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Redefining Learning & Development

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who

cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn,
and relearn. Alvin Toffler

At iTrain Consultants the focus is on organizational
competence management by leveraging potential of
employees across all levels of management. Therefore the
objective of competence management is to increase
company performance through mastering new knowledge
and skills quickly.
In an effort to mitigate the competence gaps, iTrain
leverages domain expertise to provide purposeful
interactions while consulting with organizations and training
their staff, effectively supporting end-to-end corporate
iTrain has worked with organizations across the country in
functional domains such as Information Technology,
Telecom, Retail, Manufacturing, Automotive, Engineering,
Travel & Tourism and Services.

The ability to accurately handle knowledge and information
in an accelerated competition is getting more and more
important; transforming and implementing new knowledge
into practical action is just as important. International
Professional Learning Conference, Fraunhofer IAO, Germany

Knowledge and Skills are an important benchmark in an
organizations ability to maintain competitiveness, and take
a step beyond. Unfortunately neither of these benchmarks
is static or truly measurable; they can only be managed for
To consistently manage employee learning and
development within an organization, iTrains proprietary
learning management tools assist an organization in
strategizing for peak output management.
Each employees performance is motivated, managed,
monitored and synchronized to assist an organization to
excel beyond industry benchmarks.

One of the challenges of training is deciding who exactly
you train in your organization and when you train them. The
answers are: a) everyone, and, b) all the time.
- Marty McGhie

Organizations are constantly in a state of flux. There is a
constant need to balance demand and supply at optimal
levels for an organization to be efficiently profitable. A key
ingredient to ensure that an organization achieves this level
of efficient profitability from within is to effectively leverage
employee potential and therefore utilization.
iTrain focuses on catalyzing the impact of human capital to
assist organizations in realizing their market potential.
Training delivery and management is focused on
benchmarking employee performance for sustainable
growth through effective replacement of skills across all

A brand that captures your mind gains behavior. A brand
that captures your heart gains commitment.
- Scott Talgo, Brand Strategist

One of the most poignant questions asked by learning and
development specialists is, How much knowledge is
retained post a training program? The answer is not an
easy one, however effective branding of knowledge can
influence top of mind recall as has been documented by
brand gurus across the world.
At iTrain, brand tools have been utilized as knowledge
triggers. Each of these selective triggers has been
embedded as part of the training design and delivery
mechanism. Knowledge recall therefore is structured and
uncluttered and avoids the ignominy of being generic.

I have found no greater satisfaction than achieving success
through honest dealing and strict adherence to the view
that, for you to gain, those you deal with should gain as
- Alan Greenspan, ex-Chairman, US Federal Reserve Bank

Consultant Partners:

I Train Consultants
+91 124 404 9920

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