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CPSC 2120 Cheat Sheet

Algorithmic Techniques
- Incremental Construction - Divide and Conquer
Build solution by adding input elements Deal with first element, then recursively
one by one, updating solution as we go. solve the rest of the problem.
Examples: Insertion Sort Examples: Mergesort, Quicksort

- Dynamic Programming/ Greedy
Greedy: Initial decision can be made safely
and irrevocably made according simple rule.
DP: Solve all possible sub-problems from
smallest to largest, making decisions easy
Given intervals [a
, b
], select a disjoint subset
of intervals of maximum total length.
- Initially sort intervals so a1 a2 an.
- Let L[i] denote the value of an optimal
solution for just the intervals i n.
- L[i] = max(L[i+1], (b
) + max {L[j] : a
We now have a simple O(n
) algorithm:
Compute L[n], L[n-1], , L[1] in sequence
according to the formula above.
L[1] tells us the value of an optimal solution.

Decompose problem into successively larger
subproblems all of same form:
Let L[i] denote the value of an optimal solution for
just the intervals i n.
Recursively express optimal solution to a
large problem in terms of optimal solutions of
smaller subproblems:
L[i] = max(L[i+1], (b
) + max {L[j] : a
- Then just solve the problems in sequence
from smallest to largest, building up a table of optimal solutions.

Iterative Refinement
- Start with some arbitrary feasible solution (or better
yet, a solution obtained via some other heuristic)
As long as we can improve it, keep making it better.

Genetic Algorithms
Start with a population of initial solutions.
- Repeatedly:
Kill off some number of the least fit solutions
(probability of survival proportional to fitness)
Replace them with new solutions obtained by mating
pairs of surviving solutions, or by mutating single solutions.

Graph Algorithms

Breadth First Search O(n + m) time
- Used for finding paths in unweighted graphs.
- Checks one level at a time.
Depth First Search
- Goes as deep as possible first.
- Can only be used on unweighted graphs.
- Can be used to find strongly connected components.
Dijkstras Shortest Path Algorithm O(m logn)
- If edge costs are non-negative
- Speed depends on using a priority queue
Dijkstra Time Remove Min n-
Decrease Key
O(m) times
Total Runtime
Unsorted Array O(n) O(1) O(n
Binary Heap O(log n) O(log n) O(m log n)
Fibonacci Heap O(log n) O(1) amortized O(m + n log n)

Bellman-Ford O(mn)
- Used when there are negative edge weights
- Try to change the graph not the algorithm!
- Longest path problems convert to shortest path problems by negating edge lengths.

Topologically sorting a Dag
- Find a node with no incoming edges, add it next to the ordering, remove it from our graph, repeat.
If we ever find that every node has an incoming edge, then our graph must contain a cycle (so
this gives an alternate way to do cycle detection).
- To topologically sort a DAG, just perform a Full- DFS and then output nodes in reverse order of
finishing times.

Network Flows
S-t cuts
- An s-t cut is a partition of the node in our graph into two
sets, one containing s and the other containing t.
The value of the maximum flow is at
most the capacity of any cut.
- So: max s-t flow value min s-t cut capacity.

Sorting Algorithms
Algorithm Runtime Stable In-place?
Bubble sort O(n
) Yes Yes
Selection Sort O(n
) Yes Yes
Insertion Sort O(n
) Yes Yes
Mergesort O(nlogn) Yes No
Randomized Quicksort (n log n), WHP No* Yes*
Deterministic Quicksort (n log n) No* Yes*
BST Sort (n log n) Yes No
Heap Sort (n log n) No* Yes*
Counting Sort (n) Yes No
Radix Sort (n) Yes No

Counting sort: O(n + C) time.
Sorts integers of magnitude C = O(n) in linear time.
- Radix sort: O(n max(1, lognC)) time.
Sorts integers of magnitude C = O(nk), k = O(1), in linear time.

Searching Algorithms
Linear Search (n)
Binary Search - O(log n)
Binary Search the Answer.
Selection (finding the kth smallest element)
Quick Select - (n). Used widely in divide and conquer.
Binary Search Trees Select and Rank operations.
- To select for the item of rank k in an array A[1..n].
- As in quicksort, pick a pivot element and partition A
in linear time:
- After partitioning, the pivot element ends up being
placed where it would in the sorted ordering of A
So we know the rank, r, of the pivot!
If k = r, the pivot is the element we seek and were done.
If k < r, select for the element of rank k on the left side.
If k > r, select for the element of rank k r on the right side.

Set/Map Data Structures

Data Structure Insert Remove Find
Sorted Array O(n) O(n) O(log n)
Unsorted Array O(1) O(1), post-find O(n)
Sorted doubly linked list O(1), post-find O(1), post-find O(n)
Unsorted doubly linked list O(nlogn) O(1), post-find O(n)
Skip List O(log n) expected O(log n) expected O(log n) expected
Sorted Array with Gaps (n log n) O(log
n) amortized O(log n)
Balanced Binary Search tree (log n) O(log n) O(log n)
Universal Hash Table O(1) amortized O(1), post-find O(1) expected

Binary Search Trees
An in-order traversal prints the n elements
in a BST in sorted order in only O(n) time.
Therefore, we can use BSTs to sort:
insert n elements O(n log n). (*)
then do an inorder traversal. O(n)

Randomized quicksort runs in O(n log n) time with high probability
Randomized BST construction takes O(n log n) time with high probability

split(T, k) : Split the BST T into two BSTs, one
containing key k and the other keys > k.
join(T1, T2) : Take two BSTs T1 and T2, the keys in T1 all being less than the keys in T2, and join them into a
single BST.

- pred(e): If e has a left child, then pred(e) is the maximum element in es left subtree.
If e has no left child, then pred(e) is the first left parent we encounter when walking from e up to the root.
- succ(e): If e has a right child, then pred(e) is the minimum element in es right subtree.
If e has no right child, then succ(e) is the first right parent we encounter when walking from e up to the root.
- pred and succ take O(n) time.

In-order: left, root, right
Pre-order: left, right root
Post-order: right, left, root

A BST augmented with subtree sizes can support
two additional useful operations:
select(k) : return a pointer to the kth largest element in
the tree (k = 1 is the min, k = n is the max, and k = n/2
is the median).
rank(e) : given a pointer to e, returns the number of
elements with keys es key.
- Rank takes O(log n)
Dynamic Sequences
Using a balanced BST augmented with subtree sizes, we can perform all the following operations in O(log n) time:
Insert / delete anywhere in the sequence.
Access or modify any element by its index in the

Splay Trees
- All operations take O(log n) amortized time.
- Starting with an empty tree all operations take O(k log n) time where k is the # of ops
- find(e) : Find as e usual, then splay(e).
insert(e) : Insert as e usual, then splay(e).
- delete(e):
On a splay tree:
split(T, k) : Find the element e of key k. Then splay e
to root and remove its right subtree.
(if k doesnt exist, use pred(k) instead)
join(T1, T2) : Splay the maximum element in T1
to the root. Then attach T2
as its right subtree.

Red-black trees
- More Space efficient
- A pain in the butt to program
A BST is a red-black tree if:
The children of a red element are all black.
All leaves are black.
Every root-leaf path contains the
same number of black elements
(we call this the black height
of the tree).

Priority Queues
Data Structure Insert Remove-min
Unsorted Array or linked list O(1) O(n)
Sorted Array or linked list O(n) O(1)
Binary Heap O(log n) O(log n)
Balanced binary search tree O(log n) O(log n)

Binary Heaps
Parent(i) = floor((i-1)/2).
Left-child(i) = 2i + 1
Right-child(i) = 2i + 2.

- An almost-complete binary tree (all levels full except the last,
which is filled from the left side up to some point.
-Satisfies the heap property: for every element e, key(parent(e)) key(e).
Minimum element always resides at root.
- Physically stored in an array A[0...n-1].

sift-up(i) : Repeatedly swap element A[i] with its parent as long as A[i] violates the heap property with respect
to its parent (i.e., as long as A[i] < A[parent(i)]).
sift-down(i) : As long as A[i] violates the heap property with one of its children, swap A[i] with its smallest child.

- We could build a binary heap in O(n log n)
time using n successive calls to insert.
- Can be built in O(n) time.

Start with our n elements in arbitrary order in A[1..n],
then call sift-down(i) for each i from n down to 1.
A treap is a binary tree in which each node contains two
keys, a heap key and a BST key.
It satisfies the heap property with respect to the heap
keys, and the BST property with respect to the BST keys.
The BST keys will store the elements of our BST; well
choose heap keys as necessary to assist in balancing

insert : Insert new element as leaf using the standard
BST insertion procedure (so BST property satisfied).
Assign new element a random heap key. Then restore
heap property (while preserving BST property) using
sift-up implemented with rotations.

delete : Give element a heap key of +, sift it down
(again using rotations, to preserve BST property) to a
leaf, then delete it.

Start with an array A[1..n] of elements to sort.
Build a heap (bottom up) on A in O(n) time.
Call remove-min n times.
Afterwards, A will end up reverse-sorted (it would be
forward-sorted if we had started with a max heap)

String Matching
Goal: Find all occurrences of a length-M pattern
in a much larger length-N text.

- Approach #1: Linear scan through entire text.
Good for solving one off string matching
problems. Target running time O(N)
- Knuth Morris Pratt

Approach #2: Spend O(N) time preprocessing
entire text so that subsequent queries can be
answered in O(M+k) time (k = # of matches).
Suffix arrays, Suffix trees

- Rabin-Karp Hash the pattern against a moving window
in the text O(m + n) time. But very small chance of false
Typically use polynomial hash functions:
p(x) = (A[0] + A[1] x + A[2] x2 + + A[N-1] xN-1) mod Q
Running time O(N+M).
If Q large enough, chance of false positives is miniscule.

- Knuth-Morris-Pratt Nave implementation of brute-force.
But advance pattern by the length of the longest border
O(m + n) time.
- Suffix Array Sorted list of all suffixes of the text. Space
O(n). Construction time - O(n). Binary search for the
pattern. Can be done in O(m + log n + k) time.
- Suffix Tree Trie of all the suffixes. Space O(n).
Construction time O(n). Walk the pattern in the trie and
return all the leaves of the match O(m + k) time.

Amortized Analysis
- Mentally overcharge ourselves for earlier cheap
operations to build up sufficient credit to pay for
later expensive operations.


vector<int> vec;
vector<int>::iterator itrv;
for (itrv i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i)
cout << *i << " ";
cout << endl;

template <typename T>
class Node {
template <typename U> friend class GenericSet;
T key;
Node<T> *next;

Node() : key(), next(NULL) {}
Node(T k, Node *n) : key(k), next(n) {}

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