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Jocelyn Vazquez

April 7, 2014
Fitness Program
PED 105
Developing a Health-related fitness program

Students Name: Jocelyn Vazquez

Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer are responsible for the
majority of deaths in the U.S. One important way we can prevent chronic disease and
premature death is to engage in regular exercise that promotes health-related fitness, such
as cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, and body composition. This
assignment has been designed to guide you toward the development of a fitness program
that will improve the quality of your life now and for years to come.

I. Identify and define the components of health-related fitness:
Muscular strength: the capability of a muscle to use maximal force through a
certain range of motion
Muscular endurance: the capacity of a muscle to use a submaximal force
through a given range of motion over a given time
Cardiovascular endurance: the ability to continue exercising the cardiovascular
system for more than twenty minutes (on average)
Flexibility: ability of a joint to move through a full range of motion
Body composition: ratio of lean body mass to fat body mass

II. Developing cardiorespiratory endurance: In the chart below, fill in your chosen
aerobic activities and then indicate the duration, intensity and frequency for each. The
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends a frequency of 3-5 days per
week, duration of 20-60 minutes while sustaining an intensity of between 55-90% of your
maximum heart rate.

Aerobic/Cardio Program Frequency (check )
Activity *Duration
(How long?)
M T W Th F Sa Su
Example: Power-
30 min. 75%

Jogging 25 mins 70% X X X
Walking on Incline 40 mins 60% X X
Swimming (YMCA
indoor pool)
30 mins 65 % X X
* Duration and intensity should be represented by numerical values.

III. Calculate intensity: Cardiorespiratory endurance can only be achieved through
regular aerobic exercise. One of the principles of conditioning, intensity, determines how
hard you need to work to increase your aerobic capacity. While engaging in an aerobic
exercise monitoring your heart rate is one way of determining the intensity of your
Jocelyn Vazquez
April 7, 2014
Fitness Program
workout. When you determine Target Heart Rate (THR) zone using the Karvonen
Formula, you can find out whether you are working intensely enough to improve your
cardiorespiratory endurance:

Use this formula to calculate your Target Heart Rate:

To use the Karvonen formula you need to know the following components:
Maximum heart rate (MHR): 220 - 19(age) = 201 bpm
Resting Heart Rate (RHR): 60 bpm; take your pulse @ rest for 10 seconds and then
multiply by six.
Training Intensity (TI%): 55 90 %

Show your calculations using the Karvonen Formula for 55% and 90% Training Intensity
in the space provided:
I used a website to find the percentage of the Training Intensity.

Target heart rate zone = 72 to 201 bpm;
*10-second count = 12 to 33.5
*Calculate your 10 second count by dividing each target heart rate zone by 6.

IV. Developing muscular strength & endurance: Using the chart on the next page,
create your own resistance/weight training program based on the equipment and facilities
available to you.
Exercises: Your program should include a minimum of 10 exercises and include exercise
for upper, lower and mid-section muscle groups. List the exercises and the muscles they
develop in the program below.
Intensity: Experiment with different amounts of weights until you find a good starting
weight, one that you can lift easily for 10-12 repetitions. Fill in the starting weight for
each exercise in the program chart below.
Duration: Include at least 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions for each exercise. If your program is
focusing on strength alone, your sets can contain fewer repetitions using a heavier load. If
you are focusing on endurance or toning, your sets should contain more repetitions using
a lighter resistance. Fill in the starting repetitions and sets for each exercise in the
program below.
Jocelyn Vazquez
April 7, 2014
Fitness Program
Frequency: Work out at least 2 days per week. Indicate the days you will train on your
program plan; be sure to alternate days when working the same muscle groups.

A. Resistance/Weight Training Program (muscular strength/endurance)
(Provide specific
muscle terms, i.e.
(i.e., lb.)


M T W Th F Sa Su
Dumbbell Curl Biceps
5 lb.
15 4 x x x
Squats Quadriceps,
Calves, Gluteus
22 lb.
20 5 X X
Jumping Jacks Heart, Glutes,
Calves, Abs,
and Deltoids
No added
15 4 X X
Push Ups Pectoral
Triceps, Biceps,
and Deltoids
No added
10 5 X X X
Standard Pull
dorsi, Biceps
No added
12 3 X X X
No added
10 5 X X
Bicycle Crunch Rectus
No added
10 5 X X
Bicep Curl
with Resistance
Biceps Brachii Resistance
12 6 X X
Shoulder press Triceps,
10 pound
10 4 X X X
Reverse Fly Biceps,
15 pound
12 5 X X X
*Exercise descriptions may be necessary.

B. Compare and contrast dynamic and static resistance training.
Dynamic stretching involves functional based exercises that use sport movements to
prepare the body for movement. Dynamic stretches are slow controlled movements
Jocelyn Vazquez
April 7, 2014
Fitness Program
through the full range of motion. They are the most appropriate exercises for warming up.
Static stretching is used to prevent injury and performance enhancement. Static stretching
involves gradually easing into the stretch position and holding the position. The stretch
can be held anywhere from 6 seconds to 2 minutes.

V. Exercise goals: Create specific, measurable goals that you can use to track the
progress of your fitness program. Your goals should relate to one aerobic and one
anaerobic activity you have indicated in your program. Before you can set specific and
realistic goals you must assess your current level of fitness.

A. Methods used to assess current fitness level (include results):
1. Aerobic: I would time to see how it fast it took for me to be out of breath. If
it happened in less than ten minutes then thats how I could tell that I was out
of shape. I was able to jog without losing my breathe for 13 minutes.
2. Muscular strength: I would try to challenge myself by seeing how many push
ups I was able to do in one minute. After one minute, I completed 25 pushups.
3. Muscular endurance: I would try doing as many sit ups as I could within one
minute. I was able to finish 55 sit-ups.
4. Flexibility: Sit and Reach I would sit down on the floor, back straight, legs
straight and I would try to see how far I could I touch my toes without
bending my knees. I was able to touch my toes without bending my knees.
5. Body composition: I could simply weigh myself on a scale that measures
weight and body fat. As of recently, I have not lost weight due to the fact that
I consume more calories than I burn.

Specific fitness goals:
1. Aerobic: My goal is to be able to run on treadmill non-stop for 30 minutes.
2. Muscular strength: I would like to be able to complete 50 correct pushups in
one minute.
3. Muscular endurance: I want to be able to complete 125 sit-ups in one minute.
4. Flexibility: I could continue working on the sit and reach, however I can try
to hold the position longer without bending my knees.
5. Body composition: I would want to turn body fat into muscle. Primarily, in
my arms and core.

VI. Before you begin: All physical activity should begin with a well-designed Warm-
up. Describe an appropriate warm-up routine for one of your aerobic exercises you have
chosen. Also describe how you would warm-up for your resistance/weight training
exercise session.
Before doing an aerobic exercise, a good warm up would be to stretch my
muscles because it will help prevent injury and prepare your body for the
A good warm up for resistance/ weight training would be to stretch and perhaps
jump rope for about a minute. This will help raise my heart rate a little bit before
working out and also have my muscles warmed up.
Jocelyn Vazquez
April 7, 2014
Fitness Program

Discuss at least two reasons why warm-up is important for any exercise session:
Warms up help reduce the chance of you getting injured.
It also helps your circulatory system by pumping oxygen rich blood to the
muscles being used.

VII. Progression & Overload: Once you begin your exercise program, it is
recommended that you monitor your progress and apply overload when necessary.
Discuss how you will know when it is time to increase your workload (progression) and
also how you would increase your workload (overload) to increase your fitness level.
Provide a specific example from your program to demonstrate your understanding of
these principles of conditioning.

I noticed that when I would jog on the treadmill, it wasnt very challenging. I could tell
because I wasnt breaking a sweat and my heart rate wasnt at its peak. In the beginning, I
would set the speed on the treadmill to 6.0 In order to modify this issue, I increased the
speed to 7.5, this allowed me to raise my heart rate and actually break a sweat.

VIII. Cool down: Every exercise session should end with cool down activities. Describe
an appropriate cool down for aerobic exercise and for resistance/weight training.
Identify at least one reason why it is important to cool down after any exercise session.

A cool down for an aerobic exercise would be to walk briskly because it allows
you to bring your heart rate down. Its also important to stretch after working out.
A cool down for resistance/ weight training would be to stretch every muscle that
you used.
Most importantly, regardless of what exercise routine you completed, its
important to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.

Jocelyn Vazquez
April 7, 2014
Fitness Program

IX. Increasing flexibility: Stretching can and should be a part of everyones daily
physical activity plan. Stretching exercises can be used to relieve or prevent low back
pain or decrease muscle tension. A flexibility program is an important part of any type of
aerobic or resistance/weight training program.

Use the chart on the next page to design a flexibility program that fits your needs and
ability. An important consideration should be the inclusion of exercises for all major
muscle groups. Your program should include a minimum of ten (10) exercises. Your
stretching exercises should be based on the muscles used in your fitness program.
Frequency: A minimum frequency of 2-3 days per week is recommended. You are
encouraged to do your stretching exercises the same days you plan to do
cardiorespiratory endurance exercise or weight training, because muscles stretch better
following exercise, when they are warm.
Intensity: All stretches should be done to the point of mild discomfort, not pain.
Time/duration: All stretches should be held for 10-30 seconds. All stretches should be
performed at least 3-4 times.

A. Discuss 3 guidelines that you would use for safe and effective stretching.
Your response should be original, not copied from another source.
Only do what feels comfortable.
Dont try new techniques without guidance.
Dont stretch to the point that you will break or tear something.

B. Stretching/Flexibility Program
*Exercise Muscles/Joint Area Stretched
Stand at arms length from a wall
Place right foot behind left foot
Bend your left leg forward, keeping your
right knee straight and right heel on the
Hold back straight and hips forward (30
Calf Muscles
Lie on the floor near the outer corner of a
Raise your left leg and rest your left heel
against the wall
Gently straighten your left leg until you
feel a stretch along the back of your left
Hold for 30 seconds
Switch legs and repeat
Hamstring Muscles
Jocelyn Vazquez
April 7, 2014
Fitness Program
Stand near a wall for support
Grasp your ankle and gently pull your heel
up and back until you feel a stretch in the
front of your thigh
Tighten your stomach muscles to prevent
your stomach from sagging outward, and
keep your knees close together
Hold for about 30 seconds
Switch legs and repeat
Kneel on your right knee
Place your left foot in front of you, bending
your knee and placing your left hand on
your left leg for stability
Place your right hand on your right hip to
avoid bending the waist, Keep your back
straight and abdominal muscles tight.
Lean forward, shifting more body weight
onto your front leg.
Hold for 30 seconds then switch legs and
Hip Flexors
Ankle Circles
Use a sturdy object to hold yourself
Lift the right leg in the air and perform a
circular motion with the big toe.
*One circle equal 1 repetition.
Repeat with the other leg
Standing Elevated Quad Stretch
Start by standing with your back about two
to three feet away from a bench or step.
Lift one leg behind you and rest your foot
on the step, either on your instep or the ball
of your foot. Keep your supporting knee
slightly bent and avoid letting that knee
extend out beyond your toes. Switch sides.
Rear Leg Raises
Place yourself on your hands knees on an
exercise mat. Your head should be looking
forward and the bend of the knees should
create a 90-degree angle between the
hamstrings and the calves. This will be
your starting position. Extend one leg up
and behind you. The knee and hip should
both extend. Repeat for 5-10 repetitions,
and then switch sides.

Jocelyn Vazquez
April 7, 2014
Fitness Program

Knee Across The Body
Lie down on the floor with your right leg
straight. Bend your left leg and lower it
across your body, holding the knee down
toward the floor with your right hand.
Place your left arm comfortable beside you
and turn your head to the left. Imagine you
have a weight tied to your tailbone. Let
your tailbone fall back toward the floor as
your chest reaches in the opposite direction
to stretch your lower back. Switch sides.
Glutes, Abductors, Lower Back
Cat Stretch
Position yourself on the floor on your hand
and knees.
Pull your belly in and round your spine,
lower back, shoulders, and neck, letting
your head drop.
Hold for 15 seconds.
Lower back, Middle Back, Traps
Lie straight and face down on the floor.
Your arms should be fully extended in
front of you.
Raise your arms, legs, and chest off of the
floor and hold it for two seconds. Slowly
begin to lower your arms, legs and chest
back down to the starting position.
Lower back, glutes, hamstrings
*Exercise descriptions may be necessary.

X. Finally, discuss how your program will help you improve or maintain a healthy body
My program will help lower body fat as well as tone up if I change my diet. By
consuming healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and protein my calorie intake
changes. If I wanted to lose weight I would have to consume less calories than I burn.
However, if I eat normally and dont want to lose weight, I just need to make sure I
consume a lot of protein in order to build muscle. The stretching portion of the program
will help prevent any injury and improve my flexibility. Due to the fact that my program
has a variety of exercises for different muscle groups, all the groups will have the
opportunity to be worked on.

Jocelyn Vazquez
April 7, 2014
Fitness Program
Important note: If you use any sources, including your textbook, to help you complete
this assignment you must make it clear how and where they were used. Provide sufficient
information to allow your instructor to be able to locate the source.
This link provided information on the benefits of doing jumping jacks. I used this link for
the strength/ resistance-training chart.
This link was used for the weight/ resistance- training chart. It provided information such
as what primary and secondary muscles are used when completing pull-ups. It also gave
examples of different types of pull-ups. Such as chin up, standard pull up, and wide grip
pull up.
The link provided information on the squat. It explained what muscles are used during
squats. Not only that, but it provided pictures on how to do them correctly.
The website gave me the definitions of the five components of wellness. I used it for the
very first question of this assignment.
This link was used for the weight/ resistance- training portion. It explained what muscles
are used when completing a reverse crunch.
This website explained how to do a bicycle crunch and the target muscles that are used.
This information was used for the weight/ resistance- training chart.
Provided information on what muscles are used during a shoulder press.
Explained how to properly do a reverse fly and provided a diagram of the muscles used.
Provided different methods of testing muscular strength and endurance.

Stretch exercises

Jocelyn Vazquez
April 7, 2014
Fitness Program

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