christ
Mt. Gilead church of Christ
Nesbit church of Christ
Newport church of Christ
North Cobb church of Christ
St. Andrews Rd. church of Christ
Scot McAfee
Teresa Harrell
November-December Report (continued)

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