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Chapter 1: Basic SQL SELECT Statements

Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL Exam Objectives Covered in this

ritin! Basic SQL Select Statements
o List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements
o Execute a basic SELECT statement
"estrictin! and Sortin! #ata
o Limit the rows retrieved by a query
o Sort the rows retrieved by a query
$ote Exam obectives are subect to chan!e at any time without prior notice and at
"racle#s sole discretion$ %lease visit "racle#s Certification website
&' for the most
current exam obectives listin!$
The "racle(i database provides many useful and powerful features$ )any of the features are
incorporated at the SQL level$ SQL &pronounced *sequel*' has been adopted by most relational
database mana!ement systems &+,-)S'$ The .merican /ational Standards 0nstitute &./S0'
has been refinin! standards for the SQL lan!ua!e for the past 12 years$ "racle3 li4e many other
companies3 has ta4en the ./S0 standard of SQL and extended it to include much additional
SQL is the basic lan!ua!e used to manipulate and retrieve data from the "racle(i database$ SQL
is a nonprocedural lan!ua!e5it does not have pro!rammatic constructs such as loop structures$
%L6SQL is "racle#s procedural extension of SQL3 and SQL7 allows embedded SQL operations in
7ava code$ The scope of this test includes only SQL$
The SQL SELECT statement is used to query data from the database8stora!e structures3 such as
tables and views$ 0n this chapter3 you will learn how to write basic SQL statements to retrieve data
from tables$ 9ou will also learn how to limit the information retrieved and to display the results in a
specific order$
SQL %undamentals
The basic structure of data stora!e in "racle(i database is a table$ . table consists of columns
and its characteristics$ ,ata is stored in the table as rows$ Creatin! and maintainin! tables are
discussed in detail in Chapter :3 *)ana!in! Tables and Constraints$* To !et started with SQL in
this chapter3 you will use the sample ;+ schema supplied with the "racle(i database$
$ote <hen you install "racle software3 choose the option to create a seed
database$ This database will have the sample schemas used in this boo4$ The
default 0,s and password for the seed database are S9STE)6)./.=E+3
S9S6C;./=E>"/>0/ST.LL$ The account S9S is the "racle dictionary
owner3 and S9STE) is a ,-. account$ 0nitially3 the sample schemas are
loc4ed$ 9ou need to connect to the database usin! S9STE)3 and then unloc4
the account usin! the ALTER USER statement$ To unloc4 the ;+ schema3 use
you can connect to the ;+ schema usin! the password ;+%.SS<"+,$
SQL statements are li4e plain En!lish but with specific syntax$ SQL is a simple3 yet powerful3
lan!ua!e used to create3 access3 and manipulate data and structure in the database$ SQL
statements can be cate!ori@ed as listed in Table 1$1$
Table &'&: SQL Statement Cate!ories
SQL Cate!or( #escription
,ata )anipulation
Lan!ua!e &,)L'
Ased to access3 create3 modify3 or delete data in the existin!
structures of the database$ ,)L statements include those to query
information &SELE&T'3 add new rows &INSERT'3 modify existin!
rows &U#DATE'3 delete existin! rows &DELETE'3 perform a
conditional update or insert operation &(ER)E'3 see an execution
plan of SQL &E*#LAIN #LAN'3 and loc4 a table to restrict access
&L%&' TA!LE'$
,ata ,efinition
Lan!ua!e &,,L'
Ased to define3 alter3 or drop database obects and their privile!es$
,,L statements include those to create3 modify3 drop3 or rename
obects &&REATE3 ALTER3 DR%#3 RENA(E'3 remove all rows from a
database obect without droppin! the structure &TRUN&ATE'3
mana!e access privile!es &)RANT3 RE+%'E'3 audit database use
&AUDIT3 N%AUDIT' and add a description about an obect to the
dictionary &&%((ENT'$
Transaction Control Ased to !roup a set of ,)L statements as a sin!le transaction$
Asin! these statements3 you can save the chan!es &&%((IT' or
discard the chan!es &R%LL!A&'' made by ,)L statements$ .lso
included in the transaction8control statements are statements to
set a point or mar4er in the transaction for possible rollbac4
&SA+E#%INT' and to define the properties for the transaction &SET
Session Control Ased to control the properties of a user session$ &. session is the
point from which you are connected to the database until you
disconnect$' Session8control statements include those to control
the session properties &ALTER SESSI%N' and to enable6disable
roles &SET R%LE'$
System Control Ased to mana!e the properties of the database$ There is only one
statement in this cate!ory &ALTER S"STE('$
Table 1$1 provides an overview of all the statements that will be covered in this boo4$ ,o not
worry if you do not understand certain terms3 such as role3 session3 privilege3 and so on$ <e will
cover all the statements in the comin! chapters with many examples$ 0n this chapter3 we will
be!in with writin! simple statements to query the database &SELE&T statements'$ -ut first3 we
need to review some SQL fundamentals$
Oracle #atat(pes
<hen you create a table to store data in the database3 you need to specify a datatype for all of
the columns you define in the table$ "racle has many datatypes to suit application requirements$
"racle(i also supports ./S0 and ,-1 datatypes$ The "racle built8in datatypes can be broadly
classified as shown in Table 1$1$
Table &'): Oracle Built*in #atat(pes
Cate!or( #atat(pes
Character C;.+3 /C;.+3 B.+C;.+13 /B.+C;.+1
Table &'): Oracle Built*in #atat(pes
Cate!or( #atat(pes
/umber /A)-E+
Lon! and raw L"/=3 L"/= +.<3 +.<
,ate and time ,.TE3 T0)EST.)%3 T0)EST.)% <0T; T0)E C"/E3
T0)EST.)% <0T; L"C.L T0)E C"/E3 0/TE+B.L 9E.+ T"
)"/T;3 0/TE+B.L ,.9 T" SEC"/,
Lar!e obect CL"-3 /CL"-3 -CL"-3 -D0LE
+ow 0, +"<0,3 A+"<0,
0n this section3 we will discuss only a few of the built8in datatypes to !et started with SQL$ .ll the
datatypes and their usa!e are discussed in detail in Chapter :$
The CHAR datatype is a fixed8len!th alphanumeric strin!3 which has a maximum len!th in bytes$
,ata stored in C;.+ columns is space8padded to fill the maximum len!th$ 0ts si@e can ran!e
from a minimum of 1 byte to a maximum of 1222 bytes$ The default si@e is 1$
<hen you create a column usin! the C;.+ datatype3 the database will ensure that all data
placed in this column has the defined len!th$ 0f the data is shorter than the defined len!th3 it is
space8padded on the ri!ht to the specified len!th$ 0f the data is lon!er3 an error is raised$
The VARCHAR2 datatype is a variable8len!th alphanumeric strin!3 which has a maximum len!th
in bytes$ B.+C;.+1 columns require only the amount of space needed to store the data and
can store up to E222 bytes$ There is no default si@e for the B.+C;.+1 datatype$ .n empty
B.+C;.+1&1222' column ta4es up as much room in the database as an empty B.+C;.+1&1'
$ote The default si@e of a C;.+ datatype is 1$ Dor a B.+C;.+1 datatype3 you
must always specify the si@e$
The B.+C;.+1 and C;.+ datatypes have different comparison rules for trailin! spaces$ <ith
the C;.+ datatype3 trailin! spaces are i!nored$ <ith the B.+C;.+1 datatype3 trailin! spaces
are not i!nored3 and they sort hi!her than no trailin! spaces$ ;ere#s an example:

C;.+ datatype: ,"o, - ,"o ,
B.+C;.+1 datatype: ,"o, . ,"o ,
$23BE" -.p/4 .s/0
The NUMBER datatype stores numbers with a precision of p di!its and a scale of s di!its$ The
precision and scale values are optional$ /umeric datatypes are used to store ne!ative and
positive inte!ers3 fixed8point numbers3 and floatin!8point numbers$ The precision can be between
1 and FG3 and the scale has a ran!e between 8GE and 11:$ 0f the precision and scale are omitted3
"racle assumes the maximum of the ran!e for both values$
9ou can have precision and scale di!its in the inte!er part$ The scale rounds the value after the
decimal point to s di!its$ Dor example3 if you define a column as /A)-E+&H31'3 the ran!e of
values you can store in this column is from 8((($(( to ((($((? that is3 H81IF for the inte!er part3
and the decimal part is rounded to two di!its$ Even if you do not include the decimal part for the
value inserted3 the maximum number you can store in a /A)-E+&H31' definition is ((($
"racle will round numbers inserted into numeric columns with a scale smaller than the inserted
number$ Dor example3 if a column were defined as /A)-E+&E31' and you specified a value of
11$11H to !o into that column3 the resultin! number would be rounded to 11$1F before it was
inserted into the column$ 0f the value exceeds the precision3 however3 an "racle error is returned$
9ou cannot insert 11F$1 into a column defined as /A)-E+&E31'$ Specifyin! the scale and
precision does not force all inserted values to be a fixed len!th$
0f the scale is ne!ative3 the number is rounded to the left of the decimal$ -asically3 a ne!ative
scale forces s number of @eros ust to the left of the decimal$
0f you specify a scale that is !reater than the precision value3 the precision defines the maximum
number of di!its to ri!ht of the decimal point after the @eros$ Dor example3 if a column is defined
as /A)-E+&F3H'3 the ran!e of values you can store is from 82$22((( to 2$22(((? that is3 it
requires two @eros &s8p' after the decimal point and rounds the decimal part to three di!its &p'
after @eros$ Table 1$F shows several examples of how numeric data is stored with various
Table &'5: 6recision and Scale Examples
1alue #atat(pe Stored 1alue Explanation
11F$1HJE /A)-E+ 11F$1HJE +an!e and precision are set
to the maximum3 so the
datatype can store any
11FE$(G:J /A)-E+&J31' 11FE$(( Since scale is only 13 the
decimal part of the value is
rounded to two di!its$
11FEH$11FEH /A)-E+&J31' Error The ran!e of inte!er part is
only from 8(((( to (((($
11FEHJ /A)-E+&J31' Error %recision is lar!er than
specified? ran!e is only from
8(((( to (((($
11FE$(G:J /A)-E+&J' 11FH ,ecimal part rounded to the
next inte!er$
11FEHJ$1 /A)-E+&J' 11FEHJ ,ecimal part rounded$
11FEH$FEH /A)-E+&H381' 11F22 /e!ative scale rounds the
number KsL di!its left to the
decimal point$ 81 rounds to
11FEHJ: /A)-E+&H381' 11FEJ22 +ounded to the nearest
11FEHJ:G /A)-E+&H381' Error "utside ran!e? can have
only five di!its3 excludin! the
Table &'5: 6recision and Scale Examples
1alue #atat(pe Stored 1alue Explanation
two @eros representin!
hundreds3 for a total of
seven di!its$ &s8&8
11FEHJ:G( /A)-E+&H38E' 11FEJ2222 +ounded to nearest 12222$
11FEHJ:G(2 /A)-E+&H38E' Error "utside ran!e? can have
only five di!its excludin! the
four trailin! @eros$
11FEH$HG /A)-E+&N3 1' 11FEH$J Ase of N in precision
specifies the default limit
2$1 /A)-E+&E3H' Error +equires a @ero after the
decimal point &H8EI1'
2$211FEHJ: /A)-E+&E3H' 2$211FH +ounded to four di!its after
the decimal point and @ero$
2$2(((( /A)-E+&E3H' 2$2(((( Stored as it is? only four
di!its after the decimal point
and @ero$
2$2((((J /A)-E+&E3H' Error +oundin! this value to four
di!its after the decimal and
@ero results in 2$13 which is
outside the ran!e$
The DATE datatype is used to store date and time information$ This datatype can be converted to
other forms for viewin!3 but it has a number of special functions and properties that ma4e date
manipulation and calculations simple$ The time component of the ,.TE datatype has a resolution
of one second5no less$ The ,.TE datatype occupies a stora!e space of seven bytes$ The
followin! information is contained within each ,.TE datatype:
,ate values are inserted or updated in the database by convertin! either a numeric or character
value into a ,.TE datatype usin! the function T%/DATE$ "racle defaults the format to display
date as DDM!N""$ This format shows that the default date must be!in with a two8di!it day3
followed by a three8character abbreviation for the month3 followed by a two8di!it year$ 0f you
specify the date without includin! a time component3 the time is defaulted to midni!ht3 or 22:22:22
in military time$ The S"SDATE function returns the current system date and time from the
database server to which you#re currently connected$
$ote The default date format is specified usin! the initiali@ation parameter
/LS>,.TE>D"+).T$ The value of this parameter can be chan!ed in the
user#s environment or in the user#s session$
Operators and Literals
.n operator is a manipulator that is applied to a data item in order to return a result$ Special
characters represent different operations in "racle &M represents addition3 for example'$
"perators are commonly used in all pro!rammin! environments3 and you should already be
familiar with the followin! operators3 which may be classified into two types:
2nar( operator A #nar$ operator has only one operand$ Examples are M1 and 8H$ They
have the format KoperatorLKoperandL$
Binar( operator . binar$ operator has two operands$ Examples are HME and :NH$ They
have the format Koperand%LKoperatorLKoperand2L$ 9ou can insert spaces between the
operand and operator to improve readability$
,rithmetic Operators
Arit&'etic operators operate on numeric values$ Table 1$E shows the various arithmetic operators
in "racle and how to use them$
Table &'7: ,rithmetic Operators
Operator 6urpose Example
M 8 Anary operators: Ase to represent positive or ne!ative data item$
Dor positive items3 the M is optional$
M .ddition: Ase to add two data items or expressions$ 1ME
8 Subtraction: Ase to find the difference between two data items or
N )ultiplication: Ase to multiply two data items or expressions$ HN12
6 ,ivision: Ase to divide a data item or expression with another$ G$E61
$ote ,o not use two hyphens &88' to represent double ne!ation? use a space or
parenthesis in between3 as in 8&812'$ Two hyphens represent the be!innin! of a
comment in SQL$
Concatenation Operator
The concatenation operator is used to concatenate or oin two character &text' strin!s$ The result
of concatenation is another character strin!$ Concatenatin! a @ero8len!th strin! ,, or a NULL
with another strin! results in a strin!3 not a NULL$ Two vertical bars 00 are used as the
concatenation operator$
;ere are two examples:
,%racle1i, 00 ,Data2a3e, results in ,%racle1iData2a3e,
,%racle1i , 00 ,Data2a3e, results in ,%racle1i Data2a3e,
Set Operators
Set operators are used in compound queries5queries that combine the results of two queries$
The number of columns selected in both queries must be the same$ Table 1$H lists the set
operators and how to use them$ Set operators are discussed in detail in Chapter H3 *7oins and
Table &'8: Set Operators
Operator 6urpose
A/0"/ +eturns all rows from either queries? no duplicate rows
A/0"/ .LL +eturns all rows from either query3 includin! duplicates
0/TE+SECT +eturns distinct rows that are returned by both queries
)0/AS +eturns distinct rows that are returned by the first query but not returned by
the second$
Operator 6recedence
0f multiple operators are used in the same expression3 "racle evaluates them in the order o(
precedence set in the database en!ine$ "perators with hi!her precedence are evaluated before
operators with lower precedence$ "perators with the same precedence are evaluated from left to
ri!ht$ Table 1$J lists the precedence$
Table &'9: SQL Operator 6recedence
6recedence Operator 6urpose
4 5
Anary operators3 ne!ation
1 6 / )ultiplication3 division
5 4 00
.ddition3 subtraction3 concatenation
Asin! parentheses chan!es the order of precedence$ The innermost parenthesis is evaluated
first$ 0n the expression 1M1NF3 the result is :3 because 1NF is evaluated first and the result is added
to 1$ 0n the expression &1M1'NF3 1M1 is evaluated first3 and the result is multiplied by F3 !ivin! ($
Literals are values that represent a fixed value &constant'$ There are four types of literals:
Text &or character'
9ou can use literals within many of the SQL functions3 expressions3 and conditions$
The text literal must be enclosed in sin!le quotation mar4s$ .ny character between the quotation
mar4s is considered part of the text value$ "racle treats all text literals as thou!h they were
C;.+ datatypes$ The maximum len!th of a text literal is E222 bytes$ Sin!le quotation mar4s can
be included in the literal text value by precedin! it with another sin!le quotation mar4$ ;ere are
some examples of text literals:
#The Quic4 -rown Dox#
#That man##s suit is blac4#
#.nd 0 quote: *This will never do$* #
0nte!er literals can be any number of numerals3 excludin! a decimal separator and up to FG di!its
lon!$ ;ere are two examples:
/umber literals can include scientific notation3 as well as di!its and the decimal separator$ ;ere
are some examples:
0nterval literals specify a period of time in terms of years and months or in terms of days and
seconds$ These literals correspond to the "racle datatype 0/TE+B.L 9E.+ T" )"/T; and
0/TE+B.L ,.9 T" SEC"/,$ These datatypes will be discussed in more detail in Chapter :$
ritin! Simple Queries
. )#er$ is a request for information from the database tables$ Simple queries are those that
retrieve data from a sin!le table$ The basis of a query is the SELE&T statement$ Queries usin!
multiple tables are discussed in later chapters$
2sin! the SELECT Statement
The SELE&T statement is the most commonly used statement in SQL$ 0t allows you to retrieve
information already stored in the database$ The statement be!ins with the 4eyword SELE&T3
followed by the column names whose data you want to query$ 9ou can either select information
from all the columns &denoted by 6' or name specific columns in the SELE&T clause to retrieve
data$ The R%( clause provides the name of the table3 view3 or materiali@ed view to use in the
query$ These obects are discussed in detail in later chapters$ Dor simplicity3 we will use tables for
the rest of this chapter$
Let#s use the 7"-S table defined in the ;+ schema of the "racle(i seed database created durin!
installation$ The 7"-S table definition is provided in Table 1$:$
Table &':: ;OBS Table #e<inition
Column $ame #atat(pe len!th
7"->0, B.+C;.+1 12
7"->T0TLE B.+C;.+1 F2
Table &':: ;OBS Table #e<inition
Column $ame #atat(pe len!th
)0/>S.L.+9 /A)-E+ J32
).O>S.L.+9 /A)-E+ J32
The simple form of a SELE&T statement to retrieve all the columns and rows from the 7"-S table
is as follows &only part of output result set is shown here':
S7L8 SELE&T 6 R%( 9o23:
4444444444 4444444444444444444444444444444 4444444444 4444444444
AD/#RES #re3ident <==== >====
AD/+# Admini3tration +ice #re3ident ?@=== A====
AD/ASST Admini3tration A33i3tant A=== B===
I/()R inance (anaCer D<== ?B===
I/A&&%UNT Accountant ><== 1===
IT/#R%) #roCrammer >=== ?====
('/(AN (arFetinC (anaCer 1=== ?@===
('/RE# (arFetinC Repre3entatiGe >=== 1===
HR/RE# Human Re3ource3 Repre3entatiGe >=== 1===
#R/RE# #u2lic Relation3 Repre3entatiGe >@== ?=@==
?1 row3 3elected.
$ote The 4eywords3 column names3 and table names are case insensitive$ "nly
literals enclosed in sin!le quotation mar4s are case sensitive in "racle$
;ow do you list only the ob title and minimum salary from this tableP 0f you 4now the column
names and the table name3 writin! the query is simple$ ;ere3 the column names are 7"->T0TLE
and )0/>S.L.+93 and the table name is 7"-S$ Execute the query by endin! the query with a
semicolon$ 0n SQLN%lus3 you can execute the query by enterin! a slash on a line by itself or by
usin! the RUN command$
S7L8 SELE&T 9o2/titleH min/3alarI R%( 9o23:
44444444444444444444444444444444444 4444444444
#re3ident <====
Admini3tration +ice #re3ident ?@===
Admini3tration A33i3tant A===
inance (anaCer D<==
Accountant ><==
AccountinC (anaCer D<==
#u2lic Accountant ><==
#roCrammer >===
(arFetinC (anaCer 1===
(arFetinC Repre3entatiGe >===
Human Re3ource3 Repre3entatiGe >===
#u2lic Relation3 Repre3entatiGe >@==
?1 row3 3elected.
/otice that the numeric column &)0/>S.L.+9' is ali!ned to the ri!ht and the character column
&7"->T0TLE' is ali!ned to the left$ ,oes it seem that the column headin! )0/>S.L.+9 should
be more meanin!fulP <ell3 you can provide a col#'n alias to appear in the query results$
Column ,lias $ames
The column alias name is defined next to the column name with a space or by usin! the 4eyword
AS$ 0f you want a space in the column alias name3 you must enclose it in double quotation mar4s$
The case is preserved only when the alias name is enclosed in double quotation mar4s?
otherwise3 the display will be uppercase$ The followin! example demonstrates usin! an alias
name for the column headin! in the previous query$
S7L8 SELE&T 9o2/title AS TitleH
< min/3alarI AS J(inimum SalarIJ R%( 9o23
S7L8 /
TITLE (inimum SalarI
44444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444
#re3ident <====
Admini3tration +ice #re3ident ?@===
Admini3tration A33i3tant A===
inance (anaCer D<==
Accountant ><==
AccountinC (anaCer D<==
#roCrammer >===
(arFetinC (anaCer 1===
(arFetinC Repre3entatiGe >===
Human Re3ource3 Repre3entatiGe >===
#u2lic Relation3 Repre3entatiGe >@==
?1 row3 3elected.
0n this listin!3 the column alias name Title appears in all capital letters because we did not
enclose it in double quotation mar4s$
$ote The asteris4 &6' is used to select all columns in the table$ This is very useful
when you do not 4now the column names or when you are too la@y to type all
of the column names$
Ensurin! 2ni=ueness
The D*ST*NCT 4eyword &or UNI7UE 4eyword' followin! SELE&T ensures that the resultin! rows
are unique$ Aniqueness is verified a!ainst the complete row3 not the first column$ 0f you need to
find the unique departments in the E)%L"9EES table3 issue this query:
S7L8 SELE&T DISTIN&T department/id R%( emploIee3:
?< row3 3elected.
To demonstrate that uniqueness is enforced across the row3 let#s do one more query usin! the
SELE&T DISTIN&T clause$ /otice ,E%.+T)E/T>0, repeatin! for each 7"->0, value$
S7L8 SELE&T DISTIN&T department/idH 9o2/id R%( emploIee3:
4444444444444 4444444444
<= ('/(AN
<= ('/RE#
A= #U/&LER'
A= #U/(AN
>= HR/RE#
@= SH/&LER'
@= ST/&LER'
@= ST/(AN
?== I/A&&%UNT
?== I/()R
??= A&/A&&%UNT
??= A&/()R
<= row3 3elected.
$ote SELE&T 6 R%( TA!: shows all the tables and views in your schema$
The #2,L Table
The DUAL table is a dummy table available to all users in the database$ 0t has one column and
one row$ The ,A.L table is used to select system variables or to evaluate an expression$ ;ere
are a few examples:
444444444 444444444444444444444444444444
?D4SE#4=< HR
S7L8 SELE&T ,I,,m , 00 u3er 00 , TodaI i3 , 00 S"SDATE
< R%( dual:
I,m HR TodaI i3 ?D4SE#4=<
$ote S"SDATE and USER are built8in functions that provide information about the
environment$ These functions are discussed in Chapter F3 *Sin!le8+ow
Limitin! "o>s
. +HERE clause in the SELE&T statement is used to limit the number of rows processed$ .ny
lo!ical conditions of the $HERE clause use the comparison operators$ +ows are returned or
operated upon where the data satisfies the lo!ical condition&s' of the $HERE clause$ 9ou can use
column names or expressions in the $HERE clause3 but not column alias names$ The $HERE
clause follows the R%( clause in the SELE&T statement$
;ow do you list the employees who wor4 for department (2P The followin! example shows how
to limit the query to only the records belon!in! to department (2 by usin! a $HERE clause$
S7L8SELE&T fir3t/name 00,,00la3t/name JNameJH
< department/id
A R%( emploIee3
> $HERE department/id -1=:
4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 4444444444444
SteGen 'inC 1=
Neena 'ochhar 1=
LeL De Haan 1=
$ote 9ou need not include the column names in the SELE&T clause to use them in
the $HERE clause$
Barious operators available in "racle(i can be used in the $HERE clause to limit the number of
Comparison Operators
Co'parison operators compare two values or expressions and !ive a -oolean result of TRUE3
ALSE3 or NULL$ The comparison operators include those that test for equality3 inequality3 less
than3 !reater than3 and value comparisons$
= (Equality)
The - operator tests for equality$ The test evaluates to TRUE if the values or results of an
expression on both sides of the operator are equal$
S7L8SELE&T fir3t/name 00,,00la3t/name JNameJH
< department/id
A R%( emploIee3
> $HERE department/id -1=:
4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 4444444444444
SteGen 'inC 1=
Neena 'ochhar 1=
LeL De Haan 1=
!=, !, "r #= (Inequality)
9ou can use any one of these three operators to test for inequality$ The test evaluates to TRUE if
the values on both sides of the operator do not match$ The operator .8 wor4s on all platforms3
the use of other operators for inequality chec4in! is not supported in all platforms$
S7L8SELE&T fir3t/name 00,,00la3t/name JNameJH
< commi33ion/pct
A R%( emploIee3
> $HERE commi33ion/pct M-.A@:
Name &%((ISSI%N/#&T
444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444
;ohn Ru33ell .>
'aren #artner3 .A
Al2erto ErraNuriN .A
)erald &am2rault .A
;acF LiGinC3ton .<
'im2erelI )rant .?@
&harle3 ;ohn3on .?
A< row3 3elected.
(Less T$an)
The . operator evaluates to TRUE if the left side &expression or value' of the operator is less than
the ri!ht side of the operator$
S7L8SELE&T fir3t/name 00,,00la3t/name JNameJH
< commi33ion/pct
A R%( emploIee3
> $HERE commi33ion/pct ..?@:
Name &%((ISSI%N/#&T
444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444
(attea (arGin3 .?
DaGid Lee .?
Sundar Ande .?
Amit !anda .?
Sundita 'umar .?
&harle3 ;ohn3on .?
B row3 3elected.
! (%"re T$an)
The 8 operator evaluates to TRUE if the left side &expression or value' of the operator is !reater
than the ri!ht side of the operator$
S7L8SELE&T fir3t/name 00,,00la3t/name JNameJH
< commi33ion/pct
A R%( emploIee3
> $HERE commi33ion/pct 8.A@:
Name &%((ISSI%N/#&T
444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444
;ohn Ru33ell .>
= (Less T$an "r Equal t")
The .- operator evaluates to TRUE if the left side &expression or value' of the operator is less
than or equal to the ri!ht side of the operator$
S7L8SELE&T fir3t/name 00,,00la3t/name JNameJH
< commi33ion/pct
A R%( emploIee3
> $HERE commi33ion/pct .-.?@:
Name &%((ISSI%N/#&T
444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444
%liGer TuGault .?@
Danielle )reene .?@
(attea (arGin3 .?
DaGid Lee .?
Sundar Ande .?
Amit !anda .?
$illiam Smith .?@
EliNa2eth !ate3 .?@
Sundita 'umar .?
'im2erelI )rant .?@
&harle3 ;ohn3on .?
?? row3 3elected.
!= (&reater T$an "r Equal t")
The 8- operator evaluates to TRUE if the left side &expression or value' of the operator is !reater
than or equal to the ri!ht side of the operator$
S7L8SELE&T fir3t/name 00,,00la3t/name JNameJH
< commi33ion/pct
A R%( emploIee3
> $HERE commi33ion/pct 8-.A@:
Name &%((ISSI%N/#&T
444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444444444
;ohn Ru33ell .>
;anette 'inC .A@
#atricF SullI .A@
Allan (cEwen .A@
,$? "r SO3E
The AN" or S%(E operators are used to compare a value to each value in a list or subquery$ The
AN" and S%(E operators always must be preceded by the comparison operators -3 M-3 .3 83 .-3
or 8-$
S7L8SELE&T fir3t/name 00,,00la3t/name JNameJH
< department/id
A R%( emploIee3
> $HERE department/id .-AN" O?=H?@H<=H<@P:
4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 4444444444444
;ennifer $halen ?=
(ichael Hart3tein <=
#at aI <=
The ALL operator is used to compare a value to every value in a list or sub8query$ The ALL
operator must always be preceded by the comparison operators -3 M-3 .3 83 .-3 or 8-$
S7L8SELE&T fir3t/name 00,,00la3t/name JNameJH
< department/id
A R%( emploIee3
> $HERE department/id 8-ALL OD=H1=H?==P:
4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 4444444444444
NancI )reen2erC ?==
Daniel aGiet ?==
;ohn &hen ?==
I3mael Sciarra ?==
;o3e (anuel Urman ?==
Lui3 #opp ?==
ShelleI HiCCin3 ??=
$illiam )ietN ??=
D row3 3elected.
Dor all the comparison operators discussed3 if one side of the operator is NULL3 the result is
Lo!ical Operators
Logical operators are used to combine the results of two comparison conditions to produce a
sin!le result or to reverse the result of a sin!le comparison$ N%T3 AND3 and %R are the lo!ical
The N%T operator is used to reverse the result$ 0t evaluates to TRUE if the operand is ALSE3
evaluates to ALSE if the operand is TRUE$ N%T returns NULL if the operand is NULL$
S7L8 SELE&T fir3t/nameH department/id
< R%( emploIee3
A6 $HERE not Odepartment/id 8- A=P:
44444444444444444444 4444444444444
;ennifer ?=
(ichael <=
#at <=
The AND operator evaluates to TRUE if both operands are TRUE$ 0t evaluates to ALSE if either
operand is ALSE$ "therwise3 it returns NULL$
S7L8 SELE&T fir3t/nameH 3alarI
< R%( emploIee3
A $HERE la3t/name - ,Smith,
>6 AND 3alarI 8 K@==:
44444444444444444444 4444444444
Lind3eI D===
The %R operator evaluates to TRUE if either operand is TRUE$ 0t evaluates to ALSE if both
operands are ALSE$ "therwise3 it returns NULL$
S7L8 SELE&T fir3t/nameH la3t/name
< R%( emploIee3
A $HERE fir3t/name - ,'ellI,
>6 %R la3t/name - ,Smith,:
44444444444444444444 4444444444444444444444444
Lind3eI Smith
$illiam Smith
'ellI &hunC
L"gi'al (perat"r Trut$ Tables
The followin! tables can be used as truth tables for the three lo!ical operators$
./, Truth Table

,$# T"2E %,LSE $2LL
"+ Truth Table

O" T"2E %,LSE $2LL
/"T Truth Table


Other Operators
0n this section3 we will discuss all the operators that can be used in the $HERE clause of the SQL
statement that were not discussed earlier$
IN and N(T IN
The IN and N%T IN operators are used to test a membership condition$ IN is equivalent to the
-AN" operator3 which evaluates to TRUE if the value exists in the list or the result set from a
subquery$ The N%T IN operator is equivalent to the M-ALL operator3 which evaluates to TRUE if
the value does not exist in the list or the result set from a subquery$ The followin! examples
demonstrate the use of these two operators$
S7L8 SELE&T fir3t/nameH la3t/nameH department/id
< R%( emploIee3
A $HERE department/id IN O?=H <=H 1=P:
44444444444444444444 4444444444444444444444444 4444444444
SteGen 'inC 1=
Neena 'ochhar 1=
LeL De Haan 1=
;ennifer $halen ?=
(ichael Hart3tein <=
#at aI <=
B row3 3elected.
S7L8 SELE&T fir3t/nameH la3t/nameH department/id
< R%( emploIee3
A $HERE department/id N%T IN
>6 O?=H A=H >=H @=H B=H D=H 1=H ??=H ?==P
S7L8 /
44444444444444444444 4444444444444444444444 4444444444444
(ichael Hart3tein <=
#at aI <=
Hermann !aer K=
$ote <hen usin! the N%T IN operator3 if any value in the list or the result returned
from the subquery is NULL3 the query returns no rows$ Dor example3
la3t/name not in O,Smith,3 ,Thoma3,3 NULLP evaluates to
la3t/name M- ,Smith, AND la3t/name M- ,Thoma3, AND
la3t/name M- NULL$ .ny comparison on a NULL value results in NULL$
The !ET$EEN operator is used to test a ran!e$ !ET$EEN A AND ! evaluates to TRUE if the
value is !reater than or equal to A and less than or equal to B$ 0f N%T is used3 the result is the
reverse$ The followin! example lists all the employees whose salary is between QH3222 and
S7L8 SELE&T fir3t/nameH la3t/nameH 3alarI
< R%( emploIee3
A6 $HERE 3alarI !ET$EEN @=== AND B===:
44444444444444444444 4444444444444444444444444 4444444444
!ruce Ern3t B===
'eGin (ourCo3 @D==
#at aI B===
The E*ISTS operator is always followed by a subquery in parentheses$ &Dor more information on
subqueries3 refer to Chapter H$' E*ISTS evaluates to TRUE if the subquery returns at least one
row$ The followin! example lists the employees who wor4 for .dministration department$
S7L8 SELE&T la3t/nameH fir3t/nameH department/id
< R%( emploIee3 e
A $HERE E*ISTS O3elect ? R%( department3 d
> $HERE d.department/id - e.department/id
@6 AND d.department/name - ,Admini3tration,P:
4444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444 4444444444444
$halen ;ennifer ?=
To find the NULL values or N%T NULL values3 you need to use the IS NULL operator$ The - or M
- operator will not wor4 with NULL values$ IS NULL evaluates to TRUE if the value is NULL. IS
N%T NULL evaluates to TRUE if the value is not NULL$ To find the employees who do not have a
department assi!ned3 use this query:
S7L8 SELE&T la3t/nameH department/id
< R%( emploIee3
A $HERE department/id IS NULL:
4444444444444444444444444 4444444444444
Asin! the LI'E operator3 you can perform pattern matchin!$ The pattern8search character Q is
used to match any character and any number of characters$ The pattern8search character > is
used to match any sin!le character$ 0f you are loo4in! for the actual character Q or > in the pattern
search3 you can include an escape c&aracter in the search strin! and notify "racle usin! the
ES&A#E clause$
The followin! query searches for all employees whose first name be!ins with S# and last name
does not be!in with S$
S7L8 SELE&T fir3t/nameH la3t/name
< R%( emploIee3
A $HERE fir3t/name LI'E ,SuQ,
>6 AND la3t/name N%T LI'E ,SQ,:
44444444444444444444 4444444444444444444444444
Sundar Ande
Sundita 'umar
Su3an (aGri3
The followin! example loo4s for all 7"->0, values that be!in with AC,$ Since > is a pattern8
matchin! character3 we must qualify it with an escape character$ "racle does not have a default
escape character$
S7L8 SELE&T 9o2/idH 9o2/title
< R%( 9o23
A $HERE 9o2/id liFe ,A&R/Q, ES&A#E ,R,:
;%!/ID ;%!/TITLE
4444444444 44444444444444444444444444444444444
A&/()R AccountinC (anaCer
A&/A&&%UNT #u2lic Accountant
Table 1$G shows more examples of pattern matchin!$
Table &'@: 6attern*3atchin! Examples
6attern 3atches #oes $ot 3atch
RS"/0>1 S"/0C13
S"/0CS13 S"/0F1H
>0)E T0)E3 L0)E 0)E3 C+0)E
SRS"/0>1 ESC.%E #S# RS"/0C13 RS"/0(1 S"/0C13 ALT+.S"/0C1
R)ES> > >LE ESC.%E #S# C+0)E>D0LE3
C+0)ES%0LE3 C+0)E>.LE
<< Previous Top of page Next >>
Sortin! "o>s
The SELE&T statement may include the %RDER !" clause to sort the resultin! rows in a specific
order based on the data in the columns$ <ithout the %RDER !" clause3 there is no !uarantee that
the rows will be returned in any specific order$ 0f an %RDER !" clause is specified3 by default3 the
rows are returned by ascendin! order of the columns specified$ 0f you need to sort the rows in
descendin! order3 use the 4eyword DES& next to the column name$ 9ou may specify the 4eyword
AS& to explicitly state to sort in ascendin! order3 althou!h it is the default$ The %RDER !" clause
follows the R%( clause and $HERE clause in the SELE&T statement$
To retrieve all employee names of department (2 from the E)%L"9EES table ordered by last
name3 use this query:
S7L8 SELE&T fir3t/name 00 , , 00 la3t/name JEmploIee NameJ
< R%( emploIee3
A $HERE department/id - 1=
>6 %RDER !" la3t/name:
EmploIee Name
LeL De Haan
SteGen 'inC
Neena 'ochhar
9ou can specify more than one column in the %RDER !" clause$ 0n this case3 the result set will be
ordered by the first column in the %RDER !" clause3 then the second3 and so on$ Columns or
expressions not used in the SELE&T clause can also be used in the %RDER !" clause$ The
followin! example shows the use of DES& and multiple columns in the %RDER !" clause$
S7L8 SELE&T fir3t/nameH hire/dateH 3alarIH manaCer/id mid
< R%( emploIee3
A $HERE department/id IN O??=H?==P
>6 %RDER !" mid AS&H 3alarI DES&H hire/date:
44444444444444444444 444444444 4444444444 4444444444
ShelleI =K4;UN41> ?<=== ?=?
NancI ?K4AU)41> ?<=== ?=?
Daniel ?B4AU)41> 1=== ?=D
;ohn <D4SE#41K D<== ?=D
;o3e (anuel =K4(AR41D KD== ?=D
I3mael A=4SE#41K KK== ?=D
Lui3 =K4DE&411 B1== ?=D
$illiam =K4;UN41> DA== <=@
D row3 3elected.
$ote 9ou can use column alias names in the "+,E+ -9 clause$
0f the DISTIN&T 4eyword is used in the SELE&T clause3 you can use only those columns listed in
the SELE&T clause in the %RDER !" clause$ 0f you have used any operators on columns in the
SELE&T clause3 the %RDER !" clause also should use them$ ;ere is an example:
S7L8 SELE&T DISTIN&T ,ReCion , 00 reCion/id
< R%( countrie3
A %RDER !" reCion/id:
%RDER !" reCion/id
ERR%R at line A:
%RA4=?K1?: not a SELE&Ted eLpre33ion
S7L8 SELE&T DISTIN&T ,ReCion , 00 reCion/id
< R%( countrie3
A %RDER !" ,ReCion , 00 reCion/id:
ReCion ?
ReCion <
ReCion A
ReCion >
/ot only can you use the column name or column alias to sort the result set of a query3 you can
also sort the results by specifyin! the position of the column in the SELE&T clause$ This is very
useful if you have a len!thy expression in the SELE&T clause and you need the results sorted on
this value$ The followin! example sorts the result set usin! positional values$
S7L8 SELE&T fir3t/nameH hire/dateH 3alarIH manaCer/id mid
< R%( emploIee3
A $HERE department/id IN O??=H?==P
>6 %RDER !" >H <H A:
44444444444444444444 444444444 4444444444 4444444444
ShelleI =K4;UN41> ?<=== ?=?
NancI ?K4AU)41> ?<=== ?=?
Daniel ?B4AU)41> 1=== ?=D
;ohn <D4SE#41K D<== ?=D
I3mael A=4SE#41K KK== ?=D
;o3e (anuel =K4(AR41D KD== ?=D
Lui3 =K4DE&411 B1== ?=D
$illiam =K4;UN41> DA== <=@
D row3 3elected.
$ote The %RDER !" clause cannot have more than 1HH columns or expressions$
Sortin! N,LLs
-y default3 in an ascendin! order sort3 the NULL values appear at the bottom of the result set? that
is3 NULLs are sorted hi!her$ Dor descendin! order sorts3 NULL values appear at the top of the
result set5a!ain3 NULL values are sorted hi!her$ The default behavior can be chan!ed by usin!
the NULLS IRST or NULLS LAST 4eywords3 alon! with the column names &or alias names or
positions'$ The followin! examples demonstrate the use of NULLS IRST in an ascendin! sort$
S7L8 SELE&T la3t/nameH commi33ion/pct
< R%( emploIee3
A $HERE la3t/name LI'E ,RQ,
>6 %RDER !" commi33ion/pct AS&H la3t/name DES&:
4444444444444444444444444 44444444444444
Ru33ell .>
S7L8 SELE&T la3t/nameH commi33ion/pct
< R%( emploIee3
A $HERE la3t/name LI'E ,RQ,
>6 %RDER !" commi33ion/pct AS& NULLS IRSTH la3t/name
4444444444444444444444444 44444444444444
Ru33ell .>
"eal orld Scenario:
h( #o e Limit and Sort "o>sA
The power of an +,-)S and SQL lies in !ettin! exactly what we want from the database$ The
sample tables we considered under the ;+ schema are small3 so even if you !et all the
information from the table3 you can still find the specific data that you#re see4in!$ -ut what if you
have a hu!e transaction table3 with millions of rowsP
9ou 4now how easy it is to loo4 throu!h a catalo! in the library to find a particular boo43 or to
search throu!h an alphabetical listin! to find your name$ <hen queryin! a lar!e table3 ma4e sure
you 4now what you want$
The $HERE clause lets you query for exactly what you#re loo4in! for$ The %RDER !" clause lets
you sort rows$ The followin! steps can be used as an approach to query data from sin!le table$
1$ Tnow the columns of the table$ 9ou may issue the DES&RI!E command to !et the
column names and datatype$ Anderstand which column has what information$
1$ %ic4 the column names you are interested in includin! in the query$ Ase these columns in
the SELE&T clause$
F$ 0dentify the column or columns where you can limit the rows or the columns that can
show you only the rows of interest$ Ase these columns in the $HERE clause of the query3
and supply the values as well as the appropriate operator$
E$ 0f the query returns more than few rows3 you may be interested in havin! them sorted in a
particular order$ Specify the column names and the sortin! order in the %RDER !" clause
of the query$
Let#s consider a table named %A+C;.SE>"+,E+S$ Dirst3 use the DES&RI!E command to list
the columns$
S7L8 DES&RI!E purcha3e/order3
Name NullS TIpe
444444444444444444444 44444444 44444444444444
The obective of the query is to find the completed orders that do not have any sales tax$ 9ou
want to see the order number and total amount of the order$ The correspondin! columns that
appear in the SELE&T clause are "+,E+U and T"T.L>.)T$ Since you#re interested in only the
rows with no sales tax in the completed orders3 the columns to appear in the $HERE clause are
S.LES>T.O &chec4in! for @ero sales tax' and "+,>ST.TAS &chec4in! for completeness of
order3 status code C'$ Since the query returns multiple rows3 you want to order them by the order
number$ /otice that the S.LES>T.O column can be NULL3 so you want to ma4e sure that you
!et all rows that have a sales tax amount of @ero or NULL$
SELE&T orderTH total/amt
R%( purcha3e/order3
$HERE ord/3tatu3 - ,&,
AND O3ale3/taL IS NULL
%R 3ale3/taL - =P
%RDER !" orderT:
.n alternative is to use the N+L function to deal with the NULL values$ This function is discussed
in Chapter F$
2sin! Expressions
.n e-pression is a combination of one or more values3 operators3 and SQL functions that result in
a value$ The result of an expression !enerally assumes the datatype of its components$ The
simple expression HMJ evaluates to 11 and assumes a datatype of /A)-E+$ Expressions can
appear in the followin! clauses:
The SELE&T clause of queries
The $HERE clause3 %RDER !" clause3 and HA+IN) clause
The +ALUES clause of the INSERT statement
The SET clause of the U#DATE statement
<e will review the syntax of usin! these statements in later chapters$
9ou can include parentheses to !roup and evaluate expressions3 and then apply the result to the
rest of the expression$ <hen parentheses are used3 the expression in the innermost parentheses
is evaluated first$ ;ere is an example of a compound expression: &&1NE'6&FM1''N12$ The result of
1NE is divided by the result of FM1$ Then the result from the division operation is multiplied by 12$
The C.SE Expression
The CASE expression is new to "racle(i and can be used to derive the 0DVT;E/VELSE lo!ic
in SQL$ ;ere is the syntax of the simple &ASE expression:
&ASE .expression8
$HEN .compare value8 THEN .return value8 E E E
UELSE .return value8V
The &ASE expression be!ins with the 4eyword &ASE and ends with the 4eyword END$ The ELSE
clause is optional3 the $HEN clause can be repeated for 11G times$ The followin! query displays a
description for the +E=0"/>0, column based on the value$
S7L8 SELE&T countrI/nameH reCion/idH
< &ASE reCion/id $HEN ? THEN ,Europe,
A $HEN < THEN ,America,
> $HEN A THEN ,A3ia,
@ ELSE ,%ther, END &ontinent
B R%( countrie3
K6 $HERE countrI/name LI'E ,IQ,:
44444444444444444444 4444444444 4444444
I3rael > %ther
India A A3ia
ItalI ? Europe
The other form of the &ASE expression is the searched &ASE3 where the values are derived
based on a condition$ This version has the followin! syntax:
$HEN .condition8 THEN .return value8 E E E
UELSE .return value8V
The followin! example cate!ori@es the salary as Low3 )edium3 and ;i!h usin! a searched &ASE
S7L8 SELE&T fir3t/nameH department/idH 3alarIH
< &ASE $HEN 3alarI . B=== THEN ,Low,
A $HEN 3alarI . ?==== THEN ,(edium,
> $HEN 3alarI 8- ?==== THEN ,HiCh, END &ateCorI
@ R%( emploIee3
B $HERE department/id .- A=
K6 %RDER !" fir3t/name:
44444444444444444444 4444444444444 4444444444 444444
AleLander A= A?== Low
Den A= ??=== HiCh
)uI A= <B== Low
;ennifer ?= >>== Low
'aren A= <@== Low
(ichael <= ?A=== HiCh
#at <= B=== (edium
Shelli A= <1== Low
SiCal A= <D== Low
1 row3 3elected.
,ata in the "racle database is mana!ed and accessed usin! SQL$ . SELE&T statement is used
to query data from a table or view$ 9ou can limit the rows selected by usin! a $HERE clause and
order the retrieved data usin! the %RDER !" clause$
0n this chapter3 we reviewed fundamentals of SQL3 includin! datatypes and operators$ The C;.+
and B.+C;.+1 datatypes are used to store alphanumeric information$ The /A)-E+ datatype
is used to store any numeric value$ ,ate values can be stored usin! the ,.TE datatype$ "racle
has a wide ran!e of operators: arithmetic3 concatenation3 set3 comparison3 membership3 lo!ical3
pattern matchin!3 ran!e3 and existence and NULL chec4in!$
The &ASE expression is new to "racle(i$ 0t is used to brin! conditional lo!ic to SQL$
Exam Essentials
2nderstand the operators' Tnow the various operators that can be used in queries$ The
parentheses around an expression chan!e the precedence of the operators$
Bno> ho> to execute a SQL statement' 9ou can execute a SQL statement by endin!
the statement with a semicolon3 and in SQLN%lus3 by havin! the / on a line by itself or by
usin! the RUN command$
2nderstand the +E"E clause' The $HERE clause specifies a condition to limit the
number or rows returned$ 9ou cannot use column alias names in this clause$
2nderstand the O"#E" B? clause' The %RDER !" clause is used to sort the result set
from a query$ 9ou can specify ascendin! order or descendin! order for the sort$ .scendin!
order is the default$
Bno> the order o< clauses in the SELECT statement' The SELE&T statement must
have a R%( clause$ The $HERE clause3 if it exists3 should follow the R%( clause and
precede the %RDER !" clause$
Bno> the use o< the #2,L table' The ,A.L table is a dummy table in "racle with one
column and one row$ This table is commonly used to !et the values of system variables such
Bno> the characters used <or pattern matchin!' The R character is used to match
@ero or more characters$ The > character is used to match one3 and only one3 character$ The
SQL operator used with pattern8matchin! character is LI'E$
Be( Terms
-efore you ta4e the exam3 be certain you are familiar with the followin! terms:

unary operator lo!ical operators
arithmetic operators /A)-E+
binary operators operator
order of precedence
C;.+ precision
column alias query
comparison operators scale
concatenation operator seed database
"evie> Questions
&' 9ou issue the followin! query:
SELE&T 3alarI JEmploIee SalarIJ
R%( emploIee3:
;ow will the column headin! appear in the resultP
.$ E)%L"9EE S.L.+9
-$ E)%L"9EE>S.L.+9
C$ Employee Salary
,$ employee>salary
)' The E)% table is defined as follows:
E36 Table
Column #atat(pe Len!th
E)%/" /A)-E+ E
E/.)E B.+C;.+1 F2
S.L.+9 /A)-E+ 1E31
C")) /A)-E+ 1231
,E%T/" /A)-E+ 1
9ou perform the followin! two queries:
?. SELE&T empno enum2erH ename
<. R%( emp %RDER !" ?:
>. SELE&T empnoH ename
@. R%( emp %RDER !" empno AS&:
<hich of the followin! is trueP
.$ Statements 1 and 1 will produce the same result$
-$ Statement 1 will execute? statement 1 will return an error$
C$ Statement 1 will execute? statement 1 will return an error$
,$ Statements 1 and 1 will execute but produce different results$
5' 9ou issue the followin! SELE&T statement on the E)% table shown in question 1$
SELE&T O<==5OO3alarI6=.?P/<PP R%( emp:
<hat will happen to the result if all of the parentheses are removedP
.$ /o difference3 because the answer will always be NULL$
-$ /o difference3 because the result will be the same$
C$ The result will be hi!her$
,$ The result will be lower$
7' 0n the followin! SELE&T statement3 which component is a literalP &Choose all that apply$'
SELE&T ,EmploIee Name: , 00 ename
R%( emp where deptno - ?=:
.$ 12
-$ ename
C$ Employee /ame:
,$ WW
8' <hen you try to save FEHJ:$11HH into a column defined as /A)-E+&:31' what value is
actually savedP
.$ FEHJ:$22
-$ FEHJ:$1F
C$ FEHJ:$11
,$ FEHJ$11
9' <hat is the default display len!th of the ,.TE datatype columnP
.$ G
-$ (
C$ 1(
,$ J
:' <hat will happen if you query the E)% table shown in question 1 with the followin!P
SELE&T empnoH DISTIN&T enameH 3alarI R%( emp:
.$ E)%/"3 unique values of E/.)E and then S.L.+9 are displayed$
-$ E)%/"3 unique values of the two columns3 E/.)E and S.L.+93 are displayed$
C$ DISTIN&T is not a valid 4eyword in SQL$
,$ /o values will be displayed because the statement will return an error$
@' <hich clause in a query limits the rows selectedP
.$ %RDER !"
-$ $HERE
,$ R%(
9' The followin! listin! shows the records of the E)% table$
E(#N% ENA(E SALAR" &%(( DE#TN%
444444444 4444444444 444444444 444444444 444444444
KAB1 S(ITH D== <=
K>11 ALLEN ?B== A== A=
K@<? $ARD ?<@= @== A=
K@BB ;%NES <1K@ <=
KB@> (ARTIN ?<@= ?>== A=
KB1D !LA'E <D@= A=
KKD< &LAR' <>@= <>@== ?=
KKDD S&%TT A=== <=
KDA1 'IN) @=== @==== ?=
KD>> TURNER ?@== = A=
KDKB ADA(S ??== <=
K1== ;A(ES 1@= A=
K1=< %RD A=== <=
K1A> (ILLER ?A== ?A=== ?=
<hen you issue the followin! query3 which value will be displayed in the first rowP
SELE&T empno
R%( emp
$HERE deptno - ?=
%RDER !" ename DES&:
.$ )0LLE+
-$ :(FE
C$ :G:J
,$ /o rows will be returned because ename cannot be used in the %RDER !" clause$
&C' +efer to the listin! of records in the E)% table in question ($ ;ow many rows will the followin!
query returnP
SELE&T 6 R%( emp $HERE ename !ET$EEN ,A, AND ,&,
.$ E
-$ 1
C$ . character column cannot be used in the !ET$EEN operator$
,$ F
&&' +efer to the E)% table in question 1$ <hen you issue the followin! query3 which line has an
SELE&T empno JEnum2erJH ename JEmpNameJ
R%( emp
$HERE deptno - ?=
AND JEnum2erJ - KKD<
%RDER !" JEnum2erJ:
.$ 1
-$ H
C$ E
,$ /o error? the statement will finish successfully$
&)' 9ou issue the followin! query:
SELE&T empnoH ename
R%( emp
$HERE empno - KKD< %R empno - KDKB:
<hich other operator can replace the %R condition in the $HERE clauseP
.$ IN
-$ !ET$EEN .. AND ..
,$ .-
E$ 8-
&5' The followin! are clauses of the SELE&T statement:
1$ $HERE
1$ R%(
F$ %RDER !"
0n which order should they appear in a queryP
.$ 13 F3 1
-$ 13 13 F
C$ 13 F3 1
,$ The order of these clauses does not matter$
&7' <hich statement searches for %+",ACT>0, values that be!in with ,0> from the "+,E+S
!. $HERE #R%DU&T/ID - ,DIQ,:
E. $HERE #R%DU&T/ID LI'E ,DI/, ES&A#E ,R,:
). SELE&T 6 R%( %RDERS
;. SELE&T 6 R%( %RDERS
'. $HERE #R%DU&T/ID LI'E ,DIR/, ES&A#E ,R,:
(. SELE&T 6 R%( %RDERS
&8' C"A/T+9>/.)E and +E=0"/>0, are valid column names in the C"A/T+0ES table$
<hich one of the followin! statements will execute without an errorP
A. SELE&T countrI/nameH reCion/idH
!. &ASE reCion/id - ? THEN ,Europe,H
&. reCion/id - < THEN ,America,H
D. reCion/id - A THEN ,A3ia,H
E. ELSE ,%ther, END &ontinent
. R%( countrie3:
H. SELE&T countrI/nameH reCion/idH
I. &ASE OreCion/id $HEN ? THEN ,Europe,H
;. $HEN < THEN ,America,H
'. $HEN A THEN ,A3ia,H
L. ELSE ,%ther,P &ontinent
(. R%( countrie3:
%. SELE&T countrI/nameH reCion/idH
#. &ASE reCion/id $HEN ? THEN ,Europe,
7. $HEN < THEN ,America,
R. $HEN A THEN ,A3ia,
S. ELSE ,%ther, END &ontinent
T. R%( countrie3:
+. SELE&T countrI/nameH reCion/idH
$. &ASE reCion/id $HEN ? THEN ,Europe,
*. $HEN < THEN ,America,
". $HEN A THEN ,A3ia,
W. ELSE ,%ther, &ontinent
AA. R%( countrie3:
&9' <hich special character is used to query all the columns from the table without listin! each
column by nameP
.$ Q
-$ X
C$ Y
,$ 6
&:' The E)%L"9EE table has the followin! data:
4444444444 444444444 4444444444
S(ITH ?K4DE&41= D==
ALLEN <=4E!41? ?B==
$ARD <<4E!41? ?<@=
;%NES =<4A#R41? @1K@
$ARDEN <D4SE#41? ?<@=
!LA'E =?4(A"41? <D@=
<hat will be the value in the first row of the result set when the followin! query is executedP
SELE&T hire/date R%( emploIee
%RDER !" 3alarIH emp/name:
.$ 218.%+8(1
-$ 1:8,EC8(2
C$ 1G8SE%8(1
,$ The query is invalid3 because you cannot have a column in the %RDER !" clause that
is not part of the SELE&T clause$
&@' <hich SQL statement will query the E)%L"9EES table for D0+ST>/.)E3 L.ST>/.)E3 and
S.L.+9 of all employees in ,E%.+T)E/T>0, E2 in the alphabetical order of last nameP
A. SELE&T fir3t/name la3t/name 3alarI
!. R%( emploIee3
&. %RDER !" la3t/name
D. $HERE department/id - >=:
. SELE&T fir3t/nameH la3t/nameH 3alarI
). R%( emploIee3
H. %RDER !" la3t/name AS&
I. $HERE department/id - >=:
'. SELE&T fir3t/name la3t/name 3alarI
L. R%( emploIee3
(. $HERE department/id - >=
N. %RDER !" la3t/name AS&:
#. SELE&T fir3t/nameH la3t/nameH 3alarI
7. R%( emploIee3
R. $HERE department/id - >=
S. %RDER !" la3t/name:
U. SELE&T fir3t/nameH la3t/nameH 3alarI
+. R%( TA!LE emploIee3
$. $HERE department/id IS >=
*. %RDER !" la3t/name AS&:
&9' <hen doin! pattern matchin! usin! the LI'E operator3 which character is used as the default
escape character by "racleP
.$ W
-$ 6
C$ S
,$ There is no default escape character in "racle(i$
)C' Column alias names cannot be used in which clauseP
.$ SELE&T clause
-$ $HERE clause
C$ %RDER !" clause
,$ /one of the above
&' C$ Column alias names enclosed in quotation mar4s will appear as typed$ Spaces and mixed
case appear in the column alias name only when the alias is enclosed in double quotation
)' .$ Statements 1 and 1 will produce the same result$ 9ou can use the column name3 column
alias3 or column position in the %RDER !" clause$ The default sort order is ascendin!$ Dor a
descendin! sort3 you must explicitly specify that order with the DES& 4eyword$
5' -$ 0n the arithmetic evaluation3 multiplication and division have precedence over addition and
subtraction$ Even if you do not include the parentheses3 3alarI6=.? will be evaluated first$
The result is then divided by 13 and its result is added to 122$
7' .3 C$ Character literals in the SQL statement are enclosed in sin!le quotation mar4s$ Literals
are concatenated usin! 00$ Employee /ame: is a character literal3 and 12 is a numeric literal$
8' -$ Since the numeric column is defined with precision : and scale 13 you can have five di!its
in the inte!er part and two di!its after the decimal point$ The di!its after the decimal are
9' -$ The default display format of the ,.TE column is DDM!N""3 whose len!th is ($ This is
A$S$ specific and will be different as user settin!s vary$
:' ,$ DISTIN&T is used to display a unique result row3 and it should follow immediately after the
4eyword SELE&T$ Aniqueness is identified across the row3 not a sin!le column$
@' -$ The $HERE clause is used to limit the rows returned from a query$ The $HERE clause
condition is evaluated3 and rows are returned only if the result is TRUE$ The %RDER !" clause
is used to display the result in certain order$
9' -$ There are three records belon!in! to ,E%T/" 12: E)%/" :(FE &)0LLE+'3 :GF( &T0/='3
and ::G1 &CL.+T'$ <hen you sort their names by descendin! order3 )0LLE+ is the first row
to display$ 9ou can use alias names and columns that are not in the SELE&T clause in the
%RDER !" clause$
&C' ,$ ;ere3 a character column is compared a!ainst a strin! usin! the !ET$EEN operator3 which
is equivalent to ename 8- ,A, AND ename .- ,&,$ The name CL.+T will not be included
in this query3 because ,&LAR', is 8 ,&,$
&&' C$ Column alias names cannot be used in the $HERE clause$ They can be used in the %RDER
!" clause$
&)' .$ The IN operator can be used$ 9ou can write the $HERE clause as +E"E empno I$
-::@)4 :@:90D
&5' -$ The R%( clause appears after the SELE&T statement3 followed by $HERE and %RDER !"
clauses$ The R%( clause specifies the table names3 the $HERE clause limits the result set3
and the %RDER !" clause sorts the result$
&7' C$ Since > is a special pattern8matchin! character3 you need to include the ES&A#E clause in
LI'E$ The R character matches any number of characters includin! 23 and > matches a
sin!le character$
&8' C$ . &ASE expression be!ins with the 4eyword &ASE and ends with 4eyword END$
&9' ,$ .n asteris4 &6' is used to denote all columns in a table$
&:' -$ The default sortin! order for numeric column is ascendin!$ The columns are sorted first by
salary and then by name3 so the row with the lowest salary is displayed first$ 0t is perfectly
valid to use a column in the %RDER !" clause that is not part of the SELE&T clause$
&@' ,$ 0n the SELE&T clause3 the column names should be separated by commas$ .n alias name
may be provided for each column with a space or usin! the 4eyword AS$ The R%( clause
should appear after the SELE&T clause$ The $HERE clause appears after the R%( clause$
The %RDER !" clause comes after the $HERE clause$
&9' ,$ There is no default escape character in "racle(i$ 0f your search includes pattern8matchin!
characters such as > or Q3 define an escape character usin! the ES&A#E 4eyword in the LI'E
)C' -$ Column alias names cannot be used in the $HERE clause of the SQL statement$ 0n the
%RDER !" clause3 you can use the column name or alias name3 or indicate the column by its
position in the SELE&T clause$

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