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Bahasa Inggris II

Telkom University
Exercises for UTS
Direction: Write a topic sentence for the following paragraphs.
1. _______________________________________. We think big companies will have secure systems
to stop hackers accessing our private etails. This incient shows that even the biggest companies
cannot guarantee to keep our private information safe. !erhaps these big companies shoul stop
trying to sen us enless marketing e"mails. #ur inbo$es seem to be full of mails we o not want
trying to sell us things we o not nee. It can be very ifficult to unsubscribe from them.
%. _______________________________________________. It is slimmer an thinner than the oler
&acebook. This is goo news for people with slow Internet spees. &urthermore' (ite oes not have
hunres of services like the oler &acebook has' so it is easier to use. Inustry e$perts say
&acebook introuce (ite to compete with Twitter. Users can share posts in real time ) the same
as Twitter. Unfortunately' for the moment' it is only available to people in the U*+ an Inia.
Direction: Write a concluing sentence for the following paragraphs.
,. We nee computers toay for everything. !ublic places like hospitals' airports' the police- nothing
can work without computers. I.m sure I. be ten times busier than now if I in.t have a computer.
Imagine having to fin a piece of paper an an envelope an then walking own the street to mail
a letter/ I love my computer. It makes everything in my life so convenient. *ure' it free0es an
crashes sometimes. *ure I lose some ata. But that.s not often.
1. &or centuries hotels have been thinking of ifferent an novel ways to attract guests. + new survey
reveals that the twenty"first century guest nees free Wi"&i Internet access to make his or her stay
complete. +ccoring to' hotel guests much preferre to be connecte in their rooms
than have the little lu$uries such as Italian espresso coffee makers' vieo game consoles or a gym
to work out in. #f 113 people who respone to the website.s survey' more than ,45 sai free
Wi"&i was a must when eciing where to book a room.
________________________________________________________________ .
Direction: (ook for irrelevant sentences in the following paragraph. Which sentences6
3. 718 +pple9s newest prouct' the i!a tablet' is now on sale in +merica. 7%8 2unres of +pple fans
waite outsie +pple.s stores all night. 7,8 They wante to be sure of getting their i!a in case they
sol out. 718 I haven.t sol my own i!a yet. 738 *ome people even flew to the U*+ from other
countries. 7:8 There has been great e$citement about the i!a for months. 7;8 Unfortunately'
customers outsie the U*+ will have to wait a bit longer for their tablet. 748 The first generation
tablets have wi"fi' so people can use them inoors. 7<8 The secon tablet I purchase was very
e$pensive. 71=8 They on.t yet have ,> connectivity' so they cannot use them outsie.
Irrelevant sentence 7s8: ____________
:. 718 + U.*. university has foun a new use for the +pple i!hone ) as a musical instrument. 7%8 !eople
love playing traitional musical instrument as their hobbies. 7,8 +caemics from the University of
?ichigan have @oine forces to create what they call a %1st century orchestra. 718 There are no
traitional instruments' only %= of +pple.s best"selling mobile telephones. 738 The pro@ect is a group
effort from the university.s music' computer science an engineering epartments. 7:8 They call
themselves the ?ichigan ?obile !hone Ansemble an escribe their work as Bnew' cra0y' electronic
ensemble musicB. 7;8 They will hol their first concert on Wenesay' Cecember the <th. 748 Aach
Dmusician. will Dplay. the notes an tunes that they programme into their hanset. 7<8 Inonesian
songs will also be playe in the program. 71=8 The result will be an original piece of... music.
Irrelevant sentence 7s8: ____________
Direction: reorer the sentences in the following paragraph.
;. 718 I also love the iea of mp, ownloas.
7%8 When I was a teenager' I ha a recor collection.
7,8 Inee' the technology of mp, is certainly ama0ing.
718 +ren.t mp,s ama0ing6
738 But now' I still fin it har to believe I can keep 1='=== songs in my pocket an take them
anywhere in the worl.
7:8 Eoung people toay have ifferent musical preferences than before.
7;8 I ha hunres of recors.
748 It.s much easier than going to a recor store.
7<8 Eou ha to go to a store an buy your music.
Forrect orer: ___' ___' ___' ___' ___' ___' ___' ___' ___.
Direction: Ait the following paragraph. (ook for the incorrect parts of wors' phrases' an sentences'
an write the correction forms in the table.
4. + recently stuy in the U.G. shows that two"thirs of people cannot leave with out them mobile
phone. They suffer from a illness new calls nomophobia ) the fear of not having your mobile phone.
Homophobia is short for Ino"mobile"phone"phobiaJ. The problem is getting baer. The first stuy
in %==4 foun that 3, per cent of cell phone users in Britain feare being phoneless. That figure
have risen to :: per cent this year an seem like it will continue to rise as we use our phones to o
more thing.
No Incorrect parts Correction
Direction: Write the supporting sentences to complete the paragraph.
<. We can.t live nowaays without software. 718 __________________________________________
___________________________. 7%8 Then___________________________________________
________________________________________. 7,8 Without software'____________________
_________________________________. 718 The great thing about software is that __________
_____________________________________________________. Fertainly' software really helps
people.s lives.
>oo luck/
+nswer key
1. #nline security is becoming a worry for many of us
%. &acebook has introuce a new version of its social networking site.
,. ?ost of the time my computer is like my best frien
1. ?any people are tire of paying the often e$orbitant charges to get online.
3. Ho 1 an <
:. Ho % an <
;. Forrect orer: 1':'%'<';'3'1'4',.
+ren.t mp,s ama0ing6
Eoung people toay have ifferent musical preferences than before.
When I was a teenager' I ha a recor collection.
Eou ha to go to a store an buy your music.
I ha hunres of recors.
But now' I still fin it har to believe I can keep 1='=== songs in my pocket an take them
anywhere in the worl.
I also love the iea of mp, ownloas.
It.s much easier than going to a recor store.
Inee' the technology of mp, is certainly ama0ing.
No Incorrect parts Correction
1. Kecently recent
%. (eave (ive
,. With out Without
1. Them Their
3. Illness new Hew illness
:. Falls Falle
;. Baer Worse
4. 2ave 2as
<. *eem *eems
1=. Thing Things

#riginal te$t
+ recent stuy in the U.G. shows that two"thirs of people cannot live without their mobile phone. They
suffer from a new illness calle nomophobia ) the fear of not having your mobile phone. Homophobia is
short for Ino"mobile"phone"phobiaJ. The problem is getting worse. The first stuy in %==4 foun that
3, per cent of cell phone users in Britain feare being phoneless. That figure has risen to :: per cent
this year an seems like it will continue to rise as we use our phones to o more things.
We can.t live nowaays without software. 718 We nee an operating system to run our computers.
Then 7%8 we nee software to make ocuments' store our music an photos' play games' surf the
Internet' an a million other things. Without software' 7,8 the worl woul probably stop. The great
thing about software is that 718 it gets better an better. Fertainly' software really helps people.s

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