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Objectives of Human Resource Planning

1. Forecast Personnel Requirement

Human resource planning is essential to determine the future manpower needs in an
organization. It is important to ensure the potential human resource requirement is to be
estimated keeping in view the organizations plans over a given period of time. For e!ample" the
amount of teacher needs in future have to be decide according to plan to make sure the
appointed personnel were the right person at the right time and right place.
#. $ope with changes.
Human resource planning is required to cope with changes in market conditions" technolog%"
products and government regulation in an effective wa%. &hese changes ma% often require the
services of people with the requisite technical knowledge and training. In the absence of a
Human Resource Plan" we ma% not be in a position to enlist their service in time.
'. (se e!isting )anpower Productivel%.
*% keeping an inventor% of e!isting personnel in an organization b% skill" level" training"
educational qualifications" work e!perience it will be possible to utilize the e!isting resources
more usefull% in relation to the +ob requirement. &his also helps in decreasing wage and salar%
costs in the long run.
,. Promote -mplo%ees in a .%stematic )anner
Human resource planning provides useful information on the basis of which management
decides on the promotion of eligible personnel in the organization. In the absence of a human
resource planning" it ma% be difficult to ensure the regular promotions to competent people on a
+ustifiable basis.
/. Identifies Forecast 0emand
Forecasting human resource demand is the process of estimating the future human resource
requirement of the right qualit% and right number. 1nal%sis of emplo%ment trends such as
recruitment and selection are the relevant factors for human resourced forecasting. 0emand
forecasting is affected b% a number of e!ternal and internal factors. 2ob anal%sis and forecasting
about the qualit% of potential human resource facilitates demand forecasting. .o" e!isting +ob
design must be thoroughl% evaluated taking into consideration the future capabilities of the
present emplo%ees. *esides" the forecast demand of human resources need to be based on
strategic goal of an organization.
3. Identifies Forecast .uppl%
Human resource suppl% forecasting is the process of estimating availabilit% of human resource
followed after demand for testing of human resource. For forecasting suppl% human resource
we need to consider internal and e!ternal suppl%. Internal suppl% of human resources available
b% wa% of transfer" retirement" retrenchment" and redeplo%ment. .ource of e!ternal suppl% of
human resource is availabilit% of labor force in the market and new recruitment. In a nutshell" the
demand and suppl% of human resource need to be balance in order to ensure the shortage and
surplus of emplo%ees do not occur in market place.
4. Helps $reating" )odif%ing and Recasting Human Resource Policies" Procedures and
Human resource planning identifies the human resource needs of the organization based on
strategic goals. &he new polic% in -ducation )inistr% was introduced which is (pholding the
)ala% 5anguage" .trengthening $ommand of -nglish polic% 6)*))*I7. In order to achieve the
ob+ective of implementation" the need of -nglish teachers are in a ver% high demand. .o" the
teachers who are not ma+oring in -nglish have to change their option and position as to fill the
need of -nglish teacher.

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