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AP Physics B

AP Physics Notes Magnetism

Table of Contents
1. Magnetism Defined
2. Magnetic Fields Generated By Current Carrying Wires
3. Magnetic Forces
. !nduced "MF
#. Magnetism $in%s
&. 'eferences
Magnetism Defined:
Magnetism Basics
1. "(ery magnet has a north )ole and a south )ole. $i%e )oles re)el and o))osite
)oles attract.
a* +he direction of the magnetic field is the direction indicated ,y the north
)ole of a small com)ass needle )laced at that )oint.
2. Magnetic fields are created ,y mo(ing charges. Any time a charge mo(es-
current is created.
a* .een ,y the s)inning electrons
,* .een ,y current in a conductor
3. /nli%e electric charges- magnetic )oles cannot ,e isolated.
. Materials that demonstrate strong magnetic effects are called ferromagnetic.
a* "0. !ron- Co,alt- 1ic%el and Gadolinium
,* !n these cases- electron )airs s)in in the same direction
c* .ections of a ferromagnetic material that ha(e electrons s)inning in the
same direction are called domains.
#. A magnetic field surrounds a magnet.
a* +he direction of the magnetic field is tangent to a magnetic field line at
any )oint.
,* +he num,er of lines )er unit area is )ro)ortional to the strength of the
magnetic field.
c* Magnetic field lines go from north )ole to south )ole.
&. +he sym,ol for magnetic field is B. Magnetic field is a (ector. .ometimes B
is called magnetic induction or magnetic flu0 density.
AP Physics B
2. +he units of magnetic field are +esla 3+*. 1 + 4 1 15Am. +he earth6s
magnetic field is around 17
Magnetic Fields Generated By Current Carrying ires:
Mo!ing Charges Mo(ing charges )roduced magnetic fields.
1. "lectrical Currents )roduce magnetic fields.
"traight Conductor #ight $and #ule %#$# &'( ) A long- straight- current carrying
9ire generates a circular or cylindrical magnetic field in the s)aces surrounding it.
1. 'ight hand rule for 9ires: if you gras) the 9ire 9ith
your right hand 9ith your thum, )ointing in the
direction of )ositi(e charge flo9; your fingers encircle
the 9ire in the direction of the magnetic field.
a* /se your left hand for negati(e charge flo9.

4 <acuum )ermea,ility 3)ermea,ility
of free s)ace* 4 0 17
,* +he magnetic field of a 9ire is directly
)ro)ortional to the current ! and in(ersely
)ro)ortional to the radial distance from the 9ire.
*+am,le ': Com)ute the (alue of B in air at a )oint # cm from a long straight 9ire
carrying a current of 1# A.
Magnetic field of a loo, of -ire
AP Physics B
"olenoid #ight $and #ule %#$# &.( A solenoid is a long coil of 9ire in the sha)e of
a heli0.
1. 'ight =and 'ule for solenoids: Fingers follo9
direction of current and 9ra) in the direction of
current and around the solenoid. +hum, )oints in
the direction of the uniform magnetic field
generated inside the solenoid.
Magnetic Forces:
Magnetic Force A charged )article 9ill e0)erience a magnetic force if: the charge is
mo(ing- and the (elocity (ector of the mo(ing charge does not lie along a
magnetic field line.
1. .tationary charges do not e0)erience a magnetic force.
2. Charges mo(ing )arallel to the field e0)erience no magnetic force.
Flat #ight $and #ule %#$# & /( +he direction of the magnetic force
on a )ositi(e )oint charge is gi(en ,y the flat right hand rule
3'='* 1: fingers in the direction of B and thum, )oints in the
direction of (- the )alm faces the direction of the magnetic force F.
1. 1ote that the force on a negati(e charge is determined 9ith
your left hand.
Force on an electric charge mo!ing in a magnetic field
1. sin qvB F
a* > 4 charge- ( 4 (elocity- B 4 magnetic field- 4 angle ,et9een ( and B.
,* +he force is ?ero if the (elocity is )arallel to the field.
c* +he force is greatest 9hen the (elocity is )er)endicular to the field.
When ( B- the charged )article has a circular )ath. ">uations for
centri)etal acceleration can ,e used.

sin qvB F
- 4 @7

r = =
+his )rinci)le is the %ey to the o)eration of a mass s)ectrometer.
d* !f ( and B are not )er)endicular- the charge 9ill s)iral.
AP Physics B
*+am,le .: A uniform magnetic field- B 4 3 0 17
+- e0ists in the A0 direction. A
)roton shoots through the field in the Ay direction 9ith a s)eed of #.7 0 17
3a* Find the magnitude and direction of the force on the )roton.
3,* 'e)eat re)lacing the )roton 9ith an electron.
*+am,le /: What )ath 9ould ,e follo9ed ,y the )roton in e0am)le 1 if its mass is
1.&2 0 17
or0 Done 1n Charges 8 .ince the magnetic force al9ays acts )er)endicular to the
motion of the charge- it does no 9or%.
*lectric Field 2nteractions !f the " and B fields are )er)endicular- and the )article
s)eed is )ro)erly chosen- the )article 9ill not ,e deflected. 3"lectric field e0erts a
force on a )ositi(ely charged )article in the direction of the electric field.
Magnetic field e0erts a force on a )ositi(ely charged )article in a direction
)er)endicular to the )lane defined ,y the (elocity and the magnetic field.* +his is
used as a (elocity selector.
Current Carrying ires in Magnetic Fields C When a 9ire carrying a current is )laced
in a magnetic field- there is a force on the 9ire that is )er)endicular to ,oth the
current and the magnetic field.
1. '=' D3: Put your fingers in the direction of )ositi(e charge flo9 in the 9ire-
the magnetic field )oints out of your )alm. Eour thum, is in the direction of
the magnetic force on the 9ire. +he force is )er)endicular to the )lane
defined ,y the 9ire and the field lines.
2. sin BI F
a* ! 4 current- l 4 length of the 9ire- B 4 magnetic field- is the angle
,et9een the 9ire and the magnetic field.
,* !f the 9ire is along magnetic field lines- 47 and F47.
c* F reaches its ma0imum (alue 9hen the 9ire is )er)endicular to the
magnetic field.

AP Physics B
*+am,le 3: A 9ire carries a current of 37 A to the right. !t is in a uniform magnetic
field )ointing out of the )age B 4 7.F7 +. Find the magnitude and direction of the
force on #.7 cm length of the 9ire.
Force bet-een . long4 ,arallel4 current carrying -ires
*+am,le 5: +9o long )arallel 9ires are 17 cm a)art and carry currents of &.7 A and
.7 A. Find the force on a 1.7 m length of 9ire D if the currents are
3a* in the same direction and
3,* in o))osite directions.
1. When the currents are in the same direction the 9ires
each other.
2. When the currents are in o))osite directions the 9ires
each other.
AP Physics B
2nduced *MF:
2nduced *MF
1. A changing magnetic flu0 )roduces an electric current. +his )roduces
induced electromagnetic force 3- "MF*.
2. Magnetic Flu0 3*
cos BA
G is the angle ,et9een the magnetic field and the normal to the loo).
!f B is )er)endicular to the coil- 4 7 and 4 BA
!f B is )arallel to the coil- 4 @7 and 4 7
,* /nit of magnetic flu0: We,er 1 W, 4 1 +m
3. Faraday6s $a9 of !nduction C


+his is Faraday6s $a9 of !nduction
1 4 num,er of turns in the coil


4 rate of change of magnetic flu0

/nits of induced "MF are <olts.
. $en?6 $a9 C An induced "MF al9ays gi(es rise to a current 9hose magnetic
field o))oses the original change in flu0. 3gi(es the minus sign in Faraday6s
$a9 of !nduction*
a* !f the flu0 is increasing through a coil- the current )roduced ,y the induced
"MF 9ill generate a flu0 that tends to cancel the increasing flu0.
,* !f the flu0 is decreasing through the coil- that current 9ill )roduced a flu0
that tends to restore the decreasing flu0.
c* $en?6 $a9 is a conse>uence of Conser(ation of "nergy. !f this 9ere not
the case- the induced currents 9ould enhance the flu0 change that caused
them to ,egin 9ith and the )rocess 9ould ,uild endlessly.
Motional *MF When a conductor mo(es through a magnetic field so as to cut field
lines- and induced "MF 9ill e0ist in it- according to Faraday6s $a9.
1. Consider a conducting ,ar sliding on rails.
a* A 4 l 0 4 l ( t
t v B


c* v B =
AP Physics B
*+am,le 6: .>uare loo) )ulled at constant (elocity (:
+he s>uare coil sho9n to the right is 27 cm on a
side and has 1# loo)s of 9ire. !t is mo(ing to the
right at 3.7 m5s. Find the induced "MF 3magnitude
and direction* in it 3a* at the instant sho9n and 3,*
9hen the entire coil is in the field region. +he
magnetic field is 7.7 + into the )age.
+he magnetic flu0 inside the loo) is increasing into the )age. By $en?6 $a9 the
induced flu0 must o))ose this change. +he induced flu0 must ,e out of the )age.
By the right hand rule- the current 9ill ,e countercloc%9ise.
*+am,le 7: $oo) of 9ire in a B field changing at constant rate:
A #7 loo) circular coil has a radius of 3.7 cm. !t is oriented so that the field lines
of a magnetic field are normal to the area of the coil. .u))ose that the magnetic
field is (aried so that B increases form 7.17 + to 7.3# + in a time of 2.7 ms. Find
the a(erage induced "MF in the coil.
*+am,le 8: 'otating $oo) 9ith a0is of rotation to B field
A s>uare loo) of 9ire 2# mm on a side lies 9ith its )lane )er)endicular to a
uniform magnetic field of 7.F +. 3a* Find the magnetic flu0 through the loo). 3,*
!f the coil is rotated @7 degrees in 7.71# s in such a 9ay that there is no flu0
through the loo) at the end- find the a(erage "MF induced during the rotation..
AP Physics B
*+am,le 8: Conducting ,ar mo(ed to uniform B field:
As sho9n in the figure a,o(e- a metal rod ma%es
contact 9ith a )artial circuit and com)letes the
circuit. +he circuit is )er)endicular to a magnetic
field 9ith B 4 7.1# +. !f the resistance is 3.7 -
ho9 large a force is needed to mo(e the rod as
indicated 9ith a constant s)eed of 2.7 m5sB At 9hat
rate is energy dissi)ated in the resistorB
.ince the loo) area is increasing- there is the magnetic flu0 inside the loo) is
increasing into the )a)er. +he induced flu0 must ,e out of the )a)er to o))ose
the change. /sing the right hand rule 9ith fingers gras)ing the 9ire and )ointed
out of the )a)er- the thum, )oints in the direction of the current-
Magnetism 9in0s:
'e(ie9s 5 Animations:

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