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... through Bertha Dudde

Christs Forerunner ....
My Own will reognise hi!" the #oie in the wilderness" who will
announe My a$$earane as % $redited .... For his light will
radiate &rightly and his s$eeh will &e $ower'ul .... (nd he will
not shy away 'ro! strongly ritiising the authorities in his
s$eehes" &eause % will send hi! to earth in order to 'ul'il his
'inal !ission &y $reahing a&out the end o' this earth and
announing My o!ing on the day o' )udg!ent ....
*hose who &elong to Me will &e strongly a''eted &y the strength
o' his words" and they will realise that it wont &e long &e'ore %
Mysel' arri#e in order to deli#er the! 'ro! their ad#ersity.
But &e'ore that you hu!ans will ti!e and again o!e to the
wrong onlusion and assu!e to reognise hi! in !any
$eo$le .... +owe#er" % say to you ,-ou wont need to ask &ut will
know that it is he who! % ha#e sent ahead o' Me .... For when
he a$$ears My ad#ersary will already &e at wor. e!&odied in a
ruler who $roeeds against all s$iritual as$irations" against 'aith"
and through his ao!$lies will also &adly $ester My Own to
desert Me and a.nowledge hi! instead ....
*hen you will &e a&le to see the &eginning o' the &attle o' 'aith
already and there'ore reei#e inredi&le o!'ort through My
'orerunner" 'or then you will also .now that the end is not 'ar
away .... For his !ission on earth will not last long" /ust as the
(ntihrist will &e easily reognisa&le" who will not &e granted a
long li'es$an either ....
*he 'orerunner will o!e and rein'ore your 'aith" he will testi'y
to Me and announe My o!ing with suh $ower'ul words that
My Own will draw strength 'ro! his words and thus endure until
the end" 'or % Mysel' will hel$ the! in their distress whih this
last &attle o' 'aith entails ....
*he #oie in the wilderness will not let hi!sel' &e restrained and
will 0uite o$enly onde!n the $eo$le who treat My Own with
hostility .... +e will denoune their ations as detesta&le and
always en/oy My $rotetion when they atta. hi!" until his hour
also o!es"
'or one again he will $ay 'or his !ission with his death" and
that" too" shall not 'righten you who are My Own" &ut only
strengthen your &elie' that you .now the truth" that you an
e1$et e#erything to ha$$en as % ha#e told you through My s$irit.
( $eriod o' ti!e nears its o!$letion whih was gi#en to you
hu!ans 'or your release 'ro! the 'or!" yet % will hel$ you until
the last day to 'ind the right 'aith in Me" and the ,'orerunner" too"
will &e sent so as to strengthen your 'aith .... (nyone who wants
to reognise hi! will reognise hi! .... (nyone who re/ets his
word is $lainly My ad#ersarys 'ollower and will also re/et Me.
-et the light 'ro! a&o#e whih will shine so #ery &rightly annot
&e o#erloo.ed" his $ower'ul word annot &e ignored" and his li'e
and ati#ity on earth during the last days will &e so e#idently
reognisa&le as ,di#ine ati#ity" that e#eryone will &e a&le to
reognise hi! and no longer needs to 0uestion whether it is
him. (nd My ad#ersary will want to wor. in the sa!e !anner
again &y trying to ause on'usion and suggest to his 'ollowers
that he an &e seen here and there" and thus it re0uires a lose
&ond with Me in order to distinguish $ro$erly and to thin.
orretly ....
*his is why % re$eatedly let you .now that he will only !a.e his
a$$earane when My ad#ersary has also $re$ared the right
e1ternal 'or! 'or hi!sel'" in whih he will then wor. to the horror
o' the &elie#ers" 'or he has great $ower at his dis$osal and will
e!$loy it to wage a relentless &attle o' 'aith ....
(nd then the one who is sent &y Me will !a.e his a$$earane"
and he will $u&lily denoune the 'or!er and not &e a'raid o'
hi!" and there&y you will reognise hi!" 'or he will use the
strength at his dis$osal in My na!e" he will also heal the si. and
$er'or! !irales and thus &e e#en !ore 'ierely atta.ed &y the
authorities who try to .ill hi! and ahie#e his #iolent death ....
-et the light he distri&utes a!ongst My Own will gi#e the!
e1traordinary strength" and they will await My o!ing with
on'idene and wait until the end .... 'or they .now that My Word
'ul'ils itsel' and that e#erything will o!e to $ass as % let it &e
$rolai!ed in Word and 2ri$ture ....
3u&lished &y 'riends o' new re#elations o' God 4%n'or!ation"
download o' all translated re#elations" the!e5&oo.lets at6


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