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Ascended Master Kuthumi

This in()rmati)n ma* +e shared ,ith )ther s)urces )n strict c)nditi)ns
that n) in()rmati)n is a-tered )r de-eted )r used ()r m)netar* .ain/
and the s)urce )( the in()rmati)n +e ac0n),-ed.ed1
T) (ind )ut m)re a+)ut Miche--e 2 The,ea3er 4-ease 3isit
#-ease n)te that readin. this in()rmati)n ,i-- ha3e an e((ect )n *)u1
6)u ,i-- ener.etica--* +e -in0ed ,ith the Channe-in. +ein. and a
simi-ar 4r)cess (aci-tated ,ith *)u1 It is n)t e7act-* the same as
+ein. in the 4resence )( the channe-in. Master/ h),e3er the e((ects
are 8ust as 4),er(u-1 D) n)t c)ncern *)urse-( t)) much re.ardin. time
-ines .i3en t) the 4artici4ants in the channe-in.1 6)u ,i-- +e ta0en
thr)u.h a simi-ar )ne in acc)rdance ,ith *)ur Di3ine #-an/Timin. 2
#ur4)se1 A-- 9uesti)ns 2 Ans,ers (r)m the sessi)n ha3e +een -e(t in
the transcri4t as ,e ha3e ()und the ans,ers t)) ha3e +een )( .reat
+ene(it t) )ur readers1
I am Kuthumi and I c)me ()r,ard u4)n the ra*s )( -)3e and ,isd)m/ t)
.reet each )( *)u at this time and t) +rin. unt) *)u the +-essin.s )(
ne, (re:uencies/ dee4er understandin./ hi.her 3i+rati)ns and ,hat ,e
,i-- ca-- )4en c)ntem4-ati)n/ .reetin.s +e-)3ed )nes1
Greetin.s L)rd Kuthumi
And it is ,ith .reat 8)* and 4-easure in )ur hearts that ,e ma* .ather
,ith each at this time )( immense -)3e and -i.htness1 As ,e h)-d *)u
(irm-* ,ithin the heart )( Christ and secure-* u4)n the hands )( G)d/
,e em+race *)u in the +-essin.s )( a-- that is di3ine1 Be-)3ed )nes/
this e3enin.s channe- is an e7treme-* im4)rtant )ne and ,e than0 *)u
()r +ein. (-e7i+-e ,ith ,hat has +een re:uired s) as t) (aci-itate the
ener.etic re:uirements/ etherica--*/ c)smica--* and )n a 4-anetar*
-e3e-1 ;e ,ish t) ,e-c)me Br)ther #eter and <ister Linda in their +)dies/ ()r the* are a 4art )( *)ur .r)u41 One )( the reas)ns
,h* it has n)t +een 4)ssi+-e ()r them t) 8)in ,ith *)u this e3enin. is
)( c)urse their .e).ra4hica- -)cati)n/ +ut a-s) +ecause the* are
c)nnectin. t) an)ther ener.etic s*stem ,hich the* are anch)rin. at the
4)int )( Namut)ni1 This is an)ther reas)n ,h* there has +een s) much
anima- acti3it* in that 4articu-ar area1
The cr*sta- c)nsci)usness is acti3atin. the =!th dimensi)na- Master
A+undance #)rta-/ and ()r this 4ur4)se ,e ha3e had t) anch)r an)ther !
Buddhic C)-umns/ )ne at Namet)ni and )ne here ,ere *)u are current-*
4resent1 A-- the m)untains in this 3icinit* h)-d 3er* de-icate
(re:uencies )( ener.* ,hich are ech)ed thr)u.h the ener.* +)d* )(
M)ther Earth1 As this ha44ens/ it is -i0e the strummin. )( a .uitar
and each (re:uenc* strums u4)n the (ine thread )( creati3it* that ma0e
u4 the .rid )( ener.* in this 4articu-ar area1 The (-at m)untain in
this 4articu-ar area is a 3er* im4)rtant 4)rta- ()r st)rin.
in()rmati)n1 It is this ,areh)use )( c)smic that a-- )( *)u are
+ein. su44)rted in ta44in. int)1 D) n)t (ret a+)ut ,hat this means1
;hat is im4)rtant is that this 3er* de-icate s*stem )( ener.* ,i--
ha3e a 3er* 4)siti3e in(-uence )n *)ur ener.* s*stem as a ,h)-e/ ()r
it is meant t) assist *)u in m)3in. int) *)ur s4ace ,ithin the c)smic
creati3e (ie-d )( :uantum and in s) d)in./ rec-aimin. *)ur =!th
-e3e- Master A+undance ener.*1 This 4articu-ar ener.* is )ne that *)u
are a+s)r+in. thr)u.h *)ur (eet cha0ras1 It is +ein. 4u--ed u4 *)ur
+)d* t) the +ase )( *)ur nec01
The ener.* m)3in. +et,een *)ur c)cc*7 and *)ur =st cer3ica- is an)ther
as4ect )( a-- the s4ina- ,)r0 *)u ha3e +een e74eriencin. )3er the 4ast
=> da*s1 A-- )( this ,)r0 is a-i.nin. *)u ,ith the a+undance .rid that
has +een acti3ated at 3ari)us 4)ints .-)+a--*/ as ,e-- as ma.netica--*
matchin. *)u u4 t) a 3er* s4eci(ic master a+undance net,)r0 that
h)uses *)ur di3ine +-ue4rint c)de/ as ,e-- as the master 4-an )( *)ur
di3ine s)u- 4-an1 This creates m*riads )( s*stems1 These m*riad
s*stems c)nnect ,ith each )( the cha0ras ,ithin *)ur +)d*/ am4-i(*in.
,hat *)u are in the 4r)cess )( ac0n), and re-easin. and
simu-tane)us-* the c-arit* re.ardin. that ,hich *)u are
re-easin.1 D) n)t +e a-armed +* the rate at ,hich *)ur -i(e is )r the rate at ,hich *)u are .ainin. a dee4er understandin.
)( *)ur -i(e and *)urse-(1 It is ine3ita+-e +ecause *)u ha3e ch)sen
hi.her (re:uencies in ,hich t) e7ist1 This 4articu-ar -)cati)n is )ne
)( 3er*/ .reat im4)rtance/ i( ,e can ca-- it this/ ()r this t)) is )ne
)( the ancient sacred 4)ints ,here the masters ,)u-d c)me t) ()r )4en
c)ntem4-ati)n1 This meant/ the* ,)u-d .ather as *)u ha3e .athered n),
and c)ntem4-ate ,ithin a .r)u4and share that ,hich ,as )( im4)rtance1
O4en c)ntem4-ati)n is the s4ace ,here sisterh))d and +r)therh))d ()rm
a +)nd )( s) 4),er(u-/ it diss)-3es a-- dar0ness ,ithin it )r
ar)und it1
There are dar0 4)rta-s at this current -)cati)n1 An)ther reas)n ,h* ,e
needed t) 4er()rm the ,)r0 this e3enin. and n)t -ea3e it ()r the
-)cati)n )( Omaruru1 The 3i+rati)ns here are (ar -i.hter +ut a-s) the
intensit* )( the dar0ness that has +een he-d at this 4)int/ 4)ses a
.reater threat than that at Omaruru1 The chan.e )( 4-an has +een
ca--ed )n s4eci(ica--* +* the Great ;hite Br)therh))d and ,e are this
e3enin. si-encin. " ma8)r entities )( a .r)u4 ,h)se name ,e sha-- n)t
menti)n/ ()r ,e ,ish n)t t) acti3ate this 3i+rati)n1 A-- ,e need ()r
*)u t) 0n), is that ,)r0 such as this ena+-es 3er* intense and
acce-erated c-earances )( 4-aces and 4e)4-e/ i( and ,hen it is needed1
These " s4eci(ic ne.ati3e threads )( ener.* ha3e +een h)-din. this
ener.* in a 4ara-*tic state )( 4r)crastinati)n/ and tterminati)n and
ha3e 0e4t man* )( the 4)rta-s )( truth d)rmant1 O3er the ne7t " h)urs/
these dar0 threads ,i-- +e rem)3ed1 C)mmander Ashtar is a-read*
4resent/ as is L)rd <ananda/ L)rd Arcturus/ L)rd Metrei*a/ Archan.e-
Michae- and a team )( 444 mem+ers )( the Ashtar c)mmand1 The* ,i--
ensure that these " threads )( dar0 intenti)n +e esc)rted )ut )( *)ur
s)-ar s*stem1 This entit-es a-- mem+ers )( the .r)u4 t) an acce-erated
re-ease )( an* as4ect )( the 4ast that n) -) (aci-itates the
.r),th ()r,ard1 It d)esn?t matter i( *)u d) n)t 0n), ,hat this is1
There ,i-- +e a -iais)n ,ith *)ur s)u- and it sha-- +e decided u4)n at
s)u- -e3e- ,hat *)u can n), m)3e +e*)nd and m)3e ()r,ard ,ith1 D) *)u
a-- understand this thus (ar@
Aer* ,e--/ there()re ,e need a-- )( *)u n), t) c-)se *)ur e*es and
()cus *)ur attenti)n )n *)ur +reath1 Breathin. in dee4-* and e7ha-in.
(u--*1 B4auseC As *)u c)ntinue t) +reathe in this manner/ 3isua-ise
*)urse-(/ +ein. em+raced in a +ri--iant 4-atinum and .)-d -i.ht1
B4auseC This creates a (ie-d )( 4r)tecti)n ar)und *)ur 4h*sica- +)d*/
*)ur em)ti)na-/ menta- and s4irit +)dies1 6)ur 4ers)na- master .uide
mani(ests his )r her 4resence and -in0s their ener.* t) *)ur aura and
*)ur D ma8)r cha0ras1 B4auseC As *)u c)ntinue t) +reathe/ the 4a-m )(
their hand is 4-aced u4)n *)ur "rd e*e cha0ra and as *)u +reathe
in and )ut/ s) d)es *)ur "rd e*e1 It +reathes in ener.* (r)m *)ur
master .uide and as it e7ha-es/ it re-eases an* i--usi)ns )r 3ei-s
that ha3e 4re3ented *)u (r)m seein. +e*)nd *)ur c)m()rt 5)nes1 ;ith
their hand remainin. )n *)ur "rd e*e/ +ec)me a,are )( L)rd Matrei*a?s
4resence1 B4auseC I( *)u are n)t (ami-iar ,ith this +ein. )( immense it matters n)t/ 8ust ima.ine ,hat a* 4resence ,)u-d (ee-
-i0e1 B4auseC Greet the 4resence )( C)mmander Ashtar and L)rd <ananda/
B4auseC .reet L)rd Arcturus/ and ,e-c)me a-- the )ther mem+ers )( the
Ashtar C)mmand ,h) .ather in this 4-ace1 B4auseC Behind *)u/ and s)me
)( *)u in (r)nt )( *)u/ the +uddhic c)-umn is sti-- +ein. anch)red1
This ,as tri..ered ,hen *)u arri3ed here t)da*1 The *)un. +)* Kairan
acti3ated this/ ,hen his +)d* ,as immersed in the ,ater1 BKairan (e--
int) the s,immin. 4))-C ;ater is a-,a*s a 4),er(u- 4)int ()r anch)rin.
the +uddhic c)-umn/ ()r it -in0s t) the 4ranic tu+e ,ithin the c)re )(
each +uddhic c)-umn/ ,hich -in0s t) each mem+er )( acti3e-*
4artici4atin. in such an anch)rin.1 This stren.thens the 4resence )(
*)ur 4ers)na- 4ranic tu+e in *)ur +)d*/ c)ntinuin. t) de3e-)4 a
dee4 4r)cess )( +reath that +ec)mes a +reath n)t )n-* )( *)ur 4h*sica-
+)d*/ +ut that )( *)ur +)d*1 As it +rin.s m)re )7*.en t) *)ur
+)d*/ *)ur +)d* has the a+i-it* t) re.enerate itse-( at a much .reater
;e ,)u-d a-s) -i0e *)u t) ta0e a m)ment t) c)nnect ,ith the -i)ns1
Their 4resence re4resents truth/ r)arin. the truth/ ,a-0in. )nes ta-01
Fee- their 3)ice re3er+erate thr)u.h *)ur heart cha0ra and tr* and
+ec)me )ne ,ith the 3)ice )( the -i)n1 B4auseC B#ride )( Li)ns ,ere
r)arin. in the +ac0.r)und thr)u.h)ut the channe-in.CTr* and h)-d the
3i+rati)n in *)ur +)d*1 The 3)ice )( a -i)n/ its r)ar/ is )ne )( the
4urest and m)st 4),er(u- acti3at)rs )( the heart and thr)at cha0ras1
This is the +-essin. and .i(t the* +rin. a-- )( *)u this e3enin.1 The
+uddhic c)-umn that ,e are anch)rin. ,i-- (aci-itate ,hate3er hea-in.
*)u re:uire at this time1 This +uddhic c)-umn is +ein. anch)red here
4ermanent-*/ t) ensure that n)ne )( the ne.ati3e threads return at an*
4)int1 This ,i-- 4resent this 4articu-ar esta+-ishment ,ith the
)44)rtunit* t) m)3e ()r,ard in the )r -ea3e this s4ace t)
nature1 H),e3er as it stands n),/ it a44ears that this 4articu-ar
-)cati)n?s di3ine 4-an is t) .r), ,ithin the -i.ht1 #erha4s in the n)t
t)) distant (uture s)me )( *)u ,i-- return t) this 4)int and (ind the
ener.* )( a much hi.her (re:uenc*1
The natura- ,ithin this -)cati)n )((ers a-- )( *)u a
re.enerati)n )( ener.*1 This )44)rtunit* has c)me +ecause a-- )( *)u
ha3e 4artici4ated in s)me )( the dee4est ener.* ,)r0 *)u ha3e
4er()rmed t) date/ )r +een a 4art )( t) date1 There ha3e +een !!44
-a*ers )( ener.* that ha3e +een ,)r0ed thr)u.h since the )nset )( *)ur
8)urne* t) Nami+ia1 Each -a*er has ,ithin it =44 -a*ers1 Each -a*er is
-in0ed t)/ a -e3e- )( c)nsci)usness and )r 4r).rammin.1 The -),er
-e3e-s )( these 3i+rati)ns are -in0ed t) the earth 4-ane and the
matri7es that ha3e c)ntri+uted t) the 4r).rammin. and the c)nditi)nin.
that 4e)4-e ha3e +) int)/ as ,e-- as the +e-ie( s*stems the* ha3e
ad)4ted that determine their -i(est*-e1 Each 3i+rati)n +ein. ,)r0ed
,ith/ and each -e3e- )( this +ein. addressed/ has a-tered the
(re:uenc* )( M)ther Earths c)--ecti3e ener.* +)d*1 Each time her
c)--ecti3e ener.* +)d*/ increases in c*c-e 3i+rati)n/ s) the entire
4-anet is 4resented ,ith *et an)ther )44)rtunit* t) e74erience a m)re
ad3anced ascensi)n ,a3e1 This )4ens ener.* s*stems t) a--), ()r hi.her
(re:uenc* ener.* and techn)-).* )( a-- 0inds t) enter the etheric
(ie-d )( her +)d*1 This in()rmati)n is then )4en t) a-- ,h) are )4en
t) recei3e thisE this c)ntri+utes t) the e3)-3ement )( humanit*
techn)-).ica--*/ em)ti)na--*/ inte--ectua--*/ menta--*/ 4h*sica--* and
s4iritua--*1 6)u ,i-- see h), *)ur ,)r-d ad3ances/ (aster and (aster/
as m)re ener.* c)mes ()rth1
Our ()cus at this time is ()cusin. )n th)se ,h) are a-i.ned ,ith the and ensurin. that the ma8)rit* )( them are the )nes ta44in. int)
this in()rmati)n/ uti-isin. it ()r the .reater .))d )( the ,h)-e1
There are )nes ,h) h)-d 3er* hi.h 3i+rati)na- ener.* ,h) are current-*
-)cated in ma8)r c)r4)rati)ns a-- )3er the ,)r-d and are 4resent in
these c)m4anies as +eac)ns )( t) ensure that chan.e ,i-- m)3e
thr)u.h the entire +usiness ,)r-d/ resu-tin. in the e3entua- re-ease
)( the tem4-ates that are current-* h)-din. the -ac0 )( inte.rit* and
the c)r4)rate .reed that *)ur ,)r-d is current-* e74eriencin.1 6)ur
,)r-d is n) -) 3ictim t) the +eha3i)ur )( these )nes m)ti3ated +*
-ust c)nsci)usness1 The reas)n ,h* ,e sa* this is +ecause there is
m)re and m)re in()rmati)n at humanities dis4)sa- t) a,a0en them t) the
(act that there are di((erent 4aths and the m)re the* ch))se t) +u*
int) the .ame/ the m)re the* 3)-unteer t) +e a s) ca--ed 3ictim1 6)u
are a-- cata-*sts in a manner )( s4ea0in./ in ma0in. 4e)4-e a,are )(
their a+i-it* t) use (ree ,i-- and n)t t) acce4t e3er*thin. that is
dished )ut t) them as +ein. the truth1 F)r ,hat is 4resented as the
truth is )(ten the .reatest -ie in e7istence1 I ha3e said this +e()re
and I sha-- re4eat it/ the truth is (ar m)re distur+in. than the -ies
humanit* ha3e ch)sen t) acce4t as truth1 It is (act/ ,hen *)u
seein. ,hat the 4e)4-e in 4),er are u4 t)/ man* ,i-- ch))se t) rather
remain in denia-/ +ecause the truth is s) un+e-ie3a+-e/ d) *)u a--
understand this@
N), the ener.* that ,e are anch)rin. thr)u.h *)ur cr),n cha0ra/ is an
additi)na- ,a3e t) the )ne that ,as anch)red in the channe--in. 4ri)r
t) this )ne1 This is a c)ntri+ut)r* ener.* that ,i-- (urther *)u a-)n.
the 4ath,a* )( i--uminati)n/ n)t )n-* )( se-(/ +ut a,areness
t) )thers/ s) that the truth/ can +e rec).nised and acce4ted1 The
3i+rati)ns in *)ur ener.* (ie-d is a hi.her (re:uenc*1 This means/
m)re 4e)4-e ,i-- ta0e n)te )( ,hat *)u are u4 t)1 N)t that *)u ,i-- +e
s4ied u4)n/ +ut rather m)re th)se ,h)m *)u 0n), ,i-- +e a -itt-e m)re
c)nsci)us )( the su+t-e di((erences ,ithin *)u1 The* ,i-- t) as0
:uesti)ns/ i( n)t/ the* ,i-- +e m)re c)nsci)us and attenti3e t) ,hat
it is *)u sa*1 6)u ,i-- .et them thin0in. ()r themse-3es/ ,hich is
a-,a*s a .))d thin.1
<) +e-)3ed )nes/ ()cus a.ain )n the 4-atinum and .)-d ener.* s4innin.
ar)und *)u as *)u dra, ener.* u4 *)ur (eet cha0ras and ima.inin. a
(-), )( ener.* m)3in. in thr)u.h *)ur cr),n cha0ra1 B4auseC Ima.ine
the ener.* )( the +uddhic c)-umn a+s)r+in. *)u/ 4u--in. *)u int) the
centre )( its 4ranic tu+e and t) +reathe +et,een *)ur cr),n
cha0ra and *)ur +ase cha0ra1 B4auseC Ima.ine *)urse-( +reathin.
thr)u.h *)ur cha0ras/ as a44)sed t) thr)u.h *)ur n)se and m)uth1 As
the -i)ns r)ar the 3i+rati)n )( truth/ s) the =! Master A+undance
C)des ,ithin *)ur +)d* are initiated +ac0 t) -i(e1 'ust +e a,are )(
,hat *)ur +)d* is (ee-in. and an* sensati)ns in *)ur +)d*/ this ,i--
indicate ,ere th)se c)des are ,ithin *)u1 B4auseC Remem+er t) +reathe
in dee4-* and e7ha-e (u--*/ ima.inin. *)urse-( +reathin. thr)u.h *)ur
cha0ras/ (r)m cr),n t) +ase/ (r)m +ase t) cr),n1 B4auseC ;here a-- )(
*)u are n), he-d ,ithin the 4ranic tu+e/ ,ithin the 4-atinum .)-d
ener.*/ *)ur master .uides 4resent/ C)mmander Ashtar and L)rd
L)rd Metrei*a and L)rd Arcturus and the mem+ers )( the Ashtar
acti3ate the e7it 4)rta- ()r the " ne.ati3e threads t) their
e7it1 It is im4)rtant that *)u c)ntinue t) 3isua-ise *)urse-(
surr)unded +* the .)-d and 4-atinum and i( *)u d) decide t)
s-ee4 +e()re the time )( e7it is u4/ as *)u (a-- int) *)ur s-ee4/ (a--
as-ee4 ,ith the ima.e )( the 4-atinum and .)-den ener.* ar)und *)u1
Br)ther #eter and <ister Linda?s ener.* has 8)ined *)u in the 4ranic
tu+e and the +uddhic c)-umn at Namut)ni and here ha3e n), c)nnected1
The c)smic a-i.nment is ta0in. 4-ace and the Master A+undance Grids
are acti3e1 The intensit* )( the acti3it* ,i-- increase )3er the ne7t
=! h)urs1 Th)se )( *)u ,h) are .)in. )n *)ur ,a-0 in the m)rnin./
4-ease c)nnect ,ith the ener.* )( Lad* Nada and the cr*sta-
c)nsci)usness and m*se-( Kuthumi1 On *)ur ,a-0/ 3isua-ise (ine threads
)( .)-den ener.* emanatin. (r)m *)ur +)d*/ c)nnectin. ,ith nature
ar)und *)u and this ,i-- the intricate ,ea3in. 4r)cess )( the =!
Master A+undance Grids1 C)ntinue t) +reathe and re-a71 B4auseC
Archan.e- Michae- n), s4ins a 4),er(u- e-ectric +-ue ar)und *)u1
This e-ectric +-ue se3ers a-- c)rds )( attachment t) an*thin.
4resent/ 4ast )r (uture that is n)t in a-i.nment ,ith *)ur di3ine
4-an1 'ust +reathe and a--), the 4r)cess t) un()-d1 B4auseC A.ain it
d)esn?t matter ,hether *)u 0n), ,hat it is )r n)t/ 8ust +e and trust1
Ta0e )ne (ina- dee4 +reathe in/ as *)u e7ha-e/ e7ha-e thr)u.h *)ur
m)uth sett-in. *)ur +)d* in a-- the ener.* (ie-ds ,e ha3e created/
.ent-* dra,in. *)ur c)nsci)usness +ac0 t) *)ur 4h*sica- +)d*/ *et
sti-- remainin. c)nnected ,ithin the 4ranic tu+e )( the +uddhic c)-umn
and ,ithin the .)-den 4-atinum ener.* and the e-ectric +-ue that
Archan.e- Michae- has created1
Be-)3ed )nes ,e ,ish t) ta0e this )44)rtunit* t) than0 a-- )( *)u ()r
ma0in. the 8)urne* t) this 3er* ancient -and1 Each da* that *)u ha3e
tra3e--ed thr)u.h the di((erent 4-aces/ *)u ha3e +r) ener.* ,ith
*)u/ *)u ha3e -e(t ener.* +ehind/ *)u ha3e trans()rmed/ transmuted and
transcended1 6)u are di((erent/ there is much m)re t) -earn a+)ut
*)urse-( as a resu-t )( ,hat *)u ha3e e74erienced1 D) n)t +e distur+ed
)r 4ertur+ed +* that ,hich did n)t un()-d as *)u e74ected1 A-- ,as in
4er(ect )rder/ in acc)rdance ,ith the hi.hest ,i-- )( *)ur s)u- and
that )( M)ther Earth?s di3ine 4-an1 E3er* 4-ace *)u ha3e ()und
*)urse-( at .e).ra4hica--*/ has +een 4er(ect and ,hat *)u ,here
c)ntracted t) d)1 At the 4-ace )( Ha-a-i/ -ast e3enin./ a-- )( *)u
,ere a-s) su44)rted in re-easin. man* ne.ati3e ener.ies )( *)ur 4ast1
6)u ta44ed int) s)me )( the ne.ati3e ener.ies ,ithin that 4-ace1 There
,as a .rid )( sadness and .rie( that has +een there ()r a44r)7imate-*
>$ *ears ,hich has n), +een re-eased/ 3er* simi-ar t) the ener.ies
+ein. re-eased at this current 4-ace1 A-- )( *)u ,i-- recei3e
reci4r)ca- ener.* as a resu-t )( that ,hich *)u ha3e (aci-itated1 As
time un()-ds *)u ,i-- rec).nise the +ene(its )( *)ur 8)urne* thr)u.h
this ancient -and1 Initia--* the ma* +e 3er* su+t-e/ h),e3er I
assure each )( *)u/ that *)u are di((erent/ that *)ur -i(e has chan.ed
and I 4r)mise *)u it is ()r the +etter1 ;e sha-- c)ntinue t) h)-d *)u
as a .r)u4 ,ithin this 4ranic tu+e and +uddhic c)-umn ener.* unti- *)u
return t) *)ur 4ermanent h)mes1 Br)ther Ge)((/ <ister E-i5a+eth/ ,e
as0 *)u t) as0 the -and )( Nami+ia t) .i3e *)u s)me s)i- and st)nes t)
ta0e +ac0 t) Austra-ia ,ith *)u1 There are " sacred 4-aces that I
Kuthumi ,i-- 4ers)na--* .uide the +)th )( *)u t) ,here *)u are t)
-ea3e s)me )( the s)i- )( this ancient -and and a st)ne at1 This ,i--
+e the c)nnectin. ener.* +et,een these ancient -ands and the ancient
-ands )( *)ur H)me c)untr*1 Is this C-ear@
Aer* ,e--/ a.ain ,e than0 *)u ()r the 8)urne* *)u ha3e made as
,ea3ers/ ,arri)rs and ,)r0ers1 Be-)3ed )nes ,e as0 that )n
the da* )( Tuesda*/ that a-- )( *)u c)me t).ether in ce-e+rati)n )(
the c)m4-eti)n )( the tas0 at hand1 ;e as0 *)u t) ce-e+rate )3er s)me
())d and and at this 4articu-ar .atherin. t) sea- the
4r)cess +* sharin. ,hat the 8)urne* has meant ()r *)u1 This ,i-- sea-
and c)m4-ete the ,)r0 ()r each )( *)u indi3idua--*1 D) *)u a--
Aer* ,e--/ n), are their an* :uesti)ns +e()re ,e end this
transmissi)n1 <ister E-i5a+eth@
L)rd Kuthumi I ,)u-d 8ust -i0e t) as0 *)u i( m* current career that I
am in/ is that ,here I am meant t) +e )r sh)u-d I +e m)3in. )n@
<ister *)u are certain-* ser3in. a 4ur4)se ,here *)u are at current-*/
h),e3er I can te-- *)u it is c)min. t) an end/ the c*c-e is dra,in. t)
a c-)se1 ;e can see in *)u ener.* (ie-d *)u ha3e sus4ected this
a-read* *es@
There()re/ see *)ur time in *)ur current 4-ace )( ,)r0 as +ein. ()r a
4ur4)se/ *et c)min. t) en end1 <) d) ,hate3er *)u (ee- ins4ired t) d)
)r .uided t) d)1 <earch ()r an a-ternati3e )utside *)ur current ,)r0
s4ace +ecause it ,i-- n)t +e 4ermanent/ is this c-ear@
6es/ than0 *)u
6)u are m)st ,e-c)me and +-essin.s +e ,ith *)u
L)rd Kuthumi/ can I as0 *)u/ I 0n), its +et,een me and L)rd Arcturus
+ut I?m n)t sure i( the s*m+)-s I?m usin. durin. anaesthetics are the
c)rrect s*m+)-s1 I ,)nder i( *)u can ma*+e .i3e me a (e, s*m+)-s that
I can use t) 4r)8ect t) the anaesthetised 4atients1
Certain-*/ *)u can use the <tar )( Da3id ()r the +a-ance )( the *in
and *an. ener.*/ )r *)u can use the *in *an. s*m+)- de4endin. )n ,hat
*)u (ee- intuiti3e-* is a44r)4riate ()r the 4ers)n ,h)m *)u are
,)r0in. ,ith1 The d)decahedr)n/ the )cta.)n/ the star tetrahedr)n/
he7a.)n/ s:uare/ circ-e/ (i3e 4)inted star/ )3a- and rectan.-e are a--
3er* 4),er(u- s*m+)-s1 As is the (i.ure F ,ithin a circ-e/ the 7
s*m+)- ,ithin a circ-e/ the ,a3e ,ithin a circ-e/ ma0e it a " -a*ered
,a3e/ are a-- 3er* 4),er(u- s*m+)-s1 Dra, them a--1 #erha4s *)u can
4ut them )n -itt-e cards/ -aminate them and instincti3e-* s-i4 )ne )r
t,) under the sheets )( the 4atients ,h)m *)u re anaesthetisin.1
Discreet-* 4-ace it there and rem)3e it ,hen it is time/ d) *)u
6es than0 *)u
It ans,ers *)ur :uesti)n@
6es than0 a -)t
6)u are m)st ,e-c)me
L)rd Kuthumi/ s)me *ears a.)/ I c)nstructed a -a+*rinth in the n)rth
)( <)uth A(rica1 I ,as t)-d/ at that 4)int/ that an ener.* 3)rte7 had
)4ened and in s)me res4ects it ,as c)nnected t) the M)8a8i 4e)4-e n)t
t) (ar a,a*/ is that c)rrect@
6)u?3e +een t)-d *)u are an earth a,a0ener@
N), *)u 0n), ,hat it means1
Aha/ than0 *)u and the .)es )n
And ,h)?s h)me@
BLau.hterC I h)4e I am/ than0 *)u L)rd Kuthumi
6)u are ,e-c)me and +-essin.s +e ,ith *)u
L)rd Kuthumi the ,h)-e situati)n ,ith m*se-( and Mr1 R)+ins)n has that
n), c)m4eted its c*c-e@
It s)unds -i0e it *es
Than0 *)u
As0 Archan.e- Michae- t) h)-d *)u in the e-ectric +-ue ()r a
-itt-e ,hi-e -) i( *)u (ee- *)u need t) ma0e c)m4-ete-* sure/ is
this c-ear@
I ,i-- than0 *)u
Be-)3ed )nes *)u ,i-- +e hearin. the -i)ns s4ea0 ()r the ma8)rit* )(
the e3enin.1 This 3i+rati)n ,i-- re3er+erate thr)u.h *)ur ener.* (ie-d
unti- *)u ,a0e in the m)rnin.1 Each time the* r)ar/ ,hether *)u are
c)nsci)us )( it )r n)t )3er the ne7t (e, h)urs ahead )( *)u/ the* ,i--
+e reca-i+ratin. *)ur ener.* s*stem/ )4enin. m)re and m)re -e3e-s t)
*)ur thr)at and heart cha0ra and assistin. *)ur master .uide in the
re+ui-din. )( *)ur +)d* )( truth1 The +)d* )( truth has man* -a*ers
-in0ed t) 3ari)us as4ects )( *)ur em)ti)na- se-(/ *)ur 4h*sica- se-(/
*)ur menta-/ inte--ectua- and s4iritua- se-3es/ and each time an*
as4ect )( that se-( d)es n)t res4)nd t) the authentic 3i+rati)n/ a
4art )( that +)d* (ra.ments and needs t) +e reca-i+rated and re+ui-t
and the -i)ns )( this -)cati)n is su44)rtin. *)u in that 4ur4)se1
There()re .i3e than0s t) them and as *)u h)-d the 3isi)n )( 4-atinum
and .)-d as *)u .) t) s-ee4/ .i3e than0s t) them ()r ,hat the*
are he-4in. *)u ,ith/ is this c-ear@
Aer* ,e--/ +e-)3ed )nes then ,e sha-- +rin. this transmissi)n t) an
end/ remindin. *)u )nce m)re )( )ur .ratitude and the h)n)ur )( +ein.
4art )( the team )( the mem+ers )( the t) *)ur
4-anet and he-4in. )nes such as *)urse-( ,h) em+)d* the 3i+rati)ns )(
inte.rit*/ )( -)3e and se-( master*1 As *)u -ead +* e7am4-e/ s) ,e
sha-- ser3e a-)n.side *)u1 C)ntinue t) trust in the man* in3isi+-e
arms that h)-d *)u and ma* ,e remind *)u that n)t e3er d) *)u ,a-0
a-)ne/ ()r ,e are a-- )ne and ,e are ,ith *)u a-,a*s/ in a-- ,a*s1 Let
us add as ,e--/ that e3er* st)ne/ minera- )r cr*sta- that *)u ha3e
c)nnected ,ith/ that *)u ha3e ta0en ,ith *)u )r sha-- c)nnect ,ith )r
ta0e ,ith *)u/ +* the end )( this 8)urne*/ ,i-- +e (u--* acti3ated
,ith the =! -e3e- master a+undance cr*sta- .rids1 6)u ma* use these
cr*sta-s )r st)nes t) acti3ate simi-ar ener.ies ,here3er it is *)u .)/
is this c-ear@
6es than0 *)u
And s) it is +e-)3ed )nes that I Kuthumi/ C)han )( the .)-den ra* )(
-)3e and ,isd)m/ .reet and +-ess *)u in -)3e/ +e at 4eace and Ad)nai1

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