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Group III

1. Ni Luh Putu Citra Innosensia (1313041050)
2. Ni Putu Suma Wirati (1313041057)
3. Ni Luh Gede Budi Rahayu (1313041002)
4. Putu Yudharini Arisuta (1013041016)
5. I Wayan Jaya Antara (1013041011)

1. To increase harvest product of food production such as wheat, peanut,
tomato and polyploid fruits without seed. This happend because of
mutation. Mutation like this is...
a. Natural mutation
b. Inductive mutation
c. Genetic mutation
d. Mutation of chromosome
e. Aeration
2. The following is the figure og genetic mutation.

According to that figure, the type of mutation that happens is?
a) Catenation
b) Translocation
c) Inversion
d) Deletion
e) Transition
3. Consider the following figure

According to the figure, the kind of genetic change that happens is?
a) Deletion
b) Duplication
c) Inversion
d) Translocation
e) Catenation
4. The followings are the kinds of mutation because of the change of the
number of chromosomes, except?
a) Nulisomic, monosomic, and trisomic
b) Monosomic, monoploid, and diploid
c) Deletion, inversion, and insertion
d) Deletion, inversion and translocation
e) Insertion, transversion, and translocation
5. If 1 set chromosomes is ABC, the type of monosomic is?
b) BBC
6. In the following which is the kind of mutation because of chromosome
a) Inversion, aneuploid, polyploid, catenation
b) Aneuploid, catenation, duplication, aneusomi
c) Translocation, inversion, polyploid, diploid
d) Duplication, deletion, inversion, translocation
e) Polyploid, deletion, translocation, aneuploid
7. Cancer can be caused by mutagenes that come from outside of the body,
whether that happens naturally or artificially done by human. The
following are examples of mutations as the effect of human action, that is?
a) The happening of evolutionary mechanism
b) Development of local germ to avoid extinction
c) The use of chemical substances in science
d) The discovery of new variety as superior variety
e) Skin cancer is the effect of ultraviolet ray
8. Mutagene in nature that causes mutation is?
a) Gamma ray
b) Rontgen ray
c) Ultraviolet ray
d) Neon ray
e) Betha ray
9. Mutagene that does not come from our earth is?
a) X-ray
b) Electromagnetic ray
c) Cosmic ray
d) Radiation of 60 Co
e) Radiation of 14C
10. Mutation can be caused by the following things, except
a) The use of Xray in diagnose of disease
b) The use of ultraviolet ray in diagnose of disease
c) The use of radioactive
d) Radioactive dust as the effect of nuclear explossion
e) The excessive use of antibiotics
11. To fulfill the appetite of customers, nowadays the kind of fruit plant that
gives benefit for mankind is developed, for example grape and tomato
without seed, but if it is observed from their plantation those plants suffer
harm because?
a) The plants become small
b) The sour decreases
c) Fails to from generative organs fails
d) The formation of vegetative organs fails
e) Chemical fertilizers must be given
12. Klinefelters syndrome as the effect of mutation of chromosome has
characteristics of?
a) Male sex, short body
b) Female sex, ovary does not grow
c) Male sex, testis does not grow
d) Short legs, small ear
e) Stupid face of double sexes kind
13. The workers who work in a rontgen room, in several parts of their body
must be covered by safety deviced. This is done because rontgen ray can?
a) Produce lethal property
b) Destroy body tissue
c) Cause the happening of fail to separate
d) Cause mutation of sexual cells gene
e) Cause one of body organs to malfunction
14. Whats the characteristic of sufferer of Downs syndrome?
a) Hand palm is thick like apes palm
b) The sufferer is commonly a man
c) The intelligence is subnormal
d) Body height tends to be short
e) Leg has X shape
15. Consider the figure in the following!

Based on the figure, the kind of mutation damage that happens is?
a) Turners syndrome
b) Klinefelters Syndrome
c) Jacobs syndrome
d) Downs syndrome
e) Xs syndrome

16. The element that caused mutation, while mutant is organism that
undergoes mutation that call?
a) Mutagene
b) Aneusomic
c) Euploid
d) Genetic
e) Chromosome
17. Various kinds of aberation in the following is? Except
a) Deletion
b) Duplication
c) Translocation
d) Isochromosome
e) Euploid
18. What are the element of aneuploid? Except
a) Monosomic
b) Nulisomic
c) Diploid
d) Trisomic
e) Tetrasomic
19. Consider the figure of chromosome in the following

Based on the figure, the kind of chromosome damage that happens is?\
a) Duplication
b) Translocation
c) Insertion
d) Transversion
e) Catenation
20. There are many kind of mutation because of the change of chromosomes
structure is?
A) Aneuploid
B) Catenation
C) Monoploid
D) Diploid
E) Euploid

Answer :
1. Inductive mutation
2. A. Catenation
3. A. Deletion
4. A. Nulisomic, monosomic, and trisomic
6. D. Duplication, deletion, inversion, translocation
7. C. The use of chemical substances in science
8. C. Ultraviolet ray
9. B. Electromagnetic ray
10. E. The excessive use of antibiotics
11. C. Fails to from generative organs fails
12. A. Male sex, testis does not grow
13. C. Cause mutation of sexual cells gene
14. A. Hand palm is thick like apes palm
15. B. Jacobs syndrome
16. A. Mutagene
17. E. Euploid
18. C.Diploid
19. A. Duplication
20. B. Catenation

1. Explain several advantages and harm of mutation particularly for life
existence of mankind?
Answer :
Although mutations are commonly harmful, but in some cases they
give adventages. Several adventages of mutation are :
a. They act as an important process for evaluation and genetic variation
b. They are used to verify biological process that happen, for examples
determination of the order of phases of metabolism path, electron
transfer in photosynthesis, and fixation of nitrogen in bacteria
c. They increase production of penicilin (a kind of antibiotics) produced
by peniciliium
d. They increase harvest product of food production such as wheat,
peanut, tomato and polyploid fruits without seed, and so on through
artificial mutation or inductive mutation

2. What are the characteristics of Klinefelter syndrome ?
Answer :
a. The sufferer is commonly
b. There is feminine indication mainly secondary sexual
c. Testis decreases, sterile
d. Breast enlarges
e. Bodys hair does not grow
f. Excessive body height
g. If the number of X chromosome is more than two it will
undergo mental retardation

3. How to occure downs syndrome disease for the children ?
Answer :
This is where the role parents play an important role to cope with
mental retardation in children , so that they can hang out with other
friends . Here are some ways that parents can do to a child with Down
syndrome can live like other children :
a.) Down syndrome physiotherapy to help children learn to move all the
muscles properly . If not addressed properly , the child with Down
syndrome usually have disturbances in posture. Do physiotherapy once a
week , to get good results .

b.) In addition to physiotherapy parents also can provide speech therapy,
because children with Down syndrome will experience delays in speaking
and understanding of each vocabulary .

c.) Perform sensory integration therapy for children with Down
syndrome experience an inability to process stimuli or sensors are given
to them. For example, children are not able to control posture .

d.) Acupuncture therapy is also useful to adjust neurological conditions
in children with Down syndromes .

e.) Introduce music to children with Down syndrome are also very useful.
It also can train the child's responses in order to reply to a given stimulus.

4. Why is isochromosome called the reserve of Roberts translocation ?
Answer: Because Roberts translocation is the union of two acrocentric
chromosomes to be one metacentric chromosome. And isochromosome
is chromosome the both hands of which areidential. If we seen from
fission of its centromere, then isochromosome is called alsofission.
Therefore, isochromosome is in opposite to Robertsons translocation.

5. What are the deletion who has genetic ifluence ?
Answer :
a. Lethal effect
Organisms that undergo homozygote deletion will die (lethal) or die
before they are adult (sublethal) because they lose of a set of genes
b. Pseudominant
If heterozygote organism (for example. A.a) loses a small part of
dominant A chromosome, recessive allele a will appear
phenotypically. The appearence of recessive allele phenotype a like a
dominant is called pseudodominant.

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