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Year Pretest
1. Angelina buys a new printer. She wants to
connect it to her home computer.
Which of the following parts of the computer can
she use to connect the printer to the computer?
Select two.
a. Graphics card
b. odem
c. !ireWire
d. "S# port
$. %im creates a science pro&ect on his school
computer. 'he pro&ect includes some documents
and two graphics. (e wants to wor) on these
files on his home computer. %im wants to use a
storage de*ice to sa*e the pro&ect files and ta)e
them home.
Which of the following de*ices will he use to
sa*e the files?
A. onitor
#. +ompact disc ,+-.
+. Printer
-. Spea)er
/. 'he computers in your office are connected to a
Which part of the computer is used to connect
the computer to the networ)?
A. onitor
#. 0etwor) interface card ,01+.
+. (eadphone
-. emory
4. You want to use your computer to create a
When you turn on the computer2 which of the
following software will start first?
A. 3perating system #. Word
+. +alculator -. edia
4. You create a business report on your office
computer. You want to ta)e a brea) for fi*e
#efore you lea*e your computer2 what will you do
to ensure that your recent changes are not lost?
A. Shut down the computer. #. 'urn off the
+. Sa*e the report. -. Print the
5. You buy your fa*orite music +- and want to
listen to it on your computer. When you reach
home2 you see your sister is sleeping in the
computer room.
Which of the following hardware components will
you use to listen to the +- without disturbing
your sister?
A. Web cam #. Spea)er
+. icrophone -. (eadphones
6. Samantha wants to use her computer to record
her *oice.
Which hardware component of the computer will
she use to do this?
A. Spea)er #. icrophone
+. (eadphones -. Scanner
7. You are paying for your *isit to a doctor in a
hospital. You as) for a payment receipt.
Which hardware component can produce your
payment receipt on paper?
A. icrophone #. -isplay adapter
+. Scanner -. Printer
8. %ulia creates a pro&ect that includes se*eral
illustrations. She draws the illustrations in a
noteboo). She needs to capture the illustrations
from the noteboo) and sa*e them on her
Which of the following hardware components will
she use to capture the illustrations?
A. icrophone #. odem
+. Spea)er -. Scanner
19. #etty prepares for her computer e:am. She does
not understand the concept of an operating
system. She calls you for help.
(ow will you define ;operating system; for #etty?
A. An electronic de*ice that is connected to your
B. A storage de*ice in your computer
C. A program that controls and manages the
D. A circuit board that connects the input2 output2
and processing de*ices
11. #ased on the picture2 label A is called POSITION
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
1$. #ased on the picture2 label # is called NAME OF
a. '<"= b. !A>S=

1/. #ased on the picture2 label + is called
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
14. #ased on the picture2 label - is called
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
14. #ased on the picture2 label A is called
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
15. #ased on the picture2 label A is called PICTURE
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
16. #ased on the picture2 label A is called
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
17. #ased on the picture2 'his is called a BUSINESS
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
18. #ased on the picture2 label A is called
a. 'e:t bo: b. 1nsert Word Art
c. Select 3b&ects
d. Autoshapes
$9. #ased on the picture2 label B is called
a. 'e:t bo: b. 1nsert Word Art
c. Select 3b&ects
d. Autoshapes
$1. #ased on the picture2 label C is called
a. 'e:t bo: b. 1nsert Word Art
c. Select 3b&ects
d. Autoshapes
$$. #ased on the picture2 label D is called
a. 'e:t bo: b. 1nsert Word Art
c. Select 3b&ects
d. Autoshapes
$/. 'his toolbar is also present at icrosoft Word
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
$4. 'his tool bar is also present at icrosoft
Publisher $99/
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
$4. 'his toolbar is present once 1 clic)ed on the
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
FOR $ to 9
$5. #ased on the picture2 the Green +ircle is used to
a. <otate the picture on a desired angle
b. +an be used to resi?e a picture
$6. #ased on the picture2 the White +ircle is used to
a. <otate the picture on a desired angle
b. +an be used to resi?e a picture
$7. 'he green and white circle is *isible when once 1
insert picture in icrosoft Publisher $99/
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
$8. 'he green and white circle is not *isible when
once 1 insert picture in icrosoft Word $99/
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
Fo% &'e(t)o*( !+ to ! %e,e% to -)ct'%e .elow
/9. 'he missing label on no. /9 is
A. +allouts #. #loc) Arrows
+. >ines -. none of
/1. 'he missing label on no. /1 is
A. +allouts #. #loc) Arrows
+. >ines -. none of
/$. 'he missing label on no. /$ is
A. +allouts #. #loc) Arrows
+. >ines -. none of

FOR QUESTIONS !! TO !/ Re,e% to -)ct'%e
//. Which of the following icons pointed by labeled
letters is used to crop picture after 1 insert the
/4. 1 want to change the layout of the picture after 1
insert2 which of the following icons ,labeled by
letters. will 1 use?
/4. 1 want to remo*e the white area of the picture2
which of the following icons labeled by letters
will 1 use?
/5. 'his tool bar is also present at icrosoft
Publisher $99/
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
/6. 'his toolbar is present once 1 clic)ed on the
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
/7. A spea)er is an e:ample of an output de*ice
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
/8. A ouse is an e:ample of an output de*ice
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
49. A onitor is an e:ample of an input de*ice
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
41. A "S# is an e:ample of an output de*ice
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
4$. Which of the following that best describes a
#A+@SPA+= )ey?
a. 1t will erase the letters or words from
left to right of the cursor
b. 1t will erase the letters or words from
right to left of the cursor
c. #oth a and b
d. 0one of the abo*e
4/. 'his icon is called #ring to !ront
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
44. 'his icon is called Send behind
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
FOR QUESTIONS "# TO "9 Re,e% to -)ct'%e
44. #ased on the picture2 the Green +ircle is
used to
a. <otate the picture on a desired angle
b. +an be used to resi?e a picture
c. #oth a and b
d. none of these
45. #ased on the picture2 the White +ircle is
used to
a. <otate the picture on a desired angle
b. +an be used to resi?e a picture
c. #oth a and b
d. none of these
46. 'he green and white circle is *isible when
once 1 insert picture in icrosoft Publisher
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
47. 'he green and white circle is not *isible
when once 1 insert picture in icrosoft Word
a. '<"= b. !A>S=
48. 1f 1 press right clic) on this ob&ect2 what do
you thin) will happen?
a. the picture toolbar will appear on the wor)area
b. 'he drawing toolbar will appear on the
c. a menu will appear on the screen
d. none of these
49. ('> is called (yperte:t ar)up >anguage..
a.'<"= b.!A>S=
41. We use this type of program to *iew the result
of encoded ('> instructions or codes?
a. 1nternet =:plorer b. 0otepad
c. web page d. none of these
4$. What is the correct ('> code for #rea) 'ag?
a. ABbrC b. AbrC
c. AbrCD. ABbrC d. none of these
4/. What is the correct ('> code for paragraph
a. ApC b. ABpC
c. ApCD.. ABpC d. none of these
44. What is the correct ('> code for !ont tag?
a. AfontC b. ABfontC
c. ABfontCD.AfontC d. none of these

44. What is the correct ('> code for inserting
a. Aimg srcE Ffilename of pictureGC
b. Aimg scrE Ffilename of pictureGC
c. Aimg srcE Ffilename of pictureGCD. ABimgC
d. Aimg scrE Ffilename of pictureGCD ABimgC
45. What is the correct ('> code for applying
+omic Sans S as my chosen font?
a. Afont faceE+omic Sans SCD..ABfontC
b. Afont faceE+omic Sans SC
c. Afont faceEF+omic Sans
d. none of these
46. What is the correct ('> code to scroll my
a.AmarHueeCDD. ABmarHueeC
b. ABmarHueeCD.AmarHueeC
d. none of these
47. What is the correct ('> code to apply margin
left with measurement of 4I?
a. styleEFmarginleftJ4IG
b. styleEFmarginleftE4IG
c. styleEFmarginKleftJ4IG
d. none of these
48. What is the correct ('> code to apply margin
right with measurement of 4I?
a. styleEFmarginrightJ4IG
b. styleEFmarginrightE4IG
c. styleEFmarginKrightJ4IG
d. none of these
59. What is the correct ('> code to apply %ustify
,paragraph alignment.?
a. Ap alignJ&ustifyCD.ABpC
b. Ap alignE&ustifyC
c. Ap alignE&ustifyCD.ABpC
d. none of these
51. What is the correct ('> code to apply +enter
into a specific 'itle2 word2 statement or
a. AcenterCD..ABcenterC
b. Ap alignJcenter C
c. Ap alignLcenter CD.ABpC
d. none of these
5$. What program in your computer ,we used. that
enables you to create web page by encoding
specific codes li)e ('> tags?
a. 1nternet =:plorer b. 0otepad
c. web page d. none of these
5/. What part of the ('> codes we insert a
specific statement or words wherein it will
appear on the title bar of the internet e:plorer?
a. AheadCD.ABheadC b. AhtmlCD.ABhtmlC
c. AtitleCD.ABtitleC d. none of these
54. Which of the following is the preferred way for
adding a bac)ground color in ('>?
a. bgcolorEred
b. Abody bac)groundKcolorEredC
c. Abody bgcolorEredC
d. none of these
54. Which of the following is the correct ('> tag
to ma)e te:t bold?
a. AboldC
b. b. AbC
c. AboldC 'yphoon ABboldC
d. AbC 'yphoon ABbC
55. Which of the following is the correct ('> tag
to ma)e te:t italic?
a. AitalicC
b. AiC
c. AitalicC 'yphoon AB italic C
d. AiC 'yphoon ABiC
56. Which of the following is the correct ('> tag
to ma)e te:t underline?
a. AunderlineC
b. AuC
c. AunderlineC 'yphoon AB underlineC
d. AuC 'yphoon ABuC
57. What is the correct ('> tag to insert an
image2 if for e:ample the filename of the picture
is f1.&pg?
a. Aimg scrEFf1.&pgGC
b. img srcEFf1.&pgG
c. none of these
58. What is the correct ('> tag to insert a
a. Aa refEFtyphoon.htmlGC typhoonABaC
b. Aa hrefEtyphoon.htmlC typhoonABaC

c. none of these

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