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F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction


A Rate of Reaction
Learning Outcomes
You should be able to :
state what rate of reaction is
identify observable chanes to reactants or products for determinin rate of reaction
determine the averae rate of reaction
determine the rate of reaction at any iven time from a raph
solve numerical problems involvin averae rate of reaction!
solve numerical problems involvin rate of reaction at any iven time!
Activity 1 : !at is rate of reaction"
Rate of reaction is the at which reactants are converted into ..
in a chemical reaction.
The rate of reaction is a measurement of the change in the quantity of . or
. against time.

Rate of reaction # C!ange in $uantity of reactant %Pro&uct
Time ta'en
Activity ( : Fast )F* or S+o, )S* reactions" "rite F for the fast reaction and S for the slow reaction!
1. Fading of dyes on a shirt under
hot sun
6. Striking a match
2. !iece of !a!er turning yellow ". Rusting of a water !i!e
#. Frying an egg $. Ri!ening of tomatoes
%. The weathering of limestone &y
acid rain
'. (igesting food
). *urning of !etrol in a car engine 1+. ,ooking a chicken using
microwave oven
Activity - : O.serva.+e c!anges for measuring t!e rate of reaction
The change in amount of reactant - !roduct that can &e measured &y .
.. in the mass of reactant
.. in mass of !roduct
.. in volume of gas released
.. of !reci!itate
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
,hange in !/0 tem!erature or electrical conductivity
For each of the reactions below# write a chemical e$uation and state the observable chane%chanes
can be used as selected $uantities to measure the rate of reaction :
&'ample 1 . The reaction &etween mar&le chi! with hydrochloric acid to !roduce car&on dio1ide
gas and chloride salt.
Chemical &$uation . .
Chanes :
2i3 ...... 2reactants3
2ii3 .2!roduct3
&'ample 2 . Reaction &etween sodium thiosul!hate solution with sul!huric acid to !roduce
yellow !reci!itate of sul!hur0 water 0 sul!hur dio1ide and sodium sul!hate solution.
Chemical e$uation . ..
Chane :
2i3 2!roduct3
&'ample ( . (ecom!osition of hydrogen !ero1ide to !roduce water and o1ygen gas.
Chemical e$uation . ..
Chane :
2i3 2!roduct3
Activity / : 0etermine t!e Rate of Reaction1
1. Two ways to measure the rate of reaction.
verage rate of reaction
4 5ncrease in the amount of !roduct-decrease in the amount of reactant
Time taken for the change to occur
2. a3 (etermination of average rate of reaction from the gra!h.
Time 2s3
6olume of gas 2cm
6+ 12+ 2%+
Overa++ Average rate of reaction
Total 6olume of gas collected 4 6%
Time taken for the reaction 4 2%+ s
verage rate of reaction 4 cm

F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction

&3 5nstantaneous rate of reaction 2Rate of reaction at any given time3
T!e rate of reaction at t sec
4 gradient of the curve at t sec 4 a cm
c3 (etermining the rate of reaction at any given time
Average rate of reaction in t!e first t,o minutes
4 volume of gas collected in the first 12+ seconds 2cm
time taken 2s3
4 cm

Average rate of reaction in t!e t!ir& minute
6olume of gas collected in the first 1$+ sec 4 6#
6olume of gas collected in the first 12+ sec 4 62
6olume of gas collected in the third minute 4 888888888888 cm

Time taken for the reaction 4 1$+ 9 12+ 4 8888888 s
verage rate of reaction in the third minute 4 m

6olume of gas 2cm
Instantaneous rate of reaction % t!e rate of reaction at 1(2 sec
4 gradient of the curve at 12+ sec 4 cm

F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
1. 5n the e1!eriment to determine the rate of reaction &etween mar&le chi!s and hydrochloric acid0 the
volume of o1ygen gas collected at intervals of +.) minutes is recorded in the ta&le &elow .
Time 2min3 + +.) 1.+ 1.) 2.+ 2.) #.+ #.) %.+ %.) ).+
6olume of
o1ygen gas2cm
+.++ 2".++ %6.++ )'.++ "+.++ "'.++ $6.++ '2.++ ').++ ').++ ').++
:lot a gra!h of the volume of gas collected against time.
;ra!h of volume of o1ygen gas li&erated against time
6olume of gas 2cm
Time 2min3
+.) 1.+ 1.) 2.+ 2.) #.+ #.) %.+ %.) ).+
Time 2s3
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
2. *ased on the gra!h !lotted0 determine
2i3 the average rate of reaction in the first # minutes
2ii3 the average rate of reaction in the third minutes
2iii3 the overall average rate of reaction
2iv3 the instantaneous rate of reaction at 1 minute
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
Activity 4
1. The following figure shows the gra!h of car&on dio1ide0 ,<2 gas !roduced when an e1cess
of calcium car&onate0 ,a,<# reacts with %+ cm
of +.1 moldm
hydrochloric acid0 /,l.
2a3 ,alculate the
2i3 verage rate of
reaction in the
first 1+ sec
2ii3 verage rate of
reaction in the
first #+ sec
2iii3 <verall average rate of reaction
2&3 *ased on the results in 2a30 how does the rate of reaction change with time.
2c3 =1!lain your answer in !art 2&3 with res!ect to the concentration of hydrochloric acid.

2. The following ta&le shows the volume of a gas collected from an e1!eriment.
Time 2s3 + #+ 6+ 12+ 1)+
6olume of gas 2cm
3 +.++ 1".++ 2'.++ #6.++ #6.++

,alculate th average rate of reaction for
2a3 the first 6+ seconds 2&3 the overall reaction
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction

#. The decrease in mass of a reaction mi1ture is recorded in the following ta&le.
Time 2min3 + 1 2 # % )
>ass of reaction mi1ture 2g3 2.'+ 1.'+ 1.2) +.") +.%+ +.1+
2a3 (raw a gra!h of mass of reaction mi1ture against time.
2&3 ,alculate the rate of reaction at the third minute.
Learning Outcomes
You should be able to :
desin e'periments to investiate factors affectin the rate of reaction!
ive e'amples of reactions that are affected by si)e of reactant# concentration# temperature and catalyst!
e'plain how each factor affects the rate of reaction!
describe how factors affectin the rate of reaction are applied in daily life and in industrial processes!
solve problems involvin factors affectin the rate of reaction!
apply *nowlede on factors affectin the rate of reaction in everyday activities!
Activity 6 : Factors affecting t!e rate of reaction1
State five factors that affect the rate of reaction .
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
2a3 . 2&3 ..
2c3 . 2d3 ..
2e3 .
Activity 7 : S8ee&ing u8 t!e Rates of reaction1
+he followin chanes may speed up the rate of a chemical reaction between an acid and manesium!
,ut a tick in the bo' ne't to each one that will speed up the reaction -assume that there is initially an
e'cess of acid. and state the specific factors that affect the reaction!
/tatement of factors that affect the rate of reaction /pecific factor
1. /eating the acid.
2. Shaking the flask.
#. ?sing more7concentrated acid .
%. ?sing !owdered metal0 not metal ri&&on .
). ?sing twice the volume of acid
6. ?sing a suita&le catalyst .
". 5ncreasing the !ressure ..
$. ?sing larger flask
Activity 9 : E:8eriments to investigate t!e rate of reaction1
)i* Effect of si;e of reactants
im . To investigate the effect of si@e of reactant in an e1!eriment &etween mar&les and
hydrochloric acid on the rate of reaction.
=quation . ..
The curve of e1!eriment 2 is . than e1!eriment 1.
The rate of reaction of e1!eriment 2 is than e1!eriment 1
The smaller the si@e of reactants0 the . the total surface area0
the . the rate of reaction.
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
)ii* Effect of concentration
im . To investigate the effect of concentration of sodium thiosul!hate solution on the rate of reaction.
=quation . ..

A The higher the concentration of the sodium thiosul!hate solution0 the the
time taken.
A 1- t is
The . the concentration of sodium thiosul!hate solution0 the
..the time taken.
6olume of gas 2cm
Time 2s3
=1!eriment 1 . ,a,<# chi!s
=1!eriment 2 . ,a,<# !owder
=1!t 1
=1!t 2
0iagram of an e:8eriment
)Refer t!e a88aratus set<u8 for t!e e:8eriment in 8age 7 Practica+ 3oo'*
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
,oncentration 2moldm
3 of
sodium thiosul!hate solution
Time 2s3
,oncentration 2moldm
3 of

sodium thiosul!hate solution
1- time 2s
)iii* Effect of cata+yst
im . To investigate the effect of the !resence of catalyst 2>anganese 2563 o1ide3 on the rate of
decom!osition of hydrogen !ero1ide.
=quation . ..
(raw the a!!aratus set7u! for the e1!eriment.
The curve of e1!eriment 2 is . than e1!eriment 1.
The rate of reaction of e1!eriment 2 is .than e1!eriment 1
The !resence of catalyst0 will .................... the rate of reaction.
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
)iv* Effect of tem8erature
im . To investigate the effect of tem!erature on the rate of reaction &etween sodium tiosul!hate
solution and sul!huric acid.
=quation . .

The higher the tem!erature0 the .... the time taken.
1- time is ..
The .. the tem!erature0 the the rate of reaction.
6olume of gas 2cm
Time 2s3
=1!eriment 1 . with catalyst
=1!eriment 2 . without catalyst
=1!t 1
=1!t 2
0iagram of an e:8eriment
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
Activity =
Activity =
Activity =
Tem!erature 2
Time 2s3
Tem!erature 2
1 - time 2s
B Tem!erature in refrigerator is . The lower tem!erature caused the &acteria to
&e less . little is released &y the &acteria. The rate of the food
turns &ad is . C --
B Tem!erature in kitchen ca&inet is . The higher tem!erature caused the &acteria to
&e reactive. to1ic is released &y the &acteria. The rate of the
food turns &ad is .C
Food store in a refrigerator lasts longer than food stored in a kitchen ca&inet. =1!lain why.
B% marksC
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
>eat cut into small !ieces0 have .. si@e com!are to the meat cut into &ig
!ieces. The the si@e0 the &igger the .
of the meat0 hence the the rate of reaction.
#. State and &riefly discuss two industrial !rocesses that make use catalyst. B$ marks C
2i3 /a&er !rocess is a chemical !rocess to !roduce from nitrogen and
hydrogen gas. The equation of this !rocess is ...
The suita&le condition of reaction are tem!erature . 0
!ressure . .. and catalyst . ..
2ii3 !rocess is a chemical !rocess of synthetisising sul!huric
acid. The equation of stage 555 for this !rocess is..
The suita&le condition of reaction are tem!erature . 0
!ressure . .. and catalyst . ..
Learning Outcomes
You should be able to :
relate reaction with enery produced by movement and effective collision of particles!
describe activation enery!
s*etch and describe enery profile diaram
relate the fre$uency of effective collisions with the rate of reaction
relate the fre$uency of effective collisions with factors influencin the rate of reaction
describe how a certain factor affects the collision of particles in a reaction
?n&erstan&ings t!e Co++ision T!eory
1. What is collision theory ?
theory used to e1!lain chemical reactions in terms of
2ii3 ..
2iii3 .
2. The collision theory states that :
2i3 chemical reaction occurs when the reactant !articles .. each other.
<ne kilogramme of meat0 cut into &ig !ieces0 takes a longer time to cook com!ared to one
kilogramme of meat cut into small !iece.
=1!lain the a&ove statement &ased on the si@e of the !articles. B2 marksC
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
2ii3 Dot all collision result in the formation of
2iii3 collision is . only when the reactant !articles have enough energy to
overcome the of the reaction and when they collide in
the !ro!er orientation.
3. What is activation energy ?
The energy which the colliding reactant !articles must have
that can result a chemical reaction.
4. Energy profile diagra

5n the energy !rofile diagram0 the activation energy is the difference in the energy &etween the energy of
the . and the energy shown &y the !eak of the curve.
4. On t!e &iagram s!o,n .e+o,@ i&entify )i* t!e activation energy@ Ea an&
)ii* t!e activation energy in t!e 8resence of cata+yst@ EaA
61 Co++ision t!eory an& factors affecting t!e rate of reactions1
?se t!e ,or&s .e+o, to fi++ in t!e .+an' .o:es in t!e &iagram

0ier total surface area more particles cold hot slow
less particles fast bier si)e slow smaller si)e
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
!i" Effect of total s#rface area
Ehen the si@e of a fi1ed mass of solid reactant is
smaller0 the 888888888888888888888 e1!osed to
collision with the !articles of the other reactants is
8888888888888. Thus0 the frequency of collision
among the reacting !articles at the surface of the
solid reactant 888888888888888. This leads to an
88888888888888888 in the frequency of effective
collision and hence0 a 8888888888888 rate of
!ii" Effect of catalyst
The !resence of a catalyst in a chemical reaction
allows the reaction to take !lace through an
alternative !ath which requires a 88888888888888
in activation energy which can &e shown in the
energy !rofile diagram. Thus0 the colliding
!articles are a&le to achieve the activation energy.
This means that the frequency of effective collision
888888888888888888and hence0 a 88888888888
rate of reaction.
!iii" Effect of teperat#re
n increase in tem!erature will increase the
88888888888888888 of the reacting !articles. This
leads to the following two changes. Firstly0 the
!articles move 88888888888888888 and collide
more often with one another. Thus0 the frequency
of collision is 8888888888888888 Secondly0 more
colliding !articles have 888888888888 energy
which are enough to overcome the activation
energy. *oth these factors contri&ute to the
88888888888888888 frequency of effective
collision and hence0 a 8888888888888 rate of
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
!iv" Effect of concentration and press#re
n increase in the concentration of the solution of
a reactant or in the !ressure of gaseous reactants
will result in an 888888888888888888 in the rate
of reaction. EhyF Ehen the concentration of the
solution of a reactant increases0 the 88888888888
of !articles !er unit volume of this reactant also
888888888888888. Eith more !articles !er unit
volume of the solution0 the frequency of collisions
!er unit time &etween the reacting !articles
888888888888888888. Thus0 the frequency of
effective collision 8888888888888888 and hence0
the rate of reaction &ecomes 8888888888888888.
71 F+o, c!art to s!o, t!e co++ision t!eory an& factors t!at affect t!e rate of reactions1
Si@e of reactant ,oncentration of
Tem!erature of reaction
The smaller the si@e of
reactant0 ..
The higher the
concentration of
The higher the
tem!erature of solution0
,atalyst !rovide an
alternative !ath of
reactions which ..

Ehich causes0
Ehich causes0
91 T!e 8artic+esB in t!e e:8+anation must .e s8ecific to t!e reaction1
,hemical equation 5onic equation :articlesA that collide in the
i. >g G 2/,l >g,l2 G /2
ii. >g G 2/D<# >g2D<#32 G /2
iii. Hn G /2S<% HnS<% G /2
iv. Hn G 2,/#,<</ 2,/#,<<32Hn
G /2
v. ,a,<# G 2/,l ,a,l2 G /2<
G ,<2
vi. 2/2<2 <2 G 2/2<
vii. Da2S2<# G /2S<% Da2S<% G S
G S<2 G /2<
The frequency of increases.
The frequency of collisions &etween !articlesA increases.
The rate of reaction
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
=1 A88+ication of t!e factors t!at affect t!e rate of reaction in &ai+y +ife1
>eat cut into small !ieces0 have .. si@e com!are to the meat cut into &ig
!ieces. The the si@e0 the &igger the .
of the meat0 hence the the rate of reaction.

c* State and &riefly discuss two industrial !rocesses that make use catalyst. B$ marksC
2i3 /a&er !rocess is a chemical !rocess to !roduce from nitrogen and
hydrogen gas. The equation of this !rocess is ...
The suita&le condition of reaction are tem!erature . 0
!ressure . .. and catalyst . ..
2ii3 !rocess is a chemical !rocess of synthetisising sul!huric
acid. The equation of stage 555 for this !rocess is..
The suita&le condition of reaction are tem!erature . 0
!ressure . .. and catalyst . ..

1. grou! of !u!ils carried out three e1!eriments to investigate the factors affecting the rate of a
reaction. Ta&le &elow shows information a&out the reactants and the tem!erature used in each
E:8eriment Reactants Tem8erature %
=1cess magnesium ri&&ons and 2) cm
+.) mol dm
hydrochloric acid
* =1cess magnesium ri&&on and 2) cm
+.) mol dm
hydrochloric acid
, =1cess magnesium !owder and 2) cm
+.) mol dm
hydrochloric acid

2i3 Tem!erature in refrigerator is . The lower tem!erature caused the &acteria
to &e less . little is released &y the &acteria. The rate of
the food turns &ad is . or
2ii3 Tem!erature in kitchen ca&inet is . The higher tem!erature caused the
&acteria to &e reactive. to1ic is released &y the
&acteria. The rate of the food turns &ad is .C
Food store in a refrigerator lasts longer than food stored in a kitchen ca&inet. =1!lain why.
B% marksC
<ne kilogramme of meat0 cut into &ig !ieces0 takes a longer time to cook com!ared to one
kilogramme of meat cut into small !iece.
=1!lain the a&ove statement &ased on the si@e of the !articles. B2 marksC
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
Sketch a gra!h of these e1!eriments on the same a1es. B% mC
2.. student carried out three e1!eriments to investigate the effects of the factors influencing
the rate of reaction. Ta&le &elow shows the results of the e1!eriments.
E:8eriment I II III
Set7u! of a!!aratus

Tem!erature -
, #+ %+ %+
Time taken for all
the magnesium to
dissolve - s
)+ 2+ 1)
2a3 Sketch the gra!hs for the volume of hydrogen gas against time for =1!eriments 50 55 and 555
using the same a1es.
2&3 =1!lain how does the co!!er2553 sul!hate affect the rate of reaction in e1!eriment 555 &y using
collision theory.
0.2 g magnesium
hydrochloric acid
+ copper(II)
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction
# The ta&le &elow shows the volume of hydrogen gas released when )+.++ cm
of sul!huric acid
reacts with ).+ g of granulated @inc.
Time-s + #+ 6+ '+ 12+ 1)+ 1$+ 21+
6olume of
hydrogen gas

+.++ $+.++ 12).++ 16).++ 1'+.++ 21+.++ 21+.++ 21+.++
2a3 Erite the chemical equation for the reaction &etween @inc and sul!huric acid.
B2 marksC
2&3 ,alculate the overall average rate of reaction of this e1!eriment.
B1 markC
2c3 2i3 (raw the gra!h of the volume of hydrogen gas released against time.
B% marksC
2ii3 From the gra!h 0 calculate the rate of reaction at the $+
B2 marksC
2d3 5nstead of measuring the volume of hydrogen gas released0 state another
method that can &e used to calculate the rate of reaction in this e1!eriment.
B 1 markC
F5 Chemistry 2014 Chapter 1 : Rate of Reaction

*ased on the ta&le and gra!h a&ove0 com!are the rate of reaction &etween .
2i3 =1!eriment 5 and =1!eriment 55
2ii3 =1!eriment 55 and =1!eriment 555
&'periment 1 and &'periment 11
+he rate of reaction of e'periment 11 is 22222222222 compared to e'periment 1! +he
temperature of e'periment 11 is 222222222! +he hiher the temperature# the 22222222
the *inetic enery of the particles! +he 2222222222222 between hydroen ions# 3
calcium carbonate happened! +he fre$uency of collision 22222222222222222222!
+he fre$uency of 22222222 collision 22222222222 also increases! 3ence# the rate of
reaction is222222222222!
&'periment 11 and &'periment 111
+he rate of reaction of e'periment 111 is 22222222222 compared to e'periment 11! +he total
surface area of the reactants in e'periment 111 is 22222222!! +he 222222222between
hydroen ions# 3
and calcium carbonate happened! +he fre$uency of collision between particles
22222222222! +he fre$uency of 222222 collision between 22222!2222222
also increases! 3ence# the rate of reaction 2222222

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