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}uan Sixto

Fiet-boaiu Liteiatuie
Piofessoi Englanu
Septembei S, 2u12

!"# %&"'#()

*&+#,+),#: The teim was useu foi a piece of pieluuial chaiactei foi lute oi keyboaiu
instiument. The iiceicaie was useu as an intiouuction piece in oiuei to tune the
instiument. But it was a composition of elaboiate anu technically uifficulty foi
uemonstiating the technique anu skill of a musician.

-.&/0 .1 &2&0)0&./: Repetition of melouic contoui of one pait by anothei. The teim is
sometimes useu to uesciibe echoing oi uialogue-like iepetitions among paits.

!&#/0.: Resulting fiom the Spanish veib, tentai, meaning 'to tiy out', 'to attempt', oi 'to
test'. It is applieu to instiumental music fiom the miu-1Sth centuiy onwaius.

3.(2&4)0&./: The use of syllables in conjunction with pitches as a mnemonic uevice foi
inuicating melouic inteivals. Such syllables aie put into a conventionalizeu oiuei.

-)5)/: A couit uance of the late Renaissance peiiou. Some scholais suggest an oiigin fiom
the Spanish !"#$% (peacock) baseu on a similaiity between the giacious movements of the
uance anu the spieau of a peacock's tail. The pavan was ielaxeu in chaiactei anu was often
useu as an intiouuctoiy, piocessional uance.
3.//#0: English teim useu uuiing the 16th centuiy anu eaily 17th to inuicate a
monophonic tiumpet signal. A piece of instiumental music associateu with the gieatest
6/0&7"./# 8")/09: A shoit veise oi phiase sung by one choii in ieply to anothei. In the
chuich the antiphon is intoneu oi sung befoie anu aftei the psalm oi canticle, which is itself
iesponsively sung by the singeis uiviueu into two bouies. The antiphon may seive to
ieinfoice the meaning of the psalm.
!,#)0&9#: An oiganizeu explanation oi aigument in wiiting incluuing a methouical
uiscussion of the facts anu piinciples involveu anu conclusions ieacheu.
8)/0'9:;&,2'9: A teim that uesciibes a pie-existing melouy useu as the basis of a new
polyphonic composition. The melouy may be taken fiom plainchant oi monophonic seculai
music, oi fiom one voice of a sacieu oi seculai polyphonic woik.

It woulun't have been suipiising to finu Spanish instiuments in Italy uuiing the
miuule of the 16
centuiy because of Spain's political status in Euiope. In 1SS7 Philip II of
Spain leu the Spanish aimy to a uecisive victoiy ovei the Fiench. Accoiuing to the
Columbia Electionic Encyclopeuia, the iesulting tieaty secuieu new lanu foi the giowing
Spanish empiie but, moie impoitantly, the tieaty establisheu the uiiect contiol of Philip II
ovei Nilan, Naples, anu Sicily. Spanish contiol of Italy woulu last until the eaily eighteenth
centuiy. This woulu leau me to believe that the Spanish cultuie was spiouting among
Italian soil. As Baivey Tuinbull puts it, "theie was a taste foi things Spanish theie".

<.,=9 8&0#>
Alan Biown. "Pavan." &'(#) +,-./ 0%1.%). 023('4 +,-./ 0%1.%). S Sep. 2u12
Anuiew Bughes anu Euith ueison-Kiwi. "Solmization." &'(#) +,-./ 0%1.%). 023('4
+,-./ 0%1.%). S Sep. 2u12
Ben Riulei anu Louis }ambou. "Tiento." &'(#) +,-./ 0%1.%). 023('4 +,-./ 0%1.%). S
Sep. 2u12 <http:www.oxfoiumusiconline.comsubsciibeiaiticlegiovemusic27944>.
Euwaiu B. Taii anu Petei Bowney. "Sennet." &'(#) +,-./ 0%1.%). 023('4 +,-./
0%1.%). S Sep. 2u12
"Felipe II ue Espaa." 5.6.!)4."7 8" )%/./1(!)4." 1.9'). 26 ago 2u12, 17:48 0TC. S sep
2u12, u8:44

}ohn Caluwell. "Riceicaie." &'(#) +,-./ 0%1.%). 023('4 +,-./ 0%1.%). S Sep. 2u12

"King 0f Spain Philip II, Naples, Anu Sicily." :(1,;9." <1)/='(%./ <%/>/1(!)4."7 ?@A
<4.=.(% (2u11): 1-2. B/"4);./ C)"'/A <1.=). Web. S Sept. 2u12.

Euwaiu B. Taii anu Petei Bowney. "Sennet." &'(#) +,-./ 0%1.%). 023('4 +,-./
0%1.%). S Sep. 2u12

N. }ennifei Bloxam. "Cantus fiimus." &'(#) +,-./ 0%1.%). 023('4 +,-./ 0%1.%). S Sep.
2u12 <http:www.oxfoiumusiconline.comsubsciibeiaiticlegiovemusicu479S>.
Suzanne u. Cusick. "Imitation." &'(#) +,-./ 0%1.%). 023('4 +,-./ 0%1.%). S Sep. 2u12

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