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Aus - Extrait de "Front rouge" Odlomak iz Crvenog fronta

Une douceur pour mon chien Jedna neznost (lepa rec) za mog psa
Un doigt de champagne Bien Madame Jedan prst sampanjca Draga Madam
Nous sommes chez Maxim's l'an mil Mi smo kod Maksima, godina je hiljadu
neu cent trente de!etsto trideseta
"n met des tapis sous les #outeilles $ta!ljamo cepo!e na lase
pour %ue leur cul d'aristocrate Da se njiho!o aristokratsko dno
ne se heurte pas aux diicult&s de la !ie Ne sudari sa teskocama zi!ota
'((() *
+l , a des ume-cigarettes entre la cigarette et l'homme Mustikla je izmedju co!eka i cigarete
'((() *
.es journ&es sont de eutre Dani su od ilca
les hommes de #rouillard Monde ouat& ljudi od magle $!et prigusen
sans heurt #ez suko#a
'((() *
/t puis les #onnes oeu!res ont tra0ner des ro#es noires + tako do#ra dela !uku crne haljine
dans des escaliers je ne !ous dis %ue 1a po stepenicama ja !am ne kazem da to
.a princesse est !raiment trop #onne princeza je zaista !eoma do#ra
2our la reconnaissance %u'on !ous en a za zah!alnost koju imamo za !as
3 peine s'ils !ous remercient jed!a !am se zah!aljuju
4'est l'exemple des #olch&!i%ues primer je #oljse!ika
Malheureuse 5ussie nesrecna rusija
.'U(5($($( U(5($($(
.'U(5($($( ou comme ils disent $($($(5( U(5($($ ili kako oni kazu $($($(5
$($( comment est-ce $($($( $($( kako je $($($
$($(5( $($(5( $($($(5( oh ma ch6re
2ensez donc $($($(5(
7ous a!ez !u 7i ste !ideli
les gr8!es du nord plaze sa se!era
Je connais Berck et 2aris-2lage poznajem Berka i 2arisku plazu
Mais non les gr6!es $($($(5( ali ne plaze $($($(5-a
$($($(5( $($($(5( $($($(5(
2aris il n', a pas si longtemps 2arizu, nije proslo mnogo !remena
%ue tu a !u le cort6ge ait 9 Jaur6s otkad si !ideo procesije u :auresu
et le torrent $acco-7anzetti i potok $ako-7anceti
2aris tes carreours r&missent encore de toutes leurs narines 2arizu, t!oja raskrsca jos u!ek drhte iz s!ih njiho!ih nozdr!a
;es pa!&s sont toujours pr8ts 9 jaillir en l'air ;!oji trotoari su u!ek spremni da iskoce<izlete u !azduh
;es ar#res 9 #arrer la route aux soldats ;!oje dr!ece da prepreci put !ojnicima
'((() *
2liez les r&!er#6res comme des &tus de pailles $klopite ulicna s!etla kao prameno!e slame
=aites !alser les kios%ues les #ancs les ontaines >allace Ucinite da plesu traike, #anke, ontane
Descendez les lics sjasite, panduri
4amarades drugo!i
descendez les lics sjasite panduri
2lus loin plus loin !ers l'ouest o? dorment dalje, dalje, ka zapadu gde spa!aju
les enants riches et les putains de premi6re classe #ogata deca i pr!oklasne kur!e
D&passe la Madeleine 2rol&tariat pre!azidji Madlenu, 2roleterijatu
@ue ta ureur #ala,e l'Al,s&e nek t!oj #es pocisti jelisejska polja
;u as #ien droit au Bois de Boulogne en semaine ti imas pra!o dr!o #olonjeze BB
Un jour tu eras sauter l'Crc de triomphe jednog dana ces uciniti da trijumalni luk skace
2rol&tariat connais ta orce proleterijatu, upoznaj s!oju snagu
connais ta orce et d&cha0ne-la upoznaj s!oju snagu i oslo#odi je
=eu sur .&on Blum 7atra na .eonu Blumu
=eu sur Boncour =rossard D&at 7atra na Bonkuru, =rosaru i Deatu
=eu sur les ours sa!ants de la social-d&mocratie 7atra na ucenim med!edima socijal-demokratije
=eu eu j'entends passer 7atra !atra cujem kako prolazi
la mort %ui se jette sur Darcher, =eu !ous dis-je smrt koja se #aca na Darseri, !atra kazem !am
$ous la conduite du parti communiste pod !odjst!om komunisticke partije
$=+4 $=+4
'((() *
J'assiste 9 l'crasement d'un monde hors d'usage prisust!ujem unistenju s!eta #ez s!rhe (koristi, smisla)
J'assiste a!ec eni!rement au pilonnage des #ourgeois prisust!ujem sa ushicenjem #om#ardo!anju #urzoazije
'((() *
Je chante la domination !iolente du 2rol&tariat sur la #ourgeoisie pe!am o nasilnoj !lada!ini proleterijata nad #urzoazijom
pour l'an&antissement de cette #ourgeoisie za unistenje te #urzoazije
pour l'anantissement total de cette #ourgeoisie za potpuno unistenje te #urzoazije
.'&clat des usillades ajoute au pa,sage ushicenje pucnja!e dodaje pejzazu
une ga0t& jus%u'alors inconnue jednu radost do sada nepoznatu
4e sont des ing&nieurs des m&decins %u'on ex&cute mi u#ijamo inzenjere i lekare
Mort 9 ceux %ui mettent en danger les con%u8tes d'"cto#re smrt onima koji sta!ljaju u opasnost os!ajanja okto#ra
Mort aux sa#oteurs du 2lan @uin%uennal smrt sa#oterima 2etogodisnjeg 2lana
'((() *
3 !ous Jeunesses communistes * !ama, komunistickoj mladezi
Dressez-vous contre !os m8res uzdignite se proti! !asih majki
C#andonnez la nuit la peste et la amille napustite noc kugu i porodicu
7ous tenez dans !os mains un enant rieur imate u rukama jedno dete smeh
un enant comme on n'en a jamais !u dete kak!o nismo nikad !ideli
+l sait a!ant de parler toutes les chansons de la nou!elle !ie ono zna da pe!a s!e pesme no!og zi!ota
+l !a !ous &chapper +l court +l rit d&j9 po#eci ce !am "no trci "no se !ec smeje
.es astres descendent amili6rement sur la terre :!ezde se sputaju opusteno na zemlju
4'est #ien le moins %u'ils #rElent en se posant manje gore kada sta!ljaju na se#e
la charogne noire des &goFstes crne lesine egoista
.es ,eux #leus de la 5&!olution pla!e oci re!olucije
#rillent d'une cruaut& n&cessaire sijaju neophodnom okrutnoscu
$$$5 $$$5 $$$5 $$$5 $$$5 $$$5 $$$5 $$$5
'((() *
7oici la catastrophe appri!ois&e /!o ukrocene katastroe
!oici docile enin la #ondissante panth6re e!o poslusnog konacno skakuta!og pantera
l'Gistoire men&e en laisse par la ;roisi6me +nternationale istorija !odjena na po!odcu od strane H( internacionale
.e train rouge s'&#ranle et rien ne l'arr8tera cr!eni !oz krece i nista ga nece zausta!iti
.e train s'em#alle !ers demain !oz hita ka sutra
$$$5 toujours plus !ite $$$5 $$$5 zau!ek jos #rze $$$5
4'est le chant de l'homme et son rire ;o je pesma co!eka i njego!og smeha
4'est le train de l'&toile rouge to je !oz cr!ene z!ezde
%ui #rEle les gares les signaux les airs koji izgara stanice, signale, !azduh
$$$5 "cto#re octo#re c'est l'express $$$5 okto#ar okto#ar je ekspresan
"cto#re 9 tra!ers l'uni!ers $$ okto#ar preko uni!erzuma $$
$5 $$$5 $$$5 $$$5 $$$5 $5 $$$5 $$$5 $$$5 $$$5
Cragon, .ouis( IC >a!e o Dreams( J;rans( $usan de Muth( Papers of Surrealism K (LMMH)(
ne vague de rves! "#$%&
Aragons text is a vital account of the experience of the mouvement flou and the embrace of chance and the
unknown, but he does not place it under the signboard of Freud. 1
Nastao je zapravo pre Nadrealistickog manifesta.
...Andr retons !urrealist "anifesto, written in the summer of 1#$%, was actuall& preceded b& m& text Une
Vague de rves which was submitted to the 'ournal Commerce in (une and published in )ctober 1#$%. 1
For then the mind detaches a little from the human machine and I am no longer the bicycle of my senses, a
grindstone honing memories and encounters. And then I grasp chance within me, I grasp all of a sudden how
I surpass myself I am chance,

and having formed this proposition * laugh at the thought of all human activit&. $
+othing can make people like this understand the true nature of realit&, that it is 'ust an experience like an& other,
that the essence of things is not at all linked to their realit&, that there are other experiences that the mind can
embrace which are e,uall& fundamental such as chance, illusion, the fantastic, dreams. -hese different t&pes of
experience are brought together and reconciled in one genre, !urrealit&. .
Andre reton/ while appl&ing himself to understanding the mechanism of the dream he rediscovers on the
threshold of sleep the threshold and nature of inspiration. 0hen he makes this discover& 1 of great significance
in its own right 1 he does not immediatel& reali2e its further implications, and neither does 3hilippe !oupault who
participates with him in the first surrealist experiments. !hat most impresses them is an "nergy, a sense of no
longer being themselves, an incomparable feeling of well#being, a liberation of the mind, an unprecedented
ability to produce images and the supernatural tone of their writings $ *n all that now originates from them 1
and they have no sense of authorship in these creations 1 the& recognise the matchlessness of certain books, of
certain words which still exhilarate them %
-he similarit& between hallucinations and sensations compelled us to think of this mental substance
as being different to thought, with thought itself, in all its perceptible manifestations, being onl& one
particular example of it 4
5aving weighed up its experience of 6ealit& 1 in which it indiscriminatel& mixes ever&thing that exists 1 the mind
naturall& 'uxtaposes what it knows of the 7nreal. )nl& when the mind has gone be&ond these two notions can it
begin to envisage a wider experience, one where these other two experiences co1exist, and that is the !urreal.
!urrealit&, the state where these concepts are fused b& the mind, is the shared hori2on of religion, magic, poetr&,
dreaming, madness, intoxication and this fluttering hone&suckle, pun& little life, that &ou believe capable of
coloni2ing the heavens for us.4
%esnici slike pretvaraju u reci, dok filmadzije direktno prenose -hen, imagining the opposite of what we were
experiencing, we reduced each sensation, each thought we wished to anal&se, to a single word. Absolute nominalism
was da22lingl& exemplified in surrealism and it graduall& dawned on us that the mental substance described above
was, in fact, vocabular& itself. There is no thought outside words8 the whole surrealist experience evidences this
proposition, 4
And like speed, faith in the trance 9and the dramas that accompan& it: removes the impediment of self1censorship
which so restrains the mind. Freedom, that wonderful word, at last has a meaning8 ;ibert& begins where the
marvellous is born. <

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