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June 2014


An Epistle from Ed
By Ed Cadwallader, Pastor

Every so often we feel the need to go out and drag a plant, no actually more of a tree-like configura-
tion, into our homes. We run the risk of also introducing to our homes various substances of dirt and
insect life all stowed away on board. We do our best to care for any of the plant life we would adopt,
but this is nearly always a losing battle. Eventually drying out and creating the possibility of a fire
hazard, we wonder what could lead us to the embracing of such an odd activity but Christmas
wouldnt seem the same without a Christmas tree.
At other times of the rolling year we dye hard-boiled eggs, imitate the feast of religious misfits who
were expelled from Europe, pass out free candy in the mock cemeteries we set up in our front yards,
welcome the very beginning of January with breathless anticipation and look forward to pyrotechnics
to remind us, of course, of independence! We celebrate holidays to remind us of things, to commemo-
rate the effort that has been completed and that is fitting to honor with tribute and perhaps going to a
little trouble, like serving more than one kind of stuffing and adoring a bedazzled fir in the family
It is important for us here in Bradford Woods, as a Church body, to celebrate and honor the working
and accomplishments that are attained as we work together. We have diligently struggled together to
attain stability in our congregation as well as begin to move forward offering our embrace to the com-
munity surrounding us! Just as it is altogether fitting that we grant holiday status, to the honoring of
the miraculous events of the past, it is also fitting and proper that we permit ourselves a respite to hon-
or and reverence the plateau to which we have climbed. When the suggestion was made that we move
up the time of our Sunday morning worship, during the summer months, I became convinced that this
pleasant shift and creating of a more relaxed worship atmosphere is exactly that kind of reward that
we need to celebrate our accomplishments and reflect on the path still ahead! We will be changing the
time of the regular Sunday morning worship service to 9:30 AM, beginning on Sunday, June 15 and
lasting twelve weeks, through Sunday, August 31.
What? 9:30 am worship instead of 11:00 am worship on Sundays? Is it possible that kind of thing will
count as official worship just the same to our God? I dont know...the first people to drag Christmas
trees inside and dye Easter eggs were probably thought of as hopelessly odd too but thank God they
did it! Think about it.
Recognition Sunday and Church Picnic - June 8
By Norma Liebenguth, Christian Education Committee

Recognition Sunday and the church picnic will be held on June 8. A joint effort
of the Christian Education and Hospitality committees, graduates and teaching
staff will be recognized during the morning service. A picnic lunch follows in
Kehew Hall.
Please bring a salad or side dish. DESSERT WILL BE PROVIDED.
June 8 will also be the last regularly-scheduled day of Sunday School for all ages until the fall.
Calling All Graduates!
By Norma Liebenguth, Christian Education Committee

Do you know of any church members who have graduated since last June? If so,
please contact the church office, or Melanie Verbaarschott, Carla Porterfield or
me, so that he or she is formally recognized on June 8 at our annual Recognition Sunday event.
By Bob Doak

The BWCC/Sts. John & Paul softball team are currently in 2nd place with 5 wins and 1 loss! Take a
look at the upcoming schedule for when and where you can cheer on your team.
June 1st - 4:30 North Park Donora Field
June 8th - 4:00 Warrendale Field
June 15th - 12:00 North Park Donora Field
June 22nd - DH 11:30 & 12:45 Warrendale Field
June 29th -1:00 Warrendale Field
Grace Community is currently in 1st Place. Their record is 7-0. We have hit the half way point. Good luck in the second
half of the season as anything could happen.
A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered. ~ Proverbs 17:27
Summer Sundays!
By Sue Bayer, Worship Committee

The Worship Committee is pleased to announce that the worship hour will be 9:30 am- 10:30 am
during summer Sundays. This time change will commence with the June 15
service and we will
meet from 9:30 am - 10:30 am every Sunday throughout (and including) August 31
. Regular Fall
worship at 11 am will resume on Sunday, September 7
, our Sunday School Rally Day.
Also coming up this summer, we are delighted to be able to share that the Reverend Ingrid Kalchthaler- ordained minis-
ter, youth services librarian, and stand-up comedian, will return to the pulpit at Bradford Woods church!
Rev Ingrid is scheduled to deliver the message on the mornings of June 29
and July 6
, while Pastor Ed is on vacation.
If you missed hearing Rev Ingrid last summer, make it a point to find a spot in the pew to hear the uplifting message of
this talented, engaging speaker!
Altar Flower Dedications
By Caitalyn Kowal, Office Manager

Have a celebration, anniversary, birthday or just want to remember someone special? When you
donate altar flowers for Sunday service you can write a special dedication to let everyone know!
Altar flowers are $25 per Sunday and you can see your special dedication or remembrance printed
in the Sunday bulletin. Contact Sue Bayer to donate flowers and send your dedication to the church
Recognition Sunday and Church Picnic - June 8
By Jane Siefers, Hospitality Committee

In addition to the Christian Education committee, the Hospitality committee will provide hot sand-
wiches and drinks for the picnic lunch in Kehew Hall. Along with dishes, napkins and everything
else you need to enjoy the delicious sides provided by our congregation. Bring a friend and your
Treasurers Report as of 5/28/14
Actual Budget
Pledge $13,265 $20,833
Plate $11,917 $8,333
TOTAL: $25,182 $29,166
Total Year Budget $70,000
Worship Leaders and Acolytes
If you would like to volunteer to be a worship leader, please contact
Pastor Ed. Thank you for your service!

June 1 Jenn Hudak, Mac Coltharp, acolyte
June 8 John Liebenguth, Beth Muhlenkamp, acolyte
June 15 Shelly Muhlenkamp, Chloe Coltharp, acolyte
June 22 Ann Brehm, Vanessa Verbaarschott, acolyte
June 29 Jennie Griffin, Ben Cadwallader, acolyte
May Happenings
Celebrating Cuatro de Mayo
Piata Time!
Parking Lot Gets Resurfaced.
Flowers for Mothers Day!
1 Communion Sunday
8 Church Picnic / Recognition Sunday
11 Church Council Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
15 Worship time change, 9:30 a.m.

AA/NA: Thursdays, 7:00 p.m.
Adult Sunday School, Sunday June 1st and June
8th, 10:00 a.m.
Choir Practice, every Monday, 7:00 p.m.
Events for the Month of June:
June Birthdays
1 Braeden Swann; 6 Hannah Ptak; 9 Marisa Ashbaugh,
Molly Coltharp, and Jared Riley; 12 Dave Tessmer; 13 Char-
lie Kurz; 15 Tanna Lammers and Derrick Schmidt; 16 Jean
Arndt and Betsy Wehner; 17 Tyler Thornblade; 18 Carla
Porterfield and Terri Sobotka; 19 Kathy Grieser; 23 Saman-
tha Hendrickson; 26 Amy Muhlenkamp; 27 Greg Hipwell; 29
John Liebenguth
Bradford Woods Community Church
4836 Wexford Run Road | P. O. Box 421
Bradford Woods, PA 15015
(724) 935-3135
Fax: same as above
Serving Bradford Woods and surrounding
North Hills communities.
Visit our website:
Contact us:
ICCC Mission Statement
Bradford Woods Community Church is a member of the ICCC (International Council of Community Churches) whose mission state-
ment is: As people devoted to following Christ we are committed to community, to treasuring diversity, to living our faith in service
and love.
Please help us with our mailing list costs. If you could view this
newsletter via email, please contact us at 724.935.3135 or
Prayer Concerns and Praise
Joseph Bossman, Cathy Carter,
Diane Dilanni, The Davenport Family,
Christine Feagin, Kevin & Amy Franks,
Joe Gillespie, Tyler Hallsey, Barb Koelle,
Ron Liguori, Jace James Lippert,
The Jess Morrman Family, Kelly Oakes & Family,
Clay OConnor, Myleigh Smith, and The Waldron
If you are new to our congregation, please pass your
information to Caitalyn Kowal in the church office, regarding
your address, phone number, email address, etc. so we can keep
our records up to date and keep you up to date. Thank you.
Coffee Hour
Please sign up to handle the duties of coffee hour
any Sunday. Preparing coffee, a cold drink and an
(optional) refreshment is all thats needed. And, its appreci-

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