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Introduction to Infection Control Unit:

Microorganisms Lesson:
What You'll Learn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to:
escribe what causes disease!
"#$lain why infection control is im$ortant to health care wor%ers!
efine microorganism!
istinguish between $athogen and non$athogen!
Identify the four main classes of microorganisms!
Infection Control
What causes people to get sick? How is disease spread from one person to another
person? What can be done to stop the spread of infection and disease?
As a health care worker, it is important to know the answers to these questions. When
you understand what causes infection, you can learn how to preent it. Infection control
is a set of practices and procedures that will help to preent the transmission of disease
within a health care facility.
!icroorganisms, or microbes, are small liing bodies that are not isible to the naked
eye. "ome microorganisms are used to maintain body processes. #hese helpful
microorganisms are called nonpathogens. Howeer, many microorganisms are harmful
to the body. !icroorganisms that cause infection and disease are called pathogens.
$athogens can cause infection and disease in seeral ways. %ne way is by producing
to&ins, or poisons, which harm the body and cause disease. Another way pathogens can
cause infection is by creating an allergic reaction in the body, which results in snee'ing,
watery eyes, and a runny nose. (inally, pathogens can inade liing cells, attack them,
and een destroy them.
#here are many different classes of microorganisms. #he four main classes include
bacteria, proto'oa, fungi, and iruses.

)acteria are one*celled microorganisms that are classified by shape. Cocci are round,
bacillia are rod*shaped, and spirilla are spiral or corkscrew in shape. #hough bacteria
are single*celled organisms, they often +oin into pairs, chains, or clusters.
"ome bacteria are helpful. (or e&ample, the bacteria that e&ist in the small intestines
help to digest food. Also, seeral food products, such as yogurt and cheese, are made
by using bacteria.
"ome bacteria, howeer, produce to&ins that make people sick. )acteria can also
produce spores. "pores are thick*walled cells created by bacteria to aid in reproduction
and to make the bacteria resistant to harsh enironments. "pores are difficult to
eliminate and can result in serious sicknesses. ,iseases caused by bacteria include-
(ood poisoning
"trep throat
$roto'oa are the simplest organisms in the animal kingdom. #hey are single*celled
microorganisms, but they often e&ist in colonies. !ost proto'oa need moisture to
surie, so they are often found in watery enironments.
#here are seeral types of nonpathogenic proto'oa, such as the proto'oa that e&ist in
the large intestines. Howeer, most proto'oa are harmful. ,iseases that are caused by
proto'oa include-
African sleeping sickness
(ungi are plant*like microorganisms that can be found in the air, in soil, on plants, or in
water. #here are thousands of types of fungi, including mushrooms, yeasts, and molds.
%nly about half of these types of fungi are pathogenic.
!any types of fungi hae helped to make our lies easier. (or e&ample, penicillin is an
antibiotic that is used to kill bacteria in our bodies. $enicillin is made from fungi.
Additionally, many types of fungi, such as yeast, are used in making food.
,iseases that are caused by fungi are called mycoses. #hese diseases include-
Athlete.s foot
0east infections
1iruses are the smallest type of microorganism. #hey are smaller than a single cell and
are made up of only a few molecules. 1iruses inade the cells of a liing organism where
they reproduce more iruses. A irus cannot reproduce outside a liing cell.
"ome iruses are helpful and hae een been used in treatments for bacterial infections.
)ut, like other microorganisms, many iruses are pathogenic. ,iseases caused by
iruses include-
Common cold
Chicken po&
Hepatitis ) and Hepatitis C
HI1 and AI,"
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you learned about microorganisms. 0ou were introduced to the four main
classes of microorganisms and distinguished between each one.
In this lesson, you learned that-
$athogens are microorganisms that cause infection and disease.
3onpathogens are helpful microorganisms that help to maintain body processes.
#he four main classes of microorganisms include bacteria, proto'oa, fungi, and
Infection 2esson-
What 0ou.ll 2earn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to-
,istinguish between endogenous, e&ogenous, nosocomial, and opportunistic
,efine infectious disease and communicable disease.
Identify the components of the chain of infection.
4&plain the primary modes of transmission in the chain of infection.
Classification of Infections and ,iseases
,iseases and infections are often classified according to how and where the infection
occurs. An endogenous infection or disease is one that begins inside the body, such as a
tumor. An e&ogenous infection or disease is caused by something outside the body, such
as radiation or chemical solutions.
3osocomial infection or disease is acquired by an indiidual within a health care facility.
Another term for 5nosocomial5 is 5hospital*acquired.5 #hese diseases are usually
transmitted from patient to patient by the health care workers. Health care workers must
practice proper infection control techniques to reduce the number of nosocomial
(inally, opportunistic infections occur when the body.s defenses are weak. (or e&ample,
patients with AI," hae weakened immune systems. #herefore, AI," patients are more
likely to acquire infections than patients with strong immune systems.
Infectious and Communicable ,iseases
,iseases are also classified according to whether or not they can be transmitted from
one person to another person. An infectious disease results from an inasion of
microorganisms. A communicable disease is a type of infectious disease that can be
transmitted from one person to another person.
3ot all infectious diseases are communicable. (or e&ample, lyme disease is caused by
bacteria, but it cannot be transmitted from person to person. Hepatitis ), on the other
hand, is caused by a irus. #he hepatitis ) irus can be passed from person to person if
e&posure to blood or bodily fluids occurs.
%ne of the goals of infection control is to preent the transmission of these
communicable diseases.
Chain of Infection
(or a communicable disease to be passed from one person to another, certain
conditions must be met. #hese conditions are known as the chain of infection. #he
following list describes the steps in the chain of infection-
#he chain of infection begins with a pathogen, which is called the causatie agent.
#he causatie agent must find a reseroir, or a place for the causatie agent to lie
and grow. A reseroir could be a human, an animal, or any surface or ob+ect.
3e&t, the pathogen must hae a portal of e&it to leae the reseroir. In humans,
pathogens can leae the body through blood, bodily fluids, or e&crement.
After the pathogen leaes the reseroir, it must be moed to another reseroir where it
can continue to lie and grow. #his process is called the mode of transmission.
#he pathogen must hae access to a portal of entry, which is the place the pathogen
will enter the new reseroir.
If the new reseroir has weak defenses, it will contract the disease or infection. #he
new reseroir is called the susceptible host.
If any part of the chain is broken, the spread of the disease or infection will stop. Health
care workers must practice principles of infection control in order to break the chain of
!ode of #ransmission
In the chain of infection, transmission can occur in seeral ways. #he following list
contains the primary modes of transmission-
Airborne #ransmission- #ransmission through droplets in a snee'e or cough
)loodborne #ransmission- #ransmission through blood or body fluid
1ectorborne #ransmission- #ransmission through an outside source, such as
mosquitoes and ticks
"e&ual #ransmission- #ransmission through se&ual contact with an infected person
(oodborne #ransmission- #ransmission through infected or contaminated foods
Casual Contact- #ransmission by close body*to*body contact or sharing personal
items, such as a hairbrush or comb
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you learned that-
,iseases and infections are classified as endogenous, e&ogenous, nosocomial, or
An infectious disease is a disease that results from an inasion of microorganisms.
A communicable disease is an infectious disease that is caused by microorganisms
and can be transmitted from one person to another person.
#he chain of infection is made up of a causatie agent, a reseroir, a portal of e&it, a
mode of transmission, a portal of entry, and a susceptible host.
If any part of the chain of infection is broken, the spread of the disease or infection will
Asepsis 2esson-
What 0ou.ll 2earn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to-
,efine asepsis.
4&plain how asepsis is related to the chain of infection.
Contrast medical asepsis and surgical asepsis.
,istinguish between sterili'ing, disinfecting, and cleaning.
Asepsis is a condition that is free of pathogens. !aintaining asepsis in a health care
facility is the primary way to preent the spread of disease from person to person. It
works by breaking the chain of infection.
!edical and "urgical Asepsis
#he two basic types of asepsis are medical asepsis and surgical asepsis. !edical
asepsis is maintaining a clean enironment in order to reduce the number of pathogens.
It is also called clean technique. Common medical aseptic practices include
handwashing, routine cleaning, and using personal protectie equipment, such as gloes
and masks.
"urgical asepsis is maintaining a sterile field. A sterile field is an enironment that is free
from all microorganisms and spores. "urgical asepsis is also known as sterile technique.
It is required for most inasie procedures and operations. In order for an enironment to
stay sterile, only sterile items can come into contact with other sterile items. "urgical
asepsis takes skill and foresight.
#he three leels of asepsis are sterili'ing, disinfecting, and cleaning.
"terili'ation is the highest leel of asepsis. It is a type of surgical asepsis that kills all
microorganisms, including iruses and spores. "terili'ation is used on instruments and
equipment, not on people. "terili'ation methods include pressuri'ed steam, dry heat,
chemical solutions, and gas.
#he most common piece of equipment used for sterili'ation in a medical office is an
autoclae, which uses pressuri'ed steam to kill microorganisms. Autoclaes sterili'e
equipment at temperatures of 6789( :;6;9C< for ;7 to =8 minutes.
,ry heat uses temperatures of =689( :;>89C< for at least an hour for sterili'ation. It is
used for instruments that corrode easily, such as those made of non*stainless steel.
"ome chemical solutions can also be used for sterili'ation. Howeer, items must soak in
the solutions for at least ;8 hours to become sterile. Chemical sterili'ation is used with
equipment that is too large for autoclaing or cannot withstand high temperatures, such
as rubber, plastic, and fiber optics.
Wheelchairs and beds are sterili'ed using large gas oens. ?as sterili'ation is typically
used in hospitals.
,isinfection is the middle leel of asepsis. ,isinfection is a type of medical asepsis that
destroys most pathogens, but is not always effectie on iruses and spores. )ecause
disinfectants are usually chemical solutions, the disinfection process is generally used
on ob+ects and equipment, rather than on people.
Common disinfectant solutions include chlorine and bleach. An ob+ect must soak in a
disinfectant solution for at least 68 minutes to be properly disinfected.
Cleaning is the lowest leel of asepsis. It is also called saniti'ation. #he cleaning
process does not require harsh chemicals to destroy pathogens, so cleaning can be
used on people. 4&amples include using soap to wash hands or using alcohol to prepare
a patient.s skin for a procedure. Antiseptic solutions such as iodine, betadine, and
alcohol are often used in the cleaning process.
Cleaning can also be used on ob+ects and equipment. Howeer, the process does not
destroy iruses or spores.
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you learned that-
Asepsis is a condition that is free of pathogens or any type of contamination.
Aseptic techniques can break the chain of infection.
!edical asepsis is maintaining a clean enironment in order to reduce the number of
"urgical asepsis means to maintain a sterile field or enironment.
#he three leels of asepsis are sterili'ing, disinfecting, and cleaning.
Hand Cleansing 2esson-
What 0ou.ll 2earn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to-
4&plain the importance of hand cleansing.
,etermine when health care workers should cleanse their hands.
Cleanse your hands according to the correct procedure.
Hand Cleansing
Hand cleansing is the most basic and important type of medical asepsis. Hand cleansing
is the number one way to preent the spread of infection. Hands can act as a mode of
transmission in the chain of infection by carrying pathogens from one patient to another
patient. Additionally, when pathogens are on a health care worker.s hands, the health
care worker is in danger of contracting the disease or infection. )ecause of this danger,
health care workers must use appropriate hand cleansing hygiene.
When to Cleanse Hands
Health care workers should cleanse their hands frequently, including
When arriing at the health care facility and immediately before leaing the facility.
)efore and after eery patient contact.
)efore and after performing a procedure.
)efore and after handling a specimen.
)efore and after touching the mouth, eyes, or nose.
)efore donning gloes and immediately after remoing gloes.
After contacting soiled or contaminated items.
After picking up any item from the floor.
After using the bathroom.
After coughing, snee'ing, or using a tissue.
!ethods of Hand Cleansing
According to the C,C, there are two methods health care workers should use to cleanse
their hands.
#he first method is hand washing. Hand washing inoles using plain soap and water to
cleanse the hands. Health care workers should wash their hands when they are isibly
dirty or soiled.
#he second method is an alcohol*based handrub. An alcohol*based handrub inoles
using an alcohol*based lotion or gel to cleanse the hands. Alcohol*based handrubs are
more effectie than hand washing at remoing microorganisms. Health care workers
should use an alcohol*based handrub on their hands when they are not isibly soiled.
$rocedure for Hand Cleansing
Indiidual agencies may hae specific procedures that their employees must follow. #he
following process is an e&ample of a hand cleansing procedure that might be found at
any agency.
Hand Washing
,ispense a paper towel and use it to turn the faucet on. ,o not touch the inside of the
sink, as it is considered contaminated.
#est the temperature of the water with your hand. Allow the water to reach a warm
temperature. Hot water damages the skin. ,ispose of the paper towel into a waste
$oint your fingers downward and wet your hands and wrists.
,ispense liquid soap into your hands and work the soap into a lather.
2ather all surfaces of your wrists, hands, and fingers for at least 68 seconds. /ub
firmly, as friction is needed to rub pathogens off the skin. 0ou may find it helpful to hum
5Happy )irthday5, twice in your head to be sure that you wash long enough.
$rocedure for Hand Cleansing :continued<
Clean your fingernails with a nail brush or by rubbing fingertips against the palm of the
opposite hand.
/inse your hands and wrists while keeping your fingers pointed downward. $ointing
them upward may contaminate your hands, wrists, or arms with dirty water.
,ispense a clean paper towel and use it to dry your hands and wrists. ,ispose of the
paper towel when it becomes wet. If needed, dispense another paper towel to finish
drying. ,ispose of the towel.
,ispense a clean paper towel and use it to turn off the faucet. ,ispose of the paper
Alcohol*based Handrub
,ispense the appropriate amount of alcohol*based liquid or gel into the palm of your
hand. Check the manufacturer guidelines for the amount of liquid or gel to use.
/ub your hands together, coering all surfaces, until the liquid has dried.
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you identified when health care workers should cleanse their hands. 0ou
also practiced the hand cleansing procedure.
In this lesson, you learned that-
Hand cleansing is the most effectie way to preent the transmission of pathogens.
Health care workers should cleanse their hands frequently.
Cleaning 4quipment 2esson-
What 0ou.ll 2earn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to-
Identify methods used for cleaning equipment.
,escribe the steps for cleaning equipment.
Clean a piece of equipment.
Cleaning 4quipment
Cleaning is the lowest leel of medical asepsis. In addition to being used on people, the
cleaning process is also used on equipment. #o clean ob+ects or equipment, health care
workers may use soap, water, and scrub brushes. "ome health care facilities use
ultrasonic units for cleaning. An ultrasonic unit uses sound waes and cleaning solution
to clean dirt and residue from items. 3either method is effectie against iruses or
spores. #herefore, the cleaning process is often followed by disinfection or sterili'ation.
$rocedure for Cleaning 4quipment
(ollow these steps to clean an item. Indiidual agencies may hae specific procedures
that their employees must follow. #he following process is an e&ample of a cleaning
procedure that might be found at any agency.
Cleanse your hands and put on utility gloes. @tility gloes are thick gloes and will
protect hands from being contaminated or cut by a sharp item.
/inse equipment in cool water.
"oak the equipment in warm, soapy water for about 68 minutes.
@se a cleaning brush to scrub the equipment thoroughly. If the equipment is hinged,
be sure to open the hinge and scrub in all creices.
/inse the equipment in warm water. )e sure that no soap or residue remains on the
,ry the equipment with a clean paper towel, and store it in the appropriate place.
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you learned about methods for cleaning equipment. 0ou practiced the
procedure for cleaning a piece of equipment.
In this lesson, you learned that-
Cleaning is the lowest leel of medical asepsis.
#he cleaning process can be used on equipment as well as people.
Cleaning does not remoe iruses or spores from equipment.
"tandard $recautions @nit-
"tandard $recautions 2esson-
What 0ou.ll 2earn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to-
,escribe the purpose of standard precautions.
Identify standard precautions for both patient contact and enironmental cleanliness.
"tandard $recautions
#he Center for ,isease Control and $reention :C,C< deeloped a list of standard
precautions that should be used for all patients, regardless of their type of sickness. #he
C,C created the standard precautions for two reasons. #he first reason is to protect
health care workers from contact with infectious materials. #he second reason is to
protect patients from contracting infectious diseases. "tandard precautions include
guidelines for patient contact and enironmental cleanliness.
"tandard $recautions for $atient Contact
According to the C,C, eery bodily fluid must be considered infectious. #herefore,
health care workers must use appropriate personal protectie equipment, such as
gloes, masks, eyewear, and gowns, when they are likely to contact infectious materials.
Infectious materials include blood and other body fluids, mucous membranes, non*intact
skin, and tissue specimens.
Hands must be washed frequently to aoid spreading infection. Hands should always be
washed before and after wearing gloes, before and after performing a procedure, after
contacting blood or other body fluids, and between patient contacts.
Health care workers must bandage their cuts and scratches properly. $atient contact
should be limited if a worker has a wound or skin condition that is likely to seep or bleed.
In addition, health care workers that are sick must aoid direct contact with patients.
Wheneer possible, face shields should be used instead of mouth*to*mouth contact
during C$/. #hese deices should be stored in conenient places throughout a medical
"tandard $recautions for 4nironmental Cleanliness
@sed sharps should be placed into puncture*proof, bioha'ardous waste containers.
"harps include needles, surgical blades, syringes, and ra'ors. Additionally, needles
should neer be bent or broken after use, and they should neer be recapped.
"pills must be cleaned up immediately. Appropriate personal protectie equipment
should be worn when cleaning. It is also important to read the manufacturer.s
instructions and the materials safety data sheet before using a chemical cleaning
All infectious waste must be discarded in a bioha'ardous waste bag. Infectious waste
includes gloes, gowns, masks, disposable eyewear, contaminated dressings, drainage
bags, disposable basins and bedpans, and other disposable items that hae contacted
blood or other body fluids.
2inens that are contaminated with blood or other body fluids must be placed in
bioha'ardous laundry bags. Contaminated linens must be soaked in disinfectant solution
before laundering.
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you learned that-
#he purpose of standard precautions is to protect health care workers and patients
from contracting infectious diseases.
"tandard precautions include guidelines for patient contact and enironmental
?owns 2esson-
What 0ou.ll 2earn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to-
,escribe when to wear a gown.
,on and remoe a gown.
?owns are personal protectie equipment that must be worn during certain medical
procedures. Health care workers should wear gowns when using chemical solutions for
disinfection or sterili'ation. ?owns should also be worn during procedures where
splashing or spraying of blood and bodily fluid is likely.
Health care workers must change gowns between patient isits. #he same gown should
neer be worn for more than one patient. In addition, disposable gowns should be
placed into bioha'ardous waste containers after use. 3on*disposable gowns may be
placed into bioha'ardous linen bags and then sent to be laundered and disinfected.
$rocedure for ?owns
Indiidual agencies may hae specific procedures that their employees must follow. #he
following process is an e&ample of a gowning procedure that might be found at any
Cleanse your hands.
@nfold the gown. $ut your arms through the sleee openings and pull the gown on. )e
sure the opening of the gown is in the back.
#ie the gown at the back of your neck.
%erlap the gown in the back and tie the waist strings.
#o remoe the gown, untie it at the neck and waist. )e sure to touch only the ties, not
the gown. #he ties are considered clean, but the gown is considered contaminated.
@se your dominant hand to reach inside the gown at the opposite shoulder. $ull down
the gown by touching only the inside. #he outside may be contaminated.
$ull both arms out of their sleees while flipping the gown inside out.
/oll the gown into a bundle, being sure to touch only the inside of the gown.
$lace the gown in the correct container-
If the gown is disposable, place it in a bioha'ardous waste container.
If the gown is not disposable, place it in a bioha'ardous linens bag.
Cleanse your hands.
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you learned about protectie gowns. 0ou practiced the correct procedure
for donning and remoing gowns.
In this lesson, you learned that-
Health care workers should wear gowns when assisting with certain medical
procedures, when using chemical solutions, or when contacting a patient.s blood or
bodily fluids.
When remoing a gown, health care workers should touch only the inside of the gown
because the outside is considered contaminated.
!asks and 4yewear 2esson-
What 0ou.ll 2earn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to-
,escribe when to wear masks and protectie eyewear.
,on and remoe masks and protectie eyewear.
!asks and 4yewear
According to standard precautions, health care workers must wear masks and eyewear
for procedures that may produce splashes or sprays of blood or bodily fluid. !asks and
eyewear will protect a health care worker.s eyes, mouth, and nose from e&posure to
(or procedures that require other forms of personal protectie equipment, masks and
eyewear should be put on after gowns and before gloes. !asks should be worn once
and then discarded into bioha'ardous waste containers. If a mask gets wet or is worn for
more than =8 minutes, it must be discarded and replaced with a new mask. 4yewear is
often reusable. Howeer, it must be cleaned and disinfected before reuse.
$rocedure for !asks and 4yewear
Indiidual agencies may hae specific procedures that their employees must follow. #he
following process is an e&ample of a mask and eyewear procedure that might be found
at any agency.
Cleanse your hands.
$osition the mask so that it coers your mouth and nose. )e sure the bottom is
secured beneath your chin.
#ie the top strings behind your head, and then tie the bottom strings. If the mask has
an elastic band instead of ties, pull the elastic band behind your head or ears.
!ost masks hae a metal strip oer the bridge of the nose. $inch the metal strip oer
your nose to secure the mask.
$osition the eyewear oer your eyes and pull the elastic strap around the back of your
#o remoe, touch only the tie strings or the elastic bands. #he strings and bands are
considered clean. Howeer, the mask and eyewear may be contaminated.
$lace the items in the correct container-
$lace masks and disposable eyewear into a bioha'ardous waste container.
$lace reusable eyewear into the container for cleaning and disinfection.
Cleanse your hands.
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you learned about protectie equipment. 0ou practiced the correct
procedure for donning and remoing masks and protectie eyewear.
In this lesson, you learned that-
Health care workers must wear masks and protectie eyewear for procedures that
may produce splashes or sprays of blood or bodily fluid.
!asks and eyewear will protect a health care worker.s eyes, mouth, and nose from
e&posure to pathogens.
If a mask gets wet or is worn for more than =8 minutes, it must be discarded and
replaced with a new mask.
3on*"terile ?loes 2esson-
What 0ou.ll 2earn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to-
,escribe when to use non*sterile gloes.
,on and remoe non*sterile gloes.
3on*"terile ?loes
3on*sterile gloes are essential pieces of personal protectie equipment. Howeer,
wearing gloes should neer replace cleansing hands. Hands must be cleansed first and
then gloed. Health care workers should wear non*sterile gloes when contacting blood
or other bodily fluids and when handling or cleaning contaminated items.
If other protectie equipment is required for a procedure, gloes should be put on last.
?loes should always be changed between patient isits. #he same pair of gloes
should neer be worn in more than one procedure. In addition, gloes must neer be
washed and reused. Washing gloes could create holes and make them ineffectie.
$rocedure for 3on*"terile ?loes
Indiidual agencies may hae specific procedures that their employees must follow. #he
following process is an e&ample of a non*sterile gloing procedure that might be found at
any agency.
/emoe all +ewelry from hands and wrists, and then cleanse your hands.
$ut the gloes on and pull the cuff of each gloe oer the sleee of your gown.
If needed, interlace your fingers to position gloes correctly on your hands and
#o remoe a gloe, grasp the cuff with the opposite hand. $ull the gloe downward
while turning it inside out. )e sure not to touch any skin to the outside of the gloe.
Hold the remoed gloe in your gloed hand.
"lip the fingers of the ungloed hand beneath the cuff of the gloed hand. $ull the
gloe downward while turning it inside out. )e sure not to touch any skin to the outside
of the gloe.
,ispose the gloes in a bioha'ardous waste container and cleanse your hands
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you learned about non*sterile gloes. 0ou also practiced the correct
procedure for donning and remoing non*sterile gloes.
In this lesson, you learned that-
Wearing gloes should neer replace cleansing hands.
Health care workers should wear non*sterile gloes when contacting blood or other
bodily fluids and when handling or cleaning contaminated items.
#ransmission*)ased $recautions @nit-
#ransmission*)ased $recautions 2esson-
What 0ou.ll 2earn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to-
Identify the two ways communicable diseases can be spread.
,istinguish between standard precautions and transmission*based precautions.
4&plain the three types of transmission*based precautions.
Communicable ,iseases
A communicable disease is a type of infectious disease that can be transmitted from one
person to another person. "ome communicable diseases are spread through direct
contact. 4&amples of direct contact are touching an open wound on an infected person
or haing a se&ual relationship with an infected person. Communicable diseases can
also be spread through indirect contact. Indirect contact includes inhaling the air after an
infected person has snee'ed or handling soiled bed sheets from an infected patient.
#ransmission of Communicable ,iseases
3ot all communicable diseases are transmitted the same way. (or e&ample, AI,",
Hepatitis ), and strep throat can be spread only through direct contact. %n the other
hand, chicken po&, pink eye, and pneumonia can be spread through direct or indirect
contact. #here are many different types of communicable diseases, and health care
workers must become familiar with the mode of transmission for each disease.
#ransmission*)ased $recautions
"tandard precautions are practiced with all patients, regardless of their sickness. )ut
there is another set of precautions that are only used with patients who hae been
diagnosed with highly communicable diseases. #hese precautions are called
transmission*based precautions.
#he three types of transmission*based precautions are airborne, droplet, and contact.
Airborne $recautions
"ome communicable diseases are spread by tiny airborne droplets. When an infected
person coughs or snee'es, tiny droplets are released into the air. )ecause the droplets
are so small, they can remain in the air for a long time and cause infection in people who
inhale the droplets. ,iseases that require airborne precautions include tuberculosis and
chicken po&.
$atients who are diagnosed with this type of communicable disease must be treated with
special care. (irst, they should be placed into a priate room. #his practice is called
isolation. "econd, health care workers who enter the priate room must wear special
respiratory protection, such as a high*efficiency particulate air filter :H4$A mask<. (inally,
the room must be kept at negatie pressure with the door closed. 3egatie pressure will
keep droplets from being drawn into other rooms.
,roplet $recautions
(or some types of communicable diseases, droplets that are released when a patient
snee'es or coughs are large and do not stay in the air for a long period of time. ,roplet
precautions are required for these diseases. ,iseases that require droplet precautions
include pneumonia, influen'a, and whooping cough.
$atients with these diseases must be placed into an isolation room, but negatie air
pressure is not needed. Health care workers who enter these rooms must wear standard
surgical masks. Howeer, respiratory filters are not required.
Contact $recautions
"ome communicable diseases can be spread through direct contact and indirect
contact. #wo e&amples are !/"A :methicillin*resistant staphylococcus aureus< and 1/4
:ancomycin*resistant enterococcus<. #hese two infections are highly contagious and
ery dangerous. #herefore, special precautions must be applied to patients with these
$atients who require contact precautions must be placed in an isolation room. Health
care workers who treat these patients must put on gowns and gloes before entering the
room. After the procedure, personal protectie equipment must be remoed and
discarded carefully to aoid transmitting the disease. Wheneer possible, the medical
equipment used on these patients should be disposable or used only with the infected
patient. If equipment must be used for additional patients, it must be disinfected and
sterili'ed first.
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you learned that-
Communicable diseases can be spread through direct contact or indirect contact.
#ransmission*based precautions are used only for patients who hae been diagnosed
with highly communicable diseases.
#he three types of transmission*based precautions are airborne, droplet, and contact.
#ransmission*)ased ?arments 2esson-
What 0ou.ll 2earn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to-
4&plain the when transmission*based garments are used.
,on and remoe transmission*based garments in the correct order.
#ransmission*)ased ?arments
$atients with highly communicable diseases must be placed into isolation rooms. When
health care workers enter isolation rooms, they must wear transmission*based
/ecall that there are three types of transmission*based precautions- airborne, droplet,
and contact. #hese precautions require different types of protectie garments. Health
care workers must wear appropriate transmission*based garments based on the disease
of the patient.
Click here to reiew information about transmission*based precautions-
Airborne precautions
,roplet precautions
Contact precautions
,onning and /emoing $rotectie ?arments
#he correct sequence for donning any personal protectie equipment is gown first, mask
second, eyewear third, and gloes last. #o remoe $$4, take off gloes first, then
eyewear, then the gown, and finally the mask.
Always cleanse hands before donning the items and immediately after remoing them.
Also, do not touch the outer surface of any protectie garments. #he outer surfaces are
considered contaminated, and touching the surfaces may cause infection.
"pecial care must be taken when remoing transmission*based garments because the
items may be contaminated with highly infectious pathogens. #ransmission*based
garments must be remoed and disposed inside the door of the patient.s room. If
garments are taken outside of the room, the infection may spread to surrounding rooms.
$rocedure for ,onning #ransmission*)ased ?arments
(ollow these steps to don transmission*based garments. Indiidual agencies may hae
specific procedures that their employees must follow. #he following process is an
e&ample of a transmission*based garments procedure that might be found at any
Cleanse your hands.
$ut on the gown so that the opening is in the back.
#ie the gown at the back of your neck.
%erlap the gown in the back, and tie the waist strings.
$osition the mask so that your mouth and nose are coered. #ie the strings behind
your head. If the mask has an elastic band, pull the band behind your head.
$inch the metal strip oer your nose to secure the mask.
$osition the eyewear or goggles oer your eyes, and pull the elastic band behind your
$ut gloes on and pull the cuff of each gloe oer the cuffs of your gown.
$rocedure for /emoing #ransmission*)ased ?arments
(ollow these steps to remoe transmission*based garments. Indiidual agencies may
hae specific procedures that their employees must follow. #he following process is an
e&ample of a transmission*based garments procedure that might be found at any
#o remoe a gloe, grasp the cuff with the opposite hand. $ull the gloe downward
while turning it inside out. ,o not touch any skin to the outside of the gloe.
"lip the fingers of the ungloed hand beneath the cuff of the gloed hand. $ull the
gloe downward while turning it inside out. ,ispose the gloes into an infectious waste
/emoe the eyewear by touching only the elastic band. $lace the eyewear into an
infectious waste container or a container for cleaning and disinfection.
@ntie the gown at the neck and waist. )e sure to touch only the ties, not the gown.
@se your dominant hand to reach inside the gown at the opposite shoulder and pull
down the gown. #ouch only the inside of the gown.
?ently pull both arms out of their sleees while flipping the gown inside out.
/oll the gown into a bundle, touching only the inside of the gown. ,ispose the gown
into an infectious waste container.
/emoe the mask by touching only the strings or elastic bands. ,ispose it into an
infectious waste container.
Cleanse your hands.
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you learned about transmission*based garments. 0ou also practiced the
correct procedure for donning and remoing transmission*based garments.
In this lesson, you learned that-
#he correct procedure for donning any personal protectie equipment is gown first,
mask second, eyewear third, and gloes last.
#o remoe $$4, take off gloes first, then eyewear, then the gown, and finally the
Health care workers must not touch the outer surface of any protectie garments.
#ransmission*based garments must be remoed and disposed inside the door of the
patient.s room because the items may be contaminated.
Isolation @nits 2esson-
What 0ou.ll 2earn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to-
4&plain the purpose of isolation units.
,escribe how meals are proided in isolation units.
Identify the procedures for transferring soiled linens and trash from an isolation unit.
Isolation @nits
$atients with communicable diseases are often placed into priate rooms for isolation.
#his practice helps preent the spread of communicable diseases to health care workers
and other patients. Health care facilities must establish specific regulations for working in
isolation units. Health care workers must always use the special precautions outlined by
their facility.
!eals in an Isolation @nit
Certain rules should be followed for meals in isolation units. (or e&ample, most facilities
require that disposable food trays and eating utensils are used. #he trays and utensils
can then be discarded into bioha'ardous waste bags instead of risking contamination to
other patients and health care workers.
Additionally, leftoer food and beerages should neer be taken out of an isolation unit.
2iquids and soft foods should be flushed down the toilet. "olid foods should be placed in
bioha'ardous waste bags.
Working in an Isolation @nit
!ost of the procedures that take place in isolation units require two health care workers.
%ne worker will go into the room, and the other worker will wait outside the door. #he
worker inside the room will perform necessary tasks, such as collecting trash and soiled
linens, helping the patient eat, and taking ital signs. When items must be remoed from
the room, the worker will collect the items in a bioha'ardous waste bag. #he worker will
then open the door and place the waste bag into another bioha'ardous waste bag that is
being held by the second worker. #he double*bagging technique helps to preent the
spread of dangerous pathogens.
Another way to preent the spread of pathogens is by remoing all protectie garments
while still inside the isolation room. If a health care worker remoes the garments outside
the isolation room, pathogens can easily spread to other areas of the hospital.
$rocedure to #ransfer "oiled 2inens
"oiled linens must be remoed from isolation units with special care. Indiidual agencies
may hae specific procedures that their employees must follow. #he following process is
an e&ample of a soiled linens procedure that might be found at an agency.
#he first worker must put on transmission*based garments and then enter the room.
#he second worker will wait outside the door with a bioha'ardous laundry bag. #he
top of the bag must be cuffed oer the worker.s hands.
#he first worker will gather and roll dirty linens in the room.
#he linens should be placed inside a linen hamper bag. When all linens hae been
collected, the bag must be sealed.
#he first worker will open the door and carefully place the linen hamper bag into the
bioha'ardous laundry bag that is being held by the second worker. #he two workers
should not touch during this transfer.
#he second worker will fold oer the top of the outer laundry bag and tape the top
shut. #he bag must be labeled 5)ioha'ardous 2inen5 and sent to be disinfected.
#he first worker must stay in the room and remoe transmission*based garments.
$rocedure to #ransfer "oiled 2inens :continued<
When the garments hae been remoed, the first worker must wash hands and use a
clean paper towel to open the door and e&it the room.
)oth workers must cleanse hands when the procedure is finished.
$rocedure to #ransfer #rash
#rash must be emptied from an isolation unit each day. Indiidual agencies may hae
specific procedures that their employees must follow. #he following process is an
e&ample of a trash procedure that might be found at an agency.
#he first worker must put on transmission*based garments and then enter the room.
#he second worker will wait at the door with a bioha'ardous waste bag. #he top of the
bag must be cuffed oer the worker.s hands.
#he first worker will gather all trash and infectious waste and place the items into a
bioha'ardous waste bag. #he top of the bag must be secured with a knot after all trash
is collected.
#he first worker will open the door and carefully place the waste bag into the
bioha'ardous waste bag that is being held by the second worker. #he two workers
should not touch during this transfer.
#he second worker will fold oer the top of the outer waste bag and tape the top shut.
#he bag must then be sent to be burned.
#he first worker must stay in the room and remoe transmission*based garments.
When the garments hae been remoed, the first worker must wash hands and use a
clean paper towel to open the door and e&it the room.
)oth workers must cleanse hands when the procedure is finished.
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you learned the importance of isolation units. 0ou then practiced
transferring soiled linens and trash using a two*person transfer.
In this lesson, you learned that-
Isolation is used to preent the spread of communicable diseases to health care
workers and other patients.
Health care facilities must establish specific regulations for isolation units.
#he procedure for transferring soiled linens and trash from isolation units requires two
health care workers.
"terile #echnique @nit-
"terile (ield 2esson-
What 0ou.ll 2earn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to-
,escribe a sterile field.
Identify guidelines for working in a sterile field.
4&plain how to properly handle a sterile package.
"terile #echnique
"terile technique, also called surgical asepsis, is maintaining an area that is free from all
microorganisms. "terile technique must be practiced for all inasie procedures to
protect patients from infection.
#o maintain a sterile area, only sterile items may touch other sterile items. #hese
techniques take skill and careful planning.
"terile (ields
"terile fields are areas that are set up for procedures and are free from microorganisms.
A sterile field is usually a tray that is coered with a small sterile towel. #he tray contains
equipment and supplies for a specific procedure, such as changing a dressing or
cleaning a wound. All of the items in the sterile field must be sterile.
Working with "terile (ields
Health care workers must follow specific rules when setting up a sterile field. A sterile
field must not be created in a cluttered area. "terile items are likely to become
contaminated in a messy enironment. If a sterile item touches any part of a health care
worker.s skin or clothing, the item is considered contaminated and cannot be used.
Additionally, any area below the waist is considered contaminated. #herefore, health
care workers must hold sterile items aboe the waist and away from the body.
When working with sterile fields, health care workers must neer reach across the sterile
area. !icroorganisms could drop from the clothing onto the field and cause
contamination. Always reach to the sides of a sterile field.
After preparing a sterile field, health care workers must keep their eyes on it at all times.
If a sterile field is left alone een for a moment, there is no way of knowing if the field has
remained sterile or if it has become contaminated. "terile fields must also be kept dry
because pathogens trael quickly through wet areas. If any item in a sterile field
becomes wet, it must be considered contaminated and cannot be used.
If any item in a sterile field becomes contaminated or if a health care worker suspects
that an item may be contaminated, the entire field must be created again. It is better to
take the time to do a procedure correctly than to put a patient.s health in danger.
"terile $ackages
!ost of the items used to create a sterile field are pre*packaged in sterile wraps. "ome
of these items are packaged indiidually, such as gau'e, bandages, and small towels.
%ther sterile items are packaged together for specific procedures, like changing a
A sterile package must be opened with care. #he outside of the package is considered
contaminated, but the inside is sterile. A sterile package should be opened with ungloed
hands, but health care workers must be sure to touch only the outside of the package.
%nly sterile items, such as a sterile transfer forceps, may touch the inside of a sterile
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you learned that-
"terile technique must be practiced for all inasie procedures to protect patients from
"terile fields are areas that are set up for specific procedures and are free from
If any item in a sterile field becomes contaminated, the entire field must be created
again. It is better to take the time to do a procedure correctly than to put a patient.s
health in danger.
"terile ?loes 2esson-
What 0ou.ll 2earn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to-
4&plain the difference between sterile and non*sterile gloes.
,escribe when sterile gloes should be worn.
,on and remoe sterile gloes.
"terile ?loes
"terile gloes are a key tool in maintaining a sterile field. @nlike non*sterile gloes,
sterile gloes are packaged in indiidual sterile wraps. #he sterile wrap keeps the gloes
from becoming contaminated with microorganisms.
"terile gloes should be worn wheneer health care workers treat an open wound,
perform an inasie procedure, or apply a dressing. %n the other hand, non*sterile
gloes should be worn wheneer health care workers remoe a dressing or perform
other non*inasie procedures.
$rocedure for ,onning "terile ?loes
Health care workers must remember that when they are donning sterile gloes their
hands should neer touch the outside of the gloes. As soon as the gloes are touched
on the outer surface, the gloes become contaminated and cannot be used for sterile
procedures. Indiidual agencies may hae specific procedures that their employees
must follow. #he following process is an e&ample of a sterile gloe procedure that might
be found at any agency.
/emoe all watches, rings, and +ewelry from hands and wrists. Cleanse your hands
$lace a package of sterile gloes on a clean counter.
$eel open the plastic outer packaging of the gloes. /emoe the inner package and
place it on the counter.
@nfold the inner package by touching only the outer surfaces.
Arrange the package so that the cuff end of the gloes is facing your body, but do not
touch the inside of the wrapper.
?rasp the gloe for your dominant hand by the fold of the cuff with the finger and
thumb of your nondominant hand.
Insert your dominant hand and pull the gloe on with the nondominant hand. Beep the
cuff turned back.
$lace your gloed fingers under the cuff of the other gloe.
Insert your nondominant hand into the gloe. $ull the inside fold of the cuff upward
with the dominant hand. Aoid touching the outside of the cuff as it has already been
$rocedure for ,onning "terile ?loes :continued<
$lace fingers under cuffs to smooth oer wrists.
Check the gloes for tears and holes. If the gloes are torn, remoe them and start
oer with a new pair.
Beep your hands aboe waist leel. ,o not touch anything other than items in a sterile
If you must prepare a sterile tray for a procedure, prepare the tray first, and then don the
sterile gloes. "terile gloes should be put on immediately before you begin a
procedure. #his reduces the chance of contamination.
$rocedure for /emoing "terile ?loes
#he procedure for remoing sterile gloes is similar to the procedure for remoing non*
sterile gloes. #he most important thing for health care workers to remember is to aoid
touching the outer surface of the gloes. Indiidual agencies may hae specific
procedures that their employees must follow. #he following process is an e&ample of a
sterile gloe procedure that might be found at any agency.
?rasp the cuff of your dominant hand with your nondominant hand.
$ull the gloe off inside*out.
Hold the remoed gloe in your nondominant hand.
"lip your ungloed fingers inside the cuff of your gloed hand. ,o not touch the outer
surface of the gloes.
$ull the gloe off inside*out.
,ispose of gloes in a bioha'ardous waste container.
Cleanse your hands.
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you learned about sterile gloes. 0ou identified the steps for donning and
remoing sterile gloes, and then you practiced the sterile gloe procedure.
In this lesson, you learned that-
"terile gloes are packaged in sterile wraps to keep them from becoming
contaminated with microorganisms.
"terile gloes should be worn wheneer health care workers treat an open wound,
perform an inasie procedure, or apply a dressing.
#he most important thing for health care workers to remember when donning and
remoing sterile gloes is that their hands should neer touch the outer surface of the
Autoclae 2esson-
What 0ou.ll 2earn
After you finish this lesson, you will be able to-
,escribe how autoclaing sterili'es instruments and equipment.
4&plain why wrapping, sterility indicators, and autoclae tape are used.
$repare an item for autoclaing.
Autoclae an item.
"terili'ation is the highest leel of asepsis, killing all microorganisms, including iruses
and spores. "terili'ation is used on instruments and equipment, not on people. #he most
common piece of equipment used for sterili'ation in a medical office is an autoclae,
which uses pressuri'ed steam to kill microorganisms. #he boiling point of water
increases under pressure. In an autoclae, under ;7 pounds of pressure per square
inch, the boiling point of water increases from 6;69( :;889C< to 6789( :;6;9C<. At this
temperature, items can be sterili'ed in ;7 to =8 minutes.
Wrapping Items
Items must be wrapped before autoclaing to maintain their sterility afterward. !ore
specifically, after autoclaing, the outer wrapper of a package is considered
contaminated while the item inside remains sterile. Items must be wrapped firmly so as
to preent moement but not so tightly as to preent steam from circulating around them.
Items may be wrapped in the materials below.
!uslin is a cloth wrap. It has the benefit of being economical. %n the other hand, the
content of a package cannot be iewed, and the muslin must be laundered and
inspected for tears and deterioration.
Autoclae paper is disposable. 2ike muslin, though, the content of a package cannot
be iewed.
Autoclae bags are easy to use because items do not hae to be wrapped. Autoclae
bags are also disposable. In addition, some bags are made of plastic, so the content of a
package is isible. Autoclae bags, howeer, are e&pensie.
Items may be double*wrapped. In other words, they are wrapped and then they are
wrapped again, creating a package inside a package. #his results in additional supplies
and labor, but it proides more protection.
In addition, the items used for a specific surgery may be wrapped together.
"terility Indicators
"terility indicators are used to ensure that items hae been sterili'ed properly. #hey are
chemically*treated strips that change appearance when e&posed to the high temperature
of an autoclae for a specific amount of time. "terility indicators are placed in the center
of a wrapped package.
Autoclae #ape
Autoclae tape is used to seal wrapped items before autoclaing. It has chemically*
treated stripes that change color when e&posed to a high temperature. It is important to
note that a change in color does not ensure that an item is sterile, only that it has been
inside a heated autoclae.
2abeling Items
Items wrapped for autoclaing must be labeled properly. #his includes the name of the
item in the package, the date of sterili'ation, and the initials of the person who performed
the sterili'ation. 2abeling should be done on autoclae tape. Autoclae bags usually
hae a specific place for labeling. 2abels should be written with a permanent marker,
and care must be taken to not puncture the package. "terili'ed items remain sterile for
=8 days.
2oading Items
Items must be loaded properly in an autoclae so that steam can circulate and penetrate
them. #here must be space between the items as well as between the items and the
sides and top of the autoclae. In addition, items should be placed on their sides. #his is
especially important for +ars and bowls.
Cleaning Autoclae
Autoclaes must be cleaned according to the manufacturer.s instructions. 2ight cleaning
should be done daily. #he inside and outside of an autoclae should be washed with
cloth and mild detergent.
Heaier cleaning should be done weekly or monthly, depending on how often the
autoclae is used. #he autoclae should be drained of water, filled with a cleaning
solution, run through a cycle, drained of the solution, filled with distilled water, run
through another cycle, drained of the rinse water, and filled with distilled water again.
$rocedure for Autoclaing
(ollow these steps to sterili'e an item using an autoclae. Indiidual agencies may hae
specific procedures that their employees must follow. #he following process is an
e&ample of an autoclaing procedure that might be found at any agency.
$repare for $rocedure
Cleanse your hands.
?ather the supplies for the procedure. 0ou will need-
"aniti'ed item
Wrapping material
"terility indicator
Autoclae tape
$ermanent marker
,istilled water
"afety glasses
Heat*resistant gloes
$rocedure for Autoclaing :continued<
$repare to Wrap Item
"elect two pieces of wrapping material of adequate si'e to wrap the item. !ake sure
that the material is clean and dry with no holes.
$repare a clean, dry, flat surface of adequate si'e.
$lace one of the wraps on the surface at a diagonal angle in front of you with one
corner pointing toward you.
$lace the saniti'ed item +ust below the center of the wrap.
!ake sure that the item has been saniti'ed before wrapping it.
If the item has a hinge, open it as wide as possible and place a piece of gau'e or a
cotton ball in the opening. #his will ensure that all surfaces are sterili'ed.
If sterili'ing a container with a lid, put the lid on slightly loosened. #his will ensure
that pressure can escape during autoclaing.
$lace a sterility indicator with the item.
$rocedure for Autoclaing :continued<
Wrap Item
(old the bottom corner of the wrap up to the center. #urn the corner back to form a
tab. "mooth the edges of the folds. !ake sure that the item is completely coered.
(old one side corner of the wrap oer to the center. #urn the corner back to form a
tab. "mooth the edges of the folds. !ake sure the corners are closed. Any open areas
will allow pathogens to enter.
(old the other side corner of the wrap oer to the center. #urn the corner back to form
a tab. "mooth the edges of the folds. !ake sure the corners are closed.
(old the package up from the bottom.
(old the top corner of the wrap down and oer the package. #urn the corner back to
form a tab. "mooth the edges of the folds. !ake sure the corners are closed.
$lace the package +ust below the center of the second wrap. /epeat "teps C through
;6 to double*wrap the item.
$rocedure for Autoclaing :continued<
2abel $ackage
"ecure the package with autoclae tape across the point left e&posed. !ake sure the
item is wrapped firmly enough to preent moement, but not so tightly as to preent
steam from circulating around it.
Write the name of the item, date of sterili'ation, and your initials on the autoclae
tape. If the package is accidently punctured, rewrap the item.
$rocedure for Autoclaing :continued<
2oad Items
Check the water leel in the autoclae reseroir and, if necessary, add distilled water
according to the manufacturer.s instructions.
%pen the autoclae door and load the items into the autoclae tray.
$lace the items, including +ars and bowls, on their sides.
!ake sure there is space between the items as well as between the items and the
sides and top of the autoclae.
Close and lock the autoclae door.
$rocedure for Autoclaing :continued<
"terili'e Items
,etermine the temperature and time required to sterili'e the items.
(ill the autoclae chamber with the correct amount of water according to the
manufacturer.s instructions.
$reheat the autoclae to the required temperature according to the manufacturer.s
After the required temperature has been attained, set the timer to the required time
according to the manufacturer.s instructions.
$rocedure for Autoclaing :continued<
,ry Items
$ut on safety glasses and heat*resistant gloes.
After the required time has passed and the pressure has returned to 8 and the
temperature is at or below 6;69( :;889C<, carefully open the autoclae door D to E inch
and let the steam escape. "tand back from the door as the steam will be e&tremely hot.
Allow the items to dry completely, appro&imately =8 to F7 minutes. ,o not touch the
items until completely dry. #ouching an item before it is completely dry causes it to
become unsterile.
/emoe the safety glasses and heat*resistant gloes.
$rocedure for Autoclaing :continued<
"tore Items
$ut on heat*resistant gloes.
After the items are completely dry, remoe and store them in a dry, closed cupboard or
drawer. @se caution as the autoclae and items inside will be hot.
2esson "ummary
In this lesson, you learned about autoclaing to sterili'e instruments and equipment. 0ou
also practiced the procedure for autoclaing an item.
In this lesson, you learned that-
"terili'ation is the highest leel of medical asepsis, killing all microorganisms,
including iruses and spores.
"terili'ation is used on instruments and equipment, not on people.
#he most common piece of equipment used for sterili'ation in a medical office is an
autoclae, which uses pressuri'ed steam to kill microorganisms.
Items must be wrapped before autoclaing to maintain their sterility afterward.

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