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Running head: Game Design Document 1

Game Design Document

James Palermo
GAM390 - Exerimental Gamela!
"ni#ersit! o$ Ad#ancing %echnolog!
GAME DE&'G( D)*"ME(% +
Despair is a #ideo game ,hich is a horror sur#i#al action game- %he game $eatures $ast
aced aranoia- %he la!er.s character is al,a!s on the run $or their sur#i#al ,ith
$renetic $ights ,ith in$ected humans- %he la!er is /attling hordes o$ in$ected enemies
,hich act li0e suerhuman undead creatures- %he la!er must $ind o/1ects that can /e
utili2ed as ,eaons- %he game $eatures $er#ent and ro/ust co-o and multila!er otions-
%he la!er $eels the intensit! as the! tr! to hel their team o$ sur#i#ors sta! ali#e- %he
la!er.s goal is to sa#e not onl! their character /ut $riends as ,ell so the! ma! li#e to see
another da!- '$ a la!er /ecomes in$ected the! ,ill come /ac0 as one o$ the in$ected
enemies and attac0 their teammates unless the! are gi#en an anti#iral- Pla!ers /attle the
in$ected using an! items $ound ,hich can /e utili2ed as ,eaons- Despair is a motion
/ased game designed $or the Pla!station 33 4/ox 3503 P*3 i)& and Android mo/ile
de#ices- Pla!ers use the Mo#e controller to mimic real-li$e actions as the! $ight the
in$ected on Pla!station 33 6inect on 4/ox 3503 and camera cature on P*3 i)& and
Android de#ices-
Game Mechanics
Pla!ers rogress through the game /! tra#ersing #arious locations as the! /attle hordes o$
the in$ected- Each location is a searate le#el and the la!er is re,arded a$ter comleting
each le#el- At the end o$ each le#el the! ,ill ha#e to comlete a series o$ tas0s and reach
GAME DE&'G( D)*"ME(% 3
certain goals- %he end o$ each le#el $eatures a /oss /attle- %he la!er is re,arded /!
unloc0ing the next area- As the la!er does ,ell in gamela! the! ,ill /e a/le to cra$t
/etter and stronger ,eaons through exerience oints- As the la!er le#els u the! get
stronger and can $ight in the more di$$icult areas o$ the game- %he $inal /attle at the end
o$ the game ,hen the la!er reaches the escae helicoter is on an eic scale- %he
la!er7s8 must ma0e their ,a! through an underground su/,a! ,here there is no light3
excet $or a $lashlight or a lighter ,hich can also dra, the in$ected out- 't is a erilous
1ourne! to the helicoter /ut once there3 the! ,in the game and are sa$e to li#e another
da!- 't is the ultimate la!er re,ard-
%he Pla!station Mo#e controller is used to mimic the real li$e actions o$ someone
,ielding a ,eaon- Pla!ers use 6inect on 4/ox 3503 and camera cature on all other
de#ices- 9hen !our character unches3 0ic0s3 or hits one o$ the in$ected enemies ,ith
something such as a /ase/all /at3 !ou must mimic these mo#es realisticall! ,ith the
Mo#e controller in !our hand- %he &u/ controller is used $or mo#ement o$ the character-
:! actuall! acting as i$ !ou are reall! ,ielding a ,eaon and $ighting the in$ected3 the
la!er is immersed deeer into the gamela! exerience- %here are more elements o$
interaction ,ith the Pla!station Mo#e than a standard controller could o$$er the la!er-
%he game can onl! /e la!ed on the Mo#e and &u/ controllers ,hen la!ing on
Pla!station 3-
GAME DE&'G( D)*"ME(% ;
%he la!er ,ins the game ,hen !ou reach the helicoter ,hich is !our onl! means o$
escae- %he la!er loses ,hen !ou get /itten and do not get healed $rom an anti#iral or i$
!ou get mutilated to death- %here is no scoring in this game-
User Interface
%he user inter$ace is 0et simle and clean- At startu and introductor! cinema la!s and
then transitions to a title screen3 Despair. At the title screen is the la!er otions
including single la!er3 multila!er3 co-o3 and online- Di$$icult! settings and other
standard game settings are included in the "' as a choice in the title screen- )nce the
game commences a$ter ressing start3 it is in the $irst erson #ie,- 9hile the game is in
la!3 the "' is 0et simle to 1ust a li$e<health /ar $or the la!er and enem!-
Grahics ha#e a hoto realistic aearance /ased on actual locations and characters are
digiti2ed using real li$e actors- %here are detailed en#ironments3 ama2ing lighting3 and the
$act it can thro, hordes o$ 2om/ies at !ou ,ith ease-
GAME DE&'G( D)*"ME(% =
Sound and Music
%he music in the game is dar0 and $ore/oding3 ,hich is comosed electronicall!- &ound
e$$ects in the game use an immersi#e audio s!stem ,ith lent! o$ solid #oice ,or0 and a
d!namic music s!stem- %he la!er is exected to dread the sound o$ the screaming
in$ected as the! aroach-
Target Audience
%he %arget Audience $or this game is teens and !oung adults- %he game is exected to
aeal to an! age in regard to $ans o$ sur#i#al horror or action games ,ith horror themes-
%he game is designed exclusi#el! $or the Pla!station 3 and ,ith the Mo#e controller-
"tili2ing the Pla!station Mo#e controller ,ith excetional motion /ased controls3 la!ers
are o$$ered a trul! uni>ue gamela! exerience that can onl! /e deli#ered on modern
consoles and de#ices-

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