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Power System-III
Assistant Professor,
EEE Department,
L !ni"ersity,
#a$$esh%aram, #i&aya%a$a,
An$hra Pra$esh'())(*)
+e,- http-..%%%./01ni"
Mo,i0e 2o-33435678(7
What is Traction?

The act of $ra%in9 or p100in9, as ,y an e0astic or

sprin9 force.

Traction refers to the ma:im1m frictiona0 force

that can ,e pro$1ce$ ,et%een s1rfaces %itho1t

TRACTION is res10tin9 from a specific

FRICTION coefficient (i.e. friction ,et%een
r1,,er an$ 9ro1n$) com,ine$ %ith area of
9ro1n$ co"ere$ ,y the tire FOOTPRINT
com,ine$ %ith "ehic0e WEI!T pressin9 a tire
onto the 9ro1n$.

TRACTION is a resistance ,et%een tire an$

Why "o we nee" traction?
+e00, that ;1estion comes 1p e"ery once in a
%hi0e. Its a 9oo$ ;1estion<

If o1r feet $o not fin$ a s1rface %ith 9oo$ 9rip

(traction) o1r 0e9s an$ feet co10$ not mo"e 1s

Same story for a car ' if the 9ro1n$ %o10$ not

pro"i$e eno19h resistance (traction) the force
9enerate$ in the en9ine %o10$ not ,e a,0e to
mo"e the car for%ar$.

The scenario is ;1ite simp0e. The more traction

can ,e ma$e a"ai0a,0e the more tor;1e can ,e
9enerate$ to mo"e more %ei9ht.
Re#$irements of an I%EAL Traction System
The fo00o%in9 are some of the important
re;1irements of the $ri"in9 e;1ipment 1se$ for
traction p1rposes-

The coefficient of a$hesion(stic/in9) sho10$ ,e

hi9h so that hi9h tracti"e effort at start is possi,0e
an$ rapi$ acce0eration of the train can ,e

It sho10$ ,e possi,0e to o"er0oa$ the e;1ipment

for short perio$s.

The %ear(cons1me ,y 1se) ca1se$ on the shoes,

%hee0 tires an$ the trac/ sho10$ ,e minim1m.

It sho10$ ,e possi,0e to 1se re9enerati"e ,ra/in9

so that on $escents it sho10$ ,e possi,0e to
9enerate ener9y an$ fee$ ,ac/ to the s1pp0y

It sho10$ ,e po001tion free.

Traction System
=. 2on'E0ectric Traction System- Does not 1se
e0ectricity at any sta9e. E:- Steam En9ine Dri"e,
Interna0 >om,1stion Dri"e.
). E0ectric Traction System- If e0ectric s1pp0y is
1se$ for $ri"in9 a 0ocomoti"e, the system is
/no%n as e0ectric traction.

In"o0"es 1se of e0ectricity at some sta9e or other.

E:- Battery E0ectric Dri"e, Diese0 E0ectric Dri"e,

E0ectric traction is the most efficient of a00 other

systems an$ is 9oin9 to ,e the f1t1re system to ,e
a$opte$ ,y a0most a00 co1ntries of the %or0$.
Ty&es of E'ectric Traction
#ehic0es %hich recei"e e0ectric po%er from a
$istri,1tion net%or/ fe$ at s1ita,0e points from
either a centra0 po%er station or s1,stations
s1ita,0y space$.
It is f1rther s1,$i"i$e$ into

=) Systems operatin9 %ith $.c. s1ch as tro00ey

,1ses, tram%ays an$ rai0%ays.

)) Systems operatin9 %ith a.c. s1ch as rai0%ays.

The 9ro1p consists of se0f containe$ 0ocomoti"es
i.e. they 9enerate their o%n po%er.
It is f1rther s1,$i"i$e$ into

=) Diese0 e0ectric trains an$ ships

)) Petro0 e0ectric tr1c/s an$ 0orries

7) Battery $ri"en roa$ "ehic0es

The $iese0 e0ectric 0ocomoti"e 1ses a $iese0
en9ine to $ri"e an e0ectric 9enerator, %hich then
s1pp0ies the c1rrent to traction motors, %hich are
9eare$ $irect0y to the 0ocomoti"e?s %hee0s.

In In$ia, the $iese0 0ocomoti"es %ere intro$1ce$

in =36( for sh1ntin9 p1rposes on ,roa$ 9a19e
section an$ in =3(8 for main 0ine ser"ices on
me$i1m 9a19e section. The $iese0 e0ectric
0ocomoti"es emp0oye$ in practice are of the
fo00o%in9 types-

=. Main 0ine $iese0 e0ectric 0ocomoti"e ha"in9

en9ines of o1tp1t not e:cee$in9 =(** /+ an$
spee$s of =8* /mph.

). Sh1ntin9 $iese0 e0ectric 0ocomoti"e ha"in9 an

en9ine of ))( to 75( /+ o1tp1t an$ spee$
,et%een )( to (* /mph.

7. Diese0 e0ectric m10tip0e 1nits stoc/ of %hich

each motor has an en9ine of =7( to =(* /+
o1tp1t an$ train is capa,0e of ha"in9 spee$s
,et%een 4* to ==* /mph.

6. Diese0 e0ectric rai0 car ha"in9 an en9ine of 5(

to 6(* /+ o1tp1t %hich may operate as a sin90e
car or car %ith one or more trai0er coaches.

In $iese0 e0ectric system 1se$ for traction, e0ectric

motors are 1se$ for $ri"in9 the 0ocomoti"e %hich
are fe$ ,y a $.c. 9enerator $ri"en ,y $iese0 en9ine
mo1nte$ on the same 0ocomoti"e as sho%n ,y the
schematic $ia9ram in fi9.=


The initia0 in"estment

re;1ire$ is 0o% as
compare$ to $irect
e0ectric traction since
there is no nee$ of
o"erhea$ str1ct1re
$istri,1tion system an$

D1e to its hi9her

acce0eration an$
retar$ation, the
sche$10e spee$ o"er a
9i"en ro1te %i00 ,e

It can ,e p1t into

ser"ice at any moment
since har$0y any time
is re;1ire$ to start 1p
the en9ine an$ p1t it
on $1ty.

The po%er 0oss in

spee$ contro0 is "ery
0o% ,eca1se it can ,e
carrie$ o1t ,y fie0$
contro0 of 9enerator.

Its o"era00 efficiency

is hi9her than that of
steam 0ocomoti"e
a,o1t )(A.

There is no
interference %ith the
comm1nication 0ines.

Since a $iese0 e0ectric

0ocomoti"e is a se0f
containe$ 1nit an$
$oes not re;1ires any
o"erhea$ str1ct1re
hence it can ,e 1se$ on
any ro1te.


Its o"er0oa$ capacity

is 0imite$.

The 0ife of the $iese0

en9ine is
comparati"e0y shorter.

In a$$ition to motor
9enerator set, specia0
coo0in9 system is
re;1ire$ for coo0in9
the $iese0 en9ine a0so.

Its r1nnin9 an$

maintenance costs are

Bor the same po%er

o1tp1t, $iese0 e0ectric
0ocomoti"e is cost0ier
than steam or e0ectric

Ce9enerati"e ,ra/in9
cannot ,e 1se$ %ith
s1ch types of $ri"es.

It is the most %i$e0y 1se$ traction system in %hich the "ehic0e $ra%s
e0ectrica0 ener9y from a $istri,1tion system fe$ at s1ita,0e points from a
centra0 po%er station or s1,station.

In In$ia ,oth A> an$ D> type of e0ectrifie$ train systems operate to$ay.

=(** # D> ,ase$ train system is most0y operatin9 in M1m,ai area. It is

,ein9 con"erte$ to )( /# A> system. Cest of the In$ia %here ro1tes are
e0ectrifie$ most0y operates 1n$er )( /# A> o"erhea$ %ire.

The e0ectric 0ocomoti"es are of t%o types

A.>. 0ocomoti"e

D.>. 0ocomoti"e

In case of $.c. 0ocomoti"e $.c. motors are 1se$ for traction. The fi9.=
sho%s a schematic ,0oc/ $ia9ram of $.c. 0ocomoti"e.

It ,asica00y consists of a step $o%n transformer, a f100 %a"e rectifier %ith

fi0ters an$ $.c.motors. The fi9.) sho%s an a.c. type e0ectric 0ocomoti"e.

The fo00o%in9 are the a$"anta9es an$ $isa$"anta9es of e0ectric system-



Since e0ectric motors are 1se$ as the $ri"es , the

system is c0ean an$ po001tion free. Startin9 tor;1e
is hi9h, so hi9h acce0eration is possi,0e. Spee$
contro0 is "ery simp0e. Bra/in9 is simp0e an$
efficient. E0ectric ,ra/in9 is 1se$ in this case
%hich is s1perior to mechanica0 ,ra/in9 1se$ ,y
steam an$ $iese0 0ocomoti"es. It is possi,0e to
app0y re9enerati"e ,ra/in9 %hich has the
fo00o%in9 a$"anta9es

A,o"e 4*A of ener9y spent $1rin9

ascent(1p%ar$ mo"ement) is p1mpe$ ,ac/ $1rin9

Less maintenance of ,ra/e shoes, %hee0s, tyres

an$ rai0s on acco1nt of 0ess %ear an$ tear.

An e0ectric 0ocomoti"e re;1ires m1ch 0ess time

for maintenance an$ repairs than a steam
0ocomoti"eD an$ hence can ,e /ept in ser"ice for
3(A or more of the %or/in9 $ay if $esire$.

Its maintenance an$ repair cost is a,o1t (* A of

that of steam 0ocomoti"e.

The e0ectric 0ocomoti"e can ,e p1t into ser"ice

imme$iate0y %hereas steam 0ocomoti"e re;1ires
a,o1t t%o ho1rs 9ettin9 1p steam an$ ,e rea$y
for ser"ice.

The centre of 9ra"ity of e0ectric 0ocomoti"e is

0o%er than that of steam 0ocomoti"e $1e to %hich
it is a,0e to ne9otiate c1r"es at comparati"e0y
hi9her spee$s.

The most important factor a9ainst e0ectric

traction is hi9h capita0 o1t0ay on o"erhea$
s1pp0y system. Therefore, 1n0ess hea"y traffic
is to ,e han$0e$ e0ectric traction ,ecomes

Po%er fai01re for fe% min1tes can ca1se

$isr1ption of traffic for ho1rs.

The e0ectric traction system is tie$ to e0ectric

ro1tes on0y. Eence it cannot ,e 1se$ on any of
the ro1tes.

In case of A.>. traction the comm1nication

0ines r1nnin9 a0on9 the trac/ e:perience
consi$era,0e interference from po%er 0ines.
The comm1nication 0ines therefore m1st either
,e remo"e$ a%ay from the trac/ or rep0ace$
,y specia0 e:pensi"e ca,0es (this increases the
capita0 cost o1t0ay ,y =(A)
What are the *o'ta+es $se" for e'ectric traction in

#o0ta9es 1se$ are =.(/# D> an$ )(/# A> for

main0ine trains.

>a0c1tta ha$ an o"erhea$ 7/# D> system 1nti0 the


The =.(/# D> o"erhea$ system (ne9ati"e earth,

positi"e catenary) is 1se$ aro1n$ Bom,ay (This
inc01$es M1m,ai >ST ' a0yan, a0yan ' P1ne,
a0yan ' I9atp1ri, M1m,ai >ST ' Be0ap1r '
Pan"e0, an$ >h1rch9ate ' #irar).

>on"ersion to )(/# A> has a0rea$y ,een $one on

the Tit%a0a'asara sectionD ne:t to ,e con"erte$
are hapo0i'#an9ani, #an9ani'Thane, an$

The Ma$ras s1,1r,an ro1tes (Ma$ras'Tam,aram

in the ?8*s, e:ten$e$ 0ater to #i001p1ram) 1se$ to
,e =.(/# D> 1nti0 a,o1t =385, %hen it %as
con"erte$ to )(/# A> (a00 o"erhea$ catenary

The )(/# A> system %ith o"erhea$ s1pp0y from a

catenary is 1se$ thro19ho1t the rest of the co1ntry.

The >a0c1tta Metro 1ses 5(*# D> traction %ith a

thir$'rai0 mechanism for $e0i"erin9 the e0ectricity
to the EM!s.

The >a0c1tta trams 1se ((*# D> %ith an

o"erhea$ catenary system %ith 1n$er9ro1n$ ret1rn
con$1ctors. The catenary is at a ne9ati"e potentia0.

The De0hi Metro 1ses )(/# A> o"erhea$ traction

%ith a catenary system on the 9ro1n$'0e"e0 an$
e0e"ate$ ro1tes.
System of Trac, E'ectrification
Present0y, fo00o%in9 fo1r types of trac/ e0ectrification
systems are a"ai0a,0e-
%irect C$rrent System- D> at 8**'5(* # is
1ni"ersa00y emp0oye$ for tram%ays in 1r,an areas
an$ for many s1,1r,an rai0%ays %hi0e =(**'7***
# $c is 1se$ for main 0ine rai0%ays. Lo% "o0ta9e $c
system is 1n$o1,te$0y s1perior to sin90e phase ac
system for hea"y s1,1r,an ser"ices.
./0 Sin+'e Phase AC System- In this system ac
series motors are 1se$ for 9ettin9 the necessary
moti"e po%er. The "o0ta9e emp0oye$ for
$istri,1tion net%or/ is =( to )( " at =8).7 or )(
EF, %hich is steppe$ $o%n on the 0ocomoti"e to a
0o% "o0ta9e (7** to 6** #) s1ita,0e for s1pp0yin9
to sin90e phase ac series motors.
.10 Three Phase AC System- In this system 7'
phase in$1ction motors operatin9 at 77** to 78**
# systems consist of t%o o"erhea$ %ires an$ trac/
rai0 for the thir$ phase an$ recei"es po%er either
$irect0y from the 9eneratin9 station or thro19h the
transformer s1,stations.
.20 The Com&osite Systems- S1ch systems
incorporate 9oo$ points of t%o systems %hi0e
i9norin9 their ,a$ points. T%o s1ch composite
systems present0y in 1se are-

A3 Sin+'e Phase To Three Phase System or

4an"o System- In this system sin90e phase h" ac
system is emp0oye$ for $istri,1tion p1rposes an$ 7'
phase in$1ction motors for 9ettin9 the necessary
$ri"in9 po%er in or$er to ha"e the a$"anta9e of
0o% cost of sin90e phase o"erhea$ $istri,1tion
system to9ether %ith the $esira,0e characteristics of
7'phase in$1ction motors (at 0o% fre;1ency 7 phase
in$1ction motor $e"e0ops hi9h startin9 tor;1e
%itho1t e:cessi"e c1rrent). Spee$ contro0 is a0so
con"enient0y achie"e$ ,y "aryin9 the s1pp0y
fre;1ency. This system is 0i/e0y to ,e $e"e0ope$ in

53 Sin+'e Phase To %irect C$rrent System -

This system com,ines the a$"anta9es of h" ac
$istri,1tion system an$ $c series motors for
traction. The "o0ta9e 1se$ for o"erhea$
$istri,1tion system is )( /" at norma0 s1pp0y
fre;1ency of (* EF. The 0ocomoti"e carries
transformer an$ con"ertin9 machinery to step'
$o%n the "o0ta9e an$ con"ert into $c. This
system of trac/ e0ectrification 1sin9 )( /", (*
EF, sin90e phase ac s1pp0y has ,een a$opte$
for a00 f1t1re trac/ e0ectrification in In$ia. The
a$"anta9es of s1ch a system are 0i9ht o"erhea$
catenaries o%in9 to 0o%er c1rrents, 0ess
n1m,er of s1,stations (1s1a00y space$ at (*'4*
/m $istances), f0e:i,i0ity in the 0ocation of
s1,stations, simp0icity of s1,station $esi9n,
0o%er cost of fi:e$ insta00ations, hi9her
a$hesion coefficient an$ hi9her startin9
efficiency. The $ra%',ac/s of this system are
1n,a0ancin9 effect on the s1pp0y an$
interference to te0ecomm1nication circ1its.
Bort1nate0y ,oth of these 1n$esira,0e effects
can ,e minimiFe$.
Ty&ica' Rai'way Ser*ices
S.2o Parameter of
!r,an or >ity Ser"ice S1,'!r,an Ser"ice Main Line Ser"ice
= Acce0eration =.('6mphps =.('6mphps 8'4mphps
) Cetar$ation 7'6mphps 7'6mphps =.(mphps
7 Ma:. Spee$ =)*mph =)*mph =8*mph
6 Distance ,et%een
=m ='4m G=*m
( Specia0 remar/s if
Bree r1nnin9 perio$ is a,sent
an$ coastin9 perio$ is sma00.
Bree r1nnin9
perio$ is a,sent
an$ coastin9 perio$
is 0on9.
Lon9 free r1nnin9
an$ coastin9 perio$
s. Acce0eration an$
,ra/in9 perio$s are

A train is to ,e r1n most optima00y as for as


for this it is necessary to /no% the spee$ time

c1r"es so that it is possi,0e to fin$ o1t %hat
ener9y m1st ,e s1pp0ie$ to the train to perform a
partic10ar &o,.

The s0ope at any point of the c1r"e 9i"es the

acce0eration or retar$ation of the train at that
instant of time.

The area ,et%een the c1r"e an$ the time a:is 1p

to a certain time 9i"es the $istance co"ere$ ,y the
train ti00 that instant of time.

Positi"e s0ope'Acce0erationD 2e9ati"e s0ope'


(i) Acce0eration %hi0e notchin9 1p or constant

Acce0eration- D1rin9 this perio$ of r1n (* to t=),
Cst is 9ra$1a00y c1t off so that the motor c1rrent is
0imite$ to a certain "a01e an$ the "o0ta9e across
the motor is 9ra$1a00y increase$.

(ii) Spee$ c1r"e r1nnin9- Brom t= to t), the

c1rrent starts $ecreasin9 %ith the increase in

(iii) Bree r1nnin9(t)'t7)-This perio$ occ1rs %hen

the po%er o1tp1t from the $ri"in9 a:e0s ,a0ances
the rate at %hich ener9y is e:pen$e$ a9ainst the
resistance to motion.

(i") >oastin9 perio$(t7't6)- At the en$ of free

r1nnin9 perio$ , s1pp0y to the motors is c1t off an$
train is a00o%e$ to r1n 1n$er its o%n moment1m.

(") Bra/in9 perio$(t6't()-At the en$ of coastin9

perio$, ,ra/es are app0ie$ to ,rin9 the train to
Crest S&ee"6 A*era+e S&ee" An" Sche"$'e

>rest spee$ is the ma:im1m spee$ (#m) attaine$

,y a train $1rin9 the r1n.

A"era9e spee$ is the mean spee$ from start to stop

i.e. the $istance co"ere$ ,et%een t%o stops
$i"i$e$ ,y the act1a0 time of r1n is ca00e$ the
a"era9e spee$.

Sche$10e spee$ is the ratio of $istance co"ere$

,et%een t%o stops an$ tota0 time of r1n inc01$in9
the time of stop.

The sche$10e spee$ of a 9i"en train %hen r1nnin9

on a 9i"en ser"ice (i.e. %ith a 9i"en $istance
,et%een stations) is affecte$ ,y (i) acce0eration
an$ ,ra/in9 retar$ation (ii) ma:im1m or crest
spee$ an$ (iii) $1ration of stop.
%irect C$rrent (otor Contro'
%C (otors-

Bor a D> motor, Tor;1e

TH*.=(3)IJK Ia .ALP 2'm HIIa

For sh$nt motor- I is constant for a constant

s1pp0y "o0ta9e, so, the tor;1e is $irect0y
proportiona0 to the c1rrent $ra%n ,y the motor.

For series motor- I M Ia, therefore T M I).

E,H#'Ia rH IK2P.8*A

2H(8*A.IKP)(#'Ia r)


do%& at t'e (erli& E)'ibitio& o* 1+,-.
T'e s'ort li&e %as about /00 yards
lo&12 a&d curre&t %as dra%& *ro3 a
t'ird rail bet%ee& t'e track %'ic'
acted as t'e retur& to t'e dy&a3o.
T'e loco3otive 'auled a 3a)i3u3
o* so3e t'irty 4asse&1ers at a s4eed
o* about *our 3iles a& 'our. T'is
'istoric illustratio& s'o%s o&e o* t'e
earliest trai&loads o* 4asse&1ers2
seated u4o& t'ree carria1es.

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