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WOW, what an amazing adventure life has been since the last time I wrote to you!

If I were to tell you

all the stories I now hold in my head you would think I was living in a fairytale. I could tell you stories
about mystical trees, boat rides to enchanted lands, monkeys fighting over a seat on my shoulder,
alligators standing on their hind feet mouths open wide, ancient ruins, enormous waterfalls, flights over
the North Pole, white buffalo, killing fields, time travel, miracles both past and present, and answers to
prayer. And thats all from just one of the trips that I want to tell you about.
Hello again, everyone. Well, as you can see the last 4 months have been filled with lots of wonderful
and exciting things. We have been on 3 different mission trips and have moved to a different house
since the last time I wrote to you. In light of all that I thought it was time I better get out an update.
The stories above all come from the first of those three trips, the trip to Laos. It was a two week trip that
covered the last week of April and the first week of May. Rebecca wasnt able to go with me on that
one, but thankfully we were able to talk quite a bit on the internet to somewhat make up for being
apart. There is no way that I can fit everything I want to tell you about that trip in this update, so Ill do
my best just to hit the major highlights.
I was invited to go with the Baptist Medical Missions International (BMMI) group. The main purpose of
the trip was the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Baptist Mission Association
of the Philippians (BMAP) and the Laotian government. It was the first time the communist government
of Laos has ever allowed a Christian organization to work in the country as a Christian organization, not
just as humanitarian aid. This was a HUGE step in the right direction down a very long road to bring the
light of the Gospel to the people of Laos. Besides getting to be a part of that monumental occasion I
was able to assist (in a small way) in seeing about 580 patients, and moving the local missionary. It was
a very successful trip thanks to the Lord and your many prayers.
The next trip was actually the first mission trip Rebecca and I have been able to go on together. It was a
trip back to Haiti to visit Haiti Gospel Mission where I used to live and work. We couldnt have asked for
a better team of 11 people to lead even if it was a week-long trip in the middle of July. Hot, yes. Worth
every drop of sweat, absolutely! With the Lords help we were able to lay all the block for the walls of a
much needed church building in the small town of Kadwa, give the mission school a face-lift with a new
coat of paint, a new ceiling for one classroom, and some new pluming, hold special childrens services, a
ladies Bible study, and do some visitation. The greatest part for me besides accomplishing all of this and
getting to spend time with old friends was the impact the trip seemed to have for all those on the team.
Next was the move. I think I will let Rebecca tell you about that and our trip to the Dominican Republic.
If I tried to keep writing this update it would end up being 4 pages long.
So now its my turn (Rebecca). To get the whole picture of how busy we have been you have to
understand that we spent the 2 weeks before the Haiti trip painting and fixing up the new rent house (a
great old farm house in case you havent been following Jesse on Facebook). The week we returned we
moved. We had a week to unpack so we could pack again to go to the Dominican Republic. When we
get home we have some more to unpack at the house, but life should slow down a bit soon.
The move to the new house is a blessing in many ways. It has primarily been for me as I am a country
girl at heart and was tired of living in the city. It doesnt really make much sense to move right now, but
one of the ways I connect with God is through nature. I just wasnt getting that where we lived. I am
grateful for a husband who is sensitive to my needs and open to Gods leading as well. It is only by His
guidance that we knew it was the right thing to move in the middle of these trips. I am looking forward
to walks through the woods, laying in a hammock in our backyard and just generally being able to be
outdoor s more often. Jesse has even built some deer feeders to help draw one of my favorite animals
closer (and any other critters that might partake of the corn).
The trip to the Dominican Republic was a time of exploration, seeking and listening. We have prayed
that this trip would help us have a more clear direction from God about our future. We have felt Gods
call to childrens ministry. We thought that all of the signs pointed to the D.R. Now, we know for
certain that they are. God made it clear during this trip that we could be used in the BMA churches
We were accompanied by Pastor David and Mrs. Shelley Dickson, experienced missionaries in Latin
America. In 7 days we visited 7 churches/missions and covered almost the entire island of Hispaiola.
We met each pastor and spent time just asking questions and getting to know them. Tuesday evening
Jesse preached with Pastor David interpreting to the mission church in Sanchez. Wednesday we were
able to go to a Bible study at the Santiago church. Saturday night we were a part of a youth meeting.
Sunday morning we attended the mission church in Bienvenido that is about half Hatian immigrants and
half Dominicans. Jesse was able to greet them in Creole and many of the older ladies spoke with him
after the service. Sunday evening we visited the church in Loyola. At the end of the service the
congregation gathered around us and prayed for God to direct us in this journey. It was a powerful
experience knowing that so many were praying at that moment for us.
God is so good! He is faithful to lead us when we seek Him. He is gracious in equipping us for that
which He has called us. He is peace in the midst of chaos and He is Lord. May He keep you and guide
you until next time.

Jesse and Rebecca Hales

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