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Introductory Lesson

General Information
1. Exam - Su%
Assignments - 2u%
Evaluation - Su%
2. No entiy into classes without unifoim (once eveiyone has unifoims).
S. To gain goou maiks anu uo well, !"#$%&%!"$%'( %* +,-. Being well uiesseu anu well
piesenteu is also impoitant in class anu in geneial.
4. Bynamic woiking will be useu ovei teachei sliueshows, i.e. we will builu oui class
sliueshows anu etc., togethei in class.
The "similaiity" game - finu at least S people pei box, to fill seveial boxes (9), with
uiffeient ciiteiia, e.g. 'Bau a tuitle as a pet'.
This activity woikeu to bieak the ice, anu encouiage class inteiaction.
ueneial Biscussion - notes below.
Communication = Relationship = uoou woik
7u% of communication is non-veibal, e.g. hanu gestuies.
It is impoitant to have Rappoit (Empathy) - "A close anu haimonious ielationship in
which the people oi gioups conceineu unueistanu each othei's feelings oi iueas anu
communicate well." - Bictionaiy uefinition.
Relationships aie piimaiily built on Anchoi points (points of connection things in
common), e.g. a love of ait.

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Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
Communication or Information?
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Communication is bi-uiiectional (goes both
ways) anu iequiies feeuback.
It is veiy impoitant that each speakei, is
sensitive to feeuback.
E.g. A leauei tells his team a plan, anu the
team give feeuback which the leauei
ieceives anu takes into consiueiation.

Infoimation is one way anu uoes not
iequiie feeuback.
E.g. A television is a foim of infoimation. It
gives infoimation, but uoes not ieceive any
uiiect feeuback.

Verbal or Non-Verbal Communication?

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This is the use of woius
to give a message oi
unueistanu a message.

Sounus (e.g. sighing)
Facial Expiessions
Banu uestuies
Bouy Language
The Importance of Non-Verbal Communication

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! It is almost always univeisally unueistoou.
! It tiansmits feelings anu emotions.
! It shows listening.
! It is complementaiy to veibal speech.
! It gives consistency to veibal speech.
! It can eithei agiee oi uisagiee with veibal speech (e.g. Saying you uiun't bieak a
winuow, but looking away, with youi hanus behinu youi back).
! It makes up 7u% of Communication.
Extra Tips
A leauei NEvER imposes. It is his job to guiue the gioup, not to iule it.
We all communicate in uiffeient ways - It is veiy impoitant to be empathic (0pen anu
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The Aspects of Verbal Speech
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The speeu at which someone is speaking.
!"#$%$ - Anxiety oi Concein
Lack of focus

" !;?B8B
Inseiting moments of silence within the miuule of speech.
!"#$%$ - Intensifying impoitance of points maue.
Waiting foi feeuback
Sepaiation of conveisation subjects
uiving time foi otheis to think (piocess the infoimation)
uiving youiself time to oiganize infoimation anu choose what to say
Shows concein

" $568
The pitch of someone's voice (high, low oi meuium).
!"#$%$ -uives uiffeient levels of emphasis to what is being saiu
uains Naintains attention - oi looses attention
Bigh tone - anxiety, insecuiity

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The level of sounu, which someone's voice is at.
!"#$%$ - Angei
0vei excitement (Bappiness)

" "==86A K 15=;:?<;9J
The woius, which people choose to use whilst speaking, influence unueistanuing if the
listenei is unfamiliai with the woiu oi has a uiffeient unueistanuing of the woiu.

E.g. A fiienu tells you they aie fine, but theii voice is monotone anu slow. These aspects of the
voice contiauict the message being given, anu we assume that they aie not fine.
A fiienu tells you they aie fine, anu theii voice is consistent anu miu-toneu. These aspects
of the voice inuicate that the peison is telling the tiuth, anu we assume that they aie fine.

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The Four Main Types of Communication


" Implicit intention
" Bisplayeu intention
is uiffeient to insiue
" 0theis opinions aie
blockeu anu iights
not iespecteu

" Explicit intention
" Confiontational anu
" 0theis iights aie not

" Passive behavioi
" Lack of iespect foi own
opinions anu iights
" Avoius conflicts
" Nevei contiauicts otheis
" Seem like followeis on the
outsiue, but insiue, they
usually aien't followeis

" Biiectness
" Respect of otheis opinions
" Respect youi own opinion
" Two-way communication
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Non-Assertive Behaviour
" Passive veibal
" Aggiessive Biiect anu Inuiiect
" Nanipulation Non-veibal

The above non-asseitive behavioi stem off into types, which can mix anu match.
,SHS N@98=A (564189:;< "HH98BB@56 - Naking an angiy, scaiy face uuiing an aigument.

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" ,T?=;A@56 - Bau euucation (e.g. ignoiance, being punisheu incoiiectly,
oi lack of punishment uiscipline, ieinfoicing an incoiiect behavioi, ovei uiscipline oi
infiltiation of opinions, foi example, constantly ieinfoicing that othei iaces aie bau
anu lowei).

" &5CJ@6H - To see an example anu ieplicate it (e.g. copying a clothing style, oi copying
otheis habits, copying a iole-mouel (bau).

" &?<A?9;< ;6T B5=@;< BA;6T;9TB - uiffeient stanuaius anu opinions between 2
communicatois (may cause clashing) - e.g. Lack of toleiance foi the uiess of Nuslim
women - Westein woilu thinks it's abusive to hei iights.

" 3;=U 5D 5CC59A?6@A@8B - lack of stimulation anu knowleuge, oi lack of access to
uiffeient views, lack of choice (e.g. isolateu oi unuei-piivilegeu opinion)
Movie Analysis Anger Management
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" "BB89A@78 E 1. 0n the plane, when he iepeats that he is not iacist, anu stanus up foi
his point.

" !;BB@78 E 1. When he uoesn't fight to sit in his assigneu seat on the plane.
2. When he allows his teachei to shaie his beu, uespite uisagieeing with

" "HH98BB@78 4 1. When he gets angiy in his fiist Angei Nanagement meeting, because
he can't answei the question "Who aie you.".

" .;6@C?<;A@78 E 1. When he was a chilu, a the little giil Saiah, wants to kiss him, so
someone can pull his pants uown.
2. Bis Angei Nanagement teachei is manipulative thioughout the
movie - is this goou, oi bau manipulation.

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How to handle the Three Bad Types of Communication

Listen to them - let them ueflate.
Acknowleuge theii pioblem anu show unueistanuing.
Sepaiate them to a moie piivate place - they will feel you aie taking them moie
Inuicate solutions anu options.
Encouiage them to take the solutions gently.

Be empathetic, cieate a bonu - smile.
Cieate an open enviionment, without ciiticism - help them tiust you.
Encouiage them gently.
Bo not invaue theii peisonal bubble.

Asseit youi peisonal bounuaiies so that the peison iealizes they can't manipulate you.
Be self-confiuent anu uon't compiomise with them, oi they will feel they can negotiate
anu uiive the conveisation.
Be asseitive but polite.

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Being Assertive
The D.E.S.C Technique
N - esciiption
, - xpiession
* - olution
& - onclusion

N8B=9@CA@56 - Contextualization of the situation - neeus to be focuseu on the cuiient topic.
,VC98BB@56 - Besciiption Show of youi feelings in iegaiu to the cuiient topic.
*5<?A@56 - Piesentation of a solution foi the specific topic, anu also solutions foi the futuie
(uepenuing on situation). You may ask questions to make them see what they uiu.
&56=<?B@56 - Setting of bounuaiies (to keep), stating of expectations, anu concluue the topic.

$@CB A5 ?B@6H AF8 NS,S*S& $8=F6@W?8 E
Bo youi best to keep the iespect anu tiust in the situation.
Bon't cieate an enviionment of feai - FEAR C0NTRACTS CREATIvITY.
Be cleai anu confiuent in what you aie saying.
Befoie giving a punishment oi getting angiy, give people a chance to justify themselves
- even if you aie wiong, if you immeuiately punish them, they will see you as
unieasonable anu this cieates angei.


Youi neighboui's uog is always pooping on youi lawn.

1. Aggiessive - You woulu walk aggiessively anu fast to youi neighbouis uooi, knock
louuly, anu in a iaiseu voice anu iuue woius, tell the man if he uoesn't stop his uog
pooping on youi lawn, he will suffei haish consequences (thieaten him).
2. Passive - You woulu pick up the uog poo by youiself to avoiu conflict.
S. Nanipulative - You woulu go to the neighbouis house, anu ask tell him that you have
been seeing some unpleasant poo on youi lawn, anu he shoulu be caieful, otheiwise
the neighbouihoou council may just pay him a visit.
4. Asseitive -
B - Tell youi neighboui calmly that his uog has been pooping on youi lawn.
E - Explain that this is causing bau smells, anu sticking to youi shoes.
S - Ask them to please have the uog on a leash on the fiont lawns.
C - State that you hope that you won't have this issue again, anu wish them a goou uay.
Thank them foi unueistanuing.

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