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Meiotic Cell Division

A. first there is chromosome replication during
S of interphase (see graphic)
B. then two consecutive cell divisions without a period
of chromosome replication
1. meiosis I = the first nuclear/cell division
2. meiosis II = the 2nd nuclear/cell division
C. meiosis = each parent cell with two complete
sets of duplicated chromosomes
produces 4 daughter cells each with 1/2 the
chromosomes of parent cell (one set) and the
chromosomes are in the unduplicated state
D. stages of meiosis I
1. see Fig 9-14 in Purves et al. 7th ed.
2. Interphase I
a. chromosomes replicate
b. two genetically identical chromatids
3. Prophase I
a. lasts longer than Prophase
(1) can last for days
(2) accounts for 90% of time of meiosis
b. much more complex than Prophase
c. chromosomes condense
d. synapsis occurs
(1) homologous chromosomes come together
to form "tetrad"
(2) each gene brought into juxtaposition with
its homologue
(3) segments of nonsister chromatids
e. crossing over = exchange of genes between
nonsister chromatids of homologous
chromosomes during synapsis
-number of crossover events varies with
length of the chromosomes
-might get 1 with shorter chromosome
-might get 2 with a longer chromosome
f. chromosomes thicken more but tetrad stays
g. spindle forms
h. chromosomes move toward metaphase I
4. Metaphase I
a. "tetrads" align on metaphase plate
(NOTE the difference between
metaphase I and metaphase II)
b. both kinetochores of sister chromatids face
same pole
c. centromeres of the homologous
chromosomes face opposite poles
5. Anaphase I
a. attachment between the homologous
chromosomes breaks down
b. homologous chromosomes are separated
-Note: -it is not the chromatids that separate
-it is the duplicated chromosomes of the
homologous pair that are separated
c. kinetochores pull duplicated chromosomes
toward poles
6. Telophase I
a. duplicated chromosomes reach the poles
(1) each pole now has a haploid set of
duplicated chromosomes
(2) each chromosome still has two chromatids
b. cytokinesis occurs
(1) two daughter cells form
(2) daughter cells are haploid with
duplicated chromosomes
(3) spindle may or may not break down
c. may be an Interkinesis
(1) period of time between meiosis I and
meiosis II
(2) no further replication of genetic material
-recall: chromosomes still in duplicated condition
(3) nuclear envelope may reform briefly
7. summary of meiosis I to memorize
-"diploid cells with duplicated chromosomes
exchange DNA between homologous strands
and then separate the homologous pairs such that
haploid cells with duplicated chromosomes
are produced"
8. see summary cartoon of meiosis I & II
E. Stages of Meiosis II
1. see Fig 9-14 in Purves et al.
2. Prophase II
a. if interkinesis-then NE breaks down
b. spindle reappears
c. duplicated chromosomes move toward
metaphase plate
(NOTE the difference between
prophase I and prophase II)
3. Metaphase II
a. duplicated chromosomes align at
metaphase plate just like mitosis
(NOTE the difference between
metaphase I and metaphase II)
b. kinetochores of sister chromatids directed to
opposite spindle poles
(NOTE the difference between
metaphase I and metaphase II)
4. Anaphase II
a. centromeres break down
b. kinetochores pull chromatids toward
opposite poles
(NOTE the difference between
anaphase I and anaphase II)
5. Telophase II
a. chromatids reach poles
b. NE reforms
c. cytokinesis occurs
6. now have:
a. 4 daughter cells
b. haploid
c. chromosomes are unduplicated
7. summary of meiosis II to memorize
-haploid cells with duplicated chromosomes
do a mitotic type nuclear/cell division such that
the daughter cells are haploid with
unduplicated chromosomes
8. see summary cartoon of meiosis I & II
9. do the formative assessment on
Mitosis and Meiosis
10. will be quiz/exam questions just like the
formative assessments on mitosis and meiosis
V. Sexual Sources of Variation
A. pre-existing genetic variation is absolutely
required for evolution
B. sexual reproduction provides much variation
1. independent assortment of chromosomes
a. meiosis I
(1) homologous pairs (tetrads) align at metaphase plate
(2) one of pair from father and one of
pair from mother
(3) alignment of pairs is random
(4) chromosomes from father free to associate
with either pole
(5) same for chromosomes from mother
(6) resulting daughter cells get mixing of
chromosomes of father and mother
during egg and sperm production
(7) amount mixing possible is very great
(a) humans
i) 23 pairs subjected to independent assortment
ii) 2 to 23rd power = 8 million combinations
of the 23 pairs of chromosomes
(8) besides producing variation, independent
assortment explains Mendel's Law of Segregation
2. random fertilization
a. egg combine with sperm
(1) combinations for egg
(a) 8 million
(2) combinations for sperm
(a) 8 million
b. combinations for zygote
(1) 8 million X 8 million = 64 trillion combinations
3. crossing over
a. genetic information (genes) exchanged
between the paired homologous
chromosomes during the tetrad stage
in Prophase I
(1) genes contributed by one parent end up on
chromosome contributed by other parent
(2) see cartoon of crossing over
(3) typical chromosomes might be 100
map units => 1 or 2 crossovers / chromosome
(4) crossovers occur within or between alleles
b. results in vastly greater mixing of genetic

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