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"It is Important that these sticks are not all existing clubs , however, are those that are old tatas Nfuiri
recommended by their qualities and power."
Alamo ( Nsasimo )
Owner is 7 Rays and Centella . This post is a must in the game of these two Ngangas Palos . The Alamo is
so sacred to these two entities such as the Ceiba and Mangle Rojo. Used to do good and is often used in
powders for work and do business , said the old sorcerers that powders made this bat and feathers of a
rooster that was slaughtered over 7 Rays , have the power to make you rich to the person who blew .
For baths prepared with its leaves are excellent for removing dead and dark away even death . Excellent
for making reservations and amulets.
Palo Meeks Guapo ( Nbinsolo )
Owners are Lucero, Sarabande , 7 Rays and Centella . This is Palo witch , bad and good. The same goes
for one thing for another , is Palo many benefits to Nganguleros . There are many benefits that the spirit
of this post provides the witch . The spells that are made for the tethers are endless with this post are
difficult to disrupt . The bark and roots are excellent for cutting shingles , in cooking cure whooping
cough, and all lung problems .
Palo Amargo ( Mmboco )
Owner Zarabanda and 7 rays. This post is not going to all Ngangas only be used in Zarabanda and 7 Rays
. It's good to stick powders, when problems of justice and also when you want to destroy a person . The
bark of this post serves to make boiled seats warm baths to pick and cure hemorrhoids , you bark is
taken as a good digestive . The bark, roots and boiled leaves are administered when needed to expel
into the body of a person any " Bilongo " " witch ". When you plan to use for this purpose has to be
taken on an empty stomach . This post is also very good to take as you fight the " drop" , acidity and also
serves to cure alcoholism .
Palo Battle
This name is given to any strong post with " Nsarande " enchants the mayombero . It is called this way
the branches or trunks that touch each other on the same tree , " which war against each other ."
Palo Blanco ( Musi Mindola . )
Owner Shiver Earth Mama Chola . The infusion of leaves, roots and leaves are used for diabetes. The
leaves to clean teeth and help to take you to the purification of the liver and kidneys. Excellent post to
work issues and diseases out of jail a person.
Palo Bobo ( mbi Nkuni machafri , Guako )
Owner Zarabanda , 7 Rays and Lucero, and Earth Trembles . This Palo is a good friend when you have
enemies because of its poisonous virtues can kill a person if given orally to ingest . Good for making
powders, they destroy the enemy silently , never knowing where the enemy would have been the witch
Palo Pump ( Mubn )
Owner Zarabanda , Mother of 7 Rays and water. The combined root bark and leaves with white bell do a
good poison, never leaving a trace , the person taking this concoction burst of insurance; but died of
internal bleeding and not left in the viscera or the signal stomach poison . This only serves to Palo evil
and not recommended to be much use , because often deceive the sorcerer who uses it.
Palo Bronco ( Moruambo )
Owner Finda " Ngurufinda " Lucero, Zarabanda and 7 Rays . The Ngurufinderos Nganguleros and use it to
prepare shelters and amulets and safe conduct to enter prisons and anywhere that this forbidden . An
amulet well done with this post I take care of not to get witch one , so take care of by man or beast, this
would always guided by good shade , always freeing him from all mishap never be attacked : never get
lost , not sting you any harmful insect, this post will always lead by the straightest path and protect you
from any negative influence. Taken at you , is excellent for digestion and liver problems and disrupts
kidney stones . The good Father in Nganga never ventured to go anywhere where he thinks there is a
danger without carrying in his hand a cane made this Bat.
Palo Knight
This post is one of the bats warlock exists and can not miss the Nganga , it works either way , being a
powerful spirit and a good friend of the " Tatas " . The required foundation garments and intimate friend
of the sorcerers . Excellent for powder and grated to make you calm and discomfort of arthritis.
Palo Caballero ( Buteki )
Owner 7 Rays , Finda , Centella . This post is also known by the name " Cherry Candle . " This is one of
the favorite clubs with which Mariwanga plays and fucks miracles or anyone. It has power to all, for
better or for worse , as you well it kills you , the Paleros of Matanzas in Cuba attributed many powers
and is always the favorite when they make a Plante. Protects from witchcraft and all sorts of bad
influences. Taking a bit of this post acts as a stop over from the bad. It is advisable to take rinses head,
prevents hair loss and to regulate menstruation. The leaves of this post poultices for tumors used .
Palo Caf ( Irinkao or Popol )
Owner Lucero, Zarabanda and Finda . It was formerly the favorite all black Africans nation incense,
incense has the power out of the house all the negative influences and out of the house to disease.
When a patient is placed well , it burned so that the disease does not return to the house . It is highly
recommended to use in incense blocks dry and which must be mixed with banana leaves leaves. Cleans
and removes bad odors.
Palo Cedro ( Yambala )
Owner is 7 Rays . This Palo only will be fine, you will never be used for evil . The powders made from
cedar are excellent to conquer fortune and to ward off evil influences in our lives. The bark and roots are
good for purifying the colon and kidneys.
Palo Box: ( Nguengue )
Owner 7 Rays , shows Shops & Finda . It is highly recommended for bathrooms of dispossession and kills
any witchcraft. This is a very noble Mayombe post . He likes to do good and unquestionably is healer. A
decoction of the bark prevents bleeding and hemorrhoids , also used pair abortion. This regulates the
cooking period if there are delays ; when missing causes . The boiled roots is used as a tonic to the
immune system, resulting in great power and great sex energy to the human body . It is also
recommended to treat and prevent tuberculosis , toothaches and strengthens gums.
Change or Change Voice Palo road. ( Kisiambolo )
Owner Zarabanda , Saca Shops & Mariwanga " Centella ) and Lucero. This is the name that Paleros give
the Bat Cuaba . This Palo makes people change their opinion and in the course and also call Congo
language by the name of Nkunia Bondnsa . It is an extremely witch stick, and it serves to make ! rather
than for doing evil. The roots , bark and leaves are used to cure impotence , flows and hemorrhoids. The
powders made from this post have great powers and the person that always blow achieve its objectives.
Palo Ash or Smoke Sabana ( Nchngo , Chngora Mofototo . )
This seems an insignificant post and still play an important role in Nkumia 'set of sticks Mayombe , "he is
the stick in the Yayi Nganga and balances all the powers and forces that reside within the pan. The
leaves , bark and roots are good to prevent any type of disease. The dried leaves are used as incense,
when the arrear will Nganga .
Palo Cloves ( Nkite )
Owner and exclusivity Zarabanda . The decoctions of roots , bark and trunk of this post have the power
to remove from the body any warlock who has been ingested orally . beats cooking makes the person
who is the subject of bilongo it out of the body. It also serves to purify the heart and liver. The powders
made with this post are very effective when there are issues of justice . They take anyone out of jail and
can also destroy a person .
Palo Pig ( Fumasi )
Owner Madre de Agua and 7 rays . It is very important for the clothes but Mother Water post you really
like this post . It is very effective in decoctions for flu and also to purify the lungs. When dust from this
post they serve to break groups or marriages ago.
Palo bug ( Insegua )
East Palo its odor does not want any of the African powers , much less what they want to use human
beings. However this post leaves are excellent in teas to cure colitis.
Ceiba (Mother Sambia , Musina , Nsambia )
Viewers of this wonderful tree are all entities Pantheon Congo. She is the mother of mayomberos and
your favorite tree par excellence . We can say that she has her apart and they do worship in this cult
black, white , and Carabali Congos . " Mamita >> we say fondly , communing in it all deities , ancestors
and to my " Mambe " " God, " she not only come to live there permanently . She is so sacred that even
the very elements of nature and the respect not fold down , this includes even the same beam.
Sorcerers made at the foot of it have no way to be disrupted as it used to be something wrong there is
more to this post sorcerer worldwide . When doing good is not there another post like this and
everything is done at the foot of the trunk always brings good things, the same happens when the spell
is working or for worse. Sure to deal with this tree and to make our stuff we need to know all the
prayers and incarnations , otherwise everything can be hauls for us. This post can not miss in any of the
Ngangas , no matter what your path , provided the piece of stick Pretty Girl has to be present .
Devil Bat ( Macumbri , WABI )
Owner Lucero. This is the post that made the powder used in the Jewish Paleros Ngangas as a stimulant
in the days of Holy Week. This is unique to Palo " Lugamb " . The evil of this is interspersed shrub and
intensifies with " menga " "blood > feeding poor powers of this shrub. It is a dire bat properties, and the
dark spirits that dwell in the mountains , the witch , that his side " swear " Nganga , he prefers not to
talk about this Palo . Many in Cuba refer to this post by "Devil Bat" , it only works with dark spirits crazy ,
suicidal , and evildoers, tormented spirits.
Palo Guitar ( Osonko )
Careers earth trembles and 7 rays . This is a good wood for making musical instruments. The decoction
of the leaves and roots are excellent for douches and ears for deafness or purulent discharge , or when
the person is disturbed by extraneous noise or hum.
Palo Guaiacum ( Nfindo )
Owner Lucero, 7 Rays , Zarabanda and Centella . Among all the mount sticks , this is probably one of the
witches and their use is endless as to witchcraft refers casserole . He is effective at all in what you use
and when dust is made for " Bilongo " its effects are immediate senses. It is also , say the foundations of
the Nganga . The root , bark and leaves are used to heal wounds and internal bleeding cut , good for
vaginal baths and recollection of hemorrhoids. This "Bat " has great power to heal or kill, everything is in
the way it is used . Also canes to herd the nfumbi should be this post by spiritual condition handling .
Palo Hacha
Owner Centella , this is a witch stick and when the drainer is a person who knows what he's doing
witchcraft results are within hours , Centella works with this post as you will swear to this Nganga , this
post can not miss in the pan .
Palo Reek ( Sekense )
This is very used Palo on things Nganga , but if used in a lot of things Santo. When a person is on the
verge of death and not just die , you should burn a branch of the Palo for the spirit just left for that
matter. Its odor when burned smells rotten , and this smell makes the spirit leaves the matter. Also done
with this post powders kill an enemy .
Yana ( Nbinsa )
The Owner of this Palo is the Mother of Water and Get endeavor. It is a well-known Palo sorcerers and
perhaps the reason for this is because she lives in the sea coasts . Not all witches use it, but when riding
this Palo Mother Water should not miss. She is restraining and constituent, good for curing anemia and
ulcers . Yanas crushed leaves and tied with linseed oil having shrapnel removed tumors , is also very
good to cure boils in the mouth. The powders made from the Yana are great to attract the desired
person .
I Can Jagiiey or more than you
This post will Ngangas all , but this is an exclusive Club 7 Rays . When witches go talk to the mountain,
there is another one this Palo Brujo . He himself used to heal than to kill. La Ceiba, Yaya , and Jagiiey
Tengue are bats that can not miss in a pan for it to be good . Say witchcraft ie Nsanbi and roots, leaves
and bark are one of the best tonics and healing in the world , it is also very good for when there are
problems with hemorrhoids and is very unique for vaginal baths.
Palo Syringe ( Ngango )
The owner of this post is the Mother of Water . When this production Nganga this post should not be
missing in the pan. Every good Drainer know this post powders are all good witch aphrodisiac and
drinking tea this post to maintain their potency . Powders are produced with this post above Madre de
Agua and when marriages are not getting along with sex dust are blown into the room, the spirit of the
post makes sexual love again reborn in the couple.
Palo Jicotea
The owners of this post are Finda and 7 rays . They say the good witches that this post has the ability to
speak like humans, being one of the leading clubs when these Ngangas will be mounted . A small piece
of this post with a red mate, a rooster spur wrapped in a piece of red cloth makes a good guard . This
receipt must eat crow and jicotea above 7 Rays. The guard protects the wearer over every evil influence
and brings them money.
Palo Jiqui ( Monsongo , Nkomblo )
Owners are Lucero, Centella and Mama Chola . This is another of the clubs foundation of all Ngangas ,
Palo miss this excellent in a casserole , it would not be complete . This Palo has the power to do wonders
when used in powders and amulets , is almost always used for good , of course this does not mean that
is not used for evil . Jiqui is attributed to cure the problems of the heart and lower cholesterol, also cure
the problems of bones and kidneys.
Palo Malambo ( Korollo )
Is this your business Palo Lucero and 7 rays . It is a post that has a split personality , the same can be a
Jew than Christian , but he is most effective when used in Jewish garments. Palos is one of the most
warlocks we can find and as is natural can not miss the garment Lucero and 7 Rays . The effects of
witchcraft in this post are in minutes . The decoctions made from this post cured tetanus and all kinds of
astonishment . Are also good to prevent internal bleeding and when the women have lost much .
Sorcerers enjoyed this post Recommend on abortion . The powders made above 7 ray killed one person
and can go crazy in matters of hours.
Palo Manga Saya ( Chola Vititi )
The owner of this great post is Mama Chola . Sorcerers use this post to make good on Mama Chola
powders to make the couple marry and also to bring customers to prostitutes. This post can only be
used in Mayombe . It's a good post to do all kinds of loving moorings and its results are effective and
Mangle Rojo ( Nsonke )
Owner is 7 Rays . You can not miss the 7 Rays Nganga , this is Palo sorcerer and his spirit is powerful
sorcerer, this is one of the clubs that make 7 Rays work without letting the enemy will never see whence
evil. In other words when the witch blocks 7 Rays Palo is this enemy that can never guess where or who
is doing it . This Palo cure impotence , taken in decoction , bark , leaves, roots v have the same effect . It
also cures skin problems and particularly burns healing . Restorative strong .
Mangle Prieto ( Kosondo )
Dueas this this post is Mother Water and Mama Chola . This has the same Palo healing powers that the
red mangrove , and in exchange for the Red Mangrove only used to do good things, the Mangle Prieto is
paid for the damage. It's great for troncharle roads or fate of an enemy and when it becomes powder
linked with bat, brings misfortune and death to people that have been blown .
Palo Moro ( Dnsnko )
The owner of this Palo is Lucero and Zarabanda . This Bat is used by Paleros to look for the trail to a
person and to seize the shadow of that person ( to conquer the spirit or guardian angel of that person. )
The land around this stick is sacred and with it are all type of love spells to conquer or to seize the mind
of that person . With it captivates , it owns and dominates . The powers of Palo moro in witchcraft are
endless and the stokers who know what they are doing to him attributed great powers of magic. He is
fearsome , the destiny of a man or woman are dominated when the Warlock is done with this post and
it is durable for laexistencia that person . The domination of a person is done with a piece of this post
and something belonging to that person, no matter what it is . (This is one of the clubs most appreciated
by the good witches. ) The Buenos Sorcerers say : " Tango ygonda >> " everyone "sleeps at night and
that all are brothers and it is in this time that is good . witchcraft with this post . When two people love
each other and are mutually agreed with the spell does this post ever they parted , this relationship is
eternal .
Palo Mulato ( Potunkoro , Bandundu)
The owner of this Palo is Mama Chola , is a Jew and a Christian, is the same used in the Jewish and
Christian Nganga . I know a few " Taita " who claim that when this post is used or usually loved the
power of dance or make others dance. In other words when witchcraft with the effects blocks are fast
and very effective. Palo is having magnetic powers and when a piece of this post knackered eye of a
peacock is protected from major powers were used. In Cuba women's lives ( whores ) used it a lot to
attract customers . Equipped with this talisman ever missing them good customers .
Palo Black ( Mufuita )
The owner of this Palo is Lucero and Zarabanda . It is regularly used in powders and always the purpose
of these powders are to do the damage, as the ancients said " Taitas " This suit has black very black
heart, walks like bad wind, being Lucero who handles the sticks of sorcerers liked working with this post
and it is always advisable to have it , because it requires much Lucero and large blocks spells .
Palo patabn ( Sakatoto )
Owner Ndoki , Lucero and Centella . Only serves to damage and is a fearsome bat when a garment is
prepared Ndoki this post kills without warning and does it in short time , nothing is impossible to the
witch when working with this Pole, with spells and witchcraft this fearful Palo are very effective.
However when used medicinally , it is excellent for healing and is also a good cleanser .
Palo Ramon ( Mitten, Khitans , Moluyaba , Nkento . )
This is another big favorite of mayomberos bats, this bat has the power to either stick or embed the
spirit of the dead from the pan . The Palo Ramn is a mysterious post and has the power to become
invisible . For this post can be used in evil things always have to cut on Good Friday. This is one of the
favorite clubs of all " Taitas " and this tree is always the symbols and wood dolls that go inside the
Nganga should be made of this wood.
Palo Rompe Hueso ( Kulombe. )
Owners are 7 Rays , Centella and Zarabanda . This post has a strong spirit and when mounted breaks
bones. This is the stick that is used when you want a swirl or windsock takes one person to another
world , being used for the good paleros to ward off their " Munanso " natural elements typically bring
destruction to their homes . The bark and roots are good to cure TB and pneumonia.
Palo Santo ( Funan Mpungu kunia )
Owners of this post Finda , Centella , Mama Chola and 7 rays . He is the father of all the clubs . Only will
be used to do good things. It is a post of great medicinal powers and serves for pneumonia when taken
in decoction , is also very good for when there are problems with bowel or liver. Cure inflammation of
the liver and liver tumors .
Palo Tengue ( Nkita , Nkunia Chache Cabinda) .
It is the strongest among all the clubs post . Without this there is no witch Palo much less Drainer , when
we talk about bats this in the first place , as each Nganga has to have a piece in this post . The Tengue
the same goes for good and evil with the results are effective.
Palo Bacon ( Yigguayeo , Gunkulere )
Owner is Lucero, Centella , 7 Rays , Saca pawn . It is always a very good stick and use when you go to do
good , is magnificent powders to attract love and counteract the problems of justice . Well to make
women fall behind in their menstruation, reaches them in time. You have to take in cooking . Cure
asthma and bronchial problems . This Palo is reputed to kill the witches and bring good luck .
Palo Twisted ( Alubende Diafianda , Otutua . )
Owner of this post is Lucero and Zarabanda and in some cases it also uses Centella and 7 rays. The
Paleros who have great knowledge of witchcraft use it to twist the fate of people , to salt , this stick
twists fate to an enemy, and slows everything good that you may have in their lives it becomes bad .
Taken in cooking is excellent for muscle aches , arthritis and blood circulation . It will only be used in
powders for evil and its effects are fast when used for these purposes.
Palo boar ( Fumasi , Dokirongo )
The owner of this post are Mother Mama Chola and water . It is certainly one of the best clubs in the
world to cure whatever is venereal diseases such as: syphilis , gonorrhea . Taken in cooking also serves
to purge the body of all negative toxins in the kidneys and liver. The powders prepared above water
with this Mother of Palo are excellent for work, money and even for love.
Palo Papito Zapaticos Queen ( Mukunda )
Owner of this Palo is " Earth Trembles " . Is used rather leaves, roots and bark for cleaning bathrooms . It
is also used in some charms, but its best use is in cooking because it is an excellent supportive.
Paradise ( Yiya )
Owner of this post is 7 Rays , this Palo is as holy as cedar, having a lot more power than the same cedar
and many more alike the same qualities that cedar. It is excellent for bathrooms, clean and waste . This
post protects and gives great head, he is one of the most esteemed and respected trees by the Cuban
people . It is always beneficial to collect their trunks and branches on either Monday or Friday course be
cut when Paradise is always convenient to leave some coins on the tree trunk . Great for bathrooms and
offal to clean house , when used for these purposes has no equal. The person holding a paradise has to
know that this tree is cared for and pampered like Araba (Ceiba ) and never let anyone start their
segments , as this lucky slay them that they have in their homes . The floors of the houses baldean inside
the door, and leaves with water paradise. With branches deshollinan the roofs , and while deshollina
said . Holy paradise , as you rise, I rise, "First the portal or entrance to the house is cleaned after used
this flap that everything bad that is carried , was thrown out , and another slice the rest of the house
deshollina . leaves with excellent powders which are always used to achieve the things you want out of
life are made.
Palo Parami ( Kuguangaco )
Owner of this Palo are Mama Chola , Mother of Water and Lucero. The paramilitary post should always
be worked with Meeks handsome post and this is done for good conquest , the combination of these
two clubs achieved the impossible things that love is concerned. Unquestionably there is no conquest
resist when dust or preparation talisman blocks these two sticks. The recipe for having always loved the
person under our control is very simple: Claw feet, hands , hair of the person chosen . The hairs are
roasted ; a little of each of these sticks all powder is made and for 5 or 7 days check piece is a small
portion in the cafe. This has surprising effects and effective .
Pega Pega Palo ( Inin Inago )
Get Owner Shops & Mama Chola . This is a post that should always be within Ngangas of the
aforementioned entities and drainer uses to make marriages last. The leaves and roots are used in
cooking and these are good for upset stomach, is blood purifier and short shingles.
Pino ( Bndumoy )
Owner 7 Rays , Nsasi Nkita . Boiled branches are good for cleaning and kidneys . purifying the blood.
Pomarrosa ( Colomafa )
Owner of this post is bush and Mama Chola . , Yet is a very feared of all mayomberos post . If waters
rose apple and mare urine by the mayomberos walking paths or around their house the Nganga leaves
the house and never returns to its Munan sungu ( pot or gourd ) . She makes all the power of the " Taitas
" and miss but never again be what it was . Rose apple is all that invalidates the Nganga and drainers can
not so if you want to walk around it. Nor should this name Mentar Paleros home , because this makes
the nfumbi flee the Nganga . She alters the dead of pots and if it can feed a Drainer some rose apple , he
will never ride with his " dog " .
Bankruptcy Axe ( Mbele Mukua Nketete )
Careers Zarabanda , Centella . I preferred the post Taitas whose garment Zarabanda and Centella , this
post is usually sorcerer and is always used to do the damage. It is excellent for these powders and
powders are always used to cause misfortunes and they are the same powders that are made with "
toad " tend to bust people .
Remove Curse ( Manunso Nfinda )
Owners are all the Nganga and all the Orishas . The name says it all, and all is cured with this prodigious
and Tata chosen Lumbe (God) tree, any spell, curse, Malembe is cut with a rinse of this tree. It is one of
the most coveted of all African branches who came to Cuba . When trees go talk to do good , this ranks
first .
Scratch Barriga ( Ngumbe )
Owner of this Palo is Lucero. This Palo is very used by Paleros and rarely heard of it to Paleros . However
if you use a lot of things Ocha .
Oak ( Akogi )
This post is not a witch nor used things Nganga .
Break Saragey ( Ntema finda dian )
Owner 7-spoke . This shrub or Santero drainer removes witchcraft ; a wreck with broken Saragey all
salaciones , curses are removed and frightened to death. Boiled with rue jagey and removes all
Maunga ceiba . Along with Yaya and the figure is an herb that is widely used in branches of Palo Monte,
with these three plus four more herbs are used to give him seven bathrooms purification is given to the
new drainer to be . It is very useful for people seeking good luck and to attract good luck.
Sapote ( Kobanko )
Owner 7 Rays . It is used in the 7 Rays and Nganga its boiled leaves are used to remove stomach
witchcraft that has been ingested . The leaves powders made from the bones of a slaughtered animal
above 7 rays destroys any obstacles we may have in our lives.
Siguaraya ( Inso or Tinso , Ebora , Nsimba finda dian )
Careers Lucero and 7 rays . It's all the main clubs in any Nganga belonging to Lucero or 7 Rays , when a
Ngando " falls into a trance " ( falling into trance with the dead of one of these items ) , the head of this
is covered with leaves Siguaraya . The Siguaraya is also known by the name of open roads, broken roads
and paths cover . Break nfumbi roads because "dead" thwarts the enemy, cover road, because it
prevents our enemies to interfere in our affairs .
Tamarindo ( Nfinyagbo )
Owner earth trembles .

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