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Neurologic and eye disease
Neurologic !mptom are the mot common "accine reaction een in dog. #anine
ditemper "accination i the mot common caue of neurologic dieae$ and can caue
an inflammation of the %rain. &eale "accine in puppie ha %een reported to rarel!
caue damage to the ner"ou !tem. #ere%ellar dieae ha %een reported in puppie
le than 5 wee' of age who were "accinated with a modified li"e "accine.
)epite !our "eterinarian* effort to deign a afe "accination protocol for e"er! pet$
"accine reaction can and do occur. +han'full!$ the! are not common. ,i'e a drug$ a
"accine i capa%le of cauing an ad"ere reaction. -ome of thee reaction are mild
.ome dicomfort at the in/ection ite$ letharg! or lo of appetite for a da! or o0. -ome
of thee reaction are more e"ere .allergic reaction$ immunologic reaction0. 1f !our pet
ha reacted to a "accine in the pat$ inform !our "eterinarian.
I've heard that some vaccinations cause cancer in cats. Is this true?
2accination3induced arcoma .a form of cancer0 in cat are rare. +he! occur mot
commonl! with 4a%ie and 5eline ,eu'emia "accination. 1t i important for !ou and
!our "eterinarian to decide if the ri' of !our cat %eing e6poed to thee dieae i
greater than the potential ri' of de"eloping a "accine3induced arcoma. 1f the %enefit
of "accination outweigh the ri' of "accination$ then the "accination hould %e gi"en. 1f
!our cat de"elop a lump at the in/ection ite$ call !our "eterinarian.
Adverse reactions to vaccination have been recognized for years
7d"ere reaction to "accination ha"e %een recogni8ed for !ear$ and were commonl!
een in e"eral human "accine including polio and mallpo6 "accine. 7d"ere
reaction to "accine alo occur in dog and cat. 7d"ere effect from "accination
can "ar! with the t!pe of "accine ued$ and the age and %reed of animal "accinated.
7naph!la6i i one of the mot eriou reaction to "accine.
7naph!la6i i a rare$ life3threatening$ immediate allergic reaction to omething ingeted
or in/ected. 1f untreated$ it reult in hoc'$ repirator! and cardiac failure$ and death. 7n
anaph!lactic reaction can occur a a reult of "accination. +he mot common !mptom
of anaph!la6i are the udden onet of diarrhea$ "omiting$ hoc'$ ei8ure$ coma$ and
7naph!lactic reaction are more commonl! aociated with the ue of 'illed "accine
uch a ra%ie$ canine corona"iru$ and leptopiroi. 9:illed "accine ha"e more "iru
or %acterial particle per doe and ha"e added chemical .ad/u"ant0 to impro"e the
dog* immune repone. +hee characteritic alo increae the ri' of an allergic
reaction to the "accine.
9:illed "accine
2accine which are made %! ta'ing the real$ dieae3cauing "irue .or %acteria0$ 'illing
them$ and putting them into a li;uid %ae. #ompare with *modified li"e "accine* and
*recom%inant "accine.*
also see "killed vaccine" below.
Neurologic !mptom are the mot common "accine reaction een in dog. #anine
ditemper "accination i the mot common caue of neurologic dieae$ and can caue
an inflammation of the %rain. &eale "accine in puppie ha %een reported to rarel!
caue damage to the ner"ou !tem. 9#ere%ellar dieae ha %een reported in puppie
le than 5 wee' of age who were "accinated with a modified li"e "accine.
9#ere%ellar dieae .%rain diorder0'/doctor/cere%ellar3ign3including3cere%ellar3ata6ia
#anine adeno"iru31 i 'nown to caue an allergic u"eiti .inflammation of the e!e0$
often called *%lue e!e.* &ot "accine now contain canine adeno"iru32 intead of
adeno"iru31$ almot eliminating the chance of %lue e!e occurring toda!.
What is vaccinial distemper? Can a dog actually get distemper from its vaccine?
2accinial ditemper refer to the de"elopment of neuroditemper 1= to 21 da! after
adminitration of a modified li"e ditemper "accine.
TH !A""IN "#NT$#!$%&
%usan Thor'e !argas (%) *h.+.
Ane of the mot contro"erial iue in "eterinar! cience toda! concern "accination.
Bhat people are ;uetioning i the fre;uenc! of "accination$ ome afet! ". efficac!
concern and e"en whether to "accinate at all. -o when !ou a' !our "et when to %ring
!our animal %ac' for it ne6t hot$ %e aware there i no one correct anwer.
The !accine "ontroversy
+he firt point to conider i the afet! iue. !accines can be harmful. +here are ri'
aociated with "accination and when weighed againt the %enefit uch ri' uuall!
are conidered accepta%le$ e,ce't -hen it is your dog that suffers the unto-ard
reaction. 5or intance ome dog$ after %eing "accinated with modified li"e canine
ditemper "accine .ee t!pe of "accine0 can de"elop seizures$ a lac. of
coordination and other neurological dysfunctions caued from a rare condition
called pot"accinal canine ditemper "iru encephaliti. 7nother pro%lem noted with
geneticall! ucepti%le animal i that it is 'ossible for vaccinations to trigger
various autoimmune diseases) including several blood disorders and a rabies
vaccine-induced ence'halitis. Af particular note in thi regard ha %een the
association of autoimmune hemolytic anemia -ith vaccination in dogs .
Canine parvovirus, canine distemper and the use of polyvalent vaccines that
contain these attenuated viruses have been implicated in inducing immune
/0illed vaccines) also .no-n as fully attenuated vaccines$ until recentl! ha"e %een
the afet "accine option a"aila%le. +he! are afer %ecaue unli'e the modified li"e
"accine the! do not hed "iru into the en"ironment nor can the! e"er re"ert to
"irulence. Cowe"er$ in order to ma6imi8e their effecti"ene$ 'illed "accine are normall!
ued with ad/u"ant that can caue their own pro%lem. +he immune !tem i antigen3
dri"en. +hi mean that in order to mount an effecti"e immune repone$ the %od! mut
ee the antigen for a long a poi%le. Ance the antigen i eliminated the repone i
terminated. &an! different compound ha"e %een ued to enhance the efficac! of 'illed
"accine$ %ut the rational %ehind their ue i to prolong the antigenic timulu of the
primar! immune repone.
1n comparion$ the modified li"e "accine are more li'e the original pathogen in the wa!
the! elicit a immune reaction. 1n general$ "accine that contain the li"ing organim will
produce a tronger and a longer3lating immunit!$ %ut their "irulence mut %e reduced to
a afe le"el. +hi proce i called attenuation. 4educing the "irulence of %acteria i
accomplihed %! culturing them under unuual condition.
(easles vaccine in dogs1 efficacy against aerosol challenge -ith virulent canine
distem'er virus.
-trating 7.
5ift! !oung Eeagle pup were ued in tudie on the efficac! of meale "iru "accine in
pro"iding protection againt "irulent canine ditemper .#)0 "iru gi"en intranaall!.
7mong 29 dog "accinated with meale "iru "accine and u%e;uentl! e6poed to
"irulent #) "iru$ 1 died$ > de"eloped relati"el! e"ere ign of #)$ 15 had mild ign of
ditemper$ and 6 remained clinicall! normal. Af 15 un"accinated dog imilarl! e6poed
to "irulent #) "iru$ 11 uccum%ed to ditemper. -i6 pup "accinated with modified li"e3
"iru .&,20 #) "iru "accine remained clinicall! normal following immunit! challenge.
+iscomfort and s-elling at the in2ection site
<ain$ welling$ redne$ and irritation can occur at the in/ection ite. +hee effect
generall! occur within ?= minute to 1 wee' of the "accination. 1f the ign perit$ or are
e"ere$ contact !our "eterinarian.
Accaionall!$ a%cee can form at the in/ection ite. +hee a%cee are generall!
not caued %! infection$ %ut %! the %od!* o"er3reaction to the "accine.
(ild fever) decreased a''etite and activity
&ild fe"er$ decreaed appetite$ and depreion ma! %e o%er"ed for 132 da! following
"accination$ mot commonl! when modified li"e "accine are ued. Fenerall!$ no
treatment i warranted.
-e"ere illne can occur if "accine deigned for intranaal ue are accidentall!
in/ected. -e"ere reaction can alo occur if an! of a "accine made for in/ection
accidentall! enter an animal* e!e$ noe$ or mouth.
$es'iratory signs after intranasal vaccines
)og "accinated with the intranaal Eordetella and/or parainfluen8a "accine ma!
de"elop a mild cough$ which generall! doe not re;uire treatment. +he! ma! pread the
"accine3form of the "iru to other animal through their coughing.
1mmune3mediated pol!arthriti in 7'ita: #ertain line of 7'ita ma! ha"e
immunodeficiencie which ma'e them prone to ad"ere reaction following "accination.
+he! ma! de"elop an immune3mediated arthriti in one or more /oint$ which i often
progrei"e and relape commonl! occur. )og with thi immune diorder generall!
ha"e hort life pan due to other complication.
C!pertrophic oteod!troph!: #ertain line of Beimaraner$ and ome other large3%reed
dog$ ma! de"elop h!pertrophic oteod!troph! following canine ditemper "accination
gi"en %etween 2 and 5 month of age. +he! ma! alo de"elop repirator! ign$
enlarged l!mph node$ and diarrhea. +he h!pertrophic oteod!troph! i treated with
glucocorticoid and the ign of the dieae uuall! reol"e.
4irth defects or infections
+he "accination of pregnant animal with a modified li"e "accine can reult in %irth
defect or a%ortion. 1t i recommended that modified li"e "accine N@2@4 %e gi"en to
pregnant animal.
7 with an! medical procedure$ there are alwa! ri' of ad"ere reaction or ide
effect. 7 new "accine and method of adminitration %ecome a"aila%le$ the ad"ere
ri' of "accination hould %e reduced e"en more.

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