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Levi-Civita symbol and cross product

Patrick Guio
$Id: levi-civita.tex,v 1.9 2001/08/29 15:53:02 patricg Exp $
The Levi-Civita symbol is a tensor of rank three and is defined by
The Levi-Civita symbol is anti-symmetric on each pair of indexes.
The determinant of a matrix with elements can be written in term of as
ote the compact notation where the s!mmation over the spatial directions is dropped.
"t is this one that is in !se.
ote that the Levi-Civita symbol can therefore be expressed as the determinant# or
mixed triple prod!ct# of any of the !nit vectors of a normalised and direct
ortho$onal frame of reference.
ow we can define by analo$y to the definition of the determinant an additional type of
prod!ct# the vector prod!ct or simply cross prod!ct
or for each coordinate
The Levi-Civita tensor has components.
components are e(!al to .
components are e(!al to .
components are e(!al to .
The prod!ct of two Levi-Civita symbols can be expressed as a f!nction of the
)ronecker*s symbol

,ettin$ $ives
,ettin$ and $ives
,ettin$ # and $ives
"n the same way
The cross prod!ct is a special vector. "f we transform both vectors by a reflection
transformation# for example a central symmetry by the ori$in# i.e. # the
cross prod!ct vector is conserved.
The cross prod!ct does not have the same properties as an ordinary vector. 1rdinary
vectors are called polar vectors while cross prod!ct vector are called axial (pse!do)
vectors. "n one way the cross prod!ct is an artificial vector.
2ct!ally# there does not exist a cross prod!ct vector in space with more than %
dimensions. The fact that the cross prod!ct of % dimensions vector $ives an ob3ect
which also has % dimensions is 3!st p!re coincidence.
The cross prod!ct in % dimensions is act!ally a tensor of rank 2 with % independent
The correct or consistent approach of calc!latin$ the cross prod!ct vector from the
tensor is the so called index contraction
"n & dimensions# the cross prod!ct tensor is th!s written
This tensor has + independent components. There sho!ld be & components for a &
dimensions vector# therefore it cannot be represented as a vector.
4ore $enerally# if is the dimension of the vector# the cross prod!ct tensor is a
tensor of rank 2 with independent components.
The cross prod!ct is connected to rotations and has a str!ct!re which also looks like
rotations# called a simplectic str!ct!re.

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