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An Electronic Ballast (Inverter) to Power

HID Lamps from 12 Volts DC!

All content Copri!"t 1###$ %onat"an B& 'mic(& All ri!"ts reserve)& *epro)+ction of t"e contents of t"is
pa!e for non,commercial an) non,profit p+rposes onl is permitte) if t"e followin! con)itions are met-
(1)& ."is )oc+ment is repro)+ce) in it/s entiret$ incl+)in! t"is notice& (2)& ."ere is no c"ar!e e0cept to
cover costs of copin!& (1)& Cre)it is !iven to %onat"an B& 'mic( as t"e so+rce of t"is information an) as
ori!inal creator2inventor of an circ+its$ circ+it concepts an) circ+it +sa!e concepts incl+)e) in t"is site
(e0cept as ot"erwise specifie))&
3A*4I45 A4D DI'CLAI6E*
D7 47. attempt to 8+il) t"is circ+it +nless o+ "ave prior (nowle)!e of an)
e0perience in electronics safet$ constr+ction practices an) tec"ni9+es& ."is
circ+it pro)+ces possi8l LE.HAL volta!es an) c+rrents& Hi!" fre9+enc arcs
can ca+se severe 8+rns on contact& HID lamps can e0plo)e wit" !reat force if
a8+se) (or even in normal operation)$ res+ltin! in t"e scatterin! of "ot
particles of !lass29+art: of temps& of 1;;; De!rees Centi!ra)e or more& HID
lamps pro)+ce s+8stantial "eat< )o not operate in com8+sti8le environments or
near com8+sti8le materials& Do not stare at t"e li!"t )irectl$ ee )ama!e can
res+lt& Do not operate HID lamps w"ose o+ter 8+l8 "as 8een )ama!e)$ or
8ro(en< lamp e0plosion or e0pos+re to )an!ero+s s"ortwave =V ra)iation can
res+lt& ."e a+t"or of t"is article cannot 8e "el) lia8le for an in>+r$ loss of
life or lim8$ or propert )ama!e w"et"er res+ltin! from t"e proper +se or
misapplication of t"e information containe) "erein$ nor for an )ama!es$
inci)ental or conse9+ential$ w"et"er ca+se) 8 acci)ental or intentional +se$
mis+se$ or i!norance of t"e safet concepts an) )esi!n principles containe)
Here is a circ+it t"at can 8e +se) to power a variet of small (?; w or less) HID lamps$ as well as (wit"
mo)ifications) fl+orescent lamps +p to a8o+t @;w$ or He4e lasers$ flas"es2stro8es$ an) neon t+8es$ etc&$
from a 12 V car or marine 8atter or me)i+m,si:e !el cell&
Per"aps t"e 8est t"in! a8o+t t"is circ+it is t"at it can 8e 8+ilt wit" almost all *a)io '"ac( parts& ."is
circ+it )oes re9+ire a "omema)e transformer& ."is transformer is not "ar) to ma(e$ >+st a little te)io+s for
"an) win)in!& Beca+se t"is circ+it !ives t"e lamp "i!" fre9+enc AC (e0cept )+rin! startin!)$ none of t"e
limitations associate) wit" DC,o+tp+t s+pplies appl (i&e&$ not +sin! certain tpes of HID/s$ w"ic" cannot
tolerate DC operation)&
How ."e Circ+it 3or(s&&&
C76PLE.ELA *EVI'ED A4D =PDA.ED 112212##
."e circ+it as s"own in t"e a8ove sc"ematic was ori!inall )esi!ne) for +se wit" t"e P"ilips ?;w metal
"ali)e lamp$ 8+t will also operate @;2?;w merc+r lamps as well$ wit"o+t mo)ifications (alt"o+!" t"e
startin! circ+it$ D1,DB$ C1,CB$ an) *1$ is not nee)e) an) can 8e omitte) for +se wit" t"e merc+r lamp)&
CC is also not a8sol+tel nee)e) for t"e merc+r lamp an) can 8e left o+t$ alt"o+!" it is recommen)e) to
+se it (in series wit" t"e lamp) anwa (it "elps limit t"e c+rrent$ alon! wit" t"e air!ap in t"e core of .1)&
HP' (Hi!" Press+re 'o)i+m) lamps of 1?,?;w will also wor( wit" t"is circ+it$ alt"o+!" t"e t+rns ratio on
.1 ma nee) to 8e a)>+ste) to provi)e t"e proper operatin! volta!e to t"e lamp (t"ese !enerall nee)
lower arc volta!es t"an ot"er HID/s) an) conse9+entl$ t"e startin! circ+it ()io)e volta!e m+ltiplier)
wo+l) t"en nee) more sections to provi)e s+fficient volta!e to ioni:e t"e lamp wit" t"e lower transformer
o+tp+t volta!e& ."is is eas to )o$ as all it entails is a))in! more DsectionsD (2 )io)es an) 2 caps per
section) as nee)e) to t"e m+ltiplier stac($ so t"at t"ere will 8e from C?; Volts to 1(V DC o+tp+t from it
(open circ+it) to start t"e lamp& (If it is )esire) to !o "i!"er t"an t"is on t"e startin! volta!e$ +se "i!"er
PIV rate) )io)es$ E4ot availa8le from *a)io '"ac(F or 2 or more *' 1(V +nits in series in eac" Dle!D of
t"e m+ltiplier)& I "ave starte) HP' lamps from as little as @G; Volts$ so e0cessivel "i!" startin! volta!es
s"o+l)n/t 8e necessar&
LP' (Low Press+re 'o)i+m) lamps will wor( wit"o+t t"e startin! circ+it eit"er (as in t"e merc+r lamp
case) as t"e open,circ+it from .1 is s+fficient to start t"ese& ."e watta!e will nee) to 8e a)>+ste)
)ownwar)$ "owever$ as o+tline) 8elow if +sin! 1G or 1? watt lamps&
."e startin! circ+it concept is t"+s< w"en power is applie)$ t"ere is an essentiall infinite impe)ance at
t"e lamp$ since it "as not et ioni:e)< t"is ca+ses a DC volta!e to 8+il) at t"e o+tp+t of t"e m+ltiplier$
+ntil t"e lamp/s firin! volta!e is reac"e)& ."e !as 8rea(s )own$ an) imme)iatel provi)es a lower,
impe)ance pat" for t"e transformer .1/s HH AC o+tp+t t"ro+!" t"e capacitor CC an) t"e lamp$ t"an is
presente) 8 t"e m+ltiplier strin! (w"ose caps c"ar!e +p a!ain an) )+e to resistor *C$ remain in a
relativel c"ar!e) an) "i!",impe)ance state)& ."erefore$ t"e m+ltiplier is effectivel 8passe) )+rin! t"e
lamp/s operation 8 CC$ an) t"e lamp receives "i!" fre9+enc AC& As t"e lamp warms +p t"e impe)ance
of t"e pat" t"ro+!" it (an) CC) )ecreases +ntil it sta8ili:es at some low val+e at f+ll 8ri!"tness& ."e
contin+e) DC contri8+tion of t"e m+ltiplier strin! )+rin! lamp operation is ne!li!i8le$ )+e to it/s "i!"
impe)ance relative to t"e pat" t"ro+!" CC an) t"e lamp& *1 limits t"e availa8le o+tp+t c+rrent from t"e
m+ltiplier strin!$ as onl volta!e$ not c+rrent$ is nee)e) for initiation of t"e lamp arc& ."is also ens+res
t"at onl a min+te amo+nt of power is waste) in t"e m+ltiplier strin! )+rin! lamp operation&
."e remain)er of t"is 8allast is a conventional "i!",fre9+enc *oer,tpe p+s",p+ll oscillator inverter
wit" a ferrite core transformer& It is essentiall similar to t"e inverters +se) to power small fl+orescent
lamps in poc(et an) campin! lanterns$ etc&$ e0cept of co+rse 8eefier& ."e oscillation fre9+enc$ wit" a
1mm air!ap in t"e core of .1$ is appro0imatel 2; (H: +n)er a "eav or f+ll loa)$ an) 9+ite sta8le$ 8+t
somew"at varia8le an) of lower fre9+enc (I1?,1B (H:) +n)er li!"t or no loa) (as in an open circ+it
con)ition or )+rin! lamp warm+p)& ."is c"aracteristic is tpical of simple inverter circ+its$ an) )oesn/t
impair operation in an wa (more on t"is later)& ."is fre9+enc ran!e can 8e a)>+ste) to s+it in)ivi)+al
lamp2watta!e re9+irements$ to optimi:e efficienc$ etc& 8 a)>+stment of .1/s core air!ap&
B+il)in! ."e Circ+it
."is 8allast can 8e 8+ilt 8 an accepta8le met"o)$ on perf8oar)$ a PC 8oar) or point,to,point& Lao+t is
not critical$ 8+t "i!",fre9+enc lea)s s"o+l) 8e (ept s"ort$ if at all possi8le$ to minimi:e losses& Also$
remem8er to provi)e s+fficient separation 8etween "i!", an) low,volta!e lea)s$ an) to case an)2or
!ro+n)& (At least a few millimeters)&
.1 is a "i!",fre9+enc ferrite,core transformer$ w"ic" o+ will "ave to win) o+rself& ."e cores are from
t"e *a)io '"ac( (2C1,1;@)rectan!+lar Dtoroi) snap,on c"o(esD$ w"ic" come two to a pac(& Ao+ m+st
ma(e two DED,core "alves o+t of t"em& .o )o t"is$ )isassem8le t"e ferrite from t"e plastic "o+sin!s (t"is
is eas, t"e >+st sli)e o+t)& Do t"is for 8ot" c"o(es& Ao+/ll now "ave fo+r DCD cores& P+t a pair of t"ese
to!et"er$ en),to,en)$ an) o+/ll see t"at$ voila$ o+ "ave an DED core "alf! .a(e D'+per 5l+eD or similar
canoacrlate cement an) 8on) t"ese two DCD cores to!et"er en),to,en)$ ma(in! s+re not to +se too m+c"
!l+e$ 8+t ma(in! a ti!"t 8on) wit" minimal !ap (ma8e clamp t"em to!et"er some"ow for t"e 1; sec& or
1 min& or so it ta(es for t"e !l+e to c+re f+ll) to form one DED core "alf& 6a(e s+re all e)!es an) s+rfaces
are as perfectl level an) line) +p as well as is possi8le& ."is can 8e tric( since t"e !l+e D!ra8sD instantl
an) repositionin! if o+ ma(e a mista(e is$ well$ nearl impossi8le! Hollow t"e same proce)+re wit" t"e
ot"er pair of DCD cores& Ao+/ll t"en "ave o+r two DED core "alves&
Hor a nice nlon 8o88in to win) on$ !et a *a)io '"ac( D4oise Eliminator JitD$ no& 2C;,;1;$ (t"is is +se)
to remove alternator w"ine from t"e power lea) of car ra)ios)& Ao+ nee) to )isassem8le t"e c"o(e to !et
its 8o88in& .o )o t"is$ first )etermine w"ic" si)e of t"e core "as DED laminations an) w"ic" "as t"e DI/sD&
Clamp t"e DED si)e of t"e core in a vise$ !ive t"e DID core top piece a s"arp rap from t"e en) or si)e wit" a
"ammer (it is "el) on wit" epo0) an) it s"o+l) come ri!"t off& (Be caref+l if anone2t"in! is in t"e
vicinit in case it flies off!) 4ow >+st p+ll o+t t"e 8o88in from t"e DED si)e of t"e core& If it is a ta)
st+88orn$ Kcaref+llK (to avoi) )ama!in! t"e 8o88in) place it on a flat s+rface$ ma8e 8etween t"e parte)
>aws of o+r vise$ for instance$ s+pporte) 8 t"e 8o88in flan!es on one en) an) tap o+t t"e core "alf wit"
a mallet an) some sort of ro) or 8olt (so o+/re act+all tappin! t"e center post of t"e core onl)& 4ow
t"at o+ "ave o+r 8o88in$ remove t"e tape an) +nwin) t"e wire from it completel& ."e onl ot"er t"in!
o+ "ave to )o (an) t"is is rat"er te)io+s$ 8+t necessar) is to caref+ll file o+t t"e si)es of t"e insi)e
center "ole of t"e 8o88in to allow o+r ferrite cores to fit (t"e won/t +nless o+ remove a little plastic
from t"e insi)e of t"e 8o88in$ ma8e &;2;D total (>+st a !+ess)& 5et a small$ fine flat file (li(e t"e tpe
+se) 8 mo)elers2"o88ists t"at comes in a Dnee)le fileD (it) an) 8e!in wor(in! on t"e si)e walls onl of
t"e 8o88in/s interior$ perio)icall c"ec(in! for fit wit" o+r cores& Ao+ want a ti!"t$ sli)in! fit$ not a
loose$ slopp one so )on/t remove too m+c" plastic& 6a(e certain t"e cores fit all t"e wa in w"en o+/re
)one$ t"ere s"o+l) 8e no taper in t"e interior "ole of t"e 8o88in$ it m+st 8e flat an) parallel ("int- file
alternatel from 8ot" si)es so o+ )on/t !et a taper)& 7nce t"is sli!"tl te)io+s tas( is complete$ o+ are
rea) to win) o+r transformer! =sin! t"is met"o) to !et a DrealD 8o88in is vastl s+perior to t"e previo+s
met"o) I "a) )etaile) an) "ave since remove) from t"is site$ as it ma)e for a lot more wor( t"an
necessar an) was far less convenient an) versatile& (3it" a 8o88in o+ can now e0periment m+c" more
easil wit" )ifferent win)in!s an) core air!aps$ an) can also rewin)2replace t"e assem8l m+c" more
easil s"o+l) o+ nee) to wit"o+t scrappin! t"e w"ole transformer!)
Be!in win)in! t"e secon)ar$ or o+tp+t (7)win)in!$ +sin! no& 1; A35 enamele) wire (from$ o+
!+esse) it!) *a)io '"ac(/s ma!net wire 1,spool pac( (2CG,11@?)& *ecommen)ation- if o+ can !et t"e
DHeav 4solD ins+late) tpe of ma!net wire from 6o+ser Electronics$ it will "ave 8ot" 8etter "eat
resistance an) )ielectric 9+alities t"an *a)io '"ac(/s wire an) is far prefera8le& 6o+ser )oes not carr no&
1; A35 8+t t"e )o "ave no& 2G A35 w"ic" is >+st fine& .r to win) o+r secon)ar fairl neatl$
closewo+n) (wires si)e,8,si)e$ in contact)& ."is is eas if o+ (eep t"e wire fee)in! off t"e spool in
tension wit" one "an) an) +se o+r t"+m8 on t"e ot"er "an) to "ol) )own t"e alrea),wo+n) t+rns&
Avoi) (in(s at all costs$ 8+t a few overlappe) or ot"erwise scram8le,wo+n) t+rns are o( (>+st )on/t !et
KtooK slopp)& I "ave fo+n) it +nnecessar to +se an ins+latin! tape to )ivi)e t"e laers of t"e secon)ar
(e&!& 8etween eac" laer of win)in!)$ as was o+tline) "ere prior to t"is +p)ate$ alt"o+!" it is imperative
o+ )o ins+late t"e t"ree win)in!s from eac" ot"er& I "ave fo+n) t"at .eflon pipe D)opeD tape is e0cellent
for t"e p+rpose, it is t"in an) stretc"es to conform to irre!+lar s+rfaces et resists "eat an) "as "i!"
)ielectric stren!t" an) low loss at "i!" fre9+enc& At an rate$ for t"e secon)ar or o+tp+t win)in! o+
simpl nee) to win) eno+!" laers (!enerall C or so) to !ive a total of @;; or so t+rns (not partic+larl
critical$ alt"o+!" optimi:ation for o+r partic+lar application is a)vise))& Eac" laer can 8e )irectl on
top of t"e previo+s one& 7verwrap t"e w"ole o+tp+t win)in! wit" several Kti!"tK laers of .eflon$
sec+re) wit" 'cotc" tape&
."en comes t"e primaries$ or )rive an) fee)8ac( win)in!s! ."ese are few t+rns$ eac" in one laer$ so not
8a) at all& 3in) t"e )rive (D) win)in! first$ of no& 1G or 2; A35 enamele)$ (a!ain$ 4sol wire is
preferre)) 1? t+rns$ t"en loop over or ot"erwise leave a lon! center,tap lea)$ t"en anot"er 1? t+rns$
closewo+n) an) place) over t"e center of t"e o+tp+t win)in!$ to !ive a 1;,t+rn center,tappe) win)in!&
.wist t"e lea)s from t"e center taps to!et"er& 'ec+re t"e win)in! wit" tape$ an) p+t a laer of .eflon over
it& 4ow )o t"e fee)8ac( (H) win)in!$ in t"e same manner$ onl t"is is no& 2G or 1; li(e t"e o+tp+t was an)
is 1; an) 1; t+rns$ for a 2;,t+rn center,tappe) win)in!& Eac" 1; t+rn win)in! of t"is s"o+l) 8e centere)
on t"e Drive win)in!/s 1?,t+rn "alves& 'ec+re wit" tape an) cover wit" several laers of .eflon& ."en
overwrap t"e w"ole win)in! assem8l wit" a ti!"t laer of 'cotc" tape& Assem8le 8ot" DED core "alves
on t"e 8o88in$ wit" an air!ap 8etween t"e "alves of t"e core& ."is air!ap serves two f+nctions- it limits
t"e c+rrent )elivere) to t"e lamp t"+s provi)in! t"e D8allastin!D f+nction$ an) it varies t"e resonant
fre9+enc of t"e transformer$ )epen)in! on t"e !ap spacin! (lar!er !ap L "i!"er fre9+enc )+e to less
in)+ctance of t"e core , simple!) A spacer of t"e appropriate t"ic(ness$ ma)e of some (in) of car)8oar)
or plastic an) inserte) 8etween t"e two core "alves in t"e center of t"e 8o88in/s "ole ma 8e nee)e)& A
D8allpar(D !ap to start wit" wo+l) 8e 1 mm& Ao+r transformer is now complete alt"o+!" e0perimentin!
wit" t"e !ap settin! is necessar an) will 8e covere) later&
."e )etails on t"e rest of t"e parts re9+ire) for t"is pro>ect are as follows-
M1$M2 are t"e common .7,1 case stle 241;??/s ()on/t +se .7,22; tpes)& An power transistors of
similar or (prefera8l) 8etter ratin!s (P)iss$ Ht$ Hfe$ Vceo$ etc&) s"o+l) wor($ ma(e s+re t"e are in .7,1
cases or similar for low t"ermal resistance& P4P tpes simpl re9+ire reversal of power s+ppl polarit&
."ese transistors m+st 8e "eat s+n(& KK=p)ateKK =nless o+ are reall l+c( an) o+r transformer is
reasona8l smmetrical an) transistors are a matc"e) pair (!oo) l+c( trin! to fin) a matc"e) pair of
/1;??/s at t"e '"ac($ or anw"ere else for t"at matter!) o+/ll most li(el fin) t"at one of t"e transistors
will 8ecome "otter t"an t"e ot"er& ."is is )+e to +ne9+al s"arin! of t"e loa) 8 t"e transistors$ t"+s$ I
recommen) !ettin! a matc"e) pair (or sortin! t"ro+!" ran)om 8atc"es +ntil o+ fin) two t"at are
reasona8l well matc"e) as evi)ence) 8 8ot" of t"em 8ecomin! e9+all warm in operation)&
M1 an) M2 s"o+l) prefera8l 8e somet"in! more s+8stantial t"an /1;??/s& Don/t ta(e too literall t"e
p+8lis"e) specs for t"e 241;?? as concerns P)iss (11? w) an) Ice (1? A)$ t"ese are in m e0perience
fancif+l ratin!s t"at mi!"t 8e ac"ieve) if o+ +se) cro!enic coolin!! It seems t"at at 2A or so collector
c+rrent per +nit t"e will r+n o( if a)e9+atel "eats+n(< m+c" more t"an t"is an) o+ are as(in! for a
melt)own in s"ort or)er no matter "ow !oo) o+r "eatsin( is&
4evert"eless$ an transistors +se) still nee) a)e9+ate t"ermal con)+ctin! mass in t"eir "eatsin( for proper
lon!evit ((eep in min) t"at "eat from close pro0imit to t"e lamp is a factor$ after all$ "eat is "eat$
re!ar)less of so+rce!) ."is means )on/t +se t"ose presse)$ al+min+m s"eet metal Dmini8o0esD or t"e li(e
as a c"assis2"eat sin( alone (wit"o+t s+pplementar "eatsin(s)$ it is far 8etter to +se a )iecast al+min+m
8o0$ w"ic" is t"ic(er an) "as a)e9+ate t"ermal mass, t"is wa o+ )on/t necessaril nee) separate "eat
sin(s (+se t"e 8o0 as enclos+re2"eat sin()$ w"ic" (eeps t"e si:e nice an) compact& In +sin! t"e 8o0 as a
"eatsin($ remem8er$ t"e 8o0 itself (rat"er t"an t"e li)) "as more mass$ so mo+nt o+r transistors t"ere&
Don/t for!et mica was"ers an) t"ermal con)+ctin! !rease (*' N 2CB,11C2)+n)er eac" +nit$ an) t"e proper
ins+late) "ar)ware (t"e cases of most .7,1 transistors are common to t"e collectors)& *a)io '"ac( "as
complete .7,1 mo+ntin! (its wit" mica was"ers$ cat& no& 2CB,11C1& 3it" reasona8le "eatsin(in!$ M1 an)
M2 s"o+l) 8e comforta8l warm$ 47. too "ot to to+c"$ after several min+tes of operation&
*1 an) *2 are 1w metal,o0i)e resistors$ w"ic" come two to a car)& P+t t"e two 1;; o"m +nits in series to
!et t"e 2;; o"m val+e an) t"e 1; o"m ones li(ewise to !et 2; o"ms& 3irewo+n)s mi!"t wor( 8+t I/) 8e
concerne) a8o+t t"eir in)+ctive properties& K=p)ateK 3irewo+n)s o( for certain portions of t"is circ+it$
as for t"e emitter 8allastin! resistors if +se) as will 8e covere) later&
C1,CB are ceramic )isc +nits$ rate) &;1+H at 2(V&
D1,DB are 1(V PIV$ 2&? amp rectifiers& Hi!"er volta!e (if o+ "ave) is o($ an) ma 8e preferre) for some
applications (see a8ove +n)er DHow ."e Circ+it 3or(s$ startin! circ+it conceptD)& ."e c+rrent ratin! is
wa over(ill$ 8+t we/re stic(in! wit" *' components$ remem8erO
*1 ma 8e a little small (tec"nicall it/s rate) for 2?; Volts ma0&) so ma8e fo+r 2&2 or 2&? me!& +nits in
series wo+l) 8e 8etter (recommen)e))&
CC is t"e one Dclin(erD (ever pro>ect "as one of t"ese!), o+ can/t !et it from *a)io '"ac(& I/m not s+re
8+t pro8a8l Di!i,Je or .ec"America mi!"t "ave somet"in! similar& (6ine was a D>+n(,8o0 specialD)&
5et prefera8l a8ove 1(V$ +p to 2(V ratin!$ or so$ an) 47 electroltics!! If o+ 8+il) t"e version of t"is
circ+it for merc+r or fl+orescent lamps onl$ o+ )on/t nee) a 1 or 2(V +nit$ B;; Volts is fine$ o+ can
!et awa wit" @;;,?;; Volts ratin!$ Kma8eK as low as 2?; Volts (or even omit CC alto!et"er)&
Alternativel$ if o+ )esperatel nee) CC$ o+ Kmi!"tK 8e a8le to parallel ten *' 2(V &;1+H +nits& If o+
)o$ (eep t"e lea)s s"ort! K=p)ateK t"e capacitor )oesn/t necessaril nee) to 8e &1 +H$ in fact a sin!le &;1
+H HV ceramic )isc mi!"t )o "ere$ )epen)in! on o+r watta!e re9+irements$ an) on .1/s core air!ap&
An optional component is an isolation c"o(e in series wit" t"e P12 V)c s+ppl lea)& ."is s"o+l) 8e
capa8le of +p to B amps or so$ an) can 8e "an),wo+n) on a ferrite core$ of t"e tpe of material +se) in
fl8ac( transformers& ."e val+e is not critical$ several tens to a few "+n)re) +H is o(& B isolatin! t"e
inverter$ it "elps to re)+ce t"e losses a little$ an) so o+/ll !et a little more Doomp"D o+t of it& Also$ it
"elps to re)+ce D"as"D an) interference on a car ra)io$ etc&$ ca+se) 8 t"e oscillator& In newer cars$ it ma
8e possi8le for t"is "i!",fre9+enc D"as"D to interfere wit" t"e operation of t"e car/s D8rainD$ so it ma 8e
a wise i)ea to a)) a 8pass capacitor$ tantal+m or /ltic of a8o+t 1;+H at 1? V or so in a))ition to t"is
c"o(e across t"e 12V inp+t (on t"e s+ppl si)e of t"e c"o(e)& It is 8 no means necessar to "ave t"ese
parts$ t"o+!"$ for porta8le or non,critical mo8ile operation&
Ass+min! o+/ve wire) t"e circ+it correctl$ o+ s"o+l) "ave no pro8lems in powerin! it +p& If it won/t
oscillate$ )isconnect power an) reverse t"e connections to KoneK o+ter set of lea)s 74LA ()on/t )o 8ot"
win)in!s$ an) leave t"e center taps as is!) of eit"er t"e )rive or fee)8ac( win)in!s&
Don/t operate t"e circ+it wit" no loa) for e0ten)e) perio)s< it ma 8e )ama!e)& Do not operate wit"
startin! circ+it connecte) 8+t no loa) (lamp)& ."e HV o+tp+t will 8e e0cesive an) will pro8a8l flas"
over somew"ere an) ma )ama!e28low somet"in!& ."e lamp$ if a metal "ali)e or HP'$ will start a8o+t
;&? to 1 secon) after application of power (t"is )ela ca+se) 8 c"ar!in! t"e m+ltiplier stac( to t"e
i!nition volta!e of t"e lamp)& If a lar!er air!ap (of t"e or)er of @,?mm)is +se) ("i!"er fre9+enc$
remem8erO) t"is la! is eliminate)$ 8+t o+tp+t watts will 8e less& 6erc+r2LP' lamps will start instantl in
an case&
."e arc in man HID/s (especiall metal "ali)e) ma appear to Dsna(eD or c"an!e colors or ot"erwise
appear to 8e rat"er +nsta8le& However$ t"e circ+it operates t"e lamp sta8l once it "as warme) +p& ."is
arc insta8ilit is normal )+rin! warm+p for "i!" fre9+enc operation of "i!" press+re )isc"ar!e lamps&
3arm+p is !ra)+al$ ta(in! a few min+tes as in B; H: operation$ an) relativel eas on t"e lamp& C+rrent
)rain at ?; watts o+tp+t an) 12 volts in is a8o+t B amps& (4o$ t"is circ+it is not Dover 1;;QD efficient$
alt"o+!" o+ ma not nee) a Kf+llK ?; w$ )+e to t"e "i!" fre9+enc$ to !et f+ll rate) l+men o+tp+t from
t"e lamp& ."is wo+l) res+lt in t"e ill+sion of Dover+nitD efficienc$ 8+t it >+st ain/t so!)
."is 8asic circ+it is ver versatile$ not onl for operatin! HID lamps or fl+orescents$ 8+t a variet of ot"er
+ses as well$ wit" a few 8asic a)aptations$ to 8e o+tline) "ere&
Hor watta!e re)+ction to power )ifferent tpes of lamps as mentione) 8elow an) elsew"ere$ o+ "ave a
n+m8er of options& ."e most o8vio+s an) simple is to +se less t"an 12 volts to power t"e circ+it& Ao+ will
"ave to )etermine t"e ri!"t volta!e for o+r application e0peri, mentall as I "ave not as of et "a)
opport+nit to wor( +p a c"art s"owin! vario+s o+tp+ts vers+s inp+t volta!e& ."ere also ma nee) to 8e
c"an!es to .1/s secon)ar t+rns co+nt if o+ )o t"is& ."e circ+it s"o+l) oscillate at B volts in$ ma8e
somew"at less&
Anot"er possi8ilit is to c"an!e t"e air!ap in .1/s core< t"is will also var t"e fre9+enc of oscillation as
previo+sl mentione)& A !ap of 1mm seems to allow t"e most watta!e an) res+lts in t"e lowest fre9+enc
(a8o+t 2; (H: +n)er loa)$ 1?,1B (H: at no or li!"t loa)in!s)& A !ap of @ or ?mm increases t"e fre9&
s+8stantiall$ (e0act val+e not et meas+re) 8+t pro8a8l somet"in! of t"e or)er of @;,?; (H:) an)
re)+ces t"e o+tp+t c+rrent as well (alt"o+!" o+tp+t volta!e )oes not seem to 8e affecte) as m+c" as one
mi!"t t"in($ in fact$ t"e circ+it seems to Dli(eD to 8e r+n at "i!"er fre9+encies)& ."e starter i!nites t"e
lamp instantl (no Dla!D time) w"en t"e circ+it is r+n a "i!"er fre9+enc$ alt"o+!" t"is mi!"t 8e )+e to
faster c"ar!in! of t"e )io)e m+ltiplier stac(& In an case$ K)on/tK tr to a)>+st t"e core !ap wit" t"e circ+it
ener!i:e)< t"is ma p+t +n+s+al stresses on t"e components$ an) co+l) 8e a s"oc( "a:ar) as well&
Aet anot"er c+rrent,limitin! met"o) is to var t"e val+e of CC$ t"is can 8e )one alone or in con>+nction
wit" variations in !ap settin!& 78vio+sl$ smaller val+es will res+lt in lesser c+rrent o+tp+t< ma(e certain
t"e volta!e ratin! of t"e capacitor is s+fficient&
An a))itional possi8ilit (t"o+!" ma8e +n)esira8le) is to p+t resistance in series wit" eit"er t"e 12 volt
s+ppl lea) or in series wit" eac" emitter lea) of t"e transistors& ."e latter met"o) is preferre)$ as eac"
resistor "as to carr onl 122 t"e c+rrent& Also$ t"e )e!enerative fee)8ac( pro)+ce) w"en s+c"
D8allastin!D resistance is intro)+ce) into t"e emitter circ+it is )esira8le on two co+nts< it "elps
compensate for a mismatc"e)2+n8alance) pair of transistors$ an) it also re)+ces t"e possi8ilit of
Dt"ermal r+nawaD& .r a 1 o"m$ 1; w wirewo+n)$ or 2 of t"ese in parallel for ;&? o"ms at 2; w (t"ese
are availa8le from *a)io '"ac()& ."e onl +nfort+nate conse9+ence res+ltin! from t"e +se of resistors is
t"at t"e )issipate$ t"+s waste$ some power& ."is ma not 8e a ma>or pro8lem in certain specific
applications$ "owever&
As mentione) a8ove$ ?;w 6H an) @;2?;w merc+r lamps wor( interc"an!ea8l on t"is circ+it& 'tarter
not nee)e) for merc+r&
7+tp+t volta!e meas+re) on t"is circ+it (raw .1 o+tp+t$wit"o+t starter) was 2@? V w"en rectifie) wit" a
)io)e (a tpical D66 won/t !ive acc+rate AC rea)in!s at 2; (H:)& However$ it c"ar!e) a 2 +H @;; Volt
stro8e capacitor (t"ro+!" a rectifier) to ?2; Volts almost instantl, ama:in! t"at t"e cap )i)n/t e0plo)e!
Also$ t"ese tests were )one on a wea( 8atter$ a f+ll 12 V mi!"t !ive more& 'o we/ll !+esstimate t"e
avera!e o+tp+t at a8o+t 2C?,1;; VAC wit" 12 V in&
1? an) ?;w HP' lamps ma nee) a8o+t a lttle more t"an "alf t"e n+m8er of o+tp+t win)in! t+rns on .1$
to !ive a8o+t "alf t"e open circ+it volta!e 8+t possi8l twice as man m+ltiplier sections in t"e starter if
t"is is )one (a se0t+pler rat"er t"an a tripler)& 6ost HP' lamps nee) a8o+t ?;,?? Volts for t"e arc (w"en
operatin!)$ t"erefore since t"e 8allast open,circ+it volta!e s"o+l) 8e aro+n) twice t"e lamp operatin!
volta!e ()isre!ar)in! t"e nee)e) HV startin! p+lse)$ o+ mi!"t ass+me t"at o+ wo+l) nee) a8o+t "alf
t"e open circ+it as mentione) a8ove& In all cases e0pect to nee) a8o+t a (ilovolt !ive,or,ta(e to start an
HP' relia8l& At some point in t"e near f+t+re$ I will 8e postin! complete spec&2)ata s"eets on t"is site for
all tpes of HID/s$ incl+)in! HP'$ so sta t+ne)!
1G watt LP' lamps$ li(e wit" merc+r$ )o not nee) t"e starter circ+it$ t"e pea( open,circ+it is eno+!" to
start t"ese lamps& 1? watt LP' Kmi!"tK nee) t"e starter$ (t"eir startin! volts are a 8it more t"an for 1G,
watters$ of t"e or)er of ?;; V)< tr an) see& 7f co+rse$ o+/ll nee) to re)+ce o+tp+t watta!e to t"e
appropriate level for +se wit" an HID2fl+orescent lamp tpe rate) less t"an ?; watts$ 8 one or more of
t"e met"o)s o+tline) a8ove&
Hl+orescent lamps li(e t"e or)inar @;w *api) 'tart (*') an) pre"eat @,foot t+8es$ IH !en+ine @; watters$
(not ener!,savin! 2? or 1@ watt lamps so common to)a) will start an) operate on t"is circ+it wit" no
mo)s& nee)e)& (Alt"o+!" t"e mi!"t 8e sli!"tl over)riven$ t"is won/t reall "+rt t"em)& 'maller lamps
li(e t"ese newfan!le) ener!,savin! t"in!s$ an) stan)ar) 1;$ 2; an) lesser watta!e lamps of all tpes will
nee) to "ave t"e c+rrent o+tp+t to t"em limite) 8 t"e met"o)s specifie) a8ove& ."is circ+it is capa8le$
wit" 12V inp+t an) t"e startin! volta!e circ+it$ of startin! A4A fl+orescent lamp$ even slimline! 3it"o+t
t"e startin! circ+it$ it will pro8a8l start +p to a 2; watt pre"eat$ possi8l a 8it more$ 8+t I "ave not trie) it
t"is wa on a fl+orescent&
."e new 1? watt a+tomotive "ea)lamp tpe metal "ali)es (.pes D2* an) D2')will wor( on t"is circ+it
8+t re9+ire "i!"er startin! volta!e )+e to a Renon startin! !as fill rat"er t"an t"e Ar!on +se) in !eneral
li!"tin! service tpe metal "ali)es& Renon "as a "i!"er ioni:ation potential t"an Ar!on$ t"+s t"ese lamps
nee) somet"in! li(e B,2; (V to relia8l 8e starte)& ."eir operatin! volta!e$ "owever$ is similar to t"at of
t"e !eneral,service lamps< 8etween a8o+t C? to 1;; volts& Eit"er a m+ltiplier "avin! s+8stantiall more
sections$ or anot"er met"o) entirel ma 8e nee)e) to start t"ese lamps& ."at is left +p to t"e
Hor powerin! 0enon flas" lamps2stro8es$ omit t"e startin! circ+it$ as well as *1 an) CC$ an) s+8stit+te t"e
+s+al rectifier2ener! stora!e capacitor2tri!!er circ+it&
.o power He4e or ot"er !as lasers$ +se t"e starter circ+it as a DC m+ltiplier (no CC or *1) an) +se
eno+!" sections in it to !ive t"e re9+ire) volta!e ()io)es ma "ave to 8e "i!"er PIV t"an t"e *a)io '"ac(
ones)& Also$ some sort of tri!!er (wit" !reater o+tp+t t"an from t"e m+ltiplier$ somet"in! li(e ? (V or
more) ma 8e nee)e) to start t"e laser& Don/t for!et t"e proper 8allast resistor!
Hor certain tpes of neon t+8in!$ or ot"er miscellaneo+s !as )isc"ar!e lamps t"ere ma nee) to 8e more
sections on t"e m+ltiplier$ an)2or more t+rns on .1/s secon)ar& 'ome neons can +se DC$ so o+ co+l)
t"en +se t"e m+ltiplier wit"o+t CC or *1& In some cases a 8allast resistor ma 8e nee)e)&
Hee)8ac( is appreciate)$ sen) comments$ corrections$ s+!!estions to >smic(Sworl)net&att&net

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