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Opening Statement

Natural gas drill rigs are an efficient source for obtaining energy and the emissions are significantly
less than coal and oil, therefore natural gas should be extracted and utilized.
The abundancy that natural gas provides cannot be ignored. If drill rig numbers go up, there will be
less dependency on fossil fuels and energy sources that emit harmful gases into the atmosphere.
Natural gas CO emissions are 50% less than coal and 25% less than oil making natural gas a much
cleaner source. Because of its abundancy, natural gas collection can last up to a century lessening
the countrys dependency on foreign energy.
The extraction process is very carefully done, with very few incidents that had disastrous results.
Seismic events have been claimed to be linked to hydraulic fracturing drills, but this is also a very
rare result of drill rigs. The location where this process takes place is thousands of feet beneath the
surface and far from any fault planes. Seismic surveys are used to find an appropriate place to drill
so-as not to cause any disruptions in fault lines.
Every precaution is taken when natural gas drill rigs are put in place. Layers and layers of cement
casing are applied to the wells that pump the desired resources out of the earth in order to prevent
contamination of groundwater and to secure the natural gas being collected.
Natural gas drilling is the most efficient and cleanest and abundant energy source, and should
continue to be extracted.

Closing statement
Natural gas is a cleaner way of using energy, much cleaner than what we are currently using. If 25%
of natural gas is produced in place of coal the U.S. and Canada, CO2 emission reduction targets could
be reached. This is an enormous benefit of using natural gas that definitely outweighs the claims
that possible future problems to the economy could be a result of natural gas rigs. Saying that these
negative happenings took place because of ONE oil rig in North Dakota is illogical and just an
assumption. That does not guarantee that it will definitely happen with natural gas drill rigs here,
the two should not be compared because they do not consist of the same energy sources. Natural
gas is very abundant, and can be compared to a renewable resource due to the prolonged collection
period that it undergoes. It is a dependable resource as well as a very useful resource. We declare
that natural gas is a gateway to progression and cleaner energy production and should be utilized.
Thank you.

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