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1 - Vocabulary
A) From (a,b,c and d )choose word that best completes the following

1- The health minister opened the new health center which specializes in ..
a. geriatric b. conductive c. graduated d. rural

2- All the employees believe that Ali plays a /an part of the team and they
can't do without him.
a. leafy b. vacant c. fatal d. integral

3- The project will take ..two years to finish .
a. seamlessly b. approximately c. extravagantly d.exceptionally

4- Khalid managed to . the fact that he had been in prison and so got a job
as a security officer.
a. narrate b. fix c. conceal d. resign

5- People thought that the use of robots would the boring low-paid
factory jobs.
a. bump into b. do away with c. deserve d. wane

6- The secretary claimed that her car had broken down, but it was just a /an .for
coming late.
a. vicinity b. excuse c. admiration d. ailment

7- The beach was . and unsafe for bathing according to the guide sign .
a. due b. restful c. custom-made d. deserted

8- The war has badly damaged the country's , so a lot of money and efforts
are needed to rebuild it .
a. infrastructure b. degree c. cookery d. mail order

9- The power of speech makes the human race . among animals.
a. dizzying b. unique c. damp d. submerged

10- The committee was ... to make recommendations on housing development
in the area.
a. ascended b. bestowed c. appointed d. acquired

B) Fill in the spaces with suitable words from the list:

( dizzying - specifically - nomination - virtuoso - binoculars - deputy - randomly)

11- The visual effects in the video game move so quickly which makes it so

12- These new inventions were made . for the handicapped and special
needs .

13- The school administration approved her ..for the membership of
students council .

14- Famous for his wonderful voice , The musician was also a .on the guitar .

15- zoologists usually use the to examine the tiny creatures .

16- The ..of our school travelled yesterday to present the school in the annual
conference .

17- Competitors were arranged in the games , which make it a big mess .

C)Choose the best definitions of the underlined words :

18- The ministry of health provides the citizens with special health care to treat all ailment
they may suffer from .
a- opinions or explanations .
b- a disagreement , argument , or debate.
c- an attractive and excited quality.
d- an illness typically a minor one.

19- I was really embarrassed when I entered the meeting late and saw all the people staring at me .
a- feeling ashamed.
b- below the unusual .
c- belonging to or happening in the present.
d- shocked or greatly surprised.

20-All our loss was reversed to an amazing profits after changing the manager of the company .
a- to choose someone for a position or post.
b- to give a spoken or written account of .
c- confer or present (an honor ,right or gift ).
d- to change something to the opposite.

21- I cant stand people who are customarily rude and tough .
a- smoothly and without seams .
b-usually , habitually .
c- often / on many occasions.
d- Closely compacted in a substance .

22- The scientists decision to mix all those components was quite arbitrarily .
a-unusually , remarkably .
b-in a manner lacking refinement and precision .
c-randomly , by chance .
d-spending money or using resources in a wasteful way .

23-The committee was astonished with the young candidates talent in speaking five languages .
a- a state of extreme physical or mental fatigue .
b- natural ability or skill.
c- an abstract idea .
d- clothes .

24- The whole housing project in the new area was executed with great precision .
a- to help.
b- to visit several parts of a country .
c- to carry out an order or a plan .
d-to become weaker .

25- The new factory was well equipped with durable machines and hardwares.
a- tired or exhausted .
b-able to last a long time without damage-hard wearing .
c- full of danger or risk .
d-under water .

D) Use the following words in meaning sentences :

( rural - snooker - frequently - fix alert crave summit exceptionally )



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