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Hebrew for House of Bread
June 2014
Web site: http:/

A Monthly Message from our interim priest, Rev. Christopher Potter.
This Spring, I am confronted with a difficult task one that before
has never been so hard to face
In every home or apartment I have ever occupied I have planted a
garden. Small or large I always had fresh herbs, tomatoes and
flowers to eat and to enjoy. In my last house in Riverside I dedicated
a plot of land about 10 x 30 every year to a salsa garden, vegetables,
different varieties of basil, tons of herbs and fragrant flowers. It
required a lot of work to prepare the soil and to build up some of the
beds. Tilling, amending and organizing took sometimes three months
each January in order to be prepared for the Spring planting. Even while in rented homes I
made provision for plantings; whether in smaller plots of lands or in large terracotta pots I
enjoyed the fruit of the land.
As I say, this year I have had a more difficult time in reaching this goal. The condo I
bought last year has a few small strips of land for planting though various ground covers
and bushes had occupied them for years before my arrival. It has taken most of the last
year to yank these plants out (some of them were WELL established). Since I am relegated
to using only typical garden tools and not the gasoline-powered tillers and choppers I had
used before, the work has frequently left me exhausted. Sifting out rock and construction
debris has been as entertaining as an archaeological dig. There seems to be an endless
source of nails, fragments of roof tile, and chunks of concrete.
The largest plot (of course) has the biggest barrier to planting. For, in that plot there was
a sort of bush-tree-thing that had both shallow roots and deep, but roots that seem to go
(Continued on page 2)
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on forever! They are intertwined and woven like a straw basket and they retain their
greenness and flexibility even though the plant above the soil was taken away over a year ago.
When I pull, I get a few inches or a foot of root, but not much more. If I could make use of
a tiller, I could mulch these roots in a few minutes. Ive tried to dig them out but the shovels
just bounce off the matting of roots, cutting only the top two or three layers. So, every
couple of days, I don my jeans, my hat and my gloves and go out to pull on the roots of this
long-forgotten bush. I havent made much progress, but progress has been made
My dream of planting tomatoes and gardenia bushes in this plot has not dimmed. The
magnitude of the root problem discourages me sometimes, but my commitment to get it done
remains undeterred. (I recently discovered a gardenia bush outside the Blessed Sacrament
office door whose flowers taunt me with their smell egging me on to plant some for myself.)
This experience of preparation, hard work, tilling, planting and harvesting reminds me of the
work that we are doing at Blessed Sacrament in preparation of calling the next rector. At
our recent meeting with Bishop Bruno and Canon Satorious, the question about our readiness
came up several times. One metaphor was about a patient who lay in need of a doctor. How
long, it was asked, can the sick patient endure while waiting for the doctor to show up? In
other words, why dont we call a rector now and seek from him the healing work that needs to
be done?
Another perspective offered was what sounds like a loss of direction. It says, We wont
know where we are going until we call our next rector.
The answer to the first question (about the doctor/patient) is that your new rector will
assume much of the preparation of the community has been completed. If a call goes out
before administrative, policy and pastoral issues have been addressed, resolved and the
healing begun, we are likely to attract only those candidates who are only looking for
employment and not responding to a genuine call by the Holy Spirit to be your next pastor.
In answer to the second position (where we are going), your identity remains intact. At the
core, Blessed Sacrament is a worshipping community of the Episcopal Church with strong
allegiance to scripture, tradition and traditional values. This has not changed. The
leadership of the parish does not alone determine identity nor does it set direction apart
from the community. The values you hold dear not only endure but they are specifically
praised and encouraged by your Bishop.
While in conversation with us, the Bishop mentioned one area that would indicate our
readiness to make a call for a new rector. Though the financial viability of the parish is
critical, it is not the only area that needs tilling.
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It is the bounden duty and service of the people of this parish,
being part of the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church,
to worship God as he has revealed himself in Jesus Christ, to become saints,
and to make disciples of all people.

At a recent Vestry meeting when we were discussing vision and mission of the parish, a good
question came up. How will we know when we are ready?
I believe our readiness to call a rector will be as obvious to us as the soil in my back yard will
be when it is ready to be planted. Primarily, we must be a community who trusts; trusting
each other, trusting your priest, trusting the Bishop and trusting in the Holy Spirit. Markers
of a community who trusts are: a general reduction in anxiety, a joyfulness that permeates all
our gatherings and an environment of welcome and warmth. This kind of trust sometimes
requires a difficult tilling of the soil: healing what remains as injuries are discovered,
opening our hearts to each other despite our vulnerabilities and foibles, making clear
boundaries with each other of what is acceptable and what is not, and calling each other into
healthy relationships with healthy communication. As trust becomes more available to us and
we live joyfully with each other, there will be no doubt when we are ready to make a call for a
rector. In the mean time, be assured of the Bishops acknowledgement that we are making
Work hard in the garden. Till, weed, clear out, nurture and feed the garden that is our
hearts and that is our parish. It is tough work and not for the fainthearted. It will require
deliberate effort on our part and even changes in the way we have done things in the past.
Be ardent in your prayer. Invoke the Holy Spirit daily asking that healing and trust become
the tools of our further growth and readiness. For the Holy Spirit is the assurance of the
Fathers unconditional love and the Sons promise to be with us in all seasons.
I can hardly contain my excitement over the impending smell of Gardenias and the colors of
fresh vegetables coming from my backyard!
Peace to you.

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Outreach Committee News

In May we welcomed Barbara Nelson from Marys Shelter in Santa Ana
who talked to us about the teen mothers they serve and how we, as a
congregation, can help. We had an ingathering and thanks to those who
were able to donate items.

In June we are following the theme of Father and are hosting a BBQ for Fathers and all
residents at the H.I.S. House Shelter on Saturday, June 14. Sign up at Sunday coffee and
fellowship time to bring food and/or help out at the event.

In July we will be accepting donations for Seeds of Hope through Episcopal Relief &
Development. More details will be published in the next Bethlehem and Sunday bulletins.

Please, also remember, Every Sunday A Can a Week to Feed Gods Sheep.
(Please use the green bags provided by Outreach for transporting your donations.)
Ongoing Ministries
Thanks also to those who faithfully bring in cancelled postage stamps for the Sisters of the
Community of St. Marys in Greenwich, NY and the greeting cards and Campbells Soup labels
for St. Judes Ranch for Children in Boulder City, Nevada.
As usual anyone having any questions on these ministries, or even have other suggestions or
ideas regarding any of our Outreach Projects may contact us at:
Ned Bergert at 714-501-3858--- ,
or Marion Hetherington at 714-528-9907--- .
Month Theme Thought for the Month
June Father
Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be
prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.
Exodus 20:12
July Freedom
For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn
your freedom into opportunity for the flesh, but through love
serve one another.
Galatians 5:13
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What a wonderful retreat in beautiful Julian. About 28 adults and children participated in our
third annual Youth (and Family) camp. The weather was beautiful and we were housed in newly
built cabins. Everyone participated in hiking, star gazing, fun and competitive games, prayer
and devotions, studying Gods Word and enjoying meals together. The leadership team of
Ashley Nick and Steve Classen was excellent and we thank them for their hard work and
dedication. The love they show to our children reveals itself in the depth of the love and
relationships our children show each other, it was beautiful to behold. Thank you to all those
who created such an enjoyable retreat. God is certainly good to us!
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A Special Thanks to Bill and Coren Kittredge for their warm and caring hospitality
when, once again, they opened their home for the annual parish picnic. A wonderful relaxing
time was had by all who attended with plenty of food, fun and fellowship which is evident in
the photographs shown on the following pages.
Their ranch is the perfect place for a picnic and the weather was perfect too!
What a treat!!
Also, thanks to those who helped set up before and clean up after the event.
Chow Time
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Another big thank you
goes out to Bill and Corens daughter, Harriet, who saddled up
Skippy and led the children around the ring.
Just horsing around at the Kittredge Ranch!
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Guess who is in the tree!
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Parish Monthly Bon Fires
Parish Life
Our first bonfire on May 17th was a wonderful success. There was
a "Name that Tune" game where we all hummed or sang tunes from
old TV shows. Nancy Doman and Kirk MacArthur were quite good
competition for each other. The children also got into it by
performing the songs, "Let it Go" from Frozen and "Radioactive" by
Imagine Dragons. We roasted GIANT marshmallows for our
S'mores and enjoyed watching the smoldering fire.
We are planning on having parish bonfires on the 3rd Saturday of
every month.
Please join us at 8PM on June 21st for the next one!
Tabatha Bell and her
Smore Flamb
The Ukulele Club gathers at the
Rectory on Sundays at 12:30 p.m.
All ages are
invited to join.
For more
talk with
On Sunday, June 22, we will celebrate
Corpus Christi with a combined service
beginning at 9:00 a.m. The children of the
parish will process into Church and provide
special music.
Father Michael has requested we save white
rose petals for this
celebration. Your petals
can be preserved in a zip
log baggie placed in your
fridge before bringing
with you to the service.
PLEASE NOTE: Beginning in June the
Vestry meeting will be held on the third
Wednesday of the month beginning at
7:00 p.m.
Please consider being a Sunday Usher. It is a
wonderful way to greet newcomers and also
meet each of your church family individually.
Training is provided. Please contact Coren
Kittredge if you are interested.
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Friday, June 20, 2014
Healing Broken Hearts is a 9 week bereavement/grief support group for those who have
experienced the loss of a loved one. Each week, topics will be introduced to help along the
healing process. The bereavement group meets every Tuesday, beginning on May 27 from
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at their Placentia location.
If you have a desire to be a friend and add quality of life to a person who is terminally ill,
consider volunteering for Hospice Care of California. Volunteer training will be held on June
6, 13, and 20th from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at their Placentia location.
Hospice Care of California Contact information for the above topics:
Barbara Amavisca at 714-577-9656.
Placentia Address is 377 E. Chapman Avenue, Suite 280, Placentia,
Hospice Care of California

A timely reminder that you can now conveniently donate electronically to The Episcopal
Church of the Blessed Sacrament and/or The Childrens Learning Center.
As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. Additional
information is available from the church office.
Electronic Giving
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Page 12

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1314 North Angelina Drive
Placentia, California 92870-3442


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