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com--Harvard study says 70 percent of domestic violence is committed by women against men --July 2010 -- by Joseph Earnest
!oto of "oudica ta#en in $ondon %ngland by Josep! %arnest
by Joseph Earnest
Newscast Media HOUSTONAs the media flashes images and plays tapes of Mel Gibson screaming at
his former lover one has to wonder what the other side of the story is! "t is obvio#s that Mel Gibson
was set #p by his girlfriend whom he claims tried to e$tort him!
%hile " don&t condone any 'ind of violence " have to present to my reading a#dience some
cold hard facts that the &mainstream media& has chosen to ignore in relation to domestic violence!
(orensic e$pert Arlo %est said on Good Morning America in regard to the tapes )" believe
these are professionally done! " thin' she had help! She clearly was spea'ing into what we call a large
diaphragm microphone! To a#thenticate a recording it m#st be an original!) study says 70 percent of domestic violence is committed by women against men --July 2010 -- by Joseph Earnest
&t t!e 'ountain of 'our (ivers ia))a Navonna (ome* +taly ,!oto by Josep! %arnest
The information yo# are presented with comes from investigative research of data prod#ced by
rep#table organi*ations li'e Harvard Medical School The +enter for ,isease +ontrol -+,+. and the
American /sychiatric Association 0#st to mention a few!
The mainstream media seems to imply that men are the sole perpetrators of violence against
women b#t research proves otherwise! A recent st#dy by Harvard Medical School cond#cted a s#rvey
of 11222 men and women and fo#nd that 324 of the violence was reciprocal! 5oth men and women
also too' responsibility for being e6#ally violent in the heat of passion!
The Harvard st#dy fo#nd that when violence was one7sided meaning #nprovo'ed both men
and the women themselves who too' the st#dy said 824 of the time it was the women who
committed violence against the men! Another st#dy by the American /sychiatric Association that bac's
the Harvard Medical School st#dy was p#blished by 9oan Arehart7Treichel who says )%hen it comes to
non7reciprocal violence between intimate partners women are more often the perpetrators!) (The
entire Harvard st#dy can be fo#nd May :228 edition of the American Journal of Public Health! ;ol#me < 3th
=dition pages <>17<>8!. study says 70 percent of domestic violence is committed by women against men --July 2010 -- by Joseph Earnest

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