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... through Bertha Dudde

Free decision of will ....
The infinitely long ath of your de!elo"ent through the
creations of earth is co"ing to an end if you tra!el the last short
stretch of the ath as a hu"an #eing in the right direction .... if
you stri!e towards $e $yself and thus consciously acco"lish
your return to $e when you ass the final test of will on earth ....
when you "a%e the right decision& thus disose of your oosing
will towards Me& fro" Who" you once originated.
Then you will truly ha!e acco"lished your wor% of
transfor"ation& as '$y li!ing creation( you !oluntarily #eca"e $y
)ou ha!e sur"ounted the deeest deths and ascended again to
the highest ea%s. *lthough as hu"ans you indeed tra!el the last
short stretch as self+aware #eings& you ha!e no recollection of
the endless ti"e of your reli"inary de!elo"ent and of the
awful tor"ent this ath "eant for the sirits which were once
created as free #eings ....
*s a hu"an #eing you will re"ain ignorant of your re!ious life
and your actual urose of earthly life until you ha!e !oluntarily
loo%ed for and found the connection with $e& which now re!eals
%nowledge to you that will also i"el you into serious stri!ing for
your final state of erfection.
This %nowledge can certainly #e con!eyed to fellow hu"an
#eings too& so that they will li!e their earthly life "ore
resonsi#ly .... #ut it will rarely #e #elie!ed as long as a erson
does not "a%e contact with $e #y way of thoughts& rayer or
actions of lo!e ....
,ince e!idence of his re!ious e-istence cannot #e gi!en to hi"
he will not gladly want to accet what he is told a#out his soul(s
ath through all wor%s of creation .... through the "ineral& lant
and ani"al world. This is why his sense of resonsi#ility for his
life on earth as a hu"an #eing is s"all.
But since it concerns the free decision of will he "ust find the
ath to $e himself .... .e "ust learn to recognise $e and for
this he will recei!e hel in e!ery way. For he can thin%& he can
use his intellect& and e!en if it does not necessarily re!eal the
truth to hi" .... he can ne!ertheless use his intellect to also thin%
a#out a God and /reator to Who" he owes his e-istence. 0f such
thoughts affect hi" he will also so"ehow or other for" an
oinion of the" .... *nd the direction these thoughts ta%e is u to
his free will.
.owe!er& as soon as he "erely ta%es the ossi#ility of an
infinitely long re!ious ti"e of de!elo"ent into account it will
already #e of #enefit for his soul& for such thoughts will not lea!e
hi" again and he will 1uestion the actual urose of earthly life&
then he can also #e certain that "any an e-lanation will #e
con!eyed to hi" "entally .... which he will accet and also "a%e
hi" consciously stri!e to fulfil his urose of earthly life.
The hu"an #eing certainly co"es into this world without any
%ind of %nowledge #ut 0 will always "a%e sure that a s"all
gli""er of realisation shines for hi"& that he will always
encounter a light on which he need only %indle hi"self in order to
recognise the ath he should ta%e in order to ascend.
The fact that he is not forced in any way does not e-clude that
he won(t ha!e a"le oortunity to "a%e a free decision& and
the #eings of light which loo% after hi" will also hel hi" gain
realisation #y way of ro!idence .... yet always without coercion.
But life on earth as a hu"an #eing is of greatest significance
since it can& after all& result in the final co"letion of the souls(
ath through "atter and ena#le the" to ass into the %ingdo"
of the #eyond as free and un#urdened sirits ....
.owe!er& the hu"an #eing can also fail his final test of will and
enter the #eyond in an unredee"ed state .... But e!en there it is
still ossi#le for the soul to find and call uon the di!ine
Redee"er 2esus /hrist and to ascend gradually.
But it can also li!e an entirely unsiritual life on earth and #e
#anished again into "atter& that is& it will ha!e to ta%e the sa"e
ath of de!elo"ent through the creations of earth once "ore&
which is so aalling and re1uires such an infinitely long ti"e
again that 0 will truly suort eole in e!ery ossi#le way in
order to rotect the" fro" this dreadful fate of a new
0n the end& howe!er& it is the hu"an #eing(s will which
decides .... *nd therefore 0 %ee trying to influence the will such
that it will turn to Me #y itself .... For then his soul will #e sa!ed
e!en if it is not yet fully "ature when it finishes its earthly life as
a hu"an. But its will has chosen $e and that also signifies the
right decision and thus a assed test of will.
3!eryone should listen and thin% a#out it as soon as he is
infor"ed of his de!elo"ent and his tas% on earth .... .e should
"erely ta%e the ossi#ility into account and it would truly already
#e #eneficial for hi"& for where!er ossi#le the #eings of light
which guide hi" through earthly life will inter!ene
and try e!erything in order to "a%e hi" use his will correctly ....
so that he can finish the ath through "atter& so that he will see%
and find $e and then also #e sa!ed for all eternity ....
4u#lished #y friends of new re!elations of God 50nfor"ation&
download of all translated re!elations& the"e+#oo%lets at6"l


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