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A Filter Technique for Optimising the Photon

Energy Response of a Silicon PIN Diode

1. R.H. Olsher and
2. Y. Eisen
Silicon PIN diodes are used routinely as radiation detectors in electronic pocket dosemeters. Unless
they are enery compensated! a sini"icant o#er$response occurs %elo& 2'' ke(. )t least one
manu"acturer *Siemens+ is usin three diodes in parallel &ith indi#idual "ilters to produce e,cellent
enery and anular response. It is also possi%le to use an alorithm %ased on the photon spectrum
o" a sinle diode to "latten the enery response. Ho&e#er! the more cost e""ecti#e commercial
practice is to use a sinle diode &ith a simple "ilter to "latten the enery response $ &ith the ma-or
disad#antae o" sacri"icin lo& enery photon response. .he techni/ue o" usin a "ilter &ith an
openin has %een used pre#iously! typically "or enery compensatin 01 detectors and
proportional counters. ) ne& #ariation o" this techni/ue has %een in#estiated! &hich not only
compensates the enery response o" a silicon PIN diode %ut also maintains and e,tended lo&
enery response. .he techni/ue consists o" usin a composite "ilter o" t&o or more materials
toether &ith se#eral openins &hose indi#idual areas is in the rane o" 123 to 223 o" the diode4s
acti#e area. One o" the openins is centred o#er the diode4s acti#e area! &hile the others are located
at the periphery o" the acti#e area to preser#e a ood polar response to 562
. 1onte 7arlo radiation
transport methods &ere used to simulate the couple electron $ photon transport throuh a
Hamamatsu S22'8$'1 diode and to determine the enery response o" the diode "or a #ariety o"
"ilters. 7omposite "ilters &ere desined! and optimised "or %oth current and pulse mode operation
o" the diode "or a #ariety o" "ilters. 7omposite "ilters &ere desined! and optimised "or %oth current
and pulse mode operation o" the diode. In current mode! the resultant dosemeter enery response
relati#e to air dose &ith &ithin $123 and 9:'3 "or '
incidence o#er the enery rane "rom 12
ke( to 1 1e(. ;or 562
incidence! the enery response &ith &ithin $:'3 and 92'3 relati#e to air
dose "rom :' ke( to 11e(. In pulse mode! the resultant dosemeter enery response &as &ithin
$223 and 92'3 "or '
incidence o#er the enery rane "rom :' ke( to 1' 1e(. "or 562

incidence! the enery response &as &ithin $223 and 96'3 "rom 6' ke( to 1' 1e(. .his "ilter
techni/ue is applica%le to a #ariety o" silicon diodes. .he &ork and results descri%ed in this paper
are intended to sho& the theoretical #ia%ility o" the "ilter techni/ue.
Radiation Protection <osimetry

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