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Paper 2 The Environment of Pakistan For Examination from 2015

1 hour 30 minutes
Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge Ordinary Level
This document consists of 16 printed pages.
DC (LK) 75190/1
UCLES 2013 [Turn over
2059/02/SM/15 UCLES 2013
1 (a) (i) State one way in which arable farming is different from pastoral farming.
Need to state a comparison, e.g.
Arable involves growing crops but pastoral is keeping animals/livestock.
(ii) Name one crop on the list that is not a food crop.
Tobacco [1]
(iii) Name two crops on the list that are used mainly for animal feed.
Two from: maize, millet, oil seeds. (1 + 1) [2]
(b) (i) What is meant by the barani method of growing crops?
Crops grown without any irrigation (1)
Crops grown in the rainy season (1) [1]
(ii) Complete the climate graph (Fig. 1).
Correct plot and linked to existing line at 20 C (1)
Correct plot and shading at 45 mm (1) (1 + 1) [2]
(iii) Describe the distribution of rainfall during the period of wheat cultivation. Refer to
data and months in your answer.
Need to recognise three stages; allow some tolerance on mm.
Wheat cultivation begins in December when rainfall is 41 mm (1)
Wheat growth continues as rainfall rises to a maximum of 107 mm in March (1)
Wheat cultivation ends in May as rainfall falls to 45 mm (1). (1 + 1 + 1) [3]
(iv) Explain how the barani method of wheat cultivation relates to the temperatures
and rainfall shown on the graph (Fig. 1).
Reserve 1 mark for temperature and 1 mark for rainfall. Allow tolerance on data.
Sow at beginning of winter/December when temperatures low/mild/average 5 C (1)
Growth/grain swells as temperatures increase to 14 C in April (1)
Crop ripens/harvested as temperatures increase to 23 C in June (1)
Sow at beginning of winter/December when rainfall increases to 41 mm (1)
Growth/grain swells as rainfall increases to 107 mm in April (1)
Rain falls after March and crop ripens ready for harvesting when rain below 45 mm (1)
(3 + 1) or ( 2 + 2) [4]
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(c) (i) State one difference between subsistence farming and commercial farming.
Subsistence is growing food for own use / survival / commercial aims for a surplus (1)
Subsistence often small-scale / commercial large-scale (1)
Subsistence involves labour / family commercial more machinery (1)
Subsistence no profit motive / commercial aims for profit (1) [1]
(ii) Give two reasons why crop yields may be low when subsistence farming methods
are used.
Lack of knowledge of modern methods (1) so traditional/slow methods used / low yields (1)
Have to use animals/draft power (1) so slower as lack machinery/capital/tractors (1)
Old/primitive/unreliable irrigation systems used (1) so lack of water required for growth (1)
Use of untrained family / unskilled labour (1) so poor/ill-informed decisions made (1)
Use poor seeds/from previous harvest (1) so poor quality growth likely (1)
No access to HYVs (1) so cannot get highest possible yields (1)
Cant afford / lack access to pesticides/fertilizers (1) so pests eat crops / growth
minimal (1) 2 (1 + 1) [4]
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(d) Which statement do you agree with more? Give reasons for your answer and refer to
places or examples you have studied in Pakistan to support your answer.
No marks awarded for statement supported; marks are for the argument candidates make.
Level Description Marks
Level 3 Two more elaborate statements that refer to both statements (A and
B) in positive and/or negative ways while supporting one statement,
and also includes some place-specific information or examples that
relate to Pakistan.
Level 2 One or two more elaborate statements that refer to both statements
(A and B) in positive and/or negative ways while supporting one
statement, e.g. a more elaborate statement supporting statement A,
Although farmers do need more help I support Statement A more.
By building an agricultural college we will produce young educated
farmers as we must invest in the future.
Level 1 One or two simple statements that show limited positive and/or
negative reasons for choosing one statement (A or B) only, e.g. a
simple statement supporting statement A,
An agricultural college will produce lots of educated farmers.
Level 0 No valid response. [0]
Indicative content
Supporting Statement A
Increased knowledge/management and more educated farmers in future
Long-term improvement vital; otherwise status quo continues
Better methods of cultivation used
Better use of fertilizers/pesticides/disease management
More knowledge of using/repairing machinery
Supporting Statement B
More immediate effect to solve current shortages
More crops/livestock can be produced more quickly
Poor farmers can move beyond subsistence to a surplus/profit
May increase employment
Increased demand for machinery/tools and employment
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2 (a) (i) Making cement is an important industry in Pakistan. Circle below which industrial
type the cement industry belongs to.
Secondary [1]
(ii) Which statement below shows the two main raw materials extracted in Pakistan to
make cement? Tick your answer.
Gypsum and limestone [1]
(iii) Name two other inputs that are used in a cement factory.
Labour (1)
Land / area (1)
Buildings (1)
Machinery (1)
Money / capital / investment (1)
Power / electricity / gas / coal / oil (1)
Water (1) (1 + 1) [2]
(b) (i) Suggest why there are no cement factories in Balochistan.
Maybe no gypsum / limestone (1)
Mining difficulties due to mountains (1)
Low rainfall / drought makes working difficult (1)
Lack of water (1)
Transport problems (1)
Low population density / lack workforce (1) [1]
(ii) Describe the distribution of cement factories in Pakistan.
Mostly north-east / Punjab area (1)
One in central area (1)
Cluster / six in south-east (1)
Group / three close to / on coast / in Sindh (1)
Almost all in Punjab / Sindh / in east of Pakistan (1) (1 + 1) [2]
(iii) Cement is mostly used for building in Pakistan. However, many manufactured
products are exported. What is an Export Processing Zone (EPZ)?
A special industrial zone (1)
An industrial estate (1)
Supports manufacture of products for export only (1)
Companies get government grants (1) e.g. for electricity/water supply/roads/telephones (1)
Companies get tax exemptions (1)
Companies can develop housing / social facilities within EPZ (1)
Allow one mark if they name Karachi, Sialkot, Rawalpindi or Risalpur (1) (1 + 1 + 1) [3]
2059/02/SM/15 UCLES 2013
(iv) Explain how these Zones can increase the Gross National Product (GNP) of
Attract manufacturing companies (1)
More products to sell abroad/ increase exports (1)
Earn more foreign exchange (1)
More profit due to grants, lower taxes, incentives (1)
Other linked services move in and increase income (1) (1 + 1 + 1 + 1) [4]
(c) (i) Look at Photograph A on the Insert. It shows a cement factory near Ghulamullah,
in Thatta district. Apart from building the factory, suggest one other way in which
human activity has changed the landscape here.
Cleared of trees/vegetation/deforestation (1)
Creation of kacha/wide road (1)
Tyre tracks indicate presence of transport (1) [1]
(ii) Explain two ways in which this factory may be damaging the local environment.
Transport to/from factory (1) may be creating air pollution (1)
Smoke from chimney (1) causing air pollution (1)
Factory buildings (1) create visual ugliness / pollution (1)
Waste from factory (1) may cause water pollution (1)
Smoke from factory (1) may damage vegetation in local area (1)
Transport may be creating ruts in landscape (1) compacting surface / soil erosion (1)
2 (1 + 1) [4]
2059/02/SM/15 UCLES 2013 [Turn over
(d) Which statement do you agree with more? Give reasons for your answer and refer to
places or examples you have studied in Pakistan to support your answer.
No marks awarded for statement supported; marks are for the argument candidates make.
Level Description Marks
Level 3 Two more elaborate statements that refer to both statements (A
and B) in a positive and/or negative way while supporting one
statement, and also includes some place-specific information or
examples that relate to Pakistan.
Level 2 One or two more elaborate statements that refer to both statements
(A and B) in positive and/or negative ways while supporting one
statement, e.g. a more elaborate statement supporting statement A,
Although it is important to increase food supplies, I support
Statement A more. Major cities have a large workforce so they can
be paid low wages.
Level 1 One or two simple statements that show limited positive and/or
negative reasons for choosing one statement (A or B) only, e.g. a
simple statement supporting statement A,
I support statement A more because there are customers nearby.
Level 0 No valid response. [0]
Indicative content
Supporting Statement A
Increased improvement to economy
Long-term improvement vital; otherwise status quo continues
Local workforce available close by
Much of infrastructure already in place
Customers close by
Transport costs to customers can be low
Major cities may have international links for exports
Supporting Statement B
High growth of population
Food shortages must be resolved / more humane investment
Health is vital to development
Increased life expectancy needed
Healthier workforce will increase productivity
Long-term interest to increase food production
Reduce imports of food and improve balance of payments
2059/02/SM/15 UCLES 2013
3 (a) (i) State the percentage of literate people living in urban areas.
62/63% [1]
(ii) How much greater is this than the percentage of literate people living in rural
2426% [1]
(iii) Give two reasons why the percentage of literate people living in urban areas is
greater than the percentage living in rural areas.
There are schools / better schools (1)
Jobs in towns attract literate people (1)
Presence of HE/FE/colleges/universities (1)
Traditional farming has less/little need for literacy (1)
More literate women likely to be in urban areas (1)
Higher income in urban areas / can afford to be educated (1) (1 + 1) [2]
(b) (i) Complete the table by calculating the natural increase of population for 2009.
22.9 [1]
(ii) Population totals can also be affected by migration. PUSH and PULL factors cause
people to migrate from rural areas to urban areas. Below are four of these factors.
Circle whether you think each is a PUSH or PULL factor.
Work in a factory PULL
Drought killing crops PUSH
Safety from civil war PUSH
Children can go to school PULL
(Mark as one correct = 0, two or three correct = 1 mark, four correct = 2 marks) [2]
(iii) Suggest three problems that migrants from rural areas to urban areas might face
when they arrive at the town or city they have moved to.
Lack of housing (1)
Cant afford a house (1)
Lack of work / unemployment (1)
Have to live in cramped/crowded/illegal conditions (1)
Issues of race/caste/tribal differences/culture clashes (1)
Exploitation / low pay / long working hours (1)
Health issues / examples e.g. cholera (1)
Language differences (1)
Lack of education/qualifications (1) (1 + 1 + 1) [3]
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(iv) Why do people in villages think that their quality of life will improve if they move to
a town or city?
Access to better housing (1)
More chance of employment (1)
Better wages (1)
Regular work/wages (1)
Better working conditions/hours than farming (1)
Access to services/electricity/gas/water/internet/phones (1)
Access to infrastructure/banks/transport/shops (1)
Better/more reliable food sources (1)
Bright lights syndrome / media perception (1)
Access to entertainment/clubs/parks (1)
Safety/security/police (1) (1 + 1 + 1 + 1) [4]
(c) (i) Study Photograph B on the Insert. Describe the housing shown at the front of the
Irregular pattern (1)
Crowded together (1)
Single-storey (1)
Corrugated iron roofs (1)
Lack gardens / land around them (1)
Lack windows (1)
Squatter settlements / shanty areas (1) [1]
(ii) With reference to Photograph B and your own knowledge, give two reasons why
many people become ill in areas such as the one shown here.
Crowded homes (1) cause disease to spread (1)
Cramped conditions / noise from factories (1) creates stress (1)
Water pool/pond (1) encourages mosquitoes/malaria (1)
Stagnant water (1) helps create cholera/bilharzia (1)
Lack of clean water/polluted water (1) causes illness/stomach problems (1)
Dust/air pollution from nearby factory (1) causes asthma/breathing issues (1)
Flimsy buildings / leaky roofs (1) creates risk of damp/cold conditions (1)
No access to doctors/hospitals (1) so not likely to be treated quickly / germs spread (1)
2 (1 + 1) [4]
2059/02/SM/15 UCLES 2013
(d) Which statement do you agree with more? Give reasons for your answer and refer to
places or examples you have studied in Pakistan to support your answer.
No marks awarded for statement supported; marks are for the argument candidates make.
Level Description Marks
Level 3 Two more elaborate statements that refer to both statements (A
and B) in a positive and/or negative way while supporting one
statement, and also includes some place-specific information or
examples that relate to Pakistan.
Level 2 One or two more elaborate statements that refer to both statements
(A and B) in positive and/or negative ways while supporting one
statement, e.g. a more elaborate statement supporting statement A,
Although it is important that the shanty towns are improved to a
high standard by using some good companies, I support Statement
A more. Shanty towns have a large workforce who could provide
their labour free so saving the government the full cost.
Level 1 Two simple statements that show limited positive and/or negative
reasons for choosing one statement (A or B) only, e.g. a simple
statement supporting statement A,
I support statement A more because there are workers nearby.
Level 0 No valid response. [0]
Indicative content
Supporting Statement A
Local workforce available close by
Can train/develop local skills for future
Gives responsibility to local people
Allows local people to provide inputs
Cheaper if labour is free
Only need to provide training/materials
Quick to implement
Supporting Statement B
Government has power to get things done
Easy to fund/get resources from government
Can employ companies that will complete job professionally
Can improve large areas without local issues of dissent
Can gain economies of scale in providing raw materials
Easy to create linked services e.g. electricity, water
People dont need skills training
2059/02/SM/15 UCLES 2013 [Turn over
4 (a) (i) Plot the following information on the graph, Fig. 6.
Wheat plot at 24 000 with shading. [1]
(ii) Which crop had the lowest production in 2009?
Rice [1]
(iii) Sugar cane is a very productive crop. Suggest two reasons high production is
possible from quite a small area.
Large/tall plant (1) OR Narrow plant / less space taken (1)
High yield per plant / huge amount in each crop (1) (1 + 1) [2]
(b) (i) What is meant by the term fertiliser?
(Do not credit names of fertilisers)
A chemical addition to the land to make the soil more fertile. [1]
(ii) Study Fig. 7. Complete the passage below by circling the correct answers.
NPK, Potassium, Phosphorus, Nitrogen
(Mark as one correct = 0, two or three correct = 1 mark, four correct = 2 marks) [2]
(iii) Fertilisers are used by farmers on their fields. Suggest three problems that using
fertilisers could cause for the environment and people of Pakistan.
Can upset ecosystems (1)
May damage natural food webs/chains (1)
Loss of/damage to species/plants/animals (1)
Chemicals washed out into water (1)
Eutrophication / loss of oxygen in water (1)
Fish die / algae growth limits light into water (1)
Polluted water / chemicals get into water cycle (1)
Illnesses to people (1)
Over-reliance on fertilisers / shortage problem (1) (1 + 1 + 1) [3]
(iv) What are the benefits of increasing fertiliser production for the people and the
economy of Pakistan?
Employment in producing more fertiliser (1)
More food production (1)
Less starvation / food shortages (1)
Less food imports / more food exports (1)
Better balance of payments / higher GNP (1)
Less debt / more farm profits (1)
Food surplus / less subsistence (1) (1 + 1 + 1 + 1) [4]
2059/02/SM/15 UCLES 2013
(c) (i) Complete Fig. 8, the pie chart using the figures below and the key provided.
1 mark for plotting the correct line at 65% and for correct use of key provided. [1]
(ii) Much of the imported machinery is used in the craft industry. Explain the
importance of mechanisation to the craft industry and other small-scale industries
in Pakistan.
Quicker than manual effort (1) so can increase production (1)
Less labour needed (1) so lower labour costs (1)
Same quality of product (1) so consistent standard maintained (1)
Can replace/reduce child labour (1) so more humane attitude to workforce/less
exploitation (1)
Learn new skills (1) so can develop the workforce/use more complex machinery (1)
2 (1 + 1) [4]
2059/02/SM/15 UCLES 2013 [Turn over
(d) Which statement do you agree with more? Give reasons for your answer and refer to
places or examples you have studied in Pakistan to support your answer.
No marks awarded for statement supported; marks are for the argument candidates make.
Level Description Marks
Level 3 Two more elaborate statements that refer to both statements
(A and B) in a positive and/or negative way while supporting one
statement, and also includes some place-specific information or
examples that relate to Pakistan.
Level 2 One or two more elaborate statements that refer to both statements
(A and B) in positive and/or negative ways while supporting one
statement, e.g. a more elaborate statement supporting statement A,
Although it is important to produce as many of Pakistans own
goods as possible, I support Statement A more. The EU can trade
its technology and save Pakistan a lot of time in trying to develop its
Level 1 One or two simple statements that show limited positive and/or
negative reasons for choosing one statement (A or B) only, e.g. a
simple statement supporting statement A,
I support statement A more because Pakistan can get new products/
technology more quickly.
Level 0 No valid response. [0]
Indicative content
Supporting Statement A
Better/peaceful relationships with EU countries/West
More rapid access to latest technology/products
Not get left behind in development
Increase exports / better balance of payments / increase GNP
Can focus on what produce best
Influence on EU policies e.g. immigration
Supporting Statement B
Need to avoid reliance/dependence on Western powers
Poor relations could lead to trade issues/ban
Need to develop skills/resources of people
Need to increase GDP
Producing own goods reduces imports
Cheaper goods than importing if home-made
2059/02/SM/15 UCLES 2013
5 (a) (i) Estimate the average (mean) January temperature at Faisalabad.
Any number from 1015 C inclusive; accept 12.5 C or similar to 1DP max. [1]
(ii) The January temperature at Karachi is 19C. Shade the area that includes Karachi
using the key.
One mark for shading coastal strip including Karachi in darkest colour. [1]
(iii) Describe the distribution of January temperatures in Pakistan.
Temperatures increase from north/NE to south/SW (1) from 0 C near Chitral to over
18 C around Karachi / at the southern coast (1)
Temperatures increase from west/NW to east/SE (1) from 0 C in north Balochistan to
18 C in east Sindh (1) (1 + 1) [2]
(b) (i) What is meant by monsoon rainfall?
Heavy rainfall that falls for a few months/summer months during the year (1)
Heavy rainfall caused by a reversal of winds as pressure systems change (1) [1]
(ii) Name the body of water that is the source of moisture for each of the monsoon
winds X and Y.
X Bay of Bengal (1)
Y Arabian Sea (1) (1 + 1) [2]
(iii) Describe the distribution of the two areas that receive over 125 millimetres of
monsoon rainfall between July and September.
Southern Sindh (1)
Area SE of Pakistan / by SE coast (1)
North/NE Pakistan (1)
Southern area has over 125 mm but not 250 mm (1)
North Punjab/NWFP/FATA/part of SWAT (1)
Increases from 125 mm Punjab to NE where reaches 500 mm (1) (1 + 1 + 1) [3]
2059/02/SM/15 UCLES 2013 [Turn over
(iv) What problems are created for farmers in areas of high temperature and low
monsoon rainfall such as in Northern Sindh and Southern Punjab?
Reserve one mark for reference to high temperature and one mark for reference to lack
of rainfall.
High evaporation/evapotranspiration (1)
Dry soils (1)
Difficult working conditions (1)
No other sources of rainfall (1)
Lack relief to cause relief rainfall (1)
Low humidity (1)
Need for irrigation (1)
Cant afford to irrigate / tubewells (1)
Irrigation water already provided elsewhere (1)
Poor crop growth (1)
Shortage of food for subsistence (1)
Low profit/income (1) (1 + 1 + 1 + 1) [4]
(c) (i) Irrigation is required in many parts of Pakistan. Which statement below best
describes irrigation? Tick your answer.
Adding water to the land to enable farming to take place [1]
(ii) Name one irrigation technique that is used in Pakistan. Describe how this
technique works. You may use a labelled sketch or diagram.
One mark for named choice. Three marks for how the technique is described and
explained. Can all be from labels on sketch or mixture of labels/text.
Likely choices: canals, diversion canals, lift irrigation, sailaba, wells, tubewells, karez.
(1 + 3) [4]
2059/02/SM/15 UCLES 2013
(d) Which statement do you agree with more? Give reasons for your answer and refer to
places or examples you have studied in Pakistan to support your answer.
No marks awarded for statement supported; marks are for the argument candidates make.
Level Description Marks
Level 3 Two more elaborate statements that refer to both statements (A
and B) in a positive and/or negative way while supporting one
statement, and also includes some place-specific information or
examples that relate to Pakistan.
Level 2 One or two more elaborate statements that refer to both statements
(A and B) in positive and/or negative ways while supporting one
statement, e.g. a more elaborate statement supporting statement A,
Although it is important to involve local people who know the
problems they face with water supply, I support Statement A more.
The government has the money and knowledge to plan for the
whole country so rainfall and water supplies are not wasted.
Level 1 One or two simple statements that show limited positive and/or
negative reasons for choosing one statement (A or B) only, e.g. a
simple statement supporting statement A,
I support statement A the most because large dams in wet areas
can supply dry areas a long way away.
Level 0 No valid response. [0]
Indicative content
Supporting Statement A
Rainfall can be stored in one area and supply a dry area
Government has power to get things done
Expensive to fund/get resources from government
Can employ companies that will complete job professionally
Can plan at national scale
Can gain economies of scale in providing raw materials
No cost to local people
Supporting Statement B
Local workforce could build small-scale systems with training
Can train/develop local skills for future
Gives responsibility to local people
Allows local people to provide inputs
Cheaper if labour is free
Can respond to local conditions
Quick to implement

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