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Landlord Scripts

Good Morning [LANDLORD], This is [AGENT] from Cambridge Realty Gro!" #o$
are yo today% Good to hear" Mr&Mrs [LANDLORD], '(m )alling to as* if yo thin* yor
rents are $here they shold be% Do yo ha+e time no$ to tal* abot a strategy to in)rease
yor rents%
Good Morning [LANDLORD], This is [AGENT] from Cambridge Realty Gro!" #o$
are yo today% Good to hear" Mr&Mrs [LANDLORD], yo *no$ $e(+e been renting
a!artments li*e yors in yor neighborhood for a long time" ,e(+e been noti)ing many
of or long-term landlords ha+e de)ided to )ash in and sell, no$ that $e(re at the to! of
the mar*et" #a+e yo thoght abot selling at all% ,old yo a!!re)iate a mar*et
Good Morning [LANDLORD], This is [AGENT] from Cambridge Realty Gro!" #o$
are yo today% Good to hear" Mr&Mrs [LANDLORD], '(m )alling to let yo *no$ rents
are going ! .-/01 this year on a+erage" My )om!any is bsy hel!ing or landlords find
good tenants and good rents" #a+e yo been in to)h $ith yor tenants yet abot
'f 2No3 4 No !roblem" 5o *no$, if yo gi+e yor tenants noti)e 60 days !rior to lease
e7!iration, then yo get a signifi)ant bargaining ad+antage +erss only 80 days( noti)e%
Noti)e at least 60 days ot is the best $ay to gain .-/01 rent in)reases e+ery year"
'f 25es3 4 Do yo ha+e anyone mo+ing ot% ,e )an hel! yo find great tenants, )an $e
get started on that no$%
Good Morning [LANDLORD], This is [AGENT] from Cambridge Realty Gro!" #o$
are yo today% Good to hear" Mr&Mrs [LANDLORD], $e(+e had yor !ro!erty on the
mar*et no$ for 293 of days" #a+e yo rented it yorself% No, $ell, it loo*s li*e $e need
to do something more to in)rease its +isibility" ,old yo )onsider a !ri)e brea* by :.0,
to rein+igorate interest%
Shared Drive > Account Management > Landlords and Listings
Landlord Scripts
Good Morning [LANDLORD], This is [AGENT] from Cambridge Realty Gro!" #o$
are yo today% Good to hear" Mr&Mrs [LANDLORD], $e(+e been mar*eting yor
a!artment for 293 of days" #a+e yo rented it yorself% No, $ell, it loo*s li*e $e need to
try something else to in)rease its +isibility" ,old yo )onsider letting my )om!any
mar*et the !ro!erty e7)lsi+ely, $ith a signed e7)lsi+e agreement% ,ith an e7)lsi+e,
$e )an in)rease +isibility of the a!artment by !tting it on ML; $ith </,000 agents and
5GL $ith /0,000 agents---then $e(ll ha+e a))ess to all of their )lients in addition to or
o$n" The a!artment $ill get an immediate in)rease in sho$ing re=ests, $hi)h ' $ill
handle !ersonally" Any fees ' )olle)t ' $ill shared $ith the )obro*ing agent" 't might be
the best $ay to get this a!artment rented $ithot a !ri)e brea*"
E+ery time yo )all a landlord, $hether yo get throgh or not, !date the 2L">!date3
;tats ?ield" @st )li)* the field and the nmber of days sin)e 2Last >!date3 $ill reset to
0 days" Do this for all the !ro!erties held nder that landlord, some landlords ha+e .0
!ro!erties or more in or database so be )arefl" This $ay e+eryone *no$s ho$ )rrent
the 2Off Mar*et3 information is"
Shared Drive > Account Management > Landlords and Listings
Landlord Scripts
As* the Landlord $hether there are any !ro!erties a+ailable no$ or )oming a+ailable"
Cross Referen)e the Landlord(s res!onse $ith the Aro!erty&>nit AddressBesC that a!!ear
in the CC List Die$" Arobe for Dis)ssion abot Aarti)lar nits" All 'nformation is good
I& t'( Landlord 'as an acti)( prop(rt* and +( 'a)( in t'( $,
/" Right Cli)* that Listing E O!en Ne$ Tab E Cli)* >!date Listing 'nfo E Change
;tats to On Mar*et E Go Throgh ea)h ?ield and Confirm 'nformationF
a" A+ail Date and As*ing Rent
b" No" of Geds and Gaths
)" Aar*ing&Aar*ing
d" ?ee ;tats
e" >tility 'nformation
f" ;ho$ing 'nstr)tions
g" Hey 'nformation
I" ;a+e Listin- "pdat(
<" Cli)* "pdat( Mo)(-in Costs E Confirm Mo+e-in Costs E ;et ?ee E Cli)* ;a+e
J" Cli)* SET in to! right )orner to "pdat( Listin- so 5GL re)ords the !date"
." Ne$ Listing email to Rentals Distribtion Gro! BrentalsK)rga!artments")omC
8" Re!eat ;te!s for any other a)ti+e listings $ith the Landlord"
I& t'( Landlord 'as an acti)( prop(rt* ./t +( do not 'a)( in t'( $,
>se !a!er-based Listing ;heet fond in ;hared Dri+e BA))ont Management E
Landlords E CRG Listing ;heetC to )a!tre data
Refer to Listing Data Entry ,or*sheet after )all to !date Listing
I& Landlord 'as no acti)( prop(rt* at t'is ti0(
As* $hen )rrent lease e7!ires and $hen the rene$al noti)e $ill be sent to the
)rrent tenants" As* if $e )an )all I $ee*s after noti)e to )he)* on a+ailable"
>se 5GL Note!ad to re)ord brief notes and ;et Reminder for ?ollo$-!"
As* if Landlord $old li*e to meet in !erson&s)hedle a!!ointment" Than* the Landlord
for #is&#er time"
Shared Drive > Account Management > Landlords and Listings

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