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*** w71 4/15 p. 229 The Biblethe Creators Guide for a!

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Just as Jehovah inspired men to write, it logically follows that he would direct the collecting of these
inspired writings. According to Jewish tradition, Ezra had a hand in this work after the exiled Jews were
resettled in Judah. He was well qualified for the work, eing one of the inspired !ile writers, a priest, and
also "a skilled copyist in the law of #oses.$%Ezra &'()((.
*he canon of the Herew +criptures was well fixed y the end of the fifth century !.,.E. -t contained
the same writings that we have today. .o council of men made them canonical/ from their eginning they
had divine approval. *he most conclusive testimony on the canonicity of the Herew +criptures is the
unimpeachale word of Jesus ,hrist and the writers of the ,hristian 0reek +criptures. *hough they used
the inspired Herew +criptures freely, never did they quote from the apocryphal ooks.%1uke 23'33, 34.
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*he writing and collecting of the twenty)seven ooks of the ,hristian 0reek +criptures was similar to
that of the Herew +criptures. ,hrist "gave gifts in men,$ yes, "he gave some as apostles, some as
prophets, some as evangelizers, some as shepherds and teachers.$ 5Eph. 3'6, (()(78 9ith 0od:s holy
spirit upon them they set forth sound doctrine for the ,hristian congregation. Jesus assured his apostles
that 0od:s spirit would help them, teaching, guiding and recalling to their minds the things they had heard
from him, as well as revealing to them future things. 5John (3'2;/ (;'(78 *his assured the truthfulness
and accuracy of their 0ospel accounts.
*** it.1 p. /49 Bod0 ***
*he physical ody of Jesus ,hrist was not allowed to decay into dust as did the odies of #oses and
<avid, men who were used to foreshadow ,hrist. 5<e 73'4, ;/ Ac (7'74, 7;/ 2'2&, 7(8 9hen his disciples
went to the tom early on the first day of the week, Jesus: ody had disappeared, and the andages with
which his ody had een wrapped were left in the tom, his ody doutless having een disintegrated
without passing through the process of decaying.%Joh 2='2)>/ 1u 23'7);.
After Jesus: resurrection he appeared in different odies. #ary mistook him for the gardener. 5Joh
2='(3, (48 He again appeared, entering a room with locked doors, having a ody with wound marks. 5Joh
2='23)2>8 +everal times he manifested himself and was recognized, not y his appearance, ut y his
words and actions. 51u 23'(4, (;, 7=, 7(, 7;)34/ #t 26'(;)(68 ?nce a miracle performed at his direction
opened his disciples: eyes to his identity. 5Joh 2('3)&, (28 Jesus, having een resurrected as a spirit 5(@e
7'(68, could materialize a ody for the occasion as the angels did in past times, when they appeared as
messengers. 50e (6'2/ (>'(, (2/ Jos 4'(7, (3/ Jg (7'7, ;/ He (7'28 <uring the days efore the Alood, the
angels that "did not keep their original position ut forsook their own proper dwelling place$ performed an
incarnation and married human wives. *hat these angelic sons of 0od were not truly human ut had
materialized odies is shown y the fact that the Alood did not destroy these angels, ut they
dematerialized and returned to the spirit realm.%Jude ;/ 0e ;'3/ (@e 7'(>, 2=/ 2@e 2'3.
Jehovah 0od evidently disposed of Jesus: fleshly ody in his own way 5possily disintegrating it into the
atoms of which it was constituted8. 51u 23'2, 7, 22, 27/ Joh 2='28 Jesus did not take ack his fleshly ody
and therey cancel out the ransom for which it was given. *he apostle @eter testifies that ,hrist went into
heaven, the realm of spirits, not flesh, "he eing put to death in the flesh, ut eing made alive in the
Jehovah 0od evidently disposed of Jesus: fleshly ody in his own way 5possily disintegrating it into the
atoms of which it was constituted8. 51u 23'2, 7, 22, 27/ Joh 2='28 Jesus did not take ack his fleshly ody
and therey cancel out the ransom for which it was given. *he apostle @eter testifies that ,hrist went into
heaven, the realm of spirits, not flesh, "he eing put to death in the flesh, ut eing made alive in the
*** it.1 p. 1197 %!1orruptio! ***
Even perfect human odies are corruptile, that is, they are not eyond ruin or destruction. Aor this
reason, the apostle @aul could say that the resurrected Jesus was thereafter "destined no more to return
to corruption 5Ac (7'738, that is, never to return to life in a corruptile human ody. ?nly 0od:s action
prevented the fleshly ody of his +on:s earthly existence from seeing corruption in the grave. 5Ac 2'7(/
(7'74)7&8 *hat ody, however, was not preserved for the use of the resurrected Jesus, since the apostle
@eter states that Jesus was "put to death in the flesh, ut . . . made alive in the spirit.$ 5(@e 7'(68 -t thus
seems evident that 0od disposed of that ody miraculously, therey not letting it see ruinous decay.%+ee
!?<B 5,hrist:s !ody of Alesh8.

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