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by Ravian Bilani

A CHARACTERISTIC of the Bahai administration is dishonesty in dealing with their
census This tric!ery ta!es "lace sometimes in the form of absolute e#aggeration of
numbers and misre"resentation in such a manner so as to falsify actual data
$e do not e#"ect to find dishonesty and misre"resentation in the number of actual
adherents %et this is e#actly what we find in Bahai &aithThis is to convey to the world
that Bahai &aith is very well acce"ted by the masses'
Regarding their numbers( the Bahais have indulged in gross e#aggeration As! Bahais
about their numbers and )*illions) is the usual figure claimed by them The Baha+i
census claims that there are , to -. million adherents of the &aith in the world which is
nothing but a blatant /IE
Bahais 0o"ulation in I12IA
The official Indian Bahai site is actually misleading its visitors They claim to be a ..
million strong community in India alone( which is obviously bogus and false
3ne when loo!s at the Bahai census of India whom Bahai claims have largest number
of Bahais( immediately one will understand that there are three ty"es of Bahai census
All official
45Bahai Census "ro6ected by Bahai Administration through their websites They "ro6ect
about .. million Bahais in India
7Ref8 94: htt"8;;bahaiin; <
.5Bahai Census "ro6ected by Bahai Administration in their newsletters and Annual
Re"ort Here they are of the o"inion that there are hundred thousand Bahais
7Ref8 9.: Annual Re"ort Ridvan 4,= BE .>>-5.>>? <
@5Bahai Census given by Aovernment of India in their official census re"ort
However( the official census of Aovernment of India has something else to offer
3fficial census of The Aovernment of India
A5Census of 4BB4
The official Census of Aovernment of India ta!en in 4BB4 "uts Bahai "o"ulation as
=(=-= 9.(B,, men and .(,>B women:
7Ref8 9@: Indian Census Returns( 4BB4( for the Baha+is of India<
B5Census of .>>4
The official Census of Aovernment of India ta!en in .>>4 "uts Bahai "o"ulation as
44(@.C 9,(4@? men and =(4?, women:
7Ref8 9C: Census of India( .>>4<
Bahais are Duic! to "oint out that the official census is false and full of "re6udice( as
most of the census officers are Hindu and they do not carry out their wor! honestly They
are however slow in their observation that all Bahai census are carried out by
overEealous Bahai officers and that no "erson should Duestion their integrityF
It is not a hidden fact that the census conducted by the Aovernment of India is carried out
very meticulously by sincere and dedicated officers going door to door covering every
household Even if we give a =G advantage it will not e#ceed 4.(>>> &urthermore( in
Duestioning leading Baha+i administrators and other !nowledgeable Baha+is as!ing them
about the Bahai "o"ulation in India they have said somewhere between 4@>>>( to
4C(>>> There was ready ac!nowledgement of the occurrence of what Huan called
)fraudulent) teaching in his "ost
3ut of these 44(@.C Bahais(
45*ost of them are 0ersian
.5Some are those who have signed the card thin!ing that Bahai &aith is a social
@5Some of them have signed due to dece"tion
C5In 0une it was re"orted that 0ersian Bahais have gone to the villages and they have
as!ed illiterate villagers to sign the card offering the tem"tation that signees would
receive some scholarshi"
=5In *adhya 0radesh( Bahai s"ea!ers have gathered masses giving some lectures and
the s"ea!er as!ing the Duestion Is there any one amongst you who does not believe in
AodI The audience res"onded J1o The s"ea!er then e#horted them to sign the card
,53ne of the Bahai official who visited India in 4B?C claimed in his s"eech at the Bahai
Centre that he would have easily collected .>> addresses of "eo"le saying they are
Bahais although they gathered there under the name of a *edical Cam"
-5*any false addresses were given to acDuire number of delegates es"ecially in *adhya
0radesh and Kttar 0radesh
$hy should the Bahai authorities wish to "ro6ect an image more than its realityI
45It is in order to "resent an inaccurate "icture to the world 9as well as to individuals
considering conversion: and to ma!e the &aith seem much more successful and
influential than it really is
.5These addresses are recorded as )Bahais) to show to the Aovernment of India as the
number of Bahais to gain minority status by dece"tion and to avail all the facilities and
"rivileges given by Aovernment of India to its minorities
It was fairly a""arent that declaring oneself a Baha+i did not mean that an individual was
being "ut in the "osition of having to Lleave' his own religious tradition 9which in this
case was "rimarily Hindu: The declared Bahai for the most "art continued to "ractice
traditional behavioral idioms *oreover there was little indication that they had
abandoned the Hindu Lworld view'
It originated from Iran the most of the high ran!ing officers are 0ersian with head Duarter
in Israel
They have incor"orations of Assemblies( cluster growth reflection meetings(
administrative sanctions( de"rivation of voting rights( elected arms( a""ointed arms(
elections at local( state and national assemblies( counselors( au#iliary board members etc
to fit reDuirements of an 1A3 and not a divine religion Surely these are far from the
conditions satisfying the reDuirements of ma6or religions of the world
*y own conclusion was that the Baha+i &aith better fits the category of an 1A3 and not
one of the eight ma6or religions of the world as is claimed by the Bahais
*y Iranian friends should not be made to believe that the world is full of fools Rather
they are living in a fools "aradise By sim"le re"etition a lie cannot and will not become
the truth The Bahai "o"ulation in India is not more than 4@(>>> and in the world by any
means they are not more than one hundred thousand &or a religion to "rogress and
"ro"agate( sincere service is reDuired to attract the masses and not 6ust li" services to
attract the "eo"le and then believing that they have abandoned the religion of their
ancestors They cannot increase their numbers by Ruhi Boo!s or by sim"ly "arroting
Anas "resentation
&3R*ER *E*BERS 3&
0osted by 8 Ravi Mumar on tal!religionbahai

Recently by Ravian Bilani

Ibrahim Aeorge Mheiralla( 94?CB 5 4B.B:( the first Baha+i in
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The Heart of the 0lanet 5
Han >C(
E#it By Troo"s @
2ec .@(
more from Ravian Bilani
o!in o" "e!iste" to #ost comments

An$ since t%e messa!e &it% t%is evi$ence %as been 'la!!e$
by 1ur5i5AEal on Sat Apr 03, 2010 07:55 PM PDT
I am "osting the evidence for the Baha+i Internet Agency+s "ublic retraction of their earlier
claim that I am an agent of the Islamic re"ublic( here once again8
)Finne!an's *a+e) ,'inne!ans&a+---.!oo!lemail-com/
Date( Feb
012 10(03 #m
S4b5ect( Ne& Domain 'o" Bayanic-Com
$ell he+ll not be accusing you of that
again It+s now com"letely
clear who you wor! for and it ain+t the
Also cross"osted to KSE1ET grou" TRB

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Dan!e"o4s b4t com#letely 4seless i$eas
by 1ur5i5AEal on Sat Apr 03, 2010 07:46 PM PDT
Is what e"itomiEes Bahaism from the very day of its rotten ince"tion( however much you
try to "ersonaliEe the matter with total bolloc!sF /uc!ily I am not the first nor will I ever
be the last to have said so "oint blan! for "osterityF
Amongst the recent 'urafa of Iran 5 ie shay!hs and actual *asters of 3rders( forget
about the Bayanis 5 the consensus about you "eo"le has been identical to mine on this
issue as well That these "eo"le don+t say anything to you does not mean in any manner(
sha"e or form that they disagree with me or are necessarily endorsing you In my
narrative( you "eo"le are one of the embodiments of what the Avesta characteriEes as the
counter5"owers of Ahriman %ou can "ut on as many faces as you li!e fooling "eo"le here
and there( buying your way into as many contrived official e#"ressions of sym"athy as
you li!e( but at the end of the day you are what you are8 amongst the minions of what
*aEdaeanism s"ea!s of as the counter5"owers of dar!nessR and in that res"ect( standing
in your collective faces without flinching and s"ea!ing the Truth to the corru"tion that
your creed re"resents( is a Su"reme act of /oveF
$ith that said( on the day I become even remotely characteriEed by a single item detailed
in this blog lin!ed below( then tal! Kntil then( my a""roach to you "eo"le time has
actually "roven to be the only effective a""roach "ossible and one directly sanctioned
from on High( from where I sit8
This is my last res"onse to you /3SERS here( and with that( boro Eeresh! "oloto bo!hor
Sard shodF
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T%e "eal 6e"es%+ &as 'o" t%e i""elevent RB
by Seagull on Sat Apr 03, 2010 07:03 PM PDT
who is entrusted with the tas! of demonstrating to the world that his;her ideas are useless(
irrelevant and 2E*31IC A 6ob that he;she does very well
now re"eat Salam so that you will !now what i mean or you may choc! on your own
tears one day that is Irfan
Shalom Aley!om
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T%at acc4sation $on't 'ly anymo"e2 7ac+
by 1ur5i5AEal on Sat Apr 03, 2010 05:45 PM PDT
Since one of your most notable online BIA agents is "ublicly on record recently retracting
it uneDuivocally &%I8
)Finne!an's *a+e) ,'inne!ans&a+---.!oo!lemail-com/
Date( Feb
012 10(03 #m
S4b5ect( Ne& Domain 'o" Bayanic-Com
$ell he+ll not be accusing you of that
again It+s now com"letely
clear who you wor! for and it ain+t the
So the 6e"es%+ Polo baa 8o"!% is all yoursF Aet with your own "rogram and scri"t(
Hac! And a reefer would do you "ersonally a world of good
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t%e "eal 9e"es%+
by Seagull on Sat Apr 03, 2010 05:26 PM PDT
is the fear of e#tinction thru irrelevancy( the only relevant HoHHat left behind these late
%ou !ee" the numbers and the reefer and I will !ee" the "eace( that is *antegholTair(
Shallom Aley!om
Re"eat Bismillah till Allah beats that 6enn out of you

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P"obably on TRB
by 1ur5i5AEal on Sat Apr 03, 2010 02:59 PM PDT
$here your BIA colleagues usually infest
Address the "oint8 why are the Iranian Soroastrian and Hewish communities not as
"rivileged in the mainstream HR discourses of the $est to the degree the Haifans Bahais
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by AavaEn on Sat Apr 03, 2010 02:57 PM PDT
)you are a Haifan Bahai yourself)
$here have I seen this accusation beforeI $ell at least you didn+t call me a moron as you
did Ayhab ( so I+ll ta!e it as a com"liment It is "retty arrogant for you to label "eo"le that
disagree with you and thin! you are always right But hey( noone is "erfect rightI And
obviously reading boo!s does not give one a secure dis"osition Anyway( I will leave you
to your "re6udices and cons"iracy theories Aoodnight
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B"ain&as%e$ : Yo4 an$ t%e BIA %e"e
by 1ur5i5AEal on Sat Apr 03, 2010 02:51 PM PDT
%ou are s!irting around the issues( using a bait and switch argumentative tactic and so
sleight of handing with bad logic without addressing a single "oint raised( which tells me
one thing only8 you are a Haifan Bahai yourself( AavaEn
That said( if the Haifans Bahais believe they are a minority and shouldn+t be "ic!ed u"on(
then( mutatis mutandis( by the same logic used here( the 3rthodo# Bahais( BK0C Baha+is(
the Bayanis and assorted dissidents are even more of a minority than them and so should
not be "ic!ed u"on by the Haifan Bahais But even there( no one is above criticism And
there is not a "rinci"le of HR I am aware of in the entire discourse of human rights that
says some are o"en to 6ustified criticism while others are not This is hy"ocrisy( not HR
6uris"rudence or discourse
1ow !indly address the "oint as to why the Haifan Bahais have been more "rivileged in
the HR "ublicity regime of the $est and not the Iranian Soroastrian community or
Iranian Hewish communityI
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Only c"ystal clea" to t%e b"ain&as%e$
by AavaEn on Sat Apr 03, 2010 02:47 PM PDT
It is a highly "re6udiced "oint of view( "ic!ing on one minority %ou are free to write
about in6ustices on any to"ic( including your own cult 1oone is sto""ing you( including
Bahais But you are trying to blame bahais and using e#uses to trash them because %ou
do not li!e them And now you are trying to "atronise me I recommended you as
)Mnowledgable) in another blog( but I now regret it Again I will say it( I li!ed you( but
you are letting your anger ta!e over your reason 3nce someone behaves in a non
ob6ective manner( they have lost And that is the reason you will always lose on this
sub6ect( because you are not ob6ective %ou are behaving out of anger and "re6udice
Anyway( I have made my "osition clear and can see we will not see eye to eye on this
sub6ect so I am leaving this blog
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T%en yo4 %ave no sense2 ;ava9n
by 1ur5i5AEal on Sat Apr 03, 2010 02:34 PM PDT
The argument is crystal clear Read it again several times( and slowly Also( no one 5 and I
mean( 13 31E 5 is above criticismF 0eriod;&ull5Sto"FF

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Yo4" a"!4ment $oes not ma+e sense
by AavaEn on Sat Apr 03, 2010 02:30 PM PDT
It is 6ust an e#cuse to "ic! on these "eo"le %ou are saying 6ust because the Bahi situation
has been "ublicised you can ta!e a smear cam"aign on themI Islam does much worse to
homose#uals( but I do not see you bring that u" here And then to try to smear Ca"tain
Ayhab as well( or anyone else that disagrees with your methods is "retty childish I !now
you will come bac! with along retort to me( but that is not 6ust my o"inion but the
ma6ority here To call us a herd is denial 0erha"s you should consider why you get the
ty"e of res"onse you get when you "ost these ty"e of blogs I thin! "eo"le 6ust do not
ta!e you on any more because they !now they will get bac! the usual ty"e of "ut down
comment and you are a headache I agree with Ca"tain Ayhab that your so5called intellect
can be "ut to better and more "ositive use The fact that you do not care whether the
Bahais live or die sums you u" %ou are not for humanity but for some !ind of revenge on
these "eo"le %ou have made many ugly comments of late and your "osts have got angry
It is a real shame
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T%e I"anian 6o"oast"ian comm4nity
by 1ur5i5AEal on Sat Apr 03, 2010 02:42 PM PDT
Has been "eriodically sub6ected to the "ersecution and systematic harrassment of both the
government as well as the orthodo# *uslim religious society in Iran over the "ast @4
years I tal! to Iranian Soroastrians directly which is how I !now this %et barely anything
gets re"orted in the $est about it( or if it does( only as a sort of "assing footnote This
community is also in a state of serious financial doldrums and so not as "rivileged as
some more recent creeds who have a natural !nac! and talent for ma!ing money above
everything else they do $hy have the Haifan Baha+is been made the "roverbial
"ersecution in Iran 0rom Tueen by certain interests and agendas of $estern governments
when either it has been totally undeserved or where they have needed to share the stage
with many others( such as the Iranian Soroastrian communityI 1ow why the Iranian
Soroastrian community isn+t as im"ortant or strategic to Anglo5Euro"ean interests to
su""ort( to the degree they have done so with the Haifan Bahais( is anyone+s guessR but it
does ma!e the whole HR violations discussion engaged in the $est about Iran
unfortunately totally disengenuous because of it Even the Iranian Hewish community
have not been as well re"orted on as the Haifan Baha+is have
As far as I am concerned( the Baha+i HR circus in the $est is about two things only8 4:
big business and .: $estern Anglo5Euo"ean strategic interests in the *iddle East If this
were not true( then why aren+t the Iranian Soroastrian community en6oying the same
"rivileges and o""ortunities as the Haifan Bahais are in the $estern HR community and
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by 1ur5i5AEal on Sat Apr 03, 2010 02:09 PM PDT
Tuality over Duantity also means not succumbing to em"ty hy"e( meaningless hy"erbole
and fluffy "latitudes The Baha+i human rights thing is that all the way There are genuine
HR violations occuring in Iran that go either unnoticed or unre"orted or even ignored by
the mainstream $estern media and attention because these guys have the financial and
lobbyist muscle "ower in the $est to !ee" the limelight e#clusively u"on themselves
thereby mono"oliEing the HR violations discourse in the $est regarding Iran to everyone
elses disadvantage *eanwhile all !inds things occur internally within this community
and its "eri"heries involving it 9li!e either against dissidents or former members: that can
be conte#tualiEed in some conte#ts as genuine human rights violations( with they being
9es#- their administration or )institutions): the violaters Then they have the gall to
outright su""ort a draconian measure in Kganda 9together with Christian fundamentalists
and *uslims: that criminaliEes homose#uality( as well as whoever !nows about it and
does not re"ort it( in this "rocess demanding others loo! the other way and ma!e no
lin!age with this !ind of behavior on their "art and what is ha""ening to them in Iran8
Then they "ull a Scientology in KS courts and sue smaller rival Bahai grou"s for
trademar! infringement of the name Bahai and use of s"ecial religious symbols( etc(
attem"ting to silence( intimidate and bully smaller grou"s with courts( lawyers and
If you thin! this state of affairs is 6ustified( and that the Haifan Bahais are above
criticism( then I submit you have no moral right to be s"ea!ing of human rights in any
conte#t since that would ma!e you a creature of Duantity and not Duality in my boo!
Either we have a com"lete level "laying field where the discourse of HR is concerned( or
we have nothing other than a s"ecial interest im"osing its "olitical agenda TE2
As for Ca"tain Ayhab8 there+s a consensus forming here that the guy is a com"lete moron
Ao figure

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*ise &o"$s
by AavaEn on Sat Apr 03, 2010 09:25 AM PDT
)<4ality t%at co4nts not <4antity)
Shame that there are those using this website to undermine the Human Rights of innocent
"eo"le and to create mistrust I am with Ca"tain Ayhab on this one
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Ba%a=is "e#"esent no $an!e" to anyone
by sag !oochooloo on Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:4 AM PDT
I strongly disagree with you "ic!ing u" with them in Iranian forums and accusing them of
all calumnies( defaming and vilifying this wronged "eo"le even further %ou try to ma!e
e#cuses 6ust to write bashing blogs against them %our venom does nothing but to
instigate hate against this hel"less and harmless minority Here we are being attac!ed(
torn a"art and devoured by the Islamic re"ublic and you are saying watch that ant
because if it grows it can crush you
%ou are humiliated by the Bahais and are see!ing revenge This cannot esca"e any fair5
minded observer %ou are sim"ly hatemongering and sub6ecting a grou" who has been
victimiEed all along to more hate and victimiEation
&urthermore you are fast in attac!ing the "erson who disagrees with you %ou are
motivated by "ersonal vendetta and not by love of !nowledge and truth I "raise the
Bahais for their conduct and their dedication to "eace and unity of man!ind
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I' n4mbe"s a"e insi!ni'icant2 t%en &%y yo4 &ant to lie>
by AllahuNAbha on !ri Apr 02, 2010 12:06 AM PDT
$hy you wanna deceive "eo"le by showing large numbers of baha+isI $hy you claim
that there are no sects in the baha+i faith when in a small time of 4,, years it is more
divided then any other religion Internet is a "roof and anybody can learn about the sects
of baha+i faith which the baha+is don+t want the world to see
I found this interesting "resentations for the non5baha+is and baha+is as well to learn about
the baha+i sects
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T%is is inte"estin!
by AllahuNAbha on T"u Apr 01, 2010 11:59 PM PDT
)They have incor"orations of Assemblies( cluster growth reflection meetings(
administrative sanctions( de"rivation of voting rights( elected arms( a""ointed arms(
elections at local( state and national assemblies( counselors( au#iliary board members etc
to fit reDuirements of an 1A3 and not a divine religion Surely these are far from the
conditions satisfying the reDuirements of ma6or religions of the world
8y o&n concl4sion &as t%at t%e Ba%a'i Fait% bette" 'its t%e cate!o"y o' an N;O an$
not one o' t%e ei!%t ma5o" "eli!ions o' t%e &o"l$ as is claime$ by t%e Ba%a=is-
*y Iranian friends should not be made to believe that the world is full of fools Rather
they are living in a fools "aradise By sim"le re"etition a lie cannot and will not become
the truth The Bahai "o"ulation in India is not more than 4@(>>>)
Baha+is claim more than . million in India( when actual figure come to somewhere
4@>>> How about Iran thenI Are there @>>>>> bahais in Iran or not more than @>>>I
I agree with 2r AEal regarding the so wonderful treatment of - insignificant Bahai in
Iranian "rison $hy r they being treated so nicely as com"ared to other "risoners( when
they are involved in Anti5national activitiesI
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by 1ur5i5AEal on !ri Apr 02, 2010 04:37 PM PDT
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N4" o' 64lmat
by ca"tNayhab on T"u Apr 01, 2010 06:06 PM PDT
There is no disres"ect nor fohsh 2o not try and reach
%ou may fohsh and you will get !ind in return( and worse *uch worse Mind that will
s"in your head
so whatI
Show me you inner intellect( show me your true !nowledge( and let me learn from you
and teach you BKT show me your inner hateF( des"ise meF( then I shall tear you to
your "ic!((((((((((((((( no treats


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by 1ur5i5AEal on !ri Apr 02, 2010 04:3 PM PDT
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S%o& me
by ca"tNayhab on T"u Apr 01, 2010 03:49 PM PDT
Uisit the thread and show us what you are made of
0;S your "ersonal agenda does not count( your sacrifice is what it counts
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by 1ur5i5AEal on !ri Apr 02, 2010 04:39 PM PDT
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by 1ur5i5AEal on !ri Apr 02, 2010 04:49 PM PDT
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by sag !oochooloo on T"u Apr 01, 2010 01:46 PM PDT
En6oy yourself and ha""y 4@th whatever goodnight
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Tell me
by 1ur5i5AEal on T"u Apr 01, 2010 01:34 PM PDT
Uaayyy( to !eh hey eshveh beeyaa R5:
$hat are you wearing( tooI
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8oney is no ob5ect 'o" %a##iness
by sag !oochooloo on T"u Apr 01, 2010 01:32 PM PDT
At least getting you into#icated might calm you down
0S8 %ou+d never guess what I am listening to right now on the head"hones 85::::::::::
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by 1ur5i5AEal on T"u Apr 01, 2010 01:30 PM PDT
%ou !now how much a bottle of this stuff costs( thoughI The ones fermented from the
original Uines( I meanI

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I' t%at's &%at yo4 &ant
by sag !oochooloo on T"u Apr 01, 2010 01:2 PM PDT
$hatever thine heart desires All I want is ha""iness for everyone including you 85:
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?a!%teto bee+%o$ee %a$a" na+on2 'a9i9am
by 1ur5i5AEal on T"u Apr 01, 2010 01:25 PM PDT
&ormaldehyde baraaye !hodet Bottle me some ShiraE instead from the original Uines R5:
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by sag !oochooloo on T"u Apr 01, 2010 01:25 PM PDT
Aood( better than wishing death u"on "eo"le /aughter Thera"y is a chea" and great way
to let off steam and "ent u" frustration
1ow one two three HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
0erha"s you can be my "atient( you ma!e a fascinating case I will bottle you in some
&ormaldehyde for "ros"erity as a !ee"sa!e /ove to "erform some "sychological
e#"eriments on you 85:
by 1ur5i5AEal on T"u Apr 01, 2010 01:11 PM PDT
I+m laughing my head off at you "eo"le most of the time here( daa+im be5reeshetoon
mi!handamF %ou got a whole comedy factory going on
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*e a"e not &o"t%y
by sag !oochooloo on T"u Apr 01, 2010 01:02 PM PDT
/ets ho"e one of these days we see a genuine smile from you 3! "lease have the last
word Ha""y 4@th
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by 1ur5i5AEal on T"u Apr 01, 2010 12:55 PM PDT
AE har angoshti ye! honari mibaareh 85: Mee" your ti"
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No& yo4'"e a Delive"y 8an> No en$ to yo4" talents-
by sag !oochooloo on T"u Apr 01, 2010 12:52 PM PDT
Hust e#"ect a ti" 85:

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Inte"net A!ent S4#"eme
by 1ur5i5AEal on T"u Apr 01, 2010 12:47 PM PDT
%ou got itF IAS for short
I+m not buying you any chelo5!abab at 2arband when the a!hounds fall %ou can 6oin the
"arty But you+ll be "aying for yourself I+ll be ha""y to the "ass the bong your way on the
house( though R5:

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;oo$ ol$ C%elo Babab 'o" me #lease
by sag !oochooloo on T"u Apr 01, 2010 12:39 PM PDT
%ou ma!e me feel hungry with all this tal! of food Rela#( life is too short /ets ho"e
eveyone gets a better deal( they all deserve it
%our Internet Agent Su"reme R5:
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Ha##y 13 be@$a"
by 1ur5i5AEal on T"u Apr 01, 2010 12:3 PM PDT
&rom downunder( Agha RavianF
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6e"es%+@+%aane% va Aas%@e@Res%te%
by 1ur5i5AEal on T"u Apr 01, 2010 12:25 PM PDT
N4mbe"s a"e not im#o"tant
Bah( bahF Cheh a6abF
It is obvio4s t%at t%e &o"l$'s attention to&a"$s t%e ab4ses o' H4man
3oooh( engaar !eh cheh !habareh haalaaF The world+s attention( or rather a fraction of the
world+s sound bite attention who are resident in 1orth America( are being fed a diet of
"ro"aganda that you "eo"le "ay for handsomely But even with that( there are more
"eo"le li!e me out there more interested in saving the whales then caring about -
insignificant individuals who are literally living the high hog;mehmoonee in the IR "rison
system 9as com"ared to others who have co!e bottles "laced in their rectums: and being
used as bargaining chi"s by the regime and you guys for leverage simultaneously BiEarre
world we live in( ehI

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N4mbe"s a"e not im#o"tant
by faryarm on T"u Apr 01, 2010 11:02 AM PDT
2ear *r Bogus Ravian Bilani(
It is obvious that the world+s attention towards the abuses of Human Rights and
"articularly the Bahais( is unnerving to you and other shameless characters who have
noting else to do but to try and defame The Bahai &aith
0eo"le are not &ools (as you say and they have by now recognise the difference between
the words and intentions of enemies of Bahais and those selfless Bahais who are willing
to give their lives for their beliefs
1umbers are not im"ortant( As they say its Tuality that counts not Tuantity Ultimately
&%at is im#o"tant is t%e t"ans'o"min! e''ect o' t%e Ba%ai teac%in!s on t%e in$ivi$4al
an$ t%e "es4ltant in'l4ence on t%e %4man %ea"t to be o' sel'less se"vice to %4manity-
Inc"easin! n4mbe"s means not%in! &it%o4t an in$ivi$4al's #e"sonal eCamination2
st4$y an$ "e'lection-
The Ruhi "rocess ( etc is one way in which even the most !nowledgeable Bahai scholar is
humbled to go bac! and re e#amine his !nowledge and belief in the very s"irit and
"ur"ose of his Bahai &aithR a "rocess that has led to "utting words into action R changing(
challenging many to avoid )li" service) and stagnation

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