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Literature, since the very beginning has been regarded as the purest form of expression of any kind.

Since the advent of writing in Bronze Age Mesopotamia to this very day, written texts are all we have
seen bearing the uniqueness of style and height of imagination in the most vivid and compact form

Literature has been a vehicle for advancement, a vehicle of conveying in-imaginative thoughts to the
scientists. Literature has not only guided the modern scientific revolution but also shaped it into what it
is. From the stories of raining fireballs from Arabian Nights to the advent of missiles, it has been
literature all along by which imaginative people conveyed their desires and their ideas to those who
could actually make them a reality.

Many of the writers, in their works presented the idea of how world will look in coming years, sci-fi
novels are most obvious example of such works where people had the ability to fly when airplanes
weren't even invented and where warfare was aerial, when only instrument of aerial warfare were
Arrows. But some of thw writers, were more grounded in reality, they didn't imagine about new
wonderful inventions instead they chose to write about the world and it's people and how the world
would look like a few years from now based on how the world seemed to look at the time of writing.
These writers predicted wars, predicted oppression, violation of privacy by the ruling governments of a
nation, they predicted hunger and pain and misery and the suppression of emotions and expression of

Out of such writers, George Orwell holds a very important place, as he too in his books made certain
predictions about how the world would be, a few years from the time of writing. In his book, 1984, he
describes the world which would be constituted by three super states and describes the story of Winston
Smith, citizen of Oceania (one of three super states). It is the story of how a person tried to rebel
against a totalitarian rule of The Party and failed miserably while describing a world where freedom of
expression was a luxury afforded by none, where telescreens violated everyone's privacy aside from the
elite few, where any expression of individuality including expression of emotions, free will and even
expressing one's likeness for someone else was a thought crime where even the sex was taken as a duty
to the Party.

This world, though quite extreme and bleak in it's description, has some figments which are true
representation of how today's world looks like. It represents today's world, as it is minus the extra
bleakness we see in the book. And that is exactly what sets Orwell apart, in year 1949 when the novel
was written, he told us how the world would look like in near future, and just about everything he said
is slowly being proven right, we aer witnessing the same violation of basic human rights about which
he fortold us.

This topic is of utmost importance as it discusses the connection of literature to the real world, it shows
that real world and the worlds created in fiction are not different but almost identical. These fictional
worlds even though act as sandboxes where writers like Orwell, write about the anomalies, the flaws
they believe will someday start manifesting in the real world. The connection, I am goin to discuss in
my thesis is not only important to understand how writers predicted the world would be like in future
but also as what else are we going to see in future and to stop letting the destructive prophecies come
true by diagnosing their causes in advance and to nip the evils in the buds.

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