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(3rd) period

Answer the following questions:

1."Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you dont mind, it doesnt matter."
a. How can the elderly ensure mental and physical fitness?
By reading oo!s and the holy "uran.
By solving pu##les.
By doing e$ercises li!e wal!ing and running.
. In your opinion, the youth can show gratitude and respect to the elderly y%..
listening to their advice.
offering them our friendship and time.
standing up when they enter the room.
&."'arly to ed and early to rise ma!es a man healthy, wealthy and wise."
a. (he amount of sleep we need depends on several factors li!e%%%%%
)uality of sleep.
daily routine.
the genetic ma!eup.

. How do you feel when you dont get enough sleep?
I cant concentrate in the class.
I find it difficult to get up in the morning.
I am moody and irritale.
*."An aging population means there are more elderly people than ever efore, all
of whom deserve our admiration and respect."
a. +hy has life e$pectancy increased in the modern world?
,any ailments that used to e fatal can now e easily cured and this has
increased the life e$pectancy.
. ,ention any two practical ways y which you can show respect to the elderly?
By offering them our friendship.
By holding doors open for them.
-."+hen large numers of people move from their homes in country areas to find
etter .paid /os in towns and cities, the villages and farms they once lived in
are often left vacant."
a. 0iving in the city has many disadvantages. ,ention some of them.
1vercrowding in the cities.
2ollution and noise.
. 3rom your point of view why are many of the inhaitants of the villages4 elderly
,ost of the young people have left for wor! in the cities leaving only old
people who are already retired.
5.44,adinate Al6Harrier which is to e uilt in 7uiya, north of 8uwait 9ity, will e a
uni)ue city ecause its layout has een completely and meticulously planned
from its inception".
a. +hy do you thin! the city is eing uilt?
(o estalish 8uwait4s status as a commercial hu of the world.
(o create new /os opportunities.
. (he crown /ewel of ,adinate Al .Harrier will e Bur/ ,uar! Al68air. :o you
agree? ;ustify your answer.
<es, I agree ecause=
It has an awesome design consisting of 1>>1 meters and &>> storeys high
and seven vertical villages.
?."I !now you have een complaining aout the noise in your current apartment,
so the location of the new one would e a great improvement."

a. 'veryone has a different imagination aout the place he @she would li!e to live in.
+hat are the characteristics you are loo!ing forward to when choosing a place to
live in?
(he area should e green.
(here should e residents4 par!ing.
It should have e$pansive rooms.
. It4s said "If you want to e !nown among people, its etter to live in a villageA if
you would !now, and not to e !nown, live in city." 9omment.
0ife in the village has certain features that can4t e found in the city life as
people !now each other, have strong ties and close relations, ut you can4t
learn aout life. 1n the other hand, if you want to gain a lot of e$periences
and ac)uire !nowledge ut not to e !nown y others, you have to live in the
B."Bayt 0othan is an old house serving new purposes. It is located in 7almiyah,
several !ilometers south of the centre of 8uwait 9ity."
a. ,ention some new purposes that Bayt 0othan serves.
An art gallery which teaches art.
It offers space for wor!shops for arts and crafts.
It e$hiits wor! of artists and craftsmen.

. Bayt 0othan is /ust a coffee house. :o you agree? '$plain.
Co, ecause It serves different purposes as wor!shops and art lessons are
taught there, it provides e$hiitions for artists and craftsmen and people can
meet and sociali#e in a tran)uil open garden there.
D."3amily values are an integral part of ,iddle 'astern lifestyles and provide a
asis for living."
a. +hat is meant y Egeriatric homes?
(hey are special homes for the elderly away from their family.
. In your opinion, how should children treat their parents?
9hildren should honor and respect their parents.
9hildren should show compassion to their parents in their old age.
9.":eveloping good sleeping haits is very important for a healthy lifestyle."
a. +hat are the conse)uences of lac! of proper sleep?
7leep loss may lead to mista!es and accidents.
9hronic sleep deprivation alters the immune system.
. How far do you agree with the aove statement? ;ustify your answer.
I agree ecause=
It is very essential for health and well6eing.
It helps the rain to retain new information.
) period
Answer the following questions:
1."It4s not the mountain that we con)uer ut ourselves."
a. +hat are the )ualities needed to con)uer all the difficulties and push the limits?
7trong will.
. If you were a mountain climer what difficulties you may face?
:i##ying heights.
3rost ite.
&."7teve 3ossett was pleased with his successful round6 the6world /ourney as it
was his si$th attempt. His first attempt had een si$ years earlier."
a. 7uggest some pros and cons of record rea!ing attempts.
2ros= ama#ing achievements .fame6proving ailities.
9ons= e$posure to death6e$tremely dangerous.
. 3rom your point of view, why do people push themselves to e$treme limits?
(o gain fame.
(o satisfy their love for adventure.
(o prove themselves.
*."1mar and Cader are driving across the 8uwaiti desert when a sandstorm lows
up. Fnfortunately, sand engulfs the car and gets into the engine."
a. If you were in their shoes what are the items you should ta!e.
+ater and food.
A moile phone.
A first6aid !it.
. +hat can e learned from e$peditions of challenges?
Gaining e$perience.
-."2eople have always wanted to find out everything aout their world. 7pace is
the final frontier that man wants to !now more aout."
a. ,ention the aims of the International 7pace 7tation.
It aims to conduct e$periments that are not possile on earth.
. 7pace e$ploration helps us to progress on 'arth. :o you agree or disagree with
this statement. +hy?
I agree ecause there are many spin offs from these space e$plorations that
has made our life etter on earth.
5."Henus is the rightest o/ect in the s!y with the e$ception of the 7un and the
a. ,ention the epithets used to descrie Henus.
(hey are6 Emorning star and Eevening star.
c. :o you thin! that someday human eings will e ale to live on Henus? +hy?
Co, ecause it has a heavy atmosphere and it has an e$tremely high surface
?."7ome people contend that Henus is the 'arths sister planet ecause there are
many similarities etween the two."
a. ,ention any two points of similarities etween the planet 'arth and Henus.
(hey are similar in si#e.
(hey are appro$imately the same age.
. :o you thin! life is possile on the planet Henus? ;ustify your answer.
I thin! it is not possile as Henus has a very heavy atmosphere and is
devoid of oceans.
B."Advances in technology designed specifically for space have enaled people to
revolutionise their lives on 'arth."
a. +hat do you understand y the term Espin6offs?
It refers to items used in space that improve our lives on earth, e$ample6
solar power.
. :o you thin! that advances in technology are having an impact on people in
<es as people in 8uwait depend heavily on technology whether for
information or communication.
D."(he e$treme conditions of space have re)uired man to create more advanced
and more durale technologies. ,any of these advances have produced
a. How has wireless technology helped in the field of medicine?
(o monitor heart activity and to alert of any anormal activity there.
. ,ention any two Espin6offs in our daily life that have resulted from space
,oile phones.
G27 systems.
+eather forecasting.
7atellite television.
I."A child prodigy is a person who has an outstanding talent or s!ill at a very early
a. ,ention the names of any two child prodigies.
7ha!untala :evi.
. +hat are the pros and cons of eing a child prodigy?
2ros 9ons
Being famous. Cot having friends of their age.
Being admired y others. Cot eing treated as a child.
1>."+isdom is the power to put our time and !nowledge to proper use."
a. :o you thin! new inventions are still important in the modern world? +hy?
(hey are important ecause we want our lives to ecome etter for this
newer inventions are important.
. According to you, what are the two most important inventions of the modern
(hey are the computer and the telephone.

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