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Yoga Styles

Yoga Styles - The Different Styles of Hatha

Yoga continues to evolve through the years to meet the needs of every individual - from self-
realization to Curing of Various Ailments. Through the years, Hatha Yoga which is the most
popular form of Yoga in the United States and in many parts of the world, continuous to
evolve and flourish. Hatha Yoga is the Branch of Yoga that focuses on the physical well-being
of a person and believes that the body is the vehicle of the spirit. A lot of different Yoga
Styles rooted from Hatha Yoga. All these styles aim to balance the mind, the body, and the
spirit through the Asanas or poses; however, the emphasis varies. Some puts emphasis on
the strict alignment of the body while some focuses on the coordination of breath and

All these Yoga Styles have common roots. In fact, the founders of three major
styles -- Astanga, Iyengar and Viniyoga -- were all students of
Krishnamacharya, a famous teacher at the Yoga Institute at the Mysore
Palace in India. Two other styles, Integral and Sivananda, were created by
disciples of the famous guru Sivananda. No style is better than the other. The
Style you use is a matter of personal preference or a matter of need.

Ananda Yoga
Ananda Yoga is a classical style of Hatha Yoga that uses Asana and
Pranayama to awaken, experience, and begin to control the subtle energies
within oneself, especially the energies of the Chakras. Its object is to use
those energies to harmonize body, mind, and emotions, and above all to
attune oneself with higher levels of awareness. One unique feature of this
system is the use of silent affirmations while in the Asanas as a means of working more
directly and consciously with the subtle energies to achieve this attunement. Ananda Yoga is
a relatively gentle, inward experience not an athletic or aerobic practice. It was developed by
Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual classic,
Autobiography of a Yogi.

Anusara Yoga
Founded by John Friend in 1997, Anusara Yoga is a powerful hatha yoga
system that unifies a Tantric philosophy of intrinsic Goodness with Universal Principles of
AlignmentT. Anusara embodies an uplifting philosophy, epitomized by a "celebration of the
heart," that looks for the good in all people and all things. Consequently, students of all
levels of ability and yoga experience are honored for their unique differences, limitations,
and talents. This life-affirming vision sets the basis for a yoga system in which the harmony
and joy of a tightly knit community is exulted. Not only is Anusara an elegant system of
alignment principles and non-dual philosophy, but it is also a community of highly trained
teachers and fun-loving students.

Ashtanga Yoga
For those who want a serious workout, Ashtanga may be the perfect Yoga.
Developed by K. Pattabhi Jois, Ashtanga is physically demanding. Participants
move through a series of flows, jumping from one posture to another in
order to build strength, flexibility and stamina. It is not for Beginners or
anyone who's been taking a leisurely approach to fitness. Ashtanga Yoga
Practice involves performing challenging sequence of poses with Ujjayi Breathing and
vinyasas (a flow of postures). This Yoga Style uses a system based on six series of increasing
difficulty. Ashtanga Yoga practice will help you achieve increased strength, flexibility and
stamina. The so-called Power Yoga is based on Ashtanga.

Bikram Yoga
Bikram Yoga is named after its founder - Bikram Choudhury, who studied
Yoga with Bishnu Ghosh, brother of Paramahansa Yogananda. Bikram
Choudhury's Yoga is practiced in a room with a temperature of up to 100
degrees Fahrenheit, thus be prepared to sweat a lot. Bikram Yoga enthusiasts
crank the thermostat to high temperature then perform a series of 26 Asanas. Each posture
is usually performed twice and held for a certain period of time. Their Yoga Sessions start
from Standing Postures, then the Backbends, Forward Bends, and Twists. The poses are
accompanied by Kapalabhati Breath or the "breath of fire".

Bikram Yoga is designed to "scientifically" warm and stretch muscles, ligaments and tendons
in the order in which they should be stretched. Practice of this Style of Yoga promotes the
cleansing of the body, release of toxins and utmost flexibility Bikram Yoga may be practiced
by people who are already in good shape and even those who are suffering from any chronic
ailment, however, you should ask for your physician's advice before getting involve into any
exercise activity.

Integral Yoga
Integral Yoga puts equal emphasis on the Pranayama (Breathing Control), on
Meditation, and on the Asanas (Physical Poses). This Style of Yoga was developed by Swami
Satchidananda, the man who introduced chanting to the crowd of the original Woodstock.
Integral Yoga is also used for therapeutic purposes; in fact, Dr. Dean Ornish who is Swami
Satchidananda's student, used Integral Yoga in his groundbreaking work on curing Heart

The practice of Integral Yoga revolves around eight main goals: 1. Physical Health and
strength; 2. control over all senses; 3. clear, calm and well-disciplined mind; 4. higher level of
intellect; 5. strong and pliable will; 6. love and compassion; 7. purer ego, and; 8. ultimate
peace and joy.

Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga was named after B.K.S. Iyengar who is one of the best-known
Yoga teachers and who is also the creator of the most popular Styles of Yoga
in the world. Iyengar's style is noted for great attention to detail and precise
alignment of postures, he also popularized the use of Yoga Props such as
blocks and belts. This great attention to detail, posture, and alignment has
also become the notable characteristics of Iyengar Yoga.

The Yoga Poses are held longer and repeated several times, only when one achieved a
certain level of mastery of these poses can he move to Pranayama. The props helps Iyengar
Yogis to achieve the best possible pose, it also provide support and minimizes the risk of
getting injured. One of the most popular pose in Iyengar Yoga is the Tadasana or the
Mountain Pose. Part of Iyengar's success may be attributed to the quality of teachers who
must complete a rigorous 2-5 year training program for certification.

Kali Ray TriYoga
Kali Ray Triyoga was founded by Kali Ray. This Style of Yoga brings Posture,
Breath, and Focus together to create dynamic and intuitive flows. The Tri
Yoga exercises combine flowing and sustained postures following a spinal
wavelike movement, economy of motion, and synchronized breath and
mudra. The flows are arranged by level and can be as gentle or as challenging as desired.
Students may progress from basic to advance as they increase their flexibility, strength,
endurance and knowledge of the flows.

Kripalu Yoga is also called the Yoga of consciousness. Kripalu puts great
emphasis on Proper Breath, alignment, coordination of breath and
movement, and "honoring the wisdom of the body" -- you work according to the limits of
your individual flexibility and strength. Alignment follows awareness. Students learn to focus
on the physical and psychological reactions caused by various postures to develop their
awareness of mind, body, emotion and spirit. There are three stages in Kripalu Yoga. Stage
One focuses on learning the postures, proper breathing, and exploring your body's abilities.
Stage Two involves holding the postures for an extended time, developing concentration and
awareness of your thoughts and emotions. Stage Three is like Meditation in motion in which
the movement from one posture to another arises unconsciously and spontaneously while
you are in a meditative state.

For more information see:

Kundalini Yoga was brought to the West by Yogi Bhajan in 1969. It focuses on
the controlled release of the Kundalini (serpent power) energy which is found
at the base of your spine. The practice of Kundalini Yoga involves classic
poses, chanting, coordination of breath and movement and Meditation. The
emphasis however, is not on the Yoga Poses but on the Chanting and
Breathing. Kundalini Yoga rewards Yogis with spiritual transformation and unity

Sivananda Yoga was developed by Vishnu-devananda who wrote one of the
contemporary Yoga classics, "The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga". His
book was first published in 1960, and still one of the best introductions to
Yoga available. He named Sivananda Yoga after his teacher, Swami Sivananda
who is also one of the greatest Yoga gurus in the world.

This Style of Yoga focuses on the Pranayama, classic Asanas, and Relaxation. It also centers
on Diet and positive thinking and Meditation. Sivananda Yoga practice consist twelve basic
Yoga Poses that seeks to increase strength, flexibility, Proper Breathing, and Meditation.
Sivananda now has over eighty centers worldwide and is considered as one of the largest
Yoga schools in the world.

Svaroopa Yoga
This Yoga Style was developed by Rama Berch. Svaroopa Yoga teaches
significantly different ways of doing familiar Poses, emphasizing the opening
of the Spineby beginning at the tailbone and progressing through each spinal
area in turn. Every pose incorporates principles of Asana, anatomy and Yoga philosophy. It
also emphasizes the development of transcendent inner experience, which is called
Svaroopa by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutra. This is a consciousness-oriented Yoga that also
promotes healing and transformation. Svaroopa Yoga is not an athletic endeavor, but a
development of consciousness using the body as a tool.

Viniyoga or what is also known as the Yoga for Wellness rooted from the
principle practiced by Sri. T. Krishnamacharya - that is to develop practices
for individual conditions and purposes. Sri. T. Krishnamacharya is the teacher
of well-known contemporary masters B.K.S. Iyengar, K. Pattabhi Jois and
Indra Devi. His son, T.K.V. Desikachar, continued this principle and developed
the practice of Viniyoga.

Viniyoga make use of modified Yoga Poses that are designed to meet the specific needs of
an individual and to enhance healing, flexibility and strength of joints. Viniyoga poses also
intend to promote the feeling of well-being and strength. Practices may also include
Pranayama, Meditation, reflection, study and other classic elements, but the emphasis of
Viniyoga practice is on coordinating breath and movement. Personal practices are taught

Jivamukti Yoga
The Jivamukti Yoga method is a Style of Yoga created by David Life and
Sharon Gannon in 1984. It is a vigorously physical and intellectually
stimulating practice leading to spiritual awareness. They promote the
educational aspect of the practice and give students access to where these
ideas came from. Each class focuses on a theme, which is supported by Sanskrit Chanting,
readings, references to scriptural texts, music (from the Beatles to Moby), spoken word,
Asana sequencing and Yogic Breathing practices. The average Jivamukti student is more
educated about the philosophy of Yoga than most Yoga teachers.

This article was contributed by:

Bharata Yoga
Bharata Yoga stands for precision in alignment. The founder and director of the institute,
Gert van Leeuwen, developed a technique called Critical Alignment in which the mobility of
the spine is the most significant feature.

Critical alignment makes a distinct difference between the use of postural muscles at the
surface of our body and movement muscles which are situated close to the spine and joints.
When we stabilise our posture through our postural muscles, we do not build up tension but
when we, on the contrary, build up our stability through our movement muscles, the body
becomes stiff in muscles and joints.

Nude Yoga
In its simplest form, Nude Yoga is the practice of Yoga without wearing any
form of clothing. In general, a nudist setting is the main difference of Nude
Yoga from other styles. Its objective is to enable you to feel free in your
body and to do the poses and exercises without restrictions brought about
by Yoga clothes.

The important thing about Nude Yoga is its principle. It is doing Yoga poses and exercises
with freedom from restrictions of clothing. Understanding and accepting this concept can
greatly help people in joining a Nude Yoga class without the feeling of discomfort or self-

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