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Master Kuthumi

Time Travel Channelling

All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders
Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on May !""#
This transcript has been published free of charge by $ntellectual %roperty o&ner Michelle
Manders and %alace of %eace in support of people see'ing clarity, healing and peace(
Therefore, &e appreciate the )a& of $ntegrity being honoured and as' that no person,
group, organisation, or any body of any sort under any circumstance alter any part of this
document or publish it in part or in full for personal financial gain( *ou are &elcome to
publish an e+cerpt &ith the lin' to the do&nloadable full transcript on
Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked
with the Channelling Being and a similar process facilitated with you, which is just as powerful. Do not
concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the live channelling. You
will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, iming ! Purpose. his
transcript was revised and updated by "ichelle "anders in "ay #$%# under the auspice of &uthumi'
) am &uthumi, and ) come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet you at this
time and to bring unto you blessings of lightness, trust, love and dependability. *reetings
beloved ones.
(nd it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this
day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of *od.
he gathering today, beloved ones, is in fact a very deep healing taking place with all here.
)t is the healing of the Collective +isterhood, where there have been deep levels of abuse
through the control of the *oddess, the abuse of the *oddess,s power, her se-uality, her
creativity and her ability to stand within the authentic light of the universal truth and
feminine principles of manifestation.
Your journey of time travelling today is a personal e-perience. .owever, it is a twofold one.
/ne that will facilitate the healing relating to what ) have just shared with you, therefore,
dislodging the crystallised moments fro0en in time and space that keep women trapped
within a false identity. his journey is one of releasing the goddess into the warmth and
light of the authentic creation of love, power and intention. his process manifests a
collective D1( cleansing, shifting from the cells all of that which has stifled the *oddess for
millennia. his is something that you, as an emerging goddess have chosen to e-perience
and e-press through your personal divine awakening. +ome of you are finding the new
kundalini power overwhelming, bla0ing through the veils of illusion showing you the fullness
of that divine power and where it will take you. (ll of you can e-pect a change within the
structure you have created in your life. (ll of these changes are for the greater good of the
whole. he whole of you.
2emembering your wholeness can at times manifest itself in many confused, scattered
pieces. ) assure you, however, that all the pieces are coming together. 1ow is your time to "ichelle "anders 3
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simply stand in the face of your personal truth and allow the universe to facilitate the
unfolding of the pathway before you. Do not fear what you have created for it is what
empowers you.
You will also find, as a result of today4s activation and cleansing, that some very important
soul contracts will come to the fore. (nd for some of you, these soul contracts have
manifested very recently in your life as well, with other people specifically. hese contracts,
these people are catalysts in your life, contributing to the change you are e-periencing. )t is
up to you to discern the relationship and how you want to work with it. )t is important that
you feel what your heart is telling you throughout the process5 and do not be swayed by any
negative input from another, especially if their input is merely a projection of their own fear.
)t is e-6uisite to see how each of you is emerging into the *oddess power. You are precious
flowers opening to the light of the sun to receive your divine blessings. he *olden 2ays of
the +un that bring you the *olden (ge are truly upon you. 7et us take you on your journey
Place yourself in a comfortable position. Breathe in deeply through your nose, e-haling
through your mouth, and on your ne-t in breath push the tip of your tongue into the roof of
your mouth, and as you e-hale push the tip of your tongue into the base of your mouth.
Continue to do this until ) tell you to stop 8Pause #9:. +top. 1ow, imagine yourself
surrounded by all your personal *uides, "asters and (ngels. Call upon any other Being of
the light whom you wish to have present with you
;e call upon Prince Damien, one of the 7ords of ime. )magine him appearing before you as
we ask him to open the portals of time and space so that you may be taken through this
portal to the times where energy has become crystallised, holding a pattern of negativity
limitation or destruction, that has resulted in you living an incomplete life. Your .ealing
(ngels, your fully mastered and Christ +elf of the 7ight and your "aster *uide will
accompany you through the portal. ;hen you are ready step up to the gateway. Prince
Damien opens the portal, which you pass through, finding yourself moving through space
and time.
You are transported to the time prior to this current incarnation. (t this particular point in
your e-pression of consciousness, you are being shown everything that you needed to
e-perience in your current lifetime so as to achieve complete (scension Consciousness prior
to leaving your physical body, therefore changing the cycles of life e-perience for eternity.
Your *uides show you various images from many times and places reflecting the abuse of
the *oddess, the abuse of the mind and the heart5 simply observe5 you do not have to
become attached to anything. )f you do not <see= anything, just be aware of how your body
feels and the emotions inside of you, the energy shifting between your chakras and breathe.
"aster >esus enters into this place, for .e is the (scended "aster responsible for activating
the clearing of the D1( on cellular levels for the collective consciousness of humanity, as
well as yours as an individual. .e comes to stand behind you, and very gently lays the hand
of his right hand over your back in the area of lumbar four and begins emanating a warm
gentle energy that fills up this area of your body, activating a Chakra (wakening and the
onset of the clearing of all the crystallised energies that have contributed to every single
perceived negativity or limiting e-perience that you have had in this lifetime, and all lifetimes
prior to this one. Continue to breathe as the energy does what it must. Do not worry
yourself if you cannot see or feel anything, ) assure you the energy is still working and doing
for you, what it needs to. "ichelle "anders 3
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Become aware of a gentle humming from "aster >esus behind you. his humming dislodges
the crystallised energy locked in the core of the cells of your physical body and all the body
templates of your past incarnations. he toning .e emanates is soothing, gentle, and yet
profound. )magine your heart chakra opening to release whatever the energy is bringing up
for you, and becomes like a river flowing through you, a river taking away all of that which
no longer serves you, all the old paradigm consciousness that you have held onto, which
formed your current identity and the identities of your past. Continue to breathe and feel.
(s "aster >esus continues with this process, "ary "agdalene steps into the same space, she
stands in front of you with her very gentle loving eyes and looks deeply into your eyes. +he
creates a telepathic connection with you, which begins to emanate hundreds of symbols of
light, which you receive telepathically, and are filtered into the system of your body. +he
places the palm of her right hand on your heart, and the palm of her left hand on your solar
ple-us and in a very soft gentle voice she whispers, <)t is safe for you to be free in your
<You were created with the intention of living as a powerful creative e-pression of
"other?@ather *od.= +he tells you the time is now for you to live this truth. )t is safe to leave
your past behind and embrace the here and now. he energy continues to pour into your
body from "aster >esus and "ary "agdalene, and the combination of their energy activates
another dimensional portal through which the collective consciousness feminine abuse
passes through into the dimensions of fluid love, where it is transmuted and all similar
aspects of yourself are sucked into this portal and undergoes the same transmutation.
Continue breathing as your personal .ealing (ngels redirect this transmuted love back into
your body, filling you with the si- dimensional energy of fluid love5 pure, clear and powerful.
"ary "agdalene begins to tone a gentle sound in unison with "aster >esus. heir combined
toning activates the ne-t level of D1( cleansing for you and all the four lower bodies, in
other words, your physical, emotional, mental and astral body, which open on all levels to
receive this vibration. heir toning becomes the new vibrational fre6uency that will facilitate
your ability to focus on all the new energies you are attracting to yourself.
2ela- into the moment and trust the healing taking place. ;e remind you that it is safe to let
go and that you are ready and capable of holding the new energy and taking it into your life
to do what you are contracted to do with it. he souls that you are contracted to link to this
particular healing and vibration. 1ow connect with your energy on an even deeper level,
facilitating an accelerated healing, cleansing, and re'creation of the original plan of fluid love
that you, and this person, or people have been contracted to create. You are valuable gifts
in one another4s lives at this time5 therefore don,t fear this person or people. hey are major
catalysts in the complete freedom of your soul, the liberation of your *oddess self.
Continue to breathe in deeply and e-hale fully. Your fully mastered and Christ +elf of the
light stands on the left side of you, placing both hands on your left shoulder and activates a
release of all latent energies related to responsibilities you believe you have needed to
shoulder that are no longer a part of your plan of life, therefore clearing any unfinished
business related to the feminine principle in your life5 be it your mother, sisters, female
friends, any man who represents a feminine energy, as well as the collective sisterhood
he great (ngel of your Aniverse, 7ord "etatron, the (rchangel of 7ight, comes into your
presence now and supports the clearing of the consciousness of the collective sisterhood, "ichelle "anders 3
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who has taken it upon herself to carry the responsibility of being a vehicle for se-ual abuse5
a vehicle that has taken on the pain of men and women, and she now releases it with the
support of this mighty (rchangel.
), 7ord &uthumi stand on your right hand side, and place both of my hands on your right
shoulder, and activate the release of all the responsibilities you have shouldered related to
your survival instinct, where you have taken on the role of the male5 the father, the son, and
every other e-ternal aspect, which is no longer yours to carry. ake a deep breath in and
e-hale. .and everything over5 it doesn4t even matter if you don4t know what it is, just let go.
"ary "agdalene stops toning and reaffirms that it is safe for you to stand in your *oddess
power, to stand as a female representing the feminine principles. "aster >esus stops toning.
.e reminds you that it is safe for you to thrive within the material world5 that it is safe for
you to tap into the fullness of your creation and create the life you deserve. .e assures you
of .is presence and support throughout the changes that lie before you. .e moves away
from behind you and comes to stand alongside "ary "agdalene in front of you. ), &uthumi,
and your fully mastered and Christ +elf of the 7ight continue to hold your shoulders. "aster
>esus manifests a dove, symbolising peace, the peace that you are ready to accept and
make as part of your life. (ccept where you are in the here and now and accept that you are
moving forward, because you are ready.
Prince Damien now activates a portal above your crown chakra. his portal has a suction
energy and begins to absorb all the old energies from your base chakra up your spine,
removing from your chakras all the old paradigm consciousness5 this is also directed into the
si-th dimension of fluid love, where it is transmuted. ;hen you are ready inhale the new
energy into your body again, into all your chakras, and in your mind acknowledge to "aster
>esus and "ary "agdalene, to your fully mastered and Christ +elf of the light, (rchangel
"etatron, me, &uthumi, and your personal *uides and "asters who are present, that you
are ready and willing to let go of all the crystallised moments in time and space that have
kept you in a state of isolation that have made you feel paralysed, lifeless, spiritless,
worthless and defenceless, and in its place you choose positive power, deserve'ability of that
which is positive, abundant and of the light. (ffirm that you choose love, peace, and you
choose to stand in your truth.
"ary "agdalene takes a 6uart0 crystal and gently taps all of your chakras, feeding this
intention in them and the new energy from the si-th dimension you have pulled into
yourself. Prince Damien now closes the portal over your crown chakra, and the dimensional
portal to the si-th dimension. ), &uthumi, release my hands from your shoulders, as does
your fully mastered and Christ +elf of the light.
(rchangel "etatron now begins pouring a platinum li6uid over your body which becomes an
energy and acts as a sheath of protection, shielding you from e-ternal negativity in the form
of other people4s fears, and fear motivated opinions and perceptions so that you can move
forward in your truth5 helping you not to get caught up in the drama of other people4s
processes, yet standing beside them with compassion, but not attached to what they are
going through.
*ive thanks for this and for all that has taken place today. &now that your vibrational
fre6uency has increased as a result of this and that you now are free to focus on your higher
vibration intentions. his means you are free to move forward in your life in your direction of
choice. (llow B# hours for the integration to complete itself, during which time much healing "ichelle "anders 3
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will take place. *ive thanks now to Prince Damien5 he will facilitate you coming back to the
here and now in this timeline, in this place in your current physical body.
Breathe in deeply and e-hale fully as you step back into this timeline and ground yourself
back in your physical body.
*ive thanks to all the Beings of the 7ight who have been present with you, including yourself
for the e-perience you have undergone.
2otate your ankles, your wrists, rotate your shoulders and your neck and feel yourself fully
back in your body.
(re there any 6uestions, we can assist any of you with.
,( inaudible
7&. his is, in fact, a part of today,s process, embodying many of the new energies that you
are anchoring into your conscious self today. herefore they are linked to the healing of the
collective sisterhood and the release of all the patterns of traditional belief systems that have
led to the abuse of the female, her power and suppression of such.
;henever a soul incarnates, such as all of you, undergoes the depth of energy healings and
cleansing that you are undergoing, as you are now, impacts on your lineage5 therefore, the
first people that it impacts upon are one,s children, if one has children, and one4s parents.
,( )ord Kuthumi, could you please give me some more information about the
%rinces of Mongolia(
7&. hese particular forms of energy held a number of templates, which became abused at
various times in the cycles of humanities evolution. "ongolia is one of the core areas on
"other Carth4s body, where the trauma of the abuse of the *oddess has become stored. he
trauma of se-ual abuse stifles creativity5 the complete suffocation of her power to be, to
create and to manifest. he original template that was brought in by these Princes of
"ongolia was supposed to release it. .owever, there were levels of astral energy that
sabotaged the proper anchoring of these energies, however, in the current timeline as we
speak with you now5 all those templates are being activated to ensure the release of that
pain and trauma specifically, in the geographical area of "ongolia.
,( )ord Kuthumi, can you shed some light for me &ith regards to the headaches $
have been e+periencing this &ee'(
7&. his has often been called e-pansion headaches. )t is when the crown chakra is taking
in an additional flow of light, as is the third eye chakra, which causes pressure in the pineal
and the pituitary gland area. his additional light facilitates for the healing, on a cellular
level, within the brain itself and begins the process of pushing the person, in other words
you, to open your chakras and release energy that is no longer a part of your current
e-perience. he energies that are to be released are of the nature of grief, thoughts and
attitudes that were never your,s, that you had adopted through the first nine years of your
life, and it is the e-panded consciousness, resulting in your intention to work with the
*oddess, therefore it is a combination of integration and release. Ase water to ease the
pressure. Disualise your crown and third eye chakras opening and the pressurised energy
falling out into a place where it can be transmuted into light. Be creative in any way you
,( -o you mean lying in &ater or ta'ing &ater internally. Both
,( )ord Kuthumi please could assist me in finding clarity on the coughs $ have. "ichelle "anders 3
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7&. his is related to you needing to get something very important off your chest. ;e see it
as not clearly in your conscious mind, however, the bridge between the subconscious and
the conscious is flowing, and it is also related to the conditionings and belief systems that
you were raised with relating to the role of women and your role as a woman, specifically. )t
is a time of reflecting on how much space you feel you have in your life to be yourself. Do
you have room to breatheE Do you feel you have the space to live authenticallyE ;hat
aspects of yourself do you swallow trying to push down and not e-press. (ll of that gets
stored within the chest area and must come up, which is what the coughing is about.
herefore introspection regarding what we have said to you will shed light on it. )t has a
very strong connection to your power as a woman.
Beloved ones ) must take my leave now. .owever, as ) leave, ) bless you with the divine
insight and clarity to recognise the unfolding taking place in your life right now. ) bless you
with the courage to embrace your power, to walk your talk and to stand face to face before
yourself. rust in the many invisible arms that hold you and know that not ever are you
alone and that we are all one and may all always be well in your world.
) am &uthumi, Chohan of the *olden ray of love and wisdom, and ) greet and bless you in
love (donai.
;hat do you remember being taught most regarding the role of womenE
.ow has this affected you as a womanE )f you are male, how has this affected your
perception and e-pectations of womenE
;hat responsibilities have you been shouldering that must now be released which you
took on as a result of what you were programmed to believe were your responsibilityE
.ow do you feel about the responsibilities you shoulderE
;hat do you feel will happen and change in your life if you let go of these false
)f any new people have entered your life recently, do you feel they are catalysts whom
you can trust, or do you feel they are mirrors of the patterns of your pastE
Do you feel safe in their companyE /r is there a part of you cautioning youE
.ow do you feel the new relationship?friendship will benefit youE )f not, what action are
you going to take that affirms you are choosing a new dynamic of relationships?
friendships, instead of getting entangled in a something that will later cause you painE
.ow have you as a woman been treated in your lifeE )f you are male, how do you
generally treat womenE .ow does this make you feelE
)f you have been abused in any way begin to write a letter to your abuser, and all
abusers after this who perpetuated the abuse, about how you feel. ;rite uncensored and
let every ounce of your trauma to be e-pressed.
;rite to those whom you believed were supposed to protect you and didn,t and how you
feel about this, and how it has affected your ability to feel safe in the world now.
;hat from your past are you most ready to release from your life nowE
;rite down what you want to replace this with and everyday read through the positive
replacements you have chosen and imagine every cell in your body being filled with your
new intentions and consciousness.
)f you still feel anger and pain in your body continue writing. (llow the painful and angry
parts of yourself to e-press themselves through your writing and know it is safe to do
this and is necessary in order to completely release you from the negative charge these
e-periences create inside of you. "ichelle "anders 3
(ll 2ights 2eserved
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support from the community. You can also join our hrive .ive ' (bundance "ini'Course
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or visit our website for more teachings and messages such as this
one to help you along.
Copyright 1otice ' ;e ask that you honour the 7aws of rust and )ntegrity and acknowledge that
none of this information may be used for monetary gain, be altered, translated, reproduced, digitally
recorded or deleted in part or whole or built upon in any way whatsoever. he Palace of Peace has
assigned translators for the channellings and may not be translated by anyone other than these
people. Please contact us if you would like this channelling in another
language, or if you would like to translate this material into your language. his information remains
the sole intellectual property of "ichelle "anders at all times. "ichelle "anders 3
(ll 2ights 2eserved

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