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By Sidney Davis

Research Fellow: The Catherine Acholonu Research Center for African Studies



This paper will introduce a new hypothesis that coins the concept and the term Igbonomics. This paper will
then propose that Igbonomics explains the inter-connectedness of all things. This Igbonomic view of the
world and our place in it has been preserved in our ancient texts and traditions. When NASA sent the Pioneer
10 space probe into the far reaches of the interstellar space of the cosmos, it featured an Information disk of
coded symbols that explained the cosmology of mankind as the source of the probe. We have something
similar in the Ikom Monoliths. The Ikom Monoliths are a virtual Information disk engraved with the same
precision and with an even superior technology than that as displayed and illustrated on the Pioneer
Information disk however with a significant difference. That difference simply is cost. The technology used to
make the golden Information disk itself does not exist to make or even reproduce an Ikom monolith and as
such the cost comparison to make a gold formation disk to an Ikom monolith is unquantifiable.
Igbonomics is the philosophy and scientific study of Igbo economy, metaphysics and cosmology as the source
of humanity and world civilizations. It is the source of that unified field theorem of everything as applied to the
study of every category of the humanities, the arts and sciences. It proposes that it is the Niger Valley
civilization that is the mother and seed culture of world civilizations including that of the Nile, Tigris, Ganges,
Amazon, Rhine etc. Igbonomics is based on the findings of The Catherine Acholonu Centre for African Studies.


When you have a hypothesis that proposes an origin for all things and the hypothesis bears up under scrutiny
by providing the answers to everything, then we can safely say we have gone beyond mere hypothesis and
have entered into a unified field theory of the truth of all things, the hyper-doughnut of universal knowledge
that I refer to as Igbonomics. Igbonomics is an explanation of the inter-connectedness of all things within
four dimensions rooted in Igbo cosmology. This Igbonomic view of the world and our place in it has been
preserved in our ancient texts and traditions. Professor QM Catherine has already given us the theory of
"Igbonomics," I just gave it that name and a definition based on her seminal volumes " The Gram Code of
African Adam Stone books and Cave libraries, Reconstructing 450,000 years of Africas Lost Civilizations,"
"They Lived Before Adam, (Prehistoric Origins of the Igbo The Never Been Ruled) " and "The Lost Testament
of the Ancestors of Adam: Unearthing Heliopolis/Igbo Ukwu - The Celestial City of the Gods of Egypt and India
" and all the work presented in her other publications, lectures, materials and workbooks. I am presenting it as
a separate academic and scholarly discourse of thought, study, philosophy and living. Albert Einstein said that
Humanity is going to need a substantially new way of thinking if it is to survive. It is my conviction that
Igbonomics will open the door to this axis change in thinking. It involves a new way of existing and interacting
with the universe. It is not really a new way.

It is the old way, the original way, the way of our ancient ancestors. The difficulty lies not in the new ideas,
but in escaping the old ideas, old ideas that have usurped and replaced the original ideas which unfortunately,
for those brought up within the epistemology of western civilization such old ideas have been zapped into
every corner of our minds making us virtual zombies of our own original ideas and of our ancient cultural
heritage. Igbonomics explains the inter-connectedness of all things within four dimensions. It is the marriage
of every category of the arts with every category of the sciences in learning and the conducting of research.
This view of the world and our place in it has been preserved in our ancient texts, our ancient culture and
traditions. The space probes Pioneers 10 and 11, which preceded the Voyager space probes, were sent into
the far reaches of interstellar space of the cosmos. Both carried small metal plaques identifying their time and
place of origin for the benefit of any other spacefarers that might find them in the distant future. With this
example before them, NASA placed a more ambitious message aboard Voyager 1 and 2 - a kind of time
capsule, intended to communicate a story of our world to extraterrestrials. The Voyager message is carried by
a phonograph record-a 12-inch gold-plated copper disk containing sounds and images selected to portray the
diversity of life and culture on Earth. This Information disk of coded symbols presents the cosmology of
mankind as the source of the probe. We have something similar in the Ikom Monoliths located in Cross River
State, recently made a Nigerian UNESCO Heritage site due to the efforts of QM Catherine. The Ikom Monoliths
are a virtual Information disk engraved with the same precision and with an even superior technology than
that as displayed and illustrated on the Pioneer Information disk however with a significant difference. That
difference simply is cost. The technology used to make the golden Information disk itself does not exist to
make or even reproduce an Ikom monolith and as such the cost comparison to make a gold formation disk to
an Ikom monolith is unquantifiable. There are also other information disks uncovered at Igbo Ukwu that have
encoded on them other messages from our ancient ancestors. Some of the information on these information
disks is starting to be uncovered, evaluated and interpreted by researches and scientists today of which we
shall briefly exhibit here.

The global early civilization was based in a West African origin. Ancient Africans were the first to develop
language as a system of communication and to develop a formal system of writing, education, religion and
culture. Africans gave knowledge, wisdom, philosophy and a science that would be termed black magic or
Chemistry or Chem (Black) and Mistry or Mystery (Magic) which recent breakthroughs in science would
be called Quantum Physics which is nothing but the science of the ancient black Magi. This new science of
Quantum Physics has proved that there are two basic realities: the physical reality and the non-physical
reality. The former has the nature of particles, while the non-physical reality is composed of waves and
vibrations or pure energy. Because their nature is diametrically opposed to each other, the two realities are
self-contradictory and parallel. That is to say, they never meet and they do not agree. The affirmation of the
one cancels out the existence of the other. Of the two realities, the wave/energy reality, which belongs to the
realm of the Mind, is superior. Yet the particle reality, which belongs to the realm of the material, attempts to
cancel it out and negate its existence. Now, the entire corpus of Newtonian physics focuses on proving that the
particle universe is the only reality. How wrong Newton was! Consequently, anyone who dared to believe in
God AND miracles, especially among scientists were excommunicated from the mainstream and branded as
fools. We as Africans have been seduced into denying the priceless heritage of the high civilizations of the
ancients and we have discarded them and have been giving homage to somebody else's ancestors, their Deity
and their cosmology instead of giving homage to our own African ancestors, OUR Deity and OUR own African
cosmology because we have been told that it is "heathen," "pagan," "primitive," tribalistic, "demonic,"
fetish, "devilish," "satanic," witch craft, "superstitious," "idolatrous," "barbaric," sensual, "seductive,"
animalistic, "cursed," "immoral," "evil," etc, etc., ad infinitum. It was thrown to the dogs, not to talk of the
damage done to the human psyche when the truth is turned on its head, when gods live and die among us,
unsung, being rated as sub-human, apes, baboons, begging for recognition as members of our miserable

However there are few among us who are starting to tap into our ancient ancestral scientific cosmology such
as Professor A.O.E. Animalu, Sam Okoye, Gabriel Oyibo and Phillip Emeagwali who are great examples of Igbo
scholars reclaiming their lost Igbonomic cultural birthright and heritage with regard to their understanding of
the unified field theory of everything (TOE) represented by the hyper-ball. The unified field TOE is also proven
by the Igbo-Ukwu bronze artifact of the Torus hyper-doughnut. Oyibo emphasized the wave theorem in his
research, but if he would dig deeper into his Igbo science, he would see that beside the wave theorem, there
is the fractal tetrahedron theorem as explained by Nassim Haramein also illustrated on the Igbo-Ukwu bronze
Torus hyper-doughnut. In other words the wave functions create fractals. Both theorems defy Newtonian-
Einstein physics and take Quantum physics to the next level or the Afa divination system. Oyibo and Haramein
come together like Michio Kaku and Stephen Hawking. Oyibo limits himself by appealing to Western tradition,
the Islamic, Christian and Jewish traditions instead of digging deep into his Niger Igbo-African tradition to
which Haramein acknowledges as the source originator of this Science of all sciences. Also there is the
research of Dr. Ron Eglash widely known for his work in the field of ethnomathematics, on the science of
African fractals. His research includes the use of fractal patterns in African architecture, art, and religion, and
the relationships between indigenous African cultural and spiritual practices and modern technology. Why did
Africans focus so much on fractal designs while other groups did more with Euclidian geometry? The African
focus on fractals is endemic in every aspect of African culture. It can even be heard in our polyrhythmic music
(similar simultaneous rhythms at different scales). Such recognition of the genius of African culture dispels the
notion that African religion, spirituality and cosmology is paganistic, heathenish or devilish.
Egyptian philosophy has Igbo Origins. There are pyramids in West Africa just as we see them in Egypt. In
February 2012 a Nigerian Egyptologist Souley Garba discovered a pyramid in an advanced state of
deterioration and a sphinx in Dan Baki, Niger, 20 km west of the city of Zinder and 2 km north of the village of
Tirmini. The Dan Baki pyramid is said to have a twin nearby and appears to be part of a series of pyramids
located in the region of Tanout. The pyramid of Dan Baki is estimated to be at least 4500 years old, about
1000 years older than the Giza Pyramids. Garba believes that the point of origin of humanity is in the Niger
basin and that from there people spread into Chad, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Then there are the
Nsude pyramids of Nigeria of which hardly a trace remains today. These archeological evidences all lend
support to the thesis that it is the Niger River Valley civilization that is the mother and source of the Nile River
Valley civilization and of an African dominion in West Africa long before Egypt. Yes, West Africans built
pyramids and still know how to build them.


The Flower of Life depictions seen in ancient African cosmology from the Nile Valley to the Niger Valley is an
intricate geometric pattern of lines, circles and curves consisting of interconnected hexagonal shapes. This
illustration contains within its proportions every single aspect of life there is. It contains every mathematical
formula, every law of physics, every harmony of music, every biological life form. It contains every atom, every
dimensional level, absolutely everything that is within waveform and particle form. The Igbo Ukwo hexagonal
model is actually the model of creation itself, showing the interconnected hexagons and cubes that lie at the
very root of every atomic particle and wave form. This Ukwo hexagonal model was the same model used by
Nigerian born physicist Philip Emeagwali for the invention of his model of the HYPERBALL to create the
Internet grid. All of this comes from our indigenous knowledge more than 6,000 years before Physics or
Quantum Field Theory was introduced as field of study. This illustration shows that interaction among wave
functions creates particles. This New Physics is the subject of the New Physics pioneers like Nassim
Haramein, Samuel Ejikeme Okoye (26 July 1939 18 November 2009), Gabriel Oyibo, Michio Kaku, Stephen
Hawking and others. The Igbo Ukwu Torus model recorded in bronze by ancient Igbo scientist displays
knowledge of inter-dimensional dimensional geometry that is comparable to the findings of the scientists we
have just referenced. This enigmatic phenomenon preserved in bronze by the created by the Igbo Ukwu
civilization is actually one of the greatest discoveries of modern physics. The development of this science in
Africa is what I refer to as Igbonomics. What our modern scientists have discovered is in fact Igbonomics. Our
ancient scientists knew this science of unified fields which Einstein called the Unified Field Theory also called
the Theory of Everything only to our ancient Igbonomists it was not a Theory. It was a system of
cosmological knowledge known as IFA or AFA.


Igbo cosmology is rooted in the number four. The universal Afa language is rooted in the number FOUR as
expressed in the cube or the tetrad. FOUR is the basic number of Afa and of the Igbos cosmos. The number
four is said to be the number of the earth and mankind. There are four cardinal points on the earth; North
South East West. There are four winds. There are four seasons. There are four phases of the moon. The
four elements: earth air fire water. There are four basic blood types in man; O, A, B and AB. There are
four basic states of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. There are four numbers of basic chemical units in
the DNA structure: adenine A solid figure with four faces is a tetrahedron. The regular tetrahedron is the
simplest Platonic solid. A tetrahedron, which can also be called a 3-simplex, has four triangular faces and four
vertices. It is the only self-dual regular polyhedron. (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G). A solid
figure with four faces is a tetrahedron. The regular tetrahedron is the simplest Platonic solid. A tetrahedron,
which can also be called a 3-simplex, has four triangular faces and four vertices. It is the only self-dual regular
polyhedron. The valence of carbon the most common element is 4. There are four basic rules of mathematics:
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. There are four basic forces in nature: electromagnetic, weak,
strong and gravitational and in Quantum Physics there are four dimensions. The Igbo concept of time is rooted
in the number four. The Igbo week has four days while the great week has eight days. This basic number also
represents the four fish-monger deities of Igbo oral tradition who are said to have inaugurated the four market
days Eke, Orie, Afo and Nkwo named after each of them. Thus four is seen as the number of deity among the
Igbo. Its basic form is the quadrangle represented by the basic geometrical shapes: the pyramid, the lozenge,
the slanting square representing a four-pointed star, the X shaped equal armed cross enshrined in the Igbo
Ukwu-type Ichi facial scarifications. These forms, when etched on wooden doorposts and shrine objects
represent the deity itself, thus four becomes the number of deity. The ichi markings of the lozenge, a
quadrangle is the quintessential symbol of the Mother Goddess, of the order of nature represented by the
carbon crystal: the most basic form representing the molecular universe. The Nag Hammadi scriptures speak of
the coming of the great angel of the fourth eon or the fourth luminary of heaven. He is linked by the
symbolism of the number four to Nag Hammadis fourth generation of humanity which is the most exalted,
is kingless and perfect. This would seem to apply to the Igbo nation to whom the same number and elements
of culture apply. The Igbo appear to be the only people on the planet who observe a four day week. This is the
same ubiquitous quadrangle, the origin of ichi geometry, which symbolizes the presence and mystical essence
of the Deity in Igbo religion and cosmology. Igbonomics as a hypothesis regarding the origin of all things is not
just a paradigm shift, but an entire AXIS SHIFT in theology, philosophy, history and every other Western
ideology there is. The African origin of civilization is not the Nile Valley, but the Niger Valley. . It proposes that
it is the Niger Valley civilization that is the mother and seed culture of world civilizations including that of the
Nile, the Tigris, the Euphrates, the Ganges, the Amazon, the Rhine, etc. The greatest mark of Western
civilization Democracy the fruit and the propeller of civilizations originated in Igbo land, not Egypt and not

The Igbo were part and parcel of the origin and making of all culture, language, philosophy, myths, science
and religion. Not only did the out of Africa migration take place from West Africa, but the distinguishing
cultural phenomenon known all over the world as Black African culture is geographically Nigerian in origin.
Igbonomics proposes that Igbo is at the root of all languages including European, that the pristine culture and
language of early man were transferred into Igbo cosmology and language, that it is here, in Southern Nigeria
that has been the breeding house for the cultural and spiritual emancipation of peoples of Africa and the world
since time immemorial and that it is here that the new African renaissance and a new out of Africa
experience is to be inaugurated. Igbonomics proposes that Nigeria and the African continent as a whole are
the undeniable original custodians of all knowledge, culture, and religion. We will not wait for or appeal to the
halls of Western Academia for approval for this Igbonomic hypothesis to be proven. It will be left to us, it will
be our responsibility, and indeed it is our destiny to demonstrate this before the world. Igbonomics is based on
the findings of The Catherine Acholonu Centre for African Studies (CARC). We the researchers at CARC are
totally humbled and overwhelmed by the obvious implications of the evidences we have before us. We do hope
that these will spur Africans to take their indigenous cultures more seriously and embark upon research to find
out what all of the continents founders have contributed to humanity through the ages.


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