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Managementul transferului de
Masterat - Managementul proiectelor
2012- 2013 - Semestrul I
1 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
MTT - Cuprins
Tehnologia astazi
Singularitatea tehnologica
Retele sociale
Noi abilitati
Capitalul uman
Creativitate - atentie
2 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Romania, performanta record in
clasamentul Deloitte CE Technology Fast
50 2012
Rezultatele clasamentului din acest an Deloitte Europa Centrala Technology FAST 50 confirma ca
firmele romanesti ce isi desfasoara activitatea in sectorul tehnologic raspund cu succes provocarilor
crizei globale si continua sa-si consolideze pozitia in regiune. Astfel, pentru al doilea an consecutiv,
compania de servicii turistice online s-a plasat pe locul 1, cu o rata record de crestere a
veniturilor (17.323%, calculata ca medie pe ultimii cinci ani), in timp ce TeamNet International
debuteaza in categoria dedicata companiilor de dimensiuni mari (Big 5), ceea ce reprezinta o
premiera pentru industria locala de tehnologie.
Aflat la a 13-a editie, Deloitte Europa Centrala Technology FAST 50 include cele mai dinamice companii
de tehnologie din regiune, in baza ratei de crestere a veniturilor din ultimii cinci ani (2007-2011). De
asemenea, companiile trebuie sa detina proprietate intelectuala care contribuie semnificativ la veniturile
operationale; sau sa dedice o parte substantiala din venituri pentru cercetare si dezvoltare de tehnologie.
In definitia Fast 50, companiile candidate trebuie sa fi raportat venituri anuale de cel putin 50.000 de
euro pe an in ultimii cinci ani, sa aiba sediul in Europa Centrala, sa fie controlate de antreprenori
locali si sa activeze pe piata de cel putin cinci ani. Pe langa categoria principala, Deloitte
recompenseaza si companiile de tehnologie care se afirma rapid - categoria Rising Stars, pentru firme ce
nu indeplinesc criteriul activitatii de minimum cinci ani si care raporteaza venituri anuale mai mici.
Incepand cu editia din 2010, o noua categorie a fost introdusa - Big 5, pentru companii mari (cu cifre de
afaceri de peste 25 de milioane de euro) care inregistreaza in continuare cresteri importante, dar care nu
pot concura cu ratele de crestere ale companiilor din pozitiile de top ale Fast 50.
Lista finalistelor din Romania din acest an este formata din: S.R.L. (locul 1, din Bucuresti, cu
o crestere de 17.323% a veniturilor in perioada 2007-2011), SmartTel S.A. (locul 14, Bucuresti, +894%),
TeamNet International S.A. (locul 16, Bucuresti, +870%), Crys Computers S.R.L. (locul 25, Bucuresti,
+597%), Accesa (locul 28, Cluj-Napoca, +501%) si Ingenio Software S.R.L. (locul 43, Bucuresti,
3 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Deloitte CE Technology Fast 50 2012

Concluzii Deloitte Central Europe Technology FAST 50
Cresterea medie a companiilor din clasament a scazut usor anul acesta la 1.026%, fata de
1.068% in 2011;
Opt tari sunt reprezentate in clasament: Estonia, Cehia, Ungaria, Lituania, Polonia,
Romania, Serbia si Slovacia;
Polonia are cea mai buna reprezentare, cu 27 de companii, fiind urmata de Ungaria (8) si
Romania (6);
23 companii au intrat in clasament pentru prima data, fata de 19, anul trecut;
Companiile dezvoltatoare de solutii software domina topul (27 companii), fiind urmate de
Internet (17). Firmele cu activitati pe Internet au cea mai mare prezenta in celelalte doua
categorii ale clasamentului - Rising Stars (4 din 10) si Big 5 (3 din 5).
Discutiile cu liderii companiilor incluse in clasament au identificat cinci arii prioritare pe
care directorii executivi se vor axa si in cursul acestui an:
Nivelul de incredere creste pe fondul cresterii anticipate in viitor;
Cresterea organica reprezinta in continuare cel mai vehiculat scenariu;
Calitatea si abilitatile angajatilor reprezinta conditii critice pentru companiile de tehnologie;
Managementul performantei este crucial pentru activitatea viitoare;
Tehnologia cloud computing prezinta cel mai ridicat potential.

4 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Deloitte CE Technology Fast 50 2012
5 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Singularitatea tehnologic
Singularitatea tehnologic este un concept din stiinta viitorului
(futurologie) care se refer la implicaiile pe care n general le are
progresul tehnico-tiinific foarte accelerat pentru specia uman i ceea ce
nelegem prin om.
n anul 1958, ntr-un interviu, John von Neumann vorbea despre faptul c
progresul tehnico-tiinific accelerat las s se ntrevad un fel de
singularitate, dincolo de care viaa i lumea aa cum le tim noi nu mai
pot exista. Conceptul a fost n mod formal lansat n 1993 de ctre
matematicianul Vernor Vinge i dezvoltat apoi de ctre experi precum
Ray Kurzweil (Legea ntoarcerilor accelerate) i Eliezer Yudkowsky.
Termenul a fost mprumutat din fizic (unde singularitate este, de exemplu, o
gaur neagr, noi neputnd afla ce este n interiorul ei, legile fizicii
nemaiavnd valabilitate aici).
6 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Ray Kurzweil
Kurzweil's central argument is derived from the predictions of Moore's Law that the rate of innovation
of computer technology is increasing not linearly but rather exponentially. According to Kurzweil's
argument, since growth in so many fields of science and technology depends upon computing power, these
improvements translate into exponentially more frequent advances in non-computer sciences like
nanotechnology, biotechnology, and materials science. Kurzweil refers to this concept as the "Law of
Accelerating Returns", and has asserted that this is supported by a number of metrics.
Kurzweil's opinions on the benefits of technology for future humans are expressed further in his books. He predicted
publicly that before 2050 medical advances will allow people to radically extend their lifespans while
preserving and even improving quality of life as they age, due to advances in medical nanotechnology,
which will allow microscopic machines to travel through one's body and repair all types of damage at the
cellular level. He claims that equally consequential developments will occur within the realm of computers
as they become increasingly powerful, numerous and cheap between now and 2050
Kurzweil predicts that a computer will pass the Turing test by 2029. He predicts that the first AI will be a computer
simulation of a human brain which will be created thanks to hyper-accurate brain-scanning done by advanced
medical nanomachines inserted into a real human brain.
Kurzweil suggests that AIs will inevitably become far smarter and more powerful than un-enhanced humans.
He also believes that AIs will exhibit moral thinking and will respect humans as their ancestors. According to
his predictions, the line between humans and machines will blur as machines attain human-level
intelligence and humans start upgrading themselves with cybernetic implants. These implants will
greatly enhance human cognitive and physical abilities, and allow direct interface between humans and
7 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Technological singularity
A technological singularity is a hypothetical event occurring when technological progress becomes so rapid that it makes the future
after the singularity qualitatively different and harder to predict.
A technological singularity includes the concept of an intelligence explosion, a term coined in 1965 by I. J. Good. Although
technological progress has been accelerating, it has been limited by the basic intelligence of the human brain, which has not,
according to Paul R. Ehrlich changed significantly for millennia. However with the increasing power of computers and other
technologies, it might eventually be possible to build a machine that is more intelligent than humanity.
If superhuman
intelligences were invented, either through the amplification of human intelligence or artificial intelligence it would bring to
bear greater problem-solving and inventive skills than humans, then it could design a yet more capable machine, or re-write its
source code to become more intelligent. This more capable machine then could design a machine of even greater capability.
These iterations could accelerate, leading to recursive self improvement, potentially allowing enormous qualitative change
before any upper limits imposed by the laws of physics or theoretical computation set in.
Kurzweil postulates a law of accelerating returns in which the speed of technological change increases exponentially, generalizing
Moore's law to technologies predating the integrated circuit, and including material technology (especially as applied to
nanotechnology), medical technology and others. Like other authors, though, he reserves the term "Singularity" for a rapid
increase in intelligence (as opposed to other technologies), writing for example that "The Singularity will allow us to transcend
these limitations of our biological bodies and brains ... There will be no distinction, post-Singularity, between human and

He also defines his predicted date of the singularity (2045) in terms of when he expects computer-based intelligences
to significantly exceed the sum total of human brainpower, writing that advances in computing before that date "will not
represent the Singularity" because they do "not yet correspond to a profound expansion of our intelligence."
The term "technological singularity" reflects the idea that such change may happen suddenly, and that it is difficult to predict how
such a new world would operate. Whenever technology approaches a barrier, Kurzweil writes, new technologies will cross it.
He predicts paradigm shifts will become increasingly common, leading to "technological change so rapid and profound it
represents a rupture in the fabric of human history"(2001).
Kurzweil believes that the singularity will occur before the end of the 21st century, setting the date at 2045 (2005).
8 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Explozie de inteligen
Conform legii lui Moore, se estimeaz c n aproximativ 20-30 de ani, computerele vor depi puterea de calcul
a creierului uman, care este la aprox. 10
operaii pe secund.

Avem 100 de miliarde de neuroni ori 1,000 de conexiuni per neuron (calculele avnd loc n principal n
conexiuni) ori 200 de operaii pe secund
n a sa Law of Accelerating Returns, Ray Kurzweil ajunge la concluzia c de la apariia Universului, i mai ales
de la apariia vieii pe Pmnt, evoluia a avut loc exponenial (chiar dublu exponenial) i nu liniar.

Extrapolnd Legea lui Moore, Kurzweil conchide c, n cei 100 de ani ai secolului al XXI-lea, vom asista la o
evoluie comparabil cu 20.000 de ani precedeni, dac se menine curba exponenial. Aceasta deoarece
odat ce computerele vor depi performana creierului uman, vor fi capabile s se auto-
mbunteasc, meninnd ritmul de cretere exponenial al vitezei de calcul. Rezultatul este c
progresul tehnico-tiinific va cunoate o accelerare din ce n ce mai nalt. Aceste computere atunci
vor fi n stare s descifreze foarte rapid aproape toate secretele naturii i Universului.
Acest salt tehnologic ultrarapid va duce la evenimente aproape imposibil de imaginat pentru specia homo
sapiens: contopirea dintre inteligena biologic i cea non-biologic (mind uploading), oameni aproape
nemuritori i nivele nalte de superinteligen care se rspndesc rapid n ntreg Universul (de aceea este
folosit termenul de singularitate: specia uman nu are cum s neleag ce va urma (gaur neagr) la fel
precum o bacterie nu poate nelege ce este un om, att de mare va fi progresul tehnico-tiinific).

9 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Tehnologia influenteaza business-ul (2008) studiu Deloitte
Potrivit studiului Previziuni in domeniul tehnologiei informatiilor 2008" realizat de Deloitte, viata indivizilor
si a corporatiilor va fi influentata din ce in ce mai mult de biotehnologie, bionica sau biometrie.
Din studiul Deloitte reiese ca noile directii de dezvoltare tehnologica presupun portabilitate, prezenta online
si din ce in ce mai mult divertisment.
Bani reali din lumi virtuale. Exista companii, precum IBM, Philips si Vodafone, care si-au deschis birouri in
Second Life, iar exemplul acestora a starnit si interesul unor institutii oficiale. Este si cazul Comisiei
Europene, care intentioneaza sa isi deschida birouri si ambasade virtuale. Cu Second Life a inceput de fapt
constructia Internet-ului 3D, iar unele dintre marile companii au facut deja conferinte in aceasta lume, unde
participa virtual oameni din toate colturile lumii.
Inceputul a fost timid. El a luat forma unei platforme in care utilizatorii isi pot inventa propria lume si pot lua
orice identitate. Ulterior, acest loc a reusit sa dea nastere" primilor milionari in dolari care obtin bani reali
din tranzactiile pe care le fac in aceasta lume paralela.
Lumile virtuale, platforme sau jocuri, vor reusi sa modifice esential atat perceptia noastra asupra modului in care
interactionam cu alti oameni, cat si modul de desfasurare si dezvoltare a afacerilor prezente sau viitoare.
Conform studiului Deloitte, Romania se va confrunta in continuare cu lipsa personalului specializat in sectorul
tehnologic, iar investitiile se vor concentra catre modernizarea infrastructurii si stimularea pietei
echipamentelor de stocare a datelor.

10 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Cum influenteaza IT-ul lumea de maine
Internetul a evoluat atat de mult in ultimii ani, incat el nu mai reprezinta o simpla
baza de informatii.
Intregul proces a trecut deja de la nivelul unei economii de cautare, la cel al
economiei de filtrare sau de selectionare.
"In cautarile pe internet ne bazam pe opiniile altor persoane, atunci cand decidem
daca ceva e bun, rau sau daca ne e indiferent. Totul trece de la o simpla cautare
de cuvinte cheie, la nivelul de recomandare, ca aspect central al cautarii.
Oamenii vor sa aiba acces la servicii, mai degraba decat la produse. Mai mult
decat atat, utilizatorii au putere de decizie asupra acestor servicii, pentru ca tot
ceea ce se intampla pe platformele de socializare, ca Twitter de exemplu,
inseamna de fapt feedback instantaneu - Andy Mulholland, CTO (Chief
Technology Officer) in cadrul companiei de consultanta IT Capgemini.
11 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Searcheology new science (20-26 mai 2009 BUSINESS Magazin) (1)
Cutarea n web este pentru cei mai muli dintre noi o necesitate. ns pentru cei de la Google
este o tiin i chiar organizeaz o conferin anual numit Searcheology.

Google a lansat nu mai puin de 360 de produse, multe dintre ele pornind de la proiecte
personale ale angajailor - se tie c Google acord angajailor o zi pe sptmn pe care s o
dedice domeniilor proprii de interes. Cu toate acestea, motorul de cutare rmne
principala surs de venit i este firesc c se bucur de cea mai mare atenie. Dei deine o
cot de pia uria (peste 63% n Statele Unite) noutile prezentate la recenta conferin
Searcheology dovedesc c Google vrea mai mult. Principalul anun se refer la o tehnologie
numit Rich Snippets" care urmrete s ofere mai mult informaie relevant n
rezultatele cutrii explornd formatele standardizate de descriere a coninutului web, n
principal RDF (Resource Description Framework) i microformate. Dat fiind
popularitatea de care se bucur Google, este foarte probabil c aceast facilitate va impulsiona
dezvoltatorii de situri web s utilizeze pe scar larg acest gen de metadate, apropiindu-ne
astfel mai repede de web-ul semantic preconizat de Tim Berners-Lee.

Master MTT 2012 - 2013 12
Searcheology new science (20-26 mai 2009 BUSINESS Magazin) (2)
O alt noutate o reprezint Google Squared - un produs experimental care returneaz rezultatele ntr-o
form tabelar. Specialitii de la Google au remarcat c adesea oamenii caut informaii pe care apoi le
sintetizeaz ntr-un spreadsheet. Dei nu a vrut s prezinte detalii despre tehnologia utilizat, Merissa Mayer
(vicepreedinte pentru produse de cutare) a precizat c este nevoie de o putere de calcul uria pentru a
crea automat astfel de tabele, culegnd date relevante din informaie nestructurat.
Este ns important de notat c pe msur ce metadatele standardizate de genul RDF vor deveni mai larg
utilizate, crearea unor astfel de tabele va deveni mult mai uoar.
Google Search Options ne va oferi o serie de faciliti de filtrare i de rafinare a rezultatelor cutrilor,
posibiliti largi de a selecta diverse tipuri de rezultate, de a naviga pe o ax a timpului pentru a vedea
ce rezultate ar fi venit n urm cu o lun sau cu an, reprezentri grafice ale numrului de cutri
pentru anumite cuvinte-cheie n diverse perioade (obinnd astfel o foarte fidel radiografie a evoluiei
interesului public). Se observ interesul crescnd pentru cronologie, pentru dimensiunea temporal a
informaiilor. News Timeline are principala caracteristic c organizeaz tirile pe un subiect dat n ordine
cronologic. Ins acesta este doar nceputul, pentru c se pot alege intervalele dorite (pe zile, sptmni i
chiar decade, dar se poate alege i o anumit dat), se pot alege sursele preferate (ziare, reviste, bloguri, etc.)
i, n plus, informaiile sunt prezentate tabelar, fiecare coloan fiind dedicat intervalelor selectate.
Se glumete adesea despre posibilitatea ca Google s gseasc i obiecte fizice, iar SkyMap este un pas n
aceast direcie: vom putea cuta stele. Combinnd Android, GPS i tehnici de cutare, Google poate acum
oferi o hart dinamic a constelaiilor, n funcie de locul unde se afl utilizatorul. n curnd ne vom cuta
cheile de la main tot cu Google.

Master MTT 2012 - 2013 13
Cloud Computing
Pentru 1,4 miliarde de oameni, internetul a devenit in ultimii 10 ani parte integranta a vietii de zi cu zi.

300 de milioane de oameni sunt activi pe bloguri, Youtube inregistreaza 1 miliard de accesari zilnic, in
timp ce in aceeasi baza de date sunt postate 20 de ore de materiale video pe minut. Aceasta in
conditiile in care numai o patrime din populatia globului are computer, acces la internet sau
Suntem in legatura permanenta cu lumea, primim si trimitem informatii oricand si de oriunde. Putem sa
calatorim virtual din America pana in Japonia in cateva minute, pe Google. Cea mai moderna harta
virtuala dezvoltata de concernul american, Google Street View, este accesata de milioane de
utilizatori in intreaga lume. "Iar acesta este numai inceputul", a declarat Michael Jones, fondatorul
programului Google Earth. Informatia este cheia viitorului spune Jones, insa modul in care ea e
organizata e la fel de important.

Cloud Computing, un concept elaborat de Microsoft - "Informatia e atat de importanta, incat la Google am
pus pe picioare o intreaga companie in jurul acestui concept. Misiunea noastra este de a organiza
informatia, de o impacheta in toate felurile posibile, astfel incat ea sa fie universal accesibila si utila" a
adaugat Jones. Tehnologia "Cloud Computing - prezentata de Microsoft ca fiind caracteristica IT a
viitorului. Prin sistemul Cloud, datele stocate in prezent pe hard-disk-ul unui computer vor putea fi
accesate prin servere, pe internet, iar noua tehnologie va reduce semnificativ costurile capitale cheltuite
pana acum pe echipamente software si hardware.

14 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Google, Yahoo, Hi5, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Mebo, LinkedIn,
YouTube, SecondLife, blog-urile si multe alte servicii digitale sunt
componente indispensabile ale prezentei in mediul digital
Indiferent daca vorbim despre lumi virtuale, comert electronic, motoare de cautare sau retele sociale, mediul virtual
se combina cu existenta fizica si o modeleaza in moduri de neimaginat cu numai 10 ani in urma. Majoritatea
oamenilor detin o identitate digitala si actionam in aceasta noua economie cea digitala uneori chiar mai des
decat in economia reala, dar modul in care utilizatorii relationeaza cu comunitatile virtuale se schimba
permanent, tinand pas cu inovatia tehnologica.
Pe parcursul ultimilor 10 ani, companii mari si mici din industrii diverse au investit n afaceri in mediul electronic.
Imbunatatirea conectivitatii on-line s-a dovedit a fi esentiala pentru succesul pe termen lung atat pentru
companiile prezente in economia traditionala (fizica) cat si pentru companiile noi ce opereaza numai in
economia digitala. Dar, in ciuda entuziasmului general si a acceptarii unanime a noilor paradigme de afaceri,
numai unii dintre actorii economiei digitale au reusit sa identifice modele de afaceri de success in aceasta noua
era virtuala.
Prima decada digitala (1994 2004) a fost caracterizata de inovatie in tehnologii care au furnizat in special
functionalitati noi consumatorilor rezidentiali si mediului de business. A doua decada digitala va aduce
imbuntatiri semnificative in personalizarea si conectvitatea produselor si serviciilor digitale in moduri care nu
erau posibile sau imaginabile in trecut. Trecerea de la inovare la umanizare a dat nastere unor modele noi de
afaceri de tip Web 2.0 care sunt atractive dar in acelasi timp schimba fundamental mediul concurential si
implicit modul in care interactionam si ne derulam afacerile: cost mic de intrare pe piata a noilor jucatori,
adresabilitate/audienta de masa, posibilitatea de a adresa consumatori cu caracteristici demografice atractive,
dispersati pe o zona geografica extinsa, posibilitatea de a facilita interactiuni relevante intre participant,
posibilitatea de a substitui produse si servicii fizice existente (ziare, carti, etc.).
Sursa: Tribul digital Un concept sau o realitate?, 3 Martie 2010
15 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Dependenta de tehnologie - viciul
secolului XXI
Unii cred ca nimic nu este mai rau decat dependenta de alcool, de tutun sau de droguri. S-ar
putea sa greseasca toti.
Un studiu publicat de revista PloS ONE sustine ca omul modern este amenintat in perspectiva de o
grava dependenta de tehnologie, iar, in cadrul tehnologiei, locul unu il ocupa Internetul. Internetul
este capabil sa produce modificari chimice cerebrale similare cu cele produse de alcool sau de
droguri. Cum actioneaza aceste modificari, ne-o spun diferitele sindroame care au fost identificate.
Sindromul vibratiilor inselatoare. Ti s-a intamplat sa apuci telefonul mobil, convins ca a sunat
sau a vibrat, si sa constati ca, dupa ce ai pus mana pe el, nici nu sunase, nici nu vibrase? Acesta
este un sindrom specific posesorilor de telefoane. Se intampla sa simti ca telefonul suna si
vibreaza. Chiar atunci cand el este departe, intr-o alta incapere, poti avea iluzia ca suna. Intr-un
articol aparut in publicatia britanica Disorder profesorul Larry Rosen sustine ca 70% din
persoanele care folosesc frecvent telefoanele mobile sunt, mai mult sau mai putin, afectate de
sindromul vibratiilor inselatoare.
Dependenta de Internet Despre dependenta de Internet s-a scris mult si se va mai scrie. Unii
socot ca este un viciu care afecteaza viata noastra, altii ca e un fapt inofensiv, dar antrenant si util
datorita aplicatiilor respectivei tehnologii. Nimeni nu poate face pe arbitrul, intre unii si altii.
Exista, insa, un moment cand Internetul incepe sa interfereze cu viata de zi cu zi. Cand ai ajuns la o
astfel de faza ingrijoratoare, inseamna ca dependenta a devenit nociva.Asa cum spuneam, nu toti
expertii accepta ca dependenta de Internet este neaparat o tulburare. Intr-o lucrare publicata in
2008 in American Journal of Psychiatry, doctorul Jerald J. Block aprecia ca dependenta de Internet
devine cu adevarat vizibila si daunatoare numai atunci cand, intrerupand brusc utilizarea
sistemului, utilizatorul simte o oboseala patologica, ce poate fi urmata de o depresie severa.
16 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Dependenta de tehnologie - viciul
secolului XXI
Dependenta de retelele sociale Desi aceasta nu pare diferita de cea anterioara, duce la
trairi mult mai complexe si, deci, intervine mai adanc in structura umana. Prin legaturile ei
complicate in reteaua sociala, aceasta forma face ca dependenta sa fie dubla: o data direct
fata de legatura prin Internet si a doua oara prin complexul retelelor conectate si
patrunderea intr-o lume virtuala.

Cercetatorii norvegieni au conceput o metoda de a masura gradul de dependenta, numita
Bergen Facebook Scala Toxicomanie, care ajuta utilizatorii sa aprecieze in ce masura
sufera de dependenta sociala. Testul se bazeaza pe sase criterii, care orienteaza utilizatorul
cu privire la gradul de dependenta la care a ajuns, permitandu-i sa limiteze preventiv
folosirea exagerata a retelei. Neadaptarea unor masuri la timpul potrivit il face pe
utilizator din ce in ce mai dependent si mai vulnerabil.

Viciul jocurilor de noroc. Jocurile de noroc practicate pe Internet duc mai rapid si mai
agresiv la viciu decat jocurile practicate in societate sau in salile de jocuri clasice.
Utilizatorul are la dispozitie intregul arsenal necesar jocului - instrumente de joc,
instrumente de plata, parteneri - timp nelimitat, daca doreste.
El poate deveni un obsedat, un om care se detaseaza de orice alta problema a vietii
personale, de familie sau profesionale, pentru a se dedica retelei. Un caz tragic s-a
inregistrat in iulie 2011, cand un programator profesionist de 20 ani, a decedat in urma
unei crize de tromboza venoasa profunda, instalata in timpul jocului de noroc virtual.
17 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Modele emergente de afaceri adresate Triburilor Digitale de
Consultantii KPMG subliniaza ideea ca pentru a intelege aceste noi oportunitati, dar mai ales pentru a intelege cum sa genereze
venituri din ele, companiile trebuie sa-si trateze clientii potentiali intr-un mod nou ca membri ai unor Triburi Digitale
care asteapta servicii relevante si personalizate. Potrivit KPMG, aceste companii trebuie sa priveasca dincolo de abordarea
traditionala a serviciilor digitale bazata pe continut si distributie si sa considere o gama larga de alte beneficii pe care le pot
furniza consumatorilor lor.
Suntem in fiecare zi martorii modului in care tehnologia ne influenteaza modul in care traim si facem afaceri. Economia digitala nu
mai este un concept virtual, ci o realitate care ne modeleaza pe noi si modul in care relationam atat cu comunitatile personale din
care facem parte cat si cu comunitatea noastra de afaceri. KPMG intelege rolul important pe care consultantii trebuie sa-l aiba in
a-si ajuta clientii sa se adapteze la aceste schimbari rapide de mediu concurential si a definit o metodologie structurata care sa
foloseasca companiilor in analiza propriei afaceri digitale. Suntem convinsi ca aceste noi concepte, Triburile Digitale si
Egalizatorul Convergentei Digitale ca parte integranta a unui sistem structurat de analiza vor fi de mare folos companiilor
existente dar si celor care doresc sa intre pe piata serviciilor on-line in alegerea unui model de afacere de succes, afirma
Aurelia Costache, Advisory Partner KPMG in Romania.
Consumatorii nu mai sunt constransi de granitele fizice si pot sa-si extinda aproape instantaneu reteaua de relatii din domeniul real in
mediul virtual, conectandu-se intr-un mod rapid si personalizat cu sute de alti consumatori aflati oriunde in lume, formand
Triburi Digitale cu preocupari si credinte similare.
De la Masonii Digitali (grupuri largi de persoane care sunt foarte loiale unele altora si subiectelor/preocuparilor comune, au putere de
cumparare colectiva impresionanta si sunt dispusi sa plateasca premium pentru servicii relevante) pana la Itinerantii Digitali
(indivizi care se plimba de pe un site pe altul dar nici nu adera la un grup de interese si nici nu sunt dispusi sa cheltuiasca bani pe
servicii digitale) KPMG a identificat sapte tipuri de Triburi Digitale, clasificate in functie de caracteristicile lor relevante
(ex. loialitate, dimensiune a grupului, putere colectiva de cumparare, etc.) astfel: Masoni Digitali, Club-eri Digitali, Ofiteri
Digitali, Natiuni Digitale, Mame Digitale, Nomazi Digitali, Itineranti Digitali.
18 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Triburi Digitale
Ideea de la care a pornit cercetarea KPMG a fost urmtoarea: consumatorii i extind aproape instantaneu reeaua de relaii din
domeniul real n mediul virtual, conectndu-se ntr-un mod rapid i personalizat cu sute de ali consumatori aflai oriunde n
lume, formnd Triburi digitale cu preocupri i credine similare. Pentru a nelege noile oportuniti din online, dar mai ales
pentru a nelege cum s genereze venituri din ele, companiile trebuie s-i trateze clienii poteniali ntr-un mod nou, spun
consultanii KPMG, ca membri ai acestor Triburi digitale care ateapt servicii relevante i personalizate.

Masonii digitali se refer la grupuri largi de persoane care sunt foarte loiale unele altora precum i preocuprilor comune, au
putere de cumprare colectiv impresionant i sunt dispui s plteasc premium pentru servicii relevante.
La polul opus, Itineranii digitali sunt indivizi care se plimb de pe un site pe altul, dar nici nu ader la un grup de interese i
nici nu sunt dispui s cheltuiasc bani pe servicii digitale.
Cluberii digitali au comportamente similare cu cei care frecventeaz cluburile de noapte. Nu sunt consumatori foarte loiali, ci
se mut cu prima ocazie la un furnizor similar de servicii. Sunt dispui s plteasc o tax de intrare n club destul de mare.
Ofierii digitali sunt foarte loiali unii altora i comunitii din care fac parte. De regul, aceste grupuri de utilizatori digitali
nu sunt foarte largi. Sunt dispui s plteasc preuri corecte pentru servicii de calitate.
Naiunile digitale se refer la grupuri foarte largi de consumatori online. Patriotismul lor este destul de putenic, sunt ataai
valorilor comune. Sunt dispui s plteasc doar pentru servicii eseniale, altfel au un comportament de plat arbitrar.
Mamele digitale se asociaz n jurul unui subiect care are o mare relevan personal pentru persoanele n cauz. Loialitatea
fa de acea comunitate este mare, dar nu fanatic. Acest tip de utilizator online poate fi dispus s plteasc un onorariu lunar
Nomazii digitali trec uor de la un grup digital la altul, loialitatea lor este medie. Se asociaz de regul n grupuri mici, iar
puterea lor de cumprare este modest.
19 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Triburi Digitale
Identificarea Tribului Digital pe care sa-l deserveasca nu este suficient pentru ca o companie sa construiasca o afacere on-line de
success. Companiile trebuie sa inteleaga cum pot furniza acestor clienti valoare si sa-si aleaga in acelasi timp un model de afaceri
potrivit dar si profitabil. Sprijinind pasiunile Tribului, incurajand conversatia si interactiunea intre membrii acestui ecosistem
digital, companiile pot crea servicii digitale care sa atraga aceste Triburi Digitale construind relatii durabile cu acesti consumatori si
crescandu-le loialitatea fata de propriul brand.
KPMG a identificat 20 de modalitati prin care o companie poate furniza valoare Tribului Digital caruia vrea sa i se adreseze si le-a
grupat intr-un instrument functional de analiza numit Egalizatorul Convergentei Digitale. Conceptul de Triburi Digitale si
Egalizatorul Convergentei Digitale, consituie impreuna un sistem cadru pentru companii de abordare structurata a analizei si
rafinarii strategiei lor digitale.

Firma de consultanta si audit KPMG a identificat 7 grupuri diferite de utilizatori ai internetului, in functie de
comportamentul lor de navigare, de atasamentul la o comunitate online si de puterea de cumparare: Masonii digitali,
Cluberii digitali, Ofiterii digitali, Natiunile digitale, Mamele digitale, Nomazii digitali si Itinerantii digitali.
Ideea de la care a pornit cercetarea KPMG a fost urmtoarea: consumatorii i extind aproape instantaneu reeaua de relaii din
domeniul real n mediul virtual, conectndu-se ntr-un mod rapid i personalizat cu sute de ali consumatori aflai oriunde n lume,
formnd Triburi digitale cu preocupri i credine similare.
Pentru a nelege noile oportuniti din online, dar mai ales pentru a nelege cum s genereze venituri din ele, companiile trebuie s-
i trateze clienii poteniali ntr-un mod nou, spun consultanii KPMG, ca membri ai acestor Triburi digitale care ateapt servicii
relevante i personalizate.
20 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Europa - pionierul tranzitiei catre web 3.0?
Europa ar putea sa devina pionierul tranzitiei catre urmatoarea generatie a internetului raport Comisia Europeana - 29
Septembrie 2008. Potrivit acestuia, Europa este bine plasata pentru a exploata tenditele din domeniul informaticii, ce se vor
intensifica in urmatorii ani, precum: retelele de socializare, trecerea decisiva la servicii comerciale online, serviciile
nomade bazate pe GPS, televiziunea mobila si cresterea pietei pentru etichetele inteligente.

Raportul Comisiei a prezentat, un nou indice de performanta in materie de broadband (IPB) care compara performantele
nationale privind viteza transferului broadband, pretul, concurenta si acoperirea.
Potrivit indicelui, Suedia si Tarile de Jos se situeaza in fruntea clasamentului broadband din Europa, care completeaza indicele
de penetrare a internetului broadband utilizat in mod traditional de autoritatile de reglementare in domeniul telecomunicatiilor.
Internetul viitorului va schimba radical societatea noastra, a declarat, cu aceasta ocazie, Viviane Reding, comisarul pentru
societate informationala si mass-media. Web 3.0 inseamna comunicatii nelimitate, oriunde si oricand, in scopuri de afaceri,
agrement, socializare, prin intermediul unor retele rapide, fiabile si sigure. Web 3.0 reprezinta sfarsitul distinctiei dintre liniile
mobile si cele fixe si prevesteste un salt de zece trepte pe scara universului digital pana in 2015. Europa poseda cunostintele
necesare si retele de inalta capacitate pentru a se pozitiona in fruntea acestei transformari. Trebuie sa ne asiguram ca Web 3.0
este creat si utilizat in Europa, a adaugat comisarul.
Noile aplicatii tehnologice vor necesita o acoperire internet totala. Oportunitatile pentru intreprinderile din UE vor fi enorme, cu
conditia sa se investeasca suficient in accesul la retelele broadband de mare viteza si in sprijinirea inovarii si a cercetarii.
Potrivit comunicarii Comisiei, UE trebuie sa stimuleze investitiile in accesul la noua generatie de retele broadband.
De exemplu, trebuie incurajata implicarea autoritatilor locale care ar putea facilita accesul la conducte (sau instalarea de noi
conducte) in cursul lucrarilor de infrastructura, conducte care sa adaposteasca retelele de fibra optica pentru comunicatii
broadband de mare viteza. De asemenea, trebuie incurajata concurenta in domeniul serviciilor de internet, prevenirea
practicilor neloiale de restrictionare a optiunilor la indemana consumatorilor, pastrarea increderii consumatorilor in utilizarea
internetului si finantarea cercetarii in ceea ce priveste internetul viitorului.

21 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Europa - pionierul tranzitiei catre web 3.0?
Utilizatorii europeni ai internetului au acces din ce in ce mai mult la servicii de internet tot mai rapide si mai avantajoase. La sfarsitul lui 2007, jumatate dintre
acestia aveau acces la servicii broadband de peste 2 megabiti pe secunda (MBps), o viteza de transfer de doua ori mai mare decat cea disponibila cu un
an inainte si care suporta aplicatii de televiziune prin internet. Retelele broadband acopera 70% din populatia rurala din cele 27 de state membre UE,
apropiindu-se de gradul de acoperire totala (93%). In ultimul an, gradul de acoperire broadband a zonelor rurale in UE-25 a crescut cu 8 puncte
Toate acestea indica faptul ca utilizatorii vor beneficia in curand de o noua generatie a internetului, iar avantajele acestuia pentru economia Europei sunt
evidente. In 2007, un sfert de milion de europeni foloseau site-uri 2.0, iar aplicatiile comerciale bazate pe retelele de socializare se afla in plina
dezvoltare. In perioada 2006-2011, se preconizeaza o crestere de 15% a pietei mondiale de programe de software comercial prin internet.
Noile aplicatii tehnologice vor necesita o acoperire internet totala. Internetul "obiectelor" permite interactiunea la distanta intre masini, vehicule, aparate,
senzori si multe alte echipamente. Gratie acestuia, este posibila deja existenta titlurilor de transport electronice si va fi posibil schimbul de informatii
intre echipamentele mobile pentru efectuarea platilor sau obtinerea de informatii. Conform previziunilor, un miliard de telefoane vor fi dotate cu astfel de
tehnologii pana in 2015.
O concurenta insuficienta poate intarzia investitiile in tehnologiile avansate .
Comunicarea este insotita de un nou indice de performanta in materie de broadband care permite comparatii in ceea ce privette concurenta, acoperirea, viteza si
calitatea accesului la internet pe intreg teritoriul Europei. Acest indice arata ca, datorita unui mediu de investitii deschis si competitiv, UE este deja bine
pozitionata pentru a exploata oportunitatile oferite de broadband.
Potrivit indicelui, Suedia si Tarile de Jos se situeaza in mod evident in fruntea clasamentului UE, datorita unui mediu concurential, cetatenilor instruiti si
firmelor care detin competentele necesare pentru utilizarea unor servicii avansate. In schimb, o concurenta insuficienta poate intarzia investitiile in
tehnologiile avansate, determinand cresterea preturilor. De asemenea, factorii sociali, precum lipsa competentelor informatice, raspandirea limitata a
computerelor personale, finantarea insuficienta a sectorului TIC par a fi bariere semnificative in calea progreselor viitoare.
Noile aplicatii tehnologice vor necesita o acoperire internet totala
Oportunitatile pentru intreprinderile din UE vor fi enorme, cu conditia sa se investeasca suficient in accesul la retelele broadband de mare viteza si in sprijinirea
inovarii si a cercetarii. Potrivit comunicarii Comisiei, UE trebuie sa stimuleze investitiile in accesul la noua generatie de retele broadband.
De exemplu, trebuie incurajata implicarea autoritatilor locale care ar putea facilita accesul la conducte (sau instalarea de noi conducte) in cursul lucrarilor de
infrastructura, conducte care sa adaposteasca retelele de fibra optica pentru comunicatii broadband de mare viteza. De asemenea, trebuie incurajata
concurenta in domeniul serviciilor de internet, prevenirea practicilor neloiale de restrictionare a optiunilor la indemana consumatorilor, pastrarea
increderii consumatorilor in utilizarea internetului si finantarea cercetarii in ceea ce priveste internetul viitorului.
22 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Computerul ne prjete creierul
Dei reuim s le rezolvm, nu suntem setai s
facem mai multe lucruri deodat
Sursa; Lidia Ioni Nstase, Ziarul Adevarul, Miercuri 10 nov 2010

Fizic, nu suntem construii s rezistm asaltului tehnologic. Numrul mare de site-uri pe care le avem deschise
i mai multe activiti pe care le desfurm n paralel duc la un consum rapid al neuronilor, avertizeaz
oamenii de tiin. Ferestrele de internet lsate n josul ecranului sunt din ce n ce mai multe, verificm n acelai
timp e-mailul, scriem pe messenger i tragem un ochi la televizor.
Asaltul digital cruia trebuie s-i facem fa este din ce n ce mai apstor, iar experii spun c nu suntem
construii s ne confruntm cu aceast avalan de informaii. Multitasking-ul produce doar dezavantaje",
declar pentru LiveScience Clifford Nass, profesor de comunicare la Universitatea Stanford, SUA. Preul pe care
l pltim este suprasolicitarea ateniei, care ne bag creierul n cea" i ne face mai puin productivi. Chiar
dac cel care face mai multe activiti n acelai timp crede c se descurc, creierul su nu poate ndeplini toate
aceste procese simultane", spune Nass.
Abilitatea de a duce la bun sfrit sarcini complicate, cum ar fi cititul i raionamentele, provine dintr-un
proces cerebral denumit memorie de lucru". Memoria de scurt durat, atenia i controlul cognitiv
particip la derularea acestui proces care presupune s lum i s manipulm informaia. Toate aceste
capaciti sunt, ns, limitate.
Studiile confirm c oamenii care fac mai multe lucruri deodat se chinuiesc s atrag informaie din memoria pe
termen scurt i din cea pe termen lung n memoria de lucru, dar sfresc prin a fi buimcii cnd trebuie s treac
de la o activitate la alta i nu reuesc s filtreze informaia nerelevant. Nu pare, ns, s existe scpare din
mrejele -multitaskingului. Am ncercat un experiment la Stanford, prin care ofeream 100 de dolari celor care
luau o pauz timp de o sptmn. Nu am reuit s conving pe nimeni", spune Nass. De ce este att de greu?
Ispita este aproape irezistibil. Creierul nostru caut noutatea, iar computerul exploateaz acest instinct. Cnd
auzim un click sau apare ceva pe ecran, e foarte greu s nu te ntrebi ce se ascunde acolo", spune Joanne Cantor,
profesor la Universitatea din Wisconsin, SUA. Totui, specialitii ne sftuiesc s lum pauze ntr-un mediu mai
puin informatizat", mcar n doze mici.
23 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Economie comportamental
1759 - Adam Smith The Theory of Moral Sentiments psihologia uman eronat afecteaz deciziile economice
1920 - 1930 Irving Fisher i Vilfredo Pareto au scris despre rolul factorului uman n procesul de luare a deciziilor la nivel
1955 Herbert Simon a introdus conceptul de rationalitate ngradit n cadrul cruia oamenii nu sunt instrumente
perfecte de procesat informaia, as cum presupuneau economistii clasici. Laureat al premiului Nobel in 1978
Anii 1960 - cercettorii ncep s vad creierul uman ca pe un instrument de procesare a informaiei, mai degrab dect ca un
simplu organ de rspuns la stimuli. Aceasta nou viziune deschide noi perspective n ceea ce privete combinarea domeniilor
psihologiei i a procesului de luare a deciziilor la nivel economic.
1979 Amos Tversky i Daniel Kahneman public The prospect theory postulnd c existena unor opiuni diferite este la
fel de important n stabilirea modului n care se iau deciziile ca i opiunile n sine.
1986 - o conferin de importanta deosebit la Universitatea din Chicago este primul eveniment academic major care se aseaz
n mod specific pe economia comportamental, reunind economiti, psihologi i sociologi
1988 - economitii Hersh Shefrin i Richard Thaler introduc un model de economisire ciclu de via comportamental.
Oamenii nu i calculeaz economiile i ratele de cheltuial astfel nct s menin un nivel constant de consum pe parcursul
vieii. In schimb, descoper acetia, oamenii prefer satisfaciile imediate.
1994 - David Laibson devine primul profesor angajat la o universitate (Harvard University) n mod special pentru disciplina
economiei comportamentale.
1999 - The Quarterly Journal of Economics dedic un ntreg numr economiei comportamentale.
1999 - Economistul Terrance Odean sugereaz c volumele de tranzacionare ridicate se datoreaz n mare msur ncrederii
excesive a traderilor. Dac excludem ca explicaie sentimentele omeneti este dificil s nelegem de ce cineva ar dori s
cumpere o aciune de la altcineva care este dispus s i-o vnd.
2003 - Federal Reserve Bank din Boston invit membri ai lumii academice la o conferin, n sperana de a acumula cunotine
n doemniul economiei comportamentale care devine din ce n ce mai cunoscut.
2008 - Revista Money desemneaz Nudge: improving decisions, wealth and happiness un bestseller al profesorului de drept
Cass Sunstein i al economistului Richard Thaler drept vrful de lance intelectual al miscrii.
Decembrie 2008 - un editorial n Pioneer Press din St. Paul Minnnesota concluzioneaz: Singura nvingtoare n schema lui
Madoff: economia comportamental.
24 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Sfritul economiei raionale - Harvard Business Review
In 2008, Alan Greenspan, fost preedinte al Federal Reserve Bank, supranumit intr-o vreme cel mai mare bancher
care a trit vreodat recunotea n faa Congresului American c a fost ocat de faptul c pieele nu au evoluat
conform ateptrilor sale de-o via a fcut o greseal presupunnd c interesul propriu al organizaiilor, n
special al bncilor i a altor instituii similare, putea s apere cel mai bine acionarii acestora.
Criza economic global a invalidat dou principii fundamentale ale teoriei economice standard: faptul c oamenii
sunt capabili de obicei de decizii raionale, respectiv faptul c mecanismele pieei aduc mereu corecii
pentru a contrabalansa dezechilibrele. Aceste principii trebuie nlocuite cu altele noi i trebuie s trecem la o
alt abordare a economiei.
Economia comportamental are la baz premisa c oamenii sunt iraionali i motivai de principii prtinitoare pe
care nu le contientizeaz. Aceast disciplin aflat n plin avnt ofer o viziune radical diferit privind modul
n care oamenii i organizaiile opereaz de fapt. Adoptnd o abordare experimental, companiile pot descoperi
adevrurile din spatele presupunerilor lor legate de clieni, angajai, operaiuni i politici.
Descoperirile n domeniu arat c suntem emoionali, miopi i uor de distras i dezorientat. Cu toate
acestea, companiile care investesc n economia behavioral i pot perfeciona deciziile i astfel i pot micora
Majoritatea oamenilor, dac li se ofer ocazia, vor tria puin, nu grav, n vreme ce vor elabora scheme
mintale care s le permit s nu se simt vinovai. Simplul fapt de a ruga oamenii s se gndeasc la cele
zece porunci, nainte de a tria i fcea s renune la triat. Triatul, frauda, nelciunea sunt contagioase;
numrul celor care nal a sczut puin n condiii de monitorizare, dar a rmas destul de mare; pe masur ce
membrii grupului ncep s se cunoasc mai bine, tendina de a nela de dragul echipei este mai mare. Dac un
membru al echipei este vzut c triseaz, mai ales de cei care sunt mai apropiati de el, renun mai uor la codul
lor moral i nsal i ei.
Razbunarea i nselatul constituie dou manifestri ale comportamentului iraional aflat la baza deciziilor i
aciunilor angajailor i clienilor.
25 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Money and Attention - Michael H. Goldhaber
Money now flows along with attention when there is a transition between economies, the old kind of wealth easily
flows to the holders of the new.
Thus, when the market-based, proto-industrial economy first began to replace the feudal system of Western Europe, in which the
prime form of wealth was aristocratic lineage and inheritance of land, both the noble titles and the lands that went with them soon
ended up disproportionately in the hands of those who were good at obtaining what was then the new kind of wealth, namely
money. With considerable ease, the rising merchant and industrialist class could buy old titles, induce governments to grant them
brand new ones, or marry into the old impoverished gentry.
The parallel today, again, is that possessors of today's rising kind of wealth, which is attention, and whom we label
stars of every sort, have an easy time getting money.
Contrary to what you are sometimes urged to believe, money cannot reliably buy attention.
Suppose it did work that way. Then you could have been paid to sit here and listen closely even if I were to read you something as
boring as the phone book or an unabridged dictionary. Presumably it wouldn't even matter if I kept repeating the same few
syllables over and over. If money could reliably buy attention, all I would have to do is pay you the required amount and you
would keep listening carefully through all that, not falling asleep en masse, nor allowing your minds to wander. In truth, even if
you had been paid a huge sum, this would be most difficult, and if you did it, it would be a testament more to your own deep sense
of principle than to a general condition in which another roomful of similar people could be expected to do equally well.
Someone who wants your attention just can't rely on paying you money to get it, but has to do more, has to be
interesting, that is must offer you illusory attention, in just about the same amounts as they would if you had
instead been paying money to listen to them.
Money flows to attention, and much less well does attention flow to money.

Master MTT 2012 - 2013 26
Ten strategies for survival in the attention economy,
sursa: Saul J. Berman, Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 30, No. 3, May/June 2002
IBM Business Consulting Services
Acest articol ofera recomandari generale cu privire la strategiile pentru obtinerea unui avantaj competitiv intr-o
economie a atentiei, folosind un numar restrans de exemple din industria de divertisment pentru
exemplificare. In principal, atentia nu trebuie privita ca un bun, ci ca o resursa economica limitata pe
fondul schimbarii modului in care oameni isi aloca timpul. Pe langa clasica concurenta la nivel de pret,
valoare sau inovare, intr-un mediu saturat de optiuni dar presat de lipsa timpului, brandurile vor rivaliza
pentru atentie la nivel individual. Cu toate ca produsele si serviciile branduite concureaza foarte puternic
intre ele in prezent, noua competitie, nu neaparat pentru cota de piata, dar si pentru influenta, difera
substantial de cea clasica.
In acest tip de economie, bazata pe atentie, consumatorii fac uz de influenta pe care o au pentru a obtine
intotdeauna ceea ce doresc. In divertisment si industria de media, spre exemplu, detinatorii de branduri
nu mai ofera produse si servicii ci experiente, sentimente. Puterea se schimba dinspre cumparatorii atenti
cei care sunt interesati de produse de divertisment sau media catre generatorii de atentie acei
consumatori care in mod activ isi distribuie atentia catre ceea ce le face placere, cei care de asemenea pot
influenta atentia celorlalti. Aceasta noua tipologie de consumator, cel mai experimentat, exerseaza in mod
constient alegerea personala pentru utilizarea unor servicii cum ar fi o pagina proprie de internet care detine
un rol deosebit de important pentru a centraliza ceea ce se petrece in constiinta sa. Consumatorii vor deveni
din ce in ce mai mult colaboratori creativi in experientele pe care si le doresc, facand in asa fel incat acestea
sa fie relevante pentru fiecare dintre ei.

Master MTT 2012 - 2013 27
10 strategii pentru o economie a atentiei
Ten strategies for survival in the attention economy (2)

I. Intrati in contact cu clientii vostrii si cultivati-va relatiile Spre deosebire de bunuri, care se epuizeaza in general pe orice piata,
resursele genereaza un numar mare de beneficii. Companiile care considera atentia ca o resursa vor respecta si cultiva aceasta
atentie. Astfel, strategia oricarei companii si procesul de luare a deciziilor trebuie sa presupuna un grad ridicat de creativitate,
In realitate, oamenii sunt purtatorii unei resurse foarte valoroase si anume atentia. Concentrarea atentiei pe oameni presupune ca firma
va fi preocupata intotdeauna de cum sa relationeze, inspire, alieze, alinieze si atraga oamenii nu doar consumatorii sau
consumatorii pe care deja ii are, dar si angajatii sau viitorii furnizori si colaboratori. Fiecare persoana din curba atentiei contribuie la
impresia pe care clientii si-o construiesc fata de un anumit brand.
II. Descoperiti noi posibile fluxuri de venit ACUM! In urmatorii cinci ani, modelele de afaceri digitale si pre-digitale vor converge.
E-business-ul va deveni probabil doar o alta componenta a afacerilor la orice nivel, iar viitorul va fi schimbat dramatic pornind de la
concepte precum digital si e-business. Ceea ce am vazut pana in prezent este doar o fundatie preliminara, care se va finaliza ca etapa
in cel putin un deceniu. In aceasta situatie, o firma trebuie sa fie pregatita sa desfasoare activitati in viitor atat in sfera digitala cat si
in cea non-digitala, ruland programe paralele in ambele moduri. Companiile ar trebuie sa conceapa strategii interactive pentru a
explora numarul in crestere al punctelor tari. O strategie dezvoltata pe mai multe planuri are sanse mari sa atraga atentia clientilor
prin simplul fapt ca firma se va afla deja acolo unde clienti ei vor fi cel mai probabil.
III. Eliberati-va atat clientii cat si brand-ul. Pastrarea atentiei concentrate pe consumatori si clienti se refera la dorinta de a pastra
legatura cu oamenii, ceea ce va duce din nou la construirea sentimentului de comunitate de dinainte de interactiunea digitala sau
de globalizare. Companiile ar trebuie sa inteleaga, sa fie flexibile si sa se apropie de pietele tinta, dezvoltand relatii apropiate cu
grupuri de clienti. In conditiile in care consumatorii detin puterea de decizie, producatorii ar trebui sa le ofere acestora o gama larga
de variante atragatoare si informatii tocmai in momentul in care clientii si-ar dori sa le cunoasca. Acesta este motivul pentru care
competitia intre branduri are ca scop final cota de atentie. O competitie eficienta va duce la fidelizarea clientilor in conditiile unui
proces de vanzare cat se poate de simplu. Managementul relatiilor cu clientii si cercetarile pornind de la baze de date vor ajuta
firmele sa cunoasca nu doar ceea ce indivizii isi doresc, dar si ce oferte vor atrage atentia clientilor.

Master MTT 2012 - 2013 28
10 strategii pentru o economie a atentiei
Ten strategies for survival in the attention economy (3)

IV. Nu platiti pentru impresii, platiti pentru atentie. In viitor, numarul tranzactiilor incheiate ar trebui sa fie
noua metoda de evaluare a eficientei publicitatii. Companiile de media vor beneficia de acelasi succes pe care
il au si companiile lor de publicitate. Un exemplu elocvent ar putea fi impartirea veniturilor. Unul dintre dezavantaje ar fi
ca publicitarii vor abandona segmentele de media care nu arata ca obtin rezultate promitatoare.
V. Abordati o politica dinamica de pret . Cercetatorii prevad ca, in viitor , una dintre cele mai importante unelte
de obtinere a veniturilor va fi vanzarea aceluiasi produs dar la preturi diferite in functie de diferiti
consumatori din diferite locuri in momente diferite uneori din motive strategice, chiar si la acelasi
moment dat. Consumatorii au demonstrat ca ar plati mai mult pentru bilete de avion sau taxe de cazare atunci cand timpul
este mai important decat banii sau in caz de situatii speciale. O companie globala producatoare de bauturi racoritoare a reusit sa
vanda in Japonia sucuri imbuteliate la preturi diferite in functie de apa din care sunt obtinute masinile de vanzare inteligente
pot interpreta temperaturile exterioare si cresc automat pretul in zilele toride.
VI. Ganditi la nivel global de la inceput: comprimati-va ferestrele. Toate companiile indiferent de marimea
lor vor continua sa se lupte cu impactul pietelor in curs de globalizare si cu un mediu cu un nivel crescand de
complexitate, expunere si etajare. Chiar daca modelele lor de afaceri nu sunt concepute la nivel mondial,
firmele vor castiga eficienta folosind infrastructura la nivel global in orice aspect al operatiunilor lor. Un alt
mod de gandire la nivel mondial este exploatarea oportunitatii de a raspunde comunitatilor din spatiul in
care isi desfasoara activitatea.

Master MTT 2012 - 2013 29
10 strategii pentru o economie a atentiei
Ten strategies for survival in the attention economy (4)

VII. Crearea standardelor care functioneaza. Indiferent ca agream sau nu, exista o tendita negativa in crestere contra
tehnologiei de pretutindeni. Cei care se opun sunt clientii priceputi care sunt plictisiti de aplicatii care cedeaza, servicii care nu
functioneaza, companii care intra in faliment sau produse care nu se livreaza. Unele reactii impotriva tehnologiei tin de aspecte de
generatie. Adultii de astazi, confruntati cu o varianta upgradata a unei aplicatii pe care o folosesc de ani de zile sunt contrariati
pentru ca nu au primit un manual printat cu instructiuni. Ei experimenteaza o frustrare mai puternica decat adolescentii de astazi
care au crescut impreuna cu tehnologia calculatoarelor. Marea majoritate a tinerilor priceputi abordeaza cu totul altfel problema si
anume experimenteaza pana se obisnuiesc cu functionalitatile noii versiuni de program.
VIII. Impartirea riscului investitiei. Era digitala aduce o schimbare importanta in infrastructura IT la nivel mondial, dar va fi un
fenomen cunoscut la nivel utilizatorilor, asemanator cu Internet-ul. Ca participanti intr-un sistem cu multiple componente,
companiile vor trebui sa determine care parti ale acestei infrastructuri sa ramana in proprietatea lor si care sa fie baza unor aliante
cu membrii din exterior. Tendinta va fi ca structurile de afaceri de dimensiuni mici care se asambleaza si dezasambleaza cu o
relativa usurinta sa realizeze inovatii rapide, convergente si continue.
IX. Urmareste mai de aproape: invata din greselile altora. In conditiile unei piete de divertisment foarte dinamice, salturile
inovationale au devenit foarte costisitoare si tocmai de aceea tot mai multe companii mari au invatat sa se miste cu precautie. Din
ce in ce mai mult, ele vor tinti sa fie fruntase in inovatii creative, dar isi vor permite sa mentina un ritm mai lent in spatele unui alt
competitor dn punctul de vedere al tehnologiei. Ei vor experimente, dar ii vor lasa pe tehnicieni sa investeasca primii si sa invete
din greselile lor.
X. Focusati-va atentia pe masura ce companiile converg sau invers. Brandurile foarte puternice din domenii precum
retail, servicii aeriene, sporturi de echipa, institutii bancare, servicii de transport si multe altele, vor dori sa isi exercite influenta si
asupra altor piete. Astfel, convergenta si divergenta vor caracteriza dezvoltarea atat a modelelor tehnice cat si a celor de afaceri.

Master MTT 2012 - 2013 30
The internet: is it changing the way we think?
Tehnologia modern afecteaz atenia distributiv

Verificarea constant a e-mailurilor i a mesajelor primite pe telefonul mobil ne mpiedic s
ne concentrm la sarcinile pe care trebuie s le realizm i ne disturb modul de gndire,
de aceea se ajunge la nelegerea i la interpretarea superficial a realitii. Acest
comportament, determinat de noile tehnologii, ar putea fi diagnosticat n curnd drept
Tulburare de Atenie Distributiv (n englez Divided Attention Disorder - DAD).
Se schimb structura creierului. Potrivit specialistului britanic Nicholas Carr, autorul crii Ce
efecte produce internetul asupra creierului nostru?", adicia fa de Internet se nate din
nevoia noastr instinctual de cunoatere. Acesta este i motivul pentru care exist persoane
care i verific emailul i de 30 de ori pe or, convinse c altfel ar rata vreo informaie
important. Alte studii avertizeaz c dependena de reelele de socializare afecteaz sntatea
creierului i schimb modalitatea de gndire a oamenilor. De exemplu, persoanele care folosesc
frecvent reelele de socializare facebook i twitter ar putea suferi modificri neuronale la
nivelul creierului, care le limiteaz capacitatea de a nva, de a se concentra i de a simi
empatie pentru celelalte persoane. Mai mult, neurocercettorul Maryanne Wolf de la
Universitatea Tufts" din Massachusetts atrage atenia c circuitele neuronale din creier care s-
au construit n urma lecturii unor cri se pierd n cazul persoanelor care petrec mult timp n
faa calculatorului.

Master MTT 2012 - 2013 31
ansa uitrii - Devenim din ce n ce mai dependeni de computere i
internet, iar multe dintre obiceiurile noastre se schimb datorit acestei
dependene. Exist oare i efecte mai adanci? Pierdem ore ceva din abilitatea
de a gandi? Mircea Srbu, Business Magazin, pag. 46, 23-29 mai 2007

"A planet of forgetful fools
omenirea se tmpete. i nu era vorba de un proces de lung durat, ci de o veritabil
"epidemie de prostie", cauzat de utilizarea computerelor i a internetului pe post de
<<memorie extern>>".
Google este considerat principalul vinovat pentru c din ce n ce mai adesea refuzm s
inem minte diverse lucruri sau s facem dup metodele "naturale" anumite lucruri. De ce
Google? Tocmai pentru c este al naibii de bun. Schroeder ne invit s ne punem cteva
ntrebri, dintre care prima sun aa: "De cte ori ai folosit Google ca s gsii un articol
dintr-un anume sit web n loc s folosii motorul intern de cutare a sitului?
Poate c din perspectiva educaiei clasice suntem mai proti, pentru c pierdem multe
abiliti considerate de baz pn acum, ncepnd cu memorarea. Evolum spre formule
n care ncredinm "celeilalte jumti" sarcini care n mod normal revin creierului
nostru, iar de aici se poate specula n ce msur aceast evoluie ne va afecta n viitor
abilitatea de a gndi. Opinia mea este c pierdem ceva, dar ctigm ceva mult mai
valoros: abilitatea de a asimila informaia, de a o organiza, de a o supune simului critic i,
n cele din urm, ansa de a o putea uita.
Master MTT 2012 - 2013 32
33 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Mintea opozabila gandirea integranta
abordarea prin paradoxul rezolvarii
Sursa: The Opposable Mind: How Successful Leaders Win Through Integrative Thinking.

Tehnica de management care necesita sintetizarea ideilor contradictorii in locul abordarii mult mai
comune de analizare a avantajelor si dezavantajelor
December 2007, Roger Martin argues that to emulate the worlds best leaders people need to study how leaders
think. He argues integrative thinking, is a common feature found in successful leaders. The book gives a
working definition of integrative thinking as: The ability to face constructively the tension of opposing
ideas and, instead of choosing one at the expense of the other, generate a creative resolution of the
tension in the form of a new idea that contains elements of the opposing ideas but is superior to each.
Martin notes some of the major differences between integrative thinkers and conventional thinkers. Integrative
thinkers: take a broad view of what is salient despite the increase it causes in the complexity of
problems, consider multi directional and non-linear causal relationships, keep the entire problem in
mind while working on individual segments, and search for creative resolutions rather than accept
trade offs.
Martin outlines how to develop integrative thinking capabilities. The three main components that make up the
integrative thinkers personal knowledge system are stance, tools and experience; the tripod supporting the
system. Martin devotes a chapter to each element of the tripod, explaining their significance in the
integrative thinkers development and how they combine to create an effective integrative thinker.
Martin studies the thought processes of prominent leaders and for each chapter uses several examples outlining
how the leader used a particular aspect of integrative thinking to create successful strategy.
Master MTT 2012 - 2013 34
How the demand for skills has changed - Economy-wide
measures of routine and non-routine task input (US)
sursa: Levy and Murnane cited in Benchmarking adult competencies - Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - Lisbon Council, 16 September 2008
35 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
The impact of skill on labour market outcomes
Source: International Adult Literacy and Life Skills Study (ALLS) cited in Benchmarking
adult competencies - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - Lisbon
Council, 16 September 2008
Average skill levels explain over
55% of growth differences in
GDP per capita during 1960-
1995 in the OECD.
If past relationship holds a 1% rise
in average literacy will
precipitate a 1.5% permanent
increase in GDP per capita and
a 2.5% increase in labour
Low skill seems to inhibit rates of
technical innovation and rate of
adoption of more productive
work organization.
36 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Definition on literacy
sursa: Benchmarking adult competencies - Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) - Lisbon Council, 16 September 2008
Literacy is defined as a continuum of knowledge, skills and strategies that individuals
acquire over their lives, including, for example, the requisite skills underlying reading and
Literacy in the information age
The interest, attitude and ability of individuals to appropriately use socio-cultural tools,
including ICT
to access, manage, integrate and evaluate information, solve problems, construct new
knowledge, and communicate with others
in order to participate effectively in society.
Six central processes
Accessing: Knowing about and knowing how to collect and/or retrieve information
Managing: Organising information into existing classification schemes
Integrating: Interpreting, summarising, comparing and contrasting information using similar or
different forms of representation
Evaluating: Reflecting to make judgments about the quality, relevance, usefulness, or
efficiency of information
Constructing: Generating new information and knowledge by adapting, applying, designing,
inventing, representing or authoring information
Communicating: Conveying information and knowledge to others .
37 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
The knowledge-based economy demands a mix of both
enabling skills and specific knowledge
sursa: Skills for the future, The Lisbon Council, 2007
38 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Why are skills important?
sursa: Skills for the future, The Lisbon Council, 2007
There are many steps that Europe needs to take if it is to improve its competitiveness and create
sustainable employment in the face of globalization, including a more flexible and lower-cost
regulatory environment (particularly for small to medium-sized enterprises), a more integrated
single market and greater industry specialization.
Skills and education are the most pressing areas for the following reasons:
The growth opportunities presented by globalization put a premium on aspects of competitive advantage such as
knowledge, adaptability, and innovation i.e. the ability to commercialize ideas. Knowledge-based skills are,
therefore, critical. Changes to the formal education system can only be implemented across multiple time
horizons with potentially significant lead times. For example, a reform to the primary education system
implemented today will only have a tangible impact on the labor market in around 10-15 years.
There is a well-established correlation between skill levels and employment. The employment rates increase with
the level of education; similarly, unemployment rates decrease as the level of education increases. Last,
workforces from emerging economies, such as China and India, are no longer competing with developed
world workforces on the basis of cost alone.
Emerging economies are moving up the value chain so that they are competing in highly-skilled and
high value-added activity. If Europe is to maintain what has traditionally been a fertile source of
competitive advantage, investment in skills and education will be key.
The knowledge economy places new demands on individuals. Increasingly, employees need to
develop skills on two levels enabling or competence-based, such as the ability to understand
and use information, team-working and problem solving as well as specific i.e. particular
fields of science and engineering or ICT.
There is already evidence to suggest that Europe is failing to keep up with the demand for skills
driven by the knowledge economy. It is estimated that the actual number of people needed to
fill the advanced network technology skills gap in Europe was around 160,000 in 2005 and will
rise to 500,000 in 2008.
This represents skills gaps as a percentage of total demand of 8.1% in 2005 and 15.8 % in 2008.
39 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
New jobs in knowledge-based industries versus all
other industries 1995-2005 (EU15 excluding
Economic success is
increasingly based on
the effective utilization
of intangible assets
such as knowledge,
skills and innovative
potential as the key
resource for
competitive advantage.

The term knowledge
economy is used to
describe this emerging
economic structure.
40 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
A knowledge economy index
sursa: Skills for the future, The Lisbon Council, 2007
In order to assess how prepared European countries are for the knowledge economy, one index assesses
separately both inputs and outputs. This approach differs from most other attempts to measure
performance in this area, which invariably include a mixture of the two. For inputs, we looked at the
following indicators:
Investment in education
Education participation rates
Lifelong learning rates
Investment in research and development (R&D).
This reflects the fact that developing knowledge-based skills is, essentially, a function of investment in
people. Weightings were biased towards lifelong learning to emphasize the importance of skills
development being seen as a continuous process that lasts beyond formal education. However, we also
need to assess how well these inputs are translating into outputs. Hence, we also looked at:
The proportion of graduates in science, technology and mathematics.
Level of educational attainment.
Number of world-class universities.
Market share of foreign students.
Here, weightings were biased towards the first two indicators as ultimately it is the most skilled individuals
who will be best placed to take up the employment opportunities afforded by the knowledge economy.
The other indicators reflect the fact that in a globalized economy, the performance and reputation of
educational institutions is mutually reinforcing. As the developed world battles for new sources of talent
from emerging economies, the ability to attract overseas students will become critical.
41 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Developing human capital requires co-ordinated action between
individuals, organizations (e.g. business, academia and social partners)
and policy (sursa: Skills for the future, The Lisbon Council, 2007)
Individuals will now have to take on a higher level of personal responsibility for their own
training and education than ever before. Rather than just relying on formal, organized
means of education, individuals will have to seek out new, innovative ways of aligning
their skills profile with the demands of the future.
Business has a significant role to play in moving towards a demand led system of skills
development, whereby skills requirements are clearly articulated and education and
training programmes reoriented to fit with that demand. Developing talent multiplier
systems will also be important if businesses are to optimize use of their existing
human capital and achieve high performance.
Academic institutions need to move towards a position whereby education is approached
as a continuous process of development that lasts a lifetime, rather than a series of
discrete and often misaligned processes that end when someone leaves the formal
education system.
Policy has a key role to play in supporting and stimulating this change. With such a broad
range of stakeholders and entrenched behaviours, strong incentives need to be in place
in order to catalyze reform. More widely, policymakers need to grapple with the
impact of demography, which may limit their long-term ability to develop their
workforce. In order to militate against this risk, managed immigration of skilled
employees will become increasingly important.
The transition to a knowledge economy brings with it winners and potentially losers.
Europe needs to address both ends of the spectrum if it is to exploit fully the benefits
provided by this shift and address the sometimes negative impact of globalization. In
order to achieve this, the key stakeholders of business, government, academia and
wider social partners (i.e. trade unions, industry groups) will have to act in a more co-
ordinated manner than they have before.
42 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Are you ready for tomorrows world? (PwC
What will the world look like in 2020 Blue, Green, Orange or something else entirely?
We believe it is highly plausible that all three organisational models described will feature in
tomorrows world, sometime or somewhere and to some extent.
We already see some multinationals heading in the direction of the Blue World business model.
The energy industry has been demonstrating elements of the Green World for some time. We
firmly believe that, as the CSR and sustainability agenda grows many other industries (and
geographies) will take on characteristics of the green business model, for example the retail and
manufacturing sectors. Consumer preference will have a huge impact when it comes to the green
The Orange World in some ways represents the most radical departure. Will big business find itself
outflanked by a vibrant, innovative and entrepreneurial middle market? Will the work
expectations of the millenials be such that portfolio lives will become far more pervasive? Will
some larger organisations introduce internal markets and formal networks in place of old style
hierarchies to create structures where agility, speed and flexibility are key to success?
The world of work is going to become even more complex. Our message is: take a long hard look at
your organisation models and current people management strategies; how are you addressing
reward, international mobility, employee engagement, development and learning?
Think about how these might change in the future and whether or not the strategy you currently have
in place is future proof, is sustainable, sufficient and relevant for the plausible worlds of
SURSA: Managing tomorrows people - The future of work to 2020, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2007
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP;
43 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
2020: three worlds
SURSA: Managing tomorrows people - The future of work to 2020
44 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
New edition: Managing tomorrows people - How the downturn will
change the future of work, 2009 PricewaterhouseCoopers;
45 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Global forces
SURSA: Managing tomorrows people - The future of work to 2020
46 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
47 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Corporate is king: the Blue world
In the Blue World where corporate is king, the people and
performance model below is the closest to what many
leading companies are aspiring to today linking HR
interventions to improvements in business performance
and using more sophisticated human capital metrics to
evaluate corporate activity. Under this scenario the
management of people and performance becomes a hard
business discipline, at least equal in standing to finance in
the corporate hierarchy.
Corporates divide the haves and have nots
The power of corporations means that a much greater divide
has opened up between those working for global
corporations and those working in smaller enterprises.
Employees of mega-corporations have everything they
need laid on. Those working for smaller businesses
remain at the whim of housing markets and basic
statutory entitlements, needing to self-supplement
educational support, health and insurance coverage, what
remains of the public health system, and so on.
Welcome to the technology age
Technology is all pervasive, entire cities in the US, Japan and
the UK operate with ubiquitous high speed wireless
networks that allow all commercial transactions,
entertainment and communications to be handled by
every individual on credit card-sized devices. Pinpointing
exactly what you want and being shown where it is
available from wherever you happen to be is now taken
for granted, allowing businesses continuously to refine
and individualise their relationships with consumers,
employees and shareholders.
Employee profile
People are graded and profiled at the age of 16 and
categorised for work suitability both in terms of
capability and individual preference.
The top talent is highly prized and fought over. In
most cases people are linked to an organisation
by the age of 18.
University education is managed by the company
according to the organisational career path chosen
by the individual.
At the top level, employees take far greater control
of their careers; often senior executives have their
own personal agents who represent them to find
the best roles and deals.
Lower level employees are also taking active charge
of their careers; they are aware of the value that
their human capital represents and are demanding
about the circumstances in which they will invest.
Those outside the corporate sphere find employment
choices are limited to smaller companies that are
unable to provide the same level of development
and financial benefits.
48 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
How the downturn affects your ability
to compete in the Blue World
(from the new edition)
For most companies, people costs represent the largest business cost up to 70% in some
organisations. During a downturn, spend on people is usually the first area to be scrutinised and
cut. In the Blue World, long-term investment in the talent pipeline is critical for businesses to
remain competitive. Some of the ways companies could be affected by the downturn include:
Reducing graduate intake numbers for a couple of years will seriously affect the talent pipeline
and limit the number of options for leadership succession planning in the long term.
Training and development budgets are often cut when companies are in difficulty. As well as a
potential negative impact on customer service or product quality, cutting investment would mean
the company lacks the right skills to compete when the upturn comes, incurring the higher cost
and delays of hiring in people.
Employees committing fraud in the workplace increases during a downturn. Companies need to
ensure they have the right processes in place to minimise the possibility of fraud being committed.
Employee fraud can be large or small scale and can damage both the reputation and the
profitability of the business. This kind of fraud is usually borne out of low employee morale,
individuals feeling personal financial pressure and an increased ability to justify the crime to
Not having the right data. Although most organisations would lay claim to using some employee
measurement techniques, many organisations struggle with what to measure and then how to
interpret the data. HR has become a hard discipline with people measurement at the heart of
financial reporting. The danger in a downturn is that companies make cuts based on inappropriate
data which damages the business in the long term. To complete in the Blue World, organisations
must become more focused on measurement and making HR a hard discipline. The ability to
invest in a talent pipeline for the future is critical.
49 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
50 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Companies care: the Green World
In the Green World where companies care, corporate
responsibility (CR) is good. The CR agenda is fused
with people management. As society becomes a
convert to the sustainable living movement, the
people management function is forced to embrace
sustainability as part of its people engagement and
talent management agendas. Under this scenario
successful companies must engage with society across
a broader footprint. Communities, customers and
contractors all become equal stakeholders along with
employees and shareholders.
Managing people in the Green World. New graduates look for
employers with strong environmental and social credentials; in
response HR departments play a key role in developing the
corporate social responsibility programme.
Employees are expected to uphold corporate values and targets
around the green agenda. Most are given carbon credit tokens
which are used like ration books to be cashed in for printing
documents in hard copy, company travel and other anti-societal
activities. The HR function is renamed People and Society,
the leader being a senior member of the companys executive
team. The need to travel to meet clients and colleagues is
replaced with technological solutions which reduce the need
for face-time. Air travel in particular is only permitted in
exceptional circumstances and is expensive. Working across
teams in different locations therefore presents enormous
challenges to global businesses, and the HR function dedicates
significant energy to generating virtual social networks across
the operation and the client base.
Most companies provide staff with corporate transportation options
between work and home to minimise the need for car use. This
has led to many companies choosing to relocate parts of their
operation to where people are based and out of big cities.
Who leads people strategy?

The CEO drives the people strategy for the organisation, believing
that the people in the organisation and their behaviours and role
in society have a direct link to the organisations success or
The CEO works closely with the Head of People and Society (HPS)
who, with a team comprising a mix of HR, marketing, corporate
social responsibility and data specialists, drives the social
responsibility programme.
Employment law drives responsible employer behaviour and forces
the HPS to develop innovative solutions in times of downturn
such as sending employees on secondments to other organisations
where they can develop their skills and contribute to the wider
society, bringing employees back in when the economic
environment improves. The HPS is therefore a well-networked
Employee profile. The common belief is that employees
choose employers who appear to match their beliefs and
values. The reality is that the talent pool for the brightest
and best remains competitive, and whilst CSR rankings
are a factor, the overall incentive package remains all
important. Incentives however are not just reward-
related; for example, they include paid secondments to
work for social projects and needy causes a popular
trend post-2010. Because organisations adopt a
moreholistic approach to developing their people,
including personal development and measuring the
impact they have on the wider world, employees are
moreengaged and as a result are often likely to have a
job for life.
51 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
How the downturn affects your ability to compete
in the Green World (from the new edition)
Changing the compensation and benefits model. Some companies will consider radical changes to reward/bonus
programmes and staff contracts because of the backlash against perceptions of excessive pay. New legislation
may also trigger the need for a review, but purely reactive changes could result in first mover disadvantage if
staff feel there has been a significant reduction in key benefits compared to other organisations.
New zero tolerance/zero risk tactics. Companies can achieve good short-term results by giving the market a
signal that bad behaviour will be stamped out. However, the creation of a highly risk averse culture will hamper
creativity, innovation and profitability over the long-term. A strong risk/compliance culture could also affect
the speed of delivery to customers.
Companies in survival mode often view the sustainability/ green agenda as not being business critical and
therefore put CS projects on the backburner. We would argue that ignoring these issues will negatively impact
the brand and seriously impair an organisations future ability to engage with customers and staff.
Stripping back travel to save costs. Many organisations that operate globally rely on social capital the ability
of the global network to work across borders to support the business and deliver products and services to
customers. By limiting face to face contact, companies risk the break down of many years investment in
building social capital across the operation. If travel must be contained, then companies need to look at
alternatives e.g. using technology to maintain networks.
The job for life concept disappears as companies feel forced to make redundancies even two years after the low
of the economic crisis. Research shows that unemployment follows the economic curve but lags by three years.
Companies should consider alternatives to redundancy through careful workforce planning.
Disillusionment with some industries, as a result of the downturn, may lead to talent turning its back on the
corporate sector in favour of other sectors or NGOs. To compete in the Green World, organisations must have a
robust and transparent CS strategy. This should be clearly linked to the people strategy and, hence, actively
engage employees.
52 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
53 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Small is beautiful: the Orange World
Managing people in the Orange World
Organisations recognise that their employees and the
relationships they have across their networks are
the foundation of company success. Companies
seek to promote and sustain people networks. This
is achieved through incentivising employees around
achieving connectivity goals and collaborative
behaviours. As guilds become more important, they
take on many of the responsibilities previously
assumed by employers including sourcing talent,
medical insurance and pensions, development and
Employees are usually aligned to guilds and access
opportunities through professional portals provided
by guild networks work can be bought, sold and
traded in this way. Employment contracts are
flexible to accommodate staff churn and a rapid
Workers are categorised and rewarded for having
specialist expertise; this has created increased
demand for workers to have a personal stake in the
organisations success with direct ownership share
schemes and project delivery-related bonuses
becoming the norm.
Recruitment has become largely a sourcing function
and has been merged with the management of the
huge number of contracts and price agreements
required for each companys network of partner
In this world, economies are comprised primarily of a vibrant
middle market, full of small companies, contractors and
portfolio workers. People management is about ensuring
these small companies have the people resources they need
to function competitively. This allows an important role to
be carved out for HR, one where the people supply chain is a
critical component of the business and is strategically led by
the HR function. But the flip side is that this could also see
in-house HR becoming a sourcing or procurement function,
with the high-end people evelopment aspects of HR being
managed externally by guilds.
Who leads people strategy?
People strategy is replaced with sourcing strategy, as
maintaining the optimum supply chain of people is key
to this networked world.
The People Sourcing Director liaises with expertise networks
and guilds to attract what they need for the best price.
Employee profile
The responsibility for skills development shifts wholesale to
People are more likely to see themselves as members of a
particular skill or professional network than as an employee
of a particular company.
Employees rely on achieving high scoring eBay style ratings of
past job performance to land the next contract.
Specialisation is highly prized and workers seek to develop the
most sought after specialist skills to command the biggest
reward package.
54 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
How the downturn affects your ability
to compete in the Orange World

During a downturn, many organisations switch to survival mode, cut costs and take cover until the storm blows
over. Data Honey remained focused on the future and the belief that they could capitalise on the changing
world more quickly than their competitors. Its flexibility and entrepreneurial approach helped to create a
completely new way of working for an entire industry.

Being innovative and taking risks. During tough times, companies often shift focus to the short term.
Companies need to continue to innovate, and anticipate or create their own futures.
Cost cutting can lead to reducing numbers of external contractors and bringing a number of areas back in
house. This might seem like a good short-term strategy to save costs, but may not be the best model for the
supply chain over the long term.
Technology investment is another area likely to be hit during a downturn. Spend on technology
enhancements can seem like luxuries when there are more pressing issues, but companies need a
competitive and relevant technology platform to support the business when growth returns.
Networking sites companies need to embrace the new currency of social networking sites and see them as a
tool for developing contacts, new clients and promoting services. On the flip side, disgruntled employees
can vent their frustrations on these sites and irreparably damage a brand within a short space of time.
Millennial employees have different needs and expectations from previous generations. This tech-savvy
generation expect employers to embrace technology and the flexibility it brings to their working lives. To
complete in the Orange World, organisations need to continue encouraging innovation and exploring new
ways of doing things. The fast rate of technological advances cannot be ignored.
55 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
A summary of the people management
characteristics in 2020 SURSA: Managing tomorrows people - The future of work to
56 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
A summary of the people management
characteristics in 2020 (the new edition)
57 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Key trends in human capital
Sursa: Managing people in a changing world - Key trends in human capital - a global perspective 2010,
PricewaterhouseCoopers Saratoga 2010, PricewaterhouseCoopers;

Human capital return on investment (HC ROI) Organisations with a lower than average HC
ROI in their given industry and territory have a range of avenues to find improvement.
The factors that can be manipulated in order to improve profitability
58 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
The 12 key PwC Saratoga human capital metrics - The following 12 key
metrics demonstrate the contribution of people and the HR function to organisations across various
industries. Any organisations divergence below the industry median is cause for investigation.
59 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Metric definitions

Revenue per FTE Revenue/total FTEs
Cost per FTE Total costs/total FTEs
Profit per FTE Profit before tax/total FTEs
Wealth created per FTE (Profit after tax 10% shareholders equity)/total FTEs
Human capital ROI (Revenue non-wage costs)/(total compensation + benefits)
Remuneration/revenue (Total compensation + benefits)/total revenue
Remuneration/cost (Total compensation + benefits)/total costs
Absence rate All absent days/FTE workdays
Resignation rate Resignations/headcount
Acceptance rate Job offers accepted/job offers made
Cost per hire External recruitment costs/external recruits
L&D investment per FTE FTE learning and development investment/FTEs
60 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Innovation requires greater investment
PwC Saratoga evaluates innovation on two dimensions firstly, to what extent an organisation invests in innovation, (that is, the
supporting infrastructure) and secondly, the extent to which it fosters an innovative culture (i.e. shared
experimentation). The two dimensions provide a balanced evaluation of innovation competitiveness. A key indicator of the
level of the supporting infrastructure is the disciplined investment in research and development (R&D) a bottom line financial
measure of real intent. Shared experimentation is demonstrated via the actions taken to sponsor ideas and suggestions, establish
breakthrough teams, involve customers and suppliers, change structures and strategies to bring new products or services to
Innovation is a critical competitive tool with major effects upon business success or failure. It drives increasing numbers of
alliance, joint venture and merger and acquisition activity. The National Endowment for Science, Technology and Arts
(NESTA) Innovation Index shows two-thirds of the productivity growth between 2000 and 2007 was driven by innovation rather
than changes in labour or capital investment. It has of course high cost implications and at times of recession, it is not surprising
that it descends the scale of CEOs focus.
The future sustainability of most companies, wherever they
operate, will rely on the ability to develop a sharp innovatory
culture reflected in investment, both in appropriate infrastructure
and, increasingly, in the thinking and innovation of a companys
people. Innovation relies on investment in people who understand
the needs of commerce and society as well as the scientists,
engineers and creative people who can develop the products
and services. In order to devise products that meet. the needs
of a global customer base, organisations need to consider
the age, sex, race and geographic factors that determine the
preferences of their end user. Employers who want to trade
worldwide will need to mirror their clients diversity in their
own people, attracting innovative people across the world.
R&D investment by the top 1350 companies in
the European Commission industrial R&D
investment scorecard
(Source: The 2009 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard European Commission, JRC/DG RTD

61 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Talent management
Recent PwC Saratoga research raises questions over the quality of talent management programmes.
Based on a survey of FTSE 100 and multinationals, on average organisations reported at least
one successor for each key position. However, when vacancies arose only one in three were
filled by the succession candidates, the remainder being drawn from external sources or from
elsewhere within the organisation.
The astonishing reality is that most (companies) are as unprepared for the challenge of finding,
motivating and retaining capable people as they were a decade ago. (McKinsey & Company)

Figure: Talent development key performance indicators
62 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
It appears leadership development
programmes do not fit the bill
In the 13th Annual Global CEO Survey, conducted in 2009, 68% of CEOs felt they needed to
make moderate or significant change to leadership and succession strategies as a result
of the global economic crisis.
In a recovery period, organisations must avoid a same again amnesia, forgetting the
unpleasant and sidestepping the opportunity to use adversity to advantage. Whether
organised internally, through business schools or through professional membership bodies,
organisations need to challenge the outcomes of their leadership development programmes.
Before designing a new leadership development programme, our advice is to determine if
and how the current arrangement is failing.
Secondly, organisations should be determining the extent of the problem are there comparable
organisations performing better across a set of measurable aspects? When all of this is
known, it is time to search for the elements of leading organisations leadership development
programmes that appear to make the greatest contribution to company success. While the
composition of a programme will be different for each employee, territory, industry and
company, there are a range of core competencies expected of any senior business leader. We
suggest companies should address leadership themes such as financial literacy, scenario
planning and decision making, communication throughout the business cycle,
embedding long-term thinking as well as legal and regulatory obligations.

63 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Leadership index metrics 2004/5-2008/9
These metrics measure the end result of effective leadership upon the people they lead,
rather than the characteristics and behaviours of effective leaders. If the leadership of an
organisation is effective then its comparative position with respect to its competitors
will be superior.
64 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
If skills shortage really is a problem, why
dont we train more?
In successive surveys, CEOs have claimed skills shortages
are a significant growth inhibitor. Given 61% of
CEOs had this concern in 20081 (dropping to 46%2
following the global downturn), it would seem logical
that organisations would invest in training. Yet there
is no indication this is happening.
With such little data available, it is impossible to establish
whether there is a genuine skill shortage or whether
employers are failing to develop their peoples skills
to fill talent gaps. In Europe in 2008/9, the level of
formal training stood at 21.5 hours per FTE per
annum3, rising from the recorded figures of 2004/5
(19.7 hours) and 2005/6 (18.3 hours).
The long-term supply of key talent depends more on
education systems than on business cycles, and many
CEOs in our 13th Annual Global CEO Survey stated
that governments were not doing enough to create a
skilled labour force. Only a staggering 3% of US
CEOs agreed that the Government has been effective
in creating a skilled labour force. In contrast, least
concerned were CEOs in China and Hong Kong in
these territories 52% of CEOs felt the Government
was doing an effective job creating a skilled labour
PricewaterhouseCoopers six successful
traits of engaging companies
65 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Pietele europene ale fortei de munca - profund afectate de criza.
Joburile 'verzi' ar putea fi o solutie
Conform raportului "Ocuparea fortei de munca in Europa, publicat pe 23 noiembrie 2009, criza actuala isi
face simtite efectele pe pietele muncii din UE, anuland in mare parte cresterea numarului de locuri de
munca obtinuta dupa 2000. Barbatii, tinerii, lucratorii cu nivel scazut de calificare si muncitorii cu
contracte temporare sunt cel mai puternic loviti de scaderea ofertei de angajare. Numarul locurilor de
munca in UE a scazut cu peste 4 milioane de la inceputul crizei, chiar daca efectul a fost oarecum amortizat prin
reducerea timpului de lucru si prin alte metode. Dar aceste masuri pe termen scurt, oricat de importante ar fi ele,
nu sunt, singure, suficiente pentru asigurarea unei iesiri cu succes din criza. Politicile de ocupare a fortei de
munca trebuie sa se concentreze pe pregatirea tranzitiei la o economie caracterizata prin emisii reduse de carbon.
Vladimr pidla, comisarul european pentru ocuparea fortei de munca, afaceri sociale si egalitatea de sanse a
declarat: Acest raport arata cat de importanta este coordonarea raspunsului nostru pe termen scurt la criza cu
reformele noastre structurale pe termen lung. Aceste reforme sunt esentiale pentru ca economia UE si pietele
fortei de munca sa iasa din actualul declin bine pregatite pentru provocarile viitorului, in special pentru tranzitia
la o economie caracterizata prin emisii reduse de carbon.
Pietele UE ale fortei de munca sunt mai dinamice decat se crede adesea, dar somajul pe termen lung ramane o
amenintare serioasa . Pietele europene ale locurilor de munca arata in ultimii ani un dinamism considerabil,
avand in vedere ca, in fiecare an, aproximativ 22% dintre lucratorii europeni isi schimba locul de munca. Acest
dinamism nu se limiteaza la tari considerate in mod traditional flexibile, cum sunt Regatul Unit sau
Danemarca, ci priveste toate tarile UE, desi cifrele variaza de la 14% dintre lucratori in Grecia si 16% in Suedia,
pana la peste 25% in Regatul Unit, Finlanda, Spania si Danemarca. Aceasta pare ca face parte dintr-o crestere
mai sustinuta, observata incepand cu sfarsitul anilor '90, in tranzitia de la inactivitate si somaj la un grad mai
mare de ocupare a locurilor de munca in UE, ceea ce sugereaza o imbunatatire structurala fundamentala a
pietelor noastre de locuri de munca.
66 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Pietele europene ale fortei de munca - profund afectate de criza.
Joburile 'verzi' ar putea fi o solutie (2)

Cu toate acestea, nu toti lucratorii beneficiaza in mod egal de pe urma acestei tendinte. pozitive. Cu toate ca
numarul somerilor pe termen lung a scazut incepand cu anii '90, aceasta problema ramane serioasa. In ultimii ani,
aproape 45% din perioadele de somaj au durat peste un an in UE, fata de numai 10% in Statele Unite. Abordarea
acestui aspect a devenit si mai urgenta de la inceperea crizei. Politicile conforme cu principiile flexicuritatii menite
sa sprijine tranzitiile lucratorilor catre obtinerea unui loc de munca reprezinta cheia reducerii somajului pe termen
lung si a pastrarii capacitatii de obtinere a unui loc de munca.
Politicile de reducere a emisiilor de carbon vor schimba semnificativ structurile pietei fortei de munca din UE. Actiunile
UE indreptate catre o economie competitiva caracterizata prin emisii reduse de carbon vor deveni forte
conducatoare importante din perspectiva pietei fortei de munca. Desi efectele nete totale de creare de locuri de
munca ar putea sa nu fie foarte importante avand in vedere ca noile locuri de munca verzi si inverzirea
locurilor de munca existente vor fi contrabalansate partial prin pierderea unora dintre locurile de munca existente
schimbarile structurale fundamentale vor implica realocarea lucratorilor intre sectoarele economice si tipurile de
Schimbarile climatice si masurile politice referitoare la acestea vor avea, prin urmare, un impact important asupra
cererii viitoare de competente. Noile competente necesare in economia caracterizata prin emisii scazute de
carbon vor favoriza, cel putin la inceput, lucratorii cu nivel inalt de calificare. Totusi, prin raspandirea pe
piata a noilor tehnologii, lucratorii cu nivel scazut de calificare ar trebui sa fie capabili, la randul lor, sa
ocupe noile locuri de munca - cu conditia sa beneficieze de o formare adecvata.
67 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Europe 2010 Skills and Human Capital
Human capital and education are at the centre of a knowledge
economy. More than ever, our level of education and skills will
determine future social cohesion, prosperity and sustainability. Europe
was once a beacon of educational performance, and a model for other
countries to follow, but much has happened in recent decades to
undermine Europes education record.
Too few resources are spent, too little self-responsibility is given to our
schools and universities, and too little attention is being paid to other
regions that are rapidly advancing their own education systems.
Against this backdrop, the Lisbon Council deems it of utmost
importance to strengthen and broaden the debate surrounding European
educational systems.

68 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Programme for International Student Assessment
(PISA) 2009 Results: What Students Know and Can Do,
PISA 2009 Results presents the findings from the most recent PISA survey, which focused on reading and
also assessed mathematics and science performance. PISAs conception of reading literacy encompasses the
range of situations in which people read, the different ways written texts are presented, and the variety of
ways that readers approach and use texts, from the functional and finite, such as finding a particular piece of practical information, to
the deep and far-reaching, such as understanding other ways of doing, thinking and being. Research shows that these kinds of
reading literacy skills are more reliablepredictors of economic and social well-being than the number of years spent in school or
in post-formal education.
Korea and Finland are the highest performing OECD countries, with mean scores of 539 and 536 points, respectively. However, the
partner economy Shanghai-China outperforms them by a significant margin, with a mean score of 556. The lowest performing
OE CD country, Mexico, has an average score of 425. This means that the gap between the highest and lowest performing OE
CD countries is 114 points more than the equivalent of two school years. And the gap between the highest and lowest
performing partner country or economy is even larger, with 242 score points or more than six years of formal schooling
separating the mean performance of Shanghai-China and Kyrgyzstan (314).
High-level skills are critical for innovation and, as such, are key to economic growth and social development. On average,
across OECD countries, 16.3% of students are top performers in at least one of the subject areas of science, mathematics
or reading. However, only 4.1% of 15-year-old students are top performers in all three assessment subject areas.
I n 18 participating countries, including Mexico, Chile and Turkey, the highest reading proficiency level achieved by most
students was the baseline Level 2. Level 2 is considered a baseline level of proficiency, at which students begin to demonstrate
the reading skills that will enable them to participate effectively and productively in life. Students who do not reach Level 2
have difficulties locating basic information that meets several conditions, making comparisons or contrasts around a single
feature, working out what a well-defined part of a text means when the information is not prominent, or making connections
between the text and outside knowledge by drawing on personal experience and attitudes. At the other end of the proficiency
spectrum, an average of 7.6% of students attain Level 5, and in Singapore, New Zealand and Shanghai-China the percentage
is above twice the OECD average. However, for some countries, developing even a small corps of high-performing students
remains an aspiration: in 16 countries, fewer than 1% of students reach Level 5. Students at this level are able to retrieve
information requiring the reader to locate and organise several pieces of deeply embedded information, inferring which
information in the text is relevant. They can critically evaluate information and build hypotheses drawing on specialised
knowledge, develop a full and detailed understanding of a text whose content or form is unfamiliar, and understand concepts that
are contrary to expectations.
69 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
PISA 2009 Assessment Framework - Key Competencies in Reading,
Mathematics and Science PISA 2009 Assessment Framework - Key
Competencies in Reading, Mathematics and Science
PISA 2009 Results presents the findings from the most recent PISA survey, which focused on
reading and also assessed mathematics and science performance. The report comprises six
Volume I, What Students Know and Can Do: Student Performance in Reading, Mathematics and
Science, compares the knowledge and skills of students across countries.
Volume II, Overcoming Social Background: Equity in Learning Opportunities and Outcomes,
looks at how successful education systems moderate the impact of social background and
immigrant status on student and school performance.
Volume III, Learning to Learn: Student Engagement, Strategies and Practices, examines 15-
year-olds motivation, their engagement with reading and their use of effective learning
Volume IV, What Makes a School Successful? Resources, Policies and Practices, examines how
human, financial and material resources, and education policies and practices shape learning
Volume V, Learning Trends: Changes in Student Performance Since 2000, looks at the progress
countries have made in raising student performance and improving equity in the distribution
of learning opportunities.
Volume VI, Students on Line: Reading and Using Digital Information, explores students use of
information technologies to learn (forthcoming - J une 2011)
PISA 2009 marks the beginning of the second cycle of surveys, with an assessment in
mathematics scheduled for 2012 and one in science for 2015.
70 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
PISA 2009 Results: What Students Know and Can Do, STUDENT
I n 18 participating countries, including Mexico, Chile and Turkey, the highest reading proficiency level
achieved by most students was the baseline Level 2. Level 2 is considered a baseline level of proficiency, at which
students begin to demonstrate the reading skills that will enable them to participate effectively and productively in life. Students
who do not reach Level 2 have difficulties locating basic information that meets several conditions, making comparisons or
contrasts around a single feature, working out what a well-defined part of a text means when the information is not prominent, or
making connections between the text and outside knowledge by drawing on personal experience and attitudes.
At the other end of the proficiency spectrum, an average of 7.6% of students attain Level 5, and in Singapore,
New Zealand and Shanghai-China the percentage is above twice the OECD average. However, for some
countries, developing even a small corps of high-performing students remains an aspiration: in 16 countries,
fewer than 1% of students reach Level 5. Students at this level are able to retrieve information requiring the reader to
locate and organise several pieces of deeply embedded information, inferring which information in the text is relevant. They can
critically evaluate information and build hypotheses drawing on specialised knowledge, develop a full and detailed
understanding of a text whose content or form is unfamiliar, and understand concepts that are contrary to expectations.
Korea, with a country mean of 546 score points, performed highest among OECD countries in the PI SA 2009
mathematics assessment. The partner countries and economies Shanghai-China, Singapore and Hong
Kong-China rank first, second and third, respectively. In the PISA 2009 mathematics assessment, the OECD
countries Finland, Switzerland, Japan, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Belgium, Australia, Germany,
Estonia, Iceland, Denmark, Slovenia as well as the partner countries and economies Chinese Taipei,
Liechtenstein and Macao-China also perform significantly above the OECD average in mathematics.
Shanghai-China, Finland, Hong Kong-China and Singapore are the four highest performers in the PI SA 2009
science assessment. In science, New Zealand, Canada, Estonia, Australia, the Netherlands, Germany,
Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Slovenia, Poland, Ireland and Belgium as well as the partner countries and
economies Chinese Taipei, Liechtenstein and Macao-China also perform significantly above the OE CD
Some 14.6% of students in Shanghai-China and 12.3% of students in Singapore attain the highest levels of
proficiency in all three assessment subjects.
71 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
PISA 2009 - Comparing countries performance
72 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
- 32% of wealth variation
is explained by share
of highly educated in
- Over 99.9% certainty
that this is not by
73 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Sursa: High-Level
Working Group on
Skills and Human
Capital, Peer Ederer,
Ph.D. The Lisbon
Council, Brussels, 16th
November 2010
Within a group of regions, EDUCATION explains less wealth differences than it does between all 271
regions , Variance in wealth explained by education within each group of regions
74 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
QUALITY OF JOBS is a significant wealth creation
driver for new member states regions (Variance in wealth
explained by share of complex occupations within each group of regions)
75 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
QUALITY OF JOBS explains wealth creation - 44% of wealth
variation is explained by share of employed working in complex occupations (Over 99.9%
certainty that this is not by accident)
76 MAPP MTT 2010 - 2011 76 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Hours worked is a significant wealth creation driver for
highly populated regions; (Variance in wealth explained by
working time differences within each group of regions)
77 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
WORKING HOURS explain wealth creation (18%
of wealth variation is explained by hours worked)
78 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Youth unemployment is a further wealth creation driver for
regions focused on manufacturing (Variance in wealth explained by
youth unemployment rates within each group of regions)
79 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Youth unemployment explains wealth creation (35% of wealth
variation is explained by youth unemployment)
80 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Dynamic problem solving is distinguishable to fluid
intelligence - No relationship between dynamic problem solving and
general intelligence observable
81 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Human Capital Index of European Regions
The Human Capital Index of European Regions aims to develop an
analytical framework measuring and comparing investment in
knowledge and education within and between regions. The Lisbon
Councils Human Capital Methodology has been successfully deployed
since 2006.
The Human Capital Index of European Regions will help identify best
practices in regions and will also allow policy makers to evaluate the
short-, medium- and long-term effectiveness of their policy actions with
regards to social inclusion and economic growth. This project is co-
funded by DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities as
part of PROGRESS, the EUs employment and social solidarity
82 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Human Capital Index of European Regions
83 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
The growth agenda relies heavily on the skills agenda
sursa: Skills, not just diplomas Findins fron the forthcoming regional report on Eastern Europe and Central Asia
(ECA) Lars Sondergaard, November, 2010)
Future growth will depend more on improving competitiveness.
Competitiveness depends on labor productivity and innovation. Labor productivity and innovation depends
on skills. And because we are ageing, growth depends on activating and keeping adult productive for
more years. This requires skills.
The higher education reform is based upon linking to the European education strategy as articulated in the
Europe 2020 Strategy. This strategy targets growth founded on innovation, education, training and
lifelong learning and the digital society. Central to this strategy is the idea of enhancing the performance
of Europe's higher education institutions and promoting student mobility and employability across

ECA education systems have rapidly expanded. Supply side has responded with more graduates (diplomas)
but not with quality graduates (skills). ECA firms are complaining about skill shortages.

Three policy directions:
- Turning the lights on: generate information on skills
- Performance management that balances expanding autonomy in exchange for an accountability relationship
that focuses on performance
- Performance-based financing to reduce inefficiency
84 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Complex skills are needed and all workers
need them (sursa: Skills, not just diplomas Findins fron the forthcoming regional report on Eastern
Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Lars Sondergaard, November, 2010)
85 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Big forces point in one direction on the
demand side: more skills are needed
big forces
whatever has happened on
the supply side hasnt been enough
86 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Assessment of ECA countries progress in measuring
and using data on student learning outcomes (2009)
87 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Small class sizes imply higher costs but not
necessarily better outcomes
88 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Booming tertiary sector driven by growth in
unfamiliar areas
89 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Informed students voting with their feet or
something else?
90 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Too many students are functionally illiterate (OECD - PISA 2006)
91 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
There is broad agreement on the skills
needed to succeed in work and life
92 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Evaluarea KAM Innovation Romania 2012
(sursa: World Bank, KAM Knowledge Assessment Economy)
93 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
FDI Outflows as % of GDP, 2004-08
FDI I nflows as % of GDP, 2004-08
Royalty and License Fees Payments (US$ mil.), 2009
Royalty and License Fees Payments (US$/pop.), 2009
Royalty and License Fees Receipts (US$ mil.), 2009
Royalty and License Fees Receipts (US$/pop.), 2009
Royalty Payments and receipts(US$mil.), 2009
Royalty Payments and receipts(US$/pop.) 2009
Science and Engineering Enrolment Ratio (%), 2009
Science Enrolment Ratio (%), 2009
Researchers in R&D, 2009
Researchers in R&D / Mil. People, 2009
Total Expenditure for R&D as % of GDP, 2008
Manuf. Trade as % of GDP, 2009
University-Company Research Collaboration (1-7), 2010 S&E Journal Articles, 2007
S&E Journal Articles / Mil. People, 2007
Availability of Venture Capital (1-7), 2010
Patents Granted by USPTO, avg 2005-2009
Patents Granted by USPTO / Mil. People, avg 2005-2009
High-Tech Exports as % of Manuf. Exports, 2009
Private Sector Spending on R&D (1-7), 2010
Firm-Level Technology Absorption (1-7), 2010
Value Chain Presence (1-7), 2010
Capital goods gross imports(% of GDP), avg 2005-09
Capital goods gross exports (% of GDP), 2005-09
S&E articles with foreign coauthorship (%), 2008
avg number of citations per S&E article, 2008
I ntellectual Property Protection (1-7), 2010
valori normalizate Ro 2012
Evaluarea KAM Education and Labour
Romania 2012
(sursa: World Bank, KAM Knowledge Assessment Economy)
94 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Adult Literacy Rate (% age 15 and above), 2007
Average Years of Schooling, 2010
Average Years of Schooling, female, 2010
Gross Secondary Enrollment rate, 2009
Gross Tertiary Enrollment rate, 2009
Life Expectancy at Birth, 2009
Internet Access in Schools (1-7), 2010
Public Spending on Education as % of GDP, 2009
4th Grade Achievement in Math(TIMSS), 2007
4th Grade Achievement in Science(TIMSS), 2007
8th Grade Achievement in Math(TIMSS), 2007
8th Grade Achievement in Science(TIMSS), 2007
Quality of Science and Math Education (1-7), 2010
Quality of Management Schools (1-7), 2010
15-year-olds' math literacy (PISA), 2009
15-year-olds' science literacy (PISA), 2009
School Enrollment, Secondary, Female (% gross), 2009
School Enrollment, Tertiary, Female (% gross), 2009
No Schooling, total, 2010
No Schooling, female, 2010
Secondary School completion ,total (% of pop 15+), 2010
Secondary School completion ,female (% of pop 15+), 2010
Tertiary School completion ,total (% of pop 15+), 2010
Tertiary School completion ,female (% of pop 15+), 2010
valori normalizate RO 2012
OECD Science, Technology and
Industry Scoreboard 2009
OECD Science, Technology and Industry (STI) Scoreboard brings together internationally comparable
indicators. It focuses on five key areas:
Responding to the economic crisis: venture capital, research and development (R&D) expenditure,
researchers, patents, trademarks, productivity and foreign direct investment (FDI) statistics up to the
second quarter of 2009.

Targeting new growth areas: R&D, patents and scientific publications in key research fields: health,
biotechnology, nanotechnology and environmental sciences, access to telecommunication networks,
government R&D budget, R&D tax subsidies, and co-operation with innovative firms.

Competing in the world economy: international trade by technological intensity, trade in information
and communication technology (ICT) goods and services, e-commerce and e-business penetration,
activities of multinational firms, non-technological innovation and entrepreneurship.

Connecting to global research: international co-operation in R&D, patents and scientific publications
among countries and sub-national regions; technological balance of payments; international flows in
inventions and doctoral students.

Investing in the knowledge economy: new university graduates and doctorate holders by discipline and
gender, human resources in science and technology, employment of graduates and doctorate holders,
relative earnings by level of education and gender.

95 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Investing in the knowledge economy

In times of recession, education and the formation of human capital undergo opposing forces: on the one hand, budget
constraints in government, households and businesses tend to reduce expenditure; on the other hand, rising
unemployment leads to greater demand for training.
Public policies, therefore, have an important role in ensuring continuous investments in education and training.
New university graduates indicate a countrys capacity to absorb, develop and diffuse knowledge and to supply the
labour market with highly skilled workers. In 2006, more than one young person in three graduated at the first-
stage university level in the OECD area. This represents 7.1 million degrees awarded.
Australia, Iceland and New Zealand had the highest graduation rates (over 50%). Japan (39%) ranks slightly
above the OECD average (37%). The United States (36%) and the EU (35%), the two main university systems
with 2.9 and 2.2 million degrees awarded, respectively, rank just below.
Emerging countries are also expanding their first-stage university system. Graduation rates in the Russian
Federation (45%) are significantly above the EU average. In China the number of graduates has almost tripled
since 2000, although the graduation rate (12%) is still low compared to the OECD average.
Most university degree recipients graduate in the social sciences. Scientific studies are more popular in Korea and the
Nordic countries, where science and engineering (S&E) degrees account for 37% and 29%, respectively, of total
awards. In most OECD countries, universities deliver more engineering than science degrees.
OECD governments are concerned about the low level of female participation in scientific studies. The presence
of women is overwhelming in humanities and the arts (67%), health (74%) and education (75%) but low in
engineering (23%) or computing (23%).
96 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Science and engineering degrees at first-stage university level, 2006
As a percentage of all new degrees at first-stage university level
The number of new university graduates indicates a
countrys capacity to absorb, develop and diffuse
knowledge and to supply the labour market with
highly skilled workers.
The higher education system is the main source of
human resources in science and technology
(HRST). Immigration and job-to-job mobility
complement the labour supply for highly skilled.
University graduates obtain tertiary degrees at levels 5A and 6 of
the 1997 International Standard Classification of Education
(ISCED 1997).
The first stage (ISCED 5A) of university education is composed of
long-stream programmes largely theoretically based or
preparatory to research which provide qualifications to enter
advanced research programmes at level ISCED 6 or
professions with high skill requirements.
Science degrees include: life sciences; physical sciences;
mathematics and statistics; and computing. Engineering
degrees comprise: engineering and engineering trades;
manufacturing and processing; and architecture and building.
97 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Investing in the knowledge economy (2)
Doctoral graduates are key players in research and innovation. They have been specifically
trained to conduct research and contribute to the diffusion of knowledge in society. Despite
the declining share of S&E doctorates, 40% of OECD doctoral students graduate in
scientific fields; the S&E orientation of doctoral programmes is even more pronounced in
emerging countries.
In 2006, EU universities awarded half of the total OECD doctoral degrees; they are particularly
strong in S&E disciplines. The United States and Germany awarded 28% and 13%,
Women are under-represented in advanced research programmes. They account for just 32% of
the S&E programmes in OECD. However, the gender imbalance at the doctoral level is
less pronounced than at lower levels of education.
In many OECD countries doctoral degrees have multiplied faster than other university degrees.
Since 2000 the number of OECD-area doctorates has increased by 5% a year and the number
of first-stage university degrees has grown by 4.6%. In 2006, Brazil, China, India and
the Russian Federation combined trained half as many doctoral graduates as OECD
countries taken together.
Although graduation rates are lower outside the OECD area, Brazil and the Russian Federation
award more doctorates per inhabitant than the OECD average.
98 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Doctoral graduates -
Graduation rates at doctoral level, 2000 and 2006 - As a percentage
of the relevant age cohort
Doctoral graduates have attained the highest
education level and are key players in
research and innovation. They have been
specifically trained to conduct research. They
contribute to the diffusion of knowledge in
Doctoral graduates have attained the second stage of
university education and obtain a degree at
ISCED level 6. They have successfully
completed an advanced research programme and
gained an advanced research qualification, e.g.
Ph.D. They are qualified for faculty posts in
institutions offering ISCED 5A programmes. In
most countries the theoretical duration of a
doctoral programme is three years full-time,
although actual enrolment times are typically
longer. The completion of an advanced research
programme requires the submission of a thesis or
dissertation of publishable quality which is the
product of original research and represents a
significant contribution to knowledge.
99 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Human resources in science and technology (HRST)
HRST are major actors in innovation. In most OECD countries, they represented more
than a quarter of total employment in 2008. Over the past decade, HRST
occupations increased more rapidly than total employment in most OECD countries.
In services, the average annual growth rate has always been positive, ranging from
1.1% in the United States to 6.3% in Spain. However, in manufacturing, the share of
professionals and technicians decreased in Luxembourg (2.1%), the United States
(1.3%), Japan (1.2%) and Sweden (0.5%). A particular characteristic of HRST
employment is the increasing share of women. Indeed, women are traditionally more
numerous than men among HRST employees in OECD countries. In Hungary,
Poland and the Slovak Republic, 60% of HRST in 2008 were women.
100 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
New OECD graduates at doctoral level by main country of graduation, 2006 -
As a percentage of total OECD new graduates at doctoral level
Human resources in science and technology (HRST)
HRST occupations, 2008 - As a percentage of total employment
are defined according to the Canberra Manual (OECD
and Eurostat, 1995) as persons having graduated
at the tertiary level of education or employed in a
science and technology occupation for which a
high qualification is normally required and the
innovation potential is high.

This category of workers corresponds to professionals and
technicians as defined in the International Standard
Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88) major groups 2 and
Professionals (ISCO group 2) includes: physical, mathematical
and engineering science professionals (physicists, chemists,
mathematicians, statisticians, computing professionals,
architects, engineers); life science and health professionals
(biologists, agronomists, doctors, dentist, veterinarians,
pharmacists, nursing); teaching professionals; and other
professionals (business, legal, information, social science,
creative, religious, public service administrative).
Technicians and associate professionals (ISCO group 3) includes:
physical and engineering science associate professionals; life
science and health associate professionals; teaching associate
professionals; other associate professionals (finance, sales,
business services, trade brokers, administrative, government,
police inspectors, social work, artistic entertainment and sport,
101 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Employment/unemployment of tertiary-level
Employment of tertiary-level graduates is an indicator of the innovative potential of an economy and of the
capacity of its labour market to allocate human capital to the production process. On average, 35% of
persons employed in the OECD area had a tertiary-level degree in 2007.
Canada (over 50%), Finland, Japan, New Zealand and the United States (over 40%) ranked far ahead of the
European Union, where just over one worker in four holds a tertiary-level degree. In the Czech Republic, Italy,
Portugal and the Slovak Republic tertiary-level graduates account for 20% of employment or less.
Between 1998 and 2007, employment of tertiary-level graduates rose on average almost three times faster
than total employment. This growth is due in part to the increased presence of women in the labour
market. Despite their greater propensity to graduate at tertiary level, women represent on average 46% of
tertiary-level employment.

University graduates are also generally less likely than non-graduates to remain unemployed. However, the
unemployment rate among university graduates is higher in Turkey (6.9%), Poland (6.2%), Greece (5.4%)
and France (5.3%). Women with a university degree are less likely to be unemployed than women without
one, yet their unemployment rate is higher than that of men with the same level of education

A country's capacity to engage human resources into innovation depends on the attractiveness of its research
jobs. Doctorate holders have a research qualification and are a pillar of the research system. Their
employment is an indicator of a country's capability to generate new knowledge and innovation.
Doctorate holders have a research qualification and are a pillar of the research system. Their presence is an
indicator of a countrys attractiveness for new and foreign talents. Employment of doctorate holders ranges
from 97% to 99% and exceeds that of university graduates (83% to 89%). Many doctorate holders face
temporary employment in the early stage of their careers. After five years of activity, 60% of doctorate holders
in the Slovak Republic and over 45% in Belgium, Germany and Spain remain under temporary contracts. Yet
permanent engagements account for over 80% of all jobs in almost all countries.
102 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Employment growth of tertiary-level graduates, 1998-2007 - Average annual growth rates

Tertiary-level graduates in total employment, 2007
- As a percentage of total employment
Master MTT 2012 - 2013 103
Earnings premium from education
The earnings premium from education is an important incentive for individuals to
enrol in tertiary education.
In all OECD countries, annual earnings increase with educational attainment levels.
In the Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal and the United States, the average
earnings premium for a tertiary-level diploma holder was no less than 75% in
2006. Such differentials are traditionally smaller in Nordic countries and lower
than 30%.
Over the past decade, the earnings premium of highly skilled workers decreased the
most in Italy (6.4%), Ireland (4.3%), Hungary (4%), Germany (3.4%) and
Poland (2.9%). The opposite trend is observed in Australia, New Zealand,
Spain and Sweden it increased at an average annual rate of between 1% and 3%.
Earnings differentials between males and females still remain significant in all
OECD countries. In Austria, Germany, Italy and the United States, women earn
at least 40% less than men in HRST occupations. This gap seems smaller in
Belgium, Spain and Turkey (22% less in each) and in Luxembourg, although the
data do not control for part-time work.
104 Master MTT 2012 - 2013
Relative earnings by level of education, 2006
At the international level, educational attainment is measured according to the International Standard
Classification of Education (ISCED 1997). Earnings are before-tax income except for Belgium and Korea
where they are after-tax income.

The earnings premium from education is an important incentive for individuals to enrol in tertiary education. In
all OECD countries, annual earnings increase with educational attainment levels. In Hungary, the average
annual earnings of tertiary-level diploma holders was more than twice that of upper secondary and post-
secondary non-tertiary education diploma holders in 2006.
Master MTT 2012 - 2013 105
The Economist: Foamea de creiere incepe s mute
De obicei, judectile de bun simt dau gre in privinta Europei. Putini au crezut intr-o atat de rapida topire a calotei
glaciare comuniste, in 1989. Ratele de cretere de astazi preau inimaginabile la inceputul anilor 1990. Cu
siguran, nimic nu ar putea deraia acum marea locomotiva a creterii economice. De fapt, ar fi ceva: lipsa
creierelor, se arat intr-o analiz The Economist. Pn acum, regiunea a beneficiat de pe urma avantajelor
impletite ale costurilor mici ale muncii - ctig pervers de pe urma proastei administrri comuniste - si integrrii
economice rapide cu jumtatea bogat a continentului. Acum, marea provocare nu const in a deveni mai
eficient pentru a fi mai ieftin, ci in a inova pentru a fi mai bun. Aceasta depinde in primul rnd de calitatea i
cantitatea creierelor disponibile. Termenul dezagreabil de jargon pe care-l folosesc economistii pentru a defini
puterea mintii este "capital uman". Un nou studiu al institutului incisiv de la Bruxelles "Lisbon Council"
evidentiaza unele tendinte rau prevestitoare. Estul ex-comunist al UE are intreprinderi inapoiate, o perspectiv
demografic ingrozitoare si, in cea mai mare parte, universiti depite.
O sectuire a creierelor ar putea fi ireversibila. Studiul ar trebui s constituie o lectur obligatorie pentru
politicienii incapatanati, complezenti si certareti ai Europei de est. Doar doua tari sunt deasupra mediei vest-
europene: Slovenia, datorita bogatiei sale, si Turcia, din cauza ratei explozive a natalitii. Pentru majoritatea
celorlali, deficitul de capital uman este mare i probabil se va amplifica. Un factor cuantificat de studiu este
asigurarea capitalului uman, semnificand inteligenta creata de parinti, invatamantul formal si cursuri de pregatire
si de deprinderile create la locul de munca.
Master MTT 2012 - 2013 106
The Economist: Foamea de creiere incepe s mute O sectuire a creierelor ar putea fi

Slovenia troneaza deasupra celorlalti cu aproximativ 156.000 de dolari investiti in fiecare persoana angajata, fata de Slovacia, Romania
si Bulgaria, fiecare oferind mai putin de jumatate din aceasta suma. Pentru Europa occidentala, aceasta cifra se ridica la peste
240.000 de dolari. Europa bogata foloseste de asemenea o parte mai mare din inteligenta sa disponibila deoarece are mai multi
oameni in forta de munca si ii pastreaza mai mult timp ocupati. Dimpotriva, Croatia, Polonia si Slovacia au scoruri deosebit de
slabe la acest capitol. Angajatii Europei de vest sunt totodata mai bine conectati: fiecare nou stat membru este sub media
occidentala a penetrarii Internet si toate cu exceptia Estoniei si Sloveniei treneaza la capitolul administratie electronica. Rezultatul
sare in ochi. Doar Slovenia, cu 42 de patente la 1 milion de locuitori in perioada 2000-2003 se apropie intrucatva de media vest-
europeana de 200. Numai Slovenia, Republica Ceha si Croatia cheltuiesc macar jumatate din proportia de 2,2% din PIB alocata de
Europa occidentala pentru cercetare si dezvoltare. Situatia nu este fara speranta. In masura in care comparatiile internationale (care
sunt remarcabil de inselatoare) pot fi crezute, educatia secundara in majoritatea tarilor foste comuniste se ridica la nivelurile vest-
europene. De fapt, Estonia si Republica Ceha au rezultate mai bune decat orice tara europeana cu exceptia Finlandei si a Olandei.
Reformele invatamantului din Ungaria, Slovacia si Slovenia au dat si ele roade. Dar acesta este abia inceputul.
Tarile ex-comuniste au nevoie de reforma radicala a invatamantului superior; la cosul de gunoi trebuie sa ajunga vechile birocratii ale
perioadei comuniste cu gandirile lor monopoliste, functionaresti si cu aversiunea fa de risc. Acest lucru va fi greu: oamenii care
au cea mai mare nevoie s se schimbe, din ministerele invatamantului si rectoratele universitilor, sunt cei care au decizia. In al
doilea rand, educarea tinerilor nu este suficienta: perspectiv demografic precar face necesar ca oamenii de toate vrstele s
deprind noi aptitudini i s-i continue activitatea mai mult timp. "Orice lucrtor mai tanar de 65 de ani este... mult prea pretios
pentru a fi pensionat anticipat", afirma studiul. In lipsa unor astfel de reforme, cele doua jumatati ale Europei vor inceta
convergenta si vor incepe divergenta. Trile srace sunt locuri neatragatoare pentru inovatii, cu servicii publice proaste, locuri de
munca dezagreabile si o perspectiva intunecata. Astfel ca raman srace i imbtrnesc inainte de a se imbogati.
Fara introducerea unor schimbari substantiale cat mai curand, aceasta este soarta care asteapta majoritatea rilor ex-comuniste: trista
pentru ele, dar rea si pentru Europa occidental., A.V., 22 oct 2007

Master MTT 2012 - 2013 107

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