Sunteți pe pagina 1din 35


Ch 01 The Absolute Necessity of Faith......................................................................................................4
Ch 02 The Object of Faith..........................................................................................................................6
Ch 0 The !eed of Faith............................................................................................................................."
Ch 04 The #an$ua$e of Faith.....................................................................................................................%
Ch 0& The 'e$innin$ of Faith....................................................................................................................(
Ch 06 The !)irit of Faith.........................................................................................................................10
Ch 0" The *e)entance of Faith................................................................................................................11
Ch 0% The +u,ility of Faith....................................................................................................................12
Ch 0( The Findin$ of Faith......................................................................................................................1
Ch 10 The !i,)licity of Faith..................................................................................................................14
Ch 11 The !incerity of Faith....................................................................................................................1&
Ch 12 The -enitence of Faith...................................................................................................................16
Ch 1 The Fear of Faith...........................................................................................................................1"
Ch 14 The Certainty of Faith...................................................................................................................1%
Ch 1& The .lorifyin$ of .od by Faith.....................................................................................................1(
Ch 16 The -o/er of Faith........................................................................................................................20
Ch 1" The Childshi) of Faith...................................................................................................................21
Ch 1% The !urrender of Faith...................................................................................................................22
Ch 1( The !chool of Faith.......................................................................................................................2
Ch 20 The 0ord of Faith..........................................................................................................................24
Ch 21 The Than1s$i2in$ of Faith............................................................................................................2&
Ch 21 The Offence of Faith......................................................................................................................26
Ch 2 The !tability of Faith.....................................................................................................................2"
Ch 24 The 3ustification of Faith...............................................................................................................2%
Ch 2& The 0or1s of Faith........................................................................................................................2(
Ch 26 The Obedience of Faith.................................................................................................................0
Ch 2" The Nutri,ent of Faith..................................................................................................................1
Ch 2% The Tenderness of Faith................................................................................................................2
Ch 2( The +and of Faith..........................................................................................................................
Ch 0 The +inderin$ of Faith..................................................................................................................4
Ch 1 The .ift of Faith............................................................................................................................&
Chapter 1. The Absolute Necessity of Faith
Chapter 2. The Object of Faith
Chapter 3. The Seed of Faith
Chapter 4. The La!ua!e of Faith
Chapter ". The #e!ii! of Faith
Chapter $. The Spirit of Faith
Chapter %. The &epetace of Faith
Chapter '. The (u)ility of Faith
Chapter *. The Fidi! of Faith
Chapter 1+. The Si)plicity of Faith
Chapter 11. The Sicerity of Faith
Chapter 12. The ,etiece of Faith
Chapter 13. The Fear of Faith
Chapter 14. The Certaity of Faith
Chapter 1". The -lorifyi! of -od by Faith
Chapter 1$. The , of Faith
Chapter 1%. The Childship of Faith
Chapter 1'. The Surreder of Faith
Chapter 1*. The School of Faith
Chapter 2+. The /ord of Faith
Chapter 21. The Tha0s!i1i! of Faith
Chapter 22. The Offece of Faith
Chapter 23. The Stability of Faith
Chapter 24. The 2ustificatio of Faith
Chapter 2". The /or0s of Faith
Chapter 2$. The Obediece of Faith
Chapter 2%. The Nutri)et of Faith
Chapter 2'. The Tederess of Faith
Chapter 2*. The (ad of Faith
Chapter 3+. The (ideri! of Faith
Chapter 31. The -ift of Faith
#elo1ed frieds3 .ho are see0i! the Lord3 but ha1e ot yet foud (i)3 it is for you that this little boo0
has bee .ritte. /he 4 recetly spo0e .ith you3 i the course of )y pastoral 1isitatio3 )y soul .as
filled .ith deep sorro. o1er your coditio. 4 still )et .ith )ay .ho .ith )aifest earestess ad
spiritual desire .ere see0i! sal1atio3 so)e ideed for )ay years past3 ad .ho3 ot.ithstadi!3
had ot yet arri1ed at faith.
This ou!ht ot to re)ai so. 4t teds to the dishoor of our Lord. True reli!io is thereby brou!ht ito
cote)pt3 for the .orld is the ri!ht i cocludi!5 the ser1ice of 2esus !i1es either joy or sal1atio.
O you! co1erts your ifluece is by o )eas helpful3 for your e6a)ple !i1es the) absolutely o
ecoura!e)et. 4 this .ay also3 the co!re!atio suffers loss3 for istead of helpi! as joyfully acti1e
)e)bers to build it up3 you are o the cotrary ser1i! to di1ide its eer!ies3 ad you hider its
spiritual prosperity. To your )iister you are ofte the cause of care ad a6iety7 you )a0e hi)
dispirited .ith the thou!ht that the /ord of -od has so little ifluece .ith you. 8ou sped your life i
sorro. ad !loo)3 ad you place your souls i peril for eterity.
#elo1ed3 your coditio !oes to )y heart3 ad )ay a ti)e 4 as0 )yself3 /hat is really the cause of this
ubelief9 4 0o. that there are so)e .ho caot belie1e3 because their heart is ot ri!ht before -od.
The )a .ho lo1es the .orld3 ad does ot3 .ith cofessio of his !uilt3 beta0e hi)self to 2esus .ith
the prayer that he )ay be deli1ered fro) the lo1e of the .orld3 caot3 )ay ot3 belie1e. The )a .ho
still clea1es to this ad that boso) si3 ad3 for istace3 .ill ot ha1e doe .ith deceptio3 lo1e of
strife3 pride3 a1arice3 ad such li0e ii:uities3 ou!ht ot to be surprised that he caot belie1e. 2esus
.ould as0 hi)3 ;(o. ca ye belie1e9; <2oh "5 44=. 4t is a i)possibility. #ut3 belo1ed3 .e are
persuaded better thi!s of you. 4 .rite to you as those of .ho) 4 hope that it is i truth their earest
desire to fid the Sa1ior3 ad of .ho) 4 really trust that they ha1e truly declared before the Lord5
;LO&>3 Thou 0o.est all thi!s3 Thou 0o.est that 4 lo1e Thee.; Ad .ith )y eye fi6ed o your
coditio3 4 as0 )yself3 /hat ca be the cause of it3 ad is there o )eas of deli1eri! you out of it9
;4s there o bal) i -ilead9 4s there o physicia there9;
The cause caot be that -od has closed (is deali!s .ith you3 ad that it is o lo!er possible for you
to belie1e. No5 -od co))ads you to belie1e. (e desires this3 ad i (is .ord has laid do. before
your faith pro)ises for it to ta0e up. Ad yet 4 fear that there are so)e a)o! you .ho i)a!ie that
there is a appoit)et of -od3 a!aist .hich you ca do othi!3 util -od )a0es so)e alteratio.
/ith all earestess3 4 etreat you to put these thou!hts far fro) you. 4t is your o. !uilt that you do
ot belie1e3 ad ideed a hea1y !uilt3 .hich you ou!ht to cofess .ith hu)ility3 ad of .hich you
should be asha)ed. 4f you do ot fully ac0o.led!e this3 4 see o re)edy for bri!i! you to faith3 for
this secret thou!ht .ill )a0e all your edea1ors of o a1ail.
The cause of this ubelief of yours ca just as little be that -od has ot !i1e you for faith. 4
0o. that this )isuderstadi! is pre1aili! .ith so)e of you. #ecause there are so)e Christias
that ha1e bee brou!ht to faith 1ery suddely ad effectually3 it is i)a!ied that such a )ode of
co1ersio3 if ot the oly oe3 is certaily at least the best. Secretly3 therefore3 so)e are .aiti! for a
po.erful i)pulse .hereby they shall be as if dri1e to faith ad brou!ht to it at oce. This thou!ht also
is a 1ery da!erous hidrace i the .ay of faith. There are al.ays t.o .ays3 alo! .hich oe ca
attai to the ejoy)et of abudace. To )a0e the first plai by a e6a)ple5 oe )ay beco)e rich at
oce by a iheritace that oe recei1es3 or by this or that successful uderta0i!7 but oe ca also
attai to .ealth by the )ore !radual ad :uiet )ethod of faithful idustry ad ecoo)y3 or by )a0i!
a .ise use of e1ery opportuity of icreasi! oe?s resources. So3 to use aother illustratio3 oe ca
ha1e a lar!e space filled .ith .ater by a pletiful of rai as .ell as by a .atercourse fro) a
clear foutai7 by .hich latter )ethod the thi! is doe )ore The first is the easier .ay3 but it
is also that .hich stads e6posed to the )ost da!ers. The secod is the lo!er ad )ore troubleso)e
.ay3 but i so)e respects also the safer. The souls that fid the hea1ely treasure of the assurace of
faith at oce are to be accouted happy that the .ay for the) has bee so short7 if others ha1e to tread
a )ore difficult path3 they ca e1ertheless at least reach the !oal. 4f they oly )o1e alo! the path.ay
of )eas .ith real desire3 ad .ith the positi1e co1ictio that they also ca belie1e3 they shall be
brou!ht to this poit.
4 coectio .ith the t.o erroeous ideas just )etioed3 stads .hat 4 ha1e also just referred to3
a)ely3 the )eas of heali! for your co)plait3 ad therefore o this poit3 too3 4 shall say a fe.
8ou )ust ac0o.led!e that it is the .ill of -od that you should belie1e. ;4f 4 spea0 the truth3 .hy do
you ot belie1e )e9; <2oh '5 4$=. This :uestio of the Lord 2esus to the 2e.s3 .hich (e also puts to
us3 sho.s that ubelief )ust ha1e a cause apart fro) (i). (e spo0e the truth .ith the ai) ad desire
of a.a0ei! faith. 8ou )ust further ta0e ito cosideratio that there is othi! for .hich you ha1e
to .ait3 before you be!i to belie1e. 8ou ha1e to set yoursel1es forth.ith i the .ay of the )eas3 ad
.ith the) you )ust be dili!et7 the you )ay hope for the blessi! of the Spirit. O the Spirit you
ha1e ot to .ait3 as if (e had still first to co)e ad .ere to )a0e you by oe to0e or aother 0o.
that (e .as o. ready3 ad that you could thus belie1e. No7 (e is pro)ised to you. (e has already
ofte desired to .or0 i your souls7 ad istead of your ha1i! to .ait for (i)3 before you be!i to
belie1e3 you ha1e just to )a0e haste to belie1e3 for the Spirit .aits for you. 8ou ha1e already 0ept (i)
.aiti! too lo!. #e!i3 therefore3 i))ediately .ithout further delay. Ad if3 trusti! i the pro)ises
of -od3 that the Spirit is !i1e to those .ho as0 for (i)3 you are dili!et i leari! to belie1e3 you
)ay also certaily e6pect that (e3 the Spirit of !race3 .ill )a0e you capable of faith. /ait ot the3
ad delay ot uder the i)pressio that all is ot yet ready3 or that it is ot yet your duty actually to
belie1e. 4 this sese there is othi! for .hich you ha1e still to .ait. No5 as0 for the Spirit3 e6pect (is
ifluece3 be dili!et3 ad3 althou!h you do ot the as yet actually obser1e (is .or0i!s3 you )ay3
e1ertheless3 rec0o upo it that3 e1e .hile you )ay suppose yoursel1es to ha1e bee passed by3 the
Spirit is already cooperati! .ith your first feeble edea1ors.
8ou )ust pay special attetio to .hat the )eas for co)i! to faith is3 ad to .hat .ay it has to be
used. The )eas is the .ord5 but the )ai stress falls o the )aer i .hich the .ord is e)ployed.
/he oe searches it )erely i a !eeral .ay3 ad reads it to !et 0o.led!e ad reli!ious istructio3
it operates so stro!ly i the lie of reflectio ad repetace that the a6ious soul is ofte
e)barrassed by the iflu6 of thou!ht3 ad thus fails to attai his object i readi!. 4t is )y cousel3
therefore3 that you should read the #ible .ith a defiite ai)3 a)ely3 to fid out .hat pro)ises there
are that you ha1e to belie1e. 4t is )y cousel that you should see0 ad co)e to 0o. .hat pro)ises
there are that are a1ailable for you3 i order that you )ay be occupied .ith the)3 ad so ta0e
ad1ata!e of e1ery e6pediet for recei1i! the) i faith. @editate upo the)3 lear the) by heart3
re)ai cotiuously absorbed .ith the)3 bo. your 0ees before the Lord3 ad say to (i) that you are
resol1ed to belie1e the). -rud!e ot the ti)e that this e6ercise costs you. >o ot facy that this
busiess ca be fiished i te )iutes or so. The 1ast eterity is surely .orth the stri1i! of so)e
hours. Ta0e ti)e thus to search the .ord .ith set purpose3 .ith that oe defiite ai) of arri1i! at
faith. ,oder the .ord ad pray for eli!htei! iflueces fro) abo1e5 such earestess caot
re)ai ublessed.
There is still aother re)ar0 to be )ade respecti! the )aer i .hich this )eas is to be used3
a)ely3 that the duty is to be doe .ith faithfuless ad perse1erace. /e all 0o. ho. !reat the of habit is. #y cotiuous ad itetioal repetitio a thi! that .as at the outset stra!e ad
opposed to our taste3 beco)es a secod ature ad thereby easy ad acceptable. 4 reli!io the la.s of
hu)a ature are ot set aside7 the Spirit is ideed abo1e the)3 but (e still )a0es use of the). So is it
also .ith faith. The heart that is habituated to distrust ad doubt does ot arri1e at the e.3 holy habit
of faith .ithout the cotiual3 ofte repeated e6ercise of the act of faith. The pro)ise that foud a
sli!ht etrace today loses its ifluece i tur to)orro.3 just because the soul does ot perse1ere3
ad has ta0e o pais to 0eep ad cofir) the blessi! recei1ed. Thus 4 ha1e ofte obser1ed that3
after a ser)o or a co1ersatio3 a soul had a little li!ht but speedily a!ai lost it. Ad .hy9 #ecause
he did ot reco!iAe the i)portace ad the ecessity of his still 0eepi! the pro)ises ae. before
hi)3 to the ed that the old habit of ubelief )i!ht ot a!ai obtai the upper had. Therefore3
belo1ed be faithful cotiue F&O@ >A8 TO >A83 8BS3 AS @CC( AS 8OC CAN3 occupied .ith the
pro)ises of -od. The :uestio )ust be cotiually repeated3 ;/hat does -od re:uire )e to belie1e9;
ad i li0e )aer3 i the face of .hate1er .ea0ess3 )ust the be e6pressed at (is feet5 ;Lord3
4 belie1e7 4 .ill belie1e.;
To hold out a helpful had to this perse1erace3 4 ha1e .ritte for you this little boo0. 4t is offered to
you .ith this ur!et etreaty that for a )oth3 day by day3 you specially cocetrate your attetio o
that faith to .hich -od calls you. 4t .as i the )idst of prayer that these .ords .ere addressed to you5
do you read the) also .ith a prayi! heart. @ay it please the Lord to deli1er you soo fro) the chais
.ith .hich you to this day are still fettered. -od !rat it. A)e.
Ch 01 The Absolute Necessity of Faith
;(e that belie1es ad is baptiAed shall be sa1ed7 but he that does ot belie1e shall be code)ed.;
@ar0 1$5 1$.
(ear this .ord of the Lord3 all you .ho ha1e decided to see0 your sal1atio. (e that belie1es .ill be
sa1ed7 si)ple faith is eou!h5 )ore -od does ot re:uire. /ith less3 ho.e1er3 (e .ill ot be cotet.
Faith is the oly .ay5 there is o other .ay that leads to sal1atio. (e that does ot belie1e .ill be
code)ed. Thus3 ali0e o the ri!ht ad the left hads3 o the oe side by the attractios ad char)s
of (is !race3 o the other by the )eace of (is .rath3 does -od see0 to i)pel us to faith i Christ as
the oe idispesable coditio of sal1atio.
(o.e1er )uch )a )ay be opposed to this )ethod of -od3 the ti)e co)es .he the lost i hell o
less tha the sa1ed i hea1e .ill justify -od i this ordiatio of (is. The .hole ui1erse .ill
ac0o.led!e the e:uity of this setece5 he that does ot belie1e .ill be code)ed. The !racious
Lord had al.ays )et the sier .ith the .oderful offer of ha1i! re)itted all the offeces he had
co))itted3 or .hat the la. had still to de)ad DD of ha1i! besto.ed o hi) all that .as ecessary for
a e1erlasti! sal1atio. (e re:uired o .orthiess or )erit3 but si)ply this3 that )a should accept
.hat .as offered to hi)3 ad belie1e .hat .as said to hi). Ad3 i order to re)o1e e1ery i)pedi)et
to faith out of the .ay3 ad .i the heart3 -od ordaied to be set the !lad tidi!s of sal1atio throu!h
(is o. 2esus Christ3 .ho )aifested (i)self i the )ost lo1i! ad attracti1e for)3 ad sealed (is
lo1e .ith (is o. precious blood. (e3 the3 that still does ot belie1e DD the .hole creatio )ust
appro1e of the setece DD he .ill be code)ed. (e has ae. set the seal upo all his for)er sis3 for
he .ill ot suffer hi)self to be redee)edfro) the). To his for)er sis3 he has yet added this3 the
!reatest of all3 that he has affroted the authority of -od3 despised the lo1e of -od3 li!htly estee)ed
the So of -od3 defied -od?s 1e!eace3 ad thrust a.ay fro) hi) -od?s sal1atio. #y ubelief he has
sho. his e)ity a!aist -od ad his rejectio of -od7 it caot3 it )ay ot3 be other.ise5 he that
does ot belie1e .ill be code)ed.
Not less is the absolute ecessity of faith cofir)ed by the cote)platio of the other side5 he that
belie1es .ill be sa1ed. @a has othi!3 absolutely othi!3 .hereby o his part he ca be i a
positio to cotribute so)ethi! to the attai)et of sal1atio. Ad yet the Lord .ill do othi! but
rei! o1er a .illi! people. @a is o stoe7 o his o. side3 he )ust play his o. part. 4t is faith that
sol1es the difficult ei!)a that )a .ho ca do othi! should yet do so)ethi!5 faith .hich is
)aifested i the ac0o.led!)et of po1erty ad )isery3 i the cofessio of iability ad
helplessess3 i coset3 sub)issio3 ad surreder to that !race of -od .hich is to be e1erythi! i
us. @ore -od could ot re:uire7 less (e )ay ot re:uire3 for (e .ill ot iflict .ro! o (is o.
hoor ad the freedo) of )a. (e re:uires faith5 faith aloe. /hat !race it is that thus beds to our
.ea0ess5 he that belie1es .ill be sa1ed.
&eader3 behold3 the3 these t.o .ays5 )a0e your choice. ,ray3 reaso ot ay lo!er3 or as0 the
:uestio if there be o other .ay7 but3 co)e3 sub)it yourself to -od ad to the .ord of (is !race5 he
that belie1es .ill be sa1ed.
No lo!er yield to the secret thou!ht3 that so)ethi! else )ay after all still be ecessary. 4 a) .ell
a.are that e1erlasti! sal1atio appears to you to be too !reat a boo o1er a!aist this )ea!er ad
paltry faith. 4t appears to you too haAardous for your sifuless to 1eture so far )erely upo faith7
yet3 see3 it is -od that has spo0e5 oly by faith. (e that possesses this faith3 has all7 for by it he has
Christ. (e that does ot possess faith has othi!3 althou!h he should possess all besides. Faith is
A6ious oes3 hear it yet oce a!ai5 ;he that belie1es .ill be sa1ed7 he that does ot belie1e .ill be
Ch 02 The Object of Faith
;For she said3 4f 4 but touch (is !ar)ets 4 .ill be )ade .hole.; @ar0 "5 2'.
/hat a !lorious represetatio of the Lord 2esus does this .o)a i her si)plicity !i1e to us. She
re!arded (i) as so filled .ith the di1ie of life3 as (e i truth is3 that it flo.ed out o e1eryoe
that oly touched (i) i faith3 ad strea)ed o1er hi). She felt assured that e1e the sli!htest
fello.ship .ith (i) .ould be blessed3 ad that she .ould e6periece the heali! of the life that
.as i (i). Not for a )o)et did she ha1e ay doubt of (is ad still less of (is .illi!ess.
(ad (e ot co)e for the sic09 /hy should she still as03 as if she had o clai)9 No5 she 0e. the oe
truth just as certaily as she 0e. the other DD that i (i) there .as heali!. This heali! is also for
her. She should doubt her ri!ht to )a0e use of the li!ht of the su3 sooer tha her ri!ht to 2esus. She
should fear .hether it .ere ideed ope to her to ta0e a drau!ht of .ater fro) a rushi! ri1er sooer
tha cherish the thou!ht that there .as o health for her to be foud .ith 2esus.
O that you3 doubti! soul3 .ould thi0 of the Lord 2esus just as this .o)a thou!ht of (i). 4t is
al.ays the !ood pleasure of the Father that i (i) all fuless should d.ell. All the fuless of (is lo1e
ad (is life has the Father of set purpose )ade to d.ell i 2esus3 the So of @a3 i order that it )ay
be truly 1isible ad accessible to us. 4 (i) d.ells the of a e. ad holy life fro) the dead3
.hich he obtaied by )a0i! atoe)et for our sis. This life is )i!hty to i)part health to souls sic0
uto death3 ad this is for us siful3 dead3 code)ed siers. ,ray3 do uderstad .hat the .o)a
calls out to you7 the blessi! ad the appro1al of 2esus are al.ays the seal of the truth of her .ords. 4
2esus is life3 life e1e for the )ost .retched.
/hat a !lorious represetatio is there here also of true faith3 as the )eas of our participati! i the
fuless of 2esus. The .o)a 0o.s that she has o .or0 to do7 that she has o !reat )otio of
stre!th to put forth7 that she has ot to cosider3 as is the case i deali! .ith other professors of the
heali! art3 .hether she is really i a positio to pay the fees that .ill be de)aded. No5 she has
)erely to touch (i)3 that is3 she has )erely to appropriate .hat is prepared for her7 the heali! is
there as soo as she stretches out her had to recei1e it. A6ious soul3 .ho has already bee so lo!
see0i! to prepare ad )a0e yourself fit for the !reat .or0 of belie1i!3 let this poor .o)a cure you
of your error. 4 2esus e1erythi! is ready7 you ha1e )erely to stretch out your had. O3 do uderstad
it. (ere (e stads ready for your deli1erace7 (e is also !i1e to you by the Father7 oly touch (i)
.ith the fir) co1ictio of the faith5 2esus is for )e7 .ith the si)ple thou!ht3 4 ha1e a ri!ht to (i)7 i
(i) there is deli1erace for )e also. Touch (i)3 ad3 as truly as (is a)e is 2esus3 you .ill be
deli1ered. This )ay ot be i))ediately felt by you7 i that case just .ait3 hold o3 say fro) day to day5
;4f 4 touch (i)3 4 .ill be )ade .hole.; The heali! .ill be cosciously yours.
Ad .hat a !lorious represetatio is there besides of the blessi! .hich 2esus .ill !i1e to faith. That
the .o)a .as healed .as )uch to be!i .ith7 but it spea0s of yet richer blessi! that 2esus obser1ed
her3 the poor tre)bli! belie1er .ho .ould fai ha1e hid herself for sha)e3 e1e .hile others .ere
see0i! her i the cro.d. (e !i1es her the assurace of (is !ood pleasure ad (is fa1or7 (e costrais
her to cofess (i) opely. (e praises her faith3 ad thus )a0es her a e6a)ple ad a blessi! for
thousads. O3 all you .ho are loo0i! out ad yeari! for the sal1atio of the soul3 pray lear to
uderstad .hat is a.aiti! you .ith 2esus3 .hat you )ay hope for fro) (i). 4t is ot oly
for!i1eess of sis ad rescue fro) destructio that (e .ill )a0e you parta0ers of5 the friedship ad
lo1e of the Sa1ior .ill also be your portio3 ad by these (e .ill )a0e you beco)e a blessi! to others.
#elo1ed3 .hat )ore ha1e you eed of to )a0e you say hu)bly ad .ith falteri! lips3 after this
.o)a3 ;4f 4 but touch (is !ar)ets3 4 .ill be )ade .hole.;
Ch 03 The Seed of Faith
;The seed is the .ord of -od.; Lu0e '5 11.
Eery si)ply as .ell as stri0i!ly is the .ord of -od set forth to us i this parable. There lies the cold3
dead earth3 .hich of itself bri!s forth either othi!3 or thors ad thistles. 4t has ot the to
!i1e )a utriti1e cor. /he the husbad)a3 ho.e1er3 desires to ha1e that cor3 he ta0es !ood
seed ad co))its it to the !roud that had hitherto brou!ht forth othi! but .eeds. The soil recei1es
it3 ad 0eeps it i the silet ad dar0 secrecy of its boso). Bcoura!ed by the sushie ad )oisteed
by the de. of hea1e3 it shoots there ad !ro.s up7 ad the cold dead earth by ad by beco)es the
)other of a beautiful crop. The life .as ot i the earth3 but i the seed7 ad yet the earth .as just as
idispesable as the li1i! seed3 before that these fair fruits could be reaped. Althou!h the seed did ot
recei1e life fro) the earth3 yet .ithout the earth?s ha1i! its share i the .or03 the seed could ot yield
its fruit. 4t )ust offer the seed the soil3 i .hich the root ca shoot7 i its boso) )ust the seed still be
0ept util it be ready to )a0e a appearace abo1e !roud.
A !lorious ad istructi1e picture is this of the e. life of !race. Li0e the seed3 the .ord has a di1ie of life. Li0e the earth3 the heart is i itself lifeless3 ufruitful of itself i .hat is !ood. Li0e the
seed i the earth3 the .ord is stre. i the heart ad co))itted to it3 si)ply to be recei1ed ad 0ept
there. The li1i! that -od has lod!ed i the seed is the security that the !roud3 althou!h i ad
of itself .holly icapable of bri!i! forth aythi! but .eeds3 .ill be cha!ed ito a fruitful field.
Thus3 ho.e1er helpless you )ay feel yoursel1es to be3 .ill the li1i! seed of -od?s .ord sed forth its
roots i your heart3 ad sprouti! up.ards bri! forth fruit. Sier3 yeari! for sal1atio3 you ha1e
oly to ac0o.led!e that a li1i! is preseted to you i e1ery .ord of -od. /ith that cofidece
)ust you 0eep it i your heart3 ad the certaity of fruit depeds ot o ay ability of yours3 but o the
faithfuless of -od. Oly edea1or by prayerful cosideratio ad faithful 0eepi! of -od?s .ord3 to
prepare a place for it i your heart.
@our o lo!er3 the3 that your heart is so hard ad so full of .eeds3 but rather uderstad .hat you
see e1ery day3 that by the 0eepi! of the seed the dead earth is trasfor)ed ito a fruitful field. Faith is
ot a thi! that is preset i you before you recei1e the .ord3 or .ith .hich you )ust )eet the .ord.
NoF there is life i the .ord3 ad it is by the .ord that faith is first a.a0eed.
@ea.hile3 for!et ot that there are )ay 0ids of seed3 ad that e1ery 0id bears fruit accordi! to
its ature. A child of -od3 for e6a)ple3 lo!s for co)fort i ad1ersity7 he chooses oe of the pro)ises
of -od to (is people3 so.s it i his heart3 ad 0eeps it7 the desired fruit is the co)fort of -od. As those
.ho are troubled about your sis3 you ha1e eed of the pro)ises of -od?s !race i relatio to the
u!odly. See0 for seed accordi! to your eed. ;The Lord is !racious ad full of co)passio;7 ;(e .ill
abudatly pardo;7 ;(e that co)es to @e 4 .ill i o .ise cast out;7 ;Christ died for the u!odly.;
That is the 0id of seed you )ust use. B1ery oe of these .ords is a hea1ely !rai of seed cotaii! for eteral life. Oe of the) is sufficiet to bri! forth3 .he it shoots up3 the fruits of faith ad
peace ad life. Let oe of the) be faithfully 0ept i the heart3 ad it caot but be that faith .ill be
bor of it. 4 the seed is life5 the seed of -od?s .ord has a di1ie of life. O3 ta0e3 the3 the
hea1ely seed3 lay it up i your heart3 ad 0eep it there. Althou!h you do ot actually feel that you
belie1e3 resol1e at least to hold fast by the thou!ht5 ;4t is the li1i! .ord of -od. -od .ill !i1e the
icrease i (is o. ti)e.; The seed eeds ti)e for de1elop)et. 4t )ust be 0ept a lo! ti)e :uietly
beeath the !roud5 oe day it certaily co)es up. >ay by day cotiue absorbed i heart .ith the
.ord of pro)ise ad of !race. The true -od ad (is li1i! .ord are the !uaratees that your
e6periece also .ill be5 ;Faith co)es by the .ord of -od.;
Ch 04 The an!ua!e of Faith
;/ith 8ou is for!i1eess.; ,sal) 13+5 4.
(ere is oe of those hea1ely !rais of seed that ha1e oly to be recei1ed ad 0ept i the heart to
beco)e li1i!3 ad to bri! forth faith3 peace3 ad blessi!. Let )e ha1e the pri1ile!e of co))edi!
it to you this )ori!3 a6ious soul.
4t is such a si)ple .ord5 e1ery oe ca uderstad it. B1ery oe 0o.s .hat is )eat .he a earthly
father for!i1es his child. (e as.ers hi) that he .ill o lo!er re)e)ber his sis3 .ill ot i)pute the
e1il e6perieced3 ad .ill ot puish hi). (e .ill deal .ith the child as if he had doe o har). 4 li0e
)aer the !uilty ad cosciouslyDcode)ed soul loo0s to -od o hi!h3 ad says5 ;Lord3 .ith 8ou
there is for!i1eess. @y !uilt is hea1y3 4 ha1e deser1ed 8our se1erest puish)et7 but .ith 8ou is
for!i1eess. Of free !race 8ou ha1e pro)ised to ac:uit the !uilty of e1erythi!3 ad ot to i)pute his
sis to hi).; This is the si)ple3 ad at the sa)e ti)e the oly .ay alo! .hich oe e6posed to the
curse3 .ho ca do or bri! othi!3 ca be sa1ed. Alto!ether freely ad for othi!3 .ithout the least
.orthiess or )erit o his part3 he recei1es the di1ie ac:uittal fro) all his !uilt.
4s it ot also a !lorious .ord9 Should ot e1ery oe desire this boo9 For a soul that3 .ith >a1id i this
psal)3 has to cry ;out of the depths;5 ;4f 8ou3 Lord3 should )ar0 ii:uities3 O Lord3 .ho .ill stad9; it
is !lorious to be able to loo0 up to -od .ith the assurace5 All these sis .ill -od blot out ad bri! to
ou!ht. 8es5 1ery blessed it is to be able to loo0 up to -od out of the distress ad a6iety .ith .hich
the soul has felt its hea1y !uilt ad deep )isery3 ad to say5 ;/ith 8ou is for!i1eess7 the Lord loo0s
upo )e i !race3 (is a!er is tured a.ay fro) )e3 ad (e co)forts )e.; /hat a blessed peace3
.hat a hea1ely joy the falls o the heart. O3 it is !lorious3 i the face of all co1ictio of si ad
e6periece of )isery3 i the face of e1ery thou!ht of death ad jud!)et3 to be able to say5 ;/ith 8ou
is for!i1eess.; /ho .ould ot desire it9
4t is also such a sure .ord. B1eryoe )ay belie1e it. The .hole #ible aouces it. 2esus ca)e fro)
hea1e to obtai ad to seal it for us. (is blood is the pled!e of it. Thousads of the !reatest siers
ca support the truth of the cry5 ;/ith -od there is for!i1eess.; All hea1e cofir)s it. Bterity .ill
reDecho5 ;/ith -od is for!i1eess.; 4t is sure. The certitude of it depeds ot o your faith. /hether
you belie1e it or ot3 .hether you despise it or ot3 ;/ith -od is for!i1eess.; As truly as (e is -od3 is
(e a -od of for!i1eess3 a -od .ho abudatly pardos. As certai as you are that (e is -od3 )ay you
be certai that there is for!i1eess .ith (i). #efore you belie1e it3 it is truth3 ad you )ay rest your
soul ad safely co))it yourself to -od upo it. 8ou .ill e6periece it5 .ith -od is sure for!i1eess.
Further3 it is such a po.erful .ord. B1ery oe ca recei1e blessi! fro) it. Althou!h you ha1e as yet o
faith3 ta0e this .ord as a li1i! seed ito your heart3 ad it .ill a.a0e faith. Althou!h you dare ot as
yet call -od your Father3 lay up this .ord i your heart3 !i1e it a place there3 thi0 o1er it3 ad say i
spo0e .ords before your -od5 ;Lord3 .ith 8ou there is for!i1eess.; This .ord is li1i! ad po.erful7
it .ill cause hope to rise i your soul. 4t .ill ispire you .ith e. thou!hts about -od3 it .ill istil ito
you cofidece ad boldess before (i). 4sesibly you .ill !et up to sayi!5 ;/ith 8ou there is
for!i1eess also for )e.; 4t .ill thus a.a0e the fear ad lo1e of -od i your soul. 4t .ill bid you to
2esus3 it .ill i)pel you to dedicate yourself .holly to (i). O soul3 )our o lo!er o1er your
.ea0ess. &ecei1e this .ord7 it is ;li1i! ad po.erful.; -o .ith it trustfully to your 0ees3 ad3
althou!h it should be the thousadth ti)e3 use it as the la!ua!e of your heart to -od5 ;Lord3 .ith 8ou
there is for!i1eess.; This .ord .ill .or0 )i!htily3 ad faith ad peace ad lo1e .ill be its fruits.
#elo1ed3 4 offer to you this .ord of -od. -od !i1es you freedo) to use this .ord .ith (i)7 -od
co))ads you to thi0 thus of (i). True3 your heart says3 ;4 do ot 0o. .hether there is
for!i1eess .ith -od;7 but co)e3 let these per1erse thou!hts of yours !o ad !i1e roo) for -od?s
thou!hts i your soul. Let it stad fast .ith you5 ;/ith -od is for!i1eess3; ad you .ill speedily be
able to add5 also for )e. Ad so you .ill soo lear to si!5 ;#less the Lord3 O )y soul3 .ho for!i1es all
your ii:uities.;
Ch 0" The #e!innin! of Faith
;8ea3 Lord3 4 ha1e belie1ed that Thou art the Christ3 the So of -od.; 2oh 115 2%.
The Lord had said to @artha5 ;4 a) the resurrectio ad the life5 he that belie1eth o @e3 thou!h he
die3 yet shall he li1e;7 ad after that (e had put to her the :uestio3 ;#elie1est thou this9; /hat
.as she to !i1e9 The thou!ht that her brother .as to be raised a!ai .as still too hi!h ad .oderful
for her. Ad yet she .as coscious that she belie1ed i 2esus3 ad did ot doubt (i) or (is .ord.
/hat reply .as she to )a0e9 /ith childli0e si)plicity ad sicerity she says5 ;4 ha1e belie1ed that
Thou art the Christ5 4 do ot ideed 0o. ari!ht .hat 4 belie1e coceri! the resurrectio of )y
brother. 4t is to )e3 as if 4 caot uderstad3 caot cocei1e it7 but this 4 0o.3 4 ha1e belie1ed ad
still belie1e i Thee3 as the So of the li1i! -od. Thee3 Thy birth3 Thy po.er3 Thy lo1e3 4 doubt ot.;
(o. istructi1e is this picture of @artha?s faith. (o. fre:uetly it happes that .he the .ord of the
Lord co)es to a soul .ith the pro)ise of for!i1eess ad receptio ito childDship .ith -od3 ad the
:uestio is put3 ;#elie1est thou this9; that the discoura!ed soul falls aDsi!hi! ad as.ers3 ;AhF o5
this 4 caot yet belie1e;7 ad thereafter he proceeds to code) hi)self DD a thi! that profits
othi!3 istead of acti! as @artha did. She did ot yet belie1e e1erythi!3 but .hat she belie1ed that
she spo0e out before the Lord. She belie1ed i (i) as the So of the li1i! -od5 this .as the pricipal
thi!3 ad .ould pro1e the source of !reater faith. 4 coectio .ith .hat she did belie1e3 she .as
dili!et i prayer7 by this )eas her faith .ould be stre!theed ad beco)e capable of recei1i! yet
)ore ad )ore.
Follo. that e6a)ple3 O thou of little faith. /he you are as0ed5 >o you belie1e that your sis are
for!i1e3 that you are a child of -od3 that e1erlasti! sal1atio is yours9 you are perhaps afraid to
as.er3 ; 8es.; 8ou see others .ho ca say so. 8ou read i -od?s .ord that the Lord .ill !i1e (is !race3
that you )ay be eabled to say so. #ut you caot say so3 ad you do ot 0o. ho. you shall e1er
co)e to the poit of dari! to say so. Soul3 lear the .ay fro) @artha. >o ot cotiue sitti! do.
there3 )ouri! o1er your ubelief3 but !o to 2esus .ith that .hich you 0o. that you do belie1e. This
at least you 0o. that3 althou!h you caot yet say3 (e is )y Sa1ior3 your .hole soul belie1es that (e
.as set by -od to be a Sa1ior3 ad that (e has pro1ed (i)self to be a Sa1ior for others. /ell3 the3 !o
.ith this cofessio to 2esus3 utter it before (i) i prayer3 loo0 to (i) ad adore (i) as the Sa1ior of
the .orld. Spea0 out .hat you do belie1e3 ad by this )eas .ill faith i your heart be cofir)ed ad
icreased. Say5 ;Lord 2esus3 ho. ubelie1i! 4 a)7 this3 ho.e1er3 4 do belie1e that Thou art the Sa1ior3
full of lo1e ad !race3 ad )i!hty to redee).; For!et yoursel1es ad .orship 2esus3 althou!h you dare
ot as yet say3 that (e is yours. 4 the )idst of those e6ercises your faith .ill icrease3 ad by ad by
you .ill isesibly co)e to the cofidece that (e is also yours. Oly perse1ere5 so lo! as you caot
yet say3 ;(e is )ie ad 4 a) (is3; let your soul be foud3 this ad e1ery day3 i the ceaseless adori!
cofessio5 ;8ea3 Lord5 this 4 belie1e3 that Thou art the Christ3 the So of the li1i! -od.; (e .ill
speedily cofir) to you that .ord of truth5 ;Thou hast bee faithful o1er a fe. thi!s3 4 .ill set thee
o1er )ay thi!s7 eter thou ito the joy of thy Lord.; <@att. 2"5 21=. 8ou .ill speedily lear to belie1e3
ad the3 li0e @artha3 you shall also see the !lory of -od.
Ch 0$ The S%irit of Faith
;#ut ha1i! the sa)e Spirit of faith . . . .e also belie1e.; 2 Cor. 45 13.
For the hudred ti)es that i the .ord of -od .e are e6horted to faith3 or that faith is spo0e of as a
act of )a3 it is but i so)e fe. istaces that it is e6pressly said that faith is the .or0 of the Spirit.
Ad thus3 .he .e isist o faith as a .or0 i .hich )a )ust be acti1e ad i .hich he )ust
trustfully ad perse1eri!ly use )eas3 it )ay so)eti)es appear as if .e for!et .ho the Author of
faith is. This3 ho.e1er3 is by o )eas the case. /e belie1e that those .ho feel )ost deeply the truth
about the co)plete depedece of )a o the Spirit3 as the Spirit of faith3 .ill also be the )ost ea!er
to fall i .ith the e6hortatio addressed to )a. (e .ho 0o.s that there is a Spirit to actuate to faith
0o.s also that )a )ay3 .ith spirit ad hope3 stri1e to e6ercise faith.
The ri!ht uderstadi! of this truth is3 for a6ious souls3 of !reat i)portace. They )ust especially
0o. that .he they .ait for the ifluece of the Spirit to carry the) o to faith3 they )ust ot e6pect
that this ifluece shall be u1eiled to the) i a coscious ad sesible )aer. The be!ii!s of life
are hid i dar0ess5 the first .or0i!s of the Spirit are ot 0o. or obser1ed. The soul )ust .or0 o3
althou!h it be ot coscious that the Spirit is i it5 it )ust as readily i the dar0 as i the day3 ad that
too i its o. stre!th3 obey ad stri1e to belie1e7 it )ust hold fast the .ord i cofidece that the
Spirit .ill3 throu!h the .ord3 .or0 i it3 e6pecti! that sooer or later the Spirit .ill be reco!ised as
the that has put it i a positio to belie1e. That faith .ill the be to it the first sure to0e that it
has the Spirit. (e is al.ays the Spirit of faith. Faith is his iteral )aifestatio3 the for) i .hich (e
re1eals (i)self3 ad by .hich (e beco)es 0o.. 4t caot be3 ;4f 4 oce ha1e the Spirit the 4
belie1e3; but3 ;.he 4 belie1e3 the 4 0o. that the Spirit has .rou!ht this result i )e.;
4 this .ay the ri!ht desire of the soul to 0o. that it has the Spirit of faith )ay be fully !ratified. 4t
.ill lear that there is so)ethi! )ore i it tha its )ere faith3 that faith is ot its o. .or05 it .ill
lear that the di1ie Creator of the e. life is i it3 Accordi! as the trustful soul is i itself
ureser1edly surredered to li1e throu!h faith3 shall the Spirit .itess .ith its spirit .hich .as acti1e
i faith3 accordi! to the .ord of -od3 that after .e belie1e .e are sealed .ith the Spirit5 ;8e 0o.
(i)3 for (e abideth .ith you ad shall be i you.; <2oh 145 1%=. #y (is di1ie3 id.elli! po.er3 he
al.ays stirs up the soul )ore ad )ore to faith3 carryi! it ito all the riches of the pro)ises of -od3
ad !i1i! it cofidece to appropriate e1ery blessi! to itself. Ad thus the oe ifluece al.ays
operates upo the other7 the )ore fully the soul belie1es3 the )ore clear beco)es the re1elatio of the
Spirit7 the )ore fully the Spirit .or0s i it3 the )ore does the soul !ro. i the life of faith ad
cofidece. Ad thus at le!th3 but ot by the .ay .hich )ost of us had pictured for oursel1es3 .e
co)e to the e6periece of the blessedess of .hich .e are spea0i!3 a)ely3 of ha1i! the Spirit of
See0er of sal1atio3 .hy do you ot belie1e9 The Spirit of -od is a Spirit of faith. 4t is the Spirit of -od
that has bro0e your slu)ber ad )ade you a6ious to belie1e. 4t is the Spirit .ho .ill help you i the
coflict for faith3 i .hich you thi0 that you are abadoed by (i). (e is !i1e i to prayer.
Let the thou!ht ecoura!e you3 that .here there is a soul desirous of sal1atio the Spirit .ill certaily
.or0 faith i it. At the outset you are ot yet i a positio to reco!ise (is .or0i!. 8ou are ot yet
accusto)ed to (is .ays7 (is to0es are still u0o. to you. (idde3 but really e6isti!3 (e is at had
to help you3 if you but pray for (i) ad do your .or03 relyi! upo (is operatio. 4 this e6ercise ad
coflict of prayer3 ad i the desire to belie1e3 it is (e that all ucosciously dra.s o ad stre!thes
the soul. #elie1e3 for the Spirit .ill !i1e faith .ithi you. /or03 ;for it is -od that .or0eth i you.;
Ad3 .he you ha1e belie1ed ad ha1e beco)e 0o. to (i) as the Spirit of faith DD O3 be thou oly
faithful to (i). 8ield yourself .holly to (i)7 set your heart etirely ope for (i)7 throu!h (i)3 let
there be a pro!ress ;fro) faith to faith3; util3 .ith full certitude3 you are able to .itess5 ;/e ha1e the
sa)e Spirit of faith3 therefore .e also belie1e.;
Ch 0& The 'e%entance of Faith
;&epet ye3 ad belie1e i the !ospel.; @ar0 15 1".
This be!ii! of the preachi! of the Lord 2esus cotais the su))ary of the .ill of -od for our
sal1atio. &epet ye ad belie1e. / hat -od hath joied to!ether3 let ot )a put asuder. /ithout
repetace o real faith3 .ithout faith o true repetace.
/ithout repetace o real faith. The etire desi! of -od i the )issio of Christ3 the !reat ai) for
.hich the sal1atio of faith has bee !i1e to us3 is to .i the heart bac0 fro) si3 ad to )a0e it free
fro) si. A real desire for this sal1atio ca thus e1er arise i the heart that is ot also prepared to be
loosed fro) si3 ad to abado it. Faith is a surreder of the soul to -od5 this is a i)possibility
.here it still cotiues to !i1e itself to si. Faith is a appropriatio ad a receptio ito the heart of
the !race of -od5 it is a absurdity to suppose that this should ta0e place .ithout a cote)poraeous
repetace3 a abado)et ad casti! out of si.
/ithout faith also o true repetace. &epetace is ot oly a turi! a.ay fro) si3 .hich of itself
.ould ted to selfDri!hteousess3 but a turi! bac0 to -od3 ad this ca ta0e place oly throu!h faith.
&epetace is ot a .or0 of oe?s o. po.er3 but a coseti!3 a cooperatio .ith -od?s pla3 i
-od?s stre!th3 a trustful surreder to the redee)i! !race of -od. Ad this ca be doe oly throu!h
faith. &epetace is ot a actual 1ictory o1er si3 but the soul has to bri! e1ery si to the feet of the
Lord 2esus3 the !reat 1ictor o1er si3 that (e )ay ta0e it a.ay7 ad this caot fid place3 e6cept by
the faith .hich has ac0o.led!ed that (e is faithful to for!i1e si3 ad to clease fro) all
Thus the of repetace is faith5 for the )ore .e trust that 2esus )a0es us free fro) si3 the
stro!er are .e to tur a.ay fro) it. Ad the of faith3 o the other had3 is also repetace5 for
the )ore ea!er to beco)e freed fro) si it causes us to be3 the )ore are .e shut up to faith. ;&epet
ye ad belie1e;5 he that obser1es ad holds fast both shall be sa1ed.
Nor is it oly at the be!ii! of the .ay3 but o to the 1ery ed that these t.o )ust acco)pay oe
aother. No sooer is faith culti1ated i a oeDsided fashio3 .ithout a !ro.i! coscietiousess i
the casti! off of little sis3 ad the sactificatio of the .hole heart ad .al03 tha it beco)es a .or0
)erely of the uderstadi! or the feeli!. Ad as soo as cotiued repetace occupies itself .ith
the furtherace of sactificatio3 .ithout daily holdi! fast ad icreasi! a li1i! faith by the pro)ise
of -od?s !race3 such a repetace .ill also lose its .orth.
;&epet ye ad belie1e.; See here .hat 2esus calls us to. B1ery .ish ad edea1or after repetace3
e1ery re)e)brace of the si .hich is i you3 ad of .hich you .ould be free3 )ust be a su))os to
faith i that 2esus .ho is e6alted to besto. repetace. Co)bat e1ery si3 ad )a0e reuciatio of it
at (is feet .ith faith fi6ed o (i). Ad let e1ery thou!ht of faith o the other had be a
ecoura!e)et to fi!ht )ore bra1ely a!aist si3 util at le!th your .hole soul shall be filled .ith the
faith of .hich it is .ritte5 ;This is the 1ictory that o1erco)eth the .orld3 e1e your faith.; So shall
repetace ad faith i due ti)e beco)e etirely oe3 ad the outD!oi! of the soul to 2esus shall be a
departurefro) si5 the ejoy)et by faith of the li!ht of (is lo1e3 shall of itself dri1e a.ay the
dar0ess. The shall belie1i! ad .or0i! o lo!er be cosidered as ata!oistic3 but the soul shall
0o. that a cotiually ree.ed faith is the fruit of sactificatio3 for it carries it o i the stre!th of
2esus3 ad cotiued repetace the !i1es to faith coura!e to perse1ere3 e6periece .hich it ca
plead3 ad the certitude of a full assurace. Soul3 .hy do you ot belie1e9 O3 pray let it ot be because
you .ill ot repet. 4t should ot be that you are ot .illi! to )a0e a reuciatio of si. Ad let it
ot be that you .ould first repet ad the later o belie1e. No5 let both !o to!ether fro) this )o)et
o.ards5 ;&epet ye ad belie1e.;
Ch 0( The )u*ility of Faith
;Lord3 4 a) ot .orthy that Thou shouldest co)e uder )y roof5 but oly say the .ord3 ad )y
ser1at shall be healed. ; @att. '5 '.
The faith of .hich these .ords are the utterace .as so !reat that the Lord .odered at it3 ad
e6clai)ed5 ;4 ha1e ot foud so !reat faith3 o ot i 4srael.; 4t )ay be of ser1ice to those .ho desire to
co)e to faith3 or .ho lo! for a stro!er faith tha they ha1e hitherto had3 to e6a)ie carefully the
faith of the ceturio3 ad to obser1e the soil i .hich that !reat faith struc0 its roots. The soil is DD
deep hu)ility. This )a .ho3 althou!h he belo!ed to the -etiles3 .as praised by the 2e.ish elders
as .orthy of the Lord?s fa1or3 ad .hose faith surpassed all that the Lord had foud i 4srael3 DD this
e)iet )a is the oly oe of .ho) .e read3 duri! 2esus?sojour o earth3 that he did ot cosider
hi)self .orthy that 2esus should eter his house. /oderful hu)ility i such a hero of faith. /e lear
fro) this the )ost )o)etous lesso DD that deep hu)ility ad stro! faith are 0it to oe aother by
the closest bods.
Out of hu)ility spri!s faith. The first3 .he the soul fully ac0o.led!es that it has othi!3 ad is
also cotet to recei1e fa1or as oe that possesses othi!3 does it cast itself o the free !race of -od3
ad recei1e it as oe that belie1eth. 4 the ac0o.led!)et of its othi!ess3 it does ot dare to
cotradict -od .ith its thou!hts of u.orthiess3 .ith its desire still further to bri! this or that to
perfectio. 4t feels that3 sice it has pleased such a !reat -od to say that (e is prepared to sho.
co)passio to the poorest ad )ost .retched3 the othi! beco)es it better tha to be silet ad
suffer (i) to )aifest (is lo1e. 4t 0o.s3 )oreo1er3 that it is so deeply corrupt that it ca e1er of
itself beco)e better3 ad o this accout its faith is just the best proof of its hu)ility5 it is fro) the
reco!itio of its utter helplessess3 fro) its 0o.led!e of the fact that it ca e1er beco)e better3
that it casts itself o the .ill of -od. This is a etirely differet state of )id fro) that of all such as
i)a!ie that hu)ility co)es out i ot belie1i!7 as if there could be hu)ility i .aiti! till so)ethi!
has bee foud i us that could )a0e us )ore acceptable to the Lord tha .e really are7 as if there
could be hu)ility i !i1i! o obediece to the co))ad of -od actually to belie1e. Nay3 1erily. Ad
just as per1erse is the idea that faith .ill at ay later period lead to pride. No5 faith3 as it spri!s fro)
hu)ility3 .ill i tur oly icrease hu)ility. 4t .as because the ceturio by faith reco!ised 2esus as
.ieldi! o1er ature a .hich could ot by ay circu)stace be pre1eted fro) heali! the sic0
by (is )ere .ord3 that he felt hi)self to be u.orthy of ha1i! hi) i his house. Ad thus .ill it
al.ays be. The )ore !lorious the re1elatio ad e6periece of the Lord?s !reatess ad !oodess
.hich faith ejoys3 the )ore deeply does it si0 i selfDabase)et ad i ac0o.led!)et of the
codescesio by .hich such a -od u1eils (i)self to such a sier. Ad thus it al.ays cotiues to
be5 the deeper hu)ility the )ore faith3 ad a!ai3 the stro!er faith the deeper hu)ility. @ay the Lord
teach us these truths DD that there is o stro!er proof of hu)ility3 ad also o better )eas of
icreasi! it3 tha just faith7 ad that3 .hether .e feel oursel1es deeply hu)bled3 or still desire to
co)e to a deeper hu)ility the oe as .ell as the other should oly shut us up to faith.
Ad o.3 soul3 .hy do you ot belie1eF Are you still too u.orthy9 8ou dare ot say so. The deeper
your hu)ility3 the stro!er your reaso ad ri!ht for belie1i!. Are you still too proud9 Ah3 let it ot be
lo!er so. Oly bri! yourself to the ac0o.led!)et of your etire .ea0ess3 ad cofess that you
are .holly lost5 i the depths of your .retchedess3 you .ill see that there is o other re)edy tha to
let the Lord help you3 ad to co))it yourself trustfully to the .ord of (is !race.
Ch 0+ The Findin! of Faith
;See03 ad ye shall fid.; Lu0e 115 *.
This .ord is a pro)ise of 2esus3 ad o this accout sure ad certai. (is truth ad faithfuless are
li0e (is lo1e to siers3 the pled!e that e1ery oe .ho truly see0s shall certaily fid. Ad yet there are
so )ay that apparetly see0 sicerely ad earestly3 ad yet co)plai that they do ot fid. /hece
arises this failure9 A)o!st other reasos3 a pricipal oe is that they do ot 0o. .hat fidi! is.
They ha1e a .ro! idea of this fidi!7 so that they ha1e probably foud3 ad yet cotiue see0i!.
Ad this arises chiefly fro) the fact of their ot uderstadi! that ot oly see0i! ad prayi!3 but
also fidi! )ust ta0e place by faith.
To use a illustratio5 4 ha1e a hea1y debt3 ad )ust !o to priso3 because 4 caot pay it. 4 see0 for a
surety3 but ca fid oe. The 4 recei1e a letter fro) a fried .ho has heard of )y
)isfortue3 telli! )e that he .ill beco)e )y surety5 he .ill co)e at the first opportuity to release
)e. Shall 4 the ot say that 4 ha1e foud a surety9 Ad that ot other.ise tha by faith. 4 ha1e ot yet
spo0e to the )a3 4 ha1e ot yet recei1ed the )oey3 ad yet out of trust i his letter3 ad because 4
place reliace o his .ord3 4 still say5 4 ha1e foud a surety. 4t )i!ht possibly happe that e6periece
here .ould be i coflict .ith faith. ,erchace 4 )i!ht be ta0e to priso o accout of )y debt3 ad
)y actual e6periece at that ti)e3 .he 4 loo0ed roud o the !loo)y abode3 )i!ht possibly say3 ;4
ha1e o surety;7 but faith .ould still say3 ;4 ha1e foud a surety7 4 0o. )y fried .ill certaily co)e.
4 ha1e oly to .ait a little3 .he he .ill appear for )y release.; The real e6periece the co)es later DD
after the fidi!.
Not other.ise is it .ith the fidi! of the Lord 2esus. The a.a0eed sier see0s all roud for a surety
to )eet his debt3 to deli1er his soul3 but fids oe. The co)es to hi) the .ord of -od3 .ith
the )essa!e5 ;Christ is a propitiatio for the si of the .hole .orld.; The soul has oly to recei1e that
.ord3 ad the by faith it has foud a &edee)er. Ad accordi! as it occupies itself .ith that .ord3 so
as to be persuaded that the )essa!e is also for it3 the )ore does it beco)e stre!theed i the
co1ictio5 ;The &edee)er5 is also for )e DD -od has said it;7 util at last it lears to say .ith !ladess5
;4 ha1e foud the Sa1ior.; @ar0 it .ell3 all this ta0es place si)ply ad oly by faith i the .ord. 4t )ay
be that the soul?s e6periece is still i coflict .ith this cofessio. 4t ofte feels itself 1ery siful3
corrupt3 per1erted fro) -od3 as if it .ere i a !loo)y du!eo3 ad it as0s5 ;4f it be true that 4 ha1e
foud the Sa1ior3 .hy is it thus .ith )e9; #ut it re)e)bers that the fidi! of the &edee)er precedes
the real e6periece of rede)ptio. 4t co)forts itself .ith the thou!ht that the Lord is hoored by the
faith .hich holds fast (is .ord as truth3 ad that it is by trial that faith beco)es prepared ali0e to
cote)plate ad to ejoy. First fidi!3 recei1i! i faith7 the later3 actual e6periece.
See0i! soul3 2esus is to be foud. (e is ot far fro) you3 so that you )ust still for a lo! ti)e see0
(i)3 but 1ery ear. For (e see0s you. Oly belie1e this3 he) yourself roud .ith this5 ;2esus see0s
)e3 ad is bet o ha1i! )e.; Let the .ord of -od?s !race fill your heart3 ad out of the .ord you .ill
speedily say i faith5 ;4 ha1e foud (i) .ho) )y soul desires3 2esus3 the Sa1ior of siers.;
Ch 10 The Si*%licity of Faith
;The .ord is i!h thee3 i thy )outh3 ad i thy heart.; &o). 1+5 '.
The ri!hteousess .hich is of faith saith thus5 ;Say ot i thie heart3 /ho shall asced ito hea1e9
<that is3 to bri! Christ do.5= or3 /ho shall desced ito the abyss9 <that is3 to bri! Christ up fro)
the dead.= #ut .hat saith it9 The .ord is i!h thee3 i thy )outh3 ad i thy heart5 that is3 the .ord of
faith3 .hich .e preach.; Thus does ,aul describe the si)plicity of faith ad of the sal1atio .hich is
obtaied by it. Not i the hei!ht abo1e3 ot i the depth belo.3 ot far off ad to be sou!ht for .ith
!reat trouble5 for the .ord is i!h thee3 i thy )outh ad i thy heart. That is to say3 if you si)ply
cofess .ith the )outh the Lord 2esus3 ad belie1e i your heart3 you shall be sa1ed.
O that souls .ould !i1e heed to such .ords of -od3 ad uderstad that it is the truth3 .hat -od says5
;(ear0e uto )e3 ye stoutDhearted3 that are far fro) ri!hteousess5 4 bri! ear )y ri!hteousess5 it
shall ot be far off.; <4sa. 4$5 12D13=. /e are far fro) -od3 ad yet .e ha1e o lo! road to tra1erse i
see0i! -od. For such a tas0 .e are too .ea0 ad too blid. 4 sheer co)passio (e bri!s his
sal1atio ri!ht up to us3 yea3 1ery i!h. Not i the hei!ht ad ot i the depth3 but i our o. i)ost
spirit (e )aifests (is sal1atio. 4 our )outh ad i our heart does (e !i1e it3 for i the preachi! of
the .ord of faith Christ abides ad (e co)es to us. Ad yet so )ay .ill al.ays !o about see0i! it3 as
if it .ere afar off. (o. is it that they si!h o1er the thou!ht of the )ajesty ad the holiess of -od ad
the i)possibility of cli)bi! up to (i) to bri! thece a Sa1ior for the)sel1es9 Or ho. is it that they
spea0 of the Lord Christ3 as if (e .ere still dead <althou!h (e did ideed die for our sis=3 ad did ot
o. li1e to sa1e the)9 Ah3 o5 that .as the ri!hteousess .hich .as of the la.3 ad .hich prescribed
that )a )ust do so)ethi! before he ca li1e. #ut the )essa!e of the -ospel is5 ;&ecei1e .ith
)ee0ess the i)plated .ord3 .hich is able to sa1e your souls.; <2a)es 15 21=. (elpless ad .retched3
)a has oly to be silet ad to recei1e5 -od bri!s the blessi! i!h.
The .ord is i!h thee3 i thy )outh ad i thy heart. 8ou )our that it is still ot i your heart. 8ou
are afraid to ta0e it si)ply i your )outh7 but3 soul3 obser1e ho. !racious -od is. (e .ill )a0e the
cofessio of the )outh for you the .ay ad the )eas to the faith of the heart. (o. ofte i the
thi!s of this .orld do .e teach our little childre to utter .ords .hich they do ot yet fully
uderstad3 i the sure cofidece that the thou!hts ad feeli!s e6pressed i the) .ill be !radually
i)prited o their hearts. (o. costatly do .e see that idle ad siful .ords3 .hich at the outset are
uttered carelessly3 beco)e forth.ith rooted i the heart of the spea0er3 ad bear their o. fruits. Ad
.hat do .e ot obser1e i prayer that the soul .hich is e1er ad ao utteri!3 for e6a)ple3 the .ords3
;Thy .ill be doe3; althou!h the heart does ot as yet fully asset to the)3 shall at last3 by )eas of the
1ery use of the e6pressio3 sub)it to the casti! out of the u.illi! ad ata!oistic dispositio.
/ould that .e dealt ot other.ise .ith the sal1atio .hich is by faith. Ta0e the .ord i your )outh3
hu)bly ad earestly. Say the .ords of !race after the Lord -od3 as if you heard (i) addressi! the)
to you. 8ield ot to the ubelief of the heart5 co)bat ad o1erco)e it by attachi! yourself to the Lord
.ith the )outh5 the coset of the heart .ill surely be .o. 8ea3 do this o.3 by cotiually thi0i!
o1er ad spea0i! .hat the Lord -od has said to you5 ;The .ord is i!h.; Cofess .ith the )outh3
.ith lo!i! ad .ith prayer3 i order that it )ay at le!th co)e to the faith of the heart3 that 2esus is
your choice ad your Lord5 the Spirit of -od .ill .or0 .ith the .ord3 ad you shall be able to belie1e
.ith your heart. The .ord is i!h thee3 i thy )outh ad the also i your heart.
Ch 11 The Sincerity of Faith
;4 belie1e7 help Thou )ie ubelief.; @ar0 *5 24.
The .ord of -od attaches !reat 1alue to sicerity. 4t is o this accout that the desire of )ay to be
sicere i their faith is justifiable. Ad for the fear ad dis:uietude .hich arise fro) this desire they
ha1e also .ellDfouded reasos3 i the cosistet testi)oy of the .ord of -od as .ell as i
e6periece. ;The heart is deceitful abo1e all thi!s3 ad it is desperately sic05 .ho ca 0o. it9; <2er.
1%5 *=.
Fre:uetly3 ho.e1er3 there are !reat )ista0es )ade3 ali0e .ith respect to .hat true sicerity is ad the
)eas by .hich it is obtaied ad icreased. As to the first of these poits DD .hat true sicerity is DD
)ay thi0 that sicerity cosists i a distict feeli! that they ha1e surredered the)sel1es to the
Lord .ith a stro! faith ad a fer1et lo1e. This is by o )eas .hat the .ord of -od iteds by
Sicerity is that attitude of the soul3 i 1irtue of .hich .e preset oursel1es to the Lord just as .e are3
either better or .orse. A )a is isicere .ho )a0es hi)self out to be other tha he really is or
feels. 4t is o this accout that the .ords of the father of the possessed child3 :uoted abo1e3 are such a
!lorious e6a)ple of sicerity. (e .ished to belie1e3 but felt ubelief still too stro! .ithi hi). /hat3
the3 shall be doe9 (e presets hi)self to the Lord just as he is. (e 0o.s that his desire is to trust i
2esus7 but he does ot 0o. .hether there be )ore ubelief tha faith i his heart. /hat shall he do9
Shall he )our o1er the ubelief that is still i hi)9 Or shall he just .ait o util he feels that he has
belie1ed .ell ad fully9 No5 ot oe of these thi!s7 for they .ill afford hi) o help. 2ust as he is3 he
!oes to 2esus3 ad .ith childli0e sicerity ad si)plicity he pours out his heart before (i)5 ;Lord3 4
belie1e5 but3 alas3 there is still too )uch ubelief DD co)e3 to the help of )y distrustfuless.;
Ad this teaches us further .hat is the oly )eas of bei! deli1ered fro) isicerity. The father felt
that there .as still i hi) a ele)et that .as .aiti! to belie1e3 but he !oes .ith it to 2esus. (e
)a0es it 0o. to (i) i the e6pectatio that3 i spite of his distrust3 (e .ill ha1e )ercy upo hi)
ad rescue hi) fro) it. (o. utterly differet is this coduct fro) that of so )ay see0i! souls. (o.
ofte they cotiue year after year )ouri! o1er isicerity3 lo!i! for sicerity3 ad yet they )a0e
o pro!ress. As0 the) if it be ot true that they )a0e o ad1ace but rather !o o i their )isery. Ad
they 0o. ot3 ad they hear0e ot3 .he it is said to the) that this is !euie sicerity DD to preset
oursel1es just as .e are3 .ith all our ubelief. They ou!ht to 0o. that this is the oly .ay to heali!7
to !i1e oursel1es to the Sa1ior3 .ith the little be!ii!s of !ood3 DD althou!h they are but a desire to
belie1e3 DD ad that3 too3 i spite of a !reat prepoderace of doubleDheartedess ad .orldlyD
)idedess ad ubelief. 8es5 to )our our ubelief3 i deali! actually .ith 2esus DD that is true
,oor soul3 .ho hast so lo! re)aied apart fro) the Lord fro) dread of bei! isicere3 ad hast
thereby !rie1ed both the Lord ad thyself3 e1e althou!h thou shouldest feel that of the hudred
ele)ets i you there are iety ad ie of ubelief3 ad oly oe of feeble desire to belie1e3 !o .ith
it to 2esus5 that is sicerity. Cotiue e1ery day also to pour out your heart before the Lord5 fi!ht the
!ood fi!ht a!aist re)aii! isicerity ad distrust at 2esus? feet. That is the oly place .here you
ca o1erco)e. ;Lord3 4 belie1e7 4 .ill belie1e as .ell as 4 ca7 4 do so. 4 belie1e at last3 that Thou art
2esus3 the (elper of the .retched7 co)e to the help of )y distrustfuless.; As you thus pray ad stri1e
e1ery day3 you .ill soo obtai the 1ictory ad the blessi!. As for hi) .ho does ot thus pray3 he )ay
be sure at least of this3 that3 so lo! as he re)ais apart fro) 2esus3 o )ore sicerity shall co)e. No5
sicerity is the outpouri! of the heart before the Lord3 ad is obtaied but i itercourse
.ith (i) ad throu!h (is friedly !race.
Ch 12 The ,enitence of Faith
;>epart fro) )e7 for 4 a) a siful )a3 O Lord.; Lu0e "5 '.
The Sa1ior had u1eiled (is !lory to ,eter. (e had .oderfully blessed (is .or0 of faith3 ;At Thy
.ord 4 .ill let do. the et3; ad at the sa)e ti)e )ade (i)self 0o. as the )i!hty &uler o1er
ature3 the beeficet Fried of (is disciples. Of all this !race3 the fruit ad the result .as that ,eter
cast (i)self before the Lord .ith the prayer5 ;>epart fro) )e7 for 4 a) a siful )a.; The !lory of the
Lord appeared to hi) so clearly i that li!ht of faith3 ad his o. sifuless beca)e to hi) so
)aifest3 that out of dread ad selfDabase)et he uttered this cry5 a clear proof that true faith has as
its fruit a deeper hu)iliatio for si ad 0o.led!e of it3 sicere ad i.ard peitece.
Ad this lesso is of !reat i)portace for )ay .ho are i the .ay of faith. They thi0 that they
caot be belie1i!3 because they are ot yet deeply eou!h co1iced of si. Ad they do ot obser1e
that this .ord has ot yet defied ho. deeply oe )ust feel si before oe )ay co)e to 2esus5 it has
fi6ed o )easure. The first sese of eed )ust bri! us to (i). They do ot uderstad that this
re)aii! apart fro) 2esus is just the .ay to )a0e their sese of si less3 ad3 .hat is especially of
i)portace3 that3 o the other had3 a icipiet faith )ay beco)e the )eas of icreasi! this sese
of si. Al.ays the closer to the li!ht3 the )ore 1isible the i)purity7 the earer to the (oly Oe3 the
stro!er the sese of u.orthiess7 the )ore blessed .ith !race3 the deeper the co1ictio of si.
As .ith ,eter3 so .ith all belie1ers. The hour of the re1elatio 3of 2esus? !race ad lo1e are the ti)es of
the deepest abase)et. Ad these ti)es are for the )ost part ot at the be!ii!3 but i the later
pro!ress of the life of faith. Cosider the case of ,eter5 he has to attai his true 0o.led!e of si at his
deial of the Lord3 .ellDi!h three years after he had already said5 ;/e ha1e belie1ed ad 0o. that
Thou art the Christ.; Thi0 also of 2acob5 ho. the Lord )ade .ith hi) at #ethel the co1eat of (is
!race3 ad yet first brou!ht hi) to the reco!itio of his sifuless t.ety years later3 i the crisis of
the .restli! by i!ht3 i .hich the Lord ca)e to )eet hi) as a ata!oist3 to brea0 do. the old
ature ad the of the flesh. Thi0 also of >a1id ad the !lorious e6perieces of -od?s help ad
friedship .hich he as a youth tasted .he he .as a shepherd ad fou!ht a!aist -oliath5 it .as )uch
later i life that he had to eter ito the path of sufferi!3 ere he could see si u1eiled. Ad so there
are still e1er so )ay3 i .hose case it is )aifest that the Lord first leads their souls to faith3 ad the
later o3 throu!h faith3 to the full 0o.led!e of si3 to !euie peitece.
Accordi!ly3 let the soul .ho desires to beco)e )ore hu)ble ad to tur bac0 to -od as oe that is
!uilty uderstad that doubt ad ubelief .ill ot help hi) i this but rather hider hi)7 but that o
the cotrary faith ca bri! o the .ay to obtai all this fruit. Let the soul .ho doubts if he ideed has
faith3 ad )ay ha1e it3 cosider that3 .hile his feeli! of u.orthiess ad !uilt causes so )uch
dar0ess ad a6iety i the depths of his spirit3 it is oly i this po1erty of the soul that faith ca
flourish3 ad that it is by this )eas that he .ill be dri1e to his Lord. Ad let the soul .ho belie1es
e1er for!et that this )ust be oe of the idispesable fruits ad proofs of the sicerity of his faith3
a)ely3 a costatly !ro.i! selfDabhorrece ad a beco)i! less i his o. eyes3 accordi! to the
.ord of the Lord to (is people5 ;4 .ill establish )y co1eat .ith you3 that ye )ay be asha)ed3 .he
4 shall )a0e atoe)et for you3 for all that thou hast doe3 saith the Lord.; <BAe0. 1$5 $1D$3=. <Note5
>utch 1ersio.=
&eader3 .hy do you ot belie1e9 Surely it is ot that you .ill still .ait for )ore peitece ad
cotritio of heart. Ah3 o5 this last !race3 too3 is al.ays a fruit of faith. #elie1e today i the !race of
(i) .ho coies to you. All that is lac0i! i you )ust stir you up to this. /ith (i) you recei1e
e1erythi! that you are !oi! to see0 i 1ai .
Ch 13 The Fear of Faith
;#y faith3 Noah )o1ed .ith !odly fear prepared a ar0.; (eb. 115 %.
There are )ay .ho suppose that3 .he the .ord of -od says3 ;#lessed is the )a that feareth
al.ays3; it is co))edi! a dispositio that is at 1ariace .ith the rest ad assurace that are !i1e by
faith. Ad they thus re!ard this ubelief as a sort of 1irtue5 they fear this !reat ad holy -od3 ad they
fear their o. .ea0ess ad ufaithfuless3 ad they dare ot belie1e. This 1ie. is alto!ether out of
har)oy .ith the .ord of -od7 for the .ord teaches us that fear ad cofidece )ust !o had i had
.ith each other. ;@ay shall see it ad fear3 ad shall trust i the Lord.; <,s. 4+5 3=. ;8e that fear the
Lord3 trust i the Lord.; <,s. 11"5 11=. ;#ehold3 the eye of the Lord is upo the) that fear (i)3 upo
the) that hope i (is )ercy.; <,s. 335 1'=. Fear ad cofidece !o i uio5 the oe icreases the
Eery clearly is this truth set before us i the history of Noah. ;#y faith Noah3 bei! .ared of -od
coceri! thi!s ot see as yet3 )o1ed .ith !odly fear3 prepared a ar0.; The fear .as partly the
fruit of his faith3 ad partly a )oti1e to )a0e his faith acti1e i the buildi! of the ar0. (e belie1ed the
aouce)et of the a1e!i! flood3 ad feared7 feared i 1ie. of the destructio that .as to o1erta0e
his fello.D)e3 ad i 1ie. of the holy -od fro) .ho) the jud!)et .as to proceed. (e feared3 ad
therefore he clea1ed i stro! faith to the pro)ise of the ar03 ad .or0ed at it as the oly )eas of
preser1atio. Fear ad trust .ere .ith hi) iseparable3 the oe idispesable to the other.
A6ious soul3 you fear the Lord3 you fear (is holiess ad (is jud!)ets3 ad you say that it is out of
1eeratio for (i) that you do ot dare to belie1e. 8ou say that you are too u.orthy i the presece
of such a holy ad dreadful -od to appropriate the ri!ht of bei! called (is child3 ad of spea0i! to
(i) .ith cofidece. O that you 0e. ho. !rie1ously you are )ista0e. There is othi! that so )uch
teds to arouse i the Lord the sese of dishoor ad a!er as ubelief DD ot belie1i! (is .ord3 that
(e has co)passio o all the u.orthy. There is othi! o .hich -od so )uch sets (is hoor as (is
free !race ad (is pity for the u!odly. 8ou .oud (i) i the )ost teder poit .he you doubt if
(is !race is ideed for you3 ad so dra! its !reatess ad trust.orthiess ito doubt. O souls3 .he
you fear the Lord3 pray3 fear to dishoor (i) by ubelief.
#ut3 o5 you say that it is ot the Lord3 but yoursel1es that you doubt. 8ou fear o accout of your
ufaithfuless3 your isicerity. Ad do you ot the uderstad that it is just this fear of yoursel1es
that is the stro!est ar!u)et for your casti! yoursel1es upo the Lord ad etrusti! yoursel1es to
(i). O soul3 pray3 see0 o lo!er so)ethi! i yoursel1es7 for3 if you .ait util you o lo!er fear for
yoursel1es3 you .ill e1er co)e to Christ at all. -od e1er as0s you for a e!a!e)et to be faithful o
.hich (e ca rely. No5 (e !i1es you a pro)ise of faithfuless o .hich you ca rely. Ad just because
you fear your o. ufaithfuless3 you )ust place your cofidece o -od?s faithfuless. (erei just
lies the !lory of free !race3 that the sier3 .ho caot trust hi)self3 .ho feels that i e1erythi! DD i
faith3 i hu)ility3 i earestess3 i sicerity DD he co)es far short3 )ay yet surreder hi)self to the
Lord as oe .ho is utterly .retched3 .ith cofidece i the .ord that (e certaily recei1es3 ad .ill
0eep such a oe. 8ea5 it is he .ho fears o his o. accout that )ust trust i the Lord. This is the
oly re)edy. (e has othi! o .hich he ca hope but the pro)ise of -od?s co)passio. B1ery
thou!ht of fear )ust be a e. )oti1e to cofidece. So shall he lear to fear o )ore3 accordi! to the
.ord of the psal)ist5 ;#lessed is the )a that feareth the Lord5 his heart is established3 he shall ot be
afraid.; <,s. 1125 13 '=. (e shall also lear to e6periece that the fear of the Lord the beco)es throu!h
cofidece the source3 ot of a6iety but of peace ad !ro.i! po.er3 accordi! to that other .ord5
;The Church3 .al0i! i the fear of the Lord ad i the co)fort of the (oly -host3 .as )ultiplied.;
<Acts *5 31=.
Ch 14 The Certainty of Faith
;Loo0i! uto the pro)ise of -od3 he .a1ered ot throu!h ubelief3 bei! fully assured that .hat (e
had pro)ised (e .as able also to perfor).; &o). 45 2+3 21.
Abraha) did ot doubt. -lorious testi)oy to pro1o0e us to jealousy3 ad thus to the i)itatio of his
e6a)ple. Therefore the .ord also !i1es us to 0o. .hat the .as i 1irtue of .hich he obtaied
faith ad brou!ht all doubt to silece. The secret lay si)ply i the co1ictio5 /hat -od has pro)ised3
(e is able also to perfor). O this accout he .as assured3 ad .hee1er reflectios ad doubti!s
.ould arise3 he al.ays held before his eyes the icotro1ertible ar!u)et5 That .hich has bee
pro)ised3 -od is able to perfor). (ece it is that there stads .ritte5 ;/ithout bei! .ea0eed i
faith3 he cosidered his o. body o. as !ood as dead before (i) .ho) he belie1ed3 e1e -od3 .ho
:uic0eeth the dead ad calleth the thi!s that are ot as thou!h they .ere.; <&o). 45 1*3 1%3 &E.= To
e1ery :uestio3 ;(o. ca these thi!s be9; there .as his si)ple as.er5 ;/hat -od has pro)ised (e
is able also to perfor). For the Lord there is othi! too .oderful. 4t is ot )y busiess to be
a6ious3 ad to say ho. -od?s .ord ca be fulfilled. The Lord .ill see to it.;
@y reader3 you )our o1er the of your doubts3 ad say that you caot o1erco)e the)5 co)e3
lear of Abraha) ho. you ca do this. The first thi! that is ecessary is that you uderstad ad
reflect .hat pro)ise the Lord has !i1e you. 4f the Lord has !i1e o pro)ises for you3 the it caot
be your duty to belie1e. #ut3 as surely as the .ord says ;#elie1e3; is there also a pro)ise .hich you
)ust belie1e. To ta0e oly oe out of the thousads .hich are i the Scriptures3 ;The So of @a is
co)e to see0 ad to sa1e that .hich .as lost.; -od !i1es you the !racious pro)ise3 ad co))ads you
to belie1e it .ith all your heart. 4t is (is .ill that you should recei1e it as the truth that (is So has
co)e for all that are lost3 hece also for you. (e desires that you should belie1e that (is So see0s you
ad lo!s for you3 ad that (is So .ill sa1e you.
-od .ills that you should poder this thou!ht ad cherish it i your heart3 util your .hole soul ta0es
its stad o this truth5 2esus see0s )e3 lost as 4 a)7 there is !race for )e. As soo as you belie1e that3
the Sa1ior be!is to co)e i to you.
4f o. you ha1e reached this first poit3 if you 0o. that there is a pro)ise also for you3 the the
secod duty is ot to loo0 ito yoursel1es to 0o. if there is hope that .hat you e6pect .ill ta0e place.
As Abraha) did ot re!ard his o. body3 .hich .as already dead3 so )ust you ot re!ard your o.
dead soul. Althou!h you feel yourself to be dead3 po.erless3 isicere3 1ery siful3 althou!h you are
lac0i! i peitece3 earestess3 ad i all else that you 0o. you ou!ht to ha1e3 still act li0e
Abraha)5 belie1e o -od3 .ho )a0eth the dead ali1e3 ad calleth the thi!s that are ot as thou!h
they .ere. Act li0e Abraha)3 ad cast do. e1ery doubt .ith the thou!ht5 ;/hat -od has pro)ised
(e is able also to perfor).; Geep your )id occupied .ith this certai truth5 (e is co)e to sa1e that
.hich .as lost3 ad there is o lost oe so far lost that 2esus caot fid hi) ad caot sa1e hi).
Oce a!ai3 it co)es si)ply to these t.o poits5 0o. if there is a pro)ise for you3 lost sier7 if so3
the clea1e si)ply to this fact5 /hat has bee pro)ised (e is able also to perfor). ;Lord3 4 belie1e7
help thou )ie ubelief. 4 .ill o lo!er dishoor Thee by doubti!s5 Thy po.er3 Thy lo1e3 Thy
faithfuless3 4 .ill adore ad trust. 4 .ill 1eture to surreder )y soul to Thee. Althou!h 4 feel it ot3 4
.ill belie1e it. Thou see0est ad sa1est that .hich is lost. Lord3 help5 4 do belie1e.;
Ch 1" The -lorifyin! of -od by Faith
;(e .a1ered ot throu!h ubelief7 but .a6ed stro! throu!h faith3 !i1i! !lory to -od. /herefore also
it .as rec0oed uto hi) for ri!hteousess.; &o). 45 2+3 22.
The :uestio is fre:uetly as0ed by those .ho ha1e ot yet co)e to faith3 ad .ho o this accout do
ot yet fully uderstad it3 /hat3 pray3 )ay be the reaso .hy faith is so hi!hly estee)ed by the Lord
ad is capable of such !reat thi!s9 The is si)ple5 4t !i1es !lory to -od. 4t hu)bles the sier
i the dust as oe .ho deser1es othi! ad is capable of othi!3 ad )ust o this accout preset
hi)self to -od as depedet o the pro)ises of a free co)passio. 4t !lorifies -od i the
ac0o.led!)et of (is ad lo1e .hich .ill besto. rede)ptio7 of (is .ord ad faithfuless
also3 sice these are held to be so stro! ad !lorious that the sier3 althou!h he has othi! else3 ca
co))it hi)self to the). Faith sets -od ad )a i the ri!ht relatio to oe aother DD -od o the
throe of (is so1erei! !race3 fro) .ho) all )ust ad shall co)e7 )a i his )isery ad
othi!ess3 as oe .ho has othi! i hi)self but !uilt ad its curse.
4 the other 1irtues of the Christia life3 such as hu)ility ad lo1e3 there is al.ays so)ethi! that is
.rou!ht i )a3 that he ca feel3 ad of .hich he )i!ht be able to boast. True faith o the other had
is the cofessio of utter po1erty ad helplessess. 4t says5 ;4 ha1e othi! left3 4 ca also do othi!. 4
)ust o. si)ply re)ai silet to hear .hat -od spea0s3 to see .hat (e .ill do3 to recei1e .hat (e
.ill !i1e.; 4t is truly the attitude of a be!!ar3 by .hich )a is laid i the dust. Ad yet o a!el i
hea1e ca !i1e -od so )uch hoor as faith3 .he out of the surroudi! dar0ess ad si ad
po1erty it still relies o -od ad e6pects fro) (i) the certai fulfil)et of that .hich (e has
Alas ho. !reat is the foolishess of the heart of )a. (o. )ay are there still3 .ho really i)a!ie that
they !i1e !lory to -od by their ubelief. They facy that3 .he they )our hea1ily o1er the)sel1es ad
their )isery3 telli! ho. u.orthy they are to appropriate such !race because they ha1e so deep a
sese of the !reatess ad holiess of -od3 this is to the hoor of -od. O the cotrary3 it is really to
(is dishoor5 as if (e .ere ot sufficietly !racious to.ards the u.orthy3 ot sufficietly po.erful to
rescue the utterly .retched3 ot faithful to perfor) (is .ord. No5 faith aloe !i1es !lory to -od3 for it
sets o li)its to the (oly Oe of 4srael3 4t has but oe :uestio3 /hat has -od said9 /he it has oce
0o. this3 the it as0s othi! further about possibility or truth or aythi! else. The .ord of -od is
eou!h for the soul. Li0e Abraha)3 it !i1es !lory to -od by bei! stro! i faith.
#elo1ed reader3 it is a terrible si to rob -od of (is hoor. #y bei! ubelie1i! you )a0e yourself
!uilty of this offece. As -od has re1ealed (i)self i the !ospel )ore !loriously tha i the la.3 so is
the si of ubelief i relatio to the pro)ises )uch )ore dreadful tha that of disobediece to the
co))ad)ets. For this reaso3 4 etreat you3 belie1e .hat -od says. As0 ot .hat you are or .hat
you ha1e3 but if there is aythi! .ith respect to .hich -od .ill ha1e it that you shall o. belie1e3 or if
there is ay pro)ise .ith .hich (e co)es to )eet the u!odly. (ere is oe5 ;Christ died for the
u!odly.; &ecei1e that .ord3 0eep it i your heart3 poder ad belie1e it3 ad rest ot util it abides as
essetial truth .ith you3 e1e as it is .ith -od5 ;Christ is for the u!odly.; 8es5 this 1ery day3 O souls3
!i1e !lory to the Lord3 by !oi! to (i) as the !racious3 al)i!hty3 ad faithful &edee)er7 co))it
yoursel1es to (is .ord3 be stro! i faith ad thereby !i1e !lory to -od3 as you !o to (i).
A6ious oes3 i -od?s a)e3 .hy do you ot belie1e9 This is the oly thi! that you are to do3 the oly
thi! that -od .ill ha1e DD oly belie1e.
Ch 1$ The , of Faith
;#y faith e1e Sarah herself recei1ed sice she couted (i) faithful .ho had pro)ised.; (eb.
115 11.
See here a!ai oe of the e6a)ples3 so si)ple ad itelli!ible of .hat faith is5 ;She couted (i)
faithful .ho had pro)ised.; There .as a ti)e .he Sarah doubted3 for she loo0ed to ature3 ad it
said to her that she should o lo!er bear. Throu!h the repeated pro)ises of the Lord she .as
e1ertheless led to loo0 to (i) .ho had !i1e the pro)ises3 ad 0eepi! i )id (is di1ie
faithfuless she foud there .as o alterati1e for her but to belie1e7 ad the oly accout .hich she
could !i1e of the superatural e6pectatio of faith .as this5 ;(e is faithful that pro)ised.; <(eb. 1+5
The sa)e .ay )ust still be follo.ed by those Christias .ho desire to be liberated fro) their doubts
ad to reach the blessed e6perieces of the life of faith. /e )ust lear to ha1e doe .ith the
reasoi!s of the uderstadi!7 .ith the :uestios .hich ature .ould ha1e first as.ered3 such as3
;(o. ca these thi!s be9;3 ;/hereby shall 4 0o. it9;3 .ith calculatios as to .hether our o.
.isdo) ad are perchace sufficiet to bri! us .here .e )ust 0o.7 ad .e )ust hold
oursel1es cotet .ith the 1ie. e6pressed i this setece5 ;(e is faithful that pro)ised.; The oly
thi! .hich oe has to as0 is this3 ;4s there a pro)ise also for )e9; 4f the .ord of -od !i1es us the
as.er5 ;This is a faithful sayi! ad .orthy of all acceptatio3 that 2esus Christ ca)e ito the .orld
to sa1e siers of .ho) 4 a) the chief3; the that is sufficiet to bri! us do. before the Lord ad to
)a0e us e6pect that (e .ill perfor) the pro)ise to us5 ;(e is faithful that pro)ised.;
O3 if souls .ould oly 0eep the)sel1es occupied .ith the cosideratio of -od?s faithfuless3 ho.
.ould ubelief be asha)ed. /hee1er a6ious feeli!s )ultiply i you3 ad you fear for yourself ad
your .or03 !o3 O soul3 bo. do. i silet )editatio ad adoratio before your -od as the faithful
Oe3 util your .hole spirit beco)es filled .ith the thou!hts ad the peace that spri! fro) this
attribute. -o o1er all the assuraces i the Scriptures3 so !lorious ad clear3 that the ucha!eable
Oe (i)self shall fulfil (is cousel3 ad that (e si)ply desires of souls the stilless .hich obser1es
ad e6pects the perfor)ace. Ta0e cousel .ith the belie1ers of the old ad e. co1eats3 reflect o
their .ays ad their leadi!s3 ad they .ill tell you .ith oe accord that their stre!th ad their peace
ha1e bee DD the faithfuless of -od. O3 pray3 accusto) yourself3 e1ery day3 .ith e1ery pro)ise of -od
that you read3 .ith e1ery prayer that you )a0e for the attai)et of .hat -od has spo0e to you of3
.ith e1ery fear that arises i you as to .hether you shall be ideed parta0er of the offered sal1atio3 DD
pray3 accusto) yourself to faste your eye udi1idedly o that .ord3 to let your .hole heart be filled
.ith it5 ;(e is faithful that pro)ised.; Ad3 abo1e all3 e1e .he you are ot yet able to appropriate
e1erythi! to yoursel1es3 for!et ot to praise ad to tha0 -od for (is faithfuless7 praise ad adore
(i) as the Faithful Oe5 adoratio .ill cofir) you i faith i (i). Nor )ust you set your hope o
the di1ie faithfuless oly .he you are ta0i! the first steps o the .ay of co1ersio3 see0i! for
for!i1eess ad acceptace3 but3 especially i the )idst of the stru!!le3 to be cofir)ed uto the ed
ad to be urepro1able i the day of our Lord 2esus. 4t is .ith his eye fi6ed o this hope that ,aul says
;-od is faithful3 throu!h .ho) ye .ere called ito the fello.ship of (is So 2esus Christ.; <1 Cor. 15 '3
*=7 just as i that !lorious .or0 about sactificatio that fids so little belief3 ;The -od of peace
sactify you .holly3; he also i))ediately adds5 ;Faithful is (e that calleth you3 .ho .ill also do it.; <1
Thess. "5 233 24=.
4t .as by this faith3 this loyal estee) of the faithfuless of her -od ad reliace upo it3 that Sarah
recei1ed to bear. So far is this faith also fro) leadi! to slu!!ishess ad idifferece that it .ill
icrease acti1ity. 4t teaches the soul to .ait upo -od spiritually ad earestly3 that (e )ay poit out
to it .hat it )ust do3 ad that it )ay lear by e6periece to uderstad the deep si!ificace of that
.ord5 ;/or03 for -od .or0eth i you.; #elie1i! i (is faithfuless also to .or0 i it3 it has coura!e to
.or0 after (i). ;#y faith she recei1ed po.er3 sice she couted (i) faithful .ho had pro)ised.;
Ch 1& The Childshi% of Faith
;As )ay as recei1ed (i)3 to the) !a1e (e the ri!ht to beco)e childre of -od3 e1e to the) that
belie1e o (is a)e. ; 2oh 15 12.
The recei1i! of the Lord 2esus is here said to be the sa)e as belie1i! o (is a)e. Oe recei1es (i)
as soo as oe belie1es3 yea throu!h belie1i! o (is a)e. (is a)e is al.ays 2esus3 Sa1ior. As soo
as the soul belie1es this3 ad o this accout loo0s o (i) as the )a .ho certaily sa1es the sier3 it
ot )erely thi0s5 ;(e ca do this3 yet 4 0o. ot if it .ill ta0e place .ith )e3; but it re!ards (i) as a
Sa1ior !i1e by -od also for hi)self3 ad thus belie1es o (is a)e that it essetially e6presses .hat
2esus is3 DD as soo as3 4 say3 the sier does this3 he recei1es (i). (e ac0o.led!es (i) i (is !race
as 2esus3 appropriates (i) i the faith .hich says3 ;(e is also for )e;7 he recei1es (i) as a !ift
besto.ed by -od3 set before (i) to be appropriated3 recei1es (i) as that .hich (is a)e si!ifies DD
Sa1ior3 the oly ad perfect Sa1ior. (e ac0o.led!es that i hi)self there is othi! !ood or e1er
shall be7 he foresees )aifold ufaithfuless ad bac0slidi!7 he feels hi)self to be .holly po.erless5
but he recei1es 2esus as a Sa1ior3 as oe .ho uderta0es the .hole .or03 .ho fro) day to day .ill
cotiue that .or0 ad acco)plish it i the leadi!3 the 0eepi!3 ad the sactificatio of the soul.
Ad accordi! as he belie1es further i that a)e3 i the absolute truth3 the farDreachi! si!ificatio3
the ie6haustible of that a)e3 i this sa)e )easure does he recei1e 2esus )ore perfectly i the
riches of (is )aifold blessi!s3 ad e6periece ho. true it is5 2esus sa1es. (e !i1es to )e to
beco)e the childre of -od3 eables the) also to say3 throu!h the Spirit3 ;Abba3 Father3; ad .ith all
the dispositios of childre DD cofidece3 fear3 lo1e3 obediece DD to rejoice i -od?s fatherly lo1e.
&eader3 are you see0i! sal1atio9 O3 the3 recei1e 2esus. (e is offered to you by -od as a Sa1ior.
&ecei1e (i) as a !ift of the >i1ie lo1e7 ac0o.led!e (i) as really also for you7 belie1e that3 .ith (is
a)e3 it is the full truth that the .or0 of sa1i! a sier )ay .ell be etrusted to (i)7 recei1e (i) i
that faith3 coupled .ith the si)ple surreder of yoursel1es3 dead ad .retched as you are3 ito (is
hads3 ad be assured that you shall ot co)e out decei1ed. A.ay .ith all doubti!s. 4 the a)e of
-od 4 as0 you3 as upri!ht deali! is for you idispesable to bei! sa1ed5 >o you belie1e i the a)e of
2esus3 or do you ot belie1e i it9 >o you belie1e i the a)e 2BSCS3 !i1e by the true -od to (is So3
i order that you )ay build your hope upo it9 O sier3 pray3 belie1e that the a)e3 2esus3 is di1ie
truth. Co)e3 say today3 ;8es5 (e is the Sa1ior of that .hich .as lost ;7 o lo!er shut (i) out3 but
recei1e (i) i the heart3 .ith si)ple faith i (is .ord3 4 a) 2esus. #e!i .ith this3 cotiue .ith this3
!o for.ard .ith this3 belie1e e1er)ore i the a)e 2BSCS7 recei1e (i) .ith this3 ad (e shall !i1e
you to beco)e a child of -od. (ere oce )ore .hat -od says to you today3 ;As )ay as
recei1ed (i) ; DD thousads o earth ad i hea1e ca corroborate the state)et that it is really so DD
;to the) !a1e (e the ri!ht to beco)e childre of -od3 e1e to the) that belie1e o (is a)e.;
Ch 1( The Surrender of Faith
;First they !a1e their o. sel1es to the Lord.; 2 Cor. '5 ".
4 the .ord of (is pro)ise3 throu!h the !racious .or0i! of (is Spirit3 the Lord !i1es (i)self to us7
throu!h faith .e recei1e (i)3 ad .e 0o. that (e is ours. This faith3 as the out!oi! of the soul to
2esus to )eet (i)3 is at the sa)e ti)e a surreder to (i). /e ca e1er recei1e the Sa1ior ad (is
!race .ithout at the sa)e ti)e surrederi! oursel1es to (i)3 to be sealed ad filled .ith sal1atio.
Ad as faith 0o.s that the Lord is ours3 because (is .ord tells us that (e !i1es (i)self to us3 so it
also 0o.s that (e recei1es us as (is o.3 because (is .ord assures us of that.
Faith has thus t.o sides5 the belie1i! receptio of the Lord 2esus .ith all that (e !i1es3 ad the
belie1i! surreder of the soul .ith all that it has to the Lord. The oe caot be .ithout the other. 4
ta0e 2esus as )y Gi! to rule o1er )e3 as a Sa1ior to free )e fro) si7 (e caot perfor) (is .or0 i
)e3 if 4 do ot surreder )yself to (i). Cofidece i 2esus is thus at the sa)e ti)e a co))ittal of
oe?s self to (i).
A6ious soul3 see here a!ai the si)plicity of faith. 4f you .ish to 0o. .hat you ha1e to do3 the is3 -i1e yourself to the Lord 2esus.
-i1e yourself to the Lord 2esus3 just as you are. 8ou ha1e to !i1e yourself to (i)3 ot as a offeri!
that is .orthy of (i)3 as oe .ho is already (is fried ad o .ho) (e ca loo0 do. .ith
co)placecy. No5 you ha1e to surreder yourself to (i) as oe that is dead3 .ho) (e has to )a0e
ali1e3 as a ee)y .ho) (e )ust recocile ad for!i1e3 as a sier .ho) (e )ust sa1e. The
)ultitude of your sis3 the corruptio .hich you feel stru!!li! .ithi you3 the 1ery isicerity of your
co)i! to (i)3 are thus o reaso .hy you should ot 1eture to !i1e yourself to (i). No5 just the
re1erse5 these are the proofs that you stad i eed of a Sa1ior7 they are at the sa)e ti)e the to0es
!i1e by the .ord of -od of those i .hose behalf 2esus ca)e. O sier3 just as you are3 surreder
yourself to 2esus.
Surreder yourself also to (i) .holly ad udi1idedly. Geep othi! bac0 of .hat is yours. Thi0 ot
that (e is to do oe part of the .or0 ad you the rest. No5 sub)it etirely to (is esti)ate of you.
Althou!h you do ot yet feel the to )a0e a separatio fro) all sis3 althou!h you still feel that
the heart is attached to oe thi! ad aother3 ad .ill clea1e to the)3 )a0e cofessio of all this
before (i)7 for it is also throu!h the cofessio of sis that .e surreder oursel1es to (i).
Cderstad that the )ore you surreder yourself etirely to (i)3 the )ore co)pletely is (e able to
acco)plish (is .or0 for you. Thi0 of (is co)plete surreder for you ad to you7 thi0 of the clai) of
(is lo1e upo you ad the co)plete sal1atio .ith .hich (e .ill fill you3 ad let your surreder to
(i) be co)plete ad udi1ided.
Ad3 abo1e all3 surreder yourself to (i) i faith. 8ou ha1e perchace !i1e yourself to (i) ere this3
but it brou!ht you o peace3 for you did ot 0o. if the surreder .as accepted by (i). 8ou .ould
ha1e a to0e fro) hea1e3 a di1ie ispiratio i your heart to tell you that (e had accepted you. Ad
this .as .ro!. (e has said5 ;(i) that co)eth uto @e3 4 .ill i o .ise cast out.; -od has said5
;&etur ye3 ad 4 .ill recei1e you.; /he you surreder yourself to 2esus3 you )ust belie1e that7 i
that .ord you )ust ha1e sufficiet. 8ou are to ta0e your stad upo it3 because -od spea0s the truth.
(o.e1er .retched you are3 ho.e1er i)perfect your surreder is3 it )ust be a surreder of faith3 of
faith that (e recei1es you3 because (e has said it. Althou!h you fid it difficult to belie1e that so
fir)ly3 althou!h it see)s to you 1ery haAardous for so !reat a sier3 it is3 e1ertheless3 your duty to
belie1e that3 .he you surreder yourself to the Lord3 (e recei1es you. >o ot set yourself abo1e -od.
>o ot say3 4 ha1e doe )y part but 4 0o. ot if -od .ill do (is. No5 thi0 of the .ord7 say to the
Lord that it is o (is pro)ise that you surreder yourself7 day after day be occupied .ith the
faithfuless of -od?s pro)ise ad you shall !radually co)e to the blessed certaity5 (e recei1es )e.
8es5 you3 shall e1e be able to say3 (e has recei1ed )e.
Ch 1+ The School of Faith
;O .o)a3 !reat is thy faith7 be it doe uto thee e1e as thou .ilt.; @att. 1"5 2'.
A !reat faith5 all should 0o. that there is othi! o earth so desirable. @ay )ay .ish to ha1e it ad
)ay pray for it3 ad yet there are but fe. that co)e to it. Ad .hy9 A pricipal reaso is this5 they .ill
ot .al0 i the .ay that leads to it7 they are afraid of the school .here that faith is tau!ht. Or3 they
ha1e 1ery .ro! ideas coceri! the .ay to attai that !reat faith3 as if3 for istace3 it .ere a !ift
.hich is besto.ed at oce. So per1erse are their thou!hts3 that .he the Lord is !oi! to hear their
prayers ad is to lead the) i aother .ay tha they had e6pected3 they suppose that (e is o lo!er
cari! for the). Co)e3 all ye that lo! for )ore faith3 lear fro) the Caaaite .o)a3 ho. the Lord
.ill bri! you to it.
First of all3 (e .ill try you. The Caaaite .o)a had a dau!hter possessed by a de1il3 ad .hat a trial
.as ot that to her9 Ad so the Lord still seds (is childre trials of 1ery differet 0ids. /ith oe3 it
is trial i the physical life7 .ith aother3 trial i the fa)ily7 .ith aother a!ai it is i.ard 1e6atio of
soul7 .ith still )ore it is hidde coflict .ith si. #ut trial there )ust be7 for so lo! as the flesh has
e1erythi! a!reeable ad accordi! to its icliatio3 the soul .ill e1er .holly ad .ith clea1e
to the Lord. 4t is by ecessity that it is dri1e out to see0 all its sal1atio i the Lord ad to co))it
itself to (i). #lessed trial3 the )essa!e of -od to teach )ore faith3 ho. )ay re!ard thee as the
)esse!er of (is .rath ad a1ersio3 istead of hu)bly sufferi! the)sel1es to be led by thy had to
the Lord.
Further5 .he the Lord is to lead a soul to !reat faith3 (e lea1es its prayers uheard. So it .as .ith the
Caaaite .o)a. (e as.ered her ot oe .ord3 ad .he (e did at le!th reply to her3 the
.as still )ore ufa1orable tha (is silece. This is al.ays the .ay. 4f the ca)e i))ediately3
ho. .ould the soul !et ac:uaited .ith the Lord (i)self. (is !ifts .ould occupy its attetio so )uch
that it .ould o1erloo0 the Lord (i)self. 4t )ust first be put to the proof3 .hether it ca ta0e its stad
upo its Lord ad .hat (e has pro1ided3 .ithout ay as.er7 .hether (e ad (is .ord are to suffice
for it7 yea3 .hether it .ill3 e1e .he (is .ord appears to be opposed to it3 still ot doubt (is lo1e3 but
rather co))it itself to it. A faith so !reat that it still clea1es to the Lord i spite of apparet rejectio5
this precious lesso3 .hich is abo1e all else acceptable to the Lord3 is leared ad practiced oly i the
coflict of uheard but perse1eri! prayer.
Oce )ore5 the soul that is to co)e to !reat faith )ust be hu)bled. /hat a hard .ord for the poor
heathe .o)a5 ;4t is ot )eet to ta0e the childre?s bread ad cast it to the do!s.; #ut she suffers it
to be .ellDpleasi! to her3 ad uses it as her stro!est ar!u)et. She o1erco)es the Lord .ith (is o.
.eapos ad turs (is rejectio ito her plea5 ;B1e the do!s eat of the cru)bs that fall uder their
)aster?s table.; >o you also li0e.ise5 .hee1er3 i follo.i! the Lord3 your sis are laid bare to you3
ad your u.orthiess held up before you3 ad the .ord )a0es you feel that you are a u!odly ad
accursed sier3 al.ays .ith the .o)a3 ;8ea3 Lord3 4 a) 1ery .retched7 all that )y heart
testifies of si is true5 Hyet3 yet e1e the do!s eat?7 ad .ith such a Lord as Thou art3 there is
o1erflo.i! !race e1e for the )ost .retched.; The deeper the root3 the stro!er the tree7 the deeper
the descet of hu)ility3 the stro!er the faith7 for the it leas3 ot half o itself3 but .holly o the
See here3 thou3 )y soul3 2esus? school for faith. Let it ot !rie1e you3 if the lessos are so)eti)es
hea1y7 (e has told you of this beforehad. #ut hold fast this co1ictio5 .he )y soul is brou!ht ito
trial3 .he )y si ad u.orthiess beco)e )ore distict3 ad press )e the deeper do.3 4 shall loo0
upo all this as the .ay alo! .hich the allDlo1i! 2esus is to lead )e to that life of faith3 i .hich (e
ta0es such deli!ht7 ad .he 4 a) dispirited3 4 shall read a!ai the story of the Caaaite3 ad 4 shall
be stre!theed by the !lorious 1ictory ad re.ard of her coflict of faith. The )ore difficult the
school3 the )ore !lorious the priAe7 ;#e it doe uto thee3 e1e as thou .ilt.;
Ch 20 The /ord of Faith
;So belief co)eth of heari!3 ad heari! by the .ord of Christ.; &o). 1+5 1%.
(ere is the si)ple to the :uestio3 (o. does faith arise i the soul9 The Spirit3 the author of
faith3 uses for this purpose a )eas3 ad that )eas is the .ord. 4t caot be other.ise. The Spirit
does ot .or0 apart fro) the faculties of )a3 but by )eas of the). (is superatural )a0es
use of the atural !ifts .hich re)ai to )a after his si3 ree.s ad sactifies the). #y a.a0ei!
desire3 (e beds the .ill7 by preseti! the lo1eliess of 2esus3 (e .or0s upo the affectios7 ad thus
also3 .he (e .or0s faith3 (e does so by preseti! the truth3 i order thereby to a.a0e cofidece.
4 ta0e it for !rated that )y reader is oe .ho has bee a.a0eed7 .ho3 desiri! to be sa1ed3 is
loo0i! out for rescue7 .ho lo!s to be freed fro) his si3 ad as0s3 (o.3 pray3 do 4 co)e to faith i
2esus9 The is3 #y the .ord. #ut .hat a) 4 to do .ith the .ord9 >o .ith it .hat you should do
.ith ay ordiary )essa!e .hich you caot at oce belie1e. Suppose that tidi!s is brou!ht to you of
a !reat iheritace .hich co)es to you. 8ou had ot bee e6pecti! it3 ad caot belie1e that so !reat
happiess ad .ealth ha1e falle to your lot. /hat are you to do9 8ou .ill i:uire if the )esse!er is
trust.orthy. 4f you are sure of this poit3 i order to obtai all certaity3 you .ill as0 hi) oce ad
a!ai ad a!ai to say that you are the perso iteded7 or if he has brou!ht a letter of co1eyace or a
.ill3 you .ill read it repeatedly. Ad thus3 by e6plaatio ad cofir)atio of his )essa!e3 you .ill
beco)e co1iced ad .ill belie1e. This is just5 faith is by the .ord.
Not other.ise is it i di1ie thi!s.
/he the )essa!e co)es to you3 2esus is a Sa1ior for siers3 also for you3 do you as0 if you are to
belie1e (i) .ho spea0s9 The is3 8es5 for (e is the true -od. >o you as0 if there is o
)isuderstadi!3 or if you are really the perso iteded9 8es5 for the )essa!e is to e1ery sier.
The does it beco)e your duty to liste earestly to the )essa!e7 to as0 repeatedly3 yea uceasi!ly DD
for the )atter is of )o)et DD Shall 4 or shall 4 ot belie1e9 Ad the )ore you si)ply ta0e the .ord3
read ad read a!ai the )essa!e of -od3 cote)plate oe after aother the pro)ises .ith .hich -od
has )ade it sure that the Sa1ior is for e1ery sier3 the sooer shall you feel costraied to say3 4t is
true7 -od says it7 4 )ust belie1e it.
O3 poor sier3 pray cease to as0 .hat your o. heart feels3 as oe .ho .ould be sa1ed. Cease to see0
the !roud of faith i yoursel1es. Atted o. to the .ord5 2esus is the Sa1ior of siers. Liste to it
a!ai ad yet a!ai. Let your soul beco)e occupied the .hole day .ith the thou!ht5 -od says it7 it
)ust be. Ad cotiue .ith this3 the )ore .retched ad dar0 the coditio of your heart )ay be. As0
si)ply fro) day to day3 /hat says the .ord9 Ta0e ad carry that .ord i your heart3 ad you shall
speedily e6periece that ;faith is by the .ord; Ad so far fro) )a0i! you thi0 that faith is thus a
.or0 of your o. .ill such acti1ity be3 that you shall ac0o.led!e that it is by the .ord the
Spirit .or0s. 8our use of the .ord !i1es you reaso3 !i1es you ri!ht3 to hope for (is help. 8ou shall
e6periece ho. little faith is )erely a reasoi! of the itellect3but at the sa)e ti)e ho. faithful -od
is to besto. (is !race o the use of )eas3 ad to cro. .ith (is blessi! the soul that hoors (is
Ch 21 The Than0s!i1in! of Faith
;So .al0 i (i)3 established i your faith3 aboudi! i tha0s!i1i!.; Col. 25 1%.
The idea .hich is here e6pressed by the apostle is3 that .here faith is acti1e ad !ro.i! it .ill al.ays
!o coupled .ith tha0s!i1i!7 as it stads .ritte5 ;The belie1ed they (is .ords7 they sa! (is
praise.; As faith stirs up to tha0s!i1i!3 so it e6ercises a reacti1e ifluece7 it i tur stre!thes
faith. Faith ad tha0s!i1i! belo! to oe aother ad 0eep oe aother. The )ore 4 belie1e3 the
)ore 4 shall tha07 the )ore 4 tha03 the )ore 4 shall belie1e. The lac0 of faith is the reaso that )e
!i1e tha0s so little7 the e!lect of tha0s!i1i! hiders ad .ea0es faith. This is a fault to .hich too
little attetio has bee paid ad fro) .hich )ay a oe suffers !reat loss. Let us cosider it for a
The reaso .hy tha0s!i1i! has the effect of icreasi! faith is )aifest. Faith has its !reatest
i the fact that i belie1i! the soul .holly for!ets itself3 ad .ith udi1ided eer!y loo0s to -od ad
hears (i) DD !oes out .holly to (i). This is i li0e )aer precisely the ature of tha0s!i1i!3 that
i it the soul )ust be etirely occupied .ith -od3 .ith the cote)platio of (is !oodess3 the
adoratio of (is -odhead3 the cosideratio of (is .ays3 the e6pressio of (is .oders. Accordi!ly3
the )ore the )id is e6ercised i this .or03 ad is ta0e up .ith the thou!ht of all this3 the )ore shall
there be fi6ed ad rooted i it the co1ictio that the Lord is truly a -od o .ho) it is its duty to rely.
4f tha0s!i1i!3 the e6press )etio of (is o)ipotece3 (is lo1e3 (is faithfuless3 (is perfectio
shall fill the soul3 the result caot but be that the soul shall suffer it to be cocetrated o -od. (e
that has but a si!le .ord of such a -od to build upo has eou!h. 4 such tha0s!i1i! the soul .ill
ha1e its desires roused3 its coura!e stre!theed3 its i.ard de1otio to (i) deepeed. The
sha)efuless of its ubelief .ill be 1ery )aifest as a offece a!aist such a -od. The re)e)brace
of ubelief3 of )y u.orthiess3 )y lac0 of lo1e3 )y isicerity3 )y .ea0ess ad )y ucertaity as to
.hether 4 shall re)ai faithful3 DD all this shall be utterly blotted out by .hat the tha0ful soul has
e6pressed3 a)ely3 that -od i (is co)passioate ad o)ipotet lo1e is !reater tha all the force of
si ad Sata. 4t caot be other.ise3 if tha0s!i1i! icreases faith. (ece that .ord5 ;Aboudi! i
faith .ith tha0s!i1i!.;
Ad o. 4 .ish to as0 you .ho here say that you are see0i! the icrease of faith this :uestio3 Are
you really doi! this by tha0i! -od9 4f you are still uco1erted3 !o ad tha0 (i) that you are still
ot i hell. O3 .hat a .oder it is that i (is lo!sufferi! (e has still bore .ith you ad spared you.
Tha0 (i) for this. Tha0 (i) that (e !a1e (is So 2esus for siers. 8es5 althou!h you are ot yet
able to say that (e is yours3 fall upo your 0ees ad tha0 -od for (is uspea0able !ift to this siful
.orld ad also to you. Tha0 (i) for (is !racious pro)ise .hich has also co)e to you. O sier3
thou!h you ha1e as yet recei1ed little or othi! for yourself3 pray be ot silet3 but adore ad spea0 of
(is .oderful co)passio. Let this be a daily .or0 .ith you. Geep yourself itesely occupied .ith it5
let your soul abide i cote)plati! .hat -od is3 .hat (e has doe3 .hat (e has pro)ised (e .ill do7
ho. !racious3 ho. faithful (e is ad ho. )i!hty to deli1er ad edea1or3 ho.e1er i)perfectly3 to
e6press this o your 0ees before (i). 4 e1ery ac0o.led!)et of your bitter )isery3 tha0 (i) that
(e is -od7 cofess before (i) that (e is !reat ad !ood. This tha0s!i1i! .ill teach your soul that
you )ay cal)ly cofide i -od. Ad3 throu!hout the .hole coflict of faith3 you .ill ofte ha1e to say
that3 .he e1erythi! loo0ed utterly dar0 ad your .retchedess .as 1ery deep3 if you but redered
tha0s for .hat -od .as3 hope the oce )ore re1i1ed i your soul. /hate1er else fails you3 this
al.ays re)ais DD a -od to praise. Ne1er .as your case so .retched3 that you had othi! )ore left to
be tha0ful for. Oly put this re)edy to the proof5 i the )idst of all that is dar03 !rie1ous3 ad
ico)prehesible for the soul3 oly be!i to praise3 ad your praisi! shall speedily )er!e i
belie1i!. ,raisi! ad belie1i! are oe. ITraslatorJs ote5 The >utch here ad)its of a play upo
.ords3 ;Lo1e e !eloo1e Aij ee.;K
Ch 21 The Offence of Faith
;Ad Blisha set a )esse!er uto hi)3 sayi!3 -o ad .ash i 2orda se1e ti)es.; 2 Gi!s "5 1+.
The story of Naa)a?s heali! has at all ti)es ser1ed as a stri0i! illustratio of the .ay of faith3 .ith
all the hu)bli!3 yea offesi1e3 features that it has for the atural heart3 of .hich Naa)a hi)self is to
us so clear a e6a)ple.
The of Naa)a .he he recei1ed the )essa!e of the prophet DD ho. etirely is it i accordace
.ith the e6pectatio of ature3 .hich is so fai to see so)ethi!3 so fai to recei1e so)ethi! i the
shape of e6teral cere)oies5 ;#ehold3 4 thou!ht3 (e .ill surely co)e out to )e3 ad stad3 ad call o
the a)e of the Lord his -od3 ad .a1e his had o1er the place3 ad reco1er the leper.; (o.
co)pletely e)er!es here the icliatio of the see0er for heali!3 .ho .ould ha1e a sesible3 1isible3
i)pressi1e re1elatio of the Lord?s po.er7 ad .ho3 .he a ser1at is set .ith the si)ple )essa!e of
faith3 turs a.ay disappoited3 as if this .ere o to his prayer.
Ad the the cotets of the )essa!e DD to .ash i 2orda. 4f .ater could do it3 .ere ot the ri1ers of
>a)ascus lar!er tha the 2orda3 .ere ot their .aters better tha all the .aters of 4srael9 (e did ot
0o. that it .as ot the .ater3 but the of -od throu!h (is .ord .ith the .ater. Ad i li0e
)aer the see0er for sal1atio caot uderstad that it )ust just be faith by .hich he is to be
cleased. Are there ot the .aters of a deep ad i.ard peitece3 the strea)s of sicere hu)ility3 the
loyalty of a ier lo1e9 /hy is it3 pray3 that faith is to be a)ed abo1e these9 (o. )ay there are
that !o ad set their dispositio before ad abo1e )ere si)ple faith7 as if -od called ot that .hich is
.ea0 ad despised3 ad ideed othi!7 as if (e had ot chose faith as the .ay i .hich )a3 as
capable of o achie1e)et3 .as to recei1e e1erythi! out of free co)passio.
#ut3 )ore tha all else3 the .ashi! se1e ti)es .as sure to pro1e a stu)bli!Dbloc03 uless he had
pre1iously bee tau!ht to sub)it to the obediece of faith. 4f the .aters .ere !ood3 .hy .as ot oe
.ashi! sufficiet 9 4f the heali! did ot ta0e place at the fifth or si6th ti)e3 .hy should it occur just
at the se1eth ti)e9 &easo .as thorou!hly etitled to i:uire i this fashio. #ut faith caot isist
o a to these :uestios3 ad at the sa)e ti)e obeys ;accordi! to the .ord of the )a of
-od.; This sub)issio should beco)e to us a 1ery si!ificat istace of the lo!sufferi! of faith. 4t
should re)id us ho. faith is to hold out3 althou!h it sees ot the least to0e of alteratio or heali!.
4t should teach us the lesso .hich is leared .ith so )uch difficulty that there )ust be a cotiual
repetitio of the act of faith3 clea1i! fast to the .ord of -od3 util (e besto.s the blessi!.
O soul3 see0i! for sal1atio3 lear here your .ay. 4t is .ith sub)issio to that .hich does ot appear
to you the best )eas3 .hich see)s to you too s)all ad trifli! for such a !reat result3 it is by the
cotiuous repetitio of .hat at the outset see)s fruitless3 that you are called o to perse1ere i faith.
,ray3 uderstad it3 faith is -od?s .ay. 4t .as (e that de1ised it3 ad ot )a. O this accout it is a
stu)bli!Dbloc0 to e1ery Naa)a3 util he lears3 as oe that is helpless3 to bo. beeath the .ord of
-od. Sub)it yourself to -od ad recei1e .hat (e says3 that ;he that belie1eth shall be sa1ed.; -o e1ery
day to the .ord ad its strea)s of li1i! .ater. Althou!h it see)s to you so)e.hat trifli! to .ash
there3 to plu!e ad bathe i it3 to recei1e fro) it this or that pro)ise3 ad to do the 1ery sa)e thi!
e1ery day ae.3 .ithout e6perieci! ay heali!3 yet hold o. ,erse1ere3 ad the blessed result shall
be li0e that of Naa)a. ;(is flesh ca)e a!ai li0e uto the flesh of a little child3; he .as as oe bor a
secod ti)e3 ;ad he .as clea.; 8ou also shall be bor a!ai by the li1i! .ord3 ad be cleased fro)
your si. 4t does ot lie i you3 or e1e i the .ord re!arded i itself3 but i the faithfuless of -od3
.ho has said5 ;(e that belie1eth shall ot be asha)ed.;
Ch 23 The Stability of Faith
;No. faith is the assurace of thi!s hoped for.; (eb. 11 INote5 The >utch 1ersio has3 ;No. faith is a
fir) foudatio of the thi!s .hich .e hope for3; etc.K
@ay people thi0 that faith is so)ethi! .hich at its best is but 1ery ucertai5 ot so certai3 for
e6a)ple3 as si!ht or heari!. They appear to thi0 that faith is a sort of i)a!iatio by .hich .e )ust
ta0e pais to be assured i our o. hearts that .e shall be sa1ed. The result of this erroeous
coceptio is that they ofte atte)pt to e6ercise it3 but fid o rest i it3 or perhaps e1e co)e to
re!ard all assurace of faith as cojecture3 selfDdeceptio3 or presu)ptio. They do ot uderstad
.hat faith is.
The Bpistle to the (ebre.s )i!ht ha1e tau!ht the). There faith is represeted as the hi!hest certaity3
as a sure foudatio o .hich oe ca build ad safely trust oeself. 4 faith there is othi! that
)o1es or ca be )o1ed5 faith is a stro! basis3 ad that ideed for the si)ple reaso that faith
depeds upo .hat stads )ore fir)ly tha roc0s or )outais3 a)ely3 the .ord of -od. (ea1e
ad earth shall pass a.ay3 but the .ord of -od edures to eterity. Ad o this accout it is that to
co)e to rest3 peace3 ad stability3 the soul has si)ply to as03 ;/hat has -od said9; 4s there aythi!
that -od has co))aded )e to belie1e9 (as (e spo0e aythi! that is directed to e1ery sier3 ad
that e1ery sier is boud to belie1e9 4f so3 the it is )y duty to search out this ad to recei1e it as
bei! the .ord of the true -od3 ad therefore sure ad certai.
Ad .hat is it3 the3 that e1ery sier is to belie1e 4 Si)ply this DD that Christ has bee !i1e by -od
also to hi) as a Sa1ior. ;This is a faithful sayi! ad .orthy of all acceptatio3 that 2esus Christ is
co)e ito the .orld to sa1e siers3; DD all siers .ithout distictio3 e1e the chief. Let the sier
that lo!s to be sa1ed oly hold fast that truth3 ad be occupied .ith it. Let hi) !o out of hi)self3 so as
to be he))ed i .ith this thou!ht3 util his heart be filled .ith it5 2esus is co)e to sa1e siers3 e1e
)e7 2esus is !i1e by -od also to sa1e )e5 Christ is certaily for )e. Not because 4 ha1e belie1ed all
this or ha1e bee co1erted7 o3 but because 4 a) a u!odly oe. Ad3 .hether 4 belie1e it or ot3 it
re)ais truth that Christ is offered by -od also to )e. #efore 4 belie1e it3 it is the truth5 the truth of it
thus does ot deped o aythi! i )e that is yet to ta0e place. The truth of it is !rouded o the fact
that -od has said it. 4 ha1e3 therefore3 othi! to do but to hear accordi! to the .ord of -od3 ad to
recei1e it i )y soul3 util it beco)es .ith )e a settled co1ictio5 it )ust be true3 Christ is a Sa1ior
also for )e3 for -od has said it. B1ery :uestioi! i the for) of3 Are you already co1erted 9 or3 Are
you .orthy of it9 or3 Are you ideed sicere9 4 bri! to silece .ith the si)ple as.er5 /hoe1er or
.hate1er 4 )ay be3 Christ is for the sier3 is also for )e. Ad accordi! as 4 day by day accusto)
)yself si)ply to as03 A) 4 sure that -od has said it9 shall 4 e6periece that faith is a fir) foudatio.
Stadi! o this basis3 4 caot .a1er3 but 4 co)e to a e1er clearer isi!ht ito the truth that faith is
othi! but a recei1i! ad co))itti! of oeself to the .ord of the true -od. (ece it caot be
other.ise tha that ;faith is a fir) foudatio.;
Ad o.3 a6ious oe3 .hy do you ot belie1e9 O3 faith is o i)a!iatio that you too are a chose
oe3 but a layi! of yourself do. o the i))o1able roc0 of the .ord of the Lord. ;-od lo1ed the
.orld3; ;Christ died for the u!odly;7 ad o. (e co)es to as0 you DD see to it3 4 etreat you3 that you
!i1e (i) a as.er5 ;4f 4 spea0 the truth to you3 .hy do you ot belie1e9;
Ch 24 The 2ustification of Faith
;/e rec0o therefore that a )a is justified by faith apart fro) the .or0s of the la..; &o). 35 2'.
The Lord has re1ealed to us t.o .ays3 .hich should be able to lead us to (i) ad sal1atio. Alo! the
oe the la. leads us3 alo! the other !race. #oth .ays are !ood ad co)e fro) -od5 yet there is after
all oly oe of the t.o for us to use3 by reaso of our .ea0ess. The la. is !ood for those .ho ha1e the to obey ad to follo. it. -race is the .ay for those .ho are po.erless ad ca acco)plish
othi!. The la. de)ads ad )ust be fulfilled5 !race !i1es ad eeds si)ply to be recei1ed. The la.
says3 ;>o this ad thou shalt li1e;7 !race says3 ;#elie1e ad thou shalt be sa1ed.; The la. de)ads
.or0s3 yet !i1es o stre!th to produce the)5 !race as0s for faith3 .hich it also of its o.
a.a0es by its pro)ises DD faith3 .hich is othi! but the ac0o.led!)et of .ea0ess ad a coset
to be .illi! to recei1e e1erythi! for othi!. The la. directs )e to the hei!ht3 to a )outai too
steep to cli)b5 !race to the 1alley3 .here 4 ha1e oly to si0 do. to be preser1ed.
Of the ut)ost i)portace is it that 4 should 0o. .ell the distictio bet.i6t these t.o .ays3 choose
the ri!ht oe3 ad .al0 i it. For i our preset siful coditio there is oly oe of these .ays that is
still really of ser1ice to us3 althou!h )a o the cotrary .ould just 1ery fai .al0 i the other. /ell is
it for us that -od has left us i o doubt as to .hich oe is .ished for ad appro1ed of by (i).
4t .as especially the Apostle ,aul .ho) -od chose to poit out to us clearly the .ay of sal1atio DD as
he has doe )ost fully i his Bpistle to the &o)as. The coclusio of his ar!u)etatio .e ha1e i
the te6t :uoted at the head of this chapter. (e had sho. ho. all )a0id3 2e.s as .ell as heathe3
had )issed the !lory of -od. They could ot fulfil3 they did ot .ish to fulfil3 the la. of -od. The la.
)ust be perfectly obeyed3 other.ise it .or0s oly .rath. The la. 0o.s othi! of !race3 oly of ri!ht.
-od has searched the .orld3 ad there .as oe ri!hteous3 ot e1e oe. #y the la. e1ery )outh .as
stopped3 ad the .hole .orld )ade !uilty before -od. 4t .as a declaratio of the la. itself3 ;#y the
.or0s of the la. shall o flesh be justified.; <&o). 35 2+=. ;#ut the ri!hteous shall li1e by faith.; That3
the Lord 2esus had proclai)ed. #y (is death -od had recociled the .orld. (e had allo.ed the
puish)et ad the de)ads of the la. to be fulfilled. (e has per)itted a e1erlasti! ad ifiite
ri!hteousess to be brou!ht i. For othi! had -od suffered it to be offered5 .ithout price ad
.ithout )oey is this ri!hteousess ours3 throu!h the free !ift of -od. 4 the case of the corrupt3
curseDdeser1i!3 ad po.erless sier3 there ca be o tal0 of ser1ice or .or0s5 oly of faith3
;Sub)issio to the ri!hteousess of -od.; /here that faith i 2esus ad the .ord of (is !race is
foud3 there is the sier )ade parta0er of the ri!hteousess of -od3 faith bei! si)ply the eye to see
it as it .as offered3 the had to recei1e it3 ad the acti1ity for appropriati! it for hi)self. (e that
belie1eth is justified.
/hat folly3 the3 is it still to loo0 to oe?s o. .or0s or )erit. Sier3 are you resol1ed to .or09 The
)ust you 0eep the .hole la.3 ad that perfectly7 ad thus you shall certaily be code)ed. >o you
desire to be justified9 Oly belie1e i Christ ad (is ri!hteousess3 i -od ad the pro)ises of (is
!race3 as iteded also for you. #y that faith )a is justified .ithout the .or0s of the la..
Ch 2" The /or0s of Faith
;8e see that by .or0s a )a is justified3 ad ot oly by faith.; 2as. 25 24.
4t has ofte bee supposed that there .as oppositio bet.i6t this utterace of 2a)es ad the doctrie
of ,aul. 4t is to be e1ertheless ac0o.led!ed at oce that this is ot the case3 .he oe reflects that
the .or0s of .hich ,aul spea0s are etirely differet fro) those .hich 2a)es iteds. ,aul al.ays
spea0s of the .or0s of the la.5 2a)es has his eye upo the .or0s of faith. The .or0s of the la. are
those .hich are doe out of the persoal of )a. 4 the directio of fulfilli! the la. of -od i
order to )erit the fa1or of -od ad )a0e hi)self .orthy of it. Of these the .ord of -od says3 that )a
is justified .ithout the .or0s of the la.. (e ca do othi! that is !ood or )eritorious5 all that co)es
fro) hi) is i)pure ad deser1i! of .rath. O the cotrary3 the .or0s of faith of .hich 2a)es spea0s
are those .hich )ust be doe for the cofir)atio ad the perfecti! of faith3 ad thus out of the .hich -od !i1es ad ot to )erit aythi!. They ser1e to )aifest that .hich faith has recei1ed
fro) free !race. They follo. upo co1ersio3 .hile the .or0s of the la. ca oly precede this cha!e.
The .or0s of the la. .ill be able to !lorify )a5 the .or0s of faith !i1e -od all the hoor7 for they are
doe i the ac0o.led!)et of persoal u.orthiess. /or0s ad faith !o to!ether3 as bei! both
fruits of !race ad to0es of the ree.i! of the )id7 faith as the root of the .or0s3 the .or0s as the
perfecti! of faith.
4 this .ay it ca o. be clearly uderstood .hat the .ord of -od )eas3 .he i oe passa!e it says5
;To hi) that .or0eth ot but belie1eth3 his faith is rec0oed for ri!hteousess3; ad the a!ai isists
o .or0s. The .or0s .hich are doe apart fro) faith3 as a edea1or to )a0e oursel1es .orthy of
-od?s fa1or ad thus 0eep us bac0 fro) faith3 the receptio of -od?s free !race3 are ot to be doe5 they
are abo)iable i the eyes of -od5 ;(e that .or0eth ot is justified.; The .or0s .hich are doe .ith
ad i faith3 .hile the soul i the sese of its u.orthiess co))its itself to the !racious pro)ises of
-od3 just because it hopes or 0o.s that the Lord recei1es it apart fro) its )erits3 ad see0s to praise
(i) for the)3 are acceptable to -od3 ad )ust be doe3 the )ore the better. Ad it is of these that it is
said that ;)a is justified by .or0s;5 they are the )aifestatio of faith ad actual fruitDbeari!3 ad
ot )erely of a faith that cotiues iacti1e3 ad is thus dead.
Let the soul .hich see0s to co)e to 2esus i faith thus uderstad .hat it is to thi0 of .or0s. As soo
as it be!is to loo0 upo its .or0s as the !roud of )erit3 as soo as it be!is to say i fear3 ;@y .or0s
are too s)all3 too trifli!3 too siful for )e to be recei1ed3; it )ust at oce re)e)ber that ;)a is
justified .ithout .or0s.; No si or u!odliess of .hich you ha1e bee !uilty ou!ht to 0eep you bac0
fro) the hope of !race. 8et3 o the other side3 i order that the soul )ay ot perhaps sit do. i idle
iacti1ity3 i order that it )ay ot !o o i si .hile it relies upo !race3 let it be re)e)bered that as
soo as the first be!ii!s of the desire for !race a.a0e .ithi us DD this3 if it is sicere3 .ill
ecessarily sho. itself acti1e i the doi! of -od?s .ill. /e shall be able to pray .ith cofidece ad i
truth3 ;for!i1e us our debts3; oly .he at the sa)e ti)e .e just as heartily edea1or to say3 ;as .e
for!i1e our debtors;7 just as 2oh .rites3 ;Let us ot lo1e i .ord3 either .ith the to!ue but i deed
ad truth. (ereby shall .e 0o. that .e are of the truth3 ad shall assure our heart before (i);7 ad3
;4f our heart code) us ot3 .e ha1e boldess to.ard -od.; <Co)pare further 1 2oh 45 223 as also
,sal) 1'5 22D2%.= Thus .e lear to uderstad ri!htly the .ord3 ;.or0 for -od .or0eth i you3; that
is3 by faith7 ad our .or0s beco)e the lo1ely e1ideces of (is hea1ely !race3 the foreto0es of (is
e1erlasti! fa1or.
Ch 2$ The Obedience of Faith
;#y faith Abraha)3 .he he .as called3 obeyed to !o out.; (eb. 115 '.
#elo1ed soul3 you still say that you .ould fai belie1e3 that it is your earest ad sicere desire to
belo! to the people of the Lord. 8ou are e1ertheless 0ept bac03 for .hat reaso you yourself do ot
really 0o.. ,erhaps it is because it is ot yet :uite clear to you .hat you ha1e to do .he you belie1e.
8ou do ot yet uderstad the si)plicity of faith3 or see that it is so)ethi! .hich you ca ad )ust
do .ithout ay e1e the least delay. Let us try to uderstad this by the e6a)ple of the father of the
The Lord had said to Abraha)5 ;-o thou out of thie o. lad to the coutry .hich 4 shall sho. thee.;
4 this calli! of Abraha)3 .e fid a di1ie co))ad ad a di1ie pro)ise. The co))ad is3 ;-o
thou out of thie lad;5 the pro)ise is3 ;to a coutry .hich 4 shall sho. to clea1e to the .ord5 ;The
Lord .ill bri! you thither.;
;#ut 4 ha1e ot recei1ed the pro)ises3; you cry. @y reply is3 8ou ha1e ideed recei1ed the pro)ises.
-od is ot so uri!hteous as to say to ayoe that he )ust !o to hea1e .ithout the pro)ise that (e
.ill bri! hi) thither. (e has !i1e you 2esus to sho. you the coutry3 ad to lead you o the .ay
thither. (e does ot say3 ;&epet ye3; .ithout poiti! to 2esus .ho) (e ordaied to !i1e repetace.
(e does ot say3 ;Abado si3 ad be sa1ed3; .ithout at the sa)e ti)e sayi!3 ;2esus frees ad sa1es
fro) si.; Ad it is oly i the stre!th of this faith that you shall eter hea1e. Therefore3 soul3
obser1e the calli! of -od5 pray3 uderstad that 2esus .ill do all for you5 recei1e (i) this day as the
!uide o the .ay !i1e by -od. (o.e1er .retched you are3 just si)ply belie1e that it is truth that -od
has !i1e (is So 2esus also to you to sa1e you. #e .illi! ad ac0o.led!e (i) as your Sa1ior.
&ejoice i the thou!ht5 -od has !i1e (i) to the sier ad thus also to )e. Ad althou!h you still
feel othi! i yourself3 !rasp fir)ly this thou!ht the .hole day5 carry it roud .ith you i the )idst of
all your .or0 ad o1er it5 4t is certaily true3 -od has !i1e 2esus also to )e3 to sa1e )e. This si)ple
thou!ht is faith. (old fast by it3 tha0 -od for it5 it .ill speedily sed forth roots i you3 ad you shall
rejoice i the assurace5 2esus is leadi! )e to hea1e. #y this faith3 you also3 ha1i! bee called3 shall
be obediet.
Ch 2& The Nutri*ent of Faith
;A day?s portio e1ery day.; B6. 1$5 4.
;4 .ill rai bread fro) hea1e for you7 ad the people shall !o out ad !ather a day?s portio e1ery
day3 that 4 )ay pro1e the) .hether they .ill .al0 i )y la. or o.; 4 these .ords .e ha1e
aouced to us .hat the rule is for the )aiteace of the spiritual life3 the la. for the ! ad
icrease of the life of faith. This la. is i o respect differet fro) that .hich .e obser1e i the atural
life e1ery day. B1ery )a 0o.s ho. the little child is fed so as to !ro. up a stro! )a3 ho. the
stro! )a is supplied .ith ourish)et so as to )aitai his stre!th. The daily re!ular use of a little
food !i1es )a stre!th of body. Thus also is it .ith e1erythi! i ature5 the little tree beco)es lar!e3
the poor )a beco)es rich3 the !radest buildi! rises fro) its foudatio3 the lo!est jourey ca be
perfor)ed3 ot .ith !reat ad 1iolet strides3 but by the silet3 perse1eri! faithfuless3 .hich does
ot despise the little3 i1isible pro!ress of e1ery day3 but uses it to reach the appoited !oal.
;A day?s portio e1ery day3; the !eeral rule of the atural life pre1ails also i the spiritual7 ad yet
there are so )ay Christias .ho3 by ot ac0o.led!i! this3 suffer dreadful loss. They i)a!ie that
!reat e6ertio of stre!th at particular ti)es3 that fer1et prayers .he .e feel oursel1es stirred up3
are the )eas of securi! the icrease ad the flourishi! of the soul?s life. #ut the !olde rule3 ;a
day?s portio e1ery day3; the day by day3 re!ular cotiuace i the use of food3 .hereby the soul
obtais its !ro.th3 they do ot uderstad. They ha1e ot yet appreheded the lesso that faith ad
the life of faith )ust ha1e ourish)et3 daily bread7 ad that .ith the pro)ise3 ;4.ill rai bread fro)
hea1e3; there stads the co))ad ;The people shall !ather a day?s portio e1ery day that 4 )ay; <this
clause is added just for this 1ery ed= ;pro1e the) .hether they .ill .al0 i )y la. or o.;
#elo1ed reader3 ha1e you ot ofte )oured o1er the ustable ad cha!eable character of your
spiritual life7 ha1e you ot ofte .odered ho. it co)es about that your days of hope are so shortli1ed3
ad as0ed o all sides .hat you had first to do that it )i!ht be other.ise .ith you3 that your faith
)i!ht abide ad icrease9 /ould it surprise you that you should be .ea03 if your body re)aied
.ithout food for a couple of days3 ad that e1ery ti)e afresh9 Ad is it the to surprise you that your
faith should ot be li1i!3 fir)3 ad stro!3 if you do ot faithfully parta0e of the .ord of -od9 That is
the utri)et of faith5 fro) it ad fro) it aloe does faith dra. its stre!th. ;@a shall li1e by e1ery
.ord that co)eth fro) the )outh of -od.; Cofess that you too ofte yield to this ad that .orldly
circu)stace3 to idleess ad apathy3 ad e!lect the hidde use of -od?s .ord3 or use it so hastily ad
superficially that your soul is ot ourished. No .oder that you ha1e to )our o1er a leaess i
your soul. #e!i today ad heceforth let o day pass by .ithout eati! of the hea1ely )aa3 the
.ord of -od ad the li1i! Christ i the .ord. &ecei1e the .ord i faith. -od !a1e )aa e1ery day i
the .aste .ilderess up util the ho)eco)i! i Caaa5 if .e !o out ad !ather there .ill be i the
.ord3 for e1ery e. day3 istructio3 stre!thei!3 purificatio3 ad sal1atio. Ad he .ho .ith
faithful perse1erace cotiues day by day i the use of the .ord3 e1e .he he does ot at oce
obser1e the blessi! that flo.s fro) it3 shall e6periece that the icrease of faith3 althou!h it be
uobser1ed ad slo.3 is yet certai ad sure.
Ch 2( The Tenderness of Faith
;Ad they !athered it )ori! by )ori!3 e1ery )a accordi! to his eati!5 ad .he the su
.a6ed us hot3 it )elted.; B6. 1$5 21.
4 the silece ad cooless ad secrecy of the i!ht -od !a1e the )aa5 i the freshess ad
:uic0ei! of the )ori! hour the people had to !o out to !ather it. 4t .as thus the first .or0 of e1ery
day to recei1e bread fro) -od?s had7 for3 .he the su .a6ed hot3 it )elted3 ad .as o lo!er to be
foud. Not i the !lo. of the )idday su3 or i the press ad bustle of the day3 did they recei1e this
hidde )aa3 but i the char)i! cooless of the )ori!3 ere the )id .as esared by the
seductios of the .orld.
Lo1ely ad istructi1e i)a!e of the .ay i .hich -od still )iisters to faith its utri)et. Ad 4
re)ai co1iced that there are )ay that see) to be sicerely lo!i! for cofir)atio of faith3 .hile
they ha1e ot beco)e parta0ers of it3 because they do ot !o i search of it beti)es. (o. )ay are
there3 pray3 by .ho) the readi! of the #ible is cotiued oly i the e1ei!9 After the freshess of
the )ori! hour ad the stre!th of the day ha1e bee de1oted to the .orld3 they co)e i the
e1ei!3 i .eariess of )id ad body3 to ser1e the Lord .ith the re)at of their eer!ies. No
.oder that there is o blessi! ejoyed5 the heart is .eary3 the tederess of the spirit ad its
recepti1eess for the .ord is dulled. O the other had3 are there ot )ay .ho are ofte cotet i
the )ori! .ith the !eeral readi! of the .ord i the household3 apart fro) pri1ate searchi! of the
Scriptures3 or reflectio or )editatio .ith prayer9 This still yields little blessi!. The readi! of a
chapter oce a day is3 as a rule3 ot sufficiet. No5 let all that truly desire to icrease i faith3 see to it
that they edea1or i the )ori! hour to !ather for the day )aa o .hich they ca ru)iate
throu!hout its course. (e that !oes out i the )ori! .ithout parta0i! of a portio of this utri)et
co)es ho)e .eary i the e1ei!3 .ith but little desire to eat. Ad he .ho does ot i the )ori!
first lay up the .ord i his heart is ot to be surprised if the .orld assu)es the first ad chief place i
his heart3 for he has e!lected the oly )eas of bei! i ad1ace of the .orld. No5 as the Lord !i1es
us the i!ht i order to thro. off a!ai the .eariess of the day3 ad i the )ori! hour to )a0e a
e. be!ii! .ith fresh spirit ad eer!y3 so )ust the belie1er ta0e ad de1ote to the Lord his first
fresh ad udi)iished forces3 ad !ather his )aa .hile the blessi! of the i!ht?s rest is upo hi)3
ad before the corruptio of the .orld has a!ai baished its lo1ely de.7 for .he the su .a6es hot3
it )elts. /he the heat of the day has co)e3 ad te)ptatio has first passed o1er the soul3 all the
!ladess ad trustfuless of the )ori! hour ha1e also passed a.ay. The life of !race .ill ot edure
the heat of the su uless it be first stre!theed by food.
;Cause )e to hear thy lo1i!0idess i the )ori!.; ;O Lord3 i the )ori! shalt Thou hear )y
1oice7 i the )ori! .ill 4 order )y prayer uto Thee3 ad 0eep .atch.; <,s. 1435 '7 "5 3.= Such .ords
poit out to us .hat .ill be the attitude of the soul i hi) .ho is i earest first ad chiefly ad .ith
the .hole heart to ser1e the Lord. /ith e1ery )ori! hour he .ill taste the deli!htful e6periece of
the .ord5 ;(is !oi! forth is prepared as the daybrea0.; <(osea $5 3.=
&eader3 .hy do you ot belie1e9 ,ray be faithful to.ards yourself ad to.ards -od. There is o piety
i )ouri! o1er ubelief3 uless you also lay aside e1erythi! that stads i the .ay of faith. 4f the
irre!ular3 superficial use of the .ord3 if the !i1i! of the first3 the fresh3 the best hours of the day ad
eer!ies of the soul to the .orld ad its ser1ice is the cause3 the co)e3 )a0e a cha!e i these poits5
)ori! by )ori! !o ad see0 your -od5 (e .ill ot 0eep (i)self hidde fro) you.
Ch 2+ The )and of Faith
;2esus said to the )a that had his had .ithered . . . stretch forth thy had. Ad he did so5 ad his
had .as restored.; Lu0e $5 1+.
Oe of the )ost co))o )ista0es by .hich souls are 0ept bac0 fro) faith is that they do ot feel the
stre!th for faith. They desire first to feel faith li1i! i the)sel1es3 ad the they .ould belie1e. #ut
that the co))ad to belie1e should co)e to the) .hile they do ot yet feel the)sel1es prepared for it
or i a positio to belie1e DD this they do ot co)prehed. They do ot uderstad3 because they ha1e
ot obser1ed3 .hat .e e6periece or )ay see e1ery day3 that readiess ad ability for ay .or0 is ot
!i1e before the .or0 but oly throu!h the .or03 ad thus after .e be!i to .or0. The child that lears
to ru be!is before he ca really do it3 ad lears i the )idst of the effort. The )a that .ishes to
lear s.i))i! !oes ito the .ater .hile he caot yet s.i)3 because he 0o.s that3 .he he be!is3
he .ill i ti)e lear to do it. Ad this la. of ature has a still )ore !lorious applicatio i !race. -od
!i1es us co))ads for .hich .e ha1e pre1iously o po.er3 ad yet re:uires obediece to the) .ith
full ri!ht7 because (e has said to us that .he .e sub)it3 ad set oursel1es to.ards obediece3
stre!th .ill be !i1e alo! .ith this icipiet acti1ity. Ad this is the spirit i .hich .e are to belie1e.
Cder the co1ictio of its ubelief3 the soul )ust set itself to belie1e. 4 the assurace that .ill
be besto.ed3 it is yet to )a0e a be!ii!5 ;Lord3 4 belie1e.; 4 this actio it is also to perse1ere ad !o
Eery stri0i!ly are both aspects of this truth pictured to us i the case of the )a .ith the .ithered
had. (e feels his had po.erless3 ad yet 2esus says to hi)5 ;Stretch forth thy had.; (e sees i the
Sa1ior eou!h to co1ice hi) that (e .ill ot )oc0 hi)3 that (e .ho !i1es this co))ad .ill
certaily e1er issue it .ithout3 at the sa)e ti)e3 !i1i! to carry it out. (e obeys ad his had is
healed. O soul3 the Lord 2esus .ho calls to you3 ;#elie1e i @e3 as your Sa1ior3; 0o.s your
helplessess. #ut it is just o this accout that (e spea0s to you to rescue you fro) it.
/ith a 1oice of (e co))ads you3 ;#elie1e i @e3 that 4 a) !i1e by -od to be your Sa1ior5
stretch out your had to lay hold of @e ad to appropriate @e for yourself.; Liste to (i)3 be .illi!
to obey (i)7 re)e)ber that .ith the co))ad (e also !i1es the stre!th7 be!i3 althou!h you do ot
yet feel the po.er3 ad3 althou!h you ca still do othi!3 say3 li0e @artha5 ;4 belie1e that Thou art the
Christ3 the So of -od.; Sho. that it is your desire to belie1e3 ad that you are i dead earest about it7
set your soul to atted to the fact that (e really spea0s to you3 ad to hear ho. char)i!ly attracti1e
ad 0idly ecoura!i! (is 1oice is5 ;O thou ubelie1i! oe3 belie1e i @e.; As the )a .ith the
.ithered had obtaied to stretch it out at the co))ad of 2esus3 so shall it be .ith you. The
co))ad3 ;#elie1e3; .ill o lo!er oppress you .ith the thou!ht3 ;4 caot do it3; but ecoura!e you
to etertai the cofidece5 ;2esus co))ads it3 thus it is to be3 thus it )ay be.; Ad if3 .ith e1ery
icliatio a!ai to be discoura!ed3 you loo0 to 2esus ad hear ho. cheeri!ly (e calls to you3 ;8ou
)ay3 you )ust3 you ca belie1e i @e3; your soul .ill be stre!theed .ith a e1erD!ro.i!
steadfastess to etrust yourself to (i). 4 the edea1or to belie1e3 stre!th for it is !i1e ad
e6ercised5 the had of faith .ill soo be etirely healed.
Soul3 2esus as0s you3 ;4f 4 spea0 the truth to you3 .hy do you ot belie1e9; (e tells you the di1ie truth
that (e has co)e for you. (e tells you the truth that your faith )ay be a.a0eed thereby. 4 beseech
you3 uderstad this. See (i) .ho here spea0s5 it is 2esus3 the faithful ad al)i!hty Lo1er5 hear (is
1oice ad be o lo!er ubelie1i!.
Ch 30 The )inderin! of Faith
;The co)eth the de1il ad ta0eth a.ay the .ord fro) their heart3 that they )ay ot belie1e ad be
sa1ed.; Lu0e '5 12.
#y this .ord the Lord teaches us that .hee1er the de1il is bet o 0eepi! bac0 ayoe fro)
sal1atio3 he has )erely to see to it that he 0eeps hi) bac0 also fro) faith5 he caot the be prepared
for sal1atio. Ad3 o the other had3 i order to 0eep ayoe bac0 fro) faith3 he has si)ply to ta0e
a.ay the .ord fro) the heart5 he does ot the belie1e. Ad ho. dreadful is the thou!ht that there are
so )ay .ho3 althou!h they say that they desire to belie1e3 yet .or0 ito the had of the de1il3 so far as
the .ord is cocered. To the de1il it is a )atter of s)all iterest i .hat particular .ay this ta0es
place3 so lo! as he ca ta0e a.ay the .ord out of the heart. 4 ho. )ay .ays is this doe.
4 oe case3 by all )aer of si ad uri!hteousess. The lo1e of si caot d.ell to!ether .ith the
.ord. The heart caot at the sa)e ti)e )o1e to.ards -od ad a.ay fro) -od3 caot e:ually desire
the .ord ad si. Oe or other of these )ust be cast out. AlasF ho. )ay thousad ti)es does a sier
.ho said that he .as see0i! 2esus3 ad .as desirous of belie1i!3 let slip the .ord .hich he has laid
up i his heart i the )ori!3 because he .as ot .illi! to say fare.ell to his si3 his a!er3 or lyi!3
or deceptio3 or e1y3 or i)purity.
4 aother3 the .ord is stifled by .orldly cares ad icliatios. 4t )ay be either the hea1y sorro. ad
dis:uietude of oe .ho has a difficult lot i the .orld3 or it )ay be the te)ptatio ad preoccupatio
.ith the .orld that ofte spri!s fro) prosperity. (o. costatly it happes that the .ord is stifled3
ad thus ta0e a.ay by lo1e to the .orld.
A!ai3 there are others fro) .ho) the de1il ta0es a.ay the .ord3 throu!h the soul?s bei! occupied
.ith itself ad its sis. 4stead of the heart bei! 0ept bet o the .ord of pro)ise3 the eye is fi6ed o
its o. i)ost parts5 the soul is so )uch ta0e up .ith its o. feeli!3 its o. .retchedess ad
.ea0ess3 .ith the effort to be co1erted i its o. stre!th3 that the .ord is loosely held3 ad so
easily carried a.ay.
Ad .he oe re)e)bers ho. superficially the .ord is read3 .hat little pais is ta0e to uderstad
the .ord3 to ta0e ito the heart ad 0eep there e1ery day that .hich should be fitted to stre!the
faith3 oe feels ho. li!htly ad easily the .ord is ta0e a.ay5 it costs the de1il little trouble.
&eader3 if you are see0i! 2esus3 if you .ould co)e to faith3 be ad)oished by this earest .ord5 ;The
de1il co)es ad ta0es a.ay the .ord3 that they )ay ot belie1e.; /hate1er te)ptatio there )ay be3
either fro) the .orld .ithout or i your o. heart3 ta0e heed that you al.ays 0eep ad hold fast the
.ord. Let ot the de1il ta0e it a.ay fro) you. Let the precepts ad pro)ises of the .ord be your
)editatio day ad i!ht. ;Let the .ord of Christ d.ell i you richly.; <Col. 35 1$=. ;Thy .ord ha1e 4
laid up i )ie heart . . . 4t is )y )editatio all the day.; <,s. 11*5 113 *%=. This la!ua!e of >a1id )ust
be yours7 the3 .he you ha1e foud life3 you .ill later o be able also to say .ith hi)5 ;This 4 ha1e
had3 because 4 0ept Thy precepts.; <,s 11*5 "$=. O soul3 e1e the de1il 0o.s this5 .here the .ord
d.ells i the heart3 there faith co)es. >o you also lear this3 ad be assured that the hu)ble3 silet
holdi! fast the li1i! .ord of -od .ill certaily be blessed to a.a0e faith i you also. -od (i)self
has said that is the .ord3 ;.hich is able to sa1e your souls.; <2as. 15 21=. Ad as the .ord is recei1ed
ad 0ept i this hope3 (e is faithful to besto. by the Spirit the blessi! of the .ord.
#efore that .ord3 the e1il oe retreats3 as before the ;4t is .ritte; out of 2esus? )outh5 .ith ad by
that .ord3 the Lord -od ad (is Spirit co)e to the soul.
Ch 31 The -ift of Faith
;To you it hath bee !rated i the behalf of Christ to belie1e i (i).; ,hil. 15 2*.
Faith a !ift of -od5 this truth has bee to )ay a oe the cause of fear ad dread. Ad yet this ou!ht
ot to be. 4t rather yields reasos for !ladess ad hope. 4t is al.ays a etirely per1erse a)plificatio
of this state)et to say5 ;4t is a !ift3 ad thus 4 do ot 0o. .hether 4 shall e1er recei1e it7 if it .ere to
be foud by persoal effort3 ad if 4 had to call it ito e6istece by )y o. po.er3 4 should the ideed
ta0e heed that 4 did ot re)ai .ithout faith.; Thus )ay a oe reasos. No5 the re1erse is the truth. 4f
you could belie1e of yoursel1es3 by persoal effort ad .or03 you .ould e1er do it3 you should
certaily be lost. #ut sice faith is !i1e to us3 sice there is a Lord i hea1e .ho .ill i)plat ad
cherish ad care for that faith i us3 the there is hope that .e )ay obtai ad preser1e that faith. 4t is
a .ord of joyful hope.
Ad .hat )a0es the ecoura!e)et of this .ord still !reater DD this faith is !i1e by !race9 There is o
:uestio of .orthiess or )erit3 of .isdo) or piety3 of stre!th or di!ity7 but it is !i1e to the
u.orthy ad the u!odly. To those that do ot see0 (i)3 the so1erei! -od co)es .ith (is dra.i!
!race7 throu!h the Spirit (e .or0s the co1ictio of si ad of the eed of (is lo1e7 by (is .ord (e
sets 2esus before the soul as (is !ift to the sier3 desirable ad suitable3 freely offered ad acceptable3
util the soul3 uder the hidde ad ideed effectual .or0i! of the Spirit3 ta0es cofidece to
appropriate the Sa1ior etirely to itself. 8ea3 fro) be!ii! to ed3 alo! the .hole .ay3 i the )idst
of cotiual sifuless ad ufaithfuless o your part3 it is of !race !i1e to you to belie1e i (i).
Ad that faith co)es uder the use of )eas does ot )a0e it ay the less a !ift. Of .ellDi!h e1ery !ift
of -od oe ca be parta0er oly by .or0. /e !et bread i the of our bro.3 ad yet .e pray5
;-i1e us this day our daily bread.; /e ejoy health throu!h the use of food ad other )eas3 ad yet
.e al.ays tha0 the Lord for preser1i! us fro) sic0ess ad death. No5 the appoit)et of )eas
oly sho.s us ho. lo1i! the !ift is3 ho. the Lord .ill )o1e ad ope the spirit of )a by its o.
acti1ity to appropriate etirely for hi)self .hat his -od .ill besto. upo hi). This thou!ht of our te6t
does ot deter fro) )eas3 but !i1es the ri!ht desire ad the ri!ht spirit to use the). The soul lears
to uderstad that the Lord .ho !i1es it the .ord .ill also !i1e the faith to recei1e it7 that (e .ho has
!i1e the pro)ise .ill also besto. the fulfil)et3 althou!h you feel that you caot do it. Set yourself
to belie1e3 i the joyful cofidece5 it is !i1e.
&eader3 it is !i1e by !race to belie1e i 2esus. As0 this !race hu)bly fro) the Lord3 .ait for it at (is
hads i a childli0e spirit. Let e1ery e6periece of failure3 of ubelie1i!3 of isesibility co1ice you3
ho. ufortuate it .ould be if you had to belie1e of yourself3 ad ho. blessed it is that you )ay loo0 to
-od for it. Geep yourself occupied .ith the .ord of pro)ise3 loo0 to 2esus as appoited for you by
-od3 i order that you )ay belie1e i (i)7 ad i e1ery edea1or to appropriate (i)3 ad the
pro)ises of !race3 .or0 i silet !ladess3 ispired by the .ord5 ;4t is !rated uto you to belie1e i
2esus.; The -od .ho has had 2esus offered to )e3 .ho has a.a0eed i )e the first desire for (i)3
.ill also !i1e !race to belie1e. 4 that blessed cofidece 4 shall !o for.ard3 util secretly ad !radually
faith beco)es li1i! ad 1isible. 8es3 tha0 -od3 ;it is !rated to belie1e i (i).;

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