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Frequently Asked Questions - Java

Can a main() method of class be invoked in another class?

What is the difference between java command line arguments and C command
line arguments?
What is the difference between == & .equals
What is the difference between abstract class & nterface.
What is singleton class & it!s im"lementation.
#se of static$final variable
%&am"les of final class
'ifference between %vent "ro"agation & %vent delegation
'ifference between #nicast & (ulticast model
What is a java bean
What is s)nchroni*ed ke)word used for.
What are the restrictions of an a""let & how to make the a""let access the local
machines resources.
What is reflect "ackage used for & the methods of it.
What is seriali*ation used for
Can methods be overloaded based on the return t)"es ?
Wh) do we need a final*e() method when +arbage Collection is there ?
'ifference between ,W- and .wing com"enents ?
s there an) heav) weight com"onent in .wings ?
Can the .wing a""lication if )ou u"load in net$ be com"atible with )our browser?
What should )ou do get )our browser com"atible with swing com"onents?
What are the methods in ,""let ?
When is init()$start() called ?
When )ou navigate from one a""let to another what are the methods called?
What is the difference between -rusted and #ntrusted ,""let ?
What is %&ce"tion ?
What are the wa)s )ou can handle e&ce"tion ?
When is tr)$catch block used ?
What is finall) method in %&ce"tions ?
What are the t)"es of access modifiers ?
What is "rotected and friendl) ?
What are the other modifiers ?
s s)nchronised modifier ?
What is meant b) "ol)mor"hism ?
What is inheritance ?
What is method /verloading ? What is this in //0. ?
What is method /verriding ? What is it in //0. ?
'oes java su""ort multi dimensional arra)s ?
s multi"le inheritance used in 1ava ?
2ow do )ou send a message to the browser in 1ava.cri"t ?
'oes javascri"t su""ort multidimensional arra)s ?
s there an) tool in java that can create re"orts ?
What is meant b) 1ava ?
What is meant b) a class ?
What is meant b) a method ?
What are the //0. conce"ts in 1ava ?
What is meant b) enca"sulation ? %&"lain with an e&am"le
What is meant b) inheritance ? %&"lain with an e&am"le
What is meant b) "ol)mor"hism ? %&"lain with an e&am"le
s multi"le inheritance allowed in 1ava ? Wh) ?
What is meant b) 1ava inter"reter ?
What is meant b) 13( ?
What is a com"ilation unit ?
What is meant b) identifiers ?
What are the different t)"es of modifiers ?
What are the access modifiers in 1ava ?
What are the "rimitive data t)"es in 1ava ?
What is meant b) a wra""er class ?
What is meant b) static variable and static method ?
What is meant b) +arbage collection ?
What is meant b) abstract class
What is meant b) final class$ methods and variables ?
What is meant b) interface ?
What is meant b) a resource leak ?
What is the difference between interface and abstract class ?
What is the difference between "ublic "rivate$ "rotected and static
What is meant b) method overloading ?
What is meant b) method overriding ?
What is singleton class ?
What is the difference between an arra) and a vector ?
What is meant b) constructor ?
What is meant b) casting ?
What is the difference between final$ finall) and finali*e ?
What is meant b) "ackages ?
What are all the "ackages ?
4ame 5 calsses )ou have used ?
4ame 5 classes that can store arbitrar) number of objects ?
What is the difference between java.a""let.6 and java.a""let.,""let ?
What is a default "ackage ?
What is meant b) a su"er class and how can )ou call a su"er class ?
What is anon)mous class ?
4ame interfaces without a method ?
What is the use of an interface ?
What is a seriali*able interface ?
2ow to "revent field from seriali*ation ?
What is meant b) e&ce"tion ?
2ow can )ou avoid the runtime e&ce"tion ?
What is the difference between throw and throws ?
What is the use of finall) ?
Can multi"le catch statements be used in e&ce"tions ?
s it "ossible to write a tr) within a tr) statement ?
What is the method to find if the object e&ited or not ?
What is meant b) a -hread ?
What is meant b) multi7threading ?
What is the 5 wa) of creating a thread ? Which is the best wa) and wh)?
What is the method to find if a thread is active or not ?
What are the thread7to7thread communcation ?
What is the difference between slee" and sus"end ?
Can thread become a member of another thread ?
What is meant b) deadlock ?
2ow can )ou avoid a deadlock ?
What are the three t)"s of "riorit) ?
What is the use of s)nchroni*ations ?
+arbage collector thread belongs to which "riorit) ?
What is meant b) time7slicing ?
What is the use of !this! ?
2ow can )ou find the length and ca"acit) of a string buffer ?
2ow to com"are two strings ?
What are the interfaces defined b) 1ava.lang ?
What is the "ur"ose of run7time class and s)stem class
What is meant b) .tream and -)"es ?
What is the method used to clear the buffer ?
What is meant b) .tream -okeni*er ?
What is seriali*ation and de7serialisation ?
What is meant b) ,""let ?
2ow to find the host from which the ,""let has originated ?
What is the life c)cle of an ,""let ?
2ow do )ou load an 2-(8 "age from an ,""let ?
What is meant b) ,""let .tub nterface ?
What is meant b) getCode9ase and get'ocument9ase method ?
2ow can )ou call an a""let from a 2-(8 file
What is meant b) ,""let :lickering ?
What is the use of "arameter tag ?
What is audio cli" nterface and what are all the methods in it ?
What is the difference between get,""letnfo and get0arameternfo ?
2ow to communicate between a""let and an a""let ?
What is meant b) event handling ?
What are all the listeners in java and e&"lain ?
What is meant b) an ada"ter class ?
What are the t)"es of mouse event listeners ?
What are the t)"es of methods in mouse listeners ?
What is the difference between "anel and frame ?
What is the default la)out of the "anel and frame ?
What is meant b) controls and t)"es ?
What is the difference between a scroll bar and a scroll "anel.
What is the difference between list and choice ?
2ow to "lace a com"onent on Windows ?
What are the different t)"es of 8a)outs ?
What is meant b) Card8a)out ?
What is the difference between +rid8a)out and +rid9ag8a)out
What is the difference between menuitem and checkbo&menu item.
What is meant b) vector class$ dictionar) class $ hash table class$and "ro"ert) class ?
Which class has no du"licate elements ?
What is resource bundle ?
What is an enumeration class ?
What is meant b) .wing ?
What is the difference between ,W- and .wing ?
What is the difference between an a""let and a 1a""let
What are all the com"onents used in .wing ?
What is meant b) tab "ans ?
What is the use of 1-ree ?
2ow can )ou add and remove nodes in 1tree.
What is the method to e&"and and colla"se nodes in a 1tree
What is the use of 1-able ?
What is meant b) 1:C ?
What is the class in .wing to change the a""earance of the :rame in ;untime.
2ow to reduce flicking in animation ?
What is meant b) 1avabeans ?
What is 1,; file ?
What is meant b) manifest files ?
What is ntros"ection ?
What are the ste"s involved to create a bean ?
.a) an) two "ro"erties in 9eans ?
What is "ersistence ?
What is the use of beaninfo ?
What are the interfaces )ou used in 9eans ?
What are the classes )ou used in 9eans ?
What is the diffrence between an ,bstract class and nterface
What is user defined e&ce"tion ?
What do )ou know about the garbate collector ?
What is the difference between C<< & 1ava ?
2ow do )ou communicate in between ,""lets & .ervlets ?
What is the use of .ervlets ?
n an 2-(8 form have a 9utton which makes us to o"en another "age in => seconds.
2ow will do )ou that ?
What is the difference between 0rocess and -hreads ?
2ow will )ou initiali*e an ,""let ?
What is the order of method invocation in an ,""let ?
When is u"date method called ?
2ow will )ou communicate between two ,""lets ?
2ave )ou ever used 2ash-able and 'ictionar) ?
What are statements in 1,3, ?
What is 1,; file ?
What is 14 ?
What is the base class for all swing com"onents ?
What is 1:C ?
What is 'ifference between ,W- and .wing ?
Considering note"ad?% or an) other thing as "rocess$ What will 2a""en if )ou start
note"ad or % @ times? Where @ "rocesses are started or @ threads are started ?
2ow does thread s)nchroni*ation occurs inside a monitor ?
2ow will )ou call an ,""let using a 1ava .cri"t function ?
s there an) tag in 2-(8 to u"load and download files ?
Wh) do )ou Canvas ?
2ow can )ou "ush data from an ,""let to .ervlet ?
What are the benefits of .wing over ,W- ?
Where the Card8a)out is used ?
What is the 8a)out for -ool9ar ?
What is the difference between +rid and +ridbag8a)out ?
2ow will )ou add "anel to a :rame ?
What is the corres"onding 8a)out for Card in .wing ?
What is light weight com"onent ?
What is bean ? Where it can be used ?
What is difference in between 1ava Class and 9ean ?
What is the ma""ing mechanism used b) 1ava to identif) '8 language ?
'iff between ,""lication and ,""let ?
What is seriali*able nterface ?
What is the difference between C+ and .ervlet ?
What is the use of nterface ?
Wh) 1ava is not full) objective oriented ?
Wh) does not su""ort multi"le nheritance ?
What it the root class for all 1ava classes ?
What is "ol)mor"hism ?
.u""ose f we have variable ! ! in run method$ f can create one or (ore thread each
thread will occu") a se"arate co") or same variable will be shared ?
What is Constructor and 3irtual function? Can we call 3irtual
:unciton in a constructor ?
Wh) we use //0. conce"ts? What is its advantage ?
What is the difference in between C<< and 1ava ? can u e&"lain in detail?
What is the e&act difference in between #nicast and (ulticast object ? Where we will use
2ow do )ou sing an ,""let ?
n a Container there are > com"onents. want to dis"la) the all the com"onents names$
how will )ou do that one ?
Wh) there are some null interface in java ? What does it mean ?
+ive me some null interfaces in 1,3, ?
-ell me the latest versions in 1,3, related areas ?
What is meant b) class loader ? 2ow man) t)"es are there? When will we use them ?
What is meant b) flickering ?
What is meant b) cookies ? %&"lain ?
0roblem faced in )our earlier "roject
2ow //0. conce"t is achieved in 1ava
:eatures for using 1ava
2ow does 1ava 5.A differ from 1ava =.A
0ublic static void main 7 %&"lain
What are command line arguments
%&"lain about the three7tier model
'ifference between .tring & .tring9uffer
Wra""er class. s .tring a Wra""er Class
What are the restriction for static method 0ur"ose of the file class
'efault modifier in nterface
'ifference between nterface & ,bstract class
Can abstract be declared as :inal
Can we declare variables inside a method as :inal 3ariables
What is the "ackage conce"t and use of "ackage
2ow can a dead thread be started
'ifference between ,""let & ,""lication
8ife c)cle of the ,""let
Can ,""let have constructors
'iffereence between canvas class & gra"hics class
%&"lain about .u"erclass & subclass
What is ,""let.tub
%&"lain .tream -okeni*er
What is the difference between two t)"es of threads
Checked & #nchecked e&ce"tion
#se of throws e&ce"tion
What is finall) in e&ce"tion handling 3ector class
What will ha""en to the %&ce"tion object after e&ce"tion handling
-wo t)"es of multi7tasking
-wo wa)s to create the thread
?/ :ilter
Can a""let in different "age communicate with each other
Wh) 1ava is not =AA B "ure //0. ? ( %com.erver )
When we will use an nterface and ,bstract class ?
2ow to communicate 5 threads each other ?

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