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Ethos ethical appeal. Using identity to persuade e.g. we, us

Logos logical appeal. Using statistics and logic to persuade
Pathos emotional appeal. Using emotions to persuade
Extended metaphor a metaphor (a word or phrase that is applied to an object or
action that is not literally possible) that is used various times throughout a text
Anaphora the repetition of phrases or words in successive sentences.
Chiasmus literary figure in which words are repeated in reverse order
Binary contrasts two theoretical opposites are defined and set off against one
Asyndeton getting rid of and when you have a list.
Polysyndeton using several conjunctions in close succession, especially when some
are omitted
Tricolon rule of three
Sententia - are brief moral sayings
Alliteration the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent
or closely connected words.
Allusion an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it
Antithesis a contrast or opposition between two things
Lists: a number of related items or names written consecutively
Parallelism repetition of the structure of previous phrase.
Parenthesis sentence inserted as an explanation or afterthought into a passage
Repetition the action of repeating something that has already been said or written
Redundant questioning asking the same question more than once
Dysphemism an unpleasant term used instead of a more neutral or pleasant term
e.g. whup the hell out of them
Epithet an adjective or phrase describing a characteristic of person or thing being
mentioned e.g. American imperialists
Hyperbole an exaggeration e.g. and with each escalation, the world comes closer
to the brink of cosmic disaster
Euphemism a more pleasant term used instead of a more neutral or unpleasant
term e.g. to strengthen his hand in dealing with communist aggression
Bias prejudice for against a person or thing e.g. as a close neighbour and comrade-
in-arms of Cambodia, the D.R.V.N. Government people remotely condemn the
American imperialists and the henchmens repeated violations of the 1954 Geneva
Glittering generality an emotionally appealing word closely linked with high values
and concepts that carries conviction without supporting information e.g. the votes
prove our determination to defend our forces, to prevent aggression and to work
firmly and steadily for peace and security in the area.
Expression a set phrase that has a determined meaning e.g. the silver linings they
find in the darkest clouds
Objectification making men and women look like objects
Eroticism the sexual quality or character of something
Commodification of sex: the transformation of sex into a commodity; making it seem
like sex is something that can be sold and bought
Infantilism of sex making sex seem like something in which children are a part
Trivialisation of sex make sex insignificant
Hyper masculinity exaggeration of what it means to be a man
Anti-ad an ad that draws your attention to the evils of the advertising industry.
Parody when a text imitates and makes fun of another text
Shock advertisement ads that break taboos and scream for attention
Culture jamming the distorting of the messages and advertisements of corporations
Philanthropic ads ads that claim to have a higher social purpose
Pedantic to pick up on small errors
Cynical a person who believes the worst for everything and everyone
Biting harsh or cruel
Tongue-in-cheek saying something with a joking way
Accepting agreeing with peoples attitudes
Earnest sincere, honest, serious
Instructional provides help
Insidious proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects
Demanding requiring a lot of skill or effort
Innocent not guilty
Ironical less harsh sarcasm
Contemptuous disapproving
Sarcastic ironic in a mean way
Sanguine optimistic or positive
Obsequious obedient
Didactic intended to teach
Honest sincere
Submissive meekly obedient
Complacent uncritical satisfaction
Compliant inclined to agree with others or obey rules
Up-beat optimistic
Caustic sarcastic in a bitter way
Sensationalist bold colours, big pictures, small texts, makes a statement
Pun Play-on-words
Pathetic Fallacy When the weather reflects on the mood/atmosphere of the

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