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Art Portfolio Critique Sheet

What elements or principles of design are used? Use art vocabulary to analyze the work.
What kind of lines are in the work? Straight, curved, dotted, broken, wavy, jagged,
textured, horizontal, vertical diagonal, contour or outlines. Were the lines created by
abrupt color, value or texture changes?

Color and Value
Colors- are they warm, cool, bright, dull, light, opaque or transparent? Values resulting from
combinations of lights and darks, or shades and tints of a color.
Shapes (two-dimensional) and forms (three-dimensional), representational, abstract,
organic, geometrical, open, closed.
Texture Rough, smooth, coarse, soft, bumpy, hairy, shady, etc. Simulated you can see
but not feel it or real. (Dont confuse texture with pattern the repetition of some motif in a
recognizable order, such as polka dots or a checkerboard.

What contributes to balance in the composition? Is the balance symmetrical,
asymmetrical or radial?

Interpret What message does this artwork communicate to you?
Write about the feeling, mood or message of this work. Defend your interpretation with evidence from
the description and analysis information above and/or use art history or past experiences.

Judge What do you think of the work?
Write about the success of this work, explain.
Describe What do you see?
Artists Name:
Cardenaz Date: 12/5/13
Work Title: l Color Wheel Medium Used:
Analyze How is the work organized?
The lines are straight and used to draw polygons. The shapes are esily drawn using reference
points from the numbers of the pocket watch in the background.
The 2D image has both bright and dull colors, warm and cool colors. The reds and oranges and
yellows all contribute to warm colors and blues, greens and purples are part of cool colors.
The picture is symmetrical shown by the lines drawn down the center of the image. The
timepiece in the background is also symmetrical. The polygon shape that is created by the
triangles and eventually hexagon, are all regular shapes and are perfectly symentrical.
The message of the works is meant to demonstrate the color varieties
and how all things we see, derives from 3 primary colors.
The image is loud enough to catch peoples attention and cause some
wonder, the pocket watch background is sophisticated and gives the
picture an old fashioned style combined with modern technology.

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